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Name: Afsheen Ali

Date: October 11, 2016

Reflection Question: How this will influence your instruction as a future educator?

Completing the CBM made me realize how important it is to know how to measure the
students skills. Keeping all factors in mind such as representatives, technical, reliability,
response theories and validity are not easy to maintain. When teaching students the
subjects, the teachers need to keep in mind the level the student is at and know what
would the next goal be for that student. As a future educator I would work goals for each
individual and make sure they reach that goal. It is important to make sure that the
students are reaching their goal or going beyond by the end of school year

On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received

unauthorized aid on this academic work.


Jeff is a fourteen-teen-old male who is in a life-skills classroom placement at a 7th and 8th
grade center. Jeff is included in Agricultural Education, where he is learning to raise
rabbits for Future Farmers of America (FFA). One of his current vocational goals is to
work with pets in kennels, the local Humane Society, in grooming business, or perhaps in
a veterinarians office. Jeff is very social adept, and gets along with everyone. He has
friends in FFA as well as in his classes. He is generally polite, and does well with all his
Academically Jeff has a modified curriculum across all academic areas. He can read at
about a second grade level and at third grade if he can practice the words. In math, Jeff
can do simple calculations on a calculator, can tell time to the half hour consistently, and
is learning to make change with money. He can write his personal information, and
simple messages. Jeff likes science, particularly anything to do with animals, and does
well in a modified curriculum. Jeff can take care of all of his self-care needs.


To be able to make change accurately in order to handle his own money.


Jeff will be given 8 quarters, 8 nickels and 8 dimes. Jeff will be asked independently to
give exact change for each object using the coins that have been provided to him in 4 out
of 4 trials.


Given 8 quarters, 8 nickels, 8 dimes and eight different objects with oral direction, Jeff
will independently give exact amount of change for each object with 80% accuracy or
better in 3 out 4 trials.

CBM Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4

Jeff gave $.25 + + +
for the object-
Jeff gave $.30 ~ + +
for the object-
Jeff gave $.55 ~ ~ ~
for the object-
Jeff gave $1.25 --gave $1.05 --gave $1.50 --gave $1.10
for the object-
toy car
Jeff gave $.75 + + +
for the object-
Jeff gave $1.50 --gave $1.00 --gave $1.05 --gave $1.75
for the object-
teddy bear
Jeff gave $1.15 --gave $1.05 --gave $1.50 ~
for the object-
playing card
Jeff gave $1.10 --gave $1.00 --gave $1.05 +
for the object-
toy ball
Add totals row 50% 50% 75%


+: The student gives exact change for the object at the first try

-: The student gives incorrect amount for the objects.

~: The student changes their answer with no prompts.

Data analysis:

Based on the data, the student has progressed thoroughly with having 50% correct.
Through this it shows that the student needs little bit of more help of giving correct
amount of change for each object. Possibly taking a step back and redeveloping the tool
by making sure the student can count the change correctly would be the goal. I would
also have assessed it more to have better understanding of where exactly the students
level. On the data, the student had scored about 50% correct on the 1st and 2nd trial, but
then on the third trial the student tend to do better and scored 75% correct. This shows
that I would need more days to assess the student to know if he can exactly make the
appropriate amount of change.


I would keep the instructions same and the test similar, but with different prices for each
item, because that way I would get to generalize if the student is actually making the
appropriate change by counting or is just simple guesses from the student. The testing
would be intra-rather, test the student then give two weeks and test again to avoid random

Validity Discussion:
The testing is measured through use of blooms taxonomy. In this the student will give
the change independently for each priced item. To improve in this testing skill, I would
possibly have the student say out loud the counting to make sure the student is able to
count the coins appropriately. The test is about construct validity, to measure the math
skill only.

Future Teaching:

For this student I would need to possibly change up the price amounts and keep it
consistent ex. Instead of providing some dollar amount prices ($1.15) I would test it to
where it is all cents and no dollar amounts (.30 cent) to know how well the student does
when kept on just the cents. The instructions for the students were just to hand the
amount of change of each price items. By looking at the data, it might help the teacher
better understand if the student counts as he or she is picking out the coins. That way the
teacher will know whether if it is random guess or actually the student is counting. After
knowing where the student lacks. I would focus on teaching the student how to count the
coins all together so they dont miss out on giving the correct change. I would provide
hands-on activity to teach this lesson as if the student were actually going shopping and
they needed to purchase something. The student would then have to count and give the
exact amount of change that is required.

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