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Intra- and extra-cellular lactate shuttles

Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720

BROOKS, G. A. Intra- and extra-cellular lactate shuttles. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 32, No. 4, pp. 790 799, 2000. The lactate
shuttle hypothesis holds that lactate plays a key role in the distribution of carbohydrate potential energy that occurs among various
tissue and cellular compartments such as between: cytosol and mitochondria, muscle and blood, blood and muscle, active and inactive
muscles, white and red muscles, blood and heart, arterial blood and liver, liver and other tissues such as exercising muscle, intestine
and portal blood, portal blood and liver, zones of the liver, and skin and blood. Studies on resting and exercising humans indicate that
most lactate (75 80%) is disposed of through oxidation, with much of the remainder converted to glucose and glycogen. Lactate
transport across cellular membranes occurs by means of facilitated exchange along pH and concentration gradients involving a family
of lactate transport proteins, now called monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs). Current evidence is that muscle and other cell
membrane lactate transporters are abundant with characteristics of high Km and Vmax. There appears to be long-term plasticity in the
number of cell membrane transporters, but short-term regulation by allosteric modulation or phosphorylation is not known. In addition
to cell membranes, mitochondria also contain monocarboxylate transporters (mMCT) and lactic dehydrogenase (mLDH). Therefore,
mitochondrial monocarboxylate uptake and oxidation, rather than translocation of transporters to the cell surfaces, probably regulate
lactate flux in vivo. Accordingly, the lactate shuttle hypothesis has been modified to include a new, intracellular component involving
cytosolic to mitochondrial exchange. The intracellular lactate shuttle emphasizes the role of mitochondrial redox in the oxidation and
disposal of lactate during exercise and other conditions. Key Words: INTRACELLULAR LACTATE SHUTTLE, MONOCAR-

