Wet Dye - Dawn & Dusk (Version 5)

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Dawn & Dusk

Part 1

New Moon

Choice 1: The Dance
Scene 1: Dressing Up

December 22th, 2034.

A night with the air cold enough to chew through the surface of the skin. Even more so
when the wind packed the extra punch. A night like this is a perfect excuse to stay home,
wrap up under the covers for warmth and comfort. But Light knew tonight was more than
just an ordinary night in Ohio. Today, he will return to his high school winter dance as a 15
year old sophomore. Just the thought of it turned him away from going. He would also be
going without a date, or any friends hes close with. However, it wasnt his choice. He knew
he couldnt let Lilly go by herself.

Light remembered what his first dance was like. Under his dress clothes, he felt like a
different person. He was worried how the others would judge him based on his appearance.
It was a very nerve wracking moment. Being a freshman in the new school, he thought
everyone would pay attention to him like in all of the movies. Then tease him once he
screwed up. Sitting in his room now is bringing back those memories all over again.

But here he was, putting on clothes he would never wear outside. Because god forbid
anyone saw him looking like a kid from nice home.

His long orange sleeve shirt went well with his hair. The shirt was more pumpkin colored
while his hair was a little more amber. with a black vest over it and jeans to match. His
golden colored hair was cut a tad short the week before. He never wanted to say goodbye
to his long hair, but Lauren wouldnt let him look like a loser. In his room, he looked at
himself in the mirror. He only saw himself. No matter how many times he says he looks
dumb, in the back of his head, he knew he looked good. He smiled at his reflection. Then
he stopped because it looked creepy. Suddenly, he realized how quiet it was in the room
and that he would be leaving soon to be in a room full of people. He started getting nervous
and worried for whatever reason. He couldnt understand what made him so nervous
because he knew everyone thats going there. Maybe it was the fear of sticking out too
much? Whatever the reason, time wasnt going any faster. There was nothing to do but
wait. All Light wanted to do was to get a move on. He felt uncomfortable wearing his fancy
getup. They were tightening his body making it slightly hard to move. But it wasnt his
decision. If he could, he would definitely go in his pajamas. Knowing that he had to wait
for the other ladies to be ready, he would be waiting for centuries. He sighed deeply to
himself to try to relieve all the stress. He wondered what the others was doing, and made
his way to his door to take a peek. He could hear his mother and his Aunt talking in the
living room which made him hesitate to move any further. As soon as he stepped out the
door, he was going to get a compliment of some sort. They ALWAYS do it and he cant
avoid it. As much as he didnt want to hear it from them, he knew he had to go through
Woooow! Serine said as she put one of her hands at her side. She leaned back
and got a full view of his attire from the bottom up. Look at you! Mr. suave!

Cut it out Aunt Seri! It sounds weird coming from you. Lights embarrassment
showed when he turned his head away from her. He HATED when he got compliments like
these from his family.

Aw, look Lauren. Doesnt he look adorable? She made it sound like she was
talking down to him like he was a baby or a child.

He does doesnt he? Girls are really going to be all over him. Lauren said.

I told you, Im not adorable! Im almost a man! Just give me a little bit to grow
some hair on my face first.

Thats not the only place you need to grow hair! Serine snickered and began
busting out laughing. Lights face grew bright red with embarrassment. It was typical of
Serine to say daring things such as this.

Serine. Lauren said sternly.

His chest! I was talking about his chest sis! He cant be a man without hair on his
chest! Serine kept laughing her head off. Lauren knew that wasnt what she meant, and
quite frankly, didnt feel like lecturing her. She took a deep breath. Inhaled and exhaled.
And just like that, she let it go. She looked at her son and saw a younger version of herself.

You look just like your father. Lauren got lost in her old memories of being with
her significant other. Remembering a great time, she couldnt help but smile.

Do I? Heh, I wish he was here right now. I want to be strong, just like him.

Serine got herself together and caught a glimpse of Light in his classy outfit. She reminded
herself why she came to the house in the first place.

I NEED to take a picture of you Light!

No you dont! You take pictures of me all the time!

Aw dont be such a brat. Cmon! Just stand still for just a little bit!

Alright maybe just this once.

Light did what he was asked. He looked directly at Serine and tried to look happy for her.

