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Rise & Fall of World Empires 1/31/2017 7:44:00 AM

Guns, Germs, and Steel Video Takeaways:

Certain geographic areas Luck (good crops, land, farming

potential, etc)
Most productive crops farmed increase in food supply, storage,
& longevity. Increase calories protein healthier population
Agricultural Surplus expansion in specialization (wheat & barely
boom when farmed)
Population growth & increase in labor productivity
Civilization Climate, Food (supply & quality), Health, Technology
Empire Guns (military), Germs (Disease/health), Steel

Resource Base:
Natural Capital
Physical Capital
Labor & human capital

Memphis was the Capitol City
Menes 1st Ruler of Egypt
Menes brought together north and south of the region to rule
1864 BC The Middle Kingdom Golden age of Egypt
1870-1831 BC Osotres reigned
Pharaoh Divine king. Theres a link between divinity/religion and
Ability of people to adapt and change environment plays key
role in success or failure of civilization
1/31/2017 7:44:00 AM
1/31/2017 7:44:00 AM

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