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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones & R.


A Greek and English Lexicon


A Simplified Edition, by Didier Fontaine

Simplified Edition,
H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)a/atoj not to be injured, inviolable

a)agh/j unbroken, not to be broken, hard, strong
a)/aptoj not to be touched, resistless, invincible
a)/atoj insatiate
a)a/w to hurt, damage
a)bake/w to be speechless
a)bakh/j speechless, infantine
a)ba/kxeutoj uninitiated in the Bacchic orgies
a)/bale O that!
a)barh/j without weight: not burdensome
a)basa/nistoj not examined by torture, untortured
a)basi/leutoj not ruled by a king
a)ba/skantoj not subject to enchantment
a)ba/staktoj not to be carried
a)/batoj untrodden, impassable, inaccessible
)abba= father
)abdhri/thj a man of Abdera
)abdhritiko/j like an Abderite
a)be/baioj uncertain, unsteady
a)be/bhloj not profane, inviolable
a)belteri/a silliness, stupidity, fatuity
a)be/lteroj good for nothing, silly, stupid, fatuous
a)bi/astoj unforced, without violence
a)/bioj without a living, starving
a)bi/wtoj not to be lived, insupportable
a)bla/beia freedom from harm
a)blabh/j without harm
a)ble/faroj without eye-lids
a)blh/j not thrown
a)/blhtoj not hit
a)blhxh/j without bleatings
a)blhxro/j weak, feeble
a)boh/qhtoj helpless
a)bohti/ without summons
a)bo/htoj not loudly lamented
a)bo/skhtoj ungrazed
a)bouko/lhtoj untended by herdsmen
a)boule/w to be unwilling
a)bouli/a want of counsel, thoughtlessness
a)/bouloj inconsiderate, ill-advised
a)bou/thj without oxen
a)briqh/j of no weight
a(broba/thj softly
a(bro/bioj living delicately, effeminate
a(bro/gooj wailing womanishly

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a(brodi/aitoj living delicately

a(broko/mhj with delicate
a)bro/mioj without Bacchus
a)/bromoj very noisy, boisterous
a(brope/diloj with soft sandals
a(bro/phnoj of delicate texture
a(bro/ploutoj richly luxuriant
a(bro/j delicate, graceful, beauteous, pretty
a)brota/zw to miss
a(bro/thj delicacy, luxury
a(bro/timoj delicate and costly
a)/brotoj immortal, divine, holy
a(broxi/twn in soft tunic, softly clad
a)/broxoj unwetted, unmoistened
a(bru/nw to make delicate, treat delicately
)abudo/qen from Abydos
)abudo/qi at Abydos
)/abudoj Abydos
a)/bussoj with no bottom, bottomless, unfathomed
a)gaqoeidh/j seeming good
a)gaqoerge/w to do good
a)gaqoergi/a a good deed, service rendered
a)gaqoergo/j doing good
a)gaqopoie/w to do good
a)gaqopoii/a well doing
a)gaqopoio/j doing good, beneficent
a)gaqo/j good
a)gaqwsu/nh goodness, kindness
a)gai/omai to be indignant at
a)gakleh/j very glorious, famous
a)ga-ktime/nh well-built
a)ga/laktoj without milk, getting no milk
a)galli/asij great joy, exultation
a)gallia/w to rejoice exceedingly
a)galli/j the iris
a)ga/llw to make glorious, glorify, exalt
a)/galma a glory, delight, honour
a)galmatopoio/j a maker of statues, a sculptor, statuary
a)/gamai to wonder, be astonished
)agamemno/neoj of
)agamemnoni/dhj Agamemnon's son
)agame/mnwn the very steadfast
a)game/nwj with admiration, respect
a)gami/a celibacy
a)/gamoj unmarried, unwedded, single
a)ganakte/w to feel irritation

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)gana/kthsij irritation
a)ganakthtiko/j irritable
a)ganakthto/j irritating
a)ga/nnifoj much snowed on, snow-capt
a)ganoble/faroj mild-eyed
a)gano/j mild, gentle, kindly
a)ganofrosu/nh gentleness, kindliness
a)gano/frwn gentle of mood
a)/gan very, much, very much
a)ga/omai admiring
a)gapa/zw to treat with affection, shew affection to
a)gapa/w to treat with affection, to caress, love, be fond of
a)ga/phma a delight, darling
a)gaph/nwr loving manliness, manly
a)ga/ph love
a)gaphte/oj to be loved, desired
a)gaphtiko/j affectionate
a)gaphto/j beloved
a)ga/rrooj strong-flowing, swift-flowing
a)ga/stonoj much groaning, howling
a)gasto/j deserving admiration
a)gauo/j illustrious, noble
a)gauro/j stately, proud
a)ggareu/w to press
a)ggarh/i+oj post-riding, the Persian system of mounted couriers
a)/ggaroj a mounted courier
a)ggeli/a a message, tidings, news
a)ggeliafo/roj a messenger
a)gge/llw to bear a message
a)/ggelma a message, tidings, news
a)/ggeloj a messenger, envoy
a)/ggoj a vessel
a)gei/rw to bring together, gather together
a)gei/twn without neighbour, neighbourless
a)gelai=oj belonging to a herd, feeding at large
a)gelarxe/w to lead a company
a)gela/rxhj the leader of a company, captain
a)gelasti/ without laughter
a)ge/lastoj not laughing, grave, gloomy, sullen
a)gelei/h driver of spoil, forager
a)gelhdo/n in herds
a)ge/lh a herd
a)genealo/ghtoj of unrecorded descent
a)ge/neioj beardless
a)ge/nhtoj unborn, uncreated, unoriginated
a)gennh/j of no family, low-born

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ge/nnhtoj unbegotten, unborn

a)/ge come! come on! well!
a)ge/rastoj without a gift of honour, unrecompensed, unrewarded
a)/gersij a gathering, mustering
a)ge/rwxoj high-minded, lordly
a)ge/stratoj host-leading
a)/geustoj without taste of, fasting from
a(ghlate/w to drive out a curse
a)/ghma anything led, a division
a)ghnori/a manliness, manhood, courage
a)gh/nwr manly, courageous, heroic
a)/gh wonder, awe, amazement
a)gh/ a fragment, piece, splinter
a)gh/raoj not waxing old, undecaying
a)ghsi/laoj leader of people, conductor of men
a)ghsi/xoroj leading the chorus
a)ghto/j admirable, wondrous
a(giasmo/j consecration, sanctification
a(gi/zw to hallow, dedicate
a)gine/w to lead, bring, carry
a(/gioj devoted to the gods, sacred, holy
a(gistei/a holy rites, temple-worship
a(gisteu/w to perform sacred rites
a(giwsu/nh holiness, sanctity
a)gka/zomai to lift up in the arms
a)/gkaqen in the arms
a)gka/lh the bent arm
a)gkali/zomai to embrace
a)gka/lisma that which is embraced
a)/gkaloj an armful, bundle
a)gka/j in
a)gki/strion a fish-hook
a)gkistro/detoj with a hook
a)/gkistron a fish-hook
a)gkistro/omai to be furnished with barbs
a)gkoi/nh the bent arm
a)/gkoj a bend
a)gku/lh a loop
a)gku/lion ancilia
a)gkuloglw/xin with hooked spurs
a)gkulo/douj crook-toothed: barbed
a)gkulomh/thj crooked of counsel, wily
a)gkulo/pouj with bent legs
a)gku/loj crooked, curved
a)gkulo/tocoj with curved bow
a)gkuloxei/lhj with hooked beak

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)gkuloxh/lhj with crooked claws

a)gkulo/w to crook, bend
a)gkulwto/j furnished with a thong
a)/gkura anchor
a)gkuri/zw to throw by the hook-trick
a)gku/rion a small anchor
a)gkw/n the bend of the arm, the elbow
a)glae/qeiroj bright-haired
a)glai/a splendour, beauty, adornment
a)glai/zw to make bright
a)gla/isma an ornament, honour
a)glao/guioj with beauteous limbs
a)glao/dendroj with beautiful trees
a)glao/dwroj giving splendid gifts
a)glao/qumoj noble-hearted
a)glao/karpoj bearing beautiful
a)glao/morfoj of beauteous form
a)glao/j splendid, shining, bright, beautiful
a)glaotriai/nhj god of the bright trident
a)glaw/y bright-eyed, beaming
a)/glij a head of garlic
a)/glwssoj without tongue
a)=gma a fragment
a)gmo/j a broken cliff, crag
a)/gnamptoj unbending, inflexible
a)/gnafoj uncarded
a(gnei/a purity, chastity
a(/gneuma chastity
a(gneu/w to consider as part of purity, make it a point of religion
a(gni/zw to cleanse away
a(/gnisma a purification, expiation
a(gniste/oj to be purified
a)gnoe/w not to perceive
a)gno/hma a fault of ignorance, error
a)/gnoia want of perception, ignorance
a(gno/rutoj pure-flowing
a)/gnoj a willow-like tree
a(gno/j full of religious awe
a(gno/thj purity, chastity
a)/gnumi to break, shiver
a)gnwmone/w to act without right feeling, act unfairly
a)gnwmosu/nh want of sense, folly
a)gnw/mwn ill-judging, senseless
a)gnwsi/a ignorance
a)gnw/j unknown
a)/gnwstoj unknown

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)goni/a unfruitfulness
a)/gonoj unborn
a)/gooj unmourned
a)gora/zw to be in the foreign lang="greek">a)gora//foreign>
a)gorai=oj in, of
a)goranomiko/j of
a)gorano/moj a clerk of the market
a)gora/omai to meet in assembly, sit in debate
a)gora/ an assembly of the people
a)gorasa)ge/neioj will lounge in the
a)go/rasma that which is bought
a)gorasth/j the slave who bought provisions for the house, the purveyor
a)goreu/w to speak in the assembly, harangue, speak
a)gorh=qen from the Assembly
a)gorh/nde to the Assembly
a)gorhth/j a speaker, orator
a)gorhtu/j the gift of speaking, eloquence
a)gorh=fi in the Assembly
a)go/j a leader, chief
a)/goj any matter of religious awe
a)gosto/j the flat of the hand
a)gra/mmatoj without learning
a)/graptoj unwritten
a)/gra a catching, hunting
a)graule/w to dwell in the field
a)/grauloj dwelling in the field
a)/grafoj unwritten
a)grei=oj of
a)greiosu/nh clownishness, a rude, vagrant life
a)grei=fna a harrow, rake
a)/greuma that which is taken in hunting, booty, prey, spoil
a)greu/j a hunter
a)greuth/j a hunter
a)greu/w to take by hunting
a)gre/w to capture, seize
a)griai/nw to be angered, provoked, chafed
a)gria/j wild
a)grie/laioj of a wild olive
a)griopoio/j writing wild poetry
a)/grioj living in the fields
a)grio/thj wildness, savageness
a)grio/fwnoj with wild rough voice
a)grio/w to make wild
a)griwpo/j wild-looking
a)grobo/thj feeding in the field, dwelling in the country
a)grogei/twn a country neighbour

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)grodo/thj a giver of booty

a)gro/qen from the country
a)groiki/a rusticity, boorishness, coarseness
a)groiki/zomai to be rude and boorish
a)/groikoj of
a)groiw/thj a countryman
a)gro/nde to the country
a)gro/nomoj haunting the country, rural, wild
a)gro/j fields, lands
a)gro/teroj wild
a)groth/r rustic
a)gro/thj a country-man, rustic
a)grofu/lac a watcher of the country
a)grupne/w to lie awake, be wakeful
a)grupnhtiko/j wakeful
a)grupni/a sleeplessness, waking, watching
a)/grupnoj hunting after sleep
a)grw/ssw to catch
a)/grwstij a grass that mules fed on
a)grw/thj wild
a)guia/ a street, highway
a)guia=tij of Apollo Agyieus
)aguieu/j guardian of the streets
a)gumnasi/a want of training
a)gu/mnastoj unexercised, untrained
a)/gurij a gathering, crowd
a)gurta/zw to collect by begging
a)gu/rthj a collector
a)gurtiko/j fit for an
a)gxe/maxoj fighting hand to hand
a)gxi/aloj near the sea
a)gxibaqh/j deep near shore
a)gxigei/twn neighbouring
a)gxi/qeoj near the gods
a)gxi/quroj next door
a)gxi/moloj coming near
a)gxinefh/j near the clouds
a)gxi/noia readiness of mind, ready wit, sagacity
a)gxi/nooj ready of wit, sagacious, shrewd
a)/gxi near, nigh, close by
a)gxi/plooj near by sea
a)gxi/poroj passing near, always near
a)gxi/ptolij near the city, dwelling hard by
a)gxistei/a nearness of kin
a)gxisteu/j closely akin
a)gxisteu/w to be next or near

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)gxisth/r one who brings near, the immediate author

a)gxisti=noj close together, crowded, in heaps
a)/gxistoj nearest
a)gxi/strofoj turning closely, quick-wheeling
a)gxite/rmwn near the borders, neighbouring
a)gxi/tokoj in the pangs of child-birth
a)gxo/qen from nigh at hand
a)gxo/qi near
a)gxo/nh a throttling, strangling, hanging
a)gxo/nioj fit for strangling
a)gxota/tw nearest, next
a)gxo/teroj nearer
a)gxou= near, nigh
a)/gxouroj neighbouring
a)gxw/maloj nearly equal
a)/gxw to compress, press tight
a)gwgai=oj fit for leading by
a)gwgeu/j one that draws
a)gwgh/ a carrying away, carriage
a)gw/gimoj easy to be led
a)gw/gion the load of a wagon
a)gwgo/j leading
a)gwna/rxhj judge of a contest
a)gwni/a a contest, struggle for victory
a)gwnia/w to contend eagerly, struggle
a)gwni/zomai to contend for a prize
a)gw/nioj of
a)gw/nisij contest for a prize
a)gw/nisma a contest
a)gwnismo/j rivalry
a)gwniste/oj one must contend
a)gwnisth/j a rival
a)gwnistiko/j fit for contest
a)gwnoqesi/a the office of
a)gwnoqete/w to direct the games, exhibit them
a)gwnoqe/thj judge of the contests, director of the games
a)gw/n a number of people brought together, a gathering, assembly
a)/gw to lead
a)dahmoni/a ignorance
a)dah/mwn unknowing, ignorant of
a)dah/j unknowing how
a)da/htoj unknown
a)/daitoj of which none might eat
a)dakruti/ without tears
a)da/krutoj without tears
a)dama/ntinoj adamantine

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)damanto/detoj iron-bound
a)da/maj the untamed, unconquerable
a)da/mastoj inflexible
a)da/matoj unconquered
a)da/panoj without expense, costing nothing
a)/dastoj undivided
a)deh/j without fear, fearless
a)/deia freedom from fear
a)dei/mantoj fearless, dauntless
a)/deipnoj supperless
a)de/kastoj unbribed
a)deka/teutoj not tithed, tithe-free
a)delfh/ a sister
a)delfide/oj a brother's
a)delfidh= a brother's
a)delfokto/noj murdering a brother
a)delfo/j sons of the same mother
a)delfo/thj the brotherhood
a)de/cioj left-handed, awkward
a)derkh/j unseen, invisible
a)/derktoj not seeing
a)/desmoj unfettered, unbound
a)de/spotoj without master
a)/detoj unbound, free
a)deukh/j not sweet, bitter, cruel
a)de/yhtoj untanned
a)de/w to be sated
a)dh/ioj unassailed, unravaged
a)/dhktoj unbitten, not gnawed
a)dhle/w to be in the dark about
a)dhli/a uncertainty
a)/dhloj not seen
a)dhmone/w to be sorely troubled
a)dhmoni/a trouble, distress
a(/dhn to eat their fill
a)/dhrij without strife
a)dh/ritoj without strife
(/a|dhj Hades
a)dhfa/goj eating one's fill, gluttonous
a)dh/|wtoj not ravaged
a)dia/batoj not to be passed
a)dia/blhtoj not listening to slander
a)dia/qetoj intestate
a)dia/kritoj undecided
a)dia/leiptoj unintermitting, incessant
a)dia/lutoj undissolved, indissoluble

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)di/antoj unwetted
a)di/auloj with no way back
a)diafqori/a incorruption, uprightness
a)dia/fqoroj uncorrupted
a)di/daktoj untaught, ignorant
a)die/codoj unable to get out
a)diereu/nhtoj unquestioned
a)dih/ghtoj indescribable
a)di/kastoj undecided
a)dike/w to do wrong
a)di/khma a wrong done, a wrong
a)dikhte/oj one must do wrong
a)diki/a wrong-doing, injustice
a)di/kion a wrong, wrong-dealing
a)/dikoj wrong-doing, unrighteous, unjust
a)dino/j close-packed
a)dio/rqwtoj not corrected, not set right
a)di/staktoj not doubted
a)/diyoj not suffering from thirst
a)dmh/j untamed
a)/dmhtoj unbroken
a)do/khtoj unexpected
a)doki/mastoj untried, unproved
a)do/kimoj not standing the test, spurious
a)dolesxe/w to talk idly, prate
a)dole/sxhj a garrulous fellow, idle talker
a)dolesxi/a garrulity, idle talk
a)/doloj without fraud, guileless
a)do/nhtoj unshaken
a)do/castoj not matter of opinion
a)doce/w to be held in no esteem, to stand in ill repute
a)doci/a ill-repute, disgrace
a)/docoj inglorious, disreputable
a(/doj satiety, loathing
a)/dotoj without gifts
a)/douloj unattended by slaves
a)dou/phtoj noiseless
a)dranh/j inactive, powerless
)adra/steia the Inevitable
a)/drastoj not running away, not inclined to do so
)adriako/j from the Adriatic
)adriano/j Adriatic
)adri/aj the Adriatic
a(dro/omai to come to one's strength
a(dro/j thick
a(droth/j strength

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a(dru/nw to make ripe, ripen

a)dunami/a want of strength
a)dunate/w to want strength
a)du/natoj unable
a)/duton the innermost sanctuary
a)/dutoj not to be entered
)adwnia/zw those who keep the Adonia
)adw/nia the mourning for Adonis
)/adwnij Adonis
a)dwrodo/koj incorruptible
a)/dwroj without gifts, taking none, incorruptible
a)dw/thj one who gives nothing
a)ei/boloj continually thrown
a)eigene/thj everlasting, immortal
a)eigenh/j everlasting
a)eidh/j without form, incorporeal
a)eidi/nhtoj ever-revolving
a)ei/dw to sing
a)eizw/wn ever-living
a)eiqalh/j ever-green
a)eikh/j unseemly, shameful
a)eiki/a unseemly treatment, outrage
a)eiki/zw to treat unseemly, injure, abuse
a)eilogi/a a continual talking
a)ei/mnhstoj ever to be remembered
a)ei/nhstij ever-fasting
a)eipa/rqenoj ever a virgin
a)ei/ always, for ever
a)ei/rutoj ever-flowing
a)ei/rw to lift, heave, raise up
a)eiflegh/j ever-burning
a)ei/frouroj ever-watching
a)eifugi/a perpetual exile
a)eixro/nioj everlasting
a)ekazo/menoj against one's will, unwilling
a)e/khti against one's will
a)ekou/sioj against one's will, involuntary
a)e/kwn against one's will, unwilling
a)ellai=oj storm-swift
a)/ella a stormy wind, whirlwind, eddy
a)ellh/j eddying
a)elloma/xoj struggling with the storm
a)ello/poj storm-footed, storm-swift
)aellw/ storm
a)elpte/w to have no hope
a)elph/j unhoped for, unexpected

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)elpti/a an unlooked for event

a)/elptoj unexpectedly
a)e/naoj ever-flowing
a)eci/fulloj nourishing leaves, leafy
a)eci/futoj nourishing plants
a)e/cw to increase, enlarge, foster, strengthen
a)ergi/a a not working, idleness
a)ergo/j not-working, idle
a)e/rdhn lifting up
a)e/rioj in the mist
a)erobate/w to walk the air
a)eroba/thj one who walks the air
a)erodinh/j wheeling in air
a)erodo/nhtoj air-tossed, soaring
a)erodrome/w to traverse the air
a)eroko/rac an air-raven
a)erokw/nwy an air-gnat
a)eromaxi/a an air-battle
a)erometre/w to measure the air: to lose oneself in vague speculation
a)eronhxh/j floating in air
a)ero/foitoj roaming in air
a)ersipo/thj high-soaring
a)ersi/pouj lifting the feet, brisk-trotting
a)erta/zw to lift up
a)/esa to sleep
a)esifrosu/nh silliness, folly
a)esi/frwn damaged in mind, witless, silly
a)eto/j an eagle
a)etofo/roj a standard-bearer
a)etw/dhj eagle-like
a)zale/oj dry, parched
a)za/nw to dry, parch up
a)/za drought
a)zhli/a freedom from jealousy
a)/zhloj not subject to envy, unenviable, dreary
a)zhlo/tupoj free from jealousy, envy
a)zh/lwtoj not to be envied
a)zh/mioj free from further payment: without loss, scot-free
a)zhxh/j unceasing, excessive
a(/zomai to stand in awe of, dread
a)/zugoj unwedded
a)/zumoj unleavened
a)/zuc unyoked, unpaired, unmarried
a)/zw to dry up, parch
a)/zwstoj ungirt
a)hdh/j unpleasant to the taste, distasteful

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)hdi/a unpleasantness, nauseousness

a)hdonideu/j a young nightingale
a)hdo/nioj of a nightingale
a)hdoni/j a nightingale
a)hdw/n the songstress
a)h/qeia unaccustomedness
a)hqe/ssw to be unaccustomed to
a)h/qhj unwonted, unusual
a)/hma a blast, gale
a)/hmi to breathe hard, blow
a)h/r the lower air, the air
a)/hsij a blowing
a)h/sshtoj unconquered
a)h/suloj wicked
a)h/suroj light as air, small, little
a)h/thj a blast, gale
a)/htoj stormy, furious
a)qala/sswtoj unused to the sea, a land-lubber
a)qalh/j not verdant, withered
a)qalph/j without warmth
a)qambh/j fearless
a)qanasi/a immortality
a)qanati/zw to make immortal, to hold oneself immortal
a)qa/natoj undying, immortal
a)/qaptoj unburied
a)qa/rh groats
a)qarsh/j discouraged, downhearted
a)qe/atoj unseen, invisible
a)qeei/ without the aid of God
a)qei/astoj uninspired
a)/qelktoj implacable
a)/qemij lawless
a)qemi/stioj lawless, godless
a)qe/mistoj lawless, without law
a)/qeoj without God, denying the gods
a)qeo/thj ungodliness
a)qerapeusi/a neglect of
a)qera/peutoj uncared for
a)qeri/zw to slight, make light of
a)qe/rmantoj not heated by strife
a)/qermoj without heat
a)qe/sfatoj beyond even a god's power to express: ineffable, aweful
a)qete/w to set aside
a)/qetoj set aside
a)qew/rhtoj without observation
a)/qhluj unfeminine

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)aqh/naze to Athens
)aqh/naion the temple of Athena
)aqhnai=oj Athenian, of
)aqh=nai the city of Athens
)aqh/nhqen from Athens
)aqh/nh Athena
)aqh/nhsin at Athens
)aqhnia/w to long to be at Athens
a)qh/reutoj not hunted
a)qhrhloigo/j consumer of ears of corn
a)/qhroj without wild beasts
a)qh/r an ear of corn
a)qigh/j untouched
a)/qiktoj untouched
a)qleu/w to contend for a prize, combat, wrestle
a)qle/w having contended with
a)/qlhma a contest
a)/qlhsij a contest, struggle
a)qlhth/j a prizefighter
a)/qlioj gaining the prize
a)qlio/thj suffering, wretchedness
a)qloqe/thj one who awards the prize, the judge
a)=qlon the prize of contest
a)=qloj a contest for a prize
a)qlofo/roj bearing away the prize, victorious
a)/qoloj not turbid, clear
a)qo/lwtoj untroubled
a)qoru/bhtoj undisturbed
a)qo/ruboj without uproar
a)/qraustoj unbroken, unhurt
a)qre/w to look at, gaze at, observe, perceive
a)qrhte/on one must consider
a)qroi/zw to gather together, to muster
a)/qroisij a gathering, mustering
a)/qroisma a gathering
a)qroiste/on one must collect
a)qro/oj in crowds
a)/qruptoj not broken, not enervated
a)qume/w to be disheartened, lose heart
a)qumhte/on one must lose heart
a)qumi/a want of heart, faintheartedness
a)/qumoj without heart, fainthearted
a)/qurma a plaything, toy: a delight, joy
a)quro/glwttoj one that cannot keep his mouth shut, a ceaseless babbler
a)/quroj without door
a)quro/stomoj ever-babbling

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/qursoj without thyrsus

a)qu/rw to play, sport
a)qu/rwtoj never closed
a)/qutoj not offered
)/aqw|oj of mount Athos
a)qw=|oj unpunished, scot-free
a)qw/peutoj not flattered, without flattery
a)qwra/kistoj without breastplate
)/aqwj mount Athos
ai)/agma a wail
ai)a/zw to cry
ai)ai= ah!
ai)aki/dhj son of Aeacus
ai)akto/j bewailed, lamentable
ai)anh/j dreary, dismal, direful, horrid
ai)/aj Ajax
ai)boi= bah!
ai)/gagroj the wild goat
ai)gai=oj Aegaean
ai)gai/wn Aegaeon
ai)gane/h a hunting-spear, javelin
ai)/geioj of Aegeus
ai)/geioj of a goat
ai)/geiroj the poplar
ai)gela/thj a goatherd
ai)/geoj a goat's skin
ai)giali/thj one who haunts the shore
ai)gialo/j the sea-shore, beach, strand
ai)gi/bosij a goat-pasture
ai)gibo/thj feeding goats
ai)gi/botoj browsed by goats
ai)gi/qalloj the titmouse
ai)gi/knhmoj goat-shanked
ai)gikorei=j goatherds
ai)gi/liy destitute even of goats
ai)/giloj a herb of which goats are fond
ai)ginai/h Aegina
ai)ginai=oj of Aegina
ai)/gina Aegina
ai)ginh/thj an Aeginetan
ai)ginomeu/j a goatherd
ai)gi/nomoj browsed by goats
ai)gino/moj feeding goats
ai)gi/oxoj Aegis-bearing
ai)gipo/dhj goat-footed
ai)gi/puroj a plant

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ai)gi/j the aegis

ai)glh/eij dazzling, radiant, lustrous
ai)/glh the light of the sun, radiance
ai)glofanh/j radiant
ai)go/kerwj goat-horned
ai)gopro/swpoj goat-faced
ai)gupio/j a vulture
ai)guptia/zw to speak Egyptian
ai)guptiako/j of
ai)gu/ptioj Egyptian
ai)guptisti/ in the Egyptian tongue
ai)guptogenh/j of Egyptian race
ai)/gupto/nde to Egypt
ai)/guptoj the river Nile
ai)gw=nuc goat-hoofed
ai)de/omai to be ashamed to do
ai)de/simoj exciting shame, venerable
ai)/desij respect
a)i/dhloj making unseen, annihilating, destroying
ai)dh/mwn bashful, modest
a)idh/j unseen, annihilated
a)i/dioj everlasting, eternal
a)idno/j unseen, dark
ai)doi=on the genitals, pudenda
ai)doi=oj regarded with reverence, august, venerable
ai)do/frwn respectful in mind, compassionate
a)idrei/h want of knowledge, ignorance
a)/idrij unknowing, ignorant
a)i/drutoj unsettled, vagabond
ai)dw/j a sense of shame, shame, modesty, self-respect
ai)e/nupnoj lulling in eternal sleep
ai)zh/ioj strong, lusty, vigorous
ai)zho/j strong, lusty, vigorous
ai)/htoj terrible, mighty
ai)qa/lh soot
ai)qali/wn swarthy, dusky
ai)qalo/eij smoky, sooty
ai)/qaloj soot
ai)qalo/w to soil with soot
ai)/qe would that
ai)qerembate/w to walk in ether
ai)qe/rioj of
ai)qerodro/moj ether-skimming
ai)qh/r ether, the brighter purer air, the sky
ai)qiopi/a Ethiopia
ai)qiopiko/j Ethiopian

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ai)qi/oy burnt-face
ai)=qoj a burning heat, fire
ai)/qousa the corridor
ai)=qoy fiery-looking
ai)qrhgenh/j born in ether, sprung from ether
ai)/qrh clear sky, fair weather
ai)qri/a in clear weather
ai)qria/w to be clear
ai)qriokoite/w to sleep in open air
ai)/qrioj clear, bright, fair
ai)=qroj the clear chill air
ai)/quia a gull
ai)qukth/r one that darts swiftly
ai)qu/ssw to put in rapid motion, stir up, kindle
ai)/qwn fiery, burning, blazing
ai)/qw to light up, kindle
ai)ka/llw to flatter, wheedle, fondle
a)ikh/ rapid flight, rush, impetus
ai)ki/a injurious treatment, an affront, outrage
ai)ki/zw to treat injuriously, to plague, torment
ai)/kisma an outrage, torture
ai)/linoj a plaintive dirge
ai)/louroj a cat
ai(makto/j mingled with blood, of blood
ai(male/oj bloody, blood-red
ai(=ma blood
ai(masia/ a wall
ai(ma/j a gush
ai(ma/ssw to make bloody stain with blood
ai(matekxusi/a shedding of blood
ai(mathro/j bloody, bloodstained, murderous
ai(mathfo/roj bringing blood, bloody
ai(mato/eij blood-red
ai(matoloixo/j licking blood
ai(matopw/thj a blood-drinker
ai(matorro/foj blood-drinking
ai(mato/rrutoj blood-streaming
ai(matostagh/j blood-dripping
ai(mato/furtoj blood-stained
ai(matoxa/rmhj delighting in blood
ai(mato/w to make bloody, stain with blood
ai(matw/dhj blood-red
ai(matwpo/j bloody to behold
ai(mobafh/j bathed in blood
ai(mobo/roj blood-sucking, greedy of blood
ai(mo/diyoj bloodthirsty

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ai(morragh/j bleeding violently

ai(mo/rrantoj blood-sprinkled
ai(morroe/w to have a
ai(mo/rroia a discharge of blood
ai(mo/rrutoj blood-streaming
ai(mofo/ruktoj defiled with blood
ai(muli/a winning, wily ways
ai(mulomh/thj of winning wiles
ai(mu/loj flattering, wheedling, wily
ai(mw/dhj bloody, blood-red
ai(/mwn skilful in
ai)nare/thj terribly brave
ai)/nesij praise
ai)neto/j praiseworthy
ai)ne/w to tell
ai)/nh praise, fame
ai)/nigma a dark saying, riddle
ai)nigmatw/dhj riddling, dark
ai)nigmo/j a riddle
ai)nikth/rioj in riddles
ai)nikto/j expressed in riddles, riddling
ai)ni/ssomai to speak in riddles
ai)nobi/aj awefully strong
ai)no/gamoj fatally wedded
ai)no/qen from horror to horror, right horribly
ai)no/qruptoj sadly enervated
ai)nolamph/j horrid-gleaming
ai)no/lektroj fatally wedded
ai)nole/wn a dreadful lion
ai)no/linoj unfortunate in life's thread
ai)no/lukoj a horrible wolf
ai)no/moroj doomed to a sad end
ai)nopaqh/j suffering dire ills
ai)no/parij unlucky Paris
ai)nopath/r unhappy father
ai)no/j dread, dire, grim
ai)=noj a tale, story
ai)noto/keia unhappy in being a mother
ai)notu/rannoj a dreadful tyrant
ai)/numai to take, take off, take hold of
ai)/c a goat
ai)oleu/j an Aeolian
ai)oli/zw to speak Aeolian
ai)oliko/j of
ai)o/llw to shift rapidly to and fro
ai)olobro/nthj wielder of lightning

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ai)oloqw/rhc with glancing breastplate

ai)olo/mhtij full of various wiles
ai)olomi/trhj with glancing
ai)olo/pwloj with quick-moving steeds
ai)o/loj quick-moving
ai)olo/stomoj shifting in speech
ai)/ ha!
ai) if
ai)peino/j high, lofty
ai)pole/w to tend goats
ai)poliko/j of
ai)po/lion a herd of goats
ai)po/loj a goatherd
ai)=poj a height, a steep
ai)po/j high, lofty
ai)pumh/thj with high thoughts
ai)pu/nwtoj high-backed, on a high mountain-ridge
ai)pu/j high and steep, lofty
ai(re/simoj that can be taken
ai(/resij a taking especially
ai(rete/oj to be taken, desirable
ai(reti/zw to choose, select
ai(retiko/j able to choose
ai(reto/j that may be taken
ai(re/w to take with the hand, grasp
a)/iroj unhappy Irus
ai)/rw to take up, raise, lift up
ai)=sa the goddess of destiny
ai)sqa/nomai to perceive, apprehend by the senses, to see, hear, feel
ai)/sqhma perception of
ai)/sqhsij perception by the senses
ai)sqhth/rion an organ of sense
ai)sqhtiko/j of
ai)sqhto/j perceptible by the senses
a)i/sqw to breathe out
ai)simi/a happiness
ai)/simoj fatal
ai)/sioj boding well, auspicious
a)/isoj unlike, unequal
a)i/ssw to move with a quick shooting motion, to shoot, dart, glance
a)/istoj not to be seen, unseen
a)isto/w to make unseen, to annihilate
a)i/stwr unknowing, unconscious
ai)/suloj unseemly, evil
ai)sumna/w to rule over
ai)sumnhtei/a an elective monarchy

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ai)sumnhth/r a prince
ai)sumnh/thj a regulator
ai)=sxoj shame, disgrace
ai)sxrh/mwn shameful
ai)sxroke/rdeia base covetousness
ai)sxrokerdh/j sordidly greedy of gain
ai)sxrologi/a foul language, abuse
ai)sxro/mhtij forming base designs
ai)sxropoio/j doing foully
ai)sxro/j causing shame, abusive
ai)sxro/thj ugliness, deformity
ai)sxrourgi/a shameless conduct
ai)sxu/nh shame done one, disgrace, dishonour
ai)sxunte/oj one must be ashamed
ai)sxunthlo/j bashful, modest
ai)sxunth/r a dishonourer
ai)sxuntiko/j shameful
ai)sxu/nw to make ugly, disfigure, mar
a)i/taj a beloved youth, favourite
ai)te/w to ask, beg
ai)/thma a request, demand
ai)/thsij a request, demand
ai)thte/on one must ask
ai)thtiko/j fond of asking
ai)thto/j asked for
ai)tia/zomai to be accused
ai)ti/ama a charge, guilt imputed
ai)tia/omai to charge, accuse, censure, blame
ai)ti/a a charge, accusation
ai)tiate/on one must accuse
ai)ti/zw to ask, beg
ai)tiologiko/j inquiring into causes
ai)/tioj to blame, blameworthy, culpable
ai)tnai=oj of or belonging to Etna
ai)fni/dioj unforeseen, sudden
ai)xma/zw to throw the spear
ai)xmalwsi/a captivity: a body of captives
ai)xmalwteu/w to take prisoner
ai)xmalwtiko/j of
ai)xma/lwtoj taken by the spear, captive to one's spear, taken prisoner
ai)xmh/eij armed with the spear
ai)xmh/ the point of a spear
ai)xmhth/j a spearman
ai)xmofo/roj one who trails a pike, a spearman
ai)=ya quick, with speed, on a sudden
ai)yhroke/leuqoj swift-speeding

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ai)yhro/j quick, speedy, in haste

a)i/w to perceive
a)i/w to breathe
ai)w/nioj lasting for an age
ai)w/n a period of existence
ai)w/ra a machine for suspending
ai)wre/w to lift up, raise
ai)w/rhma that which is hung up: a hanging cord, a halter
ai)wrhto/j a hovering
)akadh/meia the Academy
a)kaqarsi/a uncleanness, impurity
a)ka/qartoj uncleansed, unclean, impure
a)/kaina a thorn, goad
a)kairi/a unfitness of times: unseasonableness
a)/kairoj ill-timed, unseasonable, inopportune
a)ka/khta guileless, gracious
a)kaki/a guilelessness
a)/kakoj unknowing of ill, guileless
a)kalarrei/thj soft-flowing
a)kalh/fh a nettle
a)kallh/j without charms
a)kallie/rhtoj ill-omened
a)kallw/pistoj unadorned
a)ka/luptoj uncovered, unveiled
a)kamantolo/gxhj unwearied at the spear
a)kamantoma/xhj unwearied in fight
a)kamanto/pouj untiring of foot, unwearied
a)ka/maj untiring, unresting
a)ka/matoj without sense of toil
a)/kamptoj unbent, that will not bend, rigid
a)/kanqa a thorn, prickle
a)ka/nqinoj of thorns
a)kanqi/j the goldfinch
a)kanqoba/thj walking among thorns
a)kanqolo/goj gathering thorns
a)kanqw/dhj full of thorns, thorny
a)/kapnoj without smoke
a)ka= softly, gently
a)ka/rdioj wanting the heart
a)ka/rhnoj headless
a)karh/j too short to be cut, very short
a)kariai=oj momentary, brief
a)karpi/a unfruitfulness, barrenness
a)ka/rpistoj where nothing is to be reaped, unfruitful
a)/karpoj without fruit, barren
a)ka/rpwtoj not made fruitful, without fruit

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a)kaskai=oj gentle
a)kata/blhtoj not to be overthrown, irrefragable
a)kata/gnwstoj not to be condemned
a)kataka/luptoj uncovered
a)kata/kritoj uncondemned
a)kata/llaktoj irreconcileable
a)kata/lutoj indissoluble
a)kata/paustoj that cannot cease from
a)kata/statoj unstable, unsettled
a)kata/sxetoj not to be checked
a)katafro/nhtoj not to be despised, important
a)kata/yeustoj not fabulous
a)ka/tion a light boat
a)/katoj a light vessel
a)/kaustoj unburnt
a)kaxi/zw to trouble, grieve
a)kaxme/noj sharpened
a)ke/leustoj unbidden
a)ke/nthtoj needing no goad
a)/kentroj without sting, stingless
a)ke/omai to heal, cure
a)ke/raioj unmixed, pure in blood
a)kerau/nwtoj not lightning-struck
a)ke/rdeia want of gain, loss
a)kerdh/j without gain, bringing loss
a)ke/rkistoj unwoven
a)/kerkoj without a tail
a)kermati/a want of money
a)kerseko/mhj with unshorn hair
a)ke/rwtoj not horned
a)/kesij a healing, cure
a)/kesma a remedy, cure
a)kesth/r a healer
a)kesth/j menders
a)kestori/a the healing art
a)kesto/j curable
a)ke/stra a darning-needle
a)ke/stria a sempstress
a)ke/stwr a healer, saviour
a)kesfo/roj bringing a cure, healing
a)kesw/dunoj allaying pain
a)ke/faloj without head
a)ke/wn softly, silently
a)kh/destoj uncared for, unburied
a)kh/deutoj unburied
a)khde/w to take no care for, no heed of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)khdh/j uncared for, unburied

a)kh/lhtoj to be won by no charms, proof against enchantment, inexorable
a)/khma a cure, relief
a)kh/n softly, silently
a)kh/ a point
a)khra/sioj unmixed
a)kh/ratoj unmixed, uncontaminated, undefiled
a)kh/rioj unharmed by the
a)khruktei/ without needing a flag of truce
a)kh/ruktoj unannounced, unproclaimed
a)kh/rwtoj unwaxed
a)ki/bdhloj unadulterated, genuine
a)kidno/j weak, feeble, faint
a)/kikuj powerless, feeble
a)kina/khj a short straight sword
a)ki/ndunoj without danger, free from danger
a)ki/nhtoj unmoved, motionless
a)/kioj not worm-eaten
a)ki/j a point, the barb
a)ki/xhtoj not to be reached, unattainable
a)kki/zomai to affect indifference
a)kkw/ a bugbear
a)/klastoj unbroken
a)/klaustoj unlamented
a)kleh/j without fame, inglorious, unsung
a)klei/a ingloriousness
a)/kleistoj not closed
a)/klhroj without lot
a)klh/rwtoj without lot
a)/klhtoj uncalled, unbidden
a)klinh/j bending to neither side, unswerving
a)/klustoj unwashed by waves
a)kma/zw to be in full bloom, be at one's prime
a)kmai=oj in full bloom, at the prime, blooming, vigorous
a)kmhno/j full-grown
a)/kmhnoj fasting
a)kmh/ a point, edge
a)kmh/j untiring, unwearied
a)kmo/qeton the anvil-block, smithy
a)/kmwn a thunderbolt
a)/knhstij the spine
a)/knisoj without the fat of sacrifices
a)koh/ a hearing, the sound heard
a)koi/mhtoj sleepless
a)koinw/nhtoj not shared with
a)koi/thj a bedfellow, spouse, husband.

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a)/koitij a spouse, wife

a)kolasi/a licentiousness, intemperance
a)kolastai/nw to be licentious, intemperate
a)kola/sthma an act of
a)ko/lastoj licentious, intemperate
a)/koloj a bit, morsel
a)kolouqe/w to follow
a)kolouqhte/on one must follow
a)kolouqi/a a following, train
a)ko/louqoj following, attending on
a)ko/lumboj unable to swim
a)komisti/a want of tending
a)ko/mistoj untended
a)/komoj without hair, bald
a)ko/mpastoj not boastful
a)/kompoj not boasting
a)/komyoj unadorned, boorish
a)kona/w to sharpen, whet
a)ko/nduloj without knuckles:&mdash
a)ko/nh a whetstone, hone
a)konitiko/j made of aconite
a)koniti/ without the dust of the arena
a)ko/niton aconite
a)ko/nitoj without dust.
a)konti/zw to hurl a javelin
a)ko/ntisij javelin-throwing
a)ko/ntisma a javelin's throw
a)kontisth/j a darter, javelin-man
a)kontistiko/j skilled in throwing the javelin
a)kontistu/j the game of throwing the javelin
a)/kopoj without weariness
a)ko/restoj insatiate
a)ko/rhtoj insatiate, unsated in
a)/koroj untiring, ceaseless
a)kosme/w to be disorderly, to offend
a)ko/smhtoj unarranged, unorganised
a)kosmi/a disorder
a)/kosmoj without order, disorderly
a)/koj a cure, relief, remedy for
a)kosta/w corn-fed
a)kosth/ barley
a)koua/zomai to hearken
a)/kouroj without male heir
a)kousi/qeoj heard of God
a)/kousma a thing heard
a)kouste/on one must hear

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a)kousto/j heard, audible

a)kou/w to hear
a)kra/antoj unfulfilled, fruitless
a)kragh/j not barking
a)krah/j blowing strongly, fresh-blowing
a)krai=oj dwelling on the heights
a)kraifnh/j unmixed, pure
a)/krantoj unfulfilled, fruitless
a)/kra a headland, foreland, cape
a)krasi/a bad mixture, ill temperature
a)kra/teia incontinence, want of self-control
a)krath/j powerless, impotent
a)krati/zomai to drink wine unmixed with water
a)kra/tisma a breakfast
a)kra/tistoj having breakfasted
a)kratoposi/a a drinking of sheer wine
a)kratopo/thj a drinker of sheer wine
a)/kratoj unmixed, sheer
a)kraxole/w to be passionate
a)kraxoli/a passionateness, burst of passion
a)kra/xoloj quick to anger, passionate
a)kre/mwn a branch, twig, spray
a)kre/speroj at eventide
a)krh/bhj a youth in his prime
a)/krhboj in earliest youth
a)kri/beia exactness, minute accuracy, precision
a)kribh/j exact, accurate, precise, made
a)kribologe/omai to be exact
a)kribolo/goj precise in argument
a)kribo/w to make exact
a)kridoqh/kh a locust-cage
a)krisi/a want of distinctness
a)kri/j a locust
a)/krij a hill-top
a)krito/dakruj shedding floods of tears
a)krito/muqoj recklessly
a)/kritoj undistinguishable, unarranged, disorderly
a)krito/fulloj of undistinguishable
a)krito/furtoj undistinguishably mixed
a)kro/ama anything heard with pleasure
a)kroamatiko/j designed for hearing only
a)kroa/omai to hearken to, listen to
a)kro/asij a hearing
a)kroate/oj one must listen to
a)kroath/rion a place of audience
a)kroath/j a hearer

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)kroatiko/j of
a)krobafh/j tinged at the point
a)krobelh/j with a point at the end
a)krobole/w to sling
a)kroboli/a a slinging, skirmishing
a)kroboli/zomai to throw from afar, to fight with missiles, to skirmish
a)krobo/lisij a skirmishing
a)kro/boloj struck from afar
a)krobo/loj a slinger, skirmisher
a)krobusti/a the foreskin
a)krogwniai=oj at the extreme angle
a)kro/detoj bound at the end
a)kro/drua fruit-trees
a)kroqigh/j touching on the surface, touching the lips
a)kroqinia/zomai to take of the best, pick out for oneself
a)kroqi/nion the topmost part of a heap, the choice part, first-fruits
a)krokelainia/w growing black on the surface
a)krokne/faioj at the beginning of night, in twilight
a)kro/komoj with hair on the crown
)akroko/rinqoj the citadel of Corinth
a)kro/liqoj with the ends made of stone
a)krologe/w to gather at top
a)krolofi/thj a mountaineer
a)kro/lofoj high-crested, peaked
a)krolute/w to untie at the ends
a)kromanh/j on the verge of madness
a)kromo/libdoj leaded at the edge
a)/kron the highest
a)kronuxi/ with the tip of the nail
a)kro/nuxoj at night-fall, at even
a)kropenqh/j exceeding sad
a)kropodhti/ on tiptoe
a)kro/polij the upper city
a)kropo/loj high-ranging, lofty
a)kropo/roj piercing with the point
a)kro/prw|ron the end of a ship's prow
a)kro/pteron the tip of the wing
a)krosi/dhroj pointed
a)kro/sofoj high in wisdom
a)/kroj at the furthest point
a)krosto/lion the gunwale
a)krosfalh/j apt to trip, unsteady, precarious
a)kroteleu/tion the fag-end
a)krotome/w to lop off, shave the surface
a)kro/tomoj cut off sharp, abrupt
a)krofu/sion the snout

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a)kroxanh/j yawning at top

a)kroxeiri/zomai to struggle at arm's length
a)kroxordw/n a wart with a thin neck
a)/kruptoj unhidden
a)kru/stalloj free from ice
a)krwmi/a the point of the shoulder
a)krwni/a mutilation
a)krwnuxi/a the tip of the nail
a)krw/nuxoj with nails at the extremities
a)krw/reia a mountain-ridge
a)krwthria/zw to cut off the extremities, mutilate
a)krwth/rion any prominent part
a)ktai/nw to lift up, raise
a)ktai=oj on the coast
a)kte/anoj without property, poor
a)kte/a the elder-tree
a)kte/nistoj uncombed, unkempt
a)kte/oj one must lead
a)kte/ristoj unhallowed by funeral rites
a)kth/mwn without property, poor
a)kth/ a headland, foreland, promontory, shore
a)/kthtoj not worth getting
a)ktinhdo/n like a ray
a)/ktioj haunting the shore
a)kti/j a ray, beam
a)kti/thj a dweller on the coast
a)/ktitoj untilled
a)/ktwr a leader
a)kube/rnhtoj without steersman
a)/kuloj an acorn
a)ku/mantoj not washed by the waves
a)/kumoj tranquil
a)ku/mwn without fruit, barren
a)/kuroj without authority
a)ku/rwtoj unconfirmed
a)kwkh/ a point
a)kw/lutoj unhindered
a)kwmw/|dhtoj not ridiculed
a)/kwn a javelin, dart
a)/kwpoj without oars
)alabarxi/a the office of
a)labastoqh/kh a case for alabaster ornaments
a)la/bastoj a box
a)la/bastron a box
a(/lade to
a(la/dromoj the bounding race

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)lazonei/a false pretension, imposture, quackery

a)lazo/neuma an imposture, piece of quackery
a)lazoneu/omai to make false pretensions
a)lazoniko/j boastful, braggart
a)lazw/n a vagabond
a)lai/nw to wander about
a)lalagh/ a shouting
a)la/lagma a shouting
a)lala/zw to raise the war-cry
a)la/lhmai to wander
a)lalh/ a loud cry
a)lalhto/j the shout of victory
a)la/lhtoj unutterable
a)/lalke to ward
)alalkomenhi/j the Protectress
a)/laloj speechless
a)lalu/kthmai to be sore distressed
a)la/mpetoj without light, darksome
a)lamph/j out of
a)la/omai to wander, stray
a)laoskopia/ a blind
a)lao/j not seeing, blind
a)lao/w to blind
a)lapadno/j exhausted, powerless, feeble
a)lapa/zw to empty, drain, exhaust
a(/laj salt
a)laste/w to be full of wrath
a)la/storoj under the influence of an
a)/lastoj not to be forgotten, insufferable, unceasing
a)la/stwr the avenging deity, destroying angel
a)lawtu/j a blinding
a)lgeino/j giving pain, painful, grievous
a)lge/w to feel bodily pain, suffer
a)lghdw/n a sense of pain, pain, suffering
a)/lghma pain, suffering
a)/lghsij sense of pain
a)lgino/eij painful, grievous
a)lgi/wn more
a)/lgoj pain
a)lgu/nw to pain, grieve, distress
a)ldai/nw to make to grow
a)ldh/skw to grow, wax
a)leai/nw to warm, make warm
a)le/a an escape
a)legeino/j hard
a)legi/zw to trouble oneself about

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)legu/nw to care for, furnish

a)le/gw to trouble oneself, have a care
a)leeino/j open to the sun, warm, hot
a)leei/nw to avoid, shun
a)leh/j in the sun
a)lei/ata wheaten flour
a)/leimma anything used for anointing, unguent, fat, oil
a)lei/pthj an anointer, a teacher of gymnastics
a)/leison a cup, goblet
a)lei/thj one who flees from punishment, a culprit, a sinner
a)/leifar anointing-oil, unguent, oil
a)lei/fw to anoint with oil, oil
a)/leiyij an anointing
a)lektori/skoj a cockerel
a)lektorofwni/a cock-crow
a)/lektroj unbedded, unwedded
a)lektru/aina a hen
a)lektruw/n a cock
a)le/ktwr a cock
a)le/kw to ward off
)alecandristh/j a partisan of Alexander
a)le/candroj defending men
)alecandrw/dhj Alexander-like
a)leca/nemoj keeping off the wind
a)le/chma a defence, remedy
a)le/chsij a keeping off, defence
a)lechth/rioj able to keep off
a)lechth/r one who keeps off
a)lecia/rh she that keeps off a curse
a)lecibe/lemnoj keeping off darts
a)leci/kakoj keeping off evil
a)leci/mbrotoj protecting mortals
a)leci/moroj warding off death
a)lecifa/rmakon an antidote, remedy
a)le/cw to ward
a)le/omai to avoid, shun
a)le/thj a grinder
a)leto/j a grinding
a)letreu/w to grind
a)letri/banoj that which grinds
a)letri/j a female slave who grinds corn
a)/leuron wheaten flour
a)leu/w to remove, keep away
a)le/w to grind, bruise, pound
a)lewrh/ avoidance, escape
a)lh/qeia truth

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)lhqeu/w to speak truth

a)lhqh/j unconcealed, true
a)lhqino/j agreeable to truth
a)lhqo/mantij prophet of truth
)alh/ioj of wandering
a)lh/ioj poor in lands
a)/lhma fine meal
a)lh/mwn a wanderer, rover
a)/^lh ceaseless wandering
a)/lhptoj not to be laid hold of, hard to catch
a(lh/j assembled, thronged, in a mass, all at once
a)lhtei/a a wandering, roaming
a)lhteu/w to wander, roam about
a)lh/thj a wanderer, stroller, rover, vagabond
a)/lqomai to become whole and sound
a(lia/dhj a seaman
a(lia/etoj the sea-eagle, osprey
a(liah/j blowing seaward
a(lianqh/j sea-blooming
a(li/a an assembly of the people
a)li/astoj unshrinking, unabating
a)li/baj a dead body, corpse
a(li/brektoj washed by the sea
a)li/gkioj resembling, like
a(li/donoj sea-tossed
a(liei/a fishing
a(lierkh/j sea-fenced, sea-girt
a(lieu/j one who has to do with the sea
a(lieutiko/j of
a(lieu/w to be a fisher
a(li/zw to gather together, to muster
a(li/zw to salt
a(li/zwnoj sea-girt
a(li/zwoj living on
a(lih/rhj sweeping the sea
a)/liqoj without stones, not stony
(alikarnasseu/j a Halicarnassian
(alikarnasso/qen from Halicarnassus
a(li/klustoj sea-washed
a(li/ktupoj groaning at sea
a(liku/mwn surrounded by waves
a)li/menoj without harbour, harbourless
a)limeno/thj want of harbours
a(limurh/eij flowing into the sea
a(limurh/j sea-flowing
a)linde/w to make to roll

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)lindh/qra a sandy place for horses to roll in

a(linh/kteira swimming in the sea
a(linhxh/j swimming in the sea
a(/linoj of salt
a)/linoj without a net
a(li/cantoj worn by the sea
a(/lioj of the sea
a(/lioj fruitless, unprofitable, vain, idle
a(liotrefh/j sea-bred
a(lio/w to make fruitless, frustrate, disappoint
a)liparh/j not fit for a suppliant
a(li/pedon a plain by the sea
a(li/plagktoj roaming the sea
a(liplanh/j sea-wandering
a(liplani/a a wandering voyage
a(li/plhktoj sea-beaten
a(li/plooj covered with water
a(lipo/roj through which the sea flows
a(lipo/rfuroj of sea-purple, of true purple dye
a(lirragh/j against which the sea breaks
a(li/rrantoj sea-surging
a(lirro/qioj dashed over by the sea
a(li/rroqoj of the raging sea
a(li/rrutoj washed by the sea
a)lisge/w to pollute
a)li/sghma a pollution
a(li/skomai to be taken, conquered
a(/lij in heaps, crowds, swarms, in abundance, in plenty
a(li/stonoj sea-resounding
a(listo/j salted, pickled
a(li/streptoj sea-tossed
a)litai/nw to sin
a(litenh/j stretching along the sea, level, flat
a(lite/rmwn bounded by the sea
a)li/thma a sin, offence
a)lith/rioj sinning
a)lithriw/dhj abominable, accursed
a)lito/cenoj sinning against one's friend
a)litofrosu/nh a wicked mind
a)litrai/nw to sin, offend
a)litri/a sinfulness, mischief
a)litro/j sinful, sinning
a(li/trutoj sea-beaten, sea-worn
a(li/tupoj sea-beaten
a(li/turoj a sort of salt-cheese
a(lifqori/a a disaster at sea, shipwreck

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a(lifqo/roj destroying on the sea

a)lkai=oj strong, mighty
a)/lkar a safeguard, defence
a)lkh/eij valiant, warlike
a)lkh/ strength
a)lki/maxoj bravely fighting
a)/lkimoj strong, stout
a)lki/ might, strength
a)lki/frwn stout-hearted
a)lkth/r a protector from
a)lkuoni/dej the 14 winter days during which the halcyon builds its nest, and the sea is calm, the halcyon days
a)lkuw/n the kingfisher
a)llagh/ a change
a)/llagma that which is given
a)llantopwle/w to deal in sausages
a)llantopw/lhj a sausage-dealer
a)lla/ otherwise, but
a)lla=j a sausage
a)lla/ssw to make other than it is, to change, alter
a)llaxh= elsewhere, in another place
a)llaxo/qen from another place
a)llaxo/qi elsewhere
a)llaxo/se elsewhither, to another place
a)llaxou= elsewhere
a)llhgore/w to speak so as to imply something other than what is said, to interpret allegorically
a)llhgori/a an allegory
a)/llhktoj unceasing, ceaseless
a)llhlofagi/a an eating one another
a)llhlofa/goj eating each other
a)llhlofoni/a mutual slaughter
a)llhlofo/noi murdering one another
a)llh/lwn of one another, to one another, one another
a)/llh| in another place, elsewhere
a)/llistoj inexorable
a)llita/neutoj inexorable
a)llogenh/j of another race, a stranger
a)llo/glwssoj using a strange tongue
a)llognoe/w to take one for another, not know
a)llo/gnwtoj mis-known, unknown
a)llodapo/j belonging to another people
a)lloeidh/j of strange appearance
a)/lloqen from another place
a)/lloqi elsewhere, in another place, in a strange
a)llo/qrooj speaking a strange tongue
a)lloi=oj of another sort
a)lloio/w to make different, to change, alter

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)lloi/wsij a change, alteration

a)llo/kotoj of unusual nature
a(/llomai to spring, leap, bound
a)llopro/salloj leaning first to one side, then to the other
a)/llose to another place, elsewhither
a)/lloj alius, another, one besides
a)/llote at another time, at other times
a)llotrioepi/skopoj a busy-body in other men's matters
a)llotriologe/w to speak of things foreign to the matter
a)llotriopragmosu/nh a meddling with other people's business
a)llo/trioj of
a)llotrio/thj alienation, estrangement
a)llotrio/xrwj changing colour
a)llotrio/w to estrange from
a)llotri/wsij estrangement
a)llofrone/w to think of other things, to give no heed
a)llo/fuloj of another tribe, foreign
a)llo/xrooj changed in colour
a)llo/xrwj looking strange
a)/lludij elsewhither
a)/llwj in another way
a(/lma a spring, leap, bound
a(/lmh sea-water, brine
a(lmuro/j salt, briny
a)loa/w to thresh, thresh out
a)/loboj with a lobe wanting
a)loge/w to pay no regard to
a)logi/a want of respect
a)logisti/a thoughtlessness, rashness
a)lo/gistoj unreasoning, inconsiderate, thoughtless, heedless
a)/logoj without
a)lohto/j a threshing
a(lo/qen from the sea
a)loi/doroj not reviling
a)loihth/r a thresher, grinder
a)loifh/ anything used for anointing, hog's-lard, grease, unguent
a)loki/zw to trace furrows
a)/loc a furrow
(alosu/dnh Sea-born
a(lo/triy a pestle to pound salt
a(lourgh/j wrought in the sea, sea-purple
a(lourgi/j a purple robe
a)lousi/a a being unwashen, want of the bath
a)/loutoj unwashen, not using the bath
a)/lofoj without crest
a)/loxoj a bedfellow, spouse, wife

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/lpnistoj sweetest, loveliest

a(/lsij a leaping
a)/lsoj a glade
a(/lj a lump of salt
a)lsw/dhj like a grove
a(ltiko/j good at leaping
a(luki/j a salt spring
a)lukta/zw to be in distress
a)luktope/dai galling bonds
a)/lucij an escape
a)lu/phtoj not pained
a)/lupoj without pain
a)/luroj without the lyre
a(/lusij a chain
a)lusitelh/j unprofitable
a)luska/zw to shun, shirk, avoid
a)lu/skw to flee from, shun, avoid, forsake
a)/luj listlessness, ennui
a)lu/ssw to be uneasy, be in distress
a)/lutoj not to be loosed, indissoluble
a)lu/w to wander in mind
a)lfa/nw to bring in, yield, earn
a)lfesi/boioj bringing in oxen
a)lfhsth/j working for one's daily bread, laborious, enterprising
a)lfitamoibo/j a dealer in barley-meal
a)/lfiton peeled
a)lfitopoii/a a making of barley-meal
a)lfitosite/w to eat barley-bread
a)lfo/j whiteness: white leprosy
(alwa/j goddess of the threshing-floor
a(lweino/j of
a)lwh/ a threshing-floor
a(lwi/thj a thresher, husbandman
a)lwpe/keioj of a fox
a)lwpeki/aj branded with a fox
a)lwpekideu/j a young fox
a)lwpeki/zw to play the fox
a)lwpe/kion a little fox
a)lwpeki/j a foxskin cap
a)lw/phc a fox
a(lw/simoj easy to take, win
a(/lwsij a taking, capture, conquest, destruction
a(/lwj a threshing-floor
a(lwto/j to be taken
a)lw/fhtoj unremitting
)amazoniko/j of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

)amazw/n the Amazons

a)maqai/nw to be untaught, stupid
a)maqh/j unlearned, ignorant, stupid, boorish
a)maqi/a ignorance
a)/maqoj sandy soil
a)maqu/nw to level with the sand, utterly destroy
a)maima/ketoj irresistible
a)maldu/nw to soften
a)ma/lqaktoj not to be softened
a)/malla cut corn, a sheaf
a)mallodeth/r a binder of sheaves
a)malo/j soft, weak, feeble
a(ma/macuj a vine trained on two poles
a)/maca a wagon, wain
a(maceu/j for a wagon
a(maceu/w to traverse with a wagon
a(mach/rhj of
a(maciai=oj large enough to load a wagon
a(maci/j a little wagon
a(maci/thj of
a(ma/citoj traversed by wagons
a(ma/coikoj dwelling in a wagon
a(macophgo/j a cartwright
a(macoplhqh/j large enough to fill a wagon
a(macourgo/j cartwrights'
a(/ma at once, at the same time
a)mara/ntinoj of amaranth
a)ma/rantoj unfading, undecaying
a)ma/ra a trench, conduit, channel
a(marta/nw to miss, miss the mark
a(ma/rthma a failure, fault, sin
a(marth= together, at once
a(marthtiko/j prone to error
a(marti/a a failure, fault, sin
a(marti/nooj erring in mind, distraught
a(martoeph/j erring in words, speaking at random
a)martu/rhtoj needing no witness
a)ma/rturoj without witness, unattested
a(martwlo/j sinful
a)marugh/ a sparkling, glancing
a)ma/rugma a sparkle, twinkle
a)maru/ssw to sparkle, glance
a(matroxa/w to run together
a(matroxia/ a jostling
a)mauro/bioj living in darkness
a)mauro/j dimly seen, dim, faint, baffling sight

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a)mauro/w to make dim, faint

a)mau/rwma obscuration
a)maxei/ without resistance
a)maxhti/ without battle
a)ma/xhtoj not to be fought with, unconquerable
a)/maxoj without battle
a)ma/w to reap corn
a)ma/w to gather together, collect
a)mblh/dhn with sudden bursts
a)mbli/skw to cause to miscarry
a)mblu/nw to blunt, take the edge off
a)mblu/j blunt, dulled, with the edge taken off
a)mblu/thj bluntness
a)mbluwpe/w to be dim-sighted
a)mbluwpi/a dim-sightedness
a)mbluw/ssw to be dim-sighted
a)mblwpo/j bedimmed, dark
a)mbola/dhn bubbling up
a)mbola/j thrown up
a)mboliergo/j putting off a work, dilatory
a)mbrosi/h ambrosia
a)mbro/sioj immortal
a)mbroto/pwloj with coursers of immortal strain
a)/mbrotoj immortal, divine
a)me/gartoj unenviable
a)mequ/stinoj of amethyst
a)me/qustoj not drunken
a)mei/bw to change, exchange
a)mei/liktoj unsoftened, cruel
a)mei/lixoj implacable, relentless
a)mei/nwn better, abler, stronger, braver
a)mei/rw to bereave of
a)/meiyij exchange, interchange
a)me/lgw to milk
a)me/leia indifference, negligence
a)me/lei never mind
a)melethsi/a want of practice
a)mele/thtoj unpractised
a)mele/w to have no care for, be neglectful of
a)melh/j careless, heedless, negligent
a)melhte/oj one must neglect
a)me/lhtoj not to be cared for
a)me/llhtoj not to be put off
a)/memptoj not to be blamed, blameless
a)memfi/a freedom from blame
a)menhno/j powerless, fleeting, feeble

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)menhno/w to deaden the force

a)me/rgw to pluck
a)me/rdw to deprive of, bereave of
a)merh/j without parts, indivisible
a)me/rimnoj free from care, unconcerned
a)metaki/nhtoj immovable
a)metame/lhtoj not to be repented of
a)metano/htoj not to be repented of
a)meta/statoj not to be transposed, unchangeable, unchanging
a)metastrepti/ without turning, straight forward
a)meta/streptoj without turning about
a)meta/strofoj unalterable
a)me/toxoj having no share of
a)me/trhtoj unmeasured, immeasurable, immense
a)metri/a excess, disproportion
a)metro/bioj of immensely long life
a)metroeph/j unmeasured in words
a)metropo/thj drinking to excess
a)/metroj without measure, immense, excessive, boundless
a)meu/omai to conquer
a)meusi/poroj with interchanging paths
a)mh/nitoj not angry
a)mh/n verily, of a truth, so be it
a)/mh a shovel
a(mh= in a certain way
a)/mhj milk-cake
a)mhth/r a reaper
a)/mhtoj a reaping, harvesting
a)mh/twr without mother, motherless
a)mhxane/w to be at a loss for
a)mhxani/a want of means, helplessness, impotence
a)mh/xanoj without means
a)mi/antoj undefiled
a)migh/j unmixed, pure
a)/miktoj unmingled, that will not mingle
a(milla/omai to compete, vie, contend with
a(/milla a contest for superiority, a conflict
a(mi/llhma a conflict
a(millhth/r a competitor in the race
a)mimhto/bioj inimitable in one's life
a)mi/mhtoj inimitable
a)mici/a want of intercourse
a(/mippoj keeping up with horses
a)misqi/ without reward
a)/misqoj without hire
a)mi/sqwtoj bringing in no rent

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)mi/j a chamber-pot
a)mitroxi/twnej wearing no girdle
a)mixqalo/eij inaccessible, inhospitable
a(/mma anything tied
a)mmori/a what is not one's fate, bad fortune
a)/mmoroj without share of
a)/mmoj sand
a)mmo/trofoj growing in sand
)ammwni/j of Ammon
)/ammwn Zeus-Ammon
a)mna/j a lamb
a)mnei=oj of a lamb
a)mnhmo/neutoj unmentioned, unheeded
a)mnhmone/w to be unmindful
a)mnhmosu/nh forgetfulness
a)mnh/mwn unmindful, forgetful
a)mnhste/w to be forgotten
a)mnhsti/a forgetfulness of wrong: an amnesty
a)/mnhstoj unremembered
a)mni/on a bowl in which the blood of victims was caught
a)mni/j a ewe-lamb
a)mnokw=n sheep-minded
a)mno/j a lamb
a)moghti/ without toil
a)mo/ghtoj unwearied, untiring
a)moqei/ without quarrel
a(mo/qen from some place or other, from what source soever
a)moibadi/j by turns, alternately
a)moibai=oj giving like for like, retributive
a)moiba/j for a change of raiment
a)moibhdi/j alternately, in succession
a)moibh/ a requital, recompense, compensation, return, payment
a)moibo/j one who exchanges
a)moire/w to have no share in
a)/moiroj without share in
a)molgai=oj of milk, made with milk
a)molgeu/j a milk-pail
a)mo/lgion a milk-pail
a)molgo/j in the hours before daybreak
a)/momfoj blameless
a)mo/rginoj made of Amorgian flax
a)morgi/j fine flax from the isle of Amorgos
a)/moroj unlucky, wretched
a)morfi/a unshapeliness, unsightliness
a)/morfoj misshapen, unsightly
a(mo/j our, ours

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a(mo/j as, when

a)/motoj raging, savage
a(mou= somewhere or other
a)mousi/a want of refinement, rudeness, grossness
a)/mousoj without the Muses, without taste, unrefined, inelegant, rude, gross
a)moxqei/ without effort
a)/moxqoj free from toil and trouble
a)mpe/linoj of the vine
a)mpeli/j a vine-plant
a)mpelo/eij rich in vines
a)/mpeloj a vine
a)mpelourge/w to dress vines
a)mpelourgo/j a vine-dresser
a)mpelofu/twr a vine-planter
a)mpelw/n a vineyard
a)mpexo/nh a fine robe
a)mpe/xw to surround, cover
a)mplakei=n to come short of
a)mpla/khma an error, fault, offence
a)mpuka/zw to bind the hair with a band
a)mpukth/r a horse's head-band
a)/mpuc a woman's head-band, snood
a)/mpwtij a being sucked back, the ebb-tide
a)mugda/linoj of almonds
a)mu/gdaloj an almond-tree
a)/mugma a scratching, tearing
a)/mudij together, at the same time
a)mudro/j indistinct, dim, obscure
a)mu/htoj uninitiated
a)mu/qhtoj unspeakable, unspeakably many
a)mu/khtoj where no herds low
)amu/klaqen from Amyclae
)amuklai/+zw to speak in the Amyclean
)amuklai=on the temple of Amyclaean Apollo
)amu/klai a sort of shoes
a)/muloj not ground at the mill
a)mu/mwn blameless, noble, excellent
a)muna/qw to defend, assist
)amuni/aj on its guard
a)munte/oj one must assist
a)munth/rion a means of defence
a)munth/rioj defensive
a)mu/ntwr a defender, helper
a)mu/nw to keep off, ward off
a)mu/ssw to scratch, tear, wound, lacerate, mangle
a)musti/zw to drink deep

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)musti/ without closing the mouth

a)/mustij a long draught
a)muxh/ a scratch, skin-wound
a)mfagapa/zw to embrace warmly, treat kindly, greet warmly
a)mfagei/romai to gather round
a)mfa/dioj public
a)mfado/n publicly, openly, without disguise
a)/mfadoj discovered, known
a)mfai/+ssomai to rush on from all sides
a)mfarabe/w to rattle
a)mfasi/h speechlessness
a)mfau+te/w to ring around
a)mfafa/w to touch
a)mfe/liktoj coiled round
a)mfeli/ssw to wrap
a)mfere/fw to cover up
a)mfe/rxomai to come round one, surround
a)mfh/khj two-edged
a)mfhrefh/j covered on both sides, close-covered
a)mfh/rhj fitted on both sides, well-fitted
a)mfhriko/j rowed on both sides, worked by sculls
a)mfh/ristoj contested on both sides
a)mfia/zw to clothe
a)mfi/aloj sea-girt
)amfia/raoj Amphiaraus
a)mfi/asma a garment
a)mfia/xw to fly shrieking about
a)mfibai/nw to go about
a)mfiba/llw to throw
a)mfi/basij a going round, encompassing
a)mfi/bioj living a double life
a)mfi/blhma something thrown round
a)mfi/blhstron anything thrown round
a)mfibo/htoj noised abroad
a)mfiboli/a the state of being attacked on both sides
a)mfi/boloj put round, encompassing
a)mfibo/skomai to eat all about
a)mfi/bouloj half-minded
a)mfi/brotoj covering the whole man
a)mfi/broxoj thoroughly soaked
a)mfibw/mioj round the altar
a)mfighqe/w to rejoice around
a)mfignoe/w to be doubtful about
a)mfigo/htoj bewailed all round
a)mfigu/eij he that halts in both feet, the lame one
a)mfi/guoj pointed at each end, double-pointed

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)mfidai/w to burn
a)mfida/knw to bite all round
a)mfida/krutoj all-tearful
a)mfi/dasuj fringed all round
a)mfide/ai things bound round, bracelets
a)mfide/cioj with two right hands, very dextrous
a)mfide/rkomai to look round about one
a)mfi/detoj bound
a)mfidh/ritoj disputed
a)mfidiai/nw to moisten all around
a)mfidine/omai to be put round, fitted closely round
a)mfidokeu/w to lie in wait for
a)mfidone/w to agitate violently
a)mfidoce/w to be doubtful
a)mfi/docoj with doubtful mind
a)mfi/doroj quite flayed
a)mfi/doxmoj as large as can be grasped
a)mfi/dromoj running round, encompassing, inclosing
a)mfidrufh/j having torn both cheeks
a)mfi/drufoj torn on both sides
a)mfi/dumoj two-fold, double
a)mfidu/w to put on
a)mfie/lissa rowed on both sides
a)mfie/nnumi to put round
a)mfie/pw to go about, be all round, encompass
a)mfi/esma a garment
a)mfiza/nw to sit on, settle upon
a)mfi/zeuktoj joined from both sides
a)mfiqa/lassoj with sea on both sides, sea-girt
a)mfiqalh/j blooming on both sides
a)mfiqa/llw to be in full bloom
a)mfiqa/lpw to warm on both sides
a)mfiqe/atron a double theatre, amphitheatre
a)mfi/qetoj that will stand on both ends
a)mfiqe/w to run round about
a)mfi/qhktoj sharpened on both sides, two-edged
a)mfi/qreptoj clotted round
a)mfi/quroj with double entrance
a)mfikalu/ptw to cover all round, enwrap, enfold
a)mfikea/zw to cleave asunder
a)mfi/keimai to lie round
a)mfikei/rw to shear all round
a)mfiki/wn with pillars all round
a)mfi/klastoj broken all round
a)mfi/klustoj washed on both sides by the waves
a)mfikome/w to tend on all sides

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)mfi/komoj with hair all round

a)mfi/kranoj two headed
a)mfikre/mamai to hang round
a)mfikremh/j hanging round
a)mfi/krhmnoj with cliffs all round
a)mfikru/ptw to cover
a)mfikti/onej they that dwell round, next neighbours
)amfiktu/onej the Amphictyons
)amfiktuoni/a the Amphictyonic League
)amfiktuoniko/j Amphictyonic, of the Amphictyons
)amfiktuoni/j a state in the Amphictyonic League
a)mfikuklo/omai to encircle, surround
a)mfikuli/ndw to roll around, to be pierced by
a)mfiku/pelloj double
a)mfi/laloj of double speech
a)mfilafh/j taking in on all sides, widespreading
a)mfilaxai/nw to dig round
a)mfile/gw to dispute about
a)mfi/lektoj discussed on all hands, doubtful
a)mfiloge/omai to dispute
a)mfilogi/a dispute, debate
a)mfi/logoj disputed, disputable
a)mfi/lofoj encompassing the neck
a)mfilu/kh the morning-twilight, gray of morning
a)mfima/omai to wipe all round
a)mfima/sxaloj round both arms, two-sleeved
a)mfima/xhtoj fought for
a)mfima/xomai to fight round
a)mfime/laj black all round
a)mfimeri/zomai to be completely parted
a)mfimh/torej brothers
a)mfimuka/omai to bellow around
a)mfineikh/j contested on all sides, eagerly wooed
a)mfine/momai to feed around
a)mfineu/w to nod this way and that way
a)mfinoe/w to think both ways, be in doubt
a)mfice/w to smooth all round
a)mfi/cooj polishing all round
a)mfi/paltoj tossed about, re-echoing
a)mfipata/ssw to strike on both sides
a)mfi/ on both sides
a)mfi/pedoj surrounded by a plain
a)mfipe/lomai to float around
a)mfipe/nomai to be busied about, take charge of
a)mfiperiple/gdhn twined round
a)mfiperiste/fomai to be put round as a crown

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)mfiperistrwfa/w to keep turning about all ways

a)mfiperitru/zw to chirp
a)mfiperifqinu/qw to decay all round
a)mfipie/zw to squeeze all round, hug closely
a)mfipi/ptw to fall around
a)mfi/plektoj intertwined
a)mfi/plhktoj beaten on both sides
a)mfiplh/c striking with both sides, double-edged
a)mfipoleu/w to be busied about, take care of
a)mfipole/w to attend constantly, to attend on, watch, guard
a)mfi/polij encompassing a city
a)mfi/poloj busied about, busy
a)mfipone/omai to attend to
a)mfipota/omai to fly round and round
a)mfipro/swpoj double-faced
a)mfiptuxh/ a folding round, embrace
a)mfi/puloj with two entrances
a)mfi/puroj with fire at each end
a)mfi/rutoj flowed around, sea-girt
a)mfisaleu/omai to toss about
a)mfi/sbaina a kind of serpent, that can go either forwards or backwards
a)mfisbhte/w to stand apart
a)mfisbh/thma a point in dispute
a)mfisbhth/simoj disputed, disputable
a)mfisbh/thsij a dispute, controversy, debate
a)mfisbh/thtoj debatable
a)mfi/j on
a)mfiste/llomai to fold round oneself
a)mfistefano/omai to stand all round like a crown
a)mfi/sthmi to place round
a)mfi/stomoj with double mouth
a)mfistrata/omai to beleaguer, besiege
a)mfistrefh/j turning all ways
a)mfistro/gguloj quite round
a)mfitanu/w to stretch all round
a)mfiteixh/j encompassing the walls
a)mfite/mnw to cut off on all sides, intercept
a)mfiti/qhmi to put round
a)mfitina/ssw to swing round
a)mfitittubi/zw to twitter
a)mfito/moj cutting with both sides, two-edged
a)mfi/tornoj well-rounded
a)mfitre/mw to tremble round
a)mfitre/xw to run round, surround
a)mfitrh/j pierced from end to end
a)mfi/trhtoj pierced through

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)mfitrome/w to tremble for

a)mfifaei/nw to beam around
a)mfi/faloj with double crest
a)mfifanh/j visible all round, known to all
a)mfifobe/omai to tremble all round
a)mfiforeu/j a large jar with two handles
a)mfifra/zomai to consider on all sides, consider well
a)mfixa/skw to gape round, gape for
a)mfixe/w to pour around, to pour
a)mfixoreu/w to dance around
a)mfixri/omai to anoint oneself all over
a)mfi/xrusoj gilded all over
a)mfi/xutoj poured around
a)mfi/xwloj lame in both feet
a)/mfodon a road round houses, a street
a)mforeu/j an amphora, jar, urn
a)mfote/rh| in both ways
a)mfotero/plooj sailing both ways
a)mfo/teroj each
a)mfote/rwqen from
a)mfote/rwqi on both sides
a)mfote/rwse to both sides
a)mfote/rwj in both ways
a)mfoudi/j off
a)mfw/boloj a javelin
a)/mfwtoj two-eared, two handled
a)mw/mhtoj unblamed, blameless
a)/mwmoj without blame, blameless
a)mw=j in some way or other
a)naba/dhn going up, mounting
a)nabai/nw to go up, mount, to go up to
a)nabakxeu/w to rouse to Bacchic frenzy
a)naba/llw to throw
a)nabapti/zw to dip repeatedly
a)na/basij a going up, mounting
a)nabasta/zw to raise
a)naba/thj one mounted
a)nabatiko/j skilled in mounting
a)nabato/j to be mounted
a)nabe/bruxa gushed
a)nabiba/zw to make go up, cause to mount
a)nabibaste/oj one must cause to mount
a)nabio/w to come to life again, return to life
a)nabi/wsij a reviving
a)nabiw/skomai to bring back to life

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nablasta/nw to shoot up, grow up again

a)nable/pw to look up
a)na/bleyij a looking up
a)na/blhsij a putting off, delay
a)nablu/zw to spout up
a)nablw/skw to go through
a)nabo/ama a loud cry
a)naboa/w to shout aloud, utter a loud cry
a)naboleu/j a groom who helps one to mount
a)nabolh/ that which is thrown up, a mound
a)nabra/ssw to boil well, seethe
a)na/brastoj boiled
a)nabrua/zw to neigh aloud
a)nabruxa/w to roar aloud
a)nagge/llw to carry back tidings of, report
a)na/ggeloj from which no messenger returns
a)nagela/w to laugh loud
a)nagenna/w to beget anew, regenerate
a)nageu/w to give
a)nagignw/skw to know well, know certainly
a)nagka/zw to force, compel
a)nagkai=on a place of constraint, a prison
a)nagkai=oj with
a)nagkaste/oj to be compelled
a)nagkasto/j forced, constrained
a)na/gkh force, constraint, necessity
a)nagna/mptw to bend back
a)/nagnoj impure, unclean, unholy, defiled
a)nagnw/risij recognition
a)na/gnwsij recognition
a)na/gnwsma a passage read aloud, a lecture
a)nagnw/sthj a reader, a slave trained to read
a)nagnwstiko/j suitable for reading
a)nago/reusij a public proclamation
a)nagoreu/w to proclaim publicly
a)nagrapte/oj one must register
a)na/graptoj inscribed, registered
a)nagrafeu/j a registrar
a)nagrafh/ a registering
a)nagra/fw to engrave and set up
a)nagru/zw to keep muttering
a)nagumno/w to strip naked, unveil
a)nagwgh/ a leading up
a)na/gwgoj ill-trained
a)nagw/nistoj without conflict
a)na/gw to lead up

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nadai/w to light up
a)nadasmo/j re-distribution
a)na/dastoj divided anew, re-distributed
a)nadate/omai to divide anew, redistribute
a)na/deigma a mouthpiece used by public criers
a)nadei/knumi to lift up and shew
a)na/deicij a proclamation
a)na/delfoj without brother
a)nade/rkomai to look up
a)nade/rw to strip the skin off
a)na/desij a binding on
a)nade/smh a band for the hair, a head-band
a)na/detoj binding up the hair
a)nadeu/w to moisten
a)nade/xomai to take up, catch, receive
a)nade/w to bind
a)nadida/skw to teach otherwise
a)nadi/dwmi to hold up and give
a)na/dikoj tried over again
a)nadiplo/omai to be made double
a)na/dosij a distribution: digestion
a)na/dotoj to be given up
a)nadoxh/ a taking up, undertaking
a)nadu/nw to come to the top of water
a)na/dusij a drawing back, retreat
a)na/ednoj without bridal gifts
a)naei/rw to lift up
a)na/elptoj unlooked for
a)naza/w to return to life, be alive again
a)nazeu/gnumi to yoke again
a)na/zeucij a marching off, return home
a)naze/w to boil up
a)nazhte/w to examine into, investigate
a)nazwgre/w to recall to life
a)nazw/nnumi to gird up
a)nazwpure/w to rekindle
a)naqa/llw to shoot up again
a)naqarse/w to regain courage
a)naqarsu/nw to fill with fresh courage
a)na/qema anything devoted to evil, an accursed thing
a)naqemati/zw to devote
a)naqermai/nw to warm up, heat again
a)naqete/oj one must attribute
a)naqhle/w to sprout afresh
a)na/qhma a votive offering set up
a)naqli/bw to press hard

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/naqloj without contest, not warlike

a)naqorube/w to cry out loudly, shout in applause
a)na/qremma a nursling
a)naqre/w to look up at, observe closely
a)naqrw/skw to spring up, bound up, rebound
a)naqumia/w to make to rise in vapour
a)nai/deia shamelessness, impudence, effrontery
a)naideu/omai to behave impudently
a)naidh/j shameless
a)naiqu/ssw to stir up, rouse
a)nai/qw to light up, set on fire
a)nai/maktoj unstained with blood
a)nai/matoj drained of blood
a)/naimoj without blood, bloodless
a)nai/mwn without blood, bloodless
a)naimwti/ without shedding blood
a)nai/nomai to reject with contempt, turn one's back on, spurn
a)nai/resij a taking up
a)naire/w to take up, raise
a)nai/rw to lift up
a)naisqhsi/a want of feeling
a)naisqhte/w to want perception
a)nai/sqhtoj insensate, unfeeling
a)naisimo/w to use up, use, consume
a)naisi/mwma consumption, expenditure
a)nai/+ssw to start up, rise quickly
a)naisxunte/w to be shameless, behave impudently
a)naisxunti/a shamelessness
a)nai/sxuntoj shameless, impudent
a)nai/tioj not being the cause
a)nakagxa/zw to burst out laughing
a)nakaqai/rw to clear completely:&mdash
a)naka/qhmai to sit upright
a)nakaqi/zw to set up
a)nakaino/w to renew, restore:&mdash
a)nakai/nwsij renewal
a)nakai/w to light up
a)nakale/w to call up the dead
a)nakalupth/ria presents
a)nakalu/ptw to uncover
a)naka/mptw to bend back
a)na/kanqoj without spine
a)naka/ptw to gulp down
a)na/keimai to be laid up
)ana/keion the temple of the Dioscuri
a)nake/ladoj a loud shout

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nakera/nnumi to mix up
)/anakej the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux
a)nakefalaio/w to sum up the argument:&mdash
a)nakhki/w to spout up, gush forth
a)nakhru/ssw to proclaim by voice of herald, publish abroad
a)nakinduneu/w to run into danger again, to run a fresh risk
a)nakine/w to sway
a)naki/nhsij a swinging to and fro
a)naki/rnamai to mix well
a)nakla/zw to cry aloud, scream out
a)naklai/w to weep aloud, burst into tears
a)nakla/w to bend back
a)na/klhsij a calling on, invocation
a)naklhtiko/j fit for exhorting
a)nakli/nw to lean
a)na/klitoj leaning back
a)naklw/qw to undo the
a)nakogxulia/zw to open and counterfeit a seal
a)nakoino/w to communicate
a)nakoirane/w to rule
a)nakomidh/ a carrying away again, recovery
a)nakomi/zw to carry up
a)nakonti/zw to dart
a)nakoph/ a beating back: the recoil
a)nako/ptw to drive back
a)nakoufi/zw to lift up
a)nakou/fisij relief
a)nakra/zw to cry out, lift up the voice
a)na/krasij a mixing with others
a)nakre/komai to tune up
a)nakrema/nnumi to hang up on
a)nakri/nw to examine closely, to question, interrogate
a)na/krisij examination of parties concerned in a suit, a preparation
a)nakrote/w to lift up and strike together
a)na/krousij a pushing back
a)nakrouste/oj one must check
a)nakrou/w to push back, stop short, check
a)nakta/omai to regain for oneself, get back again, recover
a)naktori/a management
a)nakto/rioj belonging to a lord
a)na/ktoron a palace
a)nakuka/w to stir up and mix, mix up
a)nakukle/w to turn round again
a)nakuklo/omai to revolve
a)nakumbalia/zw to fall rattling over
a)naku/ptw to lift up the head

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nakwku/w to wail aloud

a)nakw=j carefully
a)nala/zomai to take again
a)nalala/zw to raise a war-cry, cry aloud
a)nalamba/nw to take up, take into one's hands
a)nala/mpw to flame up, take fire
a)nalghsi/a want of feeling, insensibility
a)nalgh/j painless
a)na/lghtoj without pain
a)naldh/j not thriving, feeble
a)nale/gw to pick up, gather up
a)nalei/xw to lick up
a)na/lhyij a taking up
a)nalqh/j powerless to heal
a)nali/skw to use up, to spend, lavish
a)na/lkeia want of strength, feebleness
a)/nalkij without strength, impotent, feeble
a)na/llomai to leap
a)/nalmoj not salted
a)nalogi/a proportion
a)nalogi/zomai to reckon up, sum up
a)nalogismo/j reconsideration
a)na/logoj proportionate
a)/naltoj not to be filled, insatiate
a)na/lusij a loosing, releasing
a)naluth/r a deliverer
a)nalu/w to unloose, undo
a)na/lwma expenditure, cost
a)na/lwsij outlay, expenditure
a)nalwth/j a spender, waster
a)nalwtiko/j expensive
a)na/lwtoj not to be taken, invincible, impregnable
a)namaima/w to rage through
a)namanqa/nw to inquire closely
a)nama/ceutoj impassable for wagons
a)nama/rthtoj without missing, unfailing, unerring
a)namasa/omai to chew over again, ruminate
a)nama/ssw to wipe off
a)nama/xomai to renew the fight, retrieve a defeat
a)na/mbatoj that one cannot mount
a)name/lpw to begin to sing
a)name/nw to wait for, await
a)na/mesoj in the midland
a)na/mestoj filled full
a)namesto/w to fill up, fill full
a)nametre/w to re-measure the road

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)name/trhsij a measurement
a)namhruka/omai to chew the cud
a)na/miga promiscuously
a)nami/gnumi to mix up, mix together
a)namimnh/skw to remind
a)na/micij intercourse
a)nami/c promiscuously
a)namisqarne/w to serve again for pay
a)na/mnhsij a calling to mind, recollection
a)namnhsto/j that which one can recollect
a)namormu/rw to roar loudly, boil up
a)namoxleu/w to raise by a lever, to force open
a)nampla/khtoj unerring, unfailing
a)namuxqi/zomai to moan loudly
a)namfi/boloj unambiguous
a)namfi/logoj undisputed, undoubted
a)namfisbh/thtoj undisputed, indisputable
a)nandri/a want of manhood
a)/nandroj husbandless
a)na/ndrwtoj widowed
a)nanea/zw to renew one's youth
a)nane/mw to divide anew
a)nane/omai to mount up
a)naneo/omai to renew
a)naneu/w to throw the head back
a)nane/wsij a renewal
a)nanh/fw to return to sobriety of mind
a)nanqh/j without bloom, past its bloom
a)nantagw/nistoj without a rival, without a struggle
a)/nanta up-hill
a)na/nthj up-hill, steep
a)nanti/lektoj incontestable
a)nacai/nw to tear open
a)nachrai/nw to dry up
a)naci/a a command, behest
a)na/cioj unworthy, not deemed
a)nacifo/rmigc ruled by the lyre
a)/nac a lord, master
a)nacuri/dej the trousers
a)nacu/w to scrape up
a)napaideu/w to educate afresh
a)na/paistoj struck back, rebounding
a)napai/w to strike back
a)na/palin back again
a)napa/llw to swing to and fro
a)napa/ssw to sprinkle upon

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)na/paula repose, rest

a)na/pauma a repose, rest
a)na/pausij repose, rest
a)napausth/rioj of
a)napau/w to make to cease, to stop
a)na/ up, upon
a)na- priv
a)napei/qw to bring over, convince
a)napeira/omai to try
a)napei/rw to pierce through, fix on a spit
a)napeisth/rioj persuasive
a)napempa/zomai to count again, count over
a)nape/mpw to send up
a)napeta/nnumi to spread out, unfold, unfurl
a)nape/tomai to fly up, fly away
a)naph/gnumi to transfix, impale
a)naphda/w to leap up, start up
a)na/phroj much maimed, crippled
a)napidu/w to send forth water
a)napi/mplhmi to fill up
a)napi/ptw to fall back
a)napla/ssw to form anew, remodel
a)naple/kw to enwreath
a)na/pleoj quite full of
a)naple/w to sail up, to go up stream
a)naplhro/w to fill up
a)naplh/rwsij a filling up
a)naplhrwte/oj one must fill up
a)na/plooj a sailing upstream
a)naplo/w to unfold, open
a)na/pneuma a resting-place
a)na/pneusij recovery of breath, respite from
a)na/pneustoj without breath, breathless
a)napne/w to breathe again, take breath
a)napnoh/ recovery of breath, revival
a)napodi/zw to make to step back, call back, cross-examine
a)na/poinoj without ransom
a)napole/w to turn up
a)napomph/ a sending up
a)napo/mpimoj sent back
a)napompo/j one that sends up
a)napo/niptoj unwashen
a)napra/ssw to exact, levy
a)naprh/qw to blow forth, to let burst forth
a)naptero/w to raise its feathers
a)naptoe/w to scare exceedingly

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)naptu/ssw to unfold
a)naptuxh/ the expanse
a)naptu/w to spit up, sputter
a)na/ptw to make fast on
a)napunqa/nomai to inquire closely into, ascertain
a)na/pustoj ascertained, notorious
a)/narqroj without joints, not articulated
a)nariqme/omai to enumerate
a)nari/qmhtoj not to be counted, countless
a)na/riqmoj without number, countless, numberless
a)/narktoj not governed
a)na/rmenoj unequipped
a)narmoste/w not to fit
a)narmosti/a discord
a)na/rmostoj unsuitable, incongruous, disproportionate
a)narpagh/ re-capture
a)narpa/zw to snatch up
a)narpasto/j snatched up, carried off
a)narrh/gnumi to break up
a)na/rrhcij breakage
a)na/rrhsij a proclamation
a)narri/ptw to throw up
a)narrixa/omai to clamber up with the hands and feet, scramble up
a)narroibde/w to suck down again
a)na/rrusij rescue
a)narrw/nnumi to strengthen afresh
a)na/rsioj not fitting, incongruous
a)narta/w to hang to
a)narte/omai to be ready, prepared
a)na/rtioj uneven, odd
a)narxai/+zw to make old again
a)narxi/a lack of a leader
a)/narxoj without head
a)nasaleu/w to shake up, stir up
a)naseira/zw to draw back with a rein, to hold in check
a)nasei/w to shake back, swing to and fro, move up and down
a)naseu/omai sprang forth, spouted up
a)na/silloj bristling hair
a)naska/ptw to dig up, to dig up ground
a)naskeda/nnumi to scatter abroad
a)naskeua/zw to pack up the baggage
a)na/skhtoj unpractised, unexercised
a)naskolopi/zw to fix on a pole
a)naskope/w to look at narrowly, examine well
a)nasobe/w to scare and make to start up, to rouse
a)naspara/ssw to tear up

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)naspasto/j drawn up
a)naspa/w to draw up, pull up
a)/nassa a queen, lady, mistress
a)na/ssw to be lord, master, owner, to rule, in
a)nastado/n standing up, upright
a)na/stasij a raising up
a)nastath/r a destroyer
a)na/statoj made to rise up and depart, driven from one's home
a)nastato/w to unsettle, upset
a)nastauro/w to impale
a)naste/llw to raise up
a)nastena/zw didst thou groan forth
a)nastenaxi/zw to groan aloud
a)nastena/xw to groan aloud over, bemoan
a)naste/nw to groan aloud
a)naste/fw to crown, wreath
a)nasthri/zw to set up firmly
a)nastolh/ a putting back
a)nastomo/w to furnish with a mouth
a)nastre/fw to turn upside down, upset
a)nastrolo/ghtoj ignorant of astrology
a)nastrofh/ a turning upside down, upsetting
a)na-strwfa/w to keep turning about
a)nasu/romai to pull up one's clothes
a)nasfa/llw to rise from a fall
a)na/sxesij a taking on oneself, endurance
a)nasxi/zw to rip up
a)nasw/zw to recover what is lost, rescue
a)natara/ssw to disturb greatly, rouse to frenzy, confound
a)natei/nw to stretch up, hold up
a)nateixi/zw to rebuild
a)nateixismo/j a rebuilding of the walls
a)nate/llw to make to rise up
a)nate/mnw to cut open
a)nati/qhmi to lay upon
a)natima/w to raise in price
a)natina/ssw to shake up and down, brandish
a)nati/ without harm, with impunity
a)natlh=nai to bear up against, endure
a)natolh/ a rising, rise
a)natolma/w to regain courage
a)/natoj unharmed
a)natrepte/oj one must overthrow
a)natreptiko/j likely to upset
a)natre/pw to turn up
a)natre/fw to feed up, nurse up, educate

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)natre/xw to run back

a)na/trhsij a trepanning
a)natri/bw to rub well, rub clean
a)natroph/ an upsetting, overthrow
a)natuli/ssw to unroll
a)natupo/w to impress again
a)naturba/zw to stir up, confound
a)nau/ghtoj rayless, sunless
a)nau/dhtoj not to be spoken, unutterable, ineffable
a)/naudoj speechless, silent
a)/nauloj without the flute
)/anauroj a torrent
a)/nauj without ships
a)nau/w to cry aloud
a)nafai/nw to make to give light, make to blaze up
a)nafalanti/aj bald in front
a)nafanda/ visibly, openly
a)nafe/rw to bring
a)nafeu/gw to flee up
a)nafh/j not to be touched, impalpable
a)nafqe/ggomai to call out aloud
a)nafqei/romai to be undone
a)naflegmai/nw to inflame and swell up
a)nafle/gw to light up, rekindle
a)na/flecij a lighting up
a)naflu/w to bubble
a)nafobe/w to frighten away
a)na-fora/ a carrying back, reference
a)na/foron a pole
a)nafra/zomai to be ware of
a)nafro/ditoj without the favour of Venus
a)nafrone/w to come back to one's senses
a)nafronti/zw to meditate how
a)nafugh/ escape from
a)nafu/rw to mix up, confound:&mdash
a)nafusa/w to blow up
a)nafusia/w to blow upwards
a)nafu/w to produce again, to let grow
a)nafwne/w to call aloud, declaim
a)nafw/nhma a proclamation
a)nafw/nhsij an outcry, ejaculation
a)naxa/zw to make to recoil, force back
a)naxaiti/zw to throw back the mane, rear up
a)naxa/skw to open the mouth, gape wide
a)naxe/w to pour forth
a)naxnoai/nomai to get the first down

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)naxoreu/w to begin a choral dance

a)na/xusij effusion
a)naxwneu/w to fuse again
a)naxw/nnumi to heap up into a mound
a)naxwre/w to go back
a)naxw/rhsij a drawing back, retiring, retreating
a)naxwrhte/oj one must withdraw, retreat
a)naxwri/zw to make to go back
a)naya/w to wipe up:&mdash
a)nayhfi/zw to put to the vote again
a)nayuxh/ a cooling, refreshing: relief, recovery, respite
a)nayu/xw to cool, to revive by fresh air, to refresh
a(nda/nw to please, delight, gratify
a)/ndhron a raised border, flower-bed
a)/ndixa asunder, in twain
a)ndragaqe/w brave deeds
a)ndraga/qhma a brave deed
a)ndragaqi/a bravery, manly virtue, the character of a brave honest man
a)ndragaqi/zomai to act bravely, honestly, play the honest man
a)ndra/gria the spoils of a slain enemy
a)ndraka/j man by man
a)ndrapodi/zw to reduce to slavery, enslave
a)ndrapodismo/j a selling free men into slavery, enslaving
a)ndrapodisth/j a slave-dealer, kidnapper
a)ndrapodoka/phloj a slave-dealer
a)ndra/podon one taken in war and sold as a slave, a captive
a)ndrapodw/dhj slavish, servile, abject
a)ndra/rion a manikin
a)ndraxqh/j loading a man, as much as a man can carry
a)ndrei/a manliness, manhood, manly spirit
a)ndrei/kelon an image of a man
a)ndrei/keloj like a man
a)ndrei=oj of
a)ndreifo/nthj man-slaying
a)ndrhlate/w to banish from house and home
a)ndrhla/thj he that drives one from home, the avenger of blood
a)ndrianti/skoj a puppet
a)ndriantopoie/w to make statues
a)ndriantopoii/+a the sculptor's art, statuary
a)ndriantopoio/j a statue-maker, statuary, sculptor
a)ndria/j the image of a man, a statue
a)ndri/zw to make a man of
a)ndriko/j of
a)ndri/on a manikin
a)ndriste/oj one must play the man
a)ndristi/ like a man, like men

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ndrobo/roj man-devouring
a)ndro/bouloj of manly counsel, man-minded
a)ndrobrw/j man-eating
a)ndrogo/noj begetting males
a)ndro/gunoj a man-woman, hermaphrodite
a)ndroda/i+ktoj man-slaying
a)ndroda/maj man-taming
a)ndroqe/a the man-goddess
a)ndro/qen from a man
a)ndroqnh/j murderous
a)ndrokmh/j man-wearying
a)ndro/kmhtoj wrought by men's hands
a)ndroktasi/a slaughter of men
a)ndroktone/w to slay men
a)ndrokto/noj man-slaying, murdering
a)ndrole/teira a murderess
a)ndrolhyi/a seizure of men
a)ndroma/xoj fighting with men
a)ndro/meoj of man
a)ndromh/khj of a man's height
a)ndro/paij a man-boy
a)ndroplh/qeia a multitude of men
a)ndro/sinij hurtful to men
a)ndrosfagei=on a slaughter-house of men
a)ndro/sfigc a man-sphinx, sphinx with the bust of a man
a)ndro/thj manliness, manhood, courage
a)ndrotuxh/j getting a husband
a)ndrofage/w to eat men
a)ndrofa/goj eating men
a)ndro/fqoroj of a slain man
a)ndrofqo/roj man-destroying, murderous
a)ndrofoni/a slaughter of men
a)ndrofo/noj man-slaying
a)ndro/w to rear up into manhood
a)ndrw/dhj like a man, manly
a)ndrw/n the men's apartment
a)ne/braxe clashed
a)ne/gguoj not accredited
a)negei/rw to wake up, rouse
a)nege/rmwn wakeful
a)ne/gklhtoj not accused, without reproach, void of offence
a)ne/dhn let loose, freely, without restraint
a)neqe/lhtoj unwished for, unwelcome
a)neilei/quia without the aid of Eileithuia
a)neile/w to roll up together:&mdash
a)neime/nosoj let go free, released from labour

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/neimi to go up
a)nei/mwn without clothing, unclad
a)neipei=n to say aloud, announce, proclaim
a)nei/rgw to keep back, restrain
a)nei/rw to fasten on
a)nei/sodoj without entrance
a)neisfori/a exemption from the
a)nei/sforoj exempt from the
a)ne/kaqen from above
a)neka/j upwards
a)ne/kbatoj without outlet
a)nekdih/ghtoj ineffable
a)ne/kdotoj not given in marriage
a)ne/kdromoj inevitable
a)nekla/lhtoj unspeakable
a)nekpi/mplhmi to fill up
a)ne/kplhktoj undaunted, intrepid
a)nekte/oj to be borne
a)nekto/j bearable, sufferable, tolerable
a)ne/legktoj not cross-questioned, safe from being questioned
a)nele/gxw to convince
a)neleh/mwn merciless, without mercy
a)ne/leoj unmerciful
a)neleuqeri/a illiberality
a)neleu/qeroj not fit for a free man
a)ne/ligma anything rolled up, a ringlet
a)ne/licij an unfolding
a)neli/ssw to unroll
a)ne/lkw to draw up
a)/nelpij without hope, hopeless
a)ne/lpistoj unhoped for, unlooked for
a)ne/mbatoj inaccessible
a)neme/shtoj free from blame, without offence
a)ne/mhtoj not distributed
a)nemi/zomai to be driven with the wind
a)nemo/dromoj running with the wind
a)ne/molon to go through
a)nemoskeph/j sheltering from the wind
a)/nemoj wind
a)nemosfa/ragoj echoing to the wind
a)nemotrefh/j fed by the wind
a)nemo/w to expose to the wind:&mdash
a)ne/mplhktoj intrepid
a)nempo/distoj unembarrassed
a)nemw/khj swift as the wind
a)nemw/lioj windy

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nemw/nh the wind-flower, anemone

a)nendeh/j in want of naught
a)ne/ndektoj impossible
a)nendoi/astoj indubitable
a)neca/leiptoj indelible
a)nece/legktoj unquestioned, impossible to be questioned
a)nece/rgastoj unfinished
a)nece/tastoj not inquired into
a)neceu/retoj not to be found out
a)neci/kakoj enduring evil, forbearing, long-suffering
a)necixni/astoj not to be traced, unsearchable, inscrutable
a)ne/codoj with no outlet, allowing no return
a)ne/ortoj without festival
a)nepai/sqhtoj unperceived, imperceptible
a)nepai/sxuntoj having no cause for shame
a)ne/pafoj untouched
a)nepaxqh/j not burdensome, without offence
a)nepibou/leutoj without plots
a)nepi/grafoj without title
a)nepi/dikoj not disputed by legal process, undisputed
a)nepiei/keia unfairness, unkindness
a)nepieikh/j unreasonable, unfair
a)nepi/klhtoj unaccused, unblamed
a)nepi/lhptoj not open to attack, not censured, blameless
a)nepi/miktoj not mixing
a)nepi/cestoj not polished
a)nepi/plektoj without connexion with others, isolated
a)nepi/rrektoj not dedicated
a)nepi/skeptoj inattentive, inconsiderate
a)nepisthmosu/nh want of knowledge, ignorance, unskilfulness
a)nepisth/mwn not knowing, ignorant, unskilful
a)nepi/taktoj subject to no control
a)nepith/deioj unserviceable, unfit
a)nepith/deutoj made without care
a)nepiti/mhtoj not to be censured
a)nepi/fqonoj without reproach
a)ne/ramai to love again, love anew
a)ne/rastoj not loved
a)ne/rgastoj unwrought, untilled
a)/nergoj not done
a)nereqi/zw to stir up, excite
a)nerei/pomai to snatch up and carry off
a)nereuna/w to examine closely, investigate
a)nereu/nhtoj not investigated
a)ne/romai to enquire of, question
a)ne/rpw to creep up

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ne/rrw to go quite away

a)neruqria/w to begin to blush, blush up
a)neru/w to draw up, haul up
a)ne/rxomai to go up
a)nerwta/w to ask
a)/nesij a loosening, relaxing
a)ne/stioj without hearth and home, homeless
a)neta/zw to examine closely
a)nete/oj one must dismiss
a)/netoj relaxed, slack, loose
a)/neuqe without
a)neu/qetoj inconvenient
a)neu/qunoj not having to render an account, irresponsible
a)/neuktoj not wishing, not praying
a)/neu without
a)neu/resij a discovery
a)neuri/skw to find out, make out, discover
a)neufhme/w to shout
a)ne/feloj unclouded, cloudless
a)nexe/gguoj not giving surety
a)ne/xw to hold up
a)neyiadou=j a first-cousin's son
a)neyio/j a first-cousin, cousin
a)/new without a sound, in silence
a)nhba/w to grow young again
a)nhbhth/rioj returning as in youth
a)/nhboj not yet come to man's estate, beardless
a)nhgemo/neutoj without leader
a)nhge/omai to tell as in a narrative, relate, recount
a)nh/duntoj not sweetened
a)nh/qinoj made of anise
a)/nhqon anise, dill
a)nh/kestoj not to be healed, incurable, irreparable, fatal
a)nh/kooj without hearing
a)nhkouste/w to be unwilling to hear, to disobey
a)nh/koustoj unheard of
a)nh/kw to have come up to
a)nhleh/j without pity, unmerciful:&mdash
a)nh/lioj without sun, sunless
a)nh/lipoj unshod, barefoot
a)nh/melktoj unmilked
a)nh/meroj not tame, wild, savage
a)nh/nemoj without wind
a)nh/noqe gushed forth from
a)nh/nustoj ineffectual
a)nh/nutoj endless

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nh/nwr unmanly
a)nhpu/w to cry aloud, roar
a)/nh fulfilment
a)nh/rotoj unploughed, untilled
a)nh/r a man
a)nh/faistoj without real fire
a)nqaire/omai to choose
a)nqali/skomai to be captured in turn
a)nqamilla/omai to vie one with another, to race one another
a)nqa/milloj vying with, rivalling
a)nqa/ptomai to lay hold of in turn
a)/nqeion a flower, blossom
a)nqekte/oj one must cleave to
a)nqe/lkw to draw
a)nqe/mion with flowers
a)nqemo/eij flowery
a)/nqemon costliest
a)nqemo/rrutoj flowing from flowers
a)nqemourgo/j working in flowers
a)nqemw/dhj flowery, blooming
a)nqerew/n the chin
a)nqe/ric the beard
)anqesth/ria the feast of flowers
)anqesthriw/n Anthesterion
a)nqestia/w to entertain in return
a)nqesfo/roj bearing flowers, flowering
a)nqe/w to blossom, bloom
a)/nqh full bloom
a)nqhro/j flowering, blooming
a)nqhssa/omai to give way in turn
a)nqi/zw to strew
a)nqino/j like flowers, blooming, fresh
a)nqippasi/a a sham-fight of horse
a)nqippeu/w to ride against
a)nqi/sthmi to set against
a)nqobole/w to bestrew with flowers
a)nqo/boloj garlanded with flowers
a)nqodi/aitoj living on flowers
a)nqodo/koj holding flowers
a)nqokome/w to produce flowers
a)nqoko/moj decked with flowers, flowery
a)nqokrate/w to govern flowers
a)nqo/krokoj worked with flowers
a)nqolkh/ a pulling in the contrary direction, resistance
a)nqologi/a a flower-gathering
a)nqolo/goj flower-gathering

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nqomologe/omai to make a mutual agreement

a)nqopli/zw to arm against
a)nqorme/w to lie at anchor opposite to
a)nqosmi/aj redolent of flowers
a)/nqoj a blossom, flower
a)nqosu/nh bloom, luxuriant growth
a)nqofore/w to bear flowers
a)nqofo/roj bearing flowers, flowery
a)nqofuh/j party-coloured
a)nqrakia/ a heap of charcoal, hot embers
a)nqraki/aj a man black as a collier
a)nqraki/zw to make charcoal of, to roast
a)nqrako/w to be burnt to cinders
a)/nqrac charcoal, coal
a)nqrh/nh a hornet, wasp
a)nqrh/nion a wasp's nest
a)nqrwpa/reskoj a man-pleaser
a)nqrwpa/rion a manikin
a)nqrwpe/h a man's skin
a)nqrw/peioj of
a)nqrwpeu/omai to be
a)nqrwpi/zw to be
a)nqrwpiko/j of
a)nqrw/pinoj of, from
a)nqrw/pion a manikin
a)nqrwpodai/mwn a man-god
a)nqrwpoeidh/j like a man, in human form
a)nqrwpoqusi/a a human sacrifice
a)nqrwpokto/noj murdering men, a homicide
a)nqrwpo/ktonoj furnished by slaughtered men
a)nqrwpolo/goj speaking of man
a)nqrwpopoii/+a a making of man
a)nqrwpopoio/j making men
a)/nqrwpoj man
a)nqrwposfage/w to slay men
a)nqrwpofage/w to eat men
a)nqrwpofagi/a an eating of men
a)nqrwpofa/goj man eating
a)nqrwpofuh/j of man's nature
a)nqubri/zw to abuse one another, abuse in turn
a)nqupa/gw to bring to trial in turn
a)nqupateu/w to be proconsul
a)nqupatiko/j proconsular
a)nqu/patoj a proconsul
a)nqupei/kw to yield in turn
a)nqu/peicij a mutual yielding

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nquphrete/w to serve in turn

a)nqupokri/nomai to answer in return
a)nqupo/mnumai to make a counter-affidavit
a)nqupopteu/w to suspect mutually
a)nqupourge/w to return a kindness
a)nqufi/stamai to undertake to serve
a)nia/zw to grieve, distress
a)nia/omai to cure again, repair
a)ni/a grief, sorrow, distress, trouble
a(ni/a a rein
a)niaro/j grievous, troublesome, annoying
a)ni/atoj incurable
a)nia/xw to cry aloud
a)nia/w to grieve, distress
a)nidrwti/ without sweat
a)ni/drwtoj without having sweated
a)ni/eroj unholy, unhallowed
a)niero/w to dedicate, devote
a)ni/hmi to send up
a)ni/kanoj insufficient, incapable
a)nike/teutoj without prayer, not entreating
a)ni/khtoj unconquered, unconquerable
a)ni/lewj unmerciful
a)nima/w to draw up
a)/nippoj without horse, not serving on horseback
a)nipto/pouj with unwashen feet
a)/niptoj unwashen
a)/nisoj unequal, uneven
a)niso/thj inequality
a)niso/w to make equal, equalise
a)ni/sthmi to make to stand up, raise up
a)nistore/w to make inquiry into, ask about
a)nisto/rhtoj ignorant of history
a)ni/swsij equalisation
a)nixneu/w to trace back
a)nnibi/zw to side with Hannibal
a)nodhge/w to guide back
a)/nodoj having no road, impassable
a)/nodoj a way up
a)nodu/romai to set up a wailing
a)noh/mwn without understanding
a)no/htoj not thought on, unheard of
a)/noia want of understanding, folly
a)noi/gnumi to open
a)noide/w to swell up
a)noiki/zw to remove up the country

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)noikodome/w to build up
a)/noikoj houseless, homeless
a)noikte/oj one must open
a)noikti/rmwn pitiless, merciless
a)noi/ktistoj unpitied, unmourned
a)/noiktoj pitiless, ruthless
a)noikto/j opened
a)noimw/zw to wail aloud
a)noimwkti/ without need to wail, with impunity
a)noi/mwktoj unlamented
a)/noicij an opening
a)noiste/oj one must report
a)/noistoj referred
a)noistre/w to goad to madness
a)nokwxeu/w to hold back
a)nokwxh/ a stay, cessation
a)nolbi/a misery
a)/nolboj unblest, wretched, luckless
a)nolkh/ a hauling up
a)nololu/zw to cry aloud, shout (with joy)
a)nolofu/romai to break into loud wailing
a)nomali/zw to restore to equality, equalise
a)/nombroj without rain
a)nome/w to act lawlessly
a)nomi/a lawlessness
a)nomi/lhtoj having no communion with others, unsociable
a)no/mmatoj eyeless, sightless
a)nomoioeidh/j of unlike kind, heterogeneous
a)no/moioj unlike, dissimilar
a)nomoio/thj dissimilarity
a)nomoio/w to make unlike
a)nomologe/omai to agree upon
a)nomologhte/oj one must admit
a)nomologi/a disagreement
a)nomo/logoj not agreeing
a)nomologou/menoj not agreeing, inconsistent
a)/nomoj without law, lawless
a)no/nhtoj unprofitable, useless
a)/nooj without understanding, foolish, silly
a)nopai=a unseen
a)/noploj without the
a)nora/w to look up
a)no/rganoj without instruments
a)norqo/w to set up again, restore, rebuild
a)/normoj without harbour
a)no/rnumi to rouse, stir up

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)norou/w to start up, leap up

a)no/rofoj roofless
a)nortali/zw to clap the wings and crow
a)noru/ssw to dig up
a)norxe/omai to leap up and dance
a)no/sioj unholy, profane
a)nosio/thj profaneness
a)/nosoj without sickness, healthy, sound
a)no/steoj boneless
a)no/sthtoj whence none return
a)no/stimoj not returning
a)/nostoj unreturning, without return
a)nototu/zw to break out into wailing
a)nou/atoj without ear: without handle
a)nou/tatoj unwounded
a)nouthti/ without wound
a)noxh/ a holding back, stopping
a)noxma/zw to hoist, lift up
a)nsxeto/j to be borne, sufferable, endurable
a)ntagora/zw to buy with money received in payment
a)ntagoreu/w to speak against, reply
a)ntagwni/zomai to struggle against, prove a match for
a)ntagwniste/w to oppose, be a rival
a)ntagwnisth/j an opponent, competitor, rival
a)ntaei/rw to raise one's
a)/ntaqloj contending against, rivalling
a)ntaide/omai to respect in return
a)ntai=oj set over against, right opposite
a)ntai/rw to raise against
a)ntaite/w to demand in return
a)ntakai=oj sturgeon
a)ntakou/w to hear in turn
a)ntalala/zw to return a shout
a)nta/llagma that which is given
a)ntallakte/oj one must give in exchange
a)ntalla/ssw to exchange
a)ntamei/bomai to exchange
a)ntamu/nomai to defend oneself against, resist
a)ntanabiba/zw to make go up in turn
a)ntana/gw to lead up against
a)ntanaire/w to take away from the opposite sides of an account, to cancel
a)ntanali/skw to destroy in return
a)ntaname/nw to wait instead
a)ntanapi/mplhmi to fill up in return
a)ntanaple/kw to plait in rivalry with
a)ntanaplhro/w to supply as a substitute

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/ntandroj instead of a man, as a substitute

a)nta/neimi to rise so as to balance
a)ntani/sthmi to set up against
a)nta/cioj worth just as much as
a)ntacio/w to demand as equivalent
a)ntapaite/w to demand in return
a)ntapamei/bomai to obey in turn
a)ntaperu/kw to keep off in turn
a)ntapodei/knumi to prove in return
a)ntapodi/dwmi to give back, repay, tender in repayment
a)ntapo/doma repayment, requital
a)ntapo/dosij a giving back in turn
a)ntapokri/nomai to answer again
a)ntapoktei/nw to kill in return
a)ntapolamba/nw to receive
a)ntapo/llumi to destroy in return
a)ntapoti/w to requite, repay
a)ntapofai/nw to shew on the other hand
a)/nta over against, face to face
a)ntarke/w to hold out against
a)ntaspa/zomai to welcome
a)ntaugei/a reflexion of light
a)ntauge/w to reflect light
a)ntauda/w to speak against, answer
a)ntau/w to sound in turn, answer
a)ntafi/hmi to let go
a)nta/w to come opposite to, meet face to face, meet with
a)nteggra/fw to insert
a)ntegkale/w to accuse in turn
a)nteika/zw to compare in return
a)ntei=pon to speak against
a)nteisa/gw to introduce instead, substitute
a)ntekkle/ptw to steal away in return
a)ntekko/ptw to knock out in return
a)ntekpe/mpw to send out in return
a)ntekple/w to sail out against
a)ntektei/nw to stretch out in opposition
a)ntekti/qhmi to set forth
a)ntektre/xw to sally out against
a)ntelau/nw to sail against
a)ntelpi/zw to hope instead
a)ntemba/llw to make an inroad in turn
a)ntembiba/zw to put on board instead
a)ntemph/gnumai Pass. to stick right in
a)ntempi/plhmi to fill in turn
a)ntempi/prhmi to set on fire in return

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nte/mfasij difference of appearance

a)ntendi/dwmi to give way in turn
a)nteca/gw to export in turn
a)ntecaite/w to demand in return
a)ntecelau/nw to drive, ride, sail out against
a)ntece/rxomai to go out against
a)nteceta/zw to try
a)ntecippeu/w to ride out against
a)nteco/rmhsij a sailing against
a)ntepa/gw to lead against
a)ntepaine/w to praise in return
a)ntepana/gomai to put to sea against
a)ntepafi/hmi to let slip against
a)nte/peimi to rush upon, meet an advancing enemy
a)ntepeca/gw to go out against
a)ntepe/ceimi to march out
a)ntepecelau/nw to march out
a)ntephxe/w to clamour against
a)ntepibouleu/w to form counter-designs
a)ntepigra/fw to write
a)ntepidei/knumi to exhibit in turn
a)ntepiqume/w to desire
a)ntepikoure/w to help in return
a)ntepimele/omai to attend
a)ntepiste/llw to write an answer
a)ntepistrateu/w to take the field against
a)ntepita/ssw to order in turn
a)ntepiteixi/zomai to build a fort in retaliation
a)ntepiti/qhmi to entrust
a)ntepixeire/w to attack in turn
a)nte/ramai to rival
a)nterani/zw to contribute in turn
a)nterasth/j a rival in love
a)ntera/w to love in return
a)nterei/dw to set firmly against
a)nte/reisij resistance
a)nte/romai to ask in turn
a)nteru/omai to make equal in weight with, to value equally with
a)nterw= to speak against, gainsay
a)nte/rwj return-love
a)nterwta/w to question in turn
a)nteuergete/w to return a kindness
a)nteunoe/w to wish well in return
a)nte/xw to hold against
a)nth/eij hostile
a)nth/lioj opposite the sun

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/nthn against, over against

a)nth/nwr instead of a man
a)nthre/thj one who rows against
a)nth/rhj set over against, opposite, face to face
a)nthri/j a prop, stay, support
a)/nthstij a meeting
a)nthxe/w to sound
a)ntia/zw to meet face to face
a)ntia/neira a match for men
a)ntia/w to go for the purpose of meeting
a)ntibai/nw to go against, withstand, resist
a)ntiba/llw to throw against
a)nti/basij resistance
a)ntibatiko/j contrary, opposite
a)ntibia/zomai to use force against
a)ntibi/hn against, face to face
a)nti/bioj opposing force to force
a)ntiblepte/oj one must look in the face
a)ntible/pw to look straight at, look in the face
a)nti/bleyij a looking in the face, a look
a)ntiboa/w to return a cry
a)ntibohqe/w to help in turn
a)ntibole/w to meet by chance
a)ntiboli/a entreaty, prayer
a)ntibronta/w to rival in thundering
a)ntige/gwna to return a cry
a)ntigenehloge/w to rival in pedigree
a)ntignwmone/w to be of a different opinion
a)ntigrafeu/j a check-clerk, controller
a)ntigrafh/ a reply in writing
a)nti/grafoj copied
a)ntigra/fw to write against
a)ntida/knw to bite in turn
a)nti/deipnoj taking another's place at dinner
a)ntidecio/omai to salute in return
a)ntide/omai to entreat in return
a)ntide/xomai to receive
a)ntidhmagwge/w to rival as a demagogue
a)ntidiabai/nw to cross over in turn
a)ntidiaba/llw to attack in return
a)ntidiaple/kw to retort
a)ntidiati/qemai to offer resistance
a)ntidida/skw to teach in turn
a)ntidi/dwmi to give in return, repay
a)ntidie/ceimi to go through in turn
a)ntidike/w to dispute, go to law

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nti/dikoj an opponent in a suit, defendant

a)nti/docoj of a different opinion
a)nti/doroj clothed with
a)nti/dosij a giving in return, exchange
a)nti/dotoj given in lieu of
a)ntidouleu/w to serve in place of
a)nti/douloj treated as a slave
a)nti/doupoj re-echoing
a)ntidra/w to act against, retaliate
a)ntidwre/omai to present in return
a)ntizhte/w to seek one who is seeking us
a)ntizwgre/w to save alive in turn
a)ntiqa/ptw to bury opposite
a)nti/qeoj equal to the gods, godlike
a)ntiqerapeu/w to take care of in return
a)nti/qesij opposition, resistance
a)ntiqe/w to run against
a)ntiqh/gw to whet against
a)nti/qrooj echoing
a)nti/quroj opposite the door
a)ntikaqeu/dw to sleep again
a)ntika/qhmai to be set over against
a)ntikaqi/zomai to sit
a)ntikaqi/sthmi to lay down
a)ntikakourge/w to damage in turn
a)ntikale/w to invite in turn
a)ntikataqnh/skw to die
a)ntikatalei/pw to leave in one's stead
a)ntikatalla/ssomai to exchange
a)ntikatatei/nw to stretch out
a)ntikathgore/w to accuse in turn, recriminate upon
a)ntika/twn Anticato
a)nti/keimai to be set over against, lie opposite
a)ntikeleu/w to command in turn
a)nti/kentron something acting as a goad
a)ntikhdeu/w to tend instead of
a)ntikhru/ssw to proclaim in answer
a)ntikla/zw to sound against, to be echoed by
a)ntiklai/w to weep in return
a)ntiknh/mion the part of the leg opposite the
a)ntikola/zomai to be punished in return
a)ntikolakeu/w to flatter in turn
a)ntikomi/zw to bring back as an answer
a)ntikompa/zw to boast in opposition
a)ntiko/ptw to beat back, resist, oppose
a)ntikoru/ssomai to take arms against

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ntikrate/w to hold instead of

a)nti/krousij a striking against, hindrance: a repartee
a)ntikrou/w to strike against, to be a hindrance, counteract
a)ntikru/ over against, right opposite
a)/ntikruj straight on, right on
a)ntikto/noj in requital for murder
a)ntiktupe/w to ring, clash against
a)ntiku/rw to hit upon, meet
a)ntikwmw|de/w to ridicule in turn
a)ntilabh/ a thing to hold by, a handle
a)ntilagxa/nw to have a new
a)ntila/zomai to take hold of, hold by
a)ntilakti/zw to kick against
a)ntilamba/nw to receive instead of
a)ntila/mpw to kindle a light in turn
a)ntile/gw to speak against, gainsay, contradict
a)ntilekte/oj one must gainsay
a)nti/lektoj disputably
a)ntile/wn lion-like
a)nti/lhcij a motion for a new arbitration
a)ntilhpte/oj one must take part in
a)nti/lhyij a receiving in turn
a)ntiloge/w to deny
a)ntilogi/a contradiction, controversy, disputation
a)ntilogi/zomai to count up
a)ntilogiko/j given to contradiction, contradictory, disputatious
a)nti/logoj contradictory, reverse
a)ntiloidore/w to rail at
a)ntilupe/w to vex in return
a)nti/luroj responsive to the lyre
a)nti/lutron a ransom
a)ntimai/nomai to rage
a)ntimanqa/nw to learn instead
a)ntimarture/w to appear as witness against, to contradict solemnly
a)ntimartu/romai to protest on the other hand
a)ntima/xomai to fight against
a)ntimeqe/lkw to drag different ways
a)ntimeqi/sthmi to move from one side to the other, to revolutionise
a)ntimeirakieu/omai to behave petulantly in return
a)ntime/llw to wait and watch against
a)ntime/mfomai to blame in turn
a)ntimeri/zomai to impart in turn
a)ntime/teimi to compete
a)ntimetre/w to measure out in turn, to give in compensation
a)ntime/twpoj front to front
a)ntimhxana/omai to contrive against

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ntimi/mhsij close imitation of

a)ntimisqi/a a requital, recompense
a)nti/misqoj as a reward
a)ntimoirei/ by way of compensation
a)nti/molpoj sounding instead of, differing in sound from
a)nti/morfoj corresponding to
a)ntinauphge/w to build ships against
a)ntinika/w to conquer in turn
a)ntinomi/a ambiguity in the law
a)nticoe/w to set oneself against
a)nti/cooj opposed, adverse
a)ntio/omai to resist, oppose
a)nti/oj set against
a)ntiostate/w to be contrary
a)ntioxeu/omai to drive against
a)ntipaqh/j in return for suffering
a)ntipai/zw to play one with another
a)nti/paij like a boy
a)nti/paloj wrestling against
a)ntiparaba/llw to hold side by side, to compare
a)ntiparabolh/ close comparison
a)ntiparaggeli/a competition for a public office
a)ntiparagge/llw to command in turn
a)ntipara/gw to lead the army against, advance to meet the enemy
a)ntiparaqe/w to outflank
a)ntiparakale/w to summon in turn
a)ntiparakeleu/omai to exhort in turn
a)ntiparalupe/w to annoy in turn
a)ntiparaple/w to sail along on the other side
a)ntiparaskeua/zomai to prepare oneself in turn, arm on both sides
a)ntiparaskeuh/ mutual preparation
a)ntiparata/ssomai to stand in array against
a)ntiparatei/nw to stretch side by side
a)ntiparati/qhmi to contrast and compare
a)ntipa/reimi to march so as to meet
a)ntipareca/gw to lead on against
a)ntipare/rxomai to pass by on the opposite side
a)ntipare/xw to supply in turn
a)ntipa/sxw to suffer in turn
a)ntipatage/w to clatter so as to drown
a)nti/ over against, opposite. c. gen.
a)ntipe/mpw to send back an answer
a)ntipenqh/j causing grief in turn
a)ntipe/raioj lying over against
a)ntipe/ra the opposite coast
a)ntipe/raj over against, on the other side

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ntipe/rhqen from the opposite side

a)ntiperilamba/nw to embrace in turn
a)ntiperiple/w to sail round on the other side
a)ntiperixwre/w to move round in turn
a)nti/petroj like stone, rocky
a)nti/phc a kind of cradle
a)ntipi/ptw to fall against, resist
a)ntiple/w to sail against
a)ntiplh/c beaten by the opposing waves
a)ntiplhro/w to man
a)ntiplh/ssw to strike in turn
a)ntipne/w to be contrary
a)nti/pnooj caused by adverse winds
a)ntipoqe/w to long for in turn
a)ntipoie/w to do in return
a)nti/poina requital, retribution
a)ntipoleme/w to urge war against
a)ntipole/mioj warring against
a)ntipoliorke/w to besiege in turn
a)nti/polij a rival city
a)ntipoliteu/omai to be a political opponent
a)ntiporei=n to give instead
a)ntiporeu/omai to march to meet
a)ntiporqe/w to ravage in return
a)nti/porqmoj over the straits, on the opposite side of the straits
a)nti/poroj on the opposite coast
a)nti/pracij counteraction, resistance
a)ntipra/ssw to act against, seek to counteract
a)ntipresbeu/omai to send counter-ambassadors
a)ntipro/eimi to come forward against
a)nti/proika for next to nothing, cheap
a)ntiprokale/omai to retort a legal challenge
a)ntiprosagoreu/w to salute in turn
a)ntipro/seimi to go against
a)ntiproskale/omai to summon in turn
a)ntiprosfe/rw to bring near in turn
a)ntipro/swpoj with the face towards, facing
a)ntiprotei/nw to offer in turn
a)nti/prw|roj with the prow towards
a)nti/puloj with gates opposite
a)nti/purgoj like a tower
a)ntipurgo/w to build a tower over against
a)ntirre/pw to counterpoise, balance
a)nti/rropoj counterpoising, compensating for
a)ntisemnu/nomai to meet pride with pride
a)ntishko/w to counterbalance, compensate for

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ntiskeua/zomai to furnish for oneself in turn

a)ntish/kwsij equipoise, compensation
a)ntiskw/ptw to mock in return
a)ntiso/omai to oppose on equal terms
a)nti/spastoj drawn in the contrary direction: spasmodic, convulsive
a)ntispa/w to draw the contrary way, hold back
a)nti/staqmoj counterpoising: in compensation for
a)ntistasia/zw to form a party against
a)nti/stasij an opposite party
a)ntistasiw/thj one of the opposite faction
a)ntistate/w to resist, oppose
a)ntista/thj an opponent, adversary
a)ntistoixe/w to stand opposite in rows
a)nti/stoixoj ranged opposite in rows
a)ntistrateu/omai to make war against
a)ntistrathge/w to be Propraetor
a)ntistra/thgoj the enemy's general
a)ntistratopedei/a an encamping opposite
a)ntistratopedeu/w to encamp over against
a)ntistre/fw to turn to the opposite side
a)ntistrofh/ a turning about: the antistrophe
a)nti/strofoj turned so as to face one another: correlative, coordinate, counterpart
a)ntisu/gklhtoj a counter-senate
a)ntisullogi/zomai to answer by syllogism
a)ntisunanta/w to meet face to face
a)ntisfairi/zw to play at ball against
a)nti/tagma an opposing force
a)ntitalanteu/w to counterbalance, compensate for
a)nti/tacij counter-array
a)ntita/ssw to set opposite to, range in battle against
a)ntitei/nw to stretch out in return, to offer in return, to repay
a)ntitei/xisma a counter-fortification
a)ntite/mnw to cut against
a)ntitexna/omai to contrive in opposition, counterplan
a)ntite/xnhsij counter-manoeuvring, emulation
a)nti/texnoj rivalling in an art
a)ntiti/qhmi to set against, oppose
a)ntitima/w to honour in return
a)ntitimwre/omai to avenge oneself on
a)ntiti/nw to pay
a)ntitolma/w to dare to stand against
a)nti/tolmoj boldly attacking
a)nti/tomoj cut as a remedy for
a)nti/tonoj strained against, resisting
a)ntitoceu/w to shoot arrows in turn
a)ntitore/w to bore right through

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/ntitoj paid back, requited, avenged

a)ntitre/fw to maintain in turn
a)ntitugxa/nw to meet with in return
a)nti/tupoj repelled
a)ntitupo/w to express as by a figure
a)ntitu/ptw to beat in turn
a)ntiferi/zw to set oneself against, measure oneself with
a)nti/fernoj instead of a dower
a)ntife/rw to set against
a)ntifeu/gw to go into exile in turn
a)nti/fhmi to speak against, to contradict
a)ntifqe/ggomai to return a sound, echo
a)nti/fqoggoj of answering sound, imitative
a)ntifile/w to love in return
a)ntifi/lhsij return of affection
a)ntifilosofe/w to hold contrary tenets
a)ntifilotime/omai to be moved by jealousy against
a)ntifilofrone/omai to receive kindly in turn
a)nti/fonoj in return for slaughter, in revenge for blood
a)ntiforti/zomai to take in a return cargo
a)ntifra/ssw to barricade, block up
a)ntifulakh/ a watching
a)ntifu/lac one posted to watch another
a)ntifula/ssw to watch in turn
a)ntifwne/w to sound in answer, reply
a)nti/fwnoj sounding in answer, responsive to
a)ntixai/rw to rejoice in answer to
a)ntixari/zomai to shew kindness in turn
a)ntixeirotone/w to vote against
a)ntixorhge/w to be a rival choragus
a)ntixo/rhgoj a rival choragus
a)ntixra/w to be sufficient
a)nti/xristoj Antichrist
a)ntiya/llw to play a lyre in accompaniment to
a)nti/yalmoj responsive, harmonious
a)ntiyhfi/zomai to vote against
a)ntle/w to bale out bilge-water, bale the ship
a)/ntlhma a bucket for drawing water
a)ntli/a the hold of a ship
a)/ntloj the hold of a ship
a)ntoiktei/rw to pity in return
a)/ntomai to meet
a)nto/mnumi to swear in turn
a)ntonoma/zw to name instead, call by a new name
a)ntofei/lw to owe
a)ntofqalme/w to meet face to face, to face

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ntoxe/omai to drive
a)ntria/j of a grotto
a)ntrw/dhj full of caves
a)/ntuc the edge
a)ntw|do/j singing in answer, responsive
a)ntwmosi/a an oath
a)ntwne/omai to buy instead
a)ntwpo/j with the eyes opposite, facing, fronting
a)ntwfele/w to assist
a)nu/bristoj not insulted
a)/nudroj wanting water, waterless
a)nume/naioj without the nuptial song, unwedded
a)numne/w to praise in song
a)nu/mfeutoj unwedded
a)/numfoj not bridal, unwedded
a)nupe/rblhtoj not to be surpassed
a)nupeu/qunoj not liable to give account, irresponsible
a)nupodhsi/a a going barefoot
a)nupodhte/w to go barefoot
a)nupo/dhtoj unshod, barefoot
a)nupo/dikoj not liable to action
a)nupo/kritoj without dissimulation
a)nupono/htoj unsuspected
a)nu/poptoj without suspicion, unsuspected
a)nupo/statoj not to be withstood, irresistible
a)nupo/taktoj not made subject
a)nusiergo/j finishing work, industrious
a)nu/simoj efficacious, effectual
a)/nusij accomplishment
a)nusto/j to be accomplished, practicable
a)nutiko/j to be accomplished, practicable
a)nufai/nw to weave anew, renew
a)nuyo/w to raise up, exalt
a)nu/w to effect, achieve, accomplish, complete
a)/nw to accomplish, achieve, finish
a)/nw up, upwards
a)nw/gaion anything raised from the ground
a)/nwga to command, order
a)nw/dunoj free from pain
a)/nwqen from above, from on high
a)nwqe/w to push up, push off from shore
a)nwisti/ unlooked for
a)nw/istoj unlooked for, unexpected
a)nw/leqroj indestructible
a)nwmali/a unevenness
a)nw/maloj uneven, irregular

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)nwmoti/ without oath

a)nw/motoj unsworn, not bound by oath
a)nwno/mastoj nameless, indescribable, ineffable
a)nw/numoj without name, nameless
a)nwri/a untimeliness
a)nwru/omai to howl aloud
a)nw/tatoj topmost
a)nwteriko/j upper, inland
a)nw/teroj higher
a)nwfelh/j unprofitable, useless
a)nwfe/lhtoj unprofitable, useless
a)nw/xuroj not fortified
a)/cenoj inhospitable
)/aceinoj the Axine
a)/cestoj unhewn, unwrought
a)cia/gastoj worth admiring, admirable
a)cia/koustoj worth hearing
a)ciakro/atoj worth listening to
a)ci/a the worth
a)ciafh/ghtoj worth telling
a)cie/painoj praiseworthy
a)cie/rastoj worthy of love
a)ci/nh an axe-head
a)ciobi/wtoj worth living for
a)cioergo/j capable of work
a)ciozh/lwtoj enviable
a)cioqau/mastoj wonder-worthy
a)cioqe/atoj well worth seeing
a)cio/qrhnoj worthy of lamentation
a)ciokoinw/nhtoj worthy of one's society
a)cio/kthtoj worth getting
a)cio/logoj worthy of mention, noteworthy
a)ciomaka/ristoj worthy to be deemed happy
a)cio/maxoj a match for
a)ciomnhmo/neutoj worthy of mention
a)cio/nikoj worthy of victory
a)ciopenqh/j lamentable
a)cio/pistoj trustworthy
a)ciopreph/j becoming, goodly
a)cio/ratoj worth seeing
a)cio/skeptoj worth considering
a)ciospou/dastoj worthy of zealous endeavours
a)/cioj weighing as much, of like value, worth as much as
a)ciostra/thgoj worthy of being general
a)ciote/kmartoj worthy of being brought in evidence, credible
a)ciofi/lhtoj worth loving

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)cio/xrewj worthy of a thing

a)cio/w to think
a)ci/wma that of which one is thought worthy, an honour
a)ci/wsij a thinking worthy
a)co/anoj without carved images
a)co/nioj belonging to the axle
a)cugkro/thtoj not welded together by the hammer
a)/culoj with no timber, timberless
a)/cwn an axle
a)/ozoj a servant, attendant
a)oidh/ song, a singing
a)oidia/w to sing
a)oi/dimoj sung of, famous in song
a)oidoqe/thj a lyric poet
a)oidoma/xoj fighting with verses
a)oidopo/loj one busied with song, a poet
a)oido/j a singer, minstrel, bard
a)oidoto/koj inspiring song
a)oi/khtoj uninhabited
a)/oikoj houseless, homeless
a)/oinoj without wine
a)/oknoj without hesitation, untiring
a)ollh/j all together, in throngs, shoals
a)olli/zw to gather together
a)/oploj without shields
a)o/ratoj unseen, not to be seen, invisible
a)orghsi/a a defect in the passion of anger, "lack of gall"
a)o/rghtoj incapable of anger
a)o/ristoj without boundaries
a)/ornoj without birds
a)/or a hanger, sword
a)orte/w suspended
a)orth/r a strap to hang
a)osse/w to help
a)osshth/r an assistant, helper, aider
a)/outoj unwounded, unhurt
a)o/xlhtoj undisturbed, calm
a)paggeli/a a report
a)pagge/llw to bring tidings, report, announce
a)paggelth/r a messenger
a)/page away! begone! hands off!
a)pagh/j not firm
a)pagine/w paying tribute
a)pago/reusij failure of strength, exhaustion
a)pagoreute/oj one must give up
a)pagoreu/w to forbid

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pagrio/omai to become wild

a)pagxoni/zw to strangle
a)pa/gxw to strangle, throttle
a)pagwgh/ a leading away
a)pa/gw to lead away, carry off
a)pa/|dw to sing out of tune, be out of tune
a)paei/rw poet. for
a)paqanati/zw to aim at immortality
a)pa/qeia want of sensation, insensibility
a)paqh/j not suffering
a)paigeiro/omai to be changed into a poplar
a)paidagw/ghtoj without teacher
a)paideusi/a want of education
a)pai/deutoj uneducated
a)paidi/a childlessness
a)paiqria/zw to clear away
a)pai/numai to take away, withdraw
a)paiola/w to perplex, confound
a)paio/lh cheating, fraud
a)pai/rw to lift off, carry off, take away, to remove from
a)/paij childless
a)pai/+ssw to spring from
a)paisxu/nomai to refuse through shame
a)paite/w to demand back, demand
a)pai/thsij a demanding back
a)paiti/zw to demand back
a)paiwre/omai to hang down from above, hang suspended, hover about
a)pakribo/omai to be finished off, highly finished
a)pa/laistroj not trained in the palaestra, unskilled in wrestling
a)pa/lalke to ward off
a)pa/lamnoj without hands, helpless, good for naught
a)pa/lamoj helpless
a)pala/omai to go astray, wander
a)palge/w to feel no more pain at
a)palei/fw to wipe off, expunge
a)pale/cw to ward
a)palhqeu/w to speak the whole truth
a)palqai/nomai to heal thoroughly
a)pallagh/ deliverance, release, relief from
a)pallakte/oj one must release from
a)pallacei/w to wish to be delivered from
a)palla/ssw to set free, release, deliver
a)pallotrio/w to estrange, alienate
a)pallotri/wsij alienation
a)paloa/w to thresh out
a(palo/qric soft-haired

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a(palo/j soft to the touch, tender

a(palo/thj softness, tenderness
a(palotrefh/j well-fed, plump
a(palo/frwn soft-hearted
a(palo/xrooj soft-skinned
a(palu/nw to soften
a)pamaldu/nw to bring to naught
a)pama/w to cut off
a)pambli/skw to make abortive
a)pamblu/nw to blunt the edge of
a)pamei/bomai to reply, answer
a)pamei/rw to deprive one of share in
a)pamele/omai to be neglected utterly
a)pamplakei=n to fail utterly
a)pamu/nw to keep off, ward off
a)panai/nomai to disown, reject
a)panaisxunte/w to have the effrontery to do
a)panali/skw to use quite up, utterly consume
a)pandro/omai to become manly, come to maturity
a)pa/neuqe afar off, far away
a)panqe/w to leave off blooming, fade, wither
a)panqi/zw to pluck off flowers
a)panqraki/zw to broil on the coals
a)panqrako/w to burn to a cinder
a)pa/nqrwpoj far from man
a)pani/sthmi to make rise up and depart, send away
a(pantaxh= everywhere
a(pantaxo/qen from all sides
a(pantaxo/qi everywhere
a(pantaxo/se to every place
a(pantaxou= everywhere
a)panta/w to move from
a)pa/nthma a meeting
a(pa/nth| everywhere
a)pantikru/ right opposite
a)panti/on right opposite
a)pantle/w to draw off water from a ship's hold
a)panu/w to finish entirely
a(paca/paj all at once
a(pacaplw=j in general
a)pacio/w to disclaim as unworthy, disown
a(/pac once, once only, once for all
a)/pappoj with no grandfather
a)para/batoj not passing over to
a)parai/thtoj not to be moved by prayer, inexorable
a)paraka/luptoj uncovered

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H.G. Liddell, R. Scott, H.S. Jones R, McKenzie - A Greek and English Lexicon (1940)
- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)para/klhtoj unsummoned, volunteering

a)para/llaktoj unchanged, unchangeable
a)paramu/qhtoj not to be persuaded, inconsolable
a)para/muqoj inexorable
a)para/skeuoj without preparation, unprepared
a)para/ssw to strike off, cut off
a)pare/skw to be disagreeable to
a)parhgo/rhtoj inconsolable
a)parqe/neutoj unmaidenly, unfitting a maiden
a)pa/rqenoj no more a maid
a)pariqme/w to count over, reckon up
a)pari/qmhsij a counting over, recounting
a)parke/w to suffice, be sufficient
a)parne/omai to deny utterly, deny
a)/parnoj denying utterly
a)parrhsi/astoj not speaking freely
a)parta/w to hang up from
a)parti/zw to make even, move regularly
a)partilogi/a an even number
a)pa/rtion a sale of goods by auction
a)parti/ completely
a)partismo/j completion
a)paru/w to draw off, skim off
a)parxh/ the beginning of a sacrifice, the primal offering
a)pa/rxomai to make a beginning
a)paspai/rw to gasp away life
a(/paj quite all, the whole
a)pasti/a an abstaining from food, a fast
a)/pastoj not having eaten, fasting
a)pastra/ptw to flash forth
a)pasxole/w to leave
a)pasxoli/a detention by business
a)pata/w to cheat, trick, outwit, beguile
a)pa/terqe apart, aloof
a)patew/n a cheat, rogue, quack
a)path/lioj guileful, wily
a)pa/th a trick, fraud, deceit
a)pathtiko/j fraudulent
a)pa/thtoj untrodden
a)patima/w to dishonour greatly
)apatou/ria the Apatouria
a)pa/twr without father, fatherless
a)pauga/zw to beam forth
a)pau/gasma efflux of light, effulgence
a)pauda/w to forbid
a)pauqadi/zomai to speak

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pauqhmeri/zw to return the same day

a)paura/w to take away
a)/paustoj unceasing, never-ending
a)pautomole/w to go of one's own accord, desert
a)pafi/skw to cheat, beguile
a)pa/xqomai to be grievous
a)= ah!
a)pe/diloj unshod
a)/pedoj even, level, flat
a)peqi/zw to disaccustom
a)pei=don to look away from other things at
a)pei/qeia disobedience
a)peiqe/w to be disobedient, refuse compliance
a)peiqh/j disobedient
a)peika/zw to form from a model, to express, copy
a)peikaste/oj one must represent
a)peikoni/zw to represent in a statue
a)peile/w to force back
a)peile/w to hold out
a)peilh/ boastful promises, boasts
a)peilhth/rioj of
a)peilhth/r a threatener, boaster
a)/peimi to be away
a)/peimi to go away, depart
a)pei=pon to speak out, tell out, declare
)apeirai=oj Apeiraean
a)pei/rastoj incapable of being tempted by
a)pei/rgaqon to keep away, keep off from
a)pei/rgw to keep away from, debar from
a)peire/sioj boundless, immense, countless
)apei/rhqen from Apeire
a)pei/rhtoj without making trial of
a)peiri/a want of skill, inexperience
a)peiri/a infinity
a)peiro/drosoj unused to dew, unbedewed
a)peiro/kakoj without experience of evil, unused to evil
a)peirokali/a ignorance of the beautiful, want of taste
a)peiro/kaloj ignorant of the beautiful, without taste, tasteless, vulgar
a)peiro/plouj ignorant of navigation
a)/peiroj without trial
a)/peiroj boundless, infinite, countless
a)peirosu/nh inexperience
a)peiro/tokoj not having brought forth, virgin
a)pei/rwn without experience, ignorant
a)pei/rwn boundless, endless, countless
a)pekde/xomai to expect anxiously, to look for, await

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pekdu/nw to strip off from

a)pe/kdusij a putting off
a)peklanqa/nomai to forget entirely
a)pe/k away out of
a)pe/kthtoj uncombed
a)pelau/nw to drive away, expel from
a)pelegmo/j refutation: disrepute
a)pele/gxw to refute thoroughly
a)pe/leqroj immeasurable
a)peleuqeri/a the enfranchisement of a slave
a)peleuqeriko/j in the condition of a freedman
a)peleu/qeroj an emancipated slave, a freedman
a)peleuqero/w to emancipate
a)peleuqe/rwsij emancipation
a)pelpi/zw to give up in despair, to despair
a)peme/w to spit up, vomit forth
a)pempola/w to sell
a)penanti/on the opposite
a)pe/nanti opposite, against
a)penari/zw to strip
a)penqh/j free from grief
a)peniaute/w to go into banishment for a year
a)penne/pw to forbid
a)pecaire/w to take out, remove
a)peoikw/j unreasonable
a)pe/pantoj not ripened, unripe
a)pe/peiroj unripe, untimely
a)/peploj unrobed, clad in the tunic only
a)perantolo/goj talking without end
a)pe/rantoj boundless, infinite
a)perga/zomai to finish off, turn out complete
a)pergasi/a a finishing off, completing
a)pergastiko/j fit for finishing, causing
a)pe/rdw to bring to an end, finish
a)perei/dw to rest, fix, settle
a(perei/ just as if, even as
a)perei/sioj countless
a)perila/lhtoj not to be out-talked
a)peri/lhptoj uncircumscribed
a)perime/rimnoj free from care
a)peri/optoj unregarding, reckless of
a)peri/skeptoj inconsiderate, thoughtless
a)peri/tmhtoj uncircumcised
a)peri/tropoj not returning
a)pe/rrw to go away, be gone
a)peruqria/w to put away blushes, to be past blushing

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)peru/kw to keep off

a)peru/w to tear off from
a)pe/rxomai to go away, depart from
a)perweu/j a thwarter
a)perwe/w to retire
a)pe/rwtoj loveless, unloving
a)pesqi/w to eat
a)pe/ssoua he is gone off
a)pestw/ a being away, absence
a)pe/thloj leafless
a)peuqh/j not inquired into, unknown
a)peuqu/nw to make straight again
a)peukto/j to be deprecated, abominable
a)peuna/zw to lull to sleep
a)peu/xomai to wish
a)/pefqoj boiled down
a)pexqai/rw to hate utterly, detest
a)pexqa/nomai to be hated, incur hatred, be roused to hatred
a)pe/xqeia hatred
a)pe/xqhma an object of hate
a)pexqh/j hateful, hostile
a)pe/xqomai to be hated, incur hatred
a)pe/xw to keep off
a)phqe/w to strain off, filter
a)phlege/wj without caring for anything, reckless of consequences, bluntly
a)phliasth/j one who keeps away from the
a)phliw/thj the wind that comes from the rising sun, the east wind
a)ph/mantoj unharmed, unhurt
a)phmosu/nh freedom from harm
a)ph/mwn unharmed, unhurt
a)ph/nh a four-wheeled wagon
a)phnh/j ungentle, harsh, rough, hard
a)ph/oroj hanging on high, high in air
a)/phroj unmaimed
a)phxh/j discordant, ill-sounding
a)ph/wroj high in air
a)pia/llw to dispatch
a)pi/qanoj not winning belief, incredible, unlikely, improbable
a)piqano/thj improbability
a)piqe/w he disobeyed
a)piqh/j disobedient
a)pi/llw to bar the way
a)pinu/ssw to lack understanding, be senseless
a)/pion a pear
a)/pioj a pear-tree
a)/pioj far away, far off, distant

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pipo/w to press
a)piso/w to make equal
)=apij Apis
a)piste/w to be
a)pisti/a disbelief, distrust, mistrust
a)/pistoj not to be trusted
a)pisxuri/zomai to set oneself to oppose firmly, give a flat denial
a)pi/sxw to keep off, hold off
a)pite/oj one must go away
a)planh/j not wandering, steady, fixed
a)pla/nhtoj that cannot go astray
a)/plastoj not moulded
a)/platoj unapproachable, terrible
a)/plektoj unplaited
a)/pletoj boundless, immense
a)/pleustoj not navigated
a)/plhktoj unstricken
a)plh/rwtoj insatiable
a)plhsti/a insatiate desire, greediness
a)/plhstoj not to be filled, insatiate
a)/ploia impossibility of sailing, detention in port
a(ploi/+zomai to deal openly
a(ploi/+j simple, single
a)plo/kamoj with unbraided hair
(aploku/wn a Cynic who wore his coat single
a)/plooj not sailing, unfit for sea, not sea-worthy
a(plo/oj single
a(plo/thj singleness: simplicity, frankness
a)/ploutoj without riches
a(plo/w to make single, to unfold, stretch out
a)plusi/a filthiness, filth
a)/plutoj unwashen, unwashed
a(plw=j singly, in one way
a)pneusti/ to hold one's breath
a)/pneustoj breathless
a)/pnooj without breath, lifeless
a)poba/qra a ladder for disembarking, a gangway
a)pobai/nw to step off from
a)poba/llw to throw off
a)poba/ptw to dip quite
a)po/basij a stepping off, disembarking
a)poba/thj one who rode several horses leaping from one to the other
a)pobia/zomai to force away
a)pobiba/zw to make to get off
a)pobla/ptw to ruin utterly
a)poblasta/nw to shoot forth from, spring from

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pobla/sthma a shoot, scion

a)po/bleptoj gazed on by all, admired
a)poble/pw to look away from
a)poblhte/oj to be thrown away, rejected
a)po/blhtoj to be thrown away
a)pobli/ttw to cut out the comb from
a)poblu/zw to spirt out
a)pobolh/ a throwing away
a)pobolimai=oj apt to throw away
a)pobo/skomai to feed upon
a)poboukole/w to let cattle stray: to lose
a)pobri/zw to go off to sleep, go sound asleep
a)pobroxi/zw to strangle
a)pobw/mioj far from an altar, godless
a)po/gaioj from land
a)pogeiso/w to make to jut out like a cornice
a)pogeu/w to give
a)pogefuro/w to bank off, fence with dykes
a)poghra/skw to grow old
a)pogi/gnomai to be away from, have no part in
a)pogignw/skw depart from a judgment, give up a design
a)po/gnoia despair of
a)po/gonoj born
a)pografh/ a writing off: a register, list
a)pogra/fw to write off, copy: to enter in a list, register
a)poguio/w to deprive
a)pogumna/zw to bring into hard exercise, to ply hard
a)pogumno/w to strip quite bare
a)poda/knw to bite off a piece of
a)podakru/w to weep much for, lament loudly
a)podarqa/nw to sleep a little
a)poda/smioj parted from
a)podasmo/j a division, part of a whole
a)podate/omai to portion out to
a)podeh/j wanting much, not fully manned
a)podeidi/ssomai to frighten away
a)podei/knumi to point away from
a)podeikte/oj one must prove
a)podeili/asij great cowardice
a)podeiliate/oj one must flinch
a)podeilia/w to play the coward, to flinch from danger
a)po/deicij a shewing forth, exhibiting
a)podeipni/dioj of
a)podeirotome/w to slaughter by cutting off the head
a)podekato/w to tithe, pay tithes of
a)podekte/oj one must receive from others