You arent even smiling!

I am smiling! What are you talking about?

Where are your teeth?

Are you serious?

Come on! Do show me those pearly whites!

Light showed her teeth alright. He grinned so much that his whole face was nothing but his
teeth. Serine put her camera down. Light was wondering what was taking so long to get
the picture, then he saw her disappointment. She raised one eyebrow at him.

Okay okay! Ill get serious this time!

You know I have just as much authority over you as your mum. She may not have
a problem hitting you, but I dont!

Okay okay!

Serine took the snapshot. She looked at the picture and giggled to herself like a child.

How does it look?

Marvelous! Would you like a copy sis?

I sure would.

Oh, but I have to get one of Lilly first. Where is she? Is she upstairs?

Grayle is helping her with her dress. I really want to know what it looks like.

You didnt pick it out?

No she insisted on buying one for her. She told me that shell surprise me when
Lilly wears it.

Gray really loves spending money to make you guys happy. What if Lilly doesnt
like the dress?

Lilly knows what it looks like. She told me she wanted it, and I said sure.

And youre sure that the dress is appropriate for her to wear for school?

Lilly knows better. I trust her more than her idiot brother.

Whats that supposed to mean?

YOU always get wound up in something and cause trouble. Just for once, give
Lilly the day that she deserves okay?

Its always about Lilly isnt it?

Dont start this with me. You need to stop being so sensitive.

Hey sis, do you want me to drive?

Sure go ahead, but Ill drive on the way back.

Okie Dokie!

I wonder whats taking so long.

Light, did you see the dress?


Are you still upset? Is it what I said?

Can we stop talking about it? Its fine.

No its not fine! Youre about to go to your sisters first dance and youre in this
depressed mood! Now I dont know why youre acting this way, but if it doesnt change,
youre staying home. Is that clear?

Yes mom.

You three ready?

Yes Grayle. Lets see this dress.

Okay! Lilly?

Lilly walks out of her room marking her presence with her heels. She came down wearing a
sparkling green dress.


Wow its gorgeous how much did this cost?!


You spent THAT much on this dress? Grayle, you really didnt have to

Its no big deal. You know I can afford it.

But 400 dollars for a dress Ive never seen anything like this.

Lilly! Let me get your picture!

Sure Aunt Seri.

At least you know how to smile!

Serine took the picture.

Now I want both of you to take one together.


Light and Lilly stood side by side. Both of them looked directly at the camera. Before Serine
took the shot, Lilly took Lights right hand and placed her fingers in between his. He took it
by surprise and looked at her with a smile. She returned the same look and before they
knew it, the picture was taken.

You two look so cute together oh my god. Are you sure youre related?

Hes my big brother Aunt Seri. And he knows I love him very much.

I love you too Lil.

All of the women go aww.

Lilly, youre really lucky. None of my stupid brothers are as good as Light is.

Light took a moment to realize how pretty Lilly looked.

Lil, youre really

Hmm? Really what? Youre not gonna tell me you like me or anything are you?

What?! No! Where did that come from?

I dont know. You looked like you were eye raping me.


Staring at me.

Well, none of the guys are gonna leave you alone now

Stop it! Im nervous as it is. I cant handle a bunch of guys trying to dance with
me. What do I do?

Just dance with a guy that you like. Do you know if Hatchets

Hes not going.

Right. Look, I didnt mean to bring him up but

Can you tell me why guys dont like to dance? Whats so wrong about that?

I like to dance what are you talking about?

Youre only going because Im going.

That doesnt mean I cant have my own fun.

Lets get in the car. We can talk more on the way there.

Thank you Big Brother.

You havent called me that in a while.

Do you want me to call you Big Brother? I thought it would make you feel like
you were a kid.

I actually feel the exact opposite.

Me too.

Scene 2: Driving with butterflies

It was rides like these that made Light want to think about the things he has done with his
past. So much of his time was spent working and being productive. Never has it been quiet
enough for him to get the isolation and peace that he desired. Light placed his hand on his
chin and looked out the window. The streets were as packed as they normally would be on
a Saturday night. A lot of cars were on the road at this time. Still, he had quite a drive ahead
of him. It was the perfect chance for him to get lost in thought. Even though he could hear
everything around him, by prioritizing his thoughts, he couldnt completely hear what was
going on. He smiled at the thought of being able to control this ability of his.