he lactate shuttle hypothesis was introduced at the Among these were long-standing knowledge that lactate is a
First International Congress of Comparative Physi- gluconeogenic precursor, as well as the then new knowledge
ology and Biochemistry held at Liege, Belgium, Au- of a heterogeneity of skeletal muscle fiber types (5), and
gust 1984. The subsequent paper appeared in congress pro- observations that white sections of working muscle beds
ceedings published the following year (9), and a derivative contained more lactate than arterial blood, but that red
of the idea appeared in a peer-reviewed paper (18). As well, sections of the same tissue beds contained less lactate than
two related papers appeared in 1986 (10,11). The initial arterial blood (4). The hypothesis was constructed to allow
hypothesis was developed based on results of isotope tracer that lactate flux among cells within and between tissues
studies conducted on laboratory rats (17,19,30), dogs could serve as a vehicle to promote diverse functions.
(28,55,56), and humans (52,62,88). In our work, we com- The lactate shuttle hypothesis was defined as follows:
pared glucose and lactate fluxes in rats during exercise and the shuttling of lactate through the interstitium and vascu-
recovery (17,19,30,37). Subsequently, we also studied glu- lature provides a significant carbon source for oxidation and
cose and lactate fluxes in humans (15,16,20,82,83,9395). gluconeogenesis during rest and exercise (9). Subse-
Results consistently indicated that oxidation was the major quently, experiments conducted by us and others have con-
route of lactate disposal (75%) during steady rate exercise firmed important aspects of the hypothesis, and new and
and recovery from exercise, with conversion to glucose and important facets of the hypothesis have been developed.
glycogen accounting for most of the remainder during ex- Admittedly, when the hypothesis was introduced, the initial
ercise and recovery, respectively. Further, results indicated reaction was mixed. Retrospectively, part of the response
that during exercise, lactate flux and oxidation could equal was attributable to controversies surrounding interpretation
or exceed glucose flux and oxidation. Thus, the working of isotope tracer-derived data (9 11). In part also, the lac-
hypothesis was developed that much of the glycolytic flux tate shuttle hypothesis did not find wide acceptance be-
during exercise passed through lactate. Several discoveries cause it made no sense to those accepting classic O2 debt
contributed to development of the lactate shuttle hypothesis. and anaerobic threshold theories. Those theories held that
lactate is produced in muscle because of O2 lack and that
0195-9131/00/3204-0790/0 lactate produced during exercise was a dead-end metabolite
MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS & EXERCISE that could only be removed during recovery (53). Concepts
Copyright 2000 by the American College of Sports Medicine that lactate was produced all the time in fully oxygenated
Submitted for publication December 1998. cells and tissues (24,25) and that lactate production,
Accepted for publication December 1998. distribution, and removal could serve the organism well
(9 11,35) were simply too radical for the early to mid- exercise the gain in lactate Ra is much greater than the gain
1980s. Obviously, todays views are very different. in glucose Rd (95), such that during hard exercise lactate Ra
Before delving into aspects of the current state of the and oxidation rate (Rox) exceed that of glucose (15,16,95).
hypothesis, it will be helpful for students of the subject to 8. During exercise, epinephrine secretion is exponentially
note several publications. At the 37th Annual Meeting of the related to relative exercise intensity (65), and lactate Ra and
American College of Sports Medicine held in Salt Lake epinephrine concentration ([epinephrine]) are highly corre-
City, the symposium Current Concepts In Lactate Ex- lated (16). However, slope of the lactate Ra-[epinephrine]
change was held. Proceedings were published in Medicine relationship is much greater during exercise than during rest.
and Science in Sports and Exercise the following year These results suggest that contraction, not epinephrine, is
(1991) and contained papers on lactate production in skel- the major stimulator of glycolysis in muscle.
etal muscle by Stainsby and associates (89), hepatic uptake 9. Working healthy cardiac muscle is a net consumer of
and release by Wasserman and associates (100), the indirect lactate, but free fatty acids are the major energy substrate for
pathway of hepatic glycogen formation by Magnusson and the heart in resting subjects. However, during exercise when
Shulman (70), the regulation of lactate metabolism in the arterial [lactate] rises, exogenous (arterial) lactate becomes
heart by Stanley (92), the search for muscle membrane the major fuel for the heart (41,42).
lactate transporters by Roth (85), and attempts to model 10. Lactate is the major gluconeogenic precursor during
lactate fluxes in vivo by Lehman (69). Additionally, this exercise, with gluconeogenesis contributing 2530% to he-
author contributed a paper on the lactate shuttle hypothesis patic glucose production in both laboratory rats
(12). Moreover, in addition to the other papers associated (17,30,31,97,98) and humans (95).
with these proceedings of the 44th meeting of the ACSM, 11. Paradoxically, lactate, not glucose is the preferred
readers are referred to Gladdens paper that appeared in substrate for hepatic glycogen synthesis. Thus, the terms
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews (43) as well as his glucose paradox and indirect pathway of liver glycogen
most recent review: Lactate transport and exchange during synthesis after eating were emerging and becoming ac-
exercise, which appeared in the 1996 American Physio- cepted by the wider scientific community (6,27,35).
logical Society Handbook of Physiology-Exercise: Regula- 12. Lactate exchange through cell membranes in diverse
tion and Integration of Multiple Systems (44). tissues was suspected to be carrier mediated. Facilitated ex-
change through cell membranes of erythrocytes (29,49), car-
