Excel Lesson 6

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Abril Lopez

Mrs. Dougherty

Period # 5


Excel Lesson 6

Section A. Define the following vocabulary (4 pts):

1. Formula; A formula is an expression that performs a calculation

2. Cell reference; A cell reference is what you call it when a formula contains a cell address

Section B. Explain how to do the following (12 pts):

1. Create a simple formula: To create a simple formula you first select the cell where the answer
will appear, type the equals sign, type the formula and press enter.

2. Create a formula using a cell reference: To create a simple formula you first select the cell
where the answer will appear, type the equals sign, type the cell address with the first number in
the equation, type the operator you need for your formula, type the cell address containing the
second number then press enter.

3. Edit a formula: Click the cell you want to edit, insert the cursor in the formula bar, and when
your done press enter.
4. What are the symbols use for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division? For addition

the symbol is a plus sign, for subtraction it's a minus sign, for multiplication its an asterisk, for

division its a forward slash and a caret for an ecuation.

Section C. Critical Thinking (12 pts):

1. What do you have to do if you see multiple ### signs in a cell?

When you see pound signs you need to expand the cell because it means that the result of the

formula is to big.

2. Why is it important to double check your formulas when you enter them?

It is important to check this because Excel will not tell you if you typed the formula wrong.

3. Compare the different ways to create formulas in Excel.

To create the formula using cell reference you type more than using the point and click method

where you just click and it appears for you.

4. Describe a person or business that probably uses Excel and cell formulas.

A trip leader or teacher could use this to keep track of attendance or behavior.

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