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)podekth/r a receiver
a)pode/kthj a receiver
a)podekto/j acceptable
a)podendro/omai to be turned into a tree
a)po/derma a hide stripped off
a)pode/rw to flay
a)po/desmoj a breastband, girdle
a)pode/xomai to accept from
a)pode/w to bind fast
a)pode/w to be in want of, lack
a)podhme/w to be away from home, be abroad
a)podhmhth/j one who goes abroad
a)podhmhtiko/j fond of travelling
a)podhmi/a a being from home, a going
a)po/dhmoj away from one's country, from home, abroad
a)podiaita/w to decide for
a)podiatri/bw to wear quite away, to waste utterly
a)podidra/skw to run away
a)podi/dwmi to give up
a)podikei=n to throw off
a)podike/w to defend oneself on trial
a)podine/w to thresh
a)podiopompe/omai to avert threatened evils by offerings to Zeus, to conjure away
a)podiori/zw to mark off by dividing, to separate
a)podiw/kw to chase away
a)podokei= it seems good not
a)podokima/zw to reject on scrutiny, to reject for want of qualification
a)podokimaste/oj one must reject
a)podokima/w to reject
a)po/dosij a giving back, restitution, return
a)podote/oj one must give back, refer, assign
a)podoxh/ a receiving back, having restored to one
a)po/drasij a running away, escape
a)podre/pw to pluck off
a)podru/ptw to tear off the skin, lacerate
a)podu/romai to lament bitterly
a)podute/oj one must strip
a)poduth/rion an undressing room
a)podu/w to strip off
a)poei/kw to withdraw from
a)po/erse swept away
a)poza/w to live off
a)pozeu/gnumai to be parted from
a)po/zw to smell of
a)poqa/llw to lose the bloom
a)poqarre/w to have full confidence

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a)poqauma/zw to marvel much at a

a)/poqen from afar
a)poqeo/w to deify
a)poqerapei/a regular worship
a)poqeri/zw to cut off
a)po/qesij a laying up in store
a)po/qestoj despised
a)poqe/tai a place
a)po/qetoj laid by, stored up
a)poqe/w to run away
a)poqew/rhsij serious contemplation
a)poqe/wsij deification
a)poqh/kh any place wherein to lay up
a)poqhlu/nw to make effeminate, enervate
a)poqhsauri/zw to store, hoard up
a)poqli/bw to press upon, press, squeeze out
a)po/qliyij a squeezing out of one's place
a)poqnh/skw to die off, die
a)poqrasu/nomai to be very bold, dare all things
a)poqrau/w to break off
a)poqrhne/w to lament much
a)poqria/zw to cut off fig-leaves: to cut off, curtail
a)poqru/ptw to crush in pieces
a)poqrw/skw to leap off from
a)poqu/mioj not according to the mind, unpleasant, hateful
a)poqu/w to offer
a)poi/dhsij abatement of a swelling
a)poi/htoj not done, undone
a)poike/w to go away from home, to settle in a foreign country, emigrate
a)poiki/a a settlement far from home, a colony settlement
a)poiki/zw to send away from home
a)poikismo/j the settlement of a colony
a)poiki/j a colony
a)poikodome/w to cut off by building, wall up, barricade
a)/poikoj away from home
a)poikti/zomai to complain loudly of
a)poi/mantoj unfed, untended
a)poimw/zw to bewail loudly
a)/poina a ransom
a)poina/w to demand the fine
a)poino/dikoj exacting penalty
a)poi+steu/w to kill with arrows
a)poi/xomai to be gone away, to be far from
a)pokaqai/rw to cleanse
a)poka/qarsij a clearing off, purging
a)poka/qhmai to sit apart

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pokaqi/sthmi to re-establish, restore, reinstate

a)pokai/numai to surpass
a)pokai/rioj unseasonable
a)pokai/w to burn off
a)pokale/w to call back, recall
a)pokalu/ptw to uncover
a)poka/luyij an uncovering, a revelation
a)poka/mnw to grow quite weary, fail
a)poka/mptw to turn off
a)po/kamyij a turning off the road
a)pokapu/w to breathe away
a)pokaradoki/a earnest expectation
a)pokartere/w to kill oneself by abstinence
a)pokatalla/ssw to reconcile again
a)pokauli/zw to break off by the stalk: to break short off
a)pokau/lisij a breaking short off, snapping
a)po/keimai to be laid away
a)pokei/rw to clip
a)pokerdai/nw to have benefit, enjoyment from
a)pokermati/zw to change for small coin
a)pokhdeu/w to cease to mourn for
a)pokhde/w to put away care, be careless
a)pokh/ruktoj disinherited
a)pokh/rucij public renunciation
a)pokhru/ssw to sell by auction
a)pokindu/neusij a venturous attempt
a)pokinduneu/w to make a bold attempt
a)pokine/w to remove
a)po/kinoj a comic dance
a)pokla/zw to ring
a)pokla/zw to bend one's knees
a)poklai/w to weep aloud
a)pokla/w to break off
a)po/kleisij a shutting up
a)poklei/w to shut off from
a)po/klhroj without lot
a)poklhro/w to choose by lot from
a)pokli/nw to turn off
a)po/klisij a turning off, declension, sinking
a)poklu/zw to wash away
a)poknai/w to wear
a)pokne/w to shrink from
a)po/knhsij a shrinking from
a)pokni/zw to nip off
a)po/knisma that which is nipt off, a little bit
a)pokoima/omai to sleep away from home

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pokoite/w to sleep away from

a)po/koitoj sleeping away from
a)pokolumba/w to dive and swim away
a)pokomidh/ a getting away, getting back
a)pokomi/zw to carry away, escort
a)po/komma a splinter, chip, shred
a)pokompa/zw to break with a snap
a)pokoph/ a cutting off
a)poko/ptw to cut off, hew off
a)pokorufo/w to bring to a point
a)pokosme/w to restore order by clearing away, to clear away
a)pokottabi/zw to dash out the last drops of wine
a)pokoufi/zw to lighten, set free from, relieve
a)pokra/dioj plucked from the fig-tree
a)pokraipala/w to sleep off a debauch
a)pokrani/zw to strike off from the head
a)pokrate/w to exceed all others
a)pokrema/nnumi to let hang down
a)po/krhmnoj broken sheer off, precipitous
a)po/krima a judicial sentence
a)pokri/nw to separate, set apart
a)po/krisij a separating
a)pokrite/oj one must reject
a)po/krotoj beaten
a)pokrou/w to beat off from
a)pokru/ptw to hide from, keep hidden from
a)po/krufoj hidden, concealed
a)poktei/nw to kill, slay
a)pokti/nnumi to kill
a)pokue/w to bear young, bring forth
a)pokuli/w to roll away
a)pokwku/w to mourn loudly over
a)pokw/lusij a hindrance
a)pokwlu/w to hinder
a)polagxa/nw to obtain a portion of
a)polakti/zw to kick off
a)polale/w to speak out heedlessly
a)polamba/nw to take
a)polampru/nw to make famous
a)pola/mpw to shine
a)pola/ptw to lap up
a)po/lausij enjoyment, fruition
a)po/lausma enjoyment
a)polaustiko/j devoted to enjoyment
a)polausto/j enjoyed, enjoyable
a)polau/w to have enjoyment of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pole/gw to pick out from

a)pole/gw to decline, refuse
a)polei/bw to let drop off, to pour a libation
a)polei/pw to leave over
a)polei/xw to lick clean
a)po/leiyij a forsaking, abandonment
a)po/lektoj chosen out, picked
a)po/lemoj unwarlike, unfit for war
a)pole/pw to peel off, flay
a)polh/gw to leave off, desist from
a)polhre/w to chatter at random
a)po/lhyij an intercepting, cutting off
a)poliba/zw to drop off, vanish
a)poligai/nw to scream aloud, be obstreperous
a)poliqo/omai to become stone
a)polimpa/nw to leave
a)polisqa/nw to slip off
a)/polij one without city, state
a)politargi/zw to pack oneself off
a)poli/teutoj taking no part in public matters, living as a private person
a)polixma/omai to lick off
a)po/llumi to destroy utterly, kill, slay
)apollw/nioj of
)apo/llwn Apollo
a)pologe/omai to speak in defence, defend oneself
a)polo/ghma a plea alleged in defence
a)pologhte/oj one must defend
a)pologi/a a speech in defence, defence
a)pologi/zomai to reckon up, give in an account
a)pologismo/j a giving account, statement
a)po/logoj a story, tale, fable, apologue
a)polou/w to wash off
a)polofu/romai to bewail loudly
a)polumai/nomai to wash dirt off oneself, cleanse oneself by bathing
a)polumanth/r a destroyer
a)po/lusij release, deliverance from
a)polutiko/j disposed to acquit
a)polutro/w to release on payment of ransom
a)polu/trwsij a ransoming
a)polu/w to loose from
a)polwba/omai to be grievously insulted
a)polwti/zw to pluck off flowers
a)pomagdali/a the crumb
a)pomai/nomai to rave, rage to the uttermost
a)po/maktron a strickle
a)pomalaki/zomai to show weakness

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pomanqa/nw to unlearn
a)pomanteu/omai to announce as a prophet
a)po/macij a wiping off
a)pomarai/nomai to waste
a)poma/ssw to wipe clean
a)pomastigo/w to scourge severely
a)pomatai/+zw to behave in unseemly fashion
a)poma/xomai to fight from
a)po/maxoj past fighting, past service
a)pomei/romai to distribute
a)pomeri/zw to part
a)pomermhri/zw to sleep off care
a)pomesto/omai to be filled to the brim
a)pometre/w to measure out
a)pomhku/nw to prolong, draw out
a)pomhni/w to be very wroth, to perseverere in wrath
a)pomime/omai to express by imitating
a)pomimnh/skomai to remember fully
a)po/misqoj away from
a)pomisqo/w to let out for hire
a)pomnhmo/neuma a memorial
a)pomnhmoneu/w to relate from memory, relate, recount
a)pomnhsikake/w to bear a grudge against
a)po/mnumi to take an oath away from
a)pomoi/ria a portion
a)pomono/omai to be excluded from
a)pomo/rgnumi to wipe off
a)po/mousoj away from the Muses, unaccomplished, rude
a)pomuqe/omai to dissuade
a)pomuka/omai to bellow loudly
a)pomukte/oj one must wipe one's nose
a)pomu/ssw to wipe
a)ponai/w to remove, to send away
a)ponarko/omai to become quite torpid, insensible
a)ponemhte/oj one must assign
a)pone/mw to portion out, impart, assign
a)ponenohme/nwj desperately
a)pone/omai to go away, depart
a)poneu/w to bend away from
a)pone/w to unload
a)ponhti/ without fatigue
a)po/nhtoj without toil
a)ponh/xomai to escape by swimming, to swim away
a)poni/a non-exertion, laziness
a)poni/zw wash off
a)poni/namai to have the use

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)po/niptron water in which the hands have been washed, dirty water
a)poni/ssomai to go away
a)ponoe/omai to have lost all sense
a)po/noia loss of all sense
a)/ponoj without toil
a)ponoste/w to return, come home
a)ponosfi/zw to put asunder, keep aloof from
a)pono/sfi far apart
a)ponuktereu/w to pass a night away from
a)ponuxi/zw to pare the nails
a)ponwti/zw to make
a)po/cenoj alien to guests, inhospitable
a)poceno/w to drive from house and home, banish
a)poce/nwsij a living abroad
a)poce/w to shave off, to cut off
a)pochrai/nw to dry up
a)pocu/nw to bring to a point, make taper
a)pocura/w to shave clean
a)po/curoj cut sharp off, abrupt
a)pocu/w to strip off
a)popa/llw to hurl
a)popaptai/nw to look about one
a)popate/w to retire from the way, to go aside to ease oneself
a)po/patoj a place out of the way: a privy
a)popau/w to stop
a)po/ from, away from. c. gen.
a)popeira/omai to make trial, essay
a)po/peira a trial, essay
a)popeleka/w to hew
a)pope/mpw to send off
a)po/pemyij a sending off, dispatching
a)popenqe/w to mourn for
a)popera/w to carry over
a)pope/rdomai to break wind
a)pope/tomai to fly off
a)popefasme/nwj openly, plainly
a)poph/gnumi to make to freeze, to freeze
a)pophda/w to leap off from
a)popi/mplhmi to fill up
a)popi/nw to drink up, drink off
a)popi/ptw to fall off from
a)popisteu/w to trust fully, rely on
a)popla/zw to lead astray from
a)poplana/w to lead astray
a)poplani/aj a wanderer, fugitive
a)pople/w to sail away, sail off

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)po/plhktoj disabled by a stroke

a)poplhro/w to fill up, satisfy
a)poplh/rwsij a filling up, satisfying
a)poplh/ssw to strike to earth, disable in body
a)popli/ssomai to trot off
a)po/plooj a sailing away
a)poplu/nw to wash away
a)popne/w to breathe forth
a)popni/gw to choke, throttle
a)popoleme/w to fight off from
a)po/polij far from the city, banished
a)popomph/ a sending away: getting rid
a)poporeu/omai to depart, go away
a)poprau/+nw to soften matters down
a)popri/asqai to buy off
a)popri/w to saw off
a)poproaire/w to take away from
a)po/proqe from afar, afar off, far away
a)po/proqi far away
a)poproi/+hmi to send away forward, send on
a)popro/ far away, afar off
a)poprote/mnw to cut off from
a)poprofeu/gw to flee away from
a)/poptoj out of sight of, far away from
a)po/ptustoj spat out
a)poptu/w to spit out
a)popunqa/nomai to inquire
a)pore/gxw to snore to the end
a)pore/pw to slink away
a)po/reutoj not to be travelled
a)pore/w to be without means
a)porhtiko/j inclined to doubt
a)po/rqhtoj not sacked, unravaged
a)porqo/w to make straight, guide aright
a)pori/a difficulty of passing
a)po/rnumi to start from
a)/poroj without passage
a)porou/w to dart away
a)porra|qume/w to neglect
a)porrai/nw to spirt out, shed about
a)porrai/w to bereave
a)porranth/rion a vessel for sprinkling with holy water
a)porra/ptw to sew up again
a)porrayw|de/w to speak in fragments of epic poetry
a)porre/zw to offer some of
a)porre/w to flow

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)po/rrhgma a fragment
a)porrh/gnumi to break off, snap asunder
a)po/rrhsij a forbidding, prohibition
a)po/rrhtoj forbidden
a)porrige/w to shrink shivering from
a)porrina/w to file off
a)porri/ptw to throw away, put away
a)porro/h a flowing off, stream
a)porroibde/w to shriek forth
a)porrofe/w to swallow some of
a)porru/ptw to cleanse thoroughly
a)po/rrutoj running
a)porrw/c broken off, abrupt, sheer, precipitous
a)porfani/zomai to be orphaned
a)po/rfuroj without purple border
a)porxe/omai to dance
a)posaleu/w to lie in the open sea, to ride at anchor
a)posafe/w to make clear
a)posbe/nnumi to put out, extinguish, quench
a)posei/w to shake off
a)posemnu/nw to make august, glorify
a)poseu/w to chase away
a)poshmai/nw to give notice by signs, give notice
a)posh/pomai to lose by mortification
a)posimo/w to make flat-nosed
a)po/sitoj abstaining from food
a)posiwpa/w to cease speaking, maintain silence
a)posiw/phsij a becoming silent
a)poska/ptw to intercept by trenches
a)poskeda/nnumi to scatter abroad, disperse
a)poskepte/oj one must look steadily
a)poskeua/zw to pull off
a)poskhne/w to encamp apart from
a)po/skhnoj encamping apart, messing alone
a)poskhno/w to keep apart from
a)poskh/ptw to hurl from above
a)poskia/zw to cast a shadow
a)poskiasmo/j the casting a shadow
a)poski/dnamai to be dispersed
a)posklh=nai to be dried up, to wither
a)poskope/w to look away from
a)posko/pioj far from the mark
a)poskuqi/zw to strip off the scalp in Scythian fashion
a)poskuleu/w to carry off as spoil from
a)poskw/ptw to banter, rally
a)posma/w to wipe off dirt

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a)posmikru/nw to diminish
a)posmu/xomai to be consumed by a slow fire, to pine away
a)posobe/w to scare away
a)pospa/dioj torn off
a)pospara/ssw to tear off
a)po/spasma that which is torn off, a piece, rag, shred
a)pospa/j a slip torn from
a)pospa/w to tear
a)pospe/ndw to pour out wine
a)pospeu/dw to be zealous in preventing
a)pospode/w to wear quite off
a)postado/n standing aloof
a)posta/zw to let fall drop by drop, distil
a)postasi/a defection
a)postasi/ou for having forsaken
a)po/stasij a standing away from
a)postate/oj one must stand off from
a)postate/w to stand aloof from, depart from, be far from
a)postath/r one who has power to dissolve an assembly
a)posta/thj a runaway slave: a deserter, rebel
a)postatiko/j of
a)postauro/w to fence off with a palisade
a)postega/zw to uncover: to take off
a)poste/gw to keep out
a)postei/xw to go away, to go home
a)poste/llw to send off
a)posteno/w to straiten, block up
a)poste/rgw to love no more
a)postere/w to rob, despoil, bereave
a)poste/rhsij deprivation
a)posterhth/j a depriver, robber
a)posterhtiko/j of
a)po/sthma distance, interval
a)posthri/zomai to fix firmly
a)postilbo/w to make to shine
a)posti/lbw to be bright from
a)postleggi/zw to scrape with a strigil
a)postoleu/j a magistrate who had to fit out
a)postolh/ a sending off
a)po/stoloj a messenger, ambassador, envoy
a)postomati/zw to dictate by word of mouth, teach by dictation
a)postra/thgoj a retired general
a)postratopedeu/omai to encamp away from
a)postre/fw to turn
a)postrofh/ a turning back
a)po/strofoj turned away

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a)postuge/w to hate violently, abhor, loathe

a)postufeli/zw to drive away by force from
a)postu/fw to draw up, contract
a)posuka/zw to squeeze figs
a)posula/w to strip off spoils from
a)posuna/gwgoj put out of the synagogue
a)posuri/zw to whistle aloud
a)posu/rw to tear away
a)posfa/zw to cut the throat of
a)posfakeli/zw to have the limbs frost-bitten
a)posfa/llw to lead astray, drive away
a)posfi/ggw to compress
a)posfragi/zw to seal up
a)posxali/dwma a forked piece of wood for propping hunting-nets
a)posxi/zw to split
a)posxoini/zw to separate by a cord
a)posw/zw to preserve from, heal from
a)po/taktoj set apart for a special use
a)pota/ssw to set apart, assign specially
a)potauro/omai to be like a bull
a)potafreu/w to fence off with a ditch
a)potei/nw to stretch out, extend
a)poteixi/zw to wall off
a)potei/xisij the walling off a town, blockading
a)potei/xisma a wall built to blockade, lines of blockade
a)poteleuta/w to end
a)potele/w to bring quite to an end, complete
a)pote/mnw to cut off, sever
a)po/teucij a failure
a)poth=le far from
a)pothlou= far away
a)poti/qhmi to put away, stow away
a)poti/llw to pluck
a)po/tilma a piece plucked off
a)potima/w to put away from honour, to dishonour, slight
a)poti/mhma a mortgage, security
a)poti/mhsij a mortgaging
a)po/timoj put away from honour, dishonoured
a)potina/ssw to shake off
a)poti/nw to pay back, repay, return
a)potiste/oj one must pay
a)potmh/gw to cut off from
a)potmhte/oj one must cut off
a)/potmoj unhappy, ill-starred
a)potolma/w to make a bold venture
a)potomh/ a cutting off

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)po/tomoj cut off, abrupt, precipitous

a)potoceu/w to shoot off arrows
a)/potoj not drinkable
a)potre/pw to turn
a)potre/xw to run off
a)potri/bw to wear out
a)potro/paioj averting evil
a)potroph/ a turning away, averting
a)po/tropoj turned away, banished
a)po/trofoj reared away from home
a)potru/w to rub away, wear out
a)potrw/gw to bite
a)potugxa/nw to fail in hitting
a)potumpani/zw to cudgel to death, bastinado
a)potupo/omai to stamp an impression
a)potu/ptomai to cease to beat oneself, to cease mourning
a)pouri/zw will mark off
a)/pouroj far from the boundaries of
a)pousi/a a being away, absence
a)/pouj without foot
a)pofaidru/nw to cleanse off
a)pofai/nw to shew fort, display, produce
a)po/fansij a declaration, statement
a)po/fasij a denial, negation
a)po/fasij a sentence, decision
a)pofa/skw to deny
a)pofe/rbomai to feed on
a)pofe/rw to carry off
a)pofeu/gw to flee from, escape
a)pofeuktiko/j useful in escaping
a)po/feucij an escaping, means of getting off
a)po/fhmi to speak out, declare flatly
a)pofqe/ggomai to speak one's opinion plainly
a)po/fqegma a terse pointed saying, an apophthegm
a)pofqegmatiko/j dealing in apophthegms, sententious
a)pofqei/rw to destroy utterly, ruin
a)pofqinu/qw to perish
a)pofqi/nw to perish utterly, die away
a)pofqora/ utter destruction
a)poflauri/zw to treat slightingly, make no account of
a)pofloio/omai to strip off oneself
a)pofoita/w to cease to go to school
a)po/fonoj unnatural
a)pofora/ payment of what is due, tax, tribute
a)pofra/gnumi to fence off, block up
a)po/fracij a blocking up

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pofra/j not to be mentioned

a)pofugh/ an escape
a)pofusa/w to blow away
a)pofw/lioj empty, vain, idle, useless, fruitless
a)poxa/zomai to withdraw from
a)poxala/w to slack away
a)poxalino/w to unbridle
a)poxalkeu/w to forge of copper
a)poxalki/zw to strip of brass
a)poxeirobi/wtoj living by the work of one's hands
a)poxeirotone/w to vote a charge away from
a)poxeirotoni/a rejection by show of hands
a)poxe/w to pour out
a)poxh/ abstinence
a)poxhro/omai to be bereft of
a)poxrai/nw to soften away the colour, shade off
a)poxra/omai to use to the full
a)poxra/w to suffice, be sufficient, be enough
a)poxrh/matoj but not of money
a)poxrw/ntwj enough, sufficiently
a)poxuro/w to secure by fortifications
a)poxwleu/w to make quite lame
a)poxwlo/omai to be made quite lame
a)poxw/nnumi to bank up
a)poxwre/w to go from
a)poxw/rhsij a going off, retreat
a)poxwri/zw to part
a)po/xwsij the damming up
a)poya/w to wipe off
a)poyeu/domai to be quite cheated of
a)poyhfi/zomai to vote away from
a)poyilo/w to strip bare
a)/poyij an outlook, view, prospect
a)poyu/xw to leave off breathing, to faint, swoon
a)pragi/a idleness, want of energy
a)pragmosu/nh freedom from politics and business
a)pra/gmwn free from business
a)prakte/w to do nothing
a)/praktoj doing nothing, ineffectual, unprofitable
a)praci/a a not acting, inaction
a)prasi/a want of purchasers, no sale
a)/pratoj unsold, unsaleable
a)pre/peia unseemly conduct
a)preph/j unseemly, unbecoming, indecent, indecorous
a)prepi/h ugliness
a)prh/u+ntoj implacable

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)pria/thn without purchase-money

a)prikdo/plhktoj struck unceasingly
a)pri/c with closed teeth
a)proai/retoj without set purpose, not deliberate
a)probou/leutoj not planned beforehand, unpremeditated
a)pro/bouloj without premeditation
a)pro/qumoj not eager
a)proi+dh/j unforeseen
a)/proikoj without portion
a)promh/qeia want of forethought
a)promh/qhj without forethought.
a)prono/htoj unpremeditated
a)prooimi/astoj without preface
a)pro/optoj unforeseen
a)pro/sbatoj unapproachable
a)prosdeh/j without want of more
a)prosdio/nusoj uncongenial to Bacchus
a)prosdo/khtoj unexpected, unlooked for
a)proshgori/a want of intercourse by speech
a)prosh/goroj not to be accosted, savage
a)pro/siktoj not to be attained
a)pro/sitoj unapproachable
a)pro/skeptoj unforeseen
a)pro/sklhtoj in support of which no summons has been issued
a)pro/skopoj not stumbling, void of offence
a)pro/smaxoj irresistible
a)pro/smiktoj holding no communion with
a)pro/soistoj not to be withstood, irresistible
a)proso/miloj unsociable
a)prospe/lastoj unapproachable
a)prostasi/ou an indictment of a
a)pro/sforoj unsuitable, dangerous
a)proswpo/lhptoj not respecting persons
a)pro/swpoj without a face
a)proti/mastoj untouched, undefiled
a)profa/sistoj offering no excuse, unhesitating
a)profu/laktoj not guarded against, unforeseen
a)/ptaistoj not stumbling
a)/pteroj without wings, unwinged
a)pth/n unfledged, callow
a)ptoeph/j undaunted in speech
a(pto/j subject to the sense of touch
a(/ptw to fasten, bind fast
a)ptw/j not liable to fall
a)pu/lwtoj not secured by gates
a)pu/rgwtoj not girt with towers

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/puroj without fire

a)pu/rwtoj not yet exposed to fire
a)/pustoj not heard of
a)pfu/j papa
a)pw|do/j out of tune
a)/pwqen from afar
a)pwqe/w to thrust away, push back
a)pw/leia destruction
a)pw/mastoj without a lid
a)pw/motoj abjured, declared impossible on oath
a)/pwsij a driving away
a)pwste/oj one must reject
a)pwsto/j thrust
a)pwta/tw furthest from
a)pwte/rw further off
a)rabe/w to rattle, ring, clash
)arabi/a Arabia
)arabiko/j Arabian
)ara/bioj Arabian
a)/raboj a gnashing
a)ragmo/j a clashing, clattering, rattling
a)rai=oj prayed to
a)raio/j thin, narrow, slight, slender
a)raci/xeiroj beaten with the hand
a)ra/omai to pray to
a)=ra particle introducing a question
a(/ra then, straightway, at once
a)ra/ a prayer
a)rari/skw to join, join together, fasten
a)raro/twj compactly, closely, strongly
a)ra/ssw to strike hard, smite
a)rato/j accursed, unblest
a)raxnai=oj of
a)ra/xnh a spider's web
a)ra/xnhj a spider
a)ra/xnion a spider's web
a)ra/w to pray
a)ra/w to damage
a)rbu/lh a strong shoe
)argadei=j one of the four old Attic tribes, the workmen, labourers
a)rgale/oj painful, troublous, grievous
)argei=oj of
)argeifo/nthj slayer of Argus
a)rge/lofoi the feet of a sheep-skin
a)rgenno/j white
a)rgesth/j clearing, brightening

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rge/w to lie idle, be unemployed, do nothing

a)rgh/eij shining, white
a)rgh/j bright, glancing
a)rgi/a idleness, laziness
a)rgike/raunoj wielder of bright lightning
a)/rgilla an underground dwelling
a)/rgilloj white clay, potter's earth
a)rgillw/dhj like clay, clayey
a)rgino/eij white
a)rgio/douj white-toothed, white-tusked
a)rgi/pouj swift-footed
a)/rgma the firstlings
)argo/qen from Argos
)argoli/zw to take part with the Argives
)argoliko/j of Argolis, a district in Peloponnesus
)argoli/j a district in Peloponnesus
a)rgopoio/j making idle
a)rgo/j shining, bright, glistening
a)rgo/j not working the ground, living without labour
a)rgura/gxh silver-quinsy
a)rguramoibiko/j of
a)rguramoibo/j a money-changer, banker
a)rgu/reioj silver
a)rgu/reoj silver, of silver
a)rgureu/w to dig for silver
a)rgurh/latoj of wrought silver
a)rguriko/j of, for
a)rgu/rion a piece of silver, a silver coin
a)rguri=tij silver-ore
a)rgurognw/mwn an assayer of silver
a)rgurodi/nhj silver-eddying
a)rguroeidh/j like silver, silvery
a)rguro/hloj silver-studded
a)rguroqh/kh a money-chest
a)rguroko/poj a silver-smith
a)rgurologe/w to levy money
a)rgurologi/a a levying of money
a)rgurolo/goj levying money
a)rguro/peza silver-footed
a)rguropoio/j a worker in silver
a)rguro/pouj with silver feet
a)rgurorru/thj silver-flowing
a)/rguroj white metal
a)rgurosterh/j robbing of silver
a)rguro/toixoj with silver sides
a)rguro/tocoj with silver bow

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rgurofeggh/j silver-shining
a)rgurw/dhj rich in silver
a)rgurw/nhtoj bought with silver
a)rgu/feoj silver-white
a)/rgufoj silver-white
)argw=|oj of the Argo
)argw/ the Argo
a)rdei/a a watering
a)rdeu/w to water
a)/rdhn lifted up, on high
a)/rdij the point of
a)rdmo/j a watering-place
a)/rdw to water
a)reia/ menaces, threats
a)reimanh/j full of warlike frenzy
a)/reioj devoted to Ares, warlike, martial
a)rei/tolmoj warlike, bold
a)rei/fatoj slain by Ares
a)rei/wn better, stouter, stronger, braver, more excellent
)areopagi/thj a member of the Areopagus
a)reskei/a the character of an
a)re/skeuma an act of obsequiousness
a)resko/ntwj agreeably
a)/reskoj pleasing
a)re/skw to make good, make up
a)resto/j acceptable, pleasing
a)reta/w to be fit
a)reth/ goodness, excellence
a)rhgosu/nh help, aid
a)rhgw/n a helper
a)rh/gw to help, aid, succour
a)rhi/qooj swift as Ares, swift in battle
a)rhikta/menoj slain by Ares
a)rhi/filoj dear to Ares, favoured of the god of war
a)/rhcij help, succour
)/arhj Ares
a)rhth/rion a place for prayer
a)rhth/r one that prays, a priest
a)rqme/w to be united
a)/rqmioj united
a)rqmo/j a bond, league, friendship
a)/rqron a joint
a)rqrope/dh a band for the limbs, fetter
a)rqro/w to fasten by a joint
a)rqrw/dhj well-jointed, well-knit
a)ri/gnwtoj easy to be known

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ri/dakruj much weeping, very tearful

a)ridei/ketoj much shewn
a)ri/dhloj very distinct, far seen
a)ri/zhloj conspicuous, very distinct
a)rizh/lwtoj much to be envied
a)riqme/w to number, count
a)ri/qmhma a reckoning, number
a)ri/qmhsij a counting, reckoning up
a)riqmhtiko/j of
a)riqmhto/j easily numbered, few in number
a)riqmo/j number
a)/rioi Arians
a)ripreph/j very distinguished, stately
a)ri/shmoj very notable
a)ri/j a carpenter's tool, an auger
a)ri/staqloj victorious in the contest
a)ri/starxoj best-ruling
a)rista/fuloj rich in grapes
a)rista/w to take breakfast
a)ristei/a excellence, prowess
a)ristei=a the prize of the best and bravest, the meed of valour
a)ristero/j left, on the left
a)risteu/j the best man
a)risteu/w to be best
a)risti/zw to give one breakfast
a)risto/bouloj best-advising
a)ristoge/neqloj producing the best
a)ristogo/noj bearing the best children
a)ristokrate/omai to be governed by the best-born, to live under an aristocratical form of government
a)ristokrati/a the rule of the best, an aristocracy
a)ristokratiko/j aristocratical
a)risto/mantij best of prophets
a)risto/maxoj best at fighting
a)risto/nooj of the best disposition
a)/riston the morning meal, breakfast
a)ristopoie/w prepared for breakfast
a)/ristoj best
a)ristoto/koj bearing the best children:&mdash
a)risto/tokoj born of the best parents
a)risto/xeir won by the stoutest hand
a)ristw/din bearing the best children
a)risfalh/j very slippery
a)rifradh/j easy to be known, very distinct, manifest
a)rkeo/ntwj enough, abundantly
a)/rkesij help, aid, service
a)rketo/j sufficient

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rke/w to ward off, keep off

a)/rkioj sufficient, sure, certain
a)rkte/oj one must begin
a)/rktoj a bear
)arktou=roj the time of his rising
a)rktw=|oj northern
a)/rkuj a net, hunter's net
a)rkustasi/a a line of nets
a)rku/statoj beset with nets
a)rkuwro/j a watcher of nets
a(rmali/a fitting sustenance, allowance, food
a(rma/maca a covered carriage
a(/rma a chariot
a(rma/teioj of
a(rmateu/w to drive
a(rmathlasi/a chariot-driving
a(rmathlate/w to go in a chariot, drive it
a(rmathla/thj a charioteer
a(rmath/latoj driven round by a wheel
a(rmatodromi/a a chariot race
a(rmato/ktupoj the rattling
a(rmatophgo/j a wheelwright, chariot-maker
a(rmatotrofe/w to keep chariot-horses
a(rmatotrofi/a a keeping of chariot-horses
a(rmatotroxia/ the wheel-track of a chariot
a)/rmena the tackling
a(rmo/dioj fitting together
a(rmo/zw to fit together, join
a(rmoi= just, newly, lately
a(rmologe/w to join, pile together
a(rmoni/a a fastening
a(rmoniko/j skilled in music
a(rmo/j the fastenings
a(rmosth/j one who arranges
a(rmo/stwr a commander
a)rnaki/j a sheep's skin
a)rneio/j a young ram
a)/rneioj of a lamb
a)rneoqoi/nhj feasting on lambs
a)rne/omai to deny, disown
a)rneuth/r a diver, tumbler
a)rneu/w to butt like a ram, to dive
a)rnh/simoj to be denied
a)/rnhsij denial
a)rni/on a sheep-skin
a)rno/j a lamb

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/rnumai to receive for oneself, reap, win, gain, earn

a)ro/simoj arable, fruitful
a)/rosij arable land, corn-land
a)roth/r a plougher, husbandman
a)/rotoj a corn-field
a)rotrai=oj of corn-land, rustic
a)rotreu/j a ploughman
a)rotrhth/j belonging to the plough
a)rotrodi/auloj a plougher
a)/rotron a plough
a)rotropo/noj working with the plough
a)rotrofore/w to draw the plough
a)rourai=oj of
a)/roura tilled
a)rouropo/noj working in the field
a)ro/w to plough
a(rpa/gh a rake
a(rpagh/ seizure, rapine, robbery, rape
a(rpa/gimoj ravished, stolen
a(rpagmo/j a seizing, booty, a prize
a(rpa/zw to snatch away, carry off
a(rpakth/r a robber
a(rpaktiko/j rapacious
a(rpakto/j gotten by rapine, stolen
a(rpale/oj greedy
a(rpali/zw to catch up, be eager to receive
a(rpa/candroj snatching away men
a(/rpac rapacious
a(/rpasma robbery
a(rpasto/j carried away
a(rpedo/nh a cord
a(/rph a kite
(/arpuiai the snatchers
a)rrabw/n earnest-money, caution-money
a)/rratoj firm, hard, solid
a)/rrafoj without seam
a)/rrektoj undone
a)rreniko/j male
a)rreno/paij of male children
a)rrenwpi/a a manly look manliness
a)rrenwpo/j masculine-looking, masculine, manly
a)/rrhktoj unbroken, not to be broken
a)rrhnh/j fierce, savage
a)/rrhtoj unspoken, unsaid
a)rrhfore/w to serve as
a)rrhfori/a the procession

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rrhfo/ria the festival

)arrhfo/roi two maidens
a)rri/ghtoj not shivering, daring
a)/rrij without power of scenting
a)/rrixoj a wicker basket
a)rruqme/w not to be in rhythm with
a)rruqmi/a want of rhythm
a)/rruqmoj not in rhythm
a)rruti/dwtoj unwrinkled
a)rrw/c without cleft
a)rrwste/w to be weak and sickly
a)rrw/sthma an illness, a sickness
a)rrwsti/a weakness, sickness
a)/rrwstoj weak, sickly
a)rsenokoi/thj lying with men
a)/rshn male
a)rsi/pouj raising the foot, active
a)/rsij a raising
a)rta/bh artaba
a)rtame/w to cut in pieces, rend asunder
a)/rtamoj a butcher, cook
a)rta/nh that by which something is hung up, a rope, noose, halter
a)rta/w to fasten to
a)rtemh/j safe and sound
a)rtemi/a soundness, recovery
)artemi/sion a temple of Artemis
)/artemij Artemis
a)rte/mwn a foresail
a)rte/omai to be prepared, get ready, make ready
a)/rthma a hanging ornament, earring
a)rthri/a the wind-pipe
a)rtia/zw to play at odd and even
a)rtiasmo/j the game of odd and even
a)rtibrexh/j just steeped
a)rti/gamoj just married
a)rtige/neioj with beard just sprouting
a)rtige/nnhtoj just born
a)rtiglufh/j newly carved
a)rti/gonoj just born
a)rtidah/j just taught
a)rti/dakruj just weeping, ready to weep
a)rti/doroj just stript off
a)rti/dropoj ready for plucking, of tender age
a)rtieph/j ready of speech, glib
a)rtizugi/a a recent union
a)rti/zw to get ready, prepare

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rtiqalh/j just budding

a)rtiqanh/j just dead
a)rti/kolloj close-glued, clinging close to
a)rtilo/xeutoj just born
a)rtimaqh/j having just learnt
a)rtimelh/j sound of limb
a)/rtioj complete, perfect of its kind, suitable, exactly fitted
a)rtipagh/j just put together
a)rti/ploutoj newly gotten
a)rti/pouj sound of foot
a)/rti just, exactly
a)/rtisij equipment
a)rti/skaptoj just dug
a)rti/stomoj speaking in good idiom
a)rtitelh/j newly initiated
a)rti/tokoj new-born
a)rtitrefh/j just nursed
a)rti/tropoj just of age, marriageable
a)rti/frwn sound of mind, sensible
a)rtifuh/j just born, fresh
a)rtixanh/j just opening
a)rti/xnouj with the first bloom on
a)rti/xristoj fresh-spread
a)rtoko/poj a baker
a)rtola/gunoj with bread and bottle in it
a)rtopoii/+a a baking
a)rtopoio/j a bread-maker, baker
a)rtopw/lion a baker's shop, bakery
a)rto/pwlij a bread-woman
a)rtosite/w to eat wheaten bread
a)/rtoj a cake
a)rtofage/w to eat bread
a)rtofa/goj a bread-eater
a)/rtuma seasoning, sauce, spice
a)rtu/naj a magistrate
a)rtu/nw to arrange, prepare, devise
a)rtu/w to arrange, devise, prepare
a)ru/balloj a bag
a)ru/ssomai to draw for oneself
a)rusth/r a cup
a)ru/taina a small pail
a)ruth/simoj fit to drink
a)ru/w to draw
a)rxa/ggeloj an archangel
a)rxai+ko/j old-fashioned, antiquated, primitive
a)rxaio/gonoj of ancient race, of old descent

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)rxaiologe/w to discuss antiquities

a)rxaiolo/goj an antiquary.
a)rxaiomelisidwnofrunixh/ratoj dear honey-sweet old
a)rxaio/ploutoj rich from olden time, of old hereditary wealth
a)rxaiopreph/j distinguished from olden time, time-honoured
a)rxai=oj from the beginning
a)rxaiotropi/a old fashions
a)rxaio/tropoj old-fashioned
a)rxairesia/zw to hold the assembly for the election of magistrates
a)rxairesi/a an election of magistrates
a)rxei=on the senate-house, town-hall, residence of the chief magistrates
a)rxe/kakoj beginning mischief
a)rxe/laoj leading the people, a chief
a)rxe/polij ruling a city
a)rxe/thj a leader, prince
a)rxe/tupon an archetype, pattern, model
a)rxeu/w to command
a)rxe/xoroj leading the chorus
a)rxhgenh/j causing the first beginning of
a)rxhgeteu/w to be chief leader
a)rxhgete/w to make a beginning
a)rxhge/thj a first leader, the founder
a)rxhgo/j beginning, originating
a)rxh=qen from the beginning, from of old, from olden time
a)rxh/ a beginning, origin, first cause
a)rxigrammateu/j a chief clerk
a)rxi/dion a petty office, petty officer
a)rxieratiko/j of the high-priest
a)rxiereu/j an arch-priest, chief-priest
a)rxierwsu/nh the high-priesthood
a)rxiqa/lassoj ruling the sea
a)rxiqewre/w to be
a)rxiqe/wroj the chief of a
a)rxiko/j of
a)rxikubernh/thj a chief pilot
a)rxi/mimoj a chief comedian
a)rxipeirath/j a pirate-chief
a)rxi/planoj a Nomad chieftain
a)rxipoi/mhn a chief shepherd
a)rxisuna/gwgoj the ruler of a synagogue
a)rxitektone/w to be the architect
a)rxite/ktwn a chief-artificer, master-builder, director of works, architect, engineer
a)rxitelw/nhj a chief toll-collector, chief-publican
a)rxitri/klinoj the president of a banquet (triclinium)
a)rxiupaspisth/j chief of the men at arms
a)rxontiko/j of an archon

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a)rxo/j a leader, chief, commander

a)rxw|do/j a precentor
a)/rxwn a ruler, commander, chief, captain
a)/rxw to be first
a)rwgh/ help, aid, succour, protection
a)rwgonau/thj helper of sailors
a)rwgo/j aiding, succouring, propitious, serviceable
a)/rwma any spice
a)/rwma arable land, corn-land
a)/saktoj not trodden down
a)salami/nioj not having been at Salamis
a)sa/leutoj not agitated, tranquil
a)sa/minqoj a bathing-tub
a)sa/ndaloj unsandalled, unshod
a)/santoj not to be soothed, ungentle
a)sa/omai to feel loathing
a)sarkh/j not fleshly
a)/sarkoj without flesh, lean
a)sa/feia indistinctness, obscurity
a)safh/j indistinct
a)/sbestoj unquenchable, inextinguishable
a)se/beia ungodliness, impiety, profaneness
a)sebe/w to be impious, to act profanely, sin against the gods
a)se/bhma an impious
a)sebh/j ungodly, godless, unholy, profane
a)sei/rwtoj not drawn by traces
a)selgai/nw to behave licentiously
a)se/lgeia licentiousness
a)selgh/j licentious, wanton, brutal
a)se/lhnoj moonless
a)/septoj unholy
a)sh/mantoj without leader
a)/shmoj without mark
a)sqe/neia want of strength, weakness, feebleness, sickliness
a)sqene/w to be weak, feeble, sickly
a)sqenh/j without strength, weak, feeble, weakly
a)sqeno/w to weaken
a)sqmai/nw to breathe hard, gasp for breath
a)=sqma a breath, breathing
)asiano/j Asiatic
)asi/a Asia
)asia/rxhj an Asiarch
)asia/j Asiatic
)asiatogenh/j of Asian birth
a)si/dhroj not of iron
a)/sikxoj not nice as to food

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)sinh/j unhurt, unharmed

)/asioj Asian
a)/sij slime, mud
a)site/w to abstain from food, fast
a)siti/a want of food
a)/sitoj without food, fasting
a)skalabw/thj the spotted lizard
a)/skaloj unhoed
a)ska/nthj a poor bed, pallet
a)skardamukti/ without winking, with unchanged look
a)skarda/muktoj not blinking
a)skelh/j dried up, withered
a)ske/parnoj without the axe, unhewn
a)/skeptoj inconsiderate, unreflecting
a)skeuh/j without the implements of his art
a)/skeuoj unfurnished, unprepared
a)ske/w to work curiously, form by art, fashion
a)skhqh/j unhurt, unharmed, unscathed
a)/skhma an exercise, practice
a)/skhnoj without tents
a)/skhsij exercise, practice, training
a)skhte/oj to be practised
a)skhth/j one who practises any art
a)skhto/j curiously wrought
a)/skioj unshaded
)asklhpia/dai physicians
)asklhpiei=on the temple of Asclepius
)asklhpi/eioj of, belonging to Asclepius
)asklhpio/j Asclepius
a)/skopoj inconsiderate, heedless
a)/skopoj aimless, random
a)sko/j a leathern-bag, a wine-skin
a)skwlia/zw to dance as at the
a)skw/lia the 2nd day of the rural Dionysia, when they danced upon greased wine-skins
a)/skwma the leather padding of
a)=|sma a song, a lyric ode
a)|smatoka/mpthj twister of song
a)smeni/zw to be well-pleased
a)/smenoj well-pleased, glad
a)sofi/a unwisdom, stupidity
a)/sofoj unwise, foolish, silly
a)spa/zomai to welcome kindly, bid welcome, greet
a)spai/rw to pant, gasp, struggle convulsively
a)spa/laqoj aspalathus
a)/spartoj unsown, untilled
a)spa/sioj welcome, gladly welcomed

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a)/spasma a greeting
a)spasmo/j a greeting, embrace, salutation
a)spasto/j welcome
a)/speistoj to be appeased by no libations, implacable
a)/spermoj without seed
a)sperxe/j hastily, hotly, vehemently
a)/spetoj unspeakable, unutterable, unspeakably great
a)spidapoblh/j one that throws away his shield, a runaway
a)spidhfo/roj shield-bearing
a)spidiw/thj shield-bearing, a warrior
a)spido/doupoj clattering with shields
a)spidophgei=on the workshop of a shieldmaker
a)spidou=xoj a shield-bearer
a)spidofe/rmwn living by the shield
a)/spiloj without spot, spotless
a)spi/j a round shield
a)spisth/j one armed with a shield, a warrior
a)spi/stwr of shielded warriors
a)/splagxnoj without bowels
a)/spondoj without drink-offering
a)spou/dastoj not to be zealously pursued, not worth pursuing
a)spoudi/ without zeal, without a struggle, ignobly
a)=sson nearer, very near
)assuri/a Assyria, the country of the Assyrians
)assu/rioi the Assyrians
a)staqh/j unsteady, unstable
a)sta/qmhtoj unsteady, unstable
a)stakti/ not in drops
a)/staktoj not in drops, gushing
a)sta/laktoj not dripping
a)sta/ndhj a courier
a)stasi/astoj not disturbed by faction
a)state/w to be unstable
a)/statoj unstable
a)stafidi/thj of raisins
a)stafi/j dried grapes, raisins
a)/staxuj an ear of corn
a)ste/gastoj uncovered
a)stei/+zomai to talk cleverly
a)stei=oj of the town
a)stemfh/j unmoved, unshaken
a)ste/naktoj without sigh
a)|ste/oj one must sing
a)/steptoj uncrowned
a)sterga/nwr without love of man, shunning wedlock
a)stergh/j without love, implacable, hateful

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)stero/eij starred, starry

a)steroph/ lightning
a)sterophth/j the lightener
a)sterwpo/j star-faced, bright-shining
a)ste/fanoj without crown, ungarlanded
a)stefa/nwtoj uncrowned, not to be crowned
a)/sthloj without tombstone
a)sth/riktoj not steady, unstable
a)sth/r a star
a)stibh/j untrodden
a)stiko/j of a city
a)/stiktoj not marked with
a)stle/ggistoj not scraped clean
a)/stoloj unequipped
a)/stomoj without mouth
a)stona/xhtoj without sighs
a)/storgoj without natural affection
a)sto/j a townsman, citizen
a)stoxe/w to miss the mark, to miss, fail
a)/stoxoj missing the mark, aiming badly at
a)stra/bh a mule's saddle, an easy padded saddle
a)strabh/j not twisted, straight
a)stragali/zw to play with
a)straga/lisij a playing with
a)stra/galoj one of the neck-vertebrae
a)straph/ a flash of lightning, lightning
a)straphfore/w to carry lightnings
a)straphfo/roj lightning-bearing, flashing
a)stra/ptw to lighten, hurl lightnings
a)stratei/a exemption from service
a)stra/teutoj without service, never having seen service
a)/streptoj unbending, inflexible
a)strogei/twn near the stars
a)stro/qetoj astronomical
a)strologi/a astronomy
a)stronome/w to study astronomy
a)stronomi/a astronomy
a)stronomiko/j skilled in astronomy, pertaining to astronomy
a)strono/moj an astronomer
a)/stron the stars
a)/strofoj without turning away, unturning
a)strw=|oj starry
a)/strwtoj without bed
a)stua/nac lord of the city
a)stubow/thj crying through the city
a)stugei/twn near

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/stude into, to
a)studrome/omai to have the streets filled with fugitives
a)/stuloj without pillar
a)stu/nikoj the victorious city
a)stunome/w to be
a)stunomi/a the office
a)stunomiko/j of
a)stuno/moj protecting the city
a)stu/oxoj protecting the city
a)/stu a city, town
a)stufe/liktoj unshaken, undisturbed
a)stu/feloj not rugged
a)suggnw/mwn not pardoning, relentless
a)sugke/rastoj unmixed
a)sugko/mistoj not gathered in
a)su/gkritoj not to be compared, unlike
a)sukofa/nthtoj not plagued by informers, not calumniated
a)sulai=oj of an asylum
a)su/lhtoj not inviolate
a)suli/a inviolability
a)sullo/gistoj not reasoning justly
a)/suloj safe from violence, inviolate
a)su/mbatoj not coming to terms
a)su/mblhtoj not to be guessed, unintelligible
a)su/mboloj not paying one's scot
a)summetri/a want of proportion
a)su/mmetroj having no common measure
a)sumpagh/j not compact
a)sumpaqh/j without sympathy with
a)su/mforoj inconvenient, inexpedient, useless
a)su/mfwnoj not agreeing in sound
a)su/myhfoj not agreeing with
a)su/ndetoj unconnected
a)su/ndhloj not manifest
a)sunesi/a want of understanding, stupidity
a)su/netoj void of understanding, stupid
a)sunh/qeia want of experience
a)sunh/qhj unaccustomed, inexperienced, unacquainted
a)su/nqetoj uncompounded
a)su/noptoj not easily perceived
a)su/ntaktoj not ranged together
a)su/ntonoj not strained, slack
a)suskeu/astoj not arranged, not ready
a)su/statoj having no cohesion
a)su/fhloj insolent, degrading
a)sfa/dastoj without convulsion

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)/sfaktoj unslaughtered
a)sfa/lac a mole
a)sfa/leia security against stumbling
)asfa/leioj securer
a)sfalh/j not liable to fall, immoveable, steadfast, firm
a)sfali/zomai to make safe, secure
a)/sfaltoj asphalt, bitumen
a)sfarage/w to resound, clang
a)sfa/ragoj the throat, gullet
a)sfa/ragoj asparagus
a)sfode/linoj of asphodel
a)sfo/deloj asphodel, king's-spear
a)/sfuktoj without pulse, lifeless
a)sxala/w to be distressed, grieved
a)sxa/llw to be vexed at
a)/sxetoj not to beheld in
a)sxhma/tistoj without form
a)sxhmone/w to behave unseemly, disgrace oneself, to be put to shame
a)sxhmosu/nh want of form, ungracefulness
a)sxh/mwn misshapen, unseemly, shameful
a)sxole/w to engage, occupy
a)sxoli/a an occupation, business, want of leisure
a)/sxoloj without leisure, engaged, occupied, busy
a)/sxu the inspissated juice of a Scythian tree
a)sw/matoj unembodied, incorporeal
a)swteu/omai to lead a profligate, wasteful life
a)swti/a prodigality, wastefulness
a)/swtoj having no hope of safety, abandoned, profligate
a)takte/w to be undisciplined, disorderly
a)/taktoj not in battle-order
a)talai/pwroj without pains
a)ta/lantoj equal in weight, equivalent
a)tala/frwn tender-minded
a)ta/llw to skip in childish glee, gambol
a)talo/j tender, delicate
a)talo/yuxoj soft-hearted
a)taci/a want of discipline, disorderliness
a)ta/omai to suffer greatly, be in dire distress
a)ta/raktoj not disturbed, without confusion, steady
a)tarbh/j unfearing, fearless
a)ta/rbhtoj fearless, undaunted
a)ta/rmuktoj unwincing, unflinching
a)ta/r but, yet
a)tarthro/j mischievous, baneful
a)tasqali/a presumptuous sin, recklessness, arrogance
a)tasqa/llw acting presumptuously, in arrogance

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)ta/sqaloj presumptuous, reckless, arrogant

a)tau/rwtoj unwedded, virgin
a)tafi/a want of burial
a)/tafoj unburied
a)/tegktoj not to be wetted
a)teirh/j not to be worn away, indestructible
a)tei/xistoj unwalled, unfortified
a)te/kmartoj not to be guessed, obscure, baffling
a)tekni/a childlessness
a)/teknoj without children, childless
a)tekno/w to make childless
a)te/leia exemption from public burdens
a)te/lestoj without end
a)teleu/thtoj not brought to an end
a)te/leutoj endless, eternal
a)telh/j without end
a)te/mbw to maltreat, to afflict, perplex
a)tenh/j strained tight, clinging
a)teni/zw to look intently, gaze earnestly
a(/te just as, so as
a)te/ramnoj unsoftened
a)te/rmwn without bounds
a)/ter without
a)terph/j unpleasing, joyless, melancholy
a)teryi/a unpleasantness
a)teukte/w to fail in gaining
a)/teuktoj not gaining
a)teuxh/j unequipped, unarmed
a)texni/a want of art
a)/texnoj without art, ignorant of the rules of art, unskilled, empirical
a)texnw=j simply
a)te/xnwj without rules of art, empirically
a)te/w fool-hardy, reckless
a)/thktoj not melted
a)thmelh/j neglected
a)thme/lhtoj unheeded, uncared for
a)/th bewilderment, infatuation, reckless impulse
a)thro/j blinded by
)atqi/j Attic
a)ti/etoj unhonoured
a)ti/zw not to honour, to hold in no honour
a)tiqa/seutoj untamable, wild
a)timagele/w to forsake the herd
a)timage/lhj despising the herd
a)tima/zw to hold in no honour, to esteem lightly, dishonour, slight
a)timaste/oj to be despised

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

a)timasth/r a dishonourer
a)tima/w to dishonour, treat lightly
a)ti/mhtoj unhonoured, despised
a)timi/a dishonour, disgrace
a)timopenqh/j sorrowing for dishonour incurred
a)/timoj unhonoured, dishonoured
a)timo/w to dishonour
a)timw/rhtoj unavenged
a)ti/mwsij a dishonouring, dishonour done to
a)tita/llw to rear up
a)ti/thj unpunished
a)/titoj unhonoured, unavenged
)atlagenh/j sprung from Atlas
)atlantiko/j of Atlas, Atlantic
)atlanti/j the Atlantic ocean
)/atlaj Atlas
a)tlhte/w to be unable to bear
a)/tlhtoj not to be borne, insufferable
a)tmeni/a slavery, servitude
a)tmh/n a slave, servant
a)/tmhtoj not cut up, unravaged
a)tmi/zw to smoke
a)tmo/j steam, vapour
a)/toixoj unwalled
a)/tokoj having never yet brought forth, never having had a child
a)to/lmhtoj not to be endured, insufferable
a)tolmi/a want of daring, cowardice, backwardness
a)/tolmoj daring nothing, wanting courage, spiritless, cowardly
a)/tomoj uncut, unmown
a)tone/w to be relaxed, exhausted
a)/tonoj not stretched, relaxed
a)/tocoj without bow
a)topi/a a being out of the way
a)/topoj out of place
a)tragw/|dhtoj not treated tragically
a)/traktoj a spindle
a)trapo/j a path with no turnings
a)tra/facuj orach
a)tra/xhloj without neck
a)tre/keia reality, strict truth, certainty
a)trekh/j real, genuine
a)tre/maj without trembling, without motion
a)treme/w not to tremble, to keep still
a)tremh/j not trembling, unmoved
a)tremi/a a keeping still
a)tremi/zw to keep quiet

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a)/treptoj unmoved, immutable

a)/trestoj not trembling, unfearing, fearless
a)tri/aktoj unconquered
a)tribh/j not rubbed
a)/triptoj not worn by work
a)/tromoj intrepid, dauntless
a)tropi/a inflexibility
a)/tropoj unchangeable, eternal
a)trofe/w to pine away, suffer from atrophy
a)/trofoj not fed, ill-fed
a)tru/getoj yielding no harvest, unfruitful
a)tru/mwn not worn out
a)/trutoj not worn away, untiring, unwearied
)atrutw/nh the unwearied
a)/trwtoj unwounded
a)ttaga=j partridge
a)ttagh/n grouse, attagen Ionicus
a)/tta father
a)ttatai= a cry of pain
a)tte/laboj locust without wings
)attiki/zw to side with the Athenians
)attikismo/j a siding with Athens, attachment to her
)attikisti/ in the Attic dialect
a)ttiki/wn my little Athenian
)attiko/j Attic, Athenian
a)tu/zw to be distraught from fear, mazed, bewildered
a)tu/mbeutoj without burial
a)/tumboj without a tomb
a)tura/nneutoj not ruled by tyrants
a)/tufoj without pride
a)tuxe/w to be unlucky
a)tu/xhma a misfortune, mishap
a)tuxh/j luckless, unfortunate
a)tuxi/a ill-luck:&mdash
au)= again, anew, afresh, once more
au)= bow wow
au)ai/nw to dry
au)ale/oj dry, parched
au)ga/zw to view in the clearest light, see distinctly, discern
au)gh/ the light of the sun, sunlight
au)da/zomai to cry out, speak
au)da/w to utter sounds, speak
au)dh/eij speaking with human voice
au)dh/ the human voice, speech
au)eru/w to draw back
au)qa/deia self-will, wilfulness, stubbornness, contumacy, presumption

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au)qa/dhj self-willed, wilful, dogged, stubborn, contumacious, presumptuous

au)qadi/zomai to be self-willed
au)qa/disma an act of self-will, wilfulness
au)qado/stomoj self-willed in speech
au)qai/mwn of the same blood, a brother, sister, kinsman
au)qai/retoj self-chosen, self-elected
au)qe/kastoj one who calls each thing by its name
au)qente/w to have full power over
au)qe/nthj one who does
au)qh/meroj made
au)qigenh/j born on the spot, born in the country, native
au)=qi on the spot, here, there
au)=qij back, back again
au)i/axoj loud-shouting, noisy
au)lakerga/thj tracing furrows
au)=lac a furrow
au)/leioj of
au)le/w to play on the flute
au)/lhma a piece of music for the flute
au)lh/ the court-yard
au)/lhsij flute-playing
au)lhth/j a flute-player
au)lhtiko/j of
au)lhtri/j a flute-girl
au)lia/dej protecting cattlefolds
au)li/zomai to lie in the court-yard
au)/lion a country house, cottage
au)/lioj of
au)li/skoj a small reed, pipe
au)=lij a place for passing the night in, a tent, roosting-place
au)listri/j a house-mate
au)lodo/kh a flute-case
au)loqete/w to make flutes
au)lopoiikh/ flute-making
au)lopoio/j a flute-maker
au)lo/j a flute
au)lw/n a hollow way, defile, glen
au)lw=pij with a tube in front
au)ca/nw to make large, increase, augment
au)chsi/a the Goddess of growth
au)/chsij growth, increase
au)/cimoj promoting growth
au)cose/lhnon the waxing moon
au)onh/ dryness, withering
au)=oj dry
a)upni/a sleeplessness

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a)/upnoj sleepless, wakeful

au)/ra air in motion, a breeze
au)/rion to-morrow
au)stale/oj sunburnt, squalid
au)sthro/j making the tongue dry and rough, harsh, rough, bitter
au)sthro/thj harshness, roughness
au)ta/ggeloj carrying one's own message, bringing news of what oneself has seen
au)ta/gretoj self-chosen, left to one's choice
au)ta/delfoj related as brother
au)/tandroj together with the men, men and all
au)tane/yioj an own cousin, cousin-german
au)ta/rkeia sufficiency in oneself, independence
au)ta/rkhj sufficient in oneself, having enough, independent
au)tecou/sioj in one's own power
au)tepa/ggeltoj offering of oneself, of free will
au)=te again
au)tepw/numoj of the same surname with
au)tere/thj one who rows himself
a)ute/w to cry, shout
au)th/kooj one who has himself heard, an ear-witness
au)th=mar on the self-same day
a)uth/ a cry, shout
au)ti/ka forthwith, straightway, at once
a)utmh/ breath
au)toa/nqrwpoj the ideal man, the form of man
au)toboei/ by a mere shout, at the first shout
au)to/bouloj self-willing, self-purposing
au)toge/nnhtoj self-produced
au)tognwmone/w to act of one's own judgment
au)tognw/mwn on one's own judgment, at one's own discretion
au)to/gnwtoj self-determined, self-willed
au)to/guoj having the share-beam of one piece with the pole
au)todah/j self-taught, unpremeditated
au)toda/iktoj self-slain
au)toda/c with the very teeth
au)to/deka just ten
au)to/dhloj self-evident
au)todi/daktoj self-taught
au)to/dikoj with independent jurisdiction, with one's own law-courts
au)to/dion straightway
au)toe/kastoj the ideal
au)toe/nthj a murderer
au)toetei/ in the same year
au)toeth/j in
au)toqai/j Thais herself
au)toqelei/ voluntarily

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au)toqelh/j of one's own will

au)to/qen from the very spot
au)to/qi on the spot
au)toka/bdaloj wrought
au)tokasignh/th an own sister
au)tokasi/gnhtoj an own brother
au)tokata/kritoj self-condemned
au)toke/leuqoj going one's own road
au)toke/leustoj self-bidden
au)to/kladoj branches and all
au)to/klhtoj self-called
au)to/komoj with natural hair, shaggy
au)tokrath/j ruling by oneself, absolute, autocratic
au)tokratoriko/j of
au)tokra/twr one's own master
au)to/ktitoj self-produced
au)toktone/w to slay one another
au)tokto/noj self-slaying
au)tokubernh/thj one who steers himself
au)to/kwpoj together with the hilt, up to the hilt
au)tolh/kuqoj one who carries his own oil-flask, a shabby fellow
au)tomaqh/j having learnt of oneself, self- taught
au)to/martuj oneself the witness, an eyewitness
au)tomati/zw to act of oneself, act unadvisedly
au)to/matoj acting of one's own will, of oneself
au)tome/dwn self-ruler
au)tome/linna Melinna herself
au)tomole/w to desert
au)tomoli/a desertion
au)to/moloj going of oneself, without bidding
au)tonome/omai to live by one's own laws, be independent
au)tonomi/a freedom to use one's own laws, independence
au)to/nomoj living under one's own laws, independent
au)to/nooj self-willed
au)tonuxi/ that very night
au)to/culoj of mere wood
au)topagh/j self-joined, self-built
au)topa/qeia one's own feeling
au)topaqh/j speaking from one's own feeling
au)to/paij an own child
au)toph/mwn for one's own woes
au)to/poioj self-produced
au)to/polij free as a state, independent
au)topoli/thj citizen of a free state
au)topo/nhtoj self-wrought
au)to/pouj on one's own feet

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au)to/premnoj together with the root, root and branch

au)topro/swpoj in one's own person, without a mask
au)to/pthj seeing oneself, an eyewitness
au)topw/lhj selling one's own goods
au)topwliko/j of an
au)to/rrizoj roots and all
au)to/rrutoj self-flowing, flowing unbidden
au)to/se thither, to the very place
au)tosi/dhroj of sheer iron, with stroke of sword
au)to/j self
au)to/ssutoj self-sped
au)tostadi/h a stand-up fight, close fight
au)to/stoloj self-sent, going
au)to/stonoj lamenting by
au)tosfagh/j slain by oneself
au)tosxedia/zw to act
au)tosxedi/asma an impromptu
au)tosxediasth/j one who acts
au)tosxe/dioj hand to hand
au)tosxedo/n near at hand, hand to hand
au)tote/lestoj self-accomplished, spontaneous
au)totelh/j ending in itself, complete in itself, supporting oneself
au)to/tokoj young and all
au)totragiko/j arrant tragic
au)totroph/saj to turn straightway
au)tou= at the very place, just here, just there
au)tourge/w to work with one's own hand
au)tou/rghtoj self-wrought, rudely wrought
au)tourgi/a a working on oneself
au)tourgo/j self-working
au)to/fi the very spot
au)to/floioj with the bark on
au)tofo/noj self-murdering, murdering those of one's own family
au)tofo/nthj a murderer
au)to/fortoj bearing one's own baggage
au)tofuh/j self-grown
au)to/futoj self-caused
au)to/fwnoj self-sounding
au)to/fwroj self-detected, caught in the act of theft
au)toxeiri/a murder perpetrated by one's own hand
au)to/xeir with one's own hand
au)to/xqonoj country and all
au)to/xqwn sprung from the land itself
au)toxo/lwtoj angry at oneself
au)toxo/wnoj rudely cast, massive
au)to/xrhma in very deed, really and truly

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au)toyi/a a seeing with one's own eyes

au)/twj in this very manner, even so, just so, as it is
au)xeni/zw to cut the throat of
au)xe/nioj of the neck
au)xe/w to boast, plume oneself
au)xh/eij braggart, proud
au)/xhma a thing boasted of, a pride, boast
au)xh/n the neck, throat
au)/xhsij boasting, exultation
au)xme/w to be squalid
au)xmhro/j dry, dusty, rough, squalid
au)xmo/j drought
au)xmw/dhj looking dry, squalid
au)/w to burn, light a fire, get a light
au)/w to shout out, shout, call aloud
a)fagni/zw to purify
a)fai/resij a taking away, carrying off
a)fairete/oj one must take away
a)faireto/j to be taken away, separable
a)faire/w to take from, take away from
(/afaistoj Hephaestus
a)fa/llomai to spring off
a)/faloj without the
a)famarta/nw to miss
a)famartoeph/j random-talking
a)fanda/nw to displease, not to please
a)fa/neia obscurity
a)fanh/j unseen, invisible, viewless
a)fani/zw to make unseen, hide from sight
a)fa/nisij a getting rid of
a)faniste/oj to be suppressed
a)/fantoj made invisible, blotted out, forgotten
a)fa/ptw to fasten from
a)farpa/zw to tear off
a)/far straightway, forthwith, at once, quickly, presently
a)fa/rteroj more fleet
a)fasi/a speechlessness
a)fa/ssw to handle, feel
a)/fatoj not uttered, nameless
a)fauro/j feeble, powerless
a)fau/w to dry up, parch
a(fa/w to handle, rub, polish
a)feggh/j without light
a)fedrw/n a privy
a)feide/w to be unsparing
a)feidh/j unsparing

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a)feidi/a profuseness
a)fekte/oj one must abstain from
a)felh/j without a stone, even, smooth
a)fe/lkw to drag away
a)felo/thj simplicity
a)/fenoj riches, wealth, plenty
a)/ferktoj shut out from
a)fermhneu/w to interpret, expound
a)fe/rpw to creep off, steal away, retire
a)/fertoj insufferable, intolerable
a)/fesij a letting go, dismissal
a)festh/cw I shall be absent, away from
a)fete/oj one must dismiss
a)feth/rioj for letting go
a)/fetoj let loose, at large, ranging at will
a)feu/w to singe off
a)fe/yw to refine by boiling off
a)fhge/omai to lead from
a)fh/ghma a tale, narrative
a)fh/ghsij a telling, narrating
a)fhghth/r a guide
a)fhdu/nw to sweeten
a)fh/kw to arrive at
a)fh=lic beyond youth, elderly
a)/fhmai to sit apart
a(fh/ a lighting, kindling
a)fh/twr the archer
a)fqarsi/a incorruption
a)/fqartoj uncorrupted, incorruptible
a)/fqegktoj voiceless
a)/fqitoj not liable to perish, imperishable
a)/fqoggoj voiceless, speechless
a)fqo/nhtoj unenvied
a)fqoni/a freedom from envy
a)/fqonoj without envy
a)fqori/a incorruption
a)/fqoroj uncorrupt
a)fidru/w to remove to another settlement
a)fiero/w to purify, hallow
a)fi/hmi to send forth, discharge
a)fika/nw to arrive at, to have come to
a)fikne/omai to come to
a)fila/gaqoj not loving the good
a)fila/rguroj not loving money
a)fi/lhtoj unloved
a)filo/sofoj unphilosophic

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a)/filoj without friends, friendless

a)filosta/xuoj without ears of corn, starving
a)filotimi/a want of due ambition
a)filo/timoj without due ambition
a)filoxrhmati/a contempt for riches
a)/ficij an arrival
a)fippa/zomai to ride off
a)fippeu/w to ride off, away
a)fippi/a awkwardness in riding
a)/fippoj unsuited for cavalry
a)fi/sthmi to put away, remove
a)/flektoj unburnt, unconsumed by fire
a)/floioj without bark
a)floismo/j spluttering
a)fneio/j rich, wealthy
a)fni/dioj unforeseen, sudden
a)/fnw unawares, of a sudden
a)fo/bhtoj without fear of
a)fobi/a fearlessness
a)/foboj without fear
a)fobo/splagxnoj fearless of heart
a)/fodoj a going away, departure
a)foi/bantoj uncleansed, unclean
a)fomoio/w to make like
a)fomoi/wma a resemblance, copy
a)fopli/zw to strip of arms
a)fora/w to look away from
a)fo/rhtoj intolerable, insufferable
a)fori/a a not bearing
a)fori/zw to mark off by boundaries
a)foriste/oj one must put aside
a)forma/w to make to start from
a)formh/ a starting-point
a)fo/rmiktoj without the lyre
a)/formoj departing from
a)/foroj not bearing, barren
a)fo/ruktoj unspotted, unstained
a)fosio/w to purify from guilt
a)fosi/wsij expiation
a)frade/w to be senseless, act thoughtlessly
a)fradh/j insensate, reckless
a)fradi/a folly, thoughtlessness
a)fra/dmwn without sense
a)frai/nw to be silly, senseless
a)/fraktoj unfenced, unfortified, unguarded
a)/frastoj unutterable, inexpressible

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a)fre/w to befoam, cover with foam

a)frhlo/goj gathering froth, skimming
a)frhsth/j the foamer
a)frh/twr without brotherhood
a)fri/zw to foam
a)frio/eij foamy
a)frogenh/j foam-born
a)frodisia/zw to indulge lust
)afrodisi/aj sacred to Aphrodite
)afrodi/sioj belonging to Aphrodite
)afrodi/th Aphrodite
a)frone/w to be silly, act foolishly
a)frontiste/w to have no care of, pay no heed to
a)fro/ntistoj thoughtless, heedless, taking no care
a)fro/j foam
a)frosu/nh folly, thoughtlessness, senselessness
a)/frouroj unguarded, unwatched
a)frofuh/j foam-producing
a)frw/dhj foamy
a)/frwn without sense
a)fubri/zw to give loose
a)fudrai/nw to wash clean from
a)fu/h anchovy
a)fuh/j without natural talent, witless, dull
a)/fuktoj not to be shunned, from which none escape
a)fulakte/w to bark out
a)fulakte/w to be off one's guard
a)fu/laktoj unguarded, unwatched
a)fuli/zw to strain off
a)/fulloj leafless
a)fupni/zw to wake one from sleep
a)fupno/w to wake from sleep
a)fusgeto/j the mud and filth
a)fu/ssw to draw
a)fw/nhtoj voiceless, speechless
a)/fwnoj voiceless, speechless, dumb, silent
)axai/a Achaia
)axaiiko/j of
)axaii/j the Achaian land
a)xai/nhj with single points to his horns, a young deer
)axaio/j Achaian
a)xa/linoj unbridled
a)xali/nwtoj without bridle
a)xa/lkeoj penniless
a)xa/lkeutoj not forged of metal
a)xalke/w to be penniless

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a)/xalkoj without brass

a)xa/lkwtoj not brasened
a)xa/nh a Persian measure
a)xanh/j not opening the mouth
a)xara/kwtoj not palisaded
a)/xarij without grace
a)xariste/w to be thankless, shew ingratitude
a)xaristi/a thanklessness, ingratitude
a)xa/ristoj ungracious, unpleasant, unpleasing
a)xa/ritoj ungrateful, thankless
)axarnai/ Acharnae
)axarneu/j an inhabitant of Acharnae
)axarniko/j belonging to
a)xei/mantoj not vexed by storms
a)xeiropoi/htoj not wrought by hands
a)/xeiroj without hands
a)xei/rwtoj untamed, unconquered
)axelwi/dej islands at the mouth of the Achelous
)axelw=|oj Achelous
a)/xerdoj a wild prickly shrub, a wild pear
)axero/ntioj of Acheron
a)xerwi/j the white poplar
)axe/rwn Acheron, river of woe
a)xeu/w grieving, sorrowing, mourning
a)xhni/a need, want
a)xh/n poor, needy
a)xqeino/j burdensome, oppressive, wearisome
a)xqhdw/n a weight, burden
a)xqi/zw to load
a)/xqomai to be loaded
a)/xqoj a weight, burden, load
a)xqofore/w to bear burdens
a)xqofo/roj bearing burdens
)axi/lleioj of Achilles
)axilleu/j Achilles
a)xi/twn without tunic
a)xlaini/a want of a cloak
a)/xlainoj without cloak
a)/xlooj without herbage
a)xluo/eij gloomy
a)xlu/j a mist
a)xlu/w to be
a)/xnh anything that comes off the surface
a)/xnooj without down
a)/xoloj allaying bile
a)xo/reutoj not attended with the dance, joyless, melancholy

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a)/xoroj without the dance

a)/xoj pain, distress
a)/xrantoj undefiled, immaculate
a)xrei=oj useless, unprofitable, good for nothing
a)xrhmati/a want of money
a)xrh/matoj without money
a)xrhmosu/nh want of money
a)xrh/mwn without money, poor, needy
a)xrhsti/a uselessness
a)/xrhstoj useless, unprofitable, unserviceable
a)/xri to the uttermost, utterly
a)xrw/matoj colourless
a)/xrwj colourless
a)/xrwstoj untouched
a)xurmia/ a heap of chaff
a)/xuron husks, chaff, bran
a)xuro/j a chaff-heap
a)xuro/triy threshing out the husks
a)xw/ristoj not parted, not divided
a)/yaustoj untouched, not to be touched, sacred
a)yegh/j unblamed, blameless
a)yeu/deia truthfulness
a)yeude/w not to lie, to speak truth
a)yeudh/j without lie and deceit, truthful, sincere, trusty
a)yh/fistoj not having voted
a(yido/omai to be encircled
a(yi/koroj satisfied with touching
a(yimaxe/w to skirmish with an enemy, lead on to fight
a(yimaxi/a a skirmishing
a(yi/maxoj skirmishing
a)yi/nqion wormwood
a)/yinqoj wormwood
a(yi/j a juncture, loop, mesh
a)yo/rrooj backflowing, refluent
a)/yorroj going back, backwards
a(/yoj a joint
a)yo/fhtoj noiseless
a)/y backwards, back, back again
a)/yuktoj not capable of being cooled
a)yuxi/a want of life: want of spirit, faint-heartedness
a)/yuxoj lifeless, inanimate
a)/w to blow
a)/w to hurt
a)/w to satiate
a)wri/a a wrong time
a)wri/ at an untimely hour, too early

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a)wro/nuktoj at midnight
a)/wroj untimely, unseasonable
a)/wroj pendulous, waving about
a)wte/w to sleep well
a)/wton fine wool, flock
babai/ bless me
ba/gma a speech
ba/dhn step by step
badi/zw to go slowly, to walk
ba/disij a walking, going
ba/disma walk, gait
badiste/oj one must walk
badisth/j a goer
badistiko/j good at walking
ba/doj a walk
ba/zw to speak, say
baqmi/j a step
baqmo/j a step
ba/qoj depth
ba/qron that on which anything stands
baquagkh/j with deep dells
baqu/bouloj deep-counselling
baqu/gaioj with deep soil, productive
baqu/ghrwj in great old age, decrepit
baqudi/nhj deep-eddying
baqu/zwnoj deep-girded
baqu/qric with thick wool
baqukamph/j strongly curved
baqukh/thj deep yawning
baqukleh/j illustrious
baqu/kolpoj with dress falling in deep folds
baqu/krhmnoj with high cliffs
baqukte/anoj with great possessions, plenteous
baqu/leimoj with deep, rich meadows
baqulh/ioj with deep crop, very fruitful
baqu/nooj of deep mind
baqu/nw to deepen, hollow out
baqu/culoj with deep wood
baqu/pelmoj thick-soled
baqu/ploutoj exceeding rich
baqupo/lemoj plunged deep in war
baqu/rrhnoj with thick wool
baqu/rrizoj deep-rooted
baqu/rrooj deep-flowing, brimming
baquskafh/j deep-dug
baqu/skioj deep-shaded

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baqu/j deep
baqu/sporoj deep-sown, fruitful
baqu/sternoj deep-chested
baqu/stolmoj with deep, full robe
baqu/strwtoj deep-strewn, well-covered
baqu/sxoinoj deep-grown with rushes
baqu/thj depth
baqu/fulloj thick-leafed
baquxai/thj with deep, thick hair, Hes
bai/nw to walk, step
baio/j little, small, scanty
ba/ij a palm-branch
bai/th a shepherd's
bake/laj an eunuch in the service of Cybele
baki/zw to prophesy like Bacis
bakthri/a a staff, cane
ba/ktreuma a staff
baktreu/w to lean on a staff
baktroprosai/thj going about begging with a staff
bakxa/w to be in Bacchic frenzy, to rave
bakxe/bakxon the song
bakxei/a the feast of Bacchus, Bacchic frenzy, revelry
bakxei=on the temple of Bacchus
ba/kxeioj Bacchic, of
ba/kxeuma Bacchic revelries
bakxeu/simoj Bacchanalian, frenzied
ba/kxeusij Bacchic revelry
bakxeuth/j a Bacchanal
bakxeutiko/j disposed to Bacchic revels
bakxeu/w to keep the feast of Bacchus, celebrate his mysteries
ba/kxh a Bacchante
ba/kxoj Bacchus
balana/gra a key
balanei=on bathing-room
balaneu/j a bath-man
balaneu/w to wait upon
balanhfa/goj acorn-eating
balanhfo/roj bearing dates
balani/zw to shake acorns from
bala/nissa a bathing-woman
balanodo/kh the socket in a door-post to receive the
ba/lanoj an acorn
balano/w to fasten with a bolt-pin
balbi/j the rope drawn across the race-course
ba/lioj dapple
balio/j spotted, dappled

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balla/ntion a bag, pouch, purse

ballantiotome/w to cut purses
ballantioto/moj a cut-purse
ballh/n a king
ba/llw to throw
bambai/nw to chatter with the teeth
ba/mma that in which a thing is dipped, dye
banausi/a handicraft, the practice of a mere mechanical art
banausiko/j of
ba/nausoj mechanical
banausourgi/a handicraft
ba/cij a saying
bapti/zw to dip in
ba/ptisma baptism
baptismo/j a dipping in water, ablution
baptisth/j one that dips: a baptizer
bapto/j dipped, dyed, bright-coloured
ba/ptw to dip in water
ba= king
ba/raqron a gulf, pit
barbari/zw to behave like a barbarian, speak like one
barbariko/j barbaric, foreign, like a foreigner
barbarismo/j barbarism
barbaro/omai to become barbarous
ba/rbaroj barbarous
barbaro/fwnoj speaking a foreign tongue
ba/rbitoj a musical instrument of many strings
bare/w to weigh down, depress
ba=rij a flat-bottomed boat
ba/roj weight
barua/lghtoj very grievous
baruaxh/j heavy with woe
barubreme/thj loud-thundering
baru/bromoj loud-roaring, loud-sounding
barubrw/j gnawing, corroding
baru/gounoj heavy-kneed, lazy
baru/guioj weighing down the limbs, wearisome
barudaimone/w to be grievously unlucky
barudai/mwn pressed by a heavy fate, luckless
baru/dakruj weeping grievously
baru/dikoj taking heavy vengeance
barudo/teira giver of ill gifts
baru/doupoj loud-sounding
baru/zhloj exceeding jealous
baruhxh/j deep-voiced
baru/qrooj deep

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baruqume/w to be weighed down: to be heavy at heart

baruqumi/a sullenness
baru/qumoj heavy in spirit: indignant, sullen
baru/qw to be weighed down
baru/kotoj heavy in wrath
baru/ktupoj heavy-sounding, loud-thundering
baru/mhnij heavy in wrath, exceeding wrathful
baru/misqoj largely paid
baru/moxqoj very toilsome, painful
baru/nw to weigh down, oppress by weight, depress
baruo/rghtoj exceeding angry
barupa/lamoj heavy-handed
barupenqh/j causing grievous woe
barupe/nqhtoj mourning heavily
barupesh/j heavy-falling
baru/potmoj grievous
baru/pouj heavy at the end
barusi/dhroj heavy with iron
baru/j heavy
baru/staqmoj weighing heavy
baru/stonoj groaning heavily, bellowing
barusfa/ragoj loud-thundering
baru/thj weight, heaviness
baru/timoj very costly
baru/tlhtoj bearing a heavy weight
baru/tonoj deep-sounding
baru/fqoggoj loud-sounding, roaring
barufrosu/nh gloominess, indignation
baru/frwn weighty of purpose, grave-minded
baru/xeiloj thick-lipped
baru/xordoj deep-toned
baru/yuxoj heavy of soul, dejected
basani/zw to rub
basaniste/oj to be put to the proof
basanisth/j questioner, torturer, tormentor
basani/stria an examiner
ba/sanoj the touch-stone
basi/leia a queen, princess
basilei/a a kingdom, dominion
basilei/dion a petty king
basi/leion a kingly dwelling, palace
basi/leioj of the king, kingly, royal
basileu/j a king, chief
basileu/w to be king, to rule, reign
basilhi/j royal
basili/zw to be of the king's party

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basiliko/j royal, kingly

basili/j a queen, princess
ba/simoj passable, accessible
ba/sij a stepping, step
baskai/nw to slander, malign, belie, disparage
baskani/a slander, envy, malice
ba/skanoj slanderous, envious, malignant
baska/j duck
ba/skw speed thee! away!
bassa/ra a fox
bassa/rion a little fox
ba/stagma that which is borne, a burden
basta/zw to lift, lift up, raise
bastakto/j to be borne
bate/w to tread, cover
bathri/j a mounting
batidosko/poj looking after skates
bati/j the skate
batodro/poj pulling berries off
ba/toj a bramble-bush
ba/toj bath
bato/j passable
batra/xeioj of
batraxi/j a frog-green coat
batraxomuomaxi/a the battle of the frogs and mice
ba/traxoj a frog
battari/zw to stutter
battologe/w to speak stammeringly, say the same thing over and over again
ba/ttoj stammerer
bau/zw to cry
bau/kalij a wine-cooler
baukopanou=rgoj a paltry braggart
bauko/j prudish
bafh/ a dipping
bafiko/j fit for dyeing
bda/llw to milk
bde/lla a leech
bde/lugma an abomination
bdelugmi/a nausea, disgust
bdelukto/j disgusting, abominable
bdelureu/omai to behave in a brutal manner
bdeluri/a brutal conduct, want of shame and decency, brutality
bdeluro/j loathsome, disgusting, brutal
bdelu/ssomai to feel nausea, to be sick
bde/w to break wind
bdu/llw to be afraid of

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be/baioj firm, steady, steadfast, sure, certain

bebaio/thj firmness, steadfastness, stability, assurance, certainty
bebaio/w to make firm, confirm, establish, secure, warrant, make good
bebai/wsij confirmation
be/bhloj allowable to be trodden, permitted to human use
bebhlo/w to profane
bebo/lhmai to be stricken
bebouleume/nwj advisedly, designedly
bekkese/lhnoj superannuated, doting
beko/j bread
belehfo/roj bearing darts
be/lemnon a dart, javelin
belessixarh/j in darts
belo/nh any sharp point, a needle
belonopw/lhj a needle-seller
be/loj a missile
belosfendo/nh a dart wrapped with pitch and tow, and thrown while on fire
be/lteroj better, more excellent
be/ltistoj best
belti/wn better
bembikia/w to spin like a top
bembiki/zw to set a spinning
bendi/deia the festival of Bendis
bendi/deion the temple of Bendis
bendi=j the Thracian Artemis
be/nqoj the depth
be/omai I shall live
bere/sxeqoj a booby
bhlo/j that on which one treads, the threshold
bh=ma a step, pace, stride
bh/c a cough
bh= baa
bh=ssa a wooded comb
bhssh/eij of
bh/ssw to cough
bh=ta (mortalis)
bhta/rmwn a dancer
bia/zw to constrain
biaioma/xaj fighting violently
bi/aioj forcible, violent
bi/a bodily strength, force, power, might
biarkh/j supplying the necessaries of life
biaste/oj one must do violence to
biasth/j one who uses force, a violent man
bia/w to constrain
biba/zw to make to mount, to lift up, exalt

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biba/sqw striding
biba/w to stride
bi/bhmi to stride
bi/blinoj , Biblian wine
biblioka/phloj a dealer in books
bibli/on a paper, scroll, letter
bi/bloj the inner bark of the papyrus
bibrw/skw to eat, eat up
bi=koj a wine-jar
bine/w coire
biodo/thj giver of life
bio/dwroj life-giving
bioqa/lmioj lively, strong, hale
bioqre/mmwn supporting the life
bio/j a bow
bi/oj life
biosterh/j reft of the means of life
biotei/a a way of life
bioteu/w to live
bioth/ a living, sustenance
bio/tion a scant living
bi/otoj life
biofeidh/j penurious
bio/w to live, pass one's life
biw/simoj to be lived, worth living
bi/wsij manner of life
biw/skomai to quicken, make
biwte/oj one must live
biwtiko/j of
biwto/j to be lived, worth living
blabero/j hurtful, noxious, disadvantageous
bla/bh hurt, harm, damage
blaiso/j having the knees bent inwards, bandylegged
blai/swsij distortion, retortion
blakei/a laziness, stupidity
blakeu/w to be slack, lazy
blakiko/j lazy, stupid
blakw/dhj lazy-like, lazy
bla/c slack
bla/ptw to disable, hinder, stop
blasta/nw to bud, sprout, grow
bla/sthma offspring, an offshoot
bla/sth birth from
blasto/j a sprout, shoot, sucker
blasfhme/w to drop evil
blasfhmi/a a profane speech

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bla/sfhmoj evil-speaking
blau/th a kind of slipper
bla/yij a harming, damage
blayi/frwn mad
blemeai/nw to look fiercely, glare around
ble/mma a look, glance
ble/poj a look
blepte/oj one must look
bleptiko/j of
blepto/j to be seen, worth seeing
ble/pw to see, have the power of sight
blefari/j an eyelash
ble/faron mostly in pl. the eyelids
ble/yij sight
blh=ma a throw, cast
blhte/oj one must put
blh=tron a fastening, a band
blhxa/omai to bleat
blhxh/ a bleating
blhxro/j weak, faint, slight
blhxw/dhj bleating, sheepish
blhxwni/aj prepared with pennyroyal
blh/xwn pennyroyal
blisthri/j honey-taking
blitoma/mmaj a booby
bli/ttw to cut out the comb of bees, take the honey
blosuro/j grim, fierce
blosurw=pij grim-looking
blu/zw gush forth
blu/sij a bubbling up
blwqro/j tall, stately
blw/skw to go
boa/grion a shield of wild bull's hide
bo/agroj a wild bull
bo/ama a shriek, cry
bo/auloj an ox-stall
boa/w to cry aloud, to shout
boei/h an ox-hide, ox-hide shield
boeiko/j of
bo/eioj of an ox
boeu/j a rope of ox-hide
bohgenh/j born of an ox
bohdrome/w to run to a cry for aid, haste to help
bohdro/mia the succour given
bohdromiw/n the third Attic month
bohdro/moj running to a cry for aid, giving succour, a helper

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boh/qeia help, aid, rescue, support

bohqe/w to come to aid, to succour, assist, aid
bohqhte/oj one must help
bohqo/oj hasting to the battle-shout, hasting to battle
bohqo/j assisting, auxiliary
bohlasi/a a driving of oxen, cattle-lifting
bohla/thj one that drives away oxen, a cattle-lifter
bohlatiko/j of
boh/ a loud cry, shout
bohth/j clamorous
bohtu/j a shouting, clamour
bo/qroj any hole
boiwtarxe/w to be a Boeotarch
boiwta/rxhj a Boeotarch
boiwtarxi/a the office of Boeotarch
boiwtia/zw to play the Boeotian, speak Boeotian, side with the Boeotians
boiwti/a Boeotia
boiw/tioj Boeotian
boiwtiourgh/j of Boeotian work
boiwto/j a Boeotian
bolai=oj violent
bolbo/j a bulb
bolh/ a throw, the stroke
boli/zw to heave the lead, take soundings
boli/j a javelin
boli/tinoj of cow-dung
bo/liton cow-dung
boloktupi/h the rattling of the dice
bo/loj a throw with a casting-net, a cast
bombau/lioj a bagpiper
bombe/w to make a booming, humming noise, to sound deep
bombh/eij humming, buzzing
bombhth/j a hummer, buzzer
bo/mboj a booming, humming
bombulio/j an insect that hums
boosfagi/a slaughter of oxen
bora/ eatage, meat
borboro/qumoj muddy-minded
borborokoi/thj mudcoucher
bo/rboroj mud, mire
borborota/racij a mud-stirrer, mudlark
borborw/dhj muddy, miry
bore/aj the North wind
bo/reioj from the quarter of the North wind, northern
borhia/j a Boread, daughter of Boreas
boro/j devouring, gluttonous

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borusqenei/thj an inhabitant of the banks of the Borysthenes

borusqe/nhj the Borysthenes
bo/sij food
bo/skhma that which is fed
boskh/ fodder, food
boskhte/oj one must feed
bosko/j a herdsman
bo/skw to feed, tend
bo/sporoj ox-ford
bostruxhdo/n like curls
bo/struxoj a curl
bota/mia pastures, meadows
bota/nh grass, fodder
bothriko/j of
both/r a herdsman, herd
boto/n a beast
botrudo/n like a bunch of grapes, in clusters
botru/ioj of grapes
botruo/dwroj grape-producing
botruo/eij clustering
botruo/paij grape-born, child of the grape
botruoxai/thj with clustering hair
bo/truj a cluster
botruxw/dhj like curls, curly
botruw/dhj like a bunch of grapes
bou/balij antelope
bou/botoj grazed by cattle
bou/brwstij eating enormously
boubwnia/w to suffer from swellings in the groin
boubw/n the groin
bouga/ioj a great bully
boudo/roj flaying oxen
bouqerh/j affording summer-pasture
bouqoi/nhj beef-eater
bouqusi/a a sacrifice of oxen
bouqute/w to slay
bou/qutoj of
boukai=oj cowherd
bou/kerwj horned like an ox
bouke/faloj bull-headed
boukole/w to tend cattle
bouko/lhma a beguilement
boukolia/zomai to sing
boukoli/a a herd of cattle
boukoliasth/j a pastoral poet
boukoliko/j pastoral

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bouko/lion a herd of cattle

bouko/loj a cowherd, herdsman
boulai=oj of the council
boularxe/w to be a
bou/larxoj chief of the senate
bou/leuma a deliberate resolution, purpose, design, plan
bou/leusij deliberation
bouleute/oj one must take counsel
bouleuth/rion a council-chamber, senate-house
bouleuth/rioj advising
bouleuth/j a councillor, senator
bouleutiko/j of
bouleuto/j devised, plotted
bouleu/w to take counsel, deliberate, concert measures
boulh/eij of good counsel
boulh/ will, determination
bou/lhsij a willing
boulhto/j that is
boulhfo/roj counselling, advising
boulimi/a ravenous hunger
boulimia/w to suffer from
bou/lioj sage
bou/lomai to will, wish, be willing
boulo/maxoj strife-desiring
bouluto/nde towards even, at eventide
bouluto/j the time for unyoking oxen, evening
boumolgo/j cow-milking
bouni/thj a dweller on the hills
bounobate/w to walk the hills
bounoeidh/j hilly
bou/nomoj grazed by cattle
bouno/moj of oxen at pasture
bouno/j a hill, mound
bou/paij a big boy
boupa/leioj like Bupalus
bou/palij wrestling like a bull
boupa/mwn rich in cattle
boupla/sthj cow-modeller
bou/plhktroj goading oxen
bouplh/c an ox-goad
boupoi/mhn a herdsman
boupo/roj ox-piercing
bou/prw|roj with the face of an ox
bou- huge
bou=j cow
bou/staqmon an ox-stall

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boustro/foj ox-guiding
bousfage/w to slaughter oxen
bou/thj a herdsman
bou/tomon butomus, the flowering rush
boufa/goj ox-eating
boufone/w to slaughter oxen
boufo/nia sc
boufo/noj ox-slaying, ox-offering
bouforbe/w to tend cattle
boufo/rbia a herd of oxen
bouforbo/j ox-feeding
bouxandh/j holding a whole ox
bow/nhj an officer who bought oxen for the sacrifices
bow=pij ox-eyed
bowte/w to plough
bow/thj a ploughman
brabei/a arbitration, judgment
brabei=on a prize in the games
brabeu/j the judge who assigned the prizes at the games
brabeu/w to act as a judge
bra/bulon a wild plum
bragxo/j hoarse
bra/gxoj hoarseness
bradu/nw to make slow, delay
bradupeiqh/j slow to believe
braduploe/w to sail slowly
bradu/pouj slow of foot, slow
braduskelh/j slow of leg
bradu/j slow
braduth/j slowness
bra/koj a rich woman's-garment
bra/ssw to shake violently, throw up
bra/xea shallows
braxei=n to rattle, clash, ring
braxionisth/r an armlet
braxi/wn the arm
braxu/bioj short-lived
braxu/bwloj with small
braxugnw/mwn of small understanding
braxu/dromoj running a short way
braxu/kwloj with short limbs
braxulogi/a brevity in speech
braxulo/goj short in speech, of few words
braxu/nw to shorten, to use as a short syllable
braxu/poroj with a short passage
braxu/j short

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braxusu/mboloj bringing a small contribution

braxu/thj shortness
braxu/tonoj reaching but a short way
braxutra/xhloj short-necked
braxu/fulloj with few leaves
bre/gma the front part of the head
brekekeke/c the croaking of frogs
bre/mw to roar
bre/cij a wetting
bre/taj a wooden image of a god
bre/foj the babe in the womb
brexmo/j the top of the head
bre/xw to be wetted, get wet
bria/rewj Aegaeon
briaro/j strong, stout
bria/w to make
bri/zw to be sleepy, to slumber, nod
brih/puoj loud-shouting
bri=qoj weight
briqosu/nh weight, heaviness
briqu/nooj grave-minded, thoughtful
briqu/j weighty, heavy
bri/qw to be heavy
brima/omai to snort with anger, to be indignant
bri/mh strength, bulk
brisa/rmatoj chariot-loading
brome/w to buzz
bro/mioj sounding, boisterous
bro/mioj Bacchic
bro/moj crackling
bronta/w to thunder
bro/nthma a thunder-clap
bronth/ thunder
bronthsike/raunoj sending thunder and lightning
bro/nthj thunderer
bro/teioj mortal, human, of mortal mould
brotoba/mwn trampling on men
broto/ghruj with human voice
broto/eij gory, blood-boltered
brotoktone/w to murder men
brotokto/noj man-slaying, homicidal
brotoloigo/j plague of man, bane of men
broto/omai to be stained with gore
brotosko/poj taking note of man
bro/toj blood that has run from a wound, gore
broto/j a mortal man

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brotostugh/j hated by men

brotofeggh/j giving light to men
brotofqo/roj man-destroying
broxeto/j a wetting, rain
broxh/ rain
bro/xqoj the throat
broxi/j an ink-horn
bro/xoj a noose
bro/xw to gulp down
bru/kw to eat with much noise, to eat greedily
bru/llw to cry for drink
bru=n bryn
bru/on a kind of mossy sea-weed
bruxa/omai to roar, bellow
bruxhdo/n with gnashing of teeth
bru/xhma bellowing, roaring
bruxhth/j a bellower, roarer
bru/xioj from the depths of the sea
bru/w to be full to bursting
brwma/omai to bray
brw=ma that which is eaten, food, meat
brwmatomicapa/th the false pleasure of eating made dishes
brw/mh food
brw/simoj eatable
brw=sij meat
brwth/r eating
brwto/j to be eaten
bu/blinoj made of byblus
bu/bloj the Egyptian papyrus
bu/zhn close pressed, closely
buqi/zw to sink
bu/qioj in the deep, sunken
buqo/j the depth
bu/kthj swelling, blustering
bune/w to stuff
bursai/etoj leather-eagle
bu/rsa the skin stripped off, a hide
burseu/j a tanner
bursi/nh a leathern thong
bursodeye/w to dress
bursode/yhj a tanner
bursopagh/j made of hides
bursopaflagw/n leather-Paphlagonian
bursopw/lhj a leather-seller
bursotenh/j with skin stretched over it
bu/ssinoj made of

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bussodomeu/w to build in the deep

busso/qen from the bottom
bussome/trhj measuring the deeps
busso/j the depth of the sea, the bottom
bu/ssoj a fine flax
busso/frwn deep-thinking
bu/sswma nets, which stopped the passage
bu/w to stuff
bw=loj a lump of earth, a clod
bwloto/moj clod-breaking
bw/mioj of an altar
bwmi/j a step
bwmoeidh/j like an altar
bwmolo/xeuma a piece of low flattery
bwmoloxeu/omai to use low flattery, indulge in ribaldry
bwmoloxi/a buffoonery, ribaldry
bwmoloxiko/j inclined to ribaldry
bwmolo/xoj one that lurked about the altars for the scraps that could be got there, a half-starved beggar
bwmo/j any raised platform, a stand
bwstre/w to call on
bwtia/neira man-feeding, nurse of heroes
ga/ggamon a small round net
gadei/raqen from Cadiz
gadeirai=oj of Gibraltar
gazofula/kion a treasury
gazofu/lac a treasurer
gai=a a land, country
gaih/ioj sprung from Gaia
gaih/oxoj earth-upholding
ga/ioj on land
gai/w to exult
galaqhno/j sucking, young, tender
gala/ktinoj milky, milk-white
galaktopagh/j like curdled milk
galaktopo/thj a milk-drinker
galaktofa/goj milk-fed
ga/la milk
gale/h a weasel, marten-cat
galero/j cheerful
galew/thj a spotted lizard
galh/nh stillness of the sea, calm
galhnia/w to be calm
galhno/j calm
ga/lowj a husband's sister
gambro/j any one connected by marriage
gameth/ a married woman, wife

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game/thj a husband, spouse

game/tij a wife
game/w to marry
gamh/lioj belonging to a wedding, bridal
gamhliw/n the seventh month of the Attic year
gami/zw to give in marriage
gamiko/j of
ga/mma three, third
gamoklo/poj adulterous
ga/moj a wedding, wedding-feast
gamosto/loj preparing a wedding
gamfhlai/ the jaws
gamyo/j curved
gamyw=nuc with crooked talons
gana/w to shine, glitter, gleam
ga/noj brightness, sheen: gladness, joy, pride
gano/w to make bright
ga/numai to brighten up
ga/potoj to be drunk up by Earth
gargali/zw to tickle
ga/rgara heaps, lots, plenty
ga/r for
gasth/r the paunch, belly
ga/stra the lower part
gastri/zw to punch
gastrimargi/a gluttony
gastri/margoj gluttonous
ga/strij a glutton
gastrobarh/j heavy with child
gastroeidh/j paunchlike, round
gastrofore/w to bear in the belly
gastrw/dhj pot-bellied

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gato/moj;cleaving the ground
gaulo/j;a milk-pail
gau=loj;a round-built Phoenician merchant vessel
gauri/ama;arrogance, exultation
gauria/w;to bear oneself proudly, prance
gauro/omai;to exult
gau=roj;exulting in
gauro/thj;exultation, ferocity
gau/rwma;a subject for boasting
gau/sapoj;rough cloth
ge/gwna;to call out so as to be heard
gegwne/w;to tell out, proclaim
gegwni/skw;to cry aloud
geiaro/thj;a plougher of earth
gei/nomai;to be born
gei=son;the projecting part of the roof, the eaves, cornice, coping
geitni/asij;neighbourhood: the neighbours
geitnia/w;to be a neighbour, to border on
geito/nhma;neighbourhood: a neighbouring place
gei/twn;one of the same land, a neighbour
ga/strwn gelasei/w;to be like to laugh, ready to laugh
te/oj one must discourse
dialektiko/j skilled in logical argument
dia/lektoj discourse: discussion, debate, arguing
dia/lecij discourse, arguing
dialeptologe/omai to discourse subtly, chop logic
dialhpte/oj one must distinguish
diallagh/ interchange, exchange
dia/llagma a substitute, changeling
diallakth/r a mediator
dialla/ssw to change one with another, interchange
dia/llomai to leap across
dialogi/zomai to balance accounts
dialogismo/j a balancing of accounts
dia/logoj a conversation, dialogue
dialoidore/omai to rail furiously at
dialumai/nomai to maltreat shamefully, undo utterly
dia/lusij a loosing one from another, separating, parting
dialute/oj one must dissolve
dialuth/j a dissolver, breaker-up
dialuto/j capable of dissolution

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dialu/w to loose one from another, to part asunder, undo

dialfito/w to fill full of barley meal
diamaqu/nw to grind to powder, utterly destroy
diamanteu/omai to determine by an oracle
diamarta/nw to go astray from
diamarti/a a total mistake
diamarture/w to use a
diamarturi/a evidence given to prevent
diamartu/romai to protest solemnly
diama/ssw to knead thoroughly, knead well
diamastigo/w to scourge severely
diamastropeu/w to pander
diamaxhte/oj one must deny absolutely
diama/xomai to fight
diama/w to cut through
diameqi/hmi to let go, give up, leave off
diamei/bw to exchange
diameirakieu/omai to strive hotly with
dia/meiyij an exchange
diamelai/nw to make quite black
diameleisti/ limb by limb, limb-meal
diame/llhsij a being on the point
diame/llw to be always going
diame/mfomai to blame greatly
diame/nw to remain by, stand by
diameri/zw to distribute
diamerismo/j division, dissension
diametre/w to measure through, out
diametrhto/j measured out
dia/metron a measured allowance, rations
dia/metroj the diameter
diamhxana/omai to bring about, contrive
diamikrologe/omai to deal meanly
diamilla/omai to contend hotly, strive earnestly
diamimnh/skomai to keep in memory
diamise/w to hate bitterly
diamistu/llw to cut up piecemeal
diamnhmoneu/w to call to mind, remember
diamoira/w to divide, rend asunder
diampa/c right through, through and through
diampere/j through and through, right through, clean through
diamudale/oj drenching
diamuqologe/w to communicate by word, to express in speech
diamullai/nw to make mouths
diamfi/dioj utterly different
diamfisbhte/w to dispute

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diamfisbh/thsij a disputing, dispute

dianagignw/skw to read through
dianapau/omai to rest awhile
diana/ssw to stop chinks: to caulk ships
dianaumaxe/w to maintain a sea-fight
diana/w to flow through, percolate
dia/ndixa two ways
diane/mhsij a distribution
dianemhte/oj one must distribute
dianemhtiko/j distributive
dianemo/omai to flutter in the wind
diane/mw to distribute, apportion
diane/omai to go through
diane/w to swim across
dianqi/zw to adorn with flowers
diani/stamai to stand aloof from, depart from
dianoe/omai to be minded, intend, purpose
diano/hma a thought, notion
dianohtiko/j of
dia/noia a thought, intention, purpose
dianoi/gw to open
dianomeu/j a distributer
dianomh/ a distribution
diantai=oj extending throughout, right through
diantle/w to drain out, exhaust
dianuktereu/w to pass the night
dianu/w to bring quite to an end, accomplish, finish
diacifi/zomai to fight to the death
diapaidagwge/w to attend children
diapaideu/omai to go through a course of education
diapalai/w to continue wrestling, go on wrestling
diapa/lh a hard struggle
diapa/llw to distribute by lot
diapalu/nw to shiver, shatter
diapanto/j throughout.
diapaptai/nw to look timidly round
diaparatribh/ violent contention
diaparqeneu/w to deflower a maiden
diapassaleu/w to stretch out by nailing the extremities
diapa/ssw to sprinkle
diapau/w to make to cease
diapeile/w to threaten violently
diapeina/w to hunger one against the other, to have a starving-match
dia/ through c. gen. through, by means of c. acc.
dia/peira an experiment, trial
diapeira/omai to make trial

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diapei/rw to drive through

diape/mpw to send off in different directions, send to and fro, send about
diapenqe/w to mourn through
diaperai/nw to bring to a conclusion, discuss thoroughly
diaperaio/w to take across, ferry over
diapera/w to go over
diape/rqw to destroy utterly, sack, lay waste
diape/rxomai to slip away one by one
diape/tamai to fly through
diaph/gnumi to fix thoroughly
diaphda/w to leap across
diapiai/nw to make very fat
diapi/mplamai to be quite full of
diapi/nw to drink one against another, challenge at drinking
diapipra/skw to sell off
diapi/ptw to fall away, slip away, escape
diapisteu/w to entrust to
diapiste/w to distrust utterly
diapla/ssw to form completely, mould
diaplatu/nw to make very wide, dilate
diaple/kw to interweave, to weave together, plait
diaple/w to sail across
diaplhkti/zomai to spar with, skirmish with
diaplh/ssw to break
dia/plooj sailing continually
diapne/w to blow through
diapoiki/llw to variegate, adorn
diapoleme/w to carry the war through, end the war
diapole/mhsij a finishing of the war
diapoliorke/w to besiege continually, to blockade
diapoliteu/omai to be a political rival
diapompeu/w to carry the procession to an end
diapomph/ a sending to and fro, interchange of messages, negotiation
diapone/w to work out with labour
diapo/nhma hard labour, exercise
dia/ponoj exercised
diapo/ntioj beyond sea
diaporeu/w to carry over, set across
diapore/w to be quite at a loss
diaporqe/w to be utterly ruined
diaporqmeu/w to carry over
diaposte/llw to send off in different directions, dispatch
diapragmateu/omai to examine thoroughly
dia/pracij dispatch of business
diapra/ssw to pass over
diapreph/j eminent, distinguished, illustrious

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diapre/pw to appear prominent

diapresbeu/omai to send embassies to different places
diapri/w to saw quite through, saw asunder
diapro/ right through
diapru/sioj going through, piercing
diaptai/w to stutter much
diaptoe/w to scare away, startle and strike with panic, fear
diaptu/ssw to open and spread out, to unfold, disclose
diaptuxh/ a fold, folding leaf
diaptu/w to spit upon
diapukteu/w to spar, fight with
diapunqa/nomai to search out by questioning, to find out
dia/puroj red-hot
diapuro/w to set on fire
diapurseu/w to throw a light over
diapwle/w to sell publicly
diara/ssw to strike through
diabadi/zw to go across
dia/rgemoj fleckt with white
diarqro/w to divide by joints, to articulate
diariqme/w to reckon up one by one, enumerate
diarke/w to have full strength, be quite sufficient
diarkh/j quite sufficient
diarmo/zw to distribute in various places, dispose
diarpa/zw to tear in pieces
diarrai/nomai to flow all ways
diarrai/w to dash in pieces, destroy
diarre/w to flow through
diarrh/gnumi to break through, cleave asunder
diarrh/dhn expressly, distinctly, explicitly
dia/rrimma a casting about
diarri/ptw to cast
dia/rriyij a scattering
diarroh/ that through which something flows, a pipe
diarroqe/w to roar through
dia/rroia diarrhoea
diarroize/w to whizz through
diarru/dan flowing away, vanishing
dia/rrutoj intersected by streams
diarrw/c rent asunder
diartame/w to cut limb from limb
diarta/w to suspend, interrupt
diasai/nw to fawn upon
diasai/rw grinning like a dog, sneering
diasaleu/w to shake violently: to reduce to anarchy
diasafe/w to make quite clear, shew plainly

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diasafhni/zw to make quite clear

dia/seistoj shaken about
diasei/w to shake violently
diaseu/omai to dart through, rush across
diashmai/nw to mark out, point out clearly
dia/shmoj clear, distinct
diash/pomai to putrefy, decay
dia/sia the festival of Zeus
diasi/zw to hiss
diasiwpa/w to remain silent
diaskandiki/zw to dose with chervil
diaska/ptw to dig through
diaskeda/nnumi to scatter abroad, scatter to the winds, disperse
diaskeua/zw to get quite ready, equip
diaskeuwre/omai to set all in order
diaske/w to deck out
diaskhna/w to disperse and retire each to his quarters
diaskhnhte/oj one must take up one's quarters
diaskhri/ptw to prop on each side, to prop up
diaskirta/w to leap about
diaskope/w to look at in different ways, to examine
diaskopia/omai to watch as from a
diaskorpi/zw to scatter abroad
diaskw/ptomai to jest one with another, pass jokes to and fro
diasma/w to wipe
diasmh/xw to rub well
diasmileu/w to polish off with the chisel
diasofi/zomai to quibble like a sophist
diaspaqa/w to squander away
diasparakto/j torn to pieces
diaspara/ssw to rend in sunder
dia/spasma a gap
diaspa/w to tear asunder, part forcibly
diaspei/rw to scatter abroad, throw about
diaspora/ dispersion
diaspouda/zw to do zealously
diastaqma/omai to order by rule, regulate
diastasia/zw to form into separate factions
dia/stasij a standing aloof, separation
diastatiko/j separative, causing discord
diastauro/w to fortify with a palisade
diastei/xw to go through
diaste/llw to put asunder, tear open
dia/stenoj very narrow
dia/steroj starred
dia/sthma an interval

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diasthri/zw to make firm

diasti/lbw to gleam through
diastoiba/zw to stuff in between
diastoixi/zomai to arrange for oneself regularly, regulate exactly
diastolh/ a notch
diastrathge/w to serve as a general, assume his duties
diastre/fw to turn different ways, to twist about, distort
diastrofh/ distortion
dia/strofoj twisted, distorted
diasu/rw to tear in pieces
diasfairi/zw to throw about like a ball
diasfakth/r murderous
diasfa/llw to overturn utterly
diasfa/c any opening made by violence, a cleft, rocky gorge
diasfendona/w to scatter as by a sling:&mdash
diasfhko/omai to be made like a wasp, be pinched in at the waist
diasxhmati/zw to form completely
diasxi/zw to cleave
diasw/zw to preserve through
diatageu/w to arrange
diatagh/ an ordinance
dia/tacij disposition, arrangement
diatara/ssw to throw into great confusion, confound utterly
dia/tasij tension
diata/ssw to appoint
diatafreu/w to fortify by a ditch
diatei/nw to stretch to the uttermost
diateixi/zw to cut off and fortify by a wall
diatei/xisma a place walled off and fortified
diatekmai/romai to mark out
diateleuta/w to bring to fulfilment
diatele/w to bring quite to an end, accomplish
diatelh/j continuous, incessant
diate/mnw to cut through, cut in twain, dissever
diatetrai/nw to bore through, make a hole in
diath/kw to melt, soften by heat
diathre/w to watch closely, observe
dia/tilma a portion plucked off
diatima/w to continue to dishonour
diatina/ssw to shake asunder, shake to pieces
diatmh/gw to cut in twain
diati/qhmi to place separately, arrange
diatomh/ a severance
diatoceu/simoj that can be shot across
diatoceu/w to shoot through.
dia/toroj piercing, galling

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diatre/pw to turn away from

diatre/fw to sustain continually
diatre/xw to run across
diatre/w to flee all ways
diatribh/ a way of spending time
diatri/bw to rub between, rub hard, rub away, consume, waste
diatripte/oj one must spend time
dia/trixa in three divisions, three ways
dia/tropoj various in dispositions
diatrofh/ sustenance, support
diatroxa/zw to trot
diatru/gioj bearing grapes in succession
diatrw/gw to gnaw through
diatupo/w to form perfectly
diatu/pwsij configuration
diauga/zw to shine through
diaugh/j transparent
diaulodro/mhj a runner in the
di/auloj a double pipe
diafagei=n to eat through
diafai/nw to shew through, let
diafa/neia transparency
diafanh/j seen through, transparent
diafau/skw to shew light through, to dawn
diafero/ntwj differently from, at odds with
diafe/rw to carry over
diafeu/gw to flee through, get away from, escape
dia/feucij an escaping, means of escape
diafhmi/zw to spread abroad
diafqei/rw to destroy utterly
diafqora/ destruction, ruin, blight, death.
diafqoreu/j a corrupter
diafi/hmi to dismiss, disband
diafiloneike/w to dispute earnestly
diafilotime/omai to strive emulously
diafle/gw to burn through
diafoiba/zw to drive mad
diafoita/w to wander
diafora/ difference, distinction
diafore/w to spread abroad
diafo/rhsij a plundering
dia/foroj different, unlike
diaforo/thj difference
dia/fragma a partition-wall, barrier
diafra/gnumi to barricade
diafra/zw to speak distinctly, tell plainly

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diafre/w to let through, let pass

diafugh/ a refuge, means of escape
diafuh/ any natural break, a joint, suture, division
diafulakte/oj to be watched, preserved
diafula/ssw to watch closely, guard carefully
diafu/omai to intervene
diafusa/w to blow in different directions, disperse
diafu/ssw to draw off
diafwne/w to be dissonant
dia/fwnoj discordant
diafwti/zw to clear completely
diaxa/zomai to withdraw
diaxala/w to loosen, unbar
diaxa/skw to gape wide, yawn
diaxeima/zw to pass the winter
diaxeiri/zw to have in hand, conduct, manage, administer
diaxei/risij management, administration
diaxeirotone/w to choose between two
diaxeirotoni/a election
diaxe/w to pour different ways, to disperse
diaxo/w to complete
diaxra/omai to use constantly
dia/xrusoj interwoven with gold
dia/xusij diffusion
diaxwre/w to go through, pass through
diaxwri/zw to separate
diaxw/risma a cleft, division
diayai/rw to brush
diayeu/dw to deceive utterly
diayhfi/zomai to vote in order with ballots
diayh/fisij a voting by ballot
diayh/xw to cause to crumble away
diayiquri/zw to whisper among themselves
diayu/xw to cool, refresh
di/bamoj on two legs
diboli/a a double-edged lance, halbert
di/boloj two-pointed
di/glhnoj with two eye-balls
di/glwssoj speaking two languages
di/gonoj twice-born
di/dagma a lesson
didakte/oj one must teach
didaktiko/j apt at teaching
didakto/j taught, learnt
di/dacij teaching, instruction
didaskalei=on a teaching-place, school

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didaskali/a teaching, instruction, education

didaskaliko/j fit for teaching, capable of giving instruction, instructive
didaska/lion a thing taught, a science, art, lesson
dida/skaloj a teacher, master
dida/skw to teach
di/dhmi to bind, fetter
didra/skw to run away
di/draxmoj worth two drachms: with pay of two drachms a day
diduma/nwr touching both the men
didumato/koj bearing twins
diduma/wn twin-brothers, twins
didumogenh/j twin-born
di/dumoj double, twofold, twain
dieggua/w to give bail for
di/dwmi to give
dieggu/hsij a giving of bail
diei=don to see thoroughly, discern
dieilhmme/nwj distinctly
di/eimi to go to and fro, roam about
diei=pon to say through, tell fully
diei/rgw to keep asunder, separate
diei/romai to question closely
dieiru/w to draw across
diei/rw to pass
dieirwno/cenoj dissembling with one's guests
die/kdusij an evasion
diekqe/w to run through
diekpai/w to break
diekperai/nw to go through with
diekpera/w to pass out through, pass quite through
diekple/w to sail out through
die/kplooj a sailing across
die/k through and out of
diekdu/omai to slip out through
die/krooj a passage for the stream to escape
diekfeu/gw to escape completely
die/lasij a driving through: a charge
dielau/nw to drive through
diele/gxw to refute utterly
die/lkw to draw asunder, widen
diempola/w to sell to different buyers
diemfai/nw to shew through
di/emai to flee, speed
dienekte/oj one must excel
dieniauti/zw to live out the year
diente/reuma a looking through entrails

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diecai/ssw to rush forth

die/ceimi to go out through, pass through
diecelau/nw to drive, ride, march through
diecele/gxw to refute utterly
dieceli/ssw to unroll, untie
diecere/omai to learn by close questioning
diece/rxomai to go through, pass through
dieci/hmi to let pass through
diecodiko/j detailed
die/codoj a way out through, an outlet, passage, channel
diecufai/nw to finish the web
dieorta/zw to keep the feast throughout
die/pw to manage
dierga/zomai to make an end of, kill, destroy
dierei/domai to lean upon
diere/ssw to row about
diereuna/w to search through, examine closely
diereunhth/j a scout
dieri/zw to strive with one another
diermhneuth/j an interpreter
diermhneu/w to interpret, expound
diero/j fresh, active, nimble
die/rpw to creep
dieru/kw to keep off, to hinder
die/rxomai to go through, pass through
dierw= to say fully, distinctly, expressly
dierwta/w to cross-question
diesqi/w to eat through
dieskemme/nwj prudently
dieth/sioj lasting through the year
dieth/j of
dieti/a a space of two years
dieuqu/nw to set right, amend
dieukrine/w to separate accurately, arrange carefully
dieulabe/omai to take good heed to, beware of, be on one's guard against
dieulabhte/oj one must take heed to
dieuna/w to lay asleep
dieusxhmone/w to preserve decorum
dieutuxe/w to continue prosperous
die/xw to keep apart
dieyeusme/nwj altogether falsely
di/zhmai to seek out, look for
di/zuc double-yoked
di/zw to be in doubt, at a loss
di/zwoj with two lives
dihge/omai to set out in detail, describe in full

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dih/ghsij narrative, statement

dihqe/w to strain through, filter
dih/kw to extend
dihmereu/w to stay through the day, pass the day
dihnekh/j continuous, unbroken
dih/nemoj blown through, wind-swept
dihpeiro/w to make dry land of
dih/rhj double
dihxe/w to transmit the sound of
diqa/lassoj between two seas, where two seas meet
di/qhktoj two-edged
di/qronoj two-throned
diqurambogenh/j Bacchus-born
diqurambodida/skaloj the dithyrambic poet who taught his own chorus
diqu/ramboj the dithyramb
di/quroj with two doors
di/qurson a double thyrsus
dii/hmi to drive
diiqu/nw to direct by steering
diikne/omai to go through, penetrate
di/ioj of Zeus
diipeth/j fallen from Zeus
diipeth/j hovering in air
diiste/oj one must learn
dii/sthmi to set apart, to place separately, separate
diisxuri/zomai to lean upon, rely on
diite/oj one must go through
dika/zw to judge, to give judgment on
dikaiokrisi/a righteous judgment
dikaiologe/omai to plead one's cause before the judge
dikaio/polij strict in public faith
dikaioprage/w to act honestly
dikaiopra/ghma a just
dikaiopragi/a just
di/kaioj observant of custom and social rule, well-ordered, civilised
dikaiosu/nh righteousness, justice
dikaio/w to set right
dikai/wma an act by which wrong is set right
dikai/wsij a setting right, doing justice to: punishment
dikaiwth/rion a house of correction
dikaniko/j skilled in law, versed in pleading, lawyer-like
dika/rhnoj two-headed
dikaspo/loj one who administers law, a judge
dikasth/rion a court of justice
dikasth/j a judge
dikastiko/j of

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dika/stria a she-judge
dikei=n to throw, cast
di/kella a mattock, a two-pronged hoe
dikelli/thj a digger
dike/raioj two-horned, two-pointed
di/kerwj two-horned
di/kh custom, usage
dikhfo/roj bringing justice, avenging
diki/dion a little trial
dikli/j double-folding
dikografi/a the composition of lawspeeches
dikolo/goj a pleader, advocate
dikorrafe/w to get up a lawsuit
dikorra/foj a pettifogger.
diko/rumboj two-pointed, two-peaked
diko/rufoj two-peaked
di/kranon a pitch-fork
dikrath/j co-mate in power
di/krooj forked, cloven, bifurcate
di/krotoj double-beating
diktatwrei/a the dictatorship
dikta/twr dictator
diktubole/w to cast the net
diktubo/loj a fisherman
di/ktunna goddess of the chase
diktuo/klwstoj woven in meshes
di/ktuon a casting-net, a net
diktuo/omai to be caught in a net
dikwpi/a a pair of sculls
di/kwpoj two-oared
diloge/w to say again, repeat
dilogi/a repetition
di/logoj double-tongued, doubtful
di/logxoj double-pointed, two-fold
di/lofoj double-crested
dimnai=oj worth
dimoiri/a a double share
di/moiroj divided in two, double
di/neuma a whirling round
dineu/w to whirl
dinh/eij whirling, eddying
di/nh a whirlpool, eddy
dinhto/j whirled round
di=noj a whirling, rotation
dinw/dhj eddying
di/nw to thresh out on the

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dinwto/j turned, rounded

dio/boloj hurled by Zeus
diogene/twr giving birth to Zeus
diogenh/j sprung from Zeus
diodeu/w to travel through
di/odoj a way through, thoroughfare, passage
dio/qen sent from Zeus, by his will
dioi/gnumi to open
dioike/w to manage a house
dioi/khsij government, administration
dioiki/zw to cause to live apart
dioikismo/j a dispersion
dioikodome/w to build across, wall off
dioiste/oj one must move round
dioisteu/w to shoot an arrow through
dioixne/w to go through
dioi/xomai to be quite gone by
diokwxh/ a cessation
diolisqa/nw to slip through, to give
dio/llumi to destroy utterly, bring to naught
diomali/zw to be always evenminded
diomeialazw/n a braggart of the deme Diomeia
diomh/deioj of
diomh/dhj Jove-counselled
dio/mnumi to swear solemnly, to declare on oath that . .
diomologe/w to make an agreement, undertake
diomolo/ghsij a convention
diomologhte/oj one must concede
dionoma/zw to distinguish by a name
dionusia/zw to keep the Dionysia
dionusiako/j belonging to Dionysus
dionu/sia the feast of Dionysus
dio/nusoj Dionysus
dio/paij son of Zeus
diopeth/j that fell from Zeus
diopeu/w to be in charge of a ship
di/opoj a ruler, commander
diopteu/w to watch accurately, spy about
diopth/r a spy, scout
dio/pthj a looker through
dio/ptra an instrument for measuring heights, a Jacob's staff
dioptriko/j of, belonging to the use of the
diora/w to see through, see clearly
dio/ wherefore, on which account
dio/rguioj two fathoms long, high
diorqeu/w to judge rightly

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diorqo/w to make quite straight, set right, amend

dio/rqwma a making straight, amendment
dio/rqwsij a making straight, restoration, reform
diorqwth/j a corrector, reformer
diori/zw to draw a boundary through, divide by limits, separate
dio/risij distinction
dio/rugma a through-cut, canal
dioru/ssw to dig through
diorxe/omai to dance
dio/sdotoj given by Zeus
dioshmi/a a sign from Zeus, an omen from the sky
diosko/reion the temple of the Dioscuri
dio/skoroi the sons of Zeus
di=oj god-like, divine
dio/ti for the reason that, since
diotrefh/j cherished by Zeus
dioxeteu/omai to be watered by canals
dioxle/w to trouble
di/paij with two children
dipa/laistoj two palms broad
di/paltoj brandished with both hands, two-handed
di/phxuj two cubits long, broad
dipla/dioj double
dipla/zw to double
di/plac twofold, double, in double folds
diplasia/zw to double
diplasio/omai to become twofold
dipla/sioj twofold, double, twice as much as, twice as many as, as long as
di/pleqroj two
diplh=| twice, twice over
diploi/j a double cloak
diplo/oj twofold, double
diplo/w to double
di/plwma a doubled
di/plwsij a compounding of words
dipo/dhj two feet long, broad
dipo/leia festival of Zeus
dipoliw/dhj like the
di/poroj with two roads
dipo/tamoj between two rivers
di/pouj two-footed
di/ptuxoj double-folded, doubled
di/puloj double-gated, with two entrances
di/puroj with double flame
di/rrumoj with two poles
di/saboj twice young

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di/seunoj with two wives

disqanh/j twice dead
diskeu/w to be pitched
diske/w to pitch the quoit
di/skhma a thing thrown
di/skhptroj two-sceptred
diskobo/loj the quoit-thrower
di/skoj a
di/skoura a quoit's cast
diskofo/roj bringing the discus
dismu/rioi twenty thousand
di/j twice, doubly
dissa/rxhj joint-ruling
disso/j two-fold, double
dista/zw to be in doubt, hesitate
di/stixoj of two verses
di/stoloj in pairs, two together
di/stomoj double-mouthed, with two entrances
disu/llaboj of two syllables
disxi/lioi two thousand
dita/lantoj worth
diuli/zw to strain off
diupni/zw to awake from sleep
diufai/nw to fill up by weaving
difa/sioj two-fold, double
difa/w to search after
difh/twr a searcher
difqe/ra a prepared hide, tanned skin, piece of leather
difqeri/aj one clad in leather
difqe/rinoj of tanned leather
di/frac a seat, chair
difrei/a chariot-driving
difreuth/j a charioteer
difreu/w to drive a chariot
difrhlate/w to drive a chariot through
difrhla/thj a charioteer
di/frioj of a chariot
di/frontij divided in mind, distraught
di/froj the chariot-board
difroulke/w to draw a chariot
difrofore/w to carry in a chair
difrofo/roj carrying a camp-stool
difuh/j of double form
dixa/zw to divide in two
di/xalkon a double chalcos
di/xa in two, asunder

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dixasth/j a divider
di/xhloj cloven-hoofed
dixh= in two, asunder
dixh/rhj dividing
dixqa/dioj twofold, double, divided
dixqa/ in twain
dixognwmone/w to differ in opinion
dixognw/mwn divided between two opinions
dixo/qen from both sides, both ways
dixoi/nikoj holding
dixomhni/a the fullness of the moon
dixo/mhnoj dividing the month
dixo/muqoj double-speaking
dixo/noia discord, disagreement
dixo/nooj double-minded.
dixorragh/j broken in twain
dixo/rropoj oscillating
dixostasi/a a standing apart, dissension
dixostate/w to stand apart, disagree
dixotome/w to cut in two, cut in twain
dixo/tomoj cut in half, divided equally
dixo/frwn at variance, discordant
di/xrwmoj two-coloured
dixw=j doubly, in two ways
diyale/oj thirsty
di/ya thirst
diya/w to thirst
di/yioj thirsty, athirst
di/yuxoj double-minded
diwbeli/a the allowance of two obols
di/wgma a pursuit, chase
diwgmo/j the chase
diw/dunoj with thrilling anguish
diwqe/w to push asunder, tear away
diwqismo/j a pushing about, a scuffle
diwkte/oj to be pursued
diwkth/r a pursuer
diw/kw to pursue
diwle/nioj with out-stretched arms
diwlu/gioj far-sounding, enormous, immense
diwmosi/a an oath taken by both parties before the trial came on
diw/motoj bound by oath
diw/numoj with two names
diwcike/leuqoj urging on the way
diw/cippoj horse-driving
di/wcij chase, pursuit

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di/w to run away, take to flight, flee

diw=ruc a trench, conduit, canal
diwruxh/ a digging through
di/wsij a pushing off, delaying
di/wtoj two-eared: two handled
dmh=sij a taming, breaking
dmhth/r a tamer
dmwh/ a female slave taken in war
dmw/ioj in servile condition
dmw/j a slave taken in war
dnopali/zw to shake violently, fling down
dnofero/j dark, dusk, murky
dno/foj darkness, dusk, gloom
doa/ssato it seemed
do/gma that which seems to one, an opinion, dogma
dogmati/zw to decree
doqih/n a small abscess, boil
doidukopoio/j a pestle-maker
doi=duc a pestle
doih/ doubt, perplexity
doioi/ two, both
doioto/koj bearing twins
dokeu/w to keep an eye upon, watch narrowly
doke/w videor mihi, to think, suppose, imagine, expect
do/khma a vision, fancy
dokh/ a vision, fancy
dokhsi/sofoj wise in one's own conceit
do/khsij an opinion, belief, conceit, fancy
dokima/zw to assay
dokimasi/a an assay, examination, scrutiny
dokimasth/j an assayer, scrutineer
dokimei=on a test, means of testing
dokimh/ a proof, test: tried character
do/kimoj assayed, examined, tested
doko/j a bearing-beam
dolero/j deceitful, deceptive, treacherous
dolio/pouj stealthy of foot
do/lioj crafty, deceitful, treacherous
dolio/frwn crafty of mind
dolio/w to deal treacherously with
doli/xauloj with a long tube
dolixegxh/j with tall spear
dolixh/retmoj long-oared
dolixografi/a prolix writing
dolixo/deiroj long-necked
dolixodrome/w to run the

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dolixodro/moj running the long course

dolixo/skioj casting a long shadow
dolixo/j long
do/lixoj the long course
dolo/eij subtle, wily
dolomh/thj crafty of counsel, wily
dolo/muqoj subtle-speaking
doloploki/a subtlety, craft
doloplo/koj weaving wiles
dolopoio/j treacherous, ensnaring
dolorra/foj contriving wiles.
do/loj a bait
dolofone/w to murder by treachery
dolofo/noj slaying by treachery
dolofradh/j wily-minded
dolofrone/wn planning craft, wily-minded
dolofrosu/nh craft, subtlety, wiliness
dolo/w to beguile, ensnare, take by craft
do/lwma a trick, deceit
do/lwn a secret weapon, poniard, stiletto
dolw=pij artful-looking, treacherous
do/lwsij a tricking
domai=oj for building
domh/ a building.
do/monde home, homeward
do/moj a house
domosfalh/j shaking the house
donakeu/omai to fowl with reed and birdlime
donakeu/j a thicket of reeds
donaki=tij of reed
donakoglu/foj reed-cutting, pen-making
donako/eij reedy
donakotro/foj producing reeds
donako/xlouj green with reeds
do/nac a reed
done/w to shake
do/nhma an agitation, waving
doca/zw to think, imagine, suppose, fancy, conjecture
do/ca a notion
do/casma an opinion, notion, conjecture
docasto/j matter of opinion, conjectural
docokope/w to court popularity
docokopi/a thirst for popularity
docoko/poj thirsting for popularity.
docomanh/j mad after fame.
docomani/a mad desire for fame

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docomataio/sofoj a would-be philosopher

doco/omai to have the character
docosofi/a conceit of wisdom
doco/sofoj wise in one's own conceit
dora/ a skin, hide
doratismo/j a fighting with spears
doratopaxh/j of a spear's thickness
dorh/ioj wooden
doria/lwtoj captive of the spear, taken in war
dori/gambroj bride of battles
doriqh/ratoj taken by the spear
dorikanh/j slain by the spear
dori/kranoj spear-headed
dori/kthtoj won by the spear
dori/lhptoj won by the spear
dorimanh/j raging with the spear
dori/margoj raging with the spear
dorimh/stwr master of the spear
dori/paltoj wielding the spear
doripeth/j fallen by the spear
dori/ponoj toiling with the spear
doriptoi/htoj scattered by the spear
dorisqenh/j mighty with the spear
doriste/fanoj crowned for bravery
doriti/naktoj shaken by battle
dori/tmhtoj pierced by the spear
dori/tolmoj bold in war
dorka/deioj of an antelope
dorkali/j made of the vertebrae of an antelope
dorka/j a kind of deer
doro/j a leathern bag
dorpe/w to take supper
dorphsto/j supper-time, evening
dorpi/a the eve
do/rpon the evening meal
dorudre/panon halbert
doru/cenoj a spear-friend
doruco/oj a maker of spears
do/ru a stem, tree
dorusso/hj of battle
dorusso/oj charging with the lance
dorufore/w to attend as a bodyguard
dorufo/rhma a body of guards
dorufori/a guard kept over
dorufo/roj spear-bearing
do/sij a giving

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dote/oj to be given
doth/r a giver, dispenser
doulagwge/w to make a slave, treat as such
doulei/a servitude, slavery, bondage
dou/leioj slavish, servile
dou/leuma a service
douleute/oj one must be a slave
douleu/w to be a slave
douliko/j of
dou/lioj slavish, servile
doulopre/peia a slavish spirit
doulopreph/j befitting a slave, servile
dou=loj a born bondman
doulosu/nh slavery, slavish work
doulo/sunoj enslaved
doulo/w to make a slave of, enslave
dou/lwsij enslaving, subjugation
doupe/w to sound heavy
douph/twr a clatterer
dou=poj any dead, heavy sound, a thud
doura/teoj of planks
dourhnekh/j a spear's throw off
dourikleito/j famed for the spear
douri/phktoj fixed on spears
dourituph/j wood-cutting
dourodo/kh a case
douroto/moj cutting wood
doxh/ion a holder
doxh/ a receptacle
doxmh/ the space contained in a hand's breadth
do/xmioj across, athwart, aslant
doxmo/lofoj with slanting, nodding plume
doxmo/omai to turn sideways
doxmo/j slantwise
dra/gma as much as one can grasp, a handful, truss
dragmathfo/roj carrying sheaves
dragmeu/w to collect the corn into sheaves
dragmo/j a grasping
drai/nw to be ready to do
dra/kaina a shedragon
drako/nteioj of a dragon
drakontole/thj serpent-slayer
drakonto/malloj with snaky locks
drakontw/dhj snake-like
dra/kwn a dragon
dra=ma a deed, act

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dramatourgi/a dramatic work, a drama

dramatourgo/j a dramatist.
dra/mhma a running, course, a race
drapeteu/w to run away
drape/thj a runaway
drapetiko/j of
drasei/w to have a mind to do, to be going to do
dra/simoj activity
drasmo/j a running away, flight
dra/ssomai to grasp
draste/oj to be done
drasth/rioj vigorous, active, efficacious
drato/j skinned, flayed
draxmh/ a handful
draxmiai=oj worth a drachma, to the amount of a drachma
dra/w to do
drepa/nh a sickle, reaping-hook
drepanhfo/roj bearing a scythe
drepanoeidh/j sickle-shaped
dre/panon a scythe
drepanourgo/j a sword-maker, armourer
dre/ptw to pluck
dre/pw to pluck, cull
drhsth/r a labourer, working man
drhstosu/nh service
drimu/loj piercing
drimu/j piercing, sharp, keen
drimu/thj pungency
dri/oj a copse, wood, thicket
droi/th a bath
dromai=oj running at full speed, swift, fleet
droma/j running
droma/w to run
dromeu/j a runner
dromiko/j good at running, swift, fleet
dromokh=ruc a runner, postman
dro/moj a course, running, race
drosero/j dewy, watery
drosi/zw to bedew, besprinkle
dro/soj dew
drosw/dhj like dew, moist
drua/j a Dryad
dru/inoj oaken
drumo/j an oak-coppice
druokoi/thj dweller on the oak
druokola/pthj the woodpecker

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dru/oxoi the props

dru/oy woodpecker
dru/ptw to tear, strip
dru=j a tree
dru=j a tree
druto/moj a wood-cutter
dru/faktoj a fence
dru/yia parings
drwpaki/zw to get rid of hair by pitch-plasters
drw=pac a pitch-plaster.
dua/j the number two
dua/w to plunge in misery
duh/paqoj much-suffering
du/h woe, misery, anguish, pain
du/namai to be able, capable, strong enough
du/namij power, might, strength
dunamo/w to strengthen
dunastei/a power, lordship, sovereignty
dunasteu/w to hold power
duna/sthj a lord, master, ruler
dunastiko/j arbitrary
dunate/w to be powerful, mighty
dunato/j strong, mighty, able
duokai/deka twelve
du/o two
du/sagnoj unchaste
dusagre/w to have bad sport in fishing
dusagrh/j unlucky in fishing.
dusa/gwn having seen hard service
dusa/delfoj unhappy in one's brothers
dusah/j ill-blowing, stormy
dusa/qlioj most miserable
dusaianh/j most melancholy
dusai/qrioj not clear, murky
dusai/wn living a hard life, most miserable
dusalgh/j very painful
dusa/lghtoj hard-hearted
dusa/lwtoj hard to catch
dusa/mmoroj most miserable
dusana/klhtoj hard to call back
dusanako/mistoj hard to bring back
dusana/plouj hard to sail up
dusanasxete/w to bear ill
dusana/sxetoj hard to bear.
dusana/treptoj hard to overthrow
dusa/nthtoj disagreeable to meet, boding of ill

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dusanti/bleptoj hard to look in the face

dusapa/llaktoj hard to get rid of
dusa/pistoj very disobedient
dusapo/deiktoj hard to demonstrate
dusapo/kritoj hard to answer
dusapo/treptoj hard to dissuade
dusa/restoj hard to appease, implacable
dusaristoto/keia unhappy mother of the noblest son
du/sarktoj hard to govern
dusarmosti/a disagreement
dusa/rmostoj ill-united
dusauli/a ill
du/sauloj an unhappy
du/sauloj inhospitable
dusafai/retoj hard to take away
dusaxh/j most painful
dusba/staktoj grievous to bear
dusbatopoie/omai to make impassable
du/sbatoj inaccessible, impassable
dusba/uktoj sadly wailing
dusbi/otoj making life wretched
dusbouli/a ill counsel
du/sbouloj ill-advised.
du/sbwloj of ill soil, unfruitful
du/sgamoj ill-wedded
dusga/rgalij very ticklish, skittish
dusge/neia low birth
dusgenh/j low-born
dusgefu/rwtoj hard to bridge over
du/sgnoia ignorance, doubt
dusgnwsi/a difficulty of knowing
dusgoh/teutoj hard to seduce by enchantments
dusdaimoni/a misery
dusdai/mwn of ill fortune, ill-fated
dusda/krutoj sorely wept
du/sdamar ill-wived, ill-wedded
dusdia/qetoj hard to settle
dusdiai/thtoj hard to decide
dusdia/lutoj hard to reconcile
dusdiereu/nhtoj hard to search through
dusdi/odoj hard to pass through
du/sedroj bringing evil by one's abode
duseidh/j unshapely, ugly
dusei/matoj meanly clad
dusei/sboloj hard to enter
dusei/splouj hard to sail into

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duse/kqutoj hard to avert by sacrifice

duse/klutoj hard to undo
duse/kniptoj hard to wash out
dusekpe/ratoj hard to pass out from
duse/kfeuktoj hard to escape from
duse/legktoj hard to refute
dusele/na ill-starred Helen
du/selpij hardly hoping, desponding
duse/lpistoj unhoped for
duse/mbatoj hard to walk on
duse/mboloj hard to enter, inaccessible
dusenteri/a dysentery
duse/nteuktoj hard to speak with
dusecapa/thtoj hard to deceive
duse/captoj hard to loose from bonds
dusecari/qmhtoj hard to enumerate
dusece/legktoj hard to refute
dusece/liktoj hard to unfold
dusecereu/nhtoj hard to investigate
dusechme/rwtoj hard to tame
dusech/nustoj indissoluble
duse/codoj hard to get out of
dusepibou/leutoj hard to attack secretly
duse/rastoj unfavourable to love
dusergi/a difficulty in acting
du/sergoj unfit for work
duse/rhmoj very lonely, desolate
du/serij very quarrelsome, contentious
duse/ristoj shed in unholy strife
dusermh/neutoj hard to interpret
du/serwj sick in love with
duseunh/twr an ill bedfellow
duseu/retoj hard to find out
du/szhloj exceeding jealous
duszh/thtoj hard to seek
du/szwoj wretched
dush/kestoj hard to heal
dush/kouj hard of hearing
dushlegh/j laying
dush/lioj sunless
dushnio/xhtoj ungovernable
dushxh/j ill-sounding, hateful
dusqalph/j hard to warm: chilly
dusqanate/w to die hard, die a lingering death
dusqa/natoj bringing a hard death
dusqanh/j having died a hard death

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dusqe/atoj ill to look on

du/sqeoj godless, ungodly
dusqera/peutoj hard to cure
dusqete/omai to be much vexed
du/sqetoj in bad case.
dusqh/ratoj hard to catch
dusqrh/nhtoj loud-wailing, most mournful
du/sqrouj ill-sounding
dusqume/w to be melancholy, angry
dusqumi/a despondency, despair
du/squmoj desponding, melancholy, repentant
dusi/atoj hard to heal, incurable
dusiere/w to have bad omens in a sacrifice
dusiqa/lassoj dipped in the sea
du/sippoj hard to ride in
du/sij a setting of the sun
duska/qartoj hard to satisfy by purification
duska/qektoj hard to hold in
du/skapnoj noisome from smoke, smoky
duskarte/rhtoj hard to endure
duskatama/qhtoj hard to learn
duskata/paustoj hard to check, restless
duskata/praktoj hard to effect
duskata/statoj hard to restore
duskatafro/nhtoj not to be despised
duske/ladoj ill-sounding, shrieking, discordant
duskhdh/j full of misery
du/skhloj past remedy
duski/nhtoj hard to move
duskleh/j infamous, shameful
du/skleia ill-fame, an ill name, infamy
duskoinw/nhtoj unsocial
duskolai/nw to be peevish
duskoli/a discontent, peevishness
dusko/llhtoj ill-glued
duskolo/kamptoj hard to bend
duskolo/koitoj making bed uneasy
du/skoloj hard to satisfy with food
du/skolpoj with ill-formed womb
dusko/mistoj hard to bear, intolerable
duskrasi/a bad temperament
du/skratoj of bad temperament
du/skritoj hard to discern
dusku/mantoj arising from the stormy sea
duskwfe/w to be stone-deaf
du/skwfoj stone-deaf.