diocytes (96), intestine (85), and by intact skeletal muscles was
State of the Art, circa 1990
known (86,87). Further, Roth and Brooks (86,87) had recently
In the proceedings of the 1990 Annual Meeting of the demonstrated carrier-mediated lactate uptake by sarcolemmal
ACSM (12), the following findings were described: vesicles. Lactate uptake by sarcolemmal vesicles demonstrat-
1. Electrically stimulated dog muscle preparations studied ed: concentration dependence, saturation, competitive inhibi-
in situ release lactate on a net basis when contractions start, tion by other monocarboxylates, inhibition by known mono-
but switch to net consumption as contractions continue carboxylate inhibitors, stereospecificity, temperature, and
(103). hydrogen ion dependence. Further, trans-stimulation was sus-
2. Measurements using NADH fluorescence (59) and pected and soon demonstrated (22).
myoglobin cryomicroscopy (24) on electrically simulated As a result of the knowledge available at the time, at the
canine muscles studied in situ indicate that lactate produc- 1990 Annual ACSM Meeting the lactate shuttle hypothesis
tion occurs under fully aerobic conditions. was depicted as originally portrayed (Fig. 1). Features of the
3. During continual, progressive exercise working human hypothesis included: lactate production at sites of high gly-
muscle is a site of net lactate production and release as well colytic flux (e.g., Type IIB muscle fibers), lactate uptake
as the site of blood lactate appearance (93,94). and removal at highly aerobic sites (Types I and IIA muscle
4. During constant rate, submaximal exercise working fibers), lactate transport through the interstitium and vascu-
human muscle first releases lactate on a net basis when lature with oxidation and gluconeogenesis representing ma-
exercise starts but then switches to net lactate uptake as jor routes of lactate disposal in heart and liver, respectively.
contractions continue (1,16,20,81,99).
5. Perfusion with high blood lactate causes canine muscle
The Current State of the Art, 1996
contracting in situ to switch from net lactate release to net
consumption (45,46). Since the last ACSM symposium in 1990, some signifi-
6. Addition of arm to leg cycling exercise causes arterial cant progress has been achieved as evidenced by publication
lactate concentration ([lactate]) to elevate. Consequently, when of Dr. Gladdens reviews (43,44) and these proceedings.
the arterial [lactate] rises, exercising legs switch from net Further, there is evidence that the coming year will yield
lactate release to net consumption (81). Thus, in both dog new and important discoveries in the areas of whole-body
muscle contracting in situ and working human muscle in vivo, and tissue lactate kinetics, and the biochemistry and molec-
elevation of arterial lactate delivery to working muscle has a ular biology of lactate exchange and metabolism. However,
similar effect on shifting the balance of substrate utilization. for the interim, it is important to record progress in three
7. In resting humans, glucose rate of disappearance (Rd) areas: the role of working muscle in net lactate release
exceeds the rate of lactate appearance (Ra), but during and consumption, the role of lactate as a gluconeogenic
SHUTTLES WITHIN SHUTTLES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 791
working limb VO2 during sustained exercise at altitude and
found O2 supply to be well-matched to demand. Thus, none
of the changes in blood lactate response could be attributed
to tissue O2 lack.
The arterial [lactate] response in each condition of sea
level and altitude exercise is shown in Figure 2. Results
display the typical pattern (33,80) of elevated arterial [lac-
tate] during exercise compared with rest, an increase in
[lactate] upon altitude exposure, and a decline to interme-
diate levels with acclimatization. Again, neither whole-body
nor leg VO2 changed with altitude acclimatization.
The constancy of arterial [lactate] levels during exercise
(Fig. 2) are to be contrasted with patterns of leg net lactate
release shown in Figure 3 (16,21). When exercise starts at
sea level, net lactate release from the legs (L 2
measured blood flow for one leg [v-a]lactate) increases
dramatically (Fig. 3 top), but after a few minutes, net lactate
release declines even though arterial [lactate] is elevated and
constant. Leg net lactate release is exaggerated at the start of
exercise at altitude, but the same pattern as at sea level holds
(Fig. 3, bottom and middle); initial lactate release upon
exercise onset is followed by a decline such that after 1520
min of exercise the working leg ceases to be a site of lactate
Figure 1Model of the lactate shuttle. Lactate is formed in fast-twitch
net release even though arterial [lactate] is elevated.
white skeletal muscle fibers or transiently in populations of red fibers In our 1988 experiments on Pikes Peak, we also infused
at the start of exercise. Lactate released into the interstitium from [3-13C]lactate tracer (16). Thus, we were able to determine
cellular sites of production can be taken up and oxidized by adjacent
lactate consuming muscle fibers. Alternatively, during exercise, some
that lactate was undergoing very active turnover in the blood
lactate released into the circulation reperfuses the active muscle bed even though arterial [lactate] was constant. Further, lactate
within a fraction of a minute, where uptake and oxidation in red, turnover rate correlated with the circulating [lactate] (Fig.
highly oxidative fibers occurs. Some of the lactate released from an
active muscle bed can be taken up by the heart and oxidized or taken
4). Therefore, we knew that the elevation in circulating
up by the liver and kidneys where lactate serves as a gluconeogenic lactate (Fig. 2) required a continuous input, which could not
precursor. [Redrawn with permission from Brooks, G. A. Lactate:
Glycolytic product and oxidative substrate during sustained exercise in
mammalsthe lactate shuttle. In: Comparative Physiology and Bio-
chemistry: Current Topics and Trends, Volume A, RespirationMe-
tabolismCirculation, R. Gilles (Ed.). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1985,
pp. 208 218.]

