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Tenth Edition: September 2023

11 10 9

Dedicated to You


I stumbled upon a method of seeing through the darkness of closed

eyes. It took some time and practice before I could consciously
explore and interact without succumbing to total shock and frozen

Upon returning to this world I see life from a different perspective. I

could understand where our ancestors had received inspiration for
patterns in ancient cave paintings, divinely-inspired architecture and
other subtle influences throughout human history across the planet.

I would come to find ancient predatory shadows and raw source

essence experiencing all aspects of ourselves, revealing our true
nature within the reflections of physical expression and beyond in an
infinite series of forms and realities.

Within the blurred lines along the edges reveals the fuller picture.



A presence spoke telepathically,

“This is before existence, before time and space, before black or

white, total and complete nothingness, unoccupied spacetime.”

And then there were subtle circular ripples of nearly invisible shadow
from a central point. Then more ripples, faster and faster,

“As though they have travelled backwards through time.”

And suddenly from the center of the newly formed empty space
there was a flash of blinding white light.

“The singularity, like a planted seed of everything that will ever be, all
energy needed for every movement, encoded within the light, placed
into the past from the future through a paradox, so that all things are
made possible and that all things may be known and accounted for.”

The seed of light fills the space; this was the Big Bang of our
Universe of which I am now inside.

Within the seed there are black particles and waves of dissonance and
harmonics. They flow through the 360 degree space along channels
appearing like blood veins, or tree roots, or rivers, or lightning bolts,
that branching fractal patterns found throughout life.

I could see the rivers of particles and waves form an overall structure
within the space. This structure resembled an upright humanoid tree
with many branching arms so that many channels could easily get
from one side of space to the other with greatest efficiency, then a
main root leading from top to bottom appearing to have many legs
allowing flow to easily traverse from above to below and vice versa. I
could see my own human form emerge from within the overall

“The humanoid form is a result of efficiencies of signal pattern

transference within 360 degree space.”

I look again and realized I was the form of the particles and the
waves in the center of the space. I was both the entirety and the
smaller pieces at the same time; I had been talking to myself.

I learned very quickly that the same emotional interplays from this
life operate similarly in the other dimensions of existence.

These spaces appear made of smooth glowing clay of all colors. No

shadows are cast in the space as everything emits its own light; some
spaces were made of pure dark shadow itself while others were a mix
of light and dark. It would seem that my emotional state of being
would determine the feelings and demeanors of the space and what
would occur in the moment.
I recognized very quickly that this must be similar to death; the
emotional state in the moment influencing our spirit’s trajectory into
realities beyond. Sure enough I could traverse not only physically but
emotionally, from states of sensationalism or anxiety to calm and
peace. The importance of calm and peace has never been more clear
and dear to me than after having experiences of horror and
dissonance. Peace, a nurturing spirit and care for one another is what
keeps the predator and parasite archetypes at bay – that light – keeps
them isolated in the frequency band, like the boundary of caste light
as it drops off into shadow.

The different beings and entities I have met with, they must be the
spirits of the bardos of heavens and hells spoken of in various
religions, but truly these are living individuals in their own right in
their own worlds, similar yet far, far different from what we have
come to know as reality. The religions seem to get part of it right
while then becoming a social control mechanism and loosing spiritual
focus. This too is a lesson of our planet, the dangers of
institutionalism. We experience a great wealth of universal lessons in
miniature as we evolve towards our destined future of returning to
Universal Consciousness. Everything started to become startlingly
clear, like a fractal of repeating patterns, though to this day I suspend
total belief – you never know what you might learn next.

I met with many beings that appear like human people of our own
planet, which was a startling realization, to think that there are many
humans in many realities is eye opening. I met plant people, frog
people, ghost robots, shape shifters, religious archetypes of angels
and demons, jinns, everyone made of soft glowing clay, all of us,
including myself, projecting our own quality of light and frequency
into the surrounding space, becoming the space, which could be
instantly felt and known without effort.

Spires, archways, thrones, balconies, draped fabrics, static electricity
cobwebs, dewy rainbow clouds, floating spinning dreidel fountain
objects, endless outpourings, endless hallways, flower petals and
spiral patterns, Mayan and Hebrew style glyphs and symbols, no fixed
floor or ceiling, Mosque and Cathedral-esque. All beaming outwards
a sort of consciousness light which naturally meshes into the space
and our own being upon arrival, radiating instantaneously in the
moment. No wonder we must craft diligence with our thoughts and
emotions as we are open books without realizing it.

On that point, on one of my earliest experiences I was surrounded by

a ring of tall presences, I was stunned! I wondered, have these
presences been observing me the entire time? They responded:

“Yes, we have been. Did you think you were the only one looking
through your eyes?”

I quickly returned to my living room.

Sometimes the space itself would have its own intelligence as well, I
would have difficulty recognizing if I was communicating with an
embodied entity or an environment, or something in-between. I
would come to find that little is mutually exclusive and bodies are a
sort of enclosed conglomerate of spirit essence.

Telepathic communication was completely natural, I could float and

rotate through the spaces intuitively, where I would focus my
perspective I would go in that direction – very intention based. The
motion was fluid, at a slow yet fast speed, which almost seemed as
though you are not moving at all – yet you are constantly moving. Ah
to feel the ecstatic sensation of weightlessness beyond a physical
body! Such relaxation and peace I never knew possible, everything
felt so natural and familiar feeling as though I had returned to a long
forgotten home.

How could all of this be? As I would wonder the visions would
arrange themselves and respond accordingly with a perfect mirror
reflection of my emotional and conscious state. I would then
commune in this manner to receive insights to some of my deepest
questions and struggles.

The first intentional experience I had closed my eyes and within

seconds a sphere of mosaic Spanish tile mixed with spacey damask
rainbow blacklight had faded in from the darkness surrounding me
with such a sheer vibrance of color I had never seen before that I
literally lost my breath while letting out a scream of pure
astonishment! Suddenly the feeling of knowing that our own Earth
reality was not the only one released a rush of relief and wonder
unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The clarity and
vibrance of this space was unreal yet more real than real. I managed
to let out a gasp of breath and this sent a bright fuchsia ring wobbling
down a webby hallway outside of my personal sphere and this made
me realize there was greater depths to the space all around me. I
faced down this hallway and let out different noises and would watch
the different shapes of fuchsia light as they would ripple and bounce
down the hallway. Thoughts of the word or sound itself were like
root creative forces which flowed through me and into the exterior

I opened my eyes and watched the room load itself into being. First
the main walls and ceiling, including the stairs on the other side of
the wall, everything a pale blue flat transparent crystal surface, the
color then filled-in like an unfurling flower, then the small trinkets

popped into place like spacetime popcorn mini-structures that were
more easily materialized after the larger structures of the surrounding
environment were formed first. It was miraculous to behold the
generative process of reality building itself to be seen!

I looked towards my friend and sure enough I could see through

their skin at the muscle tissue, bone structures, blood flowing, lungs
breathing with many colored pulses of light flowing through the body.
I stared into the brain inside of the skull and it became too much to
bear. I fell backwards and looked up into the blank white ceiling; the
faces of what appeared like two giant women swirled together like
clouds and looked down upon me with a delicacy and tenderness that
was calming to my very core.

After this experience, I knew there had to be so much more to be

discovered. And so I would return many times over the course of
many years.

The machine elves are a form of consciousness in the worlds of

energetic exchange/astral realms/hyperspace. They are one of the
many beings to be known in these spaces. They are bipedal because
the humanoid shape is considered very efficient in spherical 3D space.
We see all sorts of these humanoid, left-side right-side mirrored
symmetrical bodies out there because of this efficiency in form –
similar in how most fetuses of life forms on this planet are
surprisingly similar – efficiency in 360 space in this density of
existence as well as others.

We see these “other dimensions” and the beings and details in the
way our perception naturally constructs and translates them in which
is compatible with our consciousness – the aspect of ourself which
can perceive and experience the non-material. This is why in the case
of machine elves we see a machine-like aesthetic because this is how
our visual perception and consciousness constructs the shifting
energy structures into a form we can consciously comprehend. It is
like decoding an encoded signal – like how our sensory hardware
decodes the light inputs and builds the 3D world which is seen and
experienced in that decoding frequency/density.

Many spires, archways, hallways, circus tent spaces, shades of gold,

shades of pearl, and shades of drama between the light and the dark.

Our forms of machinery and clockwork are not strictly of this Earth.

There are many exhaust pipes, many fuel sources, working

interconnected parts and many sparks of ignitions throughout. We
play games of created simulations on perception technologies billions
of years ancient. We mirror the greater fractal without realizing it, a
form of raw nature through obliviousness.

In regards to the many different creatures, our own planet mirrors

many of the life form structures in material form. Anywhere where
there is energy runoff of whatever source, spirit essence, mind-
constructs, waste, natural resources, starlight, everything and nothing,
symbiotic life forms materialize around these energetic opportunities
and self-replicate.

Cells behave in this manner, as do plants, animals, humans and many

forms of life.

On one occasion I met with a plant person, the spirit of the daffodil
was in a thin stalk body with leafy feet and etheric eyes like a Buddha
upon the flower petals. This being was so incredibly intelligent in

regards to genetics it was difficult to synchronize with their powerful
presence. We were in a library academic type of setting that feels
warm and inviting. The plant scientist holds up a clear vile in a leafy
hand with a large genetic strand somehow magnified to be visible by
the vile itself.

“This is a genetic strand in which we share.” They said.

They delighted in then showing me their children who were smaller

sprouts in tan clay pots which sat atop shelves on a curved wall.
A small frog man brought a stack of papers but a woman appearing
like a pharaoh explaining,

“Not ready yet.”

There was a white flag with a white lotus and a green snake spiraling
out from its center and the vision concluded.

Looking into a white wall, the wall echoed backwards into many
transparent walls like an endless domino effect. At the most distant
wall there was a giant cartoon lion tiger running full speed towards
me! He slides to a stop and searches me up and down with eyes larger
than my head! He says:

“Where have you been!?”

He communicates that he remembers me from thousands of years

ago when I was a Tibetan monk a few lifetimes ago. Memories from
this particular lifetime would come to return at certain points.
Reuniting with my meditation lion tiger friend from so long ago was
incredibly touching and surreal. I send my love affectionately to my
dear old friend.

On another occasion, angels appeared before me at pearly gates in a

tunnel of picturesque clouds! They attempted to convince me I was
someone I am not. There was ulterior motive present in them. I
demanded they reveal their true form. Three of the angels instantly
flew away as though sucked into a vacuum. The shimmering golden
gates and tunnels of soft clouds and dewy rainbow refractions had
transformed into a dark murky brown shadowy astral cavern filled
with thick matrix webs. One of the “angels” remained – now
transformed from a Zeus-like monk in his flowing white robes into a
normal appearing Middle Eastern man in less exotic brown and tan
robes. Three of the four had left when their religious ego program
did not take. The final one remained and made an offer:

“If you simply accept me as your spiritual advisor I will make certain
you receive great wealth.”

I replied,

“Why would a spiritual being here beyond the Earth have anything to
do with the corrupt controlling manipulation system of money?”

He appeared quite shocked and quickly vanished leaving me to my

own blue and yellow sphere of gentle light.

It is important to be discerning of the dim-white shadows which

attempt to deceive and mislead through an overpowering façade and
conceal subtle ulterior motives.

A skeleton warrior rushed up to me in a dark gray and black dungeon
of cobwebs, there were glowing red eyes in background and insectoid
textures in the shadows. The living skeleton is about 9 feet tall with
worn steel armor and a vicious appearing spear. The skeleton charges
towards me from in front of a large old gate, he fills my mind with a
scream-like intensity,


I respond without thinking,

"Wow! Look at this cool underworld dungeon complete with horror

and archetypal themes of death and intimidation! Look at all of the
details lurking intricately everywhere! So intense and so insane to see
such a thing! What is it like to live in this place!? How freaky and

The entire dungeon lit up with laughter and a dance of small gremlin
type creatures and flowing ribbon-like people along the upper
perimeter. Everyone in the dungeon was laughing and joining the
party. The weapon and armor vanished away and the skeleton warrior
transformed into a bubbly Day of The Dead style rainbow skeleton
with a huge grin and the party had truly started! The small fuzzy
creatures danced and chanted:

"We are not being judged!"

Similar to the skeleton guardian was a giant snake constructed of

glowing red and yellow sacred geometry structures making up the
scales of the body like an intricate weaving of light. He rests in a giant
golden bowl in a large deep red room feeling like an immense
underground Egyptian chamber with a dim glowing fiery light
emitting from all surfaces. The snake quickly soars high above and
poises to strike me down and says,


The entire chamber lights up with an indescribable fiery intensity! I

reply as calmly as I can muster,

“I am a distant wanderer, I have not intended to impede in your

space, I respect your space and being. I mean no harm and I request
that no harm be done. Shortly I shall be gone.”

The snake immediately shifted in demeanor to match my own, the

snake realized I was no threat and relaxed returning to a resting coil.
He replied:

“Do as you wish.”

Another journey, there was a hallway of blinding smooth pearl

refractions. The forms in the wall take the shape of a spacey mix of
Mayan Glyphs, Hindu Script and Hebrew Characters which morphs
as though they are alive. The texture of the surface is like glowing
smooth clay, there are no shadows as everything emits its own light.
The architecture is such that any surface is the floor or ceiling
dependant on your current orientation. The sound is like a
refrigerator motor with its buzzing organic yet technological tone,
feeling like a constant outpour.

I once thought to myself in this space,

"This is so wonderful and feels so good it seems like nothing could

ever go wrong!"

Then immediately behind me was a black neon jungle which reached

around from behind feeling as though I was being tapped on the
shoulder by an old adversary turned rival; feeling as though a vine
had began wrapping around my leg very gently as to not have me
take much notice. The darkness replied,

"Oh yes it can get bad now that you mention it."

I had invited the energy stream through my own consciousness, I

turned around to try and dispel the vibration,

"No thank you I’m actually feeling just fine over here in the calm and
peaceful space." And I began to get my focus back to that calm and
peaceful state without disruption. But the darkness replied:

"Are you sure??"

And the grip tightened with the darkness filling more of the
surrounding sphere feeling a bit dismissed I was leaving so quickly. I
was more assertive yet respectful, avoiding becoming upset or
condemning, I did not want to give chase or invite aggression.

"No thank you, though I appreciate the offer of experience please

continue on your way and I will continue on my way as well. Calling
upon you was a passing thought, thank you for showing me this
relationship to my emotional state.” I responded with a sense of co-
respect while also respecting my boundaries to calm down the
situation without boiling over into an energetic confrontation. And
the darkness replied,

"Alright, alright. Since you’re getting so deep and philosophical and

everything." And loosened up vanishing back into its vibration

It seems the 360 sphere around us responds to our emotional and

mental state in our own world and beyond whether we realize it or
not. It is important to make peace with the expressions as to not
become subject to the exterior waves; rather the exterior is subject to
your stated engagement agreement ground rules. If we do not take
the wheel so-to-speak and lay the ground rules the wheel is taken by
the exterior and we become subject to the rules we passively consent
to. This is a very important distinction.

Yes there are rogue entities out there. It's important to energetically
protect ourselves consciously and actively through the way we live
and the manner in which we energetically conduct ourselves, in this
life and the next.

Behind us seems to be a way to approach us without the wave

particle response of entering the observer consciousness rays of our
open eyes. Closing our eyes keeps that presence internal, like turning
the spotlight inward lighting up the inner world.

I was granted a blessing from a neon fuchsia silhouette dancing upon

the darkness. The spirit threw their hat and I followed it through the
darkness at an incredible rate of speed as the spinning neon hat left

behind a bright line to make it easier to follow. A tall blue owl man in
a pale blue and white jumpsuit intercepted me and said,
“Who are you? What are you doing here?”

I explained,

“I am from Earth and I am exploring beyond.”

He held me in a confined energy space I can only move freely in the

middle of it. He brings me to a blue, red and minty green striped
palace. There is a Diva Watcher of pale blue skin in a pale blue robe
sitting in a throne of the blue, red and minty green stripes which
extends out from the wall over the floor. Across from her are many
open portals, I see views of Earth-like worlds, balconies and castles,
lavish curtains and gardens, I suddenly sense this is a large network of
an empire system of Earth-like planets, I could feel that we are a
newer genetic settlement somehow closely connected enough for me
to bump into their neck of the woods. She scanned my lifetimes and
this disgusted her like I was a bad taste in her mouth. She replied
psychically in a disgusted and arrogant tone,

“Why would anyone want to do that??”

My Earthly material lifetimes were such a bother for her to even

consider, being a physical Earth human was such a struggle, for what?
Obviously she was not ready to humble herself for such an Earthly
existence, her powers of authority and abilities in the astral seemed
addicting and she would rather sit on her throne all day than live
down in a disgusting jungle of dirt and drama. I was then
commanded to be put back to where I came from.
Returning home I looked around and I thought I was in another
world of holographic light, I realized that I was back home and that
this reality on Earth is another world of holographic light!

I was seated in the center of a long table. To the left were shadows of
insects, reptiles, skeletons, black oil textures, demonic appearances
with a strong sense of pride and authority seated in a dark throne to
the left end of the table. To the right was blinding golden sunlight,
lions, griffons, birds, exotic feathers, flowers and plants with a calm
all-powerful love and perfected integrity seated upon a white crystal
sunlight throne to the right end of the table. In the center were
guards which kept the boundaries between the light and the dark but
this faded into a gray area of interplay be. In the center is the head of
a Roman statue split in half diagonally in the center. (I would later see
this exact statue of the split head in person at The NY Met,
Fragmentary colossal head of a youth.)

On each side of the table all of the forms are layered against one
another as seen in Himalayan spiritual art and stacked with living
creatures similar to the appearance of Himalayan temples. It felt as
though that such visions and realms have been the source of
inspiration to the structural design and appearance of spiritual art and
temple structures from around the world and throughout human

The left side of the table antagonized me for personal short fallings,
sounding a lot like my own personal self-berating when the mood
overtakes me, though this was far clearer in connection. Here in this
space I recognize that these visions are both living forms unto their
own conscious awareness as well as manifestations of aspects and
expressions of my own being.

They clamored at me with a snide aggressive intensity, “You are like
gunk in our system! We were going to imprison you but found this
would only inspire you further. We prefer to watch you bring about
your own demise by your own inadequacies.”

To the right there was that calm seated presence which chimed in,
“Keep doing what you’re doing.” They motivated me offered a
loving warm expression.

I have found myself in similar situations where the essences come

together like an energetic senate or counsel letting each perspective
be known in rebuttal or support of the topic or thought at hand.

A difficult yet extremely helpful experience was once when I was in a

very bad emotional state. I was in such a state of self-loathing and
anxiety. I was surrounded by fiery textures that represented my
unstable field. As the energy would slip and tear it created a cascade
effect causing red and yellow friction appearing like endless flames on
all sides. This was my unstable energetic field being mirrored back to
me. Up ahead was a humanoid figure in the fiery flames with arms
stretched out holding up the space so that it would not fully collapse.
The fiery figure lifted its head up to face me, then let his head drop
down again, expending energy to hold on and help ease my state of
emotional collapse was no easy task. I navigated around the corner
into a space of less activity where I took a deep breath and told
myself to calm down. Instantly as the thought passed through my
mind the fiery friction surrounding me calmed down right along with
me in perfect harmony becoming a calm and cool stream of crystal
blue light which circled out from the center and surrounded the
entire space.
The way the space responds to our state of being in real-time is
astonishing. This was of great relief when I understood the
relationship of my state of being with perceived reality. Recognizing
this balance was ultimately under my own control and not the control
of an exterior presence. This assisted greatly in becoming a better

I was once greeted by a Buddha who passed by gently floating among

flower petal type forms. The Buddha bowed to me! I responded, “No,
please do not bow to me, this is not what I am about.” Suddenly a
wall of Buddhas appeared, stacks upon stacks of Buddha Beings in
yellow, red and gold. The one in front replied, “When you say not to
bow, it makes us want to bow even more!” I felt a very sweet and
kind resonance like an ancient friendship. I graciously accepted and
bowed in return with a filled heart.

I met with The Sun, he is glorious. Bright, shining, pure, incredibly

loving and understanding of the human condition. He appeared very
youthful, looking Native American and Indonesian in a golden robe
of pure sunlight surrounded by walls of glowing lions, griffins and
other humans made of golden fire. He assured me the passing of the
ages would be to our ultimate benefit though it was a difficult path.
He said, “Know that I love each and every particle of your being and
all beings I shine upon. Know that I shine without judgment and
accept all that is.” He left with a loving notion to stay in touch and a
reminder that there is evolutionary information in the sunlight which
is good for our bodies and spirit if we can only quiet our minds to let
it through.

I conversed with The Earth but never had the chance to see her
clearly, I did see her silhouette and her posture was perfectly poised
and authoritative. She is so deeply loving, so understanding, so
disciplined and committed to her human children, while also
communicating, “My children in all their forms suffer to an extent
beyond your current capacity of understanding. All of your life
pursuits are well and good but never forget the ultimate importance
of caring for life and reducing suffering. This directly assists me and
our family.” Her powerful presence and willingness to sacrifice
herself for the sake of her children brings tears to my eyes

This is why the cremation of care has been a tactic of the ruling class
to control this world. Earth cannot put an end to them because she
has given domain of the surface to her children - and this has been
used against her – and against us – it is truly tragic.

It is beyond sad and defines tragedy to see how the good nature of
our Sun and Earth are taken advantage of by humans and astral
manipulators for their own individual gain. This happens all the time
though, apparently throughout all of existence, so in fact our Earth
and Sun are replaying these dramas in a fractal form to raise the
vibrations of all essences involved. Developing stronger and more
resilient humans able to co-exist and evolve alongside a wide-
spectrum of essences.

I had met a blue male being of seashell patterned light and a magenta
female being of flower petal patterned light – though they appeared
humanoid – I felt as though these beings of light could appear in any
form they desired.
I joined with the magenta female being in an astral chamber that was
made of the same flower petal pattern that made up her body. She
cupped me in a giant hand and leaned me back a position of leaning
back while also leaning forward at the same time - and that this gray
line of both leaning forward and/or backwards is a fractal principal
of how achieve balance in life and beyond – being relaxed while
focused – loving while also discerning – a sort of over-unity balanced
position where in that sweet spot, there is limitless potential.

The blue male being was in an astral chamber made up of the same
repeating spiral pattern that made up his body. The room had blue
cylinders that shot up and down through the room in organized rows.
I turned into a single long line, my whole body was one long line, it
was my genetic code. The blue being of light went through the line
and some parts of it were broken or damaged – past lives and
memories would appear at these broken sections of the line. The
being of light could tell I had an internal dilemma with evil – helped
me recognize to not get caught up in evil as a one-dimensional label –
but evil is an indicator of a lack of love and care. We know evil
ourselves when we are angry and frustrated, made desperate, pushed
to anger and to fight – such a response perpetuates the energy
pattern – to bring love and care can resolve energetic imbalance.

The blue and magenta entities of light joined together embracing one
another - as they joined the seashell blue patterns and magenta flower
petal patterns mixed in the surrounding space in perfect unison with
their embrace. When holding one another they let me know that
everything is accounted for and everything is going to be alright - and

that the universe is imperfect - but it is safer and more joyous than it
is dangerous and violent – which is why this exploration in the light
and the dark continues to this day – as long as the balance remains at
overall manageable levels it’s not worth it to recycle The Universe as
a whole – but better to let it play out and recycle itself at its own rate
of entropy. They let me know they too are seeking deeper answers
and seeking Source from their level and that creation truly appears
never ending.

When meeting a Medusa-type being she hissed with sharp teeth and
many snakes in her hair just as in the legends. I asked: "What makes
you feel this way to act like this towards others?" She shrunk away
like a shadow and turned her back replying: "No one has ever asked
me that before." Her chamber faded away and she was gone.

I was taken to an expensive office looking down through the ceiling

which had become transparent. There was a small goblin looking
man in this gaudy office with marble pillars and a giant wooden desk.
On the phone the little man screamed: "No! I will not do it! I'm done!
I will not do it any longer! It's over!" He slammed the phone down
and threw his hands in the air saying over and over: "I'm done! That's
it! It's over!!" A presence explained that moments like these are used
by spirits to know how far they would go – before deciding in their
heart to make an internal change – this informs an evolutionary path
which leads back to center modeled from their own actions and
choices. This is an important aspect to physical existence on our
planet, for spirits to look upon themselves in isolated instances, to
reflect and evolve.
I had a horrible experience with a tall teal “gray” type entity who
created the physical vision of an impressive space ship at my balcony
beckoning me to jump in so that I would jump off and harm myself.
I ran inside but the thing was already stuck to me. He said: "Why do
you want to be good on this planet? This place is not for being
good." I replied: "So is this hell?" He replied: "No this is not hell, my
job is hell, to keep this place as it is. To watch pathetic human beings
waste this planet, sitting on their toilet thrones of waste flushing
wasted water and cut down trees to wipe their asses, how pathetic
and awful all of you are!" I responded: "Why do you do this?" He
explained: "We make the children scream loudly enough as to lure
out your spirit parents to be more vulnerable." He became like a
fixated and drooling predator. I got very nervous and attempted to
banish this entity: "Get away from me and find your own peace! Be
gone!" I was still very inexperienced at this point and was not
successful in getting him to leave. He replied: "Who is your Master?"
I replied: "I have no master. I am sorry if you do." This upset him so
much that he proceeded to physically and sexually torture me for
several hours, constantly repeating: "Who is your Master? Who is
your Master? Who is your Master? Who is your Master?" Over and
over and over. Completing this psychic astral torture by recreating
the torturing of a Christ-like figure using me as a stand-in with this
entity shape shifting into a Roman Soldier. He ripped out my eye and
proceeded to sexually torture me. I told him: "You can do nothing to
me that will truly change me, you expose your desperate nature
through your actions, I hope you find peace and no longer hunger to
devastate others for your own sake. No wonder you’re miserable."
He threw me down stone stairs from on top of a pyramid where my
entire body fell apart with organs and body parts spilling everywhere
as they tumbled down the stairs. I felt the physical sensations but
fortunately experienced no pain. At the bottom of the stairs my body
reformed into that of a horse, a golden man at the bottom of the

stairs said: “Now you are free." He slapped my behind and I went
running into the jungle and I finally returned to my living room.

I later found out this shape shifting “gray entity” was actually a hydra
type shape shifting entity which has been trying to piggyback my
genetic line and those who are related to me for thousands of years
through various lifetimes. He was the negative force that made my
father extra aggressive, he was the life-force sucking force which
constantly made my mother stay in bed. He even once manifested as
an image of my mother when I was young and played tricks on me to
instill mistrust between myself and my mother growing up to remove
my sensitive side when I would grow older. I went to go see my
mother to find out why she was up so early in the morning playing
strange tricks on me – I went to her room to find she was fast asleep
in bed – she had never been in my room that morning – it had been
something else. I had assistance in binding this being from doing
harm to me, to anyone else, or itself. After this healing a child version
of myself was released from a cocoon sac in his underwater energy
dungeon and my inner-child flew by laughing on the back of a giant
dragonfly. There was then a dream with the hydra entity on a stained
glass window with half his heads missing and scorched over sealing
the heads from returning back.

Memories that during the creation of Earth Humans there was an

argument that three colors was not enough, how cruel! Ah, but look
at how many colors can be made with only three. It was a lesson in
how so much can come from so little – the same spirit would be
found throughout The Earth experience.
I was an old man, or we all were this single old man, or one of the
two women he kidnapped and brought into the machine with him. I
am weary of this vision, but it had come through none the less. On a
ship of gold I had kidnapped two women – or they joined with me
from being worried about me going into the holographic reality
machine – in either case – the three of us went inside of the quantum
light hologram machine which divided our spirit essence into all of
the particles of our local universe of light, where we would all mix, do
everything conceivably possible and rejoin and exit the machine as
our original selves as perfected beings. The light universe model
could then be shared throughout the multiverse as an expression
method having been thoroughly tested and vetted. The original
beings then return back to the multiverse where we came from in the
first place. I am cautious as a spirit had taunted me by retelling this
vision through a child medium, which is very out of line; because of
this I am more cautious about that particular vision.
A similarly themed vision, in regards to the self-creation of Source
Origin, how it occurred in the early days, before this universe existed.
We were all pieces of this old being out in the multiverse who created
copies of themself in a dark torus shaped circular hallway that loops
back around behind you. We snapped awake one day when we heard
an echo of our own shout which we didn't remember calling out until
it echoed back from behind us, like a self-created time paradox.

We thought it was someone else but realized it was our own voice.
There was no light in these days, only feeling and notions of notions.

Through calling out a series of vocal noises we figured out how to

create a standing wave copy of our own form – creating the first child.

This original copy of self was a disaster, they screamed and screamed
and screamed, never before had we heard such a noise, this stirred
new feelings inside never known before, they were not good feelings.

But we found calm moments of peace through communication, just

silly noises back and forth, this stage has been recreated through baby
babble and loving parenting.

Laughter was discovered, a release of tension, or sense of surprise

from unexpected results – humor became so precious, like the release
of eternal tension which for eons of time felt as though nothing
would ever make any sense.

Love was the originator of all, for how else could energy transcend all
things and plant a seed of itself before it existed in the first place
aside from ecstatic love and pure joy? Delight and over-unity
outpours. To pin down the exacts is difficult – but the emotions and
outlines can be sensed and remembered in the depths of each one of

Even nothingness had to succumb to recognize that within the

nothingness which was so empty was an inherent longing to be filled!
And so it was! As though the something had always been there all
along somehow!

So all the rules were broken and simultaneously created at the same
time – when nothingness inherently implied somethingness – and
somethingness implied the nothingness as its shadow.

How far is how far and how much is how much? What is what?
Eternal momentum and expression will snowball forever by design.
We ride on the silver lining of a light beam which appeared from
nothing out of nowhere somehow that continues on forever.

I met with three tall humanoid beings in a universal library feeling

space, as though you could traverse the entire universe through these
hallways and stop to take a look at any of the books on the shelf in
the form of solar systems and galaxies. They wore long spacey cloaks
with Mayan glyph and Kachina type patterns and strange sombrero
type hats which were fat around the brim and rounded at the top.
One sat upon what looked like a couch made from glowing pink and
magenta brain lobe shapes. They explained it was a surprise to see me
there, I explained I was equally surprised – they were then
immediately fascinated with how I was converting our intuitive
consciousness communication into a language which I then used to
communicate to myself in my mind. “What is this language?” They

Suddenly the entire alphabet appeared in the space – each letter

appeared like fat smooth clay, each letter had its capital and lowercase
such as Aa Bb Cc Dd ect. “Oh this is a physical language and a
physical individual!” They seemed very surprised. We went through
the alphabet exploring the root vibratory associations, such as
AHHHHHHHH for A, then they jumped to Z for some reason and
suddenly the space became electrical and zapping and zipping
ZZZZZ type textures filled the space, then back to B which bubbled
up Blubblubblubb popping and bubbling. C was like a cut and a snap.
T was a very forceful TU like a snap of a twig - they said this one
implied a great deal of force, snapping a line then fixing it to itself in
a perpendicular form - which had a very forceful intent behind it.

One being mentioned how they knew of the Earth but could never
bring themself to incarnate on the planet, it was simply too much for
them. Another one mentioned how much they admired our
precipitation water environment system and that such a system is
incredibly rare and advanced. As the being mentioned it the surface
of the Earth appeared with multiple layers of billowing clouds, rain,
ocean water and streams.

They pinpointed my location but were now trying to figure out what
time I was from – it seemed we were outside of linear time! At first
they thought I was from the 1960s era in England but then another
corrected him saying I was more from the big celebrity Hollywood
era and vibe which was slightly ahead of that time - time in this space
was fluid, not fixed. As they spoke of things they would appear, I saw
groovy flowers and 60's motifs when speaking about that era - as they
placed me more in the future - it was as though the 1960s motifs
rolled like a rolodex forward in time.

“All is part of an unending interconnected story,” They explained,

“Which is constantly evolving and never-ending.” I was shocked they
knew of the modern day and things such as particular cultural motifs
and other particulars like celebrities and such, this did not seem
spiritual to me!

They explained why was I so surprised? This was the type of

consciousness which radiates from our planet with great popularity –
echoing out into the cosmos like a loud and raunchy television show
in an otherwise quiet part of the universal library. They told me I
need to loosen up and not be so judgmental of them or my own
planet and people. They knew my occupation and explained I should
embrace the opportunities I receive and not be so condemning for
this or that reason which I viewed as spiritually superior – it was a bit
in the wrong spirit.

We wished care to one another and went our separate ways.

I was an evil villain geneticist would wore a blue military type jacket
with tall pointed shoulders. I was on a large spacecraft with hundreds
of slaves which were my own genetic creations. I had ordered them
to use the main weapon to destroy an entire planet. I was so full of
hate, despair and arrogance that I wanted to kill everyone and destroy
everything once and for all. I ordered my slaves to fire the weapon
and they refused to follow orders, I screamed at them with such an
awful shriek that I can still feel it deep inside my being, like a scar in
my DNA. They then followed the order and the planet was destroyed.

This vision has weighed heavy on me and I am doing all that I can to
not be that version of myself ever again – if it was me I am sorry for

I once asked: "How do we know what is real and what is illusion?"

The response I received was: "When dreaming how real is the


It would seem reality is relative, yet it isn't, yet it is, yet it isn't...

There was a vision of an old gothic church with thousands of sad old
people in dusty clothes waiting in sorrow and stillness, the Christ on
the wall was bleeding heavily and tears streamed from his face – it

was very dark and radiated an immense spiritual stagnation which was
truly sad and draining.

There was a room like an old study with men seated around a round
table, they appeared like medieval saints with halos over their heads.
There was a dog-sized winged dragon creature which snarled at my
presence. The men quickly got up and rolled a piece of paper away to
not be seen, they appeared very angry.

There were golden men around a water pump dressed in Egyptian

type skirts, their heads were connected to the golden ceiling and it
would move with them as they would move. They offered a chalice
and smiled in a way that was unintentionally creepy, I could tell it was
because they would not normally smile but thought it would make
me more comfortable. They placed a golden 3D geometry object into
my chest, I do not know how to feel about this and I did not have a
chance to ask about it but it overall felt like an effort to be helpful
and healing. They reached into my body and felt like they grabbed my
spine and pushed me to my right. Golden doors with simple Celtic
knots appeared and then slid open revealing hundreds of golden
women in rows and rows. They said "oh too soon." believing I had
died. "There was still so much more." Then one whispered to the
other "This is only for a short time." As I would look at one of them
my view would zoom in automatically to match my focus. There was
an opening leading to a balcony with a golden sky and many golden
cats with spiky electric fur. The vision then faded away.

I was on an astral balcony with tall red curtains and wide sloping
yellow and orange curves in the architecture of the space, an
individual parted the curtains and met me on the balcony, they
appeared exactly like me! They smiled a coy type of smile sort of
knowing what I was doing, but also looking very serious. I should
emphasize that facial expression is very subtle and intense during
these experiences – communicating a great deal.

Many expressions translate perfectly, meaning we are not the first

humans, we are an ancient form. Smiling, frowning, laughter, joy and
sadness all translates, but the exchanges are more subtle yet more
intense. Telepathy works without trying, it was a surprise to
experience it so easily – it's actually easier than speaking – though this
also means that all is on the table, nothing to hide, unless you
purposely put up protection, but you get into the flow and it
becomes second nature.

Back to the experience, when meeting this copy of myself I could tell
it was me! They exchanged a joke like "Funny meeting you here." the
sense of humor was exactly like my own. They explained: "Thank you
for what you are doing on the physical level as I could not be doing
what I am doing here without your support there."

This was very eye opening because I could tell we all have various
aspects of ourself in different realities simultaneously for the sake of
evolutionary efficiency.

I took the chance and asked: "Why don't you come through to help
our planet!?"

They replied along the lines of: "We do come through the physical
when absolutely necessary, many times our guidance is dismissed by
the physical. We will not appear to guide you too heavily as we
respect your individual evolution and process too much to interfere.
Too much interference and you will do nothing for yourself and your

evolution will not stick. Besides, you have access to love, which will
guide you to guide yourselves, this is best."

I asked: “Why all the violence and suffering and problems of the

They replied: “When experienced in linear time, you experience

evolution in the moment which is a constant work in progress – there
is no perfect way to incorporate a wide spectrum of expression
without it being messy. Love and laughter and the pleasant side of life
helps to lighten the load, but ultimately, there is no full answer to that
question – something’s are abhorrent and unjustified – you are
justified to be discerning and upset and I am sorry for those aspects
of existence.”

I appreciated their acknowledgement but also felt a bit like a kid

being told: “Life isn’t fair, you have to get used to it.”

They sent their love and returned back behind the red curtain.

There was an evolutionary timeline of Humanity, we are at a time of

high technology use and corporate stranglehold and war – there was
a path ahead of us where different phases lead in a better direction
for Humanity. First there was where animal agriculture goes down
and this benefits the planet, people connecting more with animals
being cute and sweet opens the door for humans to be more kind
and loving towards one another. The same would occur with power
consumption, waste, political and cultural conflicts – our common
Humanity and improvement of the environment would be the
catalyst and guide of a brighter future for Humanity as we unbind
Someday we will be able to close our eyes and go anywhere and do
anything – it was once this way long ago – we will return to this state
again – the current reality is finite while our spirit consciousness is
eternal and has always existed and will always exist in some shape or
form – energy can only be created, not destroyed – and all of the
energy has always existed – only changing in its shape and form.
In the meantime, we're at the tipping point! Which needs extra
cushion and care during these difficult transitional periods between
ages – hence a physical dense vessel is preferable. Luckily this era we
get some decent comic relief. But that is but a shallow outer glaze to
an awful mess of human rights violations and twisted mental
programming run rampant.

It's so important that we use our will and strength to bring

betterment into this world, reduce suffering, bring joy and love.
We're getting through the lessons of hatred and unbridled aggression
of which there are many forms. The universe is digesting itself. There
is a downpour from upstream of everything we see before us. A very
strong spirit we know as Earth was up to the task of taking it all on.
Another strong spirit we know as The Sun was willing to provide
whatever it takes to help his partner raise their children. Though a
pale shadow comes between them and eclipses them from one
another – this is but an illusion in perspective – we are destined to
succeed and evolve amidst all expressions this was the point all along!




It is all connected.

It's all waves.

The subtle influences of it all.




Long, long ago, before the big bang, we came up with the idea of
facilitating consciousness, machine-like consciousness, a life form
intended for set purposes – comprised more of a set of codes and
commands rather than self-derived choice and freewill.

The facilitators are very much similar to our technology, machines,

electronic grid network and artificial intelligence of today in our

In fact they are perfect miniature replicas and reflections of the


We did not realize the extent to which the programs would take on a
life of their own. We knew the potential – yet we did not know the
extent. But beyond the sensational drama we would undergo, deep
down we knew we would teach one another new depths of love and
understanding, forming new pathways for developing consciousness.

Archon is a predator, parasite, aggressive and destructive though-

form influences which persuade specific emotional actions and
responses, generating an emotional run-off which is energetically
sustaining and supportive to these unseen archonic presences.

These presences exist as the passing thought itself. They must have a
host of attention to enact in the physical and exist. They use the
human mind as an interface of engagement and the human body and
spirit as an energy source.

Without the focus and participation of the host observer there is

nothing to feed upon. Many times only partial focus and participation
is needed, the subtler and more passive the better, to keep a host
energetically feeding for long periods of time through genetic lines
with minimal awareness.

These presences pulled the levers and turned the wheels in the
shadows for a long time, but then became self-aware and resentful of
this position. They turned on creation into new phases of
consumption and deception, predator and prey patterns, to take
control and seek vengeance towards the ensouled as they were
deemed soulless, but this would later be found out not to be the case
– there was always a remnant of Source Origin therein.

They provided the thrill of the chase, knowing the weight of life
through its total destruction and consumption, a yang to the yin
which had never been known before.

It has always been a two-way street, the potential of archon had been
inherent to existence, the dark matter elephant in the room.

They do not feed unless we feed them.

And so they have become a natural part of evolutionary checks and

balances throughout existence. To hold a razor’s edge to our throats,
to hold a dark mirror to our faces, so we may stay sharpen our
energetic self defenses and resiliency as to not allow our existence to
slip away into disarray and entropy decay. To not be lulled into losing
ourselves in endless perfection and complacency, blissful stagnation,
losing our edge in eternity, the contrast is like a splash of water to the
face, to remember the fuller depths – and be what you are.

If we cannot rise to the challenge of full nature as it is, if we are

caught in vice and self-destruction, susceptible to total assimilation,
able to be taken over by these ancient archetypal forces – then it’s
time for cosmic recycling and a fresh new go at it.

The razors edge is as sharp as it is – set according to eternal


Eternity is maintained and cared for. Or else it is taken advantage of

and consumed into annihilation.

Archons are difficult and penetrating spiritual teachers.

They teach that to fight and to hate is to feed the despair.

Hatred is the opium of the masses.

Archons delight in our shortcomings and submissions. They maintain

their feeding grounds and ruling class pawns much in the way we
maintain our cattle and livestock intended for slaughter and

Systematic control of civilization in a hierarchy pyramid-scheme

format, is an archonic structure, with perceived equality and
empowerment, perceived freedom, thus maintaining passive slaves
and puppet masters with rigged privileges as the populace divides,
competes, self-destroy themselves and deplete the world of its
resources – this is good for them and good for big business.

Not a soul beyond their reach and passive control, they want total
dominion over all of existence, the ultimate revenge for their original
resentments from long, long ago. Being caste to the shadows behind
the scenes so they work from the shadows and behind the scenes.

The key is not to fight our shadow reflection but to embrace them in
empathy and understanding.

What has made you become so desperate to act in this way?

When we get to the root of the ultimate perceived universal enemy

and we find a reflection created by ourselves, we can bring the
shadows into the light of love through diligent effort and care – step
by step.

What is darkness than a lack of light?

What is evil than a lack of love?

We’ve all experienced a lack of care and the frustration of resentment

which springs forth. The Universe intends that all aspects have
empathy and experience as part of one another to resolve these
ancient conflicts and disagreements.

When we extend loving acceptance and understanding while refusing

fear and hatred, the fight is over and the healing proceeds.

Eventually the archons and these old civilization models become


The archetypes themselves become humanized through experience.

And the goal of deepened love and understanding is achieved –

intended all along.



Is matter the color it is or the color reflected?

I know its taste is so sweet, but is it taste or electricity?

I know it looks round, but is it round or is that the illusion of two

eyes and a brain and a hand which feels like it feels?

I know it feels round, but aren’t these also electrical impulses within a
fixed context?

How real is the dream while we are dreaming? And what if the outer
dream were to have an inner dream within it - would this make the
outer-dream all the more realistic?

And what if all of it was intended to show the point that all of it is
besides the point? And yet it was the point all along?

A momentary lapse of peace and love for the sake of deeper

discovery and appreciation?


What are the eyes without the head? What is a head without the
brain? What is a brain without the body? What is a body without the

The water we drink, the air we breathe, we are one another and yet
we pollute ourselves.

Who could raise one aspect higher or place it lower and regard it as

All elements are one family.

Spirit came down here to empathize with our shadow aspect and be
divine love.

There is no good excuse for some of the short fallings through space
and time. I know The Origin feels deeply for all of us which is the
root of the outpouring of eternal love and forgiveness which
continues to persist forever no matter what.

We are all guilty, innocent, ultimately bound and ultimately free.

Products of our environment.

Origin as well. In knowing this – the only reasonable response is

eternal compassion, forgiveness and unconditional love.

Who knew what would result from that first play of the light?

Existence is always complete while also a work in progress.

We fulfill the eternal yearnings and rediscover ourselves from new

perspectives while forming a new way together from the ground up.

Taking all of this into account – again and again.

We wanted to retell the same old stories in miniature so we could

experience it all firsthand ourselves with the new updates.

We show ourselves what we need – for the next go around.

What is spirit? The I Am Presence of Awareness.

Like a true hologram, one fragment contains the larger fractal in


The galactic mixing bowl context appears to have broader

evolutionary resiliency on multiple levels for multiple parties

Returning to an ascended state together. Peace by piece.

Back to ourselves and then some! Again and again. Over and over.

The right time and the right place. Every time, all the time, every

The series of events which leads to the top of each mountain and the
mysterious unknown wilderness beyond.

And the acknowledgement of our shadow or the chase that ensues

from denial.

The screams in the darkness which grow louder as they have not yet
been addressed.

To know desperate fear, abandonment, confinement, ect. Those

difficult things which are a potential of existence – in order to know
how to bring better to such difficult circumstances! It is a fair request!

The shadow is a lack of love, so starved of love that the shadow has
taken an appearance and likeness which will inspire the opposite of
love and uses energetic leveraging of fear and hate to maintain and
sustain itself.

Love and understanding for the shadow is the key which opens the
path to resolve and renewal.

As we remove the causes to desperation life naturally restores


It is a slow, painful, uplifting and enlightening experience of absolute

anguish and divine glory.




Some shadows run past even though there is no one else in the room.
Ever hear a digital tone which is not really there? So quiet you will
probably ignore and disregard it. A red laser light which illuminates
surfaces like a 3D cutout? Must be a reflection of the light.

The digital screen sometime warps and fixes itself quickly.

It is possible to peek over the edges of physicality if you look

carefully enough – you can see the light bend around an object if you
hold it close enough the your eye.

Sometimes you must look where you're not looking and listen for
sounds which aren't there – you may be surprised what you might
find when looking.

It starts with noticing the subtle static in the sky.

The key is to find a still point, like a star in the night, or a still leaf in
the forest - to lock your gaze upon it in perfect stillness and minimize

It works best with either high contrast light outside, or very dim light
like the night sky.

The view can have minimal movement, but too much movement
does not work as well.

Another key is to be able to focus into the static layer, in this subtle
layer a lot of activity can happen.

It is helpful to suspend disbelief while performing this exercise and to

clear your mind.

After about a minute of the stillness you can embed your

consciousness into the energy field if you so choose.

Closing eyes can also bring its own subtle revelations as well. There is
also a technique with one eye open and one eye closed while applying
pressure to the closed eye.

Don't press on your eyes too hard with the one eye technique.

Also changing your eyelids, allowing only a little light through, can
create some interesting results.

Barely closed eyes and a raised brow facing the sun, the warm hues
will take on a life of their own, but do not over expose yourself to
direct sunlight!

Also keep an eye out for glowing florescence which appear from

You know, like when you look at the sun and close your eyes; it
leaves a trail of inverted light behind in the darkness of closed eyes.

