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I don't know of a specific theorem, but I have made some observations

about the divisibility rules. All the divisibility rules deal with the
relation of the divisor number and 10. Let's look at some examples:

2 and 5: Since these are divisors of 10, all multiples of 10 are

divisible and you only have to check the last digit.

4, 8, 16, ... and 25, 125, 625, ...: These are powers of 2 (4 = 2^2,
8 = 2^3, etc.) and powers of 5 (25 = 5^2, 125 = 5^3, etc.) Since each
power of 10 is divisible by the same power of 2 or 5, we only have to
check the last n digits (where n is the power of 2 or 5.) For example,
to see if a number is divisible by 8 (8 = 2^3) we check to see if the
last three digits are divisible by 8. Likewise, to see if a number is
divisible by 25 (25 = 5^2) we only have to check whether the last two
digits are divisible by 25.

3 and 9: 10 divides by 3 or 9 with a remainder of 1 (we call it

"modulo 1"). So every multiple of 10 has a remainder of 1. Likewise
100 is 99+1, 1000 is 999+1, etc. We can "cast out" the 9's, 99's,
999's etc. and just count the "remainder 1's." That's why you just add
up the digits. Every digit is the number of "remainder 1's."

7: There are two alternate methods; one follows the pattern I'm
building up to. That method is as follows: beginning with the leftmost
digit, take the total, triple it, and add the next digit. For example,
with 1834 we'd start with 1*3 = 3, then add 3+8 = 11, triple that for
11*3 = 33, then add 33+3 = 36, triple that for 36*3 = 108, then add
108+4 = 112. If we weren't sure that 112 was divisible by 7 we could
repeat the process: 1*3 = 3, 3+1 = 4, 4*3 = 12, 12+2 = 14. (We should
recognize that 14 is divisible by 7.)

Why does this work? Because 10 = 7+3. So for each 10 we have in the
number, we can "cast out" 7 and keep the "remainder 3," which we add
to the ones digit. For multiples of 10, we have to keep each
"remainder 3," which is why we multiply by 3. 100 is 70 + 30, so for
each 100 we "cast out" 70 and add each "remainder 30" as +3 to the
tens digit (again, we need to multiply the hundreds digit by 3 to
account for every "remainder 30" we had).

11: For 11, we alternately add and subtract digits from left to right.
Why? Because 10 = 11 - 1. Every 10 is one short of an 11, so we
subtract 1 for each group of ten from the units. If we have hundreds,
we subtract 1 for each group of 100 from the tens, etc. Technically,
this means we should start by subtracting the leftmost digit, then
adding the next, etc., but it doesn't matter in this case. The answer
will have the same magnitude, just the opposite sign.

To formalize this (and make it fit with the generalization I'm leading
up to), we begin with the leftmost digit, multiply the total by -1,
then add the next digit; repeating until we get to the units digit. If
the result is a multiple of 11 (positive, negative or zero), so was
the original number.

13: Since 10 = 13-3, we can start with the leftmost digit, multiply
the total by -3, and add the next digit. For example, for 1859 we get:
1*(-3) = -3, -3+8 = 5, 5*(-3) = -15, -15+5 = -10, -10*(-3) = 30,
30+9 = 39; which is a multiple of 13, so 1859 is a multiple of 13. As
with 7, there are other methods that I'm overlooking because they
don't fit the generalization below.

6, 12, 14, 15, etc.: Since these are composite numbers, we just have
to check for divisibility by all of their factors (2 and 3 for 6, 4
and 3 for 12, 2 and 7 for 14, etc.)

Looking at 7, 9, 11 and 13, we can develop a general rule as follows:

First, determine the "multiplier" (call it m) by subtracting the
divisor from 10. Next, beginning with the leftmost digit, multiply the
total by m and add the next digit (from left to right) until all
digits have been added. If the result is divisible by the divisor, so
was the original number.

Let's try this with a test case. Suppose we wanted to see whether
715343 is divisible by 17. First, we let m = 10 - 17 = -7. Then we
apply the rule from left to right (to save space, I'll do each
multiply-and-add in one step):

7*(-7)+1 = -48
-48*(-7)+5 = 341
341*(-7)+3 = -2384
-2384*(-7)+4 = 16692
16692*(-7)+3 = -116841

But is -116841 divisible by 17? We'll apply the rule again to this
result. We can ignore the (-) at the beginning (if -x is divisible by
y, so is x divisible by y):

1*(-7)+1 = -6
-6*(-7)+6 = 48
48*(-7)+8 = -328
-328*(-7)+4 = 2300
2300*(-7)+1 = -16099

Here we go again. See whether 16099 is divisible by 17:

1*(-7)+6 = -1
-1*(-7)+0 = 7
7*(-7)+9 = -40
-40*(-7)+9 = 289

If we don't know that 289 = 17^2, we can apply the rule one more time:

2*(-7)+8 = -6
-6*(-7)+9 = 51

which is 17*3. So our rule says that 715343 IS divisible by 17.