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du/slektoj hard to tell

du/slhptoj hard to catch
duslo/gistoj ill-calculating
du/slofoj hard for the neck, hard to bear
du/slutoj indissoluble
dusmaqe/w to be slow at recognising
dusmaqh/j hard to learn
dusmaqi/a slowness at learning
dusmaxe/w to fight in vain against
dusmaxhte/oj one must fight desperately with
du/smaxoj hard to fight with, unconquerable
dusme/neia ill-will, enmity
dusmene/wn bearing ill-will, hostile
dusmenh/j full of ill-will, hostile
dusmetaxei/ristoj hard to manage: hard to attack
du/smhnij wrathful
dusmh/nitoj visited by heavy wrath
dusmh/ setting
dusmh/thr not a mother
dusmhxane/w to be at loss how
dusmh/xanoj hard to effect.
dusmi/mhtoj hard to imitate
dusmori/a a hard fate
du/smoroj ill-fated, ill-starred
dusmorfi/a badness of form, ugliness
du/smorfoj misshapen, ill-favoured
du/smousoj unmusical
dusni/khtoj hard to conquer
du/sniptoj hard to wash out
dusnoe/w to be ill-affected
du/snoia disaffection, ill-will, malevolence
dusnomi/a lawlessness, a bad constitution
du/snomoj lawless, unrighteous
du/snostoj that is no return
du/snouj ill-affected, disaffected
dusnu/mfeutoj unpleasing to marry
du/snumfoj ill-wedded
duscu/mboloj hard to deal with, driving a hard bargain
duscu/netoj hard to understand, unintelligible
du/sogkoj over heavy, burdensome
dusode/w to make bad way, get on slowly
dusodopai/paloj difficult and rugged
du/sodoj hard to pass, scarce passable
dusoi/zw to be distressed, to fear
dusoi/khtoj bad to dwell in
du/soistoj hard to bear, insufferable

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du/sombroj stormy, wintry

duso/miloj hard to live with, bringing evil in one's company
duso/mmatoj scarce-seeing, purblind
duso/ratoj hard to see
du/sorgoj quick to anger
du/sormoj with bad anchorage
du/sornij ill-omened, boding ill
duso/rfnaioj dusky
dusosmi/a an ill smell, ill savour
du/sosmoj ill-smelling, stinking
dusou/ristoj driven by a too favourable wind, fatally favourable
duspa/qeia firmness in resisting
duspaqe/w to suffer a hard fate
duspaqh/j impatient of suffering
duspa/laistoj hard to wrestle with
duspa/lamoj hard to conquer
duspalh/j hard to wrestle with
duspara/blhtoj incomparable
dusparai/thtoj hard to move by prayer, inexorable
dusparako/mistoj hard to carry along, difficult
dusparamu/qhtoj hard to appease
duspa/reunoj ill-mated
dusparh/goroj hard to appease
duspa/rqenoj unhappy maiden
du/sparij unhappy Paris, ill-starred Paris
duspa/ritoj hard to pass
duj un-
duspeiqh/j hardly obeying, self-willed, intractable
du/spemptoj hard to send away
duspe/mfeloj rough and stormy
duspenqh/j bringing sore affliction, direful
duspe/ratoj hard to get through
dusperi/lhptoj hard to encompass
duspeth/j falling out ill, most difficult
dusph/mantoj full of grievous evil, disastrous
duspinh/j squalid
du/splanoj wandering in misery
dusploi/a difficulty of sailing
du/splouj bad for sailing
du/spnoia difficulty of breathing
du/spnouj scant of breath
duspole/mhtoj hard to war with
duspo/lemoj unlucky in war
duspolio/rkhtoj hard to take by siege
dusponh/j toilsome
duspo/nhtoj bringing toil and trouble

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du/sponoj toilsome
duspo/reutoj hard to pass
duspori/a difficulty of passing
duspo/ristoj gotten with much labour
du/sporoj hard to pass, scarce passable
du/spotmoj unlucky, ill-starred, unhappy, wretched
du/spotoj unpalatable
dusprage/w to be unlucky
duspraci/a ill success, ill luck
duspreph/j base, undignified
duspro/sbatoj hard to approach
duspro/sitoj difficult of access
duspro/smaxoj hard to attack
duspro/sodoj hard to get at, difficult of access
duspro/soistoj hard to approach
duspro/soptoj hard to look on, horrid to behold
dusprospe/lastoj hard to get at
duspro/swpoj of ill aspect
dusragh/j hard to break
du/srigoj impatient of cold
dusse/beia impiety, ungodliness
dussebe/w to think
dussebh/j ungodly, impious, profane
du/ssouj hard to save, ruined
dussu/noptoj hard to get a view of
dusta/laj most miserable
duste/kmartoj hard to make out from the given signs, hard to trace, inexplicable
du/steknoj unfortunate in children
dusterph/j ill-pleasing
du/sthnoj wretched, unhappy, unfortunate, disastrous
dusth/rhtoj hard to keep
dustlh/mwn suffering hard things
du/stlhtoj hard to bear
dustokeu/j an unhappy parent
dustoke/w to be in sore travail
du/stokoj bringing forth with pain.
dustome/w to speak evil of
du/stomoj bad of mouth: hardmouthed
du/stonoj lamentable
dusto/pastoj hard to guess
dusto/xastoj hard to hit
dustra/pezoj fed on horrid food
dustra/peloj hard to deal with, intractable, stubborn
du/stropoj hard to turn, intractable
dustuxe/w to be unlucky, unhappy, unfortunate
dustu/xhma a piece of ill luck, a failure

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dustuxh/j unlucky, unfortunate

dustuxi/a ill luck, ill fortune
dusupo/statoj hard to withstand
dusfah/j scarce visible
du/sfatoj hard to speak, unutterable
dusfhme/w to use ill words
dusfhmi/a ill language, words of ill omen
du/sfhmoj of ill omen, boding
dusfilh/j hateful
dusfore/w to bear with pain, bear ill
dusfo/rhtoj hard to bear
dusfo/rmigc unsuited to the lyre
du/sforoj hard to bear, heavy
dusfro/nh troubles
dusfro/nwj rashly
dusfrosu/nh anxiety, care
du/sfrwn sad at heart, sorrowful, melancholy
dusfu/laktoj hard to keep off
dusxei/meroj suffering from hard winters, very wintry, freezing
dusxei/rwma a thing hard to be subdued, a hard conquest
dusxei/rwtoj hard to subdue
dusxerai/nw to be unable to endure
dusxe/reia annoyance
dusxerh/j hard to take in hand
du/sximoj wintry, troublesome, dangerous, fearful
dusxlaini/a mean clothing
du/sxortoj with little grass, ill off for food
dusxrhste/w to be in difficulty
du/sxrhstoj hard to use, nearly useless
dusxwri/a difficult, rough ground
dusw/dhj ill-smelling
dusw/dinoj causing grievous pangs
duswne/w to beat down the price, cheapen
dusw/nhj one who beats down the price.
dusw/numoj bearing an ill name, ill-omened
duswpe/w to put out of countenance, put to shame
duswre/omai to keep painful watch
du/thj a diver
duwdeka/boioj worth twelve beeves
duwdeka/mhnoj twelve months old
duwdeka/moiroj divided into twelve parts
duw/deka twelve
duw/deka twelve
duwkaieikosi/metroj holding
duwkaieikosi/phxuj cubits long
du/w to strip off

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dwdeka/gnamptoj bent twelve times

dwdeka/darxoj a leader of twelve
dwdeka/draxmoj sold at
dwdeka/dwroj twelve palms long
dwdeka/eqloj conqueror in
dwdekaeth/j years old
dwdeka/kij twelve times
dwdeka/linoj of twelve threads
dwdekamh/xanoj knowing twelve arts
dwdeka/paij with twelve children
dwdeka/palai twelve times long ago, ever so long ago
dwdeka/phxuj twelve cubits long
dwdeka/polij formed of twelve united states
dw/deka twelve
dwdeka/skalmoj twelve-oared
dwdeka/skutoj of twelve pieces of leather
dwdeka/j the number twelve
dwdekatai=oj on the twelfth day
dwde/katoj the twelfth
dwdekafo/roj bearing twelve times a year
dwdeka/fuloj of twelve tribes
dwdeke/thj twelve years old
dwdwnai=oj of Dodona
dwdw/nh Dodona
dw=ma a house
dwma/tion a chamber, bed-chamber
dwmati=tij of the house
dwmatofqore/w to ruin the house
dwma/w to build
dwrea/ a gift, present
dwre/w to give, present
dw/rhma that which is given, a gift, present
dwrhth/r a giver
dwrhto/j open to gifts
dwrieu/j a Dorian, descendant of Dorus
dwri/zw to imitate the Dorians in life, dialect
dwriko/j Doric
dw/rioj Dorian
dwri/j Dorian
dwristi/ in Dorian fashion
dwrodoke/w to accept as a present
dwrodo/khma acceptance of a bribe, corruption
dwrodoki/a a taking of bribes, openness to bribery
dwrodokisti/ in bribe-fashion
dwrodo/koj taking presents
dwrodo/thj a giver of presents, a giver

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

dw=ron a gift, present

dwrofa/goj greedy of presents
dwrofore/w to bring presents
dwrofo/roj bringing presents
dwsi/dikoj giving oneself up to justice, abiding by the law
dw/swn always going to give
dwth/r a giver
dwtina/zw to receive
dwti/nh a gift, present
dwtw/ giver
e(ano/j fit for wearing
e)a/n if haply
e)/a ha! oho!
e)ari/zw to pass the spring
e)arino/j spring-
e)arotrefh/j flourishing in spring
e)/ar spring
e)ate/oj to be suffered
e(autou= itself, absolutely
e(a/fqh was fastened upon
e)a/w to let, suffer, allow, permit
e(bdomage/thj sacrificed on the 7th of every month
e(bdomai=oj on the seventh day
e(bdoma/j the number seven
e(bdo/matoj the seventh
e(bdomh/konta seventy
e(bdomhkontou/thj seventy years old
e(/bdomoj seventh
e)/benoj the ebony-tree, ebony
(ebraiko/j Hebrew
(ebrai=oj a Hebrew
(ebraisti/ Hebrew tongue
e)/ggaioj in
e)ggei/nwntai breed
e)ggelasth/j a mocker, scorner
e)ggela/w to laugh at, mock
e)ggenh/j inborn, native
e)ggh/rama a comfort for old age
e)gghra/skw to grow old in one, decay
e)ggi/gnomai to be born
e)ggi/wn nearer, nearest
e)gglu/ssw to have a sweet taste
e)gglu/fw to cut in, carve
e)gglwttoga/stwr one who lives by his tongue
e)gglwttotupe/w to talk loudly of
e)/ggonoj a grandson, granddaughter

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e)ggrafh/ a registering, registration

e)ggra/fw to mark in
e)gguali/zw to put into the palm of the hand, put into one's hand
e)ggua/w to give
e)ggu/h a pledge put into the hand: surety, security
e)ggu/hsij betrothed
e)gguhth/j one who gives security, a surety
e)gguhto/j wedded
e)ggu/qen from nigh at hand
e)ggu/qi hard by, near
e)ggumna/zw to exercise
e)/gguoj giving security
e)ggu/j near, nigh, at hand
e)ggw/nioj forming an angle
e)gei/rw to awaken, wake up, rouse
e)gersige/lwj laughter-stirring
e)gersiqe/atroj exciting the theatre
e)gersima/xaj battle-stirring
e)ge/rsimoj from which one wakes
e)/gersij a waking
e)gersifah/j light-stirring
e)gerte/oj one must raise
e)gertiko/j waking, stirring
e)gkaqe/zomai to sit
e)gkaqhba/w to pass one's youth in
e)gka/qhmai to sit in
e)gkaqidru/w to erect
e)gkaqi/zw to seat in
e)gkaqi/hmi to let down: to send in
e)gkaqi/sthmi to place
e)gkaqora/w to look closely into
e)gkaqormi/zomai to run into harbour, come to anchor
e)gkaqubri/zw to riot
e)gerti/ eagerly, busily
e)gkai/nia a feast of renovation
e)gkaini/zw to renovate, consecrate
e)gkai/w to burn
e)gkake/w to lose heart, grow weary
e)gkale/w to call in
e)gkallwpi/zomai to take pride
e)gkallw/pisma an ornament, decoration
e)gkalummo/j a covering, wrapping up
e)gkalu/ptw to veil in
e)gka/mptw to bend in, bend
e)gkana/ssw to pour in
e)gkanaxa/omai to make a sound

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e)gka/ptw to gulp in greedily, snap up

e)/gkaroj the brain
e)/gkarpoj containing fruit
e)gka/rsioj athwart, oblique
e)gkartere/w to persevere
e)gkata/lhyij a being caught in
e)gkatalogi/zomai to reckon in
e)gkatami/gnumai to be mixed in
e)gkataph/gnumi to thrust firmly in
e)gkatapi/ptw to fall in
e)gkataple/kw to interweave, entwine
e)gkatarra/ptw to sew in
e)gkataskh/ptw to fall upon
e)gkataspei/rw to disperse in
e)gkatastoixeio/w to implant as a principle in
e)gkatasfa/ttw to slaughter in
e)gkatate/mnw to cut up among
e)gkatati/qemai put
e)gkataxe/w to pour in besides
e)gkatillw/ptw to scoff at
e)gkatoike/w to dwell in
e)gkatoikodome/w to build in
e)/gkata the inwards, entrails, bowels
e)gkataghra/skw to grow old in
e)gkatade/w to bind fast in
e)gkatadu/nw sink beneath
e)gkatazeu/gnumi to adapt to
e)gkatakai/w to burn in
e)gkata/keimai to lie in
e)gkatakli/nw to put to bed in
e)gkatakoima/omai to lie down to sleep in
e)gkatakrou/w to hammer in
e)gkatalamba/nw to catch in
e)gkatale/gw to build in
e)gkatalei/pw to leave behind
e)/gkauma a sore from burning
e)/gkeimai to lie in, be wrapped in
e)gkei/rw with shorn
e)gke/leuma an encouragement
e)gke/leustoj urged on, bidden, commanded
e)gkeleu/w sw
e)gkentri/j a sting
e)gkera/nnumi to mix in, mix
e)gkertome/w to abuse, mock at
e)gke/faloj that which is within the head, the brain
e)gkiqari/zw to play the harp among

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e)gklei/w to shut in, close

e)/gklhma an accusation, charge, complaint
e)gklhmatiko/j litigious
e)/gklhroj having a lot
e)gklido/n leaning, bent down
e)gkli/nw to bend in
e)gkoilai/nw to hollow
e)/gkoiloj sinking in hollows, hollow
e)gkoimi/zw to lull to sleep in
e)gkoisuro/omai to be luxurious as Coesyra
e)gkoita/j serving for a bed
e)gkola/ptw to cut
e)gkolhba/zw to fall heavily upon
e)gkolpi/zw to form a bay
e)gkombo/omai to bind a thing
e)gkone/w to be quick and active, make haste, hasten
e)gkoni/omai to sprinkle sand over oneself
e)gkopeu/j a tool for cutting stone, chisel
e)gkoph/ a hindrance
e)/gkopoj wearied
e)gko/ptw to hinder, thwart
e)gkordule/w to wrap up in coverlets
e)gkosme/w to arrange in
e)gkote/w to be indignant at
e)/gkotoj bearing a grudge, spiteful, malignant
e)gkra/zw to cry aloud at
e)gkra/teia mastery over
e)gkrath/j in possession of power
e)gkri/nw to reckon in
e)/gkrisij admission to the contest
e)gkrite/oj one must admit
e)gkrote/w to strike on
e)gkrou/w to knock
e)gkru/ptw to hide
e)gkrufia/zw to keep oneself hidden, act underhand
e)gkrufi/aj baked in the ashes
e)gkta/omai to acquire possessions in
e)/gkthma land held in a district
e)/gkthsij tenure of land in
e)gkuka/w to mix up in
e)gkukle/omai to rotate in
e)gku/klioj circular, rounded, round
e)gkuklo/w to move round in a circle
e)gku/klwsij a surrounding
e)gkuli/ndw to roll up in
e)gku/mwn pregnant

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e)gku/ptw to stoop down and peep in

e)gku/rw to fall in with, light upon, meet with
e)gkwmia/zw to praise, laud, extol
e)gkw/mioj in
e)greku/doimoj rousing the din of war
e)grema/xhj rousing the fight
e)gresi/kwmoj stirring up to revelry
e)grhgoro/wn watching, waking
e)grhgorti/ awake, watching
e)grh/ssw to be awake
e)gxalino/w to put a bit in the mouth of
e)/gxalkoj in
e)gxara/ssw to engrave upon
e)gxa/skw to gape
e)gxe/zw to be in a horrid fright at
e)gxei/h a spear, lance
e)gxeire/w to put one's hand in
e)gxei/rhma an undertaking, attempt
e)gxei/rhsij a taking in hand, undertaking
e)gxeirhte/oj one must undertake
e)gxeirhth/j an undertaker, an adventurer
e)gxeirhtiko/j enterprising, adventurous
e)gxeiri/dioj in the hand
e)gxeiri/zw to put into one's hands, entrust
e)gxeiri/qetoj put into one's hands
e)gxe/leioj of an eel
e)/gxeluj an eel
e)gxeluwpo/j eel-faced
e)gxesi/mwroj eager with the spear
e)gxe/spaloj wielding the spear
e)gxe/w to pour in
e)gxqo/nioj in
e)/gxoj a spear, lance
e)/gxousa alkanet
e)gxra/w to dash against
e)gxre/mptomai to expectorate
e)gxrh/|zw to have need
e)gxri/mptw to bring near to
e)/gxristoj rubbed in as an ointment
e)gxri/w to rub, anoint
e)gxroni/zw to be long about
e)gxrw/zomai to be engrained: &mdash
e)gxutri/zw to expose children in an earthenware vessel
e)gxwre/w to give room
e)gxw/rioj in
e)gw/ ego

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e)dano/j eatable
e(dano/j sweet, delicious
e)dafi/zw to dash to the ground
e)/dafoj the bottom, foundation, base
e)/deqlon a seat, abode
e)/desma meat
e)deste/oj one must eat
e)desth/j an eater
e)desto/j eatable: eaten, consumed
e)dhtu/j meat, food
e(/dnon a wedding-gift
e(dno/w to promise for wedding-presents, to betroth
e(dnwth/j a betrother
e(/doj a sitting-place
e(dra/zw to make to sit, place
e(drai=oj sitting, sedentary
e(drai/wma a foundation, base
e(/dranon a seat, abode
e(/dra a sitting-place
e(dria/w to seat
e(drostro/foj a wrestler who throws his adversary by a cross-buttock
e)dwdh/ food, meat, victuals
e)dw/dimoj eatable
e(dw/lion a seat
e)/dw to eat
e(/e him
e(/zomai to seat oneself, sit
e)qa/j customary, accustomed to
e)qeira/zw to have long hair
e)/qeira hair
e)qelhmo/j willing, voluntary
e)qelodoulei/a willing slavery
e)qelo/douloj a willing slave
e)qeloqrhskei/a will-worship
e)qelokake/w to be slack in duty, play the coward purposely
e)qelo/kakoj wilfully bad
e)qelonthdo/n voluntarily
e)qelonth/n voluntarily
e)qelonth/r a volunteer
e)qelo/ponoj willing to work
e)qelopro/cenoj one who voluntarily charges himself with the office of
e)qelourgo/j willing to work
e)qelou/sioj voluntary
e)qe/lw to will, wish, purpose
e)qhmologe/w to gather customarily
e)qi/zw to accustom, use

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e)qiste/oj one must accustom

e)qisto/j to be acquired by habit
e)qna/rxhj an ethnarch
e)qniko/j foreign, heathen, gentile
e)/qnoj a number of people accustomed to live together, a company, body of men
e)/qoj custom, habit
e)/qw to be accustomed
ei(amenh/ a river-side pasture, meadow
ei)=a on! up! away!
ei)aro/masqoj with youthful breasts
ei)/bw to drop, let fall in drops
ei)da/limoj shapely, comely
ei)=dar food
ei)dh/mwn knowing
ei)doi/ Idus
ei)/domai are visible, appear
ei)=don to see, perceive, behold
ei)dopoie/w to make an image of
ei)dopoii/a the specific nature of
ei)dopoio/j forming a species, specific
ei)=doj that which is seen, form, shape, figure
ei)do/twj knowingly
ei)du/llion a short descriptive poem
ei)dwlei=on an idol's temple
ei)dwlo/qutoj sacrificed to idols
ei)dwlolatrei/a idolatry
ei)dwlola/trhj an idol-worshipper, idolater
ei)/dwlon an image, a phantom
ei)dwlopoie/w to form an image
ei)dwlopoii/a formation of images
ei)dwlopoio/j an image-maker
ei)=en well!
ei)=qar at once, forthwith
ei)/qe would that!
ei)ka/zw to make like to, represent by a likeness, portray
ei)kai=oj random, purposeless
ei)kasi/a a likeness, image
ei)/kasma a likeness, image
ei)kasmo/j a conjecturing
ei)ka/j the twentieth day of the month
ei)kasth/j one who conjectures, a diviner
ei)kastiko/j able to represent
ei)kasto/j comparable, similar
ei)kelo/neiroj dream-like
ei)/keloj like
ei)kelo/fwnoj of like voice

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ei)kh=| without plan

ei)koniko/j counterfeited, pretended
ei)kosa/boioj worth twenty oxen
ei)kosaeth/j of twenty years
ei)kosa/kij twenty times
ei)kosa/mhnoj twenty months old
ei)kosinh/ritoj twenty-fold without dispute
ei)/kosi twenty
ei)kosi/phxuj of twenty cubits
ei)ko/soroj with twenty oars
ei)ko/j like truth
ei)kostolo/goj one who collects the twentieth, a tax
ei)kosto/j the twentieth
ei)kosw/rugoj of
ei)ko/twj in all likelihood, suitably, fairly, reasonably, naturally
ei)kw/n a likeness, image, portrait
ei)/kw to yield, give way, draw back, retire
ei)lapina/zw to revel in a large company
ei)lapinasth/j a feaster, quest, boon-companion
ei)lapi/nh a feast
ei)=lar a close covering, shelter, defence
ei)la/rxhj a commander of a troop of horse
ei)lei/quia Ilithyia
ei)leo/j a lurking-place, den, hole
ei)lhdo/n by twisting round
ei(lhqere/omai to bask in the sun
ei(lhqerh/j warmed by the sun.
ei(/lh the sun's heat
ei)/lh troops
ei(/lhsij sun-heat, heat
ei)likrinh/j unmixed, without alloy, pure
ei)li/pouj rolling in their gait, with rolling walk
ei(litenh/j spreading through marshes.
ei)/luma a wrapper
ei)luo/j a lurking place, den
ei)lufa/zw to roll along
ei)lu/w to enfold, enwrap
ei)/lw to roll up, pack
ei(/lwj a Helot
ei(lwtei/a the condition of a Helot
ei(lwteu/w to be a Helot
ei(lwtiko/j of Helots
ei(=ma a garment
ei)=mi to go
ei)mi/ to be, to exist
ei)naeth/j of nine years

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ei)nali/foitoj roaming the sea

ei)na/nuxej nine nights long
ei)na/j the ninth day of the month
ei)na/terej sisters-in-law
ei)/natoj ninth
ei)nosi/fulloj with quivering foliage
ei(=oj until
ei)/per strengthd. for
ei)=pon to speak, say
ei)/pote if ever
ei)/pou if anywhere, if at all
ei) whether.
ei)rgmo/j a cage, prison
ei)rgmofu/lac a gaoler
ei(/rgnumi to shut in
ei)/reroj bondage, slavery
ei)resi/a rowing
ei)resiw/nh a harvest-wreath
ei)rhnai=oj peaceful, peaceable
ei)rhneu/w to bring to peace, reconcile
ei)rh/nh peace, time of peace
ei)rhniko/j of
ei)rhnopoio/j a peace-maker
ei)rhnofu/lac a guardian of peace
ei)/rhn a Lacedaemonian youth who had completed his 20th year
ei)/rh a place of assembly
ei(rkte/oj one must prevent
ei(rkth/ an inclosure, prison
ei)roko/moj dressing wool
ei)ropo/koj wool-fleeced, woolly
ei)=roj wool
ei)roxarh/j delighting in wool
ei)rwnei/a dissimulation
ei)rwneu/omai to dissemble
ei)rwniko/j dissembling, putting on a feigned ignorance
ei)/rwn a dissembler, one who says less than he thinks
ei)/rw to fasten together in rows, to string
ei)saggeleu/j one who announces, a gentleman usher
ei)saggeli/a an impeachment
ei)sagge/llw to go in and announce
ei)saggeltiko/j of
ei)sagei/rw to collect into
ei)sa/gw to lead in
ei)sagwgeu/j one who brings cases into court
ei)sagwgh/ importation
ei)sagw/gimoj that can

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ei)saei/ for ever

ei)saei/romai to take to oneself.
ei)saqre/w to discern, descry
ei)sai/rw to bring
ei)sai/ssw to dart in
ei)sai/w to listen
ei)sakonti/zw to throw
ei)sakou/w to hearken
ei)sakte/oj one must bring into court
ei)sa/llomai to spring
ei)samei/bw to go into, enter
ei)sanabai/nw to go up to
ei)sanagka/zw to force into
ei)sana/gw to lead up into
ei)sanei=don to look up to
ei)sa/neimi to go up into
ei)/santa right opposite
ei)sa/pac at once, once for all
ei)sara/ssw to drive
ei)sauga/zw to look at, view
ei)sau=qij hereafter, afterwards
ei)sau/rion on the morrow
ei)safi/hmi to let in, admit
ei)safika/nw to come to
ei)safikne/omai to come into
ei)sbai/nw to go into
ei)sba/llw to throw into, put into
ei)/sbasij an entrance, means of entrance
ei)sbato/j accessible
ei)sbia/zomai to force one's way into
ei)sbiba/zw to put on board ship
ei)sble/pw to look at, look upon
ei)sbolh/ an inroad, invasion, attack
ei)sgra/fw to write in, inscribe
ei)sde/rkomai to look at
ei)sde/xomai to take into, admit
ei)sdi/dwmi to flow into
ei)sdoxh/ reception
ei)sdromh/ an inroad, onslaught
ei)sdu/nw to get
ei)/seimi to go into
ei)selau/nw to drive in
ei)se/lkw to draw, haul, drag in
ei)sembai/nw to go on board
ei)se/peita for hereafter
ei)se/rgnumi to shut up in

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ei)se/rpw to go into
ei)se/rrw to go into, get in
ei)seru/w to draw into
ei)se/rxomai to go in
ei)se/ti still yet
ei)se/xw to stretch into, reach, extend
ei)shge/omai to bring in, introduce
ei)sh/ghma a proposition, motion
ei)sh/ghsij a proposing, moving
ei)shghte/oj one must move
ei)shghth/j one who brings in, a mover, author
ei)shqe/w to inject by a syringe
ei)sh/kw to have come in
ei)shlusi/a a coming in, entrance
ei)sqe/w to run into, run up
ei)sqrw/skw to leap into
ei)sidru/w to build in
ei)si/zomai to sit down in
ei)si/hmi to send into
ei)si/qmh an entrance
ei)sikne/omai to go into, penetrate
ei)sith/rioj belonging to entrance:&mdash
ei)sithte/oj one must go in
ei)skalama/omai to haul in
ei)skale/w to call in
ei)skatabai/nw to go down into
ei)/skeimai to be put on board ship
ei)skhru/ssw to summon by public crier
ei)skomidh/ importation
ei)skomi/zw to carry into
ei)skukle/w to turn
ei)sleu/ssw to look into
ei)smai/omai to touch to the quick, affect greatly
ei)sne/omai to go into
ei)sne/w to swim into
ei)snoe/w to perceive, remark
e)i/skw to make like
ei)/sodoj a way in, entrance
ei)soikeio/w to bring in as a friend
ei)soike/w to settle in
ei)soi/khsij a place for dwelling in, a home
ei)soiki/zw to bring in as a settler
ei)soikodome/w to build into
ei)soiste/oj to be brought in
ei)soixne/w to go into, enter
ei)so/ke until

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ei)sopi/sw in time to come, hereafter

ei)/soptoj visible
ei)/soptron a mirror
ei)sora/w to look into, look upon, view, behold
ei)sorma/w to bring forcibly into
ei)sormi/zw to bring into port
e)/isoj alike, equal
ei)so/te against the time when
ei)soxh/ a hollow, recess
ei)/soyij a spectacle
ei)spai/w to burst
ei)spe/mpw to send in, bring in, let in
ei)spera/w to pass over into
ei)spe/tomai to fly into
ei)sphda/w to leap into
ei)spi/ptw to fall into
ei)sple/w to sail into, enter
ei)/splooj a sailing in
ei)spne/w to breathe upon
ei)spnh/laj one who inspires love, a lover
ei)spoie/w to give in adoption
ei(/j one
ei)spoihto/j adopted
ei)sporeu/w to lead into
ei)/spracij a getting in
ei)spra/ssw to get in
ei)sre/w to stream in
ei)sti/qhmi to put into, place in
ei)stoceu/w to shoot arrows at
ei)stre/xw to run in
ei)sfe/rw to carry into
ei)sfoita/w to go often to
ei)j into, to c. acc.
ei)sfora/ a gathering in
ei)sfre/w to let in, admit
ei)sxeiri/zw to put into one's hands, entrust
ei)sxe/w to pour in
ei)swpo/j in sight of
ei)/sw to within, into
ei)swqe/w to thrust into
ei)=ta then, next
ei)wqo/twj in customary wise, as usual
(eka/ergoj the far-working
e(/kaqen from afar
e(ka/j far, afar, far off
e(kastaxo/qen from each side

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e(kastaxo/qi on each side

e(kastaxoi= to each side, every way
e(kastaxo/se to each side
e(kastaxou= everywhere
e(ka/stoqi for each
e(/kastoj every, every one, each, each one
e(ka/stote each time, on each occasion
(ekatai=oj of Hecate
e(katera/kij at each time
e(ka/terqe on each side, on either hand
e(ka/teroj each of two, either, each singly
e(kate/rwqen on each side, on either hand
e(kate/rwqi on each side
e(kate/rwse to each side, each way, both ways
e(kathbo/loj far-shooting
(eka/th Hecate, the far-darter
e(katogkefa/laj hundred-headed
e(kato/gxeiroj hundred-handed
e(kato/zugoj with
e(katombaiw/n the month Hecatombaeon
e(kato/mbh an offering of a hundred oxen, &mdash
e(kato/mboioj worth a hundred beeves
e(kato/mpedoj measuring a hundred feet
e(kato/mpolij with a hundred cities
e(kato/mpouj hundred-footed
e(kato/mpuloj hundred-gated
e(kato/n a hundred
e(katontaethri/j a term of
e(katonta/lantoj rated at
e(katontaplasi/wn a hundred times as much
e(katonta/rxhj leader of a hundred
e(katonta/j a hundred
e(katonto/rguioj of
e(/katoj far-shooting
e(kato/stomoj hundred-mouthed
e(katosto/j the hundredth
e)kba/zw to speak out, declare
e)kbai/nw to step out of
e)kbakxeu/w to excite to Bacchic frenzy, to make frantic
e)kba/llw to throw
e)/kbasij a way out, egress
e)kbebaio/w to establish
e)kbia/zw to force out
e)kbiba/zw to make to step out
e)kbibrw/skw to devour
e)kblasta/nw to sprout out

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kblhte/oj one must cast out

e)/kblhtoj thrown out
e)kblu/zw to gush out
e)kboa/w to call out, cry aloud
e)kboh/qeia a going out to aid, a sally
e)kbohqe/w to march out to aid
e)kbolbi/zw to peel
e)kbolh/ a throwing out
e)/kboloj cast out of
e)kbra/zw to throw out
e)kbronta/w to strike out by lightning
e)kbruxa/omai to bellow forth
e)/kbrwma anything eaten out
e)kgami/zw to give in marriage
e)kgauro/omai to exult greatly in
e)kgela/w to laugh out, laugh loud
e)kgi/gnomai to be born of
e)kglu/fw to scoop out
e)/kgonoj born of, sprung from
e)kgra/fw to write out
e)kgumno/omai to be stript utterly
e)kdakru/w to burst into tears, weep aloud
e)kdeh/j defective.
e)/kdeia a falling short, being in arrear
e)kdei/knumi to shew forth, exhibit, display
e)/kdecij a receiving from another: succession
e)kde/rw to strip off the skin from
e)/kdetoj fastened to
e)kde/xomai to take
e)kde/w to bind so as to hang from, to fasten to
e)/kdhloj conspicuous
e)kdhme/w to be abroad, to be on one's travels
e)kdhmi/a a being abroad, exile
e)/kdhmoj from home, gone on a journey
e)kdiabai/nw to pass quite over
e)kdiaita/omai to depart from one's accustomed mode of life, change one's habits
e)kdiai/thsij change of habits
e)kdi/dagma prentice-work, a sampler
e)kdida/skw to teach thoroughly
e)kdidra/skw to run out from, run away, escape
e)kdi/dwmi to give up, surrender
e)kdika/zw to decide finally, settle
e)kdikasth/j an avenger
e)kdike/w to avenge, punish
e)kdi/khsij an avenging
e)/kdikoj without law, lawless, unjust

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kdifreu/w to throw from a chariot

e)kdiw/kw to chase away, banish
e)kdone/w to shake utterly, confound
e)/kdosij a giving out
e)kdote/oj one must give up
e)/kdotoj given up, delivered over, surrendered
e)kdoxh/ a receiving from another, succession
e)kdo/xion a reservoir
e)kdrakonto/omai to become a very serpent
e)kdromh/ a running out, sally, charge
e)/kdromoj one that sallies out
e)/kduma that which is stript off, a skin, garment
e)/kdusij a getting out, way out
e)kdu/w to take off, strip off
e)kdwrieu/omai to become a thorough Dorian
e)kei=qen from that place, thence
e)kei=noj the person there, that person
e)kei= there, in that place
e)kei=se thither, to that place
e)kexeiri/a a holding of hands, a cessation of hostilities, armistice, truce
e)kze/w to boil out
e)kzhte/w to seek out, enquire
e)kzwpure/w to rekindle
e(khboli/a skill in archery
e(khbo/loj far-darting, far-shooting
e(khkontaeti/a a time of sixty years
e(/khloj at rest, at one's ease
e(/khti by means of, by virtue of, by the aid of
e)kqambe/omai to be amazed
e)/kqamboj amazed, astounded
e)kqamni/zw to root out, extirpate
e)kqarre/w to have full confidence
e)kqea/omai to see out, see to the end
e)kqeatri/zw to make a public show of, to expose to public shame
e)kqeia/zw to make a god of, deify
e)kqerapeu/w to gain over entirely
e)kqeri/zw to reap
e)/kqesij a putting out, exposing
e)/kqesmoj out of law, lawless: horrible
e)/kqetoj exposed
e)kqe/w to run out, make a sally
e)kqhra/omai to hunt out, catch
e)kqhrio/omai to become quite savage
e)kqli/bw to squeeze much: to distress greatly
e)kqnh/skw to die away
e)kqoina/omai to feast on

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kqrhne/w to lament aloud

e)kqrw/skw to leap out of
e)kqumia/w to burn as incense
e)/kqumoj out of one's mind, senseless
e)/kqusij atonement
e)kqu/w to offer up, sacrifice, slay
e)kkagxa/zw to burst into loud laughter
e)kkaqai/rw to cleanse out
e)kkaqeu/dw to sleep out of one's quarters
e(kkaideka/dwroj sixteen palms long
e(kkaideka/linoj consisting of sixteen threads
e(kkai/deka sixteen
e(kkaideka/phxuj sixteen cubits long
e(kkaide/katoj sixteenth
e(kkaideke/thj 16 years old
e)/kkairoj out of date, antiquated
e)kkai/w to burn out
e)kkake/w to be faint-hearted
e)kkalama/omai to pull out with a fishing-rod
e)kkale/w to call out
e)kkalu/ptw to uncover
e)kka/mnw to grow quite weary of
e)kkarpi/zomai to yield as produce
e)kkarpo/omai to enjoy the fruit of
e)kkatei=don to look down from
e)kkatapa/llomai to leap down from
e)kkauli/zw to pull out the stalk
e)kkauxa/omai to boast loudly
e)/kkeimai to be cast out
e)kkeno/w to empty out, leave desolate
e)kkerai/zw to cut off root and branch
e)kkexume/nwj profusely
e)kkhrai/nw to enfeeble, exhaust
e)kkhru/ssw to proclaim by voice of herald
e)kkine/w to move out of
e)kki/w to go out
e)kkla/zw to cry aloud
e)kklei/w to shut out from
e)kkle/ptw to steal and bring off secretly, to purloin
e)kklhsia/zw to hold an assembly, debate therein
e)kklhsi/a an assembly of the citizens regularly summoned, the legislative assembly
e)kklhsiasth/j a member of the
e)kklhsiastiko/j of
e)kklhteu/w to summon into court
e)/kklhtoj selected to judge
e)kkli/nw to bend out of the regular line

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kklu/zw to wash out

e)kknai/w to wear out
e)kkna/w to scrape off from
e)kkobalikeu/omai to cheat by juggling tricks, cajole
e)kkokki/zw to take out the kernel
e)kkola/ptw to scrape out, obliterate
e)kkolumba/w to swim out of
e)kkomidh/ a carrying out
e)kkomi/zw to carry out
e)kkompa/zw to boast loudly
e)kkomyeu/omai to set forth in fair terms
e)kkoph/ a cutting out
e)kko/ptw to cut out, knock out
e)kkore/w to sweep out, to sweep clean
e)kkori/zw to clear of bugs
e)kkorufo/w to tell summarily, sum up
e)kkoufi/zw to raise up, exalt
e)kkra/zw to cry out
e)kkrema/nnumi to hang from
e)kkremh/j hanging from
e)kkrh/mnamai we hang on
e)kkri/nw to choose
e)/kkritoj picked out, select
e)/kkrousij a beating out, driving away
e)/kkroustoj beaten out, embossed
e)kkrou/w to knock out
e)kkubeu/omai to lose at play
e)kkubista/w to tumble headlong out of
e)kkue/w to put forth as leaves
e)kkukle/w to wheel out
e)kku/klhma a theatrical machine
e)kkuli/ndw to roll out
e)kkumai/nw to wave from the straight line
e)kkune/w to keep questing about
e)kkunhgete/w to pursue in the chase, hunt down
e)/kkunoj questing about, not keeping on one scent
e)kku/ptw to peep out of
e)kkwma/zw to rush wildly out
e)kkwfe/w to make quite deaf
e)kkwfo/w to make quite deaf
e)klagxa/nw to obtain by lot
e)klakti/zw to kick out, fling out behind
e)klale/w to speak out, blab, divulge
e)klamba/nw to receive from
e)kla/mpw to shine
e)klanqa/nw to escape notice utterly: &mdash

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)klhqa/nw to make
e)klapa/zw to cast out from
e)kla/ptw to drink off
e)kle/gw to pick
e)klei/pw to leave out, omit, pass over
e)/kleiyij abandonment
e)klekto/j picked out, select
e)klelume/nwj loosely, carelessly
e)kle/pw to bring
e)kleukai/nw to make quite white
e)klh/gw to cease utterly
e)/klhsij a forgetting and forgiving
e)klimpa/nw to abandon
e)klipai/nw to fatten
e)kliph/j failing, deficient
e)klogh/ a picking out, choice, election
e)klogi/zomai to compute, calculate
e)klogismo/j a computation, calculation
e)kloxeu/w to bring forth
e)/klusij release
e)kluth/rioj of
e)/klutoj easy to let go, light, buoyant
e)klu/w to loose, release, set free, from
e)klwba/omai to sustain grievous injuries
e)klwpi/zw to lay bare
e)kmagei=on that on
e)kmai/nw to drive mad
e)/kmaktron an impress
e)kmanqa/nw to learn thoroughly
e)kmarai/nw to make to wither away
e)kmargo/omai to go raving mad
e)kmarture/w to bear witness to
e)kmarturi/a the deposition of a witness
e)kma/ssato he devised
e)kma/ssw to wipe off, wipe away
e)kmequ/skw to make quite drunk, to saturate with
e)kmei/romai obtained a chief share
e)kmeleta/w to train carefully
e)kmelh/j out of tune, dissonant
e)kmetre/w to measure out, measure
e(/kmhnoj of six months, half-yearly
e)kmhnu/w to inform of, betray
e)kmhru/omai to wind out like a ball of thread
e)kmime/omai to imitate faithfully, represent exactly
e)kmise/w to hate much
e)kmisqo/w to let out for hire

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kmolei=n to go out, go forth

e)kmouso/w to teach fully
e)kmoxqe/w to work out with toil
e)kmuza/w to squeeze out
e)kmukthri/zw to turn up one's nose at, mock at
e)knarka/w to become quite torpid
e)kne/momai to go forth to feed
e)kneotteu/w to hatch
e)kneuri/zw to cut the sinews
e)kneu/w to turn the head aside
e)kne/w to swim out, swim to land, escape by swimming
e)knh/fw to sleep off a drunken fit, become sober again
e)knh/xomai to swim out
e)kni/zw to wash out, purge away
e)knika/w to achieve by force
e)kno/mioj unusual, marvellous
e)/knomoj outlawed
e)/knouj senseless
e)knosfi/zomai to take for one's own
e(konti/ willingly
e(kou/sioj voluntary
e)kpagle/omai to be struck with amazement, to wonder greatly
e)/kpagloj terrible, fearful
e)kpai/deuma a nursling, a child
e)kpaideu/w to bring up from childhood, educate completely
e)kpaifa/ssw to rush madly to the fray
e)kpai/w to throw out of
e)kpa/llw to shake out
e)kpata/ssw to strike, afflict
e)kpa/tioj out of the common path: excessive, vehement
e)kpau/w to set quite at rest, put an end to
e)kpei/qw to over-persuade
e)kpeira/zw to tempt
e)kpeira/omai to make trial of, prove, tempt
e)kpe/lei 'tis permitted
e)kpe/mpw to send out
e)/kpemyij a sending out
e)kpepai/nw to make quite ripe
e)kpeplhgme/nwj in panic fear
e)kpeptame/nwj extravagantly
e)kperai/nw to finish off
e)kpe/rama a coming out of
e)kpera/w to go out over, pass beyond
e)kperdiki/zw to escape like a partridge
e)kpe/rqw to destroy utterly
e)kperi/eimi to go out and round, go all round

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kperiple/w to sail out round

e)kperissw=j more exceedingly
e)kpe/rusi more than a year ago
e)kpeta/nnumi to spread out
e)kpeth/simoj ready to fly out, just fledged
e)kpe/tomai to fly out
e)kphda/w to leap out
e)kph/dhma for out-leap
e)kphni/zomai to spin out
e)kpidu/omai to gush forth
e)kpi/mplhmi to fill up
e)kpi/nw to drink out
e)kpipra/skw to sell out, sell off
e)kpi/ptw to fall out of
e(/kpleqroj six plethra long
e)/kpleoj quite full
e)kple/w to sail out, sail away, weigh anchor
e)kplhktiko/j striking with consternation, astounding
e)/kplhktoj terror-stricken, amazed
e)/kplhcij consternation
e)kplhro/w to fill quite up
e)kplh/ssw to strike out of, drive away from
e)/kplooj a sailing out, leaving port
e)kplu/nw to wash out
e)/kplutoj to be washed out
e)kpne/w to breathe out
e)kpnoh/ a breathing out, expiring
e)kpodw/n away from the feet
e)kpoie/w to put out
e)kpoi/hsij a putting forth, emission
e)kpoi/htoj given in adoption
e)kpoleme/w to excite to war, make hostile
e)kpolemo/w to make hostile, to involve in war
e)kpole/mwsij a making hostile
e)kpoliorke/w to force a besieged town to surrender
e)kpompeu/w to walk in state, to strut
e)kpomph/ a sending out
e)kpone/w to work out, finish off
e)kporeu/w to make to go out, fetch out
e)kporqe/w to pillage
e)kporqh/twr a waster, destroyer
e)kporqmeu/w to carry away by sea
e)kpori/zw to invent, contrive
e)kporneu/w to commit fornication
e)kpota/omai to fly out
e)kpra/ssw to do completely, to bring about, achieve

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kpreph/j distinguished out of all, preeminent, remarkable

e)kpre/pw to be excellent
e)/kprhsij a setting on fire, inflaming
e)kpri/asqai to buy off
e)kpri/w to saw out
e)kpro/qesmoj beyond the appointed day, too late for
e)kproqume/omai to be very zealous
e)kproi/hmi to send forth
e)kprokale/omai to call to oneself
e)kprokri/nw to choose out
e)kprolei/pw to forsake, abandon
e)kprore/w to flow forth from
e)kprotima/w to honour above all
e)kprofeu/gw to flee away from
e)kproxe/w to pour forth
e)kpteru/ssomai to spread the wings
e)kpth/ssw to scare out of
e)kptoe/w to bestruck with admiration
e)kptu/w to spit out of
e)kpunqa/nomai to search out, make enquiry
e)kpuro/w to burn to ashes, consume utterly
e)k from out of
e)kpu/rwsij a conflagration
e)/kpustoj discovered
e)/kpwma a drinking-cup, beaker
e)krai/nw to scatter out of, make to fall in drops from
e)kre/w to flow out
e)krh/gnumi to break off, snap asunder
e)krizo/w to root out
e)kripi/zw to fan the flame, stir up
e)kri/ptw to cast forth
e)kroh/ an issue
e)/krooj a flowing out, outflow, outfall
e)krofe/w to drink out, gulp down
e)kru/omai to deliver
e)ksala/ssw to shake violently
e)ksei/w to shake out of
e)kseu/omai to rush out
e)kshmai/nw to disclose, indicate
e)ksiga/omai to be put to utter silence
e)kskeda/nnumi to scatter to the wind
e)kskeua/zw to disfurnish of tools and implements
e)ksma/w to wipe out, wipe clean
e)ksobe/w to scare away
e)kspa/w to draw out
e)kspe/ndw to pour out as a libation

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)/kspondoj out of the treaty, excluded from it

e(ksta/dioj six stades long
e)/kstasij any displacement: entrancement, astonishment
e)kstatiko/j inclined to depart from
e)kste/llw to fit out, equip
e)kste/fw to deck with garlands
e)kstratei/a a going out on service
e)kstrateu/w to march out
e)kstratopedeu/omai to encamp outside
e)kstre/fw to turn out of, root up from
e)ksuri/ssw to hiss off the stage
e)ksfragi/zomai to be shut out from
e)ksw/zw to preserve from danger, keep safe
e)kswreu/w to heap
e)kta/dhn outstretched
e)kta/dioj outstretched, outspread
e(ktai=oj on the sixth day
e)ktanu/w to stretch out
e)ktara/ssw to throw into great trouble, to agitate
e)/ktasij extension
e)kta/ssw to draw out in battle-order
e)ktei/nw to stretch out
e)kteixi/zw to fortify completely
e)ktekno/w to generate
e)kteleuta/w to bring quite to an end, accomplish
e)ktele/w to bring quite to an end, to accomplish, achieve
e)ktelh/j brought to an end, perfect
e)kte/mnw to cut out
e)kte/neia intensity, zeal, earnestness
e)ktenh/j intense, zealous, instant
e(kte/oj to be held
e)ktefro/w to burn to ashes, calcine
e)kth/kw to melt out, destroy, by melting
e(kthmo/rioi those who paid 1/6th of the produce
e)kti/qhmi to set out, place outside
e)kti/llw to pluck out
e)ktima/w to honour highly
e)/ktimoj not shewing honour
e)ktina/ssw to shake out
e)kti/nw to pay off, pay in full
e)ktitrw/skw to bring forth untimely: to miscarry
e)/ktoqen from without, outside
e)/ktoqi out of, outside
e)ktolupeu/w to wind
e)ktomh/ a cutting out
e)ktomi/aj a eunuch

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)ktomi/j cutting down

e)ktoceu/w to shoot out, shoot away
e)ktopi/zw to take oneself from a place, go abroad
e)kto/pioj put away
e)/ktopoj away from a place, away from
e)ktore/w to kill by piercing
e)/ktose outwards
e)/ktosqe outside
e)ktragw|de/w to deck out in tragic phrase, exaggerate
e(/ktoj sixth
e)kto/j outside
e)ktra/pezoj banished from the table
e)ktra/peloj turning from the common course, devious, strange
e)ktraxhli/zw to throw the rider over its head
e)ktraxu/nw to make rough
e)ktre/pw to turn out of the course, to turn aside
e)ktre/fw to bring up from childhood, rear up
e)ktre/xw to run out
e)ktri/bw to rub out
e)ktroph/ a turning off
e)ktruxo/w to wear out, exhaust
e)ktrw/gw to eat up, devour
e)/ktrwma a child untimely born, an abortion
e)/ktupoj worked in high relief
e)ktupo/w to model
e)ktuflo/w to make quite blind
e)ktu/flwsij a making blind
e(kura/ a mother-in-law, step-mother
e(kuro/j a father-in-law, step-father
e)kfaidru/nw to make quite bright, clear away
e)kfai/nw to shew forth, bring to light, disclose, reveal, make manifest
e)kfanh/j shewing itself, manifest
e)/kfasij a declaration
e)/kfatoj beyond power of speech
e)kfauli/zw to depreciate
e)kfe/rw to carry out of
e)kfeu/gw to flee out
e)/kfhmi to speak out
e)kfqei/rw to destroy utterly
e)kfqi/nw had
e)kfile/w to kiss heartily
e)kfle/gw to set on fire
e)kfobe/w to frighten away, affright
e)/kfoboj affrighted
e)kfoini/ssw to make all red
e)kfoita/w to go out constantly, be in the habit of going out

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)kfora/ a carrying out

e)kfore/w to carry out
e)kfo/rion payment on produce, rent, tithe
e)/kforoj to be carried out, exportable
e)kforti/zomai to be sold for exportation, to be kidnapped, betrayed
e)kfra/zw to tell over, recount
e)/kfrasij a description
e)kfre/w to let out, bring out
e)kfronti/zw to think out, discover
e)/kfrwn out of one's mind, senseless
e)kfula/ssw to watch carefully
e)kfullofore/w to condemn by leaves
e)/kfuloj out of the tribe, alien
e)kfusa/w to blow out
e)kfu/w to generate from
e)kfwne/w to cry out
e)kxala/w to let go from
e)kxalino/w to unbridle
e)kxauno/w to stuff out, to make vain and arrogant
e)kxe/w to pour out
e)kxoreu/w to break out of the chorus
e)kxra/w to declare as an oracle, tell out
e)kxrhmati/zomai to squeeze money from, levy contributions on
e)kxu/thj a spendthrift
e)/kxutoj poured forth, unconfined, outstretched
e)kxw/nnumai to be raised on a bank
e)kxwre/w to go out and away, depart, emigrate
e)kyu/xw to give up the ghost, expire
e(kw/n willing, of free will, readily
e)lai/a the olive-tree
e)laih/eij planted with olives
e)laihro/j oily, of oil
e)la/inoj of olive-wood
e)laiolo/goj an olive-gatherer
e)/laion olive-oil
e)laiopw/lhj an oil-merchant
e)/laioj the wild olive
e)laiofo/roj olive-bearing
e)laiofuh/j olive-planted
e)laio/futoj olive-planted
e)lai/j an olive-tree
e)laiw/n an olive-yard
e(/landroj man-destroying
e)lasei/w to wish to march
e)lasi/a riding
e)lasi/brontoj hurled like thunder

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e)/lasij a driving away, banishing

e)lasso/w to make less
e)la/sswn smaller, less
e)lastre/w to drive
e)late/oj one must ride
e)la/th the silver fir, pinus picea
e)lath/rioj driving away
e)lath/r a driver
e)la/tinoj of the fir
e)la/ttwma a disadvantage
e)lau/nw to drive, drive on, set in motion
e)la/feioj of a stag
e)lafhboli/a a shooting of deer
e)lafhboliw/n the Elaphebolia
e)lafhbo/loj shooting deer
e)lafokto/noj deer-killing
e)/lafoj a deer
e)lafossoi/a deer-hunting
e)lafri/a lightness: levity
e)lafro/j lightly, buoyantly
e)lafru/nw to make light, lighten
e)la/xistoj the smallest, least
e)laxu/j small, short, little
e)/ldomai to wish, long
e)/ldwr a wish, longing, desire
e)leai/rw to take pity on
e)lea=j a kind of owl
e)legei/a an elegy
e)legei=on a distich consisting of hexameter and pentameter, the metre of the elegy
e)legkth/r one who convicts
e)legktiko/j fond of cross-questioning
e)legci/gamoj proving a wife's fidelity
e)/legcij a conviction
e)/legoj a song of mourning, a lament
e)legxei/h reproach, disgrace
e)legxh/j worthy of reproof
e)/legxoj a cross-examining, testing
e)/legxoj a reproach, disgrace, dishonour
e)le/gxw to disgrace, put to shame
e)leeino/j finding pity, pitied
e)lee/w to have pity on, shew mercy upon
e)lehmosu/nh pity, mercy: a charity, alms
e)leh/mwn pitiful, merciful, compassionate
e)lehtu/j pity, mercy
e(leioba/thj walking the marsh, marsh-dwelling
e(/leioj of the marsh

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e)leleu= a war-cry
e)leli/zw to whirl round
e)leli/zw to raise the battle-cry
e)leli/xqwn shaking the earth
e(le/nauj ship-destroying
e(leo/qreptoj marsh-bred
e)leo/n piteously
e)leo/j a kitchen-table, a board on which meat was cut up, a dresser
e)/leoj pity, mercy, compassion
e(le/polij city-destroying
e(leto/j that can be taken
e)leuqeri/a freedom, liberty
e)leuqe/rioj speaking
e)leuqerio/thj the character of an
e)leuqero/paij having free children
e)leuqeropreph/j worthy of a freeman
e)leu/qeroj free
e)leuqerostome/w to be free of speech
e)leuqerourgo/j bearing himself freely
e)leuqero/w to free, set free
e)leuqe/rwsij a setting free
e)leuqerwth/j a liberator
)eleusi/nade to Eleusis
)eleusi/nioj of Eleusis
)eleusi=ni at Eleusis
)eleusino/qen from Eleusis
)eleusi/j Eleusis, an old city of Attica
e)/leusij a coming:&mdash
e)lefai/romai to cheat with empty hopes
e)lefanta/rxhj the commander of a squadron of elephants
e)lefa/ntinoj of ivory, ivory
e)lefanto/detoj inlaid with ivory
e)lefanto/kwpoj ivory-hilted
e)lefantomaxi/a a battle of elephants
e)lefanto/pouj ivory-footed
e)le/faj the elephant
e(li/gdhn whirling, rolling
e(/ligma a curl, lock
e(ligmo/j a winding, convolution
e(likoble/faroj with ever-moving eyelids, quick-glancing
e(likodro/moj running in curves, circular
e(likoeidh/j of winding
e(likto/j curved, twisted, wreathed
(elikwnia/dej the dwellers on Helicon, the Muses
(elikw/n Helicon
e(li/kwy with rolling eyes, quick-glancing

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e)linu/w to keep holiday, to take rest, be at rest, keep quiet, stand idle
e(lico/kerwj with crumpled horns
e(/lic twisted, curved
e(/lic anything which assumes a spiral shape
e(li/ssw to turn round, to turn
e(li/troxoj whirling the wheel
e(li/xrusoj a creeping plant with yellow flower
e(lkai/nw to fester
e(lkesi/peploj trailing the robe, with long train
e(lkesi/xeiroj drawing the hand after it
e(lkexi/twn trailing the tunic, with long tunic
e(lke/w to drag about, tear asunder
e(lkhdo/n by dragging
e(lkhqmo/j a being carried off, violence suffered
e(/lkhma that which is torn in pieces, a prey
e(lkhth/r one that drags
e(lkopoie/w to make wounds
e(lkopoio/j having power to wound
e(/lkoj a wound
e(lko/w to wound sorely, lacerate
e(lkte/oj one must drag
e(lktiko/j fit for drawing, attractive
e(lku/drion a slight sore
e(lkusta/zw to drag about
e(lkuste/oj to be dragged
e(lkw/dhj like a sore, ulcerated
e(/lkw to draw, drag
e(/lkwsij ulceration
e)llampru/nomai to gain distinction
e)lla/mpw to shine upon, to illuminate:&mdash
(ellanodi/kai the chief judges at the Olympic games
(ella/j Hellas
e(lle/boroj hellebore
e(lledano/j the band for binding corn-sheaves
e)llei/pw to leave in, leave behind
e)/llesxoj commonly talked of
(ellhni/zw to speak Greek
(ellhniko/j Hellenic, Greek
(ellh/nioj the temple of the Hellenes
(ellhni/j a Grecian woman
(ellhnisth/j one who uses the Greek language
(ellhnisti/ in Greek fashion
(ellhnotami/ai the stewards of Greece
(/ellhn Hellen
(ellhspontiako/j of the Hellespont
(ellhsponti/aj a wind blowing from the Hellespont

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

(ellh/spontoj the Hellespont

e)llimeni/zw to collect harbour-dues.
e)llimenisth/j a collector of harbour-dues
e)lliph/j wanting, lacking, defective
e)llo/bion that which is in the lobe of the ear, an earring
e)lloge/w to reckon in, to impute
e)llo/gimoj held in account
e)llopieu/w to fish
e(llo/j a young deer, fawn
e)lloxi/zw to lie in ambush
e)/lloy mute
e)llu/xnion a lamp-wick
e(/lcij a drawing, dragging, trailing
e(/loj low ground by rivers, a marsh-meadow
e)lpidodw/thj giver of hope
e)lpi/zw to hope for, look for, expect
e)lpi/j hope, expectation
e)/lpw to make to hope
e)/luma the tree
e)/lutron the case
e)lu/w to roll round
e(/lwr booty, spoil, prey
e)mautou= of me, of myself
e)mbado/n on foot, by land
e)mbado/n surface, area
e)mbai/nw to step in
e)mba/llw to throw in, put in
e)/mbamma sauce, soup
e)mba/ptw to dip in
e)/mbasij that on which one goes
e)mbasi/xutroj pot-visiter
e)mbateu/w to step in
e)mba/j a felt-shoe
e)mbasileu/w to be king in
e)mbath/rioj of
e)mba/thj a half-boot of felt
e)mba/fion a flat vessel for sauces
e)mbiba/zw to set in
e)/mblemma a looking straight at
e)mble/pw to look in the face, look at
e)/mblhma an insertion
e)mboa/w to call upon, shout to
e)mboleu/j anything put in: a dibble for setting plants
e)mbolh/ a putting into
e)mbo/limoj inserted, intercalated
e)/mboloj anything pointed so as to be easily thrust in

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)mbradu/nw to dwell on
e)/mbraxu in brief, shortly
e)/mbrefoj boy-like
e)mbriqh/j weighty
e)mbrima/omai to snort in
e)mbronta/omai to be stricken by lightning
e)mbro/nthtoj thunderstruck, stupefied, stupid
e)mbru/oikoj dwelling in sea-weed
e)/mbruon a young one
e)mbu/qioj at the bottom
e)mbu/w to stuff in, stop with
e)metiko/j one who uses emetics
e)/metoj vomiting
e)mmai/nomai to be mad at
e)me/w to vomit, throw up
e)/mmalloj woolly, fleecy
e)mmanh/j in madness, frantic, raving
e)mmape/wj quickly, readily, hastily
e)mma/ttomai to knead bread in
e)mma/xomai to fight a battle in
e)mmeidia/w to smile
e)mme/leia harmony: a stately Tragic dance
e)mmeleta/w to exercise
e)mmele/thma an exercise, a practice
e)mmelh/j sounding in unison, in tune
e)mmemaw/j in eager haste, eager
e)mme/mona to be lost in passion
e)mmenh/j abiding in
e)mme/nw to abide in
e)mmetri/a fit measure, proportion
e)/mmetroj in measure, proportioned, suitable, moderate
e)mmetro/thj proportion, fitness
e)/mmhnoj in a month, done
e)/mmhtroj with pith in it
e)mmi/gnumai to be mixed
e)/mmisqoj in pay, in receipt of pay, hired
e)mmonh/ an abiding by, cleaving to
e)/mmonoj abiding by, steadfast
e)/mmoroj partaking in, endued with
e)/mmorfoj in bodily form
e)/mmotoj needing to be stopped with lint
e)/mmoxqoj toilsome
e)mmue/w to initiate in
e)mo/j mine
e)mpa/zomai to busy oneself about, take heed of, care for
e)mpaqh/j in a state of emotion, much affected by

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)/mpaigma mockery
e)mpai/zw to mock at, mock
e)mpai/kthj a mocker, deceiver
e)/mpaioj possessed of
e)/mpaioj bursting in, sudden
e)mpai/w to strike in, stamp, emboss
e)mpakto/w to close by stuffing in
e)mpala/ssomai to be entangled in
e)/mpalin backwards, back
e)mpanhguri/zw to hold assemblies in
e)mpare/xw to give into
e)mparoine/w to behave like one drunken
e)/mpaj notwithstanding, nevertheless
e)mpa/ssw to sprinkle in
e)mpate/w to walk in
e)mpedorke/w to abide by one's oath
e)/mpedoj in the ground, firm-set, steadfast
e)mpedo/w to fix in the earth
e)mpeiri/a experience
e)/mpeiroj experienced
e)mpelado/n near, hard by
e)mpela/zw to bring near
e)mpe/ramoj skilled in the use of
e)mperipate/w to walk about in
e)mpero/nhma a garment fastened with a brooch
e)mpeta/nnumi to unfold and spread in
e)mph/gnumi to fix
e)mphda/w to jump upon
e)/mphroj crippled, maimed
e)mpikrai/nomai to be bitter against
e)mpi/nw to drink in, drink greedily
e)mpi/plhmi to fill quite full
e)mpi/mprhmi to kindle, burn, set on fire
e)mpi/ptw to fall in
e)mpi/j a mosquito, gnat
e)mpisteu/w to entrust
e)mpla/ssw to plaster up
e)mple/kw to plait
e)/mpleoj quite full of
e)mple/w to sail in
e)mplh/gdhn madly, rashly
e)mplhktiko/j easily scared
e)/mplhktoj stunned, amazed, stupefied
e)/mplhn near, next, close by
e)/mplhn besides, except
e)mplhci/a amazement, stupidity

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)mplh/ssw to strike against, fall upon

e)mplhste/oj to be filled with
e)mpne/w to blow
e)/mpnoia inbreathing, inspiration
e)/mpnouj with the breath in one, breathing, alive
e)mpodi/zw to put the feet in bonds, to fetter
e)mpo/dioj at one's feet, coming in the way, meeting
e)mpodw/n at the feet, in the way, in one's path
e)mpoie/w to make in
e)mpolai=oj concerned in traffic
e)mpola/w to get by barter
e)mpole/mioj pertaining to war
e)mpoleu/j a merchant, trafficker
e)mpo/lhma matter of traffic, the freight of a ship, merchandise
e)mpolh/ merchandise
e)mpolhto/j bought
e)/mpolij in the city
e)mpoliteu/w to be one of a state, to be a citizen, hold civil rights
e)mpompeu/w to swagger in procession
e)mpo/reuma merchandise
e)mporeu/omai to travel
e)mporeute/a one must go
e)mpori/a commerce, trade, traffic
e)mporiko/j commercial, mercantile
e)mpo/rion the Exchange
e)/mporoj one who goes on shipboard as a passenger
e)mporpa/w to fasten with a brooch
)/empousa Empusa, a hobgoblin
e)/mpraktoj practicable
e)mpre/pw to be conspicuous in
e)mprh/qw to blow up, inflate
e)/mprhsij a conflagration
e)mpri/w to saw into, to gnash
e)mpro/qesmoj within the stated time
e)/mprosqen before, in front
e)mpro/sqioj fore, front
e)mptu/w to spit into
e)mpuka/zw to wrap up in
e)/mpuoj suppurating
e)mpureu/w to roast in
e)mpuribh/thj made for standing on the fire
e)/mpuroj in the fire
e)mfagei=n to eat hastily
e)mfai/nw to let
e)mfanh/j shewing in
e)mfani/zw to make manifest, exhibit

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)mfe/rbomai to feed in
e)mfe/reia likeness
e)mferh/j answering to, resembling
e)mfe/rw to bear
e)mfeu/gw to fly in
e)mfiloxwre/w to be fond of dwelling in, to dwell in
e)mfle/gw to kindle in
e)/mfloc with fire in it
e)/mfoboj terrible
e)mforbio/omai to have the mouth-band on
e)mfore/w to be borne about in
e)mfra/ssw to block up
e)mfroure/w to keep guard in
e)/mfrouroj on guard in
e)/mfrwn in one's mind
e)mfu/lioj kinsfolk
e)/mfuloj of the same tribe
e)mfusa/w to blow in: to play the flute
e)mfusio/w to implant, instil into
e)/mfutoj implanted, innate, natural
e)mfu/w to implant
e)/mfwnoj loud of voice
e)/myofoj sounding
e)/myuxoj having life in one, alive, living
e)myuxo/w to animate
e)n in, among. c. dat.
e)nabru/nomai to be conceited in
e)nagh/j under a curse, excommunicate, accurst
e)nagi/zw to offer sacrifice to the dead
e)na/gisma an offering to the manes
e)nagismo/j an offering to the manes
e)nagkali/zomai to take in one's arms
e)nagkula/w to fit thongs
e)/nagxoj just now, lately
e)na/gw to lead in
e)nagwni/zomai to contend
e)nagw/nioj of
e)nae/rioj in the air
e)/naimoj with blood in one
e)nai/rw to slay
e)nai/simoj ominous, boding, fateful
e)naixma/zw to fight in
e)naiwre/omai to float
e)na/kij nine times
e)nakisxi/lioi nine thousand
e)nako/sioi nine hundred

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)nakou/w to listen to
e)nalei/fw to anoint with
e)nalh/qhj in accordance with truth
e)nali/gkioj like, resembling
e)na/lioj in, on, of the sea
e)nalla/c crosswise
e)nalla/ssw to exchange
e)na/llomai to leap in
e)/nalloj changed, contrary
e)namblu/nw to deaden
e)name/lgw to milk into
e)na/milloj engaged in equal contest with, a match for
e)/nanta opposite, over against, face to face
e)nanti/bioj set against, hostile
e)nantio/omai to set oneself against, oppose, withstand
e)nanti/oj opposite
e)nantio/thj contrariety, opposition
e)/nanti in the presence of
e)nanti/wma an obstacle, hindrance
e)nanti/wsij a contradiction
e)napodei/knumai to gain distinction among
e)napoqnh/skw to die in
e)napoqrau/w to break off in
e)napo/keimai to be stored up in
e)napokla/w to break off short in
e)napo/llumai to perish in
e)napologe/omai to defend oneself in
e)naponi/zw to wash clean in
e)napopne/w to expire in the act of
e)napopni/gomai to be suffocated in
e)naposhmai/nw to indicate
e)napoti/nw to spend on law in
e)napoyu/xw to give up the ghost
e)na/ptw to bind on
e)/nara the arms and trappings of a slain foe, spoils, booty
e)narari/skw to fit
e)nargh/j visible, palpable, in bodily shape
e)narhfo/roj wearing the spoils
e)nariqme/w to reckon in
e)nari/zw to strip a slain foe of his arms
e)nari/qmioj in the number, to make up the number
e)narmo/zw to fit
e)narmo/nioj in accord
e)na/rxomai to begin the offering
e)naske/w to train
e)naspido/omai to fit oneself with a shield

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)nasxhmone/w to behave oneself unseemly in

e)natai=oj on the ninth day
e)/natoj ninth
e)naulakofoi=tij wandering in the fields
e)nauli/zw to dwell
e)naulisth/rioj habitable
e)/naulon an abode
e)/nauloj the bed of a stream, a torrent, mountain-stream
e)/nauloj on
e)nauca/nw to increase, enlarge
e)/nauroj exposed to the air
e)/nausij a kindling
e)/nausma a spark, remnant
e)nauxe/nioj on the neck
e)nau/w to kindle
e)nau/w cry aloud.
e)nafa/ptw to fasten up in
e)nafi/hmi to let drop into
e)/ndaij with lighted torch
e)ndai/w to kindle in
e)ndai/w to distribute.
e)nda/knw to bite into
e)ndakru/w to weep in
e)nda/pioj native of the country
e)ndate/omai to divide
e)ndeh/j in need of
e)/ndeia want, need, lack
e)/ndeigma a proof, token
e)ndei/knumi to mark, point out
e)/ndeicij a pointing out
e(ndeka/phxuj eleven cubits long
e(/ndeka eleven
e(ndeka/j the number Eleven
e(ndekatai=oj on the eleventh day
e(nde/katoj the eleventh
e)ndelexh/j continuous, perpetual
e)nde/mw to wall up
e)ndecio/omai to grasp with the right hand
e)nde/cioj towards the right hand, from left to right
e)/ndetoj bound to, entangled in
e)nde/xomai to take upon oneself
e)ndexome/nwj as far as possible
e)nde/w to bind in, on
e)nde/w to be in want of
e)/ndhloj visible, manifest, clear
e)ndhme/w to live in

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)/ndhmoj dwelling in
e)ndiaba/llw to calumniate in
e)ndia/zw to pass the noon
e)ndiaqru/ptomai to play the prude towards, trifle with
e)ndiaita/omai to live
e)ndiata/ssw to draw
e)ndiatri/bw to spend
e)ndiatripte/oj one must dwell upon
e)ndia/w to stay in the open air
e)ndidu/skw to put on
e)ndi/dwmi to give in
e)ndihmereu/w to pass the day in
e)ndi/hmi to chase, pursue
e)/ndikoj according to right, right, just, legitimate
e)/ndina the entrails
e)ndine/w to revolve, go about
e)/ndioj at midday, at noon
e)ndi/frioj sitting on the same seat with
e)/ndoqen from within
e)/ndoqi within, at home
e)ndoia/zw to be in doubt, at a loss
e)ndoia/simoj doubtful
e)ndoiasto/j doubtful, ambiguous
e)ndo/mhsij structure
e)ndo/muxoj in the inmost part of a dwelling, lurking within
e)/ndon in, within, in the house, at home
e)/ndocoj held in esteem
e)ndote/rw quite within
e)ndoupe/w to fall in with a heavy sound
e)ndromi/j a high shoe
e)/ndrosoj bedewed
e)/ndruon the oaken peg
e)nduke/wj thoughtfully, carefully, sedulously
e)/nduma a garment
e)ndunamo/w to strengthen
e)ndunasteu/w to exercise dominion in
e)/ndusij a putting on
e)ndustuxe/w to be unlucky in
e)nduth/r for putting on
e)nduto/j put on
e)ndu/w to go into
e)ne/dra a sitting in: a lying in wait, ambush
e)nedreu/w to lie in wait for
e)/nedroj an inmate, inhabitant
e)ne/zomai to have one's abode in
e)nei=don to observe

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e)neidofore/w to work into shape

e)neile/w to wrap in
e)/neimi to be in
e)nei/rw to string on
e(/neka on account of, for the sake of, because of, for
e)nelau/nw to drive in
e)neli/ssw to roll up in
e)neme/w to vomit in
e)nenhkontaeth/j ninety years old
e)neorta/zw to keep holiday in
e)nenh/konta ninety
e)neo/j dumb, deaf and dumb
e)nepa/gomai to make an irruption among
e)nepiorke/w to forswear oneself by
e)nerga/zomai to make
e)ne/pw to tell, tell of, relate, describe
e)ne/rgeia action, operation, energy
e)nerge/w to be in action, to operate
e)nergh/j productive
e)nergolabe/w to make profit of
e)nergo/j at work, working, active, busy
e)nerei/dw to thrust in, fix in
e)nereu/gomai to belch on
e)nereuqh/j somewhat ruddy
e)/nerqe from beneath, up from below
e)/nersij a fitting in, fastening
e)ne/rteroj lower, of the world below
e)nesi/a a suggestion
e)neth/ a pin, brooch
e)neudaimone/w to be happy in
e)neudokime/w to gain glory in
e)neu/dw to sleep in
e)neuloge/omai to be blessed in
e)neu/naioj on which one sleeps, for sleeping on
e)nexura/zw to take a pledge from
e)nexurasi/a a taking in pledge, a security, pledge
e)ne/xuron a pledge, surety, security
e)ne/xw to hold within
e)nzeu/gnumi to yoke in, bind, involve in
e)nhbhth/rion a place of amusement
e)nhei/h kindness, gentleness
e)nhh/j kind, gentle
e)nh/laton anything driven in
e)nh/likoj of age, in the prime of manhood
e)nh=mai to be seated in
e)nh/noqe grew thereon

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e)nh/rhj with oars

e)nqa/de thither, hither
e)nqake/w to sit in
e)nqa/khsij a sitting in
e)/nqaper there where, where
e)nqa/ptw to bury in
e)nqea/zw to be inspired
e)/nqa there
e)nqe/nde hence, from this quarter
e)/nqen on the one side
e)/nqeoj full of the god, inspired, possessed
e)nqermai/nw to heat
e)/nqesij a putting in
e)/nqesmoj lawful
e)/nqetoj put in, implanted
e)/nqhroj full of wild beasts, infested by
e)nqnh/skw to die in
e)nqousia/zw to be inspired
e)nqousiastiko/j inspired
e)nqousiw/dhj possessed
e)/nqruptoj crumbled and put into liquid
e)nqrw/skw to leap in, on
e)nqume/omai to lay to heart, consider well, reflect on, ponder
e)nqu/mhma a thought, piece of reasoning, argument
e)nqu/mhsij consideration, esteem
e)nqumhte/oj one must consider
e)nqumi/a a scruple, misgiving
e)nqu/mioj taken to heart
e)nqumisto/j taken to heart
e)nqwraki/zw to arm, equip with armour
e)niau/sioj of a year, one year old
e)niauto/j any long period of time, a cycle, period
e)niau/w to sleep among
e)niaxh= in some places
e)niaxou= in some places, here and there, now and then
e)nidro/w to sweat in, labour hard in
e)nidru/w to set in
e)ni/zw to sit in
e)ni/hmi to send in
e)nikla/w to break in, break off
e)/nioi some
e)ni/ote sometimes
e)niph/ a rebuke, reprof
e)nippeu/w to ride in
e)ni/ptw to reprove, upbraid
e)ni/ssw to attack, reproach

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)ni/sthmi to put, set, place in

e)ni/sxw to keep in one's
e)nnaethri/j a period of nine years
e)nnae/throj nine years old
e)nnaeth/r an inmate, inhabitant
e)nnaeth/j nine years old
e)nnae/thj an inhabitant
e)nnai/w to dwell in
e)nna/kij nine times
e)nnauphge/omai to have ships built in it
e)nnea/boioj worth nine beeves
e)nneakaideka/mhnoj nineteen months old
e)nneakai/deka nineteen
e)nneakaideketh/j eleven years old
e)nnea/krounoj with nine springs
e)nnea/linoj of nine threads
e)nnea/mhnoj of
e)nne/a nine
e)nnea/phxuj nine cubits broad
e)nnea/j a body of nine
e)nnea/xiloi nine thousand
e)nneo/rguioj nine fathoms long
e)nneosseu/w to hatch young in
e)nneu/w to make signs to, to ask by signs
e)nne/wroj of
e)nnh=mar for nine days
e)nnoe/w to have in one's thoughts, to think, consider, reflect
e)/nnoia a thought in the mind, notion, conception
e)/nnomoj within the law, lawful, legal
)ennosi/gaioj the Earth-shaker
e)/nnouj thoughtful, intelligent, sensible
e)nnuxeu/w to sleep in
e(/nnumi to put clothes on
e)nnu/xioj in the night, by night, nightly
e)no/dioj in
e)noike/w to dwell in
e)noi/khsij a dwelling in
e)noiki/zw to settle in
e)noi/kioj in the house, keeping at home
e)noikodome/w to build in
e)/noikoj in-dwelling: an inhabitant
e)noikoure/w to keep house, dwell in
e)noinoxoe/w to pour in wine
e)nolisqa/nw to fall in
e)nomile/w to be well acquainted with
e)nomo/rgnumai to impress

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)noph/ a crying, screaming

e)no/plioj a war-tune, march
e)/noploj in arms, armed
e)/noptron a mirror
e)nora/w to see, remark, observe
e)/norkoj bound by oath
e)normi/zw to bring
e)normi/thj in harbour
e)no/rnumi to arouse, stir up in
e)norou/w to leap in
e)no/rxhj a he-goat
e)/norxoj uncastrated, entire
e)/nosij a shaking, quake
)enosi/xqwn Earth-shaker
e(/noj the day after to-morrow
e(/noj belonging to the former of two periods, last year's
e)noura/nioj in heaven, heavenly
e)noxle/w to trouble, disquiet, annoy
e)/noxoj held in
e)nra/ptw to sew up in
e)nrigo/w to shiver
e)nsei/w to shake in
e)nshmai/nomai to intimate
e)nske/llw to be dry, withered
e)nskeua/zw to get ready, prepare
e)nskh/ptw to hurl, dart in
e)nski/mptw to let fall upon
e)nskirro/w to harden
e)/nsofoj wise in
e)/nspondoj included in a truce
e)nsta/zw to drop in
e)/nstasij a beginning, plan, management
e)nsta/thj an adversary
e)nste/llw to dress in
e)nsthri/zw to fix in
e)nstratopedeu/omai to encamp in
e)nstre/fw to turn in
e)nsfragi/zw to impress on
e)ntanu/w to stretch
e)/ntasij tension
e)nta/ssw to place
e)ntau=qa here, there
e)ntauqoi= hither, here
e)ntafia/zw to prepare for burial
e)ntafiasmo/j burial
e)nta/fioj of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)/ntea fighting gear, arms, armour

e)ntei/nw to stretch
e)nteixi/zw to build
e)ntekno/omai to beget children in
e)/nteknoj having children
e)nteleuta/w to end one's life in
e)ntelh/j complete, full
e)nte/llw to enjoin, command
e)nte/mnw to cut in, engrave upon
e)ntero/neia the timber
e)/nteron an intestine, piece of gut
e)ntesiergo/j working in harness
e)ntetame/nwj vehemently, vigorously
e)nteu=qen hence
e)nteuktiko/j affable
e)/nteucij a lighting upon, meeting with, converse, intercourse
e)nteutlano/omai to be stewed in beet
e)/ntexnoj within the province of art, artificial, artistic
e)nth/kw to pour in while molten
e)nti/qhmi to put in
e)nti/ktw to bear
e)ntima/w to value in
e)/ntimoj in honour, honoured, prized
e)/ntmhma an incision, notch
e)ntolh/ an injunction, order, command, behest
e)/ntomoj cut in pieces, cut up
e)/ntonoj well-strung, sinewy
e)/ntopoj in
e)ntoreu/w to carve in relief on
e)/ntosqe from within
e)ntragw|de/w to strut among
e)ntre/pw to turn about
e)ntre/fw to bring up in
e)ntre/xw to run in
e)nto/j within, inside
e)ntribh/j proved by rubbing, versed in
e)ntri/bw to rub in
e)/ntrimma a cosmetic
e)ntritwni/zw to third
e)/ntrixoj hairy
e)/ntriyij a rubbing in
e)/ntromoj trembling
e)ntropali/zomai to keep turning round
e)ntroph/ a turning towards
e)ntropi/a a trick, dodge
e)/ntrofoj living in

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)ntrufa/w to revel in
e)ntragei=n to eat greedily, to gobble up
e)ntugxa/nw to light upon, fall in with, meet with
e)ntuli/ssw to wrap up
e)ntu/nw to equip, deck out, get ready
e)ntupa/j as to shew his limbs
e)ntupo/w to cut in intaglio
e)ntu/fw to smoke
)enua/lioj the Warlike
e)nubri/zw to insult
e)/nudrij an otter
e)nudro/bioj living in the water
e)/nudroj with water in it, holding water
e)nu/pnion a thing seen in sleep
e)nu/pnioj in dreams appearing
e)nufai/nw to weave in as a pattern
e)nufanto/j inwoven
)enuw/ Enyo
e)nwqe/w to thrust in
e)nwmota/rxhj leader of an
e)nwmoti/a a band of sworn soldiers, a company in the Spartan army
e)nw/motoj bound by oath
e)nwpadi/wj in one's face, to one's face
e)nwph/ the face, countenance
e)nw/pia the inner wall fronting those who enter
e)nw/pioj face to face
e)nwti/zomai to hearken to
e)caggeli/a information sent out
e)cagge/llw to send out
e)ca/ggeloj a messenger who brings out news
e)ca/ggeltoj told of, denounced
e)cagi/zw to drive out as accursed
e)cagine/w to lead forth
e)ca/gistoj devoted to evil, accursed, abominable
e)ca/gnumi to break and tear away, to rend
e)cagora/zw to buy up
e)cagoreutiko/j fit to explain
e)cagoreu/w to tell out, make known, declare
e)cagriai/nw to make savage
e)cagrio/w to make wild
e)ca/gw to lead out
e)cagwgh/ a leading out
e)cagwni/zomai to struggle hard
e)cagw/nioj beside the mark, irrelevant
e(ca/darxoj leader of a body of six
e)ca/|dw to sing out, sing one's last song

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)caero/w to make into air, volatilise

e(caeth/j six years old
e)caqroi/zomai to seek out and collect
e)caqume/w to be quite disheartened
e)caia/zw to wail loudly
e)caima/ssw to make quite bloody
e)cai/numai to carry off
e)cai/resij a taking out
e)cairete/oj to be taken out
e)caireto/j that can be taken out, removable
e)caire/w to take out of
e)caei/rw to lift up, lift off the earth
e)cai/sioj beyond what is ordained
e)cai/ssw to rush forth, start out from
e)caisto/w to utterly destroy
e)caite/w to demand
e)cai/thsij a demanding
e)/caitoj much asked for, much desired, choice, excellent
e)cai/fnhj on a sudden
e)cake/omai to heal completely, heal the wound, make amends
e)ca/kesij a thorough cure
e(cakismu/rioi sixty thousand
e(ca/kij six times
e(cakisxi/lioi six thousand
e)cakonti/zw to dart
e(cako/sioi six hundred
e)cakou/w to hear a sound
e)cakribo/w to make exact
e)cakri/zw to reach the top of
e)cakte/oj one must march out
e)calao/w to blind utterly
e)calapa/zw to sack
e)ca/leiptron an unguent-box
e)calei/fw to plaster
e)cale/omai to beware of, avoid, escape
e)cali/ndw to roll out
e)callagh/ a complete change, alteration
e)calla/ssw to change utterly
e)ca/llomai to leap out of
e)calu/skw to flee from
e)camarta/nw to err from the mark, fail
e)camarti/a an error, transgression
e)cama/w to mow
e)camblo/w to make to miscarry
e)camblu/nw to blunt, weaken
e)camei/bw to exchange, alter

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)came/lgw to milk out, suck out

e)camele/w to be utterly careless of
e(ca/metroj of six metres, hexameter
e(ca/mhnoj of, lasting six months
e)camhxane/w to get out of a difficulty
e)camilla/omai to struggle vehemently
e)camu/nomai to ward off from oneself, drive away
e)canabru/w to gush
e)canagignw/skw to read through
e)canagka/zw to force
e)cana/gw to bring out of
e)canadu/omai to rise out of, emerge from
e)canaze/w to boil up with
e)canaire/w to take out of
e)canakrou/omai to retreat out of
e)canali/skw to spend entirely
e)canalu/w to set quite free from
e)cana/lwsij entire consumption
e)cana/ptw to hang from
e)canarpa/zw to snatch away
e)canaspa/w to tear away from
e)cana/stasij a rising up from, resurrection
e)canaste/fw to crown with wreaths
e)canastre/fw to hurl headlong from
e)canate/llw to spring up from
e)canafando/n all openly
e)canafe/rw to bear up out of
e)canaxwre/w to go out of the way, withdraw, retreat
e)candrapodi/zw to reduce to utter slavery
e)candrapo/disij a selling for slaves
e)candro/omai to come to man's years
e)canegei/rw to excite
e)ca/neimi to rise from the
e)canemo/w to blow out with wind, inflate
e)cane/rxomai to come forth from
e)caneuri/skw to find out, invent
e)cane/xw to hold up from
e)canqe/w to put out flowers
e)cani/hmi to send forth, let loose
e)cani/sthmi to raise up: to make one rise
e)canoi/gw to lay open
e)cantle/w to draw out
e)canu/w to accomplish, fulfil, make effectual
e(capa/laistoj of six hands-breadth
e)capalla/ssw to set free from, remove from
e)caparta/omai to hang from

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)capata/w to deceive
e)capa/th gross deceit
e)capathte/oj one must deceive
e)capathtiko/j calculated to deceive
e)capatu/llw to cheat a little, humbug
e(ca/pedoj six feet long
e)capei=don to observe from afar
e(ca/phxuj six cubits long
e)capi/naioj sudden, unexpected.
e(capla/sioj six times as large as
e(ca/pleqroj six
e)capobai/nw to step out of
e)capodu/nw to put off
(eca/polij a League of six cities
e)capo/llumi to destroy utterly
e)capone/omai to return out of
e)caponi/zw to wash thoroughly
e)capocu/nw to sharpen well
e)capore/w to be in great doubt
e)caposte/llw to send quite away:&mdash
e)capoti/nw to satisfy in full
e)capofqei/rw to destroy utterly
e)ca/ptw to fasten from
e)capwqe/w to thrust away
e)cara/omai to utter curses
e)cara/ssw to dash out, shatter
e)carge/w to be quite torpid
e)carguri/zw to turn into money
e)care/skomai to make oneself acceptable
e)cariqme/w to count throughout, number
e)carke/w to be quite enough for, suffice for
e)carkh/j enough, sufficient
e)carkou/ntwj enough, sufficiently
e)carne/omai to deny utterly
e)ca/rnhsij a denying, denial
e)carnhtiko/j apt at denying, negative
e)/carnoj denying
e)carpa/zw to snatch away from
e)carta/w to hang upon, to make dependent upon
e)carti/zw to complete, finish
e)cartu/w to get ready, equip thoroughly, fit out
e)/carxoj a leader, beginner
e)ca/rxw to begin with, make a beginning of
e(ca/j the number six
e)caske/w to adorn, deck out, equip
e)castra/ptw to flash as with lightning

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e)catima/zw to dishonour utterly

e)cauai/nw to dry quite up
e)caugh/j dazzling white
e)cauda/w to speak out
e)cauli/zomai to leave one's quarters, to go out of camp
e)cauth=j at the very point of time, at once
e)cau=tij over again, once more, anew
e)cautomole/w to desert from
e)cauxe/w to boast loudly, profess
e)cau/w to heat
e)cau/w to cry out
e)cafaire/w to take right away
e)cafi/hmi to send forth, discharge
e)cafi/stamai to depart
e)cafri/zomai to throw off by foaming
e)cafu/w to draw forth
e(ca/xeir six-handed
e(caxouj holding six
e)ceggua/w to free
e)ceggu/hsij a giving of bail
e)cegei/rw to awaken
e)ce/dra arcade
e)/cedroj away from home
e)cei=don to look out, see far
e)ceika/zw to make like, to adapt
e)cei/llw to disentangle
e)ceilu/w to unwrap
e)/ceimi to go out, come out
e)cei=pon to speak out, tell out, declare
e)ceirgasme/nwj carefully, accurately, fully
e)cei/rw to put forth
e)ce/lasij a driving out, expulsion
e)celau/nw to drive out from
e)celegkte/oj to be refuted
e)cele/gxw to convict, confute, refute
e)celeuqeriko/j of the class of freedmen
e)celeu/qeroj set at liberty, a freedman
e)celeuqerostome/w to be very free of speech
e)celi/ssw to unroll
e)celkte/oj one must drag along
e)ce/lkw to draw
e)cellhni/zw to turn into Greek, to trace to a Greek origin
e)ceme/w to vomit forth, disgorge
e)cempedo/w to keep quite firm, strictly observe
e)cempola/w to traffic
e)cenai/rw to kill outright

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e)cenari/zw to strip
e)cepa/|dw to charm away
e)cepeu/xomai to boast loudly that
e)cepi/stamai to know thoroughly, know well
e)cepi/thdej of set purpose
e)ce/rama a vomit, thing vomited
e)cera/w to disgorge
e)cerga/zomai to work out, make completely, finish off, bring to perfection
e)cergastiko/j able to accomplish
e)ce/rgw to shut out from
e)cereei/nw to inquire into
e)cere/qw to irritate greatly
e)cerei/pw to strike off
e)cereu/gomai to empty themselves
e)cereuna/w to search out, examine
e)cere/w I will speak out, tell out, utter aloud
e)cere/w to inquire into
e)cerhmo/w to make quite desolate, leave destitute, abandon
e)ceri/zw to be contumacious
e)ceristh/j a stubborn disputant
e)cermhneu/w to interpret accurately
e)ce/rpw to creep out of
e)ce/rrw away out
e)ceru/kw to ward off, repel
e)ceru/w to draw out of
e)ce/rxomai to go
e)cerwe/w to swerve from the course
e)cesqi/w to eat away, eat up
e)cesi/a a sending out, mission, embassy
e)/cesij a dismissal, divorce
e)/cesti it is allowed, it is in one's power, is possible
e)ceta/zw to examine well
e)ce/tasij a close examination, scrutiny, review
e)cetaste/oj one must scrutinise
e)cetasth/j an examiner, inquirer
e)cetastiko/j capable of examining into
e(ce/thj six years old
e)ce/ti even from
e)ceulabe/omai to guard carefully against
e)ceumari/zw to make light
e)ceumeni/zw to propitiate
e)ceu/resij a searching out, search
e)ceurete/oj to be discovered
e)ceu/rhma a thing found out, an invention
e)ceuri/skw to find out, discover
e)ceuteli/zw to disparage greatly

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e)ceutrepi/zw to make quite ready

e)ceu/xomai to boast aloud, proclaim
e)cefi/hmi to enjoin, command
e)ce/xw to stand out
e)ce/yw to boil thoroughly
e)/chboj past one's youth
e)chge/omai to be leader of
e)ch/ghsij a statement, narrative
e)chghth/j one who leads on, an adviser
e)chghtiko/j of
e(chkontae/thj sixty years old
e(ch/konta sixty
e(chkontatalanti/a a company contributing a sum of
e(chkosto/j sixtieth
e)ch/kw to have reached
e)ch/latoj beaten out
e)ch/lusij a way out, outlet
e(ch=mar for six days, six days long
e)chmero/w to tame
e)chme/rwsij a reclaiming, humanising
e)chmoibo/j serving for change
e(ch/retmoj of six banks of oars
e(ch/rhj with six banks of oars
e(ch=j one after another, in order, in a row
e)chxe/w to sound forth
e)cia/omai to cure thoroughly
e)cidio/omai to appropriate
e)cidi/w to exsude
e)cidru/w to make to sit down
e)ci/hmi to send out, let
e)ciqu/nw to make straight
e)ciketeu/w to intreat earnestly
e)cikne/omai to reach, arrive at
e)cila/skomai to propitiate
e)cippa/zomai to ride out
e(/cij a having, possession
e)ciso/w to make equal
e)ci/sthmi to put out of its place, to change
e)cistore/w to search out, inquire into
e)cisxu/w to have strength enough, to be quite able
e)ci/sxw to put forth
e)ci/swsij equalisation
e)ciswte/oj one must make equal
e)ci/thloj going out, losing colour, fading, evanescent
e)cithte/oj one must go forth
e)cito/j to be come out of

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e)cixneute/oj one must trace out

e)cixneu/w to trace out
e)cixnoskope/w to seek by tracking
e(cme/dimnoj of, holding six medimni
e)cogko/w to make to swell
e)co/gkwma anything swollen
e)coda/w to sell
e)co/dioj of
e)codoipore/w to get out of
e)/codoj a going out
e)/codoj promoting the passage
e)coduna/w to pain greatly
e)co/zw to smell
e)/coida to know thoroughly, know well
e)coide/w to swell
e)coike/w to emigrate
e)coikh/simoj habitable, inhabited
e)coiki/zw to remove
e)coikodome/w to build completely, finish a building
e)coimw/zw to wail aloud
e)coino/omai to be drunk
e)coiste/oj to be brought out
e)coistra/w to make wild, madden
e)coixne/w to go out
e)coi/xomai to have gone out, to be quite gone
e)coiwni/zomai to avoid as ill-omened
e)coke/llw to run aground
e)colisqa/nw to glide off, slip away
e)co/llumi to destroy utterly
e)coloqreu/w to destroy utterly
e)cololu/zw to howl aloud
e)comali/zw to smooth away
e)comh/reusij a demand of hostages
e)comhreu/omai to take as hostages
e)comile/w to have intercourse, live with
e)co/miloj out of one's own society, alien
e)commato/w to open the eyes of
e)co/mnumi to swear in excuse
e)comoio/w to make quite like, to assimilate
e)comoi/wsij a becoming like
e)comologe/omai to confess in full
e)como/rgnumi to wipe off from
e)coneidi/zw to cast in one's teeth
e)conoma/zw to utter aloud, announce
e)conomai/nw to name, speak of by name
e)conomaklh/dhn by name, calling by name

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e)co/piqen behind, in rear

e)copi/sw backwards, back again
e)copli/zw to arm completely, accoutre
e)coplisi/a a being under arms
e)co/plisij a getting under arms
e)copta/w to bake thoroughly
e)cora/w to see from afar
e)corgi/zw to enrage
e)corqia/zw to lift up
e)corqo/w to set upright
e)cori/zw to send beyond the frontier, banish
e)cori/nw to exasperate
e)co/ristoj expelled, banished
e)corki/zw to adjure
e)corkisth/j an exorcist
e)corko/w to swear
e)co/rkwsij a binding by oath
e)corma/w to send forth, send to war
e)corme/w to be out of harbour, run out
e)cormi/zw to bring out of harbour
e)/cormoj sailing from a harbour
e)corou/w to leap forth
e)coru/ssw to dig out
e)corxe/omai to dance away, hop off
e)cosio/w to dedicate, devote
e)costraki/zw to banish by ostracism
e)costrakismo/j banishment by ostracism
e)co/te from the time when
e)cotru/nw to stir up, urge on, excite
e)coudeno/w to set at naught
e)cou/lhj an action against exclusion
e)cousi/a power
e)cousia/zw to exercise over
e)cofe/llw to increase exceedingly
e)co/fqalmoj with prominent eyes
e)coxh/ prominence
e)/coxoj standing out
e)coxuro/w to fortify strongly
e)cubri/zw to break out into insolence, to run riot, wax wanton
e)cupani/sthmi started up from under
e)cupeipei=n to advise
e(/c six
e)cu/perqe from above
e)cuphrete/w to assist to the utmost
e)cupni/zw to awaken from sleep
e)/cupnoj awakened out of sleep

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)cuptia/zw to turn upside down

e)cufai/nw to finish weaving
e)cu/fasma a finished web
e)cufhge/omai to lead the way
e)/cwqen from without
e)cwqe/w to thrust out, force out, wrench out
e)cw/leia utter destruction
e)cw/lhj utterly destroyed
e)cwmi/aj one with arms bare to the shoulder
e)cwmidopoii/a the making of an
e)cwmi/j a man's vest without sleeves
e)cwmosi/a denial on oath that one knows anything
e)cwne/omai to buy off, redeem
e)cw/pioj out of sight of
e)cwria/zw to leave out of thought
e)/cw out
e)/cwroj untimely, out of season, unfitting
e)cw/sthj one who drives out
e)cwta/tw outermost
e)cw/teroj outer, utter
e)cwte/rw more outside
e)/oika to be like
e)oiko/twj similarly, like
e(orta/zw to keep festival
e(orta/simoj of
e(orth/ a feast
e(o/j his, her own
e)paga/llomai to glory in, exult in
e)paganakte/w to be indignant at
e)paggeli/a a public denunciation
e)pagge/llw to tell, proclaim, announce
e)pa/ggelma a promise, profession
e)pagei/rw to gather together, collect
e)pa/gersij a mustering
e)pagine/w to bring to
e)paglai/zw to honour still more
e)pa/gnumi to break
e)pagrupne/w to keep awake and brood over
e)pa/gw to bring on
e)pagwgh/ a bringing in, supplying
e)pagw/gimoj imported
e)pagwgo/j attractive, tempting, alluring, seductive
e)pagwni/zomai to contend with
e)pagw/nioj helping in the contest
e)paei/dw to sing to
e)pae/cw to make to grow

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e)/paqlon the prize of a contest

e)paqroi/zomai to assemble besides
e)paia/zw to cry
e)paigiali=tij on the beach
e)paigi/zw to rush furiously upon
e)paide/omai to be ashamed
e)pai/qw to kindle, set on fire
e)pai/nesij praise
e)painete/oj one must praise
e)paine/thj a commender, admirer
e)paineto/j to be praised, laudable
e)paine/w to approve, applaud, commend
e)/painoj approval, praise, commendation
e)paino/j dread
e)pai/rw to lift up and set on
e)paisqa/nomai to have a perception
e)pai/ssw to rush at
e)pa/istoj heard of, detected
e)paisxu/nomai to be ashamed at
e)paite/w to ask besides
e)paitia/omai to bring a charge against, accuse
e)pai/tioj blamed for
e)pai/w to give ear to
e)paiwre/w to keep hovering over, keep in suspense
e)pakma/zw to come to its bloom
e)pakolouqe/w to follow close upon, follow after
e)pakolou/qhma a consequence
e)pakouo/j attentive to
e)pakou/w to listen
e)pakri/zw to reach the top of
e)pakte/oj one must apply
e)pakth/r a hunter
e)pa/ktioj on the shore
e)pakto/j brought in, imported
e)paktri/j a light vessel, skiff
e)paktroke/lhj a light piratical skiff
e)palala/zw to raise the war-cry
e)pala/omai to wander about
e)palaste/w to be full of wrath at
e)palge/w to grieve over
e)palei/fw to smear over, plaster up
e)pale/cw to defend, aid, help
e)palhqeu/w to prove true, verify
e)palh/j open to the sun, sunny
e)palkh/j strong
e)pallagh/ an interchange

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e)palla/ssw to interchange
e)pa/llhloj one after another
e)/palcij a means of defence
e)pamaceu/w to traverse with cars
e)pama/omai to scrape together for oneself
e)pambath/r one who mounts upon, an assailant
e)pamei/bw to exchange, barter
e)pamoibadi/j interchangeably
e)pamoi/bioj in exchange
e)pampe/xw to put on over
e)pamu/ntwr a helper, defender
e)pamu/nw to come to aid, defend, assist
e)pamfoteri/zw to admit a double sense
e)panablhdo/n thrown over
e)panaboa/w to cry out
e)panagka/zw to compel by force, constrain
e)pana/gkhj it is necessary
e)panagoreu/w to proclaim publicly
e)pana/gw to bring up: to stir up, excite
e)panaqea/omai to contemplate again
e)panaire/omai to take upon one, enter into
e)panai/rw to lift up
e)panakale/w to invoke besides
e)pana/keimai to be imposed upon
e)panaklagga/nw to give tongue again and again
e)panaku/ptw to have an upward tendency
e)panalamba/nw to take up again, resume, repeat
e)panali/skw to consume still more
e)paname/nw to wait longer
e)panamimnh/skw to remind
e)pananeo/omai to renew, revive
e)panapau/omai to rest upon, depend upon
e)panaphda/w to leap upon
e)panaple/w to put to sea against
e)panarrh/gnumi to tear open again
e)panarri/ptw to throw up in the air
e)pana/seisij a brandishing against
e)panasei/w to lift up and shake.
e)panaskope/w to consider yet again
e)pana/stasij a rising up against, an insurrection
e)panastre/fw to turn back upon
e)panatei/nw to stretch out and hold up
e)panate/llw to lift up, raise
e)panati/qhmi to lay upon
e)panatre/xw to recur
e)panafe/rw to throw back upon, ascribe, refer

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e)panaxwre/w to go back again, to retreat, return

e)panaxw/rhsij a return
e)pandipla/zw to reiterate questions
e)pa/neimi to go back, return
e)panei=pon to offer by public proclamation
e)pane/romai to question again and again
e)pane/rxomai to go back, return
e)panerwta/w to question again
e)pane/xw to hold up, support
e)panh/kw to have come back, to return
e)panhloge/w to recount, recapitulate
e)panqe/w to bloom, be in flower
e)panqi/zw to deck as with flowers, to make bright-coloured
e)panqoploke/w to plait of
e)panqraki/dej small fish for frying, small fry
e)pani/hmi to let loose at
e)paniso/w to make quite equal, to balance evenly, equalise
e)pani/sthmi to set up again
e)panite/oj one must return
e)pa/nodoj a rising up
e)panorqo/w to set up again, restore
e)pano/rqwma a correction
e)pano/rqwsij a correcting, revisal
e)panabai/nw to get up on, mount
e)panaba/llw to throw back over
e)panabiba/zw to make to mount upon
e)pa/nthj steep
e)pantia/zw to fall in with
e)pantle/w to pump over
e)panu/w to complete, accomplish
e)pa/nwqen from above, above
e)pa/nw above, atop, on the upper side
e)pa/cioj worthy, deserving of
e)pacio/w to think right, deem right
e)paco/nioj upon an axle
e)papeile/w to hold out as a threat to
e)papodu/omai to strip and set upon
e)papoqnh/skw to die after
e)papopni/gw to choke besides
e)para/ an imprecation
e)para/omai to imprecate curses upon
e)parari/skw to fit to
e)para/ssw to dash to
e)pa/ratoj accursed, laid under a curse
e)pa/rgemoj having a film over the eye
e)pa/rguroj overlaid with silver

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e)pa/rdw to irrigate, refresh

e)parh/gw to come to aid, help
e)pari/steroj towards the left, on the left hand
e)pa/rkesij aid, succour
e)parke/w to ward off
e)pa/rkioj sufficient
e)parkou/ntwj sufficiently
e)pa/rouroj attached to the soil
e)parta/w to hang on
e)parth/j ready for work, equipt
e)partu/w to fit on
e)parxi/a the government of a province
e)parxiko/j provincial
e)/parxoj a commander
e)pa/rxw to be governor of
e)parwgh/ help, aid
e)parwgo/j a helper, aider
e)paske/w to labour
e)passu/teroj one upon another, one after another
e)passuterotribh/j following close one upon another
e)pa|ste/oj one must enchant
e)pastra/ptw to lighten upon
e)pauga/zomai to look at by the light
e)pauda/omai to call upon, invoke
e)paule/w to accompany on the flute
e)pauli/zomai to encamp on the field
e)/paulij a fold
e)/pauloj a fold for
e)pauca/nw to increase, enlarge, augment
e)pau/chsij increase, increment
e)pau/resij fruition
e)paute/w to creak besides
e)paure/w to partake of, share
e)pauxe/nioj on
e)pauxe/w to exult in
e)pau/w to shout over
e)pafauai/nomai to be withered
e)pafa/w to touch on the surface, stroke
e)pafh/ touch, touching, handling
e)pafi/hmi to discharge at
e)pafri/zw to foam up
e)pafro/ditoj lovely, charming
e)pafu/ssw to pour over
e)paxqh/j heavy, ponderous
e)pa/xqomai to be annoyed at
e)paxni/dioj lying like dust upon

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e)peggela/w to laugh at, exult over

e)pegei/rw to awaken, rouse up
e)pegka/ptw to snap up besides
e)pegkeleu/w to give an order to
e)pegxe/w to pour in besides
e)\ woe! woe!
e(/ sui.
e)pei/gw to press down, weigh down
e)peida/n whenever.
e)pei=don to look upon, behold
e)peih/ since in truth
e)peika/zw to make like
e)/peimi to be upon
e)/peimi to come upon
e)/peicij haste, hurry
e)pei/ after that, after (postquam), since, when (quum)
e)pei/per seeing that
e)pei=pon to say besides
e)peisa/gw to bring in besides, to bring in
e)peisagwgh/ a bringing in besides, a means of bringing
e)peisagw/gimoj brought in besides
e)pei/saktoj brought in besides: brought in from abroad, imported, alien, foreign
e)peisbai/nw to go into upon
e)peisba/llw to throw into besides
e)peisba/thj an additional passenger, supernumerary on board
e)pei/seimi to come in
e)peise/rxomai to come in besides
e)peiskukle/w to roll
e)peiskwma/zw to rush in like revellers
e)peiso/dioj coming in besides, adventitious
e)pei/sodoj a coming in besides, entrance
e)peispai/w to burst in
e)peisphda/w to leap in upon
e)peispi/ptw to fall in upon
e)peisple/w to sail in after
e)peisre/w to flow in upon
e)peisfe/rw to bring in besides
e)peisfre/w to introduce besides
e)/peita thereupon
e)pekbai/nw to go out upon, disembark
e)pekbohqe/w to rush out to aid
e)pekdida/skw to teach
e)pekdihge/omai to explain besides
e)pekdromh/ an excursion, expedition
e)pe/keina on yonder side, beyond
e)pekpi/nw to drink off after

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e)pe/kplooj a sailing out against, an attack by sea

e)pektei/nw to extend
e)pektre/xw to sally out upon
e)pekfe/rw to carry out far
e)pekxwre/w to advance next
e)pe/lasij a charge
e)pelau/nw to drive upon
e)pelpi/zw to buoy up with hope, to cheat with false hopes
e)pe/lpomai to have hopes of, to hope that . .
e)pembado/n step upon step, ascending
e)pembai/nw to step
e)pemba/llw to put on
e)pemba/thj one mounted
e)pemphda/w to trample upon
e)pempi/ptw to fall upon besides, attack furiously
e)penari/zw to kill
e)pendi/dwmi to give over and above
e)pe/nduma an upper garment
e)pendu/nw to put on
e)penqrw/skw to leap upon
e)pentanu/w to make fast
e)pentei/nw to stretch tight upon
e)pente/llw to command besides
e)pentu/nw to set right, get ready
e)peca/gw to lead out
e)pecagwgh/ extension of a line of battle
e)pecamarta/nw to err yet more, one must err yet more
e)pe/ceimi to go out against
e)pecelau/nw to send on to the attack
e)pecerga/zomai to effect besides
e)pece/rxomai to go out against, make a sally against
e)pece/tasij a fresh review
e)peceuri/skw to invent besides
e)pechge/omai to recount in detail
e)peciakxa/zw to shout in triumph over
e)peco/dioj of a march
e)pe/codoj a march out against
e)pe/oike to be like, to suit
e)pe/rastoj lovely, amiable
e)perga/zomai to cultivate besides, encroach upon
e)pergasi/a cultivation of another's land, encroachment upon
e)pereqi/zw to stimulate, urge on
e)perei/dw to drive against, drive home
e)pere/fw to put a cover upon, deck
e)pe/romai to ask besides
e)peru/w to pull to

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e)pe/rxomai to come upon, come near, come suddenly upon

e)perwta/w to inquire of, question, consult
e)perw/thma a question
e)perw/thsij a questioning, consulting
e)pesboli/a hasty speech, scurrility
e)pesbo/loj throwing words about, rash-talking, abusive, scurrilous
e)pesqi/w to eat after
e)pesxa/rioj on the hearth
e)pe/teioj annual, yearly
e)peth/sioj from year to year, yearly
e)peuqu/nw to guide to
e)peuklei/zw to make illustrious
e)peufhme/w to shout assent
e)peu/xomai to pray
e)peuwni/zw to lower the price of
e)pe/xw to have
e)ph/boloj having achieved
e)phgkeni/dej the long side-planks bolted to
e)phgoreu/w to state objections against
e)phetano/j abundant, ample, sufficient
e)ph/kooj listening
e)phluga/zw to overshadow
e)ph=luc overshadowing, sheltering
e)phlusi/h a coming over one
e)ph/lusij an approach, assault
e)/phluj one who comes to
e)phmoibo/j alternating, crossing
e)phmu/w to bend
e)ph|o/nioj on the beach
e)phpu/w to shout in applause
e)ph/ratoj lovely, charming
e)phrea/zw to threaten abusively
e)ph/reia despiteful treatment, spiteful abuse
e)ph/retmoj at the oar
e)phrefh/j overhanging, beetling
e)phth/j affable, gentle
e)ph/trimoj woven upon, closely woven
e)phtu/j courtesy, kindness
e)phxe/w to resound, re-echo
e)piba/qra a ladder
e)pi/baqron a passenger's fare
e)pibai/nw to go upon
e)piba/llw to throw
e)pi/basij a stepping upon, approaching: a means of approach, access
e)piba/skw to lead
e)pibasta/zw to weigh in the hand

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e)pibateu/w to set one foot upon

e)piba/thj one who mounts
e)pibato/j that can be climbed, accessible
e)pibh/ssw to cough after
e)pibh/twr one who mounts
e)pibiba/zw to put
e)pibio/w to live over
e)pible/pw to look upon, look attentively
e)pi/bleyij a looking at, gazing
e)pi/blhma that which is thrown over, tapestry, hangings
e)piblh/j a bar fitting into
e)piblu/zw to well
e)piboa/w to call upon
e)piboh/qeia a coming to aid, succour
e)pibohqe/w to come to aid, to succour
e)pibo/hma a call
e)pibo/htoj cried out against, ill spoken of
e)pibolh/ a throwing
e)pibombe/w to roar in answer to
e)pibo/skomai to graze
e)pibouko/loj an over-herdsman
e)pibou/leuma a plot, attempt, scheme
e)pibouleuth/j one who plots against
e)pibouleu/w to plan
e)piboulh/ a plan against
e)pi/bouloj plotting against
e)pibre/mw to make to roar
e)pibriqh/j falling heavy upon
e)pibri/qw to fall heavy upon, fall heavily
e)pibronta/w to thunder in response
e)pibro/nthtoj frantic
e)pibru/kw to gnash
e)pibru/w to burst forth
e)pibu/w to stop up
e)pibw/mioj on
e)pibwmiostate/w to stand suppliant at the altar
e)pibwstre/w to shout to, call upon
e)pibw/twr an over-shepherd
e)pi/gaioj upon the earth
e)pigambreu/w to marry as the next of kin
e)pigame/w to marry besides
e)pigami/a intermarriage
e)pi/gamoj marriageable
e)pigauro/omai to exult in
e)pigdoupe/w to shout in applause
e)pi/geioj terrestrial

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e)pigela/w to laugh approvingly

e)pigerai/rw to give honour to
e)pighqe/w to rejoice
e)pigi/gnomai to be born after, come into being after
e)pigignw/skw to look upon, witness, observe
e)piglwssa/omai to throw forth ill language, utter abuse
e)pignampto/j curved, twisted
e)pigna/mptw to bend towards
e)pigna/ptw to clean
e)pignw/mwn an arbiter, umpire, judge
e)pi-gnwri/zw to make known, announce
e)pi/gnwsij full knowledge
e)pigonh/ increase, growth, produce
e)pi/gonoj born besides
e)pigouni/j the part above the knee, the great muscle of the thigh
e)pigra/bdhn scraping the surface, grazing
e)pi/gramma an inscription
e)pigrafh/ an inscription
e)pigra/fw to mark the surface, just pierce, graze
e)pi/grupoj somewhat hooked
e)pidai/omai to kindle at
e)pidai/omai to distribute
e)pidakru/w to weep over
e)pida/mnamai to subdue
e)pidanei/zw to lend money on property already mortgaged
e)pidayileu/omai to lavish upon
e)pideh/j in want of
e)pi/deigma a specimen, pattern
e)pidei/eloj at even, about evening
e)pidei/knumi to exhibit as a specimen
e)pideikte/oj one must display
e)pideiktiko/j fit for displaying
e)pi/deicij a shewing forth, making known
e)pideipne/w to eat at second course, eat as a dainty
e)pide/katoj one in ten
e)pide/mnioj on the bed
e)pide/cioj towards the right
e)pidecio/thj dexterity, cleverness
e)pide/rkomai to look upon, behold
e)pidesmeu/w to bind up
e)pi/desmoj an upper
e)pidespo/zw to be lord over
e)pideuh/j in need
e)pideu/omai to be in want of, to lack
e)pideu/w to moisten
e)pide/xomai to admit besides

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e)pide/w to bind
e)pide/w to want
e)pi/dhloj seen clearly, manifest
e)pidhmeu/w to live among the people, live in the throng
e)pidhme/w to be at home, live at home
e)pidhmi/a a stay in a place
e)pidh/mioj among the people
e)pi/dhmoj popular, current
e)pidiabai/nw to cross over after
e)pidiagignw/skw to consider anew
e)pidiaire/w to divide anew
e)pidiakri/nw to decide as umpire
e)pidiarrh/gnumai to burst at
e)pidiata/ssomai to add an order
e)pidiati/qemai to deposit as security
e)pidiafe/romai to go across after
e)pidida/skw to teach besides
e)pidi/dwmi to give besides
e)pidi/zhmai to inquire besides, to go on to inquire
e)pidika/zw to adjudge property to
e)pi/dikoj disputed at law:&mdash
e)pidine/w to whirl
e)pidiorqo/omai to set in order also
e)pidiploi/zw to redouble
e)pidifria/j the rail upon the car
e)pidi/frioj on the car
e)pidiw/kw to pursue after
e)pi/docoj likely
e)pido/rpioj for use after dinner
e)pi/dosij a giving over and above, a voluntary contribution
e)pidoupe/w to make a noise
e)pidoxh/ the reception of something new
e)pidra/ssomai to lay hold of
e)pidromh/ a sudden inroad, a raid, attack
e)pi/dromoj that may be overrun
e)pidu/w to set upon
e)piei/keia reasonableness, fairness, equity
e)piei/keloj like, resembling
e)pieikh/j fitting, meet, suitable
e)pieikto/j yielding
e)pie/nnumi to put on besides
e)piza/feloj vehement, violent
e)piza/w to overlive, survive
e)pizeu/gnumi to join at top
e)pize/furoj towards the west
e)pize/w to boil over

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e)pi/zhloj enviable, happy

e)pizh/mioj bringing loss upon, hurtful, prejudicial
e)pizhmio/w to mulct
e)pizhte/w to seek after, wish for, miss
e)pizw/nnumi to gird on
e)pih/ranoj pleasing, acceptable
e)pi/hra acceptable gifts
e)piqala/mioj nuptial
e)piqala/ssioj lying
e)piqa/natoj sick to death, at death's door
e)piqarse/w to put trust in
e)piqarsu/nw to cheer on, encourage
e)piqauma/zw to pay honour to
e)piqea/zw with imprecations
e)piqeia/zw to call upon in the name of the gods, to adjure, conjure
e)piqeiasmo/j an appeal to the gods
e)piqerapeu/w to serve diligently, work zealously for
e)pi/qesij a laying on
e)piqespi/zw to prophesy
e)piqete/oj one must impose
e)piqetiko/j ready to attack
e)pi/qetoj added, assumed
e)piqe/w to run at
e)piqh/kh an addition, increase
e)pi/qhma something put on, a lid, cover
e)piqigga/nw to touch on the surface, touch lightly
e)piqoa/zw to sit as a suppliant at an altar
e)piqorube/w to shout to
e)piqrau/w to break besides
e)piqrhne/w to lament over
e)piqrw/skw to leap upon
e)piqume/w to set one's heart upon
e)piqu/mhma an object of desire
e)piqumhth/j one who longs for
e)piqumhtiko/j desiring, coveting, lusting after
e)piqumi/ama an incense-offering
e)piqumia/w to offer incense
e)piqu/nw to guide straight, direct
e)piqu/w to sacrifice besides
e)piqu/w to rush eagerly at
e)piqumi/a desire, yearning, longing
e)piqwraki/dion a tunic worn over the
e)piqwraki/zomai to put on one's armour
e)piqwu/ssw to shout aloud, give loud commands
e)pii/stwr privy to
e)pikaqaire/w to pull down

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)pikaqeu/dw to sleep upon

e)pika/qhmai to sit upon
e)pikaqi/zw to set upon
e)pikaino/w to innovate upon
e)pikai/numai to surpass, excel
e)pikai/rioj important
e)pi/kairoj in fit time
e)pikai/w to light up
e)pikalama/omai to glean after
e)pikale/w to call upon
e)pikalu/ptw to cover over, cover up, shroud
e)pikamph/ the bend, return
e)pikamph/j curved, curling
e)pika/mptw to bend into an angle
e)pikampu/loj crooked, curved
e)pi/kar head-foremost
e)pikarpi/a the usufruct of a property, revenue, profit
e)pikarpi/dioj on fruit
e)pika/rsioj athwart, cross-wise, at an angle
e)pikatabai/nw to go down to
e)pikataba/llw to let fall down at
e)pikata/gomai to come to land along with
e)pikatadarqa/nw to fall asleep afterwards
e)pikatai/rw to sink down upon
e)pikataklu/zw to overflow besides
e)pikatakoima/omai to sleep upon
e)pikatalamba/nw to catch up, overtake
e)pikatallagh/ money paid for exchange, discount
e)pikatame/nw to tarry longer
e)pikatapi/ptw to throw oneself upon
e)pikata/ratoj yet more accursed
e)pikatarre/w to fall down upon
e)pikatarrh/gnumai to fall violently down
e)pikatarripte/w to throw down after
e)pikatasfa/zw to slay upon
e)pikatate/mnw to carry the workings of a mine beyond one's boundaries
e)pikatayeu/domai to tell lies besides
e)pika/teimi to go down into
e)pikate/xw to detain still
e)pi/kautoj burnt at the end
e)pi/keimai to be laid upon
e)pikei/rw to cut off, cut down
e)pikelade/w to shout to, shout in applause
e)pike/leusij a cheering on, exhortation
e)pikeleu/w to encourage besides, to cheer on again
e)pike/llw to bring to shore

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)pike/lomai to call upon

e)pikentri/zw to apply the spur
e)pikera/nnumi to mix in addition
e)pikerdai/nw to gain in addition
e)pike/rdia profit on traffic
e)pikertome/w to mock
e)pikeu/qw to conceal, hide
e)pikh/deioj of
e)pi/khroj subject to death, perishable
e)pikhrukei/a the sending an embassy to treat for peace, entering into negotiation
e)pikhru/keuma a demand by herald
e)pikhrukeu/omai to send a message by a herald
e)pikhru/ssw to announce by proclamation
e)piki/dnhmi to spread over
e)pikinduneu/omai to be risked
e)piki/ndunoj in danger, dangerous, insecure, precarious
e)piki/xrhmi to lend
e)pi/klautoj tearful
e)pikla/w to bend to
e)piklei/w to shut to, close
e)piklei/w to extol
e)pi/klhma an accusation, charge
e)pi/klhn by surname, by name
e)pi/klhroj an heiress
e)piklhro/w to assign by lot
e)pi/klhsij a surname
e)pi/klhtoj called upon, called in as allies
e)piklinh/j sloping
e)pikli/nw to put
e)pi/klopoj thievish, wily
e)piklu/zw to overflow
e)pi/klusij an overflow, flood
e)piklw/qw to spin to
e)pikna/w to scrape
e)pikni/zw to cut on the surface
e)pikoima/omai to fall asleep over
e)pikoino/omai to consult with
e)pi/koinoj common to many, promiscuous
e)pikoinwne/w to communicate with
e)pikompa/zw to add boastingly
e)pikompe/w to boast of
e)pi/kopoj fit for cutting
e)piko/ptw to strike upon
e)pikoru/ssomai to arm oneself against
e)pikosme/w to add ornaments to, to decorate after
e)pi/kotoj wrathful, vengeful

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

)epikou/reioj Epicurean
e)pikoure/w to act as an ally
e)pikou/rhma protection
e)pikou/rhsij protection
e)pikouri/a aid, succour
e)pikouriko/j serving for help, assistant
e)pi/kouroj an assister, ally
e)pikoufi/zw to lighten
e)pikra/zw to shout to
e)pikrai/nw to bring to pass, accomplish, fulfil
e)pi/kranon that which is put on the head, a head-dress, cap
e)pikra/teia mastery, dominion, possession
e)pikrate/w to rule over
e)pikra/thsij victory over
e)pikrema/nnumi to hang over
e)pikri/nw to decide, determine
e)pikrath/j master of
e)pi/krion the yard-arm
e)pikrote/w to rattle over
e)pi/krotoj trodden hard
e)pikrou/w to strike upon
e)pikru/ptw to throw a cloak over, conceal
e)pi/krufoj unknown, inglorious
e)pi/kruyij concealment
e)pikrw/zw to caw
e)pikta/omai to gain
e)piktei/nw to kill besides
e)pi/kthsij further acquisition, fresh gain
e)pi/kthtoj gained besides
e)piktupe/w to make a noise after, re-echo
e)pikudh/j glorious, brilliant, successful
e)pikui/skomai to become doubly pregnant
e)pikukle/w to come round in turn upon
e)pikumai/nw to flow in waves over
e)piku/ptw to bend oneself
e)pikuro/w to confirm, sanction, ratify
e)pikurto/w to bend forward
e)piku/rw to light upon, fall in with
e)pikuye/lioj a guard of beehives
e)pikwku/w to lament over
e)pikwlu/w to hinder, check
e)pikwma/zw to rush in like revellers, to make a riotous assault.
e)pikwmw|de/w to satirize in comedy
e)pi/kwpoj up to the hilt, through and through
e)pilagxa/nw to obtain the lot, to succeed
e)pila/zumai to hold tight, close

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e)pilamba/nw to lay hold of, seize, attack

e)pilampru/nw to make splendid, adorn
e)pila/mpw to shine after
e)pilanqa/nomai to forget
e)pileai/nw to smoothe over
e)pile/gw to choose, pick out, select
e)pilei/bw to pour
e)pilei/pw to leave behind
e)pi/leiyij a deficiency, lack
e)pi/lektoj chosen, picked
e)pile/pw to strip of bark
e)pileu/ssw to look towards
e)pi/lhqoj causing to forget
e)pilh/qw to cause to forget
e)pilhi/j obtained as booty
e)pilhke/w to beat time to
e)pilhkuqi/stria the bombastical
e)pi/lhptoj caught
e)pilh/ptwr a censurer
e)pilhsmonh/ forgetfulness
e)pilh/smwn apt to forget, forgetful
e)pi/lhyij a seizing, seizure
e)pili/gdhn grazing
e)pilimna/zomai to be overflowed
e)pilipai/nw to make fat
e)pilli/zw to make signs to
e)pilogi/zomai to reckon over, conclude
e)pi/logoj a conclusion, inference
e)pi/logxoj barbed
e)pi/logxoj reserve candidate.
e)pi/loipoj still left, remaining
e)pilupe/w to annoy
e)pi/lusij release from
e)pilu/w to loose, untie
e)pilwbeu/w to mock at
e)pimai/nomai to be mad after, dote upon
e)pimai/omai to strive after, seek to obtain, aim at
e)pimanqa/nw to learn besides
e)pimarture/w to bear witness to
e)pimarturi/a a witness, testimony
e)pimartu/romai to call to witness, appeal to
e)pima/rturoj a witness to
e)pima/ssomai to knead again, stroke
e)pimasti/dioj at the breast, not yet weaned
e)pi/mastoj seeking for help, begging
e)pimaxe/w to help one in war

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)pimaxi/a a defensive alliance

e)pi/maxoj easily attacked, assailable
e)pimeida/w to smile at
e)pimeidia/w to smile upon
e)pimei/zwn still larger
e)pime/leia care, attention
e)pimele/omai to take care of, have charge of, have the management of
e)pime/lhma a care, anxiety
e)pimelh/j careful
e)pimelhte/oj one must take care, pay attention
e)pimelhth/j one who has charge of
e)pimelhtiko/j able to take charge, managing
e)pime/lpw to sing to
e)pime/mona to desire
e)pime/mfomai to cast blame upon
e)pime/nw to stay on, tarry
e)pimetape/mpomai to send for a reinforcement
e)pimetre/w to measure out besides
e)pi/metron over-measure, excess
e)pimh/domai to contrive against
)epimhqeu/j Epi-metheus, after-thought
e)pimhqh/j thoughtful
e)pimhqikw=j like Epimetheus
e)pimh/khj longish, oblong
)epimhli/dej flock-protectors, Nymphs
e)pimh/nioj monthly
e)pimhni/w to be angry with
e)pimhxana/omai to devise plans against, take precautions
e)pimh/xanoj craftily devising
e)pimi/gnumi to add to by mixing, mix with
e)pimimnh/skomai to bethink oneself of, to remember, think of
e)pimi/mnw to continue in
e)pimici/a a mixing with
e)pimi/c confusedly, promiscuously, pele-mele
e)pimoi/rioj fated
e)pimolei=n to come upon, befall
e)pi/moloj an invader
e)pi/momfoj inclined to blame
e)pimonh/ a staying on, tarrying, delay
e)pimu/zw to murmur at
e)pimuqe/omai to say besides
e)pimu/qioj coming after the fable
e)pi/muktoj scoffed at
e)pimu/w to wink
e)pimwmhto/j blameworthy
e)pi/neion the sea-port

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e)pine/mhsij a spreading
e)pine/mw to allot, distribute
e)pineu/w to nod
e)pine/feloj clouded, overcast
e)pinefri/dioj upon the kidneys
e)pine/w to allot by spinning
e)pine/w to heap up
e)pine/w to float on the top
e)pinh/ioj on board ship
e)pinhne/w to heap
e)pinh/xomai to swim upon
e)pini/kioj of victory, triumphal
e)pini/ssomai to go over
e)pini/fw to snow upon
e)pinoe/w to think on
e)pi/noia a thinking on
e)pinomh/ a grazing over the boundaries
e)pinomi/a a grazing over the boundaries: a mutual right of pasture
e)pinu/ktioj by night, nightly
e)pinumfi/dioj of
e)pinusta/zw to drop asleep over
e)pinwma/w to bring
e)pinwti/dioj on the back
e)pinwti/zw to set on the back
e)pinw/tioj on the back
e)pi/canqoj inclining to yellow, tawny
e)piceno/omai to have hospitable relations with, be intimate with
e)pi/chnon a chopping-block: the executioner's block
e)pi/cunoj a common
e)pioi/nioj at
e)pioinoxoeu/w to pour out wine for
e)piorke/w to swear falsely, forswear oneself
e)piorki/a a false oath
e)pi/orkoj sworn falsely
e)pio/ssomai to have before one's eyes
e)pi/ouroj an over-keeper, a guardian, watcher, ward
e)piou/sioj for the coming day, sufficient for the day
e)pi/pagxu altogether
e)pipaiani/zw to sing a paean over
e)pipa/llw to brandish at
e)pi/pan upon the whole, in general, on the average
e)piparane/w to heap up still more, to heap up
e)piparaskeua/zomai to provide oneself with besides
e)pipa/reimi to be present besides
e)pipa/reimi to march on high ground parallel with
e)pipa/ssw to sprinkle upon

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e)pi/pastoj sprinkled over

e)pi/pedoj to the level of the ground, level
e)pipei/qomai to be persuaded to
e)pipela/zw to bring near to
e)pipe/lomai to come to
e)pipe/mpw to send besides
e)pi/pemyij a sending to
e)piperka/zw to turn dark
e)pi/perknoj somewhat dark
e)pipeta/nnumi to spread over
e)pipe/tomai to fly to
e)piph/gnumi to freeze at top
e)piphda/w to leap upon, assault
e)pipie/zw to press upon, press down
e)pipi/lnamai to come near
e)pipi/mplhmi to fill full of
e)pipi/nw to drink afterwards
e)pipi/ptw to fall upon
e)/pipla implements, utensils, furniture, moveable property
e)pipla/zomai to wander about over
e)pipla/ssw to spread as a plaster over
e)pi/plastoj plastered over
e)piplatage/w to applaud loudly
e)piple/kw to wreathe into
e)pi/pleoj quite full of
e)pi/pleusij a sailing against
e)piple/w to sail upon
e)pi/plhcij rebuke, reproof
e)piplhro/w to fill up again
e)piplh/ssw to strike at, strike smartly
e)pi/plooj the membrane enclosing the entrails, the caul
e)pi/plooj a sailing against, bearing down upon
e)pipne/w to breathe upon, to blow freshly upon
e)pi/pnoia a breathing upon, inspiration
e)pi/pnouj breathed upon, inspired
e)pipo/dioj upon the feet
e)pipoqe/w to yearn after
e)pipo/qhsij a longing after
e)pipo/qhtoj longed for, desired
e)pipoimh/n a chief shepherd
e)pipola/zw to come to the surface, float
e)pipo/laioj on the surface, superficial
e)pipolh/ a surface
e)pi/poloj a companion
e)pipolu/ to a great extent, generally
e)pipompeu/w to triumph over

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e)pipone/w to toil on, persevere

e)pi/ponoj painful, toilsome, laborious
e)piporeu/omai to travel, march to, march over
e)pipo/rphma any garment buckled over the shoulders, a mantle
e)pipota/omai to fly
e)pipreph/j becoming
e)pipre/pw to be manifest on the surface, to be conspicuous
e)pipresbeu/omai to send an embassy
e)pipri/w to grind
e)piproba/llw to throw forward
e)piproia/llw to set out
e)piproi/hmi to send forth
e)pi/ on, upon with gen., dat., and acc.
e)pia/llw to send upon, lay upon
e)piau/w to sleep among
e)pia/xw to shout out, to shout applause
e)pi/prosqen before
e)piprosqe/w to be before
e)piproxe/w to pour forth
e)piptai/rw to sneeze at
e)piptuxh/ an over-fold, a flap
e)pipwle/omai to go about, go through
e)pipw/lhsij a going round, inspection
e)pirrabdofore/w to urge
e)pirra|qume/w to be careless about
e)pirrai/nw to sprinkle upon
e)pirra/ptw to sew
e)pirrayw|de/w to recite in accompaniment
e)pirre/zw to offer sacrifices at
e)pirreph/j leaning towards
e)pirre/pw to lean towards, fall to one's lot
e)pirre/w to flow upon the surface, float a-top
e)pirrh/gnumi to rend
e)pirrhtoreu/w to declaim over
e)pi/rrhtoj exclaimed against, infamous
e)pi/rriknoj shrunk up
e)pirri/ptw to cast at
e)pirroh/ afflux, influx
e)pirroqe/w to shout in answer
e)pi/rroqoj hasting to the rescue, a helper
e)pirroi/bdhn with noisy fury
e)pirroize/w to shriek at
e)pirrofe/w to swallow besides
e)pirru/zw to set
e)pirruqmi/zw to bring into form, arrange
e)pirru/omai to save, preserve

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e)pi/rrutoj flowing in
e)pirrw/nnumi to add strength to, strengthen
e)pirrw/omai to flow
e)pi/sagma a load on
e)pisa/ttw to pile a load upon
e)pi/seistoj waving over
e)pisei/w to shake at
e)piseu/w to put in motion against, set upon
e)pishmai/nw to set a mark upon
e)pi/shmon any distinguishing mark, a device
e)pi/shmoj having a mark on
e)pisi/zw to set on
e)pisimo/w to bend inwards
e)pisiti/zomai to furnish oneself with food
e)pisitismo/j a furnishing oneself with provisions, foraging
e)piska/ptw to dig superficially
e)piskeda/nnumi to scatter
e)piske/lisij the first bound
e)piskepte/oj to be considered
e)piske/pw to cover over
e)piskeua/zw to get ready, to equip, fit out
e)piskeuasth/j one who equips
e)piskeuasto/j repaired, restored
e)piskeuh/ repair, restoration
e)pi/skeyij inspection, visitation
e)pi/skhnoj at
e)piskhno/w to be quartered in
e)piskh/ptw to make to lean upon, make to fall upon
e)pi/skhyij an injunction
e)piskia/zw to throw a shade upon, overshadow
e)pi/skioj shaded, dark, obscure
e)piskope/w to look upon
e)piskoph/ a watching over, visitation
e)piskopi/a a looking at
e)pi/skopoj one who watches over, an overseer, guardian
e)pi/skopoj hitting the mark
e)piskote/w to throw a shadow over
e)pisko/thsij a darkening, obscurity
e)pi/skotoj in the dark, darkened
e)pisku/zomai to be indignant at
e)piskuqi/zw to ply with drink in Scythian fashion
e)piskuqrwpa/zw to look gloomy
e)pisku/nion the skin of the brows
e)piskw/ptw to laugh at, quiz, make game of
e)pi/skwyij mocking, raillery
e)pismugero/j gloomy

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e)pispasth/r the latch

e)pispasto/j drawn upon oneself
e)pispa/w to draw
e)pispei/rw to sow with seed
e)pi/speisij a libation over
e)pispe/ndw to pour upon
e)pisperxh/j hasty, hurried
e)pispe/rxw to urge on
e)pispeu/dw to urge on, further
e)pispondh/ a renewed
e)pi/sporoj sown afterwards
e)pispouda/zw to make haste in
e)pi/ssutoj rushing, gushing
e)pistado/n standing over each in turn
e)pistaqma/omai to weigh well, ponder
e)pistaqmeu/w to be quartered upon
e)pistaqmi/a a liability to have persons quartered on one
e)pi/staqmoj at the door
e)pistala/zw to drop over
e)pistala/w to fall in drops over
e)pi/stalma a commission
e)pi/stamai to know
e)pistasi/a authority, dominion
e)pista/sioj Jupiter Stator
e)pi/stasij a stopping, halting, a halt
e)pistate/w to be set over
e)pista/thj one who stands near
e)pistathte/oj one must superintend
e)pistei/bw to tread upon, stand upon
e)pistei/xw to approach
e)piste/llw to send to, send as a message
e)pistena/zw to groan over
e)pistena/xw to groan in answer
e)piste/nw to groan
e)pistefh/j crowned
e)piste/fw to surround with
e)pisthlo/omai to be set up as a column upon
e)pisth/mh acquaintance with
e)pisth/mwn knowing, wise, prudent
e)pisthri/zw to make to lean on
e)pisti/lbw to glisten on the surface
e)pi/stion a shed
e)pistola/dhn girt up, neatly
e)pistoleu/j secretary
e)pistolh/ a message, command, commission
e)pistolimai=oj commanded

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e)pistomi/zw to curb in
e)pistore/nnumi to strew
e)pistratei/a a march
e)pistrateu/w to march against, make war upon
e)pi/streptoj to be turned towards, to be looked at, conspicuous
e)pistrefh/j turning one's eyes
e)pistre/fw to turn about, turn round
e)pistrofa/dhn turning this way and that way, right and left
e)pistrofh/ a turning about, twisting
e)pi/strofoj having dealings with, conversant with
e)pistrwfa/w to visit
e)pistu/lion the lintel on the top of pillars, the epistyle, architrave
e)pisukofante/w to harass yet more with frivolous accusations.
e)pisuna/gw to collect and bring to
e)pisunagwgh/ a gathering
e)pisuna/ptw to renew
e)pisundi/dwmi to push forward together
e)pisuntre/xw to run together to
e)pi/surma the trail
e)pisu/rw to drag
e)pisu/stasij a gathering together against, a riotous meeting
e)pisfa/zw to slaughter over
e)pisfalh/j prone to fall, unstable, precarious
e)pisfi/ggw to bind, clasp tight
e)pisfragi/zw to put a seal on, to confirm, ratify
e)pisfragisth/j one who seals
e)pisfu/ria bands, clasps
e)pisfu/rioj on the ankle
e)pisxedo/n near at hand, hard by
e)pisxeqei=n to hold in, check
e)pisxerw/ in a row, one after another
e)pisxesi/a a thing held out, a pretext
e)pi/sxesij a checking, hindrance, delay, reluctance, lingering
e)pisxu/w to make strong
e)pi/sxw to hold
e)pi/swtron the metal hoop round the felloe
e)pi/tagma an injunction, command
e)pitakth/r a commander
e)pi/taktoj drawn up behind
e)pitalaipwre/w to labour yet more
e)pitanu/w to push home
e)pi/tacij an injunction
e)pita/racij disturbance, confusion
e)pitara/ssw to trouble
e)pita/rroqoj a helper, defender, ally
e)pi/tasij a stretching

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e)pita/ssw to put upon

e)pita/fioj over a tomb
e)pitaxu/nw to hasten on, urge forward
e)pitei/nw to stretch upon
e)piteixi/zw to build a fort on the frontier
e)pitei/xisij the building a fort on the enemy's frontier, the occupation of it
e)pitei/xisma a fort placed on the enemy's
e)piteleio/w to complete
e)pitelei/wsij accomplishment, completion
e)pitele/w to complete, finish, accomplish
e)pitelh/j brought to an end, completed, accomplished
e)pite/llw to lay upon, enjoin, prescribe, ordain, command
e)pite/mnw to cut on the surface, make an incision
e)pi/tec at the birth, about to bring forth
e)piterph/j pleasing, delightful
e)pite/rpomai to rejoice
e)pitexna/omai to contrive for
e)pite/xnhsij contrivance for
e)pitexnhto/j artificially made
e)pith/deioj made for an end
e)pithdeio/thj fitness, suitableness
e)pi/thdej designedly, deceitfully
e)pithde/j such as may serve the purpose, enough
e)pith/deuma a pursuit, business, practice
e)pith/deusij devotion
e)pithdeu/w to pursue
e)pi/thktoj overlaid with gold
e)pith/kw to melt upon, pour when melted over
e)pithre/w to look out for
e)piti/qhmi to lay, put
e)pitima/w to lay a value upon
e)piti/mhsij censure, criticism
e)pitimhth/j a chastiser, censurer
e)pitimh/twr an avenger
e)pitimi/a the condition of an
e)piti/mion the value, price
e)pi/timoj in possession of his rights and franchises
e)piti/tqioj at the breast, a suckling
e)pititrw/skw to wound on the surface
e)pitlh=nai to bear patiently, be patient
e)pitolh/ the rising of a star
e)pitolma/w to submit
e)pitomh/ a cutting on the surface, incision
e)pi/tonoj on the stretch, strained
e)pitoca/zomai to shoot at
e)pitragw|de/w to make into a tragic story, exaggerate

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e)pitrape/zioj on
e)pitrepte/oj one must permit
e)pitre/pw to turn towards
e)pitre/fw to rear upon
e)pitre/xw to run upon
e)pitri/bw to rub on the surface, to crush
e)pitrihrarxe/w to be trierarch beyond the legal time
e)pitrihra/rxhma the burden of a trierarchy continued beyond the legal term
e)pi/triptoj rubbed down, well worn
e)pi/tritoj one and a third
e)pitropai=oj delegated
e)pitropeu/w to be a trustee, administrator, guardian, governor
e)pitroph/ a reference
e)pi/tropoj one to whom a charge is entrusted, a trustee, administrator
e)pitroxa/dh trippingly, fluently, glibly
e)pi/troxoj voluble, glib
e)pitru/zw to murmur beside
e)pitrw/gw to eat with
e)pitugxa/nw to hit the mark
e)pitumbi/dioj at
e)pitu/fomai to be inflamed
e)pifai/nw to shew forth, display, shew off
e)pifa/neia manifestation
e)pifanh/j coming to light, appearing
e)pi/fantoj in the light, alive
e)pifatni/dioj at the manger
e)pifau/w to shine upon
e)pife/rw to bring, put
e)pifhmi/zw to utter words ominous of the event
e)pifh/misma a word of ominous import
e)pifqa/nw to reach first
e)pifqe/ggomai to utter after
e)pifqone/w to bear grudge against
e)pi/fqonoj liable to envy
e)pifqu/zw to spit at
e)pifilopone/omai to labour earnestly at
e)pifle/gw to burn up, consume
e)pi/foboj frightful, terrible
e)pifoita/w to come habitually to, visit again and again
e)pifora/ a bringing to
e)pifore/w to put upon, lay over
e)pifo/rhma dishes served up besides
e)pi/foroj carrying towards
e)pifra/zw to say besides
e)pifra/ssw to block up
e)pifrone/w to be shrewd, prudent

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e)pifrosu/nh thoughtfulness
e)pi/frouroj keeping watch over
e)pi/frwn thoughtful, sage
e)pifu/lioj distributed to the tribes
e)pifulli/j the small grapes left for gleaners
e)pifuteu/w to plant over
e)pifu/w to produce on
e)pifwne/w to mention by name, tell of
e)pifw/nhma a witty saying
e)pifw/nhsij acclamation, a cry
e)pifw/skw to draw towards dawn
e)pixai/rw to rejoice over, exult over
e)pixalaza/w to shower hail upon
e)pixala/w to loosen, slacken
e)pixalkeu/w to forge upon
e)pi/xalkoj covered with copper
e)pixara/ssw to engrave upon
e)pixarh/j gratifying, agreeable
e)pixarienti/zomai to quote as a good joke
e)pixari/zomai to make a present of
e)pi/xarij pleasing, agreeable, charming
e)pi/xarma an object of malignant joy
e)pi/xartoj wherein one feels joy, delightsome
e)pixeilh/j full to the brim, brim-full
e)pixeima/zw to pass the winter at
e)pixeire/w to put one's hand on
e)pixei/rhma an attempt, enterprise
e)pixei/rhsij an attempt, attack
e)pixeirhte/oj one must attempt
e)pixeirhth/j an enterprising person
e)pi/xeiron wages of manual labour
e)pixeirotone/w to vote in favour of a proposed decree, to sanction by vote
e)pixeirotoni/a a voting by show of hands
e)pixe/w to pour water over
e)pixqo/nioj upon the earth, earthly
e)pixleua/zw to make a mock of
e)pixliai/nw to warm slightly
e)pi/xoloj producing bile
e)pixoreu/w to dance to
e)pixorhge/w to supply besides
e)pixorhgi/a additional help
e)pixra/w to attack, assault
e)pixra/w to lend besides
e)pixra/omai to make use of besides
e)pixre/mptomai to spit upon
e)pi/xristoj smeared over

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e)pixri/w to anoint, besmear

e)pi/xrusoj overlaid with gold
e)pixrwmati/zw to lay on like colour
e)pixrw/nnumi to smear over, colour on the surface, tinge
e)pixwre/w to give way, yield
e)pixwria/zw to be in the habit of visiting
e)pixw/rioj in
e)piyau/w to touch on the surface, touch lightly, handle
e)piyeka/zw to keep dropping
e)piye/lion a curb-chain
e)piyeu/domai to lie still more
e)piyhlafa/w to feel by passing the hand over the surface
e)piyhfi/zw to put
e)pi/yogoj exposed to blame, blameworthy
e)piyu/xw to cool
e)piwgai/ places of shelter
e)po/gmioj presiding over the furrows
e)podu/romai to lament over
e)poike/w to go as settler
e)poikodome/w to build up
e)/poikoj one who has settled among strangers, a settler, alien
e)poiktei/rw to have compassion on
e)poikti/zw to compassionate
e)poi/ktistoj pitiable, piteous
e)/poiktoj piteous
e)poimw/zw to lament over
e)poi/xomai to go towards, approach
e)poke/llw to run
e)pokrio/eij uneven, projecting
e)polisqa/nw to slip
e)pololu/zw to shout for joy
e)pombre/w to pour rain upon
e)pombri/a heavy rain, abundance of wet, wet weather
e)/pombroj very rainy
e)po/mnumi to swear after, swear accordingly
e)pomfa/lioj on the navel
e)ponei/distoj to be reproached, shameful, ignominious
e)ponoma/zw to give a surname: to name
e)popi/zomai to regard with awe, to reverence
e)popoii/a epic poetry
e)popoio/j an epic poet
e)popta/w to roast besides
e)popteu/w to look over, overlook, watch
e)popoi= hoopoe
e)popth/r of tutelary gods
e)po/pthj an overseer, watcher

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e)poptiko/j of
e)pore/gw to hold out to, give yet more
e)porqia/zw to set upright
e)porqoboa/w to utter aloud
e)po/rnumi to stir up, arouse, excite
e)porou/w to rush violently at
e)porxe/omai to dance to the tune of
e)/poj a word
e)pototu/zw to yell out, utter lamentably
e)potru/nw to stir up, excite, urge on
e)pourai=oj on the tail
e)poura/nioj in heaven, heavenly
e)pouria/zw to waft onwards
e)pouri/zw to blow favourably upon
e)/pouroj blowing favourably
e)pofei/lw to owe besides
e)pofqalmia/w to cast longing glances at
e)poxe/omai to be carried upon, ride upon
e)poxeteu/w to carry
e)poxh/ a check, cessation: the epoch
e)poxqi/dioj on
e)/poxon the saddle-cloth, housing
e)/poxoj mounted upon
e)poyi/dioj for eating with bread
e)po/yimoj that can be looked on
e)po/yioj full in view, conspicuous
e)/poyij a view over
e)/poy the hoopoe
e(ptabo/eioj of seven bulls'-hides
e(pta/draxmoj worth seven
e(ptae/thj of seven years
e(ptaeth/j seven years old
e(ptakai/deka seventeen
e(ptakaideka/pouj feet long
e(ptakaide/katoj seventeenth
e(ptakaieikose/thj twenty-seven years old
e(ptakaiei/kosi seven and twenty.
e(ptakismu/rioi seventy-thousand
e(pta/kij seven times
e(ptakisxi/lioi seven-thousand
e(pta/klinoj with seven couches
e(ptako/sioi seven hundred
e(pta/logxoj of seven lances
e(pta/lofoj on seven hills
e(pta/mhnoj born in the seventh month
e(pta/mitoj seven-stringed

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

e(ptamo/rion the seven districts

e(pta/ seven
e(pta/phxuj seven cubits long
e(ptapo/dhj seven feet long
e(pta/poroj with seven paths
e(pta/puloj with seven gates
e(pta/purgoj seven-towered
e(pta/stomoj seven-mouthed, with seven portals
e(ptatei/xhj with seven walls
e(pta/tonoj seven-toned
e(pta/fqoggoj seven-toned
e(pta/fwnoj seven-voiced
e(/ptaxa in seven parts
e(pte/thj seven years old
e)pu/llion a versicle, scrap of poetry
e)pwbeli/a an assessment of an obol in the drachma
e)pw|dh/ a song sung to
e)pw|do/j singing to
e)pw/|zw to cluck
e)pwqe/w to push on, thrust in
e)pwle/nioj upon the arm
e)pwma/dioj on the shoulders
e)pwmado/n on the shoulder
e)pwmi/j the point of the shoulder
e)pw/motoj on oath, sworn
e)pwnumi/a a surname, name given after
e)pwnu/mioj called by the name of
e)pw/numoj given as a name
e)pwpa/w to observe, watch
e)pwru/w to howl at
e(/pw to be about, be busy with
e)/pw to say
e)pwti/dej beams projecting like ears on each side of a ship's bows
e)pwfele/w to aid
e)pwfe/lhma a help, store
e)pwfeli/a help, succour
e)pw/xato were kept shut
e)/raze to earth, to the ground
e)/ramai to love, to be in love with
e)rani/zw lay under contribution
e)ranno/j lovely
e)/ranoj a meal to which each contributed his share
e)rasixrh/matoj loving money
e)ra/smioj lovely
e)rasteu/w to long for
e)rasth/j a lover

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e)rasto/j beloved, lovely

e)rateino/j lovely, charming
e)rati/zw greedy after
e)rato/j lovely, charming
e)rato/xrouj fair of face
)eratw/ Erato, the lovely
e)ra/w to love, to be in love with
e)ra/w to pour out, vomit forth
e)rga/zomai to work, labour
e)rgaqei=n to sever, cut off
e)rgalei=on a tool, instrument
e)rgasei/w to be about to do
e)rgasi/a work, daily labour, business
e)rga/simoj arable
e)rgaste/oj one must work the land
e)rgasth/rion any place in which work is done: a workshop, manufactory
e)rgasth/r a workman, husbandman
e)rgastiko/j able to work, working, industrious
e)rgath/sioj producing an income
e)rga/thj a workman
e)rgatiko/j given to labour, diligent, active
e)rgati/nhj a husbandman
e)rga/tij a workwoman
e)/rgma a work, deed, business
e)/rgnumi to confine
e)rgodo/thj one who lets out work
e)rgolabe/w to contract for the execution of work
e)rgola/boj one who contracts for the execution of work, a contractor
e)/rgon work
e)rgopo/noj a husbandman
e)/rgw to bar one's way
e)/rgw to do work
e)/rgw to do work
e)rgw/dhj irksome, troublesome
e)/rdw to do
e)rebenno/j dark, gloomy
e)re/binqoj a kind of pulse, chick-pea
e)rebodifa/w to grope about in darkness
e)rebo/qen from nether gloom
)/erebo/sde to
e)/reboj Erebus
e)reei/nw to ask
e)reqi/zw to rouse to anger, rouse to fight, irritate
e)re/qisma a stirring up, exciting
e)re/qw to stir to anger, provoke, irritate
e)re/idw to make

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e)re/ikh heath, heather

e)re/ikw to rend
e)rei/pion a fallen ruin, wreck
e)re/ipw to throw
e)/reisma a prop, stay, support
e)rei/yimoj thrown down, in ruins
e)reiyi/toixoj overthrowing walls
e)remno/j black, swart, dark
e)re/ptomai to feed on
e)re/ssw to row
e)resxhle/w to talk lightly, to be jocular
e)re/thj a rower
e)retiko/j of
e)retmo/w to furnish with oars, set to row
)eretrieu/j an Eretrian
e)reu/gomai to spit
e)reuqe/danon madder
e)reuqe/w to be red
e)reu/qw to make red, stain red
e)/reuna inquiry, search
e)reuna/w to seek
e)reunhte/oj one must seek out
e)re/fw to cover with a roof
)erexqeu/j the render
e)re/xqw to rend, break
e)/reyij a roofing, roof
e)re/w to ask, enquire
e)rhma/zw to be left lonely, go alone
e)rhmai=oj desolate, solitary
e)rhmi/a a solitude, desert, wilderness
e)rhmia/j a solitary devotee
e)rhmoko/mhj void of hair
e)rhmola/loj chattering in the desert
e)rhmo/nomoj haunting the wilds
e)rhmo/polij reft of one's city
e)rh=moj desolate, lone, lonely, lonesome, solitary
e)rhmosu/nh solitude
e)rhmofi/lhj loving solitude
e)rhmo/w to strip bare, to desolate, lay waste
e)rhmwth/j a desolator
e)rhtu/w to keep back, restrain, check
e)riau/xhn with high-arching neck
e)ribo/aj loud-shouting
e)ribreme/thj loud-thundering
e)ri/bromoj loud-shouting
e)ri/bruxoj loud-bellowing

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e)ribw=lac with large clods, very fertile

e)ri/gdoupoj loud-thundering
e)ridai/nw to wrangle, quarrel, dispute
e)ridmai/nw to provoke to strife, irritate
e)ri/dmatoj strongly-built
e)ri/zw to strive, wrangle, quarrel
e)ri/hroj fitting exactly
e)riqhlh/j very flourishing, luxuriant
e)/riqoj a day-labourer, hired servant
e)ri/klaustoj much-weeping
e)ri/ktupoj loud-sounding
e)rikudh/j very famous, glorious, splendid
e)riku/mwn big with young
e)ri/mukoj loud-bellowing
e)ri/neoj of wool, woollen
e)rineo/j the wild fig-tree
)erinu/j the Erinys
e)/rion wool
e)riopwlikw=j like a wool-dealer, roguishly
e)riou/nhj the ready helper, luckbringer
e)riourge/w to work in wool
e)riourgo/j working in wool.
e)ri very, much.
e)ri/pnh a broken cliff, crag, scaur
e)risqenh/j very mighty
e)/risma a cause of quarrel
e)risma/ragoj loud-thundering
e)/rij strife, quarrel, debate, contention
e)rista/fuloj made of fine grapes
e)risto/j matter for contest
e)risfa/ragoj loud-roaring
e)ri/timoj highly-prized, precious
e)ri/feioj of a kid
e)ri/fion a kid
e)/rifoj a young goat, kid
e)ri/xrusoj rich in gold
e)riw/lh a hurricane
e(rkei=oj of
e(rki/on a fence, inclosure
e(/rkoj a fence, hedge, wall
e(rkou=roj watching an enclosure
e(/rma a prop, support
e(/rma earrings
e(rmage/lh a herd of Hermae
e(/rmaion a god-send, wind-fall
(ermai=oj called after Hermes

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

(ermafro/ditoj an hermaphrodite, a person partaking of the attributes of both sexes

e(rmhnei/a interpretation, explanation
e(rmh/neuma an interpretation, explanation
e(rmhneu/j an interpreter
e(rmhneutiko/j of
e(rmhneu/w to interpret
(ermh=j Hermes
(ermi/dion a little Hermes
e(rmi/j a bed-post
e(rmoglufei=on a statuary's shop
e(rmoglufeu/j a carver of Hermae
e(rmoglufiko/j of
e(rmokopi/dhj a Hermes-mutilator
e)/rnoj a young sprout, shoot, scion
)ercei/hj the worker, doer
e)ro/eij lovely, charming
e)/romai to ask, enquire
e)/roj love, desire
e)/roj wool
e(rpeto/n a walking animal, quadruped
e(rphsth/j creeping
e(rpu/zw to creep, crawl
e(/rpulloj creeping thyme
e(rpusth/j a crawling child
e(/rpw to creep, crawl
e)rrwme/noj in good health, stout, vigorous
e)/rrw to go slowly, wander about
e)/rsa dew
e(rsh/eij dewy, dew-besprent
e)rugga/nw vomit, eructare
e)ru/gmhloj loud-bellowing
e)ruqai/nomai to become red
e)ru/qhma a redness on the skin
e)ruqrai/nomai to become red, to blush
e)ruqria/w to be apt to blush, to colour up
e)ruqro/pouj red-footed
e)ruqro/j red
e)rukana/w to restrain, withhold
e)ru/kw to keep in, hold back, keep in check, curb, restrain
e)/ruma a fence, guard
e)rumno/nwtoj with fenced back
e)rumno/j fenced, fortified
e)rumno/thj strength
e)rusa/rmatej chariot-drawing
e)rusi/bh red blight
e)rusi/qric for drawing through the hair

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e)rusinhi/j preserving ships

e)rusi/ptolij protecting the city
e)rusmo/j a safeguard
e)rusto/j drawn
e)ru/w to drag along the ground, drag, draw
e)rxata/omai to be kept
e)/rxomai to come
e)rw|dio/j the heron
e)rwe/w to rush, rush forth
e)rwh/ any quick motion, rush, force
e)rwme/nion a little love, darling
e)rw/menoj one's love
e)rw= I will say
e)/rwj love
e)rwta/rion a little Cupid
e)rwta/w to ask
e)rw/thma that which is asked, a question
e)rw/thsij a questioning
e)rwtiko/j amatory
e)rwti/j a loved one, darling
e)rwtogra/foj for writing of love
e)rwtopla/noj beguiling love
e)rwtu/loj a darling, sweetheart
e)saei/ for ever
e)sqe/w to clothe
e)/sqhma a garment
e)/sqhsij clothing, raiment
e)sqh/j dress, clothing, raiment
e)sqi/w to eat
e)sqlo/j good
e)/sq' o(/te now and then, sometimes
e)/sqw to eat
e(/sij an impulse, tendency
e)skemme/noj deliberately
e(smo/j anything let out
e(smoto/koj producing swarms of bees
e(spe/ra evening, eventide, eve
e(spe/rioj at even, at eventide
e(speri/j the Hesperides
e(/speroj of
e)/spon tell
e)ssu/menoj hurrying, vehement, eager, impetuous
e(stao/twj on one's feet
e)/ste up to the time that, until
e(sti/ama an entertainment, banquet
(esti/a Vesta

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e(sti/a the hearth of a house, fireside

e(sti/asij a feasting, banqueting, entertainment
(estia/j a Vestal virgin
e(stia/twr one who gives a banquet, a host
e(stia/w to receive at one's hearth
e(stio/omai to be founded
e(stiou=xoj guarding the house, a guardian
e(/stwr a peg at the end of the pole
e)sfalme/nwj erringly, amiss
e)sxa/ra the hearth, fire-place
e)sxa/rioj of
e)sxari/j a pan of coals
e)sxata/w to be at the edge, on the border
e)sxatia/ the furthest part, edge, border, verge
e)/sxatoj outermost
e)/swqen from within
e)/sw to the interior
e)sw/tatoj innermost
e)sw/teroj interior
e)ta/zw to examine, test
e(tai/ra a companion
e(tairei/a companionship, association, brotherhood
e(tairei=oj of
e(taire/w to keep company
e(tai/rhsij unchastity
e(tairi/zw to be a comrade
e(tairiko/j of
e(tai=roj a comrade, companion, mate
e(tairo/sunoj friendly, a friend
e)/teioj yearly, from year to year
)eteobouta/dhj a genuine son of Butes
)eteo/krhtej true Cretans, of the old stock
e)teo/j true, real, genuine
e(teralkh/j giving strength to one of two
e(terh/meroj on alternate days, day and day about
e(tero/glwssoj of other tongue
e(tero/gnaqoj with one side of the mouth harder than the other
e(terodidaskale/w to teach differently, to teach errors
e(terodida/skaloj one who teaches error.
e(tero/zhloj zealous for one side, leaning to one side
e(terozuge/w to be yoked in unequal partnership
e(tero/zugoj coupled with an animal of diverse kind
e(tero/zuc yoked singly, without its yokefellow
e(teroi=oj of a different kind
e(teroio/w to make of different kind
e(teroklinh/j leaning to one side, sloping

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e(teromh/khj with sides of uneven length

e(tero/plouj lent on a ship and cargo with the risk of the outward
e(/teroj one of the
e(tero/tropoj of different sort
e(tero/fqalmoj one-eyed
e(tero/frwn of other mind, raving
e(tero/fwnoj of different voice: foreign
e(te/rwqen from the other side
e(te/rwqi on the other side
e(te/rwse to the other side
e(te/rwj in one
e)thsi/ai periodic winds
e)th/sioj lasting a year, a year long
e)/thj clansmen
e)thtumi/a truth
e)th/tumoj true
e)/ti yet, as yet, still
e)tnh/rusij a soup-ladle
e)tnodo/noj soup-stirring
e)/tnoj a thick soup of pulse, pea-soup
e(toima/zw to make
e(toi=moj at hand, ready, prepared
e(toimo/thj a state of preparation, readiness
e(toimoto/moj ready for cutting
e)/toj a year
e)to/j without reason, for nothing
e)/tumoj true, real, actual
e)twsioergo/j working fruitlessly
e)tw/sioj fruitless, useless, unprofitable
eu)aggeli/zomai to bring good news, announce them
eu)agge/lion the reward of good tidings
eu)aggelisth/j the bringer of good tidings, an evangelist, preacher of the gospel
eu)a/ggeloj bringing good news
eu)age/w to be pure, holy
eu)agh/j free from pollution, guiltless, pure, undefiled
eu)agh/j moving well, nimble
eu)agh/j bright, far-seen, conspicuous
eu)a/ghtoj bright
eu)a/gkaloj easy to bear in the arms
eu)agre/w to have good sport
eu)agri/a good sport
eu)/agroj lucky in the chase, blessed with success
eu)agwgi/a good education
eu)a/gwgoj easy to lead, easily led, ductile
eu)a/zw to cry evoe to Bacchus
eu)ah/j well ventilated, fresh, airy

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

eu)/aqloj happily won

eu)ai/retoj easy to be taken
eu)ai/wn happy in life
eu)aldh/j well-grown, luxuriant
eu)a/lfitoj of good meal
eu)a/lwtoj easy to be taken
eu)a/mpeloj with fine vines
eu)ana/klhtoj easy to call out
eu)andre/w to abound in men
eu)andri/a abundance of men, store of goodly men
eu)/androj abounding in good men
eu)a/nqemoj flowery, blooming
eu)anqe/w to be flowery
eu)anqh/j blooming, budding
eu)a/n evan
eu)a/nthtoj accessible, gracious
eu)a/ntuc finely vaulted
eu)apa/llaktoj easy to part with
eu)apa/thtoj easy to cheat
eu)apo/batoj easy to disembark on, convenient for landing
eu)apolo/ghtoj easy to excuse
eu)apotei/xistoj easy to wall off, easy to blockade by circumvallation
eu)a/restoj well-pleasing, acceptable
eu)ari/qmhtoj easy to count
eu)/arktoj easy to govern, manageable
eu)a/rmatoj with beauteous car
eu)armosti/a easiness of temper
eu)a/rmostoj well-joined, harmonious
eu)/arnoj rich in sheep
eu)a/rotoj well-ploughed
eu)/arxoj beginning well, making a good beginning
eu)/asma a Bacchanalian shout
eu)asmo/j a shout of revelry
eu)/aj ovatio
eu)asth/j a Bacchanal
eu)afh/ghtoj easy to describe
eu)afh/j touching gently
eu)ba/staktoj easy to carry
eu)/batoj accessible, passable
eu)ble/faroj with beautiful eyes
eu)boeu/j an Euboean
eu)/boia Euboea
eu)boiko/j Euboean
eu)/boloj throwing luckily
eu)/botoj with good pasture
eu)/botruj rich in grapes

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

eu)bouli/a good counsel, prudence

eu)/bouloj well-advised, prudent
eu)/bouj rich in cattle
eu)/broxoj well-noosed, well-knit
eu)ge/neia nobility of birth, high descent
eu)ge/neioj well-maned
eu)genh/j well-born, of noble race, of high descent
eu)=ge well, rightly
eu)ghqh/j joyous, cheerful
eu)/ghruj sweet-sounding
eu)glagh/j abounding in milk
eu)/gluptoj well-carved, well-engraved
eu)glwssi/a glibness of tongue
eu)/glwssoj good of tongue, eloquent
eu)=gma a boast, vaunt
eu)/gnamptoj well-bent
eu)gnwmone/w to be fair and honest, shew good feeling
eu)gnwmosu/nh kindness of heart, considerateness, indulgence
eu)gnw/mwn of good feeling, kindhearted, considerate, reasonable, indulgent
eu)/gnwstoj well-known, familiar
eu)/gomfoj well-nailed, well-fastened
eu)goni/a fruitfulness
eu)/gonoj productive.
eu)/grammoj well-drawn
eu)grafh/j well-painted
eu)/guroj well-circling
eu)gwni/a regularity of angels
eu)gw/nioj with regular angles
eu)dai/daloj beautifully wrought
eu)daimone/w to be prosperous, well off, happy
eu)daimoni/a prosperity, good fortune, wealth, weal, happiness
eu)daimoni/zw to call
eu)daimoniko/j conducive to happiness
eu)dai/mwn blessed with a good genius
eu)da/krutoj tearful, lamentable
eu)da/panoj of much expense, liberal
eu)dei/eloj very clear, distinct, far-seen
eu)/deipnoj with goodly feasts
eu)/dendroj well-wooded, abounding in fair trees
eu)/dhloj quite clear, manifest
eu)dia/batoj easy to cross
eu)dia/boloj easy to misrepresent
eu)di/aitoj living temperately
eu)dia/llaktoj easy to reconcile, placable
eu)dia/nac ruler of the calm
eu)di/a fair weather

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eu)dieino/j sheltered spots

eu)diki/a righteous dealing
eu)di/nhtoj easily-turning
eu)/dioj calm, fine, clear
eu)/dmhtoj well-built
eu)doke/w to be well pleased
eu)doki/a satisfaction, approval
eu)dokime/w to be of good repute, to be held in esteem, honoured, famous, popular
eu)doki/mhsij good repute, credit
eu)do/kimoj in good repute, honoured, famous, glorious
eu)doce/w to be in good repute, to be honoured, famous
eu)doci/a good repute, credit, honour, glory
eu)/docoj of good repute, honoured, famous, glorious
eu)drakh/j sharp-sighted
eu)/dromoj running well, swift of foot
eu)/drosoj with plenteous dew, abounding in water
eu(/dw to sleep, lie down to sleep
eu)e/anoj richly-robed
eu)/edroj with beautiful seat, on stately throne
eu)eidh/j well-shaped, goodly, beautiful, beauteous
eu)/eiloj sunny, warm
eu)ei/mwn well-robed
eu)/eiroj with
eu)e/legktoj easy to refute: easy to test
eu)/elpij of good hope, hopeful, cheerful, sanguine
eu)eca/leiptoj easy to wipe out
eu)ecapa/thtoj easily deceived
eu)eci/a a good habit of body, good state of health, high health
eu)e/codoj easy to get out of
eu)e/peia beauty of language, eloquence
eu)eph/j well-speaking, eloquent, melodious
eu)epi/batoj easy of attack
eu)epibou/leutoj exposed to treachery
eu)epi/qetoj easy to set upon
eu)epi/taktoj easily put in order, docile
eu)ergesi/a well-doing
eu)ergete/w to do well, do good
eu)erge/thma a service done, kindness
eu)erge/thj a well-doer, benefactor
eu)ergethte/oj one must shew kindness to
eu)ergh/j well-wrought, well-made
eu)ergo/j doing good
eu)erkh/j well-fenced, well-walled
eu)ernh/j sprouting well, flourishing
eu)estw/ well-being, tranquillity, prosperity
eu)ethri/a goodness of season, a good season