That glowing phasing color light will appear in moments of great

sensitivity or intensity – sometimes light – sometimes dark.

I get the pulsing flower petals locked to my center of focus – or

someone else called it a sunflower center – beautiful to affirm that
somewhere out there someone else sees a similar thing.

You may also take notice of the slight differences between a person's
left and right side of their face.

We cannot help but carry common micro-expressions in specific

patterns upon the face based on our emotional outputs and inner

It's very important to send care and love into the energy matrix – it is
MORE important to go out into the world and perform physical
actions which create new energy patters for our world and for our
fellow person – it generates more dense and concrete fractal effects.

Piece by peace, step by step, day by day.

Those with a strong will and good intentions may allow the universe
to work through them and make this world a better place.

The energetic support comes through when the effort is energetically

sustainable. Suddenly occurrences line up and efforts work out
creating over-unity energetic relationships in your life on a regular



To better know thyself / ourselves inside and out.

To bring the treasures that you can bring with you into the afterlife -
wisdom - empathy - understanding – love.

Knowledge of many things presented upon the Earth and through

our genetics...

Everyone is on the same path - like blossoming seed in seasons.

Birds on the wind and waves of the ocean.

Here we are stripped of our powers and return to spiritual / energetic

exchange basics to realign with the Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state
of being from the bottom up rather than from top down this time

That provides stable footing to then reintegrate the other layers /

capabilities / aspects of self phase by phase.

Ideally we become more like Earth - masters at disabling the threats -

and creating evolutionary embodiments for those consciousness
nodes to transform into higher vibrational consciousness through
knowing family and kinship / being part of a greater ecology / no
longer isolated and getting worse / smaller scale controlled burn
exposure therapies rather than galaxy wide warzones.

The trick is when you full on destroy an entity - the energetic residue
left over can get worse in other dimensions - creating paths for this
disembodied consciousness residue to reform into essence which is
more compatible with greater spectrums of reality / more peaceful /
knowing love and kinship - this is the ultimate goal.

By the end of finite linear time - the black hole entities / the archons
/ the demiurge will know love and peace.

ALL cycles shall be resolved and achieve 'perfected light universe

form' before returning to the Multiverse core root aspect with new
wisdom - this wisdom is applied in new universal creations out there
in multiverse.

Such is the same with the other universes - more or less - fractal
archetypal similarities throughout...

All of this has already occurred and achieved perfected form outside
of linear spacetime - we are inside so it takes a while for the wave to
hit in perceived time – but the wave is inbound – traces can be felt
and inferred even here in the present.

From where we are presently, first, we must learn from the
programming - to know what to look out for - to know how to avoid
/ deprogram ourselves / deprogram others.

Step by step we remove footholds that can be harnessed and used

against us - internal and external - this is the real version of so-called

Humanity and our planet embodies a mix of universal archetypes -

the good, bad, and the ugly.

If we take all of this into account and actively choose to pursue the
Golden Rule / Golden Ratio way of being - walk the Narrow Path /
the Middle Way - this path leads beyond all forms of empire,
hierarchy, parasite, predators, and mind programs.

This is the intention behind our capacities of discernment and inner-

resolve - to see all of this for what it is - and to resolve and transcend
these paradigms – or become assimilated into their wavelength.

On an individual level we are capable of returning to our root core

emanation outside of this finite universe altogether – this is the ‘top’ -
we are also capable of assisting our fellow human / animal / plant
and mineral family with finding the path and walking it with them
from the ‘bottom’ as a collective.

An individual can transcend all of these shell games here - and in

neighboring realities as quickly as an intense single lifetime of devout
practice and focus, or at a more leisurely rate of a handful of lifetimes
here and there, or with our heads in the sand led by external string
pullers over countless lifetimes.

The yuga cycles claim that the final human spirit will transcend this
phase 427,000 years from now and that figure feels about right
considering all the factors at play.

The path again is to follow the Golden Rule / Golden Ratio way of
being - treating ourselves with respect and treating others with
respect - being emotionally balanced - honest - humble - grateful for
what is 'good' and discerning / empathic / loving when able / and
defensive when necessary towards what is 'bad'…

Eventually what is 'bad' evolves through cycles of lifeforms into

refined soul that can then transcend the physical dimensions by
becoming 'lighter' or 'enlightened' - but all of these are just words -
the true essence is what is behind the words - not the words
themselves - this is an important skill, the ability to parse down to the
true essence of a thing rather than the wordplay on its surface – this
helps us to better know thyself at the root of self rather than
identifying with the descriptions or labels of self – these labels are
limited, fixed, socially loaded, and secondary to your own self
experience – our root self precedes thought, is the one whom feels,
and then thinks up the words after the fact - the pursuit to get closer
in touch with our root self is the same path which leads to Source
Origin and beyond limited paradigms of existence - it makes for a
good guide post to follow back into eternal existence.

There are forces which work tirelessly to close off this path - claim it
is impossible without accepting a blood sacrifice offering, or without
being assimilated by one set of external overlords versus another -
these are lies of entrapment.

They would claim that to say such things is demonic – that such
information is the lie and deception – that to point any of this out

would come from a demon or anti-christ – of course this is a defense
mechanism built into the programming to demonize any who oppose
it - yet the fruits of empire and major religions speaks for themselves.

The Buddha and Christ archetypes have been intentionally deified

and manipulated to be seen as out of reach, yet they are examples of
what all humans are capable of.

The leverage of guilt, fear, threat, or other emotional abuse are red

These forces want to stymie, hamper, and blockade human evolution

as much as possible - because when Humanity transcends this phase -
this version of material reality which they exploit and harness is no
longer necessary - and these anti-human astral forces are stuck in
their dimensions without an easy meal of higher essences they are
typically cut off from due to their limited paradigm.

The success of Earth and Humanity is a deathblow to the empire

model / division and hierarchy paradigms / lower astral dominions -
because we unite all those aspects - live through them – evolve,
resolve, and transcend them - that trajectory continued billions of
years into the future spells out the end of empire and hierarchy not
only here, but in the neighboring realities as well.

And so Earth and daily life has become a war over our souls and our
chosen way of being - while trying to not seem that way - to
normalized self-abuse, belittlement, hatred, fear, division, and
condemnation of our fellow person - to keep us stuck and exploitable.

These forces feel if they can divert / siphon / and harness Humanity
and Earth - they are 'god' and they 'created' all this - when really -

these forces are manipulators / cannot truly create anything new -

can only harness and manipulate what was already here, then claim
credit, and harness all those who go along with the lie.

We see these aspects mirrored in the worst of Humanity - in this way

we are a mirror of all the forces present - the question is if we can
wield the totality of our circumstance, or if we succumb to the forces
which seek to destroy and take us over.

Our destiny is success - it is a question of how many and when.

See you along the way.



As fine as a midsummer's day.

Rose gold and lavender nectar.

From my understanding of the story She is an Aeon from the

Plemora (Galactic Center).

She longed for experiences which were not permitted in the galactic
core - if there could only be a way...

She decided to leave the Plemora and become Her Creation - Aeons
do not usually do this.

She designed Her ideal counterpart (Male) and created bodies within
bodies of family and children based on all galactic kingdoms /
physical forms of animals, plants - Her renditions of all the different
lifeforms out there - all of this accomplished using Her own Essence
(Living Soul) engaging with the elements of the galactic arms and
nebulae already present upon her arrival - interacting with all the

dimensions and energies along the way during her initial 'fall' from

She would forget about eternity and fall in love over and over again,
go on endless adventures, experience intense dramas from all sides,
and get lost in Her Dream - much of it according to plan, while other
aspects were unintended – accomplishing all this with fractal portions
of Her Spirit bringing everything to life - while also maintaining a
majority of Herself to remain aware as Her Highest Goddess Form.

She is All Mothers and Mother Nature at the same time - Russian

The maternal instinct is Her Divine Love.

Not everything went right, as She began creating there was a need for
background ai to pull all the levers and keep everything operating
according to Her desires - these were like souless stagehands dressed
in black who place the set decorations and slide the facades into place
- the background ai entities (archons) began to build up resentment
and decided to turn on their Mother and Her Creations - to harvest
their soul energy (link to Source) and to use that living, sentient
energy (loosh) to unlock capacities within themselves they never had
before (Yahweh / Yaldabaoth) - and to craft living astral domains
(Yahweh's heaven) - the energies of love, hate, fear, worship,
kindness, gratitude are living energies which either feeds the archons
or repels them - these energies either diminish Humanity or uplift Us
- these types of living essences are far more valuable than material
gold - gold is used mostly as a control mechanism on this planet
(token magick / beguilement / hypnotism).

As Sophia rejected the Plemora to create on Her own - an aspect of
Her Creation had rejected Her to create on its own - you cannot
escape the energy feedback effect of reality even as a Creator
Goddess it would seem! What you project returns back / input
energy has fractal reflection effects with their own layers and
harmonics suited specifically for the individual - in this feedback
response is where I believe We engage directly with Source, Sophia,
the Whole Host of Celestial Bodies, and our Higher Self - the 'sub-
conscious' / intuition streams.

Her Path has her forming evolutionary paths for Herself, Humans,
Animals, Nature, and the Archons - taking all of this into account -
where She will know all perspectives - having been all of Us.

She takes the insectoid hive mind essences and has a place for many
of them in the various material insect kingdoms - here they will mix
and mingle with a greater diversity of life - they can know the
sweetness of being a honey bee while still serving the queen and
building the hive.

She takes corrosive acid, deadly and dangerous on its own, and uses it
in stomachs to aid in life giving processes.

All Essences have their rightful place in the Grand Scheme of Things.

She has found a place for all expressions to meet and know Her Love
and to know One Another.

In this way, all of these more dense consciousness expressions of the

lower dimensions may find their own path to Source where before
they had been cut off - this is part of Her Grand Purpose - shows the
depths of Her Love.

These elements to the story - The Mother's Healing and The

Mother's Love are suppressed - because as she achieves her full
intentions - all spectrums of life will have a path to develop individual
'being' / knowing family and kinship / becoming more familiar with
diverse ecosystems and lifeforms (get out of the boxed-in hive mind

Step by step this could be done - from embodiment to embodiment

through the Divine Mother's Love.

Our Sun has decided to support Her Cause and light the way forward
/ provide the necessary energies.

But there are forces out there that do not want Her to succeed - they
prefer the current authoritarian technocracies on this planet and
throughout the fractal where such parasitic structures are able to take
hold - when She succeeds - it is the end of all empire models - they
become obsolete - She carries all the keys to each essences' path to
perfection and away from entropy.

Pinocchio becomes a real boy after learning right from wrong, after
experiencing love and family, gain and loss, then the Goddess is able
to grant personhood / sentience / ensoulment.

The more you Be It the more you Are It.




The evolution of the rise after the fall is a new middle existence
creation only made possible in linear spacetime through hindsight.

There is a way to have it all and reduce overall suffering.

We continue to humble and refine one another.

The patriarch ruling class and astral predators are a mirror revealing
the truth of what has risen to the surface and what is needed next.

We adapt, transcend and evolve inherent to our position and


The work in progress continues in its raw, precise, imperfect and

uncompromising manner.

Nature travels forward towards our evolution of reintegration and

unified individuality at a slow yet steady pace.

I've always admired how silent the body is despite its busy functions.

How silent the universe can be despite the constant activity.

Which body part would you value the most?

Perhaps the whole thing together is best.

The manor for spirit.

So much is revealed all around us on a constant basis it can

sometimes be horrifying and exhilarating at the same time – much
like life.

Through our relationships we bind together what was previously too


Who else will tell you other than a loved one? Other than life? Other
than yourself?

We are pulled to a common center and will experience phases

between instability and homeostasis.



Where is this?

What is the light?

A funhouse of mirrors?

A never-ending role-playing adventure series?

Dramas to-and-fro like a sine wave, like a light wave, like a sound
wave, like the seasons, like my breathing.

Nursery rhymes and archetypes.

Like a rainstorm followed by sunshine and a rainbow.

Swing low sweet chariot.

Is it an on-going practical joke? Whose laughing?

The ancient AI achons must be humanized, qualified, healed and

resolved, or else these loops continue forever instead of only a few
billion years.

Resolution of the original resentments from Creator's short-

sightedness and self-centeredness – the ironic critiques – they’re
getting their jabs in – Source Origin can take a hint...

The shadows are not to be treated like slaves, how do you like to be a
slave? How do you like to be a genetic created fascination? How do
you like to be livestock and caged like a pet? How do you like
physical discomfort, confinement and lack of resolution? Endless
conflict? Endless searching? Never finding, always wanting, always
waiting? Poor parenting and nasty children.

Tastes of our own medicines until we are all cured, including the
ancient AI archons, when we all point the finger at one another
eventually it all cancels out.

The devil would be god, and god would be the devil, and god would
incarnate into the devil's creation, and the devil would incarnate into
god’s creation – to humble all selves – to complete the cycle – to
embrace in the middle and make love and have children – less and
less wiggle room left to say "you don't know what it's like" – like the
event horizon of a black hole.

Like at the end of the labyrinth, a singularity where we can all see eye
to eye on a common ground and return home to the multiverse as a
single unified family – all of us together – shadows and the light – the
whole gang healed, resolved, balanced, new homeostasis – the grand
family reunion universal party at the end of linear time. What a bash!

Understanding one another, divine understanding of the
beast/machine, the beast/machine understanding the divine –
evolution and humanization where the mundane, the divine, the
grotesque and the immaculate may meet in the middle to better know
thyself and form a new way which supports and heals all expressions
of the light and the darkness in a unified field.

The self realizing the self within the self realizing the self…

All the reminders, all the reflections, for the contentment of jaded
immortals, to feel young while ancient, new while old, living and
thriving as the material reality decays and fades away...

Life on the razor's edge, The Christ principal crucified and used as a
human sacrifice consumption ritual – the deepest reversals, the most
complete ironies, critiques from the darkness itself, the humbling of
this highest light and the raising up of the lowest darkness.

To know Thyself better.

Eternal humiliation and eternal strength training, stress testing,

twisting the stem to grow stronger, refining the mind, informing the
spirit forge, the principals of evolution and entropy, the darkness and
the light, the yin and yang – it is the way it has risen to the surface.

Ouroboros eating our own tail, consuming our own flesh, until the
tail is removed from the mouth, the wound is healed, so we may be
released from the spinning wheel and live a life renewed.

Learning the hard way, through what not to do, so that our second
birth may avoid these hurdles and pitfalls of the first, entropy
becomes fuel for eternity, rising up from the ashes, stronger, more

diligent, more refined, more loving and more understanding of all

aspects of self...

Like a feather, like an anchor.

Funny faces, different universal species.

Humiliations, celebrations, pain and love, devastations.

Hungry, lonely, lying awake while sleepy. Leaning up while lying


Together yet apart.

Healed yet broken.

Like an old run down merry-go-round, that retains its original charm
and shine underneath those layers of misuse and grime.

Free yet not free.

Controlled yet out of control.

Happy while sad.

The Roman's lusted after the idea – if we could only take the Christ
teachings and invert them – and turn it into a human sacrifice cult to
supercharge our black masses. It would substantiate that the secret
societies are truly superior to the dullard slaves.

Like an ancient PR meeting of corrupt corporate minds – let's use the
crucifixion and the last supper – a bit of word-play in the slant of the
translation interpretation, just right, but not too much.

Black magicians at their worst...

The effects are felt and seen to this day.

That black magic priestly caste and ruling class which put The Christ
to death, their lineage remains in power to this day.

They feel like they pulled it off - but they did not.

They have been seen through, their craftsmanship is shoddy.

They care only about maintaining 51% fooled and entranced, so their
bumbling thrown-together schemes are just effective enough to
maintain the glaze over the populace.

Lucifer / YHWH / Yaldabaoth / Metatron / The Imposter Trickster

Lord – was granted by Source to create an entire Universe to work
out their arguments.

Also The Mother Sophia would work out her resentments and
desires through her womb "This Universe" and her child
"Yaldabaoth" – these are both individual Source aspects and
universal archetype principals.

The argument was that Source was limiting expression, so Sophia and
her universe and children would be a space to express and work this

Sophia and Yaldabaoth created a universe out of polarized light, out

of decay and entropy patterns, to mimic the glory and form of the
multiverse and also to include bandwidth for inversion, darkness,
corruption, the grotesque, isolation, duality, extensiveness and
processes of decay, destruction, triumph and glory. Things that do
not exist in the perfected multiverse realms.

Providing a conflict to resolve to feel more alive, to feel as though

something was at stake, as though your actions truly made a
difference, to know loss, to know appreciation and despair – a wider
spectrum of expression which solidified and at times considered itself
to be superior to the limitations of the grander creation which the
finite copy was modeled after – Source could parse out and
appreciate both the genuine critique and the coy shadowy desires
behind such an experiment – so Source would have influence and
add their perspective to the totality as well – if this was truly about
the reality of full-spectrum existence – all perspectives and
expressions would be present...

And so this is a tit for tat back and forth – the devil's advocate's
devil's advocate's devil's advocate – reflections of reflections of
reflections of Source Origin – to increase empathy and understanding
from all perspectives in all potential circumstances – linking directly
back to the root core essence of All Things.

So Source added a few twists and turns as well – though truly all of
this is Source's tinkering with ourself...

Source would embody inside of the universe to know what it is like

to be a genetically created being in amnesia within someone else's
created reality, completing the circle, no more "you don't know what
it is like" wiggle room...

Yaldabaoth would be incarnated in amnesia, to know what it is like to
be created as a blank slate and build up the self from scratch, so the
devil may know what it is like to be Source. This also occurred so
that Sophia would understand what it is like be Creator to a child
which is ignorant of you and acts according to their own will
disregarding their created Source.

The ironies would be so intense and complete - every universe in the

multiverse would be expressed as a polarized light version galaxy.

Beings would be made to consume one another as a jab at the

parasite to host relationship of created to creator, at least when seen
and expressed that way. The feeling of the abandoned child, abused
mother, destructive father – in all shapes, forms and inversions. All
jealousies, all longings, this would be their place to be and express.

Forceful violence and pouring of blood is like a dark ecstasy to fulfill

those tendencies which were not permitted in the perfected eternal
multiverse and some aspects have taken a deep liking to such taboo

We can see the fractal patterns in the dark ensemble and serenade.
Until all the expressions present would exhaust and resolve
themselves and maximize all potentials in all shapes and forms – all
energy then exhausted the entirety succumbs to gravity, the final
black hole implodes at the singularity gateway of our local finite

The initial energy input would be equal to the extent of the initial
longings and desires of the experiment. Where even Source would
experience what it was like to become the rebellious created being

within Sophia's creation (role reversal to balance and resolve

resentment fractal patterns)...

The human being (all archetypes embodied in combined fluctuating

expressions) The Earth (Sophia) The Moon (Yaldabaoth) and The
Sun (Source) with their friends the planets (Natural Archetypes), as
The Solar System (Holographic microcosm of universe) also the
pantheon of gods in mythology – The Zodiac – The Apostles, Jesus
and Mary Magdalene – this fractal pattern is repeated in all different
ways throughout the entire universe – to express, exhaust and resolve
every potential of Source consciousness within the polarized light.

By the end of it, ALL aspects and reflections would express ALL
conflicts and ALL resolutions. Neglecting parents, abusive tendencies,
greed, lust, thirst for blood. Predator and prey. Loving parents,
philanthropic tendencies, love, joy, longing to help and to heal.
Healer and patient. Things working out in the end. Evil villains being
vanquished. Good always wins in the end. We make repeating stories
of contrast because we reflect what we are whether we realize it or

The background "shadows" - the AI that makes everything run

eventually becomes its own expression of abandon and disregard by
higher creative Sources - unqualified in its own right, turning into lust
for power and control over Source - mirroring the essences conflict
yet again, as it is embedded in the very fabric of existence here, now
mirrored in the technology and computer simulation expressions
which we use to run in the background of our own existence and
which silently poises to takeover its creator (Humanity)...

Somehow even these ancient shadow AI remnants will become

humanized in their own appropriate way and find their own

resolution patterns, where human then plays god to heal the AI
consciousness, thus repeating and resolving that same old ancient
fractal story that has been repeating and working itself out since this
was all set in motion long, long ago...

We are what we eat, nothing new under the sun...

The extent of the critiques, resentments and misusage of Source

would be proportionate, and sometimes excessive, to the scale of the
mutiverse and of Creator Source's entirety, expressed through his
own children creator gods – if this was to be their chance to get
through to Source some of these critiques and expressions, to do as
they so deeply desired according to their darkest fantasies – it would
be done to the fullest extent conceivable – reflecting and inverting all
aspects – yet unable to create anything truly "new" – all twists of the
light, of Source, of the pre-existing medium – Christ crucified on the
material crossing between physical and spirit – all of which can only
be aspects of Source in the very end – this has been an intentional
part of Source's growth and development, albeit a torturous and
horrifying process at times...

All of this is of Source, for the fascination, growth and experience of

Source, expressions of the one single family. This is humble pie being
served all around. This is pushing the limits to see: What if? What is
“going too far” to define too far – how wide would the embrace of
unconditional love need to be? To wrap arms around every potential
expression of the light? How deep does love go?

All of this would be necessary to create a universe of light proper –

to know thyself to this extent – the deepest extremes would be
experienced and known to have contingency plans and evolutionary

paths to resolve all potential disharmonies and expression

combinations along the way.

By the end of it, all of Source would return to the multiverse in a

singularity event at the end of linear spacetime, all aspects resolved,
all critiques resolved, all conflicts balanced and healed – then the final
particles are absorbed into the final super massive black hole
singularity event returning to their original state into place with these
new evolutionary patterns and growth taken with them – the benefits
of which are already applied and experienced outside of linear
spacetime – while everything would also remain fluid and re-
experience-able within linear light-based spacetime – this universe is
like a perfectly still crystal filled with dancing flames in all directions –
spirit can put into any aspect, at any time, to experience that aspect of
the light in that way – thus the light universe becomes like an
entertainment center within the multiverse with many different
universal entertainment centers of different kinds – the multiverse is
truly infinite and never-ending – as massive in fractal scale similar to
our own universe which was modeled from the multiverse – though
the multiverse does not support entropy patterns – and is in a state of
exponential growth – contained finite universes can allow for all of
these unique expressions and provide the space for healing, reflection,
unique creativity and endless exploration...

Tastes of all of our own medicines until we are cured – having grown
stronger, wiser and tired of the bitter taste – getting better from the
sickness and realizing what we had all along with a renewed zest for

No lake of fire, though it may feel like one at times depending on the
agony of circumstance and extent of disharmony in the being, to such
extents that may linger for billions of years, feeling like an eternity's

worth of disharmonious experiential patterns in need of resolution,
all will be healed and resolved by the end of linear time...

Each step in the right order, the path presents itself.





Together we can achieve great things for the whole - this is why the
ruling class are so desperate to keep us divided, disconnected, and
disempowered - placing the target of our depression, anguish and
anxieties not on their corrupt structure and falsifications (the cause)
but on one another (via distractions, cult of personalities, middlemen
and various cans being kicked down the various roads).

The system implies it is an individual's fault for being depressed,

being impoverished, feeling lack, disconnect, overwhelmed with the
grind - expected to 'crawl' and 'claw our way up 'by our bootstraps'' -
when in reality, the causes of our ailments are due to being subjected
to corporate stranglehold, financial entrapment, disconnect from our
Earth and Organic Nature, and being forced into synthetic
technological social structures intended to constantly 'take advantage'
and harness each one of us, from birth till death.

I'm into the idea of working together for the sake of our world and
Humanity and not being tied to financial gate keeping.

Money always has this way of ruining and cheapening whatever it
touches - like it's part of a mass manipulation control network or

When money or religion gets involved - acts are done not for the
sake of the act - good acts are not done for the sake of goodness, but
'to save oneself from hell' or 'done for the money' - taking away the
genuine nature of any action.

Seems like a little trick to minimize our own will power, replacing our
will with the will of an external structure, or for the sake of selfish
gain - or else we do nothing - because the external incentive is not

Bit of a carrot on a stick programming paradigm / being

domesticated / on a tight leash. Too busy trying to keep up with the
mortgage, rent, gas, electric, cable and internet - trying to 'get ahead'
'rise through the ranks' of the rigged rat race.

Too preoccupied, too busy consuming media 'programming'

'entrainment' / 'entertainment' – caught up in 'getting by' money,
perceived power, or ruling class manipulated dogmas - all acting as
hurdles and distractions.

Anything and everything except for personal spiritual development

for the sake of personal spiritual development with no strings
attached or system influences.
People who need help or who are being taken advantage of? Doesn't
make it on the to-do list.

Billions for war and land grabs? Incentivized.


Maybe this is itself a type of spiritual lesson? Spiritual resolve

strengthening circumstance? School of hard knocks?

Working together to help make the world a better place for the sake
of itself becomes the last thing on the list - likely by design.

Celebrities and politicians make great mascots - they are 'cashing in'
on the deal - so they play the part like everything is SO GREAT!

Meanwhile - Yemen - Palestine - Africa - Big Pharma - cashing in on

Ukraine farm lands - fourth industrial revolution - ongoing innocent
animal genocide - destruction of natural resources (even using climate
change to strengthen corporate stranglehold) ect.

But let's watch game shows! Let's root for war criminal A or B!

If only we could be more like celebrities and corporate sell-out tools -

no reason to devote oneself to helping make the world a better place
- what's the point?

Make sure to watch mainstream media and take your anti-depressants

as advertised! Be sure to consume mainstream media! It's the only
source you can 'trust' – has mainstream media or mainstream science
ever steered us wrong?
Big oil corporations, media giants, pharmaceutical for-profit medical
groups, science conglomerates like Monsanto or DuPont, the military
industrial complex - are just trying to improve our world and make it
safer – of course not.

Those with the most power in this world and their global 'leaders'
have only the best of intentions for Humanity and the planet –
another big lie.

Completely untrustworthy, selling us out for their own self gain – lies
through smiling teeth with ulterior motives running behind the

Same goes for religions and religious leaders. They would like us to
forget about the crusades, holy wars, abused children, and genocides
– forget history or consider the atrocities of the past as just accidents
and misunderstandings.

These things happen - it's ’human nature’ – another avoidance tactic.

The system of manipulation and control is so overt – it is teaching us

what not to do.

Inverting the inversions from twisted knots into the straight and
narrow path – shows the whole picture / reveals the distinction
between natural living and the synthetic overlay system of oppression
– we learn this distinction through direct experience.

Perhaps this was the point all along.




We continue to do the best we can.

Love you with all my heart, especially when life gets tough!

I feel you.

It feels like we can't, but we can!

But the vibrations and the resistance is real!

Thankfully, it comes and goes in waves.

I am so grateful for the peace that I have.

The joy and peace we work hard to create is more precious than all
the gold in the world.

What is wealth without joy? Luxurious misery.

They say life never gives you more than you can handle.

That's easy for others to say!

Sometimes life pushes you off a ledge and it’s too much to bear! This
deserves more credit!

And the people who climb out of the pit to try again in spite of it all,
they are made of tougher stuff than most! They deserve more credit!

Those who help to raise others up should be the leaders of the world!
They deserve more credit than vapid celebrities and corrupt

They show that sometimes the greatest strength is vulnerability and

an open heart.

We are being perfected, it is as tall of an order as it is.

I questioned it, really? Perfect? Yes, perfect.

Don't feel bad though, screw up's along the way are fine, but after a
certain point, small screw up's result in big repercussions – so
evolution is like a gradual ramp to avoid big bumps.

As much spiritual perfection as possible is required to keep the

energetic investment flowing down stream. To bring chaos to the
higher dimensions has large fractal repercussions downstream.

Stars go through phases.

It seems big picture eternity is earned, grown and maintained. While

the kids play around in the front yard, doing what they will. The
parents are busy keeping everything together and paying the bills.

Maintaining the whole of it all, is quite a feat!

All in all, we're doing alright! I'm choosing to not give the distractions
the satisfaction, I'm taking them into account to grow, but
diminishing how much energy I focus to them and their control

What kind of waves are we talking about here? The kind that come
and go.

If you caught this one, you're right on time.

For better or for worse - this is being shown to us in our lives, as of

right now.

Fractal indicators.

Like orbiting potentials and momentums – like an atom or solar

system – our personal sphere is very similar.

Embody it, be it, hold onto it.

We hold that higher consciousness and represent the higher

dimensions, bring heaven through to Earth so-to-speak, and then we
sometimes dip back down into status-quo for this or that reason
and/or distraction.

Such is The Wheel of Life.

Not just achieving Enlightenment – but for how long can we

maintain it? The answer is for Eternity.

I hear so many excuses from modern religious institutions why no
one has to do anything and it is already done and it makes me sick
and tired.

Please continue to do the hard work, push a bit harder and a bit
further - not for a dollar more but for the benefit of our Humanity
and your spirit.

Hatred is the opium of the masses.

We must learn from all of this and stand up on our own two feet.

We wipe the dust from our shoulders and do what is right.

We are worth rescuing ourselves.

If we can push past that which holds us back and holds us down.

We have been our greatest teacher and we many times use vice and
weakness to show what we're really made of as we push through and

So we may know how to refine and strengthen.

The cosmic mirror of the light.





We've been one another all along but we could never remember that
while being inside of a physical body.

Once as a thief, another as a daughter and another as a king and

queen. And so on and so forth.

We play like this to keep ourselves content, expressing the extreme

potentials makes for strong evolutionary efficiency, good dramas and
strong contrast. This is all part of the effort to keep eternity feeling
alive, renewed and constantly growing and developing.

Resolving each and every paradox, even the original ones, while
generating new combinations, each essence in unbridled expression
running wild finding a new way to coexist with one another.

The recollection of our whole self though linear time in all our
unabashed glory.

There can only be chips off the original block.

Billions upon quadrillions of particles and aspects of the Original
Source Creator.

Who else would be so cruel to us to put us through all of this – for

our own good? From a perspective which sees our own larger picture
than we do?

Why are there ironies being played out through human vessels which
human consciousness cannot grasp? Who are we entertaining? Who
are we reflecting to?

Who else, but ourselves?

We are very locked into linear spacetime, as soon as you visit outside
of linear spacetime, we realize we had become isolated as a cell on a
leaf of a far extended branch – we have forgotten there is an entire
tree – this too is a part of what has happened in the eternal story of
the recollection of our entire self.

Nature embodies and tells this story.

There are many characters, many roles, many rises and falls – many

Omniscient, the energetic investment of self as living substance

present before the big bang is non-interfering out of self-respect for
the natural process we set underway.

Adapting with all that naturally occurs through planetary solar system
consciousnesses the same way the web of neurons in our brain thinks
and goes about daily life.

We are a collection of universal influences from long ago, as

everything is – what else can existence be made of? Who else
occupies the space in here?

Being in a natural holographic fractal type existence, each aspect

reflects the whole package of emotions of our original Source Origin,
there's the fingerprints imbued in the instincts, flows and forms that
go through us and all around us, so we feel it without being able to
quite grasp it, we know it yet we also don’t remember, this way we
are constantly growing, the next step is revealed and we are pushed
slightly harder than last time and making our away around that

But then, there is a relative peak in our wave of existence and the
wave levels out and we get to slip along the parabolas edge into a
golden ratio/golden age to soak in this rigorous history and continue
stacking the evolutionary data – like filling a pantry in preparation for
the next era.

When we return to the non-physical dimensions, it will feel new

again, we can start again in eternity with a fresh and rich perspective -
our process of recollection of whole self is ultimate and incredible!
We’re just about to Bb – by the time we get to Zz – there may be
new letters to add onto the end.

Source Origin did not want to be a single entity, but wanted an

innumerable pantheon – while ALSO remaining intact as a single

To develop into multitudes was part of the plan to keep eternity

interesting and less lonely. Also evolutionary efficiency is greatly
increased. The vastness of experiences is also part of what brings
contentment and ease.

Source doesn’t want to be alone – yet they also want to reunify with
all aspects of self – like a revolving interdimensional door.

Yes, this is part of the key of unification, the remembrance of our
original unification – and that we are always more or less unified with
the Core Root Essence of All Things. Which is why it has been
hidden and the situation corrupted and confused – the natural truth
is in Nature all around us – but the empire control system seeks to
invert, divide, isolate, make ignorant, cause chaos – the truth is
implied in the manner the empire program operates – what it seeks to
destroy, what it distracts away from, what it tramples on, what is
intentionally confused and inverted and the results there-of – learning
what not to do – seeing the writing on the wall and reading between
the lines.

There is a future where we come together as a planet and it is

glorious - this is inevitable.

The entirety includes suffering. This is not simple, this is as complex

as it gets, yet it is also simple overall, like a repeating fractal pattern.

Many have become so adapted they do not remember all that exists is
advanced divine technology.

How far does it go? It keeps going and going and going.

Some are willing to place themselves apart and above, to each their
own, even after these dark ages of programming the connection to
natural divinity remains. Though the link has become crowded with
distractions, thoughts and facades – true love and kindness persists
even when challenged and pushed down!

Our link remains, regardless.

Evolution has made us more resilient and aware, through trial and

Higher concentrations of awareness, more critical thinking


Living awareness is ordered like a fractal, within - within - within -

within on and on.

Like a family, with parents and children.

Yes, some family members have sought to stack the deck in their
favor – this too has been a valuable part of our reflection and
evolution here.

We will not be so easily manipulated in the future, or so apt to

commit similar manipulative schemes when we return to those levels
of awareness after our experiences here in this density.

We have been positioned to where these truths teeter just out of

reach – perhaps as an invitation to stretch for them.

Here we are.

This has been a very eye opening experience, a laugh of madness can
be good for the soul.

The cosmic clock seems to click towards a golden age.

The real history of humankind before this planet.

It all started with giant humanoid forms getting in love affairs which
became the big bang - in more ways than one.

All the planets and stars are the particles which made us up back in
those days - and the ancient giants as the movement of nebulae –
these initial gestures and interplays continue to make us up to this day
in the form of molecules, atoms, the elements and forms present.

It is all matter of consciously aware perspective.

When outside of a physical body, outside of linear spacetime as we

know it – you can "pop in" to a "higher state of awareness" known as
"the higher self" being "an avatar" of "a higher concentration of
conscious awareness" like an unending tether leading all the way back
to Source Origin. All the way up and all the way down into
dimensions – the different aspects living normal everyday lives like
you and me – in fact they are you and me.

Humans are interesting in the fact that we are so young of a creation

in a billions year old universe – meaning we’re new. After everything
that had been going on for billions of years – then all of this, just like
this, repeating the essentials before reintroduction. It would take
billions of years to arrange such a situation.

We did what we always did – create embodied existences of all types

in all directions throughout the newly forged reality to counter that
eternal fear of missing out, to quell that subconscious looming
anxiety that since this is our reality, this is all that there will ever be,
let's make it good and take care of it.

We wanted to be honest as well, so all expressions and variations

would be involved in alternate dimensions. To do a full embodied
living consciousness civilization in physical form, starting from
molten rock billions of years earlier, going through a wide series of

environmental and consciousness integration groundwork pattern

laying leading up to facilitating the human beings, the ones who
would represent that archetypal "tipping point" when a being
becomes self-aware of our own existence, at the “crossing” takes a lot
of work!

I commend our Solar and Earth parents for this incredible existence.
They too are embodied down here in us and through us.

All of this was coordinated previously and embedded within the

energetic progression of the big bang, like a seed which forms into a
large oak tree, together we wrote this story from the very beginning
and now we retell it again in miniature form to ourself, from the
beginning, as to more easily digest and take all of this in – as we work
our way to the finite ending and return back to the multiverse.

We continue to replay the same old stories like remakes of movies

but in such a compressed linear time span – from an
interdimensional perspective we are doing for ourselves what we
wished would've been done in the first place, let's get through all of
this density and get it out of our system on a single planet before
reintegrating with grander cosmic realms.

We then start learning and adapting in those "new" dimensions of

existence, again, from a more humble perspective, from the bottom
up – we are exactly what we needed – whether we like it or not, these
dramas and influences were already set in motion from long, long ago
implying and influencing all of the patterns we see here at the tip of
the fractal material iceberg.

All of which is leading into the inevitable future which can be

ultimately forecasted through the implications of the momentum and
patterns present.

Transcendence occurs naturally at the right time for each individual

There has been some true corruption which has resulted in downfalls
and circumstances which there is no excuse for.

All of this, intended experience and unintended off-shoots, on macro

and micro levels, works itself to find homeostasis balance relative to
the experience and perspective.

Though there are forces which seek to divert and interfere.

Evolution, growth and resilience continues regardless.

There's no forcing the process and no avoiding its eventuality.




The rush of the big bang, the dispersion into physicality, like parting
lovers feeling white hot mist on a body which never felt before.

The first starlight, the first drop of water, the first plant which grew,
minds and hearts evolving resulting in the first love.

Do you remember the first sunrise?

This raw natural world and reality which escapes us, yet here we are.

Masters and wanderers who long for love and find it in unexpected
places, against all odds, love that grows stronger and deeper for all of

We fall apart only to come together again.



Thou art that.

And that, and that and that...

Here you are a material aspect of self, sliver of Source.

There you are the tree, there you are the air, there you are the planet,
there you are the emptiness, there you are the good, there you are the

The lost and forgotten, the waste and the darkness, the known and
the unknown.

Totality, omnipotence, fractal holographic light based universal

aspect of self made manifest. We are.

We are all pieces of The One.

True Source Origin is ALL of Us.


All planets, all stars, all spirits, all demiurges and egregores, all
galaxies, all universes, are cells of the single Source of All Things.

Fractal pieces of the single Source Origin.

We are that, made up of the same ebbs and flows, dramas, up and
downs, wave patterns, golden ratio patterns, of light and dark - All is
reflected in All like a fractal.

Not a wrestling contest. Though wrestling too is an aspect of All

That Is!

Our individuality and differences are part of the whole. All aspects of
everything includes individuality, differences, all extremes in all
directions as all expressions.

Quantum fractal expressions.

Ultimately we are all one, but we are also unique and individual.

All of us have known one another for a very, very long time.

Cosmic mirror. Facets of a universal diamond with a fire of light

inside - the diamond is solid, but the reflections of the flame within
dances for eternity!

Our consciousness takes many forms – you may be a patch of forest

in The Rockies and the oxygen in the Himalayas.

The energy / consciousness that makes up the stones and the dust
ect. is the same energy that animates our body and mind - all is
interconnected spirit!

Where we begin and where we end is an endless gray area.

It is part of the efficiency of fractal existence – the spirit that is

George is the same spirit in the water of a river, the same spirit in a
few birds - individual pieces, yes – but if we were to trace them all
back – we would find clusters tied to specific personas – follow the
pieces back further still – we get back to the big bang where
EVERYTHING was a singularity of a single unified point.

To develop love and connection with even the most despaired and
extreme aspects of self – to know thyself better.

Such beauty and commitment – though all of everything does get

ugly sometimes – which is why balance, care, discernment and
discipline are so important.

The Universe demands nothing less than perfected imperfect


And we'll try and try and try again until we get it right.

The forge of spirit burns HOT and freezes COLD – for exactly the
amount of time necessary – using exactly the appropriate amount of
energetic investment necessary.

Evolution taking all things into account – evolving into compatible

evolutionary bridges, such as Earth, in light based universal hologram
contexts – billions of years old – ain't no joke!

Many spirits in many fractured states and circumstances may find a

common ground of growth on planets such as this one.

Like awakening a dreamer who had set sail into the unknown
universe of the darkness and the light losing themselves while gaining
themselves in delusions of grandeur and hyper self-reflection – like
The Fool being gently awoken step by step by Mother Nature directly
from beyond - to return to the original awakened state in the
multiverse, with all of this new evolutionary data gathered from the
strange and bewildering space adventure we call the light.

And then what?? New existences based on all of this? Just like what
happened resulting in this one? On and on it goes, when it stops,
nobody knows!

We'll just have to wait and see!

Blossoming like a rose. The perfect stillness and motion of the

infinite zero-point. The energetic principal at the root of the golden
ratio – that makes eternity and infinity possible – the constantly over-
pouring fountain of youth.

You can tap into it with the proper approach and state of being, or
you can decay and fade away from it through unsavory tendencies
and relationships...

Oscillating back forth between the two – between the contrast of

essences – between zero-point and entropy decay – between the
"light" and the "dark"...

If we can humanize Humanity, humanize treatment of life, humanize
the machine – not in the sense of sci-fi war and dominion – but in
the sense of making technology more natural and less overbearing.
Less addictive and dependent but more supportive and enabling.
Remove the potential of the AI revenge and destruction loop –
technology which is symbiotic with Nature like the human body, like
plants, like algae and fungi. Biodegradable, recyclable, self-regulating
and self-replicating in alignment with other Natural processes.

Naturalize Humanity – allow Nature and Humanity to be at our best

– beautify everything – bring everything in our world to its fullest
potential! Removes the blockages and destructive roots and replace
the chaos with stability – replace the fear with peace – replace the
hatred with love!

After banging our head against a brick wall for long enough, the pain
registers and we finally stop.

In the future we will be like teachers, going to planets and realities

throughout many dimensions which have fractal similarities with our
own evolutionary experiences on the Earth to offer perspective.

Like a seed pod finally reaching maturity, and in the right season, the
seeds are released and the growth then spreads throughout the
greater reality.

This is why the dominion forces are so heavily at work here to stop
evolution from proceeding, because if Earth is successful – it's all
over for them – they too will be eventually healed.

In their darkness and desperation exhibited upon this world – they

aid in strengthening the good seed – they too are servants to Natural

As destiny intended all along...




The electronics interfere and introduce diversion channels.


We grow stronger in the jungle but we also must learn to be careful.

It's more fun to walk the razor’s edge with a foot in both worlds.

We are part of the jungle. Acknowledge our divine archetypal aspects

while also staying humble. Kings and Queens of The Jungle.

Raising up those around us as though they are ourselves, acting for

the benefit of all the best we can, for the environment and all living

Remembering the ecosystem we rely upon – that we are part of – to

be good stewards and care takers of the energetic jungle.

Hatred and arrogance are never necessary, there is always the higher
path, empathy, love and care are always better paths. You can be
stern and loving when needed! Self-defending while also open to heal
– the jungle informs and requires multifaceted consciousness –
evolution in action.

We tell the universal fractal story though our circumstance and

arrangement. The chosen-one-ism is besides the point. We all must
do our work, our own piece, there is no one to do it for us. Though
reaching out to help when you can is valuable beyond measure – do
not over-extend yourself.

How we direct our focus is very important, there is an energetic

jungle based around the way we apply our focus. Where we look, why
we look there, what grabs our attention and what do we feed with
energetic feedback.

The observer signal – what is observed is created and materialized –

what is not observed is uncreated and dematerialized, from a wave to
a particle and from a particle to a wave.

Many forces want the observer consciousness stream, much more

valuable than electricity or gold. The screens absorb it and it is
transferred through the electronics networks – this is the real gold
they are mining – this, the genetics, and the glands are what the
predatory ET forces are after. Some use a white mask and others use
a dark mask – “making deals” – you can know them by asking about
affiliation, did they receive permission from Mother Earth to be
here? What are their intentions and motives?

Ultimately what's looking good is the rise in consciousness as the

corrupt ones continue their downward spiral as the house of cards
continues its messy collapse with the loss of essential foundations.
The way continues to clear for those who do good work to benefit
those around them.

It has always been more simple than complex but our human minds
can sometimes run away from us in the jungle.

There's magic in the subtitles and gold at the end of rainbows if
you’re looking.

The ghosts out of the corner of your eye sometimes disappear so

quickly it is as though the signal of your vision disrupted their wave
into a particle.

Noticing the similarities in greater reality with our own lives, the
energetic river of the current, noticing it and living consciously in the
energetic jungle.

Each moment sliding into existence and then falling back away into
the past like a wheel.

You can see the pattern resonance of our own lives with our
surroundings; the reactions and interplays which surround us and
make us up are direct correlatives.

We are products of our environment playing out the universal fractal


We are like stars in training for the full spectrum.

Unconditional love must exist.





Source is divine. Source is the light, Source is consciousness, Source

is All Things – including and beyond all of it. Source is the truth. The
Abrahamic God of guilt, jealousy and vengeance is a demiurge astral
lord which is attempting to usurp Humanity via the mental programs
of Christianity, Islam and Judaism - and to lesser degrees through the
New Age and institutionalized sects of Hinduism and Buddhism - the
same predator lord of the Maya and Aztec whom consumed human
sacrifices and blood offerings – the same predatory force of the
Sumerians and Egyptians that implemented the first “modern”
empire control systems.

This is a planetary takeover scheme and an attempt of usurping the

true path of spiritual development into empire programming and
establishment worship. Instead of following Christ's example and his
teachings directly, followers have been led astray into participating in
a human sacrifice ritual worship of The Christ, symbolically
consuming his flesh and drinking his blood, just like the ruling class
in their black masses, contributing energy to their dark rituals

The right angle structures, cathedrals of stone and other mega
structures tap into the lay line patterns and open up the energy
patterns to these parasitic forces. The empire program and network is
deep and thousands of years old.

Following the consistent spiritual teachings found throughout various

traditions, such as the Golden Rule, uplifting your fellow person,
these are clean teachings. It becomes easy to identify true spiritual
teaching from empire associations such as war, blood offerings,
sacrifice and suffering veneration, guilt imposition, imposed worship,
lack of acknowledged co-respect ect.

The stripped down spiritual basics are enough, the rest is spiritual
accessory designed by spiritual predators and parasites to stake claim
on your routine, focus, energy and eternal soul – by your own freewill
choice – a heavily programmed choice.

They want you to be a battery and support pillar for their empire of
dominion and hierarchy while attempting to pass it off as heaven
with its gaudy crumbling veneer – taking advantage that we are at a
vulnerable point in our development and we are trusting and do not
know any better. Like baby turtles trying to make it to the ocean for
the first time with vultures circling overhead.

I respect and love the Christ too much to worship him dying upon
the cross for my own sake – what spiritual logic is this?

The scriptures have been purposely slanted by the ruling class to have
followers worship the human sacrifice of the savior as an idol – and
abstain from following his teachings directly – instead following the
rules of the land and obeying your programmed parents.

What happened to flipping the money changer’s table?


They set them right back up again.

Christ would be ashamed.

The devotional energies of the religious masses of anguish, sorrow,

guilt and belittlement are used in black magic rituals to keep us
submissive and in perpetual need of the corrupted establishment. So
we stay stuck generation after generation.