Checking by calculator, 715343/17 = 42079 exactly.

As you can see, when our multiplier is close to 10, it doesn't reduce
the number much, and we have to repeat the process many times before
we get something reasonable to check by hand.

This rule won't work with divisors larger than 20 because the
magnitude of the multiplier would be larger than 10, so we'd be making
larger numbers to check instead of smaller ones. Can you see a way to
extend the generalized rule for divisors larger than 20?


The simple divisibility rules will help you to find factors of a number.

The number is divisible by:

• 2 if the last digit is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 (example: 12346);

• 3 if the sum of digits in the number are divisible by 3
(example: 1236, because 1+2+3+6 = 12 = 3 x 4);
• 4 if the last 2 digits are divisible by 4
(example: 897544, because 44 = 4 x 11);
• 5 if the last digit is 0 or 5
(example: 178965 or 40980);
• 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3;
• 7 sorry, no rule (you have to divide);
• 8 if the last 3 digits are divisible by 8
(example: 124987080, because 080 = 8 x 10;
• 9 if the sum of digits is divisible by 9
(example: 234612, because 2+3+4+6+1+2 = 18 = 9 x 2);
• 10 if the last digit is 0
(example: 99990 );
• 100 if the last 2 digits are 0
(example 987600);

NOTE: If a number is divisible by 2 factors, it is also divisible by

the product of these factors.

Example 1: Number 18 is divisible by 2 and 3, so it must be divisible by 2 x 3 = 6.

Example 2: Number 945 is divisible by 9 (why?) and by 5 (why?), so it must be divisible
by 9 x 5 = 45. (Can you check it?)

Multiply Up to 20X20 In Your Head

In just FIVE minutes you should learn to quickly multiply up to 20x20 in your head.
With this trick, you will be able to multiply any two numbers from 11 to 19 in your head
quickly, without the use of a calculator.

I will assume that you know your multiplication table reasonably well up to 10x10.

Try this:

• Take 15 x 13 for an example.

• Always place the larger number of the two on top in your mind.
• Then draw the shape of Africa mentally so it covers the 15 and the 3 from the 13
below. Those covered numbers are all you need.
• First add 15 + 3 = 18
• Add a zero behind it (multiply by 10) to get 180.
• Multiply the covered lower 3 x the single digit above it the "5" (3x5= 15)
• Add 180 + 15 = 195.
Tutorial 1

Use the formula ALL FROM 9 AND THE LAST FROM 10 to

perform instant subtractions.

For example 1000 - 357 = 643

We simply take each figure in 357 from 9 and the last figure from 10.
So the answer is 1000 - 357 = 643

And thats all there is to it!

This always works for subtractions from numbers consisting of a 1 followed by noughts: 100;
1000; 10,000 etc.

Similarly 10,000 - 1049 = 8951

For 1000 - 83, in which we have more zeros than figures in the numbers being subtracted, we
simply suppose 83 is 083.
So 1000 - 83 becomes 1000 - 083 = 917

Exercise 1 Tutorial 1

Try some yourself:

1) 1000 - 777 =

2) 1000 - 283 =

3) 1000 - 505 =

4) 10,000 - 2345 =

5) 10,000 - 9876 =

6) 10,000 - 1011 =

7) 100 - 57 =

8) 1000 - 57 =

9) 10,000 - 321 =
10) 10,000 - 38 =

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Tutorial 2

Using VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE you do not need the multiplication tables beyond 5 X 5.

Suppose you need 8 x 7

8 is 2 below 10 and 7 is 3 below 10.
Think of it like this:

The answer is 56.

The diagram below shows how you get it.

You subtract crosswise 8-3 or 7 - 2 to get 5,

the first figure of the answer.
And you multiply vertically: 2 x 3 to get 6,
the last figure of the answer.

That's all you do:

See how far the numbers are below 10, subtract one number's deficiency from the other number,
and multiply the deficiencies together.

