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DATE: May 1, 2017

TO: Disciplinary Review Board
FROM: R. Stanke, Principal
RE: Disciplinary Review Board Meeting, Tuesday, May 2, 2017, 3:00 p.m. Mtg./Religion Rm.

Thank you for agreeing to serve on the Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) concerning Owen Nichols, Tuesday,
May 2, 2017. The DRB will meet in advance at 2:45 p.m. in the Religion/Meeting Room for a brief overview.

Attached please find a copy of the following:

2016-17 Parent/Student Handbook pages 1, 2, 10, and 17;

Red Slip/Teacher Discipline Record Owen Nichols (2016-17);
Email correspondence concerning incidents/reports involving Owen April 24-28.

Please review and also keep these materials secure and confidential. They are for DRB eyes and use only.

As you can see from the email correspondence, there were six incidents or reports concerning Owen last week
(April 25-28). As a result Owen was suspended Friday afternoon, April 28th. Mrs. Rochel and I met with both
parents and Owen before school Monday morning, May 1. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Owens
status regarding continuance/re-admittance to our school.

Given Owens behavior this year, and recent and multiple incidents/reports of habitual disrespect, harassment,
and assault, Owen was suspended for two days (Monday, May 1 and Tuesday, May 2, 2017), and a DRB
meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, May 2nd at 3:00 p.m. Owen is to report to the DRB meeting in school
uniform with his parents.

At the DRB meeting Owen and his parents will have the opportunity to present reasons as to why Owen should
be allowed to continue at St. Anne Catholic School. The purpose of the meeting is not to address or argue about
particular incidents or reported misconduct. I will conduct the meeting and attempt to keep it on task. You are
not required or expected to be involved in the discussion, but you may ask questions of Owen or his parents as
the opportunity is presented and as time and the situation allows. If you choose to be involved in the meeting
with a question, please make such a request when I extend the offer to do so during the meeting.

When Owen and his parents have had their opportunity to address the Board, they will be excused and are to
leave campus. The DRB will then meet privately to discuss and make a recommendation. I will then
communicate the outcome to the parents. The meeting should last 30-45 minutes.

Again, this process and the outcome is to remain private and confidential. Thank you.

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