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Name: Afsheen Ali

Date: November 10, 2016

On my honor, as an Aggie, I have neither given nor received

unauthorized aid on this academic work.

Description of Student:

Alicia is a twelve-year-old female student in 6th grade that is placed in a resource

classroom at 5th and 6th grade center. Alicia is included in resource room for English
Language Art (ELA) class only. One of the current IEP goals for Alicia is to read
vocabulary words at high 5th grade level. Alicia seems to be strong at reading, but when
only presented the vocabulary words at 5th grade level she sometimes struggles. Alicia is
socially adapted, and gets along with everyone in the class and outside of class. She has
friends in all her classes. She is generally polite, and does well with all her teachers.
Academically Alicia is doing well in all of her classes, and mainly she struggles with
reading the words and understanding the meaning of the words.


Given vocabulary words on a flash card, the student will orally read the words presented
with 70% accuracy or better in 3 out of 4 trials.

Measurement tool:

CBM Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4

frantically - - ~
souvenir - + +
attraction + + +
consented - ~ +
bellowed - - ~
exaggerated + + +
illuminate - ~ +
independent + + +
gigantic - - -
identical + + +
immense + + +
luxurious + + ~
monarch - - -
numerous + + +
occasion - ~ ~
pedestrian - - -
protagonist - - -
provide + + +
hearty + + +
reliable + + +
required + + +
retain + + +
soar + + ~
Total 56% 73% 82%
Reliability Discussion:

To ensure the reliability I kept the same words but presented the words in a random
order. By maintain the vocabulary words in a random order the student will not be able to
memorize the words and know ahead of time which words would come up next. Also, to
improve in this measure I would have the testing completed in a inter-rater rather than
intra-rater, because then I would know if the student is comfortable reading out loud the
vocabulary words in front of others and not just the teacher. This measure of assessment
was tested in two weeks.

Validity Discussion:

The measure of validity was through orally reading only the vocabulary words. In this
case reading the words correctly was important, but it was not measuring word processor.
The student might just have read the words as presented, but did not understand what
some of the words meant even when it was used in daily routine.

Data analysis:

Based on the data, the students have progress thoroughly with maintaining 70% and
better. The student tends to improve in their reading skill as they are often revealed to the
vocabulary word. The next step will be to assess the student on defining the vocabulary
words to see if they are able to comprehend the word and not just read it. Measuring the
student through flash cards helped the student to improve in their vocabulary words and
the student continued to read the words correctly that the student had on the first trial.

Administration discussion:

The student was tested individually and provided clear instructions of what needs to be
completed. I presented the flash cards one by one and as the student read the vocabulary
word, I put the vocabulary word faced down and moved on to the next word. If a student
had incorrectly read the word I would put that word in a different pile. The strengths for
this measurement were that clear instruction was provided and it was completed in an
organized way. The weakness was that the cards had two different piles that was placed
in front of the student, which could have made the student nervous thinking how many
they are getting it right and how many incorrect. Completely taking it away from the
student sight would be a better way to continue to measure the assessment accurately.

Mentor discussion:

Before conducting the CBM, I had discussed with the mentor teacher to confirm if she/he
like the way the student was being assessed. The mentor teacher gave an idea to keep the
testing in a flashcard form so that the student stay focused on one word. If the words are
provided as a list on a paper, then possibly the student may wander off to look at other
terms and be prepared what will be coming up next. After, the assessment was completed
the mentor teacher agreed with the scoring and was a bit surprised that the student was
able to read higher level words then expected. As, for future teaching better way to assess
the student would be through reading the main words from passage so that the student
would be assessed on the vocabulary, but at the same time just for the student, they might
be able to understand what they are reading.

Future teaching direction

For this student, the focus now will be on understanding the definition of the words. The
student has shown that they are able to read higher-level vocabularies, but now it is
important to understand the meaning of each word that is being utilized. The student
would need to maintain practice using the terms in everyday life, because would help
them understand the meaning and improve in their reading skills. The student next goal
would be reading certain amount of books per week, this way the student will be able to
keep up with the vocabularies and understand the definition.

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