Shuhada e Karbala (Part Fourth) by Aayatullahil Uzma Sayyed Ul Ulama Ali Naqi Naqavi Published by Noor e Hidayat Foundation Lucknow

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Pu Abii ad hve bIL SR YA SS a gtitely eS AB ul WS staat Kabel Capel yy Salar Iliad 19 die SN pce BS Upto (Sclil 153) pute! “ome geld ‘ala oh age ple” ro Yee” FP Sui bre tei SLe as BERL eI beh heey Land pth oe “L Talim ses bun Draped Siu Abe eA Bie sik Csle ble A bn Tk bse Uuintbck Bhotiey rien CATE bee gf ALi: WR PLT Lt Agia “Bin Ac ere BL pole LP Sethi bop KAU PNA Le shale St yi€ ue op bis he S2 if ee pee BS Atak athe it Mees Uirusi de CHA eu Une RISE buon eA iotithe NL ant WL “dyitn Folie tt ee Pot Lun Mere © Ontre 3) edvegiive cau JESS [ihe Bee Gg cpaidete At ESA EPL Ma cre Sn Hig She SSE GU BL ean hE 2S SB elor ze dude tetova cx ty busts PU SPL Lie KUT Lepr re bate ot LEE Sesh bh acvet seu Ww PL ential ix rel