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CAMERA 1 MSS of imi and Katie (Uof table and rock BEGINNING SHOT Katia - ‘Stopr’. Imi- Hang on'"- FINAL SHOT OF SCENE CAMERA 3 MID OF Joseph BFGINNING SHOT WADE/LONG SHOT of Joaeph | Imissy2 standing LS - Follow Joseph stands up. “This | ‘findler’s keepers’, that's whal it is," = levi. "Hey, come: on guys, is just sigiow in the dark roca, CAMERA2 UNE IN SCFIPT TO CHANGE WIDE SHOT IRST BESINNING SHOT MID of Joseph anc Katie AS IMI STANDS UF MID of ollthree ‘Miox's "nolo - you guys wont any rinks" WIDE SHOT After Alex says. his ines ‘TILT UP/WIDE SHOT MISTANDS UP Atior ine ‘Come on you two, you ca helpme at the pockis," WIDE/MID Foilw then a8 the wall cud this door nee The lights flicker back LINE IN SCRIPT TO CHANGE SHOT Wihst?' - then Joseph CAMERA 2 (CU on table TILT UP to MS, all Aetars WIDE SHOT of tham.on sola WIDE SHOT of all of them -doneph picks up rock CAMERA 1 the window GV of Imi looking out the window CU of Katie MID of Katie and Imi CV on Katie LS/MID of Katie walking, out of door WIDE - PAN RIGHT CAMERA 3 LONG NS - Follow Imi to UNE IN SCRIPT To CHANGE FIRST BEGINKING SHOT ‘Tse what you warn shear us), Aree Hep comeen aus, 19 justa ae ine dare oe Joseph ~ Yeah it's lke the rock of doom.,.dun dunn durnnn,” Katie - We're fine, mum," Imi='Man_ your mum makes the best ot chocolate-* Joseph = wow, ! think. thats the first time I've heard your pparants arguing’ Katie - ‘Me too. Imi- ‘Placing, Follow as Imi goes totowards tabe and takes rock. LINE IN SCRIPT TO CHANGE SHOT Seances | —___ (MID of Jeseph LONG MIE sf Int walking, ‘nahin aota - PAN LEFT [MID of Joseph and tm ‘CU on Jceaph WIDE SHOT - thay lnnk at ar ‘CU on Jeseah WIDEMS of all aal an sofa [LONG MIE of trem wailing ‘aut of oon [MID of sor - tai walle ck ‘WIDENI: BEGINNING SHOT Katie We're fine, Mums Im Man, youreumn mates, he best hot chacelate= ‘Mor Katie aye lang Ineo ‘Ale ri says hee fie ‘wails the parents are ditensty shouting, Im starcuin Foley Joseph as he picks up bis bag ‘She leaks around - ‘Sheleaves the set

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