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Exercise | coated Cartesian —> cylindrical Oeste ser " 9 (1, 2,1) and : BH ily ty adi i) caviesan > sphovical Pe fees = fon Zz zez a) i) 4 egtmdMcal CAG , 63-42", 1) Wie yindecol CE, 4s* 2) re fPare Sa ® = tant 4 = tan be H v Feast Zea Re Jart yr +27 @ = tant Sa? ty? Zz GB = ton" 9 z 4) to spheneat (ib, 654, 6843") Re daraye2? oJiara? = Je 6 = tut [ease 2 a ori 5 = 65-9" Pe tant y 2 toH 2 2 tan’ > z F = 63.43" Hio sprencal HE 3626, 48%) a: JPaeer ase O = fa". tan7 Lt . > E 35-26" = ant Beto ts He ase Exercise 2 Presid Hoe 3x +2y -47 adexpress in QlrdAcal coordinales Devatuase Mot pom (2, 60°, -1) card Carte Oe 3S eee ‘susten Guster Brom “cosrdindte Systm Conterger) table We:3 B <-smHB #4 cosh Ag = —Sing Ay + cosh Ay = —siy 6G) + ces $ (2) = -Zsing + 20h T= cosh H+ sng G Ar = cosg Ant Sin® Ay = cos g(a) + sing (2) = 3cosp + 250g 42 a7F = An Sol > . Tregiindical coorcinale sypiem, HH = (Bcor és 4 asing iT + C3aing +2008 $ gh — AF z ee by or P02, eo, -) re (2c0s6o + 2sn60) 4 (—38imko 4rescoyd _ ay a3.232F - (weg - 4h y Exercise 3. De sqpare wtih Sides Of 2m has a charge of 20MC at each of ts four comers. Octermine ‘the ole ctite ted E ot pint Sm above the tenter oF dhe Square. Be _ 4 R Tae sy (a ee Attes (Bl 1 F yexio” 79a gh a & —— = % R R= sH- C#4g) Anes | = 544+ $4-§ Sane 2 Hg +54 ‘atte (BI) IR] > frrerag? = fat (4ag+59) Be 4a Rg Aeo| B3)° Raa 5¥-(CH4 gh 2 = 2x / OT (#4 459) a BGS Felt (Rel = eR Jar E, = _4a Rg ee “Fier? te HA) ieee a6 a > 20x10 aa s 2 hag +58 fae CA (448450) (Rl = BF Ry. 5H- (8-9) on if AA = 4x as 4Gr5e DOr, SY | I -basyky, a UG to? aed? i] Ra} = [a7 E2B +f +B ty Exercise 4 Four 2pC charges ave ai the comers ef a Im square . The too chorges on the loft of ‘the square we positive - The too charges on tha right ae negative. Find tha elechic field E at the senter of dhe savate (0,0, 0) Find BR, ~ Pq Im = 2h R Anes (Rl - 4@ Rg (-%)-4 10) Oy i-& 2) “tH to [R)* IR] Bide % ———— Atte. (RI? Bq Bie (oF +05 40%) - CHH4+ LG 40%) =-#-44 ~ fi Inj = ff Be 3h 448 IR} = fi, E, = -3xio? : (pee ate (ye * 5a) = 3xio? Ee aie, (ayn (8% * wh) Es = 3x07? #1. CASE (“6% + 45) = pai? “ate, (ye (3% 8) G, > ax” tes (aye © ye +46) _ 4nito en (mF - ys) R= La + bool ial =f Rae 4-5) [eal =f E-G +h tog, = 3 xp j pC ee eae 29.44% +34 $+de-25) ae a Avg, 0 (dy (2%) aes: 2%) Penney, E= o-1sas WY xe Exerdse 5 sph radi : i Phere , radius 2em — : volume charge density @, = cos? Tofm?] Find the 4otal charge contained th the Sphere. The total charge is giten by Motegrating the velome Qretai - ai a Se . \ sin @ cos*0 do = do sphorteal cosrdincle system Je u = cos8 \ I = : avs R sme drag ag | iit ise { R =o 2x10 ~fsnew’ ae i sth 82 Oan ] = adys 3 $= Onm _ % = = Zeos®O Ths Qiatay = mot Re ax Soeegctegi ieee Ve (. I... CHast@) (R2 sind) dR de ag ” ex mu yeu i (ae ie AR* sm 9 cas*6 dk do dg a a nk ajo 4 5 { i R sinGcost9 dado ag geo Jon Je, wee « [-deste]" : [o}" Red Oo n 2 4X B81" [s-Ca)]* 2h = 126 x Le ie 4 x Exercise 6 RKS 1) Rea CElecticfald in ide the cytndeical shell) Calero? T ONLY on tte SURFACE The. charg a are exly dtiibuted on the surface 1 Tavs he charge, inside Qen = © LYS = RES EB mRe =O E=0% ia. f The charge ave x0 ONLY So Rl Aisiibuiod oh the SURFACE! cca m G as d LAS § Ea jee. do3 + (ER -ds@z) i (ER dst % fov top and ctor Surface R-9 - R-C#)=0 be nt jes =e( So = E 2nRL §e.dg = Banke HRSG CFlecmc field cutnde the cutndiicas shell’) rane PC qm) ot the a ir surface ‘ , ‘ - ret twis! me iy @enc = Cs CYm7J x ana f [m2] = 2stal AHS = 2estrak Zo Lis = RS 5 E zRe < Zana wpe Os ® evhd wk Exercise & Ee E-_-ypv oy eet OMe Saye abnge EU SS cestasian cosrdindte ——- Wied ois HSS thee E eis (S29? + bayz)f 4 & (seyssayz)ad 4 3 Coxy"+ Seu) ¢ ) ~ [Gory + 82)% 4 (loaty tang + (8ay)# J Clo xyr- 8y2) 8 - Ctoxey thang - 8ayp Ce) DY Ve lootso rt Sor sngs g _s egindri cal coordinates Oe Atte tad « Bes A = 2 : © * - [2 (oot sor + corsng)f+ 4 $86 100-4 Sor 4190+ ain) + FCloot soe + tsorsmg)9 ] ie (-90 -1S0s0 Dp 150 cosd G L vine) & Exercise & | J- 300 4 t aft) Let the vadivs be a= IG mm tha Cvoss Section of the ute df e bdr dg ? i drove * dtfforentral formula" table Tots owed, T= S,T-4g + [SOF rdrag?d s = : Soo a dg a eal 500 dr dg ie i " = [soo ré]hi., ose = Soo 4 C2n) as '-6xio% Toc $00 X16 xl0°% 2K Ie S-0% &A # ExeraSe 4 Rasistancee R= L aegis i es R tr? as 2 2xlo* tx to® x 1X (4 x103)? = 3.91§ x10% Sm

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