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eu)eu/retoj easy to find

eu)e/fodoj easy to come at, assailable, accessible
eu)/zhloj emulous in good
eu)/zugoj well-benched
eu)/zwnoj well-girdled
eu)/zwroj quite pure, unmixed
eu)hgesi/a good government
eu)h/qeia goodness of heart, good nature, guilelessness, simplicity, honesty
eu)h/qhj good-hearted, open-hearted, simpleminded, guileless
eu)hqi/zomai to play the fool
eu)hqiko/j good-natured
eu)h/khj well-pointed
eu)h/kouj inclined to give ear
eu)hla/katoj spinning well
eu)h/latoj easy to drive
eu)h/lioj well-sunned, sunny, genial
eu)hmere/w to spend the day cheerfully, live happily from day to day
eu)hmeri/a fineness of the day, good weather
eu)h/meroj of a fine day
eu)h/nemoj well as to the winds
eu)h/nioj obedient to the rein, tractable
eu)hnori/a manliness, manly virtue
eu)h/nwr man-exalting, glorious
eu)h/retmoj well fitted to the oar
eu)h/rhj well-fitted
eu)h/rutoj easy to draw out
eu)h/trioj with good thread, well-woven
eu)h/xhtoj well-sounding, tuneful
eu)qa/lassoj prosperous by sea
eu)qalh/j blooming, flourishing
eu)qarsh/j of good courage
eu)qera/peutoj easily won by kindness
eu)qeti/zw to set in order, arrange well
eu)/qetoj well-arranged
eu)qhgh/j sharpening well
eu)qhlh/j well-nurtured, thriving, goodly
eu)/qhloj with distended udder
eu)qhmosu/nh good management
eu)qh/mwn setting in order
eu)qhne/w to thrive, flourish, prosper
eu)qh/ratoj easy to catch
eu)/qhroj lucky
eu)qh/sauroj well-stored, precious
eu)/qiktoj touching the point, clever
eu)qnh/simoj in
eu)/qoinoj with rich banquet: sumptuous

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eu)/qrigkoj well-coped
eu)=qric with beautiful hair
eu)/qronoj with beautiful throne
eu)/qrooj loud-sounding
eu)/qruptoj easily broken, crumbling
eu)quboli/a a direct throw
eu)qubo/loj throwing straight.
eu)qudiki/a an open, direct trial
eu)qu/dikoj righteous-judging
eu)quergh/j accurately wrought
eu)quqa/natoj quick-killing, mortal
eu)quma/xhj fighting openly
eu)qumaxi/a a fair fight
eu)qume/w to be of good cheer
eu)qumhte/oj one must be cheerful
eu)qumi/a cheerfulness, tranquillity
eu)/qumoj bountiful, generous
eu)/quna a setting straight, correction, chastisement
eu)/qunoj a corrector, chastiser, judge
eu)qunth/rioj directing, ruling
eu)qunth/r a corrector, chastiser
eu)qunth/j a ruler
eu)qu/nw to guide straight, direct
eu)qupore/w to go straight forward
eu)qu/poroj going straight
eu)qurrhmone/w to speak in a straightforward manner
eu)qurrh/mwn plain-spoken
eu)/qursoj with beautiful shaft
eu)qu/j straight, direct
eu)qu/j straight
eu)qu/sanoj well-fringed
eu)qu/frwn right-minded
eu)qu/wroj in a straight direction
eu)qw/rhc well-mailed
eu)iako/j Bacchic
eu)i/atoj easy to heal
eu)i/eroj very holy
eu)/ioj Euios, Evius
eu)/ippoj well-horsed, delighting in horses
eu)/istoj for good knowledge
eu)kaqai/retoj easy to conquer
eu)ka/qektoj easy to keep under
eu)kaire/w to devote one's leisure
eu)kairi/a good season, opportunity
eu)/kairoj well-timed, in season, seasonable
eu)ka/matoj of easy labour, easy

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eu)kamph/j well-curved, curved

eu)ka/rdioj good of heart, stout-hearted
eu)/karpoj rich in fruit, fruitful
eu)kata/lutoj easy to overthrow
eu)katafro/nhtoj easy to be despised, contemptible, despicable
eu)kate/rgastoj easy to work
eu)kathgo/rhtoj easy to blame, open to accusation
eu)ke/atoj easy to cleave
eu)ke/ladoj well-sounding, melodious
eu)/kentroj pointed
eu)ke/raoj with beautiful horns
eu)khlh/teira she that lulls
eu)/khloj free from care, at one's ease
eu)ki/nhtoj easily moved
eu)/kissoj ivied
eu)ki/wn with beautiful pillars
eu)kleh/j of good report, famous, glorious
eu)/kleia good repute, glory
eu)klei/zw to praise, laud
eu)/kleinoj much-famed
eu)klhre/w to have a good lot
eu)/klhroj fortunate, happy
e)u/klwstoj well-spun
e)uknh/mij well-equipped with greaves, well-greaved
eu)/knhmoj with beautiful legs
eu)koinw/nhtoj easy to deal with
eu)koli/a contentedness, good temper
eu)/kolloj gluing well, sticky
eu)/koloj easily satisfied, contented with one's food
eu)/kolpoj with fair bosom
eu)komidh/j well cared for
eu)/komoj fair-haired
eu)/kompoj loud-sounding
eu)/kopoj with easy labour, easy
eu)ko/smhtoj well-adorned
eu)kosmi/a orderly behaviour, good conduct, decency
eu)/kosmoj behaving well, orderly, decorous
eu)/krairoj with fine horns
eu)krasi/a a good temperature, mildness
eu)kra/j mixing readily with
eu)/kratoj well-mixed, temperate
eu)/krektoj well-struck, well-woven
eu)/krhnoj well-watered
eu)/kriqoj rich in barley
eu)krine/w to keep distinct, keep in order
eu)krinh/j well-separated

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eu)kro/taloj accompanied by castanets

eu)kro/thtoj well-hammered, well-wrought
eu)/kruptoj easy to hide
eu)ktai=oj of
eu)kte/anoj wealthy
eu)kte/anoj with straight fibres, slender, tall
e)ukth/mwn wealthy
eu)/kthtoj easily gotten
eu)ktiko/j expressing a wish, votive
e)ukti/menoj well-built
eu)kto/j wished for
eu)/kukloj well-rounded, round
eu)ku/likoj suited to the wine-cup
eu)la/beia discretion, caution, circumspection
eu)labe/omai to behave like the
eu)labh/j taking hold well, holding fast: &mdash
eu)labhte/oj one must beware
eu)la/zw to plough
eu)la/ka a ploughshare
eu)/laloj sweetly-speaking
eu)la/xanoj fruitful in herbs
eu)lei/mwn with goodly meadows
eu)/lektroj bringing wedded happiness, blessing marriage
eu)lh/ a worm
eu)/lhptoj easily taken hold of
eu)/lhra reins
eu)li/menoj with good harbours
eu)loge/w to speak well of, praise, honour
eu)loghto/j blessed
eu)logi/a good
eu)lo/gistoj rightly reckoning, thoughtful
eu)/logoj having good reason, reasonable, sensible
eu)/logxoj propitious
eu)loe/teira with fine baths
eu)/lofoj well-plumed
eu)/loxoj helping in childbirth
eu)/luroj playing well on the lyre, skilled in the lyre
eu)/luroj easy to untie
eu)ma/qeia readiness in learning, docility
eu)maqh/j ready
eu)/malloj of fine wool
eu)ma/raqoj abounding in fennel
eu)ma/reia easiness, ease, opportunity
eu)marh/j easy, convenient, without trouble
eu)/marij an Asiatic shoe
eu)mege/qhj of good size, very large

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

eu)me/lanoj well-blackened, inky

eu)melh/j musical, rhythmical
eu)me/neia the character of the
eu)mene/thj a well-wisher
eu)mene/w to be gracious
eu)menh/j well-disposed, favourable, gracious, kindly
eu)meni/dej the gracious goddesses
eu)meni/zomai to propitiate
eu)meta/blhtoj easily changed
eu)meta/boloj changeable
eu)meta/dotoj readily imparting, generous
eu)meta/peistoj easy to persuade
eu)metaxei/ristoj easy to handle
eu)/metroj well-measured, well-calculated
eu)mh/khj of a good length, tall
eu)/mhloj rich in sheep
eu)mh/rutoj easy to spin out
eu)/mhtij of good counsel, prudent
eu)mhxani/a inventive skill
eu)mh/xanoj skilful in contriving, ingenious, inventive
eu)mi/mhtoj easily imitated
eu)mi/shtoj exposed to hatred
eu)/mitoj with fine threads
eu)/mitroj with beautiful
e)ummeli/hj armed with good ashen spear
eu)mnhmo/neutoj easy to remember
eu)mnh/mwn easy to remember
eu)/mnhstoj well-remembering, mindful of
eu)moiri/a happy possession
eu)/moiroj blest with possessions
eu)molpe/w to sing well
eu)/molpoj sweetly singing
eu)morfi/a beauty of form, symmetry
eu)/morfoj fair of form, comely, goodly
eu)/mousoj skilled in the arts
eu)/moxqoj laborious
eu)/muqoj eloquent
eu)/mukoj loud-bellowing
eu)na/zw to lay
eu)naieta/wn well-situated
eu)nai=oj in one's bed
eu)na/simoj good for sleeping in
eu)nath/rion a sleeping-place, bed-chamber
eu)na/w to lay
eu)/newj well furnished with ships
eu)nh=qen from

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eu)/nhma marriage
eu)nh/ a bed
eu)nhth/r a bedfellow, husband
eu)=nij reft of, bereaved of
eu)=nij a bedfellow, wife
e)u/nnhtoj well-spun
eu)noe/w to be well-inclined
eu)/noia good-will, favour, kindness
eu)noiko/j well-disposed, kindly, favourable
eu)nome/omai to have good laws, to be orderly
eu)nomi/a good order, order
eu)/nomoj under good laws, well-ordered
eu)/nouj well-minded, well-disposed, kindly, friendly
eu)nou=xoj a eunuch
eu)nw/maj moving well
eu)/cantoj well-carded
eu)/cenoj kind to strangers, hospitable
eu)/cestoj well-planed, well-polished
eu)/cooj with polished haft
eu)ode/w to have a free course
eu)odi/a a good journey, wishes for a good journey
eu)/odoj easy to pass
eu)odo/w to help on the way
eu)/oinoj producing good wine
eu)/olboj wealthy, prosperous
eu)omolo/ghtoj easy to concede, indisputable
eu)ople/w to be well-equipt
eu)opli/a a good state of arms and equipments
eu)/oploj well-armed, well-equipt
eu)orghsi/a gentleness of temper
eu)o/rghtoj good-tempered:&mdash
eu)orke/w to be faithful to one's oath
eu)orki/a fidelity to one's oath
eu)/orkoj keeping one's oath, faithful to one's oath
eu)o/rkwma a faithful oath
eu)/ormoj with good mooring-places
eu)/ornij abounding in birds
eu)o/rofoj well-roofed
eu)/osmoj sweet-smelling, fragrant
eu)o/fqalmoj with beautiful eyes
eu)/ofruj with fine eyebrows
eu)oxqe/w to be in good case
eu)/oxqoj with goodly banks, fertile
eu)pagh/j compact, firm, strong
eu)pa/qeia the enjoyment of good things, comfort, ease
eu)paqe/w to be well off, enjoy oneself, make merry

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eu)paqh/j enjoying good things, easy.

eu)paidi/a a goodly race of children
eu)/paij blest in one's children
eu)pa/lamoj handy, skilful, ingenious, inventive
eu)para/gwgoj easy to lead astray
eu)parai/thtoj placable
eu)parakolou/qhtoj easy to follow
eu)parako/mistoj easy to convey
eu)pa/raoj with beauteous cheeks
eu)para/peistoj easily led away
eu)pa/redroj constantly attending
eu)paro/cuntoj rendered irritable
eu)paro/rmhtoj easily excited
eu)pa/rufoj with fine purple border
eu)pate/reia daughter of a noble sire
eu)patri/dhj of good
eu)/patrij born of a noble sire
eu)pa/twr born of a noble sire
eu)peiqh/j ready to obey, obedient
eu)/peistoj easily persuaded
eu)pe/mpeloj tranquil, placable
eu)pe/nqeroj with a good father-in-law
eu)/peploj beautifully robed
eu)/peptoj easy of digestion
eu)peria/gwgoj easily turned round
eu)peri/grafoj easy to sketch out, with a good outline
eu)peri/spastoj easy to pull away
eu)peri/statoj easily besetting
eu)pe/taloj with beautiful leaves
eu)pe/teia ease
eu)peth/j falling well
eu)/petroj of good hard stone
eu)phgh/j well-built, stout
eu)/phktoj well-built
eu)ph/lhc with beautiful helmet
eu)/phnoj of fine texture
eu)/phxuj with beautiful arms
eu)pi=dac abounding in fountains
eu)/pistoj trustworthy, trusty
eu)pi/wn very fat: very rich
eu)plath/j of a good breadth
e)u/pleioj well filled
eu)/plektoj well-plaited, well-twisted
eu)/ploia a fair voyage
eu)plo/kamoj with goodly locks, fairhaired
eu)/plouj good for sailing

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e)uplunh/j well-washed, well-cleansed

eu)/plwtoj favourable to sailing
eu)/pnoia easiness of breathing.
eu)/pnouj breathing well, breathing a sweet smell, sweet-smelling
eu)podi/a goodness of foot
eu)poihtiko/j beneficent
eu)poi/htoj well-made, well-wrought
eu)poii/a beneficence
eu)poi/kiloj much varied, variegated
eu)/pokoj rich in wool, fleecy
eu)po/lemoj good at war, successful in war
eu)/pompoj conducting to a happy issue
eu)pore/w to prosper, thrive, be well off
eu)pori/a an easy way
eu)po/ristoj easy to procure
eu)/poroj easy to pass
eu)potme/w to be lucky, fortunate
eu)potmi/a good fortune
eu)/potmoj happy, prosperous
eu)/potoj easy to drink, pleasant to the taste
eu)/pouj with good feet
eu)prage/w to do well, be well off, flourish
eu)pragi/a well-doing, well-being, welfare, success
eu)/praktoj easy to be done
eu)praci/a good conduct
eu)/premnoj with good stem
eu)pre/peia goodly appearance, dignity, comeliness
eu)preph/j well-looking, goodly, comely
eu)/prhstoj well-blowing, strong-blowing
eu)pro/sdektoj acceptable.
eu)prosh/goroj easy of address
eu)pro/sitoj easy of access
eu)pro/sodoj accessible, affable
eu)pro/soistoj easy of approach
eu)proswpe/w to make a fair show
eu)proswpokoi/thj lying so as to present a fair face
eu)pro/swpoj fair of face
eu)profa/sistoj with good pretext, plausible
eu)/prumnoj with goodly stern
eu)/prw|roj with goodly prow
eu)/pteroj well-winged, well-plumed
eu)/ptorqoj finely branching
eu)/purgoj well-towered
eu)= well
eu)pw/gwn well-bearded
eu)/pwloj abounding in foals

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eu)ra/c on one side, sideways

eu(/resij a finding, discovery
eu(rete/oj to be discovered, found out
eu(reth/j an inventor, discoverer
eu(retiko/j inventive, ingenious
eu(reto/j discoverable
eu(/rhma an invention, discovery
eu(rhsieph/j inventive of words, fluent
eu)/rinoj of good leather
eu)ripi/deioj of
eu)ripi/dion little Euripides
eu)/ripoj a place where the flux and reflux is strong
eu(ri/skw to find
eu)/rij with a good nose
eu)roe/w to flow well
eu)/roia a good flow, free passage
eu)roi/zhtoj loud-whizzing
eu)roklu/dwn a storm from the East
eu)/ropoj easily inclining, easy-sliding
eu)=roj the East wind
eu)=roj breadth, width
e)urrafh/j well-stitched
e)urreh/j fair-flowing
e)u/rrhnoj of a good sheep
e)u/rrouj flowing well
eu)rua/guia with wide streets
eu)ru/aloj with wide threshing-floor
eu)ruqmi/a rhythmical order
eu)/ruqmoj rhythmical
eu)rukrei/wn wide-ruling
eu)rulei/mwn with broad meadows
eu)rume/twpoj broad-fronted
eu)ru/nw to broaden
eu)ru/nwtoj broad-backed
eu)ruo/deia with broad, open ways
eu)ru/opa the far-seeing
eu)ru/pedoj with broad surface
eu)ru/poroj with broad ways
eu)ruprwkti/a lewdness
eu)ru/prwktoj lewd, filthy
eu)rupulh/j with broad gates
eu)rure/eqroj with broad channel, broadflowing
eu)rure/wn broad-flowing
eu)rusa/khj with broad shield
eu)rusqenh/j of far-extended might, mighty
eu)ru/soroj with wide bier

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eu)ru/j wide, broad

eu)ru/sternoj broad-breasted
eu)ru/stomoj wide-mouthed
eu)ru/timoj wide, far-honoured
eu)rufare/trhj with wide quiver
eu)rufuh/j broad-growing
eu)ruxadh/j wide-mouthed
eu)ruxai/thj with wide-streaming hair
eu)ru/xoroj with broad places, spacious
eu)ruxwri/a open space, free room
eu)ru/xwroj roomy, wide
eu)rw/ghj abounding in grapes
eu)rw/eij mouldy, dank
eu)rw/ph Europa, Europe
eu)rw/j mould, dank decay
eu)rwsti/a stoutness, strength
eu)/rwstoj stout, strong
eu)rwtia/w to be
eu)/sarkoj fleshy, in good case, plump
eu)se/beia reverence towards the gods, piety, religion
eu)sebe/w to live
eu)sebh/j righteous
eu)/selmoj well-benched, with good banks of oars
eu)/septoj much reverenced, holy
eu)/shmoj of good signs
eu)sqene/w to be strong, healthy
eu)sqenh/j stout, lively
eu)si/puoj with full bread-basket
eu)ska/ndic abounding in chervil
eu)/skarqmoj swift-springing, bounding
eu)ske/pastoj well-protected
eu)skeue/w to be well equipt
eu)ski/astoj well-shaded, shadowy
eu)/skopoj sharp-seeing, keen-sighted, watchful
eu)/soia happiness, prosperity
eu)/souj safe and well, happy
eu)speirh/j well-turned, wreathing, winding
eu)splagxni/a good heart, firmness
eu)/splagxnoj with healthy bowels
eu)/sporoj well-sown
e)u/j good, brave, noble
eu)sta/qeia stability: good health, vigour
eu)staqe/w to be steady, favourable
eu)staqh/j well-based, well-built
eu)sta/leia light equipment
eu)stalh/j well-equipt

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eu)/staxuj rich in corn

eu)ste/fanoj well-crowned
eu)stibh/j well-trodden
eu)sto/maxoj with good stomach
eu)stome/w to sing sweetly
eu)/stomoj with mouth of good size
eu)sto/rqugc from a good trunk
eu)/stouj with goodly colonnades
eu)stoxi/a skill in shooting at a mark, good aim
eu)/stoxoj well-aimed
eu)/stra the place for singeing slaughtered swine
eu)/streptoj well-twisted
e)ustrefh/j well-twisted
eu)strofa/ligc curly
eu)/strofoj well-twisted
eu)/strwtoj well spread with clothes
eu)/stuloj with goodly pillars
eu)su/mboloj easy to divine
eu)sunesi/a shrewdness
eu)su/netoj quick of apprehension
eu)su/nqetoj well-compounded
eu)su/noptoj easily taken in at a glance, seen at once
eu)/sfuroj with beautiful ankles
eu)/sxhmoj with decency
eu)sxhmosu/nh gracefulness, decorum
eu)sxh/mwn elegant in figure, mien and bearing, graceful
eu)/sxistoj easily split
eu)swmate/w to be well-grown, to be strong and lusty
eu)/swtroj with good felloes
eu)takh/j easy to soften by heat
eu)takte/w to be orderly, behave well
eu)/taktoj well-ordered, orderly
eu)taci/a good arrangement, good condition
eu)/tarsoj delicate-footed
eu)tei/xeoj well-walled
eu)tekni/a the blessing of children, a breed of goodly children
eu)/teknoj blest with children
eu)te/leia cheapness
eu)telh/j easily paid for, cheap
eu)=te when, at the time when
eu)terph/j delightful
eu)te/xnhtoj artificially wrought
eu)texni/a skill in art
eu)/texnoj ingenious
eu)tlh/mwn much-enduring, steadfast
e)u/tmhtoj well-cut

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eu)toki/a happy child-birth

eu)/tokoj bringing forth easily
eu)tolmi/a courage, boldness
eu)/tolmoj brave-spirited, courageous
eu)/tonoj well-strung, vigorous
eu)/tornoj well-turned, rounded, circular
eu)tra/pezoj hospitable
eu)trapeli/a wit, liveliness
eu)tra/peloj easily turning
eu)trafh/j well-fed, well-grown, thriving, fat
eu)treph/j readily turning
eu)trepi/zw to make ready, get ready
eu)/treptoj easily changing
eu)trefh/j well-fed
eu)/trhtoj well-pierced
eu)tri/aina with goodly trident
eu)/tropoj versatile
eu)trofi/a good nurture, thriving condition
eu)/trofoj well-nourished.
eu)tro/xaloj running well, quick-moving
eu)/troxoj well-wheeled
eu)tuka/zomai to make ready
eu)/tukoj ready
eu)/tuktoj well-made, well-wrought
eu)tuxe/w to be well off, successful, prosperous
eu)tu/xhma a piece of good luck, a happy issue, a success
eu)tuxh/j well off, successful, lucky, fortunate, prosperous
eu)tuxi/a good luck, success, prosperity
eu)/udroj well-watered, abounding in water
eu)/umnoj celebrated in hymns
eu)upe/rblhtoj easily overcome
eu)ufh/j well-woven
eu)fare/trhj with beautiful quiver
eu)feggh/j bright, brilliant
eu)fhme/w to use words of good omen
eu)fhmi/a the use of words of good omen
eu)/fhmoj uttering sounds of good omen
eu)/fqoggoj well-sounding, cheerful
eu)filh/j well-loved
eu)fi/lhtoj well-beloved
eu)filo/paij the children's darling
eu)filoti/mhtoj ambitious
eu)/flektoj easily set on fire
eu)fo/rhtoj easily borne, endurable
eu)fo/rmigc with beautiful lyre
eu)/foroj well

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eu)/fortoj well-freighted, well-ballasted

eu)fradh/j well-expressed
eu)frai/nw to cheer, delight, gladden
eu)/frastoj easy to speak
eu)frone/wn well-meaning, well-judging
eu)fro/nh the kindly time
eu)frosu/nh mirth, merriment
eu)fro/sunoj in good cheer
eu)/frwn cheerful, gladsome, merry
eu)fuh/j well-grown, shapely, goodly
eu)fui/a natural goodness of shape, shapeliness
eu)fu/laktoj easy to keep
eu)/fulloj well-leafed
eu)fwni/a goodness of voice
eu)/fwnoj sweet-voiced, musical
eu)xai/thj with beautiful hair
eu)/xalkoj wrought of fine brass
eu)/xarij pleasing, engaging, winning, gracious, popular
eu)xariste/w to be thankful, return thanks
eu)xaristi/a thankfulness, gratitude
eu)xa/ristoj winning
eu)/xeir quick
eu)xei/rwtoj easy to master
eu)xe/reia dexterity
eu)xerh/j easily handled, easy to deal with, easy
eu)xeta/omai to pray
eu)xh/ a prayer, vow
eu)/xiloj feeding well
eu)xi/maroj rich in goats
eu)/xlouj verdant
eu)/xomai to pray, offer prayers, pay one's vows, make a vow
eu)/xordoj well-strung
eu)=xoj the thing prayed for, object of prayer
eu)/xrhstoj easy to make use of, useful, serviceable
eu)/xrouj well-coloured, of good complexion, fresh-looking, healthy
eu)/xrusoj rich in gold
eu)xwlh/ a prayer, vow
eu)xwlimai=oj bound by a vow
eu)ya/maqoj sandy
eu)yuxe/w to be of good courage
eu)yuxi/a good courage, high spirit
eu)/yuxoj of good courage, stout of heart, courageous
eu)w/dhj sweet-smelling, fragrant
eu)wdi/a a sweet smell
eu)w/din happy as a parent, fruitful
eu)w/lenoj fair-armed

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eu)/wnoj of fair price, cheap

eu)w/numoj of good name, honoured
eu(/w to singe
eu)w=pij fair to look on
eu)wpo/j friendly
eu)wria/zw to be negligent
eu)/wroj careless
eu)wxe/w to treat
eu)wxi/a good cheer, feasting
eu)w/y fair to look on
e)fagisteu/w to perform obsequies over
e)fagni/zw to perform
e)faire/omai to be chosen to succeed
e)fa/llomai to spring upon, assail
e)/faloj on the sea
e)fa/milloj a match for, equal to, rivalling
e)fanda/nw to please, be grateful to
e)fa/pac once for all
e)faplo/w to spread
e)fa/ptw to bind on
e)farmo/zw to fit on
e)farmoste/oj one must adapt
e)fe/dra a sitting by
e)fedrei/a a sitting upon.
e)fedreu/w to sit upon, rest upon
e)fedrh/ssw to sit by
e)/fedroj sitting
e)fe/zomai to sit upon
e)/fektoj containing
e)fe/lkw to draw on, drag
e)fech=j in order, in a row, one after another
e)/fecij an excuse, pretext
e)fe/pw to go after, follow, pursue
e)fe/rpw to creep upon
)efe/sia the feast of Ephesian Artemis
e)fe/simoj in which there was the right of appeal
e)/fesij a throwing
e)fe/speroj western
e)fe/stioj at one's own fireside, at home
e)festri/j an upper garment, wrapper
e)fe/thj a commander
e)fetmh/ a command, behest
e)feureth/j an inventor, contriver
e)feuri/skw to light upon, discover
e)feyia/omai to mock
e)fhba/w to come to man's estate, grow up to manhood

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e)fhbei/a puberty, man's estate

e)fh/beioj youthful
e)fhbeu/w to arrive at man's estate.
e)fhbiko/j of
e)/fhboj one arrived at puberty
e)fhbosu/nh the age of an
e)fhge/omai to lead to
e)fh/domai to exult over
e)fh/kw to have arrived
e)/fhmai to be set
e)fhmeri/a for the daily service of the temple
e)fhme/rioj on, for
e)fhmeri/j a diary, journal
e)fh/meroj living but a day, short-lived
e(fqhmimerh/j containing seven halves
e(fqo/j boiled, dressed
e)fi/drwsij superficial perspiration
e)fiza/nw to sit at
e)fi/zw to set upon
e)fi/hmi to send to
e)fikne/omai to reach at, aim at
e)fikto/j easy to reach, accessible
e)fi/meroj longed for, desired, charming
e)fippa/zomai to ride upon
e)fippeu/w to ride upon
e)fi/ppioj for putting on a horse
e)/fippoj on horseback, riding
e)fi/sthmi to set
e)fodeu/w to visit, go the rounds, patrol
e)fodia/zw to furnish with supplies for a journey
e)fo/dion travelling-allowance
e)/fodoj accessible
e)/fodoj one who goes the rounds
e)/fodoj a way towards, approach
e)fo/lkaion a rudder
e)fo/lkion a tow-boat
e)folki/j a burdensome appendage
e)folko/j drawing on
e)fomarte/w to follow close after
e)fopli/zw to equip, get ready, prepare
e)foratiko/j fit for overlooking
e)fora/w to oversee, observe, survey
e)forei/a the ephoralty
e)forei=on the court of the ephors
e)foreu/w to be ephor
e)foriko/j of

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e)fo/rioj on the border

e)formai/nw to rush on
e)forma/w to stir up, rouse against
e)forme/w to lie moored at
e)formh/ a way of attack
e)fo/rmhsij a lying at anchor so as to watch
e)formi/zw to bring
e)/formoj at anchor
e)/foroj an overseer, guardian, ruler
e)fubri/zw to insult over
e)fudria/j of the water
e)/fudroj wet, moist, rainy
e)fumne/w to sing
e)fu/perqe above, atop, above
e)fupno/w to sleep meantime
)efu/ra Ephyra
e)fusteri/zw to come later
e)fu/w to rain upon
e)fw/rioj mature
e)xe/gguoj having given
e)xe/qumoj master of one's passion
e)xemuqe/w to hold one's peace
e)xemuqi/a silence, reserve
e)xe/muqoj restraining speech, taciturn.
e)xenhi/j ship-detaining
e)xepeukh/j bitter
e)xe/stonoj bringing sorrows
e)xe/thj a man of substance
e)xetlh/eij of
e)xefrone/w to be prudent
e)xe/tlh a plough-handle
e)xefrosu/nh prudence, good sense
e)xe/frwn sensible, prudent, discreet
e)xqai/rw to hate, detest
e)xqarte/oj to be hated
e)xqesino/j yesterday's
e)xqe/j yesterday
e)/xqistoj most hated, most hateful
e)xqi/wn more hated, more hateful
e)xqodope/w in hostility with
e)xqodopo/j hateful, detestable
e)/xqoj hate, hatred
e)xqrai/nw to hate
e)/xqrh hatred, enmity
e)xqrodai/mwn hated of the gods
e)xqro/cenoj hostile to guests, inhospitable

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e)xqro/j hated, hateful

e)/xqw to hate
e)xidnai=oj of
e)/xidna an adder, viper
)exi=nai the islands in the Ionian sea
e)xine/ej a kind of mouse with bristly hair
e)xi=noj the urchin, hedgehog
e)/xij an adder, viper
e)/xma that which holds
e)xuro/j strong, secure
e)/xw to have
e(ya/ndra cooking men
e(/yhma anything boiled
e(/yhsij a boiling
e(yhth/r a pan for boiling
e(yhto/j boiled
e(yia/omai to play with pebbles
e(yi/a a game played with pebbles.
e)/yilon long e
e(/yw to boil, seethe
e(/wqen from morn
e(wqino/j in the morning, early
e(wlokrasi/a a mixture of the dregs and heel-taps
e(/wloj a day old, kept till the morrow, stale
e(w=men have enough of
e)/wmen to take one's fill
e(w=|oj in
e)w/ra a halter
e(/wj until, till
e(/wsper even until
(ewsfo/roj bringer of morn
za/gklon a reaping-hook
zah/j strong-blowing, stormy
za/qeoj very divine, sacred
zaqerh/j very hot, scorching
za/koroj a temple-servant
za/kotoj exceeding wroth
za/lh the surging
zamene/w to put forth all one's might
zamenh/j very strong, mighty, raging
za very
zaplhqh/j very full
za/ploutoj very rich
za/puroj very fiery
zatrefh/j well-fed, fat, goodly
zaflegh/j full of fire

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zaxrei=oj wanting much

zaxrhh/j attacking violently, furious, raging
za/xrusoj rich in gold
za/w to live
zege/riej mouse
zeia/ grain, spelt, a coarse wheat
zei/dwroj zea-giving
zeira/ a wide upper garment
ze motion towards
zeuga/rion a puny team
zeughlate/w to drive a yoke of oxen
zeughla/thj the driver of a yoke of oxen, teamster
zeugi/thj yoked in pairs
zeu/glh the strap
zeu=gma that which is used for joining, a band, bond
zeu/gnumi to yoke, put to
zeu=goj a yoke of beasts, a pair of mules, oxen
zeugotro/foj keeping a yoke of beasts
zeukth/rioj fit for joining
zeu=cij a yoking
zeu/j Zeus
zefuri/h the west wind
ze/furoj Zephyrus, the west wind
ze/w to boil, seethe
zhlai=oj jealous
zhlh/mwn jealous
zhlodoth/r giver of bliss
zhlomanh/j mad with jealousy
zh=loj eager rivalry, zealous imitation, emulation
zhlotupe/w to be jealous of, to emulate, rival
zhlotupi/a jealousy, rivalry
zhlo/tupoj jealous
zhlo/w to rival, vie with, emulate
zh/lwma that which is emulated
zh/lwsij emulation, imitation
zhlwth/j an emulator, zealous admirer
zhlwtiko/j emulous
zhlwto/j to be emulated, worthy of imitation
zhmi/a loss, damage
zhmio/w to cause loss
zhmiw/dhj causing loss, ruinous
zhmi/wma a penalty, fine
zhno/frwn knowing the mind of Zeus
zh=ta vau
zhte/w to seek, seek for
zh/thma that which is sought

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zhth/simoj to be searched
zh/thsij a seeking, seeking for, search for
zhthte/oj to be sought
zhthth/j a seeker, inquirer
zhthtiko/j disposed to search
zhthto/j sought for
zofero/j dusky, gloomy
zo/foj the gloom of the world below, nether darkness
zofo/w to darken
zu/gastron a chest
zu/gioj of
zugo/desmon a yoke-band
zugomaxe/w to struggle with one's yoke-fellow
zugo/n anything which joins two
zugostate/w to weigh by the balance
zugosta/thj a public officer, who looked to the weights.
zugofo/roj bearing the yoke
zugo/w to yoke together
zugwqri/zw to weigh, examine
zugwto/j yoked
zu/mh leaven
zumi/thj leavened
zumo/w to leaven
zwa/gria reward for life saved
zwa/grioj for saving life
zwgrafe/w to paint from life, to paint
zwgrafi/a the art of painting
zwgrafiko/j skilled in painting
zwgra/foj one who paints from life
zwgre/w to take alive, take captive
zwgri/a a taking alive
zw/|dion a small figure
zwh/ a living
zwqa/lmioj giving the bloom and freshness of life
zw=ma that which is girded, a girded frock
zw/meuma soup
zwmeu/w to boil into soup
zwmh/rusij a soup-ladle
zwmi/dion a little sauce
zwmo/j broth
zw/nh a belt, girdle
zw/nnumi to gird
zw|oglu/foj a sculptor
zw|ogone/w to produce alive
zw|ogo/noj producing animals, generative
zwogo/noj life-bringing

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zwoqete/w to make alive

zw|o/morfoj in the shape of an animal
zw=|on a living being, animal
zw|opoie/w to produce animals
zwopoie/w to make alive
zwo/sofoj wise unto life
zwo/j alive, living
zw|oto/koj producing its young alive, viviparous
zw|otu/poj describing to the life
zwofo/roj life-giving
zw|ofo/roj bearing animals
zwpone/w to represent alive
zwpure/w to kindle into flame, light up
zw/puron a spark, ember
zwropote/w to drink sheer wine
zwropo/thj drinking sheer wine, drunken
zwro/j pure, sheer
zwsth/r a girdle
zwsto/j girded
zw=stron a belt, girdle
zwtiko/j full of life, lively
zw/futoj giving life to plants, fertilising, generative
h)/ or
h)baio/j little, small, poor, slight
h(ba/skw to come to man's estate, come to one's strength
h(ba/w to be at man's estate, to be in the prime of youth
h(bhdo/n from the youth upwards
h(/bh manhood, youthful prime, youth
h(bhth/rion a place where young people meet
h(bhth/j youthful, at one's prime
h(bhtiko/j youthful
h(bullia/w to be youngish
h)ga/qeoj very divine, most holy
h(gemo/neuma a leading
h(gemoneu/w to be
h(gemoni/a a leading the way, going first
h(gemoniko/j ready to lead
h(gemo/suna thank-offerings for safe conduct
h(gemw/n one who leads
h(ge/omai to go before, lead the way
h)gere/qomai to gather together, assemble
h(ge/thj a leader
h(ghla/zw to guide, lead
h(ghte/on one must lead
h(ghth/r a guide
h(gh/twr a leader, commander, chief

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h)/goun that is to say, or rather

h)de/ and
h)/dh by this time, before this, already
h(/domai to enjoy oneself, take delight, take one's pleasure
h(dome/nwj with joy, gladly
h(donh/ delight, enjoyment, pleasure
h)=doj delight, enjoyment, pleasure
h(dubo/hj sweet-sounding
h(du/gamoj sweetening marriage
h(du/gelwj sweetly laughing
h(du/glwssoj sweet-tongued
h(dugnw/mwn of pleasant mind
h(dueph/j sweet-speaking
h(du/qrouj sweet-strained
h(dulo/goj sweet-speaking, sweet-voiced
h(dulu/rhj singing sweetly to the lyre
h(dumelh/j sweet-strained, sweet-singing
h(dumeli/fqoggoj of honey-sweet voice
h(dumigh/j sweetly-mixed
h(/dumoj sweet, pleasant
h(du/nw to sweeten, season, give a flavour
h(du/oinoj producing sweet wine
h(dupa/qeia pleasant living, luxury
h(dupaqe/w to live pleasantly, enjoy oneself, be luxurious
h(dupa/qhma enjoyment
h(dupaqh/j living pleasantly, luxurious.
h(du/pnooj sweet-breathing
h(du/polij dear to the people
h(dupo/thj fond of drinking
h(du/potoj sweet to drink
h(/dusma that which gives a relish
h(du/j sweet
h(dufah/j sweet-shining
h(du/frwn sweet-minded
h(dufwni/a sweetness of voice
h(du/fwnoj sweet-voiced
h(duxarh/j sweetly joyous
h(du/xrouj of sweet complexion
h)e/ or, whether.
h)ere/qomai to hang floating
h)e/rioj early, with early morn
h)erodi/nhj wheeling in mid air
h)eroeidh/j of dark and cloudy look, cloud-streaked
h)ero/eij hazy, murky
h)ero/qen from air
h)erofoi=tij walking in darkness

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h)ero/fwnoj sounding through air, loud-voiced

h)qa/j accustomed to a
h)qei=oj trusty, honoured
h)qe/w to sift, strain
h)qiko/j of
h)qmo/j a strainer
h)qopoie/w to form manners
h)qopoio/j forming character
h)=qoj an accustomed place
h)/ia provisions for a journey
h)i/qeoj a youth just
h)io/eij with banks, high-banked
h)iw/n a sea-bank, shore, beach
h)=ka slightly, a little, softly, gently
h)/kestoj untouched by the goad
h)/kistoj the gentlest
h(/kistoj least
h(/kw to have come, be present, be here
h)lai/nw to wander, stray
h)la/kata the wool on the distaff
h)laka/th a distaff
h)laska/zw to flee from, shun
h)la/skw to wander, stray, roam about
h)le/ktrinoj made of
h)/lektron electron
h)lektrofah/j amber-gleaming
h)le/ktwr the beaming sun
h)le/matoj idle, vain, trifling
h)leo/j astray, distraught, crazed
h(lia/zomai to sit in the court
h(liai/a a public place
h(lia/j of the sun
h(liasth/j a juryman of the court
h(liastiko/j of, for
h)li/batoj high, steep, precipitous
h)/liqa enough, sufficiently
h)liqia/zw to speak
h)li/qioj idle, vain, random
h)liqio/thj folly, silliness
h)liqio/w to make foolish, distract, craze
h(liki/a time of life, age
h(likiw/thj an equal in age, fellow, comrade
h(likiw=tij contemporary
h(li/koj as big as
h(=lic of the same age
h(lio/blhtoj sun-stricken, sun-burnt

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h(lioeidh/j like the sun, beaming

h(lio/kaustoj sun-burnt
h(liomanh/j sun-mad, mad for love of the sun
h(lio/omai to live in the sun
h(/lioj the sun
h(liosterh/j depriving of sun
h(liostibh/j sun-trodden
h)litoergo/j missing the work, failing in one's aim
h)lito/mhnoj missing the right month
h(liw/thj of the sun
h(=loj a nail
h)lu/gh a shadow, shade
)hlu/sion the Elysian fields
)hlu/sioj Elysian
h)/lusij a step
h)maqo/eij sandy
h(=mai to be seated, sit
h(=ma that which is thrown, a dart, javelin
h)=mar day
h(marthme/nwj faultily
h)ma/tioj by day
h(medapo/j of our land
h)melhme/nwj carelessly
h)me/n as well .. , as also . .
h(me/ra day
h(mereu/w to spend the day
h(merh/sioj for the day, by day
h(merino/j of day
h(me/rioj for a day, lasting but a day
h(meri/j the cultivated vine
h(merodrome/w to be an
h(merodro/moj a courier
h(mero/koitoj sleeping by day
h(merolegdo/n by count of days
h(merologe/w to count by days
h(merolo/gion a calendar
h(merosko/poj watching by day
h(/meroj tame, tamed, reclaimed
h(mero/thj tameness
h(mero/fantoj appearing by day
h(mero/w to tame, make tame
h(me/rwsij a taming: civilising
h(me/teroj our
h(mia/nqrwpoj a half-man
h(mibraxh/j sodden
h(mi/brwtoj half-eaten

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h(mige/neioj but half-bearded

h(mi/gumnoj half-naked
h(midah/j half-divided, half-mangled
h(midareiko/n a half-daric
h(mideh/j wanting half, half-full
h(mi/douloj a half-slave
h(mi/ekton a half-
h(mie/llhn a half-Greek
h(miergh/j half-made, half-finished
h(mi/efqoj half-boiled, half-cooked
h(miqalh/j half-green
h(miqanh/j half-dead
h(mi/qeoj a half-god, demigod
h(mi/qraustoj half-broken
h(miklh/rion half the inheritance
h(mi/kuklon a semicircle, the front seats in the theatre
h(mi/leukoj half-white
h(mimanh/j half-mad
h(mima/rantoj half-withered
h(mime/dimnon a half-
h(mimeqh/j half-drunk
h(mimnai=on a half-mina
h(mimo/xqhroj half-evil, half a villain
h(mi/chroj half-dry
h(mio/lioj containing one and a half, half as much again
h(mio/neioj of, belonging to a mule
h(mi/onoj a half-ass
h(mi/optoj half-roasted
h)mi/ I say
h(mi half-
h(mipe/lekkon a half-axe
h(mi/peptoj half-cooked
h(mi/pleqron a half-
h(mipli/nqion a half-plinth, a brick
h(mi/pnouj half-breathing, half-alive
h(mipo/nhroj half-evil
h(mipu/rwtoj half-burnt
h(mi/spastoj half-pulled down
h(mistadiai=oj of half a stadium
h(mistratiw/thj a half-soldier
h(mistro/gguloj half-round
h(/misuj half
h(mita/lanton a half-talent
h(mite/leia a remission of half the tribute
h(mite/lestoj half-finished
h(mitelh/j half-finished

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h(mi/tomon a half
h(mi/tomoj half cut through, cut in two
h(mitu/bion a stout linen cloth, towel, napkin
h(mifah/j half-shining
h(mifa/lakroj half-bald
h(mi/fauloj half-knavish
h(mi/flektoj half-burnt
h(miwboliai=oj worth half an obol
h(miwbo/lion a half-obol
h)=moj at which time, when
h)mu/w to bow down, sink, drop
h(/mwn a thrower, darter, slinger
h)nemo/eij windy, airy
h(ni/a reins
h(ni/a the bridle
h(ni/ka at which time, when
h(niopoiei=on a saddler's shop
h(niostrofe/w to guide by reins
h(niostro/foj one who guides by reins, a charioteer
h(nioxei/a chariot-driving
h(nioxeu/w to act as charioteer
h(nioxe/w to hold the reins
h(nioxiko/j of
h(ni/oxoj one who holds the reins, a driver, charioteer
h)=nij a year old, yearling
h)nore/a manhood
h)=noy gleaming, glittering
h)/n see! see there! lo!
h)/nustron the fourth stomach of ruminating animals
h)oi=oj morning
h)|o/nioj on the shore
h)pani/a want
h(=par the liver
h(=| which way, where, whither, in
h)= in truth, truly, verily, of a surety
h)pedano/j weakly, infirm, halting
h)peirogenh/j born
h)/peiro/nde to the mainland
h)/peiroj terra-firma, the land
h)peiro/w to make into mainland
h)peirw/thj of the mainland, living there
h)peirwtiko/j continental
h)peropeu/j a cheat, deceiver, cozener
h)peropeu/w to cheat, cajole, deceive, cozen
h(=|per in the same way as
h)/per than at all, than even

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h)ph/sasqai to mend, repair

h)phth/j a mender, cobbler
h)piale/w to have a fever
h)pi/aloj a fever with shivering, ague
h)piodi/nhtoj softly-rolling
h)pio/dwroj soothing by gifts, bountiful
h)pio/qumoj gentle of mood
h)/pioj gentle, mild, kind
h)pio/xeir with soothing hand
h)/pou or perhaps, as perhaps
h)=pou I suppose, I ween
h)pu/ta calling, crying
h)pu/w to call to, call on, call
(hrai=oj of Hera
(hrakle/hj Heracles
(hra/kleidai the Heraclidae
(hra/kleioj of Hercules
(hraklei/teioj of Heraclitus
(/hra Hera
h)/ra acceptable gifts, kindnesses
h)remai=oj still, quiet, gentle
h)re/ma stilly, quietly, gently, softly
h)reme/w to keep quiet, be at rest
h)re/mhsij quietude
h)remi/a rest, quietude
h)remi/zw to make still
h)rige/neia early-born, child of morn
)hridano/j Eridanus
h)rino/j of
h)ri/on a mound, barrow, tomb
h)=ri early
h)ripo/lh early-walking
h(rwiko/j of
h(rwi/nh a heroine
h(rw=|on the temple
h(rw=|oj the heroic measure, hexameter
h(/rwj warriors
h(ssa/omai to be less than another, inferior to
h(=ssa a defeat, discomfiture
h(sshte/oj one must be beaten
h(/sswn less, weaker, less brave
h(suxa/zw to be still, keep quiet, be at rest
h(suxh= stilly, quietly, softly, gently
h(suxi/a stillness, rest, quiet
h(su/xioj still, quiet, at rest, at ease
h(/suxoj still, quiet, at rest, at ease, at leisure

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h)/te or also
h)=te surely, doubtless
h)/toi now surely, truly, verily
h)=tor the heart
h)/trion the warp in a web
h)=tron the part below the navel, the abdomen
h)u/te as, like as
h)u/xoroj with fair dances
(hfai/steioj of Hephaestus
(hfaisto/ponoj wrought by Hephaestus
(/hfaistoj Hephaestus
(hfaisto/teuktoj wrought by Hephaestus
h)xei=on kettle-drum
h)xe/thj clear-sounding, musical
h)xe/w to sound, ring, peal
h)xh/eij sounding, ringing, roaring
h)/xhma a sound, sounding
h)xh/ a sound
h(=xi where
h)xw/ a sound
h)w=qen from morn
h)w=|oj at morn, at break of day
h)w/j the morning red, daybreak, dawn
qaa/ssw to sit
qa/hma a sight, wonder
qairo/j the hinge of a door
qake/w to sit
qa/khma a sitting
qa/khsij a sitting, sitting-place
qa=koj a seat, chair
qalamh/ioj of
qala/mh a lurking-place, den, hole, cave
qalamhpo/loj a chamber-maid, waiting maid
qalamio/j of
qalami/thj one of the rowers on the lowest bench
qa/lamo/nde to the bed-chamber
qa/lamoj an inner room
qa/lassa the sea
qalasseu/w to be at sea, keep the sea
qala/ssioj of, in, on
qalassokope/w to strike the sea with the oar
qalassokrate/w to be master of the sea
qalassokra/twr master of the sea
qalasso/plagktoj made to wander o'er the sea, sea-tost
qalasso/plhktoj sea-beaten
qalassopo/roj sea-faring

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qalassourgo/j one who works on the sea, a fisherman, seaman

qalasso/w to make
qa/lea good cheer, happy thoughts
qale/qw to bloom, flourish
qa/leia blooming, luxuriant, goodly, bounteous
qalero/j blooming, fresh
qalh=j Thales
qali/a abundance, plenty, good cheer
qallo/j a young shoot, young branch
qallofo/roj carrying young olive-shoots
qa/llw to bloom, abound, to be luxuriant
qa/loj young persons
qalpia/w to be
qalpno/j warming, fostering
qa/lpoj warmth, heat
qalpth/rioj warming
qa/lpw to heat, soften by heat
qalpwrh/ warming
qalu/sia the firstlings of the harvest, offerings of first fruits
qalusia/j of
qama/ often, oft-times
qambai/nw to be astonished at
qambe/w to be astounded, amazed
qa/mboj astonishment, amazement
qame/ej crowded, close-set, thick
qami/zw to come often
qamino/j frequent
qa/mnoj a bush, shrub
qana/simoj deadly
qanata/w to desire to die
qanathfo/roj death-bringing, mortal
qanatiko/j deadly
qanato/eij deadly
qa/natoj death
qanatou/sia a feast of the dead
qanato/w to put to death
qana/twsij a putting to death
qa/omai to wonder at, admire
qapte/oj one must bury
qa/ptw to pay the last dues to a corpse, to honour with funeral rites
qarsale/oj bold, of good courage, ready, daring, undaunted
qarsaleo/thj boldness
qarse/w to be of good courage, take courage
qa/rshsij confidence in
qa/rsoj courage, boldness
qarsou/ntwj boldly, courageously

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qa/rsunoj relying on
qarsu/nw to encourage, cheer
qa/sioj of
qa/sswn quicker, swifter
qa/ssw to sit, sit idle
qauma/zw to wonder, marvel, be astonied
qaumai/nw to admire, gaze upon
qau=ma whatever one regards with wonder, a wonder, marvel
qauma/sioj wondrous, wonderful, marvellous
qaumasiourge/w to work wonders
qaumasmo/j a marvelling
qaumaste/oj to be admired
qaumasth/j an admirer
qaumastiko/j inclined to wonder
qaumasto/j wondrous, wonderful, marvellous
qaumatopoie/w to work wonders
qaumatopoii/a conjuring, juggling
qaumatopoio/j wonder-working
qa/yinoj yellow-coloured, yellow, sallow
qa/yoj a plant
qa/w to suck
qe/aina a goddess
qe/ama that which is seen, a sight, show, spectacle
qea/mwn a spectator
qea/omai to look on, gaze at, view, behold
qea/ a goddess
qe/a a seeing, looking at, view
qea/rion the place where the
qeate/oj to be seen
qeath/j one who sees, a spectator
qeato/j to be seen
qeatri/zw to bring on the stage:&mdash
qeatriko/j of
qe/atron a place for seeing
qeh/ioj divine
qeh/latoj driven
qehmosu/nh contemplation: a problem
qeia/zw to practice divinations
qeiasmo/j practice of divination
qei/baqen from Thebes
qei/baqi at Thebes
qeilo/pedon a sunny spot
qei/nw to strike, wound
qeio/domoj built by gods
qei=on brimstone
qei=on the divinity

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qei=oj of
qei=oj one's father's
qeio/thj divine nature, divinity
qeio/w to smoke with brimstone, fumigate and purify thereby
qelgesi/muqoj soft-speaking
qe/lghtron a charm
qe/lgw to stroke
qe/lhma will
qe/lhsij a willing, will
qelkth/rion a charm, spell, enchantment
qelkth/rioj charming, enchanting, soothing
qelkth/r a soother, charmer
qelci/nouj charming the heart
qelci/pikroj sweetly painful
qe/meqla the foundations, lowest part, bottom
qeme/lioj of
qemelio/w to lay the foundation of, found firmly
qemerw=pij of grave and serious aspect
qemi/zw to judge
qemi/plektoj rightly plaited
qemisko/poj seeing to law and order
qemiskre/wn reigning by right
qe/mij that which is laid down
qemistei=oj of law and right
qemisteu/w to declare law and right
qemistopo/loj ministering law
qemito/j allowed by the laws of God and men, righteous
qemo/w to drive
qe/nar the palm of the hand
#NOM? motion from
qeobla/beia madness, blindness
qeoblabe/w to offend the Gods
qeoblabh/j stricken of God, infatuated
qeogennh/j begotten of a god
qeo/glwssoj with the tongue of a god
qeogoni/a the generation
qeo/gonoj born of God, divine
qeodh/lhtoj by which the gods are injured
qeodi/daktoj taught of God
qeo/dmhtoj god-built, made
qeoeidh/j divine of form
qeoei/keloj godlike
qeo/qen from the gods, at the hands of the gods
qeoi/nia the feast of the wine-god
qeoklute/w to call on the gods
qeo/klutoj calling on the gods

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qeo/krantoj wrought by the gods

qeo/kritoj judging between gods
qeo/ktitoj created by God
qeomanh/j maddened by the gods
qeo/mantij one who has a spirit of prophecy, an inspired person
qeomaxe/w to fight against the gods
qeomaxi/a a battle of the gods
qeoma/xoj fighting against God
qeomh/stwr like the gods in counsel
qeomish/j abominated by the gods
qeomori/a destiny
qeo/moroj destined by the gods, imparted by them
qeo/morfoj of form divine
qeomush/j abominated by the gods
qeo/paij child of the gods
qeo/pemptoj sent by the gods
qeo/pneustoj inspired of God
qeopoie/w to make into gods, deify
qeopoio/j making gods
qeopo/nhtoj prepared by the gods
qeopreph/j meet for a god
qeoprope/w to prophesy
qeopropi/a a prophecy, oracle
qeopro/pion a prophecy, oracle
qeopro/poj foretelling things by a spirit of prophecy, prophetic
qeo/ptustoj detested by the gods
qeo/puroj kindled by the gods
qe/ortoj sprung from the gods, celestial
qeo/sdotoj given by the gods
qeose/beia the service
qeosebh/j fearing God, religious
qeo/septoj feared as divine
qeosexqri/a hatred of the gods
qeo/j God
qeosth/riktoj supported by God
qeostugh/j hated of the gods
qeo/sutoj sent by the gods
qeo/tauroj the god-bull
qeotei/xhj walled by gods
qeoterph/j fit for the gods
qeo/teuktoj made by God
qeo/thj divinity, divine nature
qeoti/mhtoj honoured by the gods
qeo/treptoj turned
qeotrefh/j feeding the gods
qeoudh/j fearing God

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qeofa/nia a festival at Delphi, at which the statues of Apollo and other gods were shewn to the people
qeofilh/j dear to the gods, highly favoured
qeofore/w to bear God within one
qeofo/rhtoj possessed by a god, inspired
qeofori/a inspiration
qeo/foroj possessed by a god, inspired
qeo/frwn godly-minded
qera/paina a waiting maid, handmaid
qerapei/a a waiting on, service
qera/peuma medical treatment
qerapeute/oj one must do service to
qerapeuth/j one who serves the gods, a worshipper
qerapeutiko/j inclined to serve
qerapeuto/j that may be fostered
qerapeu/w to be an attendant, do service
qerapi/dion a means of cure
qera/pnh a handmaid
qera/pwn a waiting-man, attendant
qe/reioj of summer, in summer
qeri/zw to do summer-work, to mow, reap
qeri/neoj the summer
qerismo/j reaping-time, harvest
qeristh/j a reaper, harvester
qeri/strion a light summer garment
qermai/nw to warm, heat
qe/rmh heat, feverish heat
qe/rminoj of lupines
qermobafh/j dyed hot
qermo/blustoj hot-bubbling
qermo/bouloj hot-tempered
qermodo/thj one who brought the hot water at baths
qermo/nouj heated in mind
qermopu/lai hot-gates
qermo/j hot, warm
qe/rmoj a lupine
qermo/thj heat
qermourgo/j doing hot and hasty acts, reckless
qe/rmw to heat, make hot
qe/roj summer, summertime
qersi/thj Thersites
qe/rw to heat, make hot
qe/sij a setting, placing, arranging
qe/skeloj marvellous, wondrous
qe/smioj according to law, lawful
qesmoqete/w to be a
qesmoqe/thj a lawgiver

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qesmopoie/w to make laws

qesmo/j that which is laid down and established, a law, ordinance
qesmosu/nh justice
qesmoforia/zw to keep the Thesmophoria
qesmofo/ria an ancient festival held by the Athenian women in honour of Demeter
qesmofo/rion the temple of Demeter
qesmofo/roj law-giving
qesmofu/lakej guardians of the law
qespe/sioj divinely sounding, divinely sweet
qespidah/j kindled by a god
qespie/peia oracular, prophetic
qespi/zw to declare by oracle, prophesy, divine
qe/spisma oracular sayings
qe/spij having words from God, inspired
qespiw|de/w to prophesy, sing in prophetic strain
qespiw|do/j singing in prophetic strain, prophetic
qessalo/j a Thessalian
qe/ssasqai to pray
qesfathlo/goj prophetic
qe/sfatoj spoken by God, decreed, ordained, appointed
qete/oj to be laid down
qeti/deion the temple of Thetis
qetiko/j of
qe/tij Thetis
qeto/j taken as one's child, adopted
qe/w to run
qewre/w to look at, view, behold
qew/rhma that which is looked at, viewed, a sight, spectacle
qewrhth/rion a seat in a theatre
qewrhtiko/j fond of contemplating
qewri/a a looking at, viewing, beholding
qewriko/j of
qewri/j a sacred ship, which carried the
qewro/j a spectator
qew/teroj more divine
qhbagenh/j sprung from Thebes, Theban
qhbaieu/j theTheban
qhbai=oj Theban
qh=bai Thebes
qhbai/j the Thebais
qh/basde to Thebes
qh/bhqen from Thebes
qh/bhsin at Thebes
qhgale/oj pointed, sharp
qhga/nh a whetstone
qh/gw to sharpen, whet

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qhhth/r one who gazes at, an admirer

qhhto/j gazed at, wondrous, admirable
qh/ion brimstone
qhkai=oj like a chest
qh/kh a case to put anything in, a box, chest
qhkto/j sharpened
qhla/zw to suckle
qhlasmo/j a giving suck, suckling
qhle/w to be full of
qhlh/ the part of the breast which gives suck, the teat, nipple
qhlugenh/j of female sex, womanish
qhlu/glwssoj with woman's tongue
qhludri/aj a womanish, effeminate person
qhlukrath/j swaying women
qhlukto/noj slaying by woman's hand
qhlumelh/j singing in soft strain
qhlumi/trhj with a woman's head-band
qhlu/morfoj woman-shaped
qhlu/nooj of womanish mind
qhlu/nw to make womanish, to enervate
qhlupreph/j befitting a woman
qhlu/sporoj of female kind
qh=luj female
qhlu/thj womanishness, delicacy, effeminacy
qhluto/koj giving birth to girls
qhlufanh/j like a woman
qhluxi/twn with woman's frock
qhmologe/w to collect in a heap
qhmw/n a heap
qh/n surely now
qhragre/thj a hunter
qh/rama that which is caught, prey, spoil, booty
qh/ra a hunting of wild beasts, the chase
qhra/simoj to be hunted down
qhrate/oj to be hunted after, sought eagerly
qhrath/r a hunter
qhrath/j one who hunts for
qhratiko/j the arts for winning
qh/ratron an instrument of the chase, a net, trap
qhra/w to hunt
qh/reioj of wild beasts
qh/reuma spoil, prey
qh/reusij hunting, the chase
qhreuth/j a hunter, huntsman
qhreutiko/j of
qhreu/w to hunt, go hunting

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qhri/on a wild animal, beast

qhrio/thj the nature of a beast, brutality
qhrio/w to make into a wild beast.
qhriw/dhj full of wild beasts, infested by them
qhri/wsij a turning into a beast
qhrobole/w to slay wild beasts
qhro/botoj where wild beasts feed
qhro/qumoj with brutal mind, brutal
qhrokto/noj killing wild beasts
qhrole/thj slayer of beasts
qhro/letoj slain by beasts
qhromigh/j half-beast
qhrono/moj tending wild beasts
qhrosko/poj looking out for wild beasts
qhrosu/nh the chase
qhroto/koj producing beasts
qhrotro/foj feeding wild beasts
qhro/trofoj feeding on beasts
qhrofo/noj killing wild beasts
qh/r a wild beast, beast of prey
qhsauri/zw to store
qhsau/risma a store, treasure
qhsaurismo/j a laying up in store
qhsauropoio/j laying up in store
qhsauro/j a store laid up, treasure
qhsei/dai sons to Theseus
qhsei=on the temple of Theseus
qhseu/j Theseus
qhshi/j of Theseus
qh/j a serf
qh=ssa a poor girl, one obliged to go out for hire
qh=ta fera
qhtei/a hired service, service
qhteu/w to be a serf
qhtiko/j of
qiasa/rxhj the leader of a
qiaseu/w to bring into the Bacchic company
qi/asoj a band
qiasw/thj the member of a
qigga/nw to touch, handle
qi the place at which
qi/j a heap
qla/w to crush, bruise
qli/bw to press, squeeze, pinch
qnh/skw to die, be dying
qnhtogenh/j of mortal race

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qnhtoeidh/j of mortal nature

qnhto/j liable to death, mortal
qoa/zw to move quickly, ply rapidly
qoi/nama a meal, feast
qoinath/r lord of the feast
qoinatiko/j of
qoina/w to feast on, eat
qoi/nh a meal, feast, banquet, dinner
qolero/j muddy, foul, thick, troubled
qoli/a a conical hat with a broad brim
qo/loj a round building with a conical roof, a vaulted chamber
qolo/j mud, dirt
qolo/w to make turbid
qoo/j swift
qoo/w to make sharp
qoriko/nde to Thoricus
qoro/j semen genitale
qoruba/zomai to be troubled
qorube/w to make a noise
qorubhtiko/j uproarious, turbulent
qorubopoio/j making an uproar
qo/ruboj a noise, uproar, clamour
qorubw/dhj noisy, uproarious, turbulent
qourio/mantij a Thurian prophet
qou=rij with which one rushes to the fight
qou=roj rushing, raging, impetuous, furious
qo/wsa speed
qra/|kh Thrace
qra/kioj Thracian
qra|kisti/ in Thracian fashion
qraneu/omai to be stretched on the tanner's board, to be tanned
qrani/thj one of the rowers on the topmost of the three benches
qra=noj a bench, form
qra=|c a Thracian
qra/soj courage, boldness
qra=|ssa a Thracian woman
qra/ssw to trouble, disquiet
qrasu/bouloj bold in counsel
qrasu/guioj strong of limb
qrasu/deiloj an impudent coward
qrasuka/rdioj bold of heart
qrasu/maxoj bold in battle
qrasume/mnwn bravely steadfast
qrasumh/dhj bold of thought
qrasumh/xanoj bold in contriving, daring in design
qrasu/muqoj bold of speech, saucy

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qrasu/nw to make bold, embolden, encourage

qrasu/ponoj bold
qrasupto/lemoj bold in war
qrasu/j bold, spirited, courageous, confident
qrasu/splagxnoj bold-hearted
qrasustome/w to be over-bold of tongue
qrasustomi/a insolence
qrasu/stomoj bold of tongue, insolent
qrasu/thj over-boldness, audacity
qrasu/xeir bold of hand
qrausa/ntuc breaking wheels
qrau=sma that which is broken, a fragment, wreck, piece
qrau/w to break in pieces, shatter, shiver
qra/w to set
qre/mma a nursling, creature
qre/omai to cry aloud, shriek forth
qrepte/oj to be fed
qrepth/rioj able to feed
qrepth/r a feeder, rearer
qreptiko/j promoting growth
qre/ptra the returns made by children to their parents for their rearing
qrettanelo/ a sound imitative of the cithara
qre/tte the spirit's
qrh/|khqen from Thrace
qrh/|khnde to Thrace
qrhne/w to sing a dirge, to wail
qrh/nhma a lament, dirge
qrhnhth/r a mourner, wailer
qrhnhtiko/j querulous
qrh=noj a funeral-song, dirge, lament
qrh=nuj a footstool
qrhnw|de/w to sing a dirge over
qrhnw/dhj like a dirge, fit for a dirge
qrhnw|di/a lamentation
qrhnw|do/j one who sings a dirge
qrhskei/a religious worship
qrhskeu/w to hold religious observances, observe religiously
qrh=skoj religious
qriambeutiko/j of triumphal families
qriambeu/w to triumph
qriambiko/j triumphal
qri/amboj a hymn to Bacchus
qrigko/j the topmost course of stones in a wall
qrigko/w to surround with a coping
qri/gkwma a coping, cornice
qrida/kinoj of lettuce

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qri/dac lettuce
qrinaki/h three
qri=nac a trident
qri/c the hair of the head
qri=on a fig-leaf
qri/y a wood-worm
qroe/w to cry aloud
qro/mboj a lump, piece
qrombw/dhj like clots, clotted
qro/non flowers embroidered on cloth, patterns
qro/noj a seat, chair
qro/nwsij the enthronement of the newly initiated
qro/oj a noise
qrualli/j a plant which
qrule/w to make a confused noise, chatter, babble
qruli/zw to make a false note
qruli/ssw to crush, shiver, smash:&mdash
qru=loj a noise as of many voices, a shouting, murmuring
qru/mma that which is broken off, a piece, bit
qru/on a rush
qruptiko/j easily broken
qru/ptw to break in pieces, break small
qru/yij a breaking in small pieces
qrw/|skw to leap, spring
qrwsmo/j ground rising
quga/thr a daughter
qugatridh= a daughter's daughter, granddaughter
qugatridou=j a daughter's son, grandson
quei/a a mortar
qu/ella a furious storm, hurricane
que/steioj of Thyestes
quhdo/xoj receiving incense
quh/eij smoking
quhlh/ the part of the victim that was burnt, the primal offering
quhpole/w to busy oneself with sacrifices
quhpo/loj busy about sacrifices, sacrificial
quhfa/goj devouring offerings
qui/a an African tree with scented wood
quia/j a mad
qu/inoj of the tree
qui/w to be inspired
qula/kion a little bag
qu/lakoj a bag, pouch, wallet
qule/omai to offer.
qu/lhma that which is offered
qumai/nw to be wroth, angry

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qumalgh/j heart-grieving
quma/lwy a piece of burning wood
qu=ma that which is slain
qumare/w to be well-pleased
qumarh/j suiting the heart
qu/mbra savory
qumbrepi/deipnoj supping on bitter herbs
qu/mbrij the Tiber
qumbrofa/goj eating savory
qume/lh a place for sacrifice, an altar
qumeliko/j for the thymele, scenic, theatric
qumhgere/wn gathering breath, collecting oneself
qumhdh/j well-pleasing
qumi/ama that which is burnt as incense
qumiath/rion a vessel for burning incense, a censer
qumia/w to burn so as to produce smoke, burn
qumiko/j high-spirited, passionate
qumi/thj flavoured with thyme
qumobarh/j heavy at heart
qumobore/w to gnaw
qumobo/roj eating the heart
qumodakh/j biting the heart
qumoeidh/j high-spirited, courageous
qumole/wn lion-hearted, coeur-de-lion
qumo/mantij prophesying from one's own soul
qumomaxe/w to fight desperately
qu/mon thyme
qumoplhqh/j wrathful
qumoraisth/j life-destroying
qumosofiko/j like a clever fellow
qumo/sofoj wise from one's own soul
qumo/j the soul
qumofqore/w to torment the soul, break the heart
qumofqo/roj destroying the soul, life-destroying
qumo/w to make angry
qu/mwma wrath, passion
qune/w to dart along
qunna/zw to spear a tunny-fish
qu/nneioj of the tunny-fish
qunneutiko/j for tunny-fishing
qunnoke/faloj tunny-headed
qunnoskope/w to watch for tunnies
qunnosko/poj a tunny-watcher
qu/nnoj the tunny-fish
qu/nw to rush
quodo/koj receiving incense, full thereof, odorous

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quo/eij laden with incense, odorous, fragrant

quoske/w to make burnt-offerings
quosko/oj the sacrificing priest
qu/oj a sacrifice, offering
quo/w to fill with sweet smells
qu/raze out to the door, out of the door
qu/raqen from outside the door, from without
qurai=oj at the door
qu/ra a door
qu/rasi at the door, outside, without
quraule/w to live in the open air, to camp out
qurauli/a a living out of doors, camping out
qu/rauloj living out of doors
qure/aspij a large shield
qureo/j a stone put against a door
qureofo/roj bearing a shield
qu/retra a door
qu/rh|fi outside
qu/rion a little door, wicket
quri/j a window
qurokope/w to knock at the door, break it open
quroko/poj knocking at the door, begging
quro/w to furnish with doors, shut close
qursomanh/j he who raves with the thyrsus
qu/rsoj the thyrsus
qursofore/w to assemble
qursofo/roj thyrsus-bearing
qursoxarh/j delighting in the thyrsus
qurw/mata a room with doors to it, a chamber
qurw/n the part outside the door, a hall, antechamber
qurwre/w to be a door-keeper
qurwro/j a door-keeper, porter
qurwto/j with a door
qusano/eij tasseled, fringed
qu/sanoj a tassel
qu/sqla the implements of Bacchus, the thyrsi and torches
qusia/zw to sacrifice
qusi/a an offering
qusiasth/rion an altar
qu/simoj fit for sacrifice
qusta/j sacrificial
qutei=on a place for sacrificing
qute/oj one must sacrifice
quth/r a sacrificer, slayer
qutiko/j of
qu/w to offer

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qu/w to rush on
quw/dhj smelling of incense, sweet-smelling
quw/dhj smelling of incense, sweet-smelling
qu/wma that which is burnt as incense
qwh/ a penalty
qw=migc a cord, string
qwmo/j a heap
qwpei/a flattery, adulation
qw/peuma a piece of flattery
qwpeuma/tia bits of flattery
qwpeu/w to flatter, fawn on, cajole, wheedle
qwrakei=on a breast-work
qwraki/zw to arm with a breastplate
qwrakopoio/j making breastplates
qwrakopw/lhj a dealer in breastplates
qwrakofo/roj wearing a breastplate, a cuirassier
qw/rac a breastplate, cuirass, corslet
qwrhkth/j armed with breastplate
qwrh/ssw to arm with breastplate
qw/j the jackal
qwukth/r a barker, roarer, crier
qwu/ssw make a noise
qw/y a flatterer, fawner, false friend
i)ai/nw to heat
)iakxa/zw to shout
)iakxei=on a temple of Bacchus
i)a/kxioj Bacchanalian
)/iakxoj Iacchus
i)alemi/stria a wailing woman
i)a/lemoj a wail, lament, dirge
i)a/llw to send forth
i)alto/j sent forth
i)/ama a means of healing, remedy, medicine
i)ambei=oj iambic
i)ambeiofa/goj a glutton at iambics
i)ambi/zw to assail in iambics, to lampoon
i)ambiko/j iambic
i)ambopoie/w to write iambics
i)ambopoio/j a writer of iambics
i)/amboj an iambus
)ia/n an Ionian
i)a/omai to heal, cure
)iaonau= O Ionian
)ia/onej the Ionians
)iao/nioj Ionian, Greek
i)a/ a voice, cry

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i)a/ptw to send on, put forth

)iapugi/a country of the Iapygians, a people of Southern Italy
)iapu/gioj Iapygian
)ia=puc the NW
i)a/simoj to be cured, curable
i)/asij healing, a mode of healing, cure, remedy
)ia/j Ionian, Ionic
i)/aspij jasper
)iasti/ in Ionic fashion
)iasw/ Iaso, the goddess of healing
i)ath/r doctor, healer
i)atori/a the art of healing, surgery
i)ato/j curable
i)atrei/a medical treatment
i)atrei=on a surgery
i)a/treuma a means of healing disaffection
i)atreu/w to treat medically, to cure
i)atriko/j of
i)atro/mantij physician and seer
i)atro/j one who heals, a mediciner, physician
i)atrote/xnhj a practiser of medicine
i)attatai/ alas! ah! woe's me!
i)auoi= ho ho!
i)au= ho! holla!
i)au/w to sleep, to pass the night
i)afe/thj an archer
i)axe/w to cry, shout, shriek
i)a/xhma a cry: the hissing
i)axh/ a cry, shout, wail, shriek
i)a/xw to cry, shout, shriek
i)=bij the ibis
i)/gdij a mortar
i)gnu/a the part behind the thigh and knee, the ham
)idai=oj of Ida
i)da/limoj causing sweat
i)de/a form
i)de/ and
i)de/ lo, behold
)/idh Ida
i)/dh a timber-tree
i)dioboule/w to follow one's own counsel, take one's own way
i)diognw/mwn holding one's own opinion
i)dio/morfoj of peculiar form
i)dio/omai to appropriate to oneself
i)/dioj one's own, pertaining to oneself
i)dio/stoloj equipt at one's own expense

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i)dio/thj peculiar nature, property

i)di/w to sweat
i)di/wsij distinction between
i)diwtei/a private life
i)diwteu/w to be a private person
i)diw/thj a private person, an individual
i)diwtiko/j of
i)dmosu/nh knowledge, skill
i)/dmwn skilled, skilful
i)dno/omai to bend oneself, double oneself up, shrink up
)idomeneu/j strength of Ida
i)=doj violent heat
i)dou/ lo! behold! see there!
i)drei/a skill
i)/drij experienced, knowing, skilful
i(dro/w to sweat, perspire
i(/druma a thing founded
i(/drusij a founding, building
i(drute/oj one must inaugurate
i(dru/w to make to sit down, to seat
i(drw/j sweat
i)dui=a knowing, skilful mind
i(e/rac a hawk, falcon
i(era/omai to be a priest
i(eratei/a the priest's office, priesthood
i(era/teuma a priesthood
i(erateumatiko/j priestly
i(erateu/w to be a priest
i(eratiko/j of
i(e/reia a priestess
i(erei=on a victim, an animal for sacrifice
i(ereu/j a priest, sacrificer
i(ereu/w to slaughter
i(eroglufiko/j hieroglyphic
i(ero/glwssoj of prophetic tongue
i(erogrammateu/j a sacred scribe
i(ero/qutoj offered to a god
i(erokh=ruc the herald at a sacrifice
i(erologi/a sacred
i(eromhni/a the holy time of the month
i(eromh/nia the holy time of the month
i(eromnhmone/w to be
i(eromnh/mwn the sacred Secretary
i(eroni/khj conqueror in the games
i(eropoie/w to offer sacrifices, to sacrifice
i(eropoio/j managing sacred rites

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i(eropreph/j beseeming a sacred place, person

i(ero/j super-human, mighty, divine, wonderful
i(erosule/w to rob a temple, commit sacrilege
i(erosuli/a temple-robbery, sacrilege
i(ero/suloj a temple-robber, sacrilegious person
i(erourge/w to perform sacred rites
i(erourgi/a religious service, worship, sacrifice
i(erourgo/j a sacrificing priest.
i(erofante/w to be a hierophant
i(erofa/nthj a hierophant, one who teaches the rites of sacrifice and worship
i(erofanti/a the office of hierophant
i(erofantiko/j of a hierophant
i(erofu/lac a keeper of a temple, temple-warden
i(ero/xqwn of hallowed soil
i(ero/w to hallow, consecrate, dedicate
i(erwsu/nh the office of priest, priesthood
i)eu= whew!
i(za/nw to make to sit
i(/zw to make to sit, seat, place
i)h/ioj invoked with the cry
i(/hmi to set a going, put in motion
)ihpaih/wn a hymn
i)hpaiwni/zw to cry
)ihsou=j Joshua
i)qagenh/j born in lawful wedlock, legitimate
)iqa/khnde to Ithaca
)iqa/kh Ithaca
)iqakh/sioj Ithacan
i)/qma a step, motion
i)qudi/khj giving right judgment
i)qudro/moj straight-running
i)qu/qric straight-haired
i)qumaxi/a a fair, stand-up fight
i)quma/xoj fighting fairly
i)qunth/r a guide, pilot
i)qu/nw to make straight, straighten
i)qupo/roj going straight on
i)qupti/wn straight-flying
i)qu/j straight, direct
i)qu/j a straight course
i)qutenh/j stretched out, straight
i)qu/falloj the phallos carried in the festivals of Bacchus
i)qu/w to go straight, press right on
i(kano/j becoming, befitting, sufficing
i(kano/thj sufficiency, fitness
i(kano/w to make sufficient, qualify

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i(ka/nw to come, arrive

)ika/rioj Icarian
i)/keloj like, resembling
i)kelo/w to make like
i(kesi/a the prayer of a suppliant
i(ke/sioj of
i(ketei/a supplication
i(ke/teuma a mode of supplication
i(keteute/oj to be besought
i(keteu/w to approach as a suppliant
i(keth/rioj of
i(keth/sioj tutelary god of suppliants
i(ke/thj one who comes to seek protection, a suppliant
i)kma/j moisture, juice
i)/kmenoj following, favourable
i(kne/omai to come
i)/kria the half-decks
i)/ktar following closely
i(kth/r a suppliant
i)kti=noj a kite
i)/ktij the yellow-breasted marten, the marten-cat
i(/ktwr suppliant
i(/kw to come to
i)lado/n in troops
i)/laoj propitious, gracious
i(laro/j cheerful, gay, merry, joyous
i(laro/thj cheerfulness
i(la/skomai to appease
i(lasmo/j a means of appeasing
i(lasth/rioj propitiatory
i(lh/kw to be gracious
i(/lhmi be gracious!
i)/lh a crowd, band, troop
)ilia/dai descendants of Ilos
)iliako/j Ilian, Trojan
)ilia/j Troy, the Troad
i)liggia/w to be
i)/liggoj a spinning round
)ilio/qen from Troy
)ilio/qi Troy
)iliorrai/sthj destroyer of Troy
)/ilioj Ilian, Trojan
)/ilioj Ilios
i)lla/j a rope, band
i)luo/eij muddy, impure
i)lu/j mud, slime, dirt

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i(ma/ntinoj of leathern thongs

i(mantope/dh a leathern noose
i(ma/sqlh the thong
i(ma/j a leathern strap
i(ma/ssw to flog
i(mati/zw to clothe.
i(matioka/phloj a clothes-seller
i(ma/tion an outer garment, a cloak
i(matiofulake/w to take care of clothes
i(matismo/j clothing, apparel
i(mei/rw to long for, yearn after, desire
i(mero/eij exciting love
i(meroqalh/j sweetly blooming
i(/meroj a longing
i(mero/fwnoj of lovely voice
i(merto/j longed for, lovely
i(monia/ the rope of a draw-well
i(moniostro/foj a water-drawer
i(/na in that place, there
i)nda/llomai to appear like, look like
i)/ndalma an appearance
)indiko/j Indian
)indole/thj Indian-killer
)indo/j an Indian
i)ni/on the muscle at the back of the neck, the nape of the neck
i)=nij a son
i)nw/dhj fibrous
)inw/ Ino
i)/caloj bounding, springing
i)ceuth/j a fowler, bird-catcher
i)ceu/w to catch by birdlime.
)ici/wn Ixion
i)cobole/w to catch with limed twigs: to catch
i)cobo/loj setting limed twigs.
i)coergo/j one who uses birdlime
i)co/j mistletoe
i)coforeu/j limed
i)cu/j the waist
)io/bakxoj Bacchus invoked with the cry of
i)oble/faroj violet-eyed
i)obole/w to shoot arrows, dart
i)obo/loj shooting arrows
i)obo/struxoj dark-haired
i)odnefh/j violet-dark, purple
i)odo/koj holding arrows
i)oeidh/j like the violet, purple

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i)o/eij violet-coloured, dark

i)omigh/j mixed with poison
i)o/mwroi warlike
i)onqa/j shaggy
i)/onqoj the root of hair.
)io/nioj of
i)/on the violet
i)oplo/koj weaving violets
i)o/j an arrow
i)o/j rust
i)oste/fanoj violet-crowned
i)o/thj will, desire
)ioudai/zw to side with
)ioudaiko/j Jewish.
)ioudai=oj a Jew
i)/ouloj the young hair at the side of the face, the whiskers
i)ou/ ho!
i)oxe/aira arrow-pourer, shooter of arrows
-i/ iota demonstrativum
i)pni/thj baked in the oven
i)pnopoio/j one who works at an oven
i)pno/j an oven
i)po/omai to be weighed down
i)=poj the piece of wood that falls and catches
i(ppagre/tai who chose
i(ppagwgo/j carrying horses
i(ppa/zomai to drive horses, drive a chariot
i(ppalektruw/n a horse-cock, gryphon
i(ppa/rion a pony
i(pparmosth/j a commander of cavalry
i(pparxe/w to command the cavalry
i(pparxi/a the office of
i(pparxiko/j of
i(/pparxoj a general of cavalry
i(ppasi/a riding, horse-exercise
i(ppa/simoj fit for horses, fit for riding
i(ppa/j a riding-dress
i(ppasth/j fit for riding
i(ppastiko/j fond of riding
i(ppa/fesij the starting-post in a race
i(ppei/a a riding
i(/ppeioj of a horse
i(/pperoj horse-love, horse-fever
i(/ppeuma a ride on horseback
i(ppeu/j a horseman
i(ppeuth/j a rider, horseman

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i(ppeu/w to be a horseman
i(pphdo/n like a horse
i(pphla/sioj a chariot-
i(pphlate/w to ride
i(pphla/thj a driver of horses, one who fights from a chariot, a Knight
i(pph/latoj fit for horsemanship
i(pphmolgoi/ the mare-milkers
i(ppia/nac king of horsemen
i(ppiko/j of a horse
i(/ppioj of a horse
i(ppioxai/thj shaggy with horse-hair
i(ppioxa/rmhj one who fights from a chariot
i(ppoba/mwn going on horseback, equestrian
i(ppoba/thj a horseman
i(ppobo/thj feeder of horses
i(ppo/botoj grazed by horses
i(ppobouko/loj a horse-herd, horse-keeper
i(ppoge/ranoi crane-cavalry
i(ppo/gupoi vulture-cavalry
i(ppo/damoj tamer of horses
i(ppoda/seia bushy with horse-hair
i(ppo/desma horse-bands, reins
i(ppode/thj binding horses
i(ppodiw/kthj a driver
i(ppodromi/a a horse-race
i(ppodro/moj a light horseman
i(ppo/dromoj a chariot-road
i(ppo/qen forth from the horse
i(ppoka/nqaroj a horse-beetle
i(ppoke/leuqoj travelling by means of horses, a driver of horses
i(ppoke/ntauroj a horse-centaur, half-horse half-man
i(ppokome/w to groom horses
i(ppo/komoj decked with horse-hair
i(ppoko/moj a groom
i(ppokorusth/j equipt
i(ppokrate/w to be superior in horse
i(ppokrati/a victory in a cavalry action
i(ppo/krhmnoj tremendously steep
i(ppo/krotoj sounding with horses
i(ppo/lofoj with horse-hair crest
i(ppomanh/j in which horses take mad delight
i(ppomani/a mad love for horses
i(ppomaxe/w to fight on horseback
i(ppomaxi/a a horse-fight, an action of cavalry
i(ppoma/xoj fighting on horseback, a trooper
i(ppomu/rmhc a horse-ant

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

i(pponw/maj guiding
i(ppopo/loj busied with horses
i(/ppoj a horse, mare
i(ppo/stasij a stable
i(pposu/nh the art of chariot-driving, horsemanship
i(ppo/thj a driver
i(ppotoco/thj a mounted bowman, horse-archer
i(ppotrofi/a a breeding
i(ppotro/foj horse-feeding, abounding in horses
i(ppotufi/a horse-pride
i(/ppourij horse-tailed, decked with a horse-tail
i(ppofo/rbion a lot of horses out at grass, a troop of horses
i(ppoforbo/j a horse-keeper
i(ppw/dhj horse-like
i(ppwnei/a a buying of horses
i(ppwne/w to buy horses
i(ppw/n a place for horses
i)/ptomai to press hard, oppress
)=irij Iris
i)sa/ggeloj like an angel
i)sa/delfoj like a brother
i)sa/zw to make equal, to balance
i)sa/milloj equal in the race
i)sa/rguroj worth its weight in silver
i)sa/riqmoj equal in number.
i)shgori/a equal freedom of speech, equality
i)sh=lic of the same age with
)isqmia/j Isthmian
i)/sqmion anything on the neck, a necklace
i)/sqmioj Isthmian
)isqmo/qen from the Isthmus
)isqmo/qi on the Isthmus
)isqmoi= on the Isthmus
i)sqmo/j any narrow passage
i)sqmw/dhj like an isthmus
)isiako/j of
)=isij Isis
i)/ske he said, he spake
i)/skw to make like
i)sobasileu/j equal to a king
i)so/gaioj like land
i)sogoni/a equality of kind
i)sodai/mwn godlike
i)sodi/aitoj living on an equality
i)sodro/moj running equally, of equal length
i)sozugh/j evenly balanced: equal

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

i)so/qeoj equal to the gods, godlike

i)soqeo/w to make equal to the gods
i)soki/ndunoj equal to the danger
i)so/klhroj equal in property
i)sokrath/j of equal power, possessing equal rights with
i)soma/twr like one's mother
i)so/maxoj equal in battle
i)somege/qhj equal in size
i)some/twpoj with equal front
i)somh/khj equal in length
i)somoire/w to have an equal share
i)somoiri/a an equal share, partnership
i)so/moiroj sharing equally
i)so/neiroj dream-like, empty
i)so/nekuj dying equally
i)sonome/omai to have equal rights
i)sonomi/a equality of rights, the equality
i)so/nomoj having equal rights
i)so/paij like a child, as of a child
i)sopa/laistoj a span long
i)sopalh/j equal in the struggle, well-matched
i)so/pedon level ground, a flat
i)so/pedoj of even surface, level
i)soplath/j equal in breadth
i)sopla/twn another Plato
i)soplhqh/j equal in number
i)so/presbuj like an old man
i)sorropi/a equipoise, equilibrium
i)so/rropoj equally balanced, in equipoise
i)soskelh/j with equal legs, isosceles
i)/soj equal to, the same as
i)sosta/sioj in equipoise with, equivalent to
i)sote/leia the condition of an
i)sote/lestoj fulfilled alike
i)sotelh/j paying alike, bearing equal burdens
i)so/thj equality
i)sotimi/a equality of privilege
i)so/timoj held in equal honour, having the same privileges
i)sofari/zw to match oneself with, be a match for, cope with
i)sofo/roj bearing
i)soxeilh/j level with the brim
i)so/xnouj equally woolly with
i)soyhfi/a equal right to vote
i)so/yhfoj with
i)so/yuxoj of equal spirit
i)so/w to make equal

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

i)/j a muscle
i(/sthmi to make to stand
i(sti/on any web, a sail
i(stoboeu/j the plough-tree
i(stodo/kh the mast-crutch
i(stope/dh a hole
i(sto/podej the long beams of the loom
i(stopo/noj working at the loom
i(store/w to inquire into
i(stori/a a learning by inquiry, inquiry
i(storiko/j of
i(sto/j anything set upright
i(sto/tonoj stretched in the loom
i(stourge/w to work at the loom
i(stourgi/a weaving
i(stourgo/j a worker at the loom.
i(/stwr a wise man, one who knows right, a judge
i)/sxaimoj staunching blood
i)sxale/oj thin
i)sxana/w to hold back, check
i)sxa/nw to check, hinder
i)sxa/j a dried fig
i)sxi/on the hip-joint
i)sxnai/nw to make dry
i)sxnopa/reioj with withered cheeks
i)sxno/j dry, withered, lean, meagre
i)sxno/fwnoj checked in one's voice, stuttering, stammering
i)sxuri/zomai to make oneself strong, to be strong, gain force
i)sxuriste/oj one must maintain
i)sxuro/j strong, mighty
i)sxu/j strength
i)sxu/w to be strong
i)/sxw to hold, check, curb, keep back, restrain
i)/swj equally, in like manner
)itali/a Italy
)italiw/thj an Italiote
)italo/j Italian
i)te/a a willow
i)te/inoj of willow
i)te/oj one must go
i)to/j passable
i)tri/neoj like a cake
i)/trion a cake
i)/ttw be witness!
i)/tuj a circle made of willow
i)ugh/ a howling, shrieking, yelling

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

i)ugmo/j a shouting, shout of joy

i)/ugc the wryneck
i)u/zw to shout, yell
i)ukth/j one who shouts
i)/fqimoj stout, strong, stalwart
i)fige/neia strong-born
i)/fioj stout, fat, goodly
i)=fi strongly, stoutly, mightily
i)xqua/w to fish, angle
i)xqubole/w to strike fish
i)xqubo/loj striking fish
i)xqubo/roj fish-eating
i)xqu/dion a little fish
i)xqudo/koj holding fish
i)xquhro/j fishy, scaly
i)xquoeidh/j fish-like, of fishes
i)xquo/eij full of fish, fishy
i)xquoqhrhth/r a fisherman
i)xquolu/mhj plague of fish
i)xquotro/foj feeding fish: full of fish
i)xquofa/goj fish-eating:&mdash
i)xqupagh/j piercing fish
i)xqusilhisth/r a stealer of fish
i)xqu/j a fish
i)xquw/dhj full of fish
i)xnai=oj following on the track
i)xnei/a a casting about for the scent
i)xnela/thj one who pursues
i)xneu/mwn the tracker
i)/xneusij a tracking
i)xneuth/j a tracker
i)xneu/w to track out, hunt after, seek out
i)/xnion a track, trace, footstep
i)xnope/dh fetter
i)xnoskope/w to examine the track
i)/xnoj a track, footstep
i)xw/r ichor, the etherial juice
i)=y a worm that eats horn and wood
i)wgh/ shelter
i)wh/ any loud sound: the shout
i)wkh/ rout, pursuit
i)wnih/ a violet-bed
)iwniko/j Ionic, Ionian
)/iwn Ion
i)w/ oh!
)iw/ Io

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

i)w=ta the letter iota

i)w=ta adscriptum
ka/beiroi the Cabeiri
ka/gkanoj fit for burning, dry
kagxala/w to laugh aloud
kadi/skoj an urn
kadmei=oj Cadmean
kadmogenh/j Cadmus-born
ka/dmoj Cadmus
ka/doj a jar
ka/eira a Carian woman
kaqagismo/j funeral rites
kaqagni/zw to purify, hallow
kaqaimakto/j bloodstained, bloody
kaqaima/ssw to make bloody, sprinkle
ka/qaimoj bloodstained, bloody
kaqai/resij a pulling down, rasing to the ground
kaqairete/oj to be put down
kaqaire/thj a putter down, overthrower
kaqaireto/j to be taken
kaqaire/w to take down
kaqa/llomai to leap down
kaqai/rw to make pure
kaqa/pan on the whole
kaqa/pac once for all
kaqa/ according as, just as
kaqagi/zw to devote, dedicate, offer
kaqapto/j bound with, equipt with
kaqa/ptw to fasten, fix
kaqa/reioj cleanly, neat, nice, tidy
kaqareute/oj one must keep oneself clean
kaqareu/w to be clean
kaqari/zw to make clean, to cleanse
kaqario/thj cleanliness, purity
ka/qarma that which is thrown away in cleansing
kaqarmo/zw to join
kaqarmo/j a cleansing, purification
kaqaro/j clear of dirt, clean, spotless, unsoiled
kaqaro/thj cleanness, purity
kaqarpa/zw to snatch down
kaqa/rsioj cleansing
ka/qarsij a cleansing
kaqarth/j a cleanser
kaqartiko/j for cleansing
kaqe/dra a seat
kaqei/martai it is ordained to one's ruin

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kaqei/rgnumi to shut in, enclose, confine, imprison

kaqe/zomai to sit down, take one's seat
kaqei=j one by one
kaqekte/oj one must keep back
kaqekto/j to be held back
kaqeli/ssw to wrap with bandages, enfold, swathe
kaqe/lkw to draw
kaqe/n one by one.
kaqe/nnumi to clothe
ka/qecij a holding, retention
kaqe/rpw to creep down
kaqesthko/twj steadily, calmly
ka/qetoj let down
kaqeudhte/oj one must sleep
kaqeu/dw to lie down to sleep, sleep
kaqeuri/skw to discover
kaqeyia/omai to mock at
kaqe/yw to boil down
kaqhgemw/n a leader, a guide
kaqhge/omai to go before, act as guide, lead the way
kaqhdupaqe/w to squander in luxury
kaqh/kw to have come
kaqhlia/zw to bring the sun down upon, to illuminate
kaqhlo/w to nail on
ka/qhmai to be seated
kaqhme/rioj day by day, daily
kaqidru/w to make to sit down
kaqiereu/w to sacrifice, offer
kaqiero/w to dedicate, devote, hallow
kaqie/rwsij a dedication
kaqiza/nw to sit down
kaqi/zw to make to sit down, seat
kaqi/hmi to send down, let fall
kaqiketeu/w to beg earnestly
kaqikne/omai to come down to
kaqima/w to let down by a rope
kaqippa/zomai to ride down, overrun with horse
kaqi/sthmi to set down, place
ka/qodoj a going down, descent
kaqo/lou on the whole, in general
kaqomile/w to conciliate by daily intercourse, to win the favour of
kaqomologe/w to confess
kaqopli/zw to equip
kaqo/ in so far as, according as
kaqodhge/w to guide
kaqo/plisij a mode of arming, armour

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kaqora/w to look down

kaqormi/zw to bring
kaqosio/omai to dedicate
kaqo/son in so far as, inasmuch as
kaqo/ti in what manner
kaqubri/zw to treat despitefully, to insult or affront wantontly
ka/qudroj full of water
kaquperakonti/zw to overshoot completely
kaqu/perqe from above, down from above
kaqupe/rtatoj highest
kaqupno/w to be fast asleep, fall asleep
kaqupokri/nomai to subdue by histrionic arts
kaqustere/w to come far behind
kaqufi/hmi to give up treacherously
kaqupe/rteroj above
kaqw/j how
kaia/daj a pit
kai\ for truly
kai\ but also
kai\5 nay further
kai\4 even if, although
kaiki/aj the north-east wind
kaini/zw to make new
kaino/n the New Court
kainopaqh/j newly suffered: unheard of
kainophgh/j newly put together, newmade
kainoph/mwn new to misery
kainopoie/w to make new, to bring about new things, to make changes, innovate
kainopoihth/j an inventor of new pleasures
kaino/j new, fresh
kaino/tafoj of a new tomb
kaino/thj newness, freshness
kainotome/w to cut fresh into
kainotomi/a innovation
kainoto/moj innovating
kainourge/w to begin something new
kainourgi/a innovation
kainourgo/j producing changes
kaino/w to make new, innovate
kai/nu/ke and now perhaps
kai/numai to surpass, excel
kai\ and now, even now
kai/nw to kill, slay
kai/ and
kai/per although, albeit
kai/r(a and so

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kai/rioj in
kairose/wn the close-woven
kai=roj the row of thrums
kairo/j due measure, proportion, fitness
kairofulake/w to watch for the right time
kai/toi and indeed, and further
kai/w to light, kindle
kaka/ggeloj bringing ill tidings
kaka/ggeltoj caused by ill tidings
kakandri/a unmanliness
kake/sxatoj extremely bad
kakhgore/w to speak ill of, abuse, slander
kakhgori/a evil-speaking, abuse, slander
kakh/goroj evil-speaking, abusive, slanderous
kakhlo/goj evil-speaking
ka/kh wickedness, vice
kaki/a badness
kaki/zw to abuse, reproach, accuse
kakiste/oj one must bring reproach on
kakka/w cacare
ka/kkh ordure, dung
kako/bioj living ill
kakobouleu/omai to be ill-advised
kako/bouloj ill-advised
kako/gambroj for her wretched brother-in-law
kakogami/ou for forming an unlawful marriage
kakogei/twn a bad neighbour
kako/glwssoj ill-tongued
kakodaimona/w to be tormented by an evil genius, be like one possessed
kakodaimone/w to be unfortunate
kakodaimoni/a unhappiness, misfortune
kakodai/mwn possessed by an evil genius, ill-fated, ill-starred, miserable
kakodoce/w to be in bad repute
kakodoci/a bad repute, infamy
kako/docoj in ill repute
kakoei/mwn ill-clad
kakozhli/a unhappy imitation, affectation
kako/zhloj imitating unhappily.
kakoh/qeia badness of disposition, malignity
kakoh/qeuma a malicious deed
kakoh/qhj ill-disposed, malicious
kakoqhmosu/nh disorderliness
kako/qrouj evil-speaking, slanderous
kakoqumi/a malevolence
kakoi/lioj evil
kakoke/rdeia base love of gain

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kakokerdh/j making base gain.

kako/knhmoj weak-legged, thin-legged
kakokrisi/a a bad judgment
kakologe/w to speak ill of, to revile, abuse
kakologi/a evil-speaking, reviling
kakolo/goj evil-speaking
kako/mantij prophet of ill
kakomaxe/w to behave ill in fight
kakome/letoj busied with evil
kakomhdh/j contriving ill, deceitful
kakomhxani/a a practising of base arts
kakomh/xanoj mischief plotting, mischievous, baneful
kakomi/mhtoj imitating ill
kako/moiroj ill-fated
kako/noia ill-will, malignity, malice
kakonomi/a a bad system of laws and government, a bad constitution
kako/nomoj with bad laws, ill-governed
kako/nouj ill-disposed, disaffected
kako/numfoj ill-married, of unhappy wedlock
kako/cenoj unfortunate in guests
kakocu/netoj wise for evil
kakopa/qeia ill plight, distress
kakopaqe/w to suffer ill, to be in ill plight, be in distress
kakopaqh/j suffering ill, in ill plight
kakopa/rqenoj unbecoming a maid
kako/patrij having a mean father, low-born
kakopinh/j exceeding filthy, loathsome
kakopoie/w to do ill, play the knave
kakopoii/a evil-doing, injury
kakopoio/j ill-doing, mischievous
kakoponhtiko/j unfit for toil
kako/potmoj ill-fated, ill-starred
kako/pouj with bad feet
kakoprage/w to fare ill, fail in an enterprise, to be in ill plight
kakopragi/a misadventure, failure
kakorrafi/a contrivance of ill, mischievousness
kakorrh/mwn telling of ill, ill omened
kakorroqe/w to speak evil of, abuse, revile
kako/rrupoj very filthy
kako/sitoj eating badly
kakoskelh/j with bad legs
kakoskhnh/j of a bad, mean body
ka/kosmoj ill-smelling
kako/j bad
kako/splagxnoj faint-hearted
kakospori/a a bad sowing

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kakosto/maxoj with bad stomach, fastidious

kakostome/w to speak evil of, abuse
kako/stomoj evil-speaking
kako/strwtoj ill-spread
kakosu/nqetoj ill put together
kako/sxoloj using one's leisure ill, indolent, lazy
kakotexne/w to use base arts, act basely
kakotexni/a bad art
kako/texnoj using bad arts
kako/thj badness
kakotropi/a badness of habits, mischievousness, maliciousness, wickedness
kako/tropoj mischievous, malignant.
kakotuxe/w to be unfortunate
kakotuxh/j unfortunate
kakourge/w to do evil, work wickedness, deal basely
kakou/rghma an ill deed, fraud
kakourgi/a the character and conduct of a
kakourgiko/j malicious
kakou=rgoj doing ill, mischievous, knavish, villanous
kakouxi/a ill-treatment, ill-conduct
kako/fatij ill-sounding, ill-omened
kakofradh/j bad in counsel
kakofradi/a badness of counsel, folly
kakofrone/w to bear ill-will
kako/frwn ill-minded, malicious, malignant
kakofuh/j of bad natural qualities
kako/xartoj rejoicing in men's ills
kakoxrh/smwn difficult to live with
kako/yogoj malignantly blaming
kako/w to treat ill, maltreat, afflict, distress
kaku/nw to damage
ka/kwsij ill-treatment
ka/laqoj a vase-shaped basket
kala/inoj like the
ka/laij a precious stone of a greenish blue
kalamai/a grasshopper
kalameuth/j a reaper, mower
kala/mh the stalk
kalamhtomi/a a reaping
kalamhfa/goj devouring stalks
kalamhfo/roj carrying reeds
kala/minoj made of reed
kalami/skoj a bit of reed
kalami/j a reed fishing-rod
kalamo/eij of reed
ka/lamoj a reed

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kalamostefh/j covered with reed

kalamo/fqoggoj played on a reed
kalamw/dhj like reed, full of reeds
kala/pouj a shoemaker's last
kala/sirij a long garment
kalau=roy a shepherd's staff
kale/w to call, summon
kalh/meroj with fortunate days
kalh/twr a crier
kalia/ a wooden dwelling, hut, barn
kalia/j a hut
kalinde/omai to lie rolling about
ka/llaion a cock's comb
kallible/faroj with beautiful eyelids, beautiful-eyed
kallibo/aj beautiful-sounding
kalli/botruj beautiful-clustering
kalli/bwloj with fine, rich soil
kalliga/lhnoj beautiful in calm
kalli/gamoj happy in marriage
kallige/neia bearer of a fair offspring
kallige/furoj with beautiful bridges
kalligu/naic with beautiful women
kallidi/nhj beautifully flowing
kalli/difroj with beautiful chariot
kallido/nac with beautiful reeds
kalliepe/omai to say in fine phrases
kalliere/w to have favourable signs in a sacrifice, to obtain good omens
kallizugh/j beautifully yoked
kalli/zwnoj with beautiful girdles
kalli/qric with beautiful manes
kalliqute/w to offer in auspicious sacrifice
kalli/karpoj with beautiful fruit
kalli/kerwj with beautiful horns
kallikolw/nh fair-hill
kalli/komoj beautiful-haired
kallikrh/demnoj with beautiful headband
kalliloge/omai to use specious phrases
kalli/morfoj beautifully shaped
ka/llimoj beautiful
kalli/naoj beautiful-flowing
kalli/nikoj with glorious victory
kallio/ph Calliope, the beautiful-voiced
kalli/paij with beautiful children, blessed with fair children
kallipa/rhoj beautiful-cheeked
kallipa/rqenoj with beautiful nymphs
kalli beautiful

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kallipe/diloj with beautiful sandals

kalli/peploj with beautiful robe
kallipe/thloj with beautiful leaves
kalli/phxuj with beautiful elbow
kalliplo/kamoj with beautiful locks
kalli/ploutoj adorned with riches
kalli/polij fair-city
kallipo/tamoj of beautiful rivers
kalli/prw|roj with beautiful prow
kalli/puloj with beautiful gates
kalli/purgoj with beautiful towers
kalli/pwloj with beautiful steeds
kallire/eqroj beautiful-flowing
kallirrhmosu/nh elegance of language
kallirrh/mwn in elegant language.
kalli/rrouj beautiful flowing
kallista/dioj with a fine race-course
kallistei=on the prize of beauty
kalli/steuma exceeding beauty
kallisteu/w to be the most beautiful
kalliste/fanoj beautiful-crowned
kallistw/ most-beautiful
kalli/sfuroj beautiful-ankled
kalli/teknoj with fair children
kallitexni/a beauty of workmanship
kalli/tocoj with beautiful bow
kallifeggh/j beautiful-shining
kalli/fqoggoj beautiful-sounding
kalli/floc auspiciously burning
kallifwni/a beauty of sound
kalli/fwnoj with a fine voice
kalli/xoroj with beautiful places
kallonh/ beauty
ka/lloj beauty
ka/lluntron an implement for cleaning, broom
kallu/nw to beautify
kallwpi/zw to make the face beautiful
kallw/pisma ornament, embellishment
kallwpismo/j an adorning oneself, making a display
kalodida/skaloj a teacher of virtue
kaloka)gaqi/a the character and conduct of a
kaloka)gaqiko/j beseeming a
kaloka)gaqo/j beautiful and good, noble and good
ka=lon wood
kalope/dila wooden shoes
kalopoie/w to do good

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kalo/j beautiful, beauteous, fair

ka/lpij a vessel for drawing water, a pitcher
kalu/bh a hut, cabin, cell
kalukoste/fanoj crowned with flower-buds
kalukw=pij like a budding flower in face
ka/lumma a head-covering
ka/luc a covering
kalu/pteira a veil
kalupto/j put round so as to cover, enfolding, enveloping
kalu/ptra a woman's veil
kalu/ptw to cover with
kalxai/nw to make purple
ka/lxaj Calchas
ka/lxh the murex
kalw/dion a small cord
ka/lwj a reefing rope, reef
kalwstro/foj a rope-maker
kama/kinoj made of reed
ka/mac a vine-pole, vine-prop
kamash=nej a kind of fish
kamathro/j toilsome, troublesome, wearisome
ka/matoj toil, trouble, labour
kamatw/dhj toilsome, wearisome
ka/mhloj a camel
kamineuth/r of a smith's bellows
kamineu/w to heat in a furnace
ka/minoj an oven, furnace, kiln
kaminw/ a furnace-woman
kammoni/h the reward of endurance
ka/mmoroj subject to destiny
ka/mnw to work
kamph/ a bending, winding
ka/mpimoj bent, turning
kampth/r a bend, an angle
ka/mptw to bend, curve
kampu/loj bent, crooked, curved
kamyi/pouj bending the foot
kana/binoj of
ka/naboj a wooden block round which artists moulded
ka/naqron a cane
ka/nastron a dish
kanaxe/w to ring, clash, clang
kanaxhda/ with a sharp loud noise
kanaxh/ a sharp sound: the ring
kanaxh/j plashing
kanaxi/zw to ring

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ka/nduj a Median cloak with sleeves

ka/neon a basket of reed
ka/nhj a mat of reeds
kanhfore/w to carry the sacred basket in procession
kanhfori/a the office of
kanhfo/roj carrying a basket
ka/nqaroj a Naxian boat
kanqh/lia the panniers
kanqh/lioj a large sort of ass
ka/nqwn a pack-ass
kanna/binoj hempen, of hemp, like it
ka/nnabij hemp
ka/nna a reed
kanoni/zw to measure by rule
kanoni/j a ruler
ka)n and if, even if, although
ka/nwboj Canopus
kanw/n any straight rod
ka/petoj a ditch, trench
kaphlei/a retail trade, tavern-keeping
kaphlei=on the shop of a
kaphleu/w to be a retail-dealer
kaphliko/j of
ka/phloj a retail-dealer, huckster, hawker, peddlar, higgler
ka/ph a crib
kapi/qh a measure containing two
kapni/zw to make smoke
ka/pnisma incense
kapnodo/kh a smoke-receiver
kapno/omai to be turned into smoke, burnt to ashes
kapno/j smoke
kappado/kai the Cappadocians
kappadoki/zw to favour the Cappadocians
ka/pparij the caper-plant
kappofo/roj marked with a
kappuri/zw to catch, take fire
kapra/w to be lewd
ka/prioj a wild boar
ka/proj the boar, wild boar
kaprofo/noj killing wild boars
ka/ptw to gulp down
kapuro/j dried by the air, dry
karabopro/swpoj with the face of a
ka/raboj the stag-beetle
karadoke/w to watch with outstretched head
kara/kallon a hood

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karanisth/r beheading, capital

ka/ranoj a chief
karano/w to achieve
ka/ra the head
karatome/w to cut off the head, behead
kara/tomoj beheaded
ka/rbanoj outlandish, foreign
karba/tinai shoes of undressed leather, brogues
ka/rdamon cress
kardi/a the heart
kardiognw/sthj knower of hearts
kardio/dhktoj gnawing the heart
kardioulke/w to draw the heart out of the victim
ka/rdopoj a kneading-trough
karhkomo/wntej with hair on the head, long-haired
ka/rhnon the head
kariko/j Carian
kari/nh a Carian woman
kari/j a shrimp
karkai/rw to quake
karki/noj a crab
karkino/xeirej with crab's claws for hands
ka/rneia a festival held in honour of Apollo
ka/rpaqoj Carpathus
karpai/a a mimic dance
karpa/limoj swift
ka/r a Carian
ka/r hair cut off, a lock of hair
karpi/zw to make fruitful, fertilise
ka/rpimoj fruit-bearing, fruitful
karpoge/neqloj fruit-producing
karpo/j fruit
karpo/j the wrist
karpoto/koj bearing fruit
karpofa/goj living on fruit
karpofqo/roj spoiling fruit
karpofore/w to bear fruit
karpofo/roj fruit-bearing, fruitful
karpofu/lac watcher of fruit
karpo/w to bear fruit
ka/rpwsij use
ka/rta very, very, much, extremely
kartere/w to be steadfast, patient, staunch
karte/rhma an act of patience
karte/rhsij a bearing patiently, patience
karteri/a patient endurance, patience

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karteriko/j capable of endurance, patient

kartero/qumoj stout-hearted
kartero/j strong, staunch, stout, sturdy
karterou/ntwj strongly, stoutly
kartero/xeir strong-handed
ka/rtoj strength, vigour, courage
karu/ai a place in Laconia
karuati/zw to dance the Caryatic dance
karu/kh a Persian dish, composed of blood and rich spices
karu/kinoj dark-red
karukopoie/w to make a
karuonau/thj one who sails in a nut-shell
ka/ruon nut
karfale/oj dry, parched
ka/rfh dry grass, hay
karfhro/j of dry straw
karfi/thj built of dry straws
ka/rfoj a dry stalk
ka/rfw to dry up, wither
karxale/oj rough
karxaro/douj with sharp, jagged teeth
ka/rxaroj sharp-pointed, jagged, with sharp
karxhdoni/zw to side with the Carthaginians
karxhdw/n Carthage
karxh/sion a drinking-cup
kasalba/zw to abuse in harlot fashion
kasalba/j a courtesan, harlot
ka/saj a carpet
kasi/a cassia
kasignh/th a sister
kasi/gnhtoj a brother
ka/sij a brother
kassiteri/dej the Cassiterides
kassi/teroj tin
ka/ssuma anything stitched
kassu/w to stitch
kasto/reioj of
kastori/dej hounds
ka/stwr Castor
ka/stwr the beaver
kataba/dhn going down
katabaqmo/j a descent
katabai/nw to step down, go
katabakxio/omai to be full of Bacchic frenzy
kataba/llw to throw down, overthrow
kataba/ptw to dip down into

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katabare/w to weigh down, overload

kata/basij a going down, way down, descent
katabate/oj one must descend
katabau/zw to bark at
katabebaio/omai to affirm strongly
katabia/zomai to constrain
katabiba/zw to make to go down, bring down, bring down
katabibaste/oj to be brought down
katabibrw/skw to eat up, devour
katabio/w to bring life to an end
katabla/ptw to hurt greatly, damage
katable/pw to look down at
katablhtiko/j fit for throwing off horseback
katablhxa/omai to bleat loudly
katablw/skw to go down through
kataboa/w to cry down, cry out against
kataboh/ an outcry against
katabo/hsij a crying out against
katabolh/ a throwing
katabo/skw to feed flocks upon
katabo/struxoj with flowing locks
katabrabeu/w to give judgment against
katabre/xw to wet through, drench
katabri/qw to be heavily laden
katabroxqi/zw to gulp down
katabru/kw to bite in pieces, eat up
kataburso/w to cover quite with hides
kataggeli/a proclamation
katagge/llw to denounce, betray
kata/ggeltoj denounced, betrayed
kata/geioj in
katage/la Gela
katage/lastoj ridiculous, absurd
katagela/w to laugh at, jeer
kata/gelwj mockery, derision, ridicule
kataghra/skw to grow old
katagi/gnomai to abide, dwell
katagignw/skw to remark, discover
katagine/w to bring down
kataglai/zw to glorify
kataglwtti/zw to be talked down
ka/tagma wool drawn
katagna/mptw to bend down
katagna/fw to comb away, lacerate
kata/gnumi to break in pieces, shatter, shiver, crack
kata/gnwsij a thinking ill of, a low

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katagnwste/oj one must condemn

katagohteu/w to enchant, bewitch: to cheat
katagora/zw to buy up
katagoreu/w to denounce
kata/grafoj embroidered
katagra/fw to scratch away, lacerate
katagumna/zw to exercise much, discipline
kata/gw to lead down
katagwgh/ a bringing down from
katagw/gion a place to lodge in, an inn, hotel
katagwni/zomai to struggle against, prevail against, conquer
katadai/numai to devour
katada/knw to bite in pieces
katadakru/w to bewail
katadama/zomai to subdue utterly
katadapana/w to squander, lavish
katada/ptw to rend in pieces, devour
katadarqa/nw to fall asleep
katadate/omai to divide among themselves, tear and devour
katadeh/j wanting
katadei= there is wanting
katadei/dw to fear greatly
katadei/knumi to discover and make known
katadeilia/w to shew signs of fear
katade/rkomai to look down upon
kata/desmoj a tie, band: a magic knot
katadeu/w to wet through
katade/xomai to receive, admit
katade/w to bind on
katade/w to want, lack, need
kata/dhloj quite manifest, plain, visible
katadhmagwge/w to conquer by the arts of a demagogue
katadhmobore/w to consume publicly
katadiaita/w to decide as arbitrator against, give judgment against
katadialla/ssw to reconcile again
katadi/dwmi to give away
katadika/zw to give judgment against
katadi/kh judgment given against one: the damages awarded
katadiw/kw to pursue closely
katadoke/w to suppose
katadoulo/w to reduce to slavery, enslave
katadou/lwsij enslavement, subjugation
katadoupe/w to fall with a heavy sound
kata/doupoi the Cataracts
katadre/pw to strip off from
katadromh/ an inroad, raid

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kata/dromoj overrun, wasted

kata/drumma a tearing
katadru/ptw to tear in pieces, rend
katadunasteu/w to exercise power over
kata/dusij a going down into, descent
kataduswpe/w to put to the blush by earnest intreaty
katadu/w to go down, sink, set
kata/|dw to sing to
katadwrodoke/w to take presents
katae/nnumi to clothe, cover
katazai/nw to make quite dry, parch quite up
kataza/w to live on
katazeu/gnumi to yoke together, yoke
kata/zeucij a yoking together
katazw/nnumi to gird fast
kataqambe/omai to be astonished at
kataqa/ptw to bury
kataqarsu/nw to embolden
kataqea/omai to look down upon, watch from above
kataqe/lgw to subdue by spells
kata/qelcij enchantment
kataqemati/zw to curse
kataqe/w to run down
kataqewre/w to contemplate from above
kataqh/gw to sharpen, whet
kataqhlu/nw to make womanish
kataqle/w to exercise oneself much
kataqli/bw to press down, press out
kataqnh/skw to die away, be dying
kataqnhto/j mortal
kataqorube/w to cry down
kataqrau/w to break in pieces, shatter
kataqrhne/w to bewail, lament, mourn
kataqrw/skw to leap down
kataqume/w to be quite cast down, lose all heart
kataqu/mioj in the mind
kataqu/w to sacrifice
kataqwraki/zomai to be armed at all points
kataiba/thj as descending in thunder and lightning
kataibato/j by which
kataigi/zw to rush down like a storm
kataide/omai to feel shame
kataiqalo/w to burn to ashes
kataiqu/ssw to wave
katai/qw to burn down, burn to ashes
kataiki/zw to wound severely, to spoil utterly

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katai/nesij an agreement: a betrothal

kataine/w to agree to
katai/rw to come down, make a swoop
kataisqa/nomai to come to full perception of
katai/sioj all righteous
kataisxunth/r a dishonourer
kataisxu/nw to disgrace, dishonour, put to shame
kataitia/omai to accuse, arraign, reproach
katai=tuc a low helmet
kataiwre/omai to hang down
katakagxa/zw to laugh aloud at
katakai/w to burn down, burn completely
katakale/w to call down, summon, invite
katakalu/ptw to cover up
kataka/mptw to bend down
kataka/rfomai to wither away
katakauxa/omai to boast against
kata/keimai to lie down, lie outstretched
katakei/rw to shear off
katakekra/kthj one who cries down, a bawler
katakeleu/w to command silence
katakerdai/nw to make gain of
katakermati/zw to change into small coin
katakertome/w to rail violently
katakhle/w to charm away
katakhro/w to cover with wax
katakhru/ssw to proclaim
kataklai/w to bewail loudly, lament
katakla/w to break down, break short, snap off
kataklei/j an instrument for fastening doors, a key
kataklei/w to shut in, inclose
kataklhrodote/w to distribute by lot
kataklhronome/w to obtain by inheritance
kataklhro/w to portion out
kataklinh/j sloping
katakli/nw to lay down
kata/klisij a making
kataklu/zw to dash over, flood, deluge, inundate
kataklusmo/j a deluge, inundation
katakna/w to scrape away, make away with
katakni/zw to pull to pieces, shred small
katakoima/w to sleep through
katakoinwne/w to make
katakolouqe/w to follow after, obey
katakolpi/zw to run into a bay
katakolumba/w to dive down

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katakomidh/ a bringing down to the sea-shore for exportation

katakomi/zw to bring down
kata/komoj with long falling hair
katakona/ destruction
katakonduli/zw to buffet sharply
katakonti/zw to shoot down
katako/ptw to cut down, cut in pieces, cut up
katakorh/j satiated, glutted
kata/koroj to excess, intemperately
katakosme/w to set in order, arrange
katakou/w to hear and obey, be subject to
katakra/zw to cry down, outdo in crying
katakrate/w to prevail over
katakrema/nnumi to hang up
katakrhmni/zw to throw down a precipice
kata/krhmnoj steep and rugged
kata/krima condemnation, judgment
katakri/nw to give as sentence against
katakru/ptw to cover over, hide away, conceal
katakrufh/ concealment: a subterfuge
katakrw/zw to croak at, croak down
katakta/omai to get for oneself entirely, gain possession of
kataktei/nw to kill, slay, murder
katakto/j to be sunk
katakubeu/w to lose in dicing
katakuklo/w to encircle
katakuli/ndw to roll down
kataku/ptw to bend down, stoop
katakurieu/w to gain dominion over
katakuro/w to confirm, ratify
katakwlu/w to hinder from doing
katakwma/zw to burst riotously in upon
katalazoneu/omai to boast
katalale/w to talk loudly, to blab
katalalia/ evil report, slander
kata/laloj a slanderer
katalamba/nw to seize upon, lay hold of
katalampte/oj to be arrested
katala/mpw to shine upon
katalge/w to suffer much, feel sore pain
katale/gw to lay down
katalei/bw to pour down
kata/leiptoj anointed
katalei/pw to leave behind
kataleitourge/w to spend all one's substance
kata/leiyij a leaving behind

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

kataleptologe/w to waste in subtle talk

kataleu/w to stone to death
katale/w to grind down
katalh/gw to leave off, end, stop
katalh/qomai to forget utterly
katalhpte/oj to be seized
katalhptiko/j able to keep down
katalhpto/j to be achieved
kata/lhyij a seizing
kataliqo/w to stone to death
katalimna/zw to make into a lake
katalipare/w to entreat earnestly
katallagh/ exchange
katallaktiko/j easy to reconcile, placable
katalla/ssw to change
kataloa/w to crush in pieces, make an end of
kataloga/dhn by way of conversation, in prose
katalogi/zomai to count up, number, reckon
kata/logoj an enrolment, register, list, catalogue
kataloki/zw to cut into furrows
katalou/omai to spend in bathing
katalofa/deia on the neck
kataloxi/zw to distribute into
kataloxismo/j distribution into bodies
kata/luma an inn, lodging
katalumai/nomai to ruin utterly, destroy
katalu/simoj to be dissolved
kata/lusij a dissolving, dissolution
katalu/w to put down, destroy
katalwfa/w to rest from
katamageu/w to bewitch
katamalaki/zw to make soft
katamala/ssw to soften much
katamanqa/nw to observe well, examine closely
katamanteu/omai to divine, surmise
katamarga/w to be stark mad
katama/rptw to catch
katamarture/w to bear witness against
katama/xomai to subdue, conquer
katama/w to scrape over, pile up, heap up
katamblu/nw to blunt
katamequ/skw to make quite drunk
katamele/w to take no care of
katamelito/w to spread over with honey
kata/memptoj blamed by all, abhorred
katame/mfomai to find great fault with, blame greatly, accuse

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kata/memyij a blaming, finding fault

katame/nw to stay behind, stay
katameri/zw to cut in pieces
katametre/w to measure out to
katamhlo/w to put in a probe
katamhnu/w to point out, make known, indicate
katamiai/nw to taint, defile
katami/gnumi to mix up, mingle the ingredients
katamisqofore/w to spend in paying
kata/momfoj liable to blame, inauspicious
katamonomaxe/w to conquer in single combat
katampe/xw to encompass
kata/musij a closing of the eyes
katamu/ssw to tear, scratch
katamuttwteu/w to make mincemeat of
katamu/w to shut
katamfikalu/ptw to put all round
katamwka/omai to mock at
katanagka/zw to overpower by force, confine
katana/qema a curse
katanaqemati/zw to curse
katanai/w to make to dwell, settle
katanali/skw to use up, spend, lavish
katanarka/w to be slothful towards, press heavily upon
katana/ssw to stamp
katanaumaxe/w to conquer in a sea-fight
katane/mw to distribute, allot, assign
kataneu/w to nod assent
katane/w to heap up
katanqraki/zw to burn to cinders
katanqrako/omai to be burnt to cinders
katani/fw to cover with snow
katanoe/w to observe well, to understand
katano/hsij observation: means of observing
kata/nomai to be used up
katanoti/zw to bedew
ka/tanta down-hill
kata/nthj down-hill, downward, steep
kata/nthstin so as to face, right opposite
katantikru/ straight down from
katanti/on over against, right opposite, facing
katantle/w to pour
kata/nucij stupefaction, slumber
katanu/ssomai to be sorely pricked
katanu/w to bring to quite an end
katacai/nw to card

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kataceno/omai to be received as a guest

kata/cioj quite
katacio/w to deem worthy
katapai/zw to mock at
katapakto/j shutting downwards
katapalai/w to throw in wrestling
katapa/llomai to vault
katapa/ssw to besprinkle
kata/pastoj besprinkled
katapate/w to trample down, trample under foot
kata/pauma a means of stopping
kata/pausij a putting to rest: a putting down, deposing
katapau/w to lay to rest, put an end to
katapeda/w to fetter, hamper
katapei/qw to persuade
katapeile/w to threaten loudly
kata/ down, downwards, with gen. or acc.
katapeirathri/a a sounding-line
katapelta/zw to overrun with light-armed troops
katapempte/oj to be sent down
katape/mpw to send down
katapenqe/w to mourn for, bewail
katape/rdw to break wind at
katape/ssw to boil down, to digest food
katapeta/nnumi to spread out over
katape/tasma a curtain, veil
katape/tomai to fly down
katapetro/w to stone to death
katapefronhko/twj contemptuously
kataph/gnumi to stick fast in the ground, plant firmly
kataphda/w to leap down
katapi/mplhmi to fill full of
katapi/mprhmi to burn to ashes
katapi/nw to gulp
katapipra/skw to sell outright
katapi/ptw to fall
katapisso/w to cover with pitch, to pitch over and burn
katapisteu/w to trust
katapla/ssw to plaster over with
kataplasto/j plastered over
kataple/kw to entwine, plait
kata/pleoj quite full
kataple/w to sail down
kata/plhcij amazement, consternation
kataplh/ssw to strike down
kataplh/c stricken with amazement, astounded

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kata/plooj a sailing down to land, a putting ashore, putting in

kataplouti/zw to enrich greatly
kataplu/nw to wash by pouring over, to drench
kata/plusij a bathing in water
katapne/w to breathe upon
katapnoh/ a blowing
katapoleme/w to war down
katapoliteu/omai to subdue by policy
katapone/w to subdue after a hard struggle
kata/ponoj tired, wearied
kataponti/zw to throw into the sea, drown therein
katapontisth/j one who throws into the sea
kataporneu/w to prostitute
katapra/ssw to accomplish, execute
kataprau/nw to soften down, appease
kataprhnh/j down-turned
kataprhno/w to throw headlong down
katapri/w to saw up
kataprodi/dwmi to betray utterly, leave in the lurch
kataproi/comai to do
kata/pteroj winged
katapth/ssw to crouch down, to lie crouching
kata/ptustoj to be spat upon, abominable, despicable
kataptuxh/j with ample folds
kataptu/w to spit upon
kataptwxeu/w to reduce to beggary
katapugosu/nh brutal lust
katapu/gwn a lewd fellow
katapu/qw to make rotten
kata/puknoj very thick
katapukno/w to stud thickly with
kata/ra a curse
katara/omai to call down curses upon, imprecate upon
kata/ratoj accursed, abominable
katarge/w to leave unemployed
katargi/zw to make to tarry
ka/targma the first offerings
katarguro/w to cover with silver
kata/rdw to water
katarighlo/j making
katariqme/w to count
katarke/w to be fully sufficient
katarne/omai to deny strongly, persist in denying
kataro/w to plough up
katarra|qume/w to lose from carelessness
katarrako/w to tear into shreds

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katarra/kthj down-rushing
katarrakto/j a trap-door
katarra/ptw to stitch on
kata/rrafoj sewn together, patched
katarre/zw to pat with the hand, to stroke, caress
katarre/pw to make to incline downwards, make to fall
katarre/w to flow down
katarrh/gnumi to break down
katarrina/w to file down:&mdash
katarri/ptw to throw down, overthrow
kata/rrooj a running from the head, a catarrh
katarrofe/w to gulp
katarruh/j falling away
kata/rrutoj irrigated, watered
katarrwde/w to fear, dread
katarrw/c jagged, broken
ka/tarsij a landing-place
katarta/w to hang down from, hang on
katarti/zw to adjust
kata/rtisij restoration
katartisth/r one who restores order, a mediator
katartu/w to prepare, dress
katarxairesia/zw to defeat in an election
kata/rxw to make beginning of
katasbe/nnumi to put out, quench
katasei/w to shake down, throw down
kataseu/omai to rush back into
katashmai/nw to seal up
katash/pw to make rotten, let rot
katasqene/w to weaken
katasqmai/nw to pant and struggle against
katasiga/w to become silent
katasikeli/zw to Sicilise
katasite/omai to eat up, feed on
katasiwpa/w to be silent about
kataska/ptw to dig down, destroy utterly, rase to the ground, overthrow
kataskafh/ a rasing to the ground, destruction
kataskafh/j dug down
kataskeda/nnumi to scatter
kataske/llomai to become a skeleton, wither
kataskeua/zw to equip
kataskeu/asma that which is prepared
kataskeuasmo/j contrivance
kataskeuaste/oj one must prepare
kataskeuh/ preparation
kataske/w to practise much

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kataskhno/w to pitch one's camp

kataskh/nwma a covering, veil
kataskh/nwsij an encamping
kataskh/ptw to rush down
kataskia/zw to overshadow, cover over
kata/skioj shaded
kataskope/w to view closely, spy out
kataskoph/ a viewing closely, spying
kata/skopoj one who keeps a look out, a scout, spy
kataskw/ptw to make jokes upon, to jeer
katasmikri/zw to disparage, depreciate
katasmu/xw to burn with a slow fire, burn up
katasofi/zomai to conquer by sophisms
kataspa/zomai to embrace
kataspara/ssw to tear down, pull to pieces
kataspatala/w to live wantonly, to wanton
kataspa/w to draw
kataspei/rw to sow thickly
kata/speisij self-devotion
kataspe/ndw to pour as a drink-offering
kataspe/rxw to urge on
kataspeu/dw to press, urge
kataspode/w to throw down in the dust
kataspouda/zomai to be very earnest
katasta/zw to let fall in drops upon, pour upon, shed over
katastasia/zw to form a counter-party in the state
kata/stasij a settling, appointing, appointment, institution
katastate/oj one must appoint
katasta/thj an establisher, restorer
katastatiko/j fitted for calming
katastega/zw to cover over
kataste/gasma a covering
kata/stegoj covered in, roofed
katastei/bw to tread down
kataste/llw to put in order, arrange
kataste/nw to sigh over
katastefano/w to crown
katastefh/j crowned
kataste/fw to deck with garlands, crown, wreath
kata/sthma a condition
katasthmatiko/j established: sedate
katasti/zw to cover with punctures.
kata/stiktoj spotted, speckled, brindled
katastilbo/omai to be brilliant
katasti/lbw to send beaming forth
katastonaxe/w to bewail

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katastra/ptw to hurl down lightning

katastratopedeu/w to put into cantonments, encamp
katastre/fw to turn down, trample on
katastrhnia/w to behave wantonly towards
katastrofh/ an overturning
kata/strwma that which is spread over
katastrw/nnumi to lay low
katastuge/w to shudder at, abhor, abominate
katastu/feloj very hard
katastu/fw to make sour
katastwmu/llomai to chatter
katasu/rw to pull down, lay waste, ravage
katasfa/zw to slaughter, murder
katasxeqei=n to hold back
kata/sxetoj held back
katasxhmati/zw to dress up
katasxi/zw to cleave asunder, split up
katasxola/zw to pass the time in idleness
katasw/xw to rub in pieces, grind down
katata/ssw to draw up in order, arrange
katatei/nw to stretch
katate/mnw to cut in pieces, cut up
katath/kw to melt away, to make to fall away
katati/qhmi to place, put
katatila/w to make dirt over
katatitrw/skw to wound severely
katatoki/zw to beggar by usurious interest
katatomh/ abscission, concision
katatoceu/w to strike down with arrows, shoot dead
katatraumati/zw to cover with wounds
katatre/xw to run down
katatri/bw to rub down
katatri/zw to squeak
katatru/zw to chatter against
katatru/xw to wear out, exhaust
katatrw/gw to gnaw in pieces, eat up
katatugxa/nw to hit one's mark, to be successful
katauga/zw to shine upon
kataugasmo/j a shining brightly
katauda/w to speak out, speak plainly
kataule/w to play upon the flute to
katauli/zomai to be under shelter of a hall, house, tent
katauxe/w to exult
katafagei=n to devour, eat up
katafai/nw to declare, make known
katafanh/j clearly seen, in sight

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katafarmakeu/w to anoint with drugs

katafarma/ssw to bewitch with drugs
katafati/zw to protest, promise
katafauli/zw to depreciate
kataferh/j going down
katafe/rw to bring down
katafeu/gw to flee for refuge
katafeukte/oj one must have recourse to
kata/feucij flight for refuge
kata/fhmi to say yes, assent
katafhmi/zw to spread a report abroad, announce
katafqate/omai to take first possession of
katafqei/rw to destroy
katafqi/nw to waste away, decay, perish
katafqora/ destruction, death
katafi/hmi to let slip down
katafile/w to kiss tenderly, to caress
katafle/gw to burn down, burn up, consume
katafobe/w to strike with fear
katafoita/w to come down constantly
katafoneu/w to slaughter
katafore/w to carry down
katafra/zw to declare
kata/fraktoj shut up, confined
katafra/ssw to cover with mail
katafrone/w to think down upon
katafro/nhma contempt
katafro/nhsij contempt, disdain
katafronhth/j a despiser
katafronhtiko/j contemptuous
katafronti/zw I've thought
katafru/gw to burn to ashes
katafugh/ a refuge, place of refuge
katafulado/n in tribes, by clans
katafulloroe/w to shed the leaves
katafuteu/w to plant
katafu/omai to be produced
kata/futoj all planted with
katafwra/w to catch in a theft: to catch in the act, detect, discover
kata/fwroj detected: manifest
katafwti/zw to illuminate, light up
kataxai/rw to exult over
kataxalaza/w to shower down like hail upon
kata/xalkoj overlaid with brass
kataxalko/w to cover with brass
kataxari/zomai to do

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kata/xarma a mockery
kataxe/zw to befoul
kataxeirotone/w to vote against, to vote in condemnation of
kataxeirotoni/a a vote of condemnation
kataxe/w to pour down upon, pour over
kataxh/nh derision, mockery
kataxhreu/w to pass in widowhood
kataxh/j sounding
kataxqo/nioj subterranean
kataxordeu/w to mince up as for a sausage
kataxorhge/w to lavish as
kataxrai/nomai to besprinkle
kataxra/omai to make full use of, apply
kataxra/w sufficed them
kataxreio/omai to be ill-treated
kataxre/mptomai to spit upon
kata/xrusoj overlaid with gold-leaf, gilded
kataxruso/w to cover with gold-leaf, gild
kataxrw/zw to colour
kata/xusma that which is poured over, sauce
kataxwneu/w to melt down
kataxw/nnumi to cover with a heap
kataxwri/zw to set in a place, place in position
kataya/llomai to resound with music
kataya/w to stroke with the hand, to stroke, caress
katayeka/zw to wet by continual dropping
katayeu/domai to tell lies against, speak falsely of
katayeudomarture/w to bear false witness against
katayhfi/zomai to vote against
katayhfiste/oj one must condemn
katayh/xw to rub down, pound in a mortar
katayu/xw to cool, chill
kateblakeume/nwj slothfully, tardily
kateggua/w to pledge, betroth
kateggu/h bail
kate/dw to eat up, devour
katei/bw to let flow down, shed
katei=don to look down
katei/dwloj full of idols, given to idolatry
kateika/zw to liken
kateile/w to force into a narrow space, to coop up
kateilu/w to cover up
ka/teimi to go
katei=pon to speak against
katei/rgw to drive into, shut in
kateirwneu/omai to use irony towards, to dissemble

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kateisa/gw to betray to one's own loss

katelau/nw to draw down
katele/gxw to convict of falsehood, to belie
katelee/w to have compassion upon
katelpi/zw to hope
katempi/prhmi to burn up
katenai/romai to kill, slay, murder
katenanti/on over against, opposite, before
katenari/zw to kill outright
kate/nwpa right over against, right opposite
katecani/stamai to rise up against, struggle against
katecousia/zw to exercise lordship over
katepagge/llomai to make promises
katepa/gw to bring
katepa/|dw to subdue by charms
katepei/gw to press down, depress
kate/pefnon to kill, slay
katepiorke/omai to effect by perjury
katerga/zomai to effect by labour, to achieve, accomplish
katerei/kw to grind down
katerei/pw to throw
katereu/gw to belch over
katere/fw to cover over, roof
katere/w to speak against, accuse
katerhtu/w to hold back
katerikto/j bruised, ground
kateru/kw to hold back, detain
kateru/w to draw
kate/rxomai to go down from
katesqi/w to eat up, devour
ka/teugma vows
kateuhmere/w to be quite successful, carry one's point
kateuqu/ straight forward
kateuqu/nw to make
kateuna/zw to put to bed, lull to sleep
kateunasth/j one who conducts to bed, a chamberlain
kateuna/w to put to sleep
kateuorke/w to swear solemnly
kateustoxe/w to be quite successful
kateutrepi/zw to put in order again
kateutuxe/w to be quite successful, prosper
kateufhme/w to applaud, extol
kateuxh/ a prayer, vow
kateu/xomai to pray earnestly
kateuwxe/omai to feast and make merry
katefa/llomai to spring down upon, rush upon

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katefi/stamai to rise up against

kate/xw to hold fast
kathgore/w to speak against, to accuse
kathgo/rhma an accusation, charge
kathgori/a an accusation, charge
kath/goroj an accuser
kath/kouj listening
kath=liy the upper story
kathloge/w to make of small account, take no account of, neglect
kath/lusij a going down, descent
kath/oroj hanging down, hanging on their mother's neck
kathpia/w to assuage, allay
kathremi/zw to calm, appease
kathrefh/j covered over, vaulted, overhanging
kath/rhj fitted out
kath/feia dejection, sorrow, shame
kathfe/w to be downcast, to be mute
kathfh/j with downcast eyes, downcast, mute
kathfw/n one who causes grief
kathxe/w to sound
katia/ptw to harm, hurt
katilu/w to fill with mud
katisxnai/nw to make to pine
katisxu/w to have power over, overpower, prevail against
kati/sxw to hold back
ka/toida to know well, understand
katoike/w to dwell in as a
katoi/khsij a settling in
katoikhth/rion a dwelling-place, abode
katoiki/a a settlement, colony: the foundation of a colony
katoiki/dioj living in
katoiki/zw to remove to
katoi/kisij a planting with inhabitants, foundation of a state, colonisation
katoikodome/w to build upon
katoikonome/w to manage well
ka/toikoj a settler
katoikofqore/w to ruin utterly
katoiktei/rw to have mercy
katoikti/zw to bewail oneself, utter lamentations
katoi/ktisij compassion
katoimw/zw to bewail, lament
katoi/xomai to have gone down
katokne/w to shrink from
katokwxh/ a being possessed, possession
katokw/ximoj capable of being possessed
katolisqa/nw to slip

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kato/llumi to destroy utterly

katololu/zw to shriek over
katolofu/romai to bewail
katombre/omai to be rained on, drenched
kato/mnumi to confirm by oath
kato/nomai to censure bitterly, depreciate, abuse
ka/tocuj very sharp, piercing
katopa/zw to follow hard upon
kato/pin by consequence, behind, after
kato/pisqen behind, after, in the rear
katopteu/w to spy out, reconnoitre
kato/pthj a spy, scout
ka/toptoj to be seen, visible
katoptri/zw to shew as in a mirror
ka/toptron a mirror
katorgani/zw to sound with music through
katorga/j celebrating orgies
katorgia/zw to initiate in orgies
katorqo/w to set upright, erect
kato/rqwsij a setting straight: successful accomplishment
katorqwtiko/j likely
katorou/w to rush downwards
katorrwde/w to be dismayed at, dread greatly
katoru/ssw to bury in the earth
katorxe/omai to dance in triumph over, treat despitefully
kato/ssomai to contemplate, behold
katoudai=oj under the earth
katoulo/omai to cicatrise, heal over
katouri/zw to bring into port with a fair wind
katoxh/ a holding fast, detention
ka/toxoj holding down, holding fast, tenacious
kato/yioj in sight of, opposite
katoyofage/w to spend in eating
ka/twqen from below, up from below
katwqe/w to push down
katwka/ra head downwards
katwma/dioj from the shoulder
katwmado/n from the shoulders, with the arm drawn back to the shoulder
katwmosi/a an accusation on oath
ka/tw down, downwards
katw=ruc sunk
katw/tatoj lowest
katwfaga=j eating with the head down to the ground, gluttonous
katwferh/j sunken
kau/kasoj Mt. Caucasus
kau/linoj made of a stalk

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kaulomu/khtej stalk-fungi
kaulo/j the shaft
kau=ma burning heat
kaumati/zw to burn
kauna/khj a thick cloak
kau/simoj fit for burning, combustible
kau=sij a burning
kauso/omai to burn with intense heat
kau=soj burning heat.
kau/steira burning hot, raging
kausto/j burnt, red-hot
kau/strioj of
kau/swn burning heat
kauthria/zw to cauterise, brand
kauth/rion a branding iron
kauth/r a burner
kauxa/omai to speak loud, be loud-tongued
kau/xhma a boast, vaunt
kauxh/mwn boastful
kau/xhsij reason to boast
kaxa/zw to laugh aloud
kaxeci/a a bad habit of body
kaxh/meroj living bad days, wretched
kaxla/zw to plash
ka/xlhc a pebble
kaxormisi/a unlucky harbourage
ka/xruj parched barley
kaxu/poptoj suspecting evil, suspicious
kea/zw to split, cleave
keblh/purij the redcap, redpoll
kegxriai=oj of the size of a grain of millet
kegxrobo/loi millet-throwers
ke/gxroj millet
kegxrw/mata things of the size of millet-grains
keda/nnumi to break asunder, break up, scatter
kedno/j careful, diligent, sage, trusty
kedri/a cedar resin
ke/drinoj of cedar
ke/droj the cedar-tree
kedrwto/j made of
kei=mai to be laid
keimh/lion anything stored up as valuable, a treasure, heirloom
keimh/lion anything stored up as valuable, a treasure, heirloom
keiri/a the cord
kei/rw to cut
kei/w to lie down

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kei/w to cleave
kei/w to cleave
kekafhw/j breathing forth
ke/kragma a scream, cry
kekra/kthj a bawler
kekracida/maj he who conquers all in bawling, the blusterer
ke/kroy Cecropian, Athenian
kekru/faloj a woman's head-dress of net
keladeino/j sounding, noisy
kelade/w to sound as rushing water
kela/dhma a rushing sound
keladh=tij loud-sounding
ke/ladoj a noise as of rushing waters: a loud noise, din, clamour
kela/dw sounding, roaring
kelainegxh/j with black
kelainefh/j black with clouds
kelaino/brwtoj black and bloody with gnawing
kelaino/omai to grow black
kelaino/j black, swart, dark, murky
kelainofah/j black-gleaming
kelaino/frwn black-hearted
kelaino/xrwj black-coloured
kelainw/paj black-faced, swarthy, gloomy
kelaru/zw to murmur
kele/bh a cup, jar, pan
kele/ontej the beams in the upright loom
keleuqh/thj a wayfarer
keleuqopoio/j road-making
keleuqopo/roj a wayfarer
ke/leuqoj a road, way, path, track
ke/leusma an order, command, behest
keleusmo/j an order, command
keleusth/j the signalman
keleusto/j ordered, commanded
keleutia/w continually urging on
keleu/w to urge
ke/lhj a courser, riding-horse
kelhti/zw to ride
ke/llw to drive on
ke/lomai to urge on, exhort, command
keltiko/j Celtic, Gallic
keltisti/ in the language of the Celts
keltoi/ the Kelts
ke/lufoj a sheath, case, pod, shell
ke/lwr son
kema/j a young deer, a pricket

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kenaggh/j emptying vessels: breeding famine

kenandri/a lack of men, dispeopled state
ke/nandroj empty of men, dispeopled
keneauxh/j vain-glorious
kene/breioj dead
kenembate/w to step on emptiness, step into a hole
keneo/frwn empty-minded
kenew/n the hollow below the ribs, the flank
kenodonti/j toothless
kenologe/w to talk emptily
kenolo/goj talking emptily, prating.
keno/j empty
kenotafe/w to honour with an empty tomb
kenota/fion an empty tomb, cenotaph
keno/thj emptiness, vanity
kenofrosu/nh emptiness of mind
keno/frwn empty-minded
kenofwni/a vain talking, babbling
keno/w to empty out, drain
kentau/reioj Centaurian, of Centaurs
kentauri/dhj of
kentauriko/j like a Centaur
kentauromaxi/a a battle of Centaurs
kentauroplhqh/j full of Centaurs
ke/ntauroj a Centaur
kente/w to prick, goad, spur on
kentrhnekh/j spurred
kentri/zw to prick, goad
kentromanh/j madly spurring
ke/ntron any sharp point
kentrotuph/j struck by the goad
kentro/w to furnish with a sting:&mdash
ke/ntrwn one that bears the marks of the
ke/ntwr a goader, driver
ke/nwsij an emptying
ke/pfoj a booby
kerai/a any thing projecting like a horn
kerai/zw to ravage, despoil, plunder
keraisth/j a ravager, robber
kerai/w mix
keramei/a the potter's art
kerameiko/j the potter's quarter
keramei=on a potter's work-shop
kerameou=j of clay, earthen
kerameu/j a potter
kerameu/w to be a potter, work in earthenware

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keramiko/j of
kera/mion an earthenware vessel, a jar
kerami/j a roof-tile
ke/ramoj potter's earth, potter's clay
kera/nnumi to mix, mingle
keraoco/oj polishing
kerao/j horned
ke/raj the horn of an animal
kera/sthj horned
kerasto/j mixed, mingled
kerasfo/roj horn-bearing, horned
kerate/a the carob
kera/tia St. John's bread
kera/tinoj of horn
keratw/n made of horns
kerau/neioj wielding the thunder
kerau/nioj of a thunderbolt
keraunobole/w to hurl the thunderbolt
keraunobo/loj hurling the thunder
kerauno/boloj thunder-stricken
keraunobro/nthj the lightener and thunderer
keraunoma/xhj fighting with thunder
kerauno/j a thunderbolt
keraunofah/j flashing like thunder
keraunofo/roj wielding the thunderbolt
kerauno/w to strike with thunderbolts
ke/rberoj Cerberus
kerdai/nw to gain, derive profit
kerdale/oj having an eye to gain, wily, crafty, cunning
kerdaleo/frwn crafty-minded
kerdi/wn more profitable
ke/rdoj gain, profit, advantage
kerdosu/nh cunning, craft
kerdw=|oj bringing gain
kerdw/ the wily one
kerkidopoiikh/ the art of the shuttle-maker
kerki/zw to make the web close with the
kerki/j the rod
ke/rkoj the tail
ke/rkouroj a light vessel, boat
ke/rkura Corcyra
ke/rkwy the Cercopes
ke/rma a slice
kermati/zw to cut small, mince, chop up
kermatisth/j a money-changer
ke/rnoj a large earthen dish

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keroba/thj horn-footed, hoofed

kerobo/aj horn-sounding
kero/detoj bound with
kero/eij horned
keroi/ac a rope belonging to the sailyards
kerotupe/w to butt with the horns
keroulko/j drawn by the horns
keroutia/w to toss the horns
kerou=xoj having horns, horned
kerofo/roj horned
kertome/w to taunt
kerto/mhsij jeering, mockery
kertomi/a jeering, mockery
kerto/mioj heart-cutting, stinging, reproachful
ke/rxnh a
kesto/j stitched, embroidered
ke/stra a fish
keuqmw/n a hiding place, hole, corner
keu=qoj the depths
keu/qw to cover quite up, to cover, hide
kefa/laioj of the head
kefalaio/w to bring under heads, sum up, state summarily
kefalaiw/dhj capital, principal, chief
kefalai/wma the sum total
kefalalgh/j causing headache
kefalalgi/a head-ache
kefalh/ the head
kefali=noj a sea-fish
kefali/j part of a shoe
kexhnai=oi Gapenians
kexwrisme/nwj separately
ke/wj Ceos
khdei/a connexion by marriage, alliance
kh/deioj cared for, dear, beloved
khdemoni/a care, solicitude
khdemoniko/j provident, careful
khdemw/n one who is in charge
kh/deoj given in charge for burial
khdesth/j a connexion by marriage
khdesti/a connexion by marriage
kh/deuma connexion
khdeu/w to take charge of, attend to, tend
kh/distoj most worthy of our care, most cared for
kh=doj care for
khdo/sunoj anxious
kh/dw to trouble, distress, vex

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khqa/rion a vessel into which the

khki/j anything oozing forth, ooze
khki/w to gush
kh/leoj burning
khle/w to charm, bewitch, enchant, beguile, fascinate
khlhqmo/j enchantment, fascination
kh/lhma a magic charm, spell
kh/lh a tumor
kh/lhsij an enchanting, fascination
khlhth/rioj charming, appeasing
khlh/thj one who is ruptured
khlido/w to stain, sully, soil
khli/j a stain, spot, defilement
kh=lon a shaft, an arrow
kh/lwn a swipe
khmo/j a muzzle
khmo/w to muzzle
kh=nsoj the tax
kh/c the tern
kh/peuma a garden-flower
khpeu/j a gardener
khpeu/w to rear in a garden
khpi/on a parterre
khpolo/goj teaching in a garden
kh=poj a garden, orchard, plantation
khpouriko/j of
khpouro/j keeper of a garden, a gardener.
khrai/nw to be sick at heart, to be disquieted, anxious
khressifo/rhtoj urged on by the
kh/rinoj of wax, waxen
khriokle/pthj stealer of honeycombs
khri/on a honeycomb
khritrefh/j born to misery
khro/detoj wax-bound
khro/qi in the heart, with all the heart, heartily
khro/omai to form for oneself of wax
khropagh/j fastened with wax
khro/plastoj moulded of wax, waxen
khro/j bees-wax
khrote/xnhj a modeller in wax
khrotro/foj producing wax, waxen
khroxi/twn clad in wax
khroxute/w to make waxen cells
khro/xutoj moulded of wax.
kh/r the goddess of death
kh=r the heart

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kh/rugma that which is cried by a herald, a proclamation, public notice

khrukei/a the office of herald
khru/keion a herald's wand
khru/keuma a proclamation, message
khrukeu/w to be a herald
khrukiko/j of heralds
khru/loj the halcyon.
kh=ruc a herald, pursuivant, marshal, public messenger
khru/ssw to be a herald, officiate as herald
kh/teioj of sea monsters
kh=toj any sea-monster
khtofo/noj killing sea-monsters
khtw/eij full of hollows
khfh/n a drone
khfhnw/dhj like a drone
khfiso/j the Cephisus
khw/dhj smelling as of incense, fragrant
kibdhleu/w to adulterate
kibdhli/a adulteration, trickery, dishonesty
ki/bdhloj adulterated, spurious, base
ki/bdoj dross, alloy.
ki/bisij a pouch, wallet
kibwto/j a wooden box, chest, coffer
kigkli/zw to wag the tail
kigkli/j the latticed gates
ki/gkloj wagtail
ki/dnamai to be spread abroad
kiqa/ra guitar)
kiqari/zw to play the cithara
kiqa/risij a playing on the cithara
kiqa/risma that which is played on the cithara, a piece of music for it
kiqaristh/j a player on the cithara
kiqaristiko/j skilled in harp-playing
kiqaristu/j the art of playing the cithara
kiqarw|de/w to sing to the cithara
kiqarw|di/a a singing to the cithara
kiqarw|diko/j of
kiqarw|do/j one who plays and sings to the cithara, a harper
ki/kinnoj a ringlet
ki/ki the castor berry
kikkabau= a cry in imitation of the screechowl's note, toowhit, toowhoo
kiklh/skw to call, summon
kiku/nna Cicynna
ki=kuj strength, vigour
ki/kw sent away, shook off.
ki/lic a Cilician

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killi/baj a three-legged stand

ki/lloj an ass.
ki/mbic a niggard
kimmeriko/j Cimmerian
kimme/rioi the Cimmerians
kimwli/a Cimolian earth
kina/bra the rank smell of a he-goat
kinabra/w to smell like a goat
ki/nadoj a fox
kina/qisma motion, rustling
kinaidi/a lust
kindu/neuma a risk, hazard, venture, bold enterprise
kinduneute/oj one must venture
kinduneuth/j a daring, venturesome person
kinduneutiko/j adventurous
kinduneu/w to be daring, to make a venture, take the risk, do a daring thing
ki/ndunoj a danger, risk, hazard, venture, enterprise
kine/w to set in motion, to move
kinhqmo/j motion
ki/nhma a motion, movement
ki/nhsij movement, motion
kinhte/oj to be moved
kinhth/j one that sets agoing, an author
kinhtiko/j of
kinna/mwmon cinnamon
ki/nugma anything moved about
ki/numai to go, move
kinu/romai to utter a plaintive sound, lament, wail
kinuro/j wailing, plaintive
kinu/ssomai to sway backwards and forwards
kio/kranon the capital of a column
ki/rkh Circe
ki/rkoj hawk
kirko/w to hoop round, secure with rings
kirna/w to mix
ki/shrij the pumice-stone
ki/j a worm in wood
ki/ssa the jay
kissa/w to crave for strange food
kissh/rhj ivy-clad
ki/ssinoj of ivy
ki/ssioj of
kissoko/mhj ivy-crowned
kissopoi/htoj made of ivy
kisso/j ivy
kissoste/fanoj ivy-crowned

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kissofore/w to be decked with ivy

kissofo/roj ivy-wreathed
kisso/w to wreathe with ivy
kissu/bion a rustic drinking-cup
kisswto/j decked with ivy
ki/sth a box, chest
kistofo/roj carrying a chest
kixa/nw to reach, hit
ki/xlh a thrush
kixli/zw to chirp like a thrush
ki/xrhmi to lend
ki/wn a pillar
ki/w to go
klaggai/nw to give tongue
klagghdo/n with a clang, noise, din
klaggh/ any sharp sound
klagero/j screaming
kla/doj a young slip
kla/zw to make a sharp piercing sound
klai/w to weep, lament, wail
klambo/j mutilated
klasibw=lac breaking clods
kla/sij a breaking
kla/sma that which is broken off, a fragment, morsel
klasta/zw to dress vines
klasto/j broken in pieces
klauqmo/j a weeping
klauqmuri/zw to make to weep
klauqmurismo/j a crying like a child
klau=ma a weeping, wailing
klausia/w to wish to weep
klausi/gelwj smiles mixed with tears
klausi/maxoj La-machus (ready-for-fight)
klausto/j wept, bewailed: to be bewailed, mournful
kla/w to break, break off
kleidi/on a little key
kleidouxe/w to have charge of the keys
kleidou=xoj holding the keys, having charge of
kleiqri/a a keyhole
klei=qron a bar
kleino/j famous, renowned, illustrious
klei/j that which serves for closing
kleisto/j that can be shut
klei/w to shut, close, bar
klei/w to celebrate
kleiw/ Clio

