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Vincent Gray’s Path to Victory: Primary Result Projection Analysis – Gray wins by 4.

to 9.8%
Compiled by Joshua Bell of the Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor website
August 23, 2010


Inspired by a combination of personal curiosity, a question from @EricaVnDC on twitter, way too much free time,
and an interesting piece by Mike DeBonis of the Washington Post on speculation surrounding turnout and the
“racial mix” of the potential electorate for this year’s primary, I decided to try my hand at a little amateur election
prognostication based on information available on the internet and my own supposition.

What follows is my best attempt at a fair and reasoned quantitative and subjective analysis of the upcoming
primary results given my limited resources and expertise. In order to reach my conclusions and my eventual set of
“projections” I did a good bit of research, compiling publicly available information from a wide range of internet
sources. Including, but not limited to: information available at the DC Board of Elections and Ethics (DCBOEE) site,
polling, surveys, and press reports posted on the internet.

So, after a good bit of research, making some base assumptions, and after finally settling on a rather simple,
rudimentary methodology, I crunched the numbers in my excel program and th results I came up with all indicate
that unless there is a major shift in current voter sentiment, Vincent Gray is on the road to a modest, but
convincing victory on September 14, 2010.

Under every scenario observed, each “case” indicates that VINCENT GRAY is on a comfortable path to victory.
Barring any significant changes in voter preference, a major gaff, or a game-changing scandal hitting one side or
the other, the quantitative analysis below supports the same conclusion that this blogger has observed from a
purely anecdotal point of view for months now: All signs both quantitative and qualitative lead to the conclusion

Of the 6 scenarios I considered, Vince Gray’s margin of victory ranged from a high of +9.8% (54.2% to 44.4%) to a
low of +4.8% (50.8% to 46.0%). In every scenario, Gray was in the low to mid 50’s and Fenty was mired in the

Note: Though the details of my calculations and methodology are “proprietary”, a careful review of my
projections will reveal them to be sound and wholly plausible. Also, I would be happy to entertain any questions
or challenges to the results herein and would be happy to “plug in” any alternative assumptions into my “models”
in order to investigate potential alternative outcomes. You can email me at:


For my projections I used 2 basic “models,” and within each model I plugged in numbers based on 3 different
“voter turnout” estimates (low turnout case, mid-range turnout case, and a high turnout case). This provided me
with at total of 6 possible outcomes/scenarios.

The first model I created (MODEL A) was based on the recently released Clarus poll/Voter Survey . I used the
“preference” report from this survey as a baseline for how voters in each ward are likely to vote. The second
model (MODEL B) was based on assumptions about how each ward might vote based on consistent “voting
patterns” by ward observed over the last 3 primary cycles, with the greater weight given to the primary in 2006.

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)


The most important factors/variables considered while generating the projection models:

1) CURRENT VOTER REGISTRATION. Current Democratic Party Registered Voting Statistics (by ward) as of
“monthly reporting period” ending 7.31.10. This is public record that can be found at the DC Board of Elections
and Ethics (DCBOEE) site, here.

2) HISTORIC VOTER REGISTRATION. Historic Democratic Party Registered Voting statistics (by ward) for each
“primary year” beginning in 1994. Again, I found those numbers at the DCBOEE site within the “election results”
section of the website.

3) HISTORIC DEMOCRATIC PARTY PRIMARY RESULTS. Results of the various Democratic primaries since 1994,
with particular attention paid to ward-by-ward results. Whenever possible pains were taken to not make any
“citywide” assumptions as the voting characteristics of each ward (be they results, voter turnout, or number of
registered voters) vary greatly by ward. Again, I got this information from the DCBOEE site.

4) VOTER TURNOUT. For the purpose of this analysis I created 3 assumptions for “voter turnout”. The LOW CASE
was computed by calculating the “average” voter turnout over the last 3 primaries. “THE HIGH CASE” was
calculated by taking the voter turnout numbers from the primary election of 1994. Though this was a record level
of turnout that might at first seem an outlier that should be dismissed, after much consideration I decided that
the turnout levels for 1994 should be considered at least for the “high case” because I came to the conclusion that
the last time there seemed to be this level of “interest” in a District primary was the Democratic primary of 1994,
featuring a very controversial and “polarizing” candidate (like this year’s Adrian Fenty): the “once and future”
mayor and “bad boy” Marion Barry.

