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Amber Rose

October 29, 2017

Goochland Free Clinic

1. Noticing & Interpreting:

What expectations did you have of this experience? Were these expectations met or
not met?
a. My expectations for this experience was unknown. I knew that I would be
helping out a certain group but wasnt sure what exactly sure what we would
be doing. Since I had no real expectations, my expectations werent meet or
not meet.
Why did you see what you saw-- how did your values and experiences concerning
needy communities shape what you saw and heard?
a. I didnt know much about Goochland county except that it was a wealthy
county. During orientation, I learned Goochland County was both the richest
and poorest county. It was very interesting to see these two socioeconomic
classes live in harmony.
b. When I was in the community environment, there was a feeling of cohesion
and togetherness. It was a small quant town full of luxury cars and huge
houses but you never got the feeling that anyone was better than the next. It
was a real community where everyone wanted to help one another.
What strengths and problems did you, personally, see in the community? What
assets/solutions to problems did you see?
a. I didnt see many problems in the community. The one small problem that I
saw was the clinic was spread out in 4 separate locations. Although they were
all one facility, it would make it hard for people who need help to actually get
it. Most people who are less fortunate dont have cars and it can make it hard
to get service you may need.
b. The clinic was already in the process of moving to facility that will
consolidate all 4 buildings into one. The clinic will now offer all services
under one roof. By offering everything under one roof, it can help increase the
health and well-being of the community.
2. Responding:
What have you learned about the needs of this community?
a. The needs of this community are vast because the age range of the community
is large. The community needs more physicians to volunteer their time. They
offer a wide spectrum of care but could afford to have more dental
professionals. A lot of diseases start in the mouth and with proper dental care
it can decrease a lot of diseases.
What follow-up should take place to support this communitys strengths and/or
address the communitys needs?
a. The community should continue to follow up with those seen who are have a
communicable disease such as STDs, the flu, chicken pox etc. It is important
that he clinicians stay on top for prevention since we know low
socioeconomic have higher tendencies to spread disease due to close living
Did you find the service activity to be truly relevant to the community?
a. Yes, I thought this activity was relevant to the community. Since this
community has some underprivileged individuals, they probably dont have
access to health care. Having a place that can facilitate all of your needs can
help reduce spread of disease and improve community help.
b. The people who are considered well off are also a big help to the community.
They are a great asset to their community and help in numerous ways. They
offer their time, money and donations to their community.

3. Reflecting on service-learning:
How has this experience influenced your perception of your call to serve and you as a
servant leader?
a. This experience has reminded me of why I want to go into healthcare. I want
to help those who cant help themselves nor have the means to do it. It is a
pleasure to help others who are less fortunate and I hope I have the
opportunity to do it more in the future.
Reflect on the core tenets of servant leadership and how they apply to this service-
learning experience.
a. As a servant leader, it is important to be humble and always remember you are
here to serve. Serving others should always be at the top of our priority list.
During this time, it was important that I came there with an open mind and not
occupied with anything else. It was important I reflect so I can offer the most
therapeutic service that I could. After this experience, I have learn to keep the
servant leader mindset and always remember it is an honor to serve.
Describe how you applied each of the following within the service-learning
i. Heart
1. I know there are people out there who need help. Knowing this, it was
up to my team and I to find a facility that needed our help. Knowing
there was such a high need in that area encouraged out us to choose
that clinic.
ii. Hands
1. I went there with an open heart, open mind and was ready to do
anything that was asked of me. I helped in the clothing store and in the
food pantry. I took direction well and worked well as a team player.
iii. Head
1. Once we realized that we should go there, I prayed and meditated
about what I wanted to accomplish there. I knew I needed to go there
with a positive mind and head so I could be the best volunteer
iv. Habits
1. I know that it is imperative that I am constantly looking for wats to
improve my service to the community. I need to reflect on my
experience and expand on these experiences. I need to meditate and
pray for God to guide me through these experiences.
4. Reflection-on-Action
What surprised you most about your service learning experience?
a. I think I was most surprised about the resilience of the community. I knew
there would be a need but it was amazing how the community rallied around
their own community.
How do you think the skills you learned will be used as you become a registered
a. I will make sure to pay attention to those certain socioeconomic groups. I
know it is important I educate these groups so we can prevent readmits. I
know that it is equally important to offer emotional support just as much as
clinical support.
What impact do you think you had on the community where you completed your
service-learning project?
a. I think I left a positive impact on the community. I came there with a good
attitude and developed relationships. I believe if people see us as trusted
individuals, they will come to us and let us help them without prejudice.

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