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Name __________________________ #________

Fraction and Decimal Equivalents in Art Project

Due Date: November 17, 2017

1. On scrap paper, think of a design or picture to draw using blocks of color on a 10 x 10
grid. The picture can be of something, abstract, your initials, or anything you want.
All designs must have 4 different colors.

2. Using your grid paper, create your artwork.

3. Note the colors used on the grid in the first column of the table.

4. Calculate the fraction of each color used. There are 100 squares in the 10 x 10 grid.

Example: if you used 20 squares of blue, your fraction would be .

5. If your fraction can be reduced, put the reduced fraction in the third column.

6. Calculate the decimal of each color used.
Example: if you used 20 squares of blue, your decimal would be 0.20

7. Calculate the dollar equivalent of each color used.
Example: if you used 20 squares of blue, your dollar equivalent would be $0.20

8. On the bottom of the paper, explain in your own words how to change a fraction to a
decimal. Give an example using one of your colors.

Bonus: (Worth 10 additional points)

Research how to change a decimal into a percentage. Write in your own words how to convert
decimals to percentages. Record the percentage for each of the four colors shown in the grid.

I have read and I understand the guidelines for the Fraction and Decimal Equivalents in Art Project. I
understand that the completed final project is due in class on November 17, 2017. The final grade will
be penalized 10 points per day late.

_________________________________ _______________________

Parent signature Date

__________________________________ ________________________

Student signature Date

Name __________________________ #________

Grading Rubric for Fraction and Decimal Equivalents in Art Project

Student evaluation: Please feel this out to evaluate your own work BEFORE turning in your project.

Task Possible Points Points Earned

Grid Art complete with grids colored in 5

4 colors used and art work shows a pattern or picture 10

Correct fraction equivalents given 20

Fractions reduced if necessary 10

Correct decimal equivalents given 20

Correct dollar equivalents given 20

Student explanation of how to change a fraction to a 15

decimal and an example is given (work is shown)

Total 100

Bonus Completed (Explanation of how to convert 10 additional points

decimals to percentages given and correct percentage
equivalents given)

Grading Rubric for Fraction and Decimal Equivalents in Art Project

Teachers Evaluation (Only the teacher will fill out)

Task Possible Points Points Earned

Grid Art complete with grids colored in 5

4 colors used and art work shows a pattern or picture 10

Correct fraction equivalents given 20

Fractions reduced if necessary 10

Correct decimal equivalents given 20

Correct dollar equivalents given 20

Student explanation of how to change a fraction to a 15

decimal and an example is given (work is shown)

Total 100

Bonus Completed (Explanation of how to convert 10 additional points

decimals to percentages given and correct percentage
equivalents given)

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