Light could hear a voice that sounded like it was trying to say his name, but he didnt feel
like answering to it. But the more he thought about it, the quicker he came back into the
real world.

Light? I know you can hear me!

Huh? What?

Once we get there, I want us to be as far away as possible. I dont want anyone
thinking I came to the dance with you.

Yeah I dont want that either. I thought you knew that.

I just wanted to make sure.

Still, its hard to believe youre old enough to go with me...

Are you even listening to me?! Do you promise me that you wont get involved
no matter what happens?

You know I cant do that Lil.

Why not? You keep all of your promises. This one should be no different.

No means no.

Why not?!

If theres trouble, let me handle it. I dont want you causing a scene.

I can take care of myself Light!

Yeah I highly doubt that

Hmph! I hope you get dumped by every girl you ask.

Of course you would want that.

Light and Lilly step out of the car after it pulls to a stop. Their bodies feel the cold air touch
the surface of their skin. They both looked at their school trying to figure out what song
was playing inside of their gymnasium. It was so faint, they could only hear the bass. Then
the wind chill came in and reminded them that they needed to go. Both of them didnt have
many layers on.

Hope you two have fun! Call me when youre ready for a ride okay?

Ok mom.

We will mom thanks for the ride!

Dance your hearts out you guys! Party hard! Yeah!

Scene 3: Party Up

Lilly took the first steps through the door and immediately felt her body warming up again.
Followed by Light who wanted to open the door for her, but Lilly would rather do it herself.

Oh my god I am so nervous.

You think everyones going to shower you with attention as soon as you show

Why do you have to be such a mood killer? Jeez.

All I asked was a question.

It was a very stupid question!

Lil, calm down. Once you see someone you know, youll feel better. This isnt like
a movie you know.

For once, you might actually be right.

Whats that supposed to mean?!

Let me go in first. I dont want people to think I came here with you.

Alright alright.

Whoa, theres so many lights. And are those glow sticks? I need one!

And shes off. Great. Who do I actually know thats here? Most of my friends ditched the
dance because they thought it was stupid. Well jokes on them. Im actually going to have
a good time. Hey theres Jessica.

Hey you look nice.

Youre not too bad yourself.

I thought you didnt like to dance and stuff. Why are you here?

I could be asking you the same thing.

I only came here with Lilly. Im here to watch out for her.

Aw, her big brothers here to protect her.

But since Im here, I might as well have some fun. You wanna dance?

Is that how you ask all girls to dance with you? Youre not even romantic about

That doesnt sound like a no.

Well its not a yes.

Why do you gotta hurt my feelings like that?

Are you sure youre a boy? Why do you have feelings?

Jeez Jess, youre killing me here.

Didnt you come here to dance?

Yeah Im gonna dance eventually.

Why not right now? The floors crowded.

I gotta wait for a good song.

How about you dance to the next song?

Alright fine. It shouldnt be too bad.

An Asian pop song plays. Titled My face is Pret.

Hell no. Im not dancing to this.

You said you would. And you dont break your promises you know.


Light busts a move. And he actually enjoys himself.

Scene 4: Lilly meets Tanner.

Oh Lilly! You made it after all!

Tanner! Its nice to see you.

So umm. Are you free to dance?


Who told your lame ass to come to this dance?

Leave me alone Reggie. I came here to dance with Lilly.

Oh yeah? Who said you could do that?

I did!

Reggie, stop it. Leave him alone.

Lilly, how could you be with a loser like this guy? You deserve much better.

Youre not the one to decide that.

Lilly grabs Reggie by the arm and throws his weight on the ground making him land on his
back. Lilly gets her dress torn and juice gets spilled on it. She proceeds to cry and runs into
the bathroom. In that corner of the room, it got really quiet and some teachers decided to
walk over and find out what happened.

Scene 5: Something amiss

Light realizes something happened with Tanner and he doesnt see Lilly. He walks over to
a group of Lillys friends.

Hey, Naomi, what happened?

Lilly just got into a fight with Reggie. She flipped him and everything!

Why didnt Lilly just grab me earlier?

You seemed to be enjoying yourself dancing to MFIP.

For your information, it was fun. Im not afraid to say that.