precursor during exercise, and identification of the family of

cellular monocarboxylate transport proteins.

Working Muscle Net Lactate Release and Uptake

Our collaborative studies on Pikes Peak have been in-
valuable in allowing us to evaluate the interactive effects of
ambient hypoxia and exercise on glucose and lactate me-
tabolism (15,16,20,21,82,83). Using data from the 1988
study, I address two hypotheses regarding lactate metabo-
lism: 1) muscle lactate formation is the result of O2 lack, and
2) working muscle is the source of elevated blood lactate in
subjects during exercise and at altitude.
In 1988, and again in 1991, we studied men during Figure 2Arterial blood lactate concentration as a function of time
continuous leg cycling exercise at a power output that elic- during exercise at sea level, upon acute exposure to 4300-m altitude,
and after 3 wk acclimatization. Values are mean SEM; N 7 each
ited 50% of VO2max at sea level. The same subjects were point. Values plotted at 0 time are means of two preexercise samples.
studied on arrival at 4300 m (PB 463 Torr) and after 3 wk The exercise elicited 51% of sea level VO2peak. [Redrawn with permis-
of residency. At altitude, the same power output elicited sion from Brooks, G. A., G. E. Butterfield, R. R. Wolfe, B. M. Groves,
R. S. Mazzeo, J. R. Sutton, E. E. Wolfel, and J. T. Reeves. Decreased
65% of VO2max, and residency did not change VO2max reliance on lactate during exercise after acclimatization to 4,300 m.
(21,104). Wolfel et al. (104) measured whole-body and J. Appl. Physiol. 71:333341, 1991.]