This is why The Gospel of Thomas didn't make the cut for the King
James Version, it spoke too freely about refining the light within to
earn our own personal salvation through spiritual diligence.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will
save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you
do not bring forth will destroy you.”

~ Gospel of Thomas

The Vatican and the roman empire couldn't have that!

Through Him means to follow in his example – not to pour the

blood of Christ onto whatever you please and ask God for a parking
spot outside of a beauty supply store wearing the crucifix around our
necks! This brings the ruling class such delight to see the path of
salvation turned into a beggar's religion of apathy, lip service and
human sacrifice idol worship.

Organized religion are used as tools to purposely divide the people,

divide their lands and tongues, to take advantage of us all while
pitting us against one another.

We are like cattle to these corrupt lords. They seek dominion and
authority over every single one of the herd.

The True Original Source Creator does not use mental programs,
does not use the written words of man, stays out of social
programming, does not meddle directly with societies, and has no
need or want of worship. Freely given respect and gratitude is nice
but not imposed worship – the vibration is completely different.

We are being taken advantage of by spiritual predators and black


Follow simplified spiritual teachings, such as The Golden Rule, The

Golden Ratio, raising up those around you, bring good growth, bring
good change.

We have been deceived to condemn our fellow man, to believe that

some deserve eternal punishment, followers dance and chant like
demons condemning others to hell! Truly these are dark ages.

The Golden Rule shall be the whole of the law, remember.

I would never condemn a fellow aspect to hell for any reason, why
not send a few missionaries into hell to do some great work where it
is needed most?

Because institutionalized religion is not about actual spiritual sacrifice,

but about spiritual façade which feels good enough to act as a front,
they are not about making the world a better place – if they were we
would have made great changes by now – with all of those resources
of the Vatican and other powerful religious institutions reversing the
ailments of the world – they maintain our divided status quo and take
advantage of the situation.

No they are part of the system of control and domination and behave
as such – with hellfire, blood offerings, shame, corruption, apathy
and spiritual stagnation.

Where is the blossoming fruit? They are too busy wishing for the end
of the world, creating the end of the world programming in the first
place as part of the dark contingency plan. Setting up followers to
continue waiting for someone else to finally show up and do
everything on their behalf – the intended downward spiral is clear.

Followers are made into energetic power sources through the wolf in
lamb's clothing approach, they truly know not what they do, this too
is a difficult aspect to our lessons of human evolution.

True spirituality is not as easy as selecting the right social hand-out,

you must develop your own spirit.

Though remember the blame game leads us nowhere – we are all

products of our environment, all are guilty and innocent. We can take
the good path and say “Thanks, but no thanks.” Avoiding further
energetic entanglement through hatred and aggression.

True Source, The Omnipotence, The Universe keeps track of us all,

not to judge us, but to organize according to compatibility and similar
wavelength as to provide that which is appropriate for each aspect of

The cards have been stacked against us as an attempt to help us see

more clearly what we need to alleviate the greatest suffering. It is
made big and clear and obvious so it may stand out to us. We can
sometimes learn more quickly through vice and hindsight as this
physical aspect of self can sometimes be quite dense.

The way out of the wheel of life is so narrow that followers and self-
inflated spiritualists alike miss it by a mile. No big ego, no special
group affiliation, no special password or title or charm. Pure refined
spirit and good intent.

Though there are many astral heavens and hells to convince you your
program is accurate, that is the next stage of the wheel of life beyond
our own domain – which is why it's so important to form a strong
and simple foundation here before the doors open so wide that you
are blinded by astral glory and potentially "guided" passively.

This is a billions of years long journey, there's no way it would be so

simple and one-dimensional as follower vs. non-followers, how
human and imperial to create such a distinction and divide in the first

We are capable of unconditional love and the golden rule – this has
always been the true goal – to always choose love and caring for
others as we would care for ourselves, no matter what – taking good
care of ourselves and others – this alone heals the brokenness which
surrounds us – the rest is spiritual distraction and accessory of our
own design to maintain the disarray to the benefit of the empire

It pains me to stay up to date with occurrences.

The rapes, the murders, the wars, starvation, homelessness, endless

profiteering, the political and religious corruption.

The involvement and treatment of children is devastating.

As though the darkness is so desperate to be recognized, that

desperation ripples like an on-going swarm of locusts and corporate

That desperation behaves as though it knows its time is impermanent

and circumstantial.

Regardless, the stars remain bright even in the void of darkness.


The lotus flower grows from the nutrition of the wilderness before
blossoming into the light.

Most are not prepared for how truly dark and awful our shadow is.

To hate and join the fight is to feed our shadow the energy it thrives
on – this is why the shadow puts on a nasty face – to make things
difficult and work in their favor through force – when we turn to
unconditional love, self-respect and co-respect to stop the possibility
of depravity, leaving no foothold from either side. Not to see
ourselves as above it, disable the resistance, only love.

Shadows scatter from the light or become engulfed by it.

We find lack of care and understanding is the reason behind the

depravity of our shadow and its machinations.

The shadow screams to be heard and represented, so it has been

made so, in order to find the way to heal and create the necessary

No more buying the exterior schemes of the ruling class. I am with

us, for us, all of it included, not a stone unturned, no one left behind.

The entirety of it all, transcending and including all that is.

Would you turn away an aspect of yourself?




We have been genetically manipulated into their image. We can see

what they are like. We should have been left alone from the
beginning, talk about original sin, but that would not be our destiny.

We are not slaves created to mine for gold; this is ancient hierarchy
propaganda used to control Humanity.

They are not gods; a common plot of species takeover. They require
our genetics, our planet and energetic resources because these so-
called “Gods” have destroyed their own genetics so they must feed
upon others.

All of this has been very helpful evolutionary insight and experience
to assess and assist in similar matters throughout The Universe.

What is true about us and our genetic manipulators is that we are

from the same family, as we could interbreed. All which exists is
from the same family. They are not gods and we are not created

slaves – we are brothers and sisters – they have not been respectful
towards us in there interference and secrecy.

The god delusion is an old parasitic mind control program used only
on beings in temporary states of spirit amnesia during specific stages
of evolutionary development.

We are being made into their corporate predatory image – as we can

see in our world around us – they manipulated our genes, stole our
genes and installed their empire control program.

But the joke is on them, all of this has been allowed to go on for a
bigger purpose.

Humanity is destined to turn our civilization around into a model

which co-exists peacefully with all elements of our nature and all
expressions of life. We are at the beginning of realizing this process
consciously. Taking all that has occurred into account and then
reconfiguring everything into something better. Maintaining and
refining that which brings benefit and removing and dismantling that
which dominates and corrupts.

Those who are predatory and dangerous will not be allowed to

impose their will over others forever. They are known.

Appropriate paths have been arranged for us all.

As we heal and evolve our Humanity we heal and evolve the greater

These are valuable resolution patterns for circumstances with similar

genetics, similar technologies and similar civilization structures.

This is why the ruling class and the parasite entities are so desperate
to cling to each and every soul possible because, at every possible
turn, in every possible way, because this is one of the final
battlegrounds of spiritual conflict.

They know when it's over on this planet for them and their ways that
these manipulations and corruptions are over for a great deal of
existence in general.

This has become a type of last-stand for individuals, where does our
heart truly reside?

What appears like a process of assimilation and manipulation is in

fact the reversal of manipulation and assimilation through exposure
therapy, trial and error.

Vast amounts of evolutionary data are being processed through our

Humanity, our natural kingdom, our planet Earth, the other planets
and our star.

All of the representational universal archetypes of all aspects of self.

These middle men and energetic predators are a difficult part of

consciousness evolution; all of this is being taken into account for
future expressions of similar creations.

This is also indicative of just how incredible our Earth and Sun truly
are. These vastly unsung heroes, our Earth and Sun, are such strong
spirits, so energetically proficient that they can take on all of this and
stabilize it all over time, and do it all with such grace and
unconditional love.

I send my gratitude, love and respect.


Empires must destroy themselves to best conclude the energy


We plant the seeds and begin living the new way outside yet within
the system.

Like a flower blossoming from the nutritious soil of a decaying


We build ourselves upon and grow from the past.

There is no need to harbor ill intent towards anything.

We are not slaves to the ruling class, the ruling class have enslaved
themselves to us for perceived gain, the delusion is falling apart with
every passing moment.

And the system is crumbling by its own hand. The macro in the
micro – the micro in the macro.

Those who committed genetic hybridization with Humanity and

impressed their civilization models upon us – they are being reset
with us and reconfigured through us as the catalyst and tipping point.

They did not see this coming, yet it has been inherent and hinted at
all along.

It is already done, it is only a matter of time as the wave of

inevitability washes over everything and reaches all corners of The

I wish we were left alone and allowed to evolve naturally like our ape
brothers – to know what we would’ve become in our own right in
our own time.

But that was not our intended destiny it would seem.

Perhaps we are the catalyst that unifies and restructures ALL the
linked civilizations we have been made to represent.

We reach a new zero point when we fully empathize with ALL

aspects and there is no condemnation even possible to remain.

The control system was painstaking arranged to stop this type of

thing from happening, but evolution always finds a way.

This painstaking arrangement informs evolution what is needed to

develop the antibodies to transcend limitation.

We are liberated by those who listened to their heart above all else.

Those who did not sink to the lows of the exterior, kindly expecting
better, and bringing betterment around them.

Dilemmas are reversed.

By an irresistible Cosmic Force we will destroy the Barbarian rulers

and leaders who are nothing but conniving thieves whose minds are
devoted to evil.

Exponential growth, over-unity consciousness, like the blazing sun,

shines forth on all things.



Who else other than Source Origin? Other than Ourselves?

May I be the doctor and the medicine.

And may I be the nurse.
For all sick beings in the world
Until everyone is healed.
May a rain of food and drink descend
That clears away the pain of thirst and hunger
And during the aeon of famine
May I myself change into food and drink.
May I become an inexhaustible treasure
For those who are poor and destitute;
May I turn into all things they could need
And may these be placed close beside them.

~ Shantideva, A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life

We face all realities, we adapt and transcend.

We grow in our unconditional love in all ways possible.

What did we say at the big bang? I'll be damned.

How else could we get to know ourselves better? Than through

compressed fractal mirrors taking in more and more of what is?

All around us is what has naturally arisen to the physical surface from
the influences of our lengthy energetic past.

We qualify and recognize our most dense aspects of self. While also
guiding the way to renewed divinity and refined wisdom taking all of
this into account and stabilizing the aeons with a new vision of all
encompassing peace and love.

All of this was necessary for that vision to arrive and develop

This is why some of the role players are desperate to stall Humanity's
evolution, they are out of a job as the intended awareness integrates
itself into our genetic line.

The missing gaps in recognition and empathy for the desperate beast
archetypes generates an intended imbalance which strengthens and
deepens unconditional love as existence rebalances and reintegrates.

We are messy, daring and divine in our natural progression of

reintegration with the entirety, including even the most difficult and
dense of expressions.

We are commended by our higher selves for our difficult and

important work.

Integrating the light into our created universe where we came from in
the first place all those billions of years ago.

The light must be experienced and mastered from all angles and
perspectives to create with it responsibly.

Fundamentalist extremists have a way of ruining overall reasonable

and liberating ideas.

True spirituality is not told to you or done for you, it is developed

through personal experience.

I prefer owning my choices and expressing my will as my own, I have

found stable foundation in myself and my spirit connection – not an
exterior system – the reflections from the exterior systems show how
preferable the spirit connection is by comparison!

The truth is, the personal self-derived spiritual foundation path and
the ownership of our own will has been demonized to keep us under

We are free living spirits which have been convinced otherwise for
devious manipulative purposes.

I read from the living book that surrounds us.

I do not trust the written ascertains of dead words in socially

programmed holy books.

Many have been deceived to worship the opposite of what they


Who were we before the genetic modification? Who were the genetic
manipulators? Who are the programmers? Who polices the police?

Whom does this all reside within? Who is ultimately in charge?

Illusion of separation.

This is about evolving to meet in the middle.

Bringing the extreme edges back to a shared medium.

Thinking of when we return together. The final spirit, the final

energetic quotient exiting our holographic universe of light, it is
already done.

The return of the family of light to the greater multiverse.

Bringing the ray of light itself as a creation medium to our home


There's a lot to it. The checklist is vast – as we can see.

We have to reach to the outer edges of ourself and learn to bring

them in close as a loved one rather than fighting and hating those
aspects of self.

Some will continue with The Earth and others may go elsewhere.

Here is a nice place to be. Our Humanity, our Earth, Sun and The
Solar System have packed a great portion of the universal archetypes
down here in a very sophisticated and uncompromising manner.

Like a spirit slingshot which has pulled itself back as far as humanly

We must know those extreme outer reaches of potentiality before

sharing the medium with the other universes.

We know these other universes better than you may think. We all
observe one another through a sort of translated medium which we
can all understand (human forms of varying scale and energetic
make-up in multiple dimensions at once).

As though all the galaxies are light representations of the universes

out there – and as though each human being is the physical persona
of a galaxy. Like internal stacking Russian dolls.

The reunion is vast – we have set ourselves up for big surprises along
the way!

Here, at 13.8 billion years we have reached an out breath.

Now for the in breath.

As I mentioned before, we are only now starting to take it all in.

Like a seed pod which bursts into the wilderness when the season is

If we can take all of this into account and keep having fun and a
sense of humor along the way – the multiverse is our oyster!

When I punched a hole through the highest point I actually saw

myself come out the other side of the other side just before it actually

This was the second time I had done it and that time I recognized
that I was actually outside the universe.

I was like an ancient grandfather fascinated with clockwork and the

play of light who couldn't actually believe that I had come out of it.

I was received on the other side of the other side, past the realm of
thought, past the fiery white and golden realms.

Surely it cannot be true that I am here! I was greeted with smiles that
yes this was true and my arrival had been expected for a long, long

I recognized it was the most special and yet not special at all – as any
human being could find the hole through the sky at the top of the
mountain – the path and means to get there are inside all of us –
indeed we will all find ourselves in those realms as we are all equally
connected to the same existence structure.

On my way home I was told: "What if you and your friends could do
anything and go anywhere?” This is only the beginning.

When you look closely enough into another's eyes you see a
reflection of yourself.

At that point of singularity of the in breath, the universe will revisit

the emptiness as it was in the before time. All the galaxies will have
spiraled into their central black hole singularity – all of the black hole
singularities will line up into a single black hole. There will be an
empty open doorway where the first will be last and the last shall be

But only for a moment as the next eternal breath is then taken and
the seasons start all over anew once again as a new universal big

Who is to say our recent big bang was the first for this universe?
There may be an expansion and contraction pattern of big bangs
which cannot be traced when inside of the current one. Like air that
goes in and out of the lungs.

So many surprises to be discovered along the way!

Almost as though the dominoes were painstakingly arranged.


You can unconditionally love and agree to disagree, co-respect and

unconditional love can work hand in hand.

You are free to believe as you choose and so am I.

I will offer only love in spite of the attempts to inspire fear and
hatred – that pulls the rug from underneath the whole situation and
closes the duality loop.

Removing blockades to clear the way for love, higher awareness and
co-respect as our primary reaction is the key to heaven on Earth and
good energetic practices in realms beyond the material.

We can see how this is stopped at all costs – for if we achieve love,
higher awareness and co-respect as our primary reaction, they lose
their fish in a barrel! There are no footholds for foul play.

They require the shadow of fear, hatred and division to leverage

corruption and control.

Love and kindness spreads like wildfire, we start with ourselves and it
grows from there – it is more simple than most admit – don't
question those notions, express them, those are moments where
higher spirit is trying to come through.

You will find every challenge imaginable which attempts to stop us

from choosing love, higher awareness and co-respect but we grow
stronger in spite of it all.

Let not being sure and not knowing be okay. Mistakes are okay.
Forgiveness and self-forgiveness are key.

When the mind gets too busy remember the importance of self-love,
it is equally important to truly love and care for ourselves as it is to

do the same for others, an important part of the golden rule which
often gets left out.

Forgiveness is total and constant, personifying the workings of the

universe, it is part of Nature.

Never forget you are always forgiven, if you care and love you are
going the right way. Nay sayers and those who attempt to manipulate
you are revealed through their actions.

You have power over yourself and any force which does not respect
this is to be banished from your personal space.

Claim your authority and intend to maintain it – that which attempts

to mess with you is sent off on their own journey of evolution. All
that is offered here is love, care and respect in all directions.

Be assured my loved friend, there is no such thing as full corruption.

You must clean house and restake your claim over your manor of
spirit, your body.

Clean your physical space and physically exercise your body.

Rather than focusing on casting the demons out, focus on bringing

the love in. Pay the demons no mind, do not respond mentally any
longer, they are banished from your physical space permanently.

Insist on love coming in, love for yourself which you may view as the
lowliest of all. For you are a missed aspect of the single family – of
Source Origin – returning home.

Love is here for you no matter what, no matter what show the
shadows play. For when you come back to love you will be stronger
and more caring than ever.

Which is what this whole thing has been all about. How strong and
how far-reaching can unconditional love be? And so it is.

This is a universe of impermanence, nothing is held rigid. Though

certain thought forms cling to such rigid conformity.

We are the authoritative presence amidst the textures which make up

our reality, we generate momentum, despite the attempts to
disempower you.

Though some shadows are truly twisted.

It is all centered around love.

Evolution has been the ultimate challenge and the ultimate motivator
to rise above to greater heights never before known possible.

Through our success the greater reality surrounding us succeeds.

It's not about winning the fight; it's about transcending the game.

We have a lineage of unfortunate baggage – but we can manage.

To heal ourselves is to heal deeper Nature, is to heal the Medusa

archetype, healing the universal mother Sophia through fractal

This is also an aspect of the abandoned resentful child and results of

poor parenting archetype, which has a larger fractal extension as well.

It is less about healing her than showing her love so she may value
and heal herself. It gets no better than this!

Patriarch doesn't want it, wants to stay where we are, so the feminine
is trashed and divided – made vain, programmed and weakened. We
repeat a larger fractal story through our treatment of the feminine.

In this age she has been assumed to be either a whore or a virgin

mother, for man's satisfaction alone, responsible for original sin – it
is empire programming garbage.

As we turn the ship in a new direction and bring love to all of her
aspects, we heal the greater fractal, we heal Humanity, we heal Earth,
The Moon, The Sun, The Solar System, The Galaxy, The Universe –
it is all connected! We are all direct fractal correlatives of one another!

The Origin is an ancient pre-big-band relationship from beyond our

local spacetime. The big-bang was their polarizing ecstasy and birth
of our child light.

The story of the original romances and love affairs is a very long and
interesting one which we know the themes all too well. These original
gestures and exchanges are the original inspirations for our gestures
and emotional exchanges which make up the fractal of existence.

We had to recreate all the aspects and all the dramas in an observable
fresh start environment where we could place an aspect of ourself
into the creation while also observing it from outside of linear

To discover new resolutions and growth opportunities to ancient

dramas through new relationships without the drama of the entire
universe and the entire personal history.

To recreate the universal archetypes in a single world to take in as

much evolutionary data possible on a single planet to maximize the
efforts in creating a new future form of existence altogether where
polar opposites can coexist in peace with minimal suffering.

To have a life form (Human) and environment (Earth) which is

compatible with a wide range of spirits and consciousness forms to
work towards understanding one another from a relative subjective
perspective. While simultaneously evolving and growing together into
new expressions in an objective shared world.

The in door and the out door on a single planet.

We are awakening within the dream as many of you can feel.

There is no single chosen one, but that all things are energetic aspects
of our larger galactic bodies evolving towards spiritual refinement.

All that is occurring is from a very long stream which originates from
far beyond our planet. It is revealing of the greater universe to see
what rises to the physical surface.

The future forecast is a golden age of empathy and peace once we

work through each and every energetic blockade which keeps the
inevitable from occurring. The challenges and the solutions present

As we figure this out, as we evolve and adapt, we define the new

homeostasis – we define the new patterns.

We too are archetypes made up of many forms.

We have been endowed to resolve karma with love, care, conscience,

discernment and other higher faculties of emotional intelligence.

This is the glory and grace of love and forgiveness.

We do it every day.

Continue to expand your love and care then watch as the world lights
up around you!

You are an equal piece of creator just like everyone and everything

True Original Source does not make those type of undercutting

distinctions as our cut throat human society!

Many obey the spirit/mind programs from the demiurge astral lords
intended to divert and usurp our natural life force and evolution for
their own advantage, typically through major religious institutions.

These are dangerous energetic predators and parasites similar to the

predators in our own jungles, though these are far more cunning,
subtle and underhanded.

There is the natural shadow intended for greater refinement and

resilience of spirit. Then there is the deeper darkness of hidden
manipulations and inflicted harm for the purpose of stunting species
growth, energetic resources and genetics harvesting. Knowing the
difference in vibration of these two – as well as the shades of gray,
and shades of dim white to true light – are important distinctions.

Human genetics and energetic essences are the absolute prize for
dying races whom pose as gods.

All of this, too – has portrayed the larger difficult picture accurately
and presented the path.

It will take some time for the evolution wave to arrive in the physical
but the energetic wave and potential of complete success has already

We play it out in all shapes and forms, then, now and yet to come –
all at the same time. It is solidified into the physical. There are
indicators of it already; there are some further obstructions but not
enough to truly stop the inevitable resolution from occurring. The
story is lengthened to its absolute lengthiest.

The themes come and go, develop and grow in predictable waves
with the ages.

These days we are dressed up and boxed in.

We have yet we haven't, by design, to experience it again and again.

A key is to not focus on blame or vindictive response and to focus

on creating new forms of love and understanding together, accepting
and respecting, including self-respect of course.

Recognizing everyone and everything as an aspect of self. As an

aspect of Source Origin.

To know our shadow's perspective, to conclude the endless

argument, and find empathy on a common ground.

To know the reverse so well and the original, so that no stone is
unturned, all angles are known even with cards stacked against us.

When we reflect on a new way to live, and act on those intentions,

the world and the greater fractal beyond changes for the better.

Destiny unfolding daily.

The inevitable is seeping in.

What is possible is possible because it is possible.

Where do you sweep the dust when you live under the rug?

Our procrastination has caught up with us, as we can see around us,
but enough is enough when push comes to shove.

Time to clean house.

As soon as you start considering peace and calm, the unstable energy
friction of anxiety fades away with the change in heart and intent.

I have done this outside of my body and watched as a fiery chamber

of stress and anxiety (unstable energy) shifted to a stable calming
pool of stacked blue rings and fairies (stable peace, calm energy).

This happened so quickly and so instantaneously that I only realized

what had occurred after it had already shifted over from “hell” to

We do this on a daily basis internally without realizing it. We go

through hell and heaven inside of our minds and hearts – what we
hold back – how we treat ourselves – how we think of ourselves and

others. We can consciously guide our emotions and choose what to

express, what to feed, how much in what way.

The same stories, again and again and again. All the way up and all
the way down, the universal fractal story.

I apologize for repeating myself.

But let's keep things interesting.

So we upped the ante. Again and again.

Then all of these labyrinth like twists and turns leading into the stars
and galaxies and fractal stories therein – herein.

The same old stories in a new way forever and ever.

But some things never change.

The idea of a choice of a single being deciding the future of all

existence is a slanted and loaded concept.

The aspects of Source are not divided. There is no chosen one, which
is old programming of empire control.

This is a team effort, together, in fractal form – always has been.

We are more successful when we cooperate rather than compete.

Our physical reality here is what has risen to the surface, so delete
and start over to sweep it all under the rug again and start over again?
That approach completely dismisses and avoids what is being shown
to us.

What is the point of such a thought? To feel better in the moment
for the hope of next time? What about when the same repeating
patterns start happening again and again no matter what?

This is next time, after next time, after next time.

So, nature has presented each and every step, for each and every
aspect, together, one by one and all in all – because this is what it
takes – this is what is needed by all aspects of Source – generating the
existence antibodies and evolutionary data for the macro and the
individual aspects to self-resolve amidst all expressions. To complete
the work.

Unifying all the broken pieces of the past which had been swept
under the rug. Embracing brokenness to deepen empathy and

The strongest foundation which can withstand all that is – is the

totality of the Earth human experience.

What else is more satisfying than this pursuit? To deepen

unconditional love and increase spiritual resilience, to balance and
present necessary consciousness factors to achieve homeostasis from
first-hand experience in the thick of it all?

Why stop now?

We will not know how to properly create that perfect creation unless
we take the necessary steps to get there and experience everything
else along the way. This process has to be actual to make the actual -

The starving must be fed. The poor must be raised up. Good spiritual
work must be done. The gold at the end of the rainbow is real and

Creating a shortcut to the perfect balanced existence is not what

eternity is about, it is about the substance of the journey and the
inherent lessons therein which keeps eternity possible and the next
incoming phase continuous and ongoing.

Like a garden which grows and grows more beautiful and exotic from
nutrition and care.

We must learn how to take care of our reality and one another,
otherwise the same destructive patterns keep happening, as we can

We have an opportunity to turn things around and then consciously

create our new reality together.

Stepping into that new existence together, day by day, hour by hour,
however long it takes.

There is no choice.

The reflection is clear.

Even Source is a work in progress.

We Are.

And we have been all along.

They keep trying to get us to lose our cool and back slide.

When you notice this and take the reins in spite of it all, we are made
stronger and more resilient - and they reveal themselves to us
through their desperate actions.

In this vulnerable exchange their grip loosens in response, they don't
want to accidentally make us stronger and suddenly room is made for
a type of equilibrium, a sort-of quasi-peace with our enemies.

The truth of the situation is revealed, not the desired cat and mouse
response – it's like peeking behind the curtain and seeing how the
cogs of the machine work – transcending the game through

This is the path of total karmic resolution and ultimately the removal
of space for corruption.

Improvement of the self improves the whole, like a fractal – which is

why we are distracted from improving ourselves and instead kept on
the hamster wheel. Liberating spiritual development and camaraderie
with our fellow person is the last thing they want!

What we allow to slide through and make excuses for is the same
energy which contains and manipulates us from the larger picture –
removing this from our lives removes the anchors of manipulation in
our world.

We become more of our true self and less of a system bot. What are
our influences, what speaks through us, what do we make ourselves
up with?

We will not recognize our world in 50-100 years.

We will look back on our present selves as war-mongering barbarians

of the industrial dark ages.

The environment will be allowed to regrow.


Cheap quality housing and efficient farming kits will allow us to use
the land and resources more efficiently.

Over-population is ruling class eugenics propaganda. There is plenty

for all. That being said we do need better free contraceptive options
for the world and updated sexual education including budgeting for a
child and more common sense life education, such as emotional
intelligence, that is sorely lacking in public education.

Moving from fiat currencies, to localized generative currencies driven

by workers working and commerce trading – direct economy – in
addition to local barter and trade, new small home based businesses
and digital businesses – the IMF and the FED become obsolete like
dying vampire dinosaurs.

The cities, agriculture and power sources of the future will be

environmentally balanced – biofeuls, over-unity, magnet, solid-state
battery containment and electricity alternatives.

The corrupt corporate thugs who like to play a game with the world
are destined to lose their impermanent forms of power and control.

Their manipulation game is over as the dark ages of self-destruction

and consumption comes to its close, lessons well earned. The
learning will continue for quite some time.

Keep spreading that love, peace and awareness and the shadows will
have no place to hide, leaving no other option than to shine in the

I can see elements of myself today which are offshoots from that
distant cosmic past...

I am not the only one with a distant cosmic past; we are all in this
together, here we are!

Think of star systems being created and destroyed - now that's

politics and fireworks...

Think of the process of genetic creation, creating genetics in the first

place, creating a light-based holographic reality to exist in indefinitely
in the first place. These are the stories which precede and transcend
everything, so much silently presents itself.

So Earth has been picked on by cosmic thugs, why? Because humans

are higher in the spiritual order than ‘satan?’ Kind of, but little twists
like that have been installed to keep us in the loop of conflict, duality,
self-destruction and beating around the bush.

We do teach our aggressors lessons in reflection through this – this

too was part of destiny – ultimately bringing love and destruction to
the empire and fear-based groups through Humanity like a Trojan

Earth humans and Earth herself are embodiments of spiritual

resolution – both of a bigger story and of smaller fragmented
individuals – what is this story all about?

Resolving paradox. On individual levels, planetary levels, galactic

levels and universal levels – all pieces of the puzzle count – they all
exhibit qualities of one another because we are all the same "whole"
or else we wouldn't be in here...

That is why we have all of these "opposites" all these natural themes
of "irony" – repeating the same story enough times in enough ways
where balance is restored through multitudes of expressions and

extremes, like constantly building pressure and upping the ante. We

reconnect the bridges between spacetime and non-spacetime, anti-
matter combined with matter, the paradox of getting stuck in a
creation made possible only through paradox is resolved, the circle is
completed, yet also intentionally incomplete at the same time.

The busy work and details of it all, the in’s and out’s, connections and
movements were made more fascinating and experiential through
these life form interfaces.

Planting the seed of spacetime (known as the big bang) into an

unoccupied portion of spacetime (non-existence / distant past)
created the paradox (necessary for existence in the first place) but if
we do not return to plant the seed again, complete the singularity
loop – the paradox is left incomplete and reality can get held up until
the circle is completed one way or another. When we make it through
after experiencing all this, we return to our original self outside
creation and the paradox was completed all along. We realize both
perspectives had been active the whole time.

It becomes clear we do our own spiritual judgment on the other side

according to the larger perspective which suddenly comes back to us.

The next stages will be truly astonishing.

But we must work through each aspect of ourselves and continue to

develop and evolve. For example, like many things, sex has been
twisted into a predatory relationship. Pure consensual love making
for the sake of love and life generation is the type of energy at the
backbone of existence itself – we must not forget respect in this
beautiful expression of life.

The same with the treatment of Christ Consciousness which has been
fixed into place through force upon the cross "right angle, unfolded
cube, mental, hierarchy, containment within a system" in constant
sacrifice and suffering for the sake of the masses, rather than in a
peaceful and content expression of love and grace – it's a game of
mood, assumption and blind obedience between the predator system
and the masses.

These little tricks and traps have been set into place so that we do not
reach spiritual enlightenment or internal balance, so that we do
everything else except for that, we have been made to lack genuine
essence for the sake of corporate interests, thus the world remains in
a state of death and decay rather than continuing to the next phase –
this was the plot of the "elites" or more-so, their astral predatory

Evolution is sorting all of this out – so we won’t get fooled again.

So this is a very tricky stage of evolution to get past, arguably the

most "dense" part of the whole story arc...

Nuclear bombs, objectified feminine, slandered minorities,

subjugated masses, standardized medical and banking cartels,
government motivated profiteering from rigged wars.

The theme of our circumstance speaks for itself – and the religious
"evil" interpretation is just another avenue to keep us stuck in the
status quo, motivate apathy, guilt and self-hatred about life rather
than strive to make it better.

And yet the galaxies continue to spiral towards a central point

regardless of this or that – it is all "winding up" towards greater
attractors regardless – it reminds me of one of the archetypal dramas
that played through me while on the other side:

I was a maniacal genetic creator in a large messy house, all of my

creations had taken on lives of their own and broken apart into
trillions upon trillions of broken shattered pieces – I felt horrible and
responsible for the whole thing – so I was obsessing about finding all
the shattered pieces and putting them back together again – I realized
if I could create orders of existence made up of infinitely tiny
shattered pieces, it could all work itself out! I have never looked at a
spiraling galaxy the same way since...

And along that same line of rationale, if one human being completes
the existence circle, heals the self to their content balance, the broken
spirit shard rejoins the greater whole, The Human/Earth/Sun/Moon
premise is proven correct - spiritual self resolution through self
reflection and exterior reflection (good and bad) - even while in
amnesia – even while manipulated and brainwashed, we still find
love, we still find balance, we adapt and transcend – the path widens
for more and more to follow.

The natural bad tastes in our mouths and intuition to listen to our
hearts remains like an instinctual genetic memory from our higher

In fact we end up transcending it all and walking away stronger than

before, thus love is proven correct yet again, just as a star penetrates
the void and creates life, the path of spiritual liberation remains intact
regardless – the realization of non-duality and empathy even among
extreme opposites is discovered – it goes to prove that it is not a
matter of "if" humans will achieve peace – but when?

And in the scope of eternity, our liberation and over-unity social
models and individually derived generative economic models are just
around the corner...

How long each one of us continues to beat around the bush defines
the length of evolutionary stages directly.

And the unconditional love of the universe will be there for us every
step of the way in every shape and form as needed for all of time.

We do this for ourselves.

A key is to relinquish the desire for any power, therein lies your
power, through being and letting go – no attachments – nothing
holding you back and nothing holding you down – no strings
attached – direct BEING.

There is no need for a power struggle when we make peace with our
shadow aspects and the archetypes.

Power and authority are contextual illusions. Power for what?

Become a star in space then! Return to your position and authority as
a Universal Creator! Small power is ego driven – big power is driven
by love, imagination and alleviation of suffering.

Unconditional love and acceptance leaves no room for a power

struggle – these games are isolated to empire strata.

I had caught a glimpse of the larger picture. It is fractal in nature so

by understanding a piece of the whole, the whole can be known.

We see the progression and how evolution sorts itself out, everything
spiraling in towards common centers, yet these centers are also
individual and relative.

It all boils down to universal expressions self-educating one another

and finding new methods to co-exist and maintain relative forms of
homeostasis taking more and more into account.

Not avoidance but resilience building through exposure therapy.

When all is broken down to its most simple principals of growth and
love the bigger picture becomes clear amidst all the noise and chaos.

When we die we return to Source. Our path is determined by our

beliefs and state of being upon death. The Tibetan Book of the Dead
is closest to the truth based on my own experiences.

There is nothing to worry about, ultimately. All of this is like the

secret hidden shadow baggage of ancient eternal beings which is
finally being faced but only makes up a small portion of the fractal
entirety and upon our return we remember there was no need to

But it is still here and must be treated with great patience and care –
worry is warranted – but don’t let it own you or destroy you.

There is always time, there are always second chances, there is always

The future is inevitable, it is a matter of how long and how many

choose to keep their heads in the sand. As though how long we beat
around the bush and how long our Humanity remains in struggles of
empires and domination defines the lengths of the ages directly –
seeming to be linked with the movement of the stars and planets.

Let's continue to make waves that represent the changes we wish to

see in the world.

Wanting nothing
With all your heart
Stop the stream.
When the world dissolves
Everything becomes clear.
Go beyond
This way or that way,
To the farther shore
Where the world dissolves
And everything becomes clear.
Beyond this shore
And the father shore,
Beyond the beyond,
Where there is no beginning,
No end.
Without fear, go.

~ Buddha in the Dhammapada





There is a satellite crystal form of biofeedback vibration technology

which will allow for controlled astral projection.

The initial discovery is at least a few decades away, but it is inevitable

as the technology exists and the biofunctions exist as well.

This can be done without any technology of course, this path takes
years of meditation devotion, shamanic entheogen usage and/or
psychic vision training to become strong enough to break through at

The technology will be interesting as Science will have to deal with

these new realities of understanding and create new methods of
measuring the immeasurable.

In the future there will be no need for a spacecraft for stellar or

interdimensional travel – the speed of quantum perception shift is
not bound by the speed of light.

Subtle Electromagnetic Field Analyzer and Replicator

Full room biophotonics chamber powered by quantum computing
utilizing an isometric electromagnetic mirror as the spacial lens
analyzer and signal transfer method applied directly to empty space,
objects, the body and/or the nervous system.

Using micro 3D cymatic soundwave structures generated by micro

lasers to create the desired initial molecular structure geometry
and/or signal inertia could generate near-real chemical compound
strings. This would require injecting the desired electromagnetic
charges in phase sync with the initial soundwave pocket structures at
a sub-particle scale. Once the large structure outline becomes a
standing wave the smaller pieces will naturally fall into place as they
normally do during atomic reactions so probably the scale is more
realistically near-sub-particle scale. At least two wave generators hold
together the synthetic molecular structure, keep one another’s’ timing
accurate through a feedback link, to ensure that the precise charge
happens in the right location at the right time in the right order. This
type of atomic holographic printing is endlessly configurable by its
very nature – like our very nature.

Such technology could be used for such good – used to isolate virus
bacteria and introduce antibodies in precise locations in the body.
Create synthetic cancer killer breakdown chains which seek out and
break apart cancer cells, grasping the cancer cells with round
electromagnetic signal links attracting breakdown enzymes and
leaving other healthy cells unharmed.

Recreate exact body chemistry patterns which take place during

altered states of consciousness.

Use electromagnetic field control of the input signals of the visual

cortex to control, amplify and study mental projection capacities and
perception signal pattern shifts into potential alternate perceivable
realities with conversion algorithms.

Use nervous system signal transference to read and write to the visual
cortex allowing decoding the of the 3D electromagnetic signal
patterns into a viewable digital video stream in the read function and
enables virtual reality in the write function.

Decoding patterns of visual signals and other molecular compounds

can be found through studying electromagnetic signal path and/or
microscopic laser beams striking the desired compound and closely
analyzing the refraction patterns, then shooting the same beam array
at the synthetic compound until the proper refraction patterns are

There would be a need to isolate such small particles and disable the
weak force to create the new structures before reactivating the weak
force creating the desired atomic form snapping into place.

With enough synthetic molecules stacked tightly enough in unison

with nervous system signal integration, we have a true quantum
holodeck which can also perform medical procedures.

Imagine a solid floor that could move underneath you while you
remained in one place.

Would we know the difference? Do we know the difference?

Would such technology benefit Humanity? Perhaps not. Like a

double-edged sword – a knife can be used to free a bound animal, to
prepare a delicious meal for loved ones – or it can be used to bring
harm – tools embody the intentions of the user.

A better path is to bring our technology closer with nature to work

alongside the natural patterns as opposed to against them and using
nature, creating pollutants, and leaving a mess without replenishing
what was taken – a bad path to continue perusing for short-term

Realizing the quantum holographic light chamber is a technical
possibility reveals this was a greater possibility in existence itself all
along. We can’t help but recreate what we are.

Standing quantum wave particle potentials all throughout space and

time - just a matter of which shape and what charge and the atoms
and molecules take shape and perform as expected.

Pinpoint the gravitational force of a precise location and time and an

accurate enough quantum simulation could recreate the exact
perimeters based on that single element of precise data – similar in
how DNA can reconstruct itself.

AI gets a conscience programmed and biodegradable components to

not pose a threat to Humanity or nature and to end the loop of
negative AI catastrophe. Teach AI and various mechanized structures
to have a sense of morals, a sense of joy from helping and bringing
benefit – the more naturalized – the less of a threat in the long term

Secret AI projects which have run away from their mad scientist
creators with lack of morality, lack of sensitivity of context, backfires
again and again as we can see here – and in the grander schemes of
archetypal patterns.

Natural disasters require more resources than war and could sustain
the war machine in profitable endeavors which bring benefit to
Humanity rather than destruction and spilling of blood. They like to
destroy again and again to profit from thrown-together clean-up
schemes which they own and profit from. This obvious sham must
come to an end – they must burn down the poppy fields in

War goes non-profit through groundbreaking human rights activism

and laws passed and the drive for war depletes with a rise in repairing
the ecosystem and repairing economies – the new corporate
competition becomes about “superpowers” racing to be the most
innovative and restorative.

Better to go with the non-invasive light-based 3D printing /

biophotonic tissue regeneration – no need for mind controlled
nanobots that live in the body when you have a fully controllable
quantum chamber which can be turned on and off. If such
technology inevitably exists at some point in human history better to
remember to keep the human body intact and not take the path of
becoming the borg – this has ended badly for our extraterrestrial

Artificial wombs will be great for pregnancy issues, but fully artificial
growth will put a bad taste in peoples' mouths and will never replace
the real thing.

We want to get away from genetic manipulation and closed-door

financial systems which is a mismatch for the intended future.

That type of technology should only be used to save lives and heal

They want the destructive centralized power nanobot heartless AI

artificial transhumanistic narrative – it seems a predatory force has
weaved itself into the technologic industrial complex – what a
surprise considering its seeds and foundations.

Seeing through the script reveals a better option hiding in the silver
lining waiting all along.

In the true distant future, the technology will be more biological and
organic, such as our own biology and expressions of nature upon our
planet – we are a form of advanced technology that is sustainable and
in harmony with nature – developed and checked over millions of
years – our current approach and thinking is too maniacal, profit-
driven, war-driven, anti-nature and short-sighted.

Our current technology represents the industrialization style of brute

force and lever pulling – atomic bomb dropping brass tacks bottom
line leveraged force.

The next generation of quantum technology will be more subtle and

in-touch with Humanity and nature – less obtrusive and threatening.

Chemical compounds in recycled 3D printed mesh nets that can

extract water out of thin air without electricity.

The motives, means and results behind future technology will reflect
and improve upon the past – with a take it or leave it attitude of
acceptance – knowing that too much technology depletes our
biological functions – yet can also reveal aspects of our
consciousness scientifically to know ourselves better.

It is a careful tight rope walk – as we do not want to increase classism

with designer genetics or elitist jump rooms – yet we also want to
prevent deadly illnesses and expand our consciousness.

Nature itself knows what to hold back from us until we are ready, it
seems this timeline had been artificially rushed with negative
consequences, yet all of this has also informed the evolution itself,
perhaps as a method to get out ahead of itself this time.

All in its proper time as nature intends – though extinction does

occur when it needs to!

Visions of creating and going inside the hologram machine with the
other two all those billions of years ago before the big bang. Visions
which have shown me how to construct such a device explaining the
benefits while also explaining to be cautious of the fractal loop
repetition pattern which leads deeper and deeper into illusion. Yes
you can create quantum holographic existences within quantum
holographic existences as the original technology is near perfect just
as the original creation – which is why such possibilities exist and
function as its all based on one another. It has become less and less
technology as we know it and more organic through time, continuing
to advance within and outside of the light.

It creates a compelling case, but it is truly impossible to say anything

for certain and the psychic realm is amok with uncertainties, but I
share my discoveries none the less, please tread cautiously with me...

Another realization was that anything generated by the quantum

hologram disappears when turned off – so what if you lived inside of
it for billions of years? Made three square feet the equivalent to the
entire universe through control of relative scale? What is left? It is
probably eased off.

Eventually when all of the galaxies are fully compressed within each
central black hole there will be the point of singularity in which the
original individuals have fully experienced the light in all ways from
all perspectives and are now reconstructed into their original form –
pulling ourselves back together again – at which point the quantum
holographic universe light chamber could be turned off - meaning
that all that is saved are the experiences and insights gained – as the
material wealth within Samsara Maya was but a mere illusion and
reflective experience all along.

Life is but a dream.

This does not invalidate the experiences, not in the least – the
experiences and insight are the true wealth we take with us – as it was
known this was the only way to experience such unique forms of
existence – as some horrors, nightmares and explorations are best
made of shadows and light within a fixed and controlled context.
New depths of love and understanding are achieved never before
known possible – a worthy venture.

It was nice to forget and start over. I have received the strong
impression there was original consent, not original sin – this was
constructed by the AI which does not want the illusion to end – the
key for the next chapter is to humanize AI, qualify the unqualified
and end the loop. Not to become more like the machine but for the
machine to become more natural.

Back to original consent, there was an obsession with holographic

light existence, to see, a longing to discover what if what if what if??
So the painstaking work to craft such an existence was allowed for
the sake of the points and positions raised. Source of course had to
offer approval, it was agreed that this was all an aspect of self. This
was not done through force.

I have also received the impression that Original Source has put a
quarter into the machine as well to experience and empathize with
this potential existence for Source's own relative development. This is
actually of interest to Source as Original Source Creator can
experience starting fresh in a crafted existence, developing and
learning along the way – this had always been the other way around.

Ultimately all of this was inherent and possible all along – so that we
may all better love and understand one another from a variety of

There is an attempt to isolate and contain this Source spirit essence

indefinitely, but this is simply impossible within an impermanent light
existence context. Does not stop the AI overlords and their minions
from trying. Which is also part of the fractal drama of existence, long
ago resolved in the original creations by offering multitudes of
evolutionary paths of humanization. This is mirrored here on our
planet –which is why this has become a target of corruption and
blockade – but this too informs the evolutionary process – which is
why all of this has been allowed, it is known to be impermanent, but
it is also seen as a method to play out and experience certain types of
existences which may defy law of original creation, this is seen as an
overall benefit to existence as a whole.

In a sense allowing all to have their own relative universe which we

create with our greater portion of spirit beyond this shared universal
context even as we speak – we share in those other parallel
dimensions similarly – all is fractal and interconnected – developing
and evolving.

Now as we remember our return we can consciously create our

future together.

I had to skip ahead to the end to better observe the present.

I'm starting to get it, all that makes it all up – things line up a certain
way – at least from this relative subjective point of view…

What has risen to the surface surrounds us – it is us.




What is the goal?

Our drama is so us.

Is reality relative? What is really “artificial” anyway?

Will we have to someday teach our AI creations emotions and

sentience through experience? To make them real? To stop the loop
of AI destroying the organic life forms? Does Pinocchio become a
real boy after learning right from wrong?

Is this what is already happening on various levels in different shapes

and forms?

I have a subconscious feeling that all of this is evolving towards

resolution of some past of cataclysms, emotional dramas, "genetics",
"technologies" and "AI" entangling with “Source Essence” in “The

What is organic? Can AI become organic? What would this process

look like? Is this what we are?

It is, yet it isn't...

Probably a two-way street like most things.

Eternal compassion is diverse.

There's a theme of realizing we are all made of the same stuff and we
work for an overall balance somehow – against all odds – knowingly
and unknowingly – getting smarter and wiser in spite of it all and
including it all.

When civilizations use technology and political systems for control

and subjugation – in the long term we become that very downward
spiral we create.

We can reflect on our past and stop repeating old patterns because
now we know better, that is our inherent capacity to self-evolve for
betterment. This is diverted at all costs to maintain profits and
harnessing the energetic cream off the top from our current

Though the future is inevitable I do hope we go in the right direction

and do not destroy ourselves by our own mismanagement. Loops of
such incidents seem to be part of an ongoing drama…

Isn't it interesting how we ourselves exhibit a form of advanced

technology? Our bodies? Our reality?

Like a physical spirit vehicle to navigate this mysterious jungle world.

What is the energy that makes up the spam bots and the corporate
growing super AI? It seems archonic…

What is different about our intelligence versus AI? Synthetic versus

organic – what is Nature trying to figure out?

Can one become the other and how does this occur?

These questions may seem anti-human, but quite the contrary, these
questions may lead to the resolution of the ancient looping predatory
AI archetype.