In my opinion, there are elements to the 2010 election, particularly the polarizing presence of Adrian Fenty and
the passion of the supporters and detractors that could result in a voter turnout level that approaches or exceeds
1994. Additionally, the unusually high “turnout” at the non-binding Democratic Party forums/straw polls around
the city also indicates higher than normal “interest” in this race, further buttressing the contention that a record
or near-record turnout should be taken into consideration. The MID-CASE was calculated by averaging the
difference between the “HIGH CASE” and the “LOW CASE”.

5) THE CLARUS POLL/VOTER SURVEY (AUGUST 2010). I relied on the results from the recently released Clarus
Voter Survey for the baseline “voter preference trends” for “MODEL A”. I selected this particular survey because
it was the only “publicly released” poll that I could find that provided preference numbers by section of the city,
breaking down their numbers into groups: Wards 1, 4, and 5; Wards 2 and 3; and Wards 6, 7, and 8. I found this
breakdown most useful as it allowed the analysis to take into account and use the “variables” of the historic voter
turnout history of each ward when formulating a projection and an analysis that seemed more nimble, dynamic,
and accurate.

6) UNDECIDED VOTERS. For the purposes of this analysis, I decided to assume that the current undecided voters
(as identified in the Clarus Survey) will likely fall into the category of non-votes, opt-outs, or they will basically
break in similar proportion to the “declared” voting preferences for the “wards” in which they reside. At one
point my inclination was to “skew” the break of undecideds toward Gray because of Fenty’s unusually high
“unfavorable numbers” in the Clarus Survey, and the fact that historically, those voters that are still “undecided”
this late in the game after having had a chance to observe the incumbent for 4 years, likely means that these
voters will either not vote or lean toward the “challenger”. That said, in the interest of erring on the side of an

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

assumption that would not “favor” the candidate that I endorse, I decided to go with the assumption that the
undecideds will break proportionally.

7) RACIAL MAKE UP OF THE ELECTORATE. Though much has been made of the subject of a “racial divide”
characterizing the upcoming primary, it is very hard to get good information from exit polling or other sources
that really provide a reliable enough “history” of the actual “racial” make-up of the electorate by ward.
Therefore, I have decided to basically dismiss a direct account for “race” in my model formulation for the
purposes of this analysis.

I came to the conclusion that if a detailed enough analysis were done of each individual ward and the history of
turnout and numbers of registered voters for each ward since 1994 that any “racial” dynamic would be reflected
implicitly. Simply put, everyone knows that Wards 3 and 2 are generally considered predominantly “white” wards
(and since the 1994 primary have had an average Democratic affiliated “turnout” of 42.9%), and Wards 7 and 8
are considered predominately “African American” (with historic turnout levels since 1994 averaging 33.3%), so my
feeling is that the careful analysis of the “voting patterns” of each individual ward would essentially capture any
“racial” component of the electorate at large.

Note: An interesting “wild card” in this election will be the results from Ward 4, which is an increasingly racially
“mixed” (and relatively affluent) ward with one of the highest historic turnout rates, 44.8% (ranking second only
to ward 3’s 49.6% number since 1994). This ward, once a Fenty stronghold, will be interesting to watch as the
African American voters in this ward have shown that they are less than happy with Adrian Fenty as Vince Gray’s
stunning straw poll win in the Ward 4 straw poll (and the nearly 1000 voters that attended that forum) attests to.
That said, if one were to rely on the recent Clarus Survey, it is likely that Ward 4, despite its large projected voting
population (ward 4 ranks as the ward with the most registered voters in the District at 47,820), will likely split
essentially down the middle, making the real the voting margins (and turnout levels) of Wards 2 and 3 vs. Wards
5, 6, 7, and 8 likely being the determining factor in this primary.