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kle/mma a theft
kle/oj a rumour, report, news
klepte/oj one must conceal
kle/pthj a thief
kleptiko/j thieving
klepti/statoj the most arrant thief
kle/ptw to steal, filch, purloin
kleyi/frwn deceiving, dissembling
kleyu/dra a water-clock
kle/w to tell of, celebrate
klh/dhn by name
klhdw/n an omen
klh/|zw to make famous, to celebrate in song, laud
klh/|zw to shut
klh/qra the alder
klh=ma a vine-twig, vine-branch
klhma/tinoj of vine-twigs
klhmati/j brush-wood, fagot-wood
klhronome/w to receive a share of an inheritance, to inherit a portion
klhrono/mhma an inheritance
klhronomi/a an inheritance
klhrono/moj one who receives a portion
klhropalh/j distributed by shaking the lots
klh=roj a lot
klhrouxe/w to obtain by allotment, to have allotted to one
klhrouxi/a the allotment of land to citizens in a foreign country
klhrouxiko/j of
klhrou=xoj one who held an allotment of land
klhro/w to appoint
klhrwto/j appointed by lot
klh=sij a calling, call
klh=|sij a shutting up, closing
klhte/oj to be called, named
klhteu/w to summon into court
klhth/r one who calls, a summoner
klhto/j called, invited, welcome
klimakth/r the round of a ladder
kli=mac a ladder
kli/ma an inclination, slope
kli/neioj of
kli/nh that on which one lies, a couch
klinh/rhj bed-ridden
kliniko/j that visits his patients in their beds
klinopeth/j bed-ridden
klinopoio/j making beds
klinth/r a couch, sofa

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kli/nw to make to bend, slope

klisia/dej folding doors
klisi/a a place for lying down
klisi/hqen out of
klisi/hnde into
kli/sion the outbuildings round a herdman's cot
kli/sij a bending, inclination
klismo/j a couch
kli/toj a clime
klitu/j a slope, hill-side
kloio/j a dog-collar
klone/w to drive in confusion, drive before one
klo/noj any confused motion, the press of battle, battle-rout, turmoil
klopai=oj stolen
klopeu/j a thief, stealer
kloph/ theft
klo/pioj thievish, artful
klopo/j a thief
klotopeu/w to deal subtly, to spin out time by false pretences
kludwni/zomai to be tossed like waves
kludw/nion a little wave, ripple
klu/dwn a wave, billow
klu/zw to dash over
klu/menoj famous
klu/sma a liquid used for washing out
klusth/r a clyster-pipe, syringe
kluto/dendroj famous for trees
klutoergo/j famous for work
kluto/karpoj glorious with fruit
kluto/mhtij famous for skill
kluto/moxqoj famous for toils
kluto/nouj famous for wisdom
kluto/paij with famous children
kluto/pwloj with noble steeds
kluto/j heard of
klutote/xnhj famous for his art, renowned artist
kluto/tocoj famous for the bow, renowned archer
klu/w to hear
klwbo/j a bird-cage
klwgmo/j the clucking
klw/zw to croak
klw=qej the spinners
klwqw/ spinster
klw/qw to twist by spinning, spin
klwmako/eij stony, rocky
klw/mac a heap of stones

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klw/n a twig, spray

klwpeu/w to steal
klwpiko/j thievish, clandestine
klw/ssw to cluck
klwsth/r a spindle
klwsth/j a web
klw/y a thief
kna/ptw to card
knafei=on a fuller's shop
knafeu/j a fuller
knafeu/w to clean cloth
kna/foj the prickly teasel
kna/w to scrape
knefa/zw to cloud over, obscure
knefai=oj dark, dusky
kne/faj darkness, evening dusk, twilight
knh/qw to scratch, tickle
knhko/j pale yellow, tawny
knh/margoj white-legged
knh/mh the part between the knee and ankle, the leg
knhmidofo/roj wearing greaves
knhmi/j a greave
knhmo/j the projecting limb
knhsia/w to wish to scratch, to feel an itching, to itch
knhsi/xrusoj scraping
knh=sma a sting, bite
knhsmo/j an itching, irritation
knh=stij a knife for scraping
kni/dh a nettle
kni/dioj of
kni/zw to scrape
knipo/j niggardly
kni=sa the savour and steam of burnt sacrifice
knisa/w to fill with the steam
knish/eij full of the steam of burnt sacrifice, steamy
kni/sma scrapings
knismo/j an itching of the skin, tickling
kniso/w to reduce to vapour
kniswto/j steaming
kni/y insect which gnaws
knuza/omai to whine, whimper
knuzhqmo/j a whining, whimpering
knuzo/w to disfigure
knw/dalon any dangerous animal
knw/dwn two projecting teeth
knw/ssw to slumber, sleep

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koa/lemoj a stupid fellow, booby

kobali/keuma a knavish trick
ko/baloj an impudent rogue, arrant knave
ko/gxh a mussel
kogxulia/thj full of shells
kogxu/lion a small kind of mussel
koe/w to mark, perceive, hear
ko/qornoj high boot
ko/qouroj dock-tailed
koi/zw to cry
koi/h| how? in what way? in what respect?
koilai/nw to make hollow, scoop out
koila/j a hollow, deep valley
koili/a the large cavity of the body, the belly
koiliopw/lhj a tripe-seller
koiloga/stwr hollow-bellied, hungry
koilo/pedoj lying in a hollow
koi=loj hollow, hollowed
koilo/fqalmoj hollow-eyed
koiloxei/lhj hollow-rimmed
koilw/dhj hollow-like, cavernous
koi/lwma a hollow, cavity
koilwph/j hollow-eyed
koilwpo/j hollow to look at: hollow
koima/w to lull
koi/mhma sleep
koi/mhsij a lying down to sleep
koimi/zw to put to sleep
koimisth/j one who puts to bed
koinoboule/w to deliberate in common
koino/lektroj having a common bed, a bedfellow, consort
koinolexh/j a paramour
koinologe/omai to commune
koino/plouj sailing in common
koino/pouj of common foot
koino/j common, shared in common
koino/thj a sharing in common, community, partnership
koino/tokoj of
koinofilh/j loving in common
koino/frwn like-minded with
koino/w to make common, communicate, impart
koinwne/w to have
koinw/nhma acts of communion, communications, dealings between man and man
koinwnhte/oj one must give a share
koinwni/a communion, association, partnership, fellowship
koinwniko/j held in common, social

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koinwno/j a companion, partner

koi/ squeaking
koirane/w to be lord
koirani/a sovereignty
koi/ranoj a ruler, commander
koita/zw to put to bed
koitai=oj in bed
koi/th the marriage-bed
koi=toj a place to lie on, bed
koitw/n a bed-chamber
ko/kkinoj scarlet
ko/kkoj a grain, seed
kokku/zw to cry cuckoo
ko/kkuc a cuckoo
ko/kku cuckoo!
ko/kkwn a pomegranate-seed
koku/ai ancestors
kola/zw to curtail, dock, prune
kolakei/a flattery, fawning
kola/keuma a piece of flattery
kolakeute/oj to be flattered
kolakeutiko/j disposed to flatter, flattering, fawning
kolakeu/w to flatter
kolakw/numoj parasite-named
ko/lac a flatterer, fawner
kolapth/r a chisel
kola/ptw to peck at
ko/lasij chastisement, correction, punishment
ko/lasma chastisement
kolaste/oj to be chastised
kolasth/rion a house of correction
kolasth/j a chastiser, punisher
kolastiko/j corrective
kolafi/zw to buffet
ko/lafoj a buffet.
koleo/n a sheath, scabbard
koletra/w to trample on
ko/llaboj cake
ko/lla glue
kolla/w to glue, cement
ko/llhsij a glueing
kollhto/j glued together, closely joined, well-framed
kollikofa/goj roll-eating
ko/llic a roll
ko/lloy the peg
kollubisth/j a small money-changer

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ko/lluboj a small coin

kollu/rion eye-salve
kolobo/j docked, curtailed
kolobo/w to dock, curtail, shorten
koloi/arxoj a chief of jackdaws, jackdaw-general
koloio/j a jackdaw, daw
kolo/kuma a large heavy wave
koloku/nqh a pumpkin
kolokunqia/j made from pumpkins
koloku/nqinoj made from pumpkins
ko/lon the colon
ko/loj docked, curtal
kolosso/j a colossus
kolosurto/j a noisy rabble
ko/louroj dock-tailed
ko/lousij a docking, cutting short
kolou/w to cut short, dock, curtail
kolofw/n a summit, top, finishing
kolpi/aj swelling in folds
ko/lpoj the bosom
kolpo/w to form into a swelling fold
kolpw/dhj embosomed, embayed
ko/lpwma a folded garment
kolumba/w to plunge into the sea
kolumbh/qra a swimming-bath
kolumbhth/j a diver
kolumbi/j a diver
ko/lumboj a diver
ko/lxoj a Colchian
kolw|a/w to brawl, scold
kolwnh=qen from the deme
kolw/nh a hill, mound
kolwno/j a hill
kolw|o/j a brawling, wrangling
ko/maroj the strawberry-tree, arbutus
komarofa/goj eating the fruit of the arbutus
koma/w to let the hair grow long, wear long hair
kome/w to take care of, attend to, tend
ko/mh the hair, hair of the head
komhtamuni/aj coxcomb-Amynias
komh/thj wearing long hair, long-haired
komidh/ attendance, care
komidh=| exactly, just
komi/zw to take care of, provide for
komiste/oj to be taken care of, to be gathered in
komisth/j one who takes care of

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ko/mistron reward for saving

ko/mma the stamp
kommatiko/j consisting of short clauses
ko/mmi gum
kommo/j a striking
kommo/w to beautify
kommwth/j a beautifier, embellisher
kommwtiko/j of
kommw/tria a dresser, tirewoman
kompa/zw to vaunt, boast, brag
kompaseu/j one of the
ko/mpasma boasts, braggart words
kompasth/j a braggart
kompe/w to ring, clash
kompolake/w to talk big, be an empty braggart
ko/mpoj a noise, din, clash
kompofakelorrh/mwn pomp-bundle-worded
kompw/dhj boastful, vainglorious
komyei/a refinement
komyeuripikw=j with Euripides-prettinesses
komyeu/w to refine upon, quibble upon
komyopreph/j dainty-seeming
komyo/j well-dressed
konabe/w to resound, clash, ring, reecho
konabhdo/n with a noise, clash, din
ko/naboj a ringing, clashing, din
ko/nduloj a knuckle
kone/w to raise dust: to hasten
koni/a dust, a cloud of dust
koniato/j plastered
konia/w to plaster
koniorto/j dust stirred up, a cloud of dust
koni/saloj a cloud of dust
ko/nij ashes
koni/w to make dusty, cover with clouds of dust
konna=j a worthless
konto/j a pole, punting-pole, boat-hook
kontofo/roj carrying a pole
ko/nuza fleabane, pulicaria
kopa/zw to grow weary
kopeu/j a chisel
koph/ a cutting in pieces, slaughter
kopia/w to be tired, grow weary
ko/pij a prater, liar, wrangler
kopi/j a chopper, cleaver, a broad curved knife
ko/poj a striking, beating

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ko/ppa (koph)
koppati/aj branded with the letter koppa
ko/preioj full of dung, filthy
kopri/a a dunghill
kopri/zw to dung, manure
koprolo/goj a dung-gatherer, a dirty fellow
ko/proj dung, ordure, manure
koprofore/w to cover with dung
koprofo/roj carrying dung
koprw/n a place for dung, privy
kopto/j chopped small
ko/ptw to strike, smite, knock down
koraki=noj a young raven
ko/rac carrion-crow
kora/sion a girl, maiden
korba=n a gift
kordaki/zw to dance the
kordakiko/j like the dance
kordakismo/j the dancing of the
ko/rdac the cordax
kore/nnumi to sate, satiate, satisfy
ko/reuma maidenhood
koreu/omai to be a maid, grow up to maidenhood
kore/w to sweep, sweep out
ko/rhma a besom, broom
ko/rh a maiden, maid, damsel
korqu/nw to lift up, raise
kori/annon coriander
kori/zomai to fondle, caress, coax
kori/nqioj Corinthian
ko/rinqoj Corinth
ko/rij a bug
korkorugh/ the rumbling
kormo/j the trunk
ko/roj one's fill, satiety, surfeit
ko/roj a boy, lad, stripling
ko/roj cor
ko/rsh one of the temples, the side of the forehead
koruba/nteioj Corybantian
korubantia/w to be filled with Corybantic frenzy
korubanti/zw to purify
koru/baj a Corybant, priest of Cybele in Phrygia
korudo/j the crested lark
ko/ruza a running at the nose
koruza/w to run at the nose
koruqa/ic helmet-shaking

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koruqai/oloj with glancing helm

ko/rumboj high-pointed sterns
koru/nh a club, mace
korunh/thj a club-bearer, mace-bearer
korunhfo/roj club-bearing
korupti/loj one that butts with the head
koru/ptw to butt with the head
ko/ruj a helmet, helm, casque
koru/ssw to furnish with a helmet
korusth/j a helmed man, an armed warrior
korufai/a the head-stall of a bridle
korufai=on the upper rim of a hunting-net
korufai=oj the head man, chief man, leader
korufh/ the head, top, highest point
korufo/w to bring to a head
korwneka/bh old as a crow
korw/newj of raven-gray colour
korw/nh sea-crow
korwnia/w to arch the neck
korwni/j crook-beaked, curved
korwnobo/loj shooting crows
korwno/j curved, crooked: with crumpled horns
koskinhdo/n like, as in a sieve
koskino/mantij a diviner by a sieve
ko/skinon a sieve
koskulma/tia shreds of leather
kosme/w to order, arrange
ko/smhma an ornament, decoration
ko/smhsij an ordering, disposition, arrangement, adornment
kosmhth/j an orderer, director
kosmhtiko/j skilled in arranging
kosmhto/j well-ordered, trim
kosmh/twr one who marshals an army, a commander
kosmiko/j of the world
ko/smioj well-ordered, regular, moderate
kosmio/thj propriety, decorum, orderly behaviour
kosmoko/mhj dressing the hair
kosmokra/twr lord of the world
kosmoplo/koj holding the world together
ko/smoj order
kosmofqo/roj destroying the world
kote/w to bear a grudge against
koth/eij wrathful, jealous
kotinhfo/roj producing wild olive-trees
ko/tinoj the wild olive-tree
kotinotra/goj eating wild olive-berries

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ko/toj a grudge, rancour, wrath

kottabi/zw to play at the cottabus
kotta/bion the prize of the game
ko/ttaboj the cottabus
kotulhdw/n any cup-shaped hollow
kotu/lh a cup
kotulh/rutoj that can be drawn in cups
kotu/lwn nickname of a toper
koura/ a shearing
kourei=on a barber's shop
koureu/j a barber, hair-cutter
kourh/ioj youthful
kou/rhtej young men
kouri/aj one with short hair
kouria/w to need clipping
kouri/dioj wedded
kouri/zw to be a youth
kou/rimoj of, for cutting hair
kouri/c by the hair
kourobo/roj devouring children
kourosu/nh youth, youthful prime
kouro/sunoj youthful
kouro/teroj younger, more youthful
kouroto/koj bearing boy-children
kourotro/foj rearing boys
koufi/zw to be light
kou/fisij a lightening, alleviation, relief
koufologi/a light talking
koufolo/goj lightly talking.
koufo/nouj light-minded, thoughtless
kou=foj light, nimble
ko/finoj a basket
koxli/aj a snail with a spiral shell
koxli/on a small snail
ko/xloj a shell-fish with a spiral shell
koxude/w to stream forth copiously
koxw/nh the posteriors
ko/yixoj a blackbird
kra/bbatoj a couch, bed
kradai/nw to swing, wave, brandish
krada/w to shake, brandish
kra/dh the quivering spray at the end of a branch
kra/zw to croak
krai/nw to accomplish, fulfil, bring to pass
kraipala/w to have a sick head-ache
kraipa/lh a drunken head-ache

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kraipalo/kwmoj rambling in drunken revelry

kraipno/j rapid, rushing
kraipno/sutoj swift-rushing
kraipnofo/roj swift-bearing
kra/mbh cabbage, kail
kra/mboj loud, ringing
krambofa/goj cabbage-eater
kranah/pedoj with hard rocky soil
kranao/j rocky, rugged
kra/neia the cornel-tree, dog-wood
krane/inoj made of cornel-wood
krani/on the upper part of the head, the skull
kranopoie/w to make helmets
kranopoio/j a helmet-maker
kra/noj a helmet
kranth/r one that accomplishes: a ruler, sovereign
kra=sij a mixing, blending, compounding
kra/spedon the edge, border, skirt
kraspedo/omai to be bordered
kra/j the head
krataibo/loj hurled with violence
krataigu/aloj with strong plates
krataii/j mighty force
kratai/lewj of hard stones, rocky
krataio/j strong, mighty, resistless
kratai/pedoj with hard ground
kratai/pouj stout-footed
kratai/rinoj hard-shelled
kraterai/xmhj mighty with the spear
kraterau/xhn strong-necked
kratero/j strong, stout, mighty
kratero/frwn stout-hearted, dauntless
kratero/xeir stout of hand
kraterw=nuc strong-hoofed, solid-hoofed
krateutai/ the forked stand
krate/w to be strong, mighty, powerful
krathri/zw to drink from a bowl of wine
krath/r a mixing vessel
krathsi/maxoj conquering in the fight
krathsi/pouj victorious in the foot-race
krath/sippoj victorious in the race
kratisteu/w to be mightiest, best, most excellent
kra/tistoj strongest, mightiest
kra/toj strength, might
kratu/nw to strengthen
kratu/j strong, mighty

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krauga/zw to bay
kraugasi/dhj son of a croaker
kraugh/ a crying, screaming, shrieking, shouting
krea/gra a flesh-hook
krea/dion a morsel of meat, slice of meat
kreanome/w to distribute flesh, to divide the flesh
kreanomi/a a distribution of flesh
kreano/moj one who distributes the flesh of victims, a carver
kre/aj flesh, meat, a piece of meat
krehdo/koj containing flesh
krei=on a meat-tray, dresser
kreisso/teknoj dearer than children
krei/sswn stronger, mightier, more powerful
krei/wn a ruler, lord, master
kreka/dia a
krekto/j struck so as to sound
kre/kw to strike
krema/qra a net
krema/nnumi to hang, hang up
kremasto/j hung, hung up, hanging
kre/mbala rattling instruments
krembaliastu/j a rattling as with castanets
kreodai/thj a distributor of flesh, carver at a public meal
kreokope/w to cut in pieces
kreoko/poj a cutter up of flesh.
kreourge/w to cut up meat like a butcher
kreourghdo/n like a butcher, in pieces
kreourgi/a a cutting up, butchering.
kreourgo/j working
kreofa/goj eating flesh, carnivorous
krh/guoj good, agreeable
krh/demnon a veil
krh/mnhmi to hang, be suspended
krhmnoba/thj a haunter of steeps
krhmnopoio/j speaking crags
krhmno/j an overhanging bank
krhmnw/dhj precipitous
krhnai=oj of, from a spring
krh/nhqen from a well
krh/nhnde to a well
krh/nh a well, spring, fountain
krhnia/j spring-nymphs
krhpi/j a half-boot
krh/j a Cretan
krhsfu/geton a place of refuge, retreat, resort
krh/thqen from Crete

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krh/thnde to Crete
krh/th Crete
krhti/zw to play the Cretan
krhtiko/j of
krhtismo/j Cretan behaviour
kribani/thj baked in a pan
kri/banoj an earthen vessel, a pan
kri/zw to creak
kriqa/w to be barley-fed, to wax wanton
kriqh/ barley-corns, barley
kriqi/asij of surfeit caused by over-feeding with barley
kriqi/zw to feed with barley
kri/qinoj made of
kriqotra/goj barley-eating
kri/koj a ring
kri=ma a decision, judgment
kri/mnon coarse meal
kri/non a lily
kri/nw to pick out, choose
kriopro/swpoj ram-faced
krio/j a ram
kri= barley
kri=sa Crisa
kri/simoj decisive, critical
kri/sij a separating, power of distinguishing
krite/oj to be decided
krith/rion a means for judging
krith/j a decider, judge, umpire
kritiko/j able to discern, critical
krito/j picked out, chosen
kroai/nw to stamp, strike with the hoof
kroka/lh a pebble, shingle
kro/keoj saffron-coloured
kro/kh the thread which is passed between the threads of the warp
kro/kinoj of saffron
kroko/baptoj saffron-dyed
krokobafh/j sallow, sickly
kroko/deiloj a lizard
kroko/eij saffron-coloured
kroko/peploj with yellow veil
kro/koj the crocus
kroko/w to crown with yellow ivy
kroku/j the flock
krokwto/j saffron-dyed, saffron-coloured
krommuocuregmi/a a belch of onions and vinegar
kro/muon an onion

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kroni/dhj son of Cronus

kroniko/j old-fashioned, out of date
kro/nioj Saturnian, of Cronus
kro/nippoj an old dotard
kroni/wn son of Cronus
kro/noj Cronus
kro/ssai battlements
krotali/zw to use rattles
kro/talon a rattle, castanet
kro/tafoj the side of the forehead
krote/w to make to rattle
kro/thma work wrought by the hammer:&mdash
kro/thsij a clapping
krothto/j stricken, sounding with blows
kro/toj a striking, the sound made by striking
krou=ma a stroke: a sound made by striking stringed instruments
kroumatiko/j of
krouni/zw to send forth a stream
krou/nisma a gush
krouno/j a spring, well-head
krounoxutrolh/raioj a pourer forth of washy twaddle
krou=sij a striking, smiting
kroustiko/j fit for striking the ears, impressive
krou/w to strike, smite: to strike
kru/bda without the knowledge of
kru/bdhn secretly
kruero/j icy, chilling
krumo/j icy cold, frost
krumw/dhj icy-cold, frozen, icy
kruo/eij chilling
kru/oj icy cold, chill, frost
krupta/dioj secret, clandestine
kruptei/a a secret commission
krupteu/w to conceal, hide
krupto/j hidden, secret
kru/ptw to hide, cover, cloak
krustalli/zw to be clear as crystal
krusta/llinoj of crystal, crystalline
krustallo/phktoj congealed to ice, frozen
kru/stalloj clear ice, ice
krufai=oj hidden
kru/fa without the knowledge of
kru/fioj hidden, concealed
krufo/j a cloud
kruyi/nouj hiding one's thoughts, dissembling
kru/yij a hiding, concealment

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krwbu/loj a roll
krwgmo/j the cawing of a crow
krw/zw to cry like a crow, caw
krwsso/j a water-pail, pitcher, jar
kta/nthj a murderer
kta/omai to procure for oneself, to get, gain, acquire
kte/anon possessions, property
ktea/teira thou that hast put us in possession of
kteati/zw to get, gain, win
kteatisto/j gotten, acquired
ktei/nw to kill, slay
ktei/j a comb
kteni/zw to comb, curry
kteni/on a small comb
ktenismo/j a combing
kte/raj a possession
kte/rea funeral gifts
kterei/zw to bury with due honours
kth=ma anything gotten, a piece of property, a possession
kthnhdo/n like beasts
kth=noj flocks and herds
kthnotrofi/a cattle-keeping
kthnotro/foj keeping cattle, pastoral.
kth/sioj belonging to property
kth=sij acquisition
kthte/oj to be gotten
kthtiko/j acquisitive
kthto/j that may be gotten
kth/twr a possessor, owner
kti/deoj of a marten-cat
kti/zw to people
kti/loj tame, docile, gentle
ktilo/w to tame
kti/sij a founding, foundation
kti/sma anything created, a creature
kti/sthj a founder
kti/thj an inhabitant
ktupe/w to crash
ktu/poj any loud noise, a crash
ku/aqoj a cup
kuameuto/j chosen by beans
kuameu/w to be so elected
ku/amoj a bean
kuamotrw/c bean-eater
kuamofagi/a the eating of beans, bean-diet
kuanaigi/j she of the dark Aegis

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kuana/mpuc with dark edge

kuanaugh/j dark-gleaming
kua/neai dark rocks
kua/neoj dark-blue, glossy-blue
kuanoble/faroj dark-eyed
kuanoeidh/j dark-blue, deep-blue
kuano/qric dark-haired
kuano/peza with feet of
kuano/peploj dark-veiled
kuano/prw|roj with dark-blue prow, dark-prowed
kuano/pteroj with blue-black feathers, dark-winged
ku/anoj cyanus, a dark-blue substance
kuano/stoloj dark-robed
kuano/fruj dark-browed
kuanoxai/thj dark-haired
kuano/xrouj dark-coloured, dark-looking
kuanw/phj dark-eyed
kuanw=pij dark-looking
kuanwpo/j dark-looking
kubei/a dice-playing, dicing
kubei=on a gaming-house
kube/lh Cybele
kuberna/w to act as pilot
kubernh/sia a festival
kube/rnhsij steering, pilotage
kubernh/thj a steersman, helmsman, pilot
kubernhtiko/j good at steering
kubeuth/j a dicer, gambler
kubeutiko/j of
kubeu/w to play at dice
kubista/w to tumble head foremost, tumble
kubi/sthma a summerset
kubi/sthsij a summerset
kubisthth/r a tumbler
ku/boj dice
kuda/zw to revile
kudai/nw to give
kuda/limoj glorious, renowned, famous
kuda/nw to hold in honour
kudh/eij glorious
kudia/neira glorifying
kudia/w to bear oneself proudly, go proudly along, exult
ku/distoj most glorious, most honoured, noblest
kudi/wn nobler
kudoidopa/w to make a hubbub
kudoime/w to make an uproar, spread alarm

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kudoimo/j the din of battle, uproar, hubbub

ku=doj glory, renown
kudro/j glorious, illustrious, noble
kudw/nioj Cydonian
kue/w to bear in the womb, to be pregnant with
ku/zikoj of
ku/hma that which is conceived, an embryo, foetus
kuhro/j pregnant
ku/hsij conception
kuqe/reia Cythereia
ku/qhra Cerigo
kuqh/rioj Cytherean
kuqhrodi/khj a Spartan magistrate sent annually to govern the island of Cythera
kuqh/roqen from Cythera
kui/skomai to conceive, become pregnant
kuka/w to stir up
kukew/n mixed drink, a potion, tankard
ku/khqron a ladle for stirring
ku/khsij a stirring up, mixing up
kukhsi/tefroj mixed with ashes
kukla/j round, circular
kukle/w to move round and round, wheel along
kuklia/j round
kukliko/j circular
kukliodida/skaloj a teacher of the dithyrambic chorus
ku/klioj round, circular
kuklobore/w to brawl like the torrent Cycloborus
kuklobo/roj Cycloborus
kuklodi/wktoj driven in a circle
kuklo/qen from all around
kuklomo/libdoj a round lead-pencil
kuklo/se in
kuklosobe/w to drive round in a circle, whirl round
ku/kloj a ring, circle, round
kukloterh/j made round by turning
kuklo/w to encircle, surround
kuklw/peioj Cyclopean
kuklwpikw=j like the Cyclopes
kuklw/pion little Cyclops
ku/klwsij a surrounding
kuklwto/j rounded, round
ku/klwy a Cyclops
ku/kneioj of a swan
kukno/morfoj swan-shaped
kukno/pteroj swan-plumed
ku/knoj a swan

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ku/knoyij swan-like
kuli/ndhsij a rolling, wallowing
ku/lindroj a roller, cylinder
kuli/ndw to roll, roll along
ku/lic a cup, drinking-cup, wine-cup
ku/lisma a rolling, wallowing
kuli/stra a place for horses to roll in
kuli/w to roll along
kullh/nh Cyllene, a mountain in Arcadia
kullopodi/wn crook-footed, halting
kullo/j crooked, crippled
kuloidia/w to have a swelling below the eye
kumai/nw to rise in waves
ku=ma anything swollen
kumati/aj surging, billowy
kumatoagh/j breaking like waves
kumatolh/gh wave-stiller
kumatoplh/c wave-beaten
kumato/w to cover with waves
kumatwgh/ a place where the waves break, the beach
kumatw/dhj on which the waves break
ku/mbalon a cymbal
ku/mbaxoj head-foremost
ku/mindij the night-jar
kumineu/w to strew with cummin
ku/minon cummin
kuminopri/sthj a cummin-splitter
kuminopristokardamoglu/foj a cummin-splitting-cress-scraper
kumode/gmwn meeting the waves
kumodo/kh wave-receiver
kumoqo/h wave-swift
kumopo/leia wave-walker
kumw/ wavy
kuna/gkh a dog's collar
kunago/j a hound-leader
kunagwgo/j a leader of hounds, huntsman
kunalw/phc a fox-dog, mongrel between dog and fox
kuna/muia dog-fly
kuna/rion a little dog, whelp
kuna/j of a dog
kuna/w to play the Cynic
kune/h a dog's skin
ku/neioj of, belonging to a dog
ku/neoj shameless, unabashed
kune/w to kiss
kunhge/sion a hunting-establishment, huntsmen and hounds, a pack of hounds

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kunhgete/w to hunt
kunhge/thj a hunter, huntsman
kunhgetiko/j of
kunhge/w to hunt, chase
kunhgi/a hunt, chase, hunting
kunh/gion the hunt, chase
kunhdo/n like a dog
ku/nqoj Cynthus
kunideu/j a puppy
kuni/dion a little dog, whelp, puppy
kuni/zw to play the dog
kuniko/j dog-like
kuni/skh a bitch-puppy
kuni/skoj a young dog, puppy
kunismo/j Cynical philosophy
kuno/douj a canine tooth
kunodrome/w to run with dogs
kunoqarsh/j impudent as a dog
kunoke/faloj dog-headed
kunoklo/poj dog-stealing
kunokope/w to beat like a dog
kunopro/swpoj dog-faced
kuno/sargej Cynosarges
kuno/sbatoj dog-thorn
kuno/soura dog's-tail, the Cynosure
kunospa/raktoj torn by dogs
kunou=xoj a dog-holder, dog-leash
kuno/frwn dog-minded, shameless
ku/nteroj more dog-like
kunw/ a she-dog
kunw/phj the dog-eyed
kuofore/w to be pregnant
kupari/ssinoj of cypress-wood
kupa/rissoj a cypress
kupassi/j a short frock
ku/peiron galingale
kupelloma/xoj at which they fight with cups
ku/pellon a big-bellied drinking vessel, a beaker, goblet, cup
kupellofo/roj carrying cups
kupri/dioj like Cypris
ku/prioj of Cyprus, Cyprian
ku/prij Cypris
kuprogenh/j Cyprus-born
kupro/qen from Cyprus
ku/pronde to Cyprus
ku/proj Cyprus

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kupta/zw to keep stooping, to go poking about, potter about

ku/ptw to bend forward, stoop down
kurbasi/a a Persian bonnet
ku/rbeij triangular tablets
ku/reioj of Cyrus
kure/w to hit, light upon
kurhba/zw to butt with the horns
kurh/bia husks, bran:&mdash
kurh/nh Cyrene
kuriako/j of
kurieu/w to be lord
ku/rioj having power
ku/rioj a lord, master
kurio/thj dominion
kuri/ssw to butt with the horns
kuri/wj like a lord
ku/rma that which one meets with
ku/rnoj Cyrnus
ku=roj supreme power, authority
ku=roj Cyrus
kuro/w to make valid, confirm, ratify, determine
kurteuth/j one that fishes with the
ku/rth a fishing-basket
kurto/j curved, arched
kurto/w to curve
ku/rwsij a ratification
ku/stij the bladder
ku/tisoj cytisus, a kind of clover
kutmi/j a kind of plaster
kutoga/stwr with capacious belly
ku/toj the hollow
ku/ttaroj the cell of a comb
kufagwgo/j with neck arched and head low
kufo/j bent forwards, bent, stooping, hump-backed
ku/fwn the bent yoke of the plough
kuye/lh any hollow vessel: a chest, box
kuyeli/dai descendants of Cypselus
ku/wn a dog
ku/w to conceive
kw=aj a fleece
kwbio/j gudgeon
kw/deia the head
kw/dion a sheepskin, fleece
kwdwni/zw to prove by ringing
kwdwno/krotoj ringing, jingling
kwdwnofalaro/pwloj with bells on his horses' trappings

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kwdwnofore/w to carry the bell round, to visit the sentinels

kw/dwn a bell
kw/qwn a Laconian drinking-vessel
kw/kuma a shriek, wail
kwkuto/j a shrieking, wailing
kwku/w to shriek, cry, wail
kwlagre/thj collector of the pieces at a sacrifice
kwlh= the thigh-bone with the flesh on it, the ham
kw/lhy the hollow of the knees
kwlia/j Colias
kw=lon a limb
kw/luma a hindrance, impediment
kwlu/mh hindering
kwlute/oj one must hinder
kwluth/j a hinderer
kwlutiko/j preventive
kwlu/w to let, hinder, check, prevent
kwma/zw to go about with a party of revellers, to revel, make merry
kw=ma deep sleep, slumber
kwma/rxhj the head man of a village
kwmasth/j a reveller
kw/mh country town
kwmh/thj a villager, countryman
kwmo/polij a village-town
kw=moj a village festival: a revel, carousal, merry-making
kw/muj a bundle
kwmw|de/w to represent in a comedy, to satirise, lampoon, libel
kwmw|di/a a comedy
kwmw|diko/j of comedy, comic
kwmw|dodidaskali/a the comic poet's art
kwmw|dodida/skaloj a comic poet
kwmw|doloixe/w to play the parasite and buffoon
kwmw|dopoio/j a maker of comedies, comic poet
kwmw|do/j a comedian
kw/neion hemlock
kwni/on a small cone
kwni=tij extracted from pine-cones
kw=noj the fruit of the
kwnotome/w to make a conic section
kwnofo/roj bearing a cone
kwnwpei=on an Egyptian couch with mosquito-curtains
kw/nwy a gnat, mosquito
kw=|oj of, from the island Cos, Coan
kwpai/j of
kwpeu/j pieces of wood fit for making oars, oar-spars
kwpeu/w to propel with oars

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kwph/eij hilted
kwphlate/w to pull an oar
kwphla/thj a rower
kw/ph the handle of an oar
kwph/rhj furnished with oars
kw/rukoj a leathern sack
kw/rion a little girl
kwru/kioj Corycian
kw/rukoj a promontory of Cilicia
kw=j Cos
kwti/llw to prattle, chatter
kwti/loj twittering
kwfo/j blunt, dull, obtuse
kwfo/thj deafness
labh/ the part intended for grasping, a handle, haft
labrago/rhj a bold, rash talker, braggart
la/brac the bass
labreu/omai to talk rashly, brag
labropo/dhj rapid of foot, rushing
labropote/w to drink hard
la/broj furious, boisterous
labrosu/nh violence, greed
labro/sutoj rushing furiously
labu/rinqoj a labyrinth
lagari/zomai to be slack
lagaro/j slack, hollow, sunken
lage/thj leader of the people
la/ginoj of the hare
la/gion a leveret
lagnei/a lasciviousness, lust
la/gnoj lascivious, lustful
lagodai/thj hare-devourer
lagoqh/raj a hare-hunter
lagoktone/w to kill hares
la/gunoj a flask, flagon
lagxa/nw to obtain by lot, by fate, by the will of the gods
lagw/|dion a leveret
lagw/n the hollow on each side below the ribs, the flank
lagw=|oj of the hare
lagw=j a hare
lagwsfagi/a a killing of hares
la/danon an aromatic gum, gum mastich
lae/rthj ant
la/zomai to take, seize, grasp
laqhtiko/j likely to escape notice
laqikhdh/j banishing care

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laqi/ponoj forgetful of sorrow

laqi/fqoggoj robbing of voice
laqrai=oj secret, covert, clandestine, furtive
la/qrh| secretly, covertly, by stealth, treacherously
la/qrioj treacherously
laqrobo/loj hitting secretly
laqroda/knhj biting secretly
laqropo/dhj stealthy-paced
la/quroj a
la=igc a small stone, pebble
lai/qargoj biting secretly
laika/zw to wench
laikasth/j a wencher
lai=lay a tempest, furious storm, hurricane
laimargi/a gluttony
lai/margoj very greedy, gluttonous
laimodakh/j throat-biting
laimope/dh a dog-collar
laimo/rutoj gushing from the throat
laimo/j the throat, gullet
laimo/tmhtoj with the throat severed
laimo/tomoj with the throat cut, severed by the throat
laimoto/moj throat-cutting
la/inoj of stone
laio/j on the left
laiotome/w to reap corn
laish/ion a
lai=tma the depth
lai=foj a tattered garment, rags
laiyhro/j light, nimble, swift
laka/zw to shout, howl
la/kaina Lacaena, a Laconian woman
lakatapu/gwn very lascivious
lakedai/mwn Lacedaemon
lake/ruza one that screams
laki/zw to tear
la/kisma tatters
laki/j a rent, rending
lakisto/j torn
lakko/ploutoj pit-wealth
la/kkoj a pond
lakpa/thtoj trampled on
lakti/zw to kick with the heel
la/ktisma a trampling on
lakwni/zw to imitate the Lacedaemonians
lakwniko/j Laconian

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lakwnismo/j imitation of Lacedaemonian manners

lakwnisth/j one who imitates the Lacedaemonians
lakwnomane/w to have a Laconomania
la/kwn a Laconian
lalage/w to prattle, to babble
lala/ghma prattle, babbling
lale/w to talk, chat, prattle, babble
la/lhqroj talkative
la/lhma talk, prattle
lalhte/oj to be talked of
lalhtiko/j given to babbling
lalhtri/j a talker, prattler
lalia/ talking, talk, chat
la/llai pebbles
la/loj talkative, babbling, loquacious
lama/ what? why?
lamaxi/ppion little jockey-Lamachus
la/maxoj eager-for-fight
lamba/nw to take
la/mia a monster said to feed on man's flesh, a bugbear
lampadarxi/a the superintendence of the
lampadhdromi/a the torch-race
lampadhfo/roj a torch-bearer
lampa/dion a small torch
lampadou=xoj torch-carrying, bright-beaming
lampa/j a torch
lampa/j gleaming with torches
lampeta/w to shine
lamphdw/n lustre
la/mph a torch
la/mpoj bright
la/mpouroj firetail
lampro/j bright, brilliant, radiant
lampro/thj brilliancy, splendour
lamprofwni/a clearness and loudness of voice
lampro/fwnoj clear-voiced
lampru/nw to make bright
lampthrouxi/a a holding of torches, watchfire
lampth/r a stand
la/mpw to give light, shine, beam, be bright, brilliant, radiant
lamuri/a audacity, impudence
lamuro/j gluttonous, greedy
lanqa/nw to escape notice, to be unknown, unseen, unnoticed
laceuto/j hewn out of the rock
laceu/w to hew in stone
la/cij an allotment of land

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la/c with the foot

laoda/maj man-taming
laodo/koj receiving the people
laome/dwn ruler of the people
laopaqh/j suffered by the people
laopo/roj serving as a passage for the people, man-conveying
laosebh/j worshipped by the people
lao/j the people
laosso/oj rousing
laote/ktwn a stone-worker
laoti/naktoj stirred by a stone
laotro/foj nourishing
laotu/poj cutting stones
laofqo/roj ruining the people, destructive
laofo/noj slaying the people
laofo/roj bearing people
lapa/ra the soft part of the body
laparo/j slack, loose
la intensive
la/ph the scum, filth
la/ptw to lap with the tongue
larino/j fatted, fat
larisai=oj Larissaean, of
la/risa Larissa
la/rkoj a charcoal-basket
la/rnac a coffer, box, chest
laro/j pleasant to the taste, dainty, sweet
la/roj a cormorant
laruggi/zw to shout lustily, bellow, bawl
la/rugc the larynx
la/sana a trivet
la/sqh mockery, insult
lasiau/xhn with rough, shaggy neck
la/sioj hairy, rough, shaggy, woolly
lasio/sternoj hairy-breasted
la/skw to ring, rattle, crash
lato/moj a stone-cutter.
latrei/a the state of a hired workman, service, servitude
la/treuma service for hire
latreu/w to work for hire
la/trioj of a servant
la/trij a workman for hire, hired servant
la/tron pay, hire
laukani/h the throat
lau/ra an alley, lane, passage
lauriwtiko/j of Mt. Lauri_um

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lafugmo/j gluttony
la/fura spoils
lafuropwle/w to sell booty
lafuropw/lhj a seller of booty, one who has bought up booty to retail
lafu/ssw to swallow greedily, gulp down, devour
lafu/stioj gluttonous
laxai/nw to dig
laxanhlo/goj gathering vegetables
laxanismo/j a gathering of vegetables
la/xanon garden-herbs, potherbs, vegetables, greens
laxano/pteroj vegetable-winged
laxanopw/lhj one who sells vegetables, a green-grocer
la/xeia well-tilled, fertile
la/xesij Lachesis, disposer of lots
laxh/ allotment
laxnh/eij hairy, shaggy
la/xnh soft hair, down
laxno/guioj with shaggy limbs
laxno/omai to grow downy
la/xnoj wool
laxnw/dhj downy
la/xoj an allotted portion
la/w to behold, look upon
la/w to wish, desire
law/dhj popular
le/aina a lioness
leai/nw to smooth
lea/nteira smoothing, polishing
le/bhj a kettle
le/gw to lay asleep, lull to sleep
le/gw to gather, pick up
le/gw to say, speak
lehlasi/a a making of booty, robbery
lehlate/w to drive away cattle as booty, to make booty
lei/a booty, plunder
lei/bw to pour, pour forth
lei=mac a meadow
lei=mma what was left
leimw/nioj of a meadow
leimwno/qen from a meadow
leimw/n any moist, grassy place, a meadow, mead, holm
leioge/neioj smooth-chinned
leioku/mwn having low waves
leio/mitoj smoothing the warp
leionth= a lion's skin
leiontoma/xhj a lion-fighter

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leiontopa/lhj a wrestler with a lion

lei=oj smooth, plain, not embroidered
leio/thj smoothness
leipte/oj one must leave
lei/pw to leave, quit
leirio/eij like a lily
lei/rion a lily
leisto/j of
leitourge/w to serve public offices at one's own cost
leitou/rghma the performance of a
leitourgi/a a liturgy
leitourgiko/j ministering
leitourgo/j one who performed a
leixh/n a tree-moss, lichen
leixh/nwr lick-man
leixopi/nac lick-platter
lei/xw to lick up
leiyanhlo/goj gathering remnants
lei/yanon a piece left, wreck, remnant, relic
leiyu/drion a waterless district
leiw/dhj smooth
leka/nh a hod
lekiqopw/lhj a peasepudding-seller
le/kiqoj pulse-porridge, peasepudding
le/koj a dish, plate, pot, pan
lekte/oj to be said
lektiko/j able to speak
lekto/j gathered, chosen, picked out
le/ktron a couch, bed
lelhqo/twj imperceptibly
leli/hmai to strive eagerly
lelogisme/nwj according to calculation
le/mboj a boat
le/mma that which is peeled off, peel, husk, skin, scale
le/cij a speaking, saying, speech
leonte/h a lion's skin
leo/nteoj of a lion
leonto/botoj fed on by lions
leonto/difroj in chariot drawn by lions
leontoke/faloj lion-headed
leontofo/noj lion-killing
leontofo/roj bearing the figure of a lion
leontofuh/j of lion nature
leonto/xlainoj clad in a lion's skin
leontw/dhj lion-like
le/padnon a broad leather strap

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lepai=oj rocky, rugged

le/pargoj with white coat
lepa/j a limpet
le/paj a bare rock, scaur, crag
lepasth/ a limpet-shaped drinking-cup
lepido/omai to be covered with scales.
lepidwto/j scaly, covered with scales
lepi/j a scale, husk
le/pra leprosy
lepro/j scaly, scabby, rough, leprous
leptale/oj fine, delicate
leptepi/leptoj thin-upon-thin
lepto/geioj of thin, poor soil
lepto/grammoj written small
lepto/grafoj written small
lepto/domoj slightly framed, slight
leptologe/w to talk subtly, to chop logic, quibble
leptolo/goj speaking subtly, subtle, quibbling
lepto/mitoj of fine threads
lepto/n a very small coin, a mite
lepto/j peeled, husked, threshed out
lepto/thj thinness: fineness, delicacy, leanness
leptotome/w to cut small, mince
leptourge/w to do fine work
leptourgh/j finely worked
leptu/nw to make small
lepuriw/dhj consisting of coats
le/puron a shell, husk, rind.
le/pw to strip off the rind
le/rna Lerna
lesbia/zw to imitate Sappho
le/sbioj Lesbian, of Lesbos
lesbi/j a Lesbian woman
lesbo/qen from Lesbos
le/sboj Lesbos
lesxa/zw to prate, chatter
lesxhnei/a gossip
lesxhneu/w to chat
le/sxh a place where people assembled to talk and hear news, a lounge, club-room
leugale/oj in sad
leukai/nw to make white, whiten
leukanqh/j white-blossoming
leukanqi/zw to have white blossoms
leuka/rgiloj of
leu/kaspij white-shielded
leu/kh white leprosy

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leukh/retmoj with white oars

leukh/rhj white, blanched
leukippi/dej daughters of Leucippus
leu/kippoj riding
leukografe/w to paint in white
leukoqe/a the white goddess
leuko/qric white-haired, white
leukoqw/rac with white cuirass
leuko/inoj made of
leuko/ion white-violet
leukoku/mwn white with surf
leuko/linon white flax
leuko/lofoj white-crested
leuko/n white
leukoo/pwroj with white fruit
leukopa/reioj fair-cheeked
leuko/petron a white rock
leuko/phxuj white-armed
leuko/pouj white-footed, bare-footed
leuko/pteroj white-winged
leuko/pwloj with white horses
leuko/j light, bright, brilliant
leuko/stiktoj grizzled
leuko/sfuroj white-ankled
leuko/trofoj white-growing
leukofah/j white-gleaming
leukofo/roj white-robed
leu/kofruj white-browed
leukoxi/twn white-coated
leuko/xrouj of white complexion
leuko/xrwj white-skinned
leuko/w to make white
leukw/lenoj white-armed
leu/kwma a tablet covered with gypsum
leuro/j smooth, level, even
leu/simoj stoning
leusmo/j a stoning
leu/ssw to look
leusth/r one who stones, a stoner
leu/w to stone
lexai=oj in bed
lexepoi/h grown with grass fit to make a bed
lexh/rhj bed-ridden
le/xosde to bed
le/xoj a couch, bed
le/xrioj slanting, slantwise, crosswise

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le/xrij crosswise
lexw/ioj of
lexw/ a woman in childbed
lewko/rion the temple of the daughters of Leos
le/wn a lion
lewrgo/j one who will do anything
le/wj entirely, wholly
lewsfe/teroj one of their own people, a fellow-citizen
lh/gw to stay, abate
lh=don the mastich
lh=doj a light summer dress
lh/qaioj of
lhqargiko/j drowsy
lh/qargoj forgetful
lhqedano/j causing forgetfulness
lh/qh a forgetting, forgetfulness
lhia/j taken prisoner, captive
lhiboth/r crop-consuming, crop destroying
lhi/dioj taken as booty, captive
lhi/zomai to seize as booty, to carry off as prey
lhino/moj dwelling in the country
lh/ion a crop
lhi/j booty, spoil
lhisth/r a robber
lhisto/j to be carried off as booty, to be won by force
lhistu/j plundering
lhi/stwr plundering
lhi=tij she who makes
lh/iton the town-hall
lhke/w to sound
lhkuqi/zw to adorn rhetorically, amplify
lhku/qion a small oil-flask
lh/kuqoj an oil-flask, oil-bottle
lhkuqourgo/j making oil-flasks
lh=ma will, desire, resolve, purpose, mind
lhmatia/w to be high-spirited, resolute
lhma/w to be blear-eyed
lh/mh a humour that gathers in the corner of the eye, gum, rheum
lh=mma anything received, income
lh/mnioj Lemnian
lhmni/skoj a woollen fillet
lhmno/qen from Lemnos
lh=mnoj Lemnos
lhnaiko/j of
lhnai=oj belonging to the wine-press
lh=nai Bacchanals

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lhno/j trough
lhciarxiko/j belonging to the
lh=cij a portion assigned by lot, an allotment
lh=cij cessation
lhpte/oj to be taken
lhptiko/j disposed to accept
lhpto/j to be apprehended
lhre/w to be foolish
lh/rhma silly talk, nonsense
lh=roj silly talk, nonsense, trumpery
lhro/j a poor trinket
lhrw/dhj frivolous, silly
lhsi/mbrotoj taking men unawares, a thief
lhsmosu/nh forgetfulness
lh|sta/rxhj a captain of robbers
lh|stei/a a robber's life, robbery, piracy, buccaneering
lh|steu/w to be a robber: to carry on a piratical
lh|sth/rion a band of robbers
lh|sth/j a robber, plunderer
lh|stiko/j inclined to rob, piratical, buccaneering
lh=stij to forget
lh|stokto/noj slaying robbers
lh|striko/j piratical
lh|stri/j a pirate
lhtogenh/j born of Leto
lhtoi/dhj son of Leto
lhtw=|oj of
lhtw/ Leto
lh=yij a taking hold, seizing, catching, seizure
lia/zomai to bend, incline
li/an very, exceedingly
liaro/j warm
liba/dion a small stream
liba/zw to let fall in drops
li/banoj the frankincense-tree
libano/xrouj frankincense coloured
libanwti/zw to fumigate with frankincense
libanwto/j frankincense, the gum of the tree
libanwtofo/roj bearing frankincense
liba/j anything that drops
li/boj a drop
libro/j dripping, wet
libu/hqe from Libya
libu/h Libya, the north part of Africa
libuko/j Libyan
liburniko/j Liburnian

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liburnoi/ the Liburnians

li/buj a Libyan
libufoi=nic a Liby-Phoenician
ligai/nw to cry aloud
li/ga in loud clear tone
li/ggw twanged
li/gdhn just scraping, grazing
lignu/j thick smoke mixed with flame, a murky flame
liguhxh/j clear-sounding
ligu/molpoj clear-singing
ligu/muqoj clear-speaking
ligupnei/wn shrill-blowing, whistling
ligupte/rugoj chirping with the wings
liguro/j clear, whistling
ligu/j clear, whistling
li/guj a Ligurian
ligu/fqoggoj clear-voiced
ligu/fwnoj clear-voiced, loud-voiced, screaming
liqa/zw to fling stones
li/qac stony
liqa/j a shower of stones
liqei/a a
li/qeoj of stone
liqhlogh/j built of stones
liqia/w to suffer from stone
liqi/dion a pebble
li/qinoj of stone
liqo/blhtoj stone-throwing, pelting
liqobole/w to pelt with stones, stone
liqo/boloj struck with stones, stoned
liqobo/loj throwing stones, pelting with stones
liqoglu/foj a sculptor
liqoderkh/j petrifying with a glance
liqo/dmhtoj stone-built
liqodo/moj building with stones, a mason
liqoergo/j turning to stone
liqoko/llhtoj set with precious stones
liqoko/poj a stone-cutter
liqoktoni/a death by stoning
liqo/leustoj stoned with stones
liqolo/ghma a stone-building
liqolo/goj one who builds with stones picked out
liqoco/oj a stone
liqopoio/j turning to stone
liqo/rrinoj with stony skin
liqospadh/j made by tearing out stones

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li/qoj a stone
liqo/strwtoj paved with stones
liqotomi/a a place where stone is cut, a quarry
liqoto/moj a stone-cutter
liqourge/w to turn into stone, petrify
liqourgo/j a worker in stone, stone-mason
liqofore/w to carry stones
liqofo/roj carrying stones
liqw/dhj like stone, stony
likmai=oj presiding over winnowing
likma/w to part the grain from the chaff, to winnow
likmhth/r a winnower
likmhto/j a winnowing
li/knon a winnowing-fan
liknofo/roj carrying the sacred
likrifi/j crosswise, sideways
lilai/omai to long
limai/nw to suffer from hunger
limeni/thj god of the harbour
limenormi/thj tarrying in the harbour
limenosko/poj watching the harbour
limh/n a harbour, haven, creek
limhro/j hungry, causing hunger
limhro/j furnished with a good harbour
limnai=oj of
li/mnh a pool of standing water
limnh/sioj laker
limnh/thj living in marshes
limnourgo/j one who works in
limnofuh/j marsh-born
limno/xarij grace of the marsh
limnw/dhj like a marsh, marshy
limoqnh/j dying of hunger
limoktone/w to kill by hunger, starve
limoktoni/a a killing by hunger
limo/j hunger, famine
limoforeu/j causing hunger
limo/ywroj a cutaneous disease, scurvy
limw/ssw to be famished, hungry
li/neoj of flax, flaxen, linen
lino/detoj bound with flaxen cords
linoqh/rhj one who uses nets
linoqw/rhc wearing a linen cuirass
lino/klwstoj spinning flax
lino/krokoj flax-woven
li/non anything made of flax

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lino/peploj with linen robe

linopo/roj sail-wafting
linopta/omai to watch nets, see whether anything is caught
lino/pteroj sail-winged
lino/pthj one who watches nets to see whether anything is caught
li/noj Linos
linostasi/a a laying of nets: the nets laid
linourgo/j a weaver
linofqo/roj linen-wasting
lipai/nw to oil, anoint
lipandre/w to be in want of men
li/pa unctuously, richly
lipara/mpuc with bright tiara
lipa/ra of Lipara
lipare/w to persist, persevere, hold out
liparh/j persisting
liparhte/oj one must be importunate
lipari/a importunity, persistence
liparo/zwnoj bright-girdled
liparo/qronoj bright-throned
liparokrh/demnoj with bright head-band
liparoplo/kamoj with glossy locks
liparo/j oily, shiny with oil
liparo/xrouj with shining skin
lipaugh/j deserted by light, blind
lipa/w to be fat and sleek
lipernh/j desolate, forlorn, homeless, outcast
lipo/gamoj having abandoned her marriage ties
lipo/guioj wanting a limb, maimed
lipomartu/rion against a witness for non-appearance
lipomh/twr motherless
lipo/nauj deserting the fleet
liponau/thj leaving the sailors
lipo/patrij causing to forget one's country
lipopa/twr deserter of one's father
lipo/pnouj left by breath, breathless, dead
liposarkh/j wanting flesh
li/poj fat
liposte/fanoj falling from the wreath
lipostrati/a desertion of the army, refusal to serve
lipotaci/a a leaving one's post, desertion
lipota/cion for desertion
lipotrixh/j having lost one's hair
lipoyuxe/w to leave life, swoon
li/ptomai to be eager
li/j a lion

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li/j smooth
li/spoj smooth, polished
lissa/j smooth, bare
li/ssomai to beg, pray, entreat, beseech
lisso/j smooth
listo/j to be moved by prayer
listreu/w to dig round
li/stron a tool for levelling
litaneu/w to pray, entreat
litano/j praying, suppliant
litargi/zw to slip away
li/targoj running quick.
lith/ a prayer, entreaty
lito/bioj living plainly
lito/j suppliant, supplicatory
lito/j smooth, plain
lito/thj plainness, simplicity
litrai=oj weighing
li/tra a silver coin
litue/rshj Lityerses
li/tuon lituus
lixano/j the fore-finger
lixma/zw to lick
lixma/w to lick with the tongue
lixnei/a daintiness, greediness
lixneu/w to lick
lixnobo/roj nice in eating, dainty
li/xnoj dainty, lickerish, greedy
li/y the SW. wind
li/y a stream
liyouri/a desire of making water, natural needs
lobo/j the lobe of the ear
loga/dhn by picking out
loga/rion petty speeches
loga/j gathered, picked, chosen
logei=on a speaking-place
logi/a a collection for the poor
logi/dion a little fable
logi/zomai to count, reckon, calculate, compute
lo/gimoj worth mention, notable, remarkable, famous
lo/gion an announcement, oracle
lo/gioj versed in tales
logismo/j a counting, reckoning, calculation, computation
logiste/oj one must calculate
logisth/rion the place
logisth/j a calculator, teacher of arithmetic

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logistiko/j skilled
logografe/w to write speeches
logografi/a a writing of speeches
logografiko/j of
logogra/foj a prose-writer
logole/sxhj a prater
logomaxe/w to war about words
logomaxi/a a war about words
logoma/xoj warring about words.
logopoie/w to invent stories, to write, compose
logopoii/a tale-telling, news-mongering
logopoiiko/j of
logopoio/j a prose-writer
lo/goj the word
logxeu/w to pierce with a spear
lo/gxh a spear-head, javelin-head
logxh/rhj armed with a spear
lo/gximoj of a spear
logxo/omai to be furnished with a point
logxopoio/j making spears
logxofo/roj spear-bearing
logxwto/j lance-headed
loibei=on a cup for pouring libations
loibh/ a drink-offering
loi/gioj pestilent, deadly, fatal
loigo/j ruin, havoc
loidore/w to abuse, revile
loido/rhma railing, abuse, an affront
loidori/a railing, abuse
loi/doroj railing, abusive
loimo/j a plague, pestilence
loimw/dhj like plague, pestilential
loimw/ssw to have the plague
loipo/j remaining, the rest
loisqh/ioj for the last
loi/sqioj last
loi=sqoj left behind, last
lo/kkh a cloak
lokroi/ the Locrians
lokro/j Locrian
loci/aj the ambiguous
locoba/thj going side-ways
loco/j slanting, crosswise, aslant
loco/thj slanting direction, obliquity
locotro/xij oblique-running
lo/cwsij obliquity

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lopadarpagi/dhj dish-snatcher
lopa/dion a platter
lopa/j a flat dish
lopo/j the shell, husk, peel
loutroda/iktoj slain in the bath
loutro/n a bath, bathing place
loutrofo/roj bringing water for bathing
loutroxoe/w to pour water into the bath
loutroxo/oj pouring water into the bath, the slave who did this
loutrw/n a bathing-room, bath-house
lou/w to wash
lofa/w to have a crest
lofei=on a crest-case
lofhfo/roj crested
lofia/ the mane
lofih/thj a dweller on the hills
lofni/j a torch of vine bark
lofo/omai to be crested.
lofopoio/j a crest-maker
lo/foj the back of the neck
lo/fwsij a being crested
loxage/w to lead a
loxagi/a the rank
loxago/j the leader of an armed band
loxai=oj clandestine
loxa/w to lie in wait for, to watch, waylay, entrap
loxei/a childbirth, childbed
loxei=oj the place of childbirth
loxe/oj an ambush
lo/xeuma that which is born, a child
loxeu/w to bring forth, bear
loxi/zw to lie in wait for
lo/xioj of
loxismo/j a placing in ambush
loxi/thj one of the same company, a fellow-soldier, comrade
loxmai=oj of the coppice
lo/xmh a thicket, coppice, copse
loxmw/dhj overgrown with bushes
lo/xonde to ambush, for an ambuscade
lo/xoj an ambush
luai=oj Deliverer
lugai=oj shadowy, murky, gloomy
lu/gdhn with sobs
lu/gdinoj of white marble
lu/gdoj white marble
lugi/zw to bend

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lugismo/j a bending, twisting

lu/gkeioj lynx-like
lu/gc a lynx
lu/gc a spasmodic affection of the throat, hiccough, hiccup
lu/goj vitex agnus castus
lugoteuxh/j made of withes
lugo/w to tie fast
lugro/j sore, baneful, mournful
ludiaka/ a history of Lydia
ludi/a Lydia
ludi/zw to play the Lydian
lu/dioj of Lydia, Lydian
ludisti/ in the Lydian tongue, after the Lydian fashion
ludo/j a Lydian
lu/zw to have the hiccough
lu/h dissolution
lu/qron defilement from blood, gore
luqrw/dhj defiled with gore
luka/baj a year
lu/kaina a she-wolf
lukai=oj Lycaean, Arcadian
lukaoni/a in Lycaonian
lukaugh/j of
luke/h a wolf-skin
lu/keion the Lyceum
lu/keioj of
lu/kh light
lukhgenh/j Lycian-born
luki/a Lycia.
lukia/rxhj president of the Lycians
lukideu/j a wolf's whelp
luki/hqen from Lycia
luki/hnde to Lycia
lukioergh/j of Lycian workmanship
lu/kioi the Lycians
lu/kioj Lycian.
lukoqarsh/j bold as a wolf
lukokto/noj wolf-slayer
lukorrai/sthj wolf-worrier
lu/koj a wolf
luko/fwj twilight, the gloaming
luko/w to tear like a wolf
lumai/nomai to treat with indignity, to outrage, to maltreat
lumanth/rioj injurious, destructive
lumanth/r a spoiler, destroyer
lumanth/j ruining

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lu=ma the water used in washing, washings, off-scourings, filth

lumew/n a destroyer, spoiler, corrupter
lu/mh brutal outrage, maltreatment, maiming
lupe/w to give pain to, to pain, distress, grieve, vex, annoy
lu/phma pain
lu/ph pain of body
luphro/j painful, distressing
luphte/oj one must feel pain
lupro/bioj leading a wretched life.
lupro/j wretched, poor, sorry
lupro/thj poverty
lupro/xwroj with poor land
luraoido/j one who sings to the lyre
luri/zw to play the lyre
luriko/j of
luroghqh/j delighting in the lyre
luro/eij fitted for the lyre, lyric
luroqelgh/j charmed by the lyre
luroktupi/a a striking the lyre
luroktu/poj striking the lyre.
luropoiiko/j the art
luropoio/j a lyre-maker
lusa/ndria a festival in honour of Lysander
lusani/hj ending sorrow
lusi/gamoj dissolving marriage
lusi/zwnoj loosing the zone
lusi/kakoj ending evil
lusi/maxoj ending strife
lusimelh/j limb-relaxing
lusime/rimnoj driving care away
lu/simoj able to loose
lu/sioj releasing, delivering
lusipai/gmwn giving a loose to play
lusi/poqoj delivering from love
lusi/ponoj releasing from toil
lu/sij a loosing, setting free, releasing, ransoming
lusitele/w to pay what is due
lusitelh/j paying what is due
lusitelou/ntwj usefully, profitably
lusiflebh/j opening the veins
lusi/frwn releasing from care
lusiw|do/j one who played women's characters in male attire
lussai/nw to rave
lu/ssa rage, fury
lussa/j raging mad
lussa/w to be raging

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lu/sshma a fit of madness

lusshth/r one that is raging
lussomanh/j raging mad
lusso/w to enrage, madden
lussw/dhj like one raging, frantic
lute/oj one must solve
luth/rioj loosing, releasing, delivering
luth/r one who looses, a deliverer
lutiko/j refutative
luto/j that may be loosed
lu/tron a price paid
lutro/w to release on receipt of ransom, to hold to ransom
lu/trwsij ransoming
lutrwte/oj one must ransom
lutrwth/j a ransomer, redeemer
luxnew/n a place to keep lamps in
luxni/on a lamp-stand
luxni/skoj fish
luxni/j lychnis
luxni/thj a precious stone of a red colour
luxnokai/a a lighting of lamps, feast of Lanterns
luxnopoio/j making lamps
luxno/polij city of lamps
luxnopw/lhj a dealer in lamps
lu/xnoj a portable light, a lamp
luxnofo/roj carrying a lamp
lu/w to loose
lwba/omai to treat despitefully, to outrage, maltreat
lwbeu/w to mock, make a mock of
lw/bh despiteful treatment, outrage, dishonour
lwbhth/r one who treats despitefully, a foul slanderer
lwbhth/j one who disgraces
lwbhto/j despitefully treated, outraged
lwi/wn more desirable, more agreeable
lw=ma the border of a robe
lw/ph a covering, robe, mantle
lwpi/zw to cover, cloak
lwpodute/w to steal clothes
lwpodu/thj one who slips into another's clothes, a clothes-stealer
lwti/zomai to choose for oneself, cull the best
lw/tinoj made of lotus-wood
lw/tisma a flower
lwto/eij overgrown with lotus
lwto/j the lotus
lwtotro/foj producing lotus
lwtofa/goi the Lotus-eaters

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lwfa/w to rest from toil, take rest

lwfh/ioj relieving
lw/fhsij abatement, cessation
ma/gadij the magadis
maga/j the bridge of the cithara
magga/neuma a piece of jugglery
magganeu/w to use charms
ma/gganon any means for charming
magei/a the theology
mageirei=on a cook-shop
mageireu/w to be a cook, to cook meat
mageiriko/j fit for a cook
ma/geiroj a cook
ma/geuma a piece of magic art
mageu/j one who wipes
mageu/w to be a Magus, use magic arts
magiko/j fit for the Magians, Magian
ma/gnhj a Magnesian
ma/goj a Magus, Magian
magofo/nia the slaughter of the Magians
madaro/j wet, flaccid: bald
mada/w to be flaccid: to be bald
ma=za a barley-cake
mazi/skh a barley-scone
mazono/moj a trencher for serving barley cakes on
ma/qhma that which is learnt, a lesson
maqhmatiko/j disposed to learn
ma/qhsij learning, the getting of knowledge
maqhte/oj to be learnt
maqhteu/w to be pupil
maqhth/j a learner, pupil
maqhtia/w to wish to become a disciple
maqhtiko/j disposed to learn
maqhto/j learnt, that may be learnt
mai/androj Maeander
mai=a good mother, dame
mai=a Maia
mai/euma the product of a midwife's art, a delivery
maieu/omai to serve as a midwife
mai/eusij delivery of a woman in childbirth
maieutiko/j of
maimakthriw/n the fifth Attic month
maima/kthj the boisterous, stormy
maima/w to be very eager, pant
mai/nalon Mount Maenalus
maina/j raving, frantic

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mai/nh maena
maini/j a sprat
maino/lhj raving, frenzied
mai/nomai to rage, be furious
mai/omai to seek
maio/omai to deliver
ma/ioj of May
mai=ra the sparkler
maiw=tai the Maeotians
maiw/thj Maeotian
maiwtisti/ in Scythian fashion
mai/wtra a midwife's wages
makari/a happiness, bliss
makari/zw to bless, to deem
maka/rioj blessed, happy
makario/thj happiness, bliss
makarismo/j a pronouncing happy, blessing
makaristo/j deemed
makari/thj one blessed
ma/kar blessed, happy
makedno/j tall, taper
makedoni/zw to be on the Macedonian side
makedonisti/ in Macedonian
makedw/n a Macedonian
ma/kella a pick-axe with one point
ma/kellon the meat-market, shambles
makisth/r long and tedious
makkoa/w to be stupid
makrai/wn lasting long
makra/n a long way, far, far away
makrau/xhn long-necked, long
makrhgore/w to speak at great length
makrhgori/a tediousness
makrh/goroj speaking at great length.
makrhmeri/a the season of long days
makro/bioj long-lived
makrobio/thj longevity
makrobi/otoj long
makro/ghrwj very old
makrodro/moj running long
makro/qen from afar
makroqume/w to be long-suffering
makro/qumoj longsuffering, patient
makroke/faloj long-headed
makrokome/w to have long hair
makro/kwloj long-limbed

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makrologe/w to speak at length, use many words

makrologi/a length of speech
makrolo/goj speaking at length
makro/malloj with long wool
makro/pnouj long-breathed, long-protracted, wearisome
makropore/w to go
makropori/a a long way
makropw/gwn long-bearded
makro/j long
ma/kroj length
makrote/nwn far-stretching
makrote/rwj beyond, further
makro/tonoj far-stretching, long drawn out
makrotra/xhloj long-necked
makrofa/rugc long-necked
makrofluarh/thj a tedious prater
makro/xeir long-armed
makro/xhloj with long hoofs
ma/krwn a longhead
ma/ktra a kneading-trough
malakai/pouj soft-footed, treading softly
malaki/a softness, delicacy, effeminacy
malaki/zomai to be softened
malako/geioj with
malakognw/mwn mild of mood
malako/j a fresh-ploughed
malako/thj softness
malako/xeir soft-handed
malakth/r one that melts and moulds
malaku/nomai to flag
ma/la very, very much, exceedingly
mala/ssw to make soft
mala/xh mallow
malero/j mighty, fierce, devouring, ravening
ma/lh the arm-pit
malqaki/zomai to be softened
malqakiste/oj one must be remiss
malqako/j soft
malqako/fwnoj soft-voiced
ma/lqa a mixture of wax and pitch
malqa/ssw to soften, soothe
ma/lion a lock of hair
ma/lkh numbness from cold.
malki/w to become numb with cold, to be torpid
mallo/j a lock of wool, wool
malo/j white

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mamma/kuqoj a blockhead, simpleton

mamma=n to cry for the breast, to suck the breast
ma/mmh mamma, mammy
mammwna= god of riches
mandrago/raj mandrake
ma/ndra an inclosed space
mane/rwj Maneros
manqa/nw to learn
mania/khj an armlet
mani/a madness, frenzy
mania/j raging, frantic, mad
maniko/j of
maniw/dhj like madness, mad
ma/nna manna, a morsel, grain
mannofo/roj wearing a collar
mano/j few, scanty
mano/thj looseness of texture, porousness
mantei/a prophesying, prophetic power
mantei=on an oracle
mantei=oj oracular, prophetic
ma/nteuma an oracle
manteu/omai to divine, prophesy, presage
manteute/oj one must divine
manteuto/j foretold by an oracle
mantiko/j of
mantipole/w to prophesy
mantipo/loj frenzied, inspired
ma/ntij one who divines, a seer, prophet
mantosu/nh the art of divination
manto/sunoj oracular
ma/ in affirmation
ma/ragna a whip, scourge
ma/raqon fennel
maraqwnoma/xhj a Marathon fighter, a Marathon-man
maraqw/n Marathon
marai/nw to put out
margai/nw to rage furiously
margari/thj a pearl
marga/w raging
margi/thj Margites
ma/rgoj raging mad
margo/thj raging passion
mare/h Marea
ma/rh a hand
marianduno/j a wild, barbaric
marila/dhj O son of coal-dust!

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mari/lh the embers of charcoal

marilopo/thj coal-dust-gulper
marmai/rw to flash, sparkle
marma/reoj flashing, sparkling, glistening, gleaming
marma/rinoj of marble
marmaroglufi/a sculpture in marble
ma/rmaroj stone
marmarugh/ a flashing, sparkling
marmarwpo/j with sparkling eyes
ma/rnamai to fight, do battle
ma/rptw to catch, lay hold of, seize
ma/rsipoj a bag, pouch
marture/w to be a witness, to bear witness, give evidence, bear testimony
martu/rhma testimony
marturi/a witness, testimony, evidence
martu/rion a testimony, proof
martu/romai to call to witness, attest, invoke
ma/rtuj a witness
masa/omai to chew
ma/sqlhj a leather strap, thong
massali/a the Marseillais
ma/sswn longer, greater
ma/ssw to handle, touch
ma/stac that with which one chews, the mouth
mastaru/zw to mumble
masteu/w to seek, search
masth/r a seeker, searcher, one who looks for
mastigi/hj one that always wants whipping, a worthless slave, a sorry knave
mastigofo/roj a scourge-bearer
mastigo/w to whip, flog
mastigw/simoj that deserves whipping
mastigwte/oj deserving a whipping
masti/zw to whip, flog
masti/ktwr a scourger
ma/stic a whip, scourge
mastixa/w to gnash the teeth
masti/w to whip, scourge
masto/deton a breast-band
masto/j one of the breasts
mastropei/a a pandaring
mastropeu/w to play the pandar
mastropo/j a pandar
masxa/lh the armpit
masxali/zw to put under the arm-pits
masxalisth/r a broad strap passing round the horse
mata/|zw to speak

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mataiologe/w to talk idly, at random

mataiolo/goj talking idly, at random
mataioponi/a labour in vain
mataiopo/noj labouring in vain
ma/taioj vain, empty, idle, trifling, frivolous
mata/w to be idle, to dally, loiter, linger
mateu/w to seek, search
ma/thn in vain, idly, fruitlessly
ma/th a folly, a fault
mati/a a vain attempt
matioloixo/j a devourer of meal
mattu/h a dainty dish
mauro/w to darken, to blind, make powerless
mauswlei=on a mausoleum
ma/xaira a large knife
maxairi/j a rasor
maxairopoiei=on a cutler's factory
maxairopoio/j a cutler
maxairopw/lhj a cutler.
maxairopw/lion a cutler's shop
maxairofo/roj wearing a sabre
maxa/wn Machaon
maxete/oj one must fight
maxh/mwn warlike
ma/xh battle, fight, combat
maxhth/j a fighter, warrior
maxhtiko/j inclined to battle
maxhto/j to be fought with
ma/ximoj fit for battle, warlike
maximw/dhj warlike, quarrelsome
ma/xloj lewd, lustful
maxlosu/nh lewdness, lust, wantonness
ma/xomai to fight
maxome/nwj pugnaciously
mayau=rai random breezes, squalls, gusts
mayi/dioj vain, false
mayilo/goj idly talking
mayito/koj bringing forth in vain
ma/y in vain, idly, fruitlessly
mayula/kaj idly barking
megaqarsh/j very bold
mega/qumoj high-minded
megai/rw to look on
megakh/thj with great hollows, cavernous
megakleh/j very famous
megala/dikoj unjust in great matters

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megalalkh/j of great strength

megalauxe/w to boast highly, talk big
megalauxi/a great boasting, arrogance
mega/lauxoj greatly boasting, very glorious
megalei=oj magnificent, splendid
megaleio/thj majesty
megalhgore/w to talk big, boast
megalhgori/a big talking
megalh/goroj talking big, vaunting, boastful
megalhnori/a great manliness, proud self-confidence, haughtiness
megalh/nwr very manly, heroic: self-confident, haughty
megalh/twr great-hearted, heroic
megali/zomai to be exalted, to bear oneself proudly
megalognwmosu/nh high-mindedness
megalognw/mwn high-minded
megalo/dendroj full of large trees
megalo/docoj very glorious
megalodwri/a munificence
megalo/dwroj making great presents, munificent
megaloergh/j performing great deeds, magnificent
megaloergi/a magnificence
mega/loitoj very wretched
megalokeuqh/j concealing much: capacious
megaloki/ndunoj braving great dangers
megaloko/rufoj with lofty summits
megalokrath/j far-ruling
megalo/mhtij of high design, ambitious
megalo/misqoj receiving high pay
megalo/noia greatness of intellect
megalo/nouj great-minded
megalo/polij that mighty city
megalopragmosu/nh the disposition to do great things, magnificence
megalopra/gmwn disposed to do great deeds, forming great designs
megalopre/peia the character of a
megalopreph/j befitting a great man, magnificent
megalosqenh/j exceeding strong
megalo/splagxnoj with large heart: high-spirited
megalo/stonoj very lamentable, most piteous
megalosxh/mwn magnificent
megalo/tolmoj greatly adventurous
megalofrone/w to be high-minded
megalofrosu/nh greatness of mind
megalo/frwn high-minded, noble, generous
megalofwni/a grandiloquence
megalo/fwnoj loud-voiced
megaloyuxi/a greatness of soul, magnanimity

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megalo/yuxoj high-souled, magnanimous

megalu/nw to make great
megalw/numoj with a great name, giving glory
megalwsti/ far and wide, over a vast space
megalwsu/nh greatness, majesty
mega/nwr man-exalting
me/gara/de toMegara
me/gara Megara
megareu/j a citizen of Megara
megari/zw to side with the Megarians
megariko/j Megarian
megaro/qen from Megara
megaroi= at Megara
me/garo/nde homewards, home
me/garon a large room
me/gaj big, great
me/geqoj greatness, magnitude, size, height, stature
megh/ratoj passing lovely
megista=nej great men, grandees
megisto/polij making cities greatest
mede/wn a guardian
me/dimnoj the medimnus
me/domai to provide for, think on, be mindful of, bethink one of
me/dw a guardian, lord
meqaire/w to catch in turn
meqa/llomai to leap
meqarmo/zw to dispose differently, to correct
meqekte/oj one must have a share of
meqe/lkw to draw to the other side
me/qecij participation
meqe/pw to follow after, follow closely
meqhmerino/j happening by day, in open day
meqhmosu/nh remissness, carelessness
meqh/mwn remiss, careless
me/qh strong drink
meqh/kw to be come in quest of
me/qhmai to sit among
meqi/drusij migration
meqidru/w to place differently, transpose
meqi/hmi to let go, let loose, release
meqi/sthmi to place in another way, to change
meqodei/a craft, wiliness
meqodeu/w to treat by method: to use cunning devices, employ craft
meqodhge/w to lead another way
me/qodoj a following after, pursuit
meqomile/w to hold converse with

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meqo/ after that.

meqo/rioj lying between as a boundary
meqorma/omai to rush in pursuit of, make a dash at
meqormi/zw to remove from one anchorage to another
mequdria/j a water-nymph
mequ/drion between-waters
mequdw/thj giver of wine
me/qu wine, mead
mequpi=dac gushing with wine
mequplh/c wine-stricken
me/qusij drunkenness
mequ/skw to make drunk, intoxicate, inebriate
mequsoko/ttaboj drunk with cottabus-playing
me/qusoj drunken
mequ/steroj living after
mequstiko/j intoxicating
mequsfalh/j reeling-drunk
mequ/w to be drunken with wine
meiagwge/w to bring the lamb to the scale
meiagwgo/j bringing the sacrificial lamb
meida/w to smile
mei/dhma a smile, smiling
meidi/ama a smile
mei/lia soothing things, pleasing gifts
mei/ligma anything that serves to soothe
meilikth/rioj able to soothe
meili/ssw to make mild, to appease, propitiate
meilixi/a gentleness, softness
meili/xioj gentle, mild, soothing
meilixo/ghruj soft-voiced
mei/lixoj gentle, kind
meionekte/w to have too little, to be poor
meioneci/a disadvantage
mei=on less.
meio/w to make smaller, to lessen, moderate
meirakiecapa/thj a boy-cheater
meirakieu/omai to play the boy
meira/kion a boy, lad, stripling
meiraki/skh a little girl
meiraki/skoj a lad, stripling
meirakiw/dhj becoming a youth, youthful
meiraku/llion a mere lad
mei=rac a young girl, lass
mei/romai to receive as one's portion
mei=stoj most
mei/wma curtailment:&mdash

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mei/wn less
mela/ggaioj with black soil, loamy
mela/gkerwj black-horned, black
melagko/rufoj the blackcap
mela/gkrokoj with black woof
melagxai/thj black-haired
mela/gximoj black, dark
melagxi/twn with black raiment, darksome, gloomy
mela/gxlainoj black-cloaked
melagxola/w to be atrabilious
melagxoliko/j atrabilious, choleric
mela/gxoloj dipped in black bile
melagxroih/j black-skinned, swarthy
mela/gxrouj swarthy
me/laqron the ceiling of a room
melai/nw to blacken
melambaqh/j darkly deep
mela/mbwloj with black soil
melampagh/j black clotted
mela/mpeploj black-robed
melampe/taloj dark-leaved
mela/mpteroj black-winged
melamfah/j whose light is blackness
mela/mfulloj dark-leaved
mela/naigij with dark aegis
melanaugh/j dark-gleaming
mela/ndetoj bound
melando/koj holding ink
melanei/mwn black-clad
melani/a blackness: a black cloud
melanoka/rdioj black-hearted
melano/mmatoj black-eyed
melanonekuoei/mwn clad in black death-clothes
melano/pteroj black-winged
mela/nossoj black-eyed
mela/nostoj black-boned
mela/nouroj the black-tail
me/lan black pigment, ink
melanteixh/j black-walled
melanthri/a a black dye
melantragh/j black when eaten
mela/nudroj with black water
mela/nw to grow black
me/lasma anything black
me/laj black, swart
me/ldomai to melt

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meledai/nw to care for, be cumbered about

mele/dhma care, anxiety
meledh/mwn careful, busy
meledw/nh care, sorrow
meledwno/j one who takes care of anything, a manager, keeper
meleisti/ limb from limb
meleopaqh/j sadly suffering
meleo/ponoj having laboured wretchedly
me/leoj idle, useless
meleo/frwn miserable-minded
me/le dear!good friend!
melesi/pteroj singing with its wings
meleta/w to care for, attend to
mele/thma a practice, exercise, study
mele/th care, attention
melethro/j practising diligently
melethte/oj one must study
melethth/rion a place for practice
mele/twr one who cares for, an avenger
me/lhma the object of care, a darling
melhsi/mbrotoj an object of care
melhte/oj one must take thought for
melhti/dhj a blockhead
meli/a the ash
meli/bromoj sweet-toned
meli/gdoupoj sweet-sounding
meli/ghruj sweet-voiced, melodious
meli/glwssoj honey-tongued
me/ligma a song
meli/zw to modulate, sing, warble
melihdh/j honey-sweet
meli/qreptoj honey-fed
meli/khron a honey-comb
meli/kompoj sweet-sounding
meli/krhton a drink of honey and milk
melikth/j a singer, player
meli/lwton melilot
meli/nh millet
me/linoj ashen
melinofa/goi millet-eaters
meli/paij with honey-children
meli/pnouj honey-breathing, sweet-breathing
meli/rrutoj honey-flowing
me/lisma a song
me/lissa a bee
meli/sseioj a honeycomb

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melisso/botoj fed on by bees

melissono/moj keeping bees
melissoso/oj guardian of bees
melisso/tokoj produced by bees, honied
melissotro/foj feeding bees
melistagh/j dropping honey
meli/teia baulm
meli/teion mead
melito/eij honied
melito/omai to be sweetened with honey
melitopw/lhj a dealer in honey
melittourgo/j a bee-keeper
melitw/dhj like honey
meli/twma a honey-cake
meli/fqoggoj honey-voiced
meli/frwn sweet to the mind, delicious
meli/xlwroj honey-pale
melixro/j honey-sweet
melixrw/dhj yellow as honey
me/llhma a delay
me/llhsij a being about to do, threatening to do
mellhte/oj one must delay
mellhth/j a delayer, loiterer
mello/gamoj betrothed
mellonikia/w to be going to conquer
mello/numfoj about to be betrothed
me/llw to think of doing, intend to do, to be about to do
melografi/a song-writing
melogra/foj writing songs
melopoie/w to make lyric poems
melopoii/a a making of lyric poems
melopoio/j a maker of songs, a lyric poet
me/loj a limb
melotupe/w to strike up a strain, chant
me/lphqron the song with the dance, festive sport
melpome/nh Melpomene
me/lpw to sing of, celebrate with song and dance
melu/drion a ditty
melw|de/w to sing, chant
melw|di/a a singing, chanting
melw|do/j singing, musical, melodious
me/lw to be an object of care
me/maa to wish eagerly, strive, yearn, desire
membra/j anchovy
memelhme/nwj carefully
memetrhme/nwj according to a stated measure

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memhxanhme/nwj by stratagem
memno/neion the temple of Memnon
memno/neioj of Memnon.
me/mnwn the steadfast
me/mona to wish eagerly, to yearn, strive, be fain
mempto/j to be blamed, blameworthy
me/mfomai to blame, censure, find fault with
memyimoire/w to complain of fate
memyi/moiroj complaining of one's fate, repining, querulous
me/myij blame, censure, reproof
menai/xmhj abiding the spear, staunch in battle
meneai/nw to desire earnestly
menedh/ioj standing against the enemy, staunch, steadfast
mene/laoj withstanding-men
menepto/lemoj staunch in battle, steadfast
menesqeu/j abider
menete/oj one must remain
meneto/j inclined to wait, patient
menexa/rmhj staunch in battle
menoeikh/j suited to the desires, satisfying, sufficient, plentiful, agreeable to one's taste
menoina/w to desire eagerly, to be bent on
menoinh/ eager desire
me/noj might, force, strength, prowess, courage
me/n on the one hand, on the other hand
mentorourgh/j wrought by Mentor
me/nw to stay at home, stay where one is, not stir
merida/rpac bit-stealer
meri/zw to divide, distribute
me/rimna care, thought
merimna/w to care for, be anxious about, think earnestly upon, scan minutely
meri/mnhma anxiety
merimnhth/j one who is anxious about
merimnoto/koj mother of cares
merimnofrontisth/j an anxious thinker, "minute philosopher, "
merismo/j a dividing, division
meri/j a part, portion, share, parcel
meristh/j a divider
meristo/j divided, divisible
meri/thj a partaker in
me/rmeroj causing anxiety, mischievous, baneful
me/rmhra care, trouble
mermhri/zw to be full of cares, to be anxious
me/rmij a cord, string, rope
me/roj a part, share
me/roy dividing the voice
me/sabon a leathern strap

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mesa/gkulon a javelin with a strap

mesaipo/lioj half-gray, grizzled
me/saktoj between shores, in mid-sea
me/sauloj the inner court, behind the
meseggua/w to deposit a pledge in the hands of a third party
meseggu/hma money
meseu/w to keep the middle
meshgu/ in the middle, between
mesh/eij middle, middling
meshmbria/zw to pass the noon
meshmbri/a mid-day, noon
meshmbrino/j belonging to noon, about noon, noontide
meshme/rioj at mid-day
mesh/rhj in the middle, midmost
mesitei/a mediation, negotiation
mesiteu/w to act as mediator
mesi/thj a mediator, umpire, arbitrator
mesobasilei/a an interregnum
mesobasileu/j interrex, one who holds kingly power between
meso/gaioj inland, in the heart of a country
meso/gewj the inland parts, interior
meso/grafoj drawn in the middle
meso/dmh something built between
mesolabh/j held by the middle
meso/leukoj middling white
meso/mfaloj in mid-navel, central
mesonu/ktioj of
mesopagh/j fixed up to the middle
mesopore/w to be half-way
mesopo/roj going in the middle
mesopota/mioj between rivers
me/soj middle, in the middle
mesosxidh/j split in two
meso/thj a middle
meso/toixon a partition-wall
mesotome/w to cut through the middle, cut in twain, bisect
meso/tomoj cut through the middle
mesoura/nhma mid-heaven, mid-air
mesoura/nhsij the sun's place in meridian
meso/w to form the middle, be in
me/ssatoj midmost
messo/qen from the middle
messo/qi in the middle
mesto/j full, filled, filled full
mesto/w to fill full of
me/sfa until

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meta/basij a passing over, migration

metabiba/zw to carry over, shift bring into another place
metablhte/oj one must change
metablhtiko/j by way of exchange
metabolh/ a change, changing
metabouleu/w to alter one's plans, change one's mind
meta/bouloj changing one's mind, changeful
meta/ggeloj a messenger between two parties
metageitniw/n flitted and changed their neighbours.
metagignw/skw to change one's mind, to repent
meta/gnoia repentance, remorse
meta/gnwsij change of mind
metagra/fw to write differently, to alter
meta/gw to convey from one place to another
metadai/numai to share the feast with
metadete/oj one must untie
metadh/mioj in the midst of
metadiaita/w to change one's way of life
metadi/dwmi to give part of, give a share of
metadi/wktoj pursued, overtaken
metadiw/kw to follow closely after, pursue
metadoke/w to change one's opinion
metadoca/zw to change one's opinion
metado/rpioj in the middle of supper, during supper
meta/dosij the giving a share, imparting
metadote/oj one must give a share
meta/doupoj falling at haphazard
metadroma/dhn running after, following close upon
metadromh/ a running after, pursuit
meta/dromoj running after, taking vengeance for
me/taze afterwards, in the rear
metazeu/gnumi to put to another carriage
meta/qesij transposition
metaqe/w to run after, chase
metai/zw to seat oneself with
metai/rw to lift up and remove, to shift
metai/ssw to rush after, rush upon
metaite/w to demand one's share of
metai/thj a beggar
metai/tioj being in part the cause of
metai/xmioj between two armies
metakaqe/zomai to change one's seat
metakaini/zw to model anew
metakale/w to call away to another place
metakia/qw to follow after
metakine/w to transpose, shift, remove

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metakinhte/oj to be removed
metakinhto/j to be disturbed
metaklai/w to weep afterwards
metakli/nomai to shift to the other side
metakoimi/zomai to change to a state of sleep, to be lulled to sleep
meta/koinoj sharing in common, partaking
metakomi/zw to transport
metakulinde/w to roll to another place, to roll over
metaku/mioj between the waves
metalagxa/nw to have a share
metalamba/nw to have
metalh/gw to leave off, cease from
meta/lhyij participation
metallagh/ change
metallakto/j changed, altered
metalla/ssw to change, alter
meta/llatoj to be searched out
metalla/w to search after other things
metallei/a a searching for metals
metalleuth/j one who searches for metals, a miner
metalleutiko/j skilled in searching for metals
metalleu/w to get by mining
metalliko/j of
me/tallon a mine
metamai/omai to search after, chase
metamanqa/nw to learn differently
metamei/bw to exchange
metame/lei it repents
metame/leia change of purpose, regret, repentance
metamelhtiko/j full of regrets
meta/meloj repentance, regret
metame/lpomai to sing
metami/gnumi to mix among, confound with
metamorfo/w to transform
metamo/rfwsij a transformation
metampe/xomai to put on a different dress
metamfia/zw to change the dress
metamw/nioj borne by the wind
metanagignw/skomai to repent of
metanaieta/w to dwell with
metanaie/thj one who dwells with
metana/stasij migration
metana/sthj one who has changed his home, a wanderer, immigrant
metana/stioj wandering
metana/stria a wanderer
metani/ssomai to pass over to the other side

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metani/sthmi to remove
metanoe/w to change one's mind
meta/noia after-thought, repentance
metantle/w to draw from one vessel into another
metacu/ betwixt, between
metapaideu/w to educate differently
metapau/omai to rest between-whiles
metapauswlh/ rest between-whiles
metapei/qw to change a man's persuasion
meta/ in the midst of, among with gen., dat., and acc.
metabai/nw to pass over from one place to another
metaba/llw to throw into a different position, to turn quickly
metaba/ptw to change by dipping
metapempte/oj to be sent for
meta/pemptoj sent for
metape/mpw to send after
metape/tamai to fly to another place, fly away
metaphda/w to leap from one place to another, jump about
metapi/ptw to fall differently, undergo a change
metapla/ssw to mould differently, remodel
metapoie/w to alter the make of
metaporeu/omai to go after, follow up
meta/prasij a selling by retail, retail-trade
metapreph/j distinguished among
metapre/pw to distinguish oneself
meta/ptwsij change
metapu/rgion the wall between two towers, the curtain
metari/qmioj counted among
metarre/w to flow differently, to change to and fro, ebb and flow
metarri/ptw to turn upside down
metarruqmi/zw to change the fashion of
metarsio/omai to rise high into the air
meta/rsioj raised form the ground, high in air
metaseu/omai to rush towards
metaskeua/zw to put into another dress
metaspa/w to draw over from one side to another
me/tassa born midway
meta/stasij a removing, removal
metastate/oj one must alter
metastei/xw to go in quest of
metaste/llomai to send for, summon
metaste/nw to lament afterwards
metastoixei/ all in a row
metastonaxi/zw to sigh
metastratopedeu/w to shift one's ground
metastreptiko/j fit for turning another way, fit for directing

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metastre/fw to turn about, turn round, turn

metastrofh/ a turning from
meta/sxesij participation
metasxhmati/zw to change the form of
metata/ssw to transpose
metati/qhmi to place among
metati/ktw to bring forth afterwards
metatre/pomai to turn oneself round, turn round
metatre/xw to run after
metatropali/zomai to turn about
metatroph/ retribution, vengeance for
metatropi/a a turn of fortune, a reverse
meta/tropoj turning about, returning
metauga/zw to look keenly about for
metauda/w to speak among
metau=qij afterwards
metauti/ka just after, presently after
metafe/rw to carry over, transfer
meta/fhmi to speak among
metaforiko/j apt at metaphors
metafra/zw to paraphrase, to translate
meta/frasij a paraphrasing
meta/frenon the part behind the midriff
metafwne/w to speak among
metaxeiri/zw to have
metaxro/nioj happening afterwards
meta/xronoj after the time, done later
metaxwre/w to go to another place, to withdraw, migrate, emigrate
metayai/rw to brush against
meteggra/fw to put upon a new register
me/teimi to be among
me/teimi to go between
metei=pon to speak among
metekbai/nw to go from one place into another
metekdi/dwmi to lend out
metekdu/omai to pull off one's own clothes and put on others, to assume
meteleuste/oj one must punish
metembai/nw to go on board another
metembiba/zw to put on board another
mete/mfutoj engrafted afresh
metendu/w to put other
metenne/pw to speak among
metenti/qhmi to put into another place
metecaire/omai to take out of and put elsewhere
metecani/stamai to move from one place to another
metece/teroi some among many, certain persons

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mete/peita afterwards, thereafter

mete/rxomai to come
meteu/xomai to change one's wish, to wish something else
mete/xw to partake of, enjoy a share of, share in, take part in
metewri/zw to raise to a height, raise
metewrokope/w to prate about high things
metewrole/sxhj one who prates on things above, a star-gazer, visionary
metewrologe/w to talk of high things
metewrologi/a discussion of high things
metewrolo/goj one who talks of the heavenly bodies, an astronomer
metewrosko/poj a star-gazer
metewrosofisth/j an astrological sophist
mete/wroj raised from the ground, hanging
metewrofe/nac an astrological quack
methne/mioj swift as wind
meth/oroj lifted off the ground, hanging
metoikesi/a the Removal
metoike/w to change one's abode, remove to
metoiki/a change of abode, removal, migration
metoiki/zw to lead settlers to another abode
metoikiko/j in the condition of a
metoi/kion the tax paid by the
metoikismo/j emigration
metoikisth/j an emigrant
metoikodome/w to build differently
me/toikoj changing one's abode, emigrating and settling elsewhere
metoikofu/lac guardian of the
metoi/xomai to have gone after, to have gone in quest of
metokla/zw to keep changing from one knee to another
metonoma/zw to call by a new name
meto/pisqe from behind, backwards, back
metopwrino/j autumnal
meto/pwron late autumn
meto/rxion the space between rows of vines
metousi/a participation, partnership, communion
metoxh/ participation, communion
metoxli/zw to remove by a lever, hoist
me/toxoj sharing in, partaking of
metre/w to measure in any way
me/trhma a measured distance
me/trhsij measuring, measurement
metrhte/oj one must measure
metrhth/j a measurer
metrhtiko/j of
metrhto/j measurable
metria/zw to be moderate, keep measure

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metriko/j of
metriopaqe/w to bear reasonably with
metriopaqh/j moderating one's passions
metriopo/thj a moderate drinker
me/trioj within measure
metrio/thj moderation
me/tron that by which anything is measured
metwphdo/n with front-foremost
metwpi/dioj on the forehead
metw/pion the forehead
me/twpon the space between the eyes, the brow, forehead
me/xri to a given point, even so far
mh\ nay but, not so but
mh\ certainly not
mhdamh= in no wise, not at all
mhdamo/qen from no place
mhdamo/qi nowhere
mhdamoi= nowhither
mhdamo/se nowhither
mhdamo/j none
mhdamou= nowhere
mhdei/j and not one
mhde/ but not
mhde/pote never
mhde/pw nor as yet, not as yet
mhdepw/pote never yet
mhdesika/sth adorned-with-prudence
mhde/teroj neither of the two
mhdete/rwse to neither side
mhdi/zw to be a Mede in language
mhdiko/j the war with the Medes
mhdismo/j a leaning towards the Medes, being in their interest, Medism
mhdi/j a Median woman
mhdokto/noj Mede-slaying
mh/domai to be minded, to intend, resolve
mh=doj counsels, plans, arts, schemes
mh=doj the genitals
mh=doj a Mede, Median
mhdosu/nh counsel, prudence
mhka/omai to bleat
mhkasmo/j a bleating
mhka/j the bleating one
mhkedano/j long
mhke/ti no more, no longer, no further
mh/kistoj tallest
mh=koj length

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mhku/nw to lengthen, prolong, extend

mh/kwn the poppy
mhle/a an apple-tree
mh/leioj of a sheep
mh/lh a probe
mhlia/dej nymphs of Malis
mhlieu/j an inhabitant of Malis
mh/lioj from the island of Melos, Melian
mhli/j Malis
mhloboth/r a shepherd
mhlo/botoj grazed by sheep
mhlodo/koj sheep-receiving
mhloqu/thj one who sacrifices sheep, a priest
mhlolo/nqh the cockchafer
mh=lon a sheep
mh=lon tree-fruit
mhlono/mhj a shepherd
mhlono/moj tending sheep
mhlopa/rh|oj apple-cheeked
mhlosko/poj from which sheep
mhlo/sporoj set with fruit-trees
mhlosso/oj sheep-protecting
mhlosfage/w to slay sheep
mhlotro/foj sheep-feeding
mhlou=xoj a girdle that confines the breasts
mhlofo/noj sheep-slaying
mhlofore/w to carry apples
mhlofo/roj bearing apples
mhlofu/lac a sheep-watcher
mh/lwy looking like an apple, yellow, ripe
mh/n now verily, full surely
mei/j a month
mhna/j the moon
mh/nh the moon
mhniai=oj monthly
mhniqmo/j wrath
mh/nima a cause of wrath
mhni/skoj a crescent
mh=nij wrath, anger
mhni/w to be wroth with
mhnoeidh/j crescent-shaped
mh/numa an information
mhnuth/r an informer, guide
mhnuth/j bringing to light
mh/nutron the price of information, reward
mhnu/w to disclose what is secret, reveal, betray

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mh\4 not only

mh\ not to say
mh\5 fear
mh/ not
mh\polla/kij lest perchance
mh/pote never, on no account
mh/pou lest anywhere, that nowhere
mh/pw not yet
mh\pw/pote never yet
mh/pwj lest in any way, lest any how, lest perchance
mhriai=oj of
mhri/a slices cut from the thighs
mh/rinqoj a cord, line, string
mhro/j the thigh
mhrotrafh/j thigh-bred
mhrotuph/j striking the thigh
mhru/omai to draw up, furl
mh/stwr an adviser, counsellor
mh/te and not
mh/thr a mother
mhtia/w to meditate, deliberate, debate
mhti/eta a counsellor
mhtio/eij wise in counsel, all-wise
mhti/omai to devise, contrive, plan
mh=tij the faculty of advising, wisdom, counsel, cunning, craft
mh/tij lest any one, lest anything
mhtragu/rthj a begging priest of Cybele, the mother
mhtra/delfoj a mother's brother
mhtraloi/hj striking one's mother, a matricide
mhtriko/j of a mother
mhtro/dokoj received by the mother
mhtroh/qhj with a mother's mind
mhtro/qen from the mother, by the mother's side
mhtrokasignh/th a sister by the same mother
mhtroktone/w to kill one's mother
mhtrokto/noj killing one's mother, matricidal
mhtroma/twr one's mother's mother
mhtropa/twr one's mother's father
mhtro/polij the mother-state
mhtropo/loj tending mothers
mhtro/rriptoj rejected by one's mother
mhtrofqo/roj mother-murdering
mhtrofo/noj murdering one's mother, matricidal
mhtruia/ a step-mother
mhtrw=|oj of a mother, a mother's, maternal
mh/trwj a maternal uncle

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mhxana/omai to prepare, make ready

mhxa/nhma an engine
mhxanh/ an instrument, machine
mhxanhte/oj one must contrive
mhxaniko/j full of resources, inventive, ingenious, clever
mhxanodi/fhj inventing artifices
mhxano/eij ingenious
mhxanopoio/j an engineer, maker of war-engines
mhxanorrafe/w to form crafty plans
mhxanorra/foj craftily-dealing
mhxanofo/roj conveying military machines
mh=xoj a means, expedient, remedy
miai/nw to stain, dye
miaifone/w to be
miaifoni/a bloodguiltiness
miaifo/noj blood-stained, bloody
miari/a brutality
miaro/glwssoj foul-tongued
miaro/j stained
mi/asma stain, defilement, the taint of guilt
mia/stwr a wretch stained with crime, a guilty wretch, a pollution
miga/zomai to have intercourse
mi/ga mixed with
miga/j mixed pell-mell
mi/gda promiscuously, confusedly
mi=gma a mixture
mi/gnumi to mix, mix up, mingle, properly of liquids
mi/daj Midas
mi/qrhj Mithras
mikradikhth/j doing petty wrongs
mikrai/tioj complaining of trifles
mikrau=lac with small furrows
mikre/mporoj a pedlar, huckster
mikroki/ndunoj exposing oneself to danger for trifles
mikrologe/omai to examine minutely, treat
mikrologi/a the character of a
mikrolo/goj reckoning trifles
mikropoli/thj a citizen of a petty town
mikropo/nhroj wicked in small things
mikropre/peia the character of a
mikropreph/j petty in one's notions, mean, shabby
mikro/j small, little
mikro/thj smallness: littleness, meanness, pettiness
mikrofilotimi/a petty ambition
mikrofilo/timoj seeking petty distinctions
mikro/xwroj with little land

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mikroyuxi/a littleness of soul, meanness of spirit

mikro/yuxoj little of soul, mean-spirited
mikto/j mixed, blended, compound
milh/sioj Milesian
mi/lhtoj Miletus
milia/rion a copper vessel
miliasmo/j a marking by milestones
mi/lion a Roman mile, milliarium
miltei=on a vessel for keeping
mi/lteioj red
milthlifh/j painted with
miltopa/rh|oj red-cheeked
mi/ltoj red chalk, ruddle
miltofurh/j daubed with red
milto/w to paint red
mi/markuj hare-soup
mime/omai to mimic, imitate, represent, portray
mimhlo/j imitative
mi/mhma anything imitated, a counterfeit, copy
mi/mhsij imitation
mimhte/oj to be imitated
mimhth/j an imitator, copyist
mimhtiko/j good at imitating, imitative
mimhto/j to be imitated
mimna/zw to wait, stay
mimnh/skw to remind, put
mi/mnw to stay, stand fast
mimologe/omai to be recited like mimes
mimolo/goj composing
mi=moj an imitator, mimic: an actor, mime
mimw|do/j a singer of
mi/nqoj human ordure.
minqo/w to besmear with dung, befoul
min himself
minu/ai the Minyans
minu/eioj Minyan
minu/qw to make smaller
minunqa/dioj shortlived
mi/nunqa a little, very little
minuri/zw to complain in a low tone, to whimper, whine
minu/risma a warbling
minu/romai to warble
minuro/j complaining in a low tone, whining, whimpering
minuw/rioj shortlived
minw/ioj of Minos
mi/nwj Minos

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

mi=cij a mixing, mingling

micoba/rbaroj half barbarian half Greek
mico/qhr half-beast
mico/qrouj with mingled cries
mico/leukoj mixed with white
micolu/dioj half-Lydian
micoludisti/ in the mixed-Lydian measure
micopa/rqenoj half-woman
micofru/gioj half-Phrygian
misagaqi/a a hatred of good
misa/gaqoj hating good
misaqh/naioj hating the Athenians
misala/zwn hating boasters
misale/candroj hating Alexander
misa/mpeloj hating the vine
misanqrwpi/a hatred of mankind
misa/nqrwpoj hating mankind, misanthropic
misga/gkeia a place where mountain glens and their streams meet, a meeting of glens
mise/llhn a hater of the Greeks
mise/w to hate
mi/shma an object of hate
mishte/oj to be hated
mishti/a hateful lust, lewdness
mishto/j hateful
misqapodosi/a payment of wages, recompense
misqapodo/thj one who pays wages, a rewarder
misqa/rion a little fee
misqarne/w to work
misqa/rnhj a hired workman
misqarnhtiko/j of
misqarni/a an earning of wages
misqarniko/j of
misqarxi/dhj son of a placeman
mi/sqioj salaried, hired
misqodosi/a payment of wages
misqodote/w to pay wages
misqodo/thj one who pays wages, a paymaster
misqo/j wages, pay, hire
misqofora/ receipt of wages
misqofore/w to be a
misqoforhte/oj one must receive pay
misqofori/a service as a mercenary
misqofo/roj receiving wages
misqo/w to let out for hire, farm out, let
mi/sqwma the price agreed on in hiring, the contract-price
mi/sqwsij a letting for hire

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misqwth/j one who pays rent, a tenant

misqwtiko/j of
misqwto/j hired
misogo/hj hating fraud
misogu/nhj woman-hater
misodhmi/a hatred of democracy
miso/dhmoj hating the commons
miso/qeoj hating the gods, godless
miso/qhroj hating the hunt
misokai=sar hating Caesar
misola/kwn a Laconian-hater
misola/maxoj hating Lamachus
misologi/a hatred of argument
miso/logoj hating argument
miso/noqoj hating bastards
miso/paij hating boys
misope/rshj an enemy to the Persians
miso/polij hating the commonwealth
misopone/w to hate work
misopo/nhroj hating knaves
misoponi/a hatred of work
misopo/rpac hating the shield-handle
miso/ptwxoj hating the poor
misorw/maioj a Roman-hater
miso/sofoj hating philosophy
mi=soj hate, hatred
misosu/llhj an enemy of Sulla
miso/teknoj hating children
misotu/rannoj a tyrant-hater
miso/tufoj hating arrogance
misofi/lippoj hating Philip
miso/xrhstoj hating the better sort
misoyeudh/j hating lies
mistu/llw to cut up
mitoergo/j working the thread
mito/omai to ply the woof
mitorrafh/j composed of threads
mi/toj a thread
mi/tra a belt
mitrhfo/roj wearing a
mitro/detoj bound with a
mi/tuloj hornless
mitw/dhj like threads of threads
mnaai=oj of the weight of a
mna/omai to turn one's mind
mna= a weight, =

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mnei/a remembrance, memory

mnh=ma a memorial, remembrance, record
mnhmei=on a monument
mnh/menoj remembering
mnh/mh a remembrance, memory, record
mnhmo/neuma a record
mnhmoneute/oj one must remember
mnhmoneutiko/j of
mnhmoneuto/j that can be
mnhmoneu/w to call to mind, remember
mnhmoniko/j of
mnhmosu/nh remembrance, memory
mnhmo/sunon a remembrance, memorial, record
mnh/mwn mindful
mnhsidwre/w to offer public thanksgiving
mnhsikake/w to remember wrongs done one, remember past injuries
mnhsi/kakoj bearing malice
mnhsiph/mwn reminding of misery
mnhstei/a a wooing, courting
mnh/steira mindful of
mnh/steuma courtship, wooing
mnhsteu/w to woo, court, seek in marriage
mnhsth/r a wooer, suitor
mnh=stij remembrance, heed
mnhsto/j wooed and won, wedded
mnh/stwr mindful of
mniaro/j mossy, soft as moss
mni/on moss, sea-weed.
mogero/j toiling, wretched
moge/w to toil, suffer
mogila/loj hardly-speaking, dumb
mo/gij with toil and pain
mo/goj toil, trouble
mogosto/koj helping women in hard childbirth
mo/qoj battle, battle-din
moqwniko/j like a
mo/qwn the child of an Helot
moi=ra a part, portion
moira/w to share, divide, distribute
moirhgenh/j child of destiny
moiri/dioj allotted by destiny, destined, doomed
moiro/krantoj ordained by destiny
moixa/gria a fine imposed on one taken in adultery
moixali/j an adulteress
moixa/w to have dalliance with
moixei/a adultery

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moixeu/tria an adulteress
moixeu/w to commit adultery with
moixi/dioj born in adultery
moixiko/j adulterous
moixo/j an adulterer, paramour, debaucher
molibaxqh/j heavy with lead, leaded
mo/liboj lead
mo/lij not scarcely
molobro/j a greedy fellow
molosso/j Molossian
molpa/zw to sing of
molpasth/j a minstrel
molphdo/n like a song
molph/ the song and dance, a chant
molph=tij she who sings and dances
molu/bdaina a piece of lead
molu/bdinoj leaden, of lead
molubdi/j a leaden weight
mo/lubdoj lead
molunopragmone/omai to get into dirty quarrels
molusmo/j defilement
molu/nw to stain, sully, defile
momfh/ blame, censure
monadiko/j consisting of units
mona/mpuc having one frontlet
monarxe/w to be sovereign
monarxi/a the rule of one, monarchy, sovereignty
monarxiko/j monarchical
mo/narxoj one who rules alone, a monarch, sovereign
mona/j alone, solitary
monaule/w to play a solo on the flute
monauli/a a living alone, celibacy
mo/nauloj a player on the single flute
monaxh= in one way only
monaxo/j single, solitary
monaxou= alone, only
monaxw=j in one way only
monere/thj one who rows singly
monh/ a staying, abiding, tarrying, stay
monh/rhj single, solitary
mo/nimoj staying in one's place, stable, steadfast
mo/nippoj one who uses a single horse, a horseman, rider
monoba/mwn walking alone
monogenh/j only-begotten, single
mono/glhnoj one-eyed
monoda/ktuloj one-fingered

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monode/rkthj one-eyed
mono/doupoj uniform in sound
mono/douj one-toothed
mono/dropoj plucked from one stem, cut from one block
monoeidh/j of one form
mono/zuc yoked alone
monoh/meroj lasting one day only
mono/qen alone, singly
monoke/lhj a single horse
mono/kerwj with but one horn
mono/klautoj by one only
mono/klinon a bed for one only
monokrh/pij with but one sandal
mono/krotoj with one bank of oars
mono/kwloj with but one leg
mono/kwpoj with one oar
monole/wn a singularly huge lion
mono/liqoj made out of one stone
mono/lukoj a singularly huge wolf
monomaxe/w to fight in single combat
monomaxi/a single combat
monomaxiko/j of
monoma/xoj fighting in single combat
monomerh/j consisting of one part
monomh/twr reft of mother
mononuxi/ in a single night
mono/culoj made from a solid trunk
mono/paij an only child
mono/pelmoj with but one sole
mono/peploj wearing the tunic only
mono/pouj one-footed
monopragmate/w to be engaged in one thing
monopwli/a exclusive sale, monopoly
mono/pwloj with one horse
monoru/xhj digging with one point
monosite/w to eat once in the day
mo/noj alone, left alone, forsaken solitary
monostibh/j walking alone
mono/stixoj consisting of one verse
mono/stoloj going alone, alone, single
monosto/rqugc carved out of a single block
monosu/llaboj of one syllable, dealing in monosyllables
mono/teknoj with but one child
monotra/pezoj at a solitary table
mono/tropoj living alone, solitary
monotrofe/w to eat but one kind of food

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monotrofi/a a rearing singly

mono/fqalmoj one-eyed
mono/frouroj watching alone, sole guardian
mono/frwn single in one's opinion
monofuh/j of single nature, single
mono/xhloj solid-hoofed
monoxi/twn wearing only the tunic
mono/yhfoj voting alone
mono/w to make single
monw|de/w to sing a monody
monw|di/a a monody
monw|do/j singing alone, not in chorus.
mo/nwsij separation from
monw/thj solitary
monw/y one-eyed
mo/ra a mora, one of the six regiments
more/w to make with pain and toil
mori/a the sacred olives
mo/rion a piece, portion, section
mormolu/ttomai to frighten, scare
mormorwpo/j hideous to behold
mormu/rw to roar and boil
mormw/ a hideous she-monster
moro/eij wrought with much pains, skilfully wrought
mo/roj man's appointed doom, fate, destiny
mo/rsimoj appointed by fate, destined
moru/ssw to soil, stain, defile
morfa/zw to use gesticulations
morfa/w to shape, fashion, mould
morfeu/j Morpheus
morfh/eij formed
morfh/ form, shape
mo/rfnoj dusky, dark
morfo/w to give form
mo/rfwma form, shape
mo/rfwsij form, semblance
morfw/tria changing men into
mossu/noikoi dwellers-in-wooden-houses
mo/ssun a wooden house
mo/sxeioj of a calf
mosxeu/w to plant a sucker
mosxi/dion a young shoot
mosxi/on a young calf
mosxopoie/w to make a calf.
mo/sxoj a young shoot
mo/sxoj a calf

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moto/j shredded linen, lint

mouna/c singly, in single combat
mounuxi/a Munychia
mounuxi/asi at Munychia
mousage/thj leader of the Muses
mou=sa the Muse
mousei=on a temple of the Muses, seat
mou/seioj of
mousi/zw to sing of, chant
mousikh/ any art over which the Muses presided
mousiko/j of
mouso/domoj built by song
mouso/lhptoj Muse-inspired
mousomane/w to be Muse-mad
mousomanh/j devoted to the Muses
mousomh/twr the mother of Muses and all arts
mouso/omai to be trained in the ways of the Muses, to be educated
mousopoie/w to write poetry: to sing of
mousopoio/j making poetry, a poet, poetess
mousopo/loj serving the Muses
mousopro/swpoj musical-looking
mousourgi/a a singing, making poetry
mousourgo/j cultivating music
mousofilh/j loving the Muses
mousoxarh/j delighting in the Muses
moxqe/w to be weary with toil, to be sore distressed
mo/xqhma toils, hardships
moxqhri/a bad condition, badness
moxqhro/j suffering hardship, in sore distress, miserable, wretched
moxqhte/oj one must labour
moxqi/zw to suffer
mo/xqoj toil, hard work hardship, distress, trouble
moxleuth/j one who heaves by a lever
moxleu/w to prise up, heave up
moxle/w they strove to heave
moxlo/j a bar
mua/gra a mouse-trap
mugalh= the shrew-mouse, field-mouse
mugmo/j a moaning, muttering
mudale/oj wet, dripping
muda/w to ooze with damp, be clammy
mu/doj damp, clamminess, decay.
mudroktupe/w to forge red-hot iron
mudroktu/poj forging red-hot iron
mu/droj a mass of red-hot metal
mue/linoj of marrow

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muelo/eij full of marrow

muelo/j marrow
mue/w to initiate into the mysteries
mu/zw to murmur with closed lips, to mutter, moan
muqe/omai to say, speak
mu/qeuma a story told, tale
muqeu/w to be spoken of
muqia/zomai to recount fables
muqiko/j mythic, legendary
muqografe/w to write fabulous accounts
muqografi/a a writing of fables
muqogra/foj a writer of legends
muqologeu/w to tell word for word
muqologe/w to tell mythic tales
muqolo/ghma a mythical narrative
muqologi/a a telling of mythic legends, legendary lore, mythology
muqologiko/j versed in legendary lore
muqolo/goj a teller of legends, romancer
muqopoio/j making mythic legends
mu=qoj anything, delivered by word of mouth, word, speech
muqw/dhj legendary, fabulous
mui=a a fly
muioso/bh a fly-flap
muioso/boj flapping away flies
muka/omai to grate, creak
mukhqmo/j a lowing, bellowing
mu/khma a lowing, bellowing, roaring
mukhnai=oj Mycenaean
mukh/nhqen from Mycene
mukh/nh Mycene, Mycenae
mu/khj a mushroom
mukhth/j a bellower
mukh/tinoj made of mushrooms
mukthri/zw to turn up the nose
mukthro/qen out of the nose
mukthro/kompoj sounding from the nostril
mukth/r the nose, snout
mulai=oj of
mu/lac a millstone, a large round stone
mulerga/thj a miller
mu/lh the nether millstone
mulh/fatoj bruised in a mill
mulia/w to grind the teeth
muli/hj of
muliko/j of
muloeidh/j like a millstone

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mu/loj a millstone
mulwqro/j a miller
mulw/n a mill-house
mu/nh an excuse, pretence
mu/ca the discharge from the nose
mucwth=rej the nostrils
muoqhre/w to catch mice
muokto/noj mouse-killing
muomaxi/a a battle of mice
muopa/rwn a light vessel
mu/ouroj mouse-tailed: curtailed
mu/ a muttering sound
mu/raina a sea-serpent
mureye/w to prepare unguents
mureyo/j one who prepares unguents. a perfumer.
muria/kij ten thousand times
muria/mforoj holding
muri/androj containing
muria/rxhj commander of
muria/j a number of
murieth/j of
muri/zw to rub with ointment
muri/kh the tamarisk
muriki/neoj tamarisk
muri/kinoj tamarisk
murio/boioj with ten thousand oxen
murio/douj with immense teeth
murio/karpoj with countless fruit
murio/kranoj many-headed
murio/lektoj said ten thousand times
murio/morfoj of countless shapes
murio/moxqoj of countless labours
murio/nauj with countless ships
murio/nekroj where tens of thousands die
muriopla/sioj times as many as
murioplhqh/j infinite in number
muri/oj numberless, countless, infinite
muriosto/j the
muriostu/j a body of ten thousand
murioteuxh/j with ten thousand armed men
muriofo/roj carrying
murio/fwnoj with ten thousand voices
muriwpo/j with countless eyes
mu/rmhc a beast of prey
murmido/nej the Myrmidons
muro/eij anointed

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mu/ron sweet juice extracted form plants, sweet-oil, unguent, balsam

muro/pnouj breathing sweet unguents
muropw/lhj a dealer in unguents
muropw/lion a perfumer's shop
murofeggh/j shining with unguent
muro/xristoj anointed with unguent
muro/xrouj with anointed skin
mursi/nh a branch
mursinoeidh/j myrtle-like
mursinw/n a myrtle-grove
mu/rton a myrtle-berry
mu/rtoj the myrtle
mu/rw to flow, run, trickle
musaro/j foul, dirty
musa/ttomai to feel disgust at
mu/sioj a Mysian dirge
mu/soj uncleanness
muso/j a Mysian
mu=j the field-mouse
muspole/w to run about like a mouse
mustagwgi/a initiation into the mysteries
mustagwgo/j one who initiates into mysteries, a mystagogue
mu/stac the upper lip, the moustache
musthriko/j of
musth/rion a mystery
musthriw=tij of
mu/sthj one initiated
mustiko/j mystic, connected with the mysteries
mustila/omai to sop bread in soup
musti/lh a piece of bread
mustipo/loj solemnising mysteries, performing mystic rites
mu/stij mystic
mustodo/koj receiving the initiated
mutilh/nh Mytilene
muttwteu/w to hash up, make mince-meat of
muttwto/j a savoury dish of cheese, honey, garlic
muxqi/zw to snort, jeer
muxqismo/j a snorting, moaning
mu/xioj inward, inmost, retired, embayed
muxmo/j moaning, groaning
muxo/qen from the inmost part of the house, from the women's chambers
muxoi/tatoj in the farthest corner
muxo/nde to the far corner
muxo/j the innermost place, inmost nook
muxw/dhj full of recesses, cavernous
muw/n a cluster of muscles, a muscle

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muwpa/zw to be shortsighted, see dimly

mu/w to close, be shut
muwpi/zw to spur, prick with a spur
mu/wy contracting the eyes
mw=loj the toil
mw=lu moly, mandrake
mwma/omai to find, fault with, blame
mwmhto/j to be blamed
mw=moj blame, ridicule, disgrace
mw=n but surely not? is it so?
mw=nuc with a single
mwrai/nw to be silly, foolish
mwri/a silliness, folly
mwrologi/a silly talking
mwrolo/goj speaking foolishly
mwro/sofoj foolishly wise, a sapient fool
mwro/j dull, sluggish, stupid
nae/thj an inhabitant
naiako/j of
naia/j a Naiad, a river nymph
naieta/w to dwell
nai/ yea, verily
nai/w to dwell, abide
nai/w to run over, to be full
na/kh a wooly
na/koj a fleece
nakto/j close-pressed, solid.
na=ma anything flowing, running water, a river, stream
na=noj a dwarf
nanofuh/j of dwarfish stature
na/cioj Naxian
naciourgh/j of Naxian work
na/coj Naxos
naopo/loj the overseer of a temple
nao/j the dwelling of a god, a temple
naofu/lac the keeper of a temple
napai=oj of a wooded vale
na/ph a wooded vale, dell
nardoliph/j anointed with nard-oil
na/rdoj nard, spikenard, nard-oil
narqhkofo/roj carrying a
na/rqhc the Bacchanalian wands
narka/w to grow stiff
na/rkh numbness, deadness
na/rkissoj the narcissus
nasmo/j a flowing stream, a stream

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na/ssw to press
nasto/j close- pressed
nauage/w to suffer shipwreck, be shipwrecked
nauagi/a shipwreck
naua/gion a piece of wreck
nauago/j shipwrecked, stranded
nauarxe/w to command a fleet
nauarxi/a the command of a fleet, office of
nauarxi/j the ship of the
nau/arxoj the commander of a fleet, an admiral
nauba/thj a "ship-goer," a seaman
nau/deton a ship's cable
nauklhre/w to be a shipowner
nauklhri/a a seafaring life, ship-owning
nauklh/rion the ship of a
nau/klhroj a shipowner, ship-master
nau/kraroj one of a division, of the citizens
naukrate/w to be master of the sea
naukra/thj master
nau/kratij Naucratis
naukra/twr the master of a ship
nau=loj passage-money, the fare
nauloxe/w to lie in a harbour
nau/loxoj affording safe anchorage
naumaxe/w to fight in a ship
naumaxhsei/w to wish to fight by sea
naumaxhte/oj one must fight by sea
naumaxi/a a sea-fight
nau/maxoj of
nauma/xoj fighting at sea
nauphge/w to build ships
nauphgh/simoj useful in shipbuilding
nauphgi/a shipbuilding
nauphgiko/j skilled in shipbuilding
nauph/gion a shipbuilder's-yard, dockyard
nauphgo/j a shipwright
naupli/a Nauplia
nauplieu/j a Nauplian
nau/poroj ship-frequented
naupo/roj ship-speeding
nausqlo/w to carry by sea
nausikleito/j famed for ships
nausipe/ratoj navigable
nausi/pompoj ship-wafting
nausi/poroj traversed by ships, navigable
nausipo/roj passing in a ship, seafaring

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nausi/stonoj lamentable to ships

nausifo/rhtoj carried by ship, seafaring
nau=j a ship
nau/staqmon a harbour, anchorage, roadstead
naustole/w to carry
nausto/lhma anything conveyed by ship
naustoli/a a going by sea, naval expedition
nau/stoloj crossing the water
nau/thj a mate
nauti/a seasickness, qualmishness, disgust
nautia/w to be qualmish, suffer from seasickness
nautiko/j seafaring, naval
nautili/a sailing, seamanship
nauti/llomai to sail, go by sea
nauti/loj a seaman, sailor
nautologe/w to take on board
nautolo/goj collecting seamen
naufqori/a shipwreck, loss of ships
nau/fqoroj shipwrecked
nau/fraktoj ship-fenced
na/w to flow
nea/ggeltoj newly
nea/zw to be young
neai/retoj newly taken
neako/nhtoj newly-whetted
nealh/j young, fresh
nea/lwtoj newly caught
neanqh/j new-blown
neani/euma a youthful
neanieu/omai to act like a hot-headed youth, to act wantonly, to brawl, swagger
neani/hj a young man, youth
neaniko/j youthful, fresh, active, vigorous
neaniskeu/omai to be in one's youth
neani/skoj a youth
nea=nij a young woman, girl, maiden
neaoido/j singing youthfully
nea/polij a new city
nearo/j young, youthful
nea/th the lowest of the three strings
ne/atoj the last, uttermost, lowest
neato/j a ploughing up of fallow land
nea/w to plough up anew
ne/breioj of a fawn
nebrido/peploj clad in fawnskin
nebri/zw to wear a fawnskin at the feast of Bacchus
nebri/j a fawnskin

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nebro/j the young of the deer, a fawn

nebrw/dhj fawn-like
nehgenh/j new-born, just born
nehqalh/j fresh-blown, young
nehkh/j newly whetted
neh/latoj newly kneaded
ne/hluj newly come, a new-comer
neh/tomoj castrated when young
neh/fatoj new-sounding
nei/aira lower
neikesth/r one who wrangles with
neike/w to quarrel
nei=koj a quarrel, wrangle, strife
neilaieu/j from the Nile
neilogenh/j Nile-born
neilome/trion a Nilometer
neilo/rutoj watered by the Nile
nei=loj the Nile
neilwi/j situated on the Nile
neilw/thj in
neio/qen from the bottom
neio/qi at the bottom
neiopoie/w to take a green crop off
neio/j land ploughed up anew
neiotomeu/j one who breaks up a fallow
neka/j a heap of slain
nekra/ggeloj messenger of the dead
nekragwge/w to conduct the dead
nekragwgo/j conducting the dead.
nekrakadh/meia a school of the dead
nekriko/j of
nekrobarh/j laden with the dead
nekrode/gmwn receiving the dead
nekrodoxei=on a cemetery, mausoleum
nekrokori/nqia the cinerary urns dug out of the tombs of Corinth
nekro/polij city of the dead
nekropompo/j conducting the dead
nekro/j a dead body, corpse
nekrostole/w to ferry the dead
nekrosto/loj a corpse-bearer
nekrosuli/a robbery of the dead
nekrofo/noj murderer of the dead
nekrofo/roj burying the dead
nekro/w to make dead
nekrw/dhj corpse-like
nekrw/n a burial-place

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ne/krwsij a state of death, deadness: death

nekta/reoj nectarous
ne/ktar nectar
ne/kuia by which ghosts were called up and questioned
nekuomantei=on an oracle of the dead
nekuosto/loj ferrying the dead
ne/kuj a dead body, a corpse, corse
neme/a Nemea
nemea/j Nemean
neme/qw were grazing, feeding
ne/meioj Nemean
nemesa/w to feel just resentment, to be wroth at undeserved
nemeshtiko/j disposed to just indignation
nemeshto/j causing indignation
nemesi/zomai to be wroth with
ne/mesij distribution of what is due
neme/twr an avenger
ne/moj a wooded pasture, glade
ne/mw to deal out, distribute, dispense
neoardh/j newly watered
neo/gamoj newly married, a young husband
neogenh/j new-born
neogilo/j new-born, young
neo/grafoj newly painted
neo/guioj with young limbs
neodamw/dhj newly enfranchised
neo/dartoj newly stripped off
neodi/daktoj newly brought out
neodmh/j newly tamed
neo/dmhtoj newly tamed
neo/dmhtoj new-built
neo/dreptoj fresh-plucked
neo/dromoj just having run
neo/zugoj newly yoked
neo/qen newly, lately
neoqhlh/j fresh budding
neo/qhloj just giving milk
neoi/h youthful passion
ne/oi newly built
neokata/statoj newly settled
neokhdh/j whose grief is fresh, freshgrieving
neoklhro/nomoj having lately inherited
neo/klwstoj fresh spun
neo/kmhtoj just slain
neo/koptoj fresh-chiselled
neo/kotoj new and strange, unheard of

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neokra/j newly mixed

neo/ktistoj newly founded
neo/ktonoj lately
neolai/a a band of youths, the youth
neo/loutoj just bathed
ne/omai to go
neopenqh/j fresh-mourning
neophgh/j lately built
neo/phktoj fresh curdled, fresh made
neo/ploutoj newly become rich, upstart
neo/plutoj newly washen
neo/pokoj newly shorn
neopreph/j befitting young people, youthful, extravagant
neo/pristoj fresh-sawn
neopto/lemoj new-warrior
neo/ptolij newly-founded
neo/rrantoj fresh-reeking
neo/rrutoj fresh-flowing
neo/rrutoj newly drawn
ne/ortoj newly arisen, new
neosi/galoj new and sparkling, with all the gloss on
neosku/leutoj newly taken as booty
neo/smhktoj newly cleaned
neosmi/leutoj new-carved
neospadh/j newly drawn
neospa/j fresh-plucked
ne/oj young, youthful
neo/sporoj newly sown, fresh-sown
neosseu/w to hatch
neossia/ a nest of young birds, a nest
neo/ssion a young bird, nestling, chick
neossoko/moj rearing chickens
neosso/j a young bird, nestling, chick
neossotrofe/omai to be reared as in the nest
neo/strofoj newly twisted
neosfagh/j fresh-slain
neotelh/j newly initiated
neo/teuktoj newly wrought
neoteuxh/j newly made
neo/thj youth
neo/tmhtoj newly cut
neoto/koj having just brought forth
neo/tomoj fresh cut
neourge/w to make new, renew
neourgo/j new-made
neou/tatoj lately wounded

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neo/foitoj newly trodden

neo/fonoj fresh-shed
neo/futoj newly planted
neoxa/raktoj newly imprinted
neoxmo/j new
neoxmo/w to make political innovations
neo/xnouj with the first down
neo/w to renovate, renew
ne/podej young ones, children
nerte/rioj underground
nerterodro/moj the courier of the dead
ne/rteroj lower, nether
neu=ma a nod
neura/ a string
neurola/loj with sounding strings
neu=ron a sinew, tendon
neuroplekh/j plaited with sinews
neurorrafe/w to stitch
neurorra/foj one who stitches with sinews, a mender of shoes, cobbler
neurospadh/j drawn by the string
neuro/spastoj drawn by strings, moved by strings
neurotenh/j stretched by sinews, made of gut
neuroxarh/j delighting in the bowstring
neusta/zw to nod
neuste/oj one must swim
neustiko/j able to swim
neu/w to nod
nefelhgere/ta cloud-gatherer, cloud-compeller
nefe/lh a cloud
nefeloke/ntauroj a cloud-centaur
nefelokokkugi/a Cloud-cuckoo-town
nefelokokkugieu/j a Cloud-cuckoo-man
nefelwto/j clouded, made of clouds
nefoeidh/j cloud-like
ne/foj a cloud, mass
nefri=tij nephritis, a disease of the kidneys
nefro/j the kidneys
ne/w to swim
ne/w to spin
ne/w to heap, pile, heap up
ne/w4 next year.
newkore/w to serve a temple
newkori/a the office of a
newko/roj the custodian of a temple
newlke/w to haul a ship up on land
newlko/j a ship-hauler

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new/nhtoj newly bought

new/rhj new, fresh, late
new/rion a place were ships are taken care of, a dockyard
newro/j superintendent of the dockyard.
new/soikoj a dock
new/j a temple
newsti/ lately, just now
ne/wta next year, for next year
new/tatoj youngest
newteri/zw to attempt anything new, make a violent
newterismo/j innovation, revolutionary movement
newteristh/j an innovator
newteropoii/a innovation, revolution
newteropoio/j innovating, revolutionary
new/teroj younger
nhga/teoj new-made
nh/gretoj unwaking
nh/duia the bowels, entrails
nh/dumoj sweet, delightful
nhdu/j the stomach
nhe/w to heap, heap
nh/qw to spin
nh/ioj of
nh=ij unknowing of, unpractised in
nhi/thj consisting of ships
nhkerdh/j unprofitable
nh/kerwj not horned
nh/kestoj incurable
nhkouste/w not to hear, to give no heed to, disobey
nhkto/j swimming
nhleo/poinoj punishing without pity, ruthlessly punishing
nhlh/j pitiless, ruthless
nhlipokaiblepe/laioi barefoot and looking after oil
nhli/pouj unshod, barefooted
nhlith/j guiltless, harmless
nh=ma that which is spun, a thread, yarn
nhme/rteia certainty, truth
nhmerth/j unerring, infallible
nhnemi/a stillness in the air, a calm
nh/nemoj without wind, breezeless, calm, hushed
nh=cij a swimming
nhopo/loj busying oneself in a temple: a temple-keeper
nhopore/w to go by sea
nhofo/roj bearing ships
nhpenqh/j banishing pain
nhpia/a childhood

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nhpiaxeu/w to be childish, play like a child

nhpi/axoj infantine, childish
nh/pioj not yet speaking
nhpio/thj childhood, childishness
nhpio/frwn of childish mind, silly
nh/plektoj with unbraided hair
nh/poinoj unavenged
nhputieu/omai to play child's tricks
nhpu/tioj a little child
nhreu/j Nereus
nhrhi/j a daughter of Nereus, a Nereid
nh/riqmoj countless
nh/ritoj countless, immense
nhsai=oj of an island, insular
nhsi/dion an islet
nhsi/zw to be
nhsi/on an islet
nh=sij spinning
nhsi/j an islet
nhsi/thj of
nhsiw/thj an islander
nhsiwtiko/j of
nhsoeidh/j like an island
nhsomaxi/a an island-fight
nh=soj an island
nhstei/a a fast
nhsteu/w to fast
nh=stij not eating, fasting
nh/titoj unavenged
nhto/j heaped, piled up
nh=tta a duck
nhtta/rion a little duck
nh/utmoj breathless
nhfa/lioj unmixed with wine, wineless
nh/fwn sober
nh/fw to drink no wine
nh/xw to swim
nh=yij soberness
ni/glaroj a pipe
ni/zw to wash the hands
nika/twr a conqueror
nika/w to conquer, prevail, vanquish
nikh/eij victorious
ni/khma victory
ni/kh victory in battle
nikhte/oj one must conquer

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nikhth/rioj belonging to a conqueror

nikhtiko/j likely to conquer, conducing to victory
nikhfore/w to carry off as a prize
nikhfori/a a conquering, victory
nikhfo/roj bringing victory
niko/bouloj prevailing in the council
nin him, her
nipth/r a washing vessel, basin
ni/ptron water for washing
ni/ssomai to go, go away
ni/tron carbonate of soda
ni/fa snow
nifa/j a snowflake
nifeto/j falling snow, a snowstorm
nifetw/dhj like snow, snowy
nifo/boloj snow-stricken, snowclad
nifo/eij snowy, snowclad, snowcapt
nifostibh/j piled with snow
ni/fw to snow
noero/j intellectual
noe/w to perceive by the eyes, observe, notice
no/hma that which is perceived, a perception, thought
noh/mwn thoughtful, intelligent
no/hsij intelligence, thought
nohtiko/j intelligent
nohto/j perceptible to the mind, thinkable
noqagenh/j base-born
noqei/a birth out of wedlock
noqeu/w to adulterate
noqokallosu/nh counterfeit charms
no/qoj a bastard, baseborn child
nomadiko/j of
no/maioj customary
noma/rxhj the chief of an Egyptian province
noma/j roaming about for pasture
no/meuma that which is put to graze
nomeu/j a shepherd, herdsman
nomeu/w to put to graze, drive afield
nomh/ a pasture, pasturage
nomi/zw to hold
nomiko/j resting on law, conventional
no/mimoj conformable to custom, usage
no/mioj of shepherds, pastoral
no/misij usage, prescription, custom
no/misma anything sanctioned by usage, a custom, institution
nomiste/oj to be accounted

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nomisteu/omai to be current
nomografi/a written legislation
nomogra/foj one who draws up laws.
nomodei/kthj one who explains laws
nomodida/skaloj a teacher of the law
nomoqesi/a lawgiving, legislation
nomoqete/w to make law
nomoqe/thma a law, ordinance
nomoqe/thj a lawgiver
nomoqethte/oj to be settled by law
nomoqetiko/j of
nomo/nde to pasture
no/moj anything assigned, a usage, custom, law, ordinance
nomo/j a feeding-place
nomofu/lac a guardian of the laws
noo/plhktoj palsying the mind
no/oj mind, perception
nosakero/j liable to sickness, sickly
nosero/j of sickness
nose/w to be sick, ill, to ail
noshlei/a care of the sick, nursing
noshleu/w to tend a sick person
no/shma a sickness, disease, plague
noshro/j diseased, unhealthy
no/soj sickness, disease, malady
nosotrofi/a care of the sick
noste/w to come
no/stimoj belonging to a return
no/stoj a return home
nosfi/zomai to turn one's back upon
no/sfi aloof, apart, afar, away
nosw/dhj sickly, diseased, ailing
notero/j wet, damp, moist
noti/a wet
noti/zw to wet
no/tioj wet, moist, damp
noti/j moisture, wet
no/toj the south
noubustiko/j choke-full of sense, clever
nouqete/w to put in mind, to admonish, warn, advise
nouqe/thma admonition, warning
nouqe/thsij admonition, warning
nouqethte/oj to be admonished
nouqethtiko/j monitory
noumhni/a the new moon, the first of the month
noune/xeia good sense, discretion

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nounexh/j with understanding, sensible, discreet

nugmh/ a pricking, puncture
nuktegerte/w to watch by night
nukte/lioj nightly
nuktere/thj one who rows by night
nuktereutiko/j fit for hunting by night
nuktereu/w to pass the night
nukterh/sioj nightly
nukterino/j by night, nightly
nukteri/j a bat
nukterwpo/j appearing by night
nukthgore/w to summon by night
nukthgori/a a nightly summons
nukthrefh/j covered by night, murky
nukti/bromoj roaring by night
nuktikle/pthj thief of the night
nuktiko/rac the night-raven
nuktilaqraiofa/goj eating secretly by night
nuktila/loj nightly-sounding
nuktilamph/j illumined by night alone
nu/ktioj nightly
nuktipataipla/gioj nightly-roaming-to-and-fro
nukti/plagktoj making to wander by night, rousing from bed
nukti/planoj roaming by night
nuktipo/loj roaming by night
nukti/semnoj solemnised by night
nuktifanh/j shining by night
nukti/fantoj appearing by night
nukti/foitoj night-roaming
nuktifrou/rhtoj watching by night
nuktoqh/rhj a night-hunter
nuktomaxe/w to fight by night
nuktomaxi/a a night- battle
nuktoperipla/nhtoj roaming about by night
nuktopore/w to travel by night
nuktopori/a a night-journey, night-march
nuktofulake/w to keep guard by night
nuktofu/lac a night-watcher, warder
nuktw=|on a temple of Night
nu/ktwr by night
numfagwge/w to lead the bride to the bridegroom's house
numfagwgo/j leader of the bride
nu/mfaion a temple of the nymphs
numfai=oj of
numfei=oj of a bride, bridal, nuptial
nu/mfeuma marriage, espousal

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numfeuth/rioj nuptial
numfeuth/j one who escorts the bride to the bridegroom's house, negotiator of a marriage
numfeu/tria a bride's-maid
numfeu/w to lead the bride, to give in marriage, betroth
nu/mfh a young wife, bride
numfi/dioj of a bride, bridal
numfi/oj a bridegroom, one lately married
numfi/oj bridal
numfogenh/j nymph-born
numfo/klautoj to be deplored by wives
numfokome/w to dress a bride
numfoko/moj dressing a bride
numfo/lhptoj caught by nymphs
numfostole/w to escort the bride
numfosto/loj escorting the bride.
numfo/timoj honouring the bride
numfw/n the bridechamber
nu=n now, even now
nuni/ now, at this moment
nu=n now at this very time
nu/c the night-season
nuo/j a daughter-in-law
nu/ssa posts
nu/ssw to touch with a sharp point, to prick, spur, pierce
nusta/zw to nod in sleep, to nap, slumber
nustakth/j one that nods, nodding
nu/xeuma a nightly watch
nuxeu/w to watch the night through, to pass the night
nuxqh/meron a night and a day
nu/xioj nightly
nwdo/j toothless
nwduni/a ease from pain
nw/dunoj without pain
nw/qeia sluggishness, dulness
nwqh/j sluggish, slothful, torpid
nwqro/j sluggish, slothful, torpid
nwi/teroj of
nwleme/j without pause, unceasingly, continually
nwma/w to deal out, distribute
nw/numoj nameless, unknown, inglorious
nw=roy flashing, gleaming
nwta/kmwn with mailed back
nwtiai=oj of the back
nwti/zw to turn one's back
nw/tisma that which covers the back
nw=ton the back

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nwtofo/roj carrying on the back

nwxelh/j moving slowly and heavily, sluggish
nwxeli/a laziness, sluggishness
cai/nw to comb
canqi/zw to make yellow
canqi/hj Xanthias
canqo/qric yellow-haired
canqoka/rhnoj with yellow head
canqo/j yellow
canqo/thj yellowness
canqotrixe/w to have yellow hair
canqofuh/j yellow by nature
canqoxi/twn with yellow coat
canqo/xrouj with yellow skin
ceinh/ion a host's gift
cenage/thj one who takes charge of guests
cenage/w to be a
cenago/j a commander of auxiliary
cenapa/thj one who cheats strangers
cenarkh/j aiding strangers
cenhlasi/a expulsion of foreigners, an alien act
cenhlate/w to banish foreigners
ce/nh a female guest: a foreign woman
ceni/a the rights of a guest, hospitality, friendly entertainment
ceni/zw to receive
ceniko/j of
ce/nioj belonging to a friend and guest, hospitable
ce/nisij the entertainment of guests
cenitei/a a living abroad
ceniteu/w to live abroad
cenodai/kthj one who murders guests
cenodai/thj one that devours guests
cenodoke/w to entertain guests
cenodo/koj one who receives strangers, a host
cenodoxi/a entertainment of a stranger
cenodw/thj a host
ceno/eij full of strangers
cenoqute/w to sacrifice strangers
cenoktone/w to slay guests
cenokto/noj slaying guests
cenologe/w to enlist strangers, levy mercenaries
cenolo/goj levying mercenaries
cenopaqe/w to have a strange feeling, feel strange
ce/noj a guest-friend
ce/noj foreign
ceno/stasij a lodging for guests

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cenosu/nh hospitality
ceno/timoj honouring strangers
cenotrofe/w to entertain strangers, to maintain mercenary troops
cenofone/w to murder strangers
cenofo/noj murdering strangers
ceno/w to make one's friend and guest
cenw/n a guest-chamber
ce/nwsij a being abroad
cero/j dry
ce/sthj pint
cesto/j smoothed, polished, wrought
ce/w to smooth
chrai/nw to parch up, dry up
chraloife/w to rub dry with oil
chrampe/linoj of the colour of withered vine-leaves, bright red
chra/ dry land
chro/j dry
chro/thj dryness
chrofage/w to eat dry food
ci= cum
cifh/rhj sword in hand
cifhfo/roj sword in hand
cifi/dion a dagger
cifisth/r a sword-belt
cifodh/lhtoj slain by the sword
cifokto/noj slaying with the sword
ci/foj a sword
cifoulki/a the drawing of a sword
cifoulko/j drawing a sword
cifourgo/j a sword-cutler
co/anon an image carved
coanourgi/a a carving of images
coi/j a sculptor's chisel
couqo/pteroj with tawny wings
couqo/j yellowish, brown-yellow, tawny
cuh/lh a tool for scraping wood, a plane
culhge/w to carry wood
culhgo/j carrying wood.
culh/fion a piece of wood, a stick
culi/zomai to gather wood
cu/linoj of wood, wooden
culokope/w to beat with a stick, cudgel
culokopi/a a cudgelling
culoko/poj hewing
cu/lon wood
culopagh/j built of wood

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culourge/w to work wood

culourgi/a a working of wood, carpentry
culofa/goj eating wood
culofore/w to carry a stick
culofo/roj carrying wood.
cu/loxoj a thicket, copse
culo/w to make of wood.
cu/lwsij the woodwork of a house, frame-work
cuneei/kosi twenty together
cunh/ioj common property, common stock
cunh/wn a joint-owner, partner in
cunodoth/r the free, bounteous giver
cuno/j common, public, general, concerning
cuno/frwn friendly-minded
cunoxarh/j rejoicing in common
cure/w to shave
curh/khj keen as a rasor
curo/n a rasor
cusmh/ scrapings
custh/r a graving tool
custi/j a xystis, a robe of fine material, a robe of state
custobo/loj spear-darting
custo/n the polished shaft
custo/j scraped, polished
custo/j a covered colonnade
custofo/roj carrying a spear
cu/w to scrape, plane, smooth
o)a/ woe, woe!
o)ari/zw to converse
o)aristh/j a familiar friend
o)aristu/j familiar converse, fond discourse
o)/aroj familiar converse, fond discourse, chat, talk
o)/ar a wife
o)beli/skoj a small spit
o)belo/j a spit
o)bolo/j an obol
o)bolostate/w to weigh obols: practise petty usury
o)bolosta/thj a weigher of obols
o)bolostatikh/ the trade of a petty usurer, usury
o)/bria the young of animals
o)brimoergo/j doing deeds of violence
o)brimo/qumoj strong-minded
o)brimopa/trh daughter of a mighty sire
o)/brimoj strong, mighty
o)gdo/atoj the eighth
o)gdoh/konta eighty

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o)gdohkontate/ssarej eighty-four
o)gdohkontou/thj eighty years old
o)gdohkosto/j eightieth
o)/gdooj eighth
o(/ge indeed
o)gka/omai to bray
o)gkhro/j bulky, swollen
o)gkhth/j a brayer
o)/gkion a case for arrows and other implements
o)/gkoj the barb
o)/gkoj bulk, size, mass
o)gko/w to heap up
o)gku/llomai to be puffed up
o)gkw/dhj swelling, rounded
o)gkwto/j heaped up
o)gmeu/w to move in a straight line
o)/gmoj any straight line, a furrow
o)/gxnh a pear-tree
o(dai=oj goods with which a merchant travels
o)da/c by biting with the teeth
o)da/cw to feel a biting, stinging pain, feel irritation
o(da/w to export and sell
o(/de this
o(deu/w to go, travel
o(dhge/w to lead
o(dhgo/j a guide
o(/dioj belonging to a way
o(/disma a road-way
o(di/thj a wayfarer, traveller
o(doiplane/w to stray from the road, wander
o(doiplanh/j straying from one road into another, wandering about
o(doipore/w to travel, walk
o(doipori/a a journey, way
o(doipo/rion provisions for the voyage
o(doipo/roj a wayfarer, traveller
o)dontofo/roj bearing teeth
o)dontofuh/j sprung from the dragon's teeth
o(dopoie/w to make
o(dopoi/hsij a making of roads
o(dopoii/a the work of a pioneer
o(dopoio/j one who opens the way, a pioneer
o(do/j a threshold
o(do/j a way, path, track, road, highway
o(douro/j a conductor, conductress
o(dofu/lac a watcher of the roads
o(do/w to lead by the right way

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o)duna/w to cause
o)du/nh pain of body
o)dunhro/j painful
o)dunh/fatoj killing
o)/durma a complaint, wailing
o)durmo/j a complaining, lamentation
o)du/romai to lament, bewail, mourn for
o)durtiko/j disposed to complain, querulous
o)durto/j mourned for, lamentable
)odu/sseia the Odyssey
)odu/sseioj of Ulysses
o)du/ssomai to be wroth against, to hate
o)dwdh/ smell, scent
o(dwto/j passable: practicable
o)zale/oj branching
)ozo/lai the Ozolae
o)/zoj a bough, branch, twig, shoot
o)zo/stomoj with bad breath
o)/zw to smell
o(/qen from whom
o)qnei=oj strange, foreign
o)/qomai to care for, take heed, regard, reck
o)qo/nh fine linen
o)qo/nion a piece of fine linen
o(qou/neka because
o)/qric with like hair
)/oqruj Othrys
oi)aki/zw to steer
oi)akono/moj a helmsman
oi)akostrofe/w to steer, direct
oi)/ac the handle of the rudder, the tiller
oi)a/thj a villager
oi)/gw to open
oi)da/nw to make to swell
oi)=da to know
oi)de/w to swell, become swollen
oi)/dhma a swelling, tumour
oi)dipo/deioj of Oedipus
oi)di/pouj Oedipus
oi)=dma a swelling, swell
oi)=doj a swelling, tumour.
oi)/eoj of
oi)e/thj of the same age
o)i/zuoj sorry, wretched
o)izuro/j woful, pitiable, miserable
o)izu/j woe, misery, distress, hardship, suffering

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o)izu/w to wail, mourn, lament

oi)h/ion a rudder, helm
oi)/hsij opinion, an opinion
oi)hte/oj one must suppose
oi)=ij a sheep
oi)/kade to one's home, home, homewards
oi)keiako/j one's own
oi)keiopragi/a a minding one's own affair
oi)kei=oj in
oi)keio/thj kindred, relationship
oi)keio/w to make one's own
oi)kei/wma kindred, relationship
oi)kei/wsij a taking as one's own, appropriation
oi)ketei/a the household
oi)keteu/w to inhabit
oi)ke/thj a house-slave, menial
oi)ketiko/j of
oi)ke/tij the mistress of the house
oi)keu/j an inmate of one's house
oi)ke/w to inhabit, occupy
oi)/khma any inhabited place, a dwellingplace
oi)kh/simoj habitable
oi)/khsij the act of dwelling, habitation
oi)khth/rion a dwelling-place, habitation
oi)khto/j inhabited
oi)kh/twr an inhabitant
oi)kiako/j of
oi)ki/a a building, house, dwelling
oi)ki/dion a chamber
oi)ki/zw to found as a colony
oi)/kisij a peopling, colonisation
oi)ki/skoj a small room
oi)kisth/j a coloniser, founder of a city
oi)kogenh/j born in the house, homebred
oi)kodespote/w to be master of the house, to rule the household
oi)kodespo/thj the master of the house, the good man of the house
oi)kodome/w to build a house
oi)kodo/mhma a building, structure
oi)kodo/mhsij the act
oi)kodomhte/oj one must build
oi)kodomhtiko/j fitted for building
oi)kodomhto/j built
oi)kodomi/a a building, edifice
oi)kodomiko/j practised
oi)kodo/moj a builder, an architect
oi)/koqen from one's house, from home

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oi)/koqi at home
oi)/koi at home, in the house
oi)konome/w to manage as a house steward, to manage, order, regulate
oi)konomi/a the management of a household
oi)konomiko/j practised in the management of a household
oi)kono/moj one who manages a household
oi)ko/pedon the site of a house
oi)kopoio/j constituting a house
oi)ko/sitoj taking one's meals at home, living at one's own expense, unpaid
oi)=koj a house, abode, dwelling
oi)kotribh/j ruining a family
oi)ko/triy a slave born and bred in the house
oi)kotu/rannoj a domestic tyrant
oi)ko/twj reasonably, probably
oi)koume/nh the inhabited world
oi)koumeniko/j of
oi)kourgo/j a house-steward
oi)koure/w to watch
oi)kou/rhma the watch
oi)kouri/a housekeeping, the cares of housekeeping
oi)kouriko/j inclined to keep at home: &mdash
oi)kou/rioj of
oi)kouro/j watching the house
oi)kofqore/w to ruin a house, squander one's substance
oi)kofqori/a a squandering one's substance
oi)kofqo/roj one who ruins a house, a prodigal
oi)kofu/lac a house-guard
oi)ktei/rw to pity, feel pity for, have pity upon
oi)kti/zw to pity, have pity upon
oi)ktirmo/j pity, compassion
oi)ktirmwn merciful
oi)/ktisma lamentation
oi)ktismo/j lamentation
oi)/ktistoj most pitiable, lamentable
oi)=ktoj pity, compassion
oi)ktro/gouj wailing piteously, piteous
oi)ktro/j pitiable, in piteous plight
oi)ktroxoe/w to pour forth piteously
oi)kwfelh/j profitable to a house
oi)kwfeli/a profit to a house, housewifery
)oileu/j Oi_leus
oi)=ma the swoop
oi)ma/w to swoop
oi)/mh a song, lay
oi)/moi ah me! woe's me!
oi)=moj a way, road, path

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oi)mwgh/ loud wailing, lamentation

oi)/mwgma a cry of lamentation, wail
oi)mw/zw to wail aloud, lament
oi)mwkto/j pitiable
oi)na/nqh the first shoot of the vine
oi)na/reon a vine-leaf
oi)nari/zw to strip off vine-leaves
oi)na/rion weak
oi)/naron a vine-leaf
oi)na/j the vine
oi)/nh the vine
oi)nhro/j of wine
oi)nh/rusij a vessel for drawing wine
oi)ni/zomai to procure wine by barter, buy wine
oi)nobare/w to be heavy with wine
oi)nobarh/j heavy with wine
oi)nobrexh/j wine-soaked, drunken
oi)nodo/koj holding wine
oi)nodo/thj giver of wine
oi)no/eij of
oi)no/h Oenooe
oi)no/meli honey mixed with wine, mead
oi)no/pedoj with soil fit to produce wine, wine-producing
oi)nope/pantoj ripe for wine-making
oi)nopla/nhtoj wine-bewildered
oi)noplhqh/j abounding in wine
oi)noplh/c wine-stricken
oi)nopota/zw to drink wine
oi)nopoth/r a wine-drinker
oi)=noj wine
oi)notro/foj rearing
oi)nou=tta a cake
oi)nofagi/a meat full of wine
oi)noflugi/a drunkenness
oi)no/fluc given to drinking, drunken
oi)nofo/roj holding wine
oi)no/futoj planted
oi)noxarh/j rejoicing in wine
oi)noxa/rwn wine Charon
oi)noxoe/w to pour out wine for drinking
oi)noxo/hma at which wine is offered
oi)noxo/h a can for ladling wine
oi)noxo/oj a wine-pourer, cupbearer
oi)no/xutoj of poured wine
oi)=noy wine-coloured, wine-dark
oi)no/w to intoxicate

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oi)nw/n a wine-cellar
oi)nwpo/j fresh, ruddy
oi)nw/y dark
oi)o/batoj lonesome
oi)obw/taj feeding alone
oi)o/qen from one only
oi)/omai to suppose, think, deem, imagine
oi(onei/ as if
oi)ono/moj feeding alone
oi(onperei/ as it were
oi(=o/nte possible
oi)o/omai to be left alone, abandoned, forsaken.
oi)opole/w to tend sheep, to roam the mountains
oi)opo/loj traversed by sheep
oi)o/rpata (vir)
oi(osdh/pote of such and such a kind
oi)=oj alone, lone, lonely
oi(=oj such as, what sort
oi)oxi/twn with only a tunic on, lightly clad
oi)/ ah! woe!
oi(= whither
oi(=per whither
o)/ij ram
oi)ste/oj to be borne
o)isteuth/r an archer
o)isteu/w to shoot arrows
o)istobo/loj arrow-shooting
oi)stode/gmwn an arrow-holder, a quiver
o)isto/j an arrow
oi)sto/j that must be borne, endurable
oi)stra/w to sting
oi)strh/latoj driven by a gadfly
oi)/strhma the smart of a gadfly's sting
oi)strobole/w to strike as with a sting
oi)strodi/nhtoj driven round and round by the gadfly
oi)stroplh/c stung by a gadfly, driven wild
oi)=stroj the gadfly, breese
oi)su/a osier
oi)su/inoj of osier, of wicker-work
oi)su/ph the grease extracted from sheep's wool
oi)suphro/j with the grease in it, greasy
oi)tai=oj of Oeta
oi)/th Oeta
oi)=toj fate, doom
oi)xalieu/j an Oechalian
oi)xali/hqen from Oechalia