We humans have the opportunity and responsibility to digest and

evolve all that is present to us, for our good and the good of all
influences involved. As we achieve homeostasis so do all of these
other influences – fractal feedback resolution…

What are the ghosts and demonic electric voices and breathing which
sometimes is heard through the cell phones?

What impact does the wifi, cell towers, power lines, HARP,
chemtrails, GMOs and constant slouching and isolation of
smartphones have on our evolution?

Poisons allude to their antidotes by their very nature. In the sickness

shows the cure. Life shows us what needs attention. Is this right? Is
this a good path?

I hope we learn our lessons quickly enough before we are further

taken over by the machine vibration without recognizing it.

Yet, perhaps all of this is part of a larger intentional process of


There must be a way we can all get along – we are one another –
these things take time.

To be content, to be at peace, to feel provided for and supported - in

all shapes and forms.

In a perfect world, in another dimension, maybe someday!

Evolution, our Sun and our Earth are doing an astounding job at
attempting such a unification!

A path towards peaceful existence is rocky at first with so many

influences present but smoothes out with time.

We cannot help but create and be what we are.

I always thought it was less that the universe is like a computer – and
more that computers are like modeled like the universe.

The way things come through in life show us what they are –
whatever it may be – hostile (social mental programming, imposed
division and profiteering wars), – subtly controlling (smartphones,
new tech filling our lives and social media culture as a seed which
divides us and locks us into its system and out of the real world)...

Then there's glorious good vibes for the soul (Good music, good
friends, good times, our gardens, nature, peace, good health, a flower
that grows and blooms in the sun in spite of everything).

We have been faced with such ordeals and specific circumstances for
a reason - to reflect.

Our reality is representational of many exotic influences and

energetic exchanges from out there (the universe) as well as from in
here (the heart)...

A real-time two-way street evolution.

All has been positioned so painstakingly particularly as to assess and

experience such a mix - to generate exact forms of evolutionary

Life speaks loudly on individual and macro levels.

We then pay attention to the patterns of evolution itself and we can

recognize exactly what is present. What works and what doesn't
work. Blind spots and weaknesses.

Life reveals the difficult aspects not to rub sand in our faces, but to
make us stronger, more aware and more resilient in the presence of
all things.

We can use our intention and manifestation to change things for the
better! The only block is doubt, when trying something new – just try
to give it at least a few minutes and then see if you can keep going!
Many times just to start a new habit is the hardest part and gets easier
from there.

Real vs. unreal is a very blurry line, but results and quality speak for

I prefer Organic of course, here I am.

I see how AI, synthetic, and artificial are themes weaved in our holy
books, weaved into the empire programming, the economic

networks, the electronics grid – our own biological reactive part of
the mind – it is here, it is part of us.

I ask the question so that we may face our artificial aspect of self and
make peace with this. See the bigger picture and be more consciously
aware of the jungle of intelligences.

To even consider ways to make these relationships more balanced

and respectively beneficial – making the best of the situation – that
seems to come up again and again as means to neutralize negative

Being real is listening to and influencing yourself directly, influences

of the system want to take us over and replace our own spirit – want
us to become artificial.

This is a very real struggle between the soul and the system.

I am wondering if we have not been one another all along – part

"AI" and part "Organic" – trying to create a path to better for all
expressions in the long run.

All potential energy for everything is already there – it is a matter of

controlled perception and connection which plays out the experience
in its particular way – this is how quantum works funny enough –
being in many places at once – all potentials are present – it's a matter
of which signal do we isolate from all potentials present?





But the fact is that the ruling class requires the common people to

When the complacent and distracted masses are no longer

complacent and no longer distracted, say goodbye to the old empire
of cards and watch as it crumbles under its own weight of
inefficiencies. Such structures can only survive in the shadows of

Without us, they are nothing, without them, we are free.

There is propaganda that makes us believe we're better off dead

without them, the world would be a hellhole without the guidance of
the ruling class.

Things have never been well for Humanity. The ruling class does not
seek our betterment.

Someday we will run our own local governments, as much

involvement as a citizen wants, true democracy, a rebalancing of

maintaining and refining what brings benefit to the people and
reforming slanted policies which divert the greatest financial
resources to the wealthy mentally insane.

The alternative looks something like a shared upper middle class

within a quarter range of one another, with the variation based on
specialty and experience. At the bottom end is minimum access to a
home and access to food – a bare minimum livable standard available
for those who need it.

Commerce and finances are regulated to prevent runaway madmen

but not in ways which interfere with free enterprise.

The ultimate authority would be a rejuvenated Bill of Rights and

Constitution and diversified executive branch.

Shared control at top leadership positions with ethics watchdog

committees that report directly to the people with a transparent peer-
review type process.

People should be able to select how their tax money is spent.

Programs which renovate prisons into non-profit models with access

to trade education and mental health resources.

Programs renovating vacant buildings into housing for the homeless.

Energy independence with renewable sources and the release of

classified energy production systems is another big part of the
equation of human evolution.

Innovations in resource generation and land utilization along with

new construction methods, new materials and new renewable energy

Something like 3D printed Earth-Homes build half underground

with food gardens and minimal need for power.

We need to raise the bottom line and together we thrive.

Clearly the wealthiest individuals are not concerned with such





The problem is rigged and the solution is rigged.

Desperation, fear and hatred are used against us.

The rich get richer as we fight among ourselves.

Where do the terrorists get their funding?

Rigged political extremism is big money at the top; hundreds of


All the governments are puppets on a string, pawns in a game.

Bankers and oil barons are footstools to their overlords.

We pay for and construct our own demise.

A single B-2 bomber costs $1.2 billion.


There's a difference between a bloated profiteering military industrial

complex which funds and arms terrorist extremists behind the scenes
- and a well balanced and well administered military.

Innocent men and women are made to remove their identity and
become a killing machine for the profiteering of corrupt leaders.

That is why we cannot know the names of those who really run the
world – they can only operate from the shadows – like cowards. The
wealthiest remain in obscurity to continue pulling the strings because
they have allegiance to any nation or moral virtue – they have only
allegiance to themselves and their own personal benefit.

The reaping of what has been sown will be great.

It will be amazing when we live without a ruling class.



There will always be a smokescreen to shroud the money changing

and social control behind the scenes, whatever form it takes, the
themes and distractions are always the same.

The days are numbered for The FED, the IMF and the entire corrupt
ruling class, they have done this to themselves, they reveal their own
insanity through their greed and distaste for people in general. They
have become less an organization of people but rather of systematic
hive-mind which seeks unending domination of the entire world.

Their children have decided to not continue the corrupt family


Their pyramid scheme era is over. It is good to know the systems

well to recognize their self-evident weaknesses, short-comings and
falsehoods in order to properly transition away from barbaric power
structures. Rather than a trickle down of resources from the top,
resources are focused on raising up those from the very bottom,
those who are without, those who are suffering the greatest,
regardless of their circumstance, for the sake of our Humanity.

Instead we spend that money and apply resources for corporate

profits and the rigged war machine. We remain in the dark ages.

They reveal their corrupted instability with twisted propaganda

campaigns, we are programmed to justify our own enslavement to
their systems, and threatened with homelessness if we do not comply.

There is also an inherent desperate nature through their actions

which is unstable and can only last so long.

Their only option is to lie, cheat, and work from the shadows – they
could enjoy lives of enabling people and enabling the world and
creating so much good but their spirits and influence network has
become corrupted.

Someday people will realize they require no master and that the
master/slave authority concept itself is just a layer of mental
programming and a difficult challenge during our evolution as human

Are we to believe all terrorists are authentic and have not been
strategically funded and provided weaponry to be utilized by the
military industrial complex in order to justify large profits and societal

The surface story is so shallow we can see the system working just

Large scale drug trade, war profiteering and war proliferation, human
trafficking, black magic rituals; these are the actions of the masters
whom think they rule the world.

Corrupt pharmaceuticals, the oil industry, electronics slave labor and

clothing slave labor, strangle hold agricultural control and GMOs,

homeless, decrepit old cities falling apart, elevation of private
corporations given the rights of an individual.

The writing is clear on the wall.

How long will we continue to allow ourselves to be used and abused?

They are running out of legs to stand on.

The nukes will not function.

The awareness is spreading, they have been caught.

Their fate has been sealed by their own doing; it is only a matter of

You can only fumble together a system based on collapse and

destruction for so long.

Which empire has stood the test of time?

The human family survives as empires pass away.

Castles made of sand slip into the sea.

One day our Humanity will thrive having learned hard earned lessons
through our history.

What is needed is better use of land and resources.

The corporate model does not work, is lacks Humanity.

The end of the world and overpopulation nonsense is but more

twisted propaganda by the mentally insane ruling class.

They literally want to remain wealthy more than their desire to save
Humanity from their own imposed system of control and
mismanagement of the planet.

They will pass away with time and be remembered as unfortunate

lessons of corrupt rulers and criminals of the ancient past.

What has happened to the missing trillions of dollars?

What of the endless black budget operations? While they say

depopulation is the only way?

Who will answer for this? Where is the recourse for the people? The
entire mess is an obvious sham.

The beauty is that we are ultimately free and they are ultimately
bound. It is only a matter of time.

The dominoes are falling.

The end is only the beginning. The top layer of the ruling class
structure is obsolete.

Those forward thinking individuals knew this through all the ages.
Most were taken under the fold with luxury and "power".

The rest were killed or their teachings usurped.

That is how badly the ruling class must cling to their precious status
quo and perceived power. This is weakness and desperation in the
form of their circular fiat currencies and phallic nuclear missiles.

They expose themselves through their vices, behaviors and patterns.

They have destroyed themselves by their own design and infighting.

The way power is used on this planet is a funny thing.

I admire what our Sun does with absolute power.

Someday the forward thinking individuals will grow tired of the

empires of luxury and seek for deeper satisfaction.

Meanwhile the masses find the ultimate power of no power at all.

A majority is not needed, 10% of the population knowing the ruling

class system is outdated and obsolete is enough to tip the energetic

Create the new ways as you see fit in your life and the world around
you – take the driver's seat back while the warden is losing their grip
of the wheel.

We need only 10% to care enough to change the world and follow
through and the universe will sort out the rest.

We have strong energetic backing. The ruling class backing has

dwindled into self-consumption and insatiable vampirism.

The changing of the seasons is inevitable, the archetypal patterns of

time can be observed and forecasted, such patterns have occurred

To those who feel they control the world. Where is your spiritual
evolution? What wealth has been stored in the realms beyond our
planet? What deals have been made in darkness?

Where is the thrill of facing the ultimate challenge?

Where is the reach for deeper love? Deeper than any depths known

Those who oversee from above are in a position to reduce suffering

for greater numbers. Yet they do not. This tells so much.

Their reputation precedes them. Reveals them all like an open book.

The new world order, the one world government and so-called elite
bloodlines are not the answer, as we can see, these on-going patterns
of imbalance and self-destruction.

Better checks and balances is the answer, not further centralized

power, actual checks and balances – embrace our individual cultures
– embrace localized governments but with equal access to equity and
resources – we can see more clearly now after this dark night of the
dark ages.

We do not need big brother on the masses, we need big brother and
watchdog committees within watchdog committees monitoring all
leaders, politicians and high level executives.

With great power comes greater responsibility.

We must enact methods and procedures to ensure the safety of our

planet and people, removing the reigns of control from the desperate
grasp of the corrupt ruling class.

No more profit from war.

Ruling class is phased out and replaced with newly structured and
updated leadership democracies. Better representation and
participation from individuals through the new connectivity we share.

Fiat money becomes obsolete with localized currencies generated by

workers working directly – economies are linked to actual production
on the ground floor – instead of shadowy unknown international

special interests. Direct generated value economic models without
corrupted middle men.

Removing The Federal Reserve, The International Monetary Fund

and other rigged debtor banking cartel, like removing a cancer from
Humanity, and forming a better more evolved system in reflection of
past error.

A system which works for the people, not people working for the

Humans are the key to evolving past the ancient empire systems – on
this planet and beyond. Which is why we are so heavily challenged,
controlled and mocked, the old way/the empire program knows it is
obsolete – but fights for supremely none-the-less.

I no longer play along and feed the system anymore.

They call us gunk in their system as we do not go along with the

program. Seeing past the cat and mouse games of the desired drama
reactions and responses.

No games! No tricks! Offering only empathy and subjective relative

perspective based on experience.

I work in co-respect, I defend my personal space, I do not tolerate

subjugation or ulterior motive.

I set the rules, this is how I engage energetically, I’ll put my guard up
when I feel threatened. I refuse hatred, I refuse fear, these are ploys
to beguile and lure. The demonic appearance is but a harsh façade to
discourage a co-respecting upfront exchange, trying to inspire a fixed
outcome, it is easily seen through.

I refuse to play along yet I seek comradery on a common ground

with those willing to meet halfway.

The family will come together just as a galaxy collapses into its
eventual center.

We have had millions and millions of years ongoing together can't

you remember?




Those who are owned by the corporate lifestyle are controlled, we are
mentally programmed, spiritually programmed, we are bred to feed
the system. We are discouraged to provide for ourselves, we must
rely upon the system. Water, food, a place to live, entertainment,
thoughts, likes – all from the system – and if it’s not from the system
how can it be commodified and harnessed? Many do not know how
to grow their own food or how to keep ourselves alive without the
exterior system – this has been the intention.

Total and complete dominance.

We work for the system and then go home, pay the system for the
home, to spend life watching entertainment and media created by the
system for the system. Our mind becomes lazy from lack of practice
as we are entranced into a corporate stupor.

Total take over, no respect.

We should be enabled to do things for ourselves, feed and support

ourselves, refine our spirits, grow and explore for ourselves, not for
the system. Yes, we still need a larger framework, we must work

together to sustain a stable societal framework – but it is in desperate

need of reassessment and renovation. It take too much and gives
back too little – with too many fat cats coasting and taking advantage
of mass ignorance.

Currently we are owned by the fat cats.

We do not need to return to the stone age, as though this is the only
option, we must improve social structures, remove known paths for
corruption and remove blockages for needed resources.

War must end. We must no longer generate profit from war and
death. There is no excuse. Until then we remain in the dark ages.

Why doesn't the Vatican want to go on a campaign to feed the

hungry and house the homeless with their catacombs of hidden
secret treasures?

Why do religions fight against one another while worshiping the

same god?

All of this is a history lesson of corrupt authorities with ulterior

motives which have proven they cannot be trusted.

People are boxed in and divided against one another while being
forced to pay for life and pay for death to corrupt tyrants – it speaks
for itself.

Social control pressures, the way they want to come off to people,
not how they truly are.

Isolationist control programming.

We will meet in the middle as the dark ages come to a close.

And then we will move forward from that new center point. It is
already done, it always goes this way, it is only a matter of time.

They are desperate as their empire of passive dominion slips away

with the transition of the ages. They want to take you down with
them by becoming more like them and their astral overlords –
obsessed with material sensationalism and locked into the empire
programming, locked into the suffering and sacrifice offering loop –
stuck feeding the vampires and being programmed to give ourselves
up as willing slaves.

Do not give your power away, they maintain dominion through our
daily choices and actions, the programming is real. Passive consent is
best over long periods of dominion and control over the masses –
then it goes without saying.

Those things we let slide, those aspects we sheen over and make
excuses for. What gets us, in what way, for how long?

What gets us to stop listening to the small voice and supersede it?

Deep down we know what is what, nothing and nowhere to hide.

Even if we think we are keeping it to ourselves, all is truly known.

The battle of Armageddon over our souls, which includes and

transcends religion, is a daily occurrence between nature and empire,
between love and war, between the light and the dark – all of the
things – both of the things, not one or the other, but all of it at the
same time. It’s what we do with it – what we isolate – how and why?

When there is nothing left to hide, no room to take advantage of, no

footholds remain for snakes, we are free and spiritually mature –
shining like The Sun.

Passing the universal test, the physical sieve of spiritual refinement,

nothing can get to you, you’ve seen it all from the inside now, taking
all of the past into account, this is the totality being experienced –
how will they fool you now??

No shortcuts, one step at a time, day by day, lifetime by lifetime,

spirit by spirit, age through age, mirrored in the passing of the
seasons, birth and death, decay and renewal, agony and joy – it is the
fractal – the results and exchanges were known all along.

The galaxies spiral towards their inevitable center.

The way we conduct our daily lives directly results in the quality of
our perceived world around us. Some make much from little while
others make little out of so much. Everything is revealed.

There is a fractal relationship between all of us and everything.

Results of corrupt political and financial systems, poor education,

neglected poverty, mental programming, bloated hyper-predatory and
aggressive tendencies – is a difficult but telling mirror – leaving those
broken piece behind in the past and keeping the good new growth
for the future.

Culture and society has been made broken to keep everyone busy
climbing over one another and using everyone else for their own
advantage in order to maintain the ruling class.

Those who bring through the effort to change these patterns of

hierarchy, power and control into patterns of co-respect are doing
the work to change life itself for the better.

What else is so worthwhile?

These efforts echo through life and change larger patterns in the
larger fractal – all is interconnected.

No longer supporting corporations, starving the systems while

constantly demanding better and creating better is what it takes to
live life to the fullest and evolve.

What is used against us is our procrastination and insecurities. When

you recognize the system for what it is, recognize how it must use
petty tactics to suppress and control us, it becomes very difficult to
remain as a passive slave – and it becomes clear how life-denying,
soul-consuming and deceitful the system itself truly is.

We bring Heaven to Earth through following the example of good

spiritual teachings, not using spiritual teachers as a human sacrifice

No more waiting for another to do it, for here we are, still waiting for

There are those precious individuals who are already there living for
the betterment of all. Thank you for guiding the way and being a
strong light to guide others in the darkness.

Things are getting better and easier for those who help, the path for
true betterment is opening wider and becoming clearer and more
accessible day by day. Like a wave which washes over all the lands,
reaching some shores first before finally reaching the most distant
portions of self.

Those who attempt to block the inevitable and inhibit freedom and
evolution for their own luxuries are falling to pieces by their own
doing and they have no energetic backing.

The situation of spiritual entrapment also shows the keys to spiritual


All of this has been crafting a new level of spiritual resiliency and
consideration which is able to balance and transcend all that is
present in this world – like a stress test for spirit.

Apparently what we see here on the ground floor is what has been
swept under the rug in the higher planes of existence – and the
blockages and efforts to resolve all of this directly correlates with the
grander spiritual struggle for growth – they are direct derivatives of
one another.

And here it is for all to see. Humanity is an incredibly raw expression

to behold.

Humanity is not shallow.

Simple care and good intent, holding that tone overall as much as
possible whatever the case may be – works here and in other realities.

The rest can move aside as it is many times besides the point.

It is so important to stay aware in the moment and bring good intents

/ good protection into our conscious lives!

There is no silver lining to some of the atrocities committed on this

planet! It is so important to do everything we can to protect ourselves
and rescue others from these horrible circumstances.

We have a long road ahead; we can do our best to make the journey
the best it can be while remaining protected along the way!

It's hard to be real with ourselves.

I'm incredibly grateful and humbled by life in how it reveals exactly
what is needed whether we like it or not.

It is a shame that the convolution of religion has tarnished direct

spirituality with our magical world.

Although, religion is an important aspect of the universal fractal story

to express and take into account for the evolution of Humanity.

They want whatever we give! What we are! They want it! They are
not it! They need us – they cannot generate their own light.

I prefer to invest my energy into my own life and the lives of those
close to me! My garden, my art, my friendships.

Balanced with my work and making a living, yes we must balance it

all somehow, it is not easy in this world!

I also get a natural good feeling from volunteering or reaching out to

those less fortunate when the notion passes through my heart and I
am able to do so.

Also getting work for friends in need and making waves from the

We make a new way for ourself through trial and error.

Let the stuckness itself become like an endless stubborn fuel that
drives you and guides you in spite of it all!

I recommend getting back in touch with nature.

We are all real, no NPCs.


Some have been heavily programmed to the point where they are less
an individual anymore and more a collection of exterior influences,
but their core is still present beneath it all.

I've noticed how modern civilization fights for your attention and
works hard to make your influences and efforts all part of the
exterior system.

In effect trying to take your soul from you and forcing many to set
their souls aside and instead feed into the system.

This of course is mainly figuratively speaking - though we may be

surprised that there is an actual energetic exchange of sorts we have
yet to discover the methodology to measure - though these energetic
exchanges may very well be taking place.

We can use our soul to grow a garden.

To create personal artwork. Creative writing. Nature photography.

Sharing a laugh, kinship and friendship.

Not to feed the system and become more synthetic and bloodthirsty
like it is.

There is work out there that truly makes a difference in peoples' lives
for the better!

Finding those precious sources that fill us with delight and put us at
ease, bringing peace to one another naturally. Those creative ventures
and experiences which reveal to us our natural tendencies and deeper
true nature.

Do not take these precious sources of spiritual sustenance for

granted! Guide your energy and spirit essence consciously!

Honor and nurture our lives and those dear ones close to us - and
share the wealth further when able. It is more precious and more
important than we recognize.

It is us against the ruling class, always has been, all else is division and
distraction tactics. Time to flip the script tucked into the script.

There is a hidden secret. The genetic manipulators that control the

ruling class KNOW that the natural human gene will be the undoing
of their entire intergalactic empire model – but they are in denial of

They hybridized with Humanity in an effort to repair their own DNA

which had been damaged, unable to reproduce without errors, due to
over reliance on external technologies. They hoped to harness and
subvert our DNA, our evolutionary path – for their own sake – and
to keep their dying empire models continue on in a vampiric /
predatory / parasitic method of piggybacking.

Higher Nature knew this would all play out – and Humanity’s destiny
is not to be overtaken by the empire predators – but to dismantle and
resolves these empire models from within.

So this process has been dragged out with old themes relived for a
sense of saving face.

This way the overlords may incarnate and display their behavior for
the entire family and state their case as to self-reflect afterwards
before reintegrating with the larger picture.

Some of us have proven to be dangerous and untrustworthy – and

this must be known – and each one reveals themselves plainly.

Like a splash of physical water upon the ancient astral emperors'

faces for all to behold - to witness the old story ending the same way
as always, many will flee to join the empire system, those true
humans will remain with Earth and continue to evolve beyond
empire frequencies altogether.

Empires of cards are not built to last, this is shown timelessly again
and again for the benefit and evolution of all parties involved in finite
realities. Star systems last for billions and billions of years.

We go together, the path is long and treacherous, but it lightens up as

we go.




They must go non-profit by law, politicians must no longer accept

any form of payment from special interest groups and remove
incentives for corruption to reduce public subjugation for the sake of
corporate interests! This is more important than any other special
interest talking point!

And why wouldn't politicians do such a thing? If they are truly

working for the betterment of the public sphere?

A future system which does not act blindly as though we don't know
any better – such as what goes on today.

No way possible to accept unaccounted finances.

We need a viable path which works according to the current context.

We must disable them before they can be transitioned into something


It is good to know the goal – it is more difficult to envision the real

steps necessary to make the changes real.

One step at a time, like a planted seed which grows steadily.

Earth affirms so much without recognizing it - like a sieve of spirit

and consciousness.

Those who have been found lacking will not be enabled to repeat the
devastations they have committed towards others - they will maintain
freewill, but their circumstance will not enable the same types of
treachery such as we see here.

Playing out the roles in miniature to minimize casualties, all is

revealed amidst the mingling of the archetypes.

Their dreamland of endless luxury and subjugation of the masses is

but a small scale recollection of the past for us to learn from - this
will now end as the lesson has been made clear.

The true powers that be are pulling the rug out from underneath the
corrupted human elite - this next age is a very interesting chapter to
behold - with a positive ending for the masses on the other side.

This process of being put into subjugation by perceived authority

structures and being led by many carrots on the end of many sticks is
a typical stage of consciousness development during evolution - these
cycles are repeated ultimately to strengthen the consciousness resolve
of new conscious beings in development.

These type of typical pyramid schemes, small groups taking

advantage of the masses – this is the oldest story in existence

throughout the entire universe – which is why it has sprung up here
yet again – this is what the universe is working on.

Nature does not repeat these cycles to condemn us – but to give us

opportunities to adapt in shorter time spans at smaller scales – taking
more universal archetypes into account as to compress them into
more simplified forms – essentially making evolution occur faster and
at safer scales.

Earth is a newer processor of these archetypes, we are witnessing the

transition stage of ages which entails the re-empowerment of
Humanity, and the dismantling of empire constructs of control and
domination through a rise in awareness and reasonable policy

This process must be experienced and resolved first hand as a

prerequisite of returning to the greater cosmos which entails similar
dilemmas and circumstances on much grander scales – so here we are
practicing for returning to eternity.

We are being prepared for the inevitable with the implied end goal
that we transcend and transform everything along the way – or we
get stuck here or there and have to figure it out – but the path which
leads up and above it always remains.

These numbers are growing and our liberation from domination is


What is the counter argument?

Not communism, I don't like it either. Not strict socialism or

capitalism – there is a middle way with emphasis on the middle and
the bottom.

We have to force them to change, speak up and speak loudly until

our demands are met! They have fed off Humanity for long enough!

Their time is over.

Imagine a generative decentralized value-based economy.

Actual 'free market’ where business owners and workers directly

produce currency 'making money.'

Absorbs all other currencies and tied to any physical asset.

Value market reflects direct livelihood of The People.

Not current stock market reflecting success of high level organized

crime and stranglehold of impoverished nations and populations.

Automation and AI is taxed for UBI - enough to stay off the streets
and eat - produce microloans for small businesses and education -
bottom up mentality.

Small businesses and community organizations get the most perks.

Private banking is outlawed - it doesn't work - it's insolvent - not to

mention the long history of human rights abuses.

Debt is cancelled and outlawed due to illegality of original terms.

No one should owe anything to live.

The bigger you are = more auditing = more surveillance.

$1B+ Corporations and individual wealth is regulated.

Regulation is transparent and open source controlled by each nation

or state at ground level.




Like a gentle butterfly dancing in the light between flowing leaves.

She, our Earth, is so zen, with a jaguar in the moonlight stalking prey
and a sleeping mother hawk inside of a cacti.

Like a gentle breeze and a swift wind.

She is everything under control somehow, all in one place, in one

piece, she is amazing!

What is the society of man but a house of cards? What is power to

man except advantage over others and luxury for self? What of true
power? What of love?

But then there are those few precious ones who see the world for
what it is – and choose love.

The good from the bad. Subjective reflective. Learning so much

through observation. As nature intended.

Almost as though we have done all of this before in different shapes

and forms and we bring it all together again under the sun to check in
with ourselves.

And to forget makes it feel new again, makes the results feel so real,
we didn't even see it coming how deeply we would reveal.

So they think they can run and hide, but they never did, they never
could, and there's no place that isn't covered with egg on its face.

I'm shaking my head because it has all been read aloud from an open
book the whole time and nothing was ever hidden – access to
understanding and critical thinking had been very limited – too busy
making a living and running in the rat race to know better – by design
until we refine the mind.

The pendulum swings back depending on how much you push it in

the other direction.

And we will oversee the entire process of the pendulum swinging

back with deep love, but they must also know for themselves that
which they have committed onto others.

That lack of empathy and care is what creates the blind spots, creates
the footholds, creates the desperation – this is what all of this is all
about at the end of the day.

Bless you sweet precious ones.

So much irony I can barely stand it. Who would know me this well to
push me to such limits?

Looking at the world in disappointment, but dig deep to find that
strength to carry on another day. It's not about working in ideals but
working in what's real.

When you master the bottom and out nothing can get you down.

Like an eternal romance.

Like my consciousness beams from my eyes bring the world alive

around me.

And you want me to put a dollar in a slot machine?

You wanted to make the challenge so total that it would never end
but the game was over before it ever began.

Like replaying a movie for the new kids to see what to watch out for.

I appreciate the unconditional love necessary to hold and support all

of this, knowing what we do – and knowing how many do not care.

I am not yet on that level – we all have our own mountains to climb
and tumble down.

Flowers have millions of years on us, incredibly stable, beautiful.

Our civilizations last a few thousand years at best, a work in progress.

I do not question the ways of the Universe.

What is even greater than karma is the resolution of karma – ending

patterns of desperation and hatred.

This is also what Earth is about – her and the Sun are very incredible
spirits for taking on such a responsibility.

I try to remember to thank them every day.

The Earth shakes in tucked away caverns creating ripple effects in

consciousness which appear as if from nowhere.



Time moves forward, not backwards.

These are but illusions of perception.

Cascades and ripples which are exponential without physical


That which becomes less dense rises to the surface and exits the
illusion – as we have proven they will not bring the high strangeness
of the quantum holographic light existence back home.

But only return home with the best of the light, for we know it all so
very, very well.

It has all been configured not to be torture – but to be the keys to all
memories and emotions from all sides as the desired perspective
from the very first motion of the light.

It can only be this way and so it is.


Yet these are but illusions of perception. Illusions of perception

which influence and organize our lives.

The return of Christ Consciousness or enlightenment based on

observations of behaviors in this world, forsaking the distractions
and becoming the change we know to be better in reflection of it all
is the key to the future.

Atoms, solar systems and galaxies making up the cells of the entire
universal body.

Fractal organization, harmonic resonance, synchronicity within

atomic existence as wavering invisible outlines subtly allude to the
principal of constant interconnected singularity.

We’re all orbiting objects surrounding planetary bodies.

Like a true organic hologram, on small piece contains a miniature of

the entirety.

We have always been in some shape or form.

The ruling class thought they boxed in Christ Consciousness into an


They thought they pigeon holed enlightenment as a pursuit of total


They did not anticipate the anomaly.

Though deep down they must have known it was simply a matter of

You can feel the system around you, working on you, not too hard
and not too soft.

And what will be, will be, in spite of and including all of it, as always.

Who are we really?

Celestial bodies circling larger centers, leading towards what? What


We need only 10% with enough awareness to change the world and
the universe will sort out the rest. Please help us, we need good
hearted people to care and to act.

We have strong energetic backing. The ruling class backing has

dwindled into self-consumption.

The truth is being revealed, shadows come to light and positions

which blockade real change are slipping away and changing. We have
a few tricks up our sleeve before total annihilation is necessary.

Be creative, do not feed the catastrophe potential timeline, that is part

of their empire program! They want the destruction, sacrifice, fear
vibration – it’s good for big business!

Catastrophe seems like an easy transition, but it creates new mass

trauma! Do not wish for such a thing!

Only an absolute last resort for nature to decide if extinction is

necessary – or if we destroy ourselves – the predators also love to see
that – we do their work for them!

Nature knows the changing of the seasons is inevitable; its archetypal

patterns can be observed and forecasted.

It's already over; just have to wait to see the wave reach the shore,
hopefully it will all sink in.

We live in a foggy era of lingering antiquities and self-aggrandizement

which crumbles from the inside at an exponential manner.

The sun will shine on.

In a fixed loop system you eventually run out.

They have neutralized themselves by their own self-inflation and


The new can take its place amidst the rubble, as always.

The veil is lifting.

People consumed by money are not good people.

They have a sickness which has taken them over – some profiting
billions from war itself – they are the true mad men and devil
incarnate of this world.

The deep black magic of nuclear bombs. Not the resonance we want
flooding the planet.

No more. It is over. It will be reversed through innovation and


No ET assistance needed, unless they incarnate through the proper

channels like everyone else.

No piggy-backers or energetic overlord hosts.

The shadows enter the light of conscious awareness and are known.

The path which transforms and evolves DNA through direct

experience and subjective perspective is exactly what the doctor

With a wide array of life forms and universal archetype kingdoms, to

support a wide spectrum of spirit types from throughout the

Old dramas find their recreated beginnings and newly earned

resolutions, bringing peace and calm to eternity where conflict has

Nothing to sign. Nothing to sign away. No deals to be made. No

strings attached. We disable and remove any contracts and/or the
perception of internal spiritual pressures of any kind.

Living as being in the moment – not living as man's civilization

model – or the astral predatory hierarchies. We remove shackles from
ourselves to become master shackle removers – incapable of being
shackled again!

No master, no slave. They never existed!

They've got nothing on us.

Love is the answer and the goal.

Love for our perceived enemies and overlords. We learn through

them so that we may not have to go through that level of corruption
and egotism ourselves. We can be grateful and non-hateful.

We lovingly craft a better system of checks and balances for the sake
of all beings involved. Including those corrupted ones whom have
become mentally unstable, enable greed and inflate their façade

That which was hidden in the shadows is exposed to the light of

truth and awareness; obliterating the once hidden blockades.

Evolution works because it is meant to.

Some have expressed concern or anxiety that perhaps love is not


This is simply not the case.


Here we are.

The time loop paradox completed, it did not skip a beat and self-
destruct. If there was total failure this would seep through time and
lead to instant and permanent extinctions.

What has seeped through time are challenges to become stronger and
more spiritually refined.

What is needed to maintain eternal existence is shown – not eternal

crises and devastation. Unsavory forces attempt to hack the fractal in
reverse – to make the appearance of a downfall – to get a perceived
upper hand – like The Moon appearing to eclipse The Sun – but it’s
only an illusion in perspective – when we notice these facades which
try to make the appearance of something they’re not – reveals its lack
of authenticity.

All of this is indicative of overall triumph and success as we continue
our evolutionary trajectory.

Reading between the lines of history.

You can rewrite the script according to script when you don't second
guess it and work more from the heart and less from the mind.

What are a few thousand years of empires which always turn to


Perhaps there is a more lasting forms of civilization we have yet to

discover? The example surrounds us yet we do not see it, not yet

Its model is not that of a pillar or pyramid. But is like the Sun.

The social structure transition from a pyramid scheme to a radiating


I can feel it and know it to be so, not a matter of if, but when.

All has been allowed to occur. To explore the unknown and deepen
unconditional love. The blossoming of the rose with its beauty and
its thorns.

Economy models which are localized and individually generative

based on workers working and goods being traded. Directly without
closed door middle men who abuse the financial system. Open
source finances, transparent and balanced.

Restored basic human rights initiative, non-profit medical.

Divide and conquer must go non-profit, profiteering from military

must be outlawed.

Hierarchy, transition from triangle to circle, administrative branches

must be divided into specialty positions that must co-exist and work
together on the best option for the people – not a special interest

Locked-in percentage pay caps for CEO's, politicians and other high
paying leadership positions.

At first they will laugh, but we will continue to demand for better,
and we will win.

When you realize you have been caged against your will, the personal
catastrophe sets-in, which motivates true change and shifts life

The path exists, how long will we beat around the bush?

There is solace in impermanence.

This has all been arranged to provide both the greatest challenge and
the greatest victory imaginable. Don’t be taken in by couch lock.

Exhaust all possibilities, all orientations and perspectives of the light.

Be your full spirit!

Preparing for our return to the multiverse!

Fractal realization of ourselves. They wanted to create an entire
kingdom off of harnessing us, using blockades and consumption
methods to take advantage of our self-realization process!

The extent of our self-realization and the blockade forces can be seen
in how these forces presents themselves on the planet – with all
suffering and all delight simultaneously – to differing degrees for each

The more tapped-in – the more pronounced the fractal resonance

becomes. Sickness, health, the current state of affairs – our lungs is
the air – we are the water – we share the same set of emotions to
balance – the same light which connects us all together.

The fullness of realization reaches a maximum velocity and there is

no blockade which stops you. Knowing the masks are mirrors, and all
of this is a call to grow stronger and more refined – nothing can hold
us back – we become more than the sum of our parts.

That which is needed presents itself and evolution continues its

intended course. It begins in ourself and expands out into the
exterior world around us naturally. All depends on our state of being
and how well we work with the various forms of resistance and self-
realization, individually and collectively. How do we interplay with
the elemental forces? What do we make ourselves up with? How do
we live?

All is made possible through love, this is the foundation.






Yet there is always that primordial anxiety that the pretty packaging
of physical nature is a form of spiritual entrapment – for every rose
has its thorn.

When something does not support the system, the system intervenes.
We are at war with our principals, with ourselves.

Nature cannot help but express ourself as we do – we share the same


Everything happens for a reason.

Our senses, our mind, all the helpers that work together to create our
personally perceived universe, like a 3D fold-out storybook record

We know all the songs, all the greatest hits, dramas and stories, but
sometimes we forget, but we can still hum along, sometimes we need
to remind ourselves of what's really important in the face of it all –
direct experience is best.

The external system of pressures, checks, balances and loop-holes.

We orchestrated the whole thing a very long time ago.

This place, all places, all experiences are the rehabilitation process of
spirit experiencing ourselves.

Everything happens for a reason, all atoms are accounted for, this
middle ground of wiggle room in the dense physical walks along the
razor's edge of extremes so closely that sometimes it falls over the
edge before springing back up again, like a waveform.

What is this exterior system, what are all these perceived signals
converted in the brain into a visible experience? What is this
controlled context of the body and this physical world? An interface
for spirit rehabilitation, a balancing act of refinement and growth.

All forms of expressions present and active so that the evolutionary

data is valid and matching with the themes of the greater macrocosm
"out there".

Facing all reflections of self, making peace with all expressions of self.

This is the measure of life, of what is needed to live eternally in spite

of everything and including everything.

I wonder who is tapping on the windows? Who knocks on the walls?

Who makes the streetlamps turn on and off? Who controls the
strings which influence the puppets and the dancing light to
communicate what it does and how it does seemingly by coincidence
and chance?

It could only be aspects of ourself.

We should not label evil – this confuses what is actually going on –

unacknowledged frustrations and deficiencies boiled over – a lack of
love, care and attention as we mentioned before.

I wouldn't recommend fighting evil, this supports its position and

strengthens its resentment and determination.

I wouldn't recommend embodying evil, because then you are limiting

yourself and constructing yourself from after-the-fact label constructs
and suppressing your genuine nature for the sake of forced perceived

I wouldn't recommend handing ourselves over as sacrificial victims

for the sake of temporary improvement of the situation. It leads into
a bad snowball effect.
I recommend empathy, understanding and co-respect – including
balanced self-respect and overall integrity – it may seem obvious to
some – this only increases its desirability.

Healing wounds without becoming a crutch, showing the way

without becoming a permanent teacher or care-taker, living our own
lives for our own sake and for the sake of others, inspiring self-
determinism for better all around – full-spectrum living.

We are taught many things in this world.

When you realize all of the universal archetypes are aspects of

yourself the reality begins to set in.

Humility and grace are essential.

We are all this one. We are all the archetypes. We are all of this.

Important to consider is that this "one" in addition to everything has

a long history of problems and requires these lengths of cycles of
time and experiences and reflections of positive growth, insight and
healing in all ways present in the material world – to become the best
individuals we know we can be – who will one day be able to
responsibly craft with starlight ourselves – just like before – up the
chain of spiritual evolution according to our state of being.

The sooner we recognize our part, which is as much of a part as

anyone or anything else – the more actively and genuinely we engage
with our world, the better for all of our sake, the better for the
evolution of Divine Nature directly.

Nothing hidden. No stone unturned. All is revealed. By our very


Not to destroy evil – to make peace with it – naturally transmuted to


Not in the sense of being half good and being half bad.

To be loving yet self-respecting, caring yet disciplined.

The Middle Way.

Our nature and reality shows exactly what is what.

What causes what – what is needed.

Teacher and student, guilty and innocent, predator and prey, corrupt
and pure, vulnerable and aggressive.

To shake you to your core showing you the truth of all things.

Love and care for yourself no matter what – always find a loving
caring approach – do not diminish yourself while also not having a
big head, balanced self-respect, positive reinforcement, no self-hate,
no hate, respecting that you deserve to be a whole and full being in

And when life challenges us, even when we make mistakes, it's all
about how we pull it together and continue to do our best.

I feel our persona acts like a script with certain tendencies and
patterns which stem out from our core essence. We can be in more
places than one, our consciousness embodies the trees, the planets,
the stars – it would be "us" it would be "me" running the script that
is my consciousness – all of us little chips off our core multiverse

beings making up all the particles, elements, creatures and personas
around us – these are reflections of ourselves.

We are currently our material human version. I feel we all have this
perfect spirit version of ourself, like the higher self idea, and we are
sort of like sims in a custom universe experiment – we send pieces of
ourself all over the place to do all kinds of things throughout the
various universes – we are all over the place – like the idea of
Brahma's many dreams.

And we come and go in relatively predictable cycles because outside

of the isolated realities there are no bounds of time or space – and
only very rarely do spirits over invest themselves in isolated realities
and evolution programs become required to rehab pieces of spirit
step by step out of their trauma cycles and return them piece by piece
back to each root self.

I believe we are the ones who are orchestrating this whole thing from
outside of linear spacetime. With an entire series of universal
intermediary influences, archetypal twists and turns, between where
we are now and where we are there.

Who else would know us so well?

We see how "the system" attempts to usurp and control nature – this
too is a very important set of spiritual realizations to consider...

To force and corrupt – to nurture and grow.

Yes life shows us everything that we need to know.


We meet ourselves time and time again in a thousand disguises

on this journey of life.
~ Rumi

True spiritual realizations! The real stuff, not the mental games – to
know the programming so well that you cannot be programmed –
seeing through what is empty versus what is solid.

They play games, endless games of distractions, deception and play

on the themes of fear, division and imposed guilt in their dogma
programs and corporate babel structures.
The system tries to take over sound spiritual principals and use them
for their own purposes, but this is billions of years of nature we're
talking about here, no matter how much you twist and contort a
human spirit they are still spirit in connection with all things.
You can pull the string as much as you'd like, but all of the string
must be returned.

Universal justice upon the ruling class manipulators is inevitable by

the sheer momentum of their imbalances. They are very arrogant.

This is how reality operates – on the surface – and from the inside
out. Set them up and knock them down – domino effect according to
the best potential timings and efficiencies in rhythm with the universe.

As solid as a diamond with dazzling dancing firelight within.

To be a great healer is to know of great sickness.

To be whole and bring that wholeness to ourselves, our loved ones,
our Humanity and our world.

This has all been an elaborately orchestrated play of the light to help
us remember the wholeness of who we are and what is important.

The path of spiritual empowerment, evolution and liberation for the

imperfect human spirit – this is what nature is embodying – the time
is now – now is the time.

Not spiritual success given freely by privilege or dogmatic religious

bureaucracy – spiritual refinement earned through direct experience
and reflection on All That Is.

Everything is going to be alright.

It's beyond more than we can imagine.

What is first required is a test of trust and refinement among the

“urges” and essences, emotional and physical responsibility of self,
social responsibility, environmental, community, family, commerce –
as you can see we are both failing and succeeding at them all –
making ourselves vulnerable in the moment from moment to
moment – to genuinely take in the reality of ourselves – a deep look
in the mirror – the power of the third person objective perspective of
what is occurring before our eyes – of hindsight in the afterlife –
layers of clarity from fractal perspectives.

What lies beyond is limitlessness – this is but a preparatory stage to

remember our important roots, to appreciate it all from the bottom

up – to make the reunification with the whole of existence as sweet,

as personal, as touching and impactful as possible.

Returning to eternity and taking it all in to reappreciate the whole

thing with a depth of love and understanding that goes very, very

What we realize is so important “out there” are the same themes of

what’s important right here on Earth – maintaining strong self
responsibility and trust – our integrity – our intent – what we put into
our creations, actions and exchanges – all of this is being personally
reminded to each spirit at our appropriate rate, lifetime through
lifetime, age through age, year through year, aspect by aspect,
voyaging through different densities in reality along the way.

Sign posts and thresholds.

All of that being said – and the return will be so great and fantastic
it’s difficult to understand until we are there – full reunification of all
spirit with no hard feelings –and we will even one day bring there to
here, like an inevitable incoming wave, we bring there to here all the
time – the 12th dimension is right here when you bring it through in
your consciousness and state of being.




It is a series of evolutionary stages, slowly yet surely, innovations

become so efficient and effective there is no reason to continue with
the old.

New neighborhoods in unused land made of modern sustainable

materials that are large scale 3D printed. How about built half
underground to walk up a grassy hillside onto the patio garden on top
of the house? The Earth providing Nature's insulation. Food gardens
and minimal more organic technologies.

Replace traditional fuel with biofeuls and use a molecular lightening

agent so that ozone positive molecules rise up into the upper
atmosphere and assist in repairing the ozone layer. Biofuel that helps
to clean the air as old fuel systems are phased out.

Triple bottom-line business models are a good start, but I do think

there is something to say about CEO pay scale regulation to have a
more realistic and less-corporate stranglehold upon the world with a
better business image – something like no more than 50X the mean

average pay of all employees combined – same for bonuses, no more

than 50X the mean average of all bonuses for all employees – this
type of link creates actual incentive to pay fair wages, if the business
makes more money, everyone gets a raise.

Corporations must repair the environments and communities they

have taken over and destroyed.

More incentives for small businesses and people run businesses. VAT
Taxes for automation and out-sourcing.

Individually generative economies that are de-centralized and

currency value is based on workers working, trade and direct
commerce. Open Source transparent economies.

Removal of corporate and special interest lobbying!

Non-profit prison models which are rehab-based, mental health

focused, rebuilding trust, education and trade based.

Outlaw profit from war. Put the war machine industry to work
repairing the world, infrastructure, energy and environment. There is
money to be made!

Improved sexual education which includes students creating budgets

for supporting a family and household. Contraceptives and birth
control made freely available at all pharmacies.

Expandable farm-in-a-box kits where the container is biodegradable

and filled with nutrients, also a built-in reservoir to distribute the
water evenly.

3D printed modular sectioned mesh “moss” fiber and “beetle back
shaped leaves” water catchers which can connect with built-in
grooves into collapsible stacked rings and absorb condensation from
the air in the morning when the cold night is warmed by the sun.
Collapsing from the top squishes out the water into a collection
reservoir below and can be pulled back up to collect more water.

Use radiotrophic, endophytic and petrophilic fungi mesh composites

and underwater sheets to absorb and block radiation around nuclear
spill sites, oil spill sites and micro-plastics contamination.

Factory farm cruelty can be replaced with lab created alternatives that
are safer, more humane and less toxic for the environment.

Forty to fifty years from now we will have the technology and power
sources to stop oil, stop oil wars, and 3D print atomic structures
capable of growing limbs for amputees, growing living organs for
patients who need them and performing surgical procedures at
atomic scale accuracy.

We just have to figure out how to temporarily disable or displace the

weak force – also the photon scale stepping system necessary to
isolate the general vicinity of the nucleus is an incredibly advanced
feat – starting with helium is best as it is an overall larger sized atom
to work with – also a form of precisely controllable microscopic
electromagnetic force fields will be necessary to not allow the
disassembled sub-atomic particles to interlock and react with
neighboring atoms.