For just a brief period of time, Light closed his eyes and felt the world around him under his
control. His next move would determine the fate of the future. He stood outside of the
bathroom thinking about all of the possible choices in his head. He could either:

a) Go find Reggie and kick his ass

b) Be Lillys replacement partner for the dance
c) Leave her be and wait for their ride home
d) Get Tanner and Lilly to dance together

When Light made the choice he wanted, he opened his eyes and put himself back into

Scene 6: Night in Ruin

Light whispered to Naomi quietly with his hand to her ear. With all of the loud music playing,
she didnt understand what he said the first time, but heard it the second time. She
understood why it had to be kept a secret and nodded. Naomi called Amy and Maggie

telling them what Light told her. They left the hall and went back into the party. Lights
nerves were starting to pile up. He took a deep breath and prayed that no one was in the
girls bathroom. He tried to open it quietly, but the old hinges made the door creak loudly.
He walked inside, shocked by the quality of the room. It looked way bigger than any guys
bathroom he had ever seen. He knew better to not expect urinals, but he saw a red cushion
and a lot of writing on the mirror. It looked more like a lounge than a bathroom. As the
room took him by surprise, he heard a girl sniffling in one of the stalls.

Hey Lil, its me.

Light?! What are you doing here?! She spoke through the stall.

I heard about what happened. I came here to get you.

Look Im fine. I called mom for a ride. She said that Ms. Flowers will come and
get me.

Can you come out of there?

No. Not until she gets here.

Come on Lil. This is your first dance. You cant leave like this.

I cant go outside like this Light! Everyone will laugh at me.

Let me see.

I said no.

Light got on his knees and stuck his head underneath the stall. Lilly began to panic
unexpectedly and let out a short high pitched squeak. She tried to kick Light in the face
telling him not to come any closer, but Light made it in the stall with her. He saw the large
tear on the bottom of the right side of her dress. He saw splotches of juice also scattered
on her shoulders. In all honesty, Lillys dress didnt look as bad as she and her friends made
it out to be.

Great, now youre all dirty too. Why are you trying to embarrass me?

Lil, come on. Pull yourself together.

What do you want me to do?

Youre gonna dance tonight.

Light Im telling you Im hideous!

Its not that bad. Did you look in the mirror?


Why dont you see for yourself?

Lilly stopped putting up a resistance to Light. He led the two of them out of the cramped
stall and brought her to the mirror. She looked at herself and only saw how bad the area
on her shoulder looked. She didnt think it looked okay at all.

Light, I cant go back out there.

If youre not gonna go on your own, then Im gonna have to make you go.

Youre not mom! Let go of me!

Scene 7: The Performance

Light grabbed her arm and forced her to come with him. She started to resist again, and
planted her feet. As theyre struggling, they hear footsteps approaching the bathroom.
Thats when they tried to rush out as soon as possible. Light and Lilly saw another boy and
girl entering as they were leaving. They tried not to keep eye contact and they knew what
they would be up to in there. It would have been best to get out of there as soon as possible.
Once they got out, Naomi was there to tell Light that she took care of what he asked her to
do. Light smiled with a thanks and told her that shes going to need help with Lilly.

Youve never been to a dance. I can see why youre nervous.

Im only nervous because youre the one I have to dance with. Why couldnt you
just find Tanner?

Oh come on. Youve danced with me before. This isnt any different than when
we were at home.

Of course its different! Everyone knows that were brother and sister. If they see
us dancing like this, theyll keep making fun of us.

Youre just gonna have to trust me Lil.

Light continued to move small steps. He created movements for Lilly to follow, but she
continued to stand there as if she were frozen in place. Light could feel the pressure in the
room. He kept his eyes on Lilly hoping shed make a move soon.

Light, thank you.

Scene 8: Hallway Discussion

I cant believe you almost dropped me like that

You know I wouldnt let you fall.

Theres no way you faked that!

But you had fun right?

Yeah I did.

Scene 9: The Ride Home

Candice checked the time in her car and scrolled through some items. As she sits waiting
for the kids to show up, she gets a text from Lauren asking if she made it to the school okay.
Candice replied in the message that she made it and is waiting for them to drop by. Lauren
asks what her sister Carrie is doing for New Years. Candice replied with working and an
emoticon. When Candice looked away from her phone, she looked up and saw two people
walking through the entrance out of the corner of her eye. Getting a better look, she
recognized Lights hair and immediately turned the car on. She waved at them to get their
attention. Light smiled as he and Lilly approached her car.