7 x 6 = 42

Here there is a carry: the 1 in the 12 goes over to make 3 into 4.

Exercise 1 Tutorial 2

Multply These:
1) 8 x 8 =

2) 9 x 7 =

3) 8 x 9 =

4) 7 x 7 =

5) 9 x 9 =

6) 6 x 6 =

Answers to exercise 1 tutorial 2

Here's how to use VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE for multiplying numbers close to 100.

Suppose you want to multiply 88 by 98.

Not easy,you might think. But with VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE you can give the answer
immediately, using the same method as above

Both 88 and 98 are close to 100.

88 is 12 below 100 and 98 is 2 below 100.

You can imagine the sum set out like this:

As before the 86 comes from subtracting crosswise: 88 - 2 = 86 (or 98 - 12 = 86: you can subtract
either way, you will always get the same answer).
And the 24 in the answer is just 12 x 2: you multiply vertically.
So 88 x 98 = 8624

Exercise 2 Tutorial 2

This is so easy it is just mental arithmetic.

Try some:

1) 87 x 98 =

2) 88 x 97 =

3) 77 x 98 =

4) 93 x 96 =
5) 94 x 92 =

6) 64 x 99 =

7) 98 x 97 =

Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 2 < click

Multiplying numbers just over 100.

103 x 104 = 10712

The answer is in two parts: 107 and 12,
107 is just 103 + 4 (or 104 + 3),
and 12 is just 3 x 4.

Similarly 107 x 106 = 11342

107 + 6 = 113 and 7 x 6 = 42

Exercise 3 Tutorial 2

Again, just for mental arithmetic

Try a few:

1) 102 x 107 =

2) 106 x 103 =

3) 104 x 104 =

4) 109 x 108 =

5) 101 x123 =

6) 103 x102 =

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Tutorial 3

The easy way to add and subtract fractions.

Use VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISE to write the answer straight down!

Multiply crosswise and add to get the top of the answer:
2 x 5 = 10 and 1 x 3 = 3. Then 10 + 3 = 13.
The bottom of the fraction is just 3 x 5 = 15.
You multiply the bottom number together.


Subtracting is just as easy: multiply crosswise as before, but the subtract:

Exercise 1 Tutorial 3

Try a few:

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Tutorial 4

A quick way to square numbers that end in 5 using the formula BY ONE MORE THAN THE ONE

752 = 5625

75² means 75 x 75.

The answer is in two parts: 56 and 25.
The last part is always 25.
The first part is the first number, 7, multiplied by the number "one more", which is 8:
so 7 x 8 = 56

Similarly 852 = 7225 because 8 x 9 = 72.

Exercise 1 Tutorial 4

Try these:

1) 452 =

2) 652 =

3) 952 =

4) 352 =

5) 152 =

Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 4 < click

Method for multiplying numbers where the first figures are the same and the last figures add up to

32 x 38 = 1216

Both numbers here start with 3 and the last figures (2 and 8) add up to 10.

So we just multiply 3 by 4 (the next number up) to get 12 for the first part of the answer.

And we multiply the last figures: 2 x 8 = 16 to get the last part of the answer.

And 81 x 89 = 7209

We put 09 since we need two figures as in all the other examples.

Exercise 2 Tutorial 4

Practise some:

1) 43 x 47 =

2) 24 x 26 =

3) 62 x 68 =

4) 17 x 13 =

5) 59 x 51 =

6) 77 x 73 =

Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 4

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Tutorial 5

An elegant way of multiplying numbers using a simple pattern

21 x 23 = 483

This is normally called long multiplication butactually the answer can be written straight
downusing the VERTICALLY AND CROSSWISEformula.
We first put, or imagine, 23 below 21:

There are 3 steps:

a) Multiply vertically on the left: 2 x 2 = 4.
This gives the first figure of the answer.
b) Multiply crosswise and add: 2 x 3 + 1 x 2 = 8
This gives the middle figure.
c) Multiply vertically on the right: 1 x 3 = 3
This gives the last figure of the answer.

And thats all there is to it.

Similarly 61 x 31 = 1891

6 x 3 = 18; 6 x 1 + 1 x 3 = 9; 1 x 1 = 1

Exercise 1 Tutorial 5

Try these, just write down the answer:

1) 14 x 21

2) 22 x 31

3) 21 x 31

4) 21 x 22

5) 32 x 21

Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 5

Exercise 2a Tutorial 5

Multiply any 2-figure numbers together by mere mental arithmetic!