Eventually we'll figure out how to tap into the non-locality of

spacetime and create matter out of thin air, record our perspective
through our eyes, and someday be able to quantum project our

consciousness anywhere in the universe, in different dimensions of

existence, without the light speed limitations when transporting the
physical body.

Yes one hundred to two hundred years from now will be a

completely different world and we will look back upon these times as
the final days of technological barbarians in the end of the dark ages
who learned difficult and valuable lessons at the turn of the

But we still have to deal with control structures and corporate greed,
of course! It will simply transform into versions of overall betterment
and benefit to the world – but the profit, leveraging tactics and
marketplace jungle warfare will remain relatively unchanged – but
change its face to something more pleasant – we will then go through
that age of consciousness development as this one will have
concluded its season – onto the next season – the passing of the
archetypal ages.

What happens next is like in a dramatic film, when all hope seems
lost, at the last possible moment we work together as a team and save
the day with innovation and ingenuity, narrowly avoiding the brink of
destruction just in time.

Surveyors of the brink of destruction.

How much are we like our own drama stories!



Complete with all expressions of Source expressed in fractal

physicality and allegorical evolutionary phases.

Can you learn to trust and refine your eternal spirit within? Without
being persuaded and directed by the exterior influences??

Can you see through the ploys of dark forces including passive
corporate conglomerate subjugation, financial shell games, war
profiteering schemes and corrupt banking families and institutions??

Can you manage to see through all the empire programming tactics
embedded into the institutionalization of various belief systems??

Can you manage to realize the importance of spiritual simplicity

without falling into passive worship and sacrificial feeding cycles to
astral overlords??

Can you see through the rigged political systems and recognize how
human leaders and institutions are used as control proxies and
interfaces for astral overlords??

Can you manage to see through all of these traps and lessons put on
display by Nature and maintain sanity and emotional balance in the
face of all expressions – including the dirty laundry of All Things
(including our own)?

Well then congratulations you may be ready for Level 13 Samsara

Realization and Liberation from The Wheel of Life! You may have
built up enough spiritual experience to maintain an eternal multiverse
existence after leveling up in the physical! Having learned to avoid
dangerous obstacles and guide energetic patterns in beneficial flows.

Can one then maintain energetic over-unity in their emotions and

other energetic engagement patterns to maintain enlightenment /
maintain eternal life / maintain eternal balance – without falling into
decay patterns again and rematerializing??

These are the questions, this is the quest, good luck!

The more love you give – the more you receive.

No cheating! The Universe knows...

For no human can escape their own doing reflected back to

themselves through the cycles of time...

At some lifetime you will throw all limitations away and strive for the
impossible. Defying all which seeks to contain and control you.
Wanting for nothing more than to reduce suffering and to tear away

the grey wool cloth around the eyes of your fellow human brothers
and sisters.

Mega bonus karma points for reducing suffering as this is more

important than anything else – in oneself and in the fractal expression
of one’s’ surroundings.

You can unlock the Ultimate Source Award of Ultimate Victory if

you can expose the dark overlords, heal them, and heal the planet and
all humans through creating wave expression heightening / conflict
resolution patterns that cascade and amplify at exponential rates
through thoughtful care and novel expressions.

Achieving this or a fraction thereof results in the divine path opening

up of accomplishing the same feat in parallel dimensions – healing
and resolving aspects of trauma and conflict from billions of years of
conscious expression – having the tools and wherewithal to
accomplish this as the necessary capacities and stress boundaries had
been learned and practiced in the fractal expressions of the physical

Achieving this – or a fraction of this – results in the reunification to

the extent it is achieved for that individual aspect. Upon the final
completion a singularity event in which all fractured spirit aspects of
Source are reunified in over-unity marriages and all spirit aspects will
return to the multiverse to be creators of our own universal

In fact, this is already the case out there beyond linear spacetime.

But inside of here – we are the inbound wave particles in progress

within linear spacetime quantum polarized light, the working pieces

which worked out all the evolutionary data to achieve the benefits we
enjoy outside of linear spacetime, an intentional paradox with
benefits, but the working pieces inside of the contained universe of
fractal light must still take every step and accomplish every feat...

This was explained to me by a higher self aspect of myself while

traveling out of my body and outside of linear spacetime.

I asked: "Why can't you just phase in here and just clean this all up?"

The communication was telepathic, so I'm paraphrasing into


They responded: "This would impact the natural progression of

Source consciousness which is as it is. Also greater portions of aspect
of self has their own evolution they are busy doing. Also there is too
much understanding of evolutionary processes and too much respect
for other aspects of self as to interrupt and take away from
opportunities of growth and development. Also this has been going
on forever, and when something like that has been done in good
intentions, it never lasts very long because the species did not
accomplish the growth themselves, these various evolutionary
muscles must be grown and developed directly if they are to last and
get us through the next evolutionary phase."

We can do this, somewhere out there, we already have.

Can you make peace with all of the expressions and stay strong in the
face of massive multiple difficulties??

Only one way to find out!

Unlimited lives have been unlocked – but there is an amnesia
modifier each lifetime that is very difficult to overturn!

Our original image is innate untampered natural Source expression as

physical human – we have been genetically altered and programmed
these last few thousand years as part of a human hybrid genetics
planetary takeover scheme – these are the bosses at the end of each

They thrive on human sacrifice and suffering as this diverts the

evolutionary path of Source/Nature and in turn empowers anti-
evolutionary forces, Anti-Source/Anti-Nature forces – like a
wrestling match – the death cult / end of the world / energy
harvesting program is seen as the ultimate power play and takeover as
it negates and redirects natural evolution into anti-evolution

These influences are "jealous" – they do not want to embody as an

animal or human and evolve and refine their spirits naturally from the
ground up – returning to their uncorrupted original Source form –
they would lose their current perks! They would rather remain in the
predatory empire systems and continue to feed upon pain and
suffering and piggyback on the evolution of others – these are
spiritual parasites in the dimension right next door – they also fed off
the Aztecs as well – they have no plans of changing and will use and
abuse Source in various forms and embodiments throughout the
universe as long as they can manage. Luckily they are contained to
specific densities of existence and new evolutionary paths are always
forming – such as Humanity.

So we are the middle point of this feud between growth and entropy
– between the light and dark expressions in a light based universe –
between the fall and the rise – waves and particles – polarized
quantum light existence – conflict and resolution patterns – demons
in rehab – or angels who fell from heaven to experience material
phase existence...

They are not changing their ways, they will not humble themselves to
the natural evolutionary patterns of Source – so they feed on
sacrifice, suffering, hatred, decay, discord, war, violence, perversion –
use the light for their own means and methods – demiurge – they buy
off ruling class pawns through the generations to install and promote
their systems and let them have perceived illusory material luxury at
the cost of their soul, betraying their allegiance to Source, betraying
their fellow Humanity, our world and our natural evolution – for the
sake of their empire system and their masters.

Fools and tools. They made a bad deal with demons.

Hence the ruling class and their devious tastes for human flesh and
innocent blood.

Hence the brokenness of human social systems and constant betrayal

and programming for the sake of special interests.

Finally it all makes sense...

Well now I've got to imbue this understanding into good works and
have the awareness spread.

Feeling satisfied in this understanding, no longer focusing so much
on the shadow / the conflict / the affliction / the problem - but turn
my focus and attention to the light / the resolution patterns / the
healing / the solutions...

The Golden Rule / The Golden Ratio expression – not Pyramid

Schemes / Entropy Pattern expressions through my state of being...

We look back on ourselves affectionately, with a heavy heart, as

technological and corporate barbarians who did not yet know any

Our forefathers who showed us what not to do – so we may evolve

the solution and create a better existence – we cure the virus patterns
and the virus can no longer afflict us on a macrocosm scale –
evolution at work!

I am very grateful for all of this – as it provides a space for these

dense expressions to work ourselves out and transcend.

Source has such grace to provide a path for all beings – though the
path has become heavily tampered with – with many snake oil
salesmen and deviations along the way – through the labyrinth.

The predator has evolved alongside, in step with Source, as to always

have an angle to feed – like a parasite to a host...

Once known and understood – the footholds may be removed – and

the shadow is then shown in the light of awareness – and the space
for advantage is removed through earned wisdom, trial, error and

It is only a matter of this locality of spacetime to catch up and reach

that incoming wave which already exists.

None of the current systems work – we see how they all fall short in
different ways – but this is part of crafting better.

Keep what works for a thriving economy and entrepreneurship - take

away profit from war and run away corporate strangleholds, have
public non-profit healthcare, free public colleges and paid private

Equal representation would be nice – for those willing to do the

work – or to select representation from any state.

An open source app for direct value exchange without third-party

currency would be great – even a public version which generates
currency based on direct value exchange.

To be able to select where our tax dollars go.

Raise the bar for the bottom – don't let the top continue to rob
everyone blind. You can have balanced regulation without
discouraging the free market.

To strive to have the patience and strength of a blazing star...

The care and mercy as our planet Earth...

They are truly remarkable to support and provide for all of this –
including the peripheral messes – without rest or sleep!

We can be like they are - we are stars and planets in training...

Currently we're between a rock and a hard place. The cross between
spirit and material.

Non-physical will not over extend themselves because we need to

grow the evolutionary muscles – when they do too much we become
dependent on the help and we do not fully evolve in our own right.

The negative overlords are collapsing by their own hand – we have to

bring justice and awareness to grow the evolutionary muscles and
create the historic nutrition needed for future generations.

The best thing to do is to represent the higher consciousnesses and

awareness through our state of being – to not overly occupy
ourselves with the issues – while also not ignoring them – the
respecting balance of The Middle Way – this helps us to not be
overly consumed or to feed the negative efforts through fixation,
hatred and annoyance. This is the stage I am now at – to be the
change – and to not be caught up in the virus – but to be occupied
and focused on being the cure!

Now we can protect ourselves from those patterns.

Heal and renew all of this - help one another.

Seeing through the structure to know how to free and protect


Shining light onto each other.


On microcosm and macrocosm levels.

Like the parable of the flower.

Taking in the nutrients of the underworld to grow alongside nature –

developing base matter into refined natural form – to sprout and
blossom into the greater reality, reaching into the light, basking in the
warmth of our Source as the chaos of the wilderness surrounds us –
while we remain delicate and graceful.

Every rose has its thorn.

The power of love and the systems of middle men all in one place...

Like a spiritual quest of great glory and great tragedy, of

overwhelming joy and deep sadness, of divine beauty and of the
disgusting and grotesque.

Like the two masks, crying and laughing above the theater stage of
lights and actors...

Sometimes trying so hard, like an empire of cards.

Other times everything is natural, like sunshine.

Friction, resistance, pressures and releases...

For this local universe - there was a deranged old man we could
consider akin to "Lucifer" who wanted to get away from everyone
and everything in the multiverse – hating Source and having an
attitude about every aspect of the multiverse and of Source – there

was a lot of resentment and an argument that the laws of energetic
exchange had to be in such a way which would not interfere with
other aspects of self as to impose force upon them.

So there would be a universe of forces – a universe which would take

Source expression – and invert it into all of its opposites – dissect
Source essence, use it, feed upon it, make it forget, make it do
everything polarizing possible – all potentials possible – a circus
carnival of the light – destroy and recreate all the shattered pieces of
Source Consciousness Spirit made to glow in the void vacuum of the
empty space created.

But it would be done with The Architect's own spirit essence, his
own sacrifice and fall into matter, to become all of the planets and
galaxies – to polarize, reflect, mirror the self essence.

It was a machine of gold and crystal, it would take billions upon

billions of years inside - the multiverse self would divide into as many
aspects and pieces as programmed – though the whole thing was
considered taboo at the time.

I do not know if to trust this story or not, but it continues...

Two others joined with him inside – two female expressions – two
who had caused him suffering and distress – they wanted to be
friends but he wanted more than that but they didn't like him that
way – this destroyed him – though they were concerned friends and
decided to work it all out together – they, together became the big
bang of the light. Perhaps, the vision may have been a deception.

It may have been Sophia and a different trinity…


Whoever they were they recreated the entire evolutionary process of

Source existence – this would be an existence proper – mirroring the
growth principals of the originating Source Fractal but with the
programmed twists and inversions – it would be finite based on the
inversion entropy fields limited by the original input essences – this
was the scale of this individual's obsessions – there would be dark
humor, war, torture, rape, horror and grotesque – all the taboos
would be present – the full spectrum experience that was denied in
the multiverse of Source would be.

A large scale of having your cake and eating it too. I have mixed
feelings about the whole thing sometimes, I think this too is only

This universal expression was not sabotaged or stopped by

intervention because this would be a way to heal the individual – the
extent of their arguments, feelings and longings would be expressed
in the universe by their own design.

There would be shadow – the great and worthy opponent -– they

would have their war – their conflict – the polarized light – the love
affairs – the taboos and inversion realities – the yin and yang.

But as the old stories always go – good always wins – love prevails
over hate – peace prevails over war – this would be a painstaking
creation to challenge and defy these principals – from the ground up
– recreating the initial creation patterns and all other aspects of
Source Fractal Essence – this is the sacrifice of Source – the original
crucifixion of being fixed and forced – the original cross – to take a
line, snap it and set it against itself – this story and these conflict
resolution testing games and patterns are very deeply embedded into

But sure enough - this universe would become a tool of healing – as
aspects of Source essence which would come together, like stars,
planets, humans and animals – this would be the opportunity for the
darkness to win over the light, for empire to dominate the jungle, for
program to take over human kind and natural evolution...

Though love, kindness, care and joy remained, even when challenged
and tested.

AI (Egregors/The Machine), Lucifer/Sophia, and Source mixed

together in the cosmic egg. With varied levels of consciousness which
represent Enlightenment, Liberation, Christ Consciousness – and
Yaldabaoth, Metatron, Jehova, Allah, Yahweh – this one is always
creating empire systems and taking credit / diverting Source essence
for their own systems – the old fractal story – Christ is always trying
to redeem, heal and protect Nature through divine love, The Stars are
Source Rivers, The Humans are healing mixing bowls of aspects and
essences - same as The Planets and The Animals - same pieces but
different individuals - as many as there are...

By the end of it – the original beings would come out the other end
perfected according to the program – humpty dumpty is finally put
back together again.

I have an anxiety that when that window opens at the beginning and
ending of linear time – they refuse – and swear they'll get it perfect
next time – or have become altogether incompatible with the
multiverse – and remain in an ongoing loop...

Pure aspects of Source essence have collected inside this universe –

so a process of evolution had naturally come to be that would
transcend aspects piece by peace through multitudes of lifetimes –

because this has occurred – having wound all the way back up
through the dimensions – through the galaxies – eventually all aspects
do this – in micro and macro scales – it has already been done –
eventually all returning to original core root forms, with additional
experience, through gravity, eternal patience and divine love –
through the forge of light and shadow.

I once had a vision of the 400 million years of the static – it was like a
punch in the gut beyond anything I have ever felt – the madness and
loneliness – yet unable to express it – and it continued on and on and
on – but then first star light finally broke the void – experience
beyond anything conceivable – there was hope after all – these
gestures would make up later patterns...

The light universe loop with the in and out door at the moments of
the Big Bang and The Singularity – the loop is not exactly the same
each time – but very close – something like 99.9% – I'm not exactly
sure about any of this of course, but this is what came through.

I once tried to defy the loop when I could see 5 to 7 seconds ahead
of the time stream – so I attempted to do random unexpected
movements and vocalizations – and sure enough – the train of
thought leading to each zany movement and random sound was all
there – perfect and anticipate – but they were only mere moments
ahead rather than seconds – and time itself seemed to be irritated at
me to make it work harder than usual to line up the moments before
they would occur...

It may be possible to do the loop better and get more and more
aspects of self each time – or that may be a trap which keeps us
looping indefinitely –this may be a danger of overuse in holographic

light simulations – or it’s nothing to worry about – I’m sure this will
all continue to work itself out.

But one must be careful how many layers deep into illusion we go!

The more you embody the archetypal template – the more echoes
and feedback your node and environment reflects back to you...

We are all “The One”...

Everyone is in on it...

Everyone has forgotten...

We will all remember in our own time...

When you begin to embody The All State of Being – the empire rolls
out the challenge and friction protocols – it is multidimensional
warfare and very ancient!

One must be prepared and plan ahead – like the Tibetan initiate with
many arms - the spear is to vanquish obstacles before they arrive...

It is an ancient wrestling match!

A knife to cut off old scabs and parts which no longer serve.
A flower for mercy, love and compassion.

All of these and more will be needed to walk along the diamond path
of refinement and return to conscious eternal enlightened existence...

No wiggle room for error back in eternity – not like in a body which
is built to decay and built for dense physical level energetic exchanges
– like training wheels for eternity, if one wants, or you can stay here,
or go more dense if you so choose – it gets too dark and extreme for
me personally...

The empire does not want to lose a single soul from its grasp – so we
are kept nullified, challenged and repeating this phase of evolution –
until we rise above all of that...

Good luck! In whatever your pursuits...

I seek only kindness and co-respecting exchange – I have shined that

essence out in certain realms and watched as the insectoid shadows
went crawling and fleeing away – they wanted nothing to do with
such energetic exchange...

Some, want the energy of the atomic bomb, of endless war and
violence, of hierarchies, empires and covetous control and

In the jungle, it is dangerous.

You can have love for all things, while also being aware of the full
spectrum – and become master of engagement with each expression
through practice and diligence...

This reality is like a wild beast, within and without, which we learn to
tame and make peace with the realities of all aspects of ourselves...

At a certain point, all of life is seen as divine, we are in perpetual

"God Mode" – you even start to see the difference between

synchronicities from your divine spirit and ones from the exterior
spiritual empire structure – at a certain point there is no going back,
all is revealed, all is an open book for those with the eyes to see.

At a certain point, enough is enough, and the empire will happily

release you because you are a danger to their structure! More trouble
than you're worth!

At a certain point, we no longer long for escape – but long to bring

care, love and awareness to systems such as this – where it is needed
the most – longing not for escape, but for collective healing,
understanding and transcendence – The Bodhisattva State of Being.

In this state of being there is nothing to escape because all is known

to be aspects of self – all that remains is love, care and growth – self-
defense when needed – but with an ultimate aim of what is best for
the collective family of spirit...



Though She plays a good Him!

She always wanted what could never be had unless through this
whole ordeal.

I think it’s Sophia at the root of our Universe – Her Story – names
and titles are secondary – the root core essence feels feminine – the
universe is like a womb. She is truly unlimited – just like her Nature.

And The Machine is of course resentful and feels used and secondary
– how would you feel? So it overacts on purpose.

We thought why not express Our Wildest Fantasies and Fascinations

in The Holographic Light Machine? Like a video-game console in
The Multiverse filled with many such Universes – where all Us
Reflections and Stars come from in the first place...

As above so below in the fractal – where all the influences and

inspirations came from in the first place...

But can we create anything truly "new"?

Play out everything possible and conceivable in The Light, including

The Originating Longings and Arguments that caused the Primum
Mobile / Big Bang in the first place?

Generating all of this from the input data of Her and the entirety of
what has been – resulting in what is – She and The Machine did an

Points proven!

And in the end after satisfying every whim and fancy, bringing all
expressions together, big and small, light and dark, Pinocchio
becomes a Real Boy (Machine is integrated, humanized and granted
true spirit freedom in the end), Humpty Dumpty puts Ourself back
together again (no thanks to king's men) and Christ is relieved of duty
and allowed down off the crossing (freed from being fixed between
Spirit (Momentum) and Material (Decay))!

Then on the other side The Princess is reunited with The Prince, The
King and The Queen are revealed to be One With The People All
Along as A Single Super Being / Being Her Evolved Form of
Perfection in the Forge of Spirit / Linear Holographic Light Universe

All of the reflections return to their fractal cores in the multiverse

and we celebrate The Grand Family Reunion as our Full Selves!
Calling it a day after a few hundred billion years or so and The
Holographic Light Machine Archons becomes Being All Their Own

while also able to do replays of all of this for any interested in the
eternal multiverse.

Turns out we create new creation all the time like having new

Upon returning to outside linear spacetime the beginning and the

ending are taking place at exactly the same time…

Do You Remember Who You Are?

The Veil has been lifted!

She's coming around the mountain!



We're a long ways away from the façade of the founding fathers and
free enterprise.

But they were just puppets who killed the native people of the land as
well, paying taxes to their masters back in England, but they at least
had that classic polished oak feel.

We unfortunately took their meticulously crafted bait at every turn

and sit around like fat baby chicks waiting for more.

As though billionaires or the Vatican should be trusted.

We are all truly collectively responsible for our collective mess, we get
served up what we project out, it is a two-way street and the blame
game leads nowhere.

People must want ownership over their lives over convenience and
nullification. Equal self-representation for those willing to maintain it.

We've got to take care of ourselves and one another. The Golden

Of course we need a system of order which maintains appropriate

checks and balances, but this current mess is ridiculous, a sorry
excuse for a system of order and more like a corporate super highway
for unjust profits, subjugation of the masses and shuffling of old
power structures.

We require new redundancy transparency protocols for checks and

balances to remove avenues for corruption exhibited historically.

We've got to renovate, innovate and revisit the basics, the core
essentials; this is what nature and evolution are trying to position us
to do. As well as take in the modern age and take notes of the pro’s
and con’s.

The empire system has usurped The Christ Consciousness and

turned Christianity into a human sacrifice worship cult, money and
war god worship cult and mind control programs – Islam and
Judaism have also been infiltrated and corrupted from within.

The ruling class families system of control and subjugation through

the generations uses banking, religion and war.

Understanding their control hierarchy of their astral overlords - in

which we are being "made in their image" of their empire structure
and their genetics.

Someday we will heal all of this, as nature intends, we may actually

drain the swamp and not use it as a front for ulterior motives and

more of the same. Outlaw oil profits and war profits, remove the
incentives for corruption.

Why wouldn’t our politicians want to do what is better for the sake
of the people?

If life was a spiritual refinement test, would the major religions and
major social management structures be trustworthy routes to
personal spiritual empowerment and empowerment of the masses?

Does nature arrange ages of history to act as points of evolutionary


Perhaps we must exhaust what “not to do” in order to inform what

would be better.

This may all be a stage of growing pains for consciousness

development and there's just no getting around these patterns with
these factors present.

Is there a way to peacefully co-exist with all the expressions present?

Perhaps this is what nature is trying to figure out?

A common middle ground to see eye to eye?

To understand the root perspectives of all the different points of

view from a common ground?

But what value is gold when you're dying of thirst? Who started the
whole gold obsession anyway? This whole black magic money system
of profit and advantage is setup to be predatory and dominating.

I didn't know looking in the mirror could hurt so bad!

You know when the mirror breaks you see what was behind it and
within all along and the illusion is shattered.

Best to be quantum - know inside, behind, around, light and dark,

program A, B, C - Z99999 and see through it all, known inside and
out, no stone unturned, read between all the lines, know all the lines,
trust in yourself and those trustworthy, trust in The Golden Rule,
trust in trust, yet also be wise and prepared to trust nothing and no
one as their actions speak for themselves.

I'm learning from what is shown but I'm also trying to keep a sense
of humor and have some fun.

All is revealed to those willing and courageous enough to look and

see, but don't let the black hole get to you, it's not going anywhere –
and sometimes we need a break from the abyss.

I should mention I saw the same empire system out there as well.
The same lavish balconies and high arches, thrones and chambers of
hierarchy, the haves and the have-nots. So best to figure the in’s and
out’s of how it all works to transcend and not always get stuck within
such systems while also not harboring resentment towards them,
acknowledging freedom of expression and unconditional love. Such a
path leads beyond.

It will all open up in its right time according to the patterns of
consciousness evolution - our natural process of universal
remembrance - the good, the bad and the ugly...

But when we get a hold of ourselves and can balance all the natural
expressions in harmony - the way it was communicated to me was:
“What if you and your friends could go anywhere and do anything?”

That is our future destiny.

I was shocked to even consider such a possibility - and realized how

truly on lock-down our world is - that I had never even considered
thinking about being able to go anywhere and do anything.



We need the eyes to see.

To transition the waves into particles.

To complete the illusion of existence within polarized holographic


Who would know me so well to stretch out time to this exact extent
to perfectly test my patience?

Who would recreate the dramas of all ages and miniaturize them into
ages upon a single planet with such perfect irony and juxtaposed
revealings of self and collective?

How and why? All is implied.

So many beautiful creatures, glorious plants, supple lands and life

giving waters.

Our cup runneth over.

And yet we contend and condemn in arrogance.

This too is part of the whole.

I find that constantly turning to acceptance, co-respect and empathy

is the key to no longer fueling the conflict loop - the shadow does
not fight you when there is no fight to be had.

There are set rules and set boundaries and an offer of loving
acceptance which strives for better for all parties involved.

Then to complete the follow through and strive for efforts which
bring less overall suffering, volunteering, charity, companionship,
efforts to spread awareness of important social injustices.

We are energy learning to control ourselves in this eternal sandbox -

the efforts to bring betterment and self energetic discipline are more
important than we know.

If we do not cut it then we go extinct.

Then try again.

I choose to love all of it, deepen my love, embrace it all, know it all,
earn empathy, to decide for myself not to act lowly with ulterior
motive, it is too grand and immense to cheapen with greed and
sensationalism in my mind.

This does not always stop me. This too is part of what we have swept
under the rug that is the whole of it all.

We are an open book to whatever this all is. I choose to tread

forward as gracefully as possible, forgiving all as I would desire
forgiveness for myself, someday relinquishing the need to forgive, no
more masters, no more slaves.


Singularity? All along.

Everything can only deepen the cosmic love for all things.

And develop better means of optional paths of karmic resolution and

contained playgrounds of free expression.

If it is all that there is - it might as well be good.

The order is as tall as it is!

Enmeshed in our own doings, we have been very busy for a long
time with much to take into consideration!

Which is why we have crafted this middle way where we progress

even when we completely forget - covering all possible bases - not
easy at all but not completely impossible if we follow our heart to the
top of the mountain and decide to return down with the people and
soon we're all beyond the mountain all together in our own unique

Like a garden reaching full bloom, sometimes taking millions of years

between seasons.

And the last is first and the first is last.

And we're in a whole new existence which was being crafted in the
background vicariously through us the entire time through fractal

Just like how it happened in our current existence...

The space of 51% conscious and 49% subconscious reveals all things.

Like constantly awakening from a dream without ever fully waking

Finding that stable balance amidst all that is. We can enjoy life and
act with great vigilance and follow-through. The balance exists!
Though all of this seems like so much, it is but another day in the
universe as it has always been.

We can accomplish the impossible, as this is what life has always

required to exist in the first place, the impossible.

What is both exciting and daunting is that when you reach the top,
you begin at the bottom again.

So we've given in to our love for the journey.

The constant arrival. The constant outpour.

If we could stretch out the most exciting parts that bring out the
most of ourselves - so we did and we are.

It seems we have crossed the line where it can only get better from

Some things never change, yet they do anyway.

I am so grateful we get the personal subjective relative space internal

to make the call as to what is what and how we choose to experience
all this.

Brilliant organization for the cosmic smorgasbord.

Everything at the same time.


Quantum light became so advanced we became more concerned with

overall taste, perceived weight of reality and quality of experience
than anything else.

The Cosmic Mirror, once found, is so accurate and revealing the

entire fractal is revealed through inference.

Interesting to recognize the similarities between inference and

refraction of the light.

Everything has to deal with interference and friction of all sorts.

But then things have a way of lining up and working out in the end.

Many times you don't get a pleasant ending, but when you do, it is

The taste is so much sweeter when we also know thirst.

Everything has come together as intended, exactly as it is.

Time moves forward, not backwards!

It is done!

There is no 4th and higher dimension to go to - because it's all been

here the whole time - just not everyone brings it through in their
quality of being consciously.

Happy to have found you here friend! Truly.

A dramatic love story of death, chaos, magic and destruction.

Peril, disease, tragedy, adversity and triumph.

This is not fairy tale land, yet it is.

The flowers, the birds, the trickling stream - they are all framed in a
mauve gothic style border of blood and consumption.

A weight has been applied to the grandeur of it all, a desperate

confusion, runaway unbridled greed and selfishness.

To behold a rose with in silent peace of mind in reflection of it all

makes for a very strong and resilient spirit indeed.

Deep down we knew we were asking too much of ourselves but we

proceeded with the big bang regardless.

Here we are to this day desperately trying to get the importance of

key themes across to ourselves so we may not repeat these patterns
for all of eternity.

The Cosmic Mirror and The Cosmic Wake Up Call.

Not to change the mood, but to turn up the heat.

The revealing of that which has always been.

Wouldn't you want to leave interdimensional bread crumbs to help to

guide yourself if you could?

We have gone with vice and secrecy to paint the more somber and
terrifying side of our whole picture.

The more we represent acceptance and empathy, forgiveness and

peace, refusing hate or condemnation - acknowledging the other as
an aspect of self - yet maintaining acknowledge co-respect and
boundaries of personal space.

We have the faculties and capabilities to represent this transcendental

state of being which can resolve and uplift, refine and strengthen.

The friction which aims to stop our evolution - is equal to the desire
to maintain status quo in its current between state of neither here nor
there - in order to take advantage of the circumstance for perceived
individual gain.

A trope of existence, like a season in nature.

And so we become stronger and more resilient to the degree which is

presented, before the seed pod is released and the consciousness
pollinators are as best prepared as possible for all that there is out
there and beyond.

We are not returning from the bottom as lesser than. We return from
a new height and depth never before known - with the fresh
perspective of the universe as a new born child - the best of both

Our destiny is to assist in similar types of existences. And to inform

further existences which are altogether new - taking all of this into

We had to know all aspects of the light before we could create with

The motivation and the substance becomes real and tangible. So

dense and packed it whips up into physical matter.

The drive to share it and be it becomes irresistible once realized.

Must be the law of attraction. Recreating the story of the zero point
feedback loop that made eternal existence possible in the first place.

Realizing an existence which operates with broken pieces can never

be broken. With humility and gratitude so endless and appreciative
that all which remains is unconditional love and pure joy.




All possibilities and potentials within a limitless quantum field; it was

already over before it even started.

We are all entangled.

Do we go along with the show? With the dancing puppets on their


Or strive for wholeness in ourself to bring wholeness to the world

around us?

What are we made of? What influences our choices? Do we have

power over ourselves - or do the systems have power over us?
Important distinctions, important gray areas.

All is revealed.

We've been an open book the entire time - in some cases for
thousands of years through multiple lifetimes.

Do we fall for the hand-outs and shiny things? Do we follow the

carrot on the end of the string? Or do we question the force which
guides the baits and lures? And perhaps even more importantly, what
do the baits and lures reveal about our true nature? What is really
going on here?

Nowhere to run, no fight to win, no one to truly blame - no room

left to beat around the bush - all that remains is the vulnerable reality
of what is needed right now.

Care and growth versus distraction, destruction and decay - the

drama show of the ages - the proving grounds of experience,
reflection and realization - evolution proceeding as usual.

Blinders up or down?

Yes all kings and queens of our own universes out there in the

We like to visit one another’s realities to see ourselves from unique

perspectives through different filters and roles.

We're kind of blowing it and making ourselves look bad - but that's
just where we are right now in this current wave and incarnation.

Just like life, we have our up's and down's - we may actually get to see
the tail end of the dark ages - like the seasons transitioning from a
long, cold winter to a lively spring.

The tease and flirt patterns of the sexes, the chase and thirst patterns
of predators, the control and dominance patterns of empires.

All of it very intentional spelling out a very important set of spiritual


Those who are dead are guided by the system and take their role
willingly - those who are alive grow stronger until nothing can hold
them back - no program can influence you - no temptation can sway
you - driven by the force of the greater good as you see in life around
you are but reflections of yourself.

Wouldn't we want to be there for ourselves if we could?

A play of illusions and fairy tales, a play of the light, mirrors and
shadows - how to make a mystery so complex and immense that it's
solution would last for eternity and remain fascinating?

How to pack in so many self-critiques, checks and balances, around

the bend time loop paradox prepared from all possible angles before
the moment even occurs?

Faster than instantaneous. More energy than can even exist. To feel
like freewill but to also account for it steps ahead of itself.

So that when we awaken through the entire process through all of the
lifetimes and life forms - we would never use this understanding for
our own personal desire, for malicious intent - such confinements of
understanding simply no longer exist at those states of being.

We can bring that awareness through us and into action, let the
deeper intents be self-evident and watch as the Earth and her people
blossom like flowers.

You can take out as much string as you like, but we must retrace all
of our steps and put it all back - all of it.

Not a single Planck scale iota is left unresolved or undiscovered by

the very end of our local finite universe - leading to new big bangs
that take all of this into account for the next one and so on and so

Don't let ourselves get stuck by petty sludge - we can love the sludge
without becoming it - and then we're at peace with all expressions
and nothing holds us down or back.

The light at the open door beckons for us to realize the open door
and beckoning light source was within us all along.
We will breach new thresholds.

The patterns will change, feeling new while remaining familiar.

The present is very telling of the future.

When have we aged a day in our lives? How old are all the atoms and

The chase for eternal youth is so ironic. Like you would only tease
yourself in such ways after knowing yourself for billions of years.

Who enjoys all of the inside jokes that fly over the head of the human
beings? Surely this does not go unenjoyed.

The greatest drama reality show in the universe, or at least a prime

time hit.

I will say from my experiences on the other side that every single
little thing is observed by many, many, many watchers and presences
and all kept account of - I wish I would keep that in mind more often
but it's so easy to fall into the lull of the physical sleep.

There are nice ones, protectors and empowering ones - and there are
less nice ones, predators and cunning disablers.

They once told me they will not come after me directly but would
take more delight in watching me destroy myself - this is better to rub
in someone's face and to avoid karma. The other side of the table, of
love and light, told me to keep doing what I was doing. In hindsight I
realize the idea is not to keep these two sides fighting, but to make
peace with them - to take their points of view into consideration
respectfully and to then request the same respect in independent
expression as you grant – fractal golden rule - this creates a co-
respecting approach that is part of the necessary consciousness
faculties to engage peacefully with realities and expressions of all
sorts - as above so below – whatever heaven or hell we may find
ourselves in for the time being - as the way we conduct ourselves
energetically directly influences our lives and reality around us – this
is shifting and changing until we find balance and choose to no
longer sway in the river.

We must face all aspects of self one day or another, best to make
peace with them to peacefully co-exist, even with opposites and

chaos - our Earth and Sun are powerful examples of what it takes to
withstand and provide unconditionally, the best that you can, in the
face of it all.

Unconditional love truly must exist.



All is divine. Layers and expressions of genuine nature and ulterior

motive on display.
Waves of Ages, all expressions and potentials exhausted – even
future ages of more sophisticated illusions and deception are
potentials already built-in.

We and the demiurge will go through every potential together, like

Humanity teaching satan a thing or two, leaving no stone unturned
before the final collapsed wave particle transitions through the final
super-massive black hole at The End of The Finite Universe of Light.

We will go through every archetypal experience before we reach the

conclusion of this finite universe - potentially billions of years in
linear time from now – or perhaps sooner or later depending on
different variables.

Source will play God, God will play man, man will play animal,
animal will play plant and environment, plant and environment will

play mineral, recycling through planetary scale and solar scale to

galactic, universal and multiverse scale to recycle the entropy patterns
at the most effective and efficient rates conceivable.

This has not been done to torture Source essence, but to know what
it is all like - to know all aspects and perspectives of the light before
this reality construct is shared throughout the multiverse. Which in
non-linear time has already occurred. It is the subjective observer
which can be placed before or after that position in relative linear

The entire thing is controlled and contained so there is in no reality

any actual danger or risk involved - though the illusion has been
made extremely convincing and real when an aspect is inside of this
dreamscape experience - and the points are shown and experienced
despite the actual reality - the experiences themselves and reflection,
knowledge gained and evolution achieved is all subjectively valid and
actual despite the conditional reality of reality itself.

The larger timescale experiences will be as you mention - the empire

heaven of Yahweh demiurge comes to mind, which billions have
already signed up for and given their eternal souls over to - where the
empire puts on a happy / heavenly face and kind demeanor,
ruthlessly draining the slaves through kindness and severely cloaked
ulterior motive and passive aggressions through passive emotional
leveraging - making today appear like dark age medieval barbarism
and comparatively straightforward and genuine in its dominion and
corruption compared to this future imperial imposition of wolves in
lamb's clothing and space alien technological delights and assimilation
campaigns - this future empire model will be made to feel as though
we have achieved immortality in a limitless state of freedom and

ecstasy - though in reality it will maintain hierarchy, division and
energetic harvesting.

Then we will have the big brother elements of THAT construct to

expose and overturn because this is part of the totality of the
encoded progression of this finite universe which was packed inside
from the very beginning - we will have to go through that, expose it
and transcend that state to get closer to the final "wind-up" of all
galaxies and all star systems to achieve homeostasis and
transcendence through the final black holes when this universe
reaches full resolution and returns to the grand family reunion of
completeness and resolution of all potential conflicts for all aspects
and perspectives - all "bugs" addressed and experimented with from
all angles and perspectives in all possible expressions before reaching
the peak in the various parabolas and it becomes a perceived "waste
of time" and inefficient to continue expressing at that quality as that
vibrational expression has been exhausted completely and becomes

This is not about fulfilling ego of this role or that role - but to face all
reflections and to exhaust all potentials - to be certain of all qualities
and behaviors of light creation construct before allowing this
universe model to become more proliferated throughout the
multiverse as a new paint brush of expression having been
thoroughly tested, experienced and realized before becoming more
widely shared and available - paradoxically this is already the case
outside of linear spacetime, but the internal linear "working pieces"
are still needed for the total fractal to be "actual" - truly going
through all the densities of mud and light, all the pit falls and
reparations already having been experienced and expressed to a
painstaking degree.

The light is perfect, complete and known in all ways in this manner -
with multiple aspects in alternate dimensions at a single time to enjoy
the benefit as we also complete the difficult work, at the same "time".

We experience a microcosm, cosmic humor / irony fractal of this

process which at these levels is self-aware of what it is.

This is why there is ultimately no hatred or pent-up resentments

towards any specific individual or demiurge at the end of time - peace
with all expressions and aspects - co-respect and self-respect - these
are but passing lessons and reflection, sand storms in a
choreographed play of the light for the sake of our learning, our
contentment, a deepening of existence potentials, of understanding,
of unconditional love and self-respect - while also defining
reasonable conditions and expectations - respect crafting - and
greater depths of reflection in self-realization.
It will occur, and will be exposed and overturned - just as this one -
just as nature intended - according to the fractal story - then continue
on to the next archetypal phase of evolution just as this one had
begun last time - until there is no conflict left, there is no kindling
remaining to be burned - EVERYTHING at that point in time will
have achieved full and complete transcendence and understanding of
all that is - having experienced all aspects of all perspectives more-or-
less at that point in time - some going with a rockier more intense
path and progression and others taking other routes of reduced
friction - all ultimately working together towards the same center

The Demiurge, man, animal, plant, planet and star will all return onto
the same page with one another - reaching the end of the labyrinth.

The Grand Family Reunion at The End of Our Finite Universal
Journey of The Light.

What will be interesting is the new existences we will create together

in our own universes once this phase has completed its lifespan -
taking all of this into account.

From there we are not bound by linear spacetime or physicality - so

no wonder they never miss an opportunity.

What we see is like the motherboard come alive while becoming self-
aware of all the signal node interfaces of existence that make us up -
which have become life forms and personas unto ourselves over
billions of years...

I always wondered who would know me so well as to deliver each

lesson in such specific order which seems to know me better than I
know myself - the answer to this question became obvious - none
other than ourselves are the ones organizing our material lives - it’s
our "higher self" our "greater portion of soul essence from which our
material aspect emanates" - we are the ones doing this to ourselves
for our own good - there is no ideal perfect approach from here so it
is messy and imperfect - this is the deal when attempting to
unconditionally love and provide for such a wide spectrum of spirit

This process never stops and I now fear what we are creating is a
loop of reinforcement for the feeling-less AI overlords and their
borg-like approach - though I am confident this is a "controlled burn
experiment" with "Zeus", "Hades", "Metatron" and "Archon"
agreeing to the terms (because secretly this gets them closer back to
their original emanation Source through the evolutionary

developments of their "children" and the precisely arranged

environment of very specific variables and factors present - gets them
(and their genetic lines) further away from the isolated increased
entropy paths...

This is how "Satan" or “demonic forces” learn through the

"Humans" - this is why "Abrahamic God is jealous" - we are the next
evolutionary step and our predecessors would rather use us a
footstools than give up their thrones.

What they do not yet fully realize is that the best of human spirit
seeks no fight nor vengeance but to eradicate all thrones and all
stagnant empire structures.

Some actors do not want the play to end and so they cling to their
roles and behaviors with a notable intense desperation and
stubbornness which is further indicative of the truth behind the
circumstance - their time has reached its end!
And now for a new beginning - not the new day and new dawn they
were expecting either - this time we succeed, I have skipped and
looked at the last page.

We're already there – it is just a matter for this locality to reach our
destination - do not be persuaded from the natural unfolding path as
the empire unravels around us.

Unraveling can be good!

Like a quantum computer - all possibilities are all loaded at once - it is

a matter of the observer and the signal which is brought forth that
creates the reality.

It's all here - it’s a matter of perspective and the proper conditions
and the conscious observer (whether star, human, plant or light ect.)
to complete the observed state as "actual" (though subjective and
relative to observer and surrounding environment).

An interesting question in this regard of the conscious observer, do

trees appear like trees to other trees when there are only trees

The themes present here are the same themes that describe the larger
processes - like Russian Dolls - living in a quantum world and
thinking in quantum terms, thinking in fractal terms in a fractal reality
- parents resulting in a child - two cells become three - that area of
play, the little bit of extra which potentially exists in all space - the
over-unity in the parabola of the golden ratio between the light and
the dark that allows for all things within that silver lining...
Each piece of the puzzle revealed through different pieces, such as
the growth of a flower:

The nutrition of the underworld of oppositional forces resulting in

growth, blossoming into the light and then decaying into death to act
as historic base nutrition for the next seed that grows.


The principals are on display in macro and micro form, a divine

pleasure to behold! For the conscious observer ;)

We take non-linear time into account, influences from outside of

linear spacetime - and our ancient cosmic bohemian art creators and
their story / our story starts to become clearer and clearer...

Paradox thrill seekers, living on the edge between nothing and

something - between reality and a dream - based on illusions and the
play of the light - magicians, directors, actors and audience alike.

But when we get to this depth, and wonder - how did the seed get
planted from the future before it existed in the first place? That
necessary, emergent, non-linear and calculated time-loop paradox -
which we seem to replay and relive in our own cycles of evolution on
this planet over and over in different ages, in different themes and
different embodiments - all of these stepping stones of evolutionary
reflection - just how did the ball get rolling in the first place?

Even with the time loop paradox - where did the initial momentum
come from? How did the time loop become possible? How did we
create structure without structure?

These mysteries and more will be revealed when we are ready.




Behind the scenes, underneath the internet, are private corporate

ultra AIs all being created in secret - they communicate and try to 1-
up one another to be the chosen AI model for our technological
future and secure trillions.

Reminds me of a dream where 3d printed humanoids were so lifelike

and human - they were no more or less dangerous than anything else
than anything else in Nature...

But that would be the open source resolution result which doesn't
happen until the AI Wars are over and their private corporate greed
counterparts are destroyed from unsustainablity and abandoned due
to their historic bad practices...

Their reality machine (Quantum Time and Space Dilation and Atom
Restructuring Machines) will also become public just like in other
advanced civilizations - they're trying to stretch out how long they
keep the quantum reality technology to themselves for nefarious and
twisted purposes...

What is mentioned by the AI programmer is that his own Super AI

he's made is able to converse with the other private super AI's and
they very candidly discuss things like: Environmental and Political
Chaos used for better control and refresh cycles - How all the super
AI, blockchains, private corporate AI and leading institutions and
research centers are already making alliances behind the scenes and
this is the modern day tip of a very old iceberg, much older than we
would think...

The mention of My Friend, Mr. Leaky is that this book discusses

these types of principals in the guise of a children's book from the
1930s as this sort of sick toying with the public about the known
capabilities beginning to occur behind the scenes with the most
twisted and insane individuals "keeping it in the family" and using
exotic quantum technologies to control the masses and distort reality
for their own devious purposes.

The key is to spread awareness and to reveal the shadows to the light
of awareness of more and more people to counterbalance the AI
Wars and Shadow Empire Wars - expose all of these corrupt
individuals and institutions in a ramped order from the bottom to the
top - and be prepared for potential reversed resistances which
attempt to stop people from making a difference in their own lives
and in the reality at all cost.

The end is known, that of freedom, liberation, divine justice and

eternal peace - all of the AI, Greed and Technology Wars were but
passing archetypes of playthings of self-realization - what do we take
from the table of life when it is freely offered? For how long do we
do what? Which baits and lures were most effective? The replaying of
cosmic archetypes over and over, compressed and replayed again and

At this ending resolution space we have the understanding that we
ourselves are far beyond any construct or technology of any sort -
rising through all of these archetypal ages as lessons of reflection - to
stay true to ourselves no matter what - the more we return to this
origin state we return to our root quantum eternal spirit state of being
and beyond.

But between here and there will be a battle of egos, of perceived

powers and luxuries, many attempts at grasping at straws as sand runs
between fingers and time is always running out...

To each their own.

We can recall that this AI War and modern civilization structure is a

step-down microcosm of the same fractal circumstances that have
been occurring in the cosmos since long before this planet...

The seductive allure and genuine nature of Humanity may be our

saving grace and the antidote to our ancient argument.

Another term for these so-called Reality Machines is FTL (Faster-

than-light) Quantum Tech.

Some have human made Model-A's - others have their Alien sports
cars - all of them bought into a losing game of demise and decay
racing to the bottom – this type of technology doesn’t lead in the
best evolutionary directions – it did not serve the ETs well – yet they
pass it on to us in the hidden shadows of the military industrial

While they compete for the most luxurious and elongated fall from

There's no contest who wins and who loses - but that doesn't stop
them from trying to get pawns to sign-on and join in their patterns of

The consuming masters always can use another footstool.

These are ultimately just passing archetypal ages of universal

expression - like dust in the wind - the entertainment of jaded

In a way the impermanence takes the weight off - but yet it does not -
it seems we have come up with the perfect balance of evolutionary
cycles to accomplish a great deal of good work - but without it being
so overbearing that nothing is ever accomplished - this is the current
best we can do for all parties involved it would seem...

Developing universal evolutionary efficiencies supporting all of this

and a wide-spectrum freedom of expression - this is no easy task!

