Instructional Plan - Word Processing

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Instructional Plan

Word Processing


Students will be able to create a document demonstrating the word processing skills necessary to

succeed on the technology skills test required for graduation.

Computers with internet access

1) Engagement

Think/Pair/Share: Students individually read the Basics of Word Processing document

highlighting the assignment noting the use of various word processing skills within the

document. Students then pair off to discuss the word processing skills they noticed, such

as bulleted lists, font type, font color, etc. Groups then share their observations.

2) Explanation

Students view videos on YouTube covering how to perform the word processing skills

required for the technology skills test. The links to these videos are included in the Word

Processing Activity Instructions document.

3) Exploration

Students create their own document, applying the word processing skills demonstrated in

the videos. These skills include changing font type, size, and color, creating a bulleted or

numbered list, modifying the documents margins, adding a header and footer, inserting a

picture, and making text double-spaced.

4) Evaluation

Upon completion, students pair off again to review each others work and to offer

feedback. After editing their work based on peer feedback, students email their finalized

documents to the instructor for evaluation. The instructor reviews the submissions,

giving feedback on the completion of the assignments goals. Missing or incorrectly

implemented word processing skills are noted, and students are given opportunities to

revise their documents until the required skills are adequately demonstrated.

5) Extension

Students use computers to research and share additional ways to modify word processing

Reasoning for this Method
This method of delivering instruction relates to behaviorism, a learning theory promoting

changes in behavior dictated by interacting with the learning environment. Students are given

multiple opportunities to demonstrate the desired behavior, in this case the demonstrations of

word processing skills. Utilizing this approach to learning is useful since the technology skills

test assesses the abilities of students to perform specific word processing tasks.

How this Method Meets the Needs of the Audience

This method of instruction meets the needs of the audience by allowing the students to

progress at their own pace. Some students may already possess and be able to demonstrate some

of the required word processing skills of the assignment. In this case, these students with

significant prior knowledge are able to complete those skills without reviewing the content of the

videos. For word processing skills individual students need further instruction, the videos offer

instructions as well as visual and audial representations of how to implement the skills properly.

Students are able to pause the video and repeat any parts as needed. Upon submission of the

assignment, if the instructor identifies skills not successfully implemented, the student can

review the video or videos concerning those specific skills and revise their assignments.

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