When all was said and done and my excel program finished crunching, I came to the conclusion that there is no
credible or plausible path for Fenty to get over 48% of the vote. I just don’t see it. And conversely, I couldn’t find
a scenario where Gray fall below 50%. The critical and “terminal” factors for Fenty is the “east of the Anacostia”
factor and his extremely high “unfavorable” numbers.

Despite all of the snide dismissals from the Fenty camp that the the “east of the Anacostia” folks and the “rabble”
that stormed the Ward 4 straw poll are just “angry blacks” that won’t end up turning out to vote, I believe that all
evidence points to the contrary. It is for the very reason that they are “angry” that they are more motivated than
they might have otherwise been in a “normal” primary cycle. If for no other reason, they will turn out just to
teach Fenty a lesson for his dismissal of them as people/constituents, and a perceived lack of attention to the
issues that affect them.

Simply, if the Gray team’s organization and “ground game” is as good as they have shown heretofore (re: the
straw polls and forum attendance this summer), Team Gray will likely be able to pull enough support from Wards
7 and 8 (and 5) to make Fenty’s path to re-election nearly insurmountable.


Case 1: Clarus Model Assuming 35.2% citywide voter turnout

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

Gray - 59,035 (50.8%)

Fenty - 53,475 (46.0%)
Gray margin of Victory: +4.8%

Case 2: Clarus Model, assuming 42.6% citywide voter turnout

Gray - 72,336 (51.6%)
Fenty - 63,619 (45.4%)
Gray margin of Victory: +6.2%

Case 3: Clarus Model, assuming 50.1% citywide voter turnout

Gray - 85,637 (52.1%)
Fenty - 73763 (44.8%)
Gray margin of Victory: +7.2%

Case 4: Historical Voting Patterns Model, assuming 35.2% citywide voter turnout
Gray - 60,922 (52.6%)
Fenty - 53,480 (46.2%)
Gray margin of Victory: +6.4%

Case 5: Historical Voting Patterns Model, assuming 42.6% citywide voter turnout
Gray - 75,043 (53.5%)
Fenty - 63,271 (45.1%)
Gray margin of Victory: +8.4%

Case 6: Historical Voting Patterns Model, assuming 50.1% citywide voter turnout
Gray - 89,164 (54.2%)
Fenty - 73,063 (44.4%)
Gray margin of Victory: +9.8%


In light of the fact that this is a blog which openly endorses the candidacy of Vince Gray, the casual or skeptical
reader might look at my results askance. In response to that I would say that despite the figures below, I took
every effort to be as impartial as possible.

That said, do I believe that there possible scenarios that would lead to a Fenty victory? Sure, but my analysis
indicates that unless the basic public opinion (and level of Fenty negatives) change substantially in the 3 weeks
before the election, every “probable” scenario leads to a Gray victory. The only chance for a Fenty win lies in
either unexpectedly low voter turnout east of the Anacostia, or a sea change in the current polling patterns. Both
are possible, but as for the former, my opinion is that despite historically low voter turnout in Wards 7 and 8, even
if the turnout equals the average of the last 3 primaries (2006,2002, and 1998), Gray likely wins. However, my
feeling is that there is more interest in this race because of the level of passion for and against both candidates
that this election sets up to be at or near the record turnout of 1994 when Marion Barry beat John Ray and
Sharon Pratt Kelly in the Democratic primary.

As the saying goes, endeavors like this are as much “art” (or in this case my case “wishful thinking”) as it is
“science”. But that conceded, I feel that I have given this as fair and as comprehensive a try as I am capable given
the resources at my disposal and conceding that I am a decided “non-pro” when it comes to professional level

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

political polling and modeling. What I do have in my favor, I believe, is decent basic instincts and a passion for the
subject. That said, take this what follows for what it’s worth.


As mentioned before I’m most welcome to questions and challenges to my assumptions and results. Also, my
model is created in a way that I can plug in new numbers and adjust the projection when and if new information
or new polling becomes available. That said, “citywide” polling information will not be as useful as polling
information that is specific to each ward.

Please feel free disseminating this information and analysis so long as you give this author full credit.