If you want 21 stamps at 26 pence each you can

easily find the total price in your head.

There were no carries in the method given above.,/p>

However, there only involve one small extra step.

21 x 26 = 546
The method is the same as above
except that we get a 2-figure number, 14, in the
middle step, so the 1 is carried over to the left
(4 becomes 5).

So 21 stamps cost £5.46.

Practise a few:

1) 21 x 47

2) 23 x 43

3) 32 x 53

4) 42 x 32

5) 71 x 72

Answers to Exercise 2a Tutorial 5

Exercise 2b Tutorial 5

33 x 44 = 1452

There may be more than one carry in a sum:

Vertically on the left we get 12.

Crosswise gives us 24, so we carry 2 to the left
and mentally get 144.

Then vertically on the right we get 12 and the 1

here is carried over to the 144 to make 1452.

6) 32 x 56
7) 32 x 54

8) 31 x 72

9) 44 x 53

10) 54 x 64

Answers to Exercise 2b Tutorial 5

Any two numbers, no matter how big, can be

multiplied in one line by this method.

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Tutorial 6

Multiplying a number by 11.

To multiply any 2-figure number by 11 we just put

the total of the two figures between the 2 figures.

26 x 11 = 286

Notice that the outer figures in 286 are the 26

being multiplied.

And the middle figure is just 2 and 6 added up.

So 72 x 11 = 792

Exercise 1 Tutorial 6

Multiply by 11:

1) 43 =

2) 81 =

3) 15 =

4) 44 =

5) 11 =

Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 6

77 x 11 = 847
This involves a carry figure because 7 + 7 = 14
we get 77 x 11 = 7147 = 847.

Exercise 2 Tutorial 6

Multiply by 11:

1) 11 x 88 =

2) 11 x 84 =

3) 11 x 48 =

4) 11 x 73 =

5) 11 x 56 =

Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 6

234 x 11 = 2574

We put the 2 and the 4 at the ends.

We add the first pair 2 + 3 = 5.

and we add the last pair: 3 + 4 = 7.

Exercise 3 Tutorial 6

Multiply by 11:

1) 151 =

2) 527 =

3) 333 =

4) 714 =

5) 909 =

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Tutorial 7
Method for dividing by 9.

23 / 9 = 2 remainder 5

The first figure of 23 is 2, and this is the answer.

The remainder is just 2 and 3 added up!

43 / 9 = 4 remainder 7

The first figure 4 is the answer

and 4 + 3 = 7 is the remainder - could it be easier?

Exercise 1a Tutorial 7

Divide by 9:

1) 61 / 9 = remainder
2) 33 / 9 =


3) 44 / 9 =

4) 53 / 9 =

5) 80 / 9 =


Answers to Exercise 1a Tutorial 7

134 / 9 = 14 remainder 8

The answer consists of 1,4 and 8.

1 is just the first figure of 134.

4 is the total of the first two figures 1+ 3 = 4,

and 8 is the total of all three figures 1+ 3 + 4 = 8.

Exercise 1b Tutorial 7

Divide by 9:
6) 232 = remainder

7) 151 =

8) 303 =


9) 212 =

10) 2121 =


Answers to Exercise 1b Tutorial 7

842 / 9 = 812 remainder 14 = 92 remainder 14

Actually a remainder of 9 or more is not usually

permitted because we are trying to find how
many 9's there are in 842.

Since the remainder, 14 has one more 9 with 5

left over the final answer will be 93 remainder 5

Exercise 2 Tutorial 7

Divide these by 9:

1) 771 / 9 = remainder

2) 942 / 9 = remainder

3) 565 / 9 = remainder

4) 555 / 9 = remainder

5) 2382 / 9 = remainder

6) 7070 / 9 = remainder

Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 7

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Answers to exercise 1 Tutorial 1

1) 223
2) 717
3) 495
4) 7655
5) 0124
6) 8989
7) 43
8) 943
9) 9679
10) 9962

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Answers to exercise 1 tutorial 2

1) 64
2) 63
3) 72
4) 49
5) 81
6)216= 36

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Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 2

1) 8526
2) 8536
3) 7546
4) 8928
5) 8648
6) 6336
7) 9506 (we put 06 because, like all the others,
we need two figures in each part)

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Answers to exercise 3 Tutorial 2

1) 10914
2) 10918
3) 10816
4) 11772
5) 12423
6) 10506 (we put 06, not 6)

