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Georgina Hancock

Title of Work In Translation: A Dolls House

Author of Work: Henrik Ibsen
Country of Original Publication: Denmark



How was your understanding of cultural and contextual considerations of the work
developed through the interactive oral?
Upon initially reading Henrik Ibsens A Dolls House, many of the themes were quite
familiar to me and did not seem to be particularly ground-breaking. I did not fully
understand the context it was introduced into and therefore the controversy as society of
the time grappled with the subversive portrayal and satirical treatment of certain social
conventions. The interactive oral enabled me to further understand the conservative middle-
class values of 19th century Norway, and the way that Ibsen managed to subversively
interpret and subsequently shape these values.

Prior to reading A Dolls House I was aware of the existence of strong social conventions
in various cultures but I had not appreciated fully how important these were to 19th century
Norway. Through the interactive oral I learnt that these values dictated nearly every aspect
of middle class life even beyond the religion they practiced people were required to abide
by strict rules at all times, and if they broke these they would be shunned as immoral and
diseased. From this perspective I began to understand why Ibsen would be motivated to
criticise the underlying assumptions of these rules and conventions. Furthermore, I began
to appreciate just how shocking his play would have been to audiences of the time as his
satirical tone and the major plot twist at the end constituted a completely unexpected and
sensational criticism of the audiences most basic beliefs.

Contextually, I discovered that one of the most criticised social conventions in the play is
societys obsession with disease and the belief that moral disease will inevitably be passed
down from parent to child. This reflects a strong focus on family relations and moral
character as forming some of the key values at the time. Ibsen employs characterisation
techniques and dramatic irony to satirise this convention, particularly through the character
of Dr Rank whose obsession with illness has led him to see the continuation of his life as
merely a way to prolong agony.

I can now see that the cultural relevance and meaning of A Dolls House has changed
throughout time as the conventions it subverts (such as traditional gender roles, views on
disease and social niceties) have changed significantly and become less relevant to modern
society. Therefore, from research and the interactive oral that allowed me to further
understand the relevant social conventions, I have gained more of an appreciation for the
plays significance within its time.


Language of Reflection:
I wonder; I had little idea; Im curious about; now that I know; it concerns me that; I have
often assumed; I realise; I think back on; I can now see that; it occurs to me that; upon
reflection I can

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