The first Model (with 3 “cases” based on different turnout levels) was based on the recently released Clarus Voter
Survey. You can find the full document here, or you can refer to the summary of some of the actionable results
below that I used to make some of my important “assumptions”:

Clarus Poll August 2010 Voter Survey

Registered Likely White Black 2&3 1,4&5 6,7&8
Gray 39% 41% 19% 54% 26% 37% 50%
Fenty 36% 36% 61% 16% 59% 37% 20%
Undecided 22% 21% 19% 25% 15% 24% 24%
Other 3% 2% 0% 0% 0% 2% 7%

Two-man Race
Registered Likely White Black 2&3 1,4&5 6,7&8
Gray 44 46 20 63 26 41 59
Fenty 38 38 66 17 63 41 21
Undecided 17 17 14 20 11 18 20
©Clarus Research Group

Assumption: Undecideds will either not vote or break with the roughly th same proportion
as the "declared voters" in their wards. If anything, there will be a slight skew with undecideds
for Gray b/c of Fenty's high Negatives/unfavorable numbers. Gray's 3-point bump from “all

Case 1: Clarus Poll Based Model: Low Turnout

In this scenario Gray bests Fenty by 4.8%.

*Citywide Prediction 35.2% Turnout Citywide

Ward 2&3 1,4&5 6,7&8 Votes %
Gray 8,247 24,07 26,711 59,035 50.8%

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

Fenty 18,713 8 10,684 53,475 46.0%
Other 270 983 2,387 3,639 3.1%

Total 49,13
: 27,230 8 39,782 116,150 100.0%

Case 2: Clarus Poll Base Model : Mid-Case Turnout

*Citywide Prediction 42.6% Turnout Citywide

Ward 2&3 1,4&5 6,7&8 Votes %
Gray 9413 28484 34439 72336 51.6%
Fenty 21360 28484 13776 63619 45.4%
Other 0 1163 3078 4240 3.0%

Total: 30773 58130 51292 140195 100.0%

Case 3: Clarus Poll Based Model : High Turnout

*Citywide Prediction 50.1% Turnout Citywide

Ward 2&3 1,4&5 6,7&8 Votes %
Gray 10579 32890 42168 85637 52.1%
Fenty 24006 32890 16867 73763 44.8%
Other 0 1342 3768 5111 3.1%
Total: 34585 67123 62803 164510 100.0%

The second “model” used historical voting patterns as its baseline for how each ward is likely to break in this

Case 4: Historical Voter Pattern Model (1994-2006): Low Turnout

*Citywide Prediction (Low Turnout) 35.2% Citywide

Ward e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL %
Gray 6421 3857 4329 9977 10813 7587 10772 7166 60922 52.6%
Fenty 6136 6223 12493 9539 5781 7345 3845 2118 53480 46.2%
Other 26 26 31 398 48 51 641 258 1478 1.3%

Total: 12583 10106 16854 19913 16642 14983 15258 9541 115880 %

Case 5: Historical Voter Pattern Model (1994-2006): Mid-Case Turnout

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

Citywide Prediction (Mid-Case Turnout) 42.6% Citywide

Ward Citywide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL %
Gray 7541 4619 4796 11505 13249 8891 13986 10456 75043 53.5%
Fenty 7206 7451 13840 11000 7083 8608 4992 3091 63271 45.1%
Other 30 31 35 459 58 59 832 376 1881 1.3%

13923. 140195. 100.0

Total: 14777 12102 18671 22964 20390 17558 19811 3 3 %

Case 6: Historical Voter Pattern Model (1994-2006): High Turnout

Citywide Prediction (High Turnout) 50.1% Citywide

Ward Citywide
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL %
Gray 8660 5381 5263 13033 15684 10195 17201 13747 89164 54.2%
Fenty 8276 8680 15187 12461 8384 9871 6140 4064 73063 44.4%
Other 35 36 38 520 69 68 1023 494 2284 1.4%

164510. 100.0
Total: 16971 14097 20488 26014 24138 20134 24363 18305 5 %

2010 DC Democratic Primary Result Projection Analysis

©Joshua Bell (Unofficial Vince Gray for Mayor Blog)

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