You know, after that phone call, I was worried you guys werent having fun. What
happened in there?

Its nothing Ms. Candice.

You know thats not gonna fool me. You guys danced right before I got here
didnt you?

Did the sweat give it away?

Did you kiss somebody Light?

Uhh yeeeah. I was with this really beautiful girl. I see her in school all the time
and I asked her to dance with me. and uh, we had a really good time.

Stop it Light! I dont care about you and your date!

Hey! What was that for?

Scene 10: Home at last

Do you guys have your keys?

Yeah. Were prepared for this kinda stuff now. Moms been gone more often now
that were grown up.

Well I dont want to leave you guys here unless you can get inside.


You guys take it easy okay?

We will. Thanks for dropping us off.

No problem!

Ahh finally some peace and quiet.

Lets go to our room so we can get comfortable.

Scene 11: Planning ahead

Hey Lil.


We should get everyone together so we can practice.

Alright. Ill talk to Quill and see what hes doing.

Better get Hatchet too. I got the others.

Okay. Good night.

Good night.

Choice 2: The Trip

Scene 1: Introducing Aaron

Lil, you ready to go? - Light

Yeah. Ive been up for a while. Lilly

Is Aaron up yet?

I dont know. Ill go check.

Hey guys, are you ready? - Aaron

I thought youd be asleep.

How could I sleep? WE got a race to win!

Youre usually not one to be up and ready in the morning. Especially after you
were goofing off all night with my brother.

Heh. What can I say? I was born ready.

No you didnt! Youre not even dressed yet!

Yeeeeeah about that.

What now?

Wheres the food?

I told you wed eat on the way there!

Whaaaat? I thought your mom was making us food.

Just hurry up and get your butt in the shower! Or were gonna be late!

Hey take it easy dude! Well make it!

I swear if Hatchet beats us to the station, Im holding you accountable!

Little Hatcher? Heh I dont think so.

Aaron left the room and hopped in the bathroom. Once he closed the door, Light left out
a huge sigh.

Man he never has a care in the world does he?

But when push comes to shove, he knows how to get serious.

Doesnt it bother you that hes constantly hitting on you?

Hes really sweet Light. I wish you were as sweet as he was.

Hes only saying those things because he wants to get in your pants!

Maybe if a certain someone mistreats me, I might give in.

Lil thats not even funny!

Big Brother, you have to LIGHTen up.

I hate you.

Come on. Lets put our stuff in the car.


Light and Lilly made their way downstairs to see their mother ready to leave at any moment.

Are you guys ready to win?

Of course! Im just worried about getting to the airport on time.

Youll make it. Quill will be there with you too.

Yeah hell take care of everything for us.

You putting everything in the car?

Yeah. We got nothing to do since Aarons goofing off as usual.

You cant be mad at him when youre the team leader you know. Part of your job
is to make sure he gets there on time as well.

I know. I think I should have reminded him that we were eating on the way there.

Hes not even dressed yet.

Well he better hurry up or you guys might not get there on time!

It only takes about 20 minutes to get there right?

Thats only if traffic is good. I dont know what the traffic will be like. We have to
take into account how slow well be moving on the road.

Ill go tell him.

Thanks Lil.

Here let me take your stuff Lilly.

Thanks mom.

Come on Light lets go.


Light and Lauren move all of their stuff into the car. Lilly briefly reminds Aaron that he needs
to hurry. Aaron gets out of the shower and puts clothes on.

Scene 2: Introducing David and Hatchet

Alright you guys good luck!

Thanks mom!

Thanks Ms. Yakamura.

Text me when you get to the airport ok?


Lauren drives off. Light, Lilly, and Aaron head inside.

You guys see them yet?

Hmm Oh there they are.

Hey David! How you been dude?

Im tired bro. I just want to get there already.

Yeah I feel the same way. This guy kept me up all night.

You went to bed when I did! Its not my fault you cant sleep.

You snore like a dying walrus.

What the crap does that sound like?

Thats YOU!

Hey quit it!

Hey Hatchet. How do you feel?