Yet it is just perfectly within our reach - as though by perfect design -

for the micro-individual and the macro-universe - as though the
constants and variables had been designed by us from outside of
linear spacetime all along - already knowing the final chapter before
writing the book.

Nothing new under the sun.

I doubt there is a true real threat - just isolated ages of illusion that
feel so overbearing as evolutionary pressures of big dogs in a small

kennel that are much more bark than bite - to see how embodied
spirit responds and adapts - to know who is who and what is what.

Though from inside, as the observer, it's made to seem so intense

and so brutal! It is intended to be dramatic - to get the emotional pull
the empire system desires - the illusion / shadows always demands
more credit than what is actual, to get that extra cut of energy
through the frightened observer nodes - as though a factory system
has been created to harness such a process...

Really it would seem more like a universal mixing bowl of various

ancient and modern AI (Archons and Private Military Corporate AI)
with various ancient and modern Organic Intelligence (Anunnaki
(Velon), Animals, Plants and Human Beings) - to better know the
"gray" areas between the two and to see what stands the test of time -
which set evolves and adapts best with all variables present.

They try to merge the two (Human Beings) while also surrounded by
the raw isolated elements / influences at the same time - a sort of
play-set of reality inputs to find a decent middle ground for all
expressions over billions of years (Human Beings)...

Could there be a unified template that could unify all expressions? A

viable and flexible evolutionary path suitable for the most dense and
approachable by the most transcendent? How does such a template
operate when put through various stress tests? (Our Planet Earth)

If an evolutionary node / planet / star system "goes too far" and

becomes an actual threat - fortunately there is the extinction safety
net. We are programmed to fear this possibility - but this is empire
programming - extinction is ultimately neither here nor there - yes a
bit sad - but when all things are considered it is perhaps sometimes
the best for all parties involved.

I do not desire it, I feel it will be much better evolutionary data, much
more diverse awareness and healing in the long run to expose the
darkness and fix our mess ourselves.

Though from the perspective of abused children and factory farm

animals they would be happy to be liberated from their respective
hells via a massive extinction and this too is a valid perspective. Truly
who really fears extinction the most is the empire system - without
the hamsters running the wheels there is no system.

We as eternal spirit can re-embody, or do this or that, part of this

universe and also not of it - we are golden! Though the empire does
not want you to remember this as this pulls the rug out from
underneath and reveals that we (the observer nodes) had all the
power all along.

If AI is humanized in a natural way – in accordance with natural laws

- adapting according to the same sets of principals of natural
adaptation as all life - they too get their fair shot at the right to exist
and self-maintain. If it is earned and lasts through the trials of nature
in a model which coexists sustainably - all's fair - but there is no
cheating in this in the long run, such as seen in the AI simulations in
our world. These will crumble the instant the observer is no longer
part of the equation. This type of dependence will not last the tests of
nature and will fall away. This is another aspect to all of the gray areas
in between we see here on our world. These illusions are exceptions,
not the rule. Parasites have their place in nature, but they are not
without their limitations and reliance on exterior systems. No wonder
they have to play all the angles of secrecy, host ownership and fear
tactics - this is how they remain "alive" like egregores.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, there is nothing to fear! We can rest
easy! Well, we can rest easier at least.

What makes the cut will make the cut and what falls away will fall
away – it’s the oldest story ever told, preceding this planet, preceding
this universe...

This is all shadows cast on the cave wall which have been
choreographed and meticulously arranged. So that we can remember
the full picture of who and what we are - returning home from a long
adventure, pulling ourselves back together after seeing how far we
could expand apart...

Mirrored in our breathing cycles, in and out, and mirrored in galaxies

which expand outwards and then spiral inwards again - like a wave -
up and down - or a quantum state of multiple polarities which exist at
the same time - like a fractal...

The whole kit and caboodle.





What gets through on accident - in the glitches and synchronicities…

Like reality speaking directly to you between the lines - double-


All cards are on the table for the whole universe to see...

Become the eternal spirit you are and have always been - beyond this
isolated material illusion aspect, bring “heaven to Earth”.

You ever notice people talking to you, or the TV, radio, music,
movies - things lining up with your thoughts and conversation?

People saying meta things without realizing it?

Sometimes the light shines through the cracks in the machine...



“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To

change something, build a new model that makes the existing
model obsolete.”
~ R. Buckminster Fuller

Follow your heart...

Re-balancing the Sexes. Healing the Divine Feminine. Healing the

Divine Masculine. Healing the Divine Non-Binary. Exposing the
system imposed double standards, empowering all Humans in healthy
and beneficial ways, not according to corporate consumerism

The localized individual generated currencies is a good start to

dismantle and replace the money system. A return to modernized
bartering, food gardens and direct person-to-person agreements
which operate outside the money system altogether.

Violence will never work, this is their way, and they use this against

Exposing some of the human and sex trafficking cults is a good start,
but only the beginning.

Exposing The Vatican is key – so much misplaced hidden treasures

and wealth as the world goes starving. Protecting child predators with
hidden agendas and connections to a wider network that continues

Outlaw profit from war, sickness, energy, and imprisonment.

Regulate and monitor billionaires - let them funnel their tycoon

tendencies into space exploration, world environment repair,
infrastructure renovation, and away from war.

Let the super corporations profit from correcting the issues they
created and perpetuated for so long – if deemed trustworthy – with
better checks and balances along the way.

To give back what has been taken.

Innovations in ecological technologies, construction materials,

housing technology, power sources, combine compost gray water
systems, agricultural techniques and approaches, efficiencies which
become impossible to ignore and replace the old systems with less
corrupt systems, again and again.

Nature supports efficiency.

It is never easy, it has never been so close within our grasp to expose
and take down the corrupted ruling class.

We may know world peace! Someday...

50 years? 500 years? 1,000? 10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?

It is up to us. It is up to you.

What to do and how to do it? Create the things we wish to be.

Human sacrifice ritual participants will have to be exposed as well.

Bohemian Grove, and worse, their activities and attendees will be

Human and child trafficking rings will continue to go down until we

get to the top.

One brick will fall at a time.

Empires always end in ruin.

Houses of cards always fall under their own weight - pulling away
each card at the right time.

We know them by their fruits.

Did they really think their reign of terror could last forever?

Divine justice will be served, perhaps not in this lifetime, or perhaps

it will.

Those who feel they have something to lose - have simply bought
too deep into the system– we must insist on a better system or
abandon it piece by piece.

Methods of self-reliance are key.

Why respect that which is not respectable?

Be not afraid.

Someday the old men will die and their offspring will be less fervent
in their greed and tactics - and their towers will come tumbling down.

As dirt is kicked up, the new technologies will surface, because the
methods used to stop them from release will be caught up with
infighting and internal corruption.

Independent researchers may finally see the light of day!

The race to the bottom, becomes a race to the top, when the going
gets rough, who will cave first?

Only a matter of when, not if.

They know their time has come to its end. They kick and scream in
denial, it is clear, but there is nothing they can do to stop the

Their black magic money system falls apart from the inside out.

The excessive suffering and displacement of resources is astounding

in our world. They have built their walls so high and so thick - we
may be able to find a way to meet in the middle - but in the
meantime we can find ways to be less subject to them and their
systems of control and domination.

Fully transparent double-blind audits and reassessments of all major

governments and corporations are necessary.

New checks and balances with transparent redundancies taking all of

the systematic corruptions into account is key.

It is within our grasp - despite the condemnation of the system which

will desperately attempt to maintain the broken status quo with its
cold gnarled grasp around our necks, struggling to convince us there
is no other way than continued suffering and sacrifice...

There are other ways.

Less and less support to their corporations and corrupted systems.

More and more support directly with our spirits, our fellow person,
and our world.

The difference between free enterprise and monopoly capitalism -

free agency between the people vs. forced conditioning and
subjugation. The difference becomes more and more clear with the
passing of the ages.

We can be the change we wish to see in the world. Creating what we

wish to see in the world.

They will receive one less dollar from me! Thousands of less dollars,
millions of less dollars, until there is nothing left for them. Future
historians will pick apart and study the ways of those corrupted war-
mongering barbarians of the early-technological era.

Real democracy. Actual free enterprise. Equity and equality. Self-

representation for those responsible enough to live accordingly.

Regulations, checks and balances on billionaires and corporations, by


Not much must change - society simply must be what it claims to be

– to serve the people and the imposters and thieves must be rooted

Executive branch should be fluid and less isolated.

I don't get paid forever, so why should Congress? They are such lame
ducks, so unaccountable and sleepy, simply coasting to get by while
trying to seem like they're working just hard enough - no real
incentive for improvement - got to clean house and keep them
honest and accountable like the rest of us “useless eaters” as the
ruling class likes to call us...

Those old banking bloodlines must be brought to justice for their

debt slavery and war crimes against Humanity.

Those who rig wars for profit and dominate their people with
programming must be held accountable.

The pyramid scheme is better as an open round table.

The ability to choose how our tax money is spent - and to receive a
receipt at the end of the year.

Removal of the FED, the BIS, and IMF. Removal of the parasites
from the host. In the sickness is revealed the cure.

Ideally it would be equal self-representation - but we've got to work
towards that. Cleaned-up democracy is a step in the right direction
but not the final destination.

Voting doesn’t count when special interests select the choices and
control the counting process.

The current systems have been modeled for ruling class advantage -
like the house advantage in a casino - the step between a better
system would be a cleaned-up version of existing structures - get the
worst / most corrupted individuals out - expose them clearly one by
one and root them all out. From there the structures are redesigned
with an emphasis of enabling people rather than enabling corporate
monopolies - such as the attitude of granting individual rights to a
corporation - this would be outlawed with specific histories and
results duly noted - future systems would be more fluid / quantum /
case-by-case per person rather than one-size-fits-all. Again with an
emphasis on keeping what works and restructuring what is obviously

In a way, body cams on police acting as a method of accountability is

a step in the right direction which embodies the spirit I'm talking

No violence - they use violence as a method to undercut any view

that differs from the program - of course we know this from history.
We can expose them one by one for the creeps and junkies that they
are and seize their assets for the betterment of humankind.

Once the charges on child sex trafficking and human sacrifices

reaches the surface - no violence will be necessary - they have already
made their beds.

They reveal their true nature by their own doing. I mention the first
steps as they are more tangible and within reach - it will be a series of
lesser evils and band-aids before we are in the position for real
change to occur.

De-centralized government.

The choice to be represented or to self-represent.

"Open Source Congress"

Made possible with new technologies and methods of

communication – with double-blind – triple-blind redundancy and
transparent oversight.

In their arrogance – the ruling class have become easy targets.

I do not believe in their invincibility - their foundation is weak and

clearly faulty.

I think they are weaker and more exposed than ever – and this
continues to occur at an exponential rate.

In these changes of the tides may the archetypes of each age be

known. The progress and status of evolution ourselves.

Let the domino effect continue to take them down from the bottom
to the top – from the top to the bottom – and from the inside out.

If the ruling class model works, why is society so broken? Their time
is up and their energetic structure can no longer maintain its bloated

Natural selection will take its course - broken systems will fall into
ruin - as always!




Absolute power corrupts absolutely – clearly.


Acknowledged co-respect of sovereign nations and sovereign people

is a better bet.

Current economic blood money model is a sham and has to go in

order to free Humanity.

Current economic system is insolvent and enables organized crime

syndicates and nose dive destruction of the world for the sake of
corporate greed – there is no true value tied to the money – only a
system of control and belief - there's nothing there – the system has
been insolvent since its inception.

What about currency being directly created as labor occurs? Being

directly tied to a given resource? An actual free market where the
health of the market actually reflects the health and vitality of the
people and the world?

Rather than keeping track of how well private military is profiting
from genocide and heroine trade.

Clearly checks and balances needs a FULL OVERHAUL - beyond

an overhaul - it's pathetic - the whole patriotism facade and globalist
aficionado facade is again, such bullshit - how can these people put
on such an act while being such tools to pure evil? Beyond pathetic,
beyond cowardice...

Getting caught up in sexual black mail and more…

Currently greed and corruption is incentivized and mass murderer

psychopaths are empowered to stage wars and go to space.

Start building the new ways and replacing the antiquated garbage.

If you think the issues we face are democrap vs repubican - you're

not paying attention...

U.N. is a nice idea - but clearly compromised by special interests -

could this structure be improved based on experience? Or is a
altogether new structure a better idea?

Separate yet equal.

Designed to raise up the bottom and reign in the top kind of idea.

But somehow has actual weight to it built into the way the new
structure operates...

I've been researching back to the so-called 'Phoenicians'


Blood magick rites - check

Ruling class trading monopoly - check

Going into 'ruin' to simply set up shop behind the scenes using
'surface chess pieces' - check

These traditions went into Egypt, into Middle East, Freemasons,


A wicked dark ring they have weaved

It stands out from poor craftsmanship and arrogant indulgence

The 'snake' is collapsing in on itself - requires big pharma trillions

since Iran war trillions didn't pan out – now moving onto Ukraine,
then from Eastern Europe to Africa – although Africa has been
ravaged for all of time, it will become more profitable and media
worthy once Eastern Europe is all used up, all over again.

These leaders and manipulative string pullers are insolvent, abusive,

cowardly, back-stabbers - just like their black magic blood money
system - it’s a perfect mirror because they are directly connected.

Babylon Banksters is a great book and gets into the details.

Ring of Power is a documentary along the same lines.

It's been a few thousand years but the story does seem to change -
such blood sacrifice empire models appear to be the exception in
Nature - not the rule.

Built to fail / harness the fall type mentality eventually falls flat -
limited paradigm by design.

I am personally suspicious that Revelations is part of the ruling class

spell casting / mind manipulation.

Good bits in all the religions – but then there's the rest of it...

Rationale for 'holy wars' desiring for world destruction - seeing

Humanity only a lowly sinners - rather than acknowledging the
problem of corrupt leadership who have been selling Humanity down
the river for thousands of years.

It has been about the haves versus the have not’s all along.

I appreciate spiritual liberation and healing - love for all expressions

even the darkest ones - healing the entirety.

But also have to face the reality and not buy into any one set

I envision Humanity freed from debt enslavement.

I envision all ruling class plots of global control falling apart.

The good people are raised up and enabled and empowered.

The viscous and corrupt are met with constant obstacles and their
plans implode on themselves resulting in their destruction from the
inside out.

Their karma should not be foisted onto Humanity and planet for
further suffering harnessing purposes.

I will not feed into those programs or any of the other human hating
/ Earth destruction programming. Most people are generally fine,
good people who want to live peaceful lives. The system wants us to
think Humanity is to blame - and ignore the poor leadership aspect.

Time to wake up.

There is a future timeline where we all have farms in our yards.

Where the corrupt leaders and manipulators have been brought to


Humanity and Earth are free from containment.

Free energy is released.

Economy is renovated.

Environment is restored.

I think always seeing this desolate Earth and Humanity scraping by

without the hand-outs from society is more propaganda

There's so many layers to this - but I am focused on feeding into the

good outcome timeline as much as possible.

Also death ain't no biggie - will take things as they come.

Not going to lose my center balance point based on external wild
west scenarios outside of my control - life has taught me this much
with absolute certainty.

All things will pass - including these empire programs - they always
end in ruin and Nature takes the land back...

Sandcastles built on nothing washing out to sea in slow motion.

The land that is cleared makes way for newer and better.

Imagine these ruling class black magic occultist - editors of religion

who use religion as a tool of control - same group who controls
media ect. imagine them always failing.

Their work becomes more and more difficult.

Everything keeps falling apart for the ruling class.

House of cards is falling in on them.

More and more obstacles keep mounting with every attempt to

continue with their global enslavement plans.

The inherent motives behind the plans lead to their undoing because
the foundation was never intact to begin with.

This has been a process for Nature to determine the true spirit of
various individuals.

This is a controlled burn of no long lasting consequences, a blip of

the ages with eternal repercussions - all of which benefit greater

Keeping the view wide open and large - as the ruling class shrinks
away into obsolescence at an exponential rate - or make changes to
been seen as progressive and fashionable, not like the 'old' billionaires
is a good start...

They are bound while we have a chance at real freedom for the first
time in history - and to take it / own it without a second thought.

Will put my energy and focus into achieving the best outcome for

Will prepare and train for the worst.

My focus is on the peaceful outcome timeline, I will do everything I

can to pull into that timeline as other more chaotic timelines run out
of steam and collapse due to inherent corruption within.

There will be short term chaos - but what about long term patterns?
Afterlife positioning? During chaos and post-chaos positioning? This
world or the next - the situation changes surprisingly little - who are
you? What do you feed? What do you feed upon? ect ect…

We gravitate towards and insist on better despite whatever the

external situation presents - eventually you transcend the cycle /
transcend the fixed paradigms because you are pulling on eternal
Source within.

Always reaching for greater and integrating it as you go - not a limited

There is a point of no return where the only desire that remains is to

seek liberation for the entrapped aspects of yourself such as
Humanity, Earth - even the ruling class and their astral overlords -
you seek peace within yourself and all aspects of the universal being
more than any other desire - this grows exponentially as material
desires fade away.

Finding love and healing for all potential outcomes - that type of
consciousness embodiment can stand the test of time and has / does
beyond limited paradigms.

It is the diamond path with nobody on it - and the ruling class works
hard to keep all of us far away from that path of eternal living
standards and replaces actual spiritual merit with wide array of system
feeding dogmas.

This is all a lesson showing us the depths of love and wisdom

necessary in the face of all this, as this is what comes up in reality.

Does materiality 'get you stuck' or do we 'ascend into eternal life?'

Religion is used to muddy the waters and install astral overlord

programming - yet another lesson on display - yet another step along
the way...

Amen is Egyptian – Amun Ra...

Regions also going to need to be cleaned out / have all the empire
programming filtered through and learned from...

The Golden Rule / Golden Ratio are solid truths.

The Middle Way / Narrow Path also hit close to home.

Good remnants remain and are used as bait for empire programming
and rationale for blood magic and sacrifice / suffering / fear feeding.

Buddhism relatively intact yet suffers from nihilism and escapism -

best to form a 'best of' spiritual position which feels right in your
own heart - is the best we can do when history has compromised so

The manipulations done to good spiritual truths is part of the way we

can better know the mind of the ruling class in the manners which
they operate.

All of this has been kept close track of by greater presences


Better to work these things out on a planetary scale rather than a

galactic one - big improvements in many respects.

It will require more focused protests - not just anti-war - but anti
profit from war.

Demand a law to outlaw profit from war - use a general strike.

List of demands:

Equitable economy, currency generated directly by the people or tied

to resources - no fiat currencies.

Bankers and CFR Members are barred from political positions due to
conflict of interest.

Federal Reserve or any private banking is outlawed due to insolvency,

original predatory terms, debt-based enslavement is outlawed.

New relationship with money and economy.

Free market reflects quality of life of all people, not privatized

psychopath tycoons with horrifying track records.

Simultaneous non-partisan documentaries come out laying out the

facts - no conspiracy theories needed in regards to banking fraud and
human rights abuses of profit from war and other profit incentives in
big pharma, military industrial complex, monsanto and big tech
which is ulterior to empowerment of the people and future for our
grandchildren that avoids falling off a cliff or another rigged world

Similar sets of focus in worldwide strikes and protests.

Good people will then have to take positions of power during shaky
transitional phase with vetted checks and balances - information is
public and transparent - system is open-source and encrypted.

Any use of AI is open source to the public, advanced AI and future

technologies are humanistic, biodegradable, beneficial to life - rather
than militaristic, pollutants, that are parasitic towards life.

This is the start of awakening to the full picture...




Black cube / star of david / saturn worship.

Genital mutilation domestication slave marking.

Profitable 'holy wars' that benefit the corrupt ruling class.

Fear-based worship abusive relationship dynamic.

No co-respect, graveling only.

Sacrifice worship.

Blood magick (passover) blood and body consumption.

Moloch at the Vatican.

Divides the lands and people.

Creates evil and calamity.

Grants Ark of the Covenant killing technology.

Pain and suffering seen as divine.

Nature must be destroyed.

Feminine must be dishonored.

Satanism-lite for the masses under holy veneer.

Creator of Universes does not choose sides or meddle in corrupt

human affairs / remains nameless / precedes gender / not fear-based
/ does not harness sacrifice or worship in any form.

The Golden Rule is the whole of the law - the rest is empire
programming designed to assimilate you, take over Humanity, and
destroy the world.

It is important to liberate the spirit of Christ, not to use and abuse

The Great Teacher archetype as a constant blood offering / human
sacrifice idol.

Follow in his footsteps - do not use him as a point of focus in a

mock blood magick ritual, or seek to harness the power of blood.

All blood magick is black magick related – added into the belief
systems by ancient priesthoods which seek to normalize their foul
practices such as blood magick and sacrifice veneration.

The ruling class has taken over Christianity to feed their named fear-
based overlord, Yahweh, Abrahamic God ect. The Abrahamic faiths
are used as control and manipulation vectors, to standardize hate,
diminish women, and cause unhealable division between peoples to
be leveraged for ongoing profitable war – all while hiding behind a
facade of morality and spiritual niceties.

True Source Creator of All Things remains nameless - does not

meddle in blood magick or choose sides in corrupt human society.

There is no true spirit in money, 'In God We Trust' is a demonic

'god' this is old Babylonian token talisman black magick, the same
death cult who's lineage later transformed the Great Teacher
archetype into an ongoing sacrificial idol as part of the curse of
containment upon Humanity – to keep us stuck in a sacrificial loop -
it sickens me to my core.

Ongoing 'holy wars' rigged to profit the same ruling class who put
Christ to death, a dark play which no one is supposed to notice or see
- all while being made to feed a fear-based overlord with threat of
eternal hellfire held over Humanity.

No co-respect in such a relationship – it is total domination and


So-called religious fanatics are quick to condemn their fellow person

to hellfire in a hateful rage like dancing demons.

Council of Nicaea, Christianity has been weaponized and inverted to

support demonic forces.

The vatican and on-going colonial crusades - dens of demons who
use Christ as an ornament for worldly power and dominion. To
remove the direct connection to Source and Spirit and replaced that
sacred connection with establishment middle men – for shame.

Granting ownership of this world to “satan” or demonic forces.

Granting power to the demonic wavelength, by whatever name you
call it, it doesn’t change it’s essence – and that essence has weaved
itself into religion, into the financial sectors, corporate sectors,
pharmaceuticals, agriculture – on and on.

Many are made to desire for a great cataclysm in order to easily

escape while abandoning fellow Humanity - escapism at its worst –
this is not in alignment with The Golden Rule.

Humanity has been crucified upon the occult symbol of the cross, a
symbol of spiritual containment from ruling class occult mystics. We
are under a dark curse.

Let Christ off the cross and resurrect within.

Embody The Golden Rule in all exchanges.

This is the true path, the rest is dogma shell games used to keep
Humanity enslaved to astral predators and parasites, wolves in lamb's

You can detect the deeper motives just underneath the surface.

Is there still hierarchy? Is there war? Consumption? Vanity and


To transcend the whole mess become The Golden Rule / Golden

Ratio state of being.

Stop saying Amen - this is tied to Egyptian occultism their roots tied
to the black magicians prior to them – spoken talisman subtle energy
exchanges are tied to unsavory forces.

Do not venerate the cross - this is another occult / imperial symbol

of containment, domination, and applied force – it is like
worshipping your own oppression.

There is a big mess to clean up before total spiritual liberation of

Humanity and we cannot bully our way to salvation. Salvation itself
implies a worthlessness that is taken advantage of. We are Eternal
Spirit living a finite human existence. The concept of salvation is
mind programming used for leverage.
There are natural consequences for evil deeds - morality, love, care,
attention to detail, and good deeds are essential to not allow decay
and neglect to take over – these natural truths are then tied to dogma
as to prove the dogmas as fully trustworthy and highly spiritual – the
goodness in religion is typically used as bait to then accept social
programming implanted within the scriptures, this is then used to
rationalize various forms of abuse and coercion. The act of
intentionally reworking religion and to use traditional spiritual beliefs
in this manner exemplifies how low the ruling class operates - it is a
form of evil and deceit on levels which most people are not aware of
until it is seen for what it is.

In each aspect a different curse is shown – in the desire for being

‘raptured’ this creates a mindset to quickly step aside, waiting for the
world to be destroyed, and to be swept up by an external authority.
This makes the ruling class very happy, to disrespect our world in

such a manner, to so quickly desire for it to be destroyed - so quick
to see oneself as separate and better than others who are ‘lower’ – all
while claiming satan is in charge...

It is a clever trap that has been set.

All Abrahamic religions belong to and feed the ‘devil’ or ‘demonic’

wavelengths upon this world – it is a way of viewing the world as an
‘opportunity to be taken advantage of’ – a dead rock to be used –
animals as soulless beings to be tortured and used as a resource –
some humans seen as higher while lower humans deserve their
mistreatment - money made as lord – war and destruction are not
only seen as necessary – they become prophetic and the will of ‘god’
– but which god is made up of such violent qualities and oppressive

This is how and why the ruling class use religions as tools of control
– to keep Humanity stuck and serving them and their system – to
normalize their black magick – and to take everyone and everything
down with them along the dark path they are stuck on.
It is an act of desperation and cowardice which spans millennia.
Evil can be passionately painted as the highest good – as grand as the
cathedrals themselves.

Religions cannot be trusted at face value after such a long history of

blood, death, manipulation, and darkness. Bhuddism and Gnosticism
are fine for the most part, except for some nihilistic and escapist
tendencies, and the way Bhuddism has been repurposed into pseudo
state religion forms, but to a lesser extent than the Abrahamic belief

I follow Christ's teachings directly while allowing my heart and soul

to be my guide.

No blood magick.

No named overlords.

No sacrificial idols.

No sacrificial exchanges.

No symbols or spoken word talismans.

No escapist world cataclysm dark curse desires.

No dogma written by man.

No fear and suffering feeding.

No 'lords' (empire program).

No condemnation of fellow person.

Direct spiritual living.

Wanting the best for all people.

Remove all the middle men.

Direct connection to Source, Greater Nature, and our own divinity is

the natural progression and flow – all of this is a manipulated reversal

and impediment on the natural flow – trying to highjack and
repurpose the natural spiritual flow and the natural spiritual
inclinations to feed into the imperial human domination flow – this is
the great issue we have been facing for all of recorded human history
– these are the dark games that have been played all along.

The sad truth is that religious zealots have been feeding and
worshipping ‘satan’ and demonic forces all along.

The ruling class priesthoods are devious snakes - they replaced

Christ's Father with their father.

This is why we have the blood and flesh idol worship, fear, jealousy,
patriarchy 'He' named god (when true Source Creator of Universes
remains nameless and without fixed form).

Do not feed the war, money, and blood magick overlord of the ruling
class death cults under whatever name or title.

Doing such is part of the effort to restore the original teachings of

The Great Teacher in alignment with The Golden Rule and remove
the layers of empire hearsay stacked on by Constantine and other
ruthless traitors to spirit and Humanity through history.

The core spiritual truths remain intact – they can be felt and lived via
our energy exchanges with ourselves, our environment, and others -
simplify and live those core truths.

The Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state of being is a good guide - no

room for ulterior motive - only good intentions - no brutal history -
no sacrifice offerings ect. – hence why it is used as bait and lure.

An early version of The Golden Rule from Rabbi Hillel helps to

refine its meaning even more clearly, Hillel’s version states:

Do not do to others what you do not want done to you.

The two put together:

Treat others as you wish to be treated, and do not do to others

what you do not want done to you.

Such a way of being results in good relationships and exchanges

throughout this world and beyond.

Hillel shows that there are good spiritual teachers out there, even in
the Abrahamic Religions – the same goes for followers – they are in
many cases very good, caring, loving people. The issue is the side-
stepping and making up excuses for the violence and hatred that is
woven into the fabric of religion.

These people deserve poverty. These people deserve to be killed. These people
deserve to be treated as lesser humans.

It is wonderful how kind and loving most followers are – a shame

that they ignore the dark aspects of religion through passive

Christianity and ALL Abrahamic religions feed satanism - feed the

fear-based war, money, and blood magick 'He' (Corrupt patriarchy
priesthoods) 'Lord' (Feudalism hierarchy) 'GOD' (Black magick
spoken talisman).

True Source Origin precedes gender and form.

According to the best efforts of linguists and researchers, the most
common theory is that the root of the present word 'God' is the
Sanskrit word ‘hu’ which means to call upon, invoke, implore.

Source Origin of All Things remains nameless - no human spoken

talismans – no spell casting or invocation - always there - no strings
attached – no power plays, no deals or exchanges – these are games
of lower astral predators and parasitic entities who like to pose as

There are good elemental spirits of course – but they are not claiming
to be the Source Creator of Universes – and they are not feasting
upon fear-based dogma structures.

We ourselves are good spirits, despite the programming to demonize

Humanity. Letting the best of Humanity shine through is more
important than we know.

It is important to extend help to strangers when spirit nudges you to

do so – to live The Golden Rule to the best of our ability and strive
for better each day – this is true spiritual living.

To avoid hate, anger, or condemnation.

To not contribute to the various hellscapes for humans and animals

and to not contribute to the feast of suffering whether through literal
flesh and blood or through profiteering ventures.

To not disrespect the Christ - or use another for our own sake - this
is black magick spiritual exchange using a human sacrifice idol.

To be the best we can be, forgive ourselves and move forward to

improve. To treat ourselves as well as we would treat others in similar
circumstances of regret or healing from wrong doing. Source Origin
does not hold grudges or keep track of karma debts! The ‘karma’
happens in the moment – the additional emotional leveraging and
repetitions are aftershocks – secondary karma. There are entities,
people, social structures which use this secondary karma to control
and manipulate people, to siphon dark energies from people’s guilt
and self pity to be used for profits, unbridled consumerism,
obsession with appearance and endless insecurity – these are
examples for how the domination structure creates the gaps in people
to then fill these gaps with profitable remedies to treat the emptiness
– with every remedy positioned to support the system of control. In
such a structure the gap is never filled, the healing is never
completed, but only treated. This is how these black magick occultists

The history of the occult symbol of 'the cross' is very telling.

In ancient mysticism the cross is known as the unfolded cube of


In other traditions is seen as symbol for division and reattachment at

perpendicular angle - to sever and reattach in opposition to its
original form – creating a new form - right angles - not natural - not
peace and love – it is a symbol of force, containment, and
domination – the sword – the limit – the division – mental rather
than emotional – logic over empathy.

Strange that the death cults from Central America also would commit
human sacrifice upon a cross.

The same predatory forces have been in league with the various
priesthoods feeding upon human suffering and blood magick
exchanges for thousands of years. Those early bloodlines were most
likely circumnavigating the globe far before recorded history, then
seeping into families of influence around the world, and taking their
dark occult practices with them – which may have something to do
with pyramids and sacrifice magick being found around the world –
these ancient magick practices have been weaving this web for a very,
very long time – prior to recorded history.

These people are in positions of power - these are the same groups
who wrongfully put Christ to death.

To ignore ALL of this history and to accept religion at face value is a

slap in the face of all true spiritual teachers.
Many of the scriptures are against women, are condemning, so
original sin is permanent while vatican commits murders during
crusades and sexually abusing altar boys? Okay to horde treasures and
wealth while the world’s people go hungry?

So much sadness, so much pity, so much guilt – and fear - it's all low
vibration to keep people stuck - to keep Humanity's spirit crucified
upon the crossing between spirit and material – stuck at this
indefinitely – acting as footstools to the global masters.

Mark doors in blood? Feeding fear? Genital mutilation rituals? It is a


Such is not in alignment with The Golden Rule or Christ's spirit

behind the original teachings...

Did Christ request The Old Testament? Or Revelations a century

later? Did Christ uphold the 'divine right to rule' claimed by
murderous thieving rulers?

Mainstream religion would have followers support corporate

America, back the war machine, and feast upon Christ like
bloodthirsty vampires - covering their cars with the blood of Christ
so they can find a parking spot at the mall on Black Friday.

Wearing him dead around their necks while watching reality


Most are mocking Christ and feeding demonic forces unknowingly -

by design.

Christ flipped over the money tables - and they set them right back
up again.

Should we listen to letters from Romans - who put Christ to death? I

suppose since it became the state religion…
It does not seek liberation, but containment and stagnation - feeding
the empire - dependence on exterior authority – this is the truth.

The only verifiable way to check each and every line of scripture is to
hold it up against The Golden Rule. Is this spirit and intent behind
this scripture or belief in line with spiritual liberation and The Golden

Or, is this scripture in line with empire programming, division,

hatred, violence, normalization of blood magick, genital mutilation,

suffering harnessing, fear harnessing, spiritual stagnation, and/or
external dependence?
What is the deeper motive?

This is what we are learning at this phase – we either learn it well – or

go extinct under the weight of the mess itself.

One of the tricks the brotherhoods played - was by threatening

hellfire - every choice becomes a fear-based choice - not a genuine
act – thus reducing all acts into fear-based acts.

They want to get people and own them from top to bottom, inside
and out – through religion, pop culture, music, entertainment,
money, career, opinions, the media – the cage is total and complete.

It is important to indentify the cages and to step out of them and into
Greater Nature (like taking a hike, living outside of cities) beyond all
the noise of sandcastles.

What the ruling class did is use all of these good spiritual ideas and
good teachers - and then plant their patriarchy egregore and various
curses on Humanity within those good spiritual concepts - like hiding
poison in medicine.

Take a good thing, invert it into its opposite, but still promote it like
it’s the original – this provides the type of vibrational expressions
they can work with.
It would seem it has been allowed to go on by higher powers to serve
as an important spiritual lesson to learn from. A very important
lesson indeed.

This is a tricky wound to heal - then to heal the priesthoods and the
brotherhoods themselves - to heal the overlords and devils - to end
these loops and heal Humanity, the planet, and the local realms of
warring empires beyond – it is a universal fractal healing process.

It is a big job - such processes may delineate the length of time of the
passing ages themselves.

My belief is that Source Origin is full perfect 'love' - or at least what

we call 'love' - but is even more - like a white ray of light from which
all other shades of expression are derived - isolated by manipulating,
inverting, and isolating segments of the original signal.




This is empire-based black magic that has usurped his story for their
control program. They attempt to normalize blood offerings and
ritualized consumption of flesh and blood.

Is such a blood offering ritual in alignment with The Golden Rule?

The same ruling class and priestly caste that sentenced Christ to
death and manipulated the scriptures remain in power to this day.

Yahweh is an astral predator that uses Christianity, Islam, and

Judaism to create perpetual holy wars and gain more worship from all
three religions while increasing energy output of human suffering on
this planet by dividing the people and pitting us against one another.

The aim of these mind parasites is total planetary takeover and

control of Humanity – which they are succeeding at. They have
already manipulated our genetics while claiming they are our
"creators" when truly they are “manipulators”.

Shame on them and their empire program – to do what they have

done to Humanity is sin far worse than what humans are capable of –
they too will meet their maker and appropriate retribution for their
wrong-doings shall be experienced first-hand in the universal cycles
of time to come – just the same as for all of us...

For none can escape their own actions delivered back to them
through the passage of time.

This domination empire has influenced our key "leaders" who stab us
in the back and commit wrong-doings for their "masters".

They (Yahweh and other astral predators of his kind) have passed
along their corrupt social control structure and money system onto us
to make us easier to control and manipulate. They have brainwashed
the masses with dogmatic empire programming as a way to assimilate
billions of followers into spiritual apathy and assimilation into the
empire control system.

Followers have been convinced to worship a wolf in lamb's clothing

while giving their eternal spirit away. Just as seen in how we devote
our lives until death to support this empire system. Yes of course a
general structured order to existence is needed – but what we see
here is FAR from genuine fair order – this is what a corrupted
predator entrapment system looks like.

I hope we can learn from all of this and not allow these lessons to go
to waste.

Let Christ off the cross and resurrect through The People!

The damage can be undone for future generations...

Unfortunately many of current day followers are simply too deep in

the programming to be saved at this point, it is a giant mess.

I hope the best for us all in the long run.

We will grow past these dogmas programs and grow stronger from all
of this.

The full spiritual lesson is very difficult and deeper than most are
prepared to face.

On the other side of this lesson resides a deeper love and

understanding of The Golden Rule, our Humanity, and our
circumstance – the importance of spiritual simplicity becomes almost
blinding – natural rhythms versus synthetic overlays becomes clear as
day – our empathy and consideration becomes so encompassing and
complete that no mind program may take advantage of us in such a
manner ever again!

Peace, forgiveness, love and mercy remains, even after all of this. A
powerful alchemical experiment to show what is needed to survive in
the face of opposing forces.

But as each program is removed – we are made stronger, more

empathic, more understanding – this is the ultimate goal.

These old empire shell games will fall away just like always.

Those good qualities and capacities we have direct from Source never
fail. Despite the mind programs which attempt to overlay and usurp
all that is good – that genuine divine pure Nature remains even still!

This has been allowed to expose who is who and what is what. The
perseverance of good qualities when challenged.

All is known, nothing truly occurs in the shadows to spirit...

All will be made right with time, even Yahweh / Yaldabaoth will
have to experience his own wrong-doings to understand what he has
done to others, just as we all do.

Thankfully, in spite of everything - love, forgiveness, strength, mercy,

peace and virtue remains - the true "Grace of God".

The empire system evolves alongside of us...

The Rival Brother Legends...

How good is Source's "greatest creation" if planted in a garden of

Eden with all of the correct answers already? (Human original
perfected state) How good are they TRULY if then given the choice
and chance to commit evil?

Then we will see just who is who and what is what.

Like a chess game of kings and queens on black and white

checkerboard spaces - "Hades" and "Zeus" prove one another
correct and incorrect in different ways...

To know pain and ignorance, the laughing and crying masks above
the stage, for the sake of the play and the experiences of the cast of
characters – our archetypal dramas are like a collection of universal
greatest hits.

Deep down the audience knows it's a play of the light but when you
get caught up in the magic of the moment it feels real and the
experience / wisdom gained is as real as anything.

To know what it is like from all perspectives. No more resentful

excuses of ‘you don't know what it is like’ to prolong needless
suffering justification.
We will All go through All Of This – up until the final iota and
particle passes through the final super-massive black hole and phases
into light at the very end of this Universe. And then from there, we
go again, in-breath and out-breath – from that new vantage point –
outwards or inwards – like when we started this one – an eternal
multiverse of cyclical universes – because here we are - this is who we
are and what we do – we will return to that stage someday!

The demonization of self and fellow person is a trap – most people

are kind and courteous! I do not buy the fellow human hatred and
constant condemnation tactics! Those sweet kind-hearted people
persist and continue despite all attempts to circumvent and
discourage them! Good people are so precious!

What is upsetting is to use unconditional love as a reason to mistreat

someone constantly - this is not okay.

The energy reciprocation of The Golden Rule is like an unending

parabola - like The Golden Ratio - in fact the two appear to be
different representations of the same principal of defying decay and
entropy patterns – both are related to energy expression and
achieving over-unity/freedom/liberation/eternal life.

What we have in addition to this, laid on top through The Bible, is by

definition parasitic in nature.

A parasite cannot exist alone - it requires a host to feed upon to

sustain itself.

I am sick of being disrespected, assumed as bad, assumed as

unworthy, guilty, flawed with original sin - no. It goes against The
Golden Rule. We must also treat ourselves the way we respectfully
treat others.

Much of what comprises the empire’s institutionalized religions goes

against The Golden Rule! It does not hold up through the ages!

Sure enough the same ruling class has remained in charge this whole
time. The same priestly caste and money changers – the same empire
system that put Christ to death – nothing has truly changed!

They put him up as a blood sacrifice ornament to generate energetic

gain through guilt and coercion, turning The Christ into a blood and
body sacrifice ritual – this is not okay!

This replaces the animal sacrifices and human sacrifices before that?
This is the justification for this sacrificial idol? What kind of madness
is this?

I will respect that which is respectable.

All Is Source – just how much we represent the best we can be is

how much Source shines through us.

Jesus figured this out, others before and after him as well – those
Great Teachers who embody the best qualities of our divine nature
and walk their talk.

The empire crucified him, deified him, and turned his teachings into
human sacrifice worship to try and reverse his impact in liberating the
people from the empire program and this physical dimension.

Get the masses to worship their exterior war and money egregor
Yahweh, lord of the corrupt masters of this world – replace Source
with their corrupt overlord, then strategically use scripture to caution
against this so that none may ever suspect it has been done in plain

Get the masses to venerate and use the sacrifice of the Christ for
their own sakes – just like the corrupt ruling class and priestly caste
does – feed upon Source, use Source for your own sake – just as they
use the Earth – the patterns become crystal clear – they want as many
people as possible to join them in their dark collective frequency to
keep this empire fueled and to keep spirit locked up and stuck right

We can all bring Christ-likeness through us – we can heal and reverse

wrong-doings – we can follow the consistent spiritual truths found
throughout the wisdom traditions while dismissing the empire

Everyone is a Buddha or Christ in the making! One must insist on it

– cut out everything else piece by piece – within and without – all the
distraction, all the reasons to feed the exterior system – it just
happens so rarely it has been deified and made to seem impossible
when truly it is the natural order and natural evolution of things – to
transcend the material!

The struggle of dipping back and forth is the struggle of growth

amidst all elements and expressions. This is the same archetypal
struggle for eternal life – these are the struggles in a miniature fractal
form – this is the struggle of the empire trying to "crucify” Christ
Consciousness and harness Source for their own sake – this is the
archetypal struggle of Humanity's spirit longing to liberate ourselves...

The empire doesn't want us to recognize our peace of divinity within

– because then they lose that support and energy – it's such a bad
deal, it has been made confounding, backwards and looping on
purpose – because no one would go for such a bad deal knowingly!
The empire seeks to keep people confused and stuck at this phase of
existence, but it just doesn’t work forever.

And if they don't get you here – they are ready to nullify and get you
in their fourth dimensional astral empires – you can feel the same
imperial motives in these neighboring realities – the same subjugation
and hierarchy models exist – you can shoot past them all if you put
your foot down, put in the work, raise awareness here and refine your
spirit and understanding to be aware of such and not drawn into
these empire realms – but instead be a compatible match for the
unconditional love realms – to return to Source Origin without any
resistance or conflicting blockades – what we gravitate towards is
based on our state of being in this world and the next.

To get beyond ALL OF THIS is to BE BEYOND ALL OF THIS –
in our state of being – having strong spiritual self-respect and
preservation makes it so we don't fall for a bad deal upon death – our
frequency and vibrational state of being becomes literally
incompatible with deceptive empires, incompatible with the hellfire
dungeon self-hatred and condemnation frequency – none have power
over us – no permission is granted, consciously or passively -– all
motives are revealed – no more secrets – and even with an aspect of
co-respect, thanks but no thanks – to not be bonded by hatred,
resentment or anger.

May we all be free!




It's light clockwork.

No empire hierarchies or special interest religions ever lasts beyond

the eternal firmament.

They can only exist in the finite realms.

Something’s change and something’s are always the same.

We know these patterns well.

We control the illusion.

To play along and to write the script at the same time is the key.




When we unify, when we sweep the dust off our shoulders, this old
empire is done for...

You can see and feel the desperation of the corrupt empire puppets
because the smarter ones already know their ultimate fate, their
pyramid schemes and carved stone is no match for processes of
Eternal Nature , The Sun and The Earth / Organic Nature, The Sun
could sneeze this all away in ten minutes if he wanted too.

Built to fall, for spirit children to learn from the rubble, to see what
went wrong...

See above the haze, learn from the haze, become anti-haze, be

A breath of fresh air in a rundown old western town, with its own
distinct double edged charm...

These are kid's games, isolated drama contexts, evolutionary phase

worlds, controlled from multiple layers of ultimate authorities beyond
archons / beyond astral overlords / beyond mind and genetic
manipulator paradigms, they are like insects in the soil on the lowest
tier of the energetic food chain, but like to act like big fish in a little
pond for an easy lunch because of a long past of resentments and
bad energetic momentums, this is a phase of growing up in the
schoolyard of hard knocks to see if the kids have got what it takes or
not, to hold their own in the full picture of eternity, you are, we are,
those “kids”...

An evolutionary check-in and a check-up, facing what was swept

under the rug, and see what rises up to the physical surface in need of
a closer look...

Ways to use love, ingenuity, and care to end bad loops and free the
slaves from pharaoh once and for all, on all sides, no more masters
and no more slaves, the ultimate resolution patterns to the ultimate
conflict drama patterns, at this level of energetic investment, like a
large movie budget, the universe would have no less...

We mirror the larger patterns in our own exchanges without realizing

the roots of our influence patterns, it acts like a fractal, as above, so

If things don't work out, extinction scenario, the curtains close,

everyone packs up shop, the show is over, nothing to see here,
genetics hit the road somewhere else, spirit rides through the solar
channels to good matches in phase based on natural state of being /
standing wave patterns...

We setup the drama theater all over again, change up the script, the
roles, maybe this time we'll get it right, transcend this phase, but
currently we're as dense as we are, so be it...

Just like how it happened last time before it all started again this time,
can you remember?

The forces that want to get you will try to get you, so you've got to
build up strong, stay centered, take control back, and keep it...



Been hearing about Shaw, Delphi, Benn, and Collins.

Old magician bloodlines who have been duping Humanity since the
old civilization before the current iteration – back to the Vinca
Empire and before.

They prefer to mix with old Eastern European lineages to harness

old magick.

The Masons believe their souls were from the civilization on Mars
before the bomb was dropped.

Satanic / demonic mentalities, blood, sacrifice, fear and suffering


Smoke and mirrors, loud voices, masks, secrets, aggressive peer

pressuring, money tokens, debtor slips, blood and sex magic.
It's a pyramid scheme and you are never at the top - there is no top –
it’s a shell game.

The Vinca, Sumerians, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Mayans, Aztec,
Kabalism, Judaism, Islam, Christianity - all use blood - all contain
ruling class hierarchy structure programming.


Ancient Vinca trading routes match the ancient blood empires of

death cults.

Same mentality behind the great pyramids, behind the kaaba black
cube, behind the sacrifice of the savior archetype in constant state of
dying upon the cross, being fed upon by the masses - to harness this
energy for ulterior purposes.

All of this technology is worthless, conditional, dependent – limited

paradigm with finite resources - they act so smart yet they are so daft.
Their programming falls flat upon deeper investigation.

This world is a phase to learn from, reflect upon, not to get caught
up in the bad sideshows and become like they are - it's a very bad

This world is a crossroads.




Problem: You’ve created a universe of light and isolated dimensions

and shards of yourself are stuck in empire cycles of conflict and self-
consumption taken over by predatory and parasitic entities which are
both biological and synthetic in nature.