792 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

Gluconeogenesis During Exercise
Since the previous symposium, some progress has been
made in the area of evaluating the importance of lactate as
a gluconeogenic precursor during exercise. At present, the
volume of data is small, but different methods have yielded
similar results. Representative results are summarized in
Table 1. Before discussing gluconeogenesis during exercise
in more detail, a context needs to be provided.
During exercise, most (75 80%) of lactate is removed via
oxidation, and 20 25% of the lactate flux is disposed of by
conversion to glucose. We have obtained corresponding
data on rats (17,30) and humans (15,16,21,95), and similar
data have been obtained on dogs (28,56). However, because
the lactate flux during exercise can be far larger than the
glucose flux, conversion of lactate to glucose is sufficient to
make a significant contribution to hepatic glucose produc-
tion. In resting postabsorptive individuals, gluconeogenesis
contributes approximately 1530% to hepatic glucose pro-
duction, and hepatic glycogenolysis the remainder.
The data in Table 1A were obtained by use of the so
called secondary labeling technique. This approach in-
volves infusion of carbon tracer lactate (e.g., [3-13C]lactate)
and measurement of abundance of the label in circulating
glucose (54). However, as has been well described by Hete-
nyi et al. (51) and others, isotopic dilution of 3-C precursors,
such as pyruvate, in the TCA and other pools during glu-
coneogenesis requires application of correction (H) factors
for estimating gluconeogenesis from 3-C precursors. Unfor-
Figure 3Net blood lactate release from the legs during rest and leg
cycling exercise at sea level (top panel), upon acute exposure to 4300-m tunately, although the H factors are known to vary according
altitude (middle panel), and after 3 wk of residency at 4300-m altitude to condition, they are difficult to estimate and usually re-
(bottom panel). Each point mean SEM; N 7 each point. [Redrawn
from Brooks, G. A., E. E. Wolfel, B. M. Groves, P. R. Bender, G. E.
quire separate experiments. Therefore, a factor to correct
Butterfield, A. Cymerman, R. S. Mazzeo, J. R. Sutton, R. R. Wolfe, and
J. T. Reeves. Muscle accounts for glucose disposal but not blood lactate
appearance during exercise after acclimatization to 4,300 m. J. Appl.
Physiol. 72:24352445, 1992.]

be ascribed to release from working skeletal muscle (Fig. 3).

In fact, because we had measurements of [arterial-venous]
concentration differences for lactate and tracer lactate, we
knew that working muscle readily took up and oxidized
lactate in a concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 5). Thus,
working human limb muscles behaved like dog muscles
contracting in situ (45,46). Moreover, the tracer lactate
extracted by working muscle was quantitatively excreted as
CO2, which was measured in the femoral venous blood
and expired air (16). What remains unclear at present is the
identity of the tissue, or tissues, responsible for the contin-
uous lactate production and blood lactate appearance ob-
served. Alpha-adrenergic stimulation of glycolysis in adi-
pose tissue (34) and skin (61) has been observed, and it has
been suggested that these tissues are possible sites of lactate Figure 4 Mean steady-state arterial [lactate] ( SEM) as a function
of mean lactate rate of appearance (Ra) during exercise in 7 men
production during exercise (20,21). In running dogs, the studied at sea level (SL), upon acute exposure to 4300 m and after 3 wk
liver is a source of net lactate release during exercise (101), acclimatization to 4300-m altitude. [Drawn with permission from data
but in humans (54,95,99) and rats (17,30,31,97,98) the liver in Brooks, G. A., G. E. Butterfield, R. R. Wolfe, B. M. Groves, R. S.
Mazzeo, J. R. Sutton, E. E. Wolfel, and J. T. Reeves. Decreased
appears to participate in lactate clearance by accomplishing reliance on lactate during exercise after acclimatization to 4,300 m.
gluconeogenesis from lactate. J. Appl. Physiol. 71:333341, 1991.]