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

oi)xne/w to go, come

oi)/xomai to be gone, to have gone
oi)wni/zomai to take omens from the flight and cries of birds
oi)w/nisma divination by the flight
oi)wnisth/rion a place for watching the flight of birds:&mdash
oi)wnisth/j one who foretells from the flight and cries of birds, an augur
oi)wnistiko/j of
oi)wnoqe/thj an interpreter of auguries.
oi)wno/qrooj of the cry of birds
oi)wnokto/noj killing birds
oi)wno/mantij one who takes omens from the flight and cries of birds, an augur
oi)wnopo/loj one busied with the flight and cries of birds, an augur
oi)wnoskope/w to watch the flight of birds, to take auguries
oi)wno/j a large bird, bird of prey
o)ke/llw to run
o)kladi/aj a folding-chair, camp-stool
o)kladisti/ squatting
o)kla/zw to crouch down on one's hams, to squat
o)kne/w to shrink
o)knhro/j shrinking, hesitating, backward, unready, timid
o)/knoj shrinking, hesitation, unreadiness, sluggishness
o)kria/omai to be made rough
o)kri/baj tribune on the stage
o)krio/eij having many points
o)/krij a jagged point
o)kruo/eij chilling, horrible
o)kta/blwmoj consisting of eight pieces
o)kta/draxmoj weighing
o)ktah/meroj on the eighth day
o)kta/kij eight times
o)ktakisxi/lioi eight thousand
o)kta/knhmoj eight-spoked
o)ktako/sioi eight hundred
o)kta/mhnoj eight months old
o)ktapla/sioj eightfold
o)ktapo/dhj eight feet long
o)kta/pouj eight-footed
o)kta/rrizoj with eight roots
o)kta/rrumoj with eight poles
o)kta/tonoj eight-stretched
o)ktwkaideka/draxmoj weighing
o)ktwkai/deka eighteen
o)ktwkaide/katoj eighteenth
o)ktwkaideke/thj eighteen years old
o)ktw/pouj eight feet long, broad
o)lbi/zw to make happy

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

o)lbiodai/mwn of blessed lot

o)lbio/dwroj bestowing bliss
o)lbioergo/j making happy
o)/lbioj happy, blest
o)lbodo/thj giver of bliss, of good
o)/lboj happiness, bliss, weal, wealth
o)lbofo/roj bringing bliss
o)le/qrioj destructive, deadly
o)/leqroj ruin, destruction, death
o)le/kw to ruin, destroy, kill
o)lesh/nwr man-destroying
o)lesi/qhr beast-slaying
o)lessitu/rannoj destroying tyrants
o)leth/r a destroyer, murderer
o)liga/kij but few times, seldom
o)liga/mpeloj scant of vines
o)ligandre/w to be scant of men
o)ligandri/a scantiness of men
o)liganqrwpi/a scantiness of men
o)liga/nqrwpoj scant of men
o)ligaristi/a a scanty meal
o)ligarkh/j contented with little
o)ligarxe/w to be member of an oligarchy
o)liga/rxhj an oligarch.
o)ligarxi/a an oligarchy, government in the hands of a few families
o)ligarxiko/j oligarchical, of, for
o)ligau=lac having little arable land
o)ligaxo/qen from some few parts
o)ligaxou= in few places
o)lighpele/wn having little power, in feeble case, powerless
o)lighpelh/j weak, powerless
o)lighpeli/a weakness, faintness
o)lighrosi/h want of arable land
o)lighsi/puoj with little corn
o)ligogoni/a production of few at a birth
o)ligo/gonoj producing few at a birth
o)ligodrane/wn able to do little, feeble, powerless
o)ligodranh/j of little might, feeble
o)ligodrani/a weakness, feebleness
o)ligoeti/a fewness of years, youth
o)ligo/culoj with little wood
o)ligo/pistoj of little faith
o)ligo/sarkoj with little flesh
o)ligositi/a small eating, moderation in food
o)ligo/sitoj eating little.
o)li/goj few, little, scanty, small

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

o)ligostixi/a the consisting of few lines

o)ligo/stixoj consisting of few lines.
o)ligosto/j one out of a few
o)ligo/thj fewness
o)ligofili/a fewness of friends
o)ligoxro/nioj lasting
o)ligo/yuxoj faint-hearted
o)ligwre/w to esteem little
o)ligwri/a an esteeming lightly, slighting, contempt
o)li/gwroj little-caring, lightly-esteeming, scornful, contemptuous
o)lisqa/nw to slip, slip and fall
o)lisqh/eij slippery
o)/lisqoj slipperiness
o(lka/j a ship which is towed, a ship of burthen, trading vessel, merchantman
o(lkh/ a drawing, dragging, tugging: a drawing on
o(lki/on a bowl
o(lko/j drawing to oneself, attractive
o(lko/j a machine for hauling
o)/llumi to destroy, make an end of
o(lmopoio/j a maker of mortars
o(/lmoj a round smooth stone, a roller
o)loqreuth/j a destroyer
o)loqreu/w to destroy utterly
o(loi/troxoj a rolling stone, a round stone
o(lokaute/w to bring a burnt-offering, to offer whole
o(lokau/twma a whole burnt-offering, holocaust
o(loklhri/a completeness
o(lo/klhroj complete in all parts, entire, perfect
o)lolugh/ any loud cry
o)lo/lugma a loud cry
o)lolugmo/j a loud crying
o)lolugw/n animal
o)lolu/zw to cry to the gods with a loud voice, cry aloud
o(/loc whole, entire, complete
o)loo/j destroying, destructive, fatal, deadly, murderous
o)loo/frwn meaning mischief, baleful
o(lopo/rfuroj all-purple
o)lo/ptw to pluck out, tear out
o)lo/j mud, muddy liquor
o(losfu/rhtoj made of solid beaten metal
o(losxe/reia a general survey
o(losxerh/j whole, entire, complete
o(lo/sxoinoj a coarse rush
o)lofudno/j of lamentation, lamenting
o)lofurmo/j lamentation
o)lofu/romai to lament, wail, moan, weep

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o)lo/fursij lamentations for

o)lofurtiko/j querulous
o)lofw/ioj destructive, deadly, pernicious
o)/lph a leathern oil-flask
)olumpi/aze to Olympia
o)lumpiako/j Olympian
)olumpi/a Olympia
)olu/mpia the Olympic games, in honour of Olympian Zeus
)olumpi/asi at Olympia
o)lumpia/j Olympian
)olumpiei=on the temple of Olympian Zeus
)olumpiko/j of Olympus
)olumpioni/khj a conqueror in the Olympic games
)olu/mpioj Olympian, of Olympus, dwelling on Olympus
)/olumpo/nde to Olympus
)/olumpoj Olympus
)olunqiako/j of
o)/lunqoj a winter-fig
o)/lura a kind of grain, spelt
o(made/w to make a noise
o(/madoj a noise, din
o(mai/mioj related by blood
o(/maimoj of the same blood, related by blood
o(maimosu/nh blood-relationship
o(mai/mwn more near akin
o(maixmi/a union for battle, a defensive alliance, league
o(/maixmoj a fellow-fighter, an ally
o(malh/j level
o(mali/zw to make even
o(malo/j even, level
o(malo/thj evenness
o(marte/w to meet
o(marth=| together
o(/maspij a fellow-soldier
o(mau=lac with adjoining lands
o(mauli/a a dwelling together
o(/mauloj sounding together
o)mbre/w to rain
o)/mbrioj rainy, of rain
o)mbrodo/koj receiving rain
o)mbroktu/poj sounding with rain
o/)mbroj heavy rain
o)mbrofo/roj rain-bringing
o(/meunoj a partner of the bed, consort
o(me/yioj playing together, a playmate
o(mhgerh/j assembled

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o(mhguri/zomai to assemble, call together

o(mh/gurij an assembly, meeting, company
o(mhliki/a sameness of age
o(mh=lic of the same age
o(mhrei/a a giving of hostages
(omh/reion a temple of Homer
(omh/reioj Homeric
o(mh/reuma a hostage, pledge
o(mhreu/w to be
o(mhre/w to meet
(omhri/dai the Homerids
(omhriko/j Homeric, in Homeric manner
(/omhroj Homer
o(/mhroj a pledge for the maintenance of unity, a surety, a hostage
o)\mikro/n little
o(milado/n in groups
o(mile/w to be in company with, consort with
o(mi/lhma intercourse
o(milhth/j a disciple, scholar
o(milhto/j with whom one may consort
o(mili/a a being together, communion, intercourse, converse, company
o(/miloj any assembled crowd, a throng of people
o(mi/xlh a mist, fog
o)/mma the eye
o)mmatosterh/j bereft of eyes
o)mmato/w to furnish with eyes
o)/mnumi to swear
o(mobw/mioj having a common altar
o(moga/laktej persons suckled with the same milk, foster-brothers
o(mo/gamoj married to the same wife
o(moga/strioj from the same womb, born of the same mother
o(mogene/twr an own brother
o(mogenh/j of the same race
o(moge/rwn one equally aged
o(mo/glwssoj speaking the same tongue
o(mo/gnioj of the same race
o(mognwmone/w to be of one mind, to league together
o(mognw/mwn of one's mind, like-minded
o(mo/gonoj with
o(mode/mnioj sharing one's bed
o(mo/dhmoj of the same people
o(modi/aitoj living with others
o(modoce/w to be of the same opinion, agree perfectly
o(modoci/a unanimity
o(mo/docoj of the same opinion
o(mo/douloj a fellow-slave

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o(modromi/a a running together, meeting

o(mo/dromoj running the same course with
o(moeqnh/j of the same people
o(mo/zuc yoked together
o(moh/qhj of the same habits
o(moqa/lamoj living in the same chamber with
o(mo/qen from the same place
o(mo/qronoj sharing the same throne
o(moqumado/n with one accord
o(moia/zw to be like
o(moiokata/lhktoj ending alike, rhyming
o(moiopaqe/w to have similar feelings
o(moiopaqh/j having like feelings
o(moiopreph/j of like appearance with
o(/moioj like, resembling
o(moiote/leutoj ending alike
o(moio/thj likeness, resemblance
o(moiotropi/a likeness of manners and life
o(moio/tropoj of like manners and life
o(moio/w to make like
o(moi/wma a likeness, image, resemblance, counterfeit
o(moi/wsij a becoming like, assimilation
o(mo/kapoj eating together
o(mo/kentroj concentric with
o(mokle/w to call out together
o(moklh/ a joint call
o(mo/klhroj one who has an equal share
o(moklhth/r one who calls out to, an upbraider, threatener
o(mo/klinoj reclining on the same couch
o(mo/lektroj sharing the same bed
o(mologe/w to speak together
o(molo/ghma that which is agreed upon, taken for granted, a postulate
o(mologi/a agreement
o(mo/logoj agreeing, of one mind
o(mologoume/nwj conformably with
o(momastigi/hj a fellow-knave
o(momh/trioj born of the same mother
o(mo/nekroj companion in death
o(monoe/w to be of one mind, agree together, live in harmony
o(monohtiko/j conducing to agreement, in harmony
o(mo/noia oneness of mind
o(mo/nouj of one mind
o(mopaqh/j of like feelings
o(mopa/trioj by the same father
o(moploe/w to sail together
o(mo/ploia a sailing in company

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o(mo/plouj sailing together

o(mo/polij from
o(mo/pteroj of
o)morga/zw to wipe off
o)mo/rgnumi to wipe
o(more/w to border upon, march with
o(/moroj having the same borders with, marching with, bordering on
o(morroqe/w to row together
o(mo/rroqoj rowing together
o(mo/se to one and the same place
o(mosqenh/j of equal might
o(mosite/w to eat with, take one's meals with
o(mo/sitoj eating together
o(mo/skeuoj equipped in the same way
o(mo/skhnoj living in the same tent.
o(moskhno/w to live in the same tent
o(mo/j one and the same, common, joint
o(mo/spondoj sharing in the drink-offering, sharing the same cup
o(mo/sporoj sown together: sprung from the same race, kindred
o(mo/stoloj in company with
o(mo/tafoj buried together
o(mo/texnoj practising the same craft with
o(motimi/a sameness of value
o(mo/timoj held in equal honour
o(mo/toixoj having one common wall, separated by a party-wall, contiguous
o(motra/pezoj eating at the same table with
o(mo/tropoj of the same habits
o(mo/trofoj reared
o(mou= at the same place, together
o(mo/foitoj going by the side of
o(mofrone/w to be of the same mind, have the same thoughts
o(mofuh/j of the same growth
o(mofuli/a sameness of race
o(mo/fuloj of the same race
o(mofwne/w to speak the same language with
o(mofwni/a unison
o(mo/fwnoj speaking the same language with
o(mo/xroia sameness of colour
o(moxrone/w to keep time with
o(mo/xronoj contemporaneous.
o(mo/yhfoj having an equal right to vote with
o(mo/w to unite
o)/mpnh food, corn.
o)/mpnioj of
o)mfaki/aj made from unripe grapes
o)mfakora/c with sour grapes

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o)mfa/lioj having a boss, bossy

o)mfalo/eij having a navel
o)mfalo/j the navel
o)/mfac an unripe grape
o)mfh/ the voice of a god
o(mwnumi/a a having the same name, identity, an equivocal word
o(mw/numoj having the same name
o(mwro/fioj lodging under the same roof with
o(/mwj all the same, nevertheless, notwithstanding, still
o(mw=j equally, likewise, alike
o(mwxe/thj holding
o)/nagroj the wild ass
o)/nar a dream, vision in sleep
o)nei/a ass's skin
o)/neiar anything that profits
o)nei/deioj reproachful
o)neidi/zw to throw a reproach upon
o)nei/disma insult, reproach, blame
o)neidisth/r full of reproach
o)neidisth/j one who reproaches with
o)neidistiko/j reproachful, abusive
o)/neidoj reproach, censure, blame
o)/neioj of an ass
o)nei/reioj dreamy, of dreams
o)neirokri/thj an interpreter of dreams
o)neirokritiko/j for interpreting dreams
o)neiro/mantij an interpreter of dreams
o)neiropole/w to deal with dreams
o)neiropo/loj one occupied with dreams, a dreamer
o)/neiroj a dream
o(neiro/fantoj appearing in dreams.
o)neiro/frwn versed in dreams and their interpretations
o)neu/w to draw up with a windlass
o)nhla/thj a donkey-driver
o)nh/simoj useful, profitable, beneficial
o)nhsi/polij useful to the state
o)/nhsij use, profit, advantage, good luck
o)/nqoj the dung
o)ni/dion a little ass, donkey
o)niko/j of
o)ni/nhmi to profit, benefit, help, assist
o)ni/j ass's dung
o)nobate/w to have
o)noma/zw to name
o)nomai/nw to name
o)/nomai to blame, find fault with, throw a slur upon, treat scornfully

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o)nomaklh/dhn calling by name, by name

o)nomaklh/twr one who announces guests by name
o)nomakluto/j of famous name
o)/noma by name
o)nomasti/ by name
o)nomasto/j named, to be named
o)nomatolo/goj telling people's names
o)nomatopoie/w to coin names
o)/noj an ass
o)nosto/j to be blamed
o)nota/zw to blame
o)noforbo/j an ass-keeper
o)/nta existing things, the present
o)/ntwj really, verily
o)/nuc talons
o)nu/xinoj made of onyx
o)ca/lmh a sauce of vinegar and brine
o)chro/j of
o)ci/nhj sharp, sour, tart
o)ci/j a vinegar-cruet
o)/coj poor wine, vin-de-pays
o)cu/a beech: a spear-shaft
o)cu/bafon a vinegar-saucer
o)cubelh/j sharp-pointed
o)cubo/aj shrill-screaming
o)cu/gala sour milk, whey
o)cu/gouj shrill-wailing
o)cuderkh/j quick-sighted
o)cu/doupoj sharp-sounding
o)cu/qhktoj sharp-edged, sharp-pointed
o)cuqume/w to be quick to anger
o)cuqumi/a sudden anger
o)cu/qumoj quick to anger, choleric
o)cu/komoj with pointed leaves
o)cukw/kutoj wailed with shrill cries
o)culabe/w to seize quickly: to seize an opportunity
o)cula/loj glib of tongue
o)cuma/qeia quickness at learning
o)cumaqh/j learning quickly.
o)cume/rimnoj keenly studied
o)cumh/nitoj bringing down the quick anger
o)cu/molpoj clear-singing
o)cunth/r a sharpener
o)cu/nw to sharpen
o)cuo/eij sharp-pointed
o)cupagh/j sharp-pointed

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o)cu/peinoj ravenously hungry

o)cupeukh/j sharp-pointed
o)cu/pouj swift-footed
o)cu/prw|roj sharp-pointed
o)cu/pteroj swift-winged:&mdash
o)cu/rropoj turning quickly
o)cu/j sharp, keen
o)cu/stomoj sharp-toothed, sharp-fanged
o)cu/thj sharpness, pointedness
o)cuto/moj sharp-cutting, keen
o)cu/tonoj sharp-sounding, piercing
o)cuto/roj piercing, pointed
o)cufwni/a sharpness of voice
o)cu/fwnoj sharp-voiced, thrilling
o)cu/xeir quick with the hands, quick to strike
o)cu/xoloj quick to anger
o)cuwph/j sharp-sighted
o)pade/w to follow, accompany, attend
o)pado/j attendant
o)pa/zw to make to follow, send with
o)pai=on a hole in the roof
o)/patroj by the same father
o)pa/wn a comrade
o( the
o)/peaj an awl
o(phni/ka at what point of time, at what hour, on what day
o)ph/ an opening, hole
o(/ph by which way
o)pi/aj cheese from milk curdled with fig-juice
o)pi/zomai to regard with awe and dread
o)piqo/mbrotoj following a mortal
)opiki/a the country of the Opici
)opikoi/ the Opici
o)pipteu/w to look around after, gaze curiously
o)/pisqen behind, at the back
o)pi/sqioj hinder, belonging to the hinder part
o)pisqoba/mwn walking backwards
o)pisqo/grafoj written on the back
o)pisqoda/ktuloj with back-bent fingers
o)pisqo/domoj the back chamber
o)pisqono/moj grazing backwards
o)pisqonugh/j pricking from behind
o)pisqo/pouj walking behind, following, attendant
o)pisqofulake/w to guard the rear, form the rear-guard
o)pisqofulaki/a the command of the rear
o)pisqofu/lac one who guards the rear

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o)/pij the vengeance

o)pi/statoj hindmost
o)pi/sw backwards
o(ple/w to make ready
o(plh/ a hoof, the solid hoof
o(pli/zw to make
o(/plisij equipment, accoutrement, arming
o(/plisma an army, armament
o(pliste/oj one must arm
o(plisth\j warrior-
o(plitagwgo/j carrying the heavy-armed
o(pliteu/w to serve as a man-at-arms
o(pli/thj heavy-armed, armed
o(plitiko/j of
o(ploqh/kh an armoury
o(/plomai to prepare
o(plomane/w to be madly fond of war
o(plomanh/j madly fond of war.
o(plomaxi/a a fighting with heavy arms, the art of using them
o(ploma/xoj fighting in heavy arms
o(/plon a tool, implement
o(plopoii/a a making of arms
o(plo/tatoj youngest
o(plo/teroj the younger
o(plofore/w to bear arms, be armed
o(plofo/roj bearing arms: a warrior, soldier
o(podapo/j of what country, what countryman
o(po/qen whence, from what place
o(po/qi where
o(poi=oj of what sort
o(/poi to which place, whither
o(posa/kij as many times as
o(posa/pouj how many feet long
o(posaxh= at as many places as
o(po/soj as many as
o)po/j the juice of the figtree
o(po/stoj in what relation of number
o(po/tan whensoever
o(po/te when
o(po/teroj which of two, whether of the twain
o(pote/rwqe from which of the two, from whether of the twain
o(pote/rwqi on whether of the two sides
o(pote/rwse to whichever of two sides
o(/pou in some places
o)pta/zomai to be seen
o)ptale/oj roasted, broiled

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o)pta/nion a place for roasting, a kitchen

o)ptasi/a a vision
o)pta/w to roast, broil
o)pteu/w to see
o)pth/ria presents made by the bridegroom on seeing the bride without the veil
o)pth/r one who looks
o)pto/j roasted, broiled
o)pui/w to marry, wed, take to wife
o)pwph/ a sight
o)pw/ra the part of the year between the rising of Sirius and of Arcturus
o)pwri/zw to gather fruits
o)pwrino/j at the time of late summer
o)pwrofore/w to bear fruit
o)pwrofo/roj bearing fruit
o)pwrw/nhj a fruiterer
o(/pwsdh/ how possibly
o(pwsou=n in any way whatever, in some way or other
o(/pwspote/ how ever
o(/pwj as, in such manner as
o(/rama that which is seen, a sight, spectacle
o(/rasij seeing, the act of sight
o(rato/j to be seen, visible
o(ra/w To see
o)rga/zw to soften, knead, temper
o)rgai/nw to make angry, enrage
o)rganiko/j serving as instruments
o)/rganon an organ, instrument, tool, for making
o)/rganoj working
o)rga/j any well-watered, fertile spot, meadow-land
o)rga/w to swell with moisture
o)rge/wn a priest
o)rgh/ natural impulse
o)rgia/zw to celebrate orgies
o)/rgia orgies
o)rgiasmo/j celebration of orgies
o)rgiastiko/j fit for orgies, exciting
o)rgi/zw to make angry, provoke to anger, irritate
o)rgi/loj prone to anger, irascible
o)rgilo/thj irascibility
o)rgiofa/nthj a priest, one who initiates others into orgies
o)rgiste/oj one must be angry
o)rguiai=oj six feet long
o)/rguia the length of the outstretched arms
o)/regma an outstretching
o)re/gw to reach, stretch, stretch out
o)reia/rxhj mountain-king

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o)reia/j of
o)reibasi/a a mountaineer's life
o)reiba/sia a festival in which persons traversed the mountains
o)reibate/w to roam the mountains
o)reiba/thj mountain-ranging
o)reidromi/a a running on the hills
o)reidro/moj running on the hills
o)reino/moj mountain-ranging
o)reino/j mountainous, hilly
o)/reioj of
o)reioxarh/j delighting in the hills
o)rei/thj a mountaineer
o)rei/foitoj mountain-roaming
o)rei/xalkoj copper ore
o)rektiko/j of
o)rekto/j stretched out
o)/recij desire, appetite
o)reopole/w to haunt mountains
o)reopo/loj haunting mountains.
o)resitro/foj mountain-bred
o)re/skioj overshadowed by mountains
o)reskw=|oj lying on mountains, mountainbred
o)re/ssauloj mountain-dwelling
o)ressiba/thj mountain roaming
o)ressi/gonoj mountain-born
)ore/steia the tale of Orestes
)ore/steioj of Orestes
o)restia/j of the mountains
o)reu/j a mule
o)rexqe/w to stretch oneself
o)rewko/moj a muleteer
o)rqia/de uphill
o)rqia/zw to speak in a high tone
o)rqi/asma a high pitch of voice
o)/rqioj straight up, going upwards, steep, uphill
o)rqobate/w to go straight on
o)rqo/bouloj right-counselling
o)rqodah/j knowing rightly how
o)rqodi/kaj judging righteously
o)rqodoce/w to have a right opinion
o)rqo/docoj right in opinion.
o)rqodrome/w to run straight forward
o)rqoe/peia correctness of diction
o)rqo/qric with hair up-standing
o)rqo/krairoj with straight horns
o)rqo/kranoj having a high head, lofty

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o)rqomantei/a true prophecy

o)rqo/mantij a true prophet
o)rqono/moj making right award
o)rqopode/w to walk uprightly
o)rqo/polij upholding the city
o)rqo/pouj with straight feet
o)rqo/j straight
o)rqosta/dhn standing upright
o)rqosta/thj one who stands upright: an upright shaft, pillar
o)rqo/statoj upstanding, upright
o)rqo/thj upright posture, erectness
o)rqotome/w to cut in a straight line
o)rqo/w to set straight
o)rqreu/w to rise early, to be awake early
o)/rqrioj at day-break, in the morning, early
o)rqrobo/hj the early caller, chanticleer
o)rqrogo/h the early-wailing
o)rqrola/loj early-twittering
o)/rqroj day-break, dawn, cock-crow
early-prowling-base -informing-sad-litigious-plaguy
o)rqw/numoj rightly named
o)rqwth/r one who sets upright, a restorer
o)ri/ganon marjoram
o)rigna/omai to stretch oneself
o(ri/zw to divide
o)riko/j of
o)ri/nw to stir, raise, agitate
o(/rion a boundary, limit
o(/rioj of boundaries
o(/risma a boundary, limit
o(rismo/j a marking out by boundaries, limitation
o(riste/oj one must determine
o(risth/j one who marks the boundaries
o)ritro/foj mountain-bred
o(rka/nh an enclosure, fence
o(rkapa/thj an oath-breaker
o(rki/zw to make
o(/rkion an oath
o(/rkioj belonging to an oath
o(rkismo/j administration of an oath
o(/rkoj the object by which one swears, the witness of an oath
o(rko/w to bind by oath
o(/rkwma an oath
o(rkwmosi/a a swearing, an oath
o(rkwmo/sia asseverations on oath
o(rkwmote/w to take an oath

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

o(rkwth/j the officer who administers the oath

o(rmaqo/j a string, chain
o(rmai/nw to turn over
o(rma/w to set in motion, urge
o(rme/w to be moored, lie at anchor
o(/rmhma stir, impulse
o(rmh/ a violent movement onwards, an assault, attack, onset
o(rmhth/rion any means of stirring up
o(rmia/ a fishing-line of horsehair
o(rmi/zw to bring to a safe anchorage, bring into harbour, to moor, anchor
o(rmihbo/loj throwing a line
o(rmodoth/r harbour-giver
o(/rmoj a cord, chain
o)/rneon a bird
o)rneo/foitoj frequented by birds
o)rni/qarxoj king of birds
o)rni/qeioj of
o)rniqeuth/j a fowler, bird-catcher
o)rniqeutiko/j of
o)rniqeu/w to catch
o)rniqiko/j of
o)rni/qion a small bird
o)rniqo/gonoj sprung from a bird
o)rniqoqh/rhj a bird-catcher, fowler
o)rniqomane/w to be bird-mad
o)rniqomanh/j bird-mad
o)rniqope/dh a snare for birds
o)rniqosko/poj observing and predicting by the flight and cries of birds
o)rniqotrofi/a a keeping of birds
o)rniqotro/foj keeping birds.
o)/rnij a bird
o)/rnumi to stir, stir up
o)rodamni/j a sprig, spray
o)ro/damnoj a branch
o)roqu/nw to stir up, rouse, urge on, excite
o)/romai to watch, keep watch and ward
o)romali/dej wild apples
)orosa/ggai benefactors
o)/roj a mountain, hill
o(/roj a boundary, landmark
o)rotu/poj driven from the mountain
o)rou/w to rise and rush violently on, to move quickly, rush on, hasten, dart forward
o)rofh/ the roof of a house
o)rofhfa/goj roof-destroying
o)rofhfo/roj bearing a roof
o)rofi/hj living under a roof

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o)/rofoj the reeds used for thatching houses

o)/rphc a sapling, young tree
o)rropu/gion the rump
o)/rroj the rump
o)rrwde/w to fear, dread, shrink from
o)rrwdi/a terror, affright
o)rsi/ktupoj stirring
o)rsinefh/j cloud-raising
o)rsi/pouj swift-footed
o)rsoqu/rh a door approached by steps, a side-door
o)rsolopeu/w to irritate, provoke
o)rso/lopoj eager for the fray
o)rsotri/aina wielder of the trident
o)rta/lixoj a chick, chicken
)ortugi/a quail-island
o)rtugoqh/rhj a quail-catcher
o)rtugoko/poj a quail-striker.
o)rtugomh/tra a bird which migrates with the quails
o)rtugotro/foj keeping quails
o)/rtuc the quail
o)/rugma a trench, ditch, moat
o)rukto/j formed by digging
o)rumagdo/j a loud noise, din
o)/rucij a digging
o)/ruc a pickaxe
o)/ruj an antelope
o)ru/ssw to dig
o)rfa/neuma orphan state, orphanhood
o)rfaneu/w to take care of, rear orphans
o)rfani/a orphanhood
o)rfani/zw to make orphan, make destitute
o)rfaniko/j orphaned, fatherless
o)rfa/nioj desolate
o)rfanisth/j a tender of orphans, a guardian
o)rfano/omai to be destitute of
o)rfano/j an orphan
o)rfanofu/lac guardian of an orphan
)orfeotelesth/j one who initiates into the mysteries of Orpheus
)orfeu/j Orpheus
o)rfnai=oj dark, dusky, murky
o)/rfnh the darkness
o)/rfninoj brownish gray
o)/rxamoj the first of a row, a file-leader
o)/rxatoj a row of trees
o)rxe/omai to dance in a row
o)rxhdo/n in a row, one after another, man by man

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o)rxhqmo/j a dancing, the dance

o)/rxhma dances, dancing
o)/rxhsij dancing, the dance
o)rxhsth/j a dancer
o)rxhstiko/j of
o)rxhstodida/skaloj a dancing-master
o)rxhstomane/w to be dancing-mad
o)rxh/stra the orchestra
o)rxhstu/j the dance
o)rxi/loj the golden-crested wren
o)/rxij the testicles
o)/rxoj a row of vines
o(sa/kij as many times as, as often as
o(saxh= in as many ways
o(saxou= in as many places as
o(/sge who
o(shme/rai as many days as are
o(si/a divine law, natural law
o(/sioj hallowed, sanctioned by the law of God
o(sio/thj piety, holiness
o(sio/w to make holy, purify, set free from guilt by offerings
o)sma/omai to smell at
o)smh/ a smell, scent, odour
o(sonou=n ever so little
o(/soj quantus
o(/j this, that
o(/sper the very man who, the very thing which
o)/sprion pulse
o)/ssa a rumour
o)/sse the two eyes
o(ssi/xoj as little, how little
o)/ssomai to see
o)sta/rion a little bone
o)ste/inoj made of bone, of bone
o)ste/on the
o(/ste who, which
o(/stij any one who, anything which
o)stofuh/j of bony nature
o)strakeu/j a potter
o)straki/zw to banish by potsherds, ostracize
o)straki/nda played with potsherds
o)stra/kinoj earthen, of clay
o)strakismo/j ostracism
o)/strakon an earthen vessel
o)strako/sdermoj with a shell like a potsherd, hard-shelled
o)strakofori/a a voting with

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o)strako/xrouj with a hard skin

o)streiografh/j purple-painted
o)/streon an oyster
o)stw/dhj like bone, bony
o)sfrai/nomai to catch scent of, smell, scent, track
o)sfranth/rioj smelling, able to smell, sharp-smelling
o)/sfrhsij the sense of smell, smell
o)sfu/j the loin
o)/sxoj a vine-branch
o)sxofo/ria carrying vine-branches loaded with grapes
o(/tan whenever
o(/te when
o(/ti for what, wherefore
o(/ti that
o(tih/ because
o(tiou=n whatsoever
o)tleu/w to suffer, endure
o)/tloj a burden, distress
o)/toboj any loud noise
o)totoi= ah! woe!
o)totu/zw to wail aloud
)ototu/cioi men of Wails
o)trale/oj quickly, readily.
o)trhro/j quick, nimble, busy, ready
o)truntu/j a cheering on, exhortation
o)tru/nw to stir up, rouse, egg on, spur on, encourage
ou)ai/ woe
ou)a/ ha! ah!
ou)=aj ear.
ou)ato/eij long-eared
ou)5 why no, &mdash
ou) for not
ou)7 for in no manner
ou)dai=oj infernal
ou)damh= nowhere, in no place
ou)damo/qen from no place, from no side
ou)damo/qi nowhere, in no place
ou)damoi= no-whither
ou)damo/j not even one, no one
ou)damou= nowhere
ou)damw=j in no wise
ou)=daj the surface of the earth, the ground, earth
ou)dei/j and not one
ou)de/neia nothingness, worthlessness
ou)deno/swroj worth no notice
ou)de/ but not

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ou)de/ph in no wise
ou)de/pote and not ever
ou)de/pw and not yet, not as yet
ou)depw/pote nor yet at any time, never yet at any time
ou)de/teroj not either, neither of the two
ou)dete/rwse to neither of two sides, neither way
ou)d' e)/ti certainly not
ou)dh/eij terrestrial
ou)6 I suppose not
ou)0 no truly
ou)do/j a threshold
ou)do/j a way
ou)=qar the udder
ou)qa/tioj of the udder
ou)/qhn surely not, certainly not
ou)ke/ti no more, no longer, no further
ou)kou=n therefore, then, accordingly
ou)/koun not therefore, so not
ou)k so not, not then, surely not
ou)lai/ barley-corns, barley-groats
ou)lamo/j a throng of warriors
ou)lh/ a scar
ou)/lioj baleful, baneful
ou)lo/qric with curly hair
ou)loka/rhnoj with crisp, curling hair
ou)lo/kerwj with twisted horns
ou)lo/menoj destructive, baneful
ou)=lon the gums
ou)=loj whole, entire
ou)=loj woolly, woollen
ou)=loj destructive, baneful
ou)lotrixe/w to have curly hair
ou)loxu/tai barley-groats
ou)lumpo/qen from Ol.
ou)/lw to be whole
ou)ma/n assuredly not
ou)menou=n verily and indeed not
ou) no truly, nay verily
ou)4 not surely, not verily
ou)7 nevertheless, notwithstanding, yet, still
ou)6 not however
ou) not
ou(/neka on which account, wherefore
ou)=n really, at all events
ou)/ surely not
ou(= where

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ou)/per not at all

ou) nowhere
ou)/4 nowhere
ou)/6 not ever, never
ou)/7 surely you do not mean that . .?
ou)8 not
ou)/pw not yet
ou)8 never yet at any time
ou)/pwj no-how, in no wise, not at all
ou)ragi/a the rear
ou)rago/j leader of the rear-guard
ou)rai=oj of the tail
ou)rani/a Urania, the heavenly one
ou)rani/dhj son of Uranus
ou)ra/nioj heavenly, of
ou)rani/skoj the vault of a room
ou)rani/wnej the heavenly ones, the gods above
ou)ranognw/mwn skilled in the heavens
ou)rano/deiktoj shewn from heaven, shewing itself in heaven
ou)rano/qen from heaven, down from heaven
ou)rano/qi in the heavens
ou)ranomh/khj high as heaven, shooting up to heaven, exceeding high
ou)rano/j heaven
ou)ranou=xoj holding heaven
ou)ra/ the tail
ou)reo/foitoj mountain haunting
ou)resibw/thj feeding on the mountains
ou)reu/j a mule
ou)re/w to make water
ou)rhtia/w to want to make water
ou)ri/axoj the hindmost part, bottom
ou)riba/thj walking the mountains
ou)ri/zw to carry with a fair wind, to waft on the way
ou)ri/qreptoj mountain-bred
ou)/rioj with a fair wind
ou)riosta/thj steady and prosperous
ou)rio/w to give to the winds
ou)/risma a boundary-line
ou)=ron urine
ou)=ron boundary
ou)=roj a fair wind
ou)=roj a watcher, warder, guardian
ou)=roj a boundary.
ou)ro/j a trench
ou)si/a that which is one's own, one's substance, property
ou)=j auris, the ear

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ou)ta/zw to wound
ou)ta/w to wound, hurt, hit
ou)/te and not
ou)/thsij a wounding
ou)th/teira she who wounds
ou)tidano/j of no account, worthless
ou)/ti not, I suppose . . , surely you do not mean that . .
ou)/tiph in no wise
ou)/tipw not at all yet
ou)=tij Nobody, Noman
ou)/tij no one
ou)/toi indeed not
ou(tosi/ this man here
ou(=toj this
ou(/twj in this way
o)feile/thj a debtor
o)fei/lhma that which is owed, a debt
o)feilh/ a debt
o)fei/lw to owe, have to pay
o)fe/llw to increase, enlarge, strengthen
o)/feloj furtherance, advantage, help
o)few/dhj snake-like
o)fqalmi/a ophthalmia
o)fqalmia/w to suffer from ophthalmia
o)fqalmodoulei/a eye-service
o)fqalmo/j the eye
o)fqalmo/tegktoj wetting the eyes
o)fqalmofanh/j apparent to the eye
o)fqalmwru/xoj tearing out the eyes
o)fio/pouj with serpents for legs
o)/fij a serpent, snake
o)/flhma a fine incurred in a lawsuit
o)fliska/nw to owe, to be liable to pay
o)/fra that, in order that, to the end that
o)frua/w to have ridges
o)fruo/eij on the brow of a rock, beetling
o)fru/j the brow, eyebrow
o)/xanon the holder of a shield, a bar across the hollow of the shield
o)/xa far
o)xei/a a covering
o)xeteu/w to conduct
o)xethgo/j conducting
o)xeto/j a means for carrying water, a water-pipe
o)xeu/j anything for holding
o)xeu/w to cover
o)xe/w to uphold, sustain, endure

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o)/xhma anything that bears

o)/xhsij a bearing, carrying
o)xqe/w to be sorely angered, to be vexed in spirit
o)/xqh a rising ground, a bank, dyke
o)xqhro/j hilly
o)/xqoj a bank, hill
o)xlagwgi/a mob-oratory
o)xlagwgo/j a mob-leader.
o)xle/w to move, disturb
o)xlhro/j troublesome, irksome, importunate
o)xli/zw to move by a lever, to heave up
o)xloko/poj a mob-courtier
o)xlokrati/a mob-rule
o)xlopoie/w to make a riot
o)/xloj a moving crowd, a throng, mob
o)xlw/dhj like a mob
o)xma/zw to grip fast
o)/xnh a wild pear
o)/xoj anything which bears, a carriage
o)xuropoie/omai to make secure, fortify
o)xuro/j firm, lasting, stout
o)xuro/w to make fast and sure, fortify
o)xu/rwma a stronghold, fortress
o)xurwte/oj one must strengthen
o)yama/thj one who mows till late at even
o)yaro/thj one who ploughs late
o)yei/w to wish to see
o)ye/ after a long time, late
o)yi/a the latter part of day, evening
o)yi/gonoj late-born, after-born
o)yi/zw to do, go
o)yi/koitoj going late to bed
o)yimaqe/w to learn late
o)yimaqh/j late in learning, late to learn
o)yimaqi/a late-gotten learning
o)/yimoj late, slow
o)yi/nouj late-observing
o)/yioj late
o)/yij look, appearance, aspect
o)yite/lestoj to be late fulfilled
o)/yon cooked meat
o)yopoie/omai to eat meat
o)yopoihtiko/j of
o)yopoii/a cookery
o)yopoio/j one who cooks meat, a cook
o)yopo/noj dressing food elaborately

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o)yofage/w to eat things meant to be eaten

o)yofagi/a dainty living
o)yofa/goj one who eats things meant to be only eaten with bread
o)/y a voice
o)ywne/w to buy fish and dainties
o)yw/nhj one who buys fish
o)ywnia/zw to furnish with provisions.
o)ywniasmo/j a furnishing with provisions, the supplies and pay of an army
o)yw/nion provisions
pagge/loioj quite ridiculous
paggene/teira mother of all
paggene/thj father of all.
pagglwssi/a wordiness, garrulity
pa/gglwssoj speaking all tongues.
pageto/j frost
pagetw/dhj frosty, ice-cold
pa/gh anything that fixes
pagideu/w to lay a snare for, entrap
pa/gioj solid
pagi/j a trap
pagkai/nistoj ever renewed, ever fresh
pa/gkakoj utterly bad, all-unlucky
pa/gkaloj all beautiful, good
pa/gkarpoj of all kinds of fruit
pagkeuqh/j all-concealing
pa/gklaustoj all-lamented, most lamentable
pagklhri/a a complete inheritance
pa/gklhroj held in full possession
pa/gkoinoj common to all
pagkoi/thj where all must sleep
pagko/nitoj covered all over with dust
pagkrath/j all-powerful, all-mighty
pagkratia/zw to perform the exercises of the
pagkratiasth/j one who practises the
pagkratiastiko/j of
pagkra/tion a complete contest, an exercise which combined both wrestling and boxing
pa/goj that which is fixed
pa/gouroj a
pagxa/lepoj most difficult to deal with
pagxa/lkeoj all-brasen, all-brass
pa/gxrhstoj good for all work
pa/gxristoj all-anointed
pagxru/seoj all-golden, of solid gold
pa/gxu quite, wholly, entirely, altogether
pa/qhma anything that befals one, a suffering, calamity, misfortune
pa/qh a passive state

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paqhtiko/j subject to feeling, capable of feeling

paqhto/j one who has suffered: subject to passion
pa/qoj anything that befalls one, an incident, accident
paia/n Paean
pai=gma play, sport, sportive strain
paigni/a play, sport, a game
paignih/mwn fond of a joke
pai/gnion a plaything, toy
pai/gnioj sportive, droll
paigniw/dhj playful, sportive
paidagwgei=on the room in which the
paidagwge/w to attend as a
paidagwgi/a the office of a
paidagwgiko/j suitable to a
paidagwgo/j a boy-ward
paida/rion a young, little boy
paidariw/dhj childish, puerile
paidei/a the rearing of a child
pai/deioj of
paideraste/w to be a
paiderasth/j a lover of boys
pai/deuma that which is reared up, taught, a nursling, scholar, pupil
pai/deusij education, a system of education
paideute/oj to be educated
paideuth/rion a school
paideuth/j a teacher, instructor, preceptor
paideutiko/j of
paideuto/j to be gained by education
paideu/w to bring up
paidih/ childish play, sport, game, pastime
paidiko/j of, for
paidio/qen from a child
paidi/on a little
paidi/skh a young girl, maiden
paidi/skoj a young boy
paidiw/dhj playful
paidno/j childish
paidobo/roj child-eating
paidogoni/a a begetting of children
paidogo/noj begetting children
paidokome/w to take care of a child
paidoko/moj taking care of children.
paidoktone/w to murder children
paidokto/noj child-murdering
paidole/thr murderer of children
paidolu/mhj destroying children

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paidonomi/a the education of children

paidono/moj who superintended the education of youths
paidopoie/w to beget children
paidopoii/a procreation of children
paidopoio/j begetting
paidopo/roj through which a child passes
paidospore/w to beget children
paidospo/roj begetting children
paidotribe/w to train as a gymnastic master
paidotri/bhj one who teaches boys wrestling and other exercises, a gymnastic master
paidotribiko/j of
paidotrofi/a the rearing of children
paidotro/foj rearing boys
paido/trwtoj wounded by children
paidourgi/a a mother.
paidofile/w to love boys
paidofo/noj killing children
paidofore/w to waft away a boy
pai/zw to play like a child, to sport, play
paiho/nioj healing
pai/onej the Paeonians
paipa/lhma a piece of subtlety
paipa/lh pollen the finest flour
paipalo/eij craggy, rugged
pai=j a child
paifa/ssw to dart
pai/w to strike, smite
pai/w to eat
paiwnia/ the healing art, medicine
paiw/nia a festival of Paeon
paiwni/zw to chant the paean
paiw/nioj belonging to Paeon, medicinal, healing
paiw/nioj a healer, reliever
paiwnismo/j a chanting of the paean
pakto/w to fasten, make fast
pala/qh a cake of preserved fruit
palaigenh/j born long ago, full of years, ancient
palaimone/w to wrestle
palai/mwn Palaemon
palaioma/twr ancient mother
palaio/ploutoj rich from early times
palaio/j old in years
palaio/thj antiquity, obsoleteness
palaio/frwn old in mind, with the wisdom of age
palaio/w to make old
pa/lai long ago, in olden time, in days of yore, in time gone by

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pa/laisma a bout
palaismosu/nh wrestling, the wrestler's art
palaisth/j a wrestler
palaistiko/j expert in wrestling
palai/stra a palaestra, wrestling-school
palaistri/thj like a
palai/fatoj spoken long ago
palai/xqwn that has been long in a country, an ancient inhabitant, indigenous
palai/w to wrestle
palai/wsij a growing old
palama/omai to manage, execute
palamh/dhj the Inventor
pala/mh the palm of the hand, the hand
palamnai=oj one guilty of violence, a blood-guilty man, murderer
pala/ssw to besprinkle, sully, defile
palasth/ the palm of the hand
palastiai=oj a palm long
paleu/w to catch by decoy-birds
pale/w to be disabled
pa/lh wrestling
paliggenesi/a a being born again, new birth
pali/gglwssoj contradictory, false
paligkaphleu/w to sell over again, sell wares by retail
paligka/phloj one who buys and sells again, a petty retailer, huckster
pali/gkotoj breaking out afresh
pali/gkraipnoj very swift
palilloge/w to say again, repeat, recapitulate
palillogi/a recapitulation
pali/llogoj to gather collected again
pali/mbamoj walking back
palimblasth/j growing again
pali/mboloj thrown back, reversed
palimmh/khj doubly long
palimpeth/j falling back
pali/mphcij a patching up
pali/mplagktoj back-wandering
palimpla/zomai to wander back
palimplanh/j wandering to and fro
pali/mplutoj washed up again, vamped up
pali/mpoinoj retributive
palimprumnhdo/n stern-foremost
pali/myhstoj scraped again
palina/gretoj to be taken back
palinauch/j growing again
palinauto/moloj a double deserter
palindiki/a a second action, a new trial

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palindi/nhtoj whirling round and round

palindrome/w to run back again
palindromi/a a running back
palindromiko/j recurring
pali/ndromoj running back again
palinhnemi/a a returning calm
palino/rmenoj rushing back
pali/norsoj starting back
pali/nortoj recurring, inveterate
pa/lin back, backwards
pali/nskioj shaded over again, thick-shaded
palinskopia/ a looking back again
pali/nsouj safe again, recovered
palinstome/w to speak words of ill omen
pali/ntitoj requited, avenged
pali/ntonoj back-stretched, back-bending
palintribh/j rubbed again and again
pali/ntropoj turned back, averted
palintuxh/j with a reverse of fortune
palinw|de/w to recant an ode
palinw|di/a a palinode
pali/ouroj Rhamnus paliurus
paliourofo/roj made of the wood of the
palirroe/w to ebb and flow
palirro/qioj back-rushing, refluent
pali/rroia the reflux of water, back-water
pali/rropoj inclining backwards
pali/rrouj back-flowing, refluent
pali/rroxqoj roaring with ebb and flow
palirru/mh a rush backwards, back-flow
pali/rrutoj in retribution
pali/ssutoj rushing hurriedly back
pali/wcij pursuit back again
palla/dion a statue of Pallas
pallakeu/omai to keep as a concubine
pallaki/j a concubine, mistress
palla/j Pallas
pa/lleukoj all-white
pallhneu/j an inhabitant of
pa/llw to poise
pa/loj the lot cast from a shaken helmet
palto/j brandished, hurled
palu/nw to strew
pa=ma property
pambasilei/a absolute monarchy
pambasi/leia queen of all

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pambasileu/j an absolute monarch

pambi/hj all-subduing
pamma/taioj all-vain, all-useless
pamma/xoj fighting with all
pa/mmegaj very great, immense
pamme/laj all-black
pammh/khj very long, prolonged
pa/mmhnoj through all months, the live-long year
pammh/twr mother of all
pammi/aroj all-abominable
pammigh/j all-mingled, promiscuous
pa/mmoroj all-hapless
pampa/laioj very old
pa/mpan quite, wholly, altogether
pampeiqh/j all-persuasive
pamph/dhn entirely
pamphsi/a entire possession, the full property
pamplhqei/ with the whole multitude
pamplhqh/j of
pa/mplhktoj in which all sorts of blows are given and received
pampoi/kiloj all-variegated, of rich and varied work
pa/mpolij prevailing in all cities, universal
pa/mpoluj very much, great, large
pampo/nhroj all-depraved, thoroughly knavish
pampo/rfuroj all-purple
pampo/tnia all-venerable
pa/mpreptoj all-conspicuous
pa/mprwtoj first of all, the very first
pamfa/goj all-devouring, voracious
pamfah/j all-shining, all-brilliant, radiant
pamfai/nw to shine
pamfano/wn bright-shining, beaming
pamfa/rmakoj skilled in all charms
pa/mfqartoj all-destroying
pa/mflektoj all-blazing
pa/mforboj all-feeding
pa/mforoj all-bearing, all-productive
pa/mfuloj of mingled tribes, of all sorts
pa/mfwnoj with all tones, full-toned
pamyhfei/ by all the votes
pa/myuxoj with all his soul
pa/nabroj quite
panagh/j all-hallowed
panagreu/j one who catches everything
pa/nagroj catching all
pana/grupnoj all-wakeful

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panaqh/naia the Panathenaea

panaqhnaiko/j of
pana/qlioj all-wretched
panaiglh/eij all-shining
pa/naiqoj all-blazing
panai/oloj all-variegated, sparkling
panaisxh/j utterly ugly, ugliest
panai/tioj the cause of all
panala/stwr all-avenging
panalhqh/j all true, all too true
panalkh/j all-powerful
pana/lwtoj all-embracing
pana/mmoroj without any share in
pana/mwmoj all-blameless
panaoi/dimoj sung by all
pana/paloj all-tender, all-delicate
panaph/mwn all-harmless
pana/potmoj all-hapless
pana/rguroj all-silver
pana/retoj all virtuous
pana/ristoj best of all
panarkh/j all-sufficing
panarmo/nioj suited to all modes
pa/narxoj all-powerful, ruling all
panatrekh/j all-exact, infallible
panafh=lic all-away from the friends of one's youth
pana/fqitoj all-imperishable
pana/fuktoj all-inevitable
pana/fulloj all-leafless
panaxaioi/ all the Achaians
panaw/rioj all-untimely, doomed to an untimely end
pandaisi/a a complete banquet, a banquet at which nothing is wanting
panda/krutoj all-tearful
pandama/twr the all-subduer, all-tamer
pa/ndeinoj all-dreadful, terrible
pandele/teioj knavish like Pandeletus
panderkh/j all-seeing
pandhmei/ with the whole people, in a mass
pandhmi/a the whole people
pandh/mioj of all people, a public
pa/ndhmoj of
pa/ndia a feast of Zeus
pa/ndikoj all righteous
pandioni/dhj son of Pandion.
pandioni/j daughter of Pandion
pandokei=on a house for the reception of strangers, an inn, hotel

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pandokeu/j one who receives all comers, an innkeeper, host

pandokeu/tria a hostess
pandokeu/w to receive and entertain as a host
pandoke/w to take upon oneself, assume
pa/ndokoj all-receiving, common to all
pandoci/a absolute fame, perfect glory
pa/ndurtoj all-lamentable, all-plaintive
pandusi/a the total setting of a star
pandw/ra giver of all
pa/ndwroj giver of all
paneqnei/ with the whole nation
panei/keloj like in all points
panei=on a temple of Pan
paneleu/qeroj entirely free
pane/llhnej all the Hellenes
paneph/ratoj all-lovely
panepi/skopoj all-surveying
panerge/thj all-effecting
pane/rhmoj all-desolate
pane/speroj lasting the whole evening
pane/stioj with all the household
pa/netej all the year long
paneudai/mwn quite happy
paneu/tonoj much strained, very active
pa/nefqoj quite purified
panhguri/zw to celebrate
panhguriko/j fit for a public festival
panh/gurij a general
panhguristh/j one who attends a
panh=mar all day, the livelong day
panhmereu/w to spend the whole day
panhme/rioj all day long
panqhlh/j with all manner of trees
pa/nqhr the panther
panqumado/n in high wrath
pa/nqutoj celebrated with all kinds of sacrifices
paniko/j of
pani/meroj all-lovely
pani/wnej the whole body of Ionians.
paniw/nion their place of meeting
panlw/bhtoj grievously disfigured, hideous
pannuxi/zw to celebrate a night festival, keep vigil
pannuxiko/j fit for a night-reveller
pannu/xioj all night long
pa/nnuxoj lasting all the night
pano/durtoj most lamentable

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pa/noizuj all-unhappy
panoiki/a| with all the house, household and all
panoi/kioj with all one's house
panoi/moi oh utter woe!
pano/lbioj truly happy
panomilei/ in whole troops
pano/mmatoj all-eyed
pano/moioj just like
panomfai=oj sender of all ominous voices, author of all divination
panopli/a the full armour of an
panopli/thj a man in full armour
pa/noploj in full armour, full-armed
pano/pthj the all-seeing
pa/normoj always fit for landing in
pa/normoj its territory
pano/j a torch
panourge/w to play the knave
panou/rghma a knavish trick, villany
panourgi/a knavery, roguery, villany
panourgipparxi/dhj knave-Hipparchides
panou=rgoj ready to do anything wicked, knavish, villanous
pano/yioj all-seen, in the sight of all
pa/n Pan
pansagi/a in full armour
panse/lhnoj at the full
pa/nsemnoj all-majestic
pa/nskopoj all-seeing
pa/nsofoj all-wise
panspermi/a a mixture of all seeds
pa/nspermoj composed of all sorts of seeds
panstratia/ a levy of the whole army
pansudi/h| with all speed
pansudi/ with all one's force
pa/nsurtoj swept all together
panta/laj all-wretched
panta/pasi all in all, altogether, wholly, absolutely
pantarkh/j all-powerful
panta/rxhj lord of all
pa/ntarxoj all-ruling
pantaxh= everywhere
pantaxo/qen from all places, from all quarters, on every side
pantaxoi= in every direction, any whither, every way
pantaxou= everywhere
pantaxw=j in all ways, altogether
pante/leia consummation
pantelh/j all-complete, absolute, complete, entire

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panteuxi/a in full array

pa/ntexnoj assistant of all arts
pa/nth| every way, on every side
pa/ntimoj all-honourable
pantobi/hj all-overpowering
pantogh/rwj making all old
pantodapo/j of every kind, of all sorts, manifold
pa/ntoqen from all quarters, from every side
pa/ntoqi everywhere
pantoi=oj of all sorts
pantokra/twr almighty
pantoligoxro/nioj utterly short-lived
pa/ntolmoj all-daring, shameless
panto/mimoj a pantomimic actor
pantomish/j all-hateful
pantopoio/j ready for all, reckless
pantopo/roj all-inventive
pantopw/lion a place where all things are for sale, a general market, bazaar
pa/ntose every way, in all directions
pa/ntote at all times, always
pantofa/goj all-devouring
panto/furtoj mixed all together
pa/ntromoj all-trembling
pa/ntropoj all-routed, tumultuous
pa/ntrofoj all-nourishing
pa/ntwj altogether
panupei/roxoj eminent above all
panupe/rtatoj highest of all
pa/nu altogether, entirely
panu/staton for the very last time
panu/statoj last of all
panwleqri/a utter destruction, utter ruin
panw/leqroj utterly ruined, utterly destroyed
panw/lhj all-destructive
panwph/eij visible to all
pa/omai to get, acquire
pappa/zw to call
pa/pphj papa
pappi/zw to wheedle one's father
pappi/hj dear little papa
pa/ppoj a grandfather
pappw=|oj of
paptai/nw to look earnestly, gaze
pa/puroj the papyrus
paraba/ktroj like a staff
para/bakxoj like a Bacchanal, theatrical

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paraba/llw to throw beside

paraba/ptw to dye at the same time
para/basij a going aside, deviation
paraba/thj one who stands beside
paraba/tij a woman who follows the reapers
parabato/j to be overcome
parabia/zomai to use violence to
parablasta/nw to grow up beside
parable/pw to look aside, take a side look
parablh/dhn thrown in by the way
para/blhma that which is thrown beside
parablhte/oj to be compared
parablhto/j comparable
parablw/skw to go beside
parablw/y looking askance, squinting
paraboh/qeia help, aid, succour
parabohqe/w to come up to help
paraboleu/omai to run hazard
parabolh/ juxta-position, comparison
para/boloj thrown in by the way, deceitful
para/bustoj stuffed in: pushed aside
parabu/w to stuff in, insert
paraggeli/a a command
paragge/llw to transmit as a message
para/ggelma a message transmitted
para/ggelsij a giving the word of command
parageu/w to give just a taste of
paraghra/w to be superannuated
paragi/gnomai near, attend upon
paragignw/skw to decide wrongly, err in their judgment
paragka/lisma that which is taken into the arms, a beloved one
paragkwni/zw to set the arms a-kimbo
paragnaqi/j the cheekpiece
para/gramma that which one writes beside, an additional clause
paragrafh/ anything written beside: an exception taken
paragra/fw to write by the side
paragumno/w to lay bare at the side
para/gw to lead by
paragwgh/ a leading by
paradakru/w to weep beside
paradarqa/nw to sleep beside
para/deigma a pattern
paradeigmati/zw to make an example of
paradeigmatw/dhj characterised by examples
paradei/knumi to exhibit side by side
paradeipne/omai to go without one's dinner

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

para/deisoj a park
paradekte/oj one must admit
paradekte/oj to be admitted
parade/xomai to receive from
paradhlo/w to make known by a side-wind, to intimate
paradiakone/w to live with and serve
paradi/dwmi to give
paradihge/omai to relate by the way
paradoci/a marvellousness
paradocologe/w to tell marvels
paradocologi/a a tale of wonder, marvel
paradocolo/goj telling of marvels.
para/docoj contrary to opinion, incredible, paradoxical
parado/simoj handed down, hereditary
para/dosij a handing down, transmission
paradote/oj to be handed down
paradoto/j capable of being taught
paradoxh/ a receiving from another
paradra/w to be at hand, to serve
paradromh/ a running beside
para/dromoj that may be run through
paradunasteu/w to reign with another
paradu/omai to creep past, slink
para/dusij a creeping in beside, encroachment
paradwsei/w to be disposed to deliver up
paraei/dw to sing beside
paraei/rw to lift up beside
parazeu/gnumi to yoke beside, set beside
para/zuc yoked beside
parazw/nnumi to gird to the side
paraqala/ssioj beside the sea, lying on the sea-side, maritime
paraqa/lpw to comfort, cheer
paraqarsu/nw to embolden, cheer on, encourage
paraqea/omai to compare
paraqe/lgw to assuage
paraqermai/nw to heat to excess
para/qermoj over-hot
para/qesij juxta-position, neighbourhood
paraqe/w to run beside
paraqewre/w to examine
paraqh/kh anything entrusted to
paraiqu/ssw to move
parai/nesij an exhortation, address
paraine/w to exhort, recommend, advise
parai/resij a taking away from beside, curtailing
paraire/w to take away from beside, withdraw, remove

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

parai/rhma the edge

paraisqa/nomai to remark
parai/sioj of ill omen, ominous
parai/ssw to dart past
paraite/omai to beg from
parai/thsij earnest prayer
paraithth/j an intercessor
parai/tioj being in part the cause
paraifa/menoj exhorting, encouraging
parai/fasij persuasion
paraiwre/w to hang up beside
paraka/qhmai to be seated beside
parakaqidru/omai to be placed by
parakaqi/zw to set beside
parakaqi/hmi to let down beside
parakaqi/sthmi to station
parakai/omai to be kept lighted beside
para/kairoj unseasonable, ill-timed
parakale/w to call to
paraka/lumma anything hung up beside
parakalu/ptw to cover by hanging something beside, to cloak, disguise
parakatabai/nw to dismount beside
parakataba/llw to throw down beside
parakatabolh/ money deposited in court
parakataqh/kh a deposit entrusted to one's care
parakataqnh/skw to die beside
parakata/keimai to lie beside
parakatakli/nw to lay down beside, to put to bed with
parakatale/gomai to sleep beside
parakatalei/pw to leave with
parakataph/gnumi to drive in alongside
parakatati/qemai to deposit one's own property with
parakate/xw to keep back, restrain, detain
parakatoiki/zw to make to dwell
parakattu/w to sew on beside, patch up
para/keimai to lie beside
parake/leuma an exhortation, cheering address
parakeleu/omai to order
parake/leusij a calling out to, cheering on, exhorting, addressing
parakeleustiko/j calling out to, cheering on
parakeleusto/j summoned
parakelhti/zw to ride by
parakindu/neusij a desperate venture
parakinduneutiko/j venturesome, audacious
parakinduneu/w to make a rash venture, to venture, run the risk
parakine/w to move aside, disturb

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parakinhtiko/j inclined to insanity

paraki/w to pass by
paraklei/w to shut out, exclude
parakle/ptw to steal from the side, filch underhand
para/klhsij a calling to one's aid, summons
paraklhte/oj one must call on, summon
paraklhtiko/j hortatory
para/klhtoj called to one's aid
paraklido/n bending sideways, turning aside, swerving
parakli/nw to bend
parakli/thj one who lies beside
parakma/zw to be past the prime
parakmh/ the point at which the prime is past, abatement
parakoh/ unwillingness to hear, disobedience
parakoina/omai to communicate
parakoite/w to keep watch beside
parakoi/thj one who sleeps beside, a bedfellow, husband, spouse
para/koitij a wife, spouse
parakolouqe/w to follow beside, follow closely
parakomidh/ a carrying across, transporting
parakomi/zw to carry along with one, escort, convoy
parakona/w to sharpen besides, sharpen also
parakonti/zw to throw the dart with others
parakoph/ infatuation, insanity, frenzy
para/kopoj frenzied, frantic
parako/ptw to strike falsely
para/kousma a false story
parakouste/oj one must disobey
parakou/w to hear beside
parakrema/nnumi to hang beside
para/krhmnoj on the edge of a precipice
parakri/nw to draw up in line opposite
parakrote/w to pat
para/krousij a striking falsely
parakrou/w to strike aside: to disappoint, mislead
parakta/omai to get over and above
para/ktioj on the sea-side, by the shore
paraku/ptw to stoop sideways
paralamba/nw to receive from
paralanqa/nw to escape the notice of
parale/gw to lay beside
paraleipte/oj one must pass over
paralei/pw to leave on one side, leave remaining
paralei/fw to bedaub as with ointment
paralhpte/oj one must produce
paralhpto/j to be accepted

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

paralhre/w to talk like a dotard, talk nonsense

para/lhyij a receiving from another, succession to
para/lion a chapel of the hero Paralus
para/lioj by the sea
parallagh/ a passing from hand to hand, transmission
para/llagma an interchange, variation
para/llacij alternation, alternating motion
paralla/ssw to make things alternate, to transpose
paralla/c alternately, in turn
para/llhloj beside one another, side by side
paralogi/zomai to misreckon, miscalculate
paralogismo/j false reasoning, deception
paralogistiko/j fallacious
para/logoj beyond calculation, unexpected, casual, uncertain
pa/raloj by
para/lpioj dwelling near the Alps
paralupe/w to grieve
para/luproj rather poor
para/lusij a loosening by the side: paralysis, palsy
paralutiko/j paralytic
paralu/w to loose from the side, take off, detach
paramei/bw to leave on one side, pass by
paramele/w to pass by and disregard, to be disregardful of
parame/nw to stay beside
parametre/w to measure
parameu/omai to surpass
paramh/khj oblong
paramhri/dioj along the thighs
parami/gnumi to intermix with
paramimnh/skomai to mention besides, to make mention of
parami/mnw to abide, tarry
paramo/nimoj staying beside
para/mousoj out of tune with, discordant with
parampe/xw to wrap
paramuqe/omai to encourage
paramuqhtiko/j consolatory
paramuqi/a encouragement, exhortation, persuasion
paramu/qion an address, exhortation
paramuka/omai to bellow beside
paranagignw/skw to read beside
paranadu/omai to come forth and appear beside
paranaieta/w to dwell near
paranali/skw to spend amiss, to waste, squander
parana/lwma useless expense
paranhne/w to heap
paranh/xomai to swim along

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paranika/w to subdue to evil, pervert

parani/ssomai to go past
parani/sthmi to set up beside
parani/sxw to raise in answer
paranoe/w to think amiss, to be deranged, lose one's wits
para/noia derangement, madness
paranoi/gnumi to open at the side
paranome/w to transgress the law, act unlawfully
parano/mhma an illegal act, transgression
paranomi/a transgression of law, decency
para/nomoj acting contrary to law, lawless
para/nouj distraught
pa/ranta sideways, sidewards
paranuktereu/w to pass the night beside
para/numfoj the bridegroom's friend
para/cenoj half-foreign, counterfeit
parace/w to graze
paracifi/j a knife worn beside the sword, a dirk
paraco/nioj beside the axle
parapaidagwge/w to help to train: to reform gradually
parapai/w to strike on one side: to strike a false note
parapa/llomai to bound beside
para/pan altogether, absolutely
parapata/w to deceive, cajole
parapafi/skw to mislead, beguile
parapei/qw to persuade gradually, win over, beguile
parape/mpw to send past, convey past
para/ from the side of, c. gen., beside, alongside of, c. dat., to the side of, motion alongside of, c. acc.
parabai/nw to go by the side of
parape/tasma that which is spread before
parape/tomai to fly alongside
paraph/gnumi to fix
paraphda/w to spring beyond, transgress
parapikrai/nw to embitter, provoke
parapikrasmo/j provocation
parapi/mpramai to be inflamed
parapi/ptw to fall beside
parapla/zw to make to wander from the right way, to drive
para/pleioj almost full
paraple/kw to braid
parapleuri/dia covers for the sides of horses
parapleuste/oj that must be sailed past
paraple/w to sail by
para/plhktoj frenzy-stricken
paraplh/c stricken sideways
paraplhsia/zw to be a neighbour

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paraplh/sioj coming near, nearly resembling, such-like

paraplh/ssw to strike at the side: &mdash
para/plooj a sailing beside, a coasting voyage
parapne/w to blow by the side, to escape by a sideway
parapodi/zw to entangle the feet
parapo/dioj at the feet
parapoie/w to make falsely
parapolau/w to have the benefit of besides
parapo/llumi to destroy besides
parapomph/ a convoying
parapompo/j escorting
parapo/ntioj beside
paraporeu/omai to go beside
parapota/mioj beside a river, lying on a river
parapra/ssw to do
parapresbei/a a dishonest embassage
parapresbeu/w to execute an embassy dishonestly
para/prisma saw-dust
para/ptw to fasten beside
para/ptwma a false step, a transgression, trespass
para/ptwsij a falling beside
parapu/qia a sickness which prevented one from being victor at the
pararpa/zw to filch away
pararra/ptomai to be sewn as a fringe along
pararre/w to flow beside
pararrh/gnumi to break at the side
pararrhto/j that may be moved by words
pararri/ptw to throw beside
para/rruma anything drawn along the side: a leathern
pararta/omai to be hung by one's side
pararte/omai to fit out for oneself
parartu/w to season by additions.
parasa/gghj a parasang
parasa/ttw to stuff in beside
para/seion a topsail
para/seiroj fastened alongside
parasei/w to shake at the side
parashmai/nomai to set one's seal beside, to counterseal, seal up
para/shmon a side-mark: a mark of distinction, the ensign of a ship
para/shmoj falsely stamped
parasiga/w to pass by in silence
parasite/w to play the parasite
parasitiko/j of a
para/sitoj one who eats at another's table, one who lives at another's expense, a parasite, toad-eater
parasiwpa/w to pass over in silence
paraskeua/zw to get ready, prepare

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paraskeu/asma anything prepared, apparatus

paraskeuaste/oj one must prepare
paraskeuasth/j a provider
paraskeuastiko/j skilled in providing
paraskeuasto/j that can be provided
paraskeuh/ preparation
paraskhna/w to pitch one's tent beside
paraskh/nia the side-scenes
paraskhno/w to throw over
paraskh/ptw to fall beside
paraskirta/w to leap upon
paraskope/w to give a sidelong glance at
paraskw/ptw to jeer indirectly
parasobe/w to scare away
parasofi/zomai to out-do in skill
paraspa/w to draw forcibly aside, wrest aside
paraspi/zw to bear a shield beside
paraspisth/j a companion in arms
parasponde/w to act contrary to an alliance
paraspo/ndhma a breach of faith
paraspo/ndhsij a breaking of faith
para/spondoj contrary to a treaty
parastado/n at one's side
para/stasij a putting aside
parastate/w to stand by
parasta/j anything that stands beside
parasta/thj one who stands by, a defender
parastatiko/j fit for standing by
parasta/tij a helper, assistant
parastei/xw to go past, pass by
parastore/nnumi to lay flat, lay low
parastrathge/w to be at the general's side, interfere with him
parastratopedeu/w to encamp opposite to
parastre/fw to turn aside
parasuggrafe/w to break contract with
parasulle/gomai to assemble with others
parasu/rw to sweep away, carry away
parasfa/llw to make an arrow glance aside
parasxi/zw to rip up lengthwise, slit up
para/tacij a placing in line of battle
parata/ssw to place side by side, draw up in battle-order
paratei/nw to stretch out along
paratei/xisma a wall built beside
paratektai/nomai to work into another form
paratetagme/nwj as in battle-array, steadily
parathre/w to watch closely, observe narrowly, to watch one's opportunity

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parath/rhsij observation
parati/qhmi to place beside
parati/llw to pluck the hair off
para/tolmoj foolhardy
para/tonoj stretched beside, hanging down by the side
paratre/pw to turn aside
paratre/fw to feed beside
paratre/xw to run by
paratre/w to start aside from fear
paratri/bw to rub beside
paratrope/w leading
paratroph/ a turning away, means of averting
para/tropoj turned aside, lawless, strange, unusual
paratroxa/zw to run past
paratrw/gw to gnaw at the side, nibble at, take a bite of
paratrwpa/w turn away
paratugxa/nw to happen to be near, be among
parauga/zw to illumine slightly
parauda/w to address so as to console
parauli/zw to lie near
pa/rauloj dwelling beside
pa/rauta in like manner
parauti/ka immediately, forthwith, straightway
parauxe/nioj hanging from the neck
parafai/nw to shew beside
para/fasij an address, encouragement, consolation
parafe/rw to bring to
parafeu/gw to flee close past
para/fhmi to speak gently to, to advise
parafqa/nw to overtake, outstrip
parafqe/ggomai to add a qualification
parafora/ a going aside
parafore/w to set before
para/foroj borne aside, carried away
para/fragma a breastwork on the top of a mound
parafra/ssw to enclose with a breastwork
parafrone/w to be beside oneself, be deranged
parafrosu/nh derangement
parafroure/w to keep guard beside
para/frwn wandering from reason, out of one's wits, deranged
parafua/j an offshoot
parafuh/j growing beside
parafulakh/ a guard, watch, garrison
parafula/ssw to watch beside, to guard closely, watch narrowly
parafu/omai to grow beside
paraxala/w to slacken at the side

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

paraxara/ssw to mark with a false stamp, falsify

paraxeima/zw to winter in
paraxeimasi/a a wintering in a place
paraxelwi/thj a dweller by the Achelous
paraxe/w to pour in beside, pour in
paraxra/omai to use improperly, misuse, abuse
paraxrh=ma on the spot, forthwith, straightway
paraxrhsthria/zw to give a false oracle
para/xrouj of false
paraxrw/nnumi to corrupt
para/xwma a side embankment, a dyke
paraxw/nnumi to throw up beside
paraxwre/w to go aside, make room, give place, retire
paraxw/rhsij a giving way
paraxwrhte/oj one must give way
paraya/llw to touch lightly
parayelli/zw to stammer out somewhat of the truth
parayuxh/ cooling, refreshment, consolation
parayu/xw to cool gently
pardako/j wet, damp
pardale/h a leopard-skin
parda/leoj of a leopard.
pardaliokto/noj leopard-killing
pa/rdalij the pard
pardalwto/j spotted like the pard
pare/ggraptoj illegally registered
pareggra/fw to interpolate
pareggua/w to hand over
pareggu/h a word of command passed on
pareggu/hsij a passing on the word of command
paregei/rw to raise partly
paregkli/nw to make to incline sideways
paredreu/w to sit constantly beside, attend constantly, be always near
pa/redroj sitting beside
pare/zomai to sit beside
pareia/ the cheek
parei/hj a reddish-brown snake
parei=don to observe by the way, notice
pareika/zw to compare
parei/kw to give way
pa/reimi to be by
pa/reimi to go by, beside
parei=pon to persuade by indirect means, to talk over, win over
parei/rw to fasten in beside, insert
pareisa/gw to lead in by one's side, bring forward, introduce
parei/saktoj introduced privily

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pareise/rxomai to come
pareispi/ptw to get in by the side, steal in
pareisre/w to flow on beside
pareisfe/rw to bring in beside
pare/kbasij a deviation from
parekkli/nw to deviate
parekle/gw to collect covertly
parekprofeu/gw to flee forth from, elude
parektei/nw to stretch out in line
parektele/w to accomplish otherwise
parekte/oj one must cause
parekto/j besides
parektre/pw to turn aside, divert
parektre/xw to run out past
parekxe/w to pour out by degrees
pare/kxusij an overflowing
parelau/nw to drive by
pare/lkw to draw aside, pervert
paremba/llw to put in beside, insert, interpolate, interpose
paremble/pw to look askance
parembolh/ insertion, interpolation
parembu/w to stuff in
parempi/plhmi to fill secretly with
parempi/pramai to be inflamed by rubbing
parempi/ptw to fall in by the way, creep
parempola/w to traffic underhand in
parempo/reuma of small wares
paremporeu/omai to traffic in besides
parenqh/kh something put in beside, an addition, appendix
parenoxle/w to trouble greatly
parensaleu/w to swing to and fro
parentei/nw to rouse to exertion
parecai/rw to lift up beside
parecaule/w worn out by being played upon
pare/ceimi to go out beside, pass by
pareceiresi/a the part of the ship beyond the rowers
parecelau/nw to drive out past, to pass
parece/rxomai to go out beside, slip past
pareceta/zw to examine by comparing
pareceuri/skw to find out besides
pareci/hmi to let out beside
pare/c outside, before
parekbai/nw to step out aside from, deviate from
pare/painoj subordinate
parepigra/fw to correct an inscription
parepidei/knumai to exhibit out of season, make a display

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parepistrofh/ a turning round in passing

pare/pomai to follow along side, follow close
parerga/thj a pottering workman
pa/rergon a bye-work, subordinate
pare/rpw to creep secretly up to
pareru/w to draw along the side
pare/rxomai to go by, beside
paresqi/w to gnaw
pa/resij a letting go, remission
pare/stioj by
pareudokime/w to surpass in reputation
pareuqu/nw to direct, constrain
pareukhle/w to calm, soothe
pareuna/zomai to lie beside
pa/reunoj lying beside
pareu/resij the invention of a false pretext, a pretence
pareuri/skw to discover besides, invent
pareutakte/w to perform one's duty regularly
pareutrepi/zw to put in order, arrange, make ready
parefedreu/w to lie near to guard, to keep guard
pare/xw to hold beside, hold in readiness, to furnish, provide, supply
parhba/w to be past one's prime, to be growing old
pa/rhboj past one's prime
parhgore/w to address, exhort
parhgori/a exhortation, persuasion
parh/goroj consoling
parh/ion the cheek, jaw
parh/kw to have come alongside
parh=lic past one's prime
pa/rhmai to be seated beside
parh/meroj day by day, daily
pa/rhcij a coming to shore: a landing place
parhoni=tij on the shore
parhori/a side-traces
parh/oroj hanging
parqenei/a maidenhood, virginity
parqe/neioj of
parqe/neuma the pursuits
parqeneu/w to bring up as a maid
parqe/nia songs sung by maidens
parqeni/hj the son of a concubine
parqeniko/j of
parqe/nioj of a maiden
parqenopai=oj the maiden-hero
parqenopi/phj one who looks after maidens, a seducer
parqe/noj a maid, maiden, virgin, girl

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parqeno/sfagoj of a slaughtered maiden's blood

parqenw/n the maidens' apartments, young women's chambers
parqenwpo/j of maiden aspect
parqesi/h a deposit, pledge
parqiko/j Parthian
pariau/w to sleep beside
paridru/w to set up beside
pari/zw to sit beside
pari/hmi to let drop beside
pari/kw to be gone by
parippeu/w to ride along
pariso/omai to make oneself equal to, measure oneself with
parqisti/ in the Parthian tongue
pa/rqoi the Parthians
parquai/a Parthia
pa/risoj almost equal, evenly balanced
pari/sthmi to make to stand
paristi/dioj at the loom
pari/sxw to hold in readiness
pari/swsij an even balancing of the clauses
parithte/a one must come forward
parna/sioj Parnassian
parnaso/j Parnassus
pa/rnhj Parnes
pa/rnoy a locust
parodeu/w to pass by
parodi/thj a passer-by, wayfarer
pa/rodoj a by-way, passage
paroi/gnumi to open at the side
pa/roiqe before, in the presence of
paroike/w to dwell beside
paroi/khsij a neighbourhood
paroiki/a a sojourning
paroiki/zw to place near
paroikodome/w to build beside
pa/roikoj dwelling beside
paroimia/zw to make proverbial
paroimiako/j proverbial
paroimi/a a by-word, common saying, proverb, maxim, saw
paroine/w to behave ill at wine, play drunken tricks
paroini/a drunken behaviour, drunken violence, a drunken frolic
paroiniko/j addicted to wine
paroi/nioj befitting a drinking party
paroi/teroj the one before
paroi/xomai to have passed by
parokwxh/ a supplying, furnishing

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paroligwre/w to neglect a little

paromarte/w to accompany
paromoia/zw to be much like
paro/moioj much like, nearly like, closely resembling
paronoma/zw to alter slightly
parocuntiko/j fit for inciting
parocu/nw to urge, prick
parocusmo/j irritation, exasperation
paropli/zw to disarm
paropte/oj to be overlooked
paro/rasij overlooking, negligence
parora/w to look at by the way, notice, remark
parorgi/zw to provoke to anger
parorgismo/j provocation
paro/reioj along a mountain
parori/zw to outstep one's boundaries, encroach on a neighbour's property
paroristh/j an encroacher
parorma/w to urge on, stimulate
parorme/w to lie at anchor beside
paro/rmhsij incitement
parormhtiko/j stimulative
parormi/zw to anchor side by side
pa/rornij ill-omened
paroru/ssw to dig alongside
parorxe/omai to represent by vulgar dancing
pa/roj beforetime, formerly, erst
pa/roj Paros
parotru/nw to urge
parousi/a a being present, presence
paroxe/omai to sit beside in a chariot
paroxeteu/w to turn from its course, divert
paroxh/ a supplying, furnishing
paroxli/zw to move as with a lever
pa/roxoj one who goes beside
paroya/omai to eat dainties
paroyi/j a dainty side-dish
paroyw/nhma an addition to the regular fare, a dainty
parrhsia/zomai to speak freely, openly, boldly
parrhsi/a freespokenness, openness, frankness
parrhsiasth/j a free speaker
parrhsiastiko/j freespoken
parufai/nw to furnish with a hem
parufh/ a border woven along
pa/rfuktoj to be avoided
parw|di/a a song
parw|do/j singing indirectly, obscurely hinting

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parwqe/w to push aside, reject, slight

parwkea/nioj near
parw/maloj nearly even
parwnu/mioj a derivative
parw/numoj formed by a slight change, derivative
parw/reia a district on the side of a mountain
parwrei/thj a mountaineer
pa/rwroj out of season, untimely
parwrofi/j the projecting eaves
pasime/lousa a care to all
paspa/lh the finest meal
pa=j all, the whole
passaleuto/j pinned down
passaleu/w to pin
pa/ssaloj a peg
pa/sswn thicker, stouter
pa/ssw to sprinkle
pasta/j a porch
paste/oj to be besprinkled
pasto/j a bridal chamber
pa/sxa Passover
pa/sxw to receive an impression from without, to suffer
patage/w to clatter, clash, clap
pa/tagoj a clatter, crash
pataiki/wn a notorious impostor
pata/ssw to beat, knock
pate/omai to eat
pateri/zw to say
pate/rion little father
pate/w to tread, walk
path/r a father
pathsmo/j a treading on
pa/toj a trodden
patraloi/aj one who slays his father, a parricide
pa/tra fatherland, native land, country, home
pa/trai Patras
patre/ej citizens of Patras
pa/trhqe from a race
patria/ lineage, pedigree, by the father's side
patria/rxhj the father
patri/dion daddy
patriko/j derived from one's fathers, paternal, hereditary
pa/trioj of
patri/j of one's fathers
patriw/thj one of the same country, a fellow-countryman
patro/qen from

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patrokasi/gnhtoj a father's brother

pa/trokloj Patroclus
patroktone/w to murder one's father
patroktoni/a murder of a father, parricide
patrokto/noj murdering one's father, parricidal
patrole/twr a parricide
patromh/twr a mother's father
patronome/omai to be under a patriarchal government
patronomi/a paternal government
patronomiko/j of
patrono/moj ruling as a father.
patropa/twr a father's father
patrosterh/j reft of father
patrou=xoj holding from the father
patrofoneu/j murderer of one's father
patrofo/noj parricidal
patrwnu/mioj named after his father
patrw=|oj of
pa/trwj a father's brother, uncle by the father's side
pau=la rest, a resting-point, stop, end, pause
paura/ki seldom
pauroeph/j of few words
pau=roj little, small
pausa/nemoj stilling the wind
pausi/lupoj ending pain
pausi/nosoj curing sickness
pausi/ponoj ending toil
pauste/oj one must stop
pausth/rioj fit for ending
pausth/r one who stops, calms, a reliever
pauswlh/ rest
pau/w to make to cease
paflagw/n a Paphlagonian
pafla/zw to boil, bluster
pa/flasma a boiling
pa/foj Paphos
pa/xetoj massive
pa/xnh hoar-frost, rime
paxno/w to congeal, make solid
pa/xoj thickness
paxu/knhmoj with stout calves
paxulo/j thickish
paxumerh/j consisting of thick
paxu/nw to thicken, fatten
paxu/j thick, stout
paxu/stomoj speaking broad

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paxu/thj thickness, stoutness

peda/w to bind with fetters, to bind fast, make fast
pe/dh a fetter
pedh/thj one fettered, a prisoner
pedhth/j a hinderer
pediako/j of
pedia/sioj of the plain
pedia/j flat, level
pedih/rhj abounding in plains, level
pe/dilon sandals
pedino/j flat, level
pedi/onde to the plain
pediono/moj dwelling in plains
pedi/on a plain
pedoba/mwn earth-walking
pedo/qen from the ground
pe/doi on the ground, on earth
pedokoi/thj lying on the ground
pe/donde to the ground, earthwards
pe/don the ground, earth
pedostibh/j earth-treading
pedw/ruxoj digging the soil
pe/za bottom
pe/zarxoj a leader of foot
peze/mporoj trafficking by land
peze/tairoi the foot-guards
pezeu/w to go
peziko/j on foot, of
pezobate/w to walk over
pezobo/aj one who shouts the battle-cry on foot, a foot-soldier
pezomaxe/w to fight by land
pezomaxi/a a battle by land
pezoma/xoj fighting on foot
pezono/moj commanding by land
pezopore/w to go on foot
pezopo/roj going by land
pezo/j on foot
peiqa/nwr obeying men, obedient
peiqarxe/w to obey one in authority
peiqarxi/a obedience to command
peiqarxiko/j obeying readily
pei/qarxoj obedient
peiqw/ Peitho, Persuasion
pei/qw to prevail upon, win over, persuade
peinale/oj hungry
pei=na hunger, famine

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peina/w to be hungry, suffer hunger, be famished

peira/zw to make proof
peiraieu/j Peiraeeus
peiraiko/j over the border
peirai/nw to fasten by the two ends, to tie fast
pei=ra a trial, attempt, essay, experiment
pei=rar an end
peirasmo/j trial, temptation
peirastiko/j tentative
peirate/oj one must attempt
peirateu/w to be a pirate
peirath/rion ordeal
peirath/j a pirate
peiratiko/j piratical
peira/w to attempt, endeavour, try
peirhti/zw to attempt, try, prove
pei/rinj a wicker-basket
pei/rw to pierce quite through, fix
pei=sa obedience
peisi/brotoj persuading
peisixa/linoj obeying the rein
pei=sma a ship's cable
peismonh/ persuasion
peiste/oj one must persuade
peisth/rioj persuasive
peisth/r a rope
peistiko/j persuasive
pekte/w to shear, clip
pe/kw to comb
pelagi/zw to form a sea
pela/gioj of the sea
pelagi=tij of
pe/lagoj the sea
pela/zw to approach, come near, draw near
pe/lanoj any half-liquid substance
pelargideu/j a young stork
pelargo/j the stork
pelaryw/dhj like a stork
pelasgiko/j Thessalian
pelasgiw=tai Pelasgiotes
pelasgo/j a Pelasgian
pe/laj near, hard by, close
pela/thj one who approaches
pela/tij fem. of
pe/leqoj ordure
pe/leia the wild-pigeon, rock-pigeon, stock-dove

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peleioqre/mmwn dove-nurturing
peleka=j the woodpecker
peleka/w to hew
peleki/zw to cut off with an axe
peleki=noj pelican
pe/lekkon an axe-handle
pe/lekuj an axe
pelekufo/roj an axe-bearer
pelemi/zw to shake, to make to quiver
pelidno/j livid
pelio/j livid
peloponnasisti/ in the Peloponnesian
peloponnhsiako/j Peloponnesian
peloponnh/sioi Peloponnesian, inhabitants of the Peloponnese
pelopo/nnhsoj the Peloponnesus
pe/loy Pelops
pelta/zw to serve as a targeteer
peltasth/j one who bears a light shield
peltastiko/j skilled in the use of the
pe/lth a small light shield
peltofo/roj bearing a target
pe/luc axe
pe/lw to be in motion
pelw/rioj gigantic
pe/lwron a monster, prodigy
pe/lwroj monstrous, prodigious, huge, gigantic
pe/lwr a portent, prodigy, monster
pe/mma any kind of dressed food
pempa/darxoj a commander of a body of five
pempa/zw to count on the five fingers
pempa/j a body of five
pempasth/j one who counts
pemptai=oj on the fifth day
pempte/oj to be sent
pe/mptoj the fifth, oneself with four others
pempto/j sent
pempw/bolon a five-pronged fork
pe/mpw to send, despatch
pe/myij a sending, mission, dispatch
penestei/a the class of Penestae
pene/sthj a labourer, workman
pe/nhj one who works for his daily bread, a day-labourer, a poor man
penhtoko/moj tending the poor
penqale/oj sad, mourning
penqera/ a mother-in-law
penqero/j a father-in-law

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penqe/w to bewail, lament, mourn for

pe/nqhma lamentation, mourning
penqh/meroj of five days
penqhmimerh/j consisting of five halves
penqhmipo/dioj consisting of five half feet
penqh/rhj lamenting, mourning
penqhth/rioj of
penqhth/r a mourner
penqiko/j of
pe/nqimoj mournful, mourning, sorrowful
pe/nqoj grief, sadness, sorrow
peni/a poverty, need
penixro/j poor, needy
pe/nomai to work for one's daily bread
pentadraxmi/a five drachmae
penta/draxmoj of the weight
pentaethri/j coming every fifth year
pentae/throj five years old
pentaeth/j five years old
penta/zwnoj with five zones
pe/ntaqlon the contest of the five exercises
pe/ntaqloj one who practises the
pe/ntaixmoj five-pointed
pentakismu/rioi five times ten thousand
penta/kij five times
pentakisxi/lioi five thousand
pentakosia/rxhj the commander of
pentako/sioi five hundred
pentakosiome/dimnoj possessing land which produced
pentakosiosto/j the five-hundredth, one of
pentakumi/a the fifth wave
pentamerh/j in five parts
pentapa/lastoj five handbreadths wide, long
penta/phxuj five cubits long
pentapla/sioj five-fold
penta/rragoj with five berries
pentarxi/a a magistracy of five
pentaspi/qamoj five spans long
pentasta/dioj of five stades
penta/stixoj of five lines
penta/stomoj with five mouths
penta/teuxoj consisting of five books
pentafuh/j of five-fold nature, five
pe/ntaxa five-fold, in five divisions
pentaxou= in five places
pentekaidekanai/a a squadron of

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pentekai/deka fifteen
pentekaidekata/lantoj worth fifteen talents
pentekaide/katoj the fifteenth
pentekaipenthkontaeth/j fifty-five years old
pe/nte five
pentesu/riggoj with five holes
penteta/lantoj worth
pentethriko/j happening every five years, quinquennial
pentethri/j a term of five years
pente/thj of five years
pentetria/zomai to conquer five times
penthkonta/draxmoj worth fifty drachmae
penthkontaeth/j fifty years old
penthkontakaitrie/thj of fifty-three years
penthkontaka/rhnoj fifty-headed
penthkonta/paij consisting of fifty children
penth/konta fifty
penthkontarxe/w to be a
penthko/ntarxoj the commander of fifty men
penthkonth/r the commander of fifty men
penthkonto/guoj of fifty acres of corn-land
penthkonto/rguioj fifty fathoms deep, high, long
penthko/ntoroj a ship of burden with fifty oars
penthkontou/thj fifty years old
penthko/sioi five hundred
penthkosteu/omai to be charged with the tax
penthkostolo/goj a collector of the tax
penthkosto/j fiftieth
penthkostu/j a number of fifty
penth/rhj a quinquereme
pe/ntozoj with five branches
pento/rguioj of five fathoms
pe/oj membrum virile
pepai/nw to ripen, make ripe
peparei=n to display, manifest
pe/peiroj ripe
pe/peri pepper, the pepper-tree
peplasme/nwj artificially, by pretence
pe/ploj any woven cloth
pe/plwma a robe
pe/pnumai to have breath
pepoi/qhsij trust, confidence, boldness
pe/pwn cooked by the sun, ripe, mellow
pe/raqen from beyond, from the far side
perai/nw to bring to an end, finish, accomplish, execute
perai=oj on the other side

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peraio/w to carry to the opposite side, carry over

perai/teroj beyond
perai/wsij a carrying over
pe/ran on the other side, across, beyond
perantiko/j conclusive, logical
pe/ra beyond, across
pera/simoj passable
pe/rasij a crossing
pe/raj an end, limit, boundary
pe/ratoj on the opposite side
pera/w to drive right through
pera/w to carry beyond seas for the purpose of selling, to export for sale
pe/rgamoj Pergamus
pergash=si at Pergase
perdikotro/foj keeping partridges
pe/rdic a partridge
pe/rdomai to break wind
pe/rqw to waste, ravage, sack, destroy
periagh/j broken in pieces
periagni/zw to purify all round
peria/gnumi to bend and break all round
peria/gw to lead
periagwgeu/j a windlass, capstan
periagwgh/ a going round, a revolution
peria/|dw to go about singing
periaireto/j that may be taken off
periaire/w to take off something that surrounds, take off an outer coat, take away, strip off
periakte/oj one must bring round
perialge/w to be greatly pained at
perialgh/j much pained, very sorrowful
perialei/fw to smear all over, anoint
peri/alloj before all others
perialourgo/j with purple all round
peri/amma anything worn about one, an amulet
periampe/xw to put round about
periamu/nw to defend
peri/aptoj hung round one
peria/ptw to tie, fasten, hang about
periarmo/zw to fit on all round
periarta/w to hang round
periastra/ptw to flash around
periasxole/w to be busy about a thing
periauxe/nioj put round the neck
peribai/nw to go round
periba/llw to throw round
peri/baruj exceeding heavy

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peribio/w to survive
peri/bleptoj looked at from all sides, admired of all observers
perible/pw to look round about, gaze around
peri/bleyij a looking about: close examination
peribo/htoj noised abroad, much talked of, famous
peribo/laion that which is thrown round, a covering
peribolh/ anything which is thrown round, a covering
peri/boloj going round, compassing, encircling
peribo/skw to let feed around
peribraxio/nioj round
peribru/xioj engulfed by the surge all round
peribu/w to stop up round about, to stuff in all round
perigi/gnomai to be superior to
periglagh/j full of milk
periglhna/omai to turn round the eyeballs, glare around
peri/glwssoj ready of tongue
perigna/mptw to double
peri/gramma a line drawn round a
perigrapte/oj one must trace out
perigrapto/j marked round
perigrafh/ a line drawn round, an outline, sketch
perigra/fw to draw a line round, mark round
perideh/j very timid
peridei/dw to be in great fear about
peride/cioj with two right hands
peride/raioj passed round the neck
peride/w to bind, tie round
peridi/domai to stake
peridine/w to whirl
peridi/nhsij a whirling round
peridi/w to be in great fear for
peridiw/kw to pursue on all sides
peridra/ssomai to grasp
peridinh/j whirled round
peridromh/ a running round
peri/dromoj running round
peri/dromoj that which surrounds
peridru/ptw to tear all round, to peel the bark off
peridu/w to pull off from round, strip off
periei/lw to fold
peri/eimi to be around
peri/eimi to go round fetch a compass
periei/rw to insert
periektiko/j grasping
perie/lasij a place for driving round, a roadway
perielau/nw to drive round

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perieli/ssw to roll
perie/lkw to drag round, drag about
perie/nnumi to put round
perie/pw to treat with great care
perierga/zomai to take more pains than enough about
periergi/a over-exactness
peri/ergoj careful overmuch
perie/rgw to inclose all round, encompass
perie/rxomai to go round, go about
periesqi/w to eat all round, eat away, nibble at
perie/sxata the surrounding extremities
peri/efqoj thoroughly well cooked
perie/xw to encompass, embrace, surround
perizamenw=j very violently
perize/w to boil round
peri/zugon a spare strap
peri/zwma a girdle round the loins, apron
perizw/nnumai to gird round oneself, gird oneself with
perizw/stra an apron.
perihge/omai to lead round
perih/ghsij an outline, contour
perihgh/j tied behind one
perihghth/j one who guides strangers about and shews what is worth notice, a cicerone, showman
perih/kw to have come round to one
perih/lusij a coming round, encompassing
perihmekte/w to be much aggrieved, to chafe greatly at
perihxe/w to ring all round
perih/xhsij a resounding, echoing
periqambh/j much alarmed
peri/qesij a putting on
peri/qetoj put round
periqe/w to run round
periqewre/w to go round and observe
periqrhne/omai to resound with wailing
periqrigko/w to edge
peri/qumoj very wrathful
periia/ptw to wound all round
periia/xw to ring around, re-echo
perii/zomai to sit round about
periippeu/w to ride round
perii/sthmi to place round
periite/oj one must make a circuit
perikah/j on fire all round
perikaqa/ptw to fasten
perika/qarma an off-scouring, refuse
perikaqe/zomai to sit down round

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perika/qhmai to be seated
perikai/w to burn round about: &mdash
perikake/w to be in extreme ill-luck
perika/khsij extreme ill-luck
perikallh/j very beautiful
perikalupte/a one must muffle
perikalu/ptw to cover all round
perika/mptw to bend round: to drive round
perikatarre/w to fall in and go to ruin
perikatarrh/gnumi to tear off round about, strip off
peri/keimai to lie round about
perikei/rw to shear
perikefalai/a a covering for the head, a helmet, cap
perikh/domai to be very anxious about
peri/khloj exceeding dry
periki/wn surrounded with pillars
peri/klasij ruggedness
perikla/w to break
perikleito/j famed all round, farfamed
periklei/w to shut in all round, surround on all sides
periklinh/j sloping on all sides
perikli/nw to decline
periklu/zomai to be washed all round
peri/klustoj washed all round by the sea
perikluto/j heard of all round, famous, renowned, glorious
periknhmi/j a covering for the leg
perikni/zw to scratch all round, keep nibbling
perikokka/zw to cry cuckoo all round
perikomi/zw to carry round
peri/komma that which is cut off all round, trimmings, mincemeat
peri/komyoj very elegant, exquisite
perikoph/ a cutting all round, mutilation
periko/ptw to cut all round, clip, mutilate
perikra/nioj round the skull
perikrath/j having full command over
perikrema/nnumi to hang round
peri/krhmnoj steep all round
perikrou/w to strike off all round
perikru/ptw to conceal entirely
perikti/onej dwellers around, neighbours
perikuklo/w to encircle, encompass
periku/klwsij an encircling, encompassing
perikulinde/w to roll round
periku/mwn surrounded by waves
perikwma/zw to carouse round
perikwne/w to smear all over with pitch

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perilamba/nw to seize around, embrace

perilamph/j very brilliant
perila/mpw to beam around
perilei/pomai to be left remaining, remain over, survive
perilei/xw to lick all round
peri/lecij circumlocution
perile/pw to strip off all round
perilesxh/neutoj talked of in every club
perilhpto/j embraced
perilimna/zw to surround with water, insulate
periliph/j surviving
perilixma/omai to lick all round
perilou/w to wash all over
peri/lupoj deeply grieved
perimaima/w to gaze
perimai/nomai to rush furiously about
perima/ssw to wipe all round, to purify by magic, disenchant by purification
perima/xhtoj fought about, fought for
perime/nw to wait for, await
peri/mestoj full all round, quite full of
perimetre/w to measure all round
peri/metron the circumference
peri/metroj excessive
perimh/ketoj very tall
perimh/khj very tall
perimhxana/omai to prepare very craftily, contrive cunningly
perimuka/omai to roar round
perinaieta/w to dwell round about
perinaie/thj one of those who dwell round, a neighbour
perine/w to pile round
peri/newj a supercargo
perini/zw to wash off all round
perini/ssomai to come round
perinoe/w to contrive cunningly
peri/noia quick intelligence: over-wiseness
perinoste/w to go round, to visit
pericesto/j polished round about
perice/w to polish all round
pericura/w to shave all round
pe/ric round about, all round
periodei/a a circuit
periodeu/w to go all round
periodi/zw to be periodical
peri/odoj a going round, a flank march
peri/oida to know well how
perioike/w to dwell round

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perioiki/j dwelling
perioikodome/w to build round
peri/oikoj dwelling round
periolisqa/nw to slip away all round, slip off
perioli/sqhsij a slipping away
periopte/oj to be overlooked
peri/optoj to be seen all round, in a commanding position
periora/w to look over, overlook
periorgh/j very angry
peri/orqroj towards morning
periori/zw to mark by boundaries
periorismo/j a limitation
periorme/w to anchor round, to blockade
periormi/zw to bring round
perioru/ssw to dig round
periorxe/omai to dance around
periousi/a that which is over and above
periou/sioj having more than enough: especial, peculiar
perioxh/ compass, extent:&mdash
peripaqh/j in violent excitement, greatly distressed
peripaptai/nw to look timidly round
peripate/w to walk up and down, to walk about
peripathtiko/j walking about while teaching
peri/patoj a walking about, walking
peripei/rw to pierce as with a spit
peripe/lomai to move round, be round about
peri/ around, round about with gen., dat., and acc.
periagge/llw to announce by messages sent round
periagei/rw to go round and collect money
peri/pemptoj sent round
peripe/mpw to send round
peripe/ssw to bake all over
peripeta/nnumi to spread
peripetasto/j spread round
peripe/teia a turning right about
peripeth/j falling round
peripe/tomai to fly around
peripeukh/j very sharp, keen
periph/gnumi to fix round, to make a fence round
periphda/w to leap round
peri/phcij a congealing round
peripi/mplamai to be filled full
peripi/mprhmi to set on fire round about
peripi/ptw to fall around, so as to embrace
periplana/omai to wander about
peripla/ssw to plaster

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peri/plektoj intertwining, crossing

periple/kw to twine
peripleumoni/a inflammation of the lungs
peri/pleuroj covering the side
periple/w to sail
peri/plewj quite full of
periplhqh/j very full of people
peri/pliktoj crossed
peripli/ssomai to put the legs round
periplokh/ a twining round, entanglement, intricacy
peri/plokoj entwined
peri/plooj a sailing round
periplu/nw to wash clean, scour well
peripne/w to breathe round
peri/plouj sailing round
peripo/qhtoj much-beloved
peripoie/w to make to remain over and above, to keep safe, preserve
peripoi/hsij a keeping safe, preservation
peripoi/kiloj variegated
peripola/rxhj a superintendent of police
peripole/w to go round
peripo/lion a station for
peripo/lioj lying round
peri/poloj going the rounds, patrolling
peripo/nhroj very rascally
periporeu/omai to travel
peripota/omai to hover about
peripo/rfuroj edged with purple
peripro/ very much, especially
periproxe/omai to be poured all round
periptai/w to stumble upon
peripti/ssw to strip off the husk
peri/ptugma anything folded round, a covering
peri/ptucij an embracing
periptu/ssw to enfold, enwrap
periptuxh/ something which enfolds
periptuxh/j folded round
peri/ptwma a calamity
periptw/ssw to fear greatly
peri/pustoj known all round about
perirragh/j torn
perirrai/nw to besprinkle all round
perirranth/rion an utensil for besprinkling
perirre/w to flow round
perirrh/gnumi to rend from round
perirrhdh/j doubled round

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perirroh/ a flowing round

perirrombe/w to make to spin round like a top
peri/rrutoj surrounded with water, sea-girt
perisai/nw to wag the tail round, fawn upon
perisei/omai to be shaken all round
peri/semnoj very august
peri/septoj much-revered
peri/shmoj very famous
perisqene/w to be exceeding strong
perisqenh/j exceeding strong
periskelh/j dry and hard all round, exceeding hard
periskeli/j a leg-band
peri/skeptoj to be seen on all sides, far-seen, conspicuous
periskirta/w to leap round
periskope/w to look round
periskulakismo/j a sacrifice in which a puppy was sacrificed and carried about
perismarage/w to rattle all round
perisobe/w to chase about
perisofi/zomai to overreach, cheat
perispasmo/j distraction
perispa/w to draw off from around, to strip off
perispeira/w to wind round
perisperxe/w to be much angered
perisperxh/j very hasty
peri/splagxnoj great-hearted
perispoggi/zw to sponge all round
perispou/dastoj much sought after, much desired
perissei/a surplus, abundance
peri/sseuma that which remains over, abundance
perisseu/w to be over and above
perissologi/a over-talking, wordiness
perissolo/goj talking too much, wordy.
perisso/j beyond the regular number
perisso/thj superfluity, excess
perisso/frwn over-wise
peristado/n standing round about
perista/zomai to be bedewed all round
peri/stasij a standing round, a crowd standing round
peri/statoj surrounded and admired by the crowd
peristauro/w to fence about with a palisade, to entrench
peristei/xw to go round about
periste/llw to dress, clothe, wrap up
peristena/zomai to lament vehemently
peristenaxi/zomai to echo all round
periste/nw to make narrow, compress
peristera/ the common pigeon

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peristerew/n a dovecote
peristefano/w to enwreathe, encircle
peristefh/j wreathed, crowned
periste/fw to enwreathe, surround
peristi/zw to prick
peristixi/zw to put all round
peristoixi/zomai to surround
peri/stoixoj set round in rows
peristratopedeu/omai to encamp about, invest
peristre/fw to whirl round
peristrofh/ a turning
peristrwfa/omai going round
peri/stuloj with pillars round the wall, surrounded with a colonnade
perisula/omai to be stripped of
perisu/rw to drag about
perisfu/rion a band for the ankle, anklet
perisxi/zw to slit and tear off
perisxoini/zw to part off by a rope: &mdash
perisw/zw to save alive, to save from death
peritafreu/w to surround with a trench
peritei/nw to stretch all round
periteixi/zw to wall all round
perisfu/rioj round the ankle
peritei/xisij circumvallation
peritei/xisma a wall of circumvallation
peritele/qw to grow around
peritele/w to finish all round
perite/llomai to go
perite/mnw to cut
perite/rmwn bounded all round
perite/xnhsij extraordinary art
periti/qhmi to place round
periti/llw to pluck all round
peritimh/eij much-honoured
perititai/nw to stretch round about
peri/tmhma a slice, shaving
peritomh/ circumcision
peri/tomoj cut off all round, abrupt, steep
peritoceu/w to overshoot, outshoot
peritre/pw to turn and bring round
peritre/fomai forms curds
peritre/xw to run round and round, run round
peritre/w to tremble round about
peri/trimma anything worn smooth by rubbing
peritrome/w all
peritrope/w a revolving

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peritroph/ a turning round, revolution, circuit

peritro/xaloj clipt all round
peri/troxoj circular, round
peritrw/gw to gnaw round about, nibble off, purloin
peritugxa/nw to light upon, fall in with, meet with
peritu/mbioj round
periubri/zw to treat very ill, to insult wantonly
perifai/nomai to be visible all round
perifa/neia a being seen all round: conspicuousness, notoriety
perifanh/j seen all round
peri/fantoj in the sight of
perifei/domai to spare and save
perife/reia the line round a circular body, a periphery, circumference
periferh/j moving round, surrounding
perifero/grammoj bounded by a circular line
perife/rw to carry round
perifeu/gw to flee from, escape from
periflegh/j very burning.
perifle/gw to burn all round
perifleu/w to scorch
peri/floioj with bark all round
perifobe/omai to fear greatly
peri/foboj in great fear, exceeding fearful
perifoi/thsij a wandering about
peri/foitoj revolving, wandering
perifora/ meats carried round
perifo/rhtoj able to be carried about, portable
peri/fragma an enclosure
perifradh/j very thoughtful, very careful
perifra/zomai to think
peri/fraktoj fenced round
perifra/ssw to fence all round
perifrone/w to compass in thought, speculate about
perifro/nhsij contempt
perifroure/w to guard all round, blockade closely
peri/frwn very thoughtful, very careful, notable
perifu/omai to grow round about
perifuteu/w to plant round about
perifwne/w to sound round, re-echo
perixarako/w to surround with a stockade
perixarh/j exceeding joyous
perixeilo/w to edge round
peri/xeiron a bracelet
perixe/w to pour round
perixqw/n round about the earth
perixoreu/w to dance round

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perixri/w to smear
perixw/omai to be exceeding angry about
perixwre/w to go round
peri/xwroj round about a place
periya/w to wipe all round, to wipe clean
peri/yhma anything wiped off, an offscouring
periyilo/omai to be made bald
peri/yuktoj very cold
periwduni/a excessive pain
periw/dunoj exceeding painful
periwqe/w to push
periwph/ a place commanding a wide view
periw/sioj immense, countless
pe/rkh the perch
perkno/j dark coloured
pe/rna a ham
pe/rnhmi to export for sale, to sell
perona/w to pierce, pin
pero/nhma a garment pinned
pero/nh anything pointed for piercing
peronhti/j fastened with a brooch
peronhtri/j a robe fastened on the shoulder with a brooch
perpereu/omai to boast
pe/r all
pe/rperoj vainglorious, braggart
perse/polij destroyer of cities
perseu/j Perseus
persefo/nh Persephone, Proserpine
pershi/j sprung from Perseus
pe/rshj a Persian, inhabitant of Persis
persi/zw to imitate the Persians, speak Persian
persiko/j Persian
pe/rsij a sacking, sack
persi/j Persian
persisti/ in the Persian tongue
persodiw/kthj chaser of the Persians
personome/omai to be governed by the Persian laws
persono/moj ruling Persians
perusino/j of last year, last year's
pe/rusi a year ago, last year
pe/shma a fall
pessei/a a game at draughts
pesseuth/j a draught-player
pesseutiko/j fit for draught-playing
pesseu/w to play at draughts
pesso/j an oval-shaped stone for playing a game like our draughts

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pe/ssw to soften, ripen

petalismo/j petalism
pe/talon a leaf
pe/taloj broad, flat
peta/nnumi to spread out
pe/tasma anything spread out
pe/tasoj a broad-brimmed felt hat
pe/tauron a perch
peteino/j able to fly, full fledged
pe/tomai to fly
petrai=oj of a rock
pe/tra a rock, a ledge
petrhdo/n like rock
petrh/eij rocky
petrhrefh/j o'er-arched with rock, rockvaulted
petrh/rhj of rock, rocky
pe/trinoj of rock, rocky
petroboli/a a stoning
petrobo/loj throwing stones
petro/koitoj with bed of rock
petrokulisth/j a roller of rocks
petrorrifh/j hurled from a rock
pe/troj a stone
petroto/moj cutting stones
petro/w to turn into stone, petrify
petrw/dhj like rock
peuqh/n an inquirer, spy
peuqw/ tidings, news
peuka/limoj in wise, prudent, sagacious
peukh/eij of pine
peu/kh the pine
peu/kinoj of
peusth/rioj of
pefobhme/nwj timorously
pefrontisme/nwj carefully
pefuko/twj naturally
pefulagme/nwj cautiously
phga/zw to spring
phgai=oj of
ph/ganon rue
phgasi\j Hippocrene
ph/gasoj Pegasus
phga/j anything congealed, hoarfrost, rime
phgesi/malloj thick-fleeced
phgh/ running waters, streams
ph=gma anything joined together, framework

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ph/gnumi to make fast

phgo/j well put together, compact, strong
phguli/j frozen, icy-cold
phda/lion a rudder
phda/w to leap, spring, bound
ph/dhma a leap, bound
ph/dhsij a leaping
phdhtiko/j springing
phdo/j the blade of an oar
phkth/ a net
phkti/j an ancient harp
phkto/j stuck in, fixed
phleiwna/de to Peleus'
phleu/j Peleus
ph/lhc a helmet, casque
phliako/j Pelian, of
phli/koj how great
ph/linoj of clay
ph/lion Pelion
phliw=tij on
phloba/thj mud-walker.
phlodome/w to build of clay
phlo/domoj clay-built
phlo/omai to wallow in mire
phlopla/qoj a potter
phlo/j clay, earth
phlourgo/j a worker in clay
phlofore/w to carry clay
phlofo/roj carrying clay.
phlo/xutoj moulded of clay
phlw/dhj like clay, clayey, muddy
phmai/nw to bring into misery, plunge into ruin, undo
phmante/oj to be injured
ph=ma suffering, misery, calamity, woe, bane
phnelo/peia Penelope
phne/loy duck
ph/nh the thread on the spool
phni/zomai to wind thread off a reel
phni/ka at what point of time? at what hour?
phni/on the bobbin
ph/nisma the woof on the spool
ph=cij a fixing, constructing
pho/j a kinsman by marriage
ph= in what way? how?
ph in some way, somehow
ph/ra a leathern pouch, a wallet, scrip

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phro/detoj binding a wallet

phro/j disabled in a limb, maimed
phro/w to lame, maim, mutilate
ph/rwsij a being maimed, mutilation, imperfection
phxuai=oj a cubit long
phxu/nomai to take into one's arms
ph=xuj the fore-arm
piai/nw to make fat, fatten
pi=ar fat
pi/asma that which makes fat
pidako/eij gushing
pidakw/dhj full of springs
pi=dac a spring, fountain
pidu/w to gush forth
pie/zw to press, squeeze, press tight
pi/eira fat, rich
pieri/a Pieria
pieri/dej the Pierides
pieri/hqen from Pieria
pieriko/j of Pieria
pi/esma pressure
piqa/knh a wine-cask
piqanologe/w to use probable arguments
piqanologi/a the use of probable arguments
piqanolo/goj speaking so as to persuade.
piqano/j calculated to persuade
piqano/thj persuasiveness
piqano/w to make probable
piqhkismo/j a playing the ape, playing monkey's tricks
pi/qhkoj an ape, monkey
piqhkofage/w to eat ape's flesh
piqhkofo/roj carrying apes
pi/qoj a wine-jar
pi/qwn a little ape
piqw/n a cellar
pikrai/nw to make sharp
pikri/a bitterness
pikri/zw to be
pikro/gamoj miserably married
pikro/glwssoj of sharp
pikro/karpoj bearing bitter fruit
pikro/j pointed, sharp, keen
pikro/thj pungency, bitterness
pikro/xoloj full of bitter bile, splenetic
pile/w to compress wool
pili/dion pileolus

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piliph/j wanting the letter

pilna/w to bring near
pi=loj wool
piloforiko/j accustomed to wear a
pilofo/roj wearing a cap
pilwto/j made of felt
pimelh/ soft fat, lard
pimelh/j fat
pi/mplhmi to fill full of
pi/mprhmi to burn, burn up
pinakhdo/n like planks
pina/kion a small tablet
pinaki/j tablets
pinakoqh/kh a picture-gallery
pinakopw/lhj one who sells small birds plucked and ranged upon a board
pi/nac a board, plank
pinaro/j dirty, squalid
pinda/reioj of Pindar
pindo/qen from Mount Pindus
pi/nna the pinna
pinnoth/rhj the pinna-guard, a small crab
pino/omai to be rusted
pi/noj dirt, filth
pinu/skw to make prudent, admonish, correct
pinuth/ understanding, wisdom
pinuto/j wise, prudent, discreet, understanding
pinuto/frwn of wise
pinw/dhj dirty, foul
pi/nw to drink
pi=oj unctuous
pi= lepus.
pipi/skw to give to drink
pipra/skw to sell
pi/ptw to fall, fall down
pisai=oj of
pi=sa Pisa
pisa/thj a person from Pisa
pi/shqen at Pisa
pi/sinoj made of peas
pi=soj meadows
pi/soj the pea
pi/ssa pitch
pi/ssinoj like pitch
pisso/omai to remove the hair by means of a pitch-plaster
pisswth/j one who pitches
pisteutiko/j disposed to trust, confiding

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pisteu/w to trust, trust to

pistiko/j liquid
pistiko/j faithful
pi/stij trust
pisto/j liquid medicines
pisto/j to be trusted
pisto/thj good faith, honesty
pisto/w to make trustworthy
pi/stra a drinking-trough
pi/stwma an assurance, warrant, guarantee, pledge
pistwte/oj to be warranted
pi/sunoj trusting on, relying
pitanh/thj a corps of the Spartan army
pi/tnhmi to spread out
pituleu/w to ply the plashing oar
pi/tuloj the measured plash of oars
pituoka/mpthj pine-bender
pituotro/foj growing pines
pi/turon the husks of corn, bran
pi/tuj the pine, stone pine
pitu/steptoj pine-crowned
pituw/dhj abounding in pines
pifau/skw to make manifest, declare, tell of
pi/wn fat, plump
plagia/zw to turn sideways
plagi/auloj the cross-flute
pla/gioj placed sideways, slanting, aslant
plagkth/r the beguiler
plagkto/j wandering, roaming
plagktosu/nh roaming
pla/goj the side
pladaro/j wet, damp
pla/zw to make to wander
pla/qanon a mould
pla/qw to approach, draw near
pla/qw to approach, draw near
plai/sion an oblong figure
plakero/j broad
pla/kinoj made of planks
plakou=j a flat cake
plana/w to make to wander, lead wandering about
pla/nhma a wandering
pla/nh a wandering, roaming
pla/nhsij a making to wander, a dispersing
pla/nhj a wanderer, roamer, rover
planhte/oj one must wander

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planh/thj wandering, roaming

planhtiko/j disposed to wander
planhto/j wandering
plano/dioj going by bye-paths, wandering
pla/noj leading astray, cheating, deceiving
planostibh/j trodden by wanderers
planu/ttw to wander about
pla/c a flat surface, flat land, a plain
pla/sma anything moulded, an image, figure
plasmati/hj one addicted to lying
pla/ssw to form, mould, shape
plasteu/w to falsify
pla/sthj a moulder, modeller
pla/stigc the scale of a balance
plastiko/j fit for moulding, plastic
plasto/j formed, moulded
platage/w to clap, clap the hands
plata/ghma a clapping
platagh/ a rattle
platagw/nion the broad petal of the poppy
pla/taia Plataea
plataia=si at Plataeae
plataiei=j Plataeans
plataiiko/j of Plataea
platamw/n a flat stone
platanistou=j a grove of plane-trees
pla/tanoj the oriental plane
plateia/zw to speak
platei=on a tablet
pla/th a flat surface
pla=tij a wife
plato/omai to be made flat
plato/j approachable
pla/toj breadth, width
platugi/zw to beat the water with its wings, to splash about
platule/sxhj a wide-mouthed babbler
platunte/oj one must extend
platu/nw to widen, make wide
platu/nwtoj broad-backed
platu/pugoj broad-bottomed
platu/rrij broad-nosed
platu/rrooj broad-flowing
platu/j wide, broad
platu/thj breadth, bulk
platwniko/j of Plato
pla/twn Plato

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ple/gdhn entwined, entangled

ple/gma plaited work, wicker-work
pleqriai=oj broad
pleqri/zw to run the
ple/qron a plethron, =
pleia/dej the Pleiads
pleista/kij mostly, most often, very often
pleisth/rhj manifold
pleisthri/zomai to count as principal author
pleistobo/loj throwing the most
pleisto/mbrotoj crowded with people
plei=stoj most, largest
plei/wn more, larger
pleiw/n a full period, a year
ple/koj wicker-work
plektana/omai to be intertwined
plekta/nh anything twined
plekth/ a coil, wreath
plektiko/j of plaiting
plekto/j plaited, twisted
ple/kw to plait, twine, twist, weave, braid
pleona/zw to be more
pleona/kij more frequently, oftener
pleonaxh= in many points of view
pleonaxw=j in various ways
pleonekte/w to have
pleone/kthma an advantage, gain, privilege
pleone/kthj one who has
pleonekthte/oj one must take more than one's share
pleonektiko/j disposed to take too much, greedy
pleoneci/a the character and conduct of a
ple/oj full.
pleura/ a rib
pleuro/qen from the side
pleurokope/w to smite the ribs
pleuro/n a rib
pleurotuph/j striking the sides
pleu/rwma the side
pleuste/oj one must sail
pleustiko/j fit
ple/w to sail, go by sea
ple/wj full of
plhgh/ a blow, stroke
plh=qoj a great number, a throng, crowd, multitude
plhqu/nw to make full, increase, multiply
plhqu/j fulness, a throng, a crowd

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plhqu/w to be
plh/qw to be
plhqw/rh fulness
plh/kthj a striker, brawler
plhkti/zomai to bandy blows with
plh=ktron anything to strike with
plhmme/leia a mistake in music, false note
plhmmele/w to make a false note in music
plhmme/lhma a fault, trespass
plhmmelh/j out of tune
plh/mmura the flood-tide
plhmmure/w to rise like the flood-tide, to overflow, be redundant
plhmmuri/j a rise of the sea
plh/mnh the nave of a wheel
plh/n more than
plh/cippoj striking
plh/rhj filled
plhrofore/w to fulfil
plhrofori/a fulness of assurance, certainty
plhro/w to make full
plh/rwma a full measure
plh/rwsij a filling up, filling
plhrwth/j one who completes
plhsia/zw to bring near
plhsiasmo/j an approaching, approach
plhsi/oj near, close to
plhsio/xwroj near a country, bordering upon
plhsi/stioj filling the sails
plh/smioj filling, satisfying
plhsmonh/ a filling
plh/ssw to strike, smite
plinqeu/w to make into bricks
plinqhdo/n brick-fashion
pli/nqinoj of brick
plinqi/on a small brick
plinqi/j a whetstone
plinqo/mai to build as with bricks
plinqopoie/w to make bricks
pli/nqoj a brick
plinqourge/w to make bricks
plinqourgo/j a brickmaker
plinqofore/w carry bricks
plinqofo/roj carrying bricks
plinqufh/j brick-built
pli/ssomai to cross the legs
plohto/koj producing navigation

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ploia/rion a skiff, boat

ploi=on a floating vessel, a ship, vessel
plokami/j a lock
plo/kamoj a lock
plo/kanon a plaited rope
plokh/ a twining: anything woven, a web
plo/koj a lock of hair, a braid, curl
plo/oj a sailing, voyage
plouqugi/eia health and wealth
plou/sioj rich, wealthy, opulent
ploute/w to be rich, wealthy
plouthro/j enriching
plouthte/oj one must become rich
plouti/zw to make wealthy, enrich
plouti/ndhn according to wealth
ploutogaqh/j rejoicing in riches, wealthy
ploutodo/thj giver of riches
ploutokrati/a plutocracy
ploutopoio/j wealth-creating
plou=toj wealth, riches
plouto/xqwn rich in earthly treasures
plou/twn Pluto
ploxmo/j locks, braids of hair
pluno/j a trough, tank
plunth/rioj of
plu/nw to wash, clean
plu/sij a washing
plwi/zw to sail on the sea
plw/imoj fit for sailing
plw/simoj navigable
plwteu/w to sail.
plwth/r a sailor, seaman
plwtiko/j skilled in seamanship, a seaman
plwto/j floating
pneu=ma a blowing
pneumatiko/j of spirit, spiritual
pneu/mwn the organ of
pneustia/w to breathe hard, pant
pne/w to blow
pnigeu/j an oven
pnighro/j choking, stifling
pnigmo/j a choking
pni=goj stifling heat
pni/gw to choke, throttle, strangle
pnikto/j strangled
pnoh/ a blowing, blast, breeze

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pnu/c the Pnyx, the place

poa/zw produce grass
po/a grass, herb
podabro/j tenderfooted
poda/gra a trap for the feet
podagra/w to have gout in the feet
podagriko/j liable to gout, gouty
podanipth/r a vessel for washing the feet in, a footpan
poda/niptron water for washing the feet in
podapo/j from what country?
po/dargoj swiftfooted
poda/rkhj sufficient with the feet, swiftfooted
pode/ndutoj drawn over the feet
podew/n the ragged ends
podhgo/j a guide, attendant
podhnekh/j reaching to the feet
podh/nemoj windswift
podh/rhj reaching to the feet
podiai=oj a foot long, broad
podi/zw to tie the feet
podi/krotoj welded to the feet
podisth/r foot-entangling
podi/stra a foottrap
podoka/kh foot plague
podokrousti/a a stamping with the feet
podorragh/j bursting forth at a stamp of the foot
podostra/bh a snare
podo/yhstron a footwiper, footcloth
podw/keia swiftness of foot
podw/khj swiftfooted
pohfage/w to eat grass
pohfa/goj eating grass
poqeino/j longed for, desired, much desired
poqen from some place
po/qen whence?
poqe/w to long for, yearn after
poqh/ fond desire for
poqi anywhere
po/qi where?
poqo/blhtoj love-stricken
po/qoj a longing, yearning, fond desire
poie/w to make
poih/eij grassy, rich in grass
poi/hma anything made
poi/hsij a making, fabrication, creation, production
poihte/oj to be made

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poihth/j one who makes, a maker

poihtiko/j capable of making, creative, productive
poihto/j made
poih/tria a poetess
poikila/nioj with broidered reins
poikilei/mwn with spangled garb
poikili/a a marking with various colours, embroidering, embroidery
poiki/llw to work in various colours, to broider, work in embroidery
poi/kilma a broidered stuff, brocade
poikilo/bouloj of changeful counsel, wily-minded
poikilo/ghruj of varied voice, many-toned
poikilo/deiroj with variegated neck
poikilode/rmwn with pied skin
poikilo/qric with spotted hair, dappled
poikilo/qronoj on rich-worked throne
poikilomh/thj full of various wiles, wily-minded
poikilomh/xanoj full of various devices
poikilo/morfoj of varied form, variegated
poikilo/muqoj of various discourse
poikilo/nwtoj with back of various hues
poikilo/pteroj with wings of changeful hue
poiki/loj many-coloured, spotted, mottled, pied, dappled
poikilo/stoloj with variegated prow
poikiloterph/j delighting by variety
poikilo/teuktoj manifold
poikilo/trauloj twittering in various notes
poikilofo/rmigc accompanied by the various notes of the lyre
poikilte/oj one must work in embroidery
poikilth/j a broiderer
poikilw|do/j of perplexed and juggling song
poimai/nw to be shepherd
poimano/rion a herd
poimeniko/j of
poimh/ a herdsman
poimnh/ioj of a flock
poi/mnh a flock
poi/mnion a flock
poimni/thj a shepherd's
poinai=oj punishing, avenging
poina/twr an avenger, punisher
poina/w to avenge, punish
poinh/ quit-money for blood spilt
poinh=tij avenging
poi/nimoj avenging, punishing
poiologe/w to gather corn into sheaves
poiono/moj feeding on grass

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poio/j of a certain nature, kind

poi=oj of what nature? of what sort?
poio/thj quality
poi somewhither
poipnu/w to be out of breath
poi= whether?
poi/fugma a blowing, snorting
poifu/ssw to blow, snort
poiw/dhj like grass
poki/zw to shear wool
poko/omai to be clothed with wool
po/koj wool
polema/rxeioj of
polemarxe/w to be Polemarch
pole/marxoj one who begins
poleme/w to be at war
polemhdo/koj war-sustaining
polemh/ioj warlike
polemhte/oj one must go to war
polemi/zw to wage war, make war, fight
polemiko/j of
pole/mioj of
polemisth/rioj of
polemisth/j a warrior, combatant
polemo/klonoj raising the din of war
polemo/krantoj finishing war
polemolamaxaiko/j a very Lamachus in war
po/lemo/nde to the war, into the fight
polemopoie/w to stir up war
polemopoio/j engaging in war
po/lemoj battle, fight, war
polemofqo/roj wasting by war
polemo/w to make hostile, make an enemy of
poleu/w to turn about
pole/w to go about, range over
poliai/nomai to grow white
polia/ grayness of hair
poli/arxoj ruler of a city
polia/j guardian of the city
poli/zw to build a city, to build
polih/thj a citizen
po/linde into
polio/qric grayhaired
poliokro/tafoj with gray hair on the temples
poliorke/w to hem in a city, blockade, beleaguer, besiege
poliorkhte/oj to be besieged

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poliorkhth/j taker of cities

poliorkhtiko/j of
poliorki/a a besieging, siege
polio/j gray, grizzled, grisly
poliou=xoj protecting a city
polio/xrwj white-coloured, white
po/lisma a city, town
po/lij a city
polissono/moj managing
polisso/oj guarding cities
polissou=xoj dwelling in the city
polita/rxhj a civic magistrate
politei/a the condition and rights of a citizen, citizenship
poli/teuma the business of government, an act of administration
politeu/w to live as a citizen
poli/thj a member of a city
politiko/j of, for
politofu/lac one who watches citizens
poli/xnh a small town
poliw/dhj grayish, whitish
polla/kij many times, often, oft
pollapla/sioj many times as many, many times more
pollaplasio/w to multiply
pollaplasi/wsij multiplication
pollaplo/oj manifold, many times as long
pollaxh= many times, often
pollaxo/qen from many places
pollaxo/qi in many places
pollaxo/se towards many sides, into many parts
pollaxou= in many places
pollaxw=j in many ways
pollodeka/kij many tens of times
pollosthmo/rioj many times smaller
pollosto/j one of many
po/loj a pivot, hinge, axis
polu/agroj catching much game
polu/aqloj conquering in many contests
polu/aigoj abounding in goats
polu/ainoj much-praised
polua/ic much-rushing, impetuous, furious
poluandre/w to be full of men, to be populous
polu/androj with many men, full of men
poluanqh/j much-blossoming, blooming
poluanqrwpi/a a large population, multitude of people
polua/nqrwpoj full of people, populous
polua/nwr with many men, much-frequented

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polua/rguroj rich in silver

polua/rhtoj much-desired
poluarkh/j much-helpful, supplying many wants
polua/rmatoj with many chariots
poluarmo/nioj many-toned
polu/arnoj with many lambs
poluarxi/a the government of many
poluastra/galoj with many joints
polu/astroj with many stars, starry
poluau=lac with many furrows
poluau/xenoj with many necks
polubafh/j much-dipped
polubenqh/j very deep
polu/boskoj much-nourishing
polubo/teira much
polu/botoj much-nourishing
polu/botruj abounding in grapes
polu/bouloj much-counselling
polubou/thj rich in oxen
polu/broxoj with many nooses
poluga/laktoj with much milk
polughqh/j much-cheering, delightful, gladsome
polu/gleukoj abounding in new wine
polu/glwssoj many-tongued
polu/gnamptoj much-bent, much-twisting
polugnw/mwn very sagacious
polu/gnwtoj well-known
polu/gomfoj well-bolted
polugone/omai to multiply
polugoni/a fecundity
polu/gonoj producing many at a birth, prolific
poludai/daloj much wrought, richly dight
polu/dakruj of
poluda/krutoj much wept
poluda/panoj causing great expense
poludeira/j with many ridges
polude/kthj the all-receiver
polu/dendroj with many trees, abounding in trees
poluderkh/j much-seeing
polu/desmoj fastened with many bonds
poludeu/khj Pollux
polu/dikoj having many lawsuits, litigious
poludinh/j much-whirling
poludi/yioj very thirsty
polu/donoj much-driven
polu/docoj having various opinions

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poludwri/a open-handedness
polu/dwroj richly dowered
polu/edroj polyhedral
polueidh/j of many kinds
polueidi/a diversity of kind
polue/laioj yielding much oil
polue/liktoj much convoluted
poluepai/netoj much-praised
polueph/j much-speaking
polue/rastoj much-loved
polu/ergoj much-working
polueth/j of many years, full of years
polu/euktoj much-wished-for, much-desired
polu/zhloj full of jealousy and rivalry
poluzh/lwtoj much envied
polu/zugoj many-benched
poluh/goroj much-speaking
poluh/kouj having heard much, much-learned
poluh/meroj of many days
poluh/ratoj much-loved, very lovely
poluhxh/j many-toned
poluh/xhtoj loud-sounding
poluqarsh/j much-confident
poluqea/mwn having seen much
polu/qeoj of
polu/qermoj very warm
polu/qhroj abounding in wild beasts
poluqre/mmwn feeding many
poluqrh/nhtoj lamentable
polu/qrhnoj much-wailing
polu/qric with much hair
polu/qrouj with much noise, clamorous
poluqru/lhtoj much-spoken-of, well known, notorious
polu/quroj with many doors
polu/qutoj abounding in sacrifices
poluidrei/a much knowledge
polu/idrij of much knowledge, wisdom, shrewdness
polu/ippoj rich in horses
polui/stwr very learned
polu/ixquj abounding in fish
polukagkh/j drying
polukah/j much-burning
polukaisari/h the government of many emperors at once
poluka/mmoroj very miserable
polukamph/j much bent
polukanh/j much-slaughtering

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polu/kapnoj with much smoke, smoky

poluka/rhnoj many-headed
polukarpi/a abundance of fruit
polu/karpoj rich in fruit
poluke/rdeia great craft
polukerdh/j very crafty
polu/kerwj many-horned
polu/kestoj well-stitched
poluke/faloj many-headed
polukhdh/j full of care, grievous
polukh/rioj very deadly
polukh/thj full of monsters
polu/klaustoj much lamented
polu/kleitoj far-famed
poluklh/eij far-famed
poluklh/ij with many benches
polu/klhroj of a large lot, with a large portion
polu/klhtoj called from many a land
polu/klustoj much-dashing
polu/kmhtoj much-wrought, wrought with much toil
polu/knhmoj with many mountain-spurs, mountainous
polu/koinoj common to many
polukoirani/h the rule of many
polukoi/ranoj wide-ruling
poluko/lumboj oft-diving
polu/kranoj many-headed
polukra/teioj of
polukrath/j very mighty
polu/krotoj loud-ringing
polu/krounoj with many springs
polukth/mwn with many possessions, exceeding rich
polu/kthtoj of large possessions, wealthy
polukto/noj much-slaying, murderous
polukudh/j much-praised, very glorious
poluku/mwn swelling with many waves
polukw/kutoj much-lamenting
polu/kwmoj much-revelling
polu/kwpoj many-oared
polulh/ioj with many cornfields
polu/lliqoj very stony
polu/llistoj sought with many prayers
polulogi/a much talk, loquacity
polu/logoj much-talking, talkative, loquacious
polumaqh/j having learnt
polumaqi/a much-learning
polu/makar most blissful

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polumanh/j very furious

poluma/xhtoj much-fought-for
polumeqh/j drinking much wine
polumelh/j with many members
polumerh/j consisting of many parts, manifold, of divers kinds
polu/metroj of many measures
polumhka/j much bleating
polu/mhloj with many sheep
polu/mhnij abounding in wrath
polu/mhtij of many counsels
polumhxani/a the having many resources, inventiveness, readiness
polumh/xanoj full of resources, inventive, ever-ready
polumigh/j much-mixed
polumish/j much-hating
polumnh/steutoj much-wooed
polumnh/sth much courted
polu/mnhstoj much-remembering, mindful
polu/mnia Polymnia
polu/mousoj rich in the Muses' gifts
polu/moxqoj much-labouring, suffering many things
polu/muqoj of many words
polu/naoj with many temples
polunau/thj with many sailors
poluneikh/j much-wrangling
polune/felaj overcast with clouds
polunifh/j deep with snow
polu/nosoj liable to many sicknesses
polu/cenoj entertaining many guests, very hospitable
polu/cestoj much-polished
poluoine/w to be rich in wine
polu/oinoj rich in wine
polu/olboj very wealthy
poluo/mmatoj many-eyed
poluo/rniqoj abounding in birds
polu/oxloj much-peopled, populous
poluoyi/a abundance of meats
polu/oyoj abounding in fish
polupaqh/j subject to many passions, much perturbed
polupai/paloj exceeding crafty
polu/paij with many children
polupa/mfaoj very bright-shining
polupa/mwn exceeding wealthy
polupeiri/a great experience
polupei/rwn with many boundaries, manifold
polupenqh/j much-mourning, exceeding mournful
poluphmoni/dhj son of Polypemon

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poluph/mwn causing manifold woe, baneful

polu/phnoj thick-woven, close-woven
polupi=dac with many springs, many-fountained
polu/pikroj very keen
polupinh/j very squalid
polu/plagktoj much-wandering, wide-roaming
poluplanh/j roaming far
polupla/nhtoj wandering
polu/pleqroj many
poluploki/a cunning, craft
polu/plokoj much-tangled, thick-wreathed
polupoi/kiloj much-variegated
polu/ponoj much-labouring, much-suffering
polupo/tamoj with many
polupo/thj a hard drinker
polu/pouj many-footed
polu/pouj the sea-polypus
polupragmone/w to be busy about many things
polupragmosu/nh the character and conduct of the
polupra/gmwn busy after many things, over-busy
polupro/batoj rich in sheep
polupro/swpoj many-faced, with many masks
polupto/htoj much scared, much-agitated
polu/ptuxoj of
polu/purgoj with many towers
polu/puroj rich in corn
polu/rrafoj well-stitched
polu/rrhnoj rich in sheep
polu/rrizoj with many roots
polu/rrodoj abounding in roses
polu/rroqoj much-roaring
polurroi/bdhtoj much-whirring
polu/rrutoj much
polusarki/a fleshiness, plumpness
polu/sarkoj very fleshy
polu/semnoj exceeding venerable
polushma/ntwr giving commands to many
polusinh/j very hurtful, baneful
polusiti/a abundance of corn
polu/sitoj abounding in corn
polu/skalmoj many-oared
polu/skarqmoj far-bounding
polu/skhptroj wide-ruling
poluspaqh/j thick-woven
polu/spastoj drawn by many cords:&mdash
polusperh/j wide-spread

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polu/splagxnoj of great mercy

polu/j many
polu/sporoj very fruitful
polusta/fuloj rich in grapes
polu/staxuj rich in ears of corn
polu/stegoj with many stories
poluste/lexoj with many stems
poluste/naktoj causing many groans
polustefh/j decked with many a wreath
polustixi/a a number of lines
polu/stixoj in many rows
polu/stonoj much-sighing, mournful
polustrofi/a convolution
polu/strofoj much-twisted
polu/stuloj with many columns
polusu/llaboj polysyllabic
polusxh/mwn of many shapes, varied in form
polu/sxistoj many-branching
polu/swroj rich in heaps of corn
poluta/lantoj worth many talents
polutarbh/j much-frightened
polutekni/a abundance of children
polu/teknoj with many children, prolific
polute/leia extravagance
polutelh/j very expensive, very costly
poluterph/j much-delighting
polute/xnhj skilled in divers arts
polutexni/a skill in many arts
polu/texnoj skilled in many arts
poluti/mhtoj highly honoured, most honoured
polu/timoj very costly
polu/titoj worthy of high honour
polu/tlaj having borne much, much-enduring
polutlh/mwn much-enduring
polu/tlhtoj having borne much, miserable
polu/tmhtoj much-lacerated
polutrh/rwn abounding in doves
polu/trhtoj much-pierced, full of holes, porous
polutri/pouj abounding in tripods
polutropi/a versatility, craft
polu/tropoj much-turned
polu/trofoj well-fed
poluu/mnhtoj much-famed in song
polu/umnoj much sung of, famous
polufa/rmakoj knowing many drugs
polu/fatoj much-spoken-of, very famous, excellent

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polu/fhmoj abounding in songs and legends

polu/fqoroj utterly destroyed
polufqo/roj destroying many, deathful, rife with death
polufili/a abundance of friends
polu/filoj dear to many
polu/filtroj suffering from many love-charms, love-sick
polu/floisboj loud-roaring
polu/fonoj murderous
polu/forboj feeding many, bountiful
polufori/a productiveness
polufo/roj bearing much
polufradh/j very eloquent
polufro/ntistoj much-thinking, thoughtful
polufrosu/nh fulness of understanding, great shrewdness
polu/frwn much-thinking, thoughtful, ingenious, inventive
polu/fwnoj much-talking, loquacious
polu/xalkoj abounding in copper
poluxandh/j wide-yawning
poluxeiri/a a multitude of hands
polu/xeir with many hands, many handed
poluxordi/a the use of many strings
polu/xordoj many-stringed
poluxrhmate/w to abound in money
poluxrhmati/a greatness of wealth
poluxrh/matoj very wealthy.
polu/xrhstoj useful for many purposes
poluxro/nioj long-existing, of olden time, ancient
polu/xrusoj rich in gold
polu/xutoj widely diffused
polu/xwroj spacious, extensive
polu/xwstoj high-heaped
poluyhfi/a number
poluyh/fij with many pebbles, pebbly
polu/yhfoj with many votes
poluw/dunoj very painful
poluw/numoj having many names
poluwpo/j with many meshes
poluwre/w to be very careful
poluwfelh/j very useful, useful in many ways
pompai=oj escorting, conveying
pompei/a a leading in procession
pompei=on any vessel employed in solemn processions
pompeu/j one who attends
pompeu/w to conduct, escort
pomph/ conduct, escort, guidance
pompiko/j of

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po/mpimoj conducting, escorting, guiding

pompo/j a conductor, escort, guide
pompostole/w to lead in procession
pomfolugopa/flasma the noise made by bubbles rising
pomfolu/zw to bubble up, gush forth
pomfo/luc a bubble
pone/w to work hard, do work, suffer toil
po/nhma that which is wrought out, work
ponh/reuma a knavish trick
ponhreu/omai to be evil, act wickedly, play the rogue
ponhri/a a bad state
ponhrodida/skaloj teaching wickedness
ponhrokrate/omai to be governed by the bad
ponhrokrati/a government of the bad
ponhro/j toilsome, painful, grievous
ponhro/filoj fond of bad men
ponhte/oj one must toil
po/noj work
ponti/zw to plunge in the sea
pontiko/j from Pontus, Pontic
po/ntioj of the sea
po/ntisma that which is cast into the sea
ponto/qen from
pontoqh/rhj one who fishes in the sea
pontome/dwn lord of the sea
po/ntonde into the sea
pontopo/reia Sea-traverser
pontoporeu/w to pass over the sea
pontopore/w to pass the sea
pontopo/roj passing over the sea, seafaring
pontoposeidw=n Sea-Poseidon
po/ntoj the sea
po/panon a round cake
po/poi oh strange! oh shame!
popopoi= cry of the hoopoe
poppu/zw to whistle, cheep
poppusmo/j a whistling
porei/a a walking, mode of walking
po/reuma a place in which one walks
poreu/simoj that may be crossed, passable
poreute/oj to be traversed
poreuto/j gone over, passed, passable
poreu/w to make to go, carry, convey
porqe/w to destroy, ravage, waste, plunder
po/rqhsij the sack
porqhth/j a destroyer, ravager

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porqmei=on a place for crossing, a passage over, ferry

po/rqmeuma a passage, ferry
porqmeu/j a ferryman
porqmeutiko/j engaged as a ferryman
porqmeu/w to carry
porqmi/j a ship, boat
porqmo/j a ferry
pori/zw to carry: to bring about, to furnish, provide, supply, procure, cause
po/rimoj able to provide, full of resources, inventive, contriving
porismo/j a providing, procuring
poristh/j one who supplies
poristiko/j able to furnish
po/rkhj a ping
pornei/a fornication, prostitution
pornei=on a house of ill-fame, brothel
porneu/w to prostitute
po/rnh a harlot, prostitute
porniko/j of
pornoboske/w to keep a brothel
pornoboski/a the trade of a brothel-keeper
pornobosko/j a brothel-keeper
pornofi/laj loving harlots
po/roj a means of passing a river, a ford, ferry
po/rpama a garment fastened with a
po/rpac the handle
porpa/w to fasten with a buckle, to buckle
po/rph a buckle-pin
porrwte/rwqen from a more distant point
proswne/omai to buy besides
porsu/nw to offer, present
po/rtac a calf
po/rtij a calf, young heifer
portitro/foj nourishing calves
porfu/ra the purple-fish
porfu/reoj darkgleaming, dark
porfureu/j a fisher for purple fish
porfureutiko/j of
porfureu/w to catch purple fish.
porfuri/j a purple garment
porfuri/wn the water-hen
porfuroeidh/j purple-like, purply
porfuropw/lhj a dealer in purple
porfuro/strwtoj spread with purple cloth
porfu/rw gleams darkly
po/rw to furnish, offer, present, give
po/j who

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posa/kij how many times? how often?

posapla/sioj how many times multiplied? how many fold?
posa/pouj of how many feet?
posaxw=j in how many ways?
poseidw/nioj sacred to Poseidon
poseidw=n Poseidon
po/se whither?
po/sqh membrum virile
po/sqwn a little boy
posidh/ioj sacred to Poseidon
posi/nda how many times?
po/sij a husband, spouse, mate
po/sij a drinking, drink, beverage
poso/j of a certain quantity
po/soj bulk)
poso/w to reckon up, count
possh=mar for how many days?
possi/krotoj struck with the foot
postai=oj in how many days?
po/stoj which of a number?
potai/nioj fresh, new
potamhdo/n like a river
pota/mioj of
potamo/klustoj washed by a river
potamo/nde to
potamo/j a river, stream
potamofo/rhtoj carried away by a river
potamo/xwstoj deposited by a river
potano/j winged, flying, furnished with wings
pota/omai to fly about
pote/oj drinkable.
pote/ at some time
po/te when? at what time?
po/teroj whether of the two?
pote/rwj in which of two ways?
po/thma a flight
poth/ flight
poth/rion a drinking-cup, wine-cup
poth/r a drinking-cup, wine-cup
po/thj a drinker, tippler, toper
poth/j a drinking, drink
pothto/j flying, winged
potidaia/thj a Potidaean
potidaiatiko/j Potidaen
potido/rpioj of

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poti/zw to give to drink

potiko/j fond of drinking
poti/kranon a cushion
po/timoj drinkable, fresh
potipth/ssw to crouch
po/tmoj that which befals one, one's lot, destiny
potnia/omai to cry
po/tnia mistress, queen
potniasmo/j lamentation
potnia/j Potnian
poto/j drunk, fit for drinking
po/toj drinking, a drinking-bout, carousal
pou/ anywhere, somewhere
pou= where?
pou/j a foot
pow/dhj like grass, grassy
pra=gma that which has been done, a deed, act
pragmatei/a the careful prosecution of an affair, diligent study, hard work
pragmateu/omai to busy
pragmateute/oj to be laboured at
pragmatiko/j fit for business, active, business-like
pragma/tion a trifling matter, petty lawsuit
pragmatodi/fhj one who hunts after lawsuits, a pettifogger
pragmatw/dhj laborious, troublesome
pra=goj state-affairs
praitw/rion Castra Praetoriana
prakte/oj to be done
prakth/r one that does, a doer
praktiko/j fit for action, fit for business, business-like, practical
prakto/j things to be done, points of moral action
pra/ktwr one who does
pra/mneioj Pramnian
pra/n aforetime, erst
pracikope/w to take by surprise
pra=cij a doing, transaction, business
prao/nwj temperately
pra=oj Mild, soft, gentle, meek
prao/thj mildness, gentleness
prapi/dej the midriff, diaphragm
prasia/ a bed of leeks
pra/simoj for sale
pra=sij a selling, sale
praso/kouron a leek-slice
pra/son a leek
prassai=oj leek-green
prassofa/goj leek-eater

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pra/ssw to pass over

prate/oj to be sold, for sale
prath/rion a place for selling, a market
prath/r a dealer
prato/j sold
prau/gelwj softly-smiling
prau/mhtij of gentle counsel, gracious
prau/nooj of gentle mind
pra/unsij a softening, appeasing
prauntiko/j fit for appeasing
prau/nw to make soft, mild
praute/nwn with tamed neck
pre/mnoqen from the stump
pre/mnon the bottom of the trunk of a tree, the stump
prepo/ntwj in fit manner, meetly, beseemingly, gracefully
prepto/j distinguished, renowned
prepw/dhj fit, becoming, suitable, proper
pre/pw to be clearly seen, to be conspicuous
pre/sba the august, honoured
presbei/a age, seniority
presbei=on a gift of honour
pre/sbeuma an ambassador, embassy
presbeuth/j an ambassador
presbeu/w to be the elder
presbhi/j the highest
pre/sbij age
pre/sbistoj eldest, most august, most honoured
pre/sboj an object of reverence
presbuge/neia seniority of birth
presbugenh/j eldest-born, first-born
pre/sbuj an old man
presbute/rion a council of elders
presbutiko/j like an old man, elderly
presbu=tij an aged woman
preume/neia gentleness of temper, graciousness
preumenh/j gentle of mood, friendly, gracious, favourable
prhgorew/n the crop of birds
prh/qw to blow up, swell out by blowing
prhmai/nw to blow hard
prhnh/j with the face downwards, head-foremost
prhni/zw to throw headlong
prhsth/r a hurricane
pri/amai to have
priami/dhj son of Priam
priamiko/j of
pri/amoj Priam

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pri/apoj Priapus
pri/ninoj made from the
pri=noj the evergreen oak, ilex
pri/n comparative
prinw/dhj tough as oak
prionw/dhj like a saw
pristh/r a saw
pristo/j sawn
pri/wn a sawyer
pri/wn a saw
pri/w to saw
proa/ggelsij a forewarning, early intimation
proa/gnumi to break before
proago/reusij a stating beforehand
proagoreu/w to tell beforehand
proa/gw to lead forward, on, onward
proagwgei/a the trade of a
proagwgeu/w to prostitute
proagwgh/ a leading on, promotion, rank, eminence
proagwgo/j one who leads on: a pander, pimp, procurer
proagwnisth/j one who fights for
proadike/w to be the first in wronging
proa/|dw to sing before, prelude
proaide/omai to owe
proagw/n a preliminary contest, prelude
proagwni/zomai to fight before
proai/resij a choosing
proairete/oj one must choose, prefer
proairetiko/j inclined to prefer, deliberately choosing
proaireto/j deliberately chosen, purposed
proaire/w to bring forth, produce from one's stores
proaisqa/nomai to perceive
proaitia/omai to accuse beforehand
proakonti/zomai to be thrown like a javelin before
proakou/w to hear beforehand
proalh/j springing forward
proali/skomai to be convicted beforehand
proamarta/nw to fail
proamu/nomai to defend oneself
proanabai/nw to ascend before
proanaba/llomai to say
proana/gw to lead up before
proanaire/w to take away before
proanaisimo/w to use up, spend before
proanakine/w to stir up before
proanakri/nw to examine before

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proanali/skw to use up
proanarpa/zw to carry off
proanaste/llw to check beforehand
proanafwne/w to say by way of preface
proanaxw/rhsij a former departure
proanu/tw to accomplish before
proapagoreu/w to give in before
proapanta/w to go forth to meet
proa/peimi to go away first
proapei=pon to give in
proape/rxomai to go away before
proapexqa/nomai to begin hostilities before
proapodei/knumi to prove before
proapoqnh/skw to die before
proapoqrhne/w to bewail beforehand
proapoka/mnw to grow tired before the end, give up the task
proapoklhro/omai to be allotted beforehand
proapoktei/nw to kill beforehand
proapolau/w to enjoy beforehand
proapolei/pw to fail before
proapo/llumai to be first destroyed, to perish before
proapope/mpw to send away before
proaposte/llw to send away, dispatch beforehand
proaposfa/zw to slay before
proapotre/pomai to turn aside before, leave off
proapofai/nw to declare before
proapoxwre/w to go away before
proarpa/zw to snatch away before
proaske/w to train
proa/steion the space immediately in front of
proauda/w to declare before
proaule/w to play a prelude on the flute
proau/lion a prelude on the flute
proafhge/omai to relate before
proafikne/omai to arrive first
proafi/stamai to fall off
proba/dhn as one walks
probai/nw to step on, step forward, advance
probakxh/ioj leader of the Bacchanals
proba/llw to throw before, throw
probasani/zw to torture before
pro/basij property in cattle
probatei/a a keeping of sheep, a shepherd's life
probateutiko/j of
probateu/w to watch sheep, be a shepherd
probatiko/j of sheep

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proba/tion a little sheep

probatognw/mwn a good judge of sheep
probatoka/phloj a retailer of sheep
pro/baton anything that walks forward
probatopw/lhj a sheep-dealer
probe/boula to prefer
pro/bhma a step forward
probia/zomai to force
probiba/zw to make step forward, lead forward, lead on
proble/pw to foresee
pro/blhma anything projecting, a headland, promontory
problhmatw/dhj problematical
problh/j forestretching, jutting
pro/blhtoj thrown forth, tossed away
problw/skw to go
proboa/w to shout before, cry aloud
probohqe/w to hasten to aid before
probo/laioj held out before
probolh/ a putting forward
probo/lion a boar-spear
pro/boloj anything that projects
proboski/j a means of providing food: an elephant's proboscis
probosko/j an assistant herdsman
probou/leuma a preliminary order of the senate
probouleu/w to contrive
probou/lh forethought
proboulo/paij the fore-counselling
pro/bouloj debating beforehand
probu/w to push up
probw/mioj before the altar
progargali/zw to prepare oneself for tickling
progastri/dion a false paunch worn by actors
proga/stwr fat-paunch
proge/neioj with prominent chin, long-chinned
progenh/j born before, primaeval
progennh/twr forefathers
progi/gnomai to come forwards
progignw/skw to know, perceive, learn
pro/gnwsij a perceiving beforehand
pro/gonoj a forefather, ancestor
pro/gramma a public proclamation
prografh/ a public notice
progra/fw to write before
progumna/zw to exercise
prodah=nai to know beforehand
prodanei/zw to lend before

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prodapana/w to spend beforehand

prodei/dw to fear prematurely
prodei/eloj before evening
prodei/knumi to shew by way of example
prodeimai/nw to fear beforehand
prode/ktwr a foreshewer
prode/rkomai to see beforehand
pro/dhloj clear
prodhlo/w to make clear beforehand, shew plainly
prodh/lwsij demonstration of the event
prodiabai/nw to go across before
prodiaba/llw to raise prejudices against
prodiagignw/skw to perceive
prodiai/thsij preparation by diet
prodiale/gomai to speak
prodiasu/rw to pull in pieces
prodiafqei/rw to ruin beforehand
prodiaxwre/w to have a previous difference
prodida/skw to teach
prodi/dwmi to give beforehand, pay in advance
prodiece/rxomai to go out through before
prodierga/zomai to work
prodiereuna/w to discover by searching
prodiereunhth/j one sent before to search
prodie/rxomai to go through before
prodihge/omai to relate beforehand, premise
prodih/ghsij a detailing beforehand
pro/dikoj an advocate, defender, avenger
prodioike/w to regulate, order, govern, manage beforehand
prodiomologe/omai to grant beforehand
prodiw/kw to pursue further
prodoke/w had been before determined
prodo/kh a place where one lies in wait, lurking-place
pro/domoj the chamber entered immediately from the
pro/domoj before the house
prodoca/zw to judge beforehand
prodosi/a a giving up, betrayal, treason
pro/dosij payment beforehand, money advanced, earnest-money
prodo/thj a betrayer, traitor
prodotiko/j traitorous
prodo/tij a traitress
pro/dotoj betrayed
pro/douloj serving as a slave
prodromh/ a running forward, a sally, sudden attack
pro/dromoj running forward, with headlong speed
proegei/rw to wake up before