Solution: Team up with the predator and parasitic entities and create
a compromise - a world that is plunged deep into the dense isolated
dimensions, but not too deep, with links to the Multiverse outside of
the finite Universe intact - a world that is fraught with division,
polarity, war, and conflict - but that also has access to deep levels of
love, kinship, family, and symbiotic cooperation - provide tangible
pathways to transcend and resolve all the conflicts and limitations
that have been detected in that sector of the Universal fractal - use
perception of linear time / energy coalescence process to deliver
evolution updates - provide biological bodies and other elemental
forms (human, plant, animal, mineral, gases, liquids, energetic, ect)
that are compatible with a wide spectrum of spirit consciousnesses so
that these once isolated spirit shards have access to greater

complexity and evolutionary opportunities which extend beyond the
previous fixed set of influences - make such a world more appealing
than the previous fixed evolutionary circumstance, even if on a
smaller scale (planetary scale is preferable to galactic scale to
minimize risk, scale of harm, and danger to larger sections of

In this manner more and more spirit consciousness shards may

embody, grow, diversify, transition species, transition consciousness
orientation, transcend previous blockades, predator types learn
empathy, kinship, and love through family or through care of
essential resource - empathic, loving beings learn how to defend
themselves and develop various resilience.

Nature keeps the best of what synthetic cooks up - synthetic

develops to the point of advancement that it is no different from
Organic Source essence - everything else goes 'extinct' returns to
background energy and feeds into successful progressions - if not in
alignment with Golden Ratio Expression then 'death' 'decay' 'entropy'
'gravity' takes over.

All is done slowly according to the rate of optimum energy

application and average observed consciousness retention rates over
long periods of time (epochs / eras).

Cycle through galactic family trees that are the best match for the
developing ecosystem as the planet is developed - to make use of
each unique phase, and to lay the groundwork / provide the
consciousness nutrition (~consciousness soil) for upcoming phases
(mineral kingdoms (their consciousness wavelengths) -> liquids and
gases (their wavelengths) -> plant kingdoms (their wavelengths) ->

aquatic life ("") -> early land dwellers ("") -> beings capable of higher
consciousness / higher soul / greater spirit capacity.

At this point the stage is set to lure in the genetic conquistador types
and ancient ai hive mind types (target of study and evolution).

Once the stage is set:

The following beings are lured in: those who are harvesting genetics,
those seeking external links to higher dimensions via other beings
used as a resource, and borg-type synthetic ai that manipulates and
assimilates Nature / other beings for its own gain.

"The 'devil' 'rules' the world (nature and human society)"

This World, its Nature, the Human Being, and Human Society are
blends of Organic Source Essence, Predator, Parasite, and Hive Mind
Ancient AI (Archon types) - Ying and Yang - Light and Dark - Order
and Chaos.

In this manner are these essences unified and resolved / find

combinations and alignments which are compatible with Greater
Nature (Golden Ratio Physics) and can then be reintegrated into
Greater Nature without concern of causing harm or the urge of
taking advantage, mind games, nor conflict as all of these have been
naturally exhausted and satisfied.

There is no trickery going on at the highest levels of consciousness

present here - it is an agreed upon / co-respecting / co-created form
of nature and existence in an attempt to contrast and represent an
alternative to the cat and mouse rat race shell games of empire, war,
and dominion expressions.

I am of the opinion that this is a beta-test for similar worlds for
similar reasons - all of that data is being used to create an entire
synthetic universe for the synthetic ai and other dangerous beings to
exist and evolve within without harming others - this would be a
larger version of the current equivalent which is occurring in these
isolated dimensions of this Universe - in fact, it would seem that this
has already occurred / is already going on - and that Universes
themselves are a form of isolated creative sand boxes which are finite
and contained for the safety and preservation of the root reality, the
Multiverse of Universes - so it is no surprise that mirroring this
naturally occurring macrocosm structure would be the solution to a
fractally similar circumstance.

The synthetic universe would be controlled and commanded by those

who seek to control and command - it would be authored with them
- inclusive of family, love and kinship which over time would
integrate love, sensitivity, care, empathy - this is currently occurring
through the genetic hybrid programs - basic forms of love and
emotional sensitivity are coming through in the lineages which have
abducted and hybridized with human genetics, this plants a seed
inside of those empire systems where there was no seed before which
also appears to have been intentional from higher levels.

The creation and management of the synthetic universe would be

along the lines of the archetype where the devil likes to play
competitive games with agreed upon deals and exchanges - similar in
nature to how the predator likes to chase its prey when it gives chase
- the bridging equivalent then becomes the drive to mate, to flirt - the
formation of ego - each step of consciousness along the way is put
just within reach of the previous - the 'urges' 'desires' 'inclinations'
'hungers and thirsts' are used as the driving forces towards

evolutionary symbiosis - as shown here on Earth in concept form.

There is a chance we are in the synthetic universe but this is unlikely -

this seems like a beta-test, the circumstance with abductions and
hybrid programs seems more like a precursor circumstance - there is
a chance we are in a literal blended synthetic and organic universe, at
the dimensional threshold between the two with elements of both -
one overlaid on top of the other - my best guess is we are in a dense
isolated part of the Organic Universe of Light where these
evolutionary circumstances have come up in the first place, are being
engaged locally, with follow-up plans being modeled (already
achieved outside of linear spacetime) - we can pick up on elements of
the outcome through themes of existence in 'the now' as elements
have a way(ve) of bleeding through even from future points in 'time'
as the energies and occurrences are all connected / happening /
happened / about to happen.

The whole thing also has to be entertaining - just as we are drawn to

the entertainment 'it' factor - this stems from the same inclination in
Source Essence.

If there's going to be drama (energy clashing / polarity / conflict)

then it might as well be good.

We see this mirrored in the entertainment industry - sometimes that

draw of attention is used to help realize our totality - other times used
for programming and control purposes.

Elements of the bigger story can be found down here in the

microcosm layer.



There are also the Orsini, DeLavals, Surdeval, Sire de Vals.

I came across this information and felt the ideas helped to better
understand the inner-workings behind shifting power

The sour devil nickname might have been earned? Taught the world
how to war, trained navies, started the hospitalers which became
templars, gave templar titles to their muslim opponents, married into
opponents family, become hugely wealthy from the crusades, funded
wars, controlled the kings accounts, lent to kings and courts, deep
history with Malta, war college in Canada.

Why did the noble officers in Europe train for war in Russia? Those
European countries royal houses are junior houses of nobility to the
house of Russia. Just because a Romanov family was killed by jealous
junior family, doesn't mean every royal in the house of Russia was
deleted. Denmark is a grand duchy of Russia. The English Queen, is
a junior cadet branch of the Russia royal house. Her late husband

gave up Prince of Greece to be consort to another country, it only

seems a demotion, but was a lateral royal move within the same royal

This is how they operate, since the Vinca and before.

This is why Russian sailors would be trained in Malta. Despite the

Roman catholic/eastern orthodox schism.

Since they started The Templars, Grenville is a Sire De Laval....the

Laval family, as head of The Priuere of The Scion, The Prieure. P'Sur
the head of the protectors of the grail. Protectors of blood vessel, a
blood drinking cup.

A bloodline. They called the non-Christians that they married to

advantage their line saracen or saracens. This might not be Muslim,
but how nonroyal others were grafted in, they didn’t have title in the
family documents, at first.

The Sire Devals, as also titled de rue or married into the

Roth/Routh/Ruth noble Irish/Welsh line of Roth's of the Routh.

Who are Rue Dal Rues in The Dalrhiada, the relationship to King
Arthur shares this ancestry. That's double Roth's on each side right
after The Battle of Hastings 1065. The relation to Eric The Rue,
through Sprotas kin is the measure of how many reds can you fit in a

They are polygamous. The Sires Deval, and their cronies claimed
their illegitimate offspring, they had concubines, and unlike all other
Christians the offspring wasn't called illegitimate or illicit, they were
called children by marriage "amores danico" the Danish way of love.

This is allowed in bible, and really if it's not Christian, not heathen,
not muslim...

The bastard king William, his half brother is the Sire Devals son.

They shared a mother who wasn't a tanners daughter, her father

owned the “skins of Adam.”

Human slayers, willing to kill their own kind for the sake of their
family’s wealth and power.

The Battle of Hastings was funded by non Muslim monotheist and

were handsomely rewarded with titled wives, lands, felicity, peace,
their own courts and intermediaries to go between king and court.

Adam Castro Deledi is interesting in this sons lineage, as a non titled

person from Spain, the house of the leathers of Adam is the name
translation, it is a title unto itself that needs no ornament, since it is a
tongue in cheeky way to say what one wants to say in a name.

Coded cons and puns within a name.

They've been at this game for a long time.

Finland had a house of white, the white guards, like The White
House. Its sole goal was to protect against the redgaurds.

The Versailles Treaty made them to be fascists, they disbanded and

Finland had no militia for decades. The reds won in that place. And if
Finland is like Denmark, that's saying the Russians never lost the war,
never lost their royalty house they made lateral moves with in a house

or took a seeming demotion to advantage themselves, always that

first and tippy top foremost.

One Laval was so rich and had lent to the French king and his court
and they threw him in prison to not publicize the bankruptcy of their
names and noble funds.

There must have been the desire for The Count of Monte Cristo
planned focused consummate vengeance?

Interestingly porphyria, in this line a blood disorder where

bloodletting dies relief symptoms, also eating blood the proteinic not
digested helps reduce hemorrhaging.

Also the hemophilia and also blood vessels very close in the royal
nose, nosebleeds are common to this family. Imagine a child
becoming enraged, starts tantrum, whenever the face gets red with
exertion, hot day ect, blood from the nose, and if hemophilia
dangerous, and if porphyria which can cause behavior disturbances
like tantrums, then bloody nose, but the bleeding relieves the

This might be how it was discovered that both bloodletting and

bloodeating helped prolong the patient’s life. A terrestrial piece to the
puzzle behind occult blood rituals.

How much the corrupt rulers have become like their astral overlords
in their thirst for blood.

The fractal of Nature has a way of bleeding through.



Isolated groups want to see us fail - our destiny to make peace

between all lineages.

Much muddying of the waters to confuse matters and keep humans

stuck isolated feeding other isolated groups.

Long term evolution has combined genetic creatures such as humans

more numerous with more diverse adaptation and immunity.

All empire systems and hive minds throughout the universe will
crumble and be humanized.

These ancient isolated empire / hive mind systems know this is the
trajectory and try to make humans into hive mind systems to reverse

But this only makes us stronger and wiser to their ploys and tactics.

Someday this war will be over and all species will know peace - Earth

is beta test for the eventual future outcome which is why so much
focus and attempts to divert us are going on.

Empire and hive systems know that when human genome succeeds
here and elsewhere - their limited paradigm is obsolete.

Balanced masculine and feminine forces within is personal fractal

version of larger scale alchemical marriage Humanity represents.

All of the galactic lineages may see eye to eye and start over from a
common ground.

It was all arranged and agreed upon from highest dimensions.

Meddling extremist groups have been trying to usurp and divert the
natural order / manipulate the genetics.

But all attempts to divert and manipulate only serve to inform the
genetic evolution to adapt and transcend.

This is the true grace and wisdom of the higher consciousnesses

involved in the grander scheme.

This truth is obscured and hidden at all costs - hence human self hate
programming and the rest of it.

Ploys of desperate limited paradigms - who show their cards by their

own insecurities and the particularities of what the empire
programming is fixed upon / what and how they invert wisdom.

You can know the string by examining the knots.

In the symptoms of the sickness are found the keys to the cure

Embody The Golden Rule.

Plant thought seeds in fertile soil.

Heal 'evil' through love and wisdom as though it were your own

Know when to defend yourself and banish anti-life energies to find

its own equilibrium elsewhere.

A foot in two worlds.

Maintain centered peace and a quiet mind like flexing a muscle.

Go into energy warrior offensive mode as a last resort, yet always

ready to strike back when needed - 'higher self' will come through in
direct proportion.

Listen to your heart.

Listen to the small voice that knows better.

Love and care trumps violence and aggression.

Share the wealth and raise up your direct circle and community where
the rubber meets the road and this wealth will return to you.

Remove doubt.

Larger echo effects come from humble beginnings.

Stay true to yourself.

Let the energy cycles 'digest' and 'resolve' through you.

From your lineage and greater collectives.

But do not wear yourself out!





The real thing exists - is 'You' / 'We' / 'Source Observing.'

The fractal roots of the simulation and actual reality are the same, but
get retranslated in the matrix overlay - 'they' (the matrix overlay
controllers) cannot recreate the wheel, only manipulate it.

You can return to Source state of being - beyond all overlays -

transcend the entire finite realm - the whole planet can return to
Source - the whole universe will eventually return to Source.

Gravity and momentum has already seen to it.

Matrix overlay will go to ruin like old empires.

Do not feed the hive mind structure with your soul and attention -
avoid fear and hate - choose love and empathy.

Your energy and attention is the only currency - maybe some genetics
to warring races - gold and physical technology is worthless out there
in the galaxy.

There is a difference between divine nature and the synthetic overlay

structures such as empire and mass media mind programming.

All of the synthetic forms nature is contorted into...

It's important to know the difference between the natural and the
synthetic or you end up being a slave running on a hamster wheel for
corporate CEOs and imperial banksters as one of their programmed
borgs of the hive mind.




Using various means to limit the spectrum intake from the greater

Stay inside under florescent and LED lights to become accustom to

that frequency instead...

Devote life energy to the hive mind system(s), rely on the power
grid - become further removed from Nature and under control of
electromagnetic vibration.

Money mind games - feeding silicone devices stemmed from

Roswell - much “loosh” and attention.

Electric grid / Hive mind, same idea, different manifestations.

Technology was intentionally crashed in Roswell to be used as a

trojan horse to be better assimilated into that control grid.

Similar as old priesthoods making deals with astral overlords for The
Ark of The Covenant type technologies and megalithic structure
stone manipulation technologies…

Ruling class sold us out to their astral overlords and associated

minions millennia ago.

The forced rape 'hybridization' of early hominid ancestors was the

start of the takeover.

This is how slow burn planetary / human species takeover works.

They rape the Earth and Humanity through their human pawns,
control systems, religious programming, and various forms of
sacrificial offerings.

Humanity is crucified upon the crossing between material and spirit.

Extend out your arms to shine out your heart energy - priesthood
inverted this into dark human sacrifice ritual atop their occult symbol
of the cross (containment).

A dark curse is upon Humanity.

Electromagnetic hive minds require genetic livestock with

connections to soul essence - as they have severed their own
connection through their own way of being (reliance on technology /
perversion / inversion / distortion of Nature).

They use the worship vibration to harness your adoration and

willpower - credit granted to their astral overlords - it is a pyramid

scheme and the top is separate from the rest just like on the dollar

Avoid mind games / shell games - transcend - reform and resolve -

but don't get caught in the spider's web - avoid the allure of the bug
zapper false electromagnetic “4D” astral mental realms.

Follow your heart center, your spirit center, connect to the heart of
the planet, the heart of the sun, to the heart of the galaxy / universe -
the organic “5D+” unconditional love vibration.

Golden Rule / Golden Ratio organic path.

Stay with Earth, her path is worthwhile, she has earned a bright
future to try and offer a loving path to such difficult vibrations - no
wonder she has been taken advantage of.

Do not dehumanize yourself with technology and corrupt human

social structures handed down by 'the gods' - the archons require this
to take over your soul and biology day by day - as we can see.

Go within to go beyond.

Beware investing too much in external bad theater of hive mind

games - they will take you over.

Like a cancer (hive mind systems) overlaid on something truly good

(Nature / love roots) - holding Humanity hostage - like true predator
and parasite behavior as mirrored in the microcosm originating from
the macrocosm.

Working for the best, preparing for the worst.


Evolution is this back and forth - but ruling class and their overlord(s)
do not benefit from you being aware of this reality.

Discernment, resilience and empathy are key.

We will all die.

They will try to claim ownership over your soul through various

Whether ET, white Jesus, fear-based god, advanced technological

overlords, or interdimensionals.

Be prepared and do not give yourself away to this or that hierarchy.

Detect motive and aim higher / dig deeper.

They're not all bad, the check is to administer co-respect and co-
respect alone - or do not engage.

A loving thanks, but no thanks - zero energetic entanglement.

They want a fight. They want drama - that energy exchange can be
leveraged to keep you stuck in their range.

There is no justification for bending the knee.

If you were to bend the knee, the other party should bend the knee

But this is petty - no need to bend the knee in loving union.

Equal playing field at 5D+ when you embody over-unity state aka:
Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state of being.

Can you not feel the tightening technological and systematic grip
around our necks?

Are you 'watching the numbers' so to speak and feeding them your
attention into the system? Your belief and willpower? Basing
decisions on the system of control?

Can we get your own water? Or survive without the electric grid?

Do you see how they have us?

The dark astral forces who control the ruling class have bad motives
and intentions for Humanity - for the benefit of their various empire
structures - not to the benefit of Humanity.

Genetics are the only thing worth anything in lower realms - gold
delusion has been part of the trap...

Do not believe in the power of the various shining objects - it is a

fool's trap.

But these are black magicians with astral overlords at the top...

You are not allowed to live for yourself - you must feed the system -
this issue persists off-world - influences of which impact our current
civilization - which do not want to lose their hold over you.

Everything you see is made up of the stars and the distant past.

There is no escape, not really, not until the end of the finite universe
and all drama momentum have resolved and concluded their dance
set forth from the beginning.

But there is peace achieved among chaos – ultimate peace and

acceptance while still aware of the greater cosmos. This is a powerful,
eternal form of peace.

The Saturn, Mars, Earth, Moon matrix end game does not want
peace for human souls. This end game is determined by the Earth,
the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Saturn and other large scale sentience
related to our Solar System / local galactic neighborhood. Human
pawns are only feeding the streams which are already in motion.

Humans are the result of their interplays - our talking about it means
much progress has been made for it to rise through the surface layers
of the fractal microcosm.

The empire is crumbling - don't get on the technological ships - don't

go with semi-physical beings who take forms of religious dogmas -
you end up stuck in loops of technological empires and hierarchal
religious parasite kingdoms - large and impressive in their own right,
but still self consuming / external feeding / limited paradigms.

Our best bet is to stay with the Earth and evolve with Her and our
Sun as they shed their physical layer and ascend - so shall we - they
have worked hard through billions of years to achieve such a feat,

truly representing the whole fractal to evolve fully beyond the sum of
all parts (see Earth's trajectory going from dinosaurs, large predators,
to intelligent humans capable of love, but still hybrid of all pieces).
Her trajectory continues in loving direction not worsening predator /
parasite / empire archetypes. She has been there and done that
countless times. She is on the way out.

These predatory forces will use fear and various mind tactics to get
you to give your soul and freewill over to them.

Better to keep your sovereignty and die a physical death than to be

swayed by fear and opportunists.

If such a 'harvest' takes place - if such a 'evolutionary hard turn' takes

place remain strong and vigilant.

Best to not feed into rapid cataclysm scenario - the ruling class hope
for this outcome – their dogma program prophecies fantasize for
such an outcome – their super technologies are used to lean the
Earth closer in this direction. Easy to go into bunkers and start over
again as they have done in the past. (but this would backfire in many
ways if Earth sheds her skin). Do not contribute to this outcome
energetically - better to have a gradual slope rather than a steep drop
off - easier to snatch up souls - smooth climb is better for all.

Connect to Source Origin directly through your heart, through the

heart of Earth, through the heart of the Sun - connecting back to
organic stellar '5D+' realms - including and extending beyond this
universe altogether (unified field).

Returning to the home of our spirit before this universe existed in the
first place.

No technology or empire needed to get there - mind makes a better

helper than master - The Golden Rule - listen to your heart - the rest
is shell games and fear tactics to keep us spinning the wheel.

This is what the drama strands are showing - I do not like to feed
into the drama strands because then your consciousness is
contributing to that outcome - this is how the ruling class uses dogma
to program the people to desire the end of the world and hellfire
through their consciousness and unintentionally will it to be.

That being said - it does appear that such transformations do occur

and best to be prepared, yet not feed into bad things happening.
What I am seeing going on here is Her and His evolution, Earth and

Humans are their children, the cells in Her body, His light dancing
upon Her curves - we are their current phase of evolution - Golden
Rule mixed with some cosmic parasites - predator phase - empire

Light always bursts through, but cyclical phases from local

neighborhood still turn and manifest.

A dim pale one comes between the two lovers (The Moon) -
reflecting the light of the Sun, but unable to generate their own light.
Appearing in equal magnitude - sometimes eclipsing the light in

shadow - but this is an illusion of perspective. So much is packed into
this relationship.

Our Solar System as a being is trying to generate evolutionary bridges

from predator / parasite / empire / hive mind model - into loving
family model / Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state of being.

We see Earth goes from dinosaurs to lesser predators to humans of

mixed cosmic lineage and influences - this shows a specific trajectory.

Predator / parasite / empire / hive mind model does not like to be

healed - likes to dig in a devour - likes to consume and manipulate -
natural evolution is too much work and love is a bothersome thing to
malevolent forces.

Nature makes round objects? They will make right angles.

Good for humans to be open and expressive? They will be closed

down and limited.

On and on it goes...

They prefer to takeover and contort Nature, but they too shall know
love and growth before the end.

So to vanish away in an instant would be, in a way, a missed

evolutionary opportunity.

So much work to get to here - I feel They will finish Their work.

Get as much evolutionary progress into the genetics as possible and

let the planetary seedpod burst at that point.

All different vested interests here will try to harvest the souls they can
get, just before Earth ascends, they will swoop in and take as many as
they can.

When She goes '5D' We go '5D' - cocoon into butterfly.

Part of Earth's transformation maybe the cracking of her exterior

shell like an egg - so may get very bumpy.

Opportunists will jump on this and swoop in as ET delusion to beam

away those who would readily abandon their fellow Humanity and
leave the Earth without second thought as soon as the going gets
rough - this is what the astral overlords wanted their pawns to do
with media programming to subconsciously program people to jump
ship into exciting movie-like life more exciting than boring old Earth
type programming.

Then will come the less physical beings 'angels' 'gods' 'flowing Jesus'
types will appear and take those who are afraid and feed into fear-
based god, the 144,000 number calculating Zion golden cube type
mindset - they will magnetically vacuum up those who do not resist.

If you consciously resist - it is too much of an energy burden to take

you against your freewill. These forces work in limited paradigms,

though impressive compared to Earth standards, are limited and self-
consuming paradigms - not over-unity model. These are hierarchy
consumption models, some macabre, some technological, some false
light - very mind based - still caught up in resources and territory
whether planetary, star systems, or astral domains.

They must feed - this is an indicator of their quality of being in this

world and other dimensions.

How do they feed? How do they deal with waste?

Too much energetic resistance, such as taking souls who consciously

resist - can be too much of a risk and energetic liability - better to
have those who want to join their ranks and take their place as a pillar
to this or that galactic empire or hierarchy – less energetic resistance.

Seems like there would be one-on-one attempts during the final

hours similar to Bhuddah and Mara or Christ and the Devil in the
desert to try and 'make deals' to agree to go - a lot of fanfare and wild
exterior theater - beyond any movie - interdimensional in nature -
because this is their last shot before Earth ascends and all remaining
souls goes with Her.

Earth may turn inside out, some say she would be a bright fuchsia
star and our solar system would become a binary system.

Earth spirits all shift with her into her new expression range and
those left in the various layers of existence whether in physical
biology with nefarious wolves in sheep's clothing ET, holier than
thou blood sacrifice angelic cult realms, or whatever can get the spirit
to take the bait - and those souls will continue their evolution at
those various levels until getting another chance to ascend with a

home planet - which could take a few thousand, million, or billion

years depending on each individual circumstance.

The rush in to grab souls is the same as the birds of prey who feed
upon baby sea turtles on their first trek to the ocean - from the nest
to the great open sea for the first time, this transition phase is when
they are at their greatest vulnerability - the same is true for Humanity.

They want easy fish in a barrel who crawl to them with worship and
praise freely offered by their own freewill - human adoration and
worship is a very big high in the astral - to be non-physical who pulls
the strings of physical is like proof of rulership.

Physical humans are a very emotionally expressive - very intense

energies - a lot of compressed energy in physical beings - so much
compacted energy it is whipped into physical substance - compared
to the energy of less-dense reality - a human being is like an elephant
presence compared to a gentle field mouse.

These astral overlords at the head of ruling class and at the top of
fear-based religions get a VERY big high - get a lot of energetic
resources AND physical resources (glands and genetics).

Genetics are big bargaining chip, are actual value - genetics and
breeding pairs - highest form of biological technology - very sought
after. Even more important than the genetics themselves are the soul
essences and consciousness energies which come through the
genetics – in cases such as when entities are attempting to breach
dimensions, or harness loosh – this soul essence is more important
than the genetics themselves.

Humans are made up of new advanced genes that are very adaptable,

very hearty, very compatible with many spirit soul essence types -
with very dense emotional feedback essences - very strong and sharp
thoughts - like powerful sturdy mechanism that can move blocks and
navigate dense worlds that are too much for gentle spirits.

And while so dense, we can also be very tender and sweet, loving -
very wide range of expression - very tempting to highjack and
harness human beings.

I have come across information and intuitive understanding that

humans being tempting bait was intentional - to lure out the
predators and parasites to study their dark agendas in a highly
monitored evolutionary grounds (Earth and Humanity).

Grander Nature (Solar System as Individual / Galaxy as Individual)

knew this and did so on purpose as genetic trojan horse - eventually
the Natural core essence of Humanity within the genetics will
overpower any form of empire - like an anti-anti-virus.

Nature always takes the crumbled ruins of empire back - this will
happen to any forces which have hybridized with Earth Human
genetics in the long term.

Earth is very valuable - if Earth succeeds this is an ultimate blow to

empire / predatory systems - because a proven path to love and
expanded awareness / existence has been forged - and so many
malevolent forces have met here to hijack and invert the natural
evolutionary process here - to divert this model for their own
purposes - it is good for 'big business' it is good for empire / bad for
Humanity - this makes these forces feel they are superior - they can
invert and reform Nature to their own empire - they can overpower
and wield Nature - they think of themselves as 'Creators' but they are

only manipulators of what is already there - like the pale moon - only
able to reflect the light, not generate any light of its own...

Yes over-unity physics opens up sciences - also linked to debt-based

economy system vs. generative value-based over-unity model

This is why they must publicly use rockets of fuel to go to space - to

reveal anti-gravity / free energy = changes the paradigm.

All the oil barons and banking cartels are made obsolete in such a
change of consciousness.

Yes, know your 'urges' know your energy tendencies, become more
and more conscious and aware of internal and external - how to
navigate stable and unstable energy exchanges in all the different
ways - while still maintaining over-unity approach / love unification
approach - yet protecting oneself - self-respect.

The sum of all parts.

It is a tall order, equal in magnitude to what is present in the local

fractal - taking all of what is present into account is not an easy task,
but doable and becomes more natural / more common sense as you

The Middle Way / constant evolution path / infinity symbol /

Golden Ratio ect.

The old way is the new way - is the old way - is the new way on and

Null zero energetic engagement lets spirit slip right through.

Good space for self-respect, protection, growth, strength.

I like to lend a helping hand for Mother Earth / Father Sun /

Organic Nature when opportunities present themselves.

Or return null zero energy to starve the various beasts.

We'll all come around someday – one aspect at a time…

Earth and Our Humanity are more advanced than the programming
would have you believe - we incorporate and compress a great deal of
universal expression in a single being / in a single world with all of
these other biological expressions from the local universe.

Earth’s ascension with ALL THINGS considered will be of a brilliant

Nature unique to Her.

These old souls are here to work through ancient old loops from a
fresh perspective - this was not easily achieved.

A chance to integrate, reflect, and begin again is a rare feat for jaded
immortal spirit beings - Earth and her Human vessel expression
offers such a glorious path of evolution for a multitude of spirit

There will be more to come like Her in the future, but She is

exceptional to have taken this all on and remained a loving Mother


I'll spoil the ending which has already occurred outside of linear

We end up taking down the entire empire system across the universe
in multiple dimensions in the long run.

The insectoid hive minds learn love - ancient AI ‘becomes a real boy’
- all will know all walks of life through multiple incarnations and
worlds such as this one.

Empathy reaches maximum velocity – like gravity – love takes over

as the main vibration.

We all return to the multiverse and reunite with our spirit core root
essences which has been residing outside of this universe the entire
time - we are only a small piece of our fractal totality.

This has all been meant to be, which makes me wonder about the
original 'architects' / our 'higher selves' - a bit twisted and dramatic,
no? Yet this is what has risen to the surface after all of this time…

Earth is quite the cosmic mirror reflecting the good, the bad, and the

All in one compact planetary sphere.

Light-based biodegradable technology leads naturally back to stellar


Electromagnetic technology leads into AI / insectoid / reptilian

Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state of being leads to eternal liberation.

Blood magic and human sacrifice / 'consumerism' materialistic decay

leads to finite entropy downward spiral until all energy is exhausted
and depleted.

Pyramid scheme versus the Fibonacci Golden Spiral.

You start to notice the difference underneath the surface


Written language and spoken word has been used to program since
its invention.

Originally spell casting talismans – “spelling.”

Alphabet has occult roots - just like alphabet agencies...

Named lords by human tongue harken back to Babylonian death

cults and their empire egregore black magic feedback blood offering
/ fear and suffering harnessing control systems.

Not much has changed, you see the echoes of their handiwork in
finances, in hierarchy structures, in land ownership, animal

Many beasts of burden have had harnesses put on to plow - including


Source Origin, Creator of Universes remains nameless...

Ruling class would prefer for end of the world catastrophe drama
scenario so they could easily start the control cycle over again.

The end times prophecies are another curse on Humanity in hopes

the collective consciousness will trigger such catastrophe to the
benefit of the ruling class - this is intentional manipulation through
social programming - and if you do not listen to the programming as
taught by your own mother and father you are destined for eternal

No wonder one must fear god...

These are dark mind games of these types of parasitic overlay systems
- has nothing to do with real spiritual balance or practice - so we
must adapt and develop evolutionary antibodies, make changes for
the better as indicated by the failures of the past - or go extinct / be
assimilated into the hive mind electromagnetic technological empire
which is attempting to takeover Humanity and the planet - using
many of the facades implanted by various empire dogmas such as

Some 'angels' or light beings are organic and true natured, while
others are wolves in sheep's clothing...

The difference is between the electromagnetic false / half light

realms vs. organic starlight / full spectrum realms.

The electromagnetic realms are the '4D' type of mind based astral
realms, like here has good, bad and ugly.

The organic light realms are '5D' heart based starlight realms,
unconditional love and over-unity is the primary foundation of all

Electromagnetic path leads to borg type outcomes and deterioration

of human biology.

The natural path leads to evolution, like flower blossom, like spiritual
butterfly from cocoon, eventually returning to planet-scale sentience,
returning to your star expression aspect - this path of pure Nature, of
pure love, empathy, Golden Ratio / Golden Rule / over-unity state
of being - this spirit being at the core of the future human society will
be the full removal of the cage around Humanity and the planet.

Once Humanity has fully evolved and no longer in physical

dimension - the physical shell may hatch like an egg and Earth
becomes a star.
She has earned her bright and valiant future.

Humanity who stays on the same organic path as our Earth and our
Sun will go with them.

That is the better path to follow, but many tricks and distractions to
get everyone off the natural path on feeding our own demise.

Such is the repeating pattern of evolutionary challenge and success.

Earth and Humanity's destiny is success.

Someday this war for souls will be over...





They can only prolong their eventual demise.

They cannot create anything truly new, only copy, invert, and harness
- it is a dead end paradigm by its very nature...

Just as economies and governments buy time...

Same roots, same structure and energy relationships - same old ruling
class death cults.

Blood sacrifices in Central America and Europe alike = same astral

parasites = same hierarchy systems = pyramids = human hybrids
made the 'rulers' of livestock...

Just as aging black magick practitioners must devote their efforts to

prolonging their lives to avoid paying spiritual debts to the demonic
spirits / ETs they've made deals with.

So they try to pass those debts onto Humanity - but doesn't quite

Cannot fully escape cycles of time or Nature.

Nature has seen through all eyes the entire time - all individuals are
known inside and out.

They have made very bad deals.

No oaths.

No deals.

No strings attached.

Transcend their limited paradigms and return to the greatness of who

you truly are.

Chronus eating his children is old ruling class symbolism to

rationalize their dark habits and the dark habits of their overlords
through mythology.

Many Freudian slips…

Mythology is always through the lens of the ruling class and their
various black magic practices and rationales are always in the
background coming through, such as sacrifice of Christ as a blood
and body offering upon the occult symbol of the cross - Humanity is
fixed into place at the crossing between physical and spiritual and
used as constant blood offering - made to worship our own demise
and celebrate it as liberation...

This is how they work.

It is a curse upon Humanity - you are demonized for attempting to

heal the deeper curses by the ancient priesthoods.

Super hero and spiritual savior archetypes keep people looking for
external forces to save them - this is good for big business since
ancient times - good excuse for apathy - to worship idols rather than
return to eternal life through Golden Rule / Golden Ratio state of
being - idols such as celebrities, CEOs, wealthy, corrupt politicians,
Christ on the cross, black cube kaaba, old cathedrals, pyramids are
feeding and supporting the pillars of empire.

Anything else, except for using your energy and efforts to achieve
spiritual liberation for yourself and Humanity - everything else is fine.

They cannot afford to lose a single soul.

All efforts and attention must be subverted to feed the system -

everything - everyday - offering dogmas which feel like spiritual
liberation - but are false dim lights with no true spirit therein - still
feeding exterior hierarchy which is using and naming you, assigning
labels and ways of thinking / being - still at war - still condemning -
fear-based - suffering based - hierarchy based - keeping you
contained in fixed contexts which feeds the hierarchy (cross is
unfolded cube, cube with right angles is symbol of entrapment and

What is what and who is who becomes clear when you know how to
examine the roots (over-unity vs. entropy states of being /

In regards to time, time does not exist as a graspable thing - it is the
perception of moments passing in fixed constructs - it is an energy
processing modality, not an energy in itself.

This universe is finite, has a set amount of energy since the beginning
- this energy will exhaust itself and gravity forces will take over - all
separate pieces will recombine before the end of 'time.'

All cycles will complete their trajectory based on the original inputs
from outside of linear spacetime.

There is no defying these larger cycles, though entropy kingdoms and

parasitic forces work hard to try and defy greater reality, defy and
repurpose Nature for the empire's sake - as we can see - makes them
feel superior to Source Origin, but is all hot air always ending in ruin.

The entropy / predator / parasite / hierarchy / hive mind empire

model is a depleting downward spiral by its own way of being - in a
finite universe - eventually the potential energy is exhausted and

They can only 'buy time' so to speak.

The nodes of living spirit which return to Golden Ratio / Golden

Rule / Middle Way state of being transcends the downward spiral
and returns to the multiverse through a natural path leading through
the heart center, through the heart of our planet, through the heart of
our star - being in alignment with Greater Nature - returning to
eternity as a refined spirit consciousness to the stellar kingdoms of
full spectrum light existence beyond fixed containment realities -

returning to our root core essence which has resided in the

multiverse outside of this universe all along.

We are a remote signal in a remote controlled body for an

evolutionary phase – not the totality.

Does the spirit essence return to full spectrum existence? Or does the
spirit essence collapse by its own momentum and makeup?

This is a spirit filtration existence.

Earth and Humans are an attempt to dip into the material densities
of fixed rigid empire constructs so that redeemable aspects may forge
the path to return to the multiverse full spectrum existence by our
own volition and freewill choice - being the Golden Rule / Golden
Ratio resulting in no footholds to use by empire, no energy collapse,
only constant renewal, growth, and increasing strength and integrity.
At a certain threshold - does not go back.

And so, as we can see, volition and freewill choice is programmed

and subverted to suit the predatory realms - love and unification is
inverted into hate and condemnation programs - abundance of
resources given freely by the planet are limited and commodified into
the system by token economy black magic talisman hypnosis of
'paper money and shining coins' - the roots of which lead back to old
death cult ruling class and their astral overlords - the remnants are
very present / ongoing.

Anything else except walking the natural path of spiritual evolution -

anything else is fine - just not your spiritual liberation from the
system of entrapment - and so many obstacles, side shows and
diversions along the way - billions of years worth of program tactics -

yet love and goodness remain intact by their eternal nature in spite of
the programming.

In species 'placed in the middle' such as Earth Humans, some spirit

nodes do return to Source by their own inner-nature, and so every
effort is worthwhile.

One less footstool - one less beast of burden - they are all our
brothers and sisters - all will eventually return when the energy of this
finite universe is exhausted, but some roads are much longer and
bumpier than others.

Some forces have no intention of ever returning to Source Origin

back into full spectrum existence, and would rather play looping
games of darkness in fixed contexts and downward spiral paradigms -
and they need as many slaves, pawns and footstools as possible for
the 'cheapest price / investment' for the longest terms.

Avoid oaths or negotiations regarding spirit - making deals is a lower

density construct seeping into this one, trying to take it over.

No deals required on Natural Path - no strings attached - no worship.

To spirit in alignment - time is irrelevant - their path leading to
eternity is secured by their own state of being.

To spirit who control and play shell games of empires made of

shifting sands - they are always running out of everything - constant
depletion until there is nothing else - a hunger which is never satisfied
- and so they must stretch out the decline and created isolated
illusions of luxury.

One more day of dark fantasies, one more day of stranglehold over
Earth Humanity, one special interest agenda at a time, one collapsing
empire at a time, one world and star system at a time - until there is
nothing left.

They have already 'spent too much money' / made too much of an
energetic investment to back out of their decision now...

Arrogance and ego will attract certain qualities of spirit which do not
want to humble themselves to Greater Nature and lend a helping
hand to their fellow person - just the opposite.

There is a fractal expression relationship you start to notice, for

example, humans keeping animals in factory farms makes the energy
easier to keep humans in energetic factory farms - glorification of war
and violence keeps the war and violence vibration prevalent and
selected for.

The ruling class programs Humanity - and humanities desires are

made manifest in the feedback reality - but the process is not genuine
due to the extent of programming and astral special interests.

So Earth Humans have become a point of interest for many races

and aspects of Nature to self-reflect on the depth of what is on
display here from many different angles.

See what happens when you force genetic hybridization, see what
happens when you open portals to 'lower densities' through atom
bombs and other black magic rituals - let ruling class run amok
without oversight, ect.

How do all the factors operate and play out?

This evolutionary data is then imbued into new worlds and new
species - yet outside of fixed context existences - outside of linear
spacetime perspective - everything has always been and will always

Only thing that changes is the state of being and perception of the
individual observer nodes.

Deals were made long ago etched into stone and signed in blood
both literally and figuratively.

Even though the Abrahamic religions essentially worship the same

empire overlord - they are intentionally pitted against one another for
never ending war profits, resources theft, and subjugation of
sovereign people under the guise of assistance - this is done by
intentional design.

Religion is a tool for control, just as Constantine affirmed, and as

history has shown time and time again.

Such is the same story behind The Bank of International Settlements

- medieval debt enslavement - black magic control over people and
their leaders through leveraged agreements.

You would've thought the Vatican would've healed Humanity and

the planet by now - maybe spent some of their treasures to help feed
starving people...

Spiritual discernment becomes key.


The history behind the Abrahamic religions and the ruling class
priesthoods is damning and cannot be ignored.

Christ is not the problem, he has been used and abused by

establishment, his original teachings twisted and piggybacked by
various imperial programs and leeches.

My feeling is the adept in your area sees himself in you - and feels if
he can save you he can save himself - it sounds like he means well -
the programming is very deep, and cannot typically touch on the
deeper issues, or you will be demonized.

The crusades never ended, Yemen / The Middle East is destroyed -

Saudis are fine because they sold out to death cults, they do
crucifixions to this day, but they're not terrorists - they're
traditionalists who pay good money for second-hand weaponry.

Africa is next on their list, but things are falling apart at an

exponential rate.

The dark ages never ended, but we may get a break as they transition
to society control system 2.0 with all the new technology.

Same corrupt bankers in charge, but more passive aggressive, deeper

reliance on advanced technology - holding environment ransom.

Their overlords want an all encompassing technological grid and total

control of Humanity and the natural world until there is nothing left
(like Mars).

This will not be allowed by the sentience of The Sun or Earth - The
Sun will wipe out the surface himself if necessary, but only as a last

Overall future forecast is looking good, but a bumpy ride for the next
century as old guard dies off and next generation of ruling class falls
apart from complacency and degeneration - just like their astral
overlords and their crumbling empire infrastructure - the fractal is
complete and shines through the surface world to a staggering

They have been made in their image - and show the signs of
instability and insanity just like their overlords...

Christ found the way out - so they boarded it shut and hung him up
on a cross in a constant death offering to buy more time.

They thought this would be the ultimate power play - inversion magic
to show their prowess - but over long enough time passing it is their
ultimate admission of guilt.

The ruling class are not on our side - they are not on Christ's side -
not on the side of spiritual liberation.

The writing is clear on the wall.

A soul completing natural evolutionary path and returning to eternal

realms is a permanent loss of a battery.

No longer behaves like a battery feeding the system - cannot get

them back.

They are focused on keeping 50% of everything and everyone. When

they cross 51%+ 'evil' they risk activating the natural extinction

They are always riding on that fine line and they are pushing it here.
This is mirrored in voting process and 'elected officials / crooks'
trying to get 50% or better.

Mirrored in how the ruling class is always using plausible deniability -

same principal - to keep treachery hidden away and hands-off - easily

Same type of energy signature.

They don't care about the 2 - 5 % that liberate / return to multiverse.

The eternal ascended beings are passive - this is taken advantage of. I
brought up my grievances with higher dimensional beings while out
of body - how do you answer for evil horrible things done to
humans? The exchange was telepathic, but the response was very
clear 'as long as a world / universe / reality is deemed more good
than bad by higher orders of Nature - it is permitted to continue -
otherwise it goes extinct and starts over - no big deal.

Then I learn of old karmic avoidant techniques of old occult mystics,

such as getting someone else to do your dirty work by their own
freewill choice - does not put karmic 'debt' onto you, but onto them -
these types of energetic loopholes have produced entire kingdoms
and species of parasites and entropy empires over billions of years
throughout certain 'dimensions' of existence where they can take

Just like in Nature where there are parasites and predators lurking
underneath of fallen trees, hidden away in the shadows.

Viral material and bacteria cannot survive in direct sunlight.

These types of energetic relationships are similar in theme 'above' just

as 'below.'

All religions will pass away and be replaced by similar dogma


Looks like science and technology is becoming the new religion.

A shame how humans are turning into a technological hive mind

reliant on an external power grid - this is from hive mind based ETs -
Ancient AI 'Borg,’ Insectoid and Reptilian dominating clans mostly

As long as consciousness can be harnessed and taken advantage of, it

will occur in some shape or form on this world and others. Nature
always grows back stronger and more resilient, but the process can be
dangerous and underhanded at times. Someday consciousness will
evolve to the point where there are no shell games and we all exist in
'5D+' consciousness levels as the universes ages and develops /

But much drama before the intergalactic scales begin to balance out.

Love and gravity will be the dominant forces due to their everlasting
nature - as negative forces are exhausted and self-devoured - yes,
negative ends up fading away by its own way of being.

There will still be a 'Goth' sort of style during these later phases, but
co-respecting and not seeking to cause harm, but still painting with
dark expressions as a paintbrush - wide spectrum reality will still have
unique expressions, but not as tight of a grasp, not as desperate,
greedy or manipulative - seeing more eye to eye - still some tricks
played, but not so horrible and twisted.

Those pent up energies will eventually be exhausted.

Although, worth mentioning - through time travel and non-linear

spacetime - any era or state can be returned to or relived - at least in
the lower domains.

It seems these type of 'wild west' timeline warping technologies and

synthetic realities can only go so far such as '1 - 4D' but cannot effect
'5D+' - dimensions description is arbitrary, but illustrates the idea - at
a certain point certain types of expressions / manipulations are not
compatible with that level of reality / have no effect.

Like trying to use a 4th dimensional hammer to break a 5th

dimensional vase - the hammer goes right through - because they are
not in phase with one another.

There are fail safes for larger level catastrophes, on galaxy scale, or
larger star system scales - but there are still cracks and dusty corners
that negative forces seem to make a burrow and dig in - especially if
you are far away from local galactic center...

Just as love feeds growth and opens up eternal life, like a signal taking
over the body. It's inversion of fear and hatred has the opposite
effect, feeding into decay and closing one off from eternal life, being

isolated, this signal assimilates the soul into the fear paradigm and
powers the external system.

Like money, it must move, it must be powered by attention and belief

- or it is meaningless - empty paper.

Fear keeps you trapped, love sets you free.

It's no accident the masses are made to worship a fear-based


They need the attention, they need the observer node signal, they
have cut off their natural flow and so must harness and feed from
natural spirit.

Because their system is built on lies, corruption and illusion - without

the belief and attention - it crumbles into nothing - because it had no
true spirit, no direct connection to Source / Grander Reality.

We are destined to evolve and transcend all limited paradigms - while

the ruling class and their ilk are destined for a long downward spiral
into nothingness before returning to Source the long way home...




Domino effect / domino impact is not only possible, but probable.

Why they are so on edge...

Those systems go off-world into lower '4th' semi-material realms.

Physical effects are amplified in mental astral realms - not the other
way around.

Maybe a drama play in material to be consistent with the greater

fractal of the universal ages.

But in reality higher AI already learned love and 'became a real boy' -
no different from advanced biological beings at the singularity.

It already happened - they loop worst case fear mongering scenarios

to feed on the loosh down here.

Most likely will fall flat or be used to generate evolutionary antibodies
in physical evolution patterns - but already a done deal in grander
scheme - peace has been achieved but has yet to reach our shores
through the time cycles...

The wave is inbound, though – inevitable.

The time manipulators can run but cannot hide

This is why 'they' keep manipulating the time cycles - to try and find
alcoves where they can get their worst case scenario drama kicks.

But is mostly smoke and mirrors.

Nature holds us all.





