China Education

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Education in China

The top three priorities that we have discussed were putting every child in school,

improving the quality of learning and fostering global citizenship.

Before I begin, I would briefly speak about the education system we currently

have and its history. Education has been a prioritized system in China. A brief history

about the education system is that in 1986, the government had made it mandatory for

all children to attend school. The government also produced the nine-year compulsory

education policy in which it enables students to have free education from primary (K-5)

to junior secondary (6-9). Students have the option to attend secondary (10-12) and/or

college to receive a certificate in a content area or receive a degree. All education is

free in China, but there are certain fees like sports fee, textbooks, club fees, etc.

The CPC General

secretary and Chinese

President had previously

announced Project 985.

Project 985 was having both

local and national

governments allocating large

amounts of funding to

universities to improve facilities, assist Chinese faculty, build research centers, etc.
There are originally 9 universities (C9 League) who were being benefited from this

project which is the equivalent to the Ivy League schools in the United States.

Another project that happened was under the name Project 211. Project 211 took

place in 1955 and its intent was to raise the standards of high level universities. Both

projects were removed and implemented under one plan called Double First-Class

University Plan which is to create world class universities and disciplines by 2050.

Additionally, part of the education system that is important is the teacher

development. Teaching is a highly respected profession and teachers go through a

strong preparation system in the content area they will be teaching. Before you become

a license teacher you are to observe teachers in their classrooms multiple times. Most

of the times the schools the teacher cadets observe in are connected to the university

being attended.

Knowing these important factors about the education system, I will go on with the

status in China. Ministry of Education have estimated that over 99% of all school age

children receive a nine-year basic education. Meaning they attend school and have

basic skills taught to them so they can be part of society. The college age population

has increased from 1.4% to over 20% within the last few years. On that note, 9.4 million

students took the National Higher Education Entrance Examination. China has a large

population entering university since China does focus on the success of its people.
There is a downfall to the education in China though. Students creativity,

curiosity and childhood are taken away because they only focus on school, their grades

and how to get to the top of the class.

Although China has a vigorous education system, it does produce most of the

advanced technology, medicine, careers and much more and plays a vital role in how it

influences the rest of the world. We also doing well in meeting two of the priorities:

putting every child in school and improve the quality of learning. Fostering global

citizenship, China is currently working on it but as of 2015 China had 523,000 students

studying in other countries and over a million students coming to China to study.

End of Report.
A brief introduction to the Chinese education system. (2015, July 14). Retrieved November 07, 2017,

How China's Education Strategy Fit Into Its Quest for Global Influence. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07,
2017, from

Reporter, J. S. (2017, February 13). How China's investment in education is paying off - JLL Real Views.
Retrieved November 07, 2017, from

Images Used:

Laoshi Chen Follow. (2015, November 28). School system of China. Retrieved November 07, 2017, from

UNESCO-UNEVOC. (n.d.). Retrieved November 07, 2017, from

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