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FCE Writing - Part 1: An Essay (4)

Review: In the FCE Writing test, there are 2 types of essays, match the types to the essay questions
Type 1: An essay in which you are asked to a - Is it better to visit places in your own country or a
discuss a statement & give your opinion. foreign country when you go on holiday?
Type 2: A essay in which you are asked to b - All young people should continue at school or
discuss which of two things is better. college until at least the age of 18. Do you agree?

Read the essay question below and underline the key information
Is it better to visit places in your own country or a foreign country when you go on holiday?
Notes: Write about: 1. which is more interesting
2. which is cheaper
3. ..... (your own ideas)

Complete the sample essay with the following words & phrases
Introduce other peoples opinions
Many/Some people think / say / argue that ... 1...................................... in favour of both staying in your
It is sometimes/often argued/suggested that ... own country and travelling abroad. 2..................................
There are strong arguments in favour / against ... that people should do both.

Introduce a personal opinion 3.................................................... staying in your own country.

In my opinion, ...
Firstly, I think its important to know, enjoy and feel
I personally think / feel / believe ...
proud of your country and there is usually a lot which is
From my point of view, ...
fascinating about its history and culture, which is
Put ideas in order important to learn and experience. 4......................., you
There are several reasons for ... may be able to save money by finding cheaper
Firstly / Secondly / Finally / Last but not least ...
accommodation. Finally, 5.................... you speak the
Also / Furthermore / What is more ...
language, you will avoid many of the problems you might
Give reasons for your point of view have when travelling abroad.
... because / since / as ...
because of this / for this reason / Thats why ... 6........................................., when you go abroad, you can
One of the main reasons is that ... learn from the way other people live. Also, if you choose
the right destination, it may be just as cheap as
Express contrast ideas
travelling in your own country, especially if you use youth
However / On the other hand ...
hostels. Finally, it gives you an opportunity to learn and
Express results / consequences practice other languages. 7............................ travelling
As a result / consequence, ... abroad is good for your education.
In consequence / Consequently ...
... which means that ... 8........................................, I think that people should travel
abroad from time to time, but also spend time visiting
Introduce your conclusion
In conclusion / Lastly / On balance ... their own country to appreciate what is good and
To conclude / To sum up / To summarise ... interesting in both.
For these reasons, ...

Exam advice:
A balanced essay is an essay that shows your understanding of both sides of the statement.
In a balanced essay, try to have the same number of points in favour as against, advantages as disadvantages.
To make your essay clear & logical, start each paragraph with a short sentence to state each argument.
Use a variety of grammar structures, like conditionals and relative clauses, etc.
Read the sample essay again and write a plan for it
Introduction - Paragraph 1:
Body Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:
1st reason: 1st reason:
Note 1: which is ................................................................. .................................................................
more interesting ................................................................. .................................................................
2nd reason: 2nd reason:
Note 2: which is
................................................................. .................................................................
................................................................. .................................................................
3rd reason: 3rd reason:
Note 3: The
writers own ideas ................................................................. ..................................................................
................................................................. ................................................................
Conclusion - Paragraph 4:

Practice: Write the introduction, main ideas and the conclusion for the writing task below
In your English class, you have been talking about how education affects a persons development in
the future. Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay. Use all the notes and give reasons for
your point of view.
Essay question
Is it better to teach students to follow their own hearts or to try to fit in with their peers?
Notes: Write about: 1. their future life
2. the role of schools in students lives
3. .... (your own ideas).

Essay planning:
Introduction - Paragraph 1:
Body Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3:
1st reason: 1st reason:
Note 1: their future ................................................................. .................................................................
life ................................................................. .................................................................
Note 2: the role of 2nd reason: 2nd reason:
schools in students ................................................................. .................................................................
lives ................................................................. .................................................................
3rd reason: 3rd reason:
Note 3: The
................................................................. ..................................................................
writers own ideas
................................................................. ................................................................
Conclusion - Paragraph 4:

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