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My Favorite Things

Project Description and Rubric

Name of Student _______________________________ Class______
Student_____________________________________ Class____________

DATE ASSIGNED:__10/25___ B-day 10/26__ DATE DUE: _A-day 11/8__B-day 11/9___

****You will be creating a PRESENTATION in which you will sign about your favorite thing/s.****

Write or type 1 paragraph (7 sentences) in English explaining your favorite activities/ sports.
This needs to be done on a separate sheet of paper. Then, underneath your paragraph you will
re-write your paragraph in gloss.
On the back of this rubric you will GLOSS you presentation and hand this rubric to me before
you present.
Here are some things you can include:
Why its your favorite sport/ activity, when did you join the sport or when did you take-up the
activity (elementary school, middle school, high school), who taught you, or did you teach
yourself, how many years have you done this activity/sport? If you enjoy doing it during a
specific season then you can specify what that is. Do you participate in the activity with people,
family members, or alone?
Practice signing your paragraph in ASL you do not need to memorize it, however you should
not be relying on your paper during your entire presentation. EXTRA CREDIT- if it is

You may use- Activities/ Sports Vocabulary from ASL 1, 2 or Both

ASL STANDARDS Unsatisfactory In Progress Satisfactory Excellent

Sign Formation 4 6 8 10
Parameters: Frequently incorrect/unclear Some errors/ somewhat clear Self corrects - Few mistakes Consistently correct/precise
Handshape -Movement -PO -Location Difficult to comprehend Fairly comprehensible Easily understood Clear easily understood

Non-Manual Signals 4 6 8 10
Y- N- RHQ Lacks NMS Inconsistent NMS NMS usually implemented Consistent NMS
Appropriate emotion/behaviors Lacks intensity Limited suitable intensity Inconsistent intensity Intensifiers match situation

Fluency 4 6 8 10
Smoothness and flow of sign Jerky/ choppy Hesitant but self corrects Smooth flow Communicates fluently
Moments of confidence Demonstrates confidence

Content 4 6 8 10
Task completion Task incomplete Task somewhat complete Task complete Task complete & enhanced
Conceptual accuracy ( CA ) CA inaccurate CA is sometimes accurate CA is usually accurate CA is accurate & consistent

Prepared to present- 1050

Total= _____/50___
















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