Thats good. I hope my brother and everyone dont bother you.

Hey mom whats up?

Did you find your teammates?

Yeah we found em. Jeez you worry too much.

Im a mother. Its what I do.

Were about to leave soon alright? Ill tell you when we get to the airport.

Okay. I love you son. Tell Lilly the same.

Mom, I dont know.

Whats wrong?

I mean you dont think its insensitive to Hatchet?

Shouldnt you be focusing on the competition? Winnings not going to come easy
you know.

But mom

Do what you feel is the Light thing to do. Thats what you live by isnt it?


I love you son.

I love you too mom.

Light walks over to Lilly and Hatchet.

Hey mom told me to tell you she loves you.

Oh okay!

I dont remember asking for your pity Yakamura.

What are you talking about?

Playing dumb suits you well. Its all you do around here lately.

Why are you always like this? Cant we just be friends?

Im only here to race. Nothing more.


Right. Well, Ill make sure we win this.

Your actions should speak for themselves.

The train sirens went off. Indicating the arrival of the train. Light and his friends get on the
train and split up into two groups. Light sits with Aaron and David, while Lilly sits with

Scene 3: Awkward Couple

Hey, is it okay to leave Hatcher with Lilly?

Lilly can take care of herself. I can promise you that.

What makes you so sure?

Youre just gonna have to trust me.

Okaaay. But if Hatcher lays a finger on her I swear Im gonna

Dont. Just leave them be.

I see some seats up ahead.

Nice find David.

Lilly tried to keep her eye on Hatchet after she managed to get her stuff on the train. She
thought she was going to have to sit somewhere else since he was so far ahead of her, but
she was sure he would save her a seat. She searched the first car for him. Looking around
a bit clueless. She didnt like all of the people who were sitting on the train, but most of
them were too busy talking to others on the train to even notice her. She met the eyes of a
couple boys who were gawking her and she quickly looked away. She didnt see him in the
second car either. She was starting to worry. Was she going to have to sit by herself? Did
Hatchet really desert her? No. She knew he wouldnt do something like that. He was very
important to her and vice versa. There was no way he would leave her alone like that. Lilly
walked into the third car and found his distinct blue hair. She sighed of relief and put her
stuff next to his. When she sat down, she saw him looking out of the window with
headphones in his ears. He turned to look at her and then looked back outside. Lilly was

pretty upset.

Hey, why did you get on this train? We were supposed to ride as a team
remember? Lilly said without hearing a response from Hatchet. She tried to keep her voice
down so the others on the train wouldnt hear them. He remained quiet. I know youre not
exactly a team player, but its also for our safety too. Ushiro?

Lilly started to believe that he couldnt hear her. She leaned in closer to take one of the
earbuds out of his ear, but before she could, he spoke.

Its quiet without them.

Well thats true, but arent you afraid? We might get picked on since were not
with our team.


Okay. Well, if you want anything, Im here okay?


Good. Can you smile for me?

Hatchet smirks.

Hehe. Thank you.

Youre welcome.

Lillys cell phone began to buzz. She reached for it in her pocket and saw that her brother
was calling.

Hey. Whats up?

Hey. Are you guys okay? Anything that I need to know about.

Were fine big brother. There are a couple teams in our car, but were fine. Trust

Hatchets eyebrows began to furrow once he heard she was talking to Light.

Hows Hatchet?

Hes good. Hes listening to music right now.

Thats good.

Did you guys find seats together?

Yeah. David managed to get some for us.

You always can depend on David at times like these.

I know right?

Hey baby! Hatchets not hurting you right?

No Im fine Aaron.

Knock it off dude! Ugh.

Aarons cute.

Please dont encourage him Lil.

Well were fine. Hatchets just clearing his head right now. Hes sorry about what
happened before.

No I should be thanking him. We should be serious right now. Thinking of a way

to win before we talk to Quill. The guys a genius.

Haha youre right. Okay. Ill see you guys in a little bit.

Alright bye.

Dude, why didnt you let me talk to Lil? Shes worried about me!

Will you lay off of my sister? God I know you like her, but stop it.

I cant help it dude. Shes- alright alright! Ill stop.


Scene 4: Introducing Quill

Part 2

Mother Nature

Part 3

Gentlemans Coin

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