SHUTTLES WITHIN SHUTTLES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 793
Sarcolemmal Monocarboxylate
(Lactate) Transporters
Implicit in the lactate shuttle hypothesis of 1984 (Fig. 1)
is facilitated exchange of lactate between lactate producing
and consuming cells and tissues. The idea that lactate would
exchange between red and white muscle fibers through the
interstitium and vasculature was prompted by observations,
such as those of Baldwin et al. (4), who observed that lactate
content in red regions of rat muscle was lower than in
adjacent white regions of the same muscle, or even arterial
blood. The idea of facilitated lactate exchange along con-
centration gradients in human skeletal muscle was sup-
ported by observations of Jorfeldt (62), and subsequently
Stanley et al. (94), that muscle lactate uptake displayed
Figure 5Leg blood lactate extraction as a function of arterial con- saturation. At that time, there existed no definitive data on
centration during rest (closed symbols) and leg cycling exercise (open
symbols) at sea level (squares), upon acute exposure to 4300-m altitude carrier-mediated sarcolemmal lactate exchange, but the lit-
(circles), and after 3-wk acclimatization (triangles). Each point N erature contained significant data that indicated presence of
6 7, mean SEM. Lactate extraction is highly correlated with arterial carrier-mediated monocarboxylate exchange in erythro-
concentration. [Redrawn with permission from Brooks, G. A., E. E.
Wolfel, B. M. Groves, P. R. Bender, G. E. Butterfield, A. Cymerman, cytes. Results of two groups, Halestrap and Denton (49) and
R. S. Mazzeo, J. R. Sutton, R. R. Wolfe, and J. T. Reeves. Muscle Deuticke and associates (29) were prominent in those dis-
accounts for glucose disposal but not blood lactate appearance during coveries. Moreover, lactate uptake by liver (75,84) and heart
exercise after acclimatization to 4,300 m. J. Appl. Physiol. 72:2435
2445, 1992.] (96) preparations was noted. In addition to other characteristics
of carrier-mediated transport, inhibition by -cyano-4-hy-
droxycinnamate (CIN) was prominent. As well, Halestrap and
for isotopic dilution due to carbon crossover during glu- Denton (48,49) and Paradies and Papa (77) showed that mito-
coneogenesis is generally assumed, rather than empirically chondrial pyruvate uptake was sensitive to CIN.
determined. The data in Table 1A assume H 1.0, which With regard to lactate exchange in skeletal muscle, in
means no correction for isotopic dilution. Therefore, the 1975 Mainwood and Worsley-Brown (71) showed that pH
listed values possibly represent underestimations of glu- could influence lactate release from frog muscle. Subse-
coneogenesis from lactate. The values are relevant, how- quently, in 1988, independently Juel (63) and Watt et al.
ever, as they provide an appreciation of the major role of (102) working with mouse and rat muscle preparations,
lactate as a gluconeogenic precursor. respectively, provided convincing evidence of facilitated
Another approach to estimating gluconeogenesis is to and proton-linked lactate transport into muscle tissue. Those
employ a dual tracer technique. This technique involves observations were followed by the work of Roth and Brooks
infusion of hydrogen-tracer glucose (e.g., [6,6-2H]glucose, (86,87) on isolated sarcolemmal vesicles.
an irreversible tracer in which the labeled atoms are lost Understanding tissue metabolite exchange is difficult be-
to body water during gluconeogenesis), and carbon-tracer cause the factors determining metabolite uptake and release
glucose (e.g., [1-13C]glucose, a reversible tracer as the are arranged in series and parallel. Difficulties in under-
resulting carbon-labeled lactate, pyruvate, and alanine will standing metabolite exchange by cells and tissues has re-
recycle to glucose as the result of the Cori cycle) (26). Of the sulted in reductionist approaches including the isolation of
3-C precursors, lactate is by far the most abundant and cell membranes and their reconstitution as vesicles. Thus,
quantitatively important. The data presented are from the preparation of sarcolemmal vesicles has become a standard
recent report of Friedlander et al. (36). In men, recycling means to study the ability of metabolites to enter and leave
accounted for 17% of glucose Ra at rest and 24% during muscle cells, with investigators in the field of glucose trans-
port leading the way (47).
exercise at 65% VO2max. Because the glucose flux doubled
in the transition from rest to exercise, the actual recycling
rate tripled. TABLE 1. Gluconeogenesis as a percentage of hepatic glucose production in men
during rest and exercise as estimated from: (A) secondary labeling of glucose from
With regard to estimating gluconeogenesis during exer- infused carbon-tracer [13C]- or [14C]-lactate, and (B) dual tracer (e.g., [6,6-2H]- and
cise, a new approach of Hellerstein and Neese and associ- [1-13C]glucose) techniques. In (A), data are uncorrected for carbon-crossover in
ates termed mass isotopomer discrimination analysis gluconeogenesis (i.e., H 1.0 is assumed).