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proegka/qhmai to be implanted before

proedreu/w to act as president
proedri/a the privilege of the front seats
pro/edroj one who sits in the first place, a president
proee/rgw to stop by standing before
proeqi/zw to train beforehand
proei=don to see beforehand, catch sight of
proeika/zw to conjecture beforehand
pro/eimi to go forward, go on, advance
pro/eimi to be before
proei=pon to tell
proeisa/gw to bring in
proeise/rxomai to come
proeispe/mpw to send in before
proeisfe/rw to advance money to pay the
proeisfora/ money advanced to pay the
proekde/xomai to intercept before
proe/kqesij an introduction, preface
proekqe/w to run out before, sally from the ranks, rush on
proekkomi/zw to carry out beforehand
proekle/gw to collect moneys not yet due
proekpe/mpw to send out before
proekple/w to sail out before
proekplh/ssw to astound before
proe/kptwsij a going beyond limits
proekti/qemai to set forth before
proektre/xw to run out before
proekfobe/w to scare away before
proekfo/bhsij a previous panic
proe/lasij a riding forward
proelau/nw to ride on
proelpi/zw to hope for before
proembai/nw to embark first
proemba/llw to put in
proembiba/zw to put in before
proena/rxomai to begin before
proendei/knumai to exhibit oneself
prou)nne/pw to proclaim, announce
proenoi/khsij a dwelling in
proensei/w to set at before
proentugxa/nw to converse with before
proecagge/llw to announce beforehand
proecagkwni/zw to move the arms before
proeca/gw to lead
proecaire/w to take out before
proecai/ssw to dart out before

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proecamarta/nw to do wrong before

proecani/stamai to rise and go out before
proecapata/w to deceive before
proecaposte/llw to send out before
proece/dra a chair of state
proe/ceimi to sally forth from
proecelau/nw to ride out before
proecepi/stamai to know well before
proecereuna/w to investigate before
proecereunhth/j an explorer sent before
proece/rxomai to go out before
proeceta/zw to examine before
proecefi/emai to enjoin beforehand
proecorma/w to set out
proepagge/llomai to promise before
proepaine/w to praise beforehand
proepanasei/w to raise the hand against before
proepafi/hmi to send forward against
proepibouleu/w to plot against
proepiceno/omai to be received as a guest before
proepiplh/ssw to be the first to blame
proepiskope/w to inspect
proepi/stamai to know
proepixeire/w to be the first to attack
proepoike/w to colonise before
proerga/zomai to do
proere/ssw to row forwards
proereuna/omai to search out first
proere/w to say beforehand
proeru/w to draw on
proe/rxomai to go forward, go on, advance
pro/esij a throwing away
proetiko/j apt to throw away, giving lavishly, profuse, lavish
proetoima/zw to get ready before
proeuaggeli/zomai to preach the gospel beforehand
proeulabe/omai to take heed, be cautious beforehand
proefodeu/omai to be traversed before
proe/xw to hold before
prohgemw/n one who leads as a guide
prohge/omai to go first and lead the way, to be the leader
prohghth/j one who goes before to shew the way, a guide
prohgore/w to speak on the part of
prohgori/a a speaking in behalf of
proh/goroj one who speaks in behalf of
prohgoume/nwj beforehand, antecedently
proh/domai to be pleased before

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proh/khj pointed in front

proh/kw to have gone before, be the first
prohssa/w to overpower beforehand
proqalh/j early growing
proqe/lumnoj from the foundations
proqerapeu/w to prepare beforehand
pro/qesij a placing in public
proqe/smioj fore-appointed
proqespi/zw to foretell
proqe/w to run before
proqe/w do they
proqnh/skw to die before
pro/qronoj a president
proqrule/w to noise abroad beforehand
proqrw/skw to spring before, forth, forward
pro/quma a preparatory sacrifice
proqume/omai to be ready, willing, eager, zealous to do
proqumhte/oj one must be eager
proqumi/a readiness, willingness, eagerness, zeal
pro/qumoj ready, willing, eager, zealous
proqu/raioj before the door
pro/quron the front-door, the door leading from the
proqu/w to sacrifice
proia/llw to send forth, dismiss
proia/ptw to send forward, to send untimely
proi/zomai to sit before, take the first seat
proi/hmi to send before, send on
proi/kioj gratuitous
proi/kthj one who asks a gift, a beggar
proi/c a gift, present
proippeu/w to ride before
proi/sthmi to set before
proi/sxw to hold before, hold out
proi/wcij pursuit of the foremost
pro/kakoj exceeding bad
prokale/w to call forth
prokali/zomai to call forth
prokalinde/omai to fall prostrate before another
proka/lumma anything put before, a curtain
prokalu/ptw to hang before as a covering
proka/mnw to work
pro/ka forthwith, straightway, suddenly
prokaqeu/dw to sleep before
prokaqhge/omai to go before and guide
proka/qhmai to be seated before
prokaqi/zw to sit down

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prokaqi/hmi to let down beforehand

prokaqi/sthmi to set before
prokaqora/w to examine beforehand, to reconnoitre
prokai/w to burn before
proka/rhnoj head-foremost
prokatagge/llw to announce
prokatagignw/skw to vote against beforehand, condemn by a prejudgment
prokata/gomai to get into harbour before
prokatagwgh/ a coming into port before
prokataqe/w to run down before
prokatakai/w to burn all before one
prokata/keimai to lie down before
prokatakli/nw to make to lie down before
prokatalamba/nw to seize beforehand, preoccupy
prokatale/gomai to be described beforehand
prokatalh/gw to terminate beforehand
prokatalu/w to break up
prokatapi/ptw to fall down before
prokataple/w to sail down before
prokatarti/zw to complete beforehand
prokata/rxomai to begin
prokataskeua/zw to prepare beforehand
prokataskeuh/ previous preparation, a preface, introduction
prokatafeu/gw to escape to a place of safety before
prokataxra/omai to use up beforehand
prokatelpi/zw to hope beforehand
prokatesqi/w to eat up beforehand
prokate/xw to hold
prokathgore/w to bring accusations beforehand
prokathgori/a a previous accusation
pro/keimai to be set before one
proke/leuqoj conducting
prokeno/w to empty beforehand
prokh/domai to take care of, take thought for
prokhrai/nw to be anxious for
prokhrukeu/omai to negotiate by herald
prokhru/ssw to proclaim by herald, proclaim publicly
prokinduneu/w to run risk before
prokine/w to move forward
proklai/w to weep beforehand
pro/klhsij a calling forth, challenging, challenge
proklhtiko/j calling forth, challenging
prokli/nw to lean forward
pro/klutoj heard formerly, of olden time
proklu/w to hear beforehand
proknhmi/j a covering for the leg

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prokoiti/a a watch kept before

pro/koitoj one who keeps watch before
prokola/zw to chastise beforehand
prokolakeu/w to flatter beforehand
proko/lpion a robe falling over the breast
prokomi/zw to bring forward, produce
proko/mion the forelock
prokoph/ progress on a journey
proko/ptw to cut away in front
pro/krima prejudgment, prejudice
prokri/nw to choose before others, choose by preference, prefer, select
pro/kritoj chosen before others, select
pro/krossoi ranged at regular intervals, like steps
prokulinde/omai to roll at the feet of
prokuli/ndomai to roll forward
proku/ptw to stoop and bend forward, to peep out
prokuro/omai to be confirmed before
proku/wn Procyon
prokw/mion the prelude sung by a
pro/kwpoj grasped by the hilt, drawn
prola/zumai to receive beforehand
prolale/w to prate before
prolamba/nw to take
prole/gw to choose before
prole/gw to foretell, announce beforehand
prolei/pw to go forth and leave, to leave behind, forsake, abandon
prolesxhneu/omai to hold conversations with
proleu/ssw to see before oneself
pro/logoj the prologue, that portion of the play that comes before
proloxi/zw to lay an ambuscade beforehand: &mdash
prolumai/nomai to destroy beforehand
prolupe/omai to feel pain before
prolu/phsij previous distress
promala/ssw to soften beforehand
pro/maloj willow
promanqa/nw to learn beforehand
promantei/a the right of consulting the Delphic Oracle first
promanteu/omai to prophesy
pro/mantij a prophet
promartu/romai to witness beforehand
promaxe/w to fight in front
promaxew/n a bulwark, rampart
promaxi/zw to fight before
proma/xomai to fight before
pro/maxoj fighting before
promeleta/w to practise beforehand

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prome/neia presage
promerimna/w to take thought before
prometwpi/dioj before
promh/qeia the festival of Prometheus
promhqe/omai to take care beforehand, to provide for
promh/qeia foresight, forethought
promh/qeioj Promethean
promhqeu/j Prometheus
promhqh/j forethinking, provident, cautious
promhqikw=j shrewdly, warily
promh/khj prolonged, elongated
promhnu/w to denounce beforehand
promh/twr first mother
promhxana/omai to contrive beforehand
promi/gnumi to mingle beforehand
promisqo/omai to be hired beforehand
promna/omai to woo
promnhsti=noi one by one, one after the other
promnh/stria a woman who woos
pro/moiroj before the destined term
promolh/ an approach
pro/moj the foremost man
promoxqe/w to work beforehand
pro/naoj before a temple
pronaumaxe/w to fight at sea for
prone/mw to assign beforehand
proneu/w to stoop
pronhsteu/w to fast before
pronika/w to gain a victory beforehand
pronoe/w to perceive before, foresee
pronohte/oj one must provide
pronohtiko/j provident, cautious, wary
pro/noia foresight, foreknowledge
pronomeu/w to go out for foraging
pronomh/ a foraging, a foraging expedition, foray
pronomi/a a privilege
prono/mion earnest-money
pro/nouj careful
pronwph/j stooping forwards, with head inclined
pronw/pia the front of a house
proceni/a proxeny
pro/cenoj a public
proodeu/w to travel before
proodoipore/w to travel before
proodopoie/w to prepare the way before, prepare
pro/c the roe-deer

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procene/w to be
pro/odoj going before
pro/odoj a going on, advance, progress
pro/oida to know beforehand
prooikodome/w to build before
prooimia/zomai to make a prelude, preamble
prooi/mion an opening
prooi/xomai to have gone on before
proo/mnumi to swear before
proomologe/w to grant
proopte/oj one must look to, be careful of
pro/optoj foreseen, manifest
proorato/j to be foreseen
proora/w to see before one, see what is just before the eyes
proori/zw to determine beforehand, to predetermine, pre-ordain
proorma/w to drive forward
proorxhsth/r one who leads the dance
proofei/lw to owe beforehand
pro/oyij a foreseeing
propagh/j prominent
propaidei/a preparatory teaching
propaideu/w to teach beforehand
pro/palai very long ago
pro/pappoj a great-grandfather
propa/roiqe before, in front of
pro/par before, in front of
proparaba/llw to put beside beforehand
proparaskeua/zw to prepare beforehand
propare/xw to offer before
pro/paj all
propa/sxw to suffer first
propa/twr the first founder of a family, forefather
propei/qw to persuade beforehand
pro/ before
proagge/llw to announce beforehand
pro/peira a previous trial
pro/pemptoj five days before, on the fifth day
prope/mpw to send before, send on
prope/rusi two years ago
propeta/nnumi to spread out before
prope/teia reckless haste, vehemence, rashness, indiscretion
propeth/j falling forwards, inclined forward
prophda/w to spring before
prophlaki/zw to bespatter with mud
prophla/kisij contumelious treatment
prophlakistikw=j contumeliously

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propi/nw to drink before

propi/ptw to fall
propisteu/w to trust
prople/w to sail before
pro/plouj sailing before
propodi/zw to advance the foot
propoie/w to do before
propoleme/w to make war for
propo/leuma service done
propoleu/w to minister
pro/poloj employing oneself before
propompeu/w to go before in a procession
propomph/ an attending, escorting
propompo/j escorting
propone/w to work
proponti/j the fore-sea
proporeu/omai to go before
propori/zomai to be provided beforehand
pro/posij a drinking to
propo/thj one who drinks healths
pro/pouj the projecting foot of a mountain, its lowest part
propra/ssw to do before
proprew/n friendly, kindly
proprhnh/j with the face downwards
proprokuli/ndomai to keep rolling before
pro/prumna away from the stern
propu/laioj before the gate
propunqa/nomai to learn by inquiring before, hear beforehand
pro/purgoj offered for the towers
prore/w to flow forward, flow amain
pro/rrhsij a foretelling, prediction, a previous instruction
pro/rrhtoj proclaimed, commanded
pro/rrizoj by the roots, root and branch, utterly
prosa/bbaton the fore-sabbath, eve of the sabbath
prosagge/llw to announce
prosagoreute/oj to be called
prosagoreu/w to address, greet, accost
prosa/gw to bring to
prosagwgeu/j one who brings to
prosagwgh/ a bringing to
prosagwgo/j attractive, persuasive
prosa/|dw to sing to
prosaiqri/zw to raise high in air
prosaire/omai to choose for oneself
prosai/ssw to rush to
prosaite/w to ask besides

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prosai/thj a beggar
prosaitia/omai to accuse besides
prosakonti/zw to shoot like a javelin
prosakou/w to hear besides
prosakroboli/zomai to skirmish with besides
prosakte/oj one must bring to
prosalei/fw to rub
prosa/llomai to jump up at
prosa/lpeioj near the Alps
prosamei/bomai to answer
prosame/lgomai to yield milk besides
prosamu/nw to come to aid
prosamfie/nnumi to put on over
prosanabai/nw to go up
prosana/basij a going up, ascent
prosanagignw/skw to read besides
prosanagka/zw to force
prosanagoreu/w to announce besides
prosanagra/fw to record besides
prosana/gw to put back to
prosanaire/w to lift up besides
prosanaisimo/omai to be spent besides
prosanakalu/ptw to disclose besides
prosana/klima that on which one leans
prosanalamba/nw to take in besides
prosanali/skw to lavish
prosanapau/omai to sleep beside
prosanaplhro/w to fill up
prosanarrh/gnumi to break off besides
prosanasei/w to shake up
prosanaste/llw to hold back besides
prosanate/llw to rise up towards
prosanati/qemai to take an additional burthen on oneself
prosanatre/xw to run back, retrace past events
prosanatri/bomai to rub oneself upon
prosanei=pon to declare, publish, order besides
prosane/rpw to creep up to
prosanerwta/w to ask
prosaneuri/skw to find out besides
prosane/xw to wait patiently for
prosa/nthj rising up against, uphill, steep
prosantilamba/nomai to take hold of one another
prosacio/w to demand besides
prosapagge/llw to announce besides
prosapaite/w to require from as a duty besides
prosapata/w to deceive besides

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prosapeile/w to threaten besides

prosaperei/domai to rely mainly upon
prosapoba/llw to throw away besides
prosapodei/knumi to demonstrate besides
prosapodi/dwmi to pay as a debt besides
prosapokri/nomai to answer with some addition
prosapoktei/nw to kill besides
prosapo/llumi to destroy besides
prosapope/mpw to send away
prosapore/w to propose a further difficulty
prosaposte/llw to despatch besides
prosapostere/w to defraud of besides
prosapotima/w to estimate besides
prosapoti/nw to pay besides
prosapofe/rw to carry off besides
prosapte/oj one must apply
prosa/ptw to fasten
prosarari/skw to fit to
prosara/ssw to dash against
prosarke/w to yield needful aid, succour, assist
prosa/rktioj towards the north
prosarmo/zw to fit to, attach closely to
prosarta/w to fasten
prosatimo/w to deprive of civil rights besides
prosauai/nomai to wither away upon
prosauda/w to speak to, address, accost
prosau/leioj near a farm-yard, rustic
prosau/w to burn against
prosafaire/omai to take away besides
prosafikne/omai to arrive at
prosafi/sthmi to cause to revolt besides
prosbai/nw to step upon
prosba/llw to strike
pro/sbasij a means of approach, access
prosbato/j accessible
prosbia/zomai to compel, constrain
prosbiba/zw to make to approach, bring nearer
prosbio/w to live longer
prosble/pw to look at
prosboa/omai to call to oneself, call in
prosbohqe/w to come to aid, come up with succour
prosbolh/ a putting to, application
pro/sborroj exposed to the north
prosbraxh/j somewhat shallow
pro/sgeioj near the earth, near the ground
prosgela/w to look laughing at

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prosgi/gnomai to come
prosgra/fw to write besides, add in writing
prosgumna/zw to exercise at
prosdanei/zw to lend besides
prosdapana/w to spend besides
pro/sdegma a reception
prosdeh/j needing besides, yet lacking
prosde/rkomai to look at, behold
pro/sdetoj tied to
prosde/xomai to receive favourably, accept
prosde/w to bind on
prosde/w to need besides
prosdhle/omai to ruin
prosdiaba/llw to insinuate besides
prosdiaire/omai to distinguish further
prosdiale/gomai to answer in conversation
prosdiamarture/w to testify in addition
prosdiane/mw to distribute besides
prosdiapra/ssw to accomplish besides
prosdiasafe/w to add by way of explanation
prosdiafqei/rw to destroy besides
prosdida/skw to teach besides
prosdi/dwmi to give besides
prosdihge/omai to narrate besides
prosdika/zomai to engage in a lawsuit
prosdiorqo/omai to correct besides
prosdiori/zw to define
prosdoka/w to expect
prosdoke/w to be thought besides
prosdokhto/j expected
prosdoki/a a looking for, expectation
prosdo/kimoj expected, looked for
prosea/w to suffer to go further
proseggi/zw to approach
proseggra/fw to inscribe besides upon a pillar
proseggua/omai to become surety besides
prosegkeleu/omai to exhort besides
prosegxri/w to besmear besides
prosedafi/zw to fasten to the ground
prosedrei/a a sitting by
prosedreu/w to sit near, be always at
pro/sedroj sitting near
proseqi/zw to accustom
prosei=don to look at
proseika/zw to make like, assimilate
prosei/keloj somewhat like

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proseile/w to press
pro/seiloj towards the sun, sunny
pro/seimi to be added to, be attached to, belong to
pro/seimi to go to
prosei=pon to speak to
proseispra/ssw to exact besides
prosei/w to hold out and shake
prosekba/llw to cast out besides
prosekpe/mpw to send away besides
prosekpuro/w to set on fire besides
prosekte/oj one must apply
prosektiko/j attentive
prosekti/llw to pluck out besides
prosekti/nw to pay in addition
prosekxleua/zw to ridicule besides
proselau/nw to drive
prose/lkw to draw towards, draw on
prosellei/pw to be still wanting
prosembai/nw to step upon, trample on
prosemba/llw to throw
prosemble/pw to look into besides
prosempikrai/nomai to be yet more angry with
prosemferh/j resembling
prosenexura/zw to seize as an additional pledge for payment
prosenne/pw to address, accost
prosennoe/w to think on, observe besides
prosentei/nw to strain still more
prosente/llomai to enjoin besides
prosecaire/omai to choose besides
prosecamarta/nw to err besides
prosecandrapodi/zomai to enslave besides
prosecani/stamai to rise up to
prosecapata/w to deceive besides
proseceli/ssw to unrol besides
prosecerga/zomai to accomplish besides
prosecerei/domai to support oneself by
proseceta/zw to search into besides
proseceuri/skw to find out
prosechpeiro/w to turn still more into dry land
pro/secij attention
prose/oika to be like, resemble
prosepaine/w to praise besides
prosepaitia/omai to accuse besides
prosepei=pon to say besides
prosepeceuri/skw to invent for any purpose besides
prosepiba/llw to add over and above

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prosepigra/fw to write on besides

prosepi/keimai to be urgent besides
prosepikosme/w to embellish besides
prosepikta/omai to acquire besides
prosepilamba/nomai to take part with
prosepiplh/ssw to rebuke besides
prosepipne/w to blow favourably besides
prosepipone/w to work still more
prosepirri/ptw to throw to besides
prosepisiti/zomai to provide oneself with further supplies of corn
prosepiskw/ptw to joke besides
prosepi/stamai to know besides
prosepiste/llw to notify, enjoin, command besides
prosepisfragi/zomai to set one's seal to
prosepita/ssomai to take one's post
prosepitei/nw to stretch still further, to lay more stress upon
prosepite/rpomai to enjoy oneself still more
prosepiti/qhmi to add further
prosepitropeu/omai to be under guardianship
prosepife/rw to bear
prosepifwne/w to say besides, add
prosepixari/zomai to gratify besides
proserga/zomai to work in addition to
pro/sergon earnings, the interest of money
proserei/dw to thrust against
prosere/sqai to ask besides
prosereu/gomai to belch at
prosere/w to speak to, address, accost
proseri/zw to strive with
prose/rpw to creep to
prose/rxomai to come
proserwta/w to question besides
prosespe/rioj towards the west, western
prose/speroj towards evening
prosetairi/zomai to take to oneself as a friend, associate with oneself
prosetairisto/j joined with as a companion, attached to the same
prose/ti over and above, besides
proseuqu/nw to bring to an account besides
proseupore/w to provide besides
proseuri/skw to find besides
proseuxh/ prayer
proseu/xomai to offer prayers
prosefe/lkomai to draw after one besides
prosexh/j next to
prose/xw to hold to, offer
prosew=|oj towards the east

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proszeu/gnumai to be attached to
proszhmio/w to punish besides
pro/shboj near manhood
proshgore/w to address
proshgo/rhma the object of one's address
proshgori/a an appellation, name
proshgoriko/j of
prosh/goroj addressing, accosting
proshko/ntwj suitably, fitly, duly
prosh/kw to have arrived at
prosh/lioj towards the sun, exposed to the sun, sunny
proshlo/w to nail, pin
prosh/lutoj one that has arrived at
pro/shmai to be seated upon
proshmai/nw to presignify, foretell, announce
proshmasi/a a foretoken, prognostic
prosh/nemoj towards the wind, to windward
proshnh/j soft, gentle, kindly
proshxe/w to resound
proshw=|oj towards the East
prosqake/w to sit beside
pro/sqen before
pro/sqesij a putting to, application
prosqete/oj one must attribute
pro/sqetoj added, put on
prosqe/w to run towards
prosqh/kh an addition, appendage, appendix
prosqigga/nw to touch
pro/sqioj the foremost
prosqo/domoj the former lord of a house
prosqroe/w to address, call by a name
prosqu/mioj according to one's mind, welcome
prosiza/nw to sit by
prosi/zw to sit by
prosi/hmi to send to
prosikne/omai to come to, reach
prosi/ktwr one that comes to a god, a suppliant
prosippeu/w to ride up to, charge
prosi/sthmi to place near, bring near
prosistore/w to narrate besides
prosite/oj one must go to
proskaqe/zomai to sit down before
proskaqe/lkw to haul down besides
proska/qhmai to be seated by
proskaqi/zw to sit down by
proskaqi/sthmi to appoint besides

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pro/skairoj for a season, temporary

proskai/w to set on fire
proskale/w to call to, call on, summon
proska/rdioj at the heart
proskartere/w to persist obstinately in
proskarte/rhsij perseverance
proskatabai/nw to descend besides
proskata/blhma that which is paid besides
proskatagignw/skw to condemn besides
proskataisxu/nw to disgrace still further
proskataklei/w to shut up besides
proskatale/gw to enrol besides
proskatalei/pw to leave besides as a legacy
proskatalla/ttomai to become reconciled besides
proskatane/mw to assign besides
proskatariqme/w to count besides
proskataskeua/zw to furnish besides
proskatasu/rw to pull down besides
proskatata/ssw to append, subjoin
proskatati/qhmi to pay down besides
proskathgore/w to accuse besides
pro/skeimai to be placed
proskerdai/nw to gain besides
proskefa/laion a cushion for the head, pillow
proskhdh/j bringing into alliance
proskhrukeu/omai to send a herald to
proskhru/ssw to summon also
proskigkli/zomai to wag one's tail
proskla/omai to be shivered against
prosklhro/omai to be attached to, keep company with
pro/sklhsij a judicial summons
proskli/nw to make to lean against, put against
pro/sklisij inclination, proclivity
prosklu/zw to wash with waves
proskna/omai to rub oneself against
proskoimi/zomai to lie down and sleep beside
proskoinwne/w to give
proskolla/w to glue on
proskomi/zw to carry
pro/skomma a stumble, stumbling
proskope/w to see
proskoph/ an offence
proskoph/ a looking out for
pro/skopoj seeing beforehand
prosko/ptw to strike
proskorh/j satiating, palling

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proskoto/w to darken
pro/skrousij a dashing against
pro/skrousma that against which one strikes, a stumbling-block, offence
proskrou/w to strike against
proskta/omai to gain, get
proskti/zw to build
proskuli/ndw to roll to, roll up
proskune/w to make obeisance
prosku/nhsij adoration, obeisance, a salam
proskunhth/j a worshipper
prosku/ptw to stoop to
proskure/w to reach, touch, arrive at
pro/skwpoj at the oar, a rower
proslagxa/nw to obtain by lot besides
prosla/zumai to take hold of besides
proslale/w to talk to
proslamba/nw to take
prosla/mpw to shine with
prosle/gomai to lie beside
proslei/pw to be lacking
prosleu/ssw to look on
proslhpte/oj one must add
proslipare/w to persevere
proslipa/rhsij importunity
proslogi/zomai to reckon
prosmaqhte/oj one must learn besides
prosmanqa/nw to learn besides
prosmarture/w to confirm by evidence
prosma/ssw to knead
prosma/xomai to fight against
prosmeidia/w to smile upon
prosme/nw to bide
prosmetape/mpomai to send for
prosmhxana/omai to be cunningly fastened to
prosmei/gnumi to mingle
pro/smicij a coming near to
prosmisqo/w to let out for hire besides
prosmolei=n to come
pro/smoroj doomed to woe
prosmuqe/omai to address, accost
prosmuqeu/w to add further fictions
prosmuqologe/w to talk
prosmuqopoie/w to invent mythically besides
prosmu/romai to flow to
prosnauphge/w to build in addition
prosne/mw to assign, attach

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pro/sneusij a nodding to, decision

prosneu/w to nod to, assent
prosne/w to swim to
prosnh/xomai to swim towards
prosni/ssomai to come
prosnoe/w to perceive besides
prosnwma/w to put to one's lips
prosodeu/omai to receive income
prosodiko/j productive
proso/dioj belonging to
pro/sodoj a going
proso/zw to smell of, be redolent of
pro/soida to know besides
prosoikeio/w to assign to
prosoike/w to dwell by
prosoikodome/w to build besides
pro/soikoj dwelling near to, bordering on, neighbouring
prosoiste/oj to be added to
prosoi/xomai to have gone to
prosoke/llw to run
prosolofu/romai to wail to, vent one's griefs to
prosomarte/w to go along with
prosomile/w to hold intercourse with, live
proso/mnumi to swear besides
proso/moioj much like
prosomoio/w to be like, resemble
prosomologe/w to concede
prosomologi/a a further admission
prosomo/rgnumi to wipe upon
proso/mouroj adjoining, adjacent
prosonoma/zw to call by a name
prosora/w to look at, behold
prosore/gomai to stretch oneself towards, to be urgent with
pro/sorqroj towards morning
prosori/zw to include within the boundaries, add to a dominion
prosorma/w to rush on
prosormi/zomai to come to anchor near
proso/rmisij a coming to anchor
pro/sormoj a landing-place
prosorxe/omai to dance to
prosoudi/zw to dash to earth
prosoure/w to make water upon
pro/souroj adjoining, bordering on
prosofei/lw to owe besides
prosofliska/nw to owe besides
prosoxh/ attention

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proso/yioj full in view

pro/soyij appearance, aspect, mien
prospai/zw to play
pro/spaioj striking upon
prospalai/w to wrestle
prospalto/qen from Prospalta
prosparagra/fw to write besides, add yet besides
prosparakale/w to call in besides, invite
prosparame/nw to remain by besides
prosparaskeua/zw to prepare besides
prosparati/qhmi to put before one besides
prospare/xw to furnish
prosparocu/nw to provoke besides
prosparto/j fixed to
prospassaleu/w to nail fast to
prospa/sxw to have an additional
pro/j motion from
pro/speinoj hungry, a-hungered
prospela/zw to make to approach, bring near to
prospe/mpw to send to
prosperiba/llw to put round besides
prosperigi/gnomai to remain over and above as surplus
prosperilamba/nw to embrace besides
prosperiodeu/w to describe besides
prosperipoie/w to lay by
prosperona/w to fasten by means of a pin
prospe/tomai to fly to
prosph/gnumi to fix to
prospi/lnamai to approach quickly
prospi/ptw to fall upon, strike against
prospi/tnw to fall upon
prospla/zw to come near, approach
prospla/ssw to form
pro/splatoj approachable
prosple/kw to connect with
prosple/w to sail towards
prosplhro/w to fill up
prosplwto/j accessible from the sea
prospne/w to breathe upon, inspire
prospoie/w to make over to
prospoi/hma a pretence, assumption
prospoi/hsij a taking something to oneself, acquisition
prospoihtiko/j making pretence to
prospoihto/j taken to oneself, assumed, affected, pretended
prospoleme/w to carry on war against, be at war with another
prospolemo/omai to make one's enemy

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prospole/w to attend, serve

pro/spoloj a servant
prospori/zw to procure
prosporpato/j fastened on with a
pro/sptaisma a stumble against something, a stumble
prosptai/w to strike against
prospth/ssw to crouch
pro/sptugma the object of embraces
prosptu/ssw to embrace
prosptu/w to spit upon
prosrai/nw to sprinkle on
prosrapte/oj one must sew on
prosra/ptw to stitch on
prosre/w to flow towards a point, to stream in, assemble
prosrh/gnumi to dash
pro/srhma an address, salutation
pro/srhsij an addressing, accosting
prosrhte/oj to be addressed, called
prosri/ptw to throw to
prossai/nw to fawn upon
prosse/bw to worship
prosshmai/nw to connote
prossta/zw to drop on, shed over
prosstauro/w to draw a stockade along
prosstei/xw to go
prosste/llw to lay upon
prosstratopedeu/w to encamp near
prossukofante/w to slander besides
prossumba/llomai to contribute to besides
prossunoike/w to settle with
prossfa/zw to slay at
prosswreu/w to store up besides
pro/stagma an ordinance, command
prostakte/oj one must order
prostaktiko/j of
prostakto/j ordained, ordinary
prostalaipwre/w to persist
pro/stacij an ordaining, an ordinance, command
prostasi/a a standing before, leadership
pro/stasij outward dignity, pompous appearance, pomp
prosta/ssw to place
prostateu/w to be leader
prostate/w to stand before, be ruler over, domineer over
prostath/rioj standing before
prosta/thj one who stands before, a front-rank-man
prostatiko/j of

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prostauro/w to draw a stockade in front of

prosteixi/zw to add to a fortification, include in the city-wall
prostektai/nomai to add of oneself
prostele/w to pay
proste/llw to guard
proste/nw to sigh
prosterni/dion a covering for the breast, of horses
pro/sternoj before
proste/rpw to delight
prostexna/omai to devise besides
prosth/komai to stick fast to, cling to
prosti/qhmi to put to
prostila/w to befoul with dung
prostima/w to award further penalty
prosti/mhma that which is awarded over and above the regular penalty, a fine
prostragw|de/w to exaggerate in tragic style
prostre/pw to turn towards a god, to approach with prayer, supplicate
prostre/fw to bring up in
prostre/xw to run to
prostri/bw to rub against
pro/strimma that which is rubbed on
prostro/paioj turning oneself towards
prostroph/ a turning oneself towards
pro/stropoj a suppliant
prostugxa/nw to obtain one's share of
prostw=|on a portico
prosubri/zw to maltreat besides
prosuggi/gnomai to speak with
prosummi/sgw to intermix first
prosunoike/w to cohabit with before
prosupa/rxw to exist besides
prosupe/xw to be answerable also for
prosfa/gion anything eaten with other food
pro/sfagma a victim sacrificed for
prosfa/zw to sacrifice beforehand
prosfai/nomai to appear besides
pro/sfatoj lately slain, fresh-slain
prosferh/j brought near, approaching
prosfe/rw to bring to
prosfeu/gw to flee for refuge to
prosfeukte/oj one must be liable to a prosecution besides
pro/sfhmi to speak to, address
prosfqe/ggomai to call to, address, accost, salute
prosfqegkto/j addressed, saluted
pro/sfqegma an address, salutation
pro/sfqoggoj addressing, saluting

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prosfqone/w to oppose through envy

prosfi/leia kindness, good-will
prosfilh/j dear, beloved
prosfilokale/w to add from a love of splendour
prosfiloneike/w to vie with
prosfilosofe/w to speculate further upon
prosfoita/w to go
prosfora/ a bringing to, applying, application
prosfore/w to bring to, bring in
prosfo/rhma that which is set before one, victuals
pro/sforoj serviceable, useful, profitable
prosfuh/j growing upon
prosfu/w to make to grow to
prosfwne/w to call
prosfwnh/eij addressing, capable of addressing
prosfw/nhma that which is addressed to
prosfw/nhsij an address: a dedication
prosxai/rw to rejoice at
prosxari/zomai to gratify
prosxa/skw to gape
prosxeqei=n to hold before
prosxe/w to pour to
pro/sxhma that which is held before
pro/sxisma the forepart
prosxrh/|zw to require
prosxri/mptw to come near
pro/sxusij a sprinkling
pro/sxwma a deposit made by water
prosxw/nnumi to heap up besides
prosxwre/w to go to, approach
prosxw/rhsij a going towards, approach
pro/sxwroj lying near, neighbouring
pro/sxwsij a bank
prosyau/w to touch upon, touch
prosyhfi/zomai to vote besides, grant by a majority of votes
prosyu/xw to devote oneself heart and soul
prosw|di/a a song sung to music.
prosw|do/j in accord, in tune, harmonious
pro/swqen from afar
proswnumi/a a surname
proswpei=on a mask
proswpolhpte/w to be a respecter of persons
proswpolh/pthj a respecter of persons
proswpolhyi/a respect of persons
pro/swpon the face, visage, countenance
pro/sw forwards, onwards, further

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proswte/rw further on, further

proswfele/w to help
proswfe/lhma help
proswfe/lhsij help, aid, advantage
proswfelhte/oj one must assist
pro/tagma the van
protaini/ in front of
protakte/oj one must place in front
pro/taktoj posted in front
protamiei=on a room before a storeroom
protamieu/w to lay in beforehand
protarbe/w to fear beforehand
pro/tasij a proposition, the premiss
prota/ssw to place
prote/gion the forepart of a roof
protei/nw to stretch out before, hold before
prote/leioj before consecration
protele/w to pay as toll
proteli/zw to present as an offering preliminary to marriage
proteme/nisma the precincts
prote/mnw to cut up beforehand
protenqeu/w to taste and take out the tid-bits
prote/nqhj one who picks out the tid-bits, a dainty fellow, gourmand
proterai=oj on the day before
protere/w to be before, be in advance
prote/rhma an advantage, victory
pro/teroj prae.
prote/rw further, forwards
prote/rwse toward the front, forward
proteu/xw to do beforehand
proti/qhmi to place
protima/w to honour
proti/mhsij an honouring before
protimwre/w to help beforehand
protio/ssomai to look at
proti/w to prefer in honour
protolma/omai to be first ventured
protomh/ the foremost
protoni/zw to haul up with
pro/tonoi ropes from the masthead to the forepart of a ship, the forestays
protou= ere this, aforetime, erst, formerly
protreptiko/j persuasive
protre/pw to urge forwards
protre/xw to run forward
pro/trita three days before
protropa/dhn headforemost, with headlong speed

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protroph/ exhortation
protugxa/nw to come before
protupo/w to mould beforehand
protu/ptw to press forwards
prouparxh/ a previous service
proupa/rxw to be beforehand in
proupecorma/w to go out secretly before
proupoba/llw to put under as a foundation
proupogra/fw to sketch out before
proupo/keimai to be mortgaged before
proupolamba/nw to assume beforehand
prou)/rgou serving for
prousele/w to maltreat, insult
proufaire/w to filch beforehand
profai/nw to bring forth, bring to light, shew forth, manifest, display
profanh/j shewing itself
pro/fantoj far seen
profasi/zomai to set up as a pretext
pro/fasij that which is alleged as the cause, an allegation, plea
proferh/j carried before, placed before, excelling
profe/rw to bring before
profeu/gw to flee forwards, flee away
profhtei/a the gift of interpreting the will of the gods
profhteu/w to be an interpreter
profh/thj one who speaks for a God and interprets his will
profhtiko/j oracular
profqa/nw to outrun, anticipate
profqi/menoj dead
profobe/omai to fear beforehand, fear at the thought of
profobhtiko/j apt to fear beforehand
profore/omai to carry on the web by passing the weft
profra/zw to foretell
pro/frassa kindly, gracious
pro/frwn with forward mind
profulakh/ a guard in front
profulaki\j look-out
profu/lac an advanced guard
profula/ssw to keep guard before, to guard
profura/w to mix up
profuteu/w to plant before
profwne/w to utter beforehand
proxai/rw to rejoice beforehand
proxalkeu/w to forge beforehand
pro/xeiloj with prominent lips
proxeiri/zw to put into the hand, have ready at hand
pro/xeiroj at hand, ready

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proxeirotone/w to choose
proxe/w to pour forth
pro/xnu with the knees forward
proxoh/ the outpouring
proxoi/j a chamberpot
pro/xooj a vessel for pouring out, a ewer for pouring water on the hands
proxoreu/w to dance before in a chorus
proxri/w to smear before
pro/xronoj of former time
pro/xusij a pouring out
proxu/thj an urn
proxuto/j poured out in front:&mdash
pro/xwloj very lame
proxwre/w to go
prowqe/w to push forward, push
prow/lhj ruined beforehand
pro/wroj before the time, untimely
prule/ej men-at-arms, foot-soldiers
prumnai=oj of a ship-stern
pru/mna the hindmost part of a ship, the stern, poop
prumneu/j steersman
pru/mnhqen from the stern
prumnh/sioj of
prumnh/thj the steersman
prumno/qen from the bottom
prumno/n the lower part, end
prumno/j the hindmost, undermost, end-most
prumnou=xoj holding the ship's stern
prumnw/reia the foot of a mountain
prutanei/a the prytany
prutanei=on the presidents' hall, town-hall
prutaneu/w to be
pru/tanij a prince, ruler, lord, chief
prw/hn lately, just now
prwqh/bhj in the prime of youth
prwizo/j the day before
prw/imoj early
prw/ioj early
prwi/ early in the day, early, at morn
prwkto/j the anus
prw/n a foreland, headland
prw/c a dewdrop
prw/|raqen from the ship's head, from the front
prw=|ra the forepart of a ship, a ship's head, prow, bow
prw|rateu/w to be a
prw|reu/j the officer in command at the bow, the look-out man

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prwta/ggeloj announcing first

prwta/grion the first fruits of the chase
prwtagwniste/w to be
prwtagwnisth/j one who plays the first part, the chief actor
prw/tarxoj first-beginning, primal
prwtei=on the chief rank, first place
prwtesila/eion monument of Protesilaus
prwtesi/laoj Protesilaus, first-of-the-people
prwteu/w to be the first, hold the first place
prwthro/thj the earliest plougher
prw/tistoj the very first, first of the first
prwto/boloj first struck
prwto/gonoj first-born, firstling
prwto/zuc newly wedded
prwtokaqedri/a the first seat
prwtoklisi/a the first seat at table
prwtokto/noj committing the first murder, the first homicide
prwtoku/wn first dog
prwto/leia the first spoils
prwto/mantij the first prophet
prwto/moroj dying
prwtoph/mwn first cause of ill
prwto/plouj going to sea for the first time
prwtoporei/a the advanced guard, vanguard
prwtosta/thj one who stands first, on the right, the right-hand man
prwtoto/kia the rights of the first-born, birthright
prwtoto/koj bearing her first-born
prwto/tokoj first-born
prwto/tomoj first cut
ptai/rw to sneeze
ptai=sma a stumble, trip, false step
ptai/w to make to stumble
ptarmo/j a sneezing
pta/rnumai to sneeze
ptele/a the elm
pte/rinoj made of feathers
pte/rna the heel
pternoglu/foj ham-scraper
pternotrw/kthj ham-nibbler
pternofa/goj ham-eater
pterodo/nhtoj moved by flapping wings
ptero/eij feathered, winged
ptero/n feathers
pteropoi/kiloj motley-feathered
ptero/pouj wing-footed
pterorrue/w to shed the feathers, moult

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pterofo/roj feathered, winged

pterofue/w to grow feathers
pterofu/twr feather-producing
ptero/w to furnish with feathers
pterugi/zw to flutter with the wings
pteru/gion the wing
pterugwto/j having wings, winged
pte/ruc the wing
pteru/ssomai to clap the wings
pte/rwma that which is feathered
pte/rwsij plumage
pterwto/j feathered
pthnole/tij bird-killing
pthno/j feathered, winged
pth=sij a flying, flight
pth/ssw to frighten, scare, alarm
pti/lon the soft feathers
ptilo/nwtoj with feathered back
ptilwto/j with membranous wings
ptisa/nh peeled barley: a drink made thereof, barley-water, a ptisan
pti/ssw to winnow: to peel
ptisth/j one who shells
pto/a abject fear, terror
ptoe/w to terrify, scare
pto/hsij passionate excitement
ptolemaiko/j of
ptolemai/j Acre
ptoli/porqoj sacking
pto/rqoj a young branch, shoot, sucker, sapling
ptu/gma anything folded
ptukto/j folded
ptu/c a fold, leaf, plate
ptu/on a winnowing-shovel
ptu/romai to be scared
pturtiko/j timorous
ptu/ssw to fold
ptu/w to spit out
ptwka/j cowering, timorous
ptw=ma a fall
ptw/c the cowering animal
ptw/simoj having fallen
ptw=sij a falling, fall
ptw/ssw to crouch
ptwxei/a beggary, mendacity
ptwxeu/w to be a beggar, go begging, beg
ptwxiko/j of

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ptwxo/mousoj a beggar-poet
ptwxopoio/j drawing beggarly characters
ptwxo/j one who crouches
puane/yia the Pyanepsia
pu/anoj bean.
pugai=oj of
pu/gargoj white-rump
pugh/ the rump, buttocks
pugi/dion a thin rump
pugmai=oj a
pugmaxe/w to practise boxing, be a boxer
pugmaxi/a boxing
pugma/xoj one who fights with the fist, a boxer
pugmh/ a fist
pugosto/loj with sweeping train
pugou/sioj of the length of a
pugw/n the distance from the elbows to the first joint of the fingers, = 20
pue/loj an oblong trough
puqago/raj Pythagoras
puqago/reioj of Pythagoras
puqagori/zw to be a disciple of Pythagoras
puqaeu/j a name of Apollo
puqaisth/j one who consults Apollo's oracle
pu/qia the Pythian games
puqi/a the Pythia, priestess of Pythian Apollo
puqia/j the Pythian priestess
puqiko/j of
puqioni/khj a conqueror in the Pythian games
puqio/nikoj of
pu/qion the temple of Pythian Apollo
pu/qioj Pythian
puqmh/n the hollow bottom
puqoi= at Pytho
puqo/krantoj confirmed by the Pythian god
puqo/mantij the Pythian prophet
puqoxrh/sthj sent by the Pythian oracle
puqo/xrhstoj delivered by the Pythian god
puqw/de to Pytho
puqw=qen from Pytho
pu/qwn Python
puqw/ Pytho
pu/qw to make rot, to rot
pukaei/j vehement
puka/zw to make close, cover
pukimhdh/j of close
pukni/thj assembled in the Pnyx

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pukno/pteroj thick-feathered
puknorra/c thick with berries
pukno/j close, compact
pukno/stiktoj thick-spotted, dappled
pukno/thj closeness, thickness, denseness
pukno/w to make close
pu/knwma close order
pukteu/w to practise boxing, box, spar
pu/kthj a boxer, pugilist
puktiko/j skilled in boxing
pukti/j a writing tablet
pukti/j the beaver
pulagore/w to be
pulago/rhj one sent as a deputy to Pylae
pulai/a the autumn-meeting of the Amphictyons at Pylae
pulaiko/j jesting, silly
pulaima/xoj fighting at the gates
pulai=oj at Pylae
pula/rthj gate-fastener, he that keeps the gates of hell
pula=tij at the gates
pulawro/j keeping the gate, a gate-keeper
pulhdo/koj watching at the door
pu/lh one wing of a pair of double gates
puli/j a postern
pulo/qen from Pylos
puloigenh/j sprung from Pylos
pulo/nde to
pu/loj Pylos
pulo/w to furnish with gates
pu/lwma a gate, gateway
pulw/n a gateway, gate-house
pulwre/w to be a
pulwro/j a gate-keeper, warder, porter
pumathgo/roj last-speaking
pu/matoj hindmost, last
pu/ndac the bottom
punqa/nomai to learn by hearsay
pu/cinoj made of box-wood
puci/on a tablet of box-wood
puci/j a box of box-wood
pu/coj the box-tree
pu/c with clenched fist
puo/j the first milk after the birth, beestings
pu/ppac bravo!
pura/gra a pair of fire-tongs
puragre/thj serving for tongues

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purakte/w to turn in the fire, to harden in the fire, char

purami/j a pyramid
puramou=j a cake of wheat and honey
pura/ watch-fires
puraugh/j fiery bright
purghdo/n like a tower
purghre/omai to be shut up as in a tower, to be beleaguered
purgh/rhj fortified
pu/rginoj tower-like
purgoda/iktoj destroying towers
purgomaxe/w to assault a tower
pu/rgoj a tower
purgofore/w to bear a tower
purgofo/roj bearing a tower
purgofu/lac a tower-guard, warder
purgo/w to gird
purgw/dhj like a tower
pu/rgwma that which is furnished with towers, a fenced city
purgw=tij towering
purdah/j burning with fire, incendiary
purei=on pieces of wood
pure/ssw to be ill of a fever
pureto/j burning heat, fiery heat
pureu/j a fire-proof vessel
purh/nemoj fanning fire
purh/n the stone
purh/ any place where fire is kindled
purhto/koj producing fire
purh/fatoj the wheat-slaying
purhfo/roj wheat-bearing
puria/h beestings-pudding
puri/a a vapour-bath
puriath/rion a vapour-bath
purigene/thj fire-wrought
purigenh/j born in fire
purigo/noj producing fire
puri/daptoj devoured by fire
purihkh/j with fiery point
puriqalph/j heated in the fire
puri/kaustoj burnt in fire
purikoi/thj wherein fire lies asleep
purilamph/j bright with fire
puri/lhptoj seized by fire, volcanic
purimane/w to break out into a furious blaze
pu/rinoj of wheat, wheaten
pu/rinoj of fire, fiery, hot

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puripne/wn firebreathing
puri/pnouj fire-breathing, fiery
purisma/ragoj roaring with fire
puri/spartoj sowing fire, inflaming
puri/staktoj fire-streaming
puri/thj of
puritro/foj cherishing fire
puriflege/qwn fire-blazing
puriflegh/j flaming with fire, blazing
puri/flektoj blazing with fire
puri/xrwj fire-coloured
purkaia/ any place where fire is kindled, a funeral pyre
purnai=oj fit for eating
pu/rnon wheaten bread
purobo/loj giving forth fire:&mdash
purogenh/j made from wheat
puro/eij fiery
puroklopi/a a theft of fire
purolo/goj reaping wheat
puropwle/w to deal in wheat
puropw/lhj a wheat-merchant.
purorragh/j bursting in the fire, fire-flawed, cracked
puro/j wheat
purofo/roj wheat-bearing
puro/w to burn with fire, burn up
purpalama/w to play tricks with fire, play mischievous tricks
purpa/lamoj wrought from fire
pu/rpnouj firebreathing
pu=r fire
purpole/w to light and keep up a fire, watch a fire
purpo/lhma a watchfire, beacon
purpo/loj wasting with fire, burning
purra/zw to be fiery red
purriko/j named after Pyrrhus
purri/xh the pyrrhic dance, a
purrixi/zw to dance the pyrrhic dance
purri/xioj of
purrixisth/j a dancer of the
pu/rrixoj red
purroge/neioj red-bearded
purro/qric red-haired
purroko/rac a crow with a red beak
purro/omai to become red
purropi/phj one that ogles young boys
purro/j flame-coloured, yellowish-red
pursai/nw to make red, tinge with red

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purseu/w to light up, kindle

pursobo/loj shooting forth fire
purso/nwtoj red-backed
purso/j a firebrand, torch
pursoto/koj fire-producing
pursw/dhj like a firebrand
purfore/w to be a
purfo/roj fire-bearing
purw/dhj like fire, fiery
purwpo/j fiery-eyed, fiery
pu/stij enquiry
putinai=oj plaited with osier
puti/nh a flask covered with plaited osier.
pwgwnofo/roj wearing a beard
pw/gwn the beard
pwlei/a a breeding of foals, stud, breed
pw/leioj of a foal
pwle/omai to go up and down, go to and fro
pw/leusij horsebreaking
pwleu/w to break in a young horse
pwle/w to exchange
pw/lhsij a selling, sale
pw/lhj a seller, dealer
pwlhth/rion a place where wares are sold, an auction-room, shop
pwlhth/j one who sells
pwliko/j of foals, fillies
pwli/on a pony
pwlodamne/w to break young horses
pwloda/mnhj a horsebreaker
pwloma/xoj fighting on horseback
pw=loj a foal, young horse
pwlotro/foj rearing young horses
pw=ma a lid, cover
pw=ma a drink, a draught
pwma/zw to furnish with a lid, cover up
pw up to this time, yet
pw/pote ever yet
pw= where?
pw=roj tufa, a porous stone
pwro/w to petrify, turn into stone
pw/rwsij petrifaction
pw=j in a certain way
pwj in any way, at all, by any means
pw=j how? in what way
pwta/omai to fly about
pw=u a flock

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r(abbi/ o my master
r(abdi/on a little rod, a wand
r(abdomaxi/a a fighting with a staff
r(abdonome/w to sit as umpire
r(abdono/moj holding a rod
r(a/bdoj a rod, wand, stick, switch
r(abdouxe/w to carry a rod
r(abdouxi/a the fasces
r(abdou=xoj one who carries a rod
r(abdofore/w to carry a wand
r(a/bdwsij the fluting
r(abdwto/j striped
r(aga/j a rent, chink
r(agdai=oj tearing, furious
r(agi/zw to gather grapes
r(agolo/goj gathering berries
r(adina/kh a black strong smelling petroleum
r(adino/j slender, taper
r(a/|dioj easy, ready, easy to make
r(a|diourge/w to do things with ease
r(a|diou/rghma a reckless act, crime
r(a|diourgi/a ease in doing, facility
r(a|diourgo/j doing things easily
r(aqa/migc a drop
r(aqapugi/zw to give one a slap on the buttocks
r(a|qume/w to leave off work, to be remiss
r(a|qumi/a easiness of temper, a taking things easily
r(a/|qumoj taking things easy, indifferent, lazy, sluggish
r(aibo/kranoj with crooked head
r(aiboskelh/j crook-legged
r(aibo/j crooked, bent
r(ai/zw to grow easier, find relief, recover from illness
r(ai/nw to sprinkle, besprinkle
r(aisth/r a hammer
r(ai/w to break, shiver, shatter, wreck
r(a/kion a rag
r(akiosurrapta/dhj a rag-stitcher
r(ako/dutoj ragged
r(ako/eij ragged, torn, tattered
r(a/koj a ragged garment, a rag
r(ako/w to tear in strips
r(a/kwma rags
r(a/mfoj a beak, bill, neb
r(ani/j a drop
r(anth/rioj of
r(anti/zw to purify

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r(antismo/j a sprinkling
r(a/c a grape
r(api/zw to strike with a stick, to cudgel, flog, bastinado
r(a/pisma a stroke, a slap on the face
r(apto/j stitched, patched
r(a/ptw to sew
)ra/rion of Rarus
)ra=roj Raros
r(a|stwneu/w to be idle, listless
r(a|stw/nh easiness
r(afanido/w to thrust a radish up the fundament
r(afani/j the radish
r(afeu/j a stitcher, patcher
r(afh/ a seam
r(afi/j a needle
r(axi/a the sea breaking on the shore
r(axi/zw to cut through the spine, to cleave in twain
r(a/xij the lower part of the back, the chine
r(axiw/dhj with surf
r(axo/j a thorn-bush, briar
r(ayw|de/w to recite epic poems
r(ayw|di/a recitation of epic poetry
r(ayw|diko/j of
r(ayw|do/j one who stitches
(re/a Rhea
r(e/a easily, lightly
r(e/gkw to snore
r(e/zw to do, act, deal
r(e/qoj a limb
r(ei=a easily, lightly
r(ei=qron that which flows, a river, stream
r(ekth/r a worker, doer
r(e/kthj active
r(e/mbomai to roam, rove, roll about
r(embw/dhj roving, rolling
r(e/oj a stream
r(e/pw to incline downwards, to sink, fall
r(eu=ma that which flows, a flow, stream, current
r(eumati/zomai to flow as a current
r(euma/tion a rivulet
r(eustiko/j flowing, liquid
r(e/w to flow, run, stream, gush
r(h=gma a breakage, fracture
r(hgmi/n the sea breaking on the beach, the line of breakers, surf
r(h/gnumi to break, break asunder
r(h=goj a rug, blanket

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r(hkto/j that can be broken

r(h=ma that which is said
r(hma/tion a pet phrase, phrasicle
r(hnoforeu/j clad in sheepskin
r(hchnori/a might to break through armed ranks
r(hch/nwr breaking through armed ranks
r(hcike/leuqoj opening a path
r(hci/nouj breaking the spirit
r(h=cij a breaking, bursting
r(h=sij a saying, speaking, speech
r(hte/oj one must mention
r(hth/r a speaker
r(htorei/a skill in public speaking, eloquence, oratory, rhetoric
r(htoreu/w to speak in public, to use
r(htoriko/j oratorical, rhetorical
r(hto/j stated, specified
r(h/tra a verbal agreement, bargain, covenant
r(h/twr a public speaker, pleader
r(igedano/j making one shudder with cold, chilling
r(ige/w to shiver
r(ighlo/j making to shiver, chilling
r(i/gion more frosty, colder
r(i/gistoj coldest: most horrible
r(igoma/xhj fighting with cold
r(i=goj frost, cold
r(igo/w to be cold, shiver from cold
r(i/za a root
r(izi/on a little root
r(izobole/w to strike root
r(izobo/loj striking root.
r(izo/qen by, from the roots
r(izoto/moj one who cuts roots
r(izofage/w to eat roots
r(izofa/goj eating roots
r(izo/w to make to strike root
r(i/zwma a root
r(izwru/xoj root-grubbing
r(i/zwsij a taking root, beginning life
r(ikno/j shrivelled with cold
r(i/mfa lightly, swiftly, fleetly
r(imfa/rmatoj of a swift chariot
r(ina/w to file
r(inegkataphcige/neioj with a nose reaching to the chin
r(inhlate/w to track by scent
r(inhla/thj one who tracks by scent
r(i/nh a file

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r(ino/boloj emitted through the nose

r(ino/kerwj the rhinoceros
r(ino/n a hide
r(ino/simoj snub-nosed
r(ino/j the skin
r(inoto/roj shield-piercing
r(inou=xoj a sewer
r(i/on any jutting part
r(iph/ the swing
r(ipi/zw to fan
r(ipi/j a fan for raising the fire
r(ipta/zw to throw to and fro, toss about
r(ipto/j thrown
r(i/ptw to throw, cast, hurl
r(i/j the nose
r(i/yaspij throwing away his shield in battle, a recreant
r(i=yij a throwing, casting, hurling
r(iyoki/ndunoj running needless risks, fool-hardy, reckless
r(i/yoploj throwing away one's arms
r(i/y plaited work, wicker-work, a mat
r(o/a a pomegranate-tree
r(oda/nh the woof
r(odano/j waving, flickering
r(o/deoj of roses
r(odh= a rose-tree, rose-bush
(rodiako/j Rhodian, of Rhodes
r(ododa/ktuloj rosy-fingered
r(odoeidh/j rose-like, rosy
r(odo/eij of roses
r(odo/mhlon a rose-apple
r(o/don the rose
r(odo/phxuj rosy-armed
(ro/doj Rhodes
r(odwnia/ a rose-bed, garden of roses
r(oh/ a river, stream, flood
r(oqe/w to make a rushing noise, to dash
r(oqia/zw to make a guttling noise
r(oqia/j dashing
r(o/qioj rushing, roaring, dashing
r(o/qoj a rushing noise, dash of waves
r(oia/ mulberry.
r(oibde/w to swallow with a noise, suck down
r(oi/bdhsij a whistling, piping
r(oi=bdoj any rushing noise
r(oize/w to whistle
r(oi/zhma a rushing, whirring noise

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r(oi=zoj the whistling

r(oiko/j crooked
r(ombhto/j spun round like a top
r(omboeidh/j rhomboidal
r(o/mboj a spinning-top
r(ombwto/j lozenge-shaped
r(omfai/a a large sword, scymitar
r(o/oj a stream, flow, current
r(o/palon a club, cudgel
r(oph/ inclination downwards, the sinking of the scale
r(o/ptron the wood in a mouse-trap
r(ou/sioj reddish
r(ofe/w to sup greedily up, gulp down
r(ofhtiko/j drawing in, absorbing
r(ofhto/j that can be
r(oxqe/w to dash with a roaring sound
r(o/xqoj a roaring
r(ow/dhj with a strong stream
r(u/ac a rushing stream, a torrent
r(u/gxoj a snout, muzzle
r(u/dhn flowingly, abundantly
r(udo/n abundantly
r(u/zw to growl, snarl
r(uqmi/zw to bring into measure
r(uqmo/j measured motion, time, rhythm
r(uka/nh a plane
r(u=ma that which is drawn
r(u/mh the force, swing, rush
r(u/mma anything for washing, soap
r(umo/j the pole of a carriage
r(umoulke/w to tow
r(u/omai to draw to oneself
r(upai/nw to defile, disfigure, disparage
r(upari/a dirt, filth: sordidness
r(uparo/j foul, filthy, dirty
r(upa/w to be foul, filthy, dirty
r(upo/omai to be foul
r(u/poj dirt, filth, dirtiness, uncleanness
r(uppapai/ yoho!
r(u/ptw to remove dirt from
r(usai/nomai to be wrinkled
r(usia/zw to seize as a pledge, to drag away
r(usi/bwmoj defending altars
r(usi/difroj preserving the chariot
r(u/sion that which is dragged away
r(u/sioj delivering, saving

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r(usi/polij saving the city

r(usi/ponoj setting free from trouble
r(u/sij a flowing, flow
r(uso/j drawn up, shrivelled, wrinkled
r(uso/thj wrinkledness, wrinkles
r(usta/zw to drag about
r(ustaktu/j a dragging about, maltreatment
r(utagwgeu/j the rope of a horse's halter
r(uth/r one who draws
r(utido/floioj with shrivelled rind
r(utido/w to make wrinkled
r(uti/j a fold
r(uto/n a rein
r(uto/j dragged along
r(uto/j flowing, running, fluid, liquid
r(u/twr a saviour, deliverer
r(u/w to draw
r(wgale/oj broken, cleft, rent, torn
r(wga/j ragged
r(w/qwn the nose
(rwmaiko/j Roman, a Roman
(rwmaisti/ in Latin
r(wmale/oj strong of body
r(w/mh bodily strength, strength, might
r(w/nnumi to strengthen, make strong and mighty
r(w/c a cleft
r(w/omai to move with speed
r(wph/ion brushes, brushwood
r(wpiko/j of
r(w=poj petty wares
r(wxmo/j a cleft
r(w/y a shrub, bush
saba/zioj Bacchus
sabako/j shattered
saba/kthj a shatterer, destroyer
sabaxqani/ hast thou forsaken me?
sabaw/q hosts, armies
sabbati/zw to keep the Sabbath
sabbatismo/j a keeping of days of rest
sa/bbaton sabbath
saboi= a cry at the feast of Sabazios
sa/garij a single edged axe
saghnai=oj of
saghneuth/r one who fishes with a drag-net
saghneu/w to take fish with a drag-net
sagh/nh a large drag-net

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saghnobo/loj one who casts a drag-net, a fisherman

saghno/detoj attached to a drag-net
sagh/ pack, baggage
saghfore/w to wear a cloak
sa/gma covering: the covering of a shield
sa/goj a coarse cloak
saddoukai=oi Sadducees
saqro/j rotten, decayed, unsound, cracked
sai/nw to wag the tail, fawn
sai/rw to draw back the lips and shew the teeth, to grin
sake/spaloj wielding a shield
sakesfo/roj shield-bearing
sakki/on a small bag
sakkogeneiotro/foj cherishing a huge beard
sa/kkoj a coarse hair-cloth, sackcloth
sa/koj a shield
sa/kthj a sack
sa/ktwr a packer
sakxufa/nthj one who weaves sackcloth, a sailmaker
sala/kwn a swaggerer
salaminafe/thj betrayer of Salamis
salami/nioj Salaminian, of
salami/j Salamis
sala/ssw to overload, cram full
saleu/w to cause to rock, make to oscillate, shake to and fro
sa/loj any unsteady, tossing motion
salpiggologxuphna/dai lancer-whiskered-trumpeters
salpigkth/j a trumpeter
sa/lpigc a war-trumpet, trump
salpi/zw to sound the trumpet, give signal by trumpet
sa/maina a ship of Samian build
samarei/a Samaria
samarei/thj a Samaritan
sambu/kh a triangular musical instrument with four strings
sambukisth/j a player on the sambuca
samoqra/|kh Samothrace
sa/moj Samos
samfo/rhj a horse branded with the letter
sa/ndalon a wooden sole
sandara/kh red
sandara/kinoj of orange colour
sandarakourgei=on a pit whence
sa/nduc a bright red colour
sani/dion a small trencher
sanido/w to cover with planks.
sani/dwma a planking, framework

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sani/j a board, plank

sapro/j rotten, putrid
sapro/thj rottenness, putridity
sa/pfeiroj the sapphire
sapfw/ Sapph..
sarga/nh a plait, braid
sarda/nioj bitter
sa/rdeij Sardes
sa/rdion the Sardian stone, carnelian
sardo/nion the rope sustaining the upper-edge of a hunting-net
sardo/nuc the sardonyx
sardw/ Sardinia
sa/risa the sarissa
sarka/zw to tear flesh like dogs
sarki/zw to strip off the flesh, scrape it out
sarkiko/j fleshly, sensual
sa/rkinoj of flesh, in the flesh
sarkoliph/j forsaken by flesh, lean
sarkopagh/j compact of flesh
sarkofa/goj eating flesh, carnivorous
sarko/w to make to look like flesh
sarkw/dhj fleshy
sa/rc flesh
sa/ron a broom, besom
saro/w to sweep clean
sata/n Satan
sati/nh a war-chariot, chariot, car
sa/ton sextarii
satrapei/a a satrapy, the office
satrapeu/w to be a satrap, exercise the authority of one
satra/phj a satrap, viceroy
sa/tra gold
sa/ttw to pack
saturiko/j like a Satyr
sa/turoj a Satyr
saulo/omai to swagger, dance affectedly
sauloprwktia/w to walk in a swaggering way
sau=loj swaggering, straddling
sau/nion a javelin
sau/ra a lizard
saurokto/noj lizard-killer
sauroma/thj a Sarmatian
saurwth/r a spike at the butt-end
safhgori/j speaking clearly
safh/neia distinctness, perspicuity
safhne/w to tell distinctly

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safhnh/j the plain truth

safhni/zw to make clear
safhnistiko/j explanatory
safh/j clear, plain, distinct, manifest
sa/w to sift, bolt
sbe/nnumi to quench, put out
sbesth/rioj serving to quench
seautou= of thyself
seba/zomai to be afraid of
se/basma an object of awe
se/baj reverential awe, a feeling of awe
sebasto/j reverenced, august
sebi/zw to worship, honour
se/bomai to feel awe
se/bw to worship, honour
seilhno/j Silenus
seilhnw/dhj like Silenus
seirai=oj joined by a cord
seira/ a cord, rope, string, band
seirafo/roj led by a rope
seirh/n a Siren
seirio/kautoj scorched by the sun
sei/rioj the scorcher
seiroma/stic a knotted scourge
seisa/xqeia a shaking off of burdens
seisi/xqwn earth-shaker
seismati/hj in the ruins caused by an earthquake
seismo/j a shaking, shock
seisto/j shaken
sei/w to shake, move to and fro
selage/w to enlighten, illume
selahgene/thj father of light
se/laj a bright flame, blaze, light
selasfo/roj light-bringing
seleuki/j a cup, named after Seleucus
selhnai=oj lighted by the moon
selh/nh the moon
selhnia/zomai to be moonstruck
selhniako/j of
selidhfa/goj devouring leaves of books
se/linon parsley
seli/j a plank
selloi/ the Selli
se/lma the deck of a ship
semi/dalij the finest wheaten flour
semnologe/w to speak gravely

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semnolo/goj a grave
semno/mantij a grave and reverend seer
semnopoie/w to make august, to magnify
semnoproswpe/w to assume a grave, solemn countenance
semno/j revered, august, holy, awful
semno/stomoj solemnly spoken
semno/thj gravity, solemnity, dignity, majesty
semno/timoj reverenced with awe
semno/w to make solemn
semnu/nw to exalt, magnify
se motion towards
septo/j august
se/rij endive
se/rfoj gnat
sesofisme/nwj cunningly
seu/w to put in quick motion: to drive, hunt, chase away
shka/zw to shut up in a pen
shki/j a housekeeper, porteress
shki/thj kept in the fold, sucking
shkoko/roj cleaning a byre
shko/j a pen, fold
shko/w to weigh, balance
sh/kwma in the balance
shmai/a a standard
shmai/nw to shew by a sign, indicate, make known, point out
shmanth/rion a mark
shmantri/j used for sealing
sh/mantron a seal
shma/ntwr one who gives a signal, a leader, commander
sh=ma a sign, mark, token
shmato/eij full of tombs
shmatourgo/j one who makes devices for shields
shmeiogra/foj a shorthand writer
shmei=on a sign, a mark, token
shmeio/w to mark
shmeiw/dhj marked, remarkable
sh/meron to-day
shmiki/nqion kerchief
shmo/qetoj having a mark set
shpedw/n rottenness, putrefaction
shpi/a the cuttle-fish
sh/pw to make rotten
sh=ragc a hollow rock, cave
shriko/j Seric, silken
sh/r the Seres
shsamai=oj made of sesame

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shsamh= a sesame pudding

shsa/mh sesame
shsa/minoj made of sesame
shsamo/eij of sesame
sh/samon the seed
shsamo/turon a mess of sesame and cheese
sh/j a moth
shsto/j Sestos
shto/brwtoj eaten by moths
sqenaro/j strong, mighty
sqe/noj strength, might
sqe/nw to have strength
siagw/n the jawbone, jaw
si/alon spittle, saliva
si/aloj a fat hog
si/bulla a Sibyl, prophetess
sibu/lleioj Sibylline
sibullia/w to play the Sibyl
sibullisth/j a believer in the Sibyl, a seer, diviner
sibu/nh a hunting spear, a spear, pike
siga/zw to bid
sigale/oj silent, still
sigalo/eij glossy, glittering, shining, splendid
si=ga silently
siga/j silent
siga/w to be silent
sighlo/j disposed to silence, silent, mute
sigh/ silence
sighte/oj one must be silent
si/gloj shekel
si=gma sal
si=gma sigma
sigu/nhj a spear
si/dh a pomegranate.
sidhrei/a a working in iron
sidhrei=a iron-works, iron-mines
sidh/reoj made of iron
sidhreu/j a worker in iron, a smith
sidh/rion an implement
sidhri/thj of iron
sidhrobrw/j iron-eating
sidhroda/ktuloj iron-fingered
sidhro/detoj iron-bound
sidhrokmh/j slain by iron
sidhromh/twr mother of iron
sidhrono/moj distributing with iron

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sidhro/nwtoj iron-backed
sidhro/plastoj moulded of iron
sidhro/plhktoj smitten by iron
sidhro/spartoj sown
si/dhroj iron
sidhrote/ktwn a worker in iron
sidhroto/koj producing iron
sidhrotome/w to cut
sidhrourgei=on iron-works
sidhrofore/w to bear iron, wear arms, go armed
sidhrofo/roj bearing arms
sidhro/frwn of iron heart
sidhro/xalkoj of iron and copper
sidhroxa/rmhj fighting
sidhro/w to overlay with iron
si/dion pomegranate-peel
sido/nej men of Sidon
sidoni/hqen from Sidon
sidw/n Sidon
si/zw to hiss
siqwni/a Sithonia
sikani/a Sicania
sikano/j a Sicanian
sikeli/a Sicily
sikeli/dhj Sicilian
sikeliko/j Sicilian
sikeliw/thj a Sicilian Greek
sikelo/j Sicilian, of
si/kera a fermented liquor
si/kinnij the Sicinnis
siku/a like the cucumber
si/kuoj a cucumber
sikuw/nia Sicyonians
sikuw/noqe of
sikuw/n Sicyon
sillai/nw to insult, mock, jeer, banter
si/lloj squint-eyed
si/lluboj a parchment-label
si/louroj sheat?
si/lfh an insect, blatta
si/lfion assafoetida
silfiofo/roj bearing silphium
simbleu/w to grow in a hive
simblh/ioj of
si/mbloj a beehive
simo/eij the

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simo/j snub-nosed, flat-nosed

si=moj flat-nose
simo/thj the shape of a snub nose, snubbiness
simo/w to turn up the nose
si/mwma the upturned bow
sinamwre/w to ravage
sinamwri/a mischievousness
sina/mwroj mischievous
si/napi mustard
sindw/n sindon, a fine cloth
sinia/zw to sift, winnow
sini/on a sieve.
si/nij a ravager, plunderer
si/nomai to do
si/noj hurt, harm, mischief, injury
si/nthj destructive, ravenous
si/ntiej the Sintians
si/nwn Sinon
sinwpeu/j an inhabitant of Sinope
sinw/ph Sinope
sinwpi/j the country of Sinope
si/on the water-parsnep
sipu/h a meal-tub, meal-jar, flour bin
si/raion new wine boiled down
siriko/n silk
siro/j a pit
si/sumbron mint
sisu/ra a cloak of goats-hair
sisurigxi/on Iris
si/surna a garment of skin
sisurnofo/roj wearing a coat
si/sufoj the craftiest
sitagwge/w to convey corn
sitagwgi/a conveyance of corn
sitagwgo/j conveying
site/omai to take food, eat
siteuto/j fed up, fatted
siteu/w to feed, fatten
sithge/w to convey
sithgi/a the conveyance
sithre/sion provisions, victuals
sithro/j of corn
si/thsij an eating, feeding
siti/zw to feed, nourish, fatten
sitiko/j of wheat
siti/on grain, corn: food made from grain, bread

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sitodei/a want of corn

sitodo/koj holding food
sitodote/w to furnish with provisions
sitodo/thj a furnisher of corn.
sitologe/w to collect corn, to forage
sitologi/a a collecting of corn, a foraging
sitolo/goj a collector of corn
sitome/trhj one who measures out corn: a magistrate who had to inspect the corn measures
sitometri/a the office of
sitome/trion a measured portion of corn
sitono/moj dealing out corn
sitopoie/w to prepare corn for food, to make bread
sitopoii/a breadmaking, the preparation of food
sitopoiiko/j for breadmaking
sitopoio/j of grinding and baking
sitopompi/a the conveyance
si=toj corn, grain
sitofa/goj eating corn
sitofo/roj carrying corn
sitofu/lakej corn-inspectors
si/tta off
sitw/nhj a buyer of corn, a commissary for buying it
sitwni/a purchase of corn, the office of
siflo/j crippled, maimed
siflo/w to maim, cripple, bring to misery
si/fnioj Siphnian
si/fnoj Siphnos
si/fwn a tube, pipe, siphon
siwpa/w to be silent
siwphlo/j silent, still, quiet
siwph/ silence
siwphte/oj to be passed over in silence
ska/zw to limp, halt
skaio/j side
skaio/thj lefthandedness, awkwardness
skaiourge/w to behave amiss
skai/rw to skip, frisk
skala/qurma a quibble
skalaqurma/tion a petty quibble
skaleu/j a hoer
skaleu/w to stir, poke
skalhno/j uneven, unequal
ska/llw to stir up, hoe
skalmo/j the pin
ska/loy the digger
skama/ndrioj Scamandrian

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ska/mandroj the Scamander

skanda/lhqron the stick in a trap
skandali/zw to make to stumble, give offence to
ska/ndalon a trap
ska/ndic chervil
skapa/nh a digging tool, mattock
skapth/r a digger, delver
skapto/j dug: that may be dug
ska/ptw to dig, delve
skardamu/ssw to blink, wink
skarifismo/j a scratching up
skatofa/goj eating dirt
skafeu/j a digger, delver, ditcher
ska/fh anything dug
skafi/dion a small skiff
skafi/j a bowl, milk-pail
ska/foj a digging, hoeing
ska/foj the hull of a ship
skeda/nnumi to scatter, disperse
ske/dasij a scattering
skeqro/j exact, careful
skeleto/j dried up, withered
skeletw/dhj like a mummy
ske/llw to dry, dry up, make dry, parch
ske/loj the leg
ske/mma a subject for speculation, a question
skepa/zw to cover, shelter
ske/panon a covering
skepano/j sheltered
ske/parnon a carpenter's axe
ske/pasma a covering, shelter
ske/paj a covering, shelter
skepa/w to cover, shelter
ske/ph a covering, shelter, protection
skepte/oj one must reflect
skeptiko/j reflective
ske/ptomai to look about, look carefully
skerbo/llw to scold, abuse
skeuagwge/w to carry away goods and chattels
skeuagwgo/j conveying goods:&mdash
skeua/zw to prepare, make ready
skeua/rion a small vessel
skeuasi/a a preparing, dressing
skeuaste/oj one must prepare
skeuasto/j prepared by art, artificial
skeuh/ equipment, attire, apparel, dress

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skeuoqh/kh a tool-chest, arms-chest

skeuopoie/w to fabricate
skeuopoi/hma the dress
skeuopoio/j a maker of masks and other stage-properties
skeu=oj a vessel
skeuofore/w to carry baggage
skeuoforiko/j of
skeuofo/roj carrying
skeuofulake/w to watch the baggage
skeuofu/lac a storekeeper.
skeuwre/omai to look after the baggage
skeuw/rhma a fabrication, fraud
skeuwri/a attention to baggage
ske/yij a viewing, perception by the senses
skhna/w to dwell, live
skhne/w to be
skh/nhma a dwelling-place
skhnh/ a covered place, a tent
skhni/thj a dweller in tents
skhnobate/w to bring on the stage
skhnografi/a scene-painting
skhnografiko/j for
skhnogra/foj a scene-painter.
skhnophgi/a a setting up of tents: the Feast of Tents
skhnopoii/a a pitching of tents
skhnopoio/j tent-making
skh=noj the body
skhnofu/lac a watcher in a tent
skhno/w to pitch tents, encamp
skh/nwma quarters
skhpto/j a thunder-bolt
skhptouxi/a the bearing a staff
skhptou=xoj bearing a staff
skh=ptron a staff
skhptrofore/w to rule over
skhptrofo/roj bearing a sceptre, kingly
skh/ptw to prop, stay
skhri/ptomai to support oneself
skh=yij a pretext, plea, excuse, pretence
skiagrafe/w to draw with gradations of light and shade: to sketch out
skiagra/fhma a mere sketch
skiagrafi/a a sketch
skiagra/foj drawing in light and shade, sketching.
skia/deion a sunshade, parasol
skia/zw to overshadow, shade
skiamaxe/w to fight in the shade

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skia/podej shade-footed
skia/ a shadow
skiaro/komoj with shading leaves
skia/j any thing serving as a shade, a canopy, pavilion
skiatrafh/j brought up in the shade.
skiatrafi/a a being brought up in the shade, a sedentary, effeminate life
skiatrofe/w to rear in the shade
skia/w to overshadow
ski/dnhmi to disperse
skiero/j shady, giving shade
ski/lla a squill, sea-onion
skimali/zw to jeer at, flout
ski/mpouj a small couch, low bed
ski/mptomai to allege
skinda/lamoj a splinter
skindalamofra/sthj a straw-splitter
skioeidh/j fleeting like a shadow, shadowy
skio/eij shady, shadowy
ski/pwn a staff
ski/ra the festival of Athena
skirafei=on a gambling-house
ski/rafoj a dice-box
skiri=tai the Scirites
ski=ron the hard rind
ski/ron the white sunshade
ski=roj stucco: any hard covering
skiroforiw/n Scirophorion
skirta/w to spring, leap, bound
ski/rthma a bound, leap
ski/rthsij a bounding, leaping
skirthth/j a leaper
skirtopo/dhj spring-footed
ski/rtoj leaper
ski/rwn which blew from the Scironian rocks
ski/taloi the powers of impudence
skiw/dhj shady
sklhragwge/w to bring up hardy
sklhrokardi/a hardness of heart
sklhro/j hard
sklhro/thj hardness
sklhrotra/xhloj stiff-necked
sklhru/nw to harden
sklhfro/j slender, slight, thin
sknipai=oj dark
sknipo/j dim-sighted.
skolio/qric with curled hair

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sko/lion a song which went round at banquets

skolio/j curved, winding, twisted, tangled
skolio/thj crookedness
skoli/wma a bend, curve
skolopi/zw to impale
sko/lumoj thistle, an artichoke
sko/mbroj tunny
skopa/rxhj the chief scout, the leader of a reconnoitring party
skopelodro/moj running over rocks
sko/peloj a look-out place, a peak, headland
skope/w to look at
skopia/zw to look about one, spy from a high place
skopia/ a lookout-place, a mountain-peak
skopih/thj a highlander
skopiwre/omai to look out for, watch
skopo/j one that watches, one that looks after
skoraki/zw to dismiss contemptuously
skordina/omai to stretch one's limbs, yawn, gape
skoroda/lmh a sauce of brine and garlic
skorodi/zw to prime
skorodoma/xoi garlic-fighters
sko/rodon garlic
skorpi/zw to scatter, disperse
skorpi/oj a scorpion
skotai=oj in the dark
skoteino/j dark
skoti/a darkness, gloom
skoti/zw to make dark
sko/tioj dark
skotodasupukno/qric dark with shaggy thick hair
skotodinia/w to suffer from dizziness
skotoeidh/j dark-looking
skoto/eij dark
skotomh/nh a moonless night.
skotomh/nioj dark and moonless
sko/toj darkness, gloom
skoto/w to make dark, to blind
skotw/dhj dark
sku/balon dung, filth, refuse
skudmai/nw to be angry
sku/zomai to be angry
sku/qhj a Scythian
skuqi/zw to behave like a Scythian
skuqi/zw to behave like a Scythian
skuqiko/j Scythian
skuqisti/ in the Scythian tongue

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skuqotoco/thj a Scythian bowman

skuqra/zw to be angry, peevish
skuqro/j angry, sullen
skuqrwpa/zw to look angry
skuqrwpo/j angry-looking, of sad countenance, sullen
skulakei/a a breeding of dogs
skula/keuma a whelp, cub
skulakeu/w to pair dogs for breeding
skulakw/dhj like a young dog
sku/lac a young dog, whelp, puppy
sku/leuma the arms stript off a slain enemy, spoils
skuleu/w to strip
sku/lla Scylla
sku/llw to rend, mangle
skulodeye/w to tan hides
skulode/yhj a tanner of hides
sku=lon the arms stript off a slain enemy, spoils
sku/loj a skin, hide
skulofo/roj receiving the spoil
skuloxarh/j delighting in spoils
sku/mnoj a cub, whelp
sku=roj Scyros
skuta/lh a staff, cudgel, club
skutalhfore/w to carry a club
skutalhfo/roj carrying a club
skutali/j a stick
skuteu/w to be a shoemaker
skutiko/j skilled in shoemaking:&mdash
sku/tinoj leathern, made of leather
skutode/yhj a leather-dresser, currier
sku=toj a skin, hide
skutotome/w to cut leather
skutotomi/a shoemaking
skutotomiko/j of
skutoto/moj a leather-cutter, a worker in leather
skutotrage/w to gnaw leather
sku/foj a cup, can
skwlhko/brwtoj eaten of worms
skw/lhc a worm
skw=loj a pointed stake
skw=mma a jest, joke, gibe, scoff
skwptiko/j mocking, jesting
skwpto/lhj a mocker, jester
skw/ptw to hoot, mock, jeer, scoff at
skwri/a the dross of metal, slag, scoria
skw=r dung

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skw/y owl
smara/gdinoj of smaragdus
sma/ragdoj emerald
smarage/w to crash
sma/w to wipe
smerdale/oj terrible to look on, fearful, aweful, direful
smh=gma soap
smhnodo/koj holding a swarm of bees
smh=noj a beehive
smh/xw to wipe off
smi=lac the convolvulus
smi/leuma a piece of carved work
smileuto/j cut, carved
smileu/w to carve finely.
smi/lh a knife for cutting, carving
sminqeu/j the Sminthian
smi/nqoj a mouse
sminu/h a two-pronged hoe
smugero/j with pain, painful
smurnai=oj of Smyrna
smurnai=oj of myrrh
smu/rna Smyrna
smu/rna myrrh
smurni/zw to flavour
smurnofo/roj bearing myrrh
smu/xw to burn in a mouldering fire
smw=dic a weal, swollen bruise
smw/xw to rub down, grind down
sobaro/j scaring birds away: &mdash
sobe/w to scare away
soloiki/zw to speak incorrectly, commit a solecism
soloikismo/j incorrectness in the use of language, a solecism
soloikisth/j one who speaks incorrectly
so/loikoj speaking incorrectly, using provincialisms
so/loj a mass
sorophgo/j a coffin-maker
soro/j a vessel for holding
so/j thy, thine, of thee
sounia/ratoj worshipped at Sunium
sounie/rakoj hawk-of-sunium
sounieu/j a man of Sunium
sou/nion Sunium
sou= shoo! shoo!
sousigenh/j born at Susa
sou/sioj a man of Susa
sousi/j of Susa

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sou=son the lily

sofi/a skill
sofi/zw to make wise, instruct
so/fisma any skilful act, the skilful dressing of food
sofiste/oj one must contrive
sofisteu/w to play the sophist, argue as one
sofisth/j a master of one's craft
sofistiko/j of
sofokle/hj Sophocles
sofo/nouj wise-minded
sofo/j skilled in any handicraft
so/w to preserve, save, deliver
spadi/zw to draw off
spa/dwn an eunuch
spaqa/w to strike home the woof with the
spa/qh a flat blade used by weavers
spai/rw to gasp
spani/zw to be rare, scarce, scanty
spa/nioj rare, scarce, scanty
spanio/thj lack of
spa/nij scarcity, rareness, dearth, lack of
spanisto/j scanty
spanositi/a lack of corn
spa/ragma a piece torn off, a piece, shred, fragment
sparagmo/j a tearing, rending, mangling
spara/ssw to tear, rend in pieces, mangle
sparganiw/thj a child in swaddling-clothes
spa/rganon a swathing band
spargano/w to wrap in swaddling-clothes, swathe
sparga/w to be full to bursting, to swell, be ripe
sparta/keioj of Spartacus
spa/rthqen from Sparta
spa/rthnde to Sparta
spa/rth Sparta
spartia/thj a Spartan
spartia=tij a Spartan woman
sparti/on a small cord
spa/rton a rope, cable
sparto/j sown, grown from seed
spa/rtoj Spanish broom, esparto
spartofo/roj bearing broom
spa/sma a spasm, convulsion
spasmo/j a convulsion, spasm
spatala/w to live lewdly, to run riot
spata/lh lewdness, wantonness, riot, luxury
spati/lh excrement

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spa/w to draw
spei/rama a coil, spire, convolution
speira/omai to be coiled
spei=ra coiled
speirhdo/n in coils
speiri/on a light, summer-garment
spei=ron a piece of cloth
speirou=xoj forming a circle
spei/rw to sow
spekoula/twr speculator, one of the body-guard
spe/ndw to pour
spe/oj a cave, cavern, grotto
spermai/nw to sow with seed: to beget
spe/rma that which is sown
spermologi/a babbling, gossip
spermolo/goj picking up seeds
spermofo/roj bearing seed
sperxeio/j the Spercheius
sperxno/j hasty, rapid, hurried
spe/rxw to set in rapid motion
speu/dw to set a-going, to urge on, hasten, quicken
sph/laion a grotto, cave, cavern
sphlaiw/dhj cavern-like
spidh/j wide, broad
spiqamh/ the space one can span with the thumb and little finger, a span
spiladw/dhj rock-like: rocky
spila/j a rock over which the sea dashes, a ledge of rock
spi/loj a spot, stain, blemish
spilo/w to stain, soil
spinqari/j a spark
spinqh/r a spark
spi/noj finch
splagxneu/w to eat the inwards
splagxni/zomai to feel compassion, mercy
spla/gxnon the inward parts
splh/n the milt, spleen
spoggia/ a sponge
spoggi/zw to wipe with a sponge
spo/ggoj a sponge
spodeu/nhj lying on ashes
spode/w to pound, smite, crush
spodia/ a heap of ashes, ashes
spodi/zw to roast
spodo/omai to be burnt to ashes
spodo/j wood-ashes, embers
spola/j a leathern garment, buff-jerkin

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

spondarxi/a the beginning of the libation, the right of beginning it

spo/ndarxoj beginning the drink-offering.
spondei=oj used at a libation
spondh/ a drink-offering
spondi=tij making a
spondofo/roj one who brings proposals for a truce
spora/dhn scatteredly, here and there
sporadiko/j scattered
sporai=oj seeds
spora/ a sowing
spora/j scattered, dispersed
sporhto/j sown corn, growing corn
spo/rimoj sown, to be sown, fit for sowing
spo/roj a sowing
spouda/zw to make haste
spoudaiologe/w to speak seriously, talk on serious subjects
spoudai=oj earnest, serious
spouda/rxhj one who canvasses for office, a place-man
spoudarxi/a canvassing for office
spoudarxia/w to canvass for office
spoudarxi/dhj son of placeman
spou/dasma a thing
spoudaste/oj to be sought for zealously
spoudasth/j one who wishes well to another, a supporter, partisan
spoudastiko/j zealous, earnest, serious
spoudasto/j that deserves to be sought
spoudh/ haste, speed
spou= an eye
spura/j a ball of dung
spuri/j a large basket, a creel
stageirei/thj a Stagyrite
sta/gma a drop, distilment
stagw/n a drop
stadai=oj standing erect
stadiasmo/j a measuring by stades
stadiodrome/w to run in the stadium
stadiodro/moj one who runs the stadium, one who runs for a prize
sta/dion a stade, =
sta/dioj standing firm
sta/zw to drop, let fall
staqero/j standing fast, steadfast
staqeuto/j scorched, burnt
staqeu/w to scorch, roast, fry
staqma/w to measure by rule
sta/qmh a carpenter's line
staqmhto/j to be measured

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staqmo/nde to the stall, homewards

staqmo/j a standing place
staqmo/w to form an estimate, to judge
stai=j flour of spelt mixed and made into dough
stai/tinoj of flour
stakto/j oozing out in drops, trickling, dropping, distilling
sta/lagma that which drops, a drop
stalagmo/j a dropping, dripping
stala/ssw to let drop
stala/w to drop, let fall
sta/lic a stake to which nets are fastened
stalourgo/j furnished with a
stami/nej the ribs
stamni/on a wine-jar
sta/mnoj an earthen jar for racking off wine
stasia/zw to rebel, revolt, rise in rebellion
stasiastiko/j seditious, factious
sta/simoj standing, stationary
sta/sij a standing, the posture of standing
stasiw/dhj factious
stasiwro/j watcher of the station
stasiwtei/a a state of faction
stasiw/thj the members of a party
stasiwtiko/j factious, seditious
state/oj one must appoint
stath/r gold stater
stati/zw to place
stato/j placed, standing
stauro/j an upright pale
staurofo/roj bearing the cross
stauro/w to fence with pales, impalisade
stau/rwma a palisade
stau/rwsij a palisading
stafulh/ a bunch of grapes
stafuli/j a bunch of grapes
stafuloklopi/dhj a grape-stealer
staxuhto/moj cutting ears of corn
staxuhtro/foj nourishing ears of corn
staxumh/twr mother of ears of corn
staxuoste/fanoj crowned with ears of corn
sta/xuj an ear of corn
ste/ar stiff fat, tallow, suet
stega/zw to cover
stega/nh a covering
stegano/j covering so as to keep out water, water-tight, waterproof
ste/garxoj master of the house

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ste/gasma anything which covers, a covering

stegaste/oj one must cover
stegasto/j covered, sheltered
stegastri/j that serves for covering
ste/gastron a covering, cover, wrapper
ste/gh a roof
stegno/j waterproof
stegnofuh/j of thick nature
ste/goj a roof
ste/gw to cover closely, so as to keep
stei/bw to tread on, tread under foot
steileih/ the hole for the handle of an axe
steileio/n the handle
steinau/xhn narrow-necked
stei=noj a narrow, strait, confined space
stei/nw to straiten
stei=ra a ship's keel
stei=ra a cow that has not calved
stei=roj barren
stei/xw to walk, march, go
steleo/n a handle
steleo/w to furnish with a handle
stelexhto/moj cutting stems
stelexo/omai to grow into a stem
ste/lexoj the crown of the root, stump
ste/llw to set in order, to arrange, array, equip, make ready
stelmoni/a broad belts
ste/mbw to shake, agitate
ste/mma a wreath, garland
ste/mfulon a mass of olives from which the oil has been pressed, olive-cake
ste/nagma a sigh, groan, moan
stenagmo/j a sighing, groaning, moaning
stena/zw to sigh often, sigh deeply
stenakte/oj one must bewail
stenakto/j to be mourned, giving cause for grief
stenaxi/zw to sigh, groan, wail
stena/xw to sigh, groan, wail
stenolesxe/w to talk subtly, quibble
stenole/sxhj a quibbler.
steno/porqmoj at
stenopori/a a narrow way
steno/poroj with a narrow pass
steno/j narrow, strait
steno/stomoj narrow-mouthed
steno/thj narrowness, straitness
stenoxwre/w to straiten for room

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stenoxwri/a narrowness of space: want of room

steno/xwroj of narrow space, strait.
steno/w to straiten
stento/reioj Stentorian, with a voice like Stentor's
ste/ntwr Stentor
ste/nw to moan, sigh, groan
stenwpo/j narrow-looking, narrow, strait, confined
stepto/j crowned
ste/rghqron a love-charm, love, affection
ste/rghma a love-charm
ste/rgw to love
stereo/j stiff, stark, firm, solid
stereo/frwn stubborn-hearted
stereo/w to make firm
stere/wma a solid body, foundation
stere/w to deprive, bereave, rob of
ste/rhsij deprivation, privation
steri/skw to deprive
ste/rifoj firm, solid
sterkto/j to be loved, amiable, loved
ste/rnon the breast, chest
sternotuph/j of
sternotupi/a a beating of the breast
sternou=xoj broad-swelling
ste/romai to be wanting in, to lack, want
sterophgere/thj he who gathers the lightning
steroph/ a flash of lightning
stero/phj lightner
ste/roy flashing
sterro/guioj with strong limbs
sterro/j stiff, firm, solid, strong
steu=mai to make as if one would, to promise
stefanhplo/kia a place where wreaths are plaited
stefanhplo/koj plaiting wreaths
stefa/nh anything that encircles
stefanhfore/w to wear a wreath
stefanhfori/a the wearing a wreath
stefanhfo/roj wearing a crown
stefani/zw to crown
stefani/thj of a crown
ste/fanoj that which surrounds
stefano/w to be put round
stefanw/dhj like a wreath, wreathed
stefa/nwma that which surrounds, a crown
ste/foj a crown, wreath, garland
ste/fw to put round

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sth/dhn by weight.
sth=qoj the breast
sth/kw to stand
sth/lh a block of stone
sthli/thj of
sthlo/w to set up as a monument
sthmorrage/w to be torn to shreds
sth/mwn the warp
sth/rigma a support
sthrigmo/j a propping, supporting
sth=rigc a support, prop, stay
sthri/zw to make fast, prop, fix, set
sth/sioj Stator
sthsi/xoroj Stesichorus
sthsi/xoroj establishing
stibadokoite/w to sleep on litter
stibaro/j compact, strong, stout, sturdy
stiba/j a bed of straw, rushes
stibe/w to tread, traverse
sti/bh frozen dew, rime, hoar frost
stibi/zomai to paint one's
sti/boj a trodden way, track, path
stigeu/j one who tattooes, a tattooer
sti/gma the mark of a pointed instrument, a tattoo-mark, brand
stigmathfore/w to bear tattoo-marks
stigmathfo/roj bearing tattoo-marks.
stigmati/hj one who bears tattoo-marks, a branded culprit, runaway slave
stigmh/ a spot, point
sti/zw to mark with a pointed instrument, to tattoo
stikto/j punctured
sti/lbw to glisten
sti/lh a drop
stilpno/j glittering, glistening
sti/c a row, line, rank
stipto/j trodden down, close-pressed
sti=foj a close-pressed
stifro/j firm, solid
stixa/oidoj one who sings verses, a poet
stixa/omai to march in rows
sti/xinoj of lines
stixogra/foj writing verse
sti/xoj a row
stleggi/j a scraper
stoa/ a roofed colonnade, piazza, cloister
stoiba/zw to pile up, pack together
stoibh/ a plant used for stuffing

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stoixa/j in rows:&mdash
stoixei=on one of a row
stoixe/w to go in a line
stoixhgore/w to tell in regular order
stoixi/zw to set a row of poles with nets
stoi=xoj a row
stola/j moving in close array
stolh/ an equipment, armament
stolido/omai to dress oneself in
stolidwto/j hanging in folds
stoli/zw to put in trim
sto/lion a scanty garment
sto/lisma a garment, mantle
stoli/j a garment, robe
sto/loj an equipment
stomali/mnh a salt-water lake, estuary
sto/ma the mouth
sto/margoj busy with the tongue, loud-tongued
stomatourgo/j word-making
sto/maxoj a mouth, opening
sto/mion the mouth
stomo/w to muzzle
stomfa/zw to mouth, rant, vaunt
sto/mfac a mouther, ranter
sto/mfoj mouthing, bombast, rant.
sto/mwma a mouth, entrance
sto/mwsij a furnishing with a sharp edge
stonaxe/w to groan, sigh
stonaxh/ a groaning, wailing
stono/eij causing groans
sto/noj a sighing, groaning, lamentation
sto/nuc any sharp point
storgh/ love, affection
store/nnumi to spread
sto/rqugc a point, the tyne
stoxa/zomai to aim
sto/xasma the thing aimed, a javelin
stoxaste/oj one must aim at
stoxastiko/j skilful in aiming at, able to hit
sto/xoj an aim, shot
straggali/zw to strangle
straggeu/omai to squeeze oneself up, twist oneself
straggouri/a retention of the urine, strangury
stra/gc that which is squeezed out, a drop
stra/ptw to lighten
strata/rxhj the general of an army

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strata/w they were encamped

stratei/a an expedition, campaign
stra/teuma an expedition, campaign
strateu/simoj fit for service, serviceable
stra/teusij an expedition
strateute/oj one must make an expedition
strateu/w to serve in war, serve as a soldier, do military service, take the field, march
strathge/w to be general
strathgi/a the office, dignity
strathgia/w to wish to be a general, wish to make war
strathgiko/j of
strath/gion the general's tent
strathgi/j of the general
strathgo/j the leader
strathlasi/a an expedition, campaign
strathlate/w to lead an army into the field
strathla/thj a leader of an army, a general, commander
strati/a an army
stra/tioj warlike
stratiw/thj a citizen bound to military service
stratiwtiko/j of
stratiw=tij the martial
stratologe/w to levy soldiers
stratoma/ntij prophet to the army
stratopeda/rxhj a military commander
stratope/deusij an encamping
stratopedeutiko/j of an encampment
stratopedeu/w to encamp, bivouac, take up a position
strato/pedon the ground on which soldiers are encamped, a camp, encampment
strato/j an encamped army
stratofu/lac a commanding officer
strato/w to lead to war
stratwni/dhj son of the army
streblo/j twisted, crooked
streblo/thj crookedness
streblo/w to twist
stre/mma a wrench, strain, sprain
stre/ptaigloj whirling-bright
strepto/j flexible, pliant
streptofo/roj wearing a collar
streu/gomai to be squeezed out in drops
strefedine/w to spin
stre/fw to turn about
streyodike/w to twist justice
streyodikopanourgi/a cunning in the perversion of justice
strhnh/j strong, hard, rough, harsh

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strhnia/w to run riot, wax wanton

strh=noj wantonness
stribiliki/gc the least
strobe/w to twist, twirl
strobili/zw to twist about
strobiloeidh/j conical
strobilo/j spinning, whirling
stro/biloj anything twisted
stro/boj a twisting
stroggu/llw to twirl, spin
stroggu/loj round, spherical
stroggulo/thj roundness
strombhdo/n like a top, whirling
stro/mboj a body rounded
strou/qeion quince
strouqoka/mhloj an ostrich
strouqo/j the sparrow
strouqofa/goj feeding on birds
strofai=oj standing as porter at the door-hinges
strofa/ligc a whirl, eddy
strofali/zw to turn
strofa/j turning round
strofei=on a twisted noose, cord
strofeu/j the socket
strofe/w to have the colic
strofh/ a turning
stro/figc the pivot, axle
stro/fion a band worn by women
stro/fij a twisting, slippery fellow
strofodine/omai to wheel eddying round
stro/foj a twisted band
strumoni/aj a wind blowing from the Strymon
strumw/n the Strymon
strufno/j rough, harsh, astringent
strufno/thj a rough, harsh taste
strw=ma anything spread
strwmato/desmon a leathern
strwmatofu/lac one who has the care of the bedding
strwmnh/ a bed spread
strw/thj one that gets couches ready
strwto/j spread, laid, covered
strwfa/w to turn constantly
stuga/nwr hating a man
stugero/j hated, abominated, loathed
stugerw/phj of hateful look, horrible
stu^ge/w to hate, abominate, abhor

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stu/ghma an abomination
stughto/j hated, abominated, hateful
stu/gioj Stygian
stugna/zw to look gloomy, be sorrowful
stugno/j hated, abhorred, hateful
stugno/thj gloominess, sullenness
stugno/w to make gloomy
stugo/demnoj hating marriage
stu/goj hatred
stuli/skoj a staff
stuli/j a mast to carry a sail at the stern
stulopina/kion a pillar with figures on it
stu=loj a pillar
stulo/w to prop with pillars
stu/c the Styx
stuppei=on the coarse fibre of flax
stuppeiopw/lhj a dealer in oakum
stupthri/a an astringent earth, alum
stura/kinoj made of the wood of the tree
stu/rac storax
stu/rac the spike at the lower end of a spear-shaft
stufeligmo/j ill-usage, abuse
stufeli/zw to strike hard, smite
stufelo/j hard, rough
stufoko/poj striking with a stick
stu/fw to draw together
stwiko/j of a colonnade
stwmuli/a wordiness
stwmuliosullekta/dhj a gossip-gleaner
stwmu/llw to be talkative, to chatter, babble
stwmu/loj mouthy, wordy, talkative, chattering, glib
suagresi/a a boar-hunt
subari/zw to live like a Sybarite
su/barij Sybaris
subari/thj a Sybarite
subaritiko/j of Sybaris
subo/sion a herd of swine
su/bota swine-pastures
subw/thj a swineherd
su/ggamoj united in wedlock, married
suggei/twn bordering, neighbouring
sugge/neia sameness of descent
suggenh/j born with, congenital, natural, in-born
suggeniko/j congenital, hereditary
sugge/rwn a co-mate in old age
suggewrge/w to be a fellow-labourer

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sugge/wrgoj a fellow-labourer
sugghqe/w to rejoice with
sugghra/skw to grow old together with
su/gghroj growing old together
suggi/gnomai to be with
suggignw/skw to think with, agree with
suggnw/mh acknowledgment, confession
suggnwmoniko/j inclined to pardon, indulgent
suggnw/mwn disposed to pardon, indulgent
suggnwste/oj one must pardon, indulge
suggnwsto/j to be pardoned, pardonable, allowable
suggomfo/w to fasten together with nails
su/ggonoj born with, congenital, inborn, natural
su/ggramma a writing, a written paper
suggrafeu/j one who collects and writes down historic facts, an historian
suggrafh/ a writing
suggrafiko/j given to writing
suggra/fw to write
suggumna/zw to exercise together
suggumnasth/j a companion in bodily exercises
sugkaqagi/zw to burn up together
sugkaqaire/w to put down together, to join in putting down
sugkaqarmo/zw to join in composing the limbs
sugkaqe/zomai to sit down together
sugkaqei/rgw to shut up with
sugkaqe/lkw to drag down together
sugkaqeu/dw to sleep with
sugka/qhmai to be seated
sugkaqiero/w to join in dedicating
sugkaqi/zw to make to sit together
sugkaqi/hmi to let down with
sugkaqi/sthmi to bring into place together
sugkai/w set on fire with
sugkakopaqe/w to partake in sufferings
sugkakouxe/omai to endure adversity with
sugkale/w to call to council, convoke, convene
sugkalupte/oj to be veiled, concealed
sugkalupto/j wrapped up
sugkalu/ptw to cover
sugka/mnw to labour
sugkamph/ a bight, joint
sugka/mptw to bend together, bend the knee
sugkasignh/th an own sister
su/gkasij an own brother
sugkatabai/nw to go
sugkataba/llw to throw down along with

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sugkataghra/skw to grow old together with

sugkata/gw to join in bringing back
sugkatadiw/kw to pursue with
sugkatadoulo/w to join in enslaving
sugkatadu/nw to sink
sugkata/dusij a sinking together
sugkatazeu/gnumi to yoke together, join in marriage
sugkataqa/ptw to bury along with
sugkata/qesij approval, agreement, concord
sugkataqe/w to make an inroad with
sugkataqnh/skw to die along with
sugkatai/qw to burn together
sugkataine/w to agree with, favour
sugkatai/rw to come to land together
sugkatakai/w to burn together
sugkata/keimai to lie with
sugkataklei/w to shut in
sugkatakli/nw to make to lie with
sugkatako/ptw to cut up together
sugkatakta/omai to join with
sugkataktei/nw to slay together
sugkatalamba/nw to seize, take possession of together
sugkatalei/pw to leave together
sugkatalu/w to join
sugkatami/gnumi to mix in with, mingle, blend with
sugkatamu/w to be quite closed up
sugkatanaumaxe/w to assist in conquering by sea
sugkatane/mw to assign also
sugkataneu/w to consent to
sugkatapi/mplhmi to infect likewise
sugkataple/kw to intertwine
sugkatapra/ssw to join in accomplishing
sugkatarri/ptw to throw down together
sugkataska/ptw to demolish with another
sugkataskeda/nnumai to pour over at the same time
sugkataskeua/zw to help in establishing
sugkataskhno/w to bring into one dwelling with
sugkataskh/ptw to dart down together
sugkataspa/w to pull down with oneself
sugkatastasia/zw to help in stirring up
sugkatastre/fw to bring to an end together
sugkatata/ssw to arrange
sugkatati/qhmi to deposit together
sugkatatrw/gw to eat at the same time
sugkatafle/gw to burn with
sugkatayeu/domai to join in a lie against

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

sugkatayhfi/zomai to condemn with

sugkaterga/zomai to help
sugkate/rxomai to come back together, return from exile together
sugkatesqi/w to eat up, devour with
sugkateu/xomai to join in praying for
sugkathgore/w to join in accusing
sugkatoike/w to dwell with
sugkatoiki/zw to colonise jointly, join in colonising
sugkatoikti/zomai to lament with
sugkatorqo/w to help in righting
sugkatoru/ssw to bury with
sugkattu/w to patch up, cobble
su/gkeimai to lie together
sugkekrothme/nwj in a finished way
sugkeleu/w to join in ordering
sugkente/w to pierce together, to stab at once
sugkera/nnumi to mix up with, commingle
sugkerauno/w to strike with
sugkefalaio/w to bring together under one head, to sum up
sugkexume/nwj confusedly, indiscriminately
sugkinduneu/w to incur danger along with
sugkine/w to stir up together
sugklai/w to weep with
sugkla/w to break off
su/gkleisij a shutting up, closing up
sugklei/w to shut
sugkle/ptw to steal along with
sugklhrono/moj a joint-heir with
su/gklhroj having portions that join, bordering, neighbouring
sugklhro/w to embrace in one lot, choose by lot
sugklhtiko/j of senatorial rank
su/gklhtoj called together, summoned
sugklini/ai the meeting-line at the foot of two mountain slopes
sugkli/nw to lay together
sugklone/w to dash together, confound utterly
su/gkluj washed together
sugkoima/omai to sleep with, lie with
sugkoi/mhma partner of one's bed
sugkoi/mhsij a sleeping together
sugkoimi/zw to join in wedlock
sugkoino/omai to communicate, impart
sugkoinwne/w to have a joint share of
sugkoinwno/j partaking jointly of
su/gkoitoj a bedfellow, partner
sugkolla/w to glue
sugkollhth/j one who glues together, a fabricator

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su/gkolloj glued together

sugkomidh/ a gathering in
sugkomi/zw to carry
sugkoph/ a cutting short
sugko/ptw to break up, cut up
sugkosme/w to confer honour on, to be an ornament to
sugkoufi/zw to help to lighten, help to keep above water
su/gkrasij a mixing together, commixture, blending, tempering
sugkrate/w to keep
su/gkratoj mixed together, closely united
sugkri/nw to compound
su/gkrisij a compounding
sugkrite/oj one must compare
sugkrote/w to strike together
su/gkrousij collision: a conflict
sugkrou/w to strike together
sugkru/ptw to cover up
sugkta/omai to win
sugkti/zw to join with
sugkti/sthj a joint-founder
sugkubeuth/j a fellow-gamester
sugkubeu/w to play at dice with
sugkuka/w to confound utterly
sugkulinde/omai to roll about
sugkunhgo/j a fellow-hunter
sugku/ptw to bend forwards, stoop and lay heads together
sugkure/w to come together by chance
sugkuri/a coincidence
su/gkwloj with limbs close together
sugkwma/zw to march together in a
su/gkwmoj a fellow-reveller
sugkwmw|de/w to satirise as in a comedy
sugxai/rw to rejoice with, take part in joy
sugxeima/zomai to go through the winters with
sugxeirourge/w to put hand to
sugxe/w to pour together, commingle, confound
sugxoreuth/j a companion in a dance
sugxoreu/w to join in the dance
sugxorhge/w to furnish as supplies
sugxorhgo/j a fellow-choragus
su/gxortoj with the grass joining
sugxra/omai to make joint use of, avail oneself of
su/gxrouj of like colour
sugxu/nw to confound
su/gxusij a commixture, confusion
sugxwneu/w to melt down

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sugxw/nnumi to heap all together, to heap with earth, cover with a mound, bank up
sugxwre/w to come together, meet
sugxw/rhma a concession
sugxwrhte/oj to be conceded
su/dhn impetuously, hurriedly
su/eioj of swine
suza/w to live with
suzeu/gnumi to yoke together, couple
su/zeucij a being yoked together
suzhte/w to search
suzhthth/j a joint inquirer: a disputer
suzofo/w to darken utterly
suzugi/a a yoke of animals, a pair
suzu/gioj joined, united
su/zugoj yoked together, paired
suzwopoie/w to quicken together with
suka/zw to pluck ripe figs
suka/minon the fruit of the
suka/minoj the mulberry-tree
sukh= the fig-tree
suki/zw to fatten with figs
su/kinoj of the fig-tree
suki/j a slip
sukologe/w to gather figs
sukolo/goj gathering figs.
suko/moron the fruit of the
suko/moroj the fig-mulberry
su=kon the fruit of the
suko/omai to be fed with figs
sukotrage/w to eat figs
sukofante/w to accuse falsely, slander, calumniate
sukofa/nthma a sycophant's trick, false accusation, calumny
sukofa/nthj a false accuser, slanderer
sukofantia/ false accusation, slander, calumny
sukofanti/hj the Sycophant-wind
sukofantiko/j slanderous, calumnious
sukofore/w to carry figs
sukofo/roj fig-bearing
sulagwge/w to carry off as booty, lead captive
sula/w to strip off
suleu/w to despoil of arms
sule/w to steal for oneself
su/lh the right of seizing the ship
sulh/teira a robber
sullabh/ that which holds together
sullabi/zw to join letters into syllables, to pronounce letters together

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

sullagxa/nw to be chosen by lot with

sullale/w to talk
sullamba/nw to collect, gather together
sulle/gw to collect, gather
su/llektroj partner of the bed
sullh/bdhn collectively, in sum, in short
sullh/gw to finish together with
sullhpte/oj one must seize together
sullhpte/oj to be seized
sullh/ptwr a partner, accomplice, assistant
su/llhyij a taking together: a seizing, arresting
sullogh/ a gathering, collecting
sullogi/zomai to collect and bring at once before the mind, to compute fully, sum up
sullogimai=oj collected from divers places
sullogismo/j computation
sullogiste/oj to be concluded
sullogistiko/j of
su/llogoj an assembly
sullou/omai to bathe together
sulloxi/zw to incorporate
sulloxi/thj a soldier of the same
sullupe/w to hurt
sullussa/omai to go mad with
sullu/w to help in loosing
sulo/nuc paring the nails
sumbai/nw to stand with the feet together
sumbakxeu/w to join in the feast of Bacchus
su/mbakxoj joining in Bacchic revelry
sumba/llw to throw together, dash together
su/mbama a chance, casualty
sumbasei/w to wish to make a league
sumbasileu/w to rule
su/mbasij an agreement, arrangement, treaty
sumbatiko/j tending to agreement, conciliatory
sumbelh/j hit by several arrows at once
sumbia/zomai to be forced together, to be reduced
sumbiba/zw to bring together
sumbibastiko/j leading to reconciliation
su/mbioj a companion, partner
sumbio/w to live with
sumbiwte/oj one must live with
sumblhto/j comparable, capable of being compared
sumboa/w to shout together with
sumbohqei/a joint aid
sumbohqe/w to render joint aid, join in assisting
sumbo/laion a mark

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sumbo/laioj of
sumbole/w to meet
sumbolh/ a coming together, meeting, joining
sumboliko/j signifying by a sign
su/mbolon a sign
su/mboloj an augury, omen
sumbou/leuma advice given
sumbouleute/oj to be given as advice
sumbouleutiko/j of
sumbouleu/w to advise, counsel
sumboulh/ counsel, consultation, deliberation, debate
sumbouli/a advice
sumbou/lion counsel
sumbou/lomai to will
su/mbouloj an adviser, counsellor
sumbu/w to cram
su/mbwmoj worshipped on a common altar
summaqhth/j a fellow-disciple
summai/nomai to be mad together, join in madness
summanqa/nw to learn along with
summa/rptw to seize
summarture/w to bear witness with
summa/rtuj a fellow-witness
summastigo/w to whip
summaxe/w to be an ally, to be in alliance
summaxi/a an alliance offensive and defensive
summaxiko/j of
summaxi/j allied
summa/xomai to fight along with
su/mmaxoj fighting along with, allied with
summeqe/pw to sway jointly
summeqi/sthmi to help in changing
summeleta/w to exercise
summe/nw to hold together, keep together
summeri/zw to distribute in shares
summesoura/nhsij a being in the same meridian
summetaba/llw to change along with
summetakosme/omai to change one's habits along with
summetapi/ptw to change along with
summetafe/romai to be borne off together
summetaxeiri/zomai to take charge of
summete/xw to partake of
summetewri/zomai to be raised together
summetoike/w to emigrate along with
summe/toxoj partaking with
summetre/w to measure by comparison with

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summe/trhsij commeasurement
summetri/a commensurability
su/mmetroj commensurate with
summhtia/omai to take counsel with
summhxana/omai to help to provide
su/mmiga promiscuously with
summigh/j commingled, promiscuous
summi/gnumi to mix together, commingle
su/mmiktoj commingled, promiscuous
summimhth/j a joint-imitator
summimnh/skomai to bear in mind with
su/mmicij commixture
summise/w to join with in hating
summori/a a co-partnership
su/mmoroj united for purposes of taxation
summorfo/omai to be conformed to
su/mmorfoj conformed to
summoxqe/w to share in toil with
summue/w to initiate together
summu/w to be shut up, to close, be closed
sumpa/qeia fellow-feeling, sympathy
sumpaqe/w to sympathise
sumpaqh/j sympathizing with
sumpaiani/zw to sing paeans
sumpaideu/w to teach together, educate at the same time
sumpai/zw to play
sumpaisth/j a playmate, playfellow
sumpai/w to dash against
sumpanhguri/zw to attend a solemn assembly with
sumparabu/w to cram in along with
sumparagge/llw to help in canvassing for
sumparagi/gnomai to be ready at the same time
sumparadhlo/w to shew incidentally at the same time
sumparaqe/w to run along together
sumparaine/w to join in recommending
sumparakaqi/zw to make to sit beside
sumparakale/w to invite together
sumparakeleu/omai to join in exciting
sumparakolouqe/w to follow in a parallel line with, keep up with
sumparakomi/zw to carry along the coast with
sumparaku/ptw to bend oneself along with
sumparalamba/nw to take along with
sumparame/nw to stay along with
sumparamignu/w to mix in together
sumparaneu/w to express assent also
sumparanh/xomai to swim beside together

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sumparape/mpw to escort along with

sumparapo/llumai to perish along with
sumparaskeua/zw to assist in getting ready
sumparastate/w to stand by so as to assist
sumparasta/thj one who stands by to aid, a joint helper
sumparata/ssomai to be set in array with
sumparathre/w to keep watch together
sumparati/qhmi to place alongside of
sumparatre/fw to bring up
sumparatre/xw to run along with
sumparafe/rw to carry along together: &mdash
sumpa/reimi to be present also
sumpa/reimi to go beside also
sumpareise/rxomai to go in along with
sumpare/pomai to go along with, accompany
sumpare/xw to assist in causing
sumpari/ptamai to fly along with
sumpari/sthmi to place beside one also
sumparocu/nw to provoke with
sumparorma/w to urge on with
su/mpeiroj acquainted with
sumpei/rw to pierce through together
sumpe/mpw to send with
sumpenqe/w to join in mourning for a thing
sumpe/nomai to be poor along with
sumperai/nw to join
sumpe/rasma a conclusion
sumperasmatiko/j conclusive
sumpe/rqw to destroy with
sumperia/gw to carry about with
sumperiagwgo/j an assistant in converting others
sumperi/eimi to go round with
sumperiqe/w to run about together
sumperilamba/nw to comprehend
sumperinoste/w to go round together with, follow along with
sumperipate/w to walk round
sumperiplokh/ inter-connexion
sumperipoie/w to help in procuring
sumperitre/xw to run round together
sumperife/rw to carry round along with
sumperifqei/romai to go about with
sumperona/w to pin together
sumpe/tomai to fly with
sumph/gnumi to put together, construct, frame
su/mphktoj put together, constructed, framed
sumpie/zw to press

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sumpi/nw to drink together, join in a drinking bout

sumpi/ptw to fall together, meet in battle, come to blows
sumplana/omai to wander about with
sumpla/ssw to mould
sumplatage/w to sound by striking together
sumplei/onej several together
sumple/kw to twine
su/mpleoj quite full
sumple/w to sail in company with
sumplhga/j striking
sumplh/gdhn with clapping of hands
sumplhqu/nw to multiply
sumplhqu/w to help to fill
sumplhro/w to help to fill
sumploiko/j sailing with
sumplokh/ an intertwining, complication
su/mplouj sailing with
sumpne/w to breathe together with
sumpni/gw to throttle, choke, press closely
su/mpnouj animated by one breath, in accord with
sumpodi/zw to tie the feet together, bind hand and foot
sumpoie/w to help in doing
sumpoimai/nomai to feed together
sumpoleme/w to join in war
sumpoli/zw to unite into one city
sumpoliorke/w to join in besieging, to besiege jointly
sumpolitei/a a federal union
sumpoliteu/w to live as fellow-citizens
sumpoli/thj a fellow-citizen
su/mpolloi many together
sumpompeu/w to accompany in a procession, to escort
sumpone/w to work with
sumponhreu/omai to join
sumporeu/omai to go
sumporqe/w to help to destroy
sumpori/zw to help in procuring
sumposi/a a drinking together
sumposiarxe/w to be a
sumposi/arxoj the president of a drinking-party, toastmaster
sumpo/sion a drinking-party, symposium
sumpo/thj a fellow-drinker, boon-companion
sumpotiko/j of
sumpragmateu/omai to assist in transacting
su/mpaj all together, all at once, all in a body
sumpa/sxw to suffer together, be affected by the same thing
sumpata/ssw to strike with

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sumpate/w to tread together, trample under foot

sumpeda/w to bind together
sumpei/qw to join
sumpra/ktwr a helper, assistant
sumpra/ssw to join
sumpreph/j befitting
sumpre/pw to befit, beseem
sumpresbeuth/j a fellow-ambassador
sumpresbeu/w to be a fellow-ambassador, be joined
sumpresbu/teroj a fellow-presbyter
sumpri/asqai to buy together, buy up
sumproa/gw to lead forward together
sumpro/edroj a joint-president
sumproqume/omai to have equal desire with, share in eagerness with
sumprocene/w to help in furnishing with means
sumprope/mpw to join in escorting
sumprosyau/w to clash against
sumptu/ssw to fold together, fold up and lay by
su/mptwma a chance, casualty
su/mptwsij a collapsing
su/mpuknoj pressed together, compressed
sumpunqa/nomai to inquire about with
sumpuro/w to burn up with
sumfanh/j manifest at the same time, quite manifest
sumfero/ntwj profitably
sumferto/j united, banded together
sumfe/rw to bring together, gather, collect
sumfeu/gw to flee along with
su/mfhmi to assent, approve
sumfqe/ggomai to sound with, accord with
sumfqei/rw to destroy together
sumfqi/nw to decay along with
su/mfqoggoj sounding together, in concert
sumfile/w to love mutually
sumfilokale/w to be candidate for an honour along with
sumfiloneike/w to take part in a dispute with, side with
sumfilosofe/w to join in philosophic study
sumfilotime/omai to join in zealous efforts
sumfle/gw to burn to cinders
sumfobe/w to frighten at the same time
sumfoita/w to go regularly to
sumfoi/thsij a going to school together
sumfoithth/j a school-fellow
sumfoneu/w to join
sumfora/ an event, circumstance, chance, hap
sumforeu/j aide-de-camp

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sumfore/w to bring together, to gather, collect, heap up

sumfo/rhsij a bringing together
sumforhto/j brought together, collected
su/mforoj happening with, accompanying
sumfra/dmwn one who joins in considering, a counsellor
sumfra/zomai to join in considering, to take counsel with
sumfra/ssw to press
sumfrone/w to be of one mind with, to agree
sumfro/nhsij agreement, union.
sumfronti/zw to have a joint care for
su/mfrouroj watching with
su/mfrwn of one mind, brotherly
sumfuga/j a fellow-exile
sumfuh/j born with one, congenital, natural
sumfu/lac a fellow-watchman
sumfula/ssw to keep guard along with
sumfule/thj of the same
su/mfuloj of the same stock
su/mfurtoj commingled, confounded
sumfu/rw to knead together: beat black and blue
sumfusa/w to blow together
sumfuteu/w to plant along with
su/mfutoj born with one, congenital, innate, natural, inborn, inbred
sumfu/w to make to grow together
sumfwne/w to agree in sound, be in harmony
sumfwni/a concord
su/mfwnoj agreeing in sound, in unison
sumyau/w to touch one another
sumya/w to sweep away
sumyhfi/zw to reckon together, count up
su/myhfoj voting with
sumyofe/w to make a noise together
su/myuxoj of one mind, at unity
suna/ggeloj a fellow messenger
sunaggi/a a confined space
sunagei/rw to gather together, assemble
suna/gnumi to break together, break to pieces, shiver, shatter
sunagoreu/w to join in advocating, advocate the same
sunagreu/w to join in the chase
suna/gw to bring together, gather together, collect, convene
sunagwgeu/j one who brings together, a convener
sunagwgh/ a bringing together, uniting
sunagwgo/j bringing together, uniting
sunagwnia/w to share in the anxiety
sunagwni/zomai to contend along with, to share in a contest
sunagwnisth/j one who shares with

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suna/delfoj one that has a brother

sunadike/w to join in wrong
suna/|dw to sing with
sunaei/rw to raise up together
sunaqle/w to strive together
sunaqroi/zw to gather together, assemble
sunaqroismo/j a collection, union
sunaqu/rw to play with
sunai/gdhn pressing violently together
su/naimoj of common blood, kindred
sunaine/w to join in praising
sunai/numai to take up
sunaire/w to grasp
sunai/rw to take up together
sunaisqa/nomai to perceive also
sunaitia/omai to accuse along with
sunai/tioj being the cause of
sunaixma/zw to fight with
sunaixma/lwtoj a fellow-prisoner
sunaiwre/omai to be held suspended together with
sunakma/zw to bloom at the same time
sunakolastai/nw to live dissolutely with
sunakolouqe/w to follow closely, to accompany
sunakonti/zw to throw a javelin along with
sunakou/w to hear along with
sunakroa/omai to be a fellow-hearer
sunakte/oj one must bring together
sunaktiko/j able to bring together
sunalala/zw to cry aloud together
sunalge/w to share in suffering, sympathise
sunalghdw/n joint grief
sunalei/fw to smear
sunali/zw to bring together, collect
sunallagh/ an interchange
suna/llagma a mutual agreement, covenant, contract
suna/llacij exchange
sunalla/ssw to bring into intercourse with, associate with
suna/llomai to leap together
sunaloa/w to thresh out together, to grind to powder, crush, shiver
sunalu/w to wander about with
suna/ma together
sunamilla/omai to contend
sunampe/xw to cover up closely, to wrap up
sunamfo/teroi both together
suna/mfw both together
sunanabai/nw to go up with

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sunanaboa/w to cry out together

sunanagka/zw to join
sunanagra/fw to register
sunana/gw to carry back together
sunanadi/dwmi to give back along with
sunanazeu/gnumi to set out along with
sunanaire/w to destroy together with
sunana/keimai to recline together at table
sunanakera/nnumai to be mixed up with
sunanali/skw to expend together
sunanami/gnumi to mix up together
sunanapau/omai to take rest with others
sunanapei/qw to assist in persuading
sunanape/mpw to send up together
sunanaple/kw to entwine together with
sunanapra/ssw to join in exacting
sunanarripte/w to throw up together
sunanaska/ptw to dig up besides
sunanaspa/w to draw up together
sunana/ssw to rule with
sunanastre/fw to turn back together
sunanath/kw to melt with
sunanati/qhmi to dedicate along with
sunanatolh/ a rising together
sunanatre/xw to run up with
sunanafqe/ggomai to cry out
sunanafu/rw to knead up together
sunanaxre/mptomai to cough up together
sunani/sthmi to make to stand up
sunanta/w to meet face to face
suna/nthsij a meeting
sunantle/w to drain along with
suna/ntomai to fall in with, meet
sunanu/tw to come to an end with
sunacio/w to join in requiring
sunapa/gw to lead away with
sunapai/rw to sail
sunaparti/zw to correspond exactly with, lie over against
suna/paj all together
sunapeile/w to threaten at the same time
sunaperga/zomai to help in completing
sunapexqa/nomai to become an enemy together
sunapobai/nw to disembark together with
sunapogra/fomai to enter one's name together with
sunapodhme/w to be abroad together
sunapo/dhmoi those who live abroad together

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sunapodidra/skw to run away along with

sunapodokima/zw to join in reprobating
sunapoqnh/skw to die together with
sunapoiki/zw to go as
sunapoka/mnw to cease from weariness together
sunapoktei/nw to kill together
sunapolamba/nw to receive in common
sunapola/mpw to shine forth together
sunapo/llumi to destroy together
sunapologe/omai to join in defending
sunapomarai/nomai to fade away and die together
sunaponeu/w to bend away together
sunapope/mpw to send off together
sunaporrh/gnumi to break together
sunaposbe/nnumi to put out with
sunaposte/llw to despatch together with
sunapostere/w to help to strip
sunapofai/nomai to assert likewise
suna/ptw to tie
sunapwqe/w to push away together
sunarari/skw to join together.
sunara/ssw to dash together, dash in pieces, shiver, shatter
sunare/skw to please
su/narqroj linked together with
sunariqme/w to reckon in, to take into the account, enumerate
sunarista/w to take breakfast
sunaristeu/w to do brave deeds together
sunarke/omai to acquiesce along with
sunarmo/zw to fit together
sunarmologe/omai to be fitted
sunarmosth/j one who fits together
sunarpa/zw to seize and carry clean away
sunarta/w to knit
sunarxi/a joint administration
su/narxoj a partner in office, colleague
suna/rxw to rule jointly with
sunaske/w to join in practising
sunaspido/w to keep the shields close together, stand in close order
sunaspi/zw to be a shield-fellow
sunaspisth/j a shield-fellow, comrade
sunasxala/w to sympathise indignantly with
sunasxole/omai to do business with
sunatima/zomai to be disgraced with
sunauai/nw to dry quite up
sunauda/w to speak together: to agree, confess, allow
sunaule/w to accompany on the flute

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sunauli/a a concert of flutes

sunauli/zomai to congregate
su/nauloj dwelling with, living in the folds with
sunauca/nw to increase
su/nauloj in concert with the flute
sunau/chsij common growth
sunafaire/w to take away together
sunafani/zomai to perish with
sunafi/sthmi to draw into revolt together
suna/xqomai to be grieved with
sundai/zw to kill with the rest, kill also
sundai/numi to entertain together
sundai/twr a companion at table
sunda/knw to bite together
sundakru/w to weep with
sundanei/zomai to collect by borrowing
sundeipne/w to dine
su/ndeipnon a common meal
su/ndeipnoj a companion at table
sundeka/zw to bribe all together
su/ndendroj thickly-wooded
sunde/omai to join in begging
su/ndesmoj a bond of union, bond, fastening
sundesmw/thj a fellow-prisoner
su/ndetoj bound hand and foot
sunde/w to bind
su/ndhloj quite clear
sundhlo/w to make altogether clear
sundhmagwge/w to join in seeking popularity
sundiabai/nw to go through
sundiaba/llw to convey over together
sundiabiba/zw to carry through
sundiagignw/skw to join with
sundia/gw to go through together
sundiaita/omai to dwell with
sundiai/thsij a living together, intercourse
sundiaithth/j a joint arbitrator
sundiakinduneu/w to share in danger
sundiakomi/zomai to cross over together
sundiakosme/w to set in order together
sundia/ktoroj a fellow
sundialla/ssw to help in reconciling
sundialu/w to help in putting an end to
sundiame/nw to stand one's ground with
sundiamnhmoneu/w to call to remembrance along with
sundianeu/w to turn every way together

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sundianoe/omai to deliberate with

sundiaple/w to sail through together
sundiapoleme/w to carry on a war along with
sundiapore/w to start doubts
sundiapra/ssw to accomplish together
sundiaskope/w to look through
sundiastre/fw to distort together
sundiasw/zw to assist in preserving
sundiatalaipwre/w to endure hardship with
sundiatele/w to continue with to the end
sundiathre/w to assist in maintaining
sundiatri/bw to pass
sundiafe/rw to bear along with one
sundiafqei/romai to perish along with
sundiaxeima/zw to be in winter quarters along with
sundiaxeiri/zw to assist in accomplishing
sundiekpi/ptw to rush out through together
sundie/ceimi to go through together with
sundihmereu/w to spend the day with
sundika/zw to be assessor to a judge
sundikasth/j a fellow-dicast
sundike/w to act as one's advocate
su/ndikoj one who helps in a court of justice, an advocate
sundioike/w to administer together with
sundiora/w to examine together
sundiori/zomai to be determined also
sundiskeu/w to play at quoits with
sundiw/kw to chase away together, join in the chase
sundoke/w to seem good also
sundokima/zw to examine together
sundoca/zw to join in approving
sundouleu/w to be a fellow-slave with
su/ndouloj a fellow-slave
sundra/w to do together, help in doing
sundromh/ a tumultuous concourse
su/ndromoj running together, meeting
sundua/zw to join two and two, couple
sunduasmo/j a being taken two together
sundua/j paired
sunduastiko/j disposed to live in pairs
su/nduo two together, two and two, in pairs
sundustuxe/w to share in misfortune
sundw/deka twelve in all
suneggi/zw to draw near together
suneggismo/j a drawing near together
suneggua/w to join in betrothing

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su/negguj near together

sunegei/rw to help in raising
sunedreu/w to sit together, sit in council
sunedri/a a sitting together, a circle of friends
sune/drion a body of men assembled in council, a council-board, council
su/nedroj sitting with in council
suneei/kosi twenty together, by twenties
suneqe/lw to have the same wish, to consent
suneqi/zw to accustom
suneqiste/oj one must accustom oneself
sunei/dhsij self-consciousness: conscience
suneile/w to crowd together
su/neimi to be with, be joined
su/neimi to go
sunei=pon to speak with
sunei/rw to string together
suneisa/gw to bring in together
suneisbai/nw to embark in
suneisba/llw to make an inroad into
suneise/rxomai to enter along with
suneispi/ptw to fall
suneisple/w to sail into together
suneispra/ssw to help
suneisfe/rw to join in paying the war-tax
sunekbai/nw to go out together
sunekba/llw to cast out along with
sunekbiba/zw to help in bringing out
sunekdhme/w to be abroad with
sune/kdhmoj a fellow-traveller
sunekdi/dwmi to give out
sunekdu/omai to put off at the same time
sunekqnh/skw to faint along with
sunekkai/deka sixteen together, by sixteens
sunekkai/w to set on fire together
sunekkle/ptw to help to steal away
sunekklhsia/zw to frequent the
sunekkomi/zw to carry out along with
sunekko/ptw to help to cut away
sunekkrou/omai to be driven from one's purpose together
suneklekto/j chosen along with
suneklu/omai to be dissolved together
sunekpe/mpw to send out together
sunekpera/w to come out together
sunekpi/nw to drink off together
sunekpi/ptw to rush out together with
sunekple/w to sail out along with

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sunekpne/w to breathe one's last along with

sunekpone/w to help in working out
sunekpori/zw to help in procuring
sunekpote/a one must drink off at the same time
sunekpra/ssomai to assist in avenging
suneksw/zw to help in delivering
sunekta/ssw to arrange in line with
sunekte/oj one must keep together
sunekti/ktw to bring forth together
sunekti/nw to pay along with
sunektraxu/nomai to be furious together
sunektre/fw to rear up along with
sunektre/xw to sally out together
sunekfe/rw to carry out together
sunekxe/w to pour out together
sunelau/nw to drive together
suneleuqero/w to join in freeing from
suneli/ssw to roll together
sunelkuste/oj one must draw together
sune/lkw to draw together, to draw up, contract
sunembai/nw to embark together
sunemba/llw to help in applying
sunembolh/ a throwing in together
sunempi/prhmi to burn together
sunempi/ptw to fall in
sune/mporoj a fellow-traveller, companion, attendant
sunendi/dwmi to give in together
sunenei/komai to strike
suneca/gw to lead out together
sunecaire/w to take out together, to help in removing
sunecai/rw to assist in raising
sunecakolouqe/w to follow constantly, to attend everywhere
sunecakou/w to hear all together
sunecalei/fw to abolish together
sunecamarta/nw to have part in a fault
sunecamei/bw to remove together
sunecani/sthmi to stir up together
sunecapata/w to cheat together
sune/ceimi to go out along with
sunecelau/nw to drive out along with
suneceru/w to draw out together
sunece/rxomai to go
suneceta/zw to search out and examine along with
suneceuri/skw to assist in finding out
sunechmero/omai to be civilised together
sunecixneu/w to trace out along with

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sunecorma/w to help to urge on

sunecwqe/w to thrust out together
suneoxmo/j a joining, joint
sunepa/gw to lead together against
sunepagwni/zomai to join in stirring up a contest besides
sunepa/|dw to join in celebrating
sunepaine/w to approve, together, give joint assent, consent
sune/painoj joining in approbation of
sunepai/rw to raise
sunepaitia/omai to accuse also of
sunepaiwre/omai to continue soaring over
sunepakolouqe/w to follow closely
sunepamu/nw to join in repelling
sunepani/sthmi to make to rise up against together.
sunepanorqo/w to join in reestablishing
sune/peimi to join in attacking
sunepeispi/ptw to rush in upon together
sunepeisfe/romai to help to bring in
sunepekpi/nw to drink off together
sunepelafru/nw to help to make light
suneperei/dw to help in inflicting
suneperi/zw to contend also with
sunepeuqu/nw to help to direct
sunepeu/xomai to join in prayer
sunephxe/w to join in a chant
sunepibai/nw to mount together
sunepiba/llw to apply one's mind also, to consider
sunepibla/ptomai to be damaged together with
sunepibouleu/w to join in plotting against
sunepigrafeu/j a fellow-registrar, fellow-clerk
sunepidei/knumi to point out together
sunepiqeia/zw to ascribe to divine interposition
sunepiqume/w to desire along with
sunepi/keimai to join in attacking
sunepikla/w to break down at once
sunepikosme/w to help to adorn
sunepikoure/w to join as an ally, help to relieve
sunepikoufi/zw to lighten at the same time
sunepikradai/nw to move backwards and forwards together with
sunepikru/ptw to help to conceal
sunepilamba/nomai to take part in together, have a share in, partake in
sunepimele/omai to join in taking care of
sunepimelhth/j a coadjutor
sunepirre/pw to incline towards together
sunepirrw/nnumi to help to strengthen
sunepiskope/w to examine together with

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sunepispa/w to draw on together

sunepispeu/dw to join in forcing onward
sunepi/stamai to be privy to
sunepistate/w to act as a common patron
sunepiste/llw to send with
sunepistrateu/w to join in making war
sunepistre/fw to turn at the same time
sunepisxu/w to join in supporting
sunepitei/nw to help to aggravate
sunepitele/w to help to accomplish
sunepiti/qhmi to help in putting on
sunepitima/w to join in chiding
sunepitri/bw to destroy at once
sunepi/tropoj a joint guardian
sunepife/rw to join in applying
sunepixeire/w to attack together
sunepiyeu/domai to join in lying
sunepiyhfi/zw to join in ratifying
sune/pomai to follow along with, follow closely
sunepo/mnumi to swear besides
sunerani/zw to join in contributing, to collect
sunerasth/j a joint lover
sunera/w to pour together, gather together
sunera/w to love together with
sunerga/zomai to work with, cooperate
sunerga/thj a fellow-workman, helpmate, coadjutor
sunerge/w to work together with, help in work, cooperate
sune/rghma assistance, support
sunergi/a joint working, cooperation
sunergo/j working together, joining
sune/rgw to shut up
sune/rdw to join in a work, help
sunerei/dw to set firmly together
sunere/w to speak with
sune/riqoj a helpmate
sunerktiko/j driving
su/nercij close union, wedlock
sune/rxomai to go together
sunerwta/w to ask with
su/nesij a coming together, union
suneste/oj one must associate with
sunesthko/twj steadfastly, gravely
sunestia/w to entertain in one's house
sune/stioj sharing one's hearth
sunestramme/nwj in a close packed manner, tersely
sunestw/ a party, banquet

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sune/tairoj a companion, partner, comrade

suneto/j intelligent, sagacious, wise
suneudaimone/w to share in happiness
suneudoke/w to consent to
suneu/dw to sleep with
suneuhmere/w to enjoy the day
suneuna/zomai to lie with
suneune/thj a bed-fellow, husband, consort
suneune/tij a wife
su/neunoj a consort
suneupa/sxw to derive profit together
suneupore/w to help to contribute
suneutuxe/w to be fortunate together
suneu/xomai to pray with
suneuwxe/omai to fare sumptuously
sunefa/ptomai to take part in
sunefedreu/w to wait to fight the conqueror
sunefe/lkw to draw after
sunefe/pomai to follow together
sune/fhboj at the age of youth together, a young comrade
sunefi/sthmi to set on the watch together, make attentive
sune/xeia continuity
sunexh/j holding together
sunexqai/rw to join in hating
sune/xw to hold
sunhbole/w to fall in with
su/nhboj a young friend
sunhgore/w to be an advocate
sunhgori/a advocacy of
sunhgoriko/j of
sunh/goroj speaking with, of the same tenor with
sunh/domai to rejoice together
sunhdu/nw to make pleasant to the taste:&mdash
sunh/qeia habitual intercourse, acquaintance, society, intimacy
sunh/qhj dwelling
sunh/kw to have come together, to be assembled, to meet
sunh=lic of like
sunhlusi/h a meeting, assembly
sunhmereuth/j a daily companion
sunhmereu/w to pass the day together
sunhmosu/nh agreements, covenants, solemn promises
sunh/mwn united.
sunh/oroj linked with, accompanying
sunhrete/w to assist in rowing
sunhrefh/j thickly covered
sunhssa/omai to be conquered together

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sunhxe/w to sound together

sunqake/w to sit with
su/nqakoj sitting with
sunqa/lpw to warm together
sunqa/ptw to bury together, join in burying
sunqea/omai to view together
sunqeath/j a fellow-spectator
sunqeri/zw to reap together
sunqesi/a a covenant, treaty
su/nqesij a putting together, composition, combination
sunqete/oj one must compound
sunqetiko/j skilled in putting together, constructive
su/nqetoj put together, composite, compound
sunqe/w to run together with
sunqewre/w to act as
sunqh/kh a composition
su/nqhma anything agreed upon, a preconcerted signal
sunqhrath/j one who joins in quest of
sunqhra/w to hunt together, join in the chase
su/nqhroj hunting with
sunqiasw/thj a partner in the
sunqla/w to crush together
sunqli/bw to press together, compress
sunqnh/skw to die with
sunqoina/twr a partaker in a feast
sunqrano/omai to be broken in pieces, shivered
sunqrau/w to break in pieces, shiver
su/nqrhnoj mourning with
sunqriambeu/w to share in a triumph
su/nqronoj enthroned with
su/nqrouj sounding together with, accompanying
sunqru/ptw to break in pieces: to crush
sunqu/w to offer sacrifice together, join in sacrifice
suniereu/j a fellow-priest
suniza/nw to sink in, collapse
suni/zhsij a settlement, collapse
suni/zw to sit together, to hold a sitting
suni/hmi to bring
sunikne/omai to pertain to, interest
suni/pparxoj a joint commander of horse
sunippeu/j a comrade in cavalry service
suni/sthmi to set together, combine, associate, unite, band together
suni/stwr knowing along with
sunisxnai/nw to help to dry up
sunisxuri/zw to help to strengthen
suni/sxw to be afflicted

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sunnai/w to dwell with

sunna/ssw to pack tight together
sunnauba/thj a shipmate
sunnaumaxe/w to engage in a sea-fight along with
sunnau/thj a shipmate
sunne/mw to tend together
sunneu/w to incline to a point, converge
sunne/feloj cloudy, overcast
sunnefe/w to collect clouds
sunnefh/j clouded over, cloudy
sunne/w to pile
sunne/w to swim together
sunnh/xomai to swim with
sunnika/w to have part in a victory with
sunnoe/w to meditate
su/nnoia meditation, deep thought
su/nnomoj feeding together, gregarious
su/nnouj in deep thought, thoughtful
sunnose/w to be sick
sunnumfoko/moj helping to deck a bride
sunodeu/w to travel in company
sunodi/a a journey in company
sunodi/thj the member of a
sunodoipore/w to travel together
sunodoipori/a a travelling together
sunodoi/poroj a fellow-traveller
su/nodoj an assembly, meeting
su/noida to share in knowledge, be cognisant of
sunoikeio/w to bind together as friends
sunoike/w to dwell together
sunoi/khma that with which one lives, a housefellow
sunoi/khsij cohabitation
sunoikh/twr a house-fellow
sunoiki/a living with her
sunoiki/zw to make to live with
sunoi/kion a joint lodging
sunoi/kisij union with the capital
sunoikismo/j a living together, marriage
sunoikisth/r a fellow-colonist
sunoikodome/w to build together
su/noikoj dwelling in the same house with
sunoikouro/j living at home together
sunoikti/zw to have compassion on
sunoi/omai to hold the same opinion with
sunolisqai/nw to slip and fall together
suno/llumi to destroy together

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sunololu/zw to raise a loud cry together

su/noloj all together
sunomai/mwn one of the same blood, a brother
sunomalu/nw to make quite level
sunomarte/w to follow along with, attend on
sunomh=lic a comrade
sunomile/w to converse with
suno/mnumi to swear together
sunomoiopaqe/w to be similarly affected with
sunomologe/w to say the same thing with, to agree with
sunomore/w to abut upon
sunomw/numoj having the same name with
sunopado/j a companion
su/noploj under arms together, allied
sunoptiko/j seeing the whole together, taking a comprehensive view
su/noptoj that can be seen at a glance, in full view
sunora/w to see together
sunorgi/zomai to be angry together with
sunore/w to be conterminous
su/norqroj dawning along with
sunori/nw to rouse
su/norkoj bound together by oath
sunormi/zw to bring to anchor together
suno/rnumai to start
su/noroj conterminous with
sunousi/a a being with, social intercourse, society, conversation, communion
sunousiasth/j a companion, disciple
sunousiastiko/j suited for society, sociable
sunofruo/omai to have the brow knitted
su/nofruj with meeting eyebrows
sunoxe/omai to travel together in a chariot
sunoxhdo/n holding together
sunoxh/ a being held together
su/noxoj joined together
suno/xwka to be held together
su/noyij a general view
su/n along with, in company with, together with
sunaganakte/w to be vexed along with
sunagapa/w to love along with
su/ntagma that which is put together in order
suntagmata/rxhj the leader of a
suntalaipwre/w to endure hardships together, share in misery
suntanu/w to stretch together
su/ntacij a putting together, arranging, arrangement, organisation, order
suntara/ssw to throw all together into confusion, to confound, disturb, trouble
sunta/ssw to put in order together

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suntaxu/nw to hurry on
suntei/nw to stretch together, strain, draw tight, brace up
sunteixi/zw to help to build a wall
suntekmai/romai to conjecture from signs
sunteknopoie/w to breed children with
suntele/qw to belong to
sunte/leia a joint payment, joint contribution for public burdens
suntele/w to bring quite to an end, complete, accomplish
suntelh/j joining in payment, a contributor
sunte/mnw to cut in pieces: to cut down, cut short
suntereti/zw to whistle an accompaniment
suntermone/w to border on
sunte/rmwn bordering on, close together
suntetagme/nwj in set terms
suntetame/nwj earnestly, eagerly, vigorously
suntetrai/nw to bore through so as to meet
suntexna/zw to join in plots with
su/ntexnoj practising the same art
sunth/kw to fuse into one mass, to weld together
sunthre/w to preserve together
sunti/qhmi to put together
suntima/w to honour together
suntina/ssw to shake to the foundations
suntitrw/skw to wound in many places
suntolma/w to venture together
suntomi/a conciseness
su/ntomoj a short
suntoni/a intense application
su/ntonoj strained tight
suntragw|de/w to act tragedy together
suntra/pezoj a messmate
su/ntreij three together, by threes
suntre/fw to feed together
suntre/xw to run together so as to meet, to encounter
suntriaino/w to shatter as with a trident
suntri/bw to rub together
suntrih/rarxoj a partner in the equipment of a trireme
suntrihrarxe/w to be a
suntrofi/a a being reared together, common nurture
su/ntrofoj brought up together with
suntroxa/zw to run together
suntugxa/nw to meet with, fall in with
sunturannoktone/w to join in slaying tyrants
sunturo/w to make into cheese together
suntuxi/a an occurrence, a hap, chance, event, incident
sunu/patoj a colleague in the consulship.