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Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 3

1) 29/30
2) 7/12
3) 20/21
4) 19/30
5) 1/20
6) 13/15

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Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 4

1) 2025
2) 4225
3) 9025
4) 1225
5) 225
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Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 4

1) 2021
2) 624
3) 4216
4) 221
5) 3009
6) 5621

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Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 5

1) 294
2) 682
3) 651
4) 462
5) 672

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Answers to Exercise 2a Tutorial 5

1) 987
2) 989
3) 1696
4) 1344
5) 5112

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Answers to Exercise 2b Tutorial 5

6) 1792
7) 1728
8) 2232
9) 2332
10) 3456

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Answers to Exercise 1 Tutorial 6

1) 473
2) 891
3) 165
4) 484
5) 121
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Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 6

1) 968
2) 924
3) 528
4) 803
5) 616

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Answers to Exercise 3 Tutorial 6

1) 1661
2) 5797
3) 3663
4) 7854
5) 9999

Return to Exercise 3 Tutorial 6

Answers to Exercise 1a Tutorial 7

1) 6 r 7
2) 3 r 6
3) 4 r 8
4) 5 r 8
5) 8 r 8

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Answers to Exercise 1b Tutorial 7

1) 25 r 7
2) 16 r 7
3) 33 r 6
4) 23 r 5
5) 235 r 6 (we have 2, 2 + 1, 2 + 1 + 2, 2 + 1 + 2 + 1)

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Answers to Exercise 2 Tutorial 7

1) 714 r15 = 84 r15 = 85 r6

2) 913 r 15 = 103 r15 = 104 r6
3) 516 r16 = 61 r16 = 62 r7
4) 510 r15 = 60 r15 = 61 r6
5) 714 r21 = 84 r21 = 86 r3
6) 2513 r15 = 263 r15 = 264 r6
7) 7714 r14 = 784 r14 = 785 r5

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Tutorial 8

Vedic Maths - Tips & Tricks

By Kevin O'Connor

* Copyright Notice

Is it divisible by four?

This little math trick will show you whether a number is divisible by four or not.

So, this is how it works.

Let's look at 1234

Does 4 divide evenly into 1234?

For 4 to divide into any number we have

to make sure that the last number is even

If it is an odd number, there is no way it will go in evenly.

So, for example, 4 will not go evenly into 1233 or 1235

Now we know that for 4 to divide evenly into any

number the number has to end with an even number.

Back to the question...

4 into 1234, the solution:

Take the last number and add it to 2 times the second last number

If 4 goes evenly into this number then you know that 4 will go evenly into the whole number.

4 + (2 X 3) = 10
4 goes into 10 two times with a remainder of 2 so it does not go in evenly.

Therefore 4 into 1234 does not go in completely.

Let’s try 4 into 3436546

So, from our example, take the last number, 6 and add it to
two times the penultimate number, 4

6 + (2 X 4) = 14
4 goes into 14 three times with two remainder.
So it doesn't go in evenly.

Let's try one more.

4 into 212334436

6 + (2 X 3) = 12
4 goes into 12 three times with 0 remainder.

Therefore 4 goes into 234436 evenly.

So what use is this trick to you?

Well if you have learnt the tutorial at about telling the day in any year, then
you can use it in working out whether the year you are calculating is a leap year or not.

Multiplying by 12 - shortcut

So how does the 12's shortcut work?

Let's take a look.

12 X 7

The first thing is to always multiply the 1 of the twelve by the

number we are multiplying by, in this case 7. So 1 X 7 = 7.

Multiply this 7 by 10 giving 70. (Why? We are working with BASES here.
Bases are the fundamentals to easy calculations for all multiplication tables.
To find out more check out our Vedic Maths ebook at

Now multiply the 7 by the 2 of twelve giving 14. Add this to 70 giving 84.

Therefore 7 X 12 = 84

Let's try another:

17 X 12

Remember, multiply the 17 by the 1 in 12 and multiply by 10

(Just add a zero to the end)

1 X 17 = 17, multiplied by 10 giving 170.

Multiply 17 by 2 giving 34.

Add 34 to 170 giving 204.

So 17 X 12 = 204

lets go one more

24 X 12

Multiply 24 X 1 = 24. Multiply by 10 giving 240.

Multiply 24 by 2 = 48. Add to 240 giving us 288

24 X 12 = 288 (these are Seriously Simple Sums to do aren’t they?!)

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