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Abril Lopez

Mrs. Dougherty

Period #5


Excel Lesson 4

Section A. Define the following vocabulary (6 pts):

1. Alignment; Alignment are commands that let you format how text is displayed.

2. Drop down arrow; The drop-down arrow is a button that allows you to access more options in
the ribbon.

3. Accounting number format; Accounting number format lets you change how selected cells
display numbers and dates.

Section B. Explain how to do the following (9 pts):

1. Add a border to one cell of multiple cells: To add a border to one cell of multiple tabs you first
select the cells you want to modify, click the drop-down arrow in the border command and
select the border you want.

2. Add a fill color to cells: To add a fill color you must first select the cells you want to modify,
click the drop-down arrow next to the fill color command and select the color you want.

Section C. Critical Thinking (6pts):

1. What is the default alignment for numbers and letters in a cell?
Default alignment is when is when numbers and letters align in the bottom-right of cells.

2. Describe a situation in which knowing how to format the alignment of text in a cell would be
It is a good situacin to align the text when you need something easy to read.

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