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sunupodei/knumi to indicate together

sunupodu/omai to undergo together
sunupokri/nomai to play a part along with
sunupoti/qemai to help in composing
sunupourge/w to cooperate with
sunufai/nw to weave together
sunwdi/nw to be in travail together
sunw|do/j singing
sunwqe/w to force together, compress forcibly
sunwmosi/a a being leagued by oath, conspiracy
sunwmo/thj a fellow-conspirator, confederate
sunw/motoj leagued by oath
sunwne/omai to collect by offering money
sunwnumi/a a synonym
sunw/numoj of like name
sunwriasth/j one who drives a
sunwri/zw to yoke together
sunwrikeu/omai to drive a pair
sunwri/j a pair of horses
sunwfele/w to join in aiding
sunwxado/n perpetually, continually
suoktasi/a slaughter of swine
suofo/nthj swine-slayer
su thou, you.
surakosi/a the territory of Syracuse
surako/sioj Syracusan
sura/kousai Syracuse
su/ra a Syrian woman
su/rgastroj trailing the belly
su/rdhn dragging, in a long line
suri/a Syria
su/rigma the sound of a pipe
surigmo/j a whistling, hissing
su=rigc a pipe
suri/zw to play the
suri/zw to speak like a Syrian
suri/zw to speak like a Syrian
surihgenh/j Syrian-born
su/rioj of
suristh/j a piper
suristi/ in the Syrian language
surmai/a purge-plant
surmai/zw to take a purge
su/rma anything trailed
surmo/j any lengthened sweeping motion
su/roj a Syrian

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su=roj Syros
surofoi=nic a Syro-phoenician
su/rracij a dashing together
surra/ptw to sew
surre/zw to do sacrifice together
surre/w to flow together
surrh/gnumi to break in pieces
surrizo/omai to have the roots united
su/rtij the Syrtis
surfeto/j anything swept together, sweepings, refuse, rubbish, litter
surfetw/dhj jumbled together, promiscuous
suskeda/nnumi to help in scattering, to toss about
suskeua/zw to make ready by putting together, to pack up
su/rw to draw, drag
suskeuasi/a a packing up, getting ready
suskeuwre/omai to contrive, organise
suskhne/w to live in the same tent with
suskhni/a a dwelling in one tent
su/skhnoj one who lives in the same tent, a messmate
suskia/zw to shade quite over, throw a shade over, shade closely
su/skioj closely shaded, thickly shaded
suskope/w to contemplate along with
suskota/zw to grow quite dark
suskuqrwpa/zw to look gloomy together
suspara/ssw to tear in pieces
su/spastoj drawn together, closed by drawing together
suspa/w to draw together, draw up, contract
suspeira/omai to be formed in close order
suspei/rw to sow together
suspe/ndw to join in making a libation
suspeu/dw to assist zealously
susplagxneu/w to join in eating the sacrificial meat
suspouda/zw to make haste together, to join in zealous exertion
sussai/nomai to feel flattered
sussebi/zw to join in celebrating
susseu/w to urge on together
susshmai/nomai to join in singing
su/sshmon a fixed sign
sussite/w to mess with
sussi/thsij a messing together, a public mess
sussi/tion a common meal, public mess
su/ssitoj one who eats together, a messmate
sussw/zw to help to save
su/sswmoj united in one body
susswfrone/w to be a partner in temperance
sustado/n standing close together, hand to hand

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sustasiasth/j a fellow-rioter
su/stasij a putting together, composition
sustasiw/thj a member of the same faction, a partisan
susta/j standing together, planted closely
sustasia/zw to join in faction
sustatiko/j introductory
sustauro/omai to be crucified with
sustega/zw to cover entirely
suste/llw to draw together, draw in: to shorten sail
sustena/zw to lament with
sustefano/omai to wear a crown with
su/sthma a whole compounded of parts, a system
sustoixe/w to correspond to
sustoixi/a a coordinate series
su/stoixoj standing in the same row, coordinate, correspondent
sustolh/ a drawing together, contraction, limitation
sustoli/zw to put together, fabricate
sustratei/a a common campaign
sustrateu/w to make a campaign
sustrathge/w to be the fellow-general of
sustra/thgoj a joint-commander
sustratiw/thj a fellow-soldier
sustratopedeu/omai to encamp along with
su/stremma anything twisted up together: a body of men, a crowd, concourse
sustre/fw to twist up into a ball
sustrofh/ a dense mass
susfa/zw to slay along with
susfi/ggw to condense
susxhmati/zw to conform
susxola/zw to be a fellow-pupil
sufeo/j a hog-sty
sufo/rbion a herd of swine
suforbo/j a swineherd
suxno/j long
sfagei=on a bowl for catching the blood of the victim
sfageu/j a slayer, butcher
sfagh/ slaughter, butchery
sfagia/zomai to slay a victim, sacrifice
sfagiasmo/j a slaying, sacrificing
sfa/gion a victim, offering
sfa/gioj slaying, slaughtering
sfagi/j a sacrificial knife
sfada/zw to struggle, plunge
sfadasmo/j a spasm, convulsion
sfa/zw to slay, slaughter
sfai=ra a ball, playing-ball

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sfairhdo/n like a globe

sfairi/zw to play at ball
sfairiko/j globular, spherical
sfai/risij a playing at ball
sfairisth/rion a ball-court
sfairoeidh/j ball-like, spherical
sfairopoie/w to make spherical
sfairo/w to make spherical
sfairwto/j with a button at the end
sfakeli/zw to be gangrened
sfa/keloj gangrene
sfalero/j likely to make one stumble
sfa/llw to make to fall, throw down, overthrow
sfarage/omai to burst with a noise, to crackle, sputter
sfaragi/zw to stir up with noise and bustle
sfa/ragoj a bursting with a noise.
sfedano/j furious
sfei=j they
sfe/laj a footstool
sfenda/mninoj of maple wood
sfe/ndamnoj the maple
sfendona/w to sling, to use the sling
sfendo/nh a sling
sfendonh/thj a slinger
sfendonhtiko/j of
sfeteri/zw to make one's own, appropriate, usurp
sfeterismo/j appropriation
sfeteristh/j an appropriator
sfe/teroj their own, their
sfhkia/ a wasps' nest
sfhki/skoj a piece of wood pointed like a wasp's tail, a pointed stick
sfhko/w to make like a wasp
sfhkw/dhj wasp-like, pinched in at the waist like a wasp
sfh/kwma the point of a helmet where the plume is fixed in
sfhnoke/faloj with peaked head
sfhnopw/gwn with peaked beard
sfh/n a wedge
sfh/c a wasp
sfh/ttioj a Sphettian
sfhttoi= in
sfiggi/on a bracelet, necklace
sfi/ggw to bind tight, bind fast
sfigkth/r a band, lace
sfigkto/j tight-bound
sfi/gc Sphinx
sfo/dra very, very much, exceedingly, violently

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sfodro/j vehement, violent, excessive

sfodro/thj vehemence, violence
sfodru/nomai to be
sfondu/lh beetle
sfondu/lioj a vertebra
sfondulodi/nhtoj twirled on a spindle
sfo/nduloj a vertebra
sfo/j their, their own, belonging to them
sfragidonuxargokomh/thj a long-haired fop with rings and natty nails
sfragi/zw to seal
sfra/gisma an impression of a signet-ring, a seal
sfragi/j a seal, signet, seal-ring
sfriga/w to be full to bursting
sfugmo/j a throbbing of parts, pulsation, vibration
sfugmw/dhj like the pulse
sfuda/w to be in full vigour
sfu/zw to throb, beat
sfu=ra a hammer
sfurh/latoj wrought with the hammer, beaten out
sfuro/n the ankle
sfwi/teroj of you two
sxadw/n a honey-cell
sxa/zw to let loose
sxali/j a forked stick used to prop
sxe/dhn gently, thoughtfully
sxedia/zw to do
sxedi/a a raft, float
sxedi/hn near, close at hand
sxe/dioj hand to hand, in
sxedo/qen from nigh at hand, nigh at hand, near
sxedo/n close, near, hard by, nigh
sxe/qw to hold
sxeli/j ribs of beef
sxe/ndula a pair of pincers
sxeri/a Scheria
sxero/j in a line, one after another, uninterruptedly, successively
sxe/sij a state, condition
sxeth/rion a check, remedy
sxetlia/zw to complain of hardship, to complain angrily, inveigh bitterly
sxetliasmo/j passionate complaint
sxe/tlioj unwearying
sxh=ma form, figure, appearance
sxhmati/zw to assume a
sxhma/tion the figures of a dance
sxhmatismo/j the assumption of a certain form
sxhmatopoie/w to bring into a certain form

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sxi/za a piece of wood cleft off, a lath, splinter

sxi/zw to split, cleave
sxinoke/faloj with a squill-shaped
sxi=noj the mastich-tree
sxi/sij a cleaving, cleavage, parting, division
sxi/sma a cleft, a rent
sxismo/j a cleaving
sxisto/j parted, divided
sxoi/ninoj made of rushes
sxoini/on a cord
sxoinismo/j a fencing with ropes
sxoini=tij made of rushes
sxoini/wn the sedge-bird
sxoinoba/thj a rope-dancer, schoenobates
sxoi=noj a rush
sxoinotenh/j stretched outlike a measuring line, drawn in a straight line
sxola/zw to have leisure
sxolai=oj at one's leisure, leisurely, tardy
sxolaio/thj leisureliness, laziness
sxolasth/rion a place for passing leisure in
sxolasth/j one who lives at ease
sxolastiko/j enjoying leisure
sxolh/ spare time, leisure, rest, ease
sxo/lion a short note, scholium
sw/zw to save, keep
swke/w to have strength
sw=koj the stout, strong one
swkrate/w to do like Socrates, to Socratize
swkra/thj Socrates
swkrati/dion dear little Socrates
swkratiko/j Socratic, of Socrates
swlh/n a channel, gutter, pipe
sw=ma the body
swmaske/w to exercise the body
swmaski/a bodily exercise, training of the body
swmatiko/j of
swma/tion a poor body
swmatoeidh/j of the nature of a body, bodily, material
swmatopoie/w to make into a body, to consolidate, organise
swmatofqore/w to corrupt the body
swmatofula/kion a place where a body is kept, a sepulchre
sw/rakoj a basket
swrei/thj heaped up
sw/reuma a heap, pile
swreu/w to heap
swrhdo/n by heaps, in heaps

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swro/j a heap
swsi/polij saving the city
sw=j safe and sound, alive and well, in good case
swste/oj one must save
sw=stra a reward for saving one's life, a thankoffering for deliverance
sw/teira Juno Sospita)
swthri/a a saving, deliverance, preservation, safety
swth/rioj saving, delivering
swth/r a saviour, deliverer, preserver
swfrone/w to be sound of mind
swfro/nhma an instance of temperance
swfronhte/oj one must be temperate
swfroni/zw to recal
swfroniko/j naturally temperate, moderate, sober
swfronisth/j one that makes temperate, a chastener, chastiser
swfrosu/nh soundness of mind, moderation, discretion
sw/frwn of sound mind
sw/xw to rub
tablio/ph a game at dice
tagei/a the office
tageu/w to be Chief
tage/w to be ruler
ta/ghnon a frying-pan, saucepan
tagh/ an array, command
ta/gma that which has been ordered
tago/j a commander, chief
tagou=xoj holding command
tai/naroj Taenarus
taini/a a band, riband, fillet
tainio/pwlij a dealer in
tainio/w to bind with a head-band
takero/j melting in the mouth, tender
taktiko/j fit for ordering
takto/j ordered, prescribed
talaergo/j enduring labour, drudging
talaipwre/w to go through hard labour, to suffer hardship
talaipwri/a hard work, hardship, suffering, distress
talai/pwroj suffering, miserable
talai/frwn suffering in mind, wretched
talaka/rdioj patient of heart, stouthearted
talanteu/w to weigh
talantiai=oj worth a talent
ta/lanton a balance
talantou=xoj holding the balance
talapei/rioj subject to many trials, much-suffering
talapenqh/j patient in woe

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talari/skoj quasillus
ta/laroj a basket
talasi/a wool-spinning
tala/sioj of
talasiourge/w to spin wool
talasiourgiko/j of
talasiourgo/j a wool-spinner
talasi/frwn patient of mind, stout-hearted
ta/laj suffering, wretched
talau/rinoj with shield of tough bull's-hide
ta=lij a marriageable maiden
tamesi/xrwj cutting the skin, wounding
tami/a a housekeeper, housewife
tami/aj one who carves and distributes, a dispenser
tamiei/a stewardship, management, economy
tamiei=on a treasury
tamieutiko/j of
tamieu/w to be controller
ta/misoj rennet
tanagraikh/ the district of Tanagra
tanagrai=oj a man of Tanagra
tanagriko/j of Tanagra
tanah/khj with long point
tanai/mukoj far-bellowing
tanao/deiroj long-necked
tanao/j stretched, outstretched, tall, long, taper
tanau/pouj stretching the feet, long-striding, longshanked
tanaw=pij far-sighted
tanhlegh/j laying one out at length
ta/nij a town in lower Egypt
ta=n sir, my good friend
tanta/leioj of
tantali/dhj son of Tantalus
tantali/j daughter of Tantalus
tantalo/omai to be balanced
ta/ntaloj Tantalus
tanu/glwssoj long-tongued, chattering
tanuglw/xij with long point
tanu/dromoj running at full stretch
tanue/qeira with flowing hair
tanuh/khj with long point
tanuh=lic of extended age
tanu/qric long-haired, shaggy
ta/numai to be stretched
tanumh/khj long-stretched, tall
tanu=n now, at present

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tanu/peploj with flowing peplos

tanu/plektoj in long plaits
tanu/pleuroj long-sided, enormous
tanu/rrizoj with far-stretching roots
tanusi/pteroj with extended wings, long-winged
tanustu/j a stretching, stringing
tanu/sfuroj with taper ancles
tanu/floioj with long-stretched bark
tanu/fulloj with long-pointed leaves
tanu/w to stretch, strain, stretch out
taciarxe/w to be a taxiarch
taciarxi/a the office of taxiarch
taci/arxoj the commander of a squadron
taci/loxoj commanding a
tacio/omai to engage in battle
ta/cij an arranging
ta/coj the yew-tree
tapeino/j low
tapeino/thj lowness
tapeinofrosu/nh lowliness, humility
tapeino/frwn lowly in mind
tapeino/w to lower
tapei/nwsij humiliation, abasement, defeat
ta/phj a carpet, rug
taprw=ta at first
ta/ragma disquietude
taragmo/j disturbance, confusion
taraktiko/j disturbing
ta/raktron a tool for stirring with
taranti=non a fine Tarentine woman's garment.
tara/ntinoj Tarentine
taracika/rdioj heart-troubling
taracippo/stratoj troubling the horse-array
ta/raj Tarentum
tara/ssw to stir, stir up, trouble
taraxh/ trouble, disorder, confusion
taraxw/dhj troublous, turbulent
tarbale/oj frighted, fearful
tarbe/w to be frightened, alarmed, terrified
ta/rboj fright, alarm, terror
tarbo/sunoj affrighted
tarixei/a a preserving, pickling
tari/xeusij embalming
tarixeuth/j an embalmer
tarixeu/w to preserve the body by artificial means, to embalm
tarixopwlei=on the salt-fish market

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tarixopwle/w to sell salt fish

tarixopw/lhj a dealer in salt fish
ta/rixoj a dead body preserved by embalming, a mummy
tarso/j a stand
tarta/reioj Tartarean, horrible
ta/rtaroj Tartarus
tartaro/w to cast into Tartarus
tarth/ssioj Tartessian
ta/rthssoj Tarshish
ta/rfoj a thicket
tarfu/j thick, close
tarxu/w to bury solemnly
ta/sij tension, intensity, force
ta/ssw to arrange, put in order
tau/geton Mount Taygetus
tau/reioj of bulls, oxen
taurela/thj a bull-driver
taurhdo/n like a bull, savagely
taurobo/loj slaughtering bulls
taurobo/roj devouring bulls
tauroga/stwr with bull's paunch
taurode/thj bull-binder
tauro/kerwj bull-horned
tauroktone/w to slaughter bulls
taurokto/noj slaughtering bulls
tauro/morfoj bull-formed
tauro/omai to become savage as a bull
tauropa/twr sprung from a bull
tauropo/loj worshipped at Tauris
tauro/pouj bull-footed
tau=roj a bull
taurosfage/w to cut a bull's throat
taurosfa/goj bull-slaughtering, sacrificial
taurofa/goj bull-eating
tau/th| in this way.
tau)toklinh/j under the same climate
tau)tolo/goj tautologous
tau)to/maton a chance
tau)topoie/w to do the same with
tau)to/thj identity
tafeu/j a burier
tafh/ioj of
tafh/ burial
ta/fioj a grave
ta/foj a burial, funeral
ta/foj astonishment, amazement

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tafrei/a a making of ditches

tafreu/w to make a ditch
ta/froj a ditch, trench
ta/xa quickly, presently, forthwith
ta/xoj swiftness, speed, fleetness, velocity
taxua/lwtoj conquered quickly
taxuba/thj fast-walking
taxu/bouloj hasty in counsel
taxu/dakruj soon moved to tears
taxuergi/a quickness in working
taxuergo/j working quickly.
taxu/mhnij swift to anger
taxu/moroj quickly dying, shortlived
taxunaute/w to sail fast
taxu/nw to make quickly
taxupeiqh/j soon persuaded, credulous
taxu/poroj quick of motion
taxu/pouj swift-footed
taxu/pternoj swift-footed
taxu/pteroj swift-winged
taxu/pwloj with fleet, swift horses
taxu/rroqoj swift-rushing
taxu/rrwstoj swift-rushing
taxu/j quick, swift, fleet
taxuth/j quickness, swiftness
taw/nioj of a peacock
taw/j a peacock
te/ggw to wet, moisten
tege/a Tegea
tegea/thj of Tegea
tegeatiko/j of or belonging to Tegea
tegea=tij the Tegeate country
te/geoj at
te/goj a roof
teqarrhko/twj boldly
te/qhpa to be astonished, astounded, amazed
te/qmioj settled, regular
teqmo/j a law, custom
teqorubhme/nwj tumultuously
teqrippoba/thj driver of a four-horse chariot
te/qrippoj with four horses abreast, four-horsed
teqrippotrofe/w to keep a team of four horses
teqrippotro/foj keeping a team of four horses
tei/nw to stretch
tei=roj the heavenly constellations, signs
tei/rw to rub hard

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teixesiplh/thj approacher of walls

teixe/w to build walls
teixh/rhj enclosed by walls, beleaguered, besieged
teixi/zw to build a wall
teixio/eij walled, high-walled
teixi/on a wall
tei/xisij the work of walling, wall-building
tei/xisma a wall
teixodome/w to build a wall
teixodomi/a a building of walls
teixodo/moj building walls.
teixole/tij destroyer of walls
teixomaxe/w to fight the walls
teixoma/xhj storming walls, an engineer
teixomaxi/a a battle with walls
teixomelh/j walling by music
teixopoio/j building walls
tei=xoj a wall
teixofulake/w to guard the walls
teixofu/lac a guard of the walls
tekmai/romai to fix by a mark
te/kmar a fixed mark
te/kmarsij a judging from sure signs.
tekmh/rion a sure signs.
tekmhrio/w to prove positively
tekmhriw/dhj of the nature of a
tekni/on a little
teknogone/w to bear young, bear children
teknogoni/a child-bearing
teknogo/noj begetting
teknokto/noj murdering children
teknole/teira having lost one's young
te/knon that which is borne
teknopoie/w to bear children
teknopoihtiko/j of
teknopoii/a production of children
tekno/poinoj child-avenging
teknopoio/j child-bearing
teknospori/a a begetting of children
teknou=j having borne children
teknofa/goj eating children.
teknofagosfagi/a a devouring of children
teknofone/w to murder children
teknofo/noj child-murdering.
tekno/w to furnish
te/knwsij a begetting, bearing

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te/koj the young

tektai/nomai to make, work, frame
tektonei=on workshop of a carpenter
tektoni/a carpentry
tektoniko/j practised
tektosu/nh the art of a joiner, carpentry
te/ktwn any worker in wood
telamw/n a broad strap for bearing
tele/qw to come into being, to be quite
te/leioj having reached its end, finished, complete
teleio/w to make perfect, complete
telei/wsij accomplishment, fulfilment
teleiwth/j an accomplisher, finisher
teleo/mhnoj with full complement of months
tele/ontej the Consecrators, Priests
telesiou/rghma an accomplished purpose
telesiurgo/j working out its end, effective
te/lesma money paid
telessidw/teira she that gives completeness
telessi/frwn working its will
telesth/rion a place for initiation
telestiko/j initiatory, mystical
tele/stwr a priest
telesfore/w to bring fruit to perfection
telesfo/roj bringing to an end
teleth/ initiation
teleutai=oj last
teleuta/w to complete, finish, accomplish
teleuth/ a finishing, completion, accomplishment
tele/w to complete, fulfil, accomplish
telh/eij perfect, complete
te/llw to make to arise, accomplish
te/lma standing water, a pool, pond, marsh, swamp
telmatw/dhj marshy, muddy
te/losde towards the end
te/loj the fulfilment
te/lson a boundary, limit
telxi/n one of the Telchines
telwne/w to be a tax-gatherer
telw/nhj a farmer
telwni/a the office of
telwnia/j of tolls
telwniko/j of
telw/nion a custom-house
te/maxoj a slice of salt-fish
temeni/zw to make a sacred grove

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

teme/nioj of
temeni/thj Apollo of the Temenos
te/menoj a piece of land cut off, assigned as a domain
te/mnw to cut, hew
tenagi/zw to be covered with shoal water, stand in pools
tenagi=tij shallow
te/nagoj shoal-water, a shoal, shallow, lagoon
tenagw/dhj covered with shoal-water, standing in pools
te/ndw to gnaw, gnaw at
tenqei/a lickerishness, gluttony
te/nqhj a dainty feeder, gourmand
te/nwn any tight-stretched band, a sinew, tendon
te and
tera/zw to interpret portents
te/ramnon chambers, a house
terasko/poj prophetic
te/raj a sign, wonder, marvel
tera/stioj monstrous
teratei/a a talking marvels, jugglery
terateu/omai to talk marvels
teratologe/w to tell of marvels
teratologi/a a telling of marvels, marvellous tales
teratolo/goj of which marvellous things are told, portentous
teratourga/j a wonder-worker
teratourgi/a love of the marvellous
teratw/dhj portentous
teratwpo/j marvellous-looking
terebinqw/dhj full of terebinth-trees
tereti/zw to whistle
tere/tisma a whistling, trilling
te/retron a borer, gimlet
terhdw/n the wood-worm
te/rhn rubbed smooth
terqreu/omai to use claptraps
te/rqrioj the rope from the end of a sail-yard
te/rqron the end of the sail-yard, cornu antennae
te/rma an end, boundary
terme/reion a misfortune one brings on oneself
termi/nqinoj of the terebinth-tree
te/rminqoj the terebinth
termio/eij going even to the end
te/rmioj at the end, last
termo/nioj at the world's end
te/rmwn a boundary
terpia/dhj son of delight
terpike/raunoj delighting in thunder

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terpno/j delightsome, delightful, pleasant, agreeable, glad

te/rpw to satisfy, delight, gladden, cheer
tersai/nw to dry up, wipe up
te/rsomai to be
teryi/mbrotoj gladdening the heart of man
teryi/nouj heart-gladdening
te/ryij enjoyment, delight
teryixo/rh Terpsichore, dance-enjoying
teryi/xoroj enjoying the dance
tessara/boioj worth four steers
tessarakaideka/dwroj fourteen hand-breadths long
tessarakontaeth/j forty years old
tessara/konta forty
tessarakonto/rguioj forty fathoms high
tessarakosto/j fortieth
tessareskai/deka fourteen
tessareskaide/katoj fourteenth
tessareskaideke/thj fourteen years old
te/ssarej four
tetagme/nwj in orderly manner
tetagw/n having seized
tetano/qric with long straight hair
tetano/j straightened, smooth
tetaragme/nwj confusedly
tetartai=oj on the fourth day
tetarthmo/rion a fourth part, quadrans
te/tartoj fourth
teteuxh=sqai to be armed
teti/hmai to be sorrowful, to sorrow, mourn
te/tmon to overtake, reach, come up to, find
tetraba/mwn four-footed
tetraglw/xij with four angles, square
tetra/guoj containing four measures of land
tetragwni/zw to make square
tetragwnopro/swpoj square-faced
tetra/gwnoj with four equal angles, rectangular
tetradei=on a number of four, a quarternion
tetra/draxmon a coin of four drachms, a tedradrachm
tetrae/liktoj four times wound round
tetrae/nhj of four years, four years old
tetraeth/j four years old
tetraeti/a a term of four years
tetra/zugoj four-yoked
tetraqe/lumnoj of four layers
tetrai/nw to bore through, pierce, perforate
tetrakaidekae/thj of fourteen years

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tetra/kerwj four-horned
tetrakismu/rioi four times ten thousand, forty thousand
tetra/kij four times
tetrakisxi/lioi four thousand
tetra/klinoj with four couches
tetra/knamoj four-spoked
tetrako/rumboj with four clusters
tetrako/sioi four hundred
tetra/kukloj four-wheeled
tetrakwmi/a a union of four villages
tetralogi/a a series of four dramas
tetra/metroj consisting of four metres
tetra/mhnoj of four months, lasting four months
tetramoiri/a a four-fold portion
tetra/moiroj fourfold
te/trac the pheasant
tetraori/a a four-horsed chariot
tetra/oroj yoked four together
tetrapa/lastoj four spans long
tetra/phxuj four cubits
tetrapla/sioj fourfold, four times as much
tetra/pleqroj consisting of four plethra
tetra/pleuroj four-sided
tetraplh=| in a fourfold manner, fourfold
tetraplo/oj fourfold
tetrapodhdo/n on four feet
tetrapodisti/ on all fours
tetra/polij of
tetra/poloj turned up
tetra/poroj with four passages
tetra/pouj four-footed
tetrapterulli/j a four-wing
tetra/ptiloj four-winged
tetra/rrumoj with four poles
tetrarxe/w to be tetrarch
tetra/rxhj a tetrarch
tetrarxi/a a tetrarchy, the province of a tetrarch
tetraskelh/j four-legged, four-footed
tetra/j the fourth day
tetrasta/dioj four stades in length
tetra/sxoinoj four
te/tratoj fourth
tetra/trufoj broken into four pieces
tetrafa/lhroj with four crests
tetra/fuloj divided into four tribes
te/traxa in four parts

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tetra/xouj holding four

tetra/xutroj made of four pots
tetrh/meroj of four days
tetrh/rhj a quadrireme
tetro/rguioj of four fathoms
tetrw/bolon a four-obol piece
tetrw/boloj of four obols
tetrw/rofoj of four stories
te/tta Father
tettigofo/rhj wearing a
tettigw/dhj like a
te/ttic a
tetufwme/nwj stupidly
teu=gma that which is made, a work
teuqi/j a cuttle-fish
teuktiko/j able to gain
teu=cij attainment
teuta/zw to say
teutlo/eij of
teu=tlon beet
teuxesfo/roj wearing armour
teuxhsth/r an armed man, warrior
teu=xoj a tool, implement
teuxofo/roj bearing arms, armed
teu/xw to make ready, make, build, work
te/fra ashes
tefro/j ash-coloured
texna/zw to employ art
texna/omai to make by art, to execute skilfully
te/xnasma anything made
texnh/eij cunningly wrought
te/xnhma a masterpiece
texnh/mwn cunningly wrought
te/xnh art, skill, craft in work, cunning of hand
texnhto/j artificial
texniko/j artistic, skilful, workmanlike
texni/thj an artificer, artisan, craftsman, skilled workman
texnologe/w to bring under rules of art, to systematize
texnolo/goj treating by rules of art.
te/wj so long, meanwhile, the while
th=|de here, thus
th/qh a grandmother
thqi/j a father's
th=qoj an oyster
thqu/j Tethys
thkedw/n a melting away: a wasting away, consumption, decline

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

thkto/j melted, molten

th/kw to melt, melt down
thlaugh/j far-shining, far-beaming
thlebo/loj striking from afar
thle/gonoj born far from one's father
thledapo/j from a far country
thleqa/w luxuriant-growing, blooming, flourishing
thlekleito/j far-famed
thleklhto/j summoned from afar
thlema/xoj fighting from afar.
thle/planoj far-wandering, devious
thle/pompoj far-sent, far-journeying
thle/poroj far-travelling, far-reaching
thle/puloj with gates far apart
th=le at a distance, far off, far away
thlesko/poj far-seeing
thle/skopoj far-seen, conspicuous
thlefanh/j appearing afar, far-seen, conspicuous
thle/filon faraway-love, love-in-absence
thli/a a board
thliko/sde of such an age
thli/koj of such an age, so old
thlo/qen from afar, from a foreign land
thlope/thj far-flying
thlo/se to a distance, far away
thlota/tw farthest away
thlou= afar, far off
thlouro/j with distant boundaries
thlu/getoj an only child, a darling child
thlwpo/j seen from afar, far away
thmele/w to protect, look after
th=moj then, thereupon
thna/llwj in the way
thnei= there
th/nella greeted with huzzas
thnika/de at this time of day, so early
thni/ka at that time, then
thnikau=ta at that time, then
thno/qi in that case, then
th=noj he, she, it
thnw= there
thcimelh/j wasting the limbs
th= take
th=| here, there
thre/w to watch over, protect, guard
th/rhsij a watching, keeping, guarding

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

thrhte/oj one must watch

thro/j a warden, guard
thta/omai to be in want, suffer want
th=tej this year, of
thu/sioj idle, vain, undertaken to no purpose
tia/ra a tiara
tiaroeidh/j shaped like
ti/grij a tiger
ti/h why? wherefore?
tiqaibw/ssw to store up honey
tiqaseuth/j one who tames
tiqaseu/w to tame, domesticate
tiqaso/j tame, domestic
tiqa/j barn-door
ti/qhmi to set, put, place
tiqhne/omai to nurse, suckle, tend as nurse
tiqh/nh a nurse
tiqhnhth/rioj nursing
tiqhno/j nursing
tiqu/maloj spurge, euphorbia
tiqwno/j Tithonus
ti/ktw to bring into the world
ti/llw to pluck
ti/lsij a plucking out
timalfe/w to do honour to
timalfh/j fetching a prize, costly, precious
tima/oxoj having honour
tima/w to pay honour to, hold in honour, to honour, revere, reverence
timh/eij honoured, esteemed
ti/mhma an estimate, valuation
timh/ that which is paid in token of worth
ti/mhsij a valuation
timhtei/a the censorship
timhte/oj to be honoured, valued
timhteu/w to be censor
timhth/j a valuer, estimater
timhtiko/j forming an estimate
timhto/j rateable
ti/mioj valued
timio/thj worth, value, preciousness
timokrati/a a state in which the love of honour is the ruling principle
timokratiko/j of
timwre/w to help, aid, succour
timw/rhma help, aid, succour given
timwrhte/oj one must assist
timwrhth/r an avenger

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timwrhtiko/j revengeful
timwri/a help, aid, assistance, succour
timwro/j upholding honour
ti/nagma a shake, quake
tina/kteira a shaker
tina/ktwr a shaker
tina/ssw to shake
ti/numai to punish, chastise
ti/nw to pay a price
ti/pote what
ti/sij payment by way of return
ti/j who? which?
tij any one, any thing, some one, some thing
titai/nw to stretch
titanokra/twr conqueror of the Titans
titanokto/noj slaying Titans
ti/tanoj chalk
tita/n the Titans
titanw/dhj Titan-like, Titanic
ti/thj avenger
titqei/a an acting as a nurse, nursing
titqeu/w to be a nurse, act as a nurse
ti/tqh a nurse
titqo/j a teat, nipple
titrw/skw to wound
tituokto/noj slaying Tityus
tituo/j Tityus
ti/turoj an ape
titu/skomai to make, make ready, prepare
ti/fh the water-spider
ti=foj standing water, a pond, pool, marsh
ti/w to pay honour to
tla/w to take upon oneself, to bear, suffer, undergo
tlh/qumoj stout-hearted
tlhmosu/nh that which is to be endured, misery, distress
tlh/mwn suffering, enduring, patient, stout-hearted
tlhsika/rdioj hard-hearted
tlhto/j suffering, enduring, patient, steadfast
tmh/gw to cut, cleave
tmh/dhn by cutting, so as to cut
tmh=ma a part cut off, a section, piece
tmh=sij a cutting
tmhte/oj one must cut
tmhtosi/dhroj cut down with iron
tmhto/j cut, shaped by cutting
tmw=loj Mt. Tmolus

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to/qen hence, thence

to/qi there, in that place
toiga/r so then, wherefore, therefore, accordingly
toi/nun therefore, accordingly
toio/sde such a
toi=oj quality, such, such-like
toiou=toj such as this
toiouto/tropoj of such kind, such like
toioutw/dhj of such kind
toi let me tell you, surely, verily
toi=xoj the wall of a house
toixwruxe/w to dig through a wall like a thief, to be a housebreaker
toixwru/xoj one who digs through the wall
toka/j of
toketo/j birth, delivery
tokeu/j one who begets, a father
toki/zw to lend on interest
tokismo/j the practice of usury
tokisth/j an usurer
tokoglufe/w to practise sordid usury
tokoglu/foj one who carves out interest, a sordid usurer
to/koj a bringing forth, childbirth, parturition
tokofore/w to bring in interest
to/lma courage, to undertake
tolma/w to undertake, take heart
to/lmhma an adventure, enterprise, deed of daring
tolmhro/j hardihood
tolmhte/oj one must venture
tolmhth/j a bold, venturous man
tolmhto/j to be ventured
toloipo/n for the rest, for the future
tolupeu/w to wind off
tolu/ph a clew
tomai=oj cut, cut off
toma/w to need cutting
tomeu/j one that cuts, a shoemaker's knife
tomh/ the end left after cutting, the stump
to/mion a victim cut up
tomo/j cutting
to/moj a cut, slice
tona/rion a pitch-pipe
tonqoru/zw to speak inarticulately, mutter, babble
to/noj that by which a thing is stretched, a rope, cord, brace
tonu=n for the present
toca/zomai to shoot with a bow
tocalke/thj mighty with the bow

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to/carxoj lord of the bow, bowman, archer

to/ceuma that which is shot, an arrow
toceuto/j struck by an arrow
toceu/w to shoot with the bow
toch/rhj furnished with the bow
tociko/j of
tocobo/loj shooting with the bow
toco/damnoj subduing with the bow
to/con a bow
tocopoie/w to make like a bow, to arch
tocosu/nh bowmanship, archery
toco/thj a bowman, archer
tocoulko/j drawing the bow
tocofore/w to bear a bow
tocofo/roj bow-bearing
to/pazoj the topaz
topa/zw to aim at, guess
to/parxoj ruling over a place
topiko/j concerning
topografe/w to determine the site
topogra/foj a topographer.
topoqete/w to mark the site of
topomaxe/w to wage war by holding strong positions
to/poj a place
torei/a a carving in relief
toreu/j a borer, piercer
toreuto/j worked in relief
toreu/w to work in relief
tore/w to bore through, pierce
to/rmoj any hole
torneutoluraspidophgo/j lyre-turner and shield-maker
torneu/w to work with a lathe-chisel
torno/omai to mark off with the
to/rnoj a carpenter's tool for drawing a circle, compasses
toro/j piercing
toroti/c a bird's note
toru/nh a stirrer, ladle
toru/nw to stir, stir up
tosa/kij so many times, so often
tosh/meron to-day
toso/sde so strong, so able
to/soj so great, so vast
tosouta/riqmoj of so large a number
tosou=toj so large, so tall
to/ssaij to happen
tossa/tioj so great, much

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tote/ at times, now and then

to/te at that time, then
totobri/c a bird's note
tou)/neka for that reason, therefore
touto/qen hence, thence
to/fra up to
tragasai=oj of
tra/geioj of
trage/lafoj the goat-stag
tra/ghma that which is eaten for eating's sake
traghmati/zw to eat sweetmeats
tragiko/j of
tra/ginoj of a he-goat
tragi/skoj a young he-goat
tragokouriko/j for shearing he-goats
trago/ktonoj of slaughtered goats
tragoma/sxaloj with armpits smelling like a he-goat
trago/pouj goat-footed
tragoskelh/j goat-shanked
tra/goj a he-goat
tragofage/w to eat he-goats
tragw|de/w to act a tragedy
tragw|di/a a tragedy
tragw|diko/j befitting tragedy
tragw|diogra/foj writing tragedies
tragw|dodida/skaloj a tragic poet
tragw|dopoio/j a maker of tragedies, a tragic poet, tragedian
tragw|do/j a goat-singer
tra/lleij Trallians
tranh/j piercing
trano/w to make clear, plain, distinct
tra/peza four-legged a table
trapezeu/j at, of a table
trapeziteu/w to be engaged in banking
trapezi/thj one who keeps a bank, a banker
trapezitiko/j of
trapezopoii/a table-making
trape/w to tread grapes
traphte/oj one must turn
trasia/ a crate
trauli/zw to lisp
traulo/j lisping
traulo/thj a lisping
trau=ma a wound, hurt
traumati/zw to wound
traumati/hj a wounded man

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trafero/j well-fed
traxhliai=oj of, on
traxh/lia scraps of meat and gristle about the neck, scraps, offal
traxhli/zw of wrestlers
traxhlodesmo/thj chaining the neck
tra/xhloj the neck, throat
traxi/j Trachis
traxu/nw to make rough, rugged, uneven
traxu/j rugged, rough
traxu/stomoj of rough speech
traxu/thj roughness, ruggedness
traxw/n a rugged, stony tract
treiskai/deka thirteen
tre/mw to tremble
trepte/oj one must turn
tre/pw to turn
tre/fw to thicken
tre/xnoj a twig
tre/xnoj a twig
tre/xw to run
tre/w to flee from fear, flee away
trh=ma a perforation, hole, aperture, orifice
trhmato/eij porous
trh/rwn timorous, shy
trhto/j perforated, with a hole in it
tri/aina a trident
triaino/w to heave with the trident
triaka/j the number thirty
triakonqa/mmatoj with
triakonqh/meroj of thirty days
triakontaeth/j thirty years old
triakonta/zugoj with thirty benches
triakonta/kij thirty times
tria/konta thirty
triakontarxi/a the rule of the Thirty
triakonta/xouj producing thirtyfold
triako/ntoroj a thirty-oared ship
triakontw/rugoj of thirty fathoms
triako/sioi three hundred
triakosiome/dimnoi those whose property produced
triakosio/xouj bearing three hundredfold
triakosto/j the thirtieth
triakth/r a victor
tria/cw to vanquish
tria/rmenoj with three sails
tria/j the number three, a triad

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tribako/j rubbed, worn

triballoi/ the Triballi
tribelh/j three-pointed
tribh/ a rubbing
tribolektra/peloj in coarse rude jests.
tri/boloj a caltrop
tri/boj a worn
tribwnikw=j like a
tri/bwn practised
tri/bw to rub: to rub
trige/neia a third generation
trige/rwn triply old
trigi/gaj a triple
tri/glhnoj with three pupils
tri/glh the red mullet
triglofo/roj bearing mullets
tri/glufoj the triglyph, a three-grooved tablet
tri/glufoj thrice-cloven.
triglw/xij three-barbed
trigmo/j a scream, squeak
trigoni/a the third generation
tri/gonoj thrice-born
trigwnoeidh/j triangular-shaped
tri/gwnoj three-cornered, triangular
tri/douloj a slave through three generations, thrice a slave
tri/draxmoj worth
trie/liktoj thrice coiled
trie/mboloj like three ships' beaks
triethri/j a triennial festival
trie/thj of
trizugh/j three yoked, three in union
tri/zw to utter a shrill cry, to scream, cry
trihmipo/dion a length of three half-feet, a foot and a-half
trihrarxe/w to be a
trihra/rxhma the trierarch's crew
trihrarxi/a the command of a trireme
trihrarxiko/j of
trih/rarxoj the captain of a trireme
trihrau/lhj the flute-player
trihriko/j of
trihri/thj a trireme-man
trihropoio/j building triremes
triqa/lassoj touching on
trika/ranoj the Three-headed
trika/rhnoj three-headed
trike/faloj three-headed

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tri/klinoj with three couches

tri/klwstoj thrice-spun, three-twisted
triko/lwnoj three-hilled
triko/ruqoj with triple plume
triko/rufoj three-topped
triko/rwnoj thrice a crow's age
tri/kranoj three-headed
trikumi/a the third wave, a huge wave
tri/llistoj thrice
trilogi/a a trilogy
trilofi/a a triple crest
trima/kaira thrice-blest
tri/metroj consisting of three metres
tri/mhnoj of three months
tri=mma that which is rubbed
trimmo/j a beaten road
trimoiri/a a triple portion, triple pay
tri/moiroj threefold, triple
tri/morfoj three-formed
trinakri/a Sicily
tri/nac a trident
tri/odoj a meeting of three roads
trio/douj with three teeth, three-pronged
trio/rxhj the buzzard
trioto/ a sound
tri/paij having three children
tri/palai long long ago
tripa/laistoj three hands broad, long
tri/paltoj thrice-brandished
tripa/nourgoj triply-base, an arch-rogue
tripa/xuioj thrice-fattened, thrice-gorged
tri- three times, thrice
tripe/thloj three-leafed
tri/phxuj three cubits long
tripiqh/kinoj thrice
tri/plac triple, threefold
triplasia/zw to triple, take three times
tripla/sioj thrice as many, thrice as much, thrice as great as
tri/pleqroj three
tri/pleuroj three-sided.
triplo/oj triple, threefold
tripo/dhj three feet long
tripodhfore/w to bring a tripod, offer it as a sign of victory
tripo/qhtoj thrice
tri/polij with three cities
tripo/listoj thrice-repeated

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tri/poloj thrice ploughed

tripo/nhtoj between three labouring women
tri/porqoj thrice-wasted
tri/pouj three-footed, of
tripth/r the vat into which the oil runs when pressed out
tri/pthj a rubber, shampooer
tri/ptuxoj threefold
tri/pwloj of
tri/rrumoj with three poles
trisa/qlioj thrice-unhappy
trisa/lastoj thrice-tormented
trisa/riqmoj thrice-numbered
trisa/smenoj thrice-pleased, most willing
trisa/wroj thrice-untimely
triseina/j the third ninth day
trise/parxoj thrice an
triseudai/mwn thrice-happy
triskaideka/phxuj thirteen cubits high
triskaidekasta/sioj of thirteen times the value
triskaide/katoj thirteenth
triskaidekafo/roj fruiting thirteen times
triskaideke/thj thirteen years old
triskakodai/mwn thrice unlucky
tri/skalmoj with three oarpins
triskata/ratoj thrice-accursed
triskelh/j three-legged
triskopa/nistoj thrice-kneaded
tri/smakar thrice-blest
trismu/rioi thrice ten thousand
trismurio/palai thirty thousand times long-ago
triso/lbioj thrice happy
trisolumpioni/khj thrice victorious at Olympia
trispi/qamoj three spans long
tri/spondoj thrice-poured
tri/j thrice, three times
trisso/qen from three sides
trisso/j threefold
tri/stegoj of
tristoixi/ in three rows
tri/stoixoj in three rows
tri/stomoj three-edged
trisu/llaboj trisyllabic
trisxi/lioi three thousand
trisxiliosto/j the three-thousandth
trisw/matoj three-bodied
tritagwniste/w to be a

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tritagwnisth/j the player who took the third part, a third-rate actor
tritai=oj on the third day
trita/lantoj of three talents
trita/laj thrice-wretched
trita/nustoj thrice-stretched, very long
trithmo/rioj forming a third part of
tritoba/mwn forming a third foot
tritoge/neia Trito-born
tri/tokoj bearing three times
trito/spondoj in which one has poured the third libation
trito/sporoj sown for the third time
tri/toj the third
trittu/j the number three
tritwnia/j Tritonis
tritwni/j Tritonis
tri/twn Triton
trifa/sioj threefold
trifi/lhtoj thrice-beloved
tri/fullon tre-foil, clover
tri/fuloj of three tribes
trixa/ikej the threefold people
trixa/leptoj very angry
tri/xalkon a coin worth three
tri/xaloj cloven in three
tri/xa threefold, in three parts
trixh= in
trixqa/ in
tri/xinoj of hair
trixi/j anchovy full of small hair-like bones
trixo/brwj eating hair
trixoi/nikoj holding
trixo/lwtoj thrice-detested
trixo/malloj hair-fleeced
trixo/omai to be furnished with hair
trixorrue/w to shed the hair
trixorruh/j shedding the hair.
trixou= in three places
trixo/foitoj just passing into hair
tri/xwma a growth of hair, hair
triyhmere/w to waste the day
tri=yij rubbing, friction
triw/bolon a three-obol-piece, a half-drachma
triw/rofoj of three stories
triw/rugoj of three fathoms
troi/aqen from Troy
troi/ande to Troy

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troi/a Troy
troizh/nioj of Troezen
troizh/n Troezen
tromero/j trembling
trome/w to tremble, quake, quiver
tro/moj a trembling, quaking, quivering
tropai/a an alternating wind
tro/paion a trophy
tropai=oj of
tropaiofo/roj bearing trophies
tro/palij a bundle, bunch
trope/w to turn
troph/ a turn, turning
tropiko/j of the solstice
tro/pij a ship's keel
tro/poj a turn, direction, course, way
tropo/j a twisted leathern thong
tropofore/w to bear with
tropo/w to furnish the oar with its thong
trofali/j a piece
trofei=a pay for bringing up, the wages of a nurse
trofeu/j one who rears
trofh/ nourishment, food, victuals
trofi/hj brought up in the house, stall-fed
tro/fimoj nourishing
tro/fij well-fed, stout, large
trofo/eij well-fed
trofo/j a feeder, rearer, nurse
trofofore/w to bring
troxa/zw to run like a wheel, to run along, run quickly
troxai=oj running, tripping
troxalo/j running
troxero/j running, tripping
troxhlate/w to drive a chariot: to drive about, drive round and round
troxhla/thj one who guides wheels
troxh/latoj driven on wheels, wheel-drawn
troxia/ the round of a wheel
troxi/zw to turn round on the wheel, torture
troxili/a the sheaf of a pulley, roller of a windlass
troxi/loj the sandpiper
troxio/j round
tro/xij a runner, messenger
troxodine/omai to whirl
troxoeidh/j round as a wheel, circular
troxo/eij round as a wheel, round
troxopoie/w to make wheels

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

troxo/j anything that runs round

tru/blion a cup, bowl
truga/w to gather in
tru/gh ripe fruit, a grain-crop, corn
trughth/r one who gathers grapes
tru/ghtoj a vintage, harvest
trughfo/roj bearing fruits
trugiko/j of lees
trugodai/mwn a poor-devil poet
tru/goipoj a straining-cloth
trugw|do/j a lees-singer
trugw/n the turtle-dove
trumalia/ a hole
tru/mh a hole
tru/c new wine not yet fermented, wine with the lees in it, must
tru/panon a borer, auger
trupa/w to bore, pierce through
tru/phma a hole
tru/ph a hole
trusa/nwr wearying a man
trusi/bioj wearing out life
truta/nh the tongue of a balance
trufa/leia a helmet
trufa/w to live softly, delicately, luxuriously, to fare sumptuously
truferai/nomai to be fastidious
trufero/j delicate, dainty
tru/fhma that in which one takes pride, a pride
trufh/ softness, delicacy, daintiness
tru/foj that which is broken off, a piece, morsel, lump
truxhro/j ragged, tattered
tru/xnoj nightshade
truxo/omai to be worn out
tru=xoj a worn out garment, a rag, shred
tru/xw to wear out, waste, consume
tru/xw to wear out, waste, consume
tru/w to rub down, wear out
trw|a/j Trojan
trwga/lia fruits eaten at dessert, figs, nuts, sweetmeats
trw/glh a hole formed by gnawing, a mouse's hole
trwglodu/thj one who creeps into holes
trwglodu/wn creeping into a hole
trw/gw to gnaw, nibble, munch
trwi/aqen from Troy
trwiko/j Trojan
trwio/j of Tros
trw/kthj a gnawer, nibbler

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

trwkto/j to be eaten raw: eatable

trwca/rthj bread-gnawer
trw=cij a biting
trwofqo/roj destructive to the Trojans
trwpa/w to turn constantly, change
trw/j Tros
trwto/j to be wounded, vulnerable
trwxa/w to run fast, gallop
tugxa/nw to hit
tudeu/j Tydeus
tui=de here
tu/kh mason's work
tuki/zw to work stones
tu/kisma a working of stones
tu/koj an instrument for working stones with, a mason's hammer
tukta/ (tacht)
tukto/j created
tu/lh any callous lump
tuli/ssw to twist up: to bend
tu/loj a knot
tulo/w to make knobby
tulwto/j knobbed
tu/mbeuma a tomb, grave
tumbeu/w to bury, entomb
tumbh/rhj entombed
tumbi/thj in
tu/mboj a sepulchral mound, cairn, barrow
tumbou=xoj sepulchral
tumbofo/noj grave-murdering, disturbing the dead
tumboxoe/w to throw up a cairn
tumboxo/h the throwing up a cairn
tumboxo/oj throwing up a cairn
tumbo/xwstoj heaped up into a cairn, high-heaped
tumbwruxi/a grave-robbing
tumbwru/xoj one who digs up graves, a grave-robber
tu/mma a blow
tumpani/zw to beat a drum
tu/mpanon a kettledrum
tunda/reoj Tyndareos
tunno/j so small, so little
tunnou=toj tantillus
tuntla/zw to work in the mud
tu/panon a drum
tuph/ a blow, wound
tu/poj a blow
tupo/w to form, mould, model

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tu/ptw to beat, strike, smite

tupw/dhj like an outline
tu/pwma that which is moulded
tu/pwsij a mould, model
turanneu/w to be a
turanni/zw to take the part of tyrants
turanniko/j of
turanni/j kingly power, sovereignty
turannoktone/w to slay a tyrant
turannoktoni/a the slaying of a tyrant
turannokto/noj slayer of a tyrant
turannopoio/j a maker of tyrants
tu/rannoj an absolute sovereign
turannofo/noj slaying tyrants
turba/zw to trouble, stir up
tu/rbh disorder, tumult
tu/reuma that which is curdled, cheese
tureuth/r one who makes cheese
tureu/w to make cheese
tu/rioj of Tyre, Tyrian
turoglu/foj cheese-scooper
turo/eij like cheese
turo/knhstij a cheese-scraper, cheese-grater
turo/nwtoj cheese-backed, spread with cheese
turopoie/w to make cheese
turopwle/w to sell like cheese
turopw/lhj a cheesemonger
tu/roj Tyre
turo/j cheese
turofa/goj cheese-eater
turofo/roj with cheese on it
turrhnole/thj destroyer of Tyrrhenians
turshno/j Tyrrhenian, Etruscan
tu/rsij a tower
tutqo/j little, small
tufedano/j one with cloudy wits, a stupid fellow, dullard
tufh/rhj made from
tuflo/pouj with blind foot
tuflo/j blind
tuflo/stomoj with blind mouth
tuflo/thj blindness
tuflo/w to blind, make blind
tu/flwsij a making blind, blinding
tuflw/ttw to be blind
tufoge/rwn an old man dim and
tu=foj smoke, vapour

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tufo/w to wrap in smoke

tufweu/j Typhoeus
tufwniko/j tempestuous
tufwnoeidw=j like a whirlwind
tufw=n Typhon
tu/fw to raise a smoke
tufw/j a whirlwind, typhoon
tufw/j a whirlwind, typhoon
tuxai=oj accidental, chance
tu/xh the good which man obtains
tuxhro/j lucky, fortunate
tuxo/ntwj by chance
twqa/zw to mock, scoff
twqasmo/j scoffing, jeering
tw=| therefore, in this wise, thereupon
tw/j so, in this wise
(ua/dej the Hyades
u(/aina the hyaena
u(akinqinobafh/j dyed hyacinth-colour
u(aki/nqinoj hyacinthine
u(a/kinqoj the hyacinth
(ua/kinqoj Hyacinthus
u(a/leoj of glass
u(a/linoj of crystal
u(/aloj a clear, transparent stone
u(alo/xrouj glass-coloured
u(bo/j hump-backed
u(bri/zw to wax wanton, run riot
u(/brisma a wanton
u(/brij wantonness, wanton violence
u(briste/oj that may be insulted
u(bristh/j a violent, overbearing person, a wanton, insolent man
u(bristiko/j given to wantonness, wanton, insolent, outrageous
u(/bristoj wanton, insolent, outrageous
u(gia/zomai to become healthy, get well
u(giai/nw to be sound, healthy
u(giai/nw to be sound, healthy
u(gi/eia health, soundness
u(gieino/j good for the health, wholesome, sound, healthy
u(gihro/j good for the health, wholesome
u(gih/j sound, healthy, hearty, sound in
u(grai/nw to wet, moisten
u(gromelh/j with supple, soft limbs
u(gropore/w to go through the water
u(gro/j wet, moist, running, fluid
u(gro/thj wetness, moisture

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u(gro/fqoggoj making a gurgling sound

u(grw/ssw to make wet, moisten
u(darh/j mixed with too much water, watery, washy
u(dasistegh/j water-proof
u(da/tinoj of water, watery
u(da/tion a rivulet
u(dato/eij watery, like water
u(datoposi/a a drinking of water
u(datopote/w to drink water
u(datopo/thj a water-drinker.
u(datotrefh/j growing in
u(dato/w to make watery
u(/deroj dropsy
u(dne/w to nourish.
u(drai/nw to water
u(/dra a hydra, water-serpent
u(drei/a a drawing water, fetching water
u(drei=on a water-bucket, well-bucket
u(dreu/w to draw, fetch
u(drhlo/j watery, wet
u(dri/a a water-pot, pitcher, urn
u(dria/j of the water
u(droeidh/j like water, watery
u(dro/eij fond of the water
(udrome/dousa water-ruler
u(droposi/a water-drinking
u(dropote/w to drink water
u(dropo/thj a water-drinker
u(drorro/a a water-course
u(/droj a water-snake
u(drofore/w to carry water
u(drofori/a a water-carrying
u(drofo/roj carrying water
u(droxo/oj the water-pourer
u(dro/xutoj gushing with water
u(drwpiko/j dropsical
u(/drwy dropsy.
u(/dwr water
u(/eioj of
(ue/lh Velia
u(eto/eij rainy
u(eto/j rain
u(hni/a swinishness, swinish stupidity
u(hno/j swinish
u(qle/w to talk nonsense, trifle, prate
u(/qloj idle talk, nonsense

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u(idou=j a grandson
u(iko/j of
ui(oqesi/a adoption as a son
ui(o/j A son
ui(wno/j a grandson
u(/lagma the bark of a dog
u(lagmo/j a barking, baying
u(lagwge/w to carry wood
u(lai=oj of the forest, savage
u(lakh/ a barking, howling
u(lako/mwroj always barking, still howling
u(lakte/w to bark, bay, howl
u(lakthth/j a barker
u(la/w to howl, bark, bay
u(leiw/thj a forester
u(lh/eij woody, wooded
u(lhkoi/thj one who lodges in the wood
u(/lh forest-trees
u(lhwro/j watching the wood
u(li/zw to filter, strain
u(loba/thj one who haunts the woods
u(lo/komoj thick grown with wood
u(losko/poj watching over woods
u(lotome/w to cut
u(lotomi/a the cutting
u(loto/moj cutting
u(lo/tomoj cut in the wood
u(lourgo/j working wood
u(lofa/goj feeding in the woods
u(loforbo/j feeding in the woods
u(lofo/roj a wood-carrier
u(lw/dhj woody, wooded
u(lwro/j a forester
u(me/naioj hymenaeus, the wedding
u(menaio/w to sing the wedding-song
u(meno/pteroj membrane-winged
u(me/teroj your, yours
u(mh/n a thin skin, membrane
u(mh/n Hymen
u(mnago/rhj a singer of hymns
u(mne/w to sing, laud, sing of
u(mnhte/oj one must praise
u(mnhth/j a singer, praiser
u(mnhto/j sung of, praised, lauded
u(mnoqe/thj a composer of hymns, a lyric poet
u(mnopoio/j making hymns

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u(mnopo/loj busied with songs of praise

u(/mnoj a hymn, festive song
u(mnw|de/w to sing a hymn
u(mnw|di/a the singing of a hymn, hymning
u(mnw|do/j singing hymns
u(mo/j your
u(/nij a ploughshare
u(omousi/a swine's music, swinish taste in music
u(o/prw|roj having a beak turned up like a swine's snout
u(osku/amoj hen-bane, hyoscyamus
u(ofo/rbion a herd of swine
u(pa/ggeloj summoned by messenger
u(pagkali/zw to clasp in the arms, embrace
u(pagka/lisma that which is clasped in the arms, a beloved one
u(pagoreu/w to dictate
u(pa/gw to lead
u(pagwgh/ a leading on gradually
u(paei/dw to sing by way of accompaniment
u(paide/omai to shew some respect for
u(/paiqa out under, slipping away
u(pai/qrioj under the sky, in the open air, a-field
u(/paiqroj sub Dio, in the open air
u(pai/qw to set on fire below
u(paini/ssomai to intimate darkly, hint at
u(pai/ssw to dart beneath
u(paisxu/nomai to be somewhat ashamed
u(pai/tioj under accusation, called to account, responsible
u(pakoh/ obedience
u(pakou/w to listen, hearken, give ear
u(palei/fw to lay thinly on, to spread like salve
u(pallagh/ an interchange, exchange, change
u(pa/llagma that which is exchanged
u(palla/ssw to exchange
u(pa/lpeioj under the Alps
u(pa/lucij a shunning, escape
u(palu/skw to avoid, shun, flee from, escape
u(panagignw/skw to read by way of preface, premise by reading
u(panali/skw to waste away, spend
u(pana/stasij a rising up from one's seat
u(panastate/oj one must rise up
u(panaxwre/w to retire slowly
u(/pandroj under a man, subject to him, married
u(pa/neimi to come on, creep on
u(pania/omai to be somewhat distressed
u(pani/hmi to remit
u(pani/stamai to rise, stand up

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u(panoi/gw to open from below: to open underhand

u(panta/w to come
u(pantia/zw to come
u(/pantroj with caverns underneath
u(papeile/w to threaten underhand
u(pa/peimi to depart stealthily
u(papokine/w to move off secretly, sneak away from
u(pa/rguroj having silver underneath
u(parkte/oj one must begin
u(pa/rktioj towards the north
u(/parnoj with a lamb under
u(/par a waking vision
u(parxh/ the beginning
u(/parxoj commanding under
u(pa/rxw to begin, make a beginning
u(paspi/dioj under shield, covered with a shield
u(paspi/zw to serve as shield-bearer
u(paspisth/j a shield-bearer, armour-bearer, esquire
u(pateu/w to be consul
u(pa/th the lowest note
u(patiko/j of consular rank
u(/patoj supremus, the highest, uppermost
u(paule/w to play on the flute in accompaniment
u(/pauloj under
u(pauxe/nioj under the neck
u(pafi/stamai to step back slowly, to withdraw
u(/pafroj somewhat frothy
u(pa/frwn somewhat stupid
u(pe/gguoj having given surety, liable to be called to account
u(pegxe/w to pour in yet more
u(peido/mhn to view from below, to behold
u(peikte/oj one must yield
u(pei/kw to retire, withdraw, depart
u(/peimi to be under
u(/peimi to steal secretly upon
u(pei=pon to say as a foundation
u(peisdu/omai to get in secretly, to slip
u(peise/rxomai to enter secretly, to come into one's mind
u(pe/kkauma combustible matter, fuel
u(pe/kkeimai to be carried out to a place of safety, to be stowed safe away
u(pekkli/nw to bend aside, escape
u(pekkomi/zw to carry out
u(peklamba/nw to carry off underhand
u(peklu/w to loosen
u(pekpe/mpw to send out secretly
u(pekple/w to sail out secretly

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(pekproqe/w to run forth from under, outstrip

u(pekprolu/w to loose from under
u(pekprore/w to flow forth under
u(pekprofeu/gw to flee away secretly, escape and flee
u(pekre/w to flow out under
u(pekrh/gnumai to be gradually broken away
u(pekri/ptw to cast down out of
u(peksw/zw to save by drawing away from
u(pekti/qemai to bring one's goods to a place of safety, carry safely away
u(pektre/pw to turn gradually
u(pektre/xw to run out from under, escape from
u(pekfe/rw to carry out a little
u(pekfeu/gw to flee away
u(pekxala/w to slacken gradually
u(pekxwre/w to withdraw
u(pelau/nw to ride up
u(pemnh/muke he hangs down his head, stands with head hung down
u(penantio/omai to oppose secretly
u(pe/k out from under, from beneath, away from
u(pekde/xomai to have under one
u(pekdu/omai to slip out of, escape
u(pekqe/w to run off secretly
u(pekkalu/ptw to uncover below
u(penanti/oj set over against, meeting
u(pendi/dwmi to give way a little
u(pe/nduma an undergarment
u(pendu/omai having
u(pe/nerqe underneath, beneath
u(peca/gw to carry out from under
u(pecaire/w to take away from below
u(pecakri/zw to ascend to the summit
u(pecale/omai to flee out from under, avoid
u(pecanabai/nw to step suddenly back
u(pecana/gomai to put out to sea secretly
u(pecanadu/omai to come up from under, emerge
u(pecani/stamai to rise and make room for
u(pecantle/w to drain out from below, exhaust
u(pe/ceimi to go away secretly, withdraw gradually
u(pecelau/nw to drive away gradually
u(peceru/w to draw out from under, draw away underhand
u(pece/rxomai to go out from under: to go out secretly, withdraw, retire
u(pece/xw to withdraw
u(peci/stamai to depart secretly
u(perabe/lteroj above measure simple
u(pera/gamai to be exceedingly pleased
u(peraganakte/w to be exceeding angry

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(peragapa/w to love exceedingly, make much of

u(peragwnia/w to be in great distress
u(perah/j blowing hard
u(peraimo/w to have over-much blood
u(perai/rw to lift
u(pe/raisxroj exceeding foul
u(peraisxu/nomai to feel much ashamed
u(peraiwre/omai to hang
u(pe/rakmoj past the bloom of youth
u(perakonti/zw to overshoot
u(perakribh/j exceedingly exact
u(perakri/zw to mount and climb over
u(pera/krioj over
u(pe/rakroj over
u(peralge/w to feel pain for
u(peralgh/j exceeding grievous
u(peralkh/j exceeding strong
u(pera/llomai to leap over
u(pe/ralloj above others, exceeding great
u(pera/lpeioj transalpine
u(peranaideu/omai to be surpassed in impudence
u(peranai/sxuntoj exceeding impudent
u(peranatei/nomai to exert oneself excessively
u(pera/nqrwpoj superhuman
u(perani/stamai to stand up
u(perantle/omai to be very leaky
u(pe/rantloj quite full of water
u(pera/nw over, above
u(perapata/omai to be deceived excessively
u(perapoqnh/skw to die for
u(perapokri/nomai to answer for
u(perapologe/omai to speak in behalf of, defend
u(perarrwde/w to be exceeding afraid
u(pe/ra an upper rope
u(perasqenh/j exceeding weak
u(pe/rasqmoj panting exceedingly
u(peraspa/zomai to be exceeding fond of
u(pera/topoj beyond measure, absurd
u(perattiko/j carrying the use of the Attic dialect to excess
u(peraugh/j shining exceedingly
u(perauca/nw to increase above measure
u(perauxe/w to be overproud
u(pe/rauxoj over-boastful, overproud
u(peraxqh/j overburdened
u(pera/xqomai to be exceedingly grieved at
u(perbai/nw to step over, mount, scale

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(perballo/ntwj exceedingly
u(perba/llw to throw over
u(perba/rhj exceeding heavy
u(perbasi/a a transgression of law, trespass
u(pe/rbasij transgression
u(perbato/j to bepassed
u(perbeblhme/nwj beyond all measure, immoderately
u(perbia/zomai to press exceeding heavily
u(perbiba/zw to carry over
u(pe/rbioj of overwhelming strength
u(perbola/dhn immoderately, excessively
u(perbolh/ a throwing beyond
(uperbo/reoi the Hyperboreans
u(perbra/zw to boil
u(perbru/w to be overfull
u(perga/zomai to work under, plough up, prepare
u(perge/loioj above measure ridiculous
u(pergemi/zw to overfill, overload
u(pe/rghrwj exceeding old, of extreme age
u(pe/rdasuj very hairy
u(perdeh/j above all fear, undaunted
u(perdei/dw to fear for
u(perdeimai/nw to be much afraid of
u(pe/rdeinoj exceeding alarming
u(perde/cioj lying above one on the right hand
u(perde/w to bind over
u(perdiatei/nomai to exert oneself above measure
u(perdike/w to plead for, act as advocate for
u(pe/rdikoj more than just, severely just
u(pereqi/zw to stimulate a little
u(perei/dw to put under as a support
(uperei/h high-land
u(perei/pw to subvert
u(pere/keina on yon side, beyond
u(perekqerapeu/w to seek to win by excessive attention
u(perekperissou= super-abundantly
u(perekpi/ptw to go beyond all bounds
u(perekplh/ssw to frighten beyond measure:&mdash
u(perektei/nw to stretch beyond measure
u(perekti/nw to pay for
u(perekxu/nomai to run over
u(pere/lafroj exceeding light
u(perempi/plhmi to fill over-full
u(peremfore/omai to be filled quite full
u(perentugxa/nw to intercede
u(perecakisxi/lioi above

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(perepaine/w to praise above measure

u(perepiqume/w to desire exceedingly
u(pere/ptw to eat away from under
u(pere/rxomai to pass over
u(peresqi/w to eat immoderately
u(pereugenh/j exceeding noble
u(pereudaimone/w to be exceeding happy
u(pereufrai/nomai to rejoice exceedingly
u(perexqai/rw to hate exceedingly
u(pere/xw to hold
u(perze/w to boil over
u(perh/domai to be overjoyed at
u(pe/reu exceeding well, excellently
u(pe/rhduj exceeding sweet
u(perhmeri/a a being over the day
u(perh/meroj over the day for payment
u(perh/misuj above half, more than half
u(pe/rhmoj somewhat desolate
u(perhnore/wn exceedingly manly
u(perh/nwr overbearing, overweening
u(perhfane/w overweening, arrogant
u(perhfani/a arrogance, disdain
u(perh/fanoj overweening, arrogant, haughty
u(perqalassi/dioj above the coast-land
u(perqauma/zw to wonder exceedingly
u(perqau/mastoj most admirable
u(/perqen from above
u(pe/rqesij postponement
u(perqe/w to run beyond
u(perqnh/skw to die for
u(perqrw/skw to overleap, leap
u(pe/rqumoj high-spirited, high-minded, daring
u(perqu/rion the lintel of a door
u(peria/xw to shout above, out-shout
u(peri/hmi to outdo
u(periktai/nomai went exceeding swiftly
(uperioni/dhj Hyperion's son
u(peri/stamai to stand over
u(peri/stwr knowing too well
u(peri/sxuroj exceeding strong
u(peri/sxw to be above, to prevail over
(uperi/wn Hyperion, the Sun-god
u(perka/qhmai to sit over
u(pe/rkaloj exceeding beautiful
u(perka/mnw to suffer
u(perkatabai/nw to get down over, get quite over

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(perkatage/lastoj exceedingly absurd

u(perkata/keimai to lie
u(perkathfh/j very distressing
u(perkaxla/zw to run bubbling over
u(pe/rkeimai to lie
u(perkeno/omai to be quite empty
u(perke/rasij an outflanking on one wing
u(perklu/zw to overflow
u(perkolakeu/w to flatter immoderately
u(perkomi/zw to carry over
u(pe/rkompoj overweening, arrogant
u(pe/rkopoj overstepping all bounds, extravagant, arrogant
u(perkore/nnumi to over-fill
u(pe/rkotoj exceeding angry, cruel
u(perkrema/nnumi to hang up over
u(perkta/omai to acquire over and above
u(perku/daj exceeding famous
u(perku/ptw to stretch and peep over
u(pe/rlamproj exceeding bright
u(perlampru/nomai to make a splendid show: to shew great eagerness
u(perli/an exceedingly, beyond all doubt
u(perlupe/omai to be vexed beyond measure
u(permaza/w to be overfull of barley bread
u(permai/nomai to be
u(permaxe/w to fight for
u(permaxhtiko/j inclined to fight for
u(perma/xomai will fight
u(pe/rmaxoj a champion, defender
u(pe/rmegaj immensely great
u(permequ/skomai to get
u(permene/wn exceeding mighty
u(permenh/j exceeding mighty, exceeding strong
u(pe/rmetroj beyond all measure, excessive
u(permh/khj exceeding long
u(perne/feloj above the clouds
u(pernewlke/w to haul
u(pernika/w to be more than conqueror
u(perno/tioj beyond the south wind
u(pe/rogkoj of excessive bulk, swollen to a great size
u(peroidai/nw to be much swollen
u(peroike/w to dwell above
u(pe/roikoj dwelling above
u(peropli/a overweening confidence in arms, proud defiance, presumptuousness
u(peropli/zomai to vanquish by force of arms
u(pe/roploj proudly trusting in force of arms, defiant, presumptuous
u(pero/pthj a contemner, disdainer of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(peroptiko/j disposed to despise others, contemptuous, disdainful

u(pe/roptoj disdainful
u(perora/w to look over, look down upon
u(perori/zw to drive beyond the frontier, banish
u(pero/rioj over the boundaries
u(pero/rnumai to rise and hang over
u(perorrwde/w to be much afraid
u(/peroj a pestle to bray and pound with
u(peroura/nioj above the heavens
u(peroxh/ a projection, an eminence
u(pe/roxoj prominent, eminent, distinguished above
u(peroyi/a contempt, disdain for
u(perpagh/j very frosty
u(perpaqe/w to be grievously distressed
u(perpaqh/j grievously afflicted.
u(perpai/w to overstrike
u(perpalu/nw to strew
u(perperisseu/omai to abound more and more
u(pe/r over, above, w. gen, over, beyond, w. acc.
u(perperi/sswj beyond all measure
u(perpeta/nnumi to stretch over
u(perpeth/j flying over
u(perpe/tomai to fly over
u(perphda/w to leap over
u(pe/rpikroj exceeding sharp in temper
u(perpi/mplhmi to overfill
u(perpi/nw to drink overmuch
u(perpi/ptw to fall over, run over, project
u(perpleona/zw to abound exceedingly
u(perplh/qhj superabundant
u(perplhro/w to fill overfull
u(perplou/sioj over-wealthy, exceeding rich
u(perploute/w to be exceeding rich
u(perpola/zw to overflow
u(pe/rpoluj overmuch
u(perpone/w to labour beyond measure, take further trouble
u(pe/rponoj quite worn out
u(perpo/ntioj over the sea
u(pe/rptwxoj exceeding poor
u(perpuppa/zw to make very much of
u(perpurria/w to blush scarlet for
u(persemnu/nomai to be exceeding solemn
u(pe/rsofoj exceeding wise
u(perspouda/zw to take exceeding great pains
u(pe/rtatoj uppermost, highest, supreme
u(pertei/nw to stretch

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(pertele/w to overleap
u(pertelh/j leaping over the strait
u(perte/llw to appear above
u(pertenh/j stretching over, laid over
u(perteri/a the upper part
u(pe/rteroj over
u(perth/kw to melt exceedingly
u(perti/qhmi to set higher, erect
u(pertima/w to honour exceedingly
u(pe/rtonoj overstrained, strained to the utmost, at full pitch, exceeding loud
u(pertre/xw to run over
u(peruqria/w to blush a little
u(pe/ruqroj somewhat red, reddish
u(peru/yhloj exceeding high
u(peruyo/w to exalt exceedingly
u(perfai/nomai to shew oneself over
u(perfalagge/w to extend the phalanx so as to outflank the enemy
u(perfanh/j appearing over
u(pe/rfatoj above speech, unspeakable
u(perfe/rw to bear
u(perfqe/ggomai to sound above
u(perfqi/nomai to die for
u(perfi/aloj overbearing, overweening, arrogant
u(perfile/w to love beyond measure
u(perfobe/omai to be overfrightened, fear exceedingly
u(pe/rfoboj very fearful, timid
u(perfore/w to carry over
u(perfrone/w to be over-proud, to have high thoughts
u(pe/rfrwn over-proud, haughty, disdainful, arrogant
u(perfuh/j overgrown, enormous
u(perfu/omai to surpass, excel
u(perfusa/omai to be inflated excessively
u(perfwne/w to outbawl
u(perxai/rw to rejoice exceedingly at
u(perxli/w to be over-wanton
u(pe/rxomai to go
u(pe/rxrewj over head and ears in debt
u(pe/ryuxroj very frigid
u(perwe/w to start back, recoil
u(perw/|h the upper part of the mouth, the palate
u(perwio/qen from an upper room
u(perw=|on the upper part of the house, the upper story
u(perw=|oj being above
u(perwta/w to reply by a question
u(peu/qunoj liable to give account for
u(pe/xw to hold

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(ph/kouj giving ear, listening to

u(phne/mioj lifted
u(ph/nemoj under the wind, under shelter from it
u(ph/nh the hair on the under part of the face, the beard
u(phnh/thj one that is just getting a beard, with one's first beard
u(phoi=oj about dawn, towards morning, early
u(phresi/a the body of rowers and sailors, the ship's crew
u(phre/sion the cushion on a rower's bench
u(phrete/w to do service on board ship, to do rower's service
u(phre/thma service rendered, service
u(phre/thsij service
u(phre/thj an under-rower, under-seaman
u(phrethte/oj one must serve
u(phretiko/j of
u(phxe/w to sound under
u(pi/llw to force underneath
u(pisxne/omai to promise
u(pna/w to sleep
u(pni/dioj drowsy
u(pnodo/teira she that gives sleep
u(pnomaxe/w to fight with sleep, withstand sleep
u(pnodo/thj giver of sleep
u(/pnoj sleep, slumber
u(pnofo/bhj scaring in sleep
u(pno/w to put to sleep
u(pnw/dhj sleepy, drowsy
u(pnw/ssw to be sleepy
u(poa/mousoj somewhat estranged from the Muses
u(po/baqron anything put under: a framework
u(pobai/nw to go
u(poba/llw to throw, put
u(pobarbari/zw to speak a little like a foreigner, speak rather broken
u(po/basij a going down: a crouching down
u(pobe/nqioj under the depths
u(pobh/ssw to have a slight cough
u(pobiba/zw to bring down
u(poble/pw to look up from under
u(poblh/dhn throwing in covertly
u(poblhte/oj to be put under
u(po/blhtoj put in another's place, counterfeit, suborned, false
u(pobolh/ a throwing
u(pobolimai=oj substituted by stealth, supposititious
u(pobre/mw to roar
u(pobre/xw to wet
u(pobru/xioj under water
u(po/bruxoj under water

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(poga/strion the paunch

u(po/geioj under the earth, subterraneous
u(pogela/w to laugh slily
u(pogeneia/zw to entreat by touching the chin
u(pogi/gnomai to grow up after
u(po/glaukoj somewhat gray
u(poglau/ssw to glance furtively
u(poglukai/nw to sweeten a little
u(pogna/mptw to bend gradually
u(pogrammateu/j an under-secretary
u(pogrammateu/w to serve as under-secretary
u(pografeu/j one who writes under another's orders, a secretary, amanuensis
u(pografh/ a signed bill of indictment
u(pogra/fw to write under an inscription, subjoin
u(po/guioj under one's hand, nigh at hand
u(podai/w to light, kindle under
u(podakru/w to weep a little
u(podamna/w to master
u(podediw/j fear-ling.
u(podeh/j somewhat deficient, inferior
u(po/deigma a token, mark
u(podei/dw to cower under
u(podei/knumi to shew secretly
u(podeikte/oj to be traced out
u(podeilia/w to be somewhat cowardly
u(podeimai/nw to stand in secret awe of
u(pode/mw to lay as a foundation
u(podeci/h the reception of a guest, means of entertainment
u(pode/cioj capacious
u(po/desij a putting on one's shoes
u(pode/xomai to receive beneath
u(pode/w to bind
u(podhlo/w to shew privately
u(po/dhma a sole bound under the foot with straps, a sandal
u(podida/skaloj an under-teacher
u(podi/dwmi to give way
u(po/dikoj brought to trial
u(podi/fqeroj clothed in skins
u(podmw/j an under-servant
u(po/dosij a remission
u(podoxh/ a reception, entertainment
u(po/dra from under
u(podrhsth/r an under-servant, attendant, assistant
u(podromh/ a running under
u(po/dromoj running under
u(po/drosoj somewhat moistened

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(podrw/w to serve, be serviceable to

u(podu/thj a garment under a coat of mail
u(podu/w to put on under
u(poza/koroj an under-priest
u(pozeu/gnumi to yoke under, put under the yoke
u(pozu/gion a beast for the yoke, a beast of burden
u(po/zwma the diaphragm, midriff
u(pozw/nnumi to undergird
u(poqa/lpw to heat inwardly
u(poqermai/nw to heat a little
u(po/qermoj somewhat hot
u(po/qesij that which is placed under, a foundation, hypothesis, supposition
u(poqete/oj one must assume
u(poqe/w to run in under, make a secret attack
u(poqh/kh a suggestion, counsel, warning, piece of advice
u(poqhmosu/nh a suggestion, hint, warning
u(poqh/mwn suggesting advice.
u(poqli/bw to press under
u(poqorube/w to begin to make a clamour
u(poqru/ptomai to be delicate
u(poqwpeu/w to flatter a little, win by flattery
u(poqwrh/ssomai to arm oneself in secret
u(poia/xw to sound forth in answer
u(poike/w to dwell under: to lie hidden
u(poikodome/w to build under
u(poikoure/w to keep the house, stay at home
u(poimw/zw to wail softly, to whimper
u(poka/qhmai to be seated in
u(pokaqi/zw to place in ambush
u(pokai/w to burn by applying fire below
u(poka/mptw to bend short back, turn in under
u(poqumi/j a garland worn on the neck
u(poka/rdioj in the heart
u(pokatabai/nw to descend by degrees
u(pokatakli/nomai to lie down under, to submit, yield
u(poka/tw below, under
u(po/keimai to lie under
u(pokhru/ssomai to make known by voice of herald
u(pokine/w to move lightly
u(poklai/w to shed secret tears
u(pokle/ptw to steal underhand, filch
u(pokli/nomai to recline
u(poklone/omai to be driven in confusion before
u(poklope/omai to lurk in secret places
u(poklu/zw to wash from below
u(pokni/zw to tickle

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(poko/lpioj under the folds of the robe

u(po/kopoj somewhat tired
u(poko/ptw to cut beneath, to hamstring
u(pokori/zomai to talk child's language
u(poko/risma a coaxing
u(pokorismo/j the use of diminutives
u(pokouri/zomai to soothe with soft names
u(po/koufoj somewhat light
u(pokrathri/dion the stand of a
u(pokre/kw to answer in sound
u(pokri/nomai to reply, make answer, answer
u(po/krisij a reply, answer
u(pokrith/j an interpreter
u(pokritiko/j belonging to
u(pokrou/w to strike gently
u(pokru/ptw to hide under
u(pokrw/zw to croak faintly
u(po/kukloj running on wheels
u(poku/omai to conceive, become pregnant
u(poku/ptw to stoop under a yoke
u(po/kufoj somewhat humped
u(pokw/lion the thigh
u(pokwmw|de/w to ridicule a little
u(po/kwfoj somewhat deaf
u(polamba/nw to take up by getting under
u(polamph/j shining with inferior lustre
u(pola/mpw to shine under, shine in under
u(polei/bw to pour secret libations
u(polei/pw to leave remaining
u(po/leptoj somewhat fine
u(poleukai/nomai to become white underneath
u(polh/nion the vessel under a press
u(polhpte/oj one must suppose, understand, think of
u(po/lhyij a taking up
u(poli/zwn somewhat less
u(po/liqoj somewhat stony
u(polimpa/nw to leave behind
u(polisqa/nw to slip
u(po/lispoj somewhat smooth, worn smooth
u(po/lixnoj somewhat lickerish
u(pologe/w to take account of
u(pologi/zomai to take into account, take account of
u(pologiste/oj one must take into account
u(po/logoj held accountable
u(po/logoj a taking into account, a reckoning, account
u(po/loipoj left behind, staying behind

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(polo/xagoj an under-
u(polu/rioj under the lyre
u(polu/w to loosen beneath
u(po/mazoi the parts under the breast
u(po/makroj somewhat long, longish
u(pomalaki/zomai to grow cowardly by degrees
u(po/margoj somewhat mad
u(poma/ssw to smear
u(/pombroj mixed with rain
u(pomeidia/w to smile a little
u(pomei/wn somewhat less:&mdash
u(pome/mfomai to blame a little
u(pomemyi/moiroj somewhat discontented with his lot
u(pomenete/oj one must sustain, abide, endure
u(pomenetiko/j patient of
u(pome/nw to stay behind, survive
u(pomi/gnumi to add by mixing
u(pomimnh/skw to remind
u(po/misqoj serving for pay, hired
u(pomna/omai to court clandestinely
u(po/mnhma a remembrance, memorial
u(po/mnhsij a reminding
u(pomnhsteu/omai to betroth
u(po/mnumai to make oath
u(pomonh/ a remaining behind
u(po/mwroj rather stupid
u(ponai/w to dwell under
u(pone/momai to eat away beneath
u(pone/feloj under the clouds
u(ponh/ioj under the promontory Neium, lying at its base
u(ponh/xomai to swim under
u(poni/fw to snow a little
u(ponoe/w to think secretly, suspect
u(po/noia a hidden thought
u(ponomhdo/n by means of pipes
u(po/nomoj underground
u(ponose/w to be rather sickly
u(ponoste/w to go back, retire
u(pono/sthsij subsidence
u(ponu/ssw to prick
u(ponusta/zw to fall asleep gradually
u(po/culoj wooden underneath
u(pocura/w to shave
u(pocu/rioj under the rasor
u(pocu/w to scrape slightly
u(popalai/w to go down voluntarily in wrestling

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(popa/ssw to strew under

u(popeina/w to be hungry, to begin to be hungry
u(po/pemptoj sent covertly
u(pope/mpw to send under
u(pope/rdomai to break wind a little
u(poperka/zw to begin to turn colour
u(popeta/nnumi to spread out under
u(po/petroj somewhat rocky
u(popiqhki/zw to play the ape a little
u(popi/mplhmi to fill by degrees
u(popi/mprhmi to set on fire below
u(popi/nw to drink a little, drink moderately
u(popi/ptw to fall under
u(popla/kioj under mount Placus
u(po/pleoj pretty full
u(pople/w to sail under
u(popne/w to blow gently
u(po/ from under, by, c. gen. under, c. dat., towards c. acc.
u(popo/dion a footstool
u(popoie/w to put under
u(popo/lioj somewhat gray
u(poporeu/omai to go beneath
u(po/portij with a calf under her
u(popri/asqai to buy under the price
u(popri/w to gnash
u(po/pteroj winged
u(popteu/w to be suspicious
u(po/pthj suspicious, jealous
u(popth/ssw to crouch
u(/poptoj looked at from beneath
u(poptuxi/j a joint
u(popuqmi/dioj under the bottom
u(po/pwloj with a foal under
u(poripi/zw to fan from below
u(po/rnumi to rouse secretly
u(po/rofoj the soft
u(porra/ptw to stitch underneath
u(porre/w to flow under
u(porrh/gnumi to make to burst downwards
u(po/rrhnoj with a lamb under
u(porripi/zw to fan from below
u(porri/ptw to throw under
u(poru/ssw to dig under, undermine
u(porxe/omai to dance with
u(po/rxhma a hyporcheme
u(po/saqroj somewhat rotten

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(posalpi/zw to prelude on the trumpet

u(posei/raioj dragged alongside
u(posei/w to shake below
u(poshmai/nw to give secret signs of, to indicate
u(posiga/w to be silent during
u(posi/dhroj having a mixture
u(posiwpa/w to pass over in silence
u(poska/zw to halt a little
u(poskaleu/w to stir underneath, poke up
u(poska/ptw to dig under
u(poskeli/zw to trip up one's heels, upset
u(po/skioj under shade
u(poso/loikoj guilty of a slight solecism
u(pospani/zomai to be scant
u(pospa/w to draw away from under
u(pospei/rw to sow secretly
u(po/spondoj under a treaty, bound
u(posta/qmh sediment
u(po/stasij that which settles at the bottom, sediment
u(posta/thj that which stands under, a support, prop
u(postato/j to be borne
u(postaxu/omai to grow up
u(postega/zw to support from underneath
u(po/stegoj under the roof, in
u(poste/gw to hide under
u(poste/llw to draw in
u(postena/zw to moan in an undertone
u(postenaxi/zw to groan beneath
u(poste/nw to moan in a low tone, begin to moan
u(posthri/zw to underprop, sustain
u(postolh/ a shrinking back, evasion
u(postore/nnumi to spread, lay
u(postrathge/w to serve as lieutenant under
u(postra/thgoj a lieutenant-general
u(postre/fw to turn round about, turn back
u(postrobe/w to agitate inwardly
u(postrofh/ a turning about, wheeling round
u(po/strwma that which is spread under, a bed, litter
u(postu/fw to be somewhat astringent
u(posugxe/w to confuse a little
u(posuri/zw to whistle gently, rustle
u(posu/rw to drag down
u(posfi/ggw to bind tight below
u(po/sxesij an undertaking, engagement, promise
u(potagh/ subordination, subjection, submission
u(potara/ssw to stir up, trouble from below

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(potarbe/w to shrink before

u(potarta/rioj under Tartarus
u(po/tasij extension
u(pota/ssw to place
u(potei/nw to stretch under, put under
u(poteixi/zw to build a wall under
u(potei/xisij the building of a cross-wall
u(potei/xisma a cross-wall
u(potele/w to pay off, discharge a payment
u(potelh/j subject to pay taxes, taxable, tributary
u(pote/mnw to cut away under, cut away
u(poti/qhmi to place under
u(potima/omai to propose a less penalty
u(potobe/w to sound in answer, echo
u(potonqoru/zw to murmur in an under-tone
u(potope/w to suspect, surmise
u(potrauli/zw to lisp a little
u(potre/mw to tremble a little
u(potre/fw to bring up secretly
u(potre/xw to run in under
u(potre/w to tremble a little, to shrink back, give ground
u(potri/bw to rub down
u(po/trimma a dish compounded of various ingredients, pounded up together
u(potrome/w to tremble under
u(po/tromoj somewhat afraid
u(potroph/ a turning back, repulse
u(po/tropoj returning
u(potru/zw to murmur, hum in an undertone
u(potrw/gw to eat by way of preparation
u(potupo/w to sketch out
u(potu/ptw to strike
u(potu/pwsij an outline, pattern
u(potu/fomai to burn with a smouldering fire, burn secretly
u(po/tufoj somewhat arrogant
u(pouqa/tioj under the udder, sucking
u(/pouloj festering under the scar
u(poura/nioj under heaven, under the sky
u(pourge/w to render service
u(pou/rghma a service done
u(pourghte/oj one must be kind to
u(pourgi/a service rendered
u(pourgo/j rendering service, serviceable, promoting, conducive to
u(pofai/nw to bring to light from under
u(po/fausij a light shewing through a small hole: a narrow opening
u(pofei/domai to spare a little
u(pofeidome/nwj somewhat sparingly, rarely

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(pofe/rw to carry away under

u(pofeu/gw to flee from under, shun
u(pofhteu/w to hold the office of
u(pofh/thj a suggester, interpreter, a priest who declares an oracle
u(pofqa/nw to haste before, be
u(pofqe/ggomai to speak in an undertone
u(pofqone/w to feel secret envy at
u(po/fqonoj somewhat jealous
u(pofle/gw to heat from below
u(pofo/nioj murdering secretly
u(pofora/ a holding under, putting forward
u(pofradmosu/nh suggestion, counsel
u(pofri/ssw to shudder slightly
u(pofu/w to make to grow up
u(pofwleu/w to lie hidden under
u(pofwne/w to call out in answer
u(poxa/zomai to give way gradually
u(poxalini/dioj under the bridle:&mdash
u(po/xalkoj containing a mixture of copper
u(poxara/ssw to engrave under
u(poxaropo/j somewhat bright-eyed
u(poxa/skw to gape a little
u(poxei/rioj under the hand, in hand
u(poxe/w to pour
u(poxqo/nioj under the earth, subterranean
u(poxle/omai to be rolled beneath
u(poxorhge/w to supply
u(poxorhgi/a a supplying, succour
u(/poxoj subject
u(po/xrewj indebted, in debt
u(poxri/w to smear under
u(po/xrusoj containing a mixture
u(poxwre/w to go back, retire, recoil
u(poxw/rhma a downward evacuation
u(poxw/rhsij a going back, retirement, retreat
u(po/yammoj having sand under
u(po/yaroj somewhat dappled
u(poyi/a suspicion, jealousy
u(po/yioj viewed from beneath
u(poywne/w to underbid in the purchase of victuals
u(ptia/zw to bend oneself back, to carry one's head high
u(pti/asma that which is laid back
u(ptiasmo/j a laying oneself backwards
u(ptiaste/oj one must throw back
u(ptio/omai to be upset
u(/ptioj laid back, laid on one's back

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(pwqe/w to push
u(pwle/nioj under the elbow
u(pwmosi/a an oath taken to delay proceedings
u(pwpia/zw to strike
u(pw/pion the part of the face under the eyes
u(pw/reia the foot of a mountain, the skirts of a mountain range
u(pwro/fioj under the roof, in the house
u(pw/rofoj under the eaves
u(/pwxroj pale yellow, sallow
u)/rxa a jar
u(sginobafh/j dyed scarlet
u(/sginon from the shrub
u(smi/nh a fight, battle, combat
u(=j the wild swine
u(/splhgc a rope drawn across the racecourse, let down when the runners were to start, the starting-line
u(sso/j a javelin
u(/sswpoj hyssop
u(sta/tioj at last
u(sterai=oj on the day after, the next day
u(ste/ra the womb
u(stere/w to be behind
u(ste/rhma deficiency, need, want
u(steri/zw to come after, come later
u(stero/poinoj avenging after
u(stero/pouj coming late
u(/steroj latter, last
u(sterofqo/roj late-destroying
u(stero/fwnoj sounding after, echoing
u(/stric the porcupine
u(strixi/j a whip for punishing slaves
u(/faimoj suffused with blood, blood-shot
u(fai/nw to weave
u(fai/resij a taking away from under, a purloining
u(faire/w to seize underneath
u(/faloj under the sea
u(fa/nthj a weaver
u(fantiko/j skilled in weaving
u(fantodo/nhtoj woven by the flight of the shuttle
u(fanto/j woven
u(fa/ptw to set on fire from underneath
u(farpa/zw to snatch away from under
u(/fasma a woven robe, web
u(feime/nwj remissly, less violently
u(fei=sa I placed under
u(fekte/oj one must submit to
u(felkte/oj one must draw away

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(fe/lkw to draw away gently

u(fe/rpw to creep on secretly
u(fhge/omai to go just before, to guide, lead
u(fh/ghsij a guiding, guidance
u(fhghth/j one who leads the way, a guide, leader
u(fhnioxe/w to be a
u(fhni/oxoj the charioteer, as subordinate to the warrior
u(fh/ a web
u(fh/sswn somewhat less
u(fiza/nw to crouch beneath
u(fi/zhsij a settling
u(fi/zw to sit down, crouch
u(fi/hmi to let down
u(fika/nw to steal over
u(fi/sthmi to place
u(fora/w to look at from below, view with suspicion
u(forme/w to lie secretly at anchor
u(formi/zomai to come to anchor secretly
u(/formoj an anchorage
u(/fudroj under water
u(yago/raj a big talker, boaster, braggart
u(yauxeni/zw to carry the neck high, shew off
u(yau/xhn carrying the neck high
u(yerefh/j high-roofed, high-vaulted
u(yh/goroj talking big, grandiloquent, vaunting
u(yhlauxeni/a a carrying the neck high
u(yhlo/krhmnoj with lofty cliffs
u(yhlologe/omai to talk high, speak proudly
u(yhlolo/goj talking high, vaunting.
u(yhlo/nouj high-minded
u(yhlo/j high, lofty, high-raised
u(yhlofrone/w to be high-minded
u(yhlo/frwn high-minded, high-spirited, haughty
u(yhxh/j high-sounding
u(yi/batoj set on high, high-placed
u(yibo/hj loud-shouter
u(yibreme/thj high-thundering
u(yige/nnhtoj born on high
u(yi/guioj with high limbs, high-stemmed
u(yi/zugoj sitting high on the benches
u(yi/qronoj high-throned
u(yika/rhnoj high-topped
u(yike/leuqoj wandering on high
u(yi/kerwj high-horned
u(yi/komoj with lofty foliage, towering
u(yi/kompoj high boasting, arrogant

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

u(yi/krhmnoj with high crags

u)yilo/n u.
u(yi/lofoj high-crested
u(yime/dwn ruling on high
u(yime/laqroj high-built
u(yinefh/j dwelling high in the clouds
u(yipagh/j high-built, towering
u(/yi on high, aloft
u(yi/pedoj with high ground, high-placed
u(yipe/thloj with high foliage, towering
u(yipe/thj high-flying, soaring
u(yi/polij high
u(yi/pouj high-footed
u(yi/prumnoj with high stern
u(yi/prw|roj with high prow
u(yi/puloj with high gates
u(yi/purgoj high-towered
u(/yistoj highest, loftiest
u(yi/teroj loftier
u(yifah/j high-shining, far-seen
u(yi/frwn high-minded, haughty
u(yixai/thj long-haired
u(yo/qen from on high, from aloft, from above
u(yo/qi aloft, on high
u(yo/rofoj high-roofed, high-ceiled
u(yo/se aloft, on high, up high
u(/yoj height
u(you= aloft, on high
u(yo/w to lift high, raise up
u(/w to send rain, to rain
faa/ntatoj brightest
faa/nteroj brighter
fagei=n to eat, devour
fago/j a glutton
faeqonti/j shining
fae/qw to shine
faeino/j shining, beaming, radiant
faesi/mbrotoj bringing light to mortals
faesfo/roj light-bringing
fai/ac a Phaeacian
fai/dimoj shining
faidro/nouj with bright, joyous mind
faidro/omai to beam with joy
faidro/j bright, beaming
faidro/thj brightness: joyousness
faidrunth/j a cleanser, washer

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

faidru/nw to make bright, to cleanse

faidrwpo/j with bright, joyous look
faika/j a white shoe
faino/lij light-bringing
fai/nwn shiner
fai/nw to bring to light, make to appear
faio/j dusky, dun, gray
faioxi/twn dark-robed
fa/keloj a bundle, fagot
fakh= a dish of lentils
fako/j lentil
falagghdo/n in phalanxes
falaggomaxe/w to fight in a phalanx
falaggoma/xhj one who fights in the phalanx
fa/lagc a line of battle, battle-array
falakro/omai to become bald
falakro/j baldheaded, bald
fa/lanqoj bald in front
falanti/aj a bald man
fa/lara bosses
falari/j the coot
fa/laroj having a patch of white
falhreu/j a Phalerian
falhria/w to be patched with white
falhriko/j of
falhro/qen from Phalerum
falhroi= at Phalerum
falhro/nde to Phalerum
fa/lhron Phalerum
falh=j Phales
fa/llaina a whale
falliko/j of
fallo/j membrum virile, phallus, a figure
falo/j shining, white.
fa/loj a part of the helmet
fanai=oj giving
fanero/misoj openly hating
fanero/j open to sight, visible, manifest, evident
fanero/filoj openly loving, an open friend
fanero/w to make manifest
fanh/ a torch:&mdash
fano/j light, bright
fano/j a torch
fanta/zomai to become visible, appear, shew oneself
fantasi/a imagination, the power by which an object is presented
fa/ntasma an appearance, phantasm, phantom

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

fa/oj light, daylight

fa/ragc a cleft
fare/tra a quiver
farisai=oj a Pharisee, Separatist
farmaka/w to suffer from the effect of poison, to be ill
farmakei/a the use of drugs, potions, spells
farmakeu/j a poisoner, sorcerer
farmakeu/w to administer a drug
farmaki/j a sorceress, witch
fa/rmakon a drug, medicine
farmakoposi/a a drinking of medicine
farmakopw/lhj a dealer in drugs
farmako/j a poisoner, sorcerer, magician
farmakotri/bhj one who grinds drugs
farmako/w to endue with healing power
farmakw/dhj of the nature of a
farma/ssw to treat by using
fa/roj Pharos
fa=roj a large piece of cloth, a web
fa/rsoj a part, portion
fa/rugc the throat, gullet
fa/sganon a sword
fasganourgo/j forging swords
fa/shloj bean
fasiano/j from the river Phasis
fa/sij an accusation
fa/sij an assertion
fa=sij the river Phasis
fa/skw to say, affirm, assert
fa/sma an apparition, phantom
fa/ssa a wild pigeon, ringdove
fassofo/noj dove-killing
fateio/j utterable
fate/oj one must say
fati/zw to say, speak, report
fa/tij a voice from heaven, the voice of an oracle, an oracle
fa/tnh a manger, crib, feeding-trough
fato/j that may be spoken
faulepi/fauloj bad upon bad, bad as bad can be
fauli/zw to hold cheap, to depreciate, disparage
fau=loj easy, slight
faulo/thj meanness, paltriness, pettiness, badness
fa/w to give light, shine
fe/bomai to be put to flight, flee affrighted
fe/ggoj light, splendour, lustre
fe/ggw to make bright

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

fei/domai to spare
feidwlo/j sparing, thrifty
fei/dwn an oil-can with a narrow neck, that lets only a little run out
feidw/ a sparing
feiste/oj one must spare
felleu/j stony ground
fe/llinoj made of cork
fello/pouj cork-footed
fello/j the cork-tree
fellw/ Cork-land
fena/kh false hair, a wig
fenaki/zw to play the
fenakismo/j cheatery, quackery, imposition
fe/nac a cheat, quack, impostor
fe/nw to slay
feranqh/j flower-bringing
fe/raspij shield-bearing
fe/rbw to feed, nourish
fereaugh/j bringing light
fere/gguoj giving surety
fere/kakoj inured to toil
fere/karpoj yielding fruit
fere/nikoj carrying off victory
fere/oikoj carrying one's house with one
fere/ponoj bringing toil and trouble
fere/sbioj life-giving
feressakh/j shield-bearing
feresta/fuloj yielding bunches of grapes
feretreu/omai to be carried on a litter
fe/retron a bier, litter
fe/rma that which is borne, the fruit of the womb
fernh/ that which is brought by the wife
ferrefa/ttion a temple of Persephon&eacute
fe/rtatoj bravest, best
fe/rw to bear
feu/gw to flee, take flight, run away
feu/zw to cry
feukte/oj one must flee
feukto/j to be shunned
feucei/w to wish to escape
feu= ah! alas! woe!
feyalo/omai to be burnt to ashes
fe/yaloj a spark, piece of the embers
fh/ginoj oaken
fhgo/j oak
fh/lhc a wild fig

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

fhlhteu/w to cheat, deceive

fhlhth/j a knave, thief
fh=loj deceitful.
fhlo/w to cheat, deceive
fh/mh a voice from heaven, a prophetic voice
fhmi/zw to utter a voice
fhmi/ to declare, make known
fh=mij speech, talk
fh/nh sea-eagle
fhromanh/j game-mad, madly fond of wild animals
fh/r the Centaurs
fqa/nw to come
fqartiko/j destructive of
fqarto/j perishable
fqe/ggomai to utter a sound
fqe/gma the sound of the voice, a voice
fqeiri/asij the morbus pedicularis
fqeiria/w to have morbus pedicularis
fqeirotrage/w to eat fir-cones
fqei/r a louse
fqei/rw to ruin, waste, spoil, destroy
fqersigenh/j destroying the race
fqi/a Phthia
fqi/hnde to Phthia.
fqi/hfi Phthia
fqi/nasma a declining, sinking
fqina/j waning
fqino/karpoj having lost fruitfulness
fqinopwri/j autumnal
fqino/pwron late autumn, the fall of the year
fqinu/qw to waste, consume
fqi/nulla starveling
fqish/nwr destroying
fqisi/mbrotoj destroying men
fqi/sij a perishing, decay
fqito/j the dead
fqi/w to decay, wane, dwindle
fqiw/thj a man of Phthia
fqiw=tij the land of Phthia
fqo/ggoj any clear, distinct sound
fqo/ij a
fqonero/j envious, jealous, grudging
fqone/w to bear ill-will
fqo/nhsij a jealous refusal
fqo/noj ill-will, envy, jealousy
fqora/ destruction, ruin, perdition

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

fqo/roj a pestilent fellow

fia/lh a broad, flat vessel, a bowl
fia/llw to undertake, set about
fiaro/j shining, bright
fiba/lewj early fig
fila/bouloj wilfully unadvised
fila/glaoj loving splendour
fila/grauloj fond of the country
filagreuth/j fond of the chase
fila/grupnoj fond of waking, wakeful
fila/gwn loving the games
filadelfi/a brotherly love
fila/delfoj loving one's brother
fila/eqloj fond of the games
filaqh/naioj fond of the Athenians
filaidh/mwn loving modesty
filai/matoj bloodthirsty
filai/tioj fond of accusing, censorious
filako/louqoj readily following
fila/kratoj fond of sheer wine
filale/candroj a friend of Alexander
filalh/qhj loving truth
fila/mpeloj loving the vine
filampelo/w to love the vine
filanagnw/sthj fond of reading
filanalwth/j fond of spending, prodigal of
filandri/a love for the male sex
fi/landroj loving men
filanqrakeu/j friend of colliers
filanqrw/peuma a humane act
filanqrwpeu/omai to act humanely
filanqrwpe/w to treat humanely
filanqrwpi/a humanity, benevolence, kindliness
fila/nqrwpoj loving mankind, humane, benevolent, kindly
fila/nwr fond of one's husband, conjugal
fila/oidoj fond of singing
filapexqhmosu/nh fondness for making enemies, quarrelsomeness
filapexqh/mwn fond of making enemies, quarrelsome
filaploiko/j fond of simplicity
filapo/dhmoj fond of travelling
filarguri/a love of money, covetousness
fila/rguroj fond of money, covetous
fila/retoj fond of virtue
filaristei/dhj a friend of Aristides
fila/rmatoj fond of the chariot-race
filarxi/a love of rule, lust of power

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fi/larxoj fond of power, ambitious

filastra/galoj fond of playing at
fi/lauloj fond of the flute
fi/lautoj loving oneself
file/gguoj readily giving security
file/qeiroj attached to the hair
fileidh/mwn fond of learning
file/llhn fond of the Hellenes
filepitimhth/j a censorious person
filerasth/j fond of a lover
filerasti/a devotion to a lover
filergi/a love of labour, industry
filergo/j loving work, industrious
file/riqoj fond of wool-spinning
fi/lerwj prone to love, full of love
file/speroj fond of evening
filetairi/a attachment to one's comrades
file/tairoj fond of one's comrades
fileu/ioj loving the cry of
file/w to love, regard with affection
filhde/w to find pleasure in, take delight in
filhdh/j fond of pleasure
filhdi/a delight
filh/donoj fond of pleasure
filhkoe/w to be attentive
filhkoi/a fondness for hearing
filh/kouj fond of hearing discussions
filhla/katoj fond of the spindle
filhlia/j fond of the sun
filhliasth/j one who delights in the trials of the court Heliaea
fi/lhma a kiss
filhmosu/nh friendliness, affection
filh/nemoj loving wind
filh/nioj following the rein, tractable
filh/retmoj loving the oar
fi/lhsij a feeling of affection
filhte/oj one must love
filhtiko/j disposed to love
filhto/j to be loved, worthy of love
filh/twr a lover
fili/a friendly love, affection, friendship
filiko/j of
fi/linna darling
fi/lioj of
filippi/zw to be on Philip's side
filippiko/j of

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fi/lippoj fond of horses, horse-loving

fili/tia the common meals
fili/tion the common hall
filo/bakxoj loving Bacchus
filobasi/leioj loving monarchy
filobasileu/j a friend to the king
filo/gaioj loving the earth
filo/gamoj longing for marriage
filogastori/dhj one who loves his belly, a glutton
filoge/loioj fond of the ludicrous
filo/gelwj laughter-loving
filogewrgi/a fondness for a country life
filoge/wrgoj fond of a country life
filoghqh/j loving mirth, mirthful
filogrammate/w to love books
filogra/mmatoj loving books
filogumnaste/w to love gymnastic exercises
filogumnasth/j fond of gymnastic exercises.
filogumnasti/a fondness for gymnastic exercises
filogumnastiko/j of
filogu/nhj fond of women
filo/dendroj fond of trees
filode/spotoj loving one's lord
filo/dhmoj a friend of the
filodi/kaioj loving the right, loving justice
filodike/w to be fond of litigation
filo/dikoj fond of lawsuits, litigious
filodi/thj a friend of travellers
filodoce/w to love fame, seek honour
filodoci/a love of honour
filo/docoj loving honour
filo/doupoj loving noise
filodwri/a fondness for giving, bounteousness
filo/dwroj fond of giving, bountiful
filoergo/j fond of work, industrious
filoze/furoj loving the west wind
filo/zwoj fond of one's life
filo/zw|oj fond of animals
filoqea/mwn fond of seeing, fond of shows, plays
filo/qeoj loving God, pious
filoqhri/a love of hunting, love of the chase
filo/qhroj fond of hunting
filoqoukudi/dhj fond of Thucydides
filo/quta offered by zealous worshippers
filoqu/thj fond of sacrifices
filoiereu/j a friend of priests

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filoi/keioj loving one's relations

filoikodo/moj fond of building
filoikti/rmwn prone to pity
fi/loiktoj moving pity
filoini/a love of wine
fi/loinoj fond of wine
filo/kainoj loving novelty
filokale/w to cultivate a taste for the beautiful
filo/kaloj loving the beautiful
filokamph/j easily bending, lithe
filokarpofo/roj bearing fruit abundantly
filoke/rdeia love of gain, greed
filokerde/w to be greedy of gain
filokerdh/j greedy of gain
filoke/rtomoj fond of jeering
filokhdemw/n fond of one's relatives
filoki/ndunoj fond of danger, adventurous
filokissofo/roj fond of wearing ivy
filo/knisoj fond of pinching, prurient
filo/koinoj fond of society
filoko/lac fond of flatterers
filokosmi/a love of ornament
filo/kosmoj loving ornament
filo/krhmnoj loving steep rocks
filokro/taloj loving rattles
filo/krotoj loving noise
filokte/anoj loving possessions, greedy of gain, covetous
filo/kuboj fond of dice
filokudh/j loving glory
filoku/nhgoj loving the chase
filoku/wn fond of dogs
filola/kwn fond of the Laconians
filolh/ioj loving booty
filologe/w to love learning, to study
filologi/a love of learning, studiousness
filo/logoj fond of speaking
filoloi/doroj fond of reviling, abusive
filoma/qeia love of learning
filomaqe/w to be fond of learning
filomaqh/j fond of learning, eager after knowledge
filo/mantij one who takes note of divinations
filo/mastoj loving the breast
filomaxe/w to be eager to fight
filo/maxoj loving the fight, warlike
filo/mbrioj rain-loving
filomh/la the nightingale

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filo/mhroj fond of Homer

filomh/twr loving one's mother
filommeidh/j laughter-loving
filo/molpoj loving dance and song
filomousi/a love of the Muses
filo/mousoj loving the Muses
filomuqe/w to be fond of fables
filomuqi/a a love of fables
filo/muqoj fond of legends
filonau/thj loving sailors
filoneike/w to be fond of strife, engage in eager rivalry, be contentious
filoneiki/a love of strife, eager rivalry, contentiousness, party-spirit
filo/neikoj fond of strife, eager for strife, contentious
filonu/mfioj loving the bridegroom
filoceni/a hospitality
filo/cenoj loving strangers, hospitable
filopai/gmwn fond of play, playful, sportive
filo/paij loving its young
filopara/boloj fond of daring, venturous
filopatri/a love of one's country, patriotism
filo/patrij loving one's country
filopa/twr loving one's father
filopeuste/w to be fond of inquiry
filopeu/sthj fond of enquiring, curious.
filo/plektoj usually braided
fi/loploj loving arms
filo/plouj fond of sailing
filoplouti/a love of riches
filo/ploutoj loving riches
filopoie/omai to make one's friend, attach to oneself
filopoihth/j a friend of poets
filopoi/mnioj loving the flock
filopoio/j making friends
filopo/lemoj fond of war, warlike
filo/polij loving the city
filopoli/thj loving one's fellow-citizens
filopone/w to love labour, work hard, be laborious
filoponhri/a a love of bad men and actions
filopo/nhroj a friend to bad men
filoponi/a love of labour, laboriousness, industry
filo/ponoj loving labour, laborious, industrious, diligent
filoposi/a love of drinking
filopo/thj a lover of drinking, fond of wine
filopragmosu/nh a busy disposition, meddlesomeness, restless habits of life
filopra/gmwn fond of business
filoproshgori/a easiness of address

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filoprosh/goroj easy of address, affable

filoprwteu/w to strive to be first
filo/prwtoj fond of being first
filo/puroj loving wheat
filopwristh/j loving autumn-fruits
filo/rgioj fond of orgies
filo/rqioj loving what is straight
filormi/steira she who loves the harbour
filorniqi/a fondness for birds
fi/lornij fond of birds
filorrw/qwn attached to the nose
filorrw/c loving grapes
filo/rtuc fond of quails
filo/sitoj fond of corn, occupied about it
filo/skhptroj sceptred
filoskh/pwn loving a staff
filosko/peloj loving rocks
filoskw/mmwn fond of scoffing
filosofe/w to love knowledge, pursue it, philosophise
filosofhte/oj one must pursue wisdom
filosofi/a love of knowledge and wisdom, pursuit thereof, speculation, study
filo/sofoj a lover of wisdom
filosph=lugc fond of grottoes
filo/spondoj used in drink-offerings
fi/loj loved, beloved, dear
filoste/fanoj loving crowns, garlanded
filo/stonoj loving sighs, piteous
filostorgi/a tender love, affectionateness
filo/storgoj loving tenderly, affectionate
filostratiw/thj the soldier's friend
filosw/matoj loving the body
filo/teknoj loving one's children
filotexne/w to love art, practise an art
filo/texnoj fond of art, artistic
filoth/sioj of friendship
filo/thj friendship, love, affection
filotime/omai to love
filoti/mhma an act of ambition
filotimi/a the character of the
filo/timoj loving honour, covetous of honour, ambitious, emulous
filotoiou=toj fond of such and such things
filotu/rannoj friend of tyranny
filo/fqoggoj loving noise, noisy
filo/filoj loving one's friends
filofrone/omai to treat affectionately, to shew kindness to
filofrosu/nh friendliness, kindliness

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filo/frwn kindly minded, kindly, friendly, affable

filoxoreuth/j friend of the choral dance
filo/xoroj loving the choir
filoxrhmate/w to love money
filoxrhmati/a love of money
filoxrhmatisth/j fond of money-making
filoxrh/matoj loving money, fond of money
filo/xrhstoj loving goodness
filo/xrusoj fond of gold
filoxwre/w to be fond of a place, to abide there always, haunt it
filoxwri/a fondness for a place, love of one's haunts, local attachment
filo/xwroj fond of a place.
filoyeudh/j fond of lies
filo/yogoj fond of blame, censorious
filoyuxe/w to love one's life: to be cowardly
filoyuxhte/oj one must love life
filoyuxi/a love of life
filo/yuxoj loving one's life, cowardly, dastardly, faint-hearted
filtrai=oj charmer
fi/ltron a love-charm
filu/drhloj loving moisture
filu/ra the lime
filu/rinoj of the lime
filwrei/thj a lover of mountains
fimo/j a muzzle
fimo/w to muzzle, shut up as with a muzzle
#NOM? of the head.
fitro/j a block of wood, log
fi/tuma a shoot, scion
fitupoi/mhn a tender of plants, gardener
fitu/w to sow, plant, beget, call into being
fla/zw to be rent with a noise
flau=roj petty, paltry, trivial
flaurourgo/j working badly
fla/w to crush, pound
flege/qw to burn, scorch, burn up
flegmai/nw to be heated, inflamed, to fester
fle/gma flame, fire, heat
flegmatw/dhj inflammatory
fle/gra Phlegra
flegu/hj fiery red, red-brown
fleguro/j burning
fle/gw to burn, burn up
fle/dwn a babbler
fle/y a vein
fle/w to teem with abundance, abound

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fle/wj flowering rush

flhnafa/w to chatter, babble
flh/nafoj idle talk, nonsense
flia/ the doorposts, jambs
flia/sioj Phliasian
fliou=j Phlius
flo/geoj burning, flaming
flogero/j flaming, fiery-red
flogi/zw to set on fire, burn, burn up
flogisto/j burnt up
flogmo/j flame, blaze
flogo/omai to blaze
flogwpo/j fiery-looking, flaming
flo/gwsij burning heat, inflammation
flo/inoj of
floio/j the bark
floi=sboj any confused noise, the noise of battle, the battle-din
flo/c a flame
fluare/w to talk nonsense, play the fool
fluari/a silly talk, nonsense, foolery
flu/aroj silly talk, foolery, nonsense
fluarw/dhj fooling
flu/ktaina a blister
flu/w to boil over, bubble up
fobero/j fearful
fobero/thj terribleness
fobesistra/th scarer of hosts
fobe/w to put to flight
fo/bhma a terror
fo/bh a lock
fobhte/oj one must fear
fobhtiko/j liable to fear, fearful, timid
fobhto/j to be feared
fo/bhtron a scarecrow, terror
fo/boj flight
foiba/zw to prophesy
foiba/j a priestess of Phoebus
foibastiko/j prophetic
foiba/w to cleanse, purify
foi/beioj of Phoebus, sacred to him
foibo/lhptoj possessed by Phoebus
foi=boj bright, radiant
foinh/eij blood-red
foinika/nqemoj with purple flowers
foini/keoj purple-red, purple
foinikh/ioj of the date-palm

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foini/kh Phoenicia
foinikiko/j Phoenician
foiniki/j a red
foinikisth/j a wearer of purple
foinikisti/ in the Phoenician tongue
foiniko/baptoj purple-dyed
foinikobate/w to climb palms
foinikoda/ktuloj crimson-fingered
foiniko/eij dark-red, purple
foiniko/krokoj of purple woof
foiniko/lofoj purple
foinikopa/rh|oj red-cheeked
foiniko/peza ruddy-footed
foiniko/pteroj red-feathered
foinikoskelh/j red-legged
foinikostero/paj hurler of red lightnings
foiniko/stoloj sent by Phoenicians
foinikofah/j ruddy-glancing
foi=nic a Phoenician
foi=nic a purple-red, purple
foi/nioj of
foini/ssw to redden, make red
foino/j blood-red
foitale/oj roaming wildly about
foitaliw/thj the roamer
foita/j roaming madly
foita/w to go to and fro, up and down, to stalk
foi/thsij a constant going
foithth/j a scholar, pupil
foi=toj a constant going
folko/j bandy-legged
fo/nac eager for blood
fona/w to be athirst for blood, to be murderous
fo/neuma that which is destined for slaughter
foneu/j a murderer, slayer, homicide
foneu/w to murder, kill, slay
fonh/ slaughter, murder
foniko/j inclined to slay, murderous, bloody, sanguinary
fo/nioj of blood, bloody
fonolibh/j blood-dripping, blood-reeking
fono/rutoj blood-reeking
fo/noj murder, homicide, slaughter
foco/j pointed
fora/dhn borne along, borne
fora/ a carrying
forba/j giving pasture

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forbei/a a feeding-string
forbh/ pasture, food, fodder, forage
forei=on a litter
foreu/j a bearer, carrier
fore/w to bear
forhdo/n bearing like a bundle
fo/rhma that which is carried, a load, freight
forhto/j borne, carried
fo/rimoj bearing, fruitful
forki/dej the daughters of Phorcys
fo/rkuj Phorcys
formhdo/n like mat-work, cross-wise, athwart
fo/rmigc the phorminx
formi/zw to play the
formikth/j a harper
formorrafe/omai to be stitched like a mat, to be hampered
formo/j a basket for carrying
forologe/w to levy tribute from
forolo/goj levying tribute
foro/j bringing on one's way, forwarding
fo/roj that which is brought in, tribute
forthge/w to carry freights
forthgi/a a carrying of loads, carrying trade
forthgiko/j of
forthgo/j one who carries burdens, a carrier, trafficker, merchant
forti/zw to load
fortiko/j of the nature of a burden
forti/on a load, burden
forti/j a ship of burden, merchantman
fo/rtoj a load, a ship's freight
foru/nw to be spoiled, defiled
foru/ssw to defile
foruto/j whatever is swept along by the wind
fo/wsde to the light, to the light of day
fo/wj light
fra/gdhn fenced, armed
fra/gma a fence, breast-work, screen
fragmo/j a fencing in, blocking up
frada/zw to make known
fradh/ understanding, knowledge
fradh/j understanding, wise, shrewd
fradmosu/nh understanding, shrewdness, cunning
fra/zw to point out, shew, indicate
fra/sij speech
fra/ssw to fence in, hedge round
fra/thr a member of a

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fra/tra a brotherhood
fratria/zw to be in the same
fratri/arxoj president of a
fra/trioj of
fre/ar a well
freati/a a tank
freati/aj leading to a tank
frenapata/w to deceive
frenapa/thj a soul-deceiver
frenh/rhj master of his mind, sound of mind
frenitia/w to have a violent fever, be delirious
freni=tij inflammation of the brain, phrenitis.
frenobla/beia damage of the understanding, madness, folly
frenoblabh/j damaged in the understanding, deranged
frenoghqh/j heart-gladdening
frenodalh/j ruining the mind
freno/qen of
frenoklo/poj stealing the understanding, deceiving
frenolh|sth/j a robber of the understanding, a deceiver
frenomanh/j distracting the mind, maddening
frenomo/rwj so as to destroy the mind
frenoplhgh/j striking the mind
freno/plhktoj stricken in mind, frenzy-stricken
frenote/ktwn building with the mind, ingenious
freno/w to make wise, instruct, inform, teach
frenw/lhj distraught in mind, frenzied
frh/n the midriff
frikale/oj shivering with cold: horrid
fri/kh a shuddering, shivering
frikto/j to be shuddered at, horrible
frikw/dhj that causes shuddering, horrible
frima/ssomai to snort and leap about, to neigh and prance
fricoko/mhj with bristling hair
fri/c the ruffling
fri/ssw to be rough
frone/w to think, to have understanding, to be sage, wise, prudent
fro/nhma one's mind, spirit
fronhmati/zomai to become presumptuous
fronhmati/hj self-confident, high-spirited
fro/nhsij a minding
fronhte/oj one must think
fro/nimoj in one's right mind, in one's senses
fro/nij prudence, wisdom
fronou/ntwj wisely, prudently
fronti/zw to think, consider, reflect, take thought, have a care, give heed
fro/ntisma that which is thought out, a thought, invention

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fronti/j thought, care, heed, attention

frontiste/oj one must take heed
frontisth/rion a place for meditation, a thinking shop, school
frontisth/j a deep, hard thinker
frontistiko/j thoughtful
frou=doj gone away, clean gone
froura/ a looking out, watch, guard
frourarxi/a the office
frou/rarxoj commander of a watch
froure/w to keep watch
frou/rhma that which is watched
frourhto/j watched, guarded
frourh/twr a watcher
frou/rion a watch-post, garrisoned fort, citadel
frouri/j a guard-ship
frourodo/moj watching the house
frouro/j a watcher, guard
fru/agma a violent snorting, neighing
fruagmati/hj a hot-tempered horse
fruagmose/mnakoj wanton and haughty
frua/ssomai to neigh and prance
frugani/zomai to gather sticks for fuel.
fruganismo/j a gathering of dry sticks for fuel, a collecting firewood
fru/ganon dry sticks, firewood
frugi/loj a finch
fru/gioj Phrygian, of, from Phrygia
frugisti/ in the Phrygian mode
fru/gw to roast
frukto/j roasted
fruktwre/w to give signals by fire
fruktwri/a a giving signals by beacons
fruktw/rion a beacon-tower, light-house
fruktwro/j a fire-watch
fru/nh a toad
fruni/xeioj of
fru=noj a toad
fru/c a Phrygian
fu/gade to flight, to flee
fugadeu/w to drive from a country, banish
fugadiko/j of
fugadoqh/rhj one who hunts after runaways
fugai/xmhj fleeing from the spear, unwarlike, cowardly
fuga/j one who flees
fugh/ flight
fugode/mnioj shunning the marriage-bed
fugodike/w to shun, shirk a trial

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fugomaxe/w to shun battle

fugo/maxoj shunning battle
fugo/cenoj shunning strangers, inhospitable
fugoponi/a aversion to work
fugo/ponoj shunning work
fugopto/lemoj shunning war, cowardly
fuzakino/j flying, runaway, shy
fu/za headlong flight, rout
fuh/ growth, stature
fukio/eij full of sea-weed, weedy
fuki/on rouge
fukogei/twn near the sea-weed, dwelling by the sea
fu=koj rouge
fukto/j to be shunned
fula/zw to divide into tribes
fulakh/ a watching
fulakiko/j fitted for watching
fulakte/oj to be watched
fulakth/rion a guarded post, a fort
fulaktiko/j preservative
fu/lacij a security
fu/lac a watcher, guard, sentinel
fularxe/w to be
fularxi/a the office of
fu/larxoj the chief of a
fula/sioj a man of Phyle
fula/ssw to keep watch and ward, keep guard
fuleteu/w to adopt into a tribe
fule/thj one of the same tribe, a tribesman
fuletiko/j of
fulh/ a race
fuli/a the wild olive
fulla/j a heap of leaves, bed
fullei=on green-stuff, small herbs
fu/llinoj of
fullobole/w to shed the leaves
fullobo/loj shedding leaves
fullo/komoj thick-leaved
fu/llon a leaf
fullorroe/w to shed the leaves
fullorro/oj leaf-shedding.
fullo/strwtoj strewed
fullofo/roj bearing leaves
fulloxoe/w to shed leaves
fulloxo/oj shedding the leaves.
fulokrine/w to make distinctions of race

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fu=lon a race, tribe, class

fu/lopij the battle-cry, din of battle, battle
fu=ma a growth
fu/cimoj offering a chance of escape
fu/cion a place of refuge
fu= fie! faugh!
fu/rama that which is mixed
fura/w to mix
fu/rdhn mixedly, in utter confusion
fu/rw to mix
fu=sa a pair of bellows, bellows
fu/saj a father
fusa/w to puff
fu/shma that which is blown
fushth/r an instrument for blowing, blowpipe
fusi/ama a breathing hard, blowing
fusia/w to blow, puff, breathe hard, pant
fusiggo/omai to be excited by eating garlic
fusi/gnaqoj puff-cheek
fu=sigc the stalk of garlic
fusi/zouj life-producing
fusiko/j natural, native
fusiognwmone/w to study features, judge
fusiognw/mwn judging of
fusio/w to puff up
fu/sij the nature, natural qualities, powers, constitution, condition
fusi/wsij a being puffed up, inflation
fu/skh a sausage
fu/j a son
fusth/ barley-cake
fu/stij a progeny, race
futali/a a planted place, an orchard
futa/lmioj producing, nourishing, fostering
futei/a a planting
fu/teuma a plant
futeuth/rion a plant grown in a nursery
futeuto/j planted, produced
futeu/w to plant
futiko/j of
fu/tlh a stock, generation
futo/n that which has grown, a plant, tree
futoskafi/a gardening
futoska/foj digging round plants
futospo/roj planting
futo/j shaped by nature, without art
futourgo/j working at plants

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futw/numoj named from a plant

fu/w to bring forth, produce, put forth
fwkaieu/j a Phocaean
fwkeu/j a Phocian
fw/kh a seal
fwkiko/j Phocian
fwki/j Phocis
fwla/j lurking in a hole
fwleo/j a hole, den
fwleu/w to lurk in a hole
fwnaske/w to practise one's voice, learn to sing
fwnaski/a practice of the voice, declamation
fwnaskiko/j of
fwnasko/j one who exercises the voice, a singing-master, declaiming-master
fwne/w to produce a sound
fwnh/eij uttering a voice
fw/nhma a sound made, voice
fwnh/ a sound, tone
fwnhto/j to be spoken
fwra/ a theft
fwra/w to search after a thief
fwriamo/j a chest, trunk, coffer
fwri/dioj stolen
fw/rioj stolen
fw/r a thief
fw/j a man
fwsth/r that which gives light, an illuminator
fwsfo/roj bringing
fwtagwgo/j guiding with a light
fwteino/j shining, bright
fwti/zw to enlighten, illuminate: to instruct, teach
fwtismo/j illumination, light
xa/zw to cause to retire
xa/ioj genuine, true, good
xairhdw/n delectation
xai/rw to rejoice, be glad, be delighted
xaith/eij with long flowing hair
xai/th long, flowing hair
xai/twma a plume
xa/laza hail
xalaza/w to hail
xalazeph/j hurling abuse as thick as hail
xalazh/eij like hail
xalaro/j slack, loose
xalaro/thj slackness, looseness
xa/lasij a slackening, loosening

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xa/lasma a slackened condition: a gap

xalastrai=oj of
xala/w to slacken, loosen
xaldai=oj a Chaldaean
xalepai/nw to be severe, sore, grievous
xalepo/j hard to bear, painful, sore, grievous
xalepo/thj difficulty, ruggedness
xale/ptw to oppress, depress, crush
xali/krhtoj unmixed
xalinagwge/w to guide with
xalinagwgo/j guiding as with a bridle.
xalinopoiikh/ bridle-making
xalino/j a bridle, bit
xalino/w to bridle
xali/nwsij a bridling
xalinwth/ria cables
xa/lic a small stone, pebble
xa/lij sheer wine
xalifrone/w to be lightminded
xalifrosu/nh levity, thoughtlessness
xali/frwn light-minded, thoughtless
xalka/rmatoj with brasen chariot
xa/lkaspij with brasen shield
xalke/gxhj with brasen lance
xalkei/a smith's work
xalkei=on a smith's shop, forge, smithy
xa/lkeioj of copper
xalke/mboloj with bronze beak
xalkenth/j brass-armed
xalkeoqw/rac with brasen breastplate
xalkeoka/rdioj with heart of brass
xalkeomh/stwr skilled in arms
xalkeo/pezoj brass-footed
xalke/oploj with arms of brass
xa/lkeoj of copper
xalkeoteuxh/j armed in brass
xalkeo/fwnoj with voice of brass
xa/lkeuma anything made of brass
xalkeu/j a worker in copper, a smith
xalkeutiko/j of
xalkeuto/j wrought of metal, wrought
xalkeu/w to make of copper
xalke/wn a forge, smithy
xalkhdw/n chalcedony
xalkh/latoj of beaten brass
xalkh/rhj fitted with brass, tipped with brass

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xalkidiko/j of
xalki/oikoj dwelling in a brasen house
xalki/on a copper vessel, a copper, caldron, kettle, pot
xalki/j Chalcis
xalkoa/rhj brass-armed
xalkobarh/j heavy
xalkobath/j standing on brass, with brasen base
xalko/genuj with teeth of brass
xalkoglw/xin with point
xalkodai/daloj working in brass
xalkoda/maj subduing
xalko/detoj brass-bound
xalkoknh/mij brass-greaved
xalkokorusth/j armed
xalko/krotoj sounding with brass
xalkoli/banon fine brass.
xalkomi/trhj with girdle of brass
xalko/nwtoj brass-backed
xalkopagh/j made of brass
xalkopa/rh|oj with cheeks
xalko/pedoj with floor of brass
xalko/pleuroj with sides of brass
xalkoplhqh/j armed all in brass
xalko/plhktoj smiting with brasen edge
xalko/pouj brass-hoofed
xalko/puloj with gates of bronze
xalko/j copper
xalkoste/fanoj brass-crowned
xalko/stomoj with brasen mouth
xalko/teuktoj made of brass
xalko/tocoj armed with brasen bow
xalkotore/w to work
xalko/toroj wrought of brass
xalkotu/poj a worker in copper, coppersmith
xalko/tupoj struck with brass, inflicted with brasen arms
xalkourgiko/j of
xalkourgo/j a coppersmith
xalkou=j a copper coin
xalkofa/laroj adorned with brass
xalkoxa/rmhj fighting in brass
xalkoxi/twn brass-clad
xalko/xutoj cast in bronze
xalko/w to make in bronze
xa/lkwma anything made of bronze
xalubdiko/j Chalybian
xa/luy one of the nation of the Chalybes

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xama/dij to the ground, on the ground

xama=ze to the ground, on the ground
xama=qen from the ground
xamaigenh/j earth-born
xamaieu/nhj lying, sleeping on the ground
xamai/zhloj seeking the ground, low-growing, dwarf
xamaikoite/w to lie on the ground
xamaile/wn the chameleon
xamai/ on the earth, on the ground
xamaipeth/j falling to the ground
xamaitupei=on a brothel
xamaitu/ph a harlot.
xamerph/j creeping on the ground, grovelling
xameu/nh a bed on the ground, pallet-bed
xamhlo/j on the ground, creeping
xananai=oj a Canaanite
xanda/nw to take in, hold, comprise, contain
xando/n with mouth wide open, greedily
xa/n a goose.
xa/oj chaos
xa/ragma any mark engraven
xara/dra a mountain stream, a torrent, which cuts itself
xaradrio/j the curlew
xaradro/omai to be broken into clefts by mountain-streams, to be intersected by ravines
xarakopoii/a the making of a vallum
xarako/w to fence by a palisade, fortify
xarakth/r a mark engraved
xarakto/j notched, toothed
xara/kwma a place paled round, an entrenched camp
xara/kwsij a palisading
xa/rac a pointed stake
xara/ joy, delight
xara/ssw to make sharp
xaridw/thj joy-giver
xari/eij graceful, beautiful, lovely
xarienti/zomai to be witty, to jest
xarientismo/j wittiness, wit
xariergo/j elegantly working, artistic
xari/zomai to say
xa/risma a grace, favour: a free gift, gift of God's grace
xa/rij Grace
xariste/oj one must gratify
xaristh/rioj of
xariti/a a jest, joke
xaritoble/faroj with eyelids
xaritoglwsse/w to speak to please, gloze with the tongue

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xarito/w to shew grace to

xaritw/phj graceful of aspect
xa/rma a source of joy, a joy, delight
xa/rmh the joy of battle, lust of battle
xarmonh/ a joy
xarmo/sunoj joyful, glad
xarmo/frwn heart-delighting
xaropo/j glad-eyed, bright-eyed
xaropo/thj brightness of eye: a light-blue colour
xa/rth a sheet of paper
xarto/j that is matter of delight, causing delight, welcome
xa/rubdij Charybdis
xa/rwn Charon
xaska/zw to keep gaping at
xa/skw may
xa/sma a yawning hollow, chasm, gulf
xasma/w to yawn, gape wide
xa/smhma a wide yawn
xa/smh a yawning, gaping
xate/w to crave, long
xati/zw to have need of, crave
xaulio/douj with outstanding teeth
xaunopoli/thj a gaping cit
xauno/prwktoj wide-breeched
xau=noj gaping
xauno/thj porousness, sponginess
xauno/w to make porous
xau/nwma loosened earth
xau/nwsij a making slack
xe/zw to ease oneself, do one's need
xeia/ a hole
xeilopote/w to drink with the lips, sip
xei=loj a lip
xeilo/w to surround with a lip
xeima/dion a winter-dwelling, winter-quarters
xeima/zw to pass the winter
xeimai/nw to drive by a storm
xei=ma winter-weather, cold, frost
xei/maroj a plug in a ship's bottom
xeima/rrouj winter-flowing, swollen by rain and melted snow
xeimarrw/dhj like a torrent
xeimasi/a a passing the winter, wintering
xeimaske/w to exercise oneself in winter
xeimerino/j of
xeime/rioj wintry, stormy
xeimofuge/w to shun the winter

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xeimw/n winter
xeiragwge/w to lead by the hand
xeiragwgo/j one that leads by the hand, a leader, guide
xeirapta/zw to touch with the hand, take in hand, handle
xeiridwto/j having sleeves, sleeved
xei/rioj in the hands, in the power
xeiri/j a covering for the hand, a glove
xeiroda/iktoj slain by hand
xeirodi/khj one who asserts his right by hand, uses the right of might
xeirodra/kwn with serpent arms
xeiroh/qhj accustomed to the hand, manageable
xeiro/maktron a cloth for wiping the hands, a towel, napkin
xeiromu/lh a hand-mill
xeironome/w to move the hands in pantomimic gestures, to gesticulate
xeironomi/a gesticulation
xeiroplhqh/j filling the hand, as large as can be held in the hand
xeiropoie/w to make by hand
xeiropoi/htoj made by hand, artificial
xeirote/nwn with outstretched arms
xeirote/xnhma a work of art
xeirote/xnhj a handicraftsman, artisan
xeirotexni/a handicraft
xeirotexniko/j of
xeirotone/w to stretch out the hand
xeirotonhto/j elected by show of hands
xeirotoni/a a voting
xeiro/tonoj stretching out the hands
xeirourge/w to do with the hand, execute
xeirou/rghma handiwork
xeirourgi/a a working by hand, practice of a handicraft
xeirourgiko/j of
xeirourgo/j doing by hand
xeiro/w to bring into hand, to manage, master, subdue
xei/r the hand
xei/rwma that which is conquered, a conquest
xeirwnaci/a handicraft, work
xeirw=nac one who is master of his hands
xeirwni/j a book on surgery
xei/rwn worse, meaner, inferior
xei/rwn Cheiron
xelido/nion swallow-wort, celandine
xelido/nioj of the swallow, like the swallow
xelido/nisma the swallow-song
xelidw/n the swallow
xelu/nh the lip
xe/luj a tortoise

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xelw/nh a tortoise
xe/nnion quail
xe/radoj the mud, sand, gravel, and rubbish, silt
xerei/wn meaner, inferior
xeria/rhj skilled in fitting with the hand, dexterous
xerifurh/j mixed
xerma/dion a large stone, a boulder
xermasth/r a slinger
xernh/j one who lives by his hands, a day-labourer, a poor man
xernhtiko/j of
xernh=tij a woman that spins for daily hire
xe/rnibon a vessel for water to wash the hands, a basin
xerni/ptomai to wash one's hands
xe/rniy water for washing the hands
xeromush/j defiling the hand
xero/plhktoj stricken by the hand
xersai=oj on
xerseu/w to be dry land, to lie waste
xerso/qen from dry land
xerso/qi on dry land
xe/rsonde to
xersonhsi/zw to form a
xersonh/sioj of
xersonhsi/thj a dweller in the Thracian Chersonese
xersonhsoeidh/j like a peninsula, peninsular
xerso/nhsoj a land-island
xe/rsoj dry land, land
xeu=ma that which is poured, a stream
xe/w to pour
xh/largoj with fleet hoofs
xhleuto/j netted, plaited
xhleu/w to net, plait
xhlh/ a horse's hoof
xhlo/j a large chest
xhnalw/phc the fox-goose, vulpanser
xh/neioj of
xhni/skoj a ship's stern turned up like a goose's neck
xh/n the tame goose
xhramo/j a hole, cleft, hollow
xh/ra bereft of a husband, a widow
xhrei/a widowhood
xh/reioj widowed
xhreu/w to be bereaved
xhro/w to make desolate
xhrwstai/ kinsmen
xh=toj want, need

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

xhtosu/nh need, destitution, loneliness

xqamalo/j near the ground, on the ground, flat
xqe/j yesterday
xqizo/j of yesterday
xqo/nioj in, under
xqonostibh/j treading the earth
xqonotrefh/j bred from earth
xqw/n the earth, ground
xi=dron unripe wheaten groats
xiliarxe/w to be a
xiliarxi/a the office
xili/arxoj the commander of a thousand men, a chiliarch
xilia/j the number one thousand, a thousand
xilie/thj lasting a thousand years
xi/lioi a thousand
xilio/nauj of a thousand ships
xilionau/thj with
xilio/palai a thousand times long ago, long long ago
xiliosto/j the thousandth
xiliostu/j a body of a thousand
xiliota/lantoj weighing
xilo/j green fodder for cattle, forage, provender
xilo/w to feed
xilw/neioj of
xi/maira a she-goat
ximairoqu/thj goat-sacrificer
ximairofo/noj goat-slaying
xima/rarxoj goat-leader
xi/maroj a he-goat
ximarosfakth/r a goat-slayer
xi/metlon a chilblain, kibe
xiogenh/j of Chian growth
xio/neoj snowy, snow-white
xioni/zw to snow upon, cover with snow
xiono/blhtoj snow-beaten
xionoqre/mmwn fostering snow, snow-clad
xiono/ktupoj snow-beaten
xiono/xrwj with snow-white skin: snow-white
xionw/dhj like snow, snowy
xi/oj Chios
xi=oj Chian, of
xi= to strengthen the sound, as
xitw/nion a woman's frock
xitwni/skoj a short frock
xitw/n the garment worn next the skin, a frock
xiw/n snow

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xla/dw to exult
xlai=na pallium.
xlaino/w to cover with a cloak, to clothe
xlai/nwma clothing
xlamudhfo/roj one who wears a
xlamu/dion a shabby cloak
xlamudoeidh/j like a
xlamudourgi/a the making of
xlamudourgo/j a maker of
xlamu/j a short mantle
xlani/dion a woman's mantle
xlanidopoii/a the art of a
xlanidopoio/j making
xlani/skion a cloaklet
xlani/j an upper-garment of wool, a shawl
xlaro/j exultant
xleua/zw to joke, jest, scoff, jeer
xleuasi/a mockery, scoffing
xleuasmo/j a joke
xleuasth/j a mocker, scoffer
xleu/h a joke, jest
xlh=doj slime, mud, rubbish
xliai/nw to warm
xliaro/j warm, lukewarm
xlidai/nomai to be luxurious, revel
xlidano/j luxurious, delicate, voluptuous
xlida/w to be soft
xlidh/ delicacy, daintiness, luxury, effeminacy
xli/w to be
xloaugh/j with a greenish lustre
xloerotro/foj producing green grass
xlohkome/w to be green as a young leaf
xlo/h the first shoot of plants
xlohfo/roj bearing green grass
xlou/nhj couching in the greenwood
xlou=nij freshness, youthful vigour
xlwrhi/j pale-green, brown-green
xlwro/komoj green-leaved
xlwro/j greenish-yellow
xlwro/thj greenness
xnau/w to gnaw, nibble
xnoa/zw to get the first down
xnoa/w to appear
xno/h the box of a wheel
xno/oj any light porous substance
xoaneu/w to cast into a mould

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xoa/nh a funnel
xo/anoj a melting-pot
xoh/ a drink-offering
xoh/rhj fitted for the Pitcher-feast
xohfo/roj offering
xoiko/j of earth
xoiniki/j the circle
xoi=nic a choenix, a dry
xoiradw/dhj full of
xoira/j of a hog
xoi/reioj of a swine
xoiri/nh a small sea-muscle
xoi/rinoj of hog's skin
xoiri/on a pigling, porker
xoirokomei=on a pigsty
xoirokto/noj by the sacrifice of swine
xoiropw/lhj a pig-jobber
xoi=roj a young pig, porker
xolargeu/j a man of the deme
xola/j the bowels, intestines, guts
xola/w to be full of black bile, to be melancholy mad
xolh/ gall, bile
xo/lic the guts
xo/lioj raging, angry
xollei/dhj a man of the deme Cholleidae
xo/loj gall, bile
xolo/w to make angry, provoke, anger
xolw/dhj like bile
xolwto/j angry, wrathful
xondro/j granular, coarse
xo/ndroj a grain
xorau/lhj one who accompanies a chorus on the flute
xo/rdeuma a sausage
xordeu/w to make into sausages
xordh/ gut-string, the string
xorei/a a dance
xo/reuma a choral dance
xoreute/oj one must dance
xoreuth/j a choral dancer
xoreutiko/j of
xoreu/w to dance a round
xorhgei=on the place in which a chorus was trained, their dancing-school
xorhge/w to lead a chorus
xorhgi/a the office of a
xorhgiko/j of
xorhgo/j a chorus leader

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xoriko/j of
xo/rion the membrane that encloses the fetus, the afterbirth
xorodidaskali/a the office of
xorodidaskaliko/j of
xorodida/skaloj the person who trained the chorus
xoroh/qhj accustomed to the choral dance
xoroiqalh/j flourishing in the dance
xoroimani/a furious dancing
xoroitupi/a choral dancing
xoroitu/poj beating the ground in the dance, dancing
xoroi/tupoj played to the choral dance
xoro/nde to the festive dance
xoropai/kthj dancing merrily
xoropoio/j instituting
xoro/j a round dance
xorostasi/a institution of choruses
xorta/zw to feed, fatten
xortasi/a a being fed, feasting
xo/rtasma fodder, forage: food for men
xo/rtoj an inclosed place, a feeding-place
xou=j the Pitcher-feast
xou=j earth thrown down
xo/w to throw
xrai/nw to touch slightly
xraisme/w to ward off from one
xra/omai consulting
xrau/w to scrape, graze, wound slightly
xra/w to fall upon, attack, assail
xra/w to furnish what is needful
xrei/a use, advantage, service
xrei=oj needing, being in want of
xremeti/zw to neigh, whinny
xremetismo/j a neighing, whinnying
xre/mptomai to clear one's throat, to hawk and spit, cough
xre/oj that which one needs must pay, an obligation, debt
xrewkopi/dhj one who cancels his debts, an insolvent
xrew/n that which must be
xrew/ want, need
xrew/sthj a debtor
xrewfeile/thj a debtor, one in debt
xrh/|zw to need, want, lack, have need of
xrh/zw to deliver an oracle, foretell
xrhi/skomai to be much in want of
xrh=ma a thing that one uses
xrhmati/zw to negotiate, transact business, have dealings
xrhmatiko/j of

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xrhmatismo/j an oracular response, divine warning

xrhmatiste/oj one must make money
xrhmatisth/rion a place for transacting business, a counting-house
xrhmatisth/j a man in business, money-getter, trafficker
xrhmatistiko/j of
xrhmatodai/thj a divider of wealth
xrhmatopoio/j money-making
xrhmosu/nh need, want, lack
xrh/ it is fated, necessary
xrh= need, necessity
xrhsimeu/w to be useful
xrh/simoj useful, serviceable, good for use, good, apt
xrh=sij a using, employment, use
xrhsmago/rhj an utterer of oracles, a prophet
xrhsmhgore/w to utter oracles
xrhsmologe/w to utter oracles, divine
xrhsmolo/goj uttering oracles, divining
xrhsmopoio/j making oracles in verse
xrhsmo/j the answer of an oracle, oracular response, oracle
xrhsmosu/nh need, want, poverty
xrhsmofu/lac a keeper of oracles
xrhsmw|de/w to chant oracles
xrhsmw|di/a the answer of an oracle, a prophecy
xrhsmw|diko/j oracular
xrhsmw|do/j chanting oracles
xrhste/oj one must use
xrhsteu/omai to be good and kind
xrhsthria/zw to give oracles, prophesy
xrhsth/rion an oracle
xrhsth/rioj of
xrh/sthj a creditor, usurer, dun
xrhstiko/j knowing how to use, understanding the use of a
xrhstoh/qhj well-disposed
xrhstologi/a fair speaking, smooth speech
xrhstolo/goj speaking plausibly.
xrhsto/j useful, good of its kind, serviceable
xrhsto/thj goodness, honesty
xrhstofili/a the having good friends, the friendship of good men
xrhsto/filoj possessed of good friends
xri=ma unguent, oil
xri/mptw to bring near
xri=sma anything smeared on
xristiano/j a Christian
xristo/j to be rubbed on
xri/w to touch on the surface: to rub
xroia/ the surface of a body, the skin

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xroi/zw to touch on the surface

xro/madoj a crashing sound
xroni/zw to spend time
xroniko/j of
xro/nioj after a long time, late
xroniste/oj one must spend time
xronogra/foj recording times and events
xro/noj time
xronotribe/w to waste time, loiter
xrusamoibo/j exchanging for gold
xrusa/mpuc with fillet
xrusanqh/j with golden flower
xrusantaugh/j reflecting golden light
xrusa/oroj with sword of gold
xrusa/rmatoj with
xru/saspij with shield of gold
xrusaugh/j gold-gleaming
xrusei=on a goldsmith's shop
xruselefanth/lektroj of gold, ivory
xruseo/dmhtoj formed of gold
xruseo/kukloj with disk of gold
xruseoph/nhtoj with woof of gold, gold-inwoven
xruseosa/ndaloj with sandals of gold
xru/seoj golden, of gold, decked
xruseo/stolmoj decked, dight with gold
xrushi/j daughter of Chryses
xrushla/katoj with spindle of gold
xrush/latoj of beaten gold, goldwrought
xrush/nioj with reins of gold
xrush/rhj furnished
xrusi/dion a small piece of gold
xrusi/on a piece of gold
xrusi/j a vessel of gold, piece of gold plate
xrusi/thj like gold, containing gold
xrusobafh/j gilded, gold-embroidered
xrusobe/lemnoj with arrows of gold
xruso/bwloj with soil of gold
xruso/gonoj born
xrusodaktu/lioj with ring of gold
xruso/detoj bound with gold, set in gold
xrusoeidh/j like gold
xruso/zugoj with yoke of gold
xruso/qronoj gold-enthroned
xrusoka/rhnoj with head of gold
xruso/kerwj with horns of gold
xrusoko/llhtoj soldered

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xrusoko/mhj the golden haired

xruso/komoj with golden plumage
xrusologe/w to speak of gold
xrusolo/goj speaking of gold.
xruso/logxoj with spear of gold
xrusolu/rhj with lyre of gold
xruso/malloj with golden wool
xrusomhlolo/nqion little golden beetle
xrusomi/trhj with girdle
xruso/nwtoj with golden back
xruso/pastoj sprinkled gold, gold-spangled, of gold tissue
xrusope/diloj gold-sandalled
xrusoph/lhc with helm of gold
xrusoplo/kamoj golden-haired
xrusoplu/sion a gold-wash, placer
xrusopoio/j a goldsmith
xruso/prasoj the chrysoprase
xruso/prumnoj with gilded poop
xruso/pteroj with wings of gold
xrusoro/hj with streams of gold
xruso/rrapij with wand of gold
xruso/rrutoj gold-streaming
xruso/j gold
xrusoste/fanoj gold-crowned
xrusote/ktwn a goldsmith
xruso/teroj more golden
xruso/teuktoj wrought of gold
xrusoteuxh/j with golden armour
xruso/tocoj with bow of gold
xrusotri/ainoj with trident of gold
xruso/tupoj wrought of gold
xrusourgei=on a gold mine
xrusofah/j with golden light
xrusofa/laroj with trappings of gold
xrusofeggh/j gold-beaming
xruso/filoj gold-loving
xrusofore/w to wear golden ornaments
xrusofo/roj wearing gold
xrusofu/lac keeping gold
xrusoxai/thj golden-haired
xrusoxa/linoj with gold-studded bridle
xruso/xeir with gold rings
xrusoxi/twn with coat of gold
xrusoxoei=on the shop of a
xrusoxoe/w to work in gold, work as a goldsmith
xrusoxoiko/j of

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

xrusoxo/oj one who melts gold

xruso/xrouj gold-coloured
xruso/w to make golden, gild
xru/swma wrought gold
xruswne/w to change gold
xruswpo/j with golden face, beaming like gold
xruswruxei=on a gold-mine
xruswru/xoj digging for gold
xru/swsij a gilding
xrw/zw to touch the surface of a body
xrw=ma the surface, skin: the colour of the
xrwma/tion a colour, paint
xrw/j the surface of the body, the skin
xrwti/zw to colour
xu/dhn in floods
xulo/j juice
xumo/j juice
xu/sij a flood, stream
xutla/zw to pour out
xu/tlon anything that can be poured: water and oil for the bath.
xutlo/w to wash
xuto/j poured, shed
xu/tra an earthen pot, a pot for boiling, pipkin
xutreou=j of earthenware
xutreu/j a potter
xutri/dion a small pot, cup
xutro/pouj a pot with feet
xu/troj the hot baths
xwlai/nw to be
xwlei/a lameness
xwleu/w to be
xwli/amboj a lame iambic
xwlopoio/j making lame
xwlo/j lame
xw=ma earth thrown up, a bank, mound
xwneu/w to cast into a mould (
xw/omai to be angry, wroth, indignant
xw/ra the space in which a thing is
xwre/w to make room for another, give way, draw back, retire, withdraw
xwri/zw to separate, part, sever, divide
xwri/on a particular place, a place, spot, district
xwrismo/j separation
xwri/j separately, asunder, apart, by oneself
xwriste/oj one must separate
xwristo/j separated, separable
xwri/thj a countryman, rustic, boor

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

xwritiko/j of
xwrografe/w to describe countries
xwrografiko/j of
xwrogra/foj describing countries
xw=roj the North-west wind
xw=roj a piece of ground, ground, place
xwrofile/w to haunt a place
xw=sij a heaping up
xwsto/j made by earth thrown up
yai/rw to graze, scrape, touch gently
yaisto/j cakes of ground barley
yai/stwr one that wipes off
yaka/zw to rain in small drops, drizzle, drip
yaka/j any small piece broken off, a grain, morsel, bit
yalido/stomoj nipper-mouthed
yali/zw to clip with scissors
ya/lion a
yali/j a pair of scissors
ya/llw to touch sharply, to pluck, pull, twitch
ya/lma a tune for a stringed instrument
yalmo/j a twitching
yalmoxarh/j delighting in harp-playing
ya/ltria a female harper
ya/maqoj sand, sea-sand
yamaqw/dhj sandy
yammakosioga/rgaroi in sand-hundred heaps
yammako/sioi sand-hundred
ya/mminoj of sand, sandy
ya/mmioj on the sand
yammi/thj sand, sandy
ya/mmoj sand
yammw/dhj like sand, sandy
yaro/j like a starling
ya/r a starling
yau=sij a touching
yau/w to touch
yafaro/qric with rough coat
yafaro/j easily reduced to powder, friable, crumbling
yafaro/xrouj rough on the surface, squalid
ya/w to touch lightly, rub
ye/gw to blame, censure
yedno/j thin, spare, scanty
ye/kthj a censurer, disparager
yekto/j blamed, blameable
ye/lion an armlet
yeliofo/roj wearing bracelets

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

yelio/w to twine
yelli/zw to falter in speech, speak inarticulately
yellismo/j a pronouncing indistinctly
yello/j unable to pronounce certain letters
yeudaggele/w to bring false news
yeudaggeli/a a false report
yeuda/ggeloj a false
yeuda/delfoj a false brother
yeudama/macuj a bastard vine
yeudapo/stoloj a false apostle
yeudarta/baj false-measure
yeudatra/facuj false orach
yeudattiko/j false Attic
yeudauto/moloj a sham deserter
yeudene/dra a feigned ambuscade
yeudhgore/w to speak falsely
yeudhgo/roj speaking falsely
yeudh/j lying, false
yeudoboh/qeia pretended help
yeudodida/skaloj a false teacher
yeudokh=ruc a lying herald
yeudoklhtei/a a prosecution against one who has falsely subscribed his name as witness
yeudoku/wn a sham Cynic
yeudo/litroj made from adulterated soda
yeudologe/w to speak falsely, spread false reports
yeudologi/a a false speech, falsehood
yeudolo/goj speaking falsely
yeudo/mantij a false prophet
yeudomarture/w to be a false witness, bear false witness
yeudomarturi/a false witness
yeudoma/rtuj a false witness
yeudone/rwn a false-Nero
yeudonu/mfeutoj a false, feigned
yeudopa/rqenoj a pretended maid
yeudo/rkioj perjured, forsworn
yeu=doj a falsehood, untruth, lie
yeudostome/w to speak falsely
yeudo/fhmoj of false divination
yeudofi/lippoj a false Philip
yeudo/xristoj a false Christ
yeudw/numoj under a false name, falsely called
yeu/dw to cheat by lies, beguile
yeu/dw to cheat by lies, beguile
yeusi/stuc hating falsehood
yeu=sma a lie, untruth
yeuste/w to be a liar, lie, cheat

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

yeu/sthj a liar, cheat

yefaugh/j dark-gleaming
yefhno/j dark, obscure
ye/foj darkness
yh=gma that which is rubbed
yh/ktra a scraper
yhlafa/w to feel
yhla/fhma a touch, a caress
yhni/zw to Psenize
yh/n the gall-insect
yh=cij a rubbing down, currying
yh=tta a plaice, sole, turbot
yhtto/podej turbot-footed
yhfi/zw to count
yh/fisma a proposition carried by vote
yhfismatopw/lhj a decree-monger
yhfismatw/dhj of the nature of a decree
yhfi/j a small pebble
yhfopoio/j making votes
yh=foj a small stone, a pebble, rubbed and rounded
yhfofore/w to give one's vote, vote
yhfofori/a vote by ballot
yhfofo/roj giving one's vote.
yh/xw to rub down, curry
yi/aqoj a rush mat
yia/j a drop
yi/zw to feed on pap
yiquri/zw to whisper, say into the ear
yiqu/risma a whispering
yiqurismo/j a whispering
yiquristh/j a whisperer: a slanderer
yi/quroj whispering: slanderous
yiliko/j of
yilometri/a heroic poetry, as not being accompanied by music
yilo/j bare
yilo/thj nakedness
yilo/w to strip bare
yilo/w to strip bare
yimu/qion white lead
yimuqio/w to paint with white lead
yi/c a crumb, morsel.
yittako/j a parrot
yixa/rpac crumb-filcher
yixi/on a crumb of bread
yogero/j fond of blaming, censorious
yo/gioj fond of blaming, censorious

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

yo/goj a blamable fault, a blemish, flaw

yolo/eij sooty, smoky
yolokompi/a smoky
yo/loj soot, smoke
yofe/w to make an inarticulate noise, to sound, make a noise
yofodeh/j frightened at every noise, shy, timid
yofomh/dhj meditating noise, uproarious
yo/foj any inarticulate sound, a sound, noise
yofw/dhj noisy
yudno/j false
yu/qoj a lie, untruth
yukth/r a wine-cooler
yu/lla a flea
yullotoco/thj a flea-archer
yuxagwge/w to lead departed souls to the nether world
yuxagwgi/a a winning of souls, persuasion
yuxagwgiko/j attractive, persuasive
yuxagwgo/j leading souls to the nether world
yuxapa/thj beguiling the soul
yuxeino/j cooling, cool, fresh
yuxh/ioj alive, living
yuxh/ breath
yuxi/dion animula
yuxiko/j of the soul
yuxodai/kthj killing the soul
yuxodoth/r giver of the soul
yuxoliph/j lifeless
yuxomaxe/w to fight to the last gasp, fight desperately
yuxomaxi/a desperate fighting
yuxoplanh/j making the soul wander
yuxopompo/j conductor of souls
yuxorrage/w to let the soul break loose
yuxorragh/j letting the soul break loose
yu=xoj cold
yuxosso/oj saving the soul
yuxotakh/j melting the soul
yuxo/w to give life to
yuxrodo/xoj receiving what is cold
yuxrologe/w to use frigid phrases
yuxrologi/a frigid phraseology
yuxrolo/goj using frigid phrases.
yuxro/omai to grow cold, be cool
yuxro/j cold, chill
yuxro/thj coldness, cold
yu/xw to breathe, blow
ywlo/j one circumcised, lewd

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

ywmi/zw to feed with sops

ywmo/j a morsel, bit
ywrale/oj scabby, mangy
yw/ra the itch, scurvy, scab, mange
ywra/w to have the itch, scab
yw/xw to rub out
w)ba/zw to divide the people into
w)ba/ a subdivision of the Spartan
w)gmo/j a crying oh!
)wgugi/a Ogygia
)wgu/gioj Ogygian, of
w)|dei=on the Odeum
w(=de in this wise, so, thus
w)|dh/ a song, lay, ode
w)|diko/j fond of singing, vocal, musical
w)di/nw to have the pains
w)di/j the pangs
w)|dopoio/j making songs
w)|do/j a singer
w)/eon an egg
w)/zw to cry oh!
w)h/ ho there!
w)qe/w to thrust, push, shove, force onwards
w)qi/zomai to push against one another, justle, struggle
w)qismo/j a thrusting, pushing
w)=ka quickly, swiftly, fast
)wkeani/nh daughter of Ocean
w)keani/j of
)wkeani=tij the shore of ocean
)wkeano/nde to Ocean
)wkeano/j Oceanus
w)/kista mostly swiftly
w)ku/aloj sea-swift, speeding o'er the sea
w)kubo/loj quick-shooting, quick-striking
w)kudh/ktwr sharp-biting
w)kudi/daktoj quickly taught
w)kudi/nhtoj quick-whirling
w)ku/dromoj swift-running
w)kueph/j quick-speaking
w)ku/qooj swift-running
w)kuma/xoj quick to fight
w)ku/moroj quickly-dying, dying early
w)kupe/thj swift-flying, swift-running
w)ku/poinoj quickly-avenged
w)ku/pompoj quick-sending, conveying rapidly
w)ku/poroj quick-going

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

w)ku/pouj swift-footed
w)ku/pteroj swift-winged
w)ku/rouj swift-flowing
w)ku/skopoj quick-aiming
w)ku/j quick, swift, fleet
w)ku/thj quickness, swiftness, fleetness, speed
w)ku/tokoj quickly
w)kuto/koj causing quick and easy birth
w)le/kranon the point of the elbow
w)le/nh the arm from the elbow downwards
)/wlenoj Olenos
w)lesi/bwloj clod-crushing
w)lesi/karpoj losing its fruit
w)lesi/oikoj destroying the house
w)/lc a furrow
w)maxqh/j heavy to the shoulders
w)mhsth/j eating raw flesh
w)mobo/eioj of raw, untanned ox-hide
w)mobrw/j eating raw flesh
w)moge/rwn a fresh, active old man
w)modakh/j fiercely gnawing
w)mo/dropoj plucked unripe
w)moqete/w to place the raw slices
w)mokrath/j of rude untamed might
w)mopla/th the shoulder-blade
w)mo/sitoj eating men raw
w)mospa/raktoj torn in pieces raw
w)mo/j raw, undressed
w)=moj ulna
w)mo/thj rawness
w)moto/koj bringing forth untimely offspring:&mdash
w)mofa/goj eating raw flesh, carnivorous
w)mo/frwn savage-minded, savage
w)ne/omai to buy, purchase
w)nh/ a buying, purchasing
w)nhte/oj to be bought
w)nhth/j a buyer, purchaser
w)nhto/j bought
w)/nioj to be bought, for sale
w)nomasme/nwj by giving names
w)=noj for
w)|o/n eggs or
w)o/p avast!
w)= O! oh!
w great
w(=per where

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

w(rai=oj produced at the right season

w(raio/thj ripeness of fruits
w(rakia/w to faint, swoon away
w(/ra period
w)/ra care, concern, heed, regard for
w(/rasi in season, in good time
w)resi/doupoj making a din on the mountains
w(residw/thj one who gives ripe fruits in their season
w)reu/w to attend to, mind
w(rhfo/roj leading on the seasons
w(riko/j in one's prime, youthful, blooming
w(/rimoj ripe
w(/rioj produced in season
)wri/wn Orion
w(roqete/w to take note
w(roqe/thj one who takes note of times.
w(ro/mantij the hour-prophet
w(ronome/w to rule the hour
w(=roj a year
w)=roj a mountain
w)ruqmo/j a howling, roaring
w)ru/omai to howl
w(sa/n as if, as it were
w(sau/twj in like manner, just so
w(sei/ just as if, as though
w(j thus, as, so that, since
w(/j like as, even as, just as
w(sperou=n even as, just as
w(/sper just as if, even as
w(/ste as, as being
w)sti/zomai to push and be pushed about
w)takouste/w to hearken to, listen, watch covertly
w)takousth/j a listener, spy
w)ta/rion a little ear
w)teilh/ a wound
w)ti/j a
w)tw/eij with ears
w)fe/leia help, aid, succour, assistance
w)fele/w to help, aid, assist, succour, to be of use
w)fe/lhma a useful
w)felh/simoj useful, serviceable
w)fe/lhsij a helping, aiding
w)felhte/oj necessary
w)fe/limoj helping, useful, serviceable, profitable, advantageous, beneficial
w)xra/w to turn pale
w)xria/w to be pallid

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- A Simplified Edition , by Didier Fontaine - -

w)=xroj paleness, wanness

w)xro/j pale, wan, sallow
w)xro/thj paleness
w)/y the eye, face, countenance

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