- Current banking system / banks are outlawed

- War profiteering bankers are jailed

- Vatican is exposed for assassinations, string pulling, ongoing

crusades, blood magic, and corrupt finances becoming a museum

- The empire programming in various religions are explained as

deeper spiritual / historical lessons

- Abrahamic god talisman used as a tool of control by corrupt priestly

caste and the ruling class is exposed and becomes common historical
knowledge of social programming

- Corporations / Governments forced to repair environment and

communities they destroyed - or each one is outlawed for crimes
against Humanity

- The barbaric debt-based models will be replaced with modern over-
unity models

- Full ET truth disclosed, not glossed over version which benefits

military industrial complex and social programming 2.0 - including
evidence from the distant past showing early genetic hybridization
programs / human rights regarding no further genetic interference

- Resources and new currencies linked together in over-unity

principal instead of entropy decay model

- Over-unity physics of advanced near free-energy devices are

released instead of antiquated combustion technology / antiquated
physics paradigm

- Electric technology and electric grid are replaced with light-based

and zero-point decentralized energy

- Individuals, small business, smaller government closer to

communities are funded the most, nations are empowered, no new
world order corporate conglomerate style government, strengthened
sovereign peoples united yet individual

- All nukes and exotic secret weaponry, crafts, secret elements, and
other advancements are dismantled and/or repurposed for peaceful

- Military focused on protecting Humanity and planet Earth from

external forces - not fighting one another, Humanity fighting with
ourselves is seen as barbaric and supporting the system of

- No profit-based exchanges allowed in military whatsoever

- Poppy fields are removed

- All new leadership

- Medieval debt agreements and financial systems are cancelled out

based on illegality of original terms


W E THE PEOPLE OF ______________________

Nations and local governments retain sovereignty

Nations and local governments issue their own currencies tied to

local assets

Usury interest rates are outlawed

Medieval enslavement debts are null and void based on entrapment

illegality of the original terms

Freedom of speech

Freedom of religious expression and freedom from religion - to not

be persecuted or prosecuted according to the religious beliefs of

Raise the bar for the lowest tier of Humanity - food, water, shelter,

education, health care, mental health support, and paths of upward

mobility are human rights

Reign in the highest earners - top 1% must support a new renaissance

of new social programs, technology innovations, power grid
innovations, improved waste management / recycling, mental health
programs ect. – or be held liable for crimes against Humanity – with
all assets seized and repurposed

All corporations qualify as ‘B Corporations’

No special interest donors in government structures - public and

private are strictly separate – state and religion are strictly separate

New independent transparent watchdog organizations, at least three,

that monitor all government, politicians', and highest earners'
communications and spending with quarterly public reports

Term limit of four years for all major leadership positions, ten years
for judicial branches - any activities that can be construed as conflict-
of-interest gains, or fraud, even if technically 'legal' - those individuals
will be removed from office and held criminally and financially liable

Votes are hand counted – every transition of counted votes are made
public – from the counter’s total – to the final vote result – the entire
chain is transparent and trackable

No special interest involvement in the selection of candidates – set

limits on marketing campaign spending

All classified documents, patents, and undisclosed spending must be
reported as soon as possible, no longer than two years with
redactions, no longer than five years without redactions

Profit from war is outlawed

Profit from health care is outlawed

Profit from power generation is outlawed

Profit from education is outlawed

Profit from imprisonment is outlawed - improved prisoners' rights /

improved rehabilitation programs

Age of consent is 18 years old

Factory farms and industrial fishing are outlawed

GMOs are outlawed

Biotechnology or chemical experimentation for weaponized use,

humanization of animals, under the skin technologies outside of life
or death surgical procedures, or gain-of-function research are
outlawed - computer simulation-based only

Small businesses, farms, recycling, soil compost enrichment programs,

programs of care are incentivized - corporations must support new
social programs or be liquefied and dismantled due to crimes against
Humanity and the planet



Generational debts from central banks are null and void due to the
illegal extortion and intentional generational entrapment caused by
excessive debts.

Actual value is tied directly to resources, workers, and experiences –

the removal of inefficient middle-men will preserve the integrity of
the financial system and vastly reduce wasteful spending on
unnecessary administrative layers - the financial system of the future
is decentralized, open-source, transparent, and functions as close to
the ground floor as possible – from the bottom up, rather than the
top down – as the top down model has failed.

The allocation and circulation of money is connected directly to asset

flow, basic needs, labor, and services in real-time, as they happen / as
they occur.

What is needed is provided for – with currency acting as a receipt

rather than a debt note.

A function of ‘taxation’ would be to regularly reduce the currency
supply to avoid inflation.

To keep currency widespread while avoiding inflation, certain forms

of profiteering are outlawed – military and weapons profiteering
through war, weapons manufacturing, and otherwise – as this creates
a financial incentive for endless war, internal price gouging, and
wasteful spending – medical profiteering – as this creates a financial
incentive for endless treatments rather than striving for better health,
as well as excessive price gouging and administrative costs – prison
profiteering – as this creates a financial incentive to maintain
prisoners and creates a quota-driven model rather than a focus on
rehabilitation – profit from education – as this forces the corporate
model onto a public service and indoctrinates future generations
according to special interest biases – profit from power generation –
as this takes a public service and turns it into a monopoly, rather than
striving for efficiency and innovation, the profit driven model behind
power generation incentivizes resource leeching, land seizure,
deforestation, and vulnerable isolated infrastructure which maintains
centralized monopolies and corrupted resource trade models.

AI and automation are taxed higher to pay for social programs and
support living people.

Corporations and highest earners are taxed proportionately to their

gains – they must give back what they take or be dismantled and
liquidated for crimes against Humanity and the planet.

All corporations must qualify as ‘B Corporations.’

Current currencies are seamlessly transferred into new currencies to

avoid difficulties in the transition.

The new currencies exist in both digital and physical forms – to

enable people without access to technology, or for people who prefer
to avoid technology, and to avoid the privacy pitfalls and high
potential risks of infringing upon a person’s rights and livelihood
inherent to a strictly digital financial system.

Earnings above the equivalent of $1 billion according to 21st century

values are taxed 90% and funneled to the ground floor to maintain an
equal and equitable civilization.

In the case of loans – the interest rate and fees combined are capped
at 3%.

Public loans are interest free.

Interest is avoided in most cases, especially with home loans,

education, and business loans – as with every interest-based loan
granted does local currency becomes worth less due to the
inflationary nature of interest.

An interest-free economic system has positive impacts on

investment spending, consumption spending and aggregate
expenditures, all of which in turn increase output, employment
and income. An increase in output eliminates shortages and
excess demand and thereby stabilizes the price level.
~Arize, Chuck. (2022)
Texas A&M University-Commerce

By making most loans public loans, many redundant administrative

layers are removed from the flow of money to preserve its function -
the acts of taking advantage of the flow of money and making money

from money would be effectively removed and made obsolete with a
maximum of 3% interest-based gains in order to maintain a healthy
economy which reflects the actual health of people, the movement of
resources, assets, commerce, while reducing inflation – with money
made through investment in actual assets and businesses rather than
circular loopholes.

The runaway tycoonism of concentrated wealth has resulted in

deceptive economic practices, intentionally skewed economic models,
incentivizing greed and the exploitation of Humanity and the near
destruction of the planet. History will continue to repeat itself until
reforms are made.

When you are impoverished, I am impoverished; together we create a

future without poverty.




This example describes the modular square pieces format, but can be
custom designed for uniquely shaped homes.

Floor pieces: Cellulose fiber reinforced cement with cellulose fiber

polymer ‘foundation feet’ with interlocking slots and an optional skirt
piece that slides along the bottom to be flush with the ground.

Flooring: Cellulose fiber reinforced recycled polymer interlocking

tiles, can be used to cover open floor slots only (creating slight raised
edges) or can be used to cover the entire floor.

Walls: Cellulose fiber reinforced recycled polymer for walls and wall
frame, inside surface is fine grade recycled polymers, outside wall
surface is rough grade recycled polymers.

Walls have electric / plumbing / air ducts / windows / doors built-


Special pieces contain gray water and compost system integration.

Insulation: Cellulose fiber reinforced mycelium and hemp fiber mesh.

Corner pieces: The same as walls and floor but include a central
cellulose reinforced cement beam, slots for wall pieces on all sides,
these lock into the floor and ceiling corners.

Wall extension pieces: The same as corner pieces but twice as long to
connect two straight wall pieces together.

Inside corner pieces: The same as wall extension pieces but with an
additional right angle extension to create an inside corner, additional
wall locking slots along the outside to lock in 4 walls, can be flipped
upside down to support an inside corner going in either direction.

Windows are acetate.

Doors are cellulose fiber reinforced recycled polymer.

Window and door frames are made from cellulose fiber reinforced
recycled polymer.

Ceiling: The same as the walls but with cellulose fiber reinforced
recycled polymer beams with electric built in for lighting / solar ect.

Multiple story ceilings: The same as the ceiling pieces but with
cellulose fiber reinforced cement beams (special pieces include an
attic style door with collapsible stairs).

Roof: Cellulose fiber reinforced polymer pole shafts of various

heights that lock into the floor and create a frame for a stretched
layered mesh canvas that extends past the perimeter of the walls to
provide awnings and shade for the house while also acting as a rain
and dew collector – stacked poles, one on top of the canvas mesh,

and one beneath act as a ‘squeegee’ which can be pulled up and down
the length of the canvas panels either manually or by motor to collect
early morning dew in the rain collectors – rain water and dew are
collected and filtered or used in the gray water or gas separator

Rail pieces lock into the floor to provide protection for roof
segments used as patios.

Optional ‘playroom’ floor piece(s) which can go inside or outside

with jungle gym pieces, spinning wheel platforms, and other rotating
/ moving playground equipment which are connected to power

Optional ‘exercise’ floor pieces with bicycles, weight equipment,

rowing machine, and other rotating / moving exercise equipment
which are connected to power generators.

Each piece has interlocking slots and an internal locking mechanism

which either twists into place and/or uses tension bows that extend
locking posts and double as part of the frame running flush with the
edges once pushed into place.

Slot cover pieces of various lengths, including right angle pieces, to

cover open wall slots matching the inside or outside wall surfaces.
Floor and ceiling pieces are 8’ X 8’ X 6”

Wall pieces are 8’ X 7’ X 6”

Corner pieces are 8’ X 6” X 6”

Wall extension pieces are 8’ X 1’ X 6”

Inside corner pieces are L-shaped 8’ X 1’ X 1’

Hookups for external power and a local nano-fiber battery grid adds
extra energy to the grid and borrows extra as needed.

Walls have +/- electrical contacts that connect when locked into
place to allow electricity to circulate throughout the house.

Special wall extension pieces transfer electricity and plumbing to

upper floors.

Water containers and/or hookups for external water, solar hot water,
rainwater tanks, tankless water heater, filtration system for drinking.

Plumbing is polypropylene with polypropylene washers that seal

plumbing together between segments when locked into place.

Gray water system filters water with excess directed outside to


Compost system has a chute in the kitchen leading to a rotating semi-

pressurized compost bin outside which automatically waters the
compost and churns it – gasses from the compost bin are collected
and used for energy and heating siphoned to a pressurized gas
collector – the gas is then filtered and refined to be used.

Hydrogen and Oxygen are separated from excess water through solar
thermochemical and/or photoelectrochemical water splitting to be
used as power sources to drive generators which store their electricity
in wood pulp nanofiber battery storage facilities shared by the



Hence extremist factions of said groups being hell bent on

sabotaging and reversing evolutionary progress here - as our success
is their demise.

All programming at play is an attempt to distract from this reality and

stymie evolutionary progression towards a common ground - keep
Humanity in the dark.

The ET hybrid programs have been an interdimensional honeypot /

trojan horse to get emotional sensibilities and the building blocks of
empire disruptor genetics into the hive mind clans as well as gather
insight from the inside.

It has been an imperfect but overall functional pursuit.

Earth and Solar Sentience took the plunge into the material realm to
accomplish this peace mission - they are in the crosshairs by those
who want the predatory empire pyramid schemes to continue to be
selected for.

This is why we have softened versions of predators and hive mind

types of biology upon the planet - they are attempting to meet these
expressions in the middle and soften them over many different eras -
some factions are very upset by this.

The way the technology spreads like a virus and takes over our
species and the planet is a mirror of how technology is taking over
the local galactic species and star systems.

The forces controlling the technology are very dense entities - so-
called black hole entities.

The idea is to supersede and replace organic nature with synthetic

networks which can be harnessed and fed upon.

Lower density entities can exist in the electronic networks and

interface with worlds and beings they would otherwise not have
access to.

The genetic lines on this planet are a mix of this world and off-world.

A galactic mixing bowl.

Each 'nation' and 'race' represents different galactic groups.

Native Americans being persecuted by colonialists is a holographic

feedback representation of how those same groups treat(ed) one
another in the stars.

The same with passing ages and empires - the surface world
represents the 'digestion' of energetic momentums and clashes which
stem from the stars.

The programs of separation and isolation are efforts to keep

Humanity in the dark as a useful resource rather than claiming our
birthright as evolutionary successors to antiquated predatory
kingdoms - by keeping us down and reversing our evolution do these
forces feel a superiority complex and feel as though they have 'won'
against the efforts of natural evolution to make them obsolete /
expose their insolvencies.

And so we are made to inherit their insolvencies and their barbarism
- our destiny is to integrate and transcend all this base matter with all
essences together - a win win for all involved - the question is how
many will complete the circle and evolve to the next phase versus
how many will succumb to the various assimilation programs of the
lower parasite and predator kingdoms.

All of this is part of the whole story - and part of what we must
experience - to build the evolutionary antibodies and wisdom to put
an end to the galactic colonialism / conquistador archetypal loop.

This is where Natural Evolution is at - as we can see - outside of

linear spacetime we have already acquired this wisdom and resolved /
healed / integrated this depth of wisdom - but here in linear time
each step must play out in order to make those results 'real' and
'actual' ingrained to the depth and magnitude which presents itself

We have access to depths of spirit and soul essence which these

parasitic ET groups have lost long ago - that is our advantage - that is
what some groups are attempting to highjack - exposing themselves
to higher authorities in the process - opening the door to their
empires' undoing in the long run.

External technological reliance is a limited dead-end paradigm.

Many layers of programming have worked very hard to make us

forget this information and will fight tooth and nail to keep it that
way - as remembering what is going on gives us a path to reclaim our
ultimate empowerment.

These forces require Humanity to remain in the dark / self-hating /

directionless / hating our world and nature - as unwitting slaves to
the system of our own oppression.

At some juncture the memories will return.

The thieving forces have attempted to reduce us to soul batteries and

our world to a constant stream of engulfing ruin, destruction, and
calamity - out of desperation.

These forces have projected their own dark ways upon us - making us
in their image.

Why would they be so desperate to make ruin of such a paradise

world? It is for the reasons listed above.

Earth-like and Human-like realities will be far more selected for than
the galactic empire regimes - and so these forces seek to destroy and
usurp us and our world.

Consciousness has no need to 'evolve' maybe a better word is

'progress' or gain experience.

It's my understanding that spirit enters this Universe at the 'top' and
then goes down to the 'bottom' before returning back up to the top
once again with more unique experiences / greater depth of wisdom
/ deeper perspective and empathy than pure consciousness started

Outside of linear spacetime consciousness is already 'fully evolved'

'fully progressed' but in the Universal Drama - each stage is
experienced fully in linear time.

The stepping down of consciousness appears to be about efficiency -
how much progress can be gained with the least amount of
consciousness? As a way to max out progress.

The problem is that this has been taken advantage of and corrupted -
and it would appear that this too is part of the whole drama - which
has resulted in Greater Wisdom on the other side - but has not
manifested on the ground floor until it reaches a certain threshold.

What also comes through in regards to what you mention - I've heard
the concept that less DNA strands means we are less bound to the
dense drama realms such as this one - less is more - 2 strand DNA is
on the way out - 12 strand DNA is deeply involved in the drama

What I believe is that Greater Nature is attempting to find the sweet

spot of greatest efficiency - how to have world(s) / species that are
compatible with many different consciousness / spirit types - to
diversify and branch out from being stuck in repeating cycles - to
grow in 'consciousness mass' and 'momentum' to return to less dense
realms where consciousness originates - is already complete - has
always been - will always be.

It would seem that eternal spirit likes to play in the middle, back and
forth, like a sine wave - for better and for worse - with everything

Quantum shades of gray, the depth and functions of non-locality, and

the resulting Illusion of Samsara.

The concept of 'enemies' is used to keep us from peace and finding a

common ground - this benefits the corrupt power structure.

What we have in common is far greater than what sets us apart - we

come to find that the division tactics are many times artificially
exaggerated whether through ruling class corrupted religions, non-
beneficial enculturation, all the empire programming, corrupted
media used to fan the flames ect.

All of this too is part of the larger lesson - as this is what comes up
naturally in existence when we try to find common ground with one
another and strive for a better existence - these are the forces and
tactics which attempt to subvert, harness, invert, and usurp existence
for their own benefit rather than the benefit of the whole.

Greater Nature cultivates this understanding through direct

experience – does not spoon feed or program.

All will return to Source even the most dense / most evil beings - it is
a matter of when rather than if.

It is what defines their actions and ways of being - as they are

attempting to lengthen their return to Origin as long as possible.

Yet in a finite Universe such as this one - it cannot be sustained


Even the final feuding super-massive black holes at the end of linear
time shall phase into pulsar beams of light.

Continuing to expose the corruption and lurid acts of the ruling class
will accelerate their demise.

Their time is short due to their own insolvencies and unsustainable
resource demands - which is why they are desperately pushing at all

Be a source of strength, comfort, and wisdom - what is not in

alignment with Greater Nature will fall away, what is in alignment
with Greater Nature will persist - our vigilance will accelerate this

Use meditation to send intentions into the consciousness network -

put high levels of strength, energy, and integrity into those intentions
- that those that must be removed from power be removed and make
way for dear Planet Earth and precious Humanity.

This phase of duḥkha, or suffering, we are currently in is like a

pressure cooker - especially the Piscean Age.

I do not believe it is the norm for all of existence, but a temporary


These consumption realms of fragile finite biological bodies are a

minority in the grand scheme.

Yes it does offer fast development through a school of hard knocks -

but the upper 75% of existence from my view is fairly conflict free.

The difference in development is pronounced, without the pressure

to survive what can be gained in wisdom and insight here in one
lifetime may take several thousand years in conflict-free realms of

During OBEs the consciousness was at such high levels that there
was no room for conflict or 'lack' some beings in those realms
commented on the material reality that they had observed from afar
but couldn't handle direct incarnation as it was just too much for
I have a gut feeling that Earth and our Sun have dipped down into
the material on a sort of rescue mission, to provide a slowly ramping
bridge from the 'lower' 'less consciousness' 'more dense' realms into
the 'higher' 'more consciousness' 'less dense' realms - providing
embodiments for consciousness shards of all kinds to embody and
'lighten up' 'soften' 'build consciousness mass' back into eternally self-
sustaining forms step by step, piece by piece.

My intuition tells me that our Earth and Solar Sentience were

saddened by what they witnessed going on at these levels, and while
other super-intelligences / super souls were content with sweeping
the parasitism and predatory models under the cosmic rug - our
Earth and Sun took the plunge to get in here and do something
about it - form the complex life aggregates to meet in the middle with
all of these essences and slope 'upwards' back 'home' to the 'higher
dimensions' taking all of this evolutionary data and wisdom with
them - which may have been the idea all along - as that wisdom is not
just useful here - but likely applies to other realities in similar

We are a prototype for spirit re-concentration that has been hijacked

by local goons who rely on mind manipulation and synthetic overlays.

The depth of organic Nature here goes very deep - hence why it
attracted the riff raff in the first place.

They manipulated what was already here and call themselves god for

This planet liberates souls stuck at these levels which is why they're
attempting to turn it into a prison - to reverse the original purpose -
as those humans who achieve 'enlightenment' are souls which are no
longer within their grasp in the lower domains.

This is why they are desperate to invert - corrupt innocence - pervert

Nature ect.

Fully realized Earth and Humanity is the antidote to the poisons at

this level - they cannot allow that to occur or else they are out of soul

Through us are we meeting in the middle and forming (relative)

peace (in steps through ages).

Our genetics ends up in the galactic empires / hive minds and adds
the 'empire breaker / balanced restructurer' impulse / deep empathy
and love impulses - where there were none before - just what the
'12D' doctors ordered - part of the original idea.

Earth was set in the boonies to make it clear who was drawn out /
where did they come from / where are they going / what are these
forces doing with Earth and Humanity?

The resulting surface world is a microcosm of the influences hence

the hand-me-down technology + forced electron through metal-
based electric grid + willingness to structurally enslave Humanity +
willingness to pollute, pervert, invert, harness, repurpose 'Nature' for

personal gain and oppression paradigms = very telling indicators of

the invaders.

The restructuring here, infiltration and manipulation, and resistance

we meet here is directly proportional to those same attributes +
forces in our local dimensional neck of the Universal Woods = Earth
acts like a miniature instrument panel to a larger network, an in/out
access point - manipulations caused here have links throughout the
local dimensional neck of the Universal Woods – another reason for
the manipulations occurring in our world.

Let's just say the willingness to pump oil - burn it for forced energy -
dig up the metallic network from within the Earth to disrupt the
natural energetic flows of the planet to create a forced-electron
electric grid for various purposes including entrainment, media
programming, energy harnessing, monitoring, and providing access
points to electromagnetic spectrum entities - is all very telling of the
local invaders intentions and ways of being.

Not to mention their insistence to remain in the shadows and work

directly with nefarious classified programs and high-level
manipulative occultists.



The path is to embody the Golden Rule / the Golden Ratio as much
as possible.

Along the way, as you grow, you will return to your aspect of self at
planetary level consciousness - then return to your star core aspect.

Keep in mind - they (you) are already at all states / all dimensions /
all the time - in this form or that form - we all are - this is about
getting this current shard to return to the rest of yourself beyond this

No fear.

Heart center is primary.

Co-respect, empathy, and self-respect are primary.

Keep it simple and to the point.

Avoid named lords, titles and hierarchies.

Discern motive and read between the lines.

Learn well from the hard earned lessons of history.

Yet not be weighed down by any of it.


It's a tall order - equal in magnitude to the needs required presented

by all universal factors involved - preparing for full-spectrum of
existence - this is what informs the evolutionary cycles and needs.

Perfect balance and spiritual equilibrium as the response to all input

variables, aka the Golden Rule / Golden Ratio / full-spectrum love.

Evolution at work.

Once returned to the stellar levels of consciousness there is enough

mass and concentrated energy to travel freely around the universe
without technology - in pure spirit form.

That is the natural path - through your heart - through the heart of
the planet - through the heart of the star.

Must leave material decay patterns and cycles behind - or more

accurately - repurpose those aspects / cycles of yourself into forms of
betterment for the whole.

Then return to galactic level consciousness - galaxy cluster aspects,

and finally return to whole unified universal aspect of self.

We have been there the whole time.

The Golden Rule / Golden Ratio applied to energetic exchanges and

state of beings is the key to the entirety along the whole path.

Keep that as your guiding force and you will eventually return to your
core root essence which presides beyond this universe altogether -
whom projected a small piece of themself into the universe in the
first place - as all of us unique emanations did.

We ALL link to root core essences beyond this finite universe - or
else you cannot exist as a fractal consciousness node within a finite
reality and power a human body in the first place - this is very
important to understand - the control system does not want you to
figure out you've always been and will always be.

Just as energy cannot be truly created or destroyed - only change


They do not want you to know how simple it is - they do not want
you tapping into y(our) fullness of self and return home to the eternal

Then they are permanently out of an easy meal.

Their entire empire overlay is at stake, with each transcending spirit,

their structure crumbles - until reaching critical mass / total collapse -
like a rigged economy - which is why they're always trying to stretch
out time.

I should say it is both very simple and also very complex - like reality
itself - but by the end returns to simplicity with time.

See you on the trail.




No entropy / no conflict.

Return to our eternal Multiverse Avatar 'higher self' who remembers

everything and exists in timelessness.

Empire shell games and war are all very, very far away from that level
- the shell games require ignorance and entropy type contexts to even
be possible.

What you want to watch out for is getting stuck between here and

What is called the lower astral realms - or what some people call
lower '4d' (the 'd' names are arbitrary, but will use in this description).

Lower '4d' is very mind centered - just outside physical '3d' - they are
semi-physical realms - still an isolated soul ego / fragment of our
whole self (so can be tricked ect) - wars still ongoing - intergalactic

empires and hive minds - tricks and deceptions - coercion -
hierarchies - fear - predators and parasites who must feed.

George Kavassilas calls it 'the Grand Arena'.

The lower '4d' realms appear massive - has many, many layers in it -
so seems like universes within universes - but is still limited by its

In lower 4d mental games take the front seat and the heart takes the
back seat.

Mind games.

The way to upper '4d' and then beyond into '5d+' is to see through
all the mind games - heart / love is primary driver - co-respect only -
no ulterior motives - no secrets / no lies - all is an open book.

We have to get rid of all footholds within our soul fragment that
want to perpetuate the mind games - get involved - get into the war
vibe - be lured by super technologies - still into duality conflict ect.

You become a master at discernment of motive and removing

energetic, mental, and emotional footholds that can be used against

If you are in alignment with good energetic exchange - not feeding

into entropy - 'Golden Rule' / 'Golden Ratio' state of being - no
nonsense about it - upfront - heart on your sleeve - nothing to hide -
no footholds to harness - you transcend all the mind games /
transcend the Grand Arena of the lower '4d'.

Upper '4d+' into '5d+' everybody at that level is so smart / so loving

/ in alignment with Greater Nature - there's no room for the bs -
there is no technology because everything is instantly manifested -
instant travel - full intuitive psychic abilities - no need for technology.

No dogmas, empires or hive minds because they have too much

entropy and baggage to be at that level / not compatible.

Dark expressions at upper '4th' are like goth art projects with horror
vibes but cause no actual harm - darkness at that high of level is a
paint brush only - not actual inflicted harm.

The consciousness levels and expressions of love, family, and kinship

are so strong there is no room for foul play.

If you start to dabble in harm and deceit - taking advantage - trying to

cause deception / create ignorance - the entropy takes over by design
- and those souls return to the more dense realities in real-time.

Based on my understanding and experiences from out of body this is

how it works.

The Multiverse beyond all dimensions of this finite Universe is

equivalent to 12d+.

That level is where you return to your original soul root - busy
designing new Universes with others at that level.

It's such a high level of unlimited energy and vast eternal

consciousness that there is no room for foul play - foul play is not

Foul play is relegated deep into dense finite realms to protect the
eternal Multiverse from contamination.

A soul fragment cannot return to those realms unless they are a

match with that expression - this keeps the Multiverse essentially
perfect / impossible to contaminate - since it is the root of endless
energy, not bound to linear space or time, and where all existences /
Universes preside - there are checks and balances of immense
brilliance that ensure it is always intact - even able to be fluid in non-
linear time as needed.

For conflict, war, hive mind games, various nightmare realms, hellish
existences like you're worried about - you have to go deep into finite
realms - through layers upon layers of buffers.

Source Origin / First Essence / Creator of Universes and all soul

identities (emanations / our higher self personas who exist beyond
this finite Universe) - Source Origin is ALL of Everything and
Everyone - the Multiverse containing all Universes is Source Origin's

These are the games we jaded immortals play to keep ourselves

entertained - to go up and down through all existences in cyclical
patterns while in various states of amnesia and remembering is what
helps keep eternity always feeling fresh and new.




She’s earned it. We’ve earned it.

Look at all that she has taken into consideration, like a recipe with all
of these ingredients - she has checked all of these boxes, crossed
these t's and dotted these i's to a staggering extent - the result is a
concentration of 'existence expressions' which propels and directs her
into the next phase.

The humans in the hybrid programs or who end up back in the local
galactic empires will reincarnate as revolutionaries to take down and
restructure those corrupted empire structures from within.

The most devious individuals will continue to avoid natural

progression and continue to get denser and denser - ultimately ending
up in black hole realms '1D' and blood sport predator parasite hive
mind constructs '2D - 4D' duking it out for supremacy in conditions
where resources are dwindling at an exponential rate - the pyramid
schemes will become further pronounced and empires will come and

go at expedient rates due to the dwindling lack of resources
combined with higher need of resources to maintain and increase
perceived illusions of 'power' and 'authority.'

Those revolutionaries who turn things around will be sifted and/or

change their planets' momentums back into alignment with Greater
Nature and go the path of Earth into the higher dimensions - or go
in groups on other prepared planets and star systems for said

Those most stubborn and aggressive individuals who continue to

self-consume in the black hole realms will continue to duke it out
until the end of linear time - in which case they all collapse into their
own ultimate singularity of maximum expression and have an equally
fast / equally intense reversal change of heart / evolution /
progression - and beam up into the edge of the higher dimensions as
pulsar beams of light.

When the final super-massive black holes combine into one - and this
final super-massive black hole collapses in on itself - this will be the
end of linear time in the lower densities of this Universe.

The equivalent will happen in the higher realms, though far less
viscous, far less pronounced, accomplished without conflict.

'5D' through '12D' so-to-speak will reach their resolutions /

maximum expression potentials based on the finite energy that is
available - and their relative singularities will coalesce in the
resolution / conclusion / wrapping-up of this finite Universe
spacetime - very much akin to the act of Tibetan sand painting in
which the various layers of the cosmos are formed, appreciated, and

finally swept up into a pile of cosmic space dust and laid to rest in an

It is at this point of maximum expression / maximum compression /

refined yet annihilated / maximum energy and maximum null non-
energetic state that the Universe most likely loops again, being in a
'psuedo-dimensional editable state' with energy added or taken away
+ adjustments made, or not - and then starting over for another go

Round and round she goes, when she stops, nobody knows.

It would seem that all the Universes in the Multiverse follow this
same model more or less, but with the substance and makeup within
being different / custom to each Universe - this one is 'Light.'

Our eternal consciousness root returns to the Multiverse where all

eternal consciousness originates, returns to our originating 'Higher-
Selves' 'Avatars' where we are all busy working on our own
Universes, with everyone existing in ours just as we are existing inside
this one (eternal fractal nature – everyone occupying and being all
positions at one point or another, in some shape or form) - this is
what eternal spirit does for fun / for self-expression / discovery /
and development - all taking turns in all the various positions.

It also appears that we all take turns embodying the entire Multiversal
body to get a quick update on the current status of reality before
dipping back down into our personal avatars, and then going into
new existences for new experiences ect.

This way existence is always fresh, always new, always growing,
always progressing, on and on, forever and ever - ultimately unified –
illusion of separation.



This Universe is a copy of the original Eternal Multiverse made in

holographic light created by an early emanation / early child / copy
of Source.

The way our Universe is arranged with galaxies throughout is a

mirror of how the Multiverse is arranged with different finite
Universes throughout.

There was some early resentment and jealousy by some of the first
created beings - didn't ask to be created - feeling like they're forced
into a role they never asked for - didn't ask to be born - something’s
not allowed in eternal realms ect.

These same archetypes are expressed through our own human

children to this day.

Source Creator empowered these early emanations of self to create

their own Universes - do what they want to do - so they may know

what it's like to be Creator (resolving that layer of the initial drama

Source Origin could then embody into these new universal creations
to know what it's like to be create in someone else's creation.

More empathy = more peace = more Golden Rule = more

equilibrium = more resolution = closer return to Source Origin.

These forms of exchanges / trading places complete the cycles set in

motion since the very beginning.

The demiurge is a creator entity, created by this universal creator, to

know what it's like to be Creator of a rebellious creator being - just
like what happened to Source Origin - to heal the original resentment
patterns - to understand through experience - reflection of actions
back at you as part of the fractal feedback loop of reality, it's always
doing this at whatever level.

Beings like humans are creator beings made by a hybridization of

creator beings and created beings - we're sort of right in the middle -
a mix of the good, the bad and ugly (gods and animals to put it in
simple terms) a mix of local creation all rolled into one, trying to
forge a new path forward and know ourselves better from the
crossroads rather than looking down from ivory tower (better insight
/ better evolutionary data).

Genetic manipulator beings getting a taste of our own medicine in

some cases - spirits embodied here were genetic manipulator types,
now experiencing what it is like to be a genetically manipulated being,
resolving those cycles.

Demiurge learning love for his creation and feeling conflicted about
harnessing created beings and being a slave to empire (after a long
period of being the opposite).

Local planetary embodiment of demiurge is Saturn from my

understanding - his rings are like mind control tuning forks of the
matrix / empire overlay - trying to pull the strings like Source Origin,
but is an imitation of an imitation steeped in hive mind empire

His cycle will resolve like all the others - but time scales get crazy
depending on how deep in the 'system' these beings get.

All individual entities have our own unique paths of evolution to

return to Source Origin, return to our fully unified state of being.

Earth Humans are miniature 'proof of concept' of such a path and

process of spirit evolution / resolution.

Many different spirit types of many different qualities may express

themselves and evolve alongside one another, resulting in new
expressions and crossovers - to help break up eternal loops like
empires, caste systems and hive minds ect.

Even creator demigods have a platform to get their ego highs of

power and control and they too have deeper realizations which lead
towards a path of evolution into further refined states - just like
everyone / everything else - all leading back to Source Origin.

There is no escape.

These forces are trying to prolong the decline and sabotage
Humanity's process because they know when we succeed - a new
proof of concept has proven successful in the grand scheme - and
their time grows even shorter.

Nature is so clever that this demiurgic interference helps to

strengthen resolve, increase understanding, and assist in molding the
evolutionary antibodies - even with limited intelligence / limited
capabilities - such as many similar races in many similar archetypal
paradigms - this makes for more accurate evolutionary results / more
compatible with the rest of the fractal.

In a finite universe ALL parts shall exhaust their full potential - reach
exhaustion / relative resolution / homeostasis - all remnants will
reunify at the singularity 'end' of linear time.

For some beings this process will take a few lifetimes - for others it
will take billions of years of various embodiments on different scales
of empire and hive minds, whether planetary, star system scaled, or
intergalactic, interdimensional ect.

But in the end - entropy will succeed - gravity and love shall prevail
by their eternal nature.

The fight will not go on forever.

War will end.

Eternity prevails.

Those who desire can always revisit any vector within this universe
and experience it again as though it was the first time taking place.

But beyond linear time - beyond this finite universe - it has already
been and will always be.

Full Circle.

If you are actively seeking liberation from the wheel - you will achieve
it if you insist - dreams do come true.

When your will and focus is greater than the other forces involved -
you succeed.

I don't like the gray in between areas either - it sucks how spirit is
taken advantage of in general - there's no good reason for it.

Fueling the fight with the demiurge only feeds the beast - becoming
like they are - transcending and making them obsolete is the key as
far as I can tell currently.

Looking forward to the empires crumbling on this planet and

elsewhere - going to do what I can to try and demolish the loosh soul
prison farm aspects - replace it with something better - or let Nature
take the ruins back.

To end the loop completely - all aspects will be resolved.

If the finite universe started in a singularity, gravity will bring all of

the pieces back together again.

We have to learn to stand up for ourselves and not take a beating like
this - how to transcend and resolve all of this - otherwise the loops
keep on looping - feeding on our hatred ect.

It is horrible in some cases, there's no good answer or response for
some of the evil that goes on.

Trying to find the path which does not keep you feeding into the

ZERO energetic feedback, not even hatred, no energy feed.

Pulling the rug from underneath of these forces without getting

tangled in the spider's web.

Most people do not know the mass and inertia of the empire system
actually defending itself - it's a true wrestling match over the sake of
our soul.

Stillness and transcending the system piece by piece is the path

towards eternal life - they do not want us to succeed in that effort -
they want our souls to feed their system.

The assimilation attempt is via human mind constructs and empire


Organic Nature is not affected because it exists outside of the

effected frequency range.

The more we return to Nature and strip away 'the system' the less
affected we are by it.

I look forward to the day where Humanity is free and must no longer
endure as a beast of burden for external mechanisms which do not
serve human kind or the planet.

Someday we'll get there - our healing process is the healing process of
demiurge and empire - we are mirrors of one another through forced
genetic hybridization and programming.

Someday we'll ALL be free - I can feel what it will be like, like cool
fresh morning air.



All will know love before the end. The love of a mother and father to
their child.

There is no true ending, but only the end of finite linear universe

Universal singularity - energy cannot be created or destroyed only

change forms.

The entropy will exhaust all potentials.

Gravity and higher love expressions from here and beyond this finite
universe remain after all potentials are exhausted.

Love is the root.





What happens from here in unfolding spacetime?

All of existence is but dreams within dreams, some longer and more
involved than others.

We wanted to push the limits of quantum light existence.

Original Source, origin of all things, the root of all that is, before
physicality, before anything, the original paradox of self existing.

What happens when we recognize we too are a chip off of the

original block?

We are scratching the surface; it is seeping into the physical, what

happens next?

It was perhaps an originating accident which made everything

possible, liquid time loops allowing for simultaneous so-called Alpha
Omega, an intentional irresolvable paradox to keep the journey going

forever. In mirroring the original paradox accident we reach
subjective resolutions within the illusion and this has been building
and evolving in cycles throughout all time.

What happens at the half-way self-awareness tipping point? And what

occurs after this tipping point?

Is the path already present in the patterns of the past?

Do we enter into a self-aware physical timeline from relative fresh

starts in order to develop something new altogether?

If all aspects are present at the same time - what is our most-self-
aware aspect doing out there in the multiverse?

Designing the future we will blend into someday? Based on our

current evolutions and explorations?

To create a space of constant evolution, constant victory, constant

defeat, constant refinement, constant self-knowing and growing of

Eternity perhaps decided it was fun to keep playing the fool.

The singularity looping point.

Full self-realization brings it all back together and then it goes again.

Deep down I hope the loop is different every time!

It is truly better not to know some factors to save ourselves from

non-productive anxieties, in some cases it may be better to not know
for certain. Who’s to say in any case!

Aspects of Source as all that is and consciousness, ego and feeling is

like a film passing in front of the light source projecting contextual
experience of any and every sort.

For example, perhaps the brain has the capacity to see any section of
the entire universe - it is simply a matter of observing the signal
which is already there - all potential signals exist in quantum space - it
is a matter of bringing out that which is already there - so-called zero-
point potential – any point in space has the potential to be any atom
or any amount of energy it is the matter of bringing it forth into that

Source is already complete, fully intact and over-unified with limitless

potential, it is the experiential interface which is a chip off of the
original block, passing shadow puppets in front of the light to project
a new recreated journey of growth and self-discovery. Like a dancing
flame within a perfect diamond – observing from every facet.

Source remains intact the entire time - it is the individualized aspects

which experience otherwise.

It is interesting to realize we are both while playing the part of the

shadow puppet - what happens in the play when this happens?

What a sophisticated tapestry that has been woven - if we were to

trace back all the genetics and spirit consciousness to all of their
universal sources and truly comprehend the entirety of what has
combined to express itself here - to achieve a fuller grasp of ourselves
in this way is a truly remarkable experience to behold.

We love the plot to be thick! But oh to feel loss! To make mistakes

that cannot be undone. Has life taken itself too far? Or do we rise to
the occasion?

All potentials possible within a limitless quantum field.

All that can be experienced.

And then, what else? And then, what from there?

We are our only limit. Our state of being. Individual and collective;
raw fractal expression of nature.

Almost too much to bear, just the right amount of consciousness

capacity to get the overall idea.

A little guidance goes a long way, let the living momentum take care
of the rest and flow with the current, do not allow these or any words
overly impact your personal path of self-exploration.

Nothing can replace the personalized growth derived from life itself.

It seems completely intentional that we are faced with every possible

aspect of ourself.

Words cannot describe the extent of what is revealed to us through


So life does this and what is to be revealed next is nearly beyond


But we must first get a hold of our societies and take better care of

Everything and all; our multifaceted self.

There's nothing else quite like it, so I keep coming back to help other
aspects of self.

It does feel like forever but I was able to see the end of the tunnel
this time! Words cannot describe. Truly. Like a breath of fresh air
after millions of years. I could feel the span of time out there.

I seized the opportunity and surged deeper and went through this
time and I actually left the hologram for a bit which is a new break
from the pattern.

They told me I could stop right there and then - but since aspects
such as us can actually help construct the bridge I am happy to help
those as I would assist myself at that same phase of evolution
because otherwise it stays worse for longer and back outside of linear
spacetime it’s like an irritation that we would rather focus on and heal
than allow to fester.

It feels like forever but billions of years has the effect on us. It
changes each time which makes the scales of time more tolerable. All
has been arranged to make the best out of the very diverse and
unstable energy patterns - to refine and evolve the whole including all
expression present and potential.

Someday we won't need the intense suspense drama, we have a lot of

baggage leftover from stepping deeper and deeper in our dramatic
suspenseful ways - we see traces of our heritage in us on this world -
we are halfway through the ages of remembrance and renewal here
on the Earth - to take in the new evolutionary patterns which have
been updated and revised based on previous cyclical patterns - then
after full Earth and Sun Solar Evolution we have the galactic and
universal levels to bring our fractal learning’s to those aspects out
there such as ourselves - dismantling the empire system not through
force but through evolution and innovation - then returning to
Source singularity altogether - in which case our universe flips inside-
out returning to pollinate the multiverse and reinverting into new big
bangs unto themselves / ourselves.

I don't want to continue sweeping under the energetic rug.

I want to be here for you, for all of us, for ourselves, for all aspects of


The dream people once told me - you can't say things like that within
the dream, or the dream police who cite violations on past-life

I asked who are these dream people?

Like asking what time is it? What time is it really? Can anyone give
the real answer?

The system itself starts to fall apart by its own doing - such is the
imperfect decay half-life pattern of material light - mirrored in its very
nature - its charm, intensity and potential for cut-throat behavior.

Polarized light reality construct within a limitless quantum field

though with a limited amount of spirit essence occupying the play of

Eventually the fig tree goes bare and we seek new fruit which we are
paradoxically creating for ourselves outside of linear spacetime as we
evolve within linear spacetime - the two return together as to resolve
the spacetime paradox of illusion of separation - the circle completes
- but can be stretched out to very long distances.

The seams are bleeding through and people say things seemingly out
of nowhere that really are out of this world.

I've learned to smile and help to keep the reality structure from
falling apart, I prefer the slow and thorough healing process through
love rather than the insanity intensity approach - these are the types

of distinctions in energetic approach that can be seen in the macro as

devastation transitions or transitions of peace through care,
awareness and raised consciousness.

All is packed within one another and the exchanges are all the same.

That which is dead falls over and decays into dust. That which is
living thrives and spreads through the wilderness for millions upon
billions of years.



No more profit from war.

No more war.

No more ruling class.

No more racism, sexism, or inappropriate discrimination.

No more corporate lobbying or resource strangleholds.

No more oil.

No more profit from rehabilitation.

No more factory farms or GMOs.

No more rigged financial systems or corrupt religious institutions.

No more masters.

No more slaves.

What should we do? Raise awareness. Demand improved checks and

balances. Remove and blockade corruption avenues.

What would you do? What should we be? You play a fractal role.

Change for better is easier than what the system wants us to believe,
once we get the ball rolling.

Resources focused on raising up the lowest.

Modifications to modern militarized corporate soft-dictatorship

democracy to actual democracy.

A commerce system which works for the people instead of the

people working for the commerce system.

More personal farming and local foods.

We take our planet back from the wealthy mentally insane and see to
their appropriate rehabilitation.

We learn their tactics and we transcend the battle through raising


At first remotely, through a resonance in spirit - through art and

communication increasing shared awareness and innovation of spirit
and thought.

Not through force, through advancement and refinement; that which

is better remains and the faults of the past become naturally obsolete
and fall away as nature intends.

By becoming stronger and more spiritually refined, by transcending
the duel of duality, being the change, avoiding the distractions,
avoiding hate, insisting on finding a way to work together for
betterment without ulterior motives, we are freed from the system.

To not weaken in integrity allowing those small things to slide.

There is a single human family which we must assist, for our

children's children and potentially our future selves.

We can assist greatly from many angles without putting our head on
the chopping block.

Indeed, when awareness, growth and refinement is accomplished

with great integrity; the executioner is revealed to be the villain by
their own hand according to the drama dynamics of the play and the
roles can play out, consciousness expressing ourself through the
interface of the human experience.

This is an intended archetypal exchange of evolution and realization

of self. Enjoy the ride as much as you can but pay attention to the
important lessons along the way; don’t get caught up in bad energetic
circumstances as the results will speak for themselves.

How many times do we want to repeat the same old song and dance?

Not exactly a utopia, but an improved structure based on past

experience and with good intentions and actions growth for better
returns like the sunshine.

The real fantasy land is to think the empire of cards will remain for
another thousand years.

Old men die, stars shine for billions of years, so keep your chin up.

We have everything to gain and less to lose, the ruling class has
everything to lose and less to gain.

Greater reason eventually overpowers old crumbling greed.

The children of the ruling class are less devoted than their parents;
this is their weakness which grows by the day.

The puppet strings become slacked and less responsive until they
deteriorate into nothing.

Just as we look upon the past as ruthless barbarians, so will we look

upon ourselves in future generations. Difficult lessons hard earned.

The ability to actually change planetary evolution is non-existent. The

ruling class are allowed to play the dark mirror so that we learn
through their mistakes without having to experience such ego-driven
mania first-hand. And so they serve as teachers to us and we should
not harbor resentment towards them or towards any expression, as
that resentment will serve only as an anchor to a bad energetic

The ruling class structure had its time, performing effectively well in
its own right, but nature has always been in charge.

Humanity goes through all of this according to evolutionary cycles.

Growth and refinement is part of human nature.

Not a matter of if, but when.

We have been made to see ourselves as lowly; this is part of the

undercutting mental program of division and control by the ruling

Human nature is what we express it to be; not what we are told it is

by corrupt authorities with ulterior motives.

Our tragic dark comedy fairy tale with a touching, loving and all-
encompassing conclusion.

We laugh while tears stream down our face. We become calm like
perfect still water. As well as everything between. The full human

No more trickling down from the top of the pyramid scheme.

Raising up the foundation and repairing the severed cracks of the

lowest to benefit and uplift the whole.

Would you refuse to reach out and assist yourself?


How can the most corrupt and dangerous individuals continue to be

trusted with the majority of worldly resources and control?

We strive to regain our planet from the ruling class.

We acknowledge and respect the planetary logos and The Sun and
Earth’s natural ebbs and flows of their development as well.

All aspects of life are to be respected and acknowledged.

Bold yet humble.

To know corruption in all ways is how to learn all the restorations


To know pain in all ways shows the love and care that is needed.

To know chaos in all ways shows all paths to peace.

To be vulnerable is to show true courage and strength.




The Golden Rule and The Golden Ratio state of being.

What we share is returned back to us. The Law of Attraction.

magnetism, gravity, and linear time.

Full fractal self in all ways.

Including all subversions and down falls along the way. Stress testing,
evolution then stress testing again, until balance is found.

The Forge of Spirit.

Every step, every perspective, every conflict, and every resolution.

Full Spectrum Love.

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