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Transport Phenomena

Name : Wulan Erna Komariah

NPM : 1006787804

2B3. Laminar flow in a narrow slit. Look at Fig. 2B.3 Flow through a slit, with B W L.
a. A Newtonian fluid is in laminar flow in a narrow slit formed by two parallel walls a distance 2B
apart. It is understood that B << W, so that edge effects are unimportant. Make a differential
momentum balance, and obtain the following expressions for the momentum-flux and velocity

= ( )

( ) 2
= [1 ( ) ]
In these expressions = + =
b. What is the ratio the average velocity to the maximum velocity for this flow?
c. Obtain the slit analog of the Hagen-Poiseuille equation.

Rate of z momentum in across surface at x ()( )|
Rate of z momentum out across surface at x+x ()( )|+
Rate of z momentum in across surface at z=0 ( )( )|=0
Rate of z momentum out across surface at z=L ( )( )|=
Gravity force acting on fluid ()()
Gravity force acting on surface at z=0 (0 )|=0
Gravity force acting on surface at z=L ( )|=
When these terms are substituted into the momentum balance:
{ } { } + { } = 0
()( )| ()( )|+ + ( 2 )|=0 ( 2 )|= + ()() + (0 )|=0
( )|= = 0
Because vz is the same at z=0 as it is at z=L for each value of x, so
()( )| ()( )|+ + ()() + (0 )|=0 ( )|= = 0
()( )|+ ()( )| = ()() + (0 )|=0 ( )|=
Divided by ()
( )|+ ( )| (0 )|=0 ( )|=
= () +

Take the limit
|+ | 0
lim ( )= +
Because the expressions = + =
|+ | 0
lim ( )=

Integration results,

= ( ) +

For = 0; = 0 (boundary conditions)
= ( )

If the fluid is Newtonian, so the momentum flux


= ( )

Integration results,
0 2
= ( ) + 2
For = ; = 0 (boundary conditions)
0 2 0 2
= ( ) + ( )
2 2

= ( ) [ ( ) ]

Maximum velocity at = 0
0 2 0 2
, = ( ) [1 ( ) ]

, = ( )

Average velocity

0 0
0 0
0 1 2
= ( ) ( 2 )
2 0

0 3 13 3
= ( )( )

= ( ) = ,

The Hagen-Poiseuille equation

= (2)
2 0 2
= (2) ( )
3 2

= ( )

18A.1 Evaporation rate. For the system shown in fig 18.2-1., what is the evaporation rate in gr/hr of
CCl3NO2 (chloropicrin) into air at 25oC? Make the customary assumption that air is a pure
Total pressure 770 mmHg
Diffusivity (CCl3NO2-air) 0.088 cm2/s
Vapor pressure of CCl3NO2 23.81 mmHg
Distance from liquid level to the top of tube 11.14 cm
Density of CCl3NO2 1.65 gr/cm3
Surfece area of liquid exposed for evaporation 2.29 cm2

A chloropicrin
B air
pB2 770 mmHg
0.088 cm2/sec
1 23.81 mmHg
z 11.14 cm
1.65 gr/cm3
T 25oC (298K)
Surfece area 2.29 cm2
The rate of evaporation,

( )|=1 = ln (2 )
(2 1 ) 1
( ) . (0.0882 /) 770
( )|=1 = 3 ln ( ) = 1.028 108
(770 23.81) 2 .
(11.14) . (82.06 ) (298)

= 1.028 108 2
164.39 2.292
= 386.994 108 | 1 |

= = .

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