(MIDA) (50,76) is emerging. This approach involves infu- Exercise Exercise

Rest (%) (%) Intensity Reference
sion of 13C-labeled 3-carbon gluconeogenic precursors (e.g.,
13 A. Secondary labeling approach
C-lactate or -glycerol) and observing the frequency of 24 23 43% VO2max (95)
label incorporation into glucose. MIDA will yield less am- 26 24 50% VO2max (54)
H 1.0 H 1.0
biguous results than secondary labeling or dual tracer ap- B. Dual-tracer approach
proaches, and preliminary data (Trimmer et al., unpublished 17 17 45% VO2max (36)
data) are consistent with the data in Table 1. 24 65% VO2max (36)

794 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine

carboxylates (including lactate), and sensitivity to CIN. With
an interest to describe a role for MCT isoforms in the Cori
cycle, Garcia et al. (38,40) subsequently described isolation of
a second isoform (MCT2) by screening of a Syrian hamster
liver library; MCT2 was found in liver and testes.
Independent of Garcia et al., Poole and Halestrap (79) and
Jackson et al. (57,58) cloned and sequenced MCT1 and
MCT2 isoforms from rabbit and rat tissues, respectively.
Subsequently, the same group succeeded in identifying
RNAs encoding for four more putative MCTs found in
diverse mammalian tissues. Those results are summarized in
the accompanying paper by Bonen, who presents a detailed
discussion of MCT isoforms.
Notwithstanding that little is published on regulation of
MCT expression in diverse tissues, it is probable that ex-
pression can be affected by chronic activity level. For ex-
Figure 6 L() and D() lactate transport kinetics in rat sarcolemmal
vesicles at various concentrations of isomers. Data are mean SEM. Inset
ample, with studies on sarcolemmal vesicles isolated from
is a Lineweaver-Burk plot of the L() lactate data. [Redrawn with per- rat hind limb skeletal muscles of tail-suspended and control
mission from Roth, D. A. and G. A. Brooks. Lactate transport is mediated rats, Dubouchaud et al. (32) observed inactivity to decrease
by a membrane-borne carrier in rat skeletal muscle sarcolemmal vesicles.
Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 279:377385, 1990.]
lactate transport activity. Conversely, working with an an-
tibody to MCT1, McCullagh et al. (72) observed that
chronic electrical stimulation increased MCT1 content in
Utilizing the procedures of Grimditch et al. (47), Roth and red and white rat skeletal muscles.
Brooks (86,87) were the first to utilize sarcolemmal vesicles Although the level of physical activity can affect long-term
to characterize membrane-mediated lactate transport. Roth expression of sarcolemmal lactate transporters (32,72), they are
and Brooks (86,87) found sarcolemmal lactate transport to apparently not translocated as the result of acute bouts of
display characteristics of: concentration dependence, satu- muscle contraction (31a). Further, there are no known phos-
ration and stereospecificity (Fig. 6), partial inhibition by phorylation sites on MCT isoforms, and, other than H, there
other monocarboxylates, blockade by known inhibitors of are no known allosteric binding agents to MCT isoforms. Thus,
monocarboxylate transport (Fig. 7), temperature sensitivity, rates of lactate flux, which can change 100-fold in working
and stimulation by hydrogen ion gradients. Important for mammalian muscle, are not likely to be regulated over the short
understanding the physiology of tissue lactate exchange in term by translocation or synthesis of cell membrane MCT
vivo was the demonstration of high Vmax and Km values for proteins. Consistent with predictions of the classic cell-cell
sarcolemmal lactate transport. Those results mean that cell lactate shuttle (Fig. 1), tracer studies of glucose (36) and lactate
lactate uptake and release are responsive to gradients in (16) fluxes in resting and exercising humans show that the
lactate concentration and hydrogen ion concentration
through the physiological range.
Subsequently, trans-stimulation (-acceleration) of lactate
transport by sarcolemmal vesicles was demonstrated by
Brown and Brooks (22). The latter result is significant as it
indicates that the transporter is bi-directional, that is, trans-
porters can facilitate lactate flux along concentration and
proton gradients, either into or out of muscle cells. Impor-
tantly, results of Brooks and associates were soon replicated
by others on rodent (73) and human tissue preparations (64).
The field of study of cell membrane lactate transport pro-
teins received a tremendous boost when, in extending their
earlier work on the mevalonate (Mev) transporter (66) with
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, Garcia et al. (39) cloned
and sequenced a monocarboxylate transporter, which they
termed MCT1. MCT1 differed from Mev by only one amino
acid substitution (Cys for Phe), and the amino acid structures of
MCT1 and MEV predicted a membrane-bound protein with 12
membrane-spanning regions. Transfection of a breast cancer
cell line lacking MCT1 with a plasmid containing cDNA Figure 7Inhibition of 1 mM L() lactate uptake into rat sarcolem-
encoding for MCT1 conferred properties reported for the eryth- mal vesicles by a variety of known inhibitors. [Redrawn with permis-
sion from Roth, D. A. and G. A. Brooks. Lactate transport is mediated
rocyte transporter including increased pyruvate uptake, proton by a membrane-borne carrier in rat skeletal muscle sarcolemmal
symport, trans-stimulation, partial inhibition by other mono- vesicles. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 279:377385, 1990.]

SHUTTLES WITHIN SHUTTLES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 795
mitochondrial lactate (monocarboxylate) transporters, the
current literature contains the following bits of evidence.
Heart and skeletal muscle homogenates (74) and isolated
heart mitochondria take up and oxidize both pyruvate and
lactate (8,13,13a,67). Pyruvate uptake and oxidation by mi-
tochondria and isolated heart preparations are sensitive to
inhibition by known MCT inhibitors, such as -cyano-4-
hydroxycinnamate (CIN) (7,23,45). As well, we have found
that lactate uptake and oxidation by isolated mitochondria is
CIN-sensitive (13a). Moreover, isolation and partial purifi-
cation of a mitochondrial MCT (mMCT) has been reported
for bovine heart (7). Using similar methodology, we (2)
have used hydroxylapatite column chromatography to iso-
late and partially purify sarcolemmal lactate transport pro-
teins. As with sarcolemmal MCT isoforms, it is unlikely that
the mitochondrial form responds to allosteric activation.
Rather, the mitochondrial MCT isoform likely responds to
changes in substrate concentration dependent on lactate and
Figure 8 Schematic of a proposed intra-myocyte lactate shuttle. In
pyruvate gradients established as the result of glycolytic
this model, the pyruvate 7 lactate interaction is fundamentally dif- production and mitochondrial consumption rates.
ferent from that previously proposed in that lactate, not pyruvate is the In addition to current evidence supporting presence of
key metabolite in determining oxidation of glycolytic carbon or net
release as lactate. This model explains numerous phenomena incon-
mitochondrial MCT isoforms, there exists solid evidence for
sistent with traditional views of the integration and regulation of an intra-mitochondrial pool of lactic dehydrogenase
glycolytic and oxidative pathways in muscle and other tissues. Com- (mLDH). This mLDH pool, rather than cytosolic LDH, is
ponents of the model are: isoforms of glucose (GTi) and lactate (LTi)
transporter proteins, isoforms of lactate dehydrogenase (LDHi) lo-
essential in mitochondrial lactate uptake and oxidation. De-
cated in the cytosol and mitochondrial periplasmic space, and glyco- pending on the tissue, this mitochondrial mLDH pool is
lytic and oxidative pathways organized in the cytosol and mitochon- distinct in isoenzyme pattern from that in the cytosol, and
dria, respectively. See text for details. [Redrawn with permission from
Brooks, G. A. Mammalian fuel utilization during sustained exercise.
mLDH appears to consist mainly of the heart (H4, LDH-1)
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 120:89 107, 1998.] isoform (3,8,13,14). Location of mLDH may include the
periplasmic space (8,13), or the matrix as well (3,14). More-
over, the oxidation of lactate by isolated rat heart, liver, or
most lactate is removed through oxidation in skeletal and
skeletal muscle mitochondria is oxamate sensitive, oxamate
cardiac muscle cells with high mitochondrial densities. Further,
being a known inhibitor of LDH (14).
much of the remainder is removed through gluconeogenesis, a
Given the presence of mMCT and mLDH, it is not sur-
process requiring mitochondrial function in the liver and kid-
prising that isolated mitochondria consume and oxidize lac-
neys. Thus, rather than by recruitment or activation of sar-
tate at a rate equal to or greater than that of pyruvate
colemmal lactate transport proteins (i.e., MCTs), lactate clear-
(8,13a,14). Similarly, it is not surprising that data obtained
ance is most likely controlled by mitochondrial uptake and
with 13C-NMR spectroscopy and injection of 13C-lactate
oxidation in vivo.
into working dog coronary circulation indicate uptake and
oxidation of the tracer without labeling of the cytosolic
Proposal for an Intracellular Lactate Shuttle
pyruvate pool (68).
The findings that working cardiac (41,42) and highly At the tissue and organism levels, the model of an intra-
oxidative mammalian (e.g., canine, 106) skeletal muscles cellular lactate shuttle (Fig. 8) (13) makes seemingly diver-
simultaneously consume lactate on a net basis and convert gent observations consistent. For instance, the model takes
glucose to lactate, along with numerous other observations advantage of the finding (Fig. 6) that the Vmax and Km of
on men and laboratory animals during steady rate exercise, sarcolemmal lactate transport are very high (86) and that trans-
are interpreted to mean that most glycolytic flux is con- stimulation is a characteristic of sarcolemmal lactate transport
verted to lactate and disposed of as lactate within a muscle (22). Thus, the sarcolemmal MCT population can hardly be
fiber. Thus, the lactate shuttle hypothesis has been mod- predicted to limit or control lactate release, uptake, or oxidation
ified to include an intra- as well as extra-cellular component under most conditions. Despite current emphasis on discovery
(i.e., an intracardiocyte and myocyte lactate shuttle) (Fig. of sarcolemmal lactate transport (MCT) isoforms (60), it needs
8) (13). If true, the hypothesis requires a reevaluation of the to be remembered that lactate removal is accomplished mainly
traditional way in which intracellular pyruvate 7 lactate through oxidation within mitochondria of active, well-oxygen-
interactions are conceived to operate in vivo. ated red muscle and heart. Thus, mitochondrial respiration, not
Current evidence can be interpreted to imply that in cell membrane lactate transport, reemerges as the key step in
muscle both sarcolemmal (13,39,78,86) and mitochondrial control of lactate homeostasis.
membranes (13,48,77) contain monocarboxylate (lactate) The model of an intracellular component of the lactate
transporters. With regard to the possibility of one or several shuttle (Fig. 8) also predicts several other observations.
796 Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine
Among these are that glycolysis inevitably results in lactate (in and out facing) to facilitate transport more effectively in
production because the Vmax of cytosolic LDH is the great- vivo is another possibility that must be resolved.
est of any enzyme in the glycolytic pathway and the Keq is
far in the direction of product. Also, the model predicts that Summary
in a respiratory steady-state, elevation of arterial lactate
concentration results in a switch from muscle lactate net At present, the progress in elaborating and understanding
release to uptake as well as suppression of glucose uptake the various facets of the lactate shuttle hypothesis (Fig. 1)
(41,81). Similarly, the model allows that epinephrine stim- is so rapid that new results are appearing before previous
ulation of muscle glycogenolysis results in lactate release results are widely appreciated. With current data, it is clear
during constant oxygen consumption (90,91), whereas -ad- that lactate plays a key role in the distribution of carbohy-
renergic blockade lowers, but does not eliminate the surge in drate potential energy between muscle and other cells. The
muscle lactate release at exercise onset (20). High capacities role of lactate in serving as a gluconeogenic precursor dates
for lactate clearance in trained men (95) and animals (30,31) to work of Cori (26). More recent interest has been on the
result in lower muscle and blood lactate accumulations role of lactate as a precursor in the synthesis of liver gly-
despite high production rates during exercise. Thus, the cogen (35) and a fuel for muscle contraction (11,12). In
hallmark of low circulating lactate levels after endurance general, cell-cell lactate flux appears to occur by means of
training is a characteristic attributable to high mitochondrial facilitated exchange along pH and concentration gradients
densities and lactate clearance in skeletal muscle (11,12). involving a family of lactate transport proteins (78,86,87),
Therefore, increasing muscle mitochondrial density by in- now called MCTs (38,39,105). Current emphasis is on cell
creasing mitochondrial lactate and pyruvate transport and membrane monocarboxylate transporters, but mitochondrial
oxidase capacities facilitates function of the intracellular forms likely exist as well. For this reason, the lactate
(intra-cardio/myocyte) lactate shuttle. shuttle hypothesis has been modified to include a new,
In the model proposed (Fig. 8), the sarcolemmal lactate intracellular component involving mitochondrial lactate
transporter is shown as facilitated lactate exchange along transporters and dehydrogenases (13) (Fig. 8). Indeed, if
concentration and pH gradients. At the level of the whole borne out by results of studies now in progress, the hypoth-
tissue, this arrangement is supported by observations that esis of an intracellular lactate shuttle may likely lead to new
muscle can switch from net release to consumption (Figs. 3 understanding of the interrelationships among glycolytic
and 5). As well, trans-stimulation of lactate transport into and oxidative metabolism.
and out of sarcolemmal vesicles (22) and erythrocyte ghosts
(78) supports the conclusion that sarcolemmal lactate trans- This work was supported by NIH grants DK19577 and AR42906.
Address for correspondence: Professor George A. Brooks, Ph.D.,
porters are bi-directional in their function. That the various Department of Integrative Biology, 5101 VLSB, University of California,
MCT isoforms are specifically oriented trans and cis trans Berkeley, CA 94720-3140; E-mail: GBrooks@Socrates.Berkeley.Edu.

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