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The guided teaching and learning sequence

Greeting, meeting and parting 1. As you meet each learner at the start of this
session, use a variety of greetings suitable for
the situation, for example, Hi George, nice to
LiVoc LiL&T SpVoc SpL&T LiSpInt
see you, Good morning Ms Smith, how are
The purpose of the activity you today?, Kia ora, Huhana, hows it going?
Managing simple and more complex social,
2. Explain that the purpose of this activity is
community and workplace exchanges usually starts
to share what we know about greetings and
and finishes with socially-prescribed interactions.
similar social practices, and to extend the
The purpose of this activity is to give learners
choices we have.
choices and to practise commonly used ways
of greeting, introducing and farewelling people. 3. Discuss the greetings with the group to elicit
Customary practices such as whaiko- rero can also their responses to the expressions you used.
be included in this scope. Talk about other ways to greet people and, as
new expressions are shared, talk about the
This activity can be used at different and/or
kinds of people and places you might use them.
multiple levels according to learners needs. It can
also be used as the basis for establishing shared 4. Have learners work in pairs to try out a
routines within an organisation. The mother tongue greeting they have not used before. Ask for
languages of learners can be used as well to help feedback when they have done this.
build a sense of community. 5. In the same way, discuss the different ways
The teaching points we might introduce a new person to the group,
to an elder of the community, or to a new
Learners share their experiences of using
boss. How do these vary? Again allow time for
greetings, introductions and farewells in
learners to try out several different ways of
familiar situations including the marae.
introducing their partner to a new person: for
Variations and new ways of carrying out these each different example, they need to say what
interactions are discussed and practised to the situation is.
enable learners to develop their own style.
6. Discuss the experience and share understandings
Discourse markers are commonly used in about how to introduce people in different
greetings, introductions and farewells. situations. This may include the ways we
Learners are able to extend their repertoire make connections with and between people,
and feel comfortable in a variety of different for example, the whakapapa in a mihi, or the
situations. naming of people and places to help strangers
make connections with each other. (Mere, this
Resources is my friend Sue. She used to work with your
No resources are required. cousin Harry at)

7. Repeat the activity, this time with a focus on

saying goodbye in different ways. Discuss
options first then have pairs try out several
variations before coming back together to
discuss the experience. Record discourse
markers as before.

Tertiary Education Commission Teaching Adults to Listen and Speak to Communicate: Using the Learning Progressions25
8. Bring the activity to a close by having the Associated activities
learners review what they have learned, Icebreakers
clarifying any misunderstandings. Review the Icebreakers are activities designed to help a group
lists of discourse markers: learners whose of strangers (or people who do not know each other
mother tongue is not English may like to share well), learn something about each other and feel
any commonalities with their own language in comfortable together. Try this icebreaker:
the context of their own customary practice.
Ask group members to turn to a person and find
Follow-up activities out something about them, using one or more of
Help learners who require more practice to these topics:
work with a more-skilled buddy for a few days
The culture they grew up in.
then check on progress.
What matters most to them in their lives.
Suggest to the learners that they listen for
greetings, introductions and farewells as they A time when they overcame a fear.
watch a variety of different TV programmes Allow a few minutes for sharing in pairs, then ask
as well as in their day-to-day lives. each person to use what they have learned to
Spend time examining the words used to signal introduce their partner to the group.
greetings, introductions and farewells (Kia Po-whiri
ora!, Hello, Yeah, gidday; Id like you to Po-whiri is a common process within Te Ao Ma-ori
meet, Have you met?, This is, Well, and also in New Zealand society at large. Find out
Id better get going, Ok, see you later. These if group members (or the group as a whole) have
words are discourse markers (see the activity been involved in po-whiri from a traditional context
Signpost words on page 32) and are helpful at a marae, or in a contemporary setting such as
signposts in social, work and other interactions. a polytechnic, school, university, conference or
Ask the learners to spend time observing other setting.
body language as people enter a room, greet Ask learners to reflect on each step of the process.
friends or strangers, or meet people in different
What happened?
contexts. They can discuss how the ways in
which we sit, stand, move, dress or use our How did it happen?
bodies (including gestures) all communicate
Who was involved?
information. This is an important aspect of
communication and is often overlooked. If What kinds of speaking and listening skills
learners agree, it would be useful for them were required?
to film each other then discuss the unspoken Does this vary, for example from one occasion
messages they are conveying. (such as hui) to another (such as tangi)?

Ask learners to discuss the listening and speaking

that occurs in this process.

26 Tertiary Education Commission Teaching Adults to Listen and Speak to Communicate: Using the Learning Progressions
Pepeha refers to the process of self-introduction.
This activity can be used to highlight the listening
and speaking requirements when introducing
yourself in the Ma-ori language.

The minimum requirement is to give your name:

Ko ahau. (I am .)

A fuller pepeha would include more details:

Ko taku waka ( is my canoe.)

Ko taku maunga ( is my mountain.)

Ko taku awa/moana ( is my river/lake etc.)

Ko te Iwi ( is my (tribe) name of my people.)

Tertiary Education Commission Teaching Adults to Listen and Speak to Communicate: Using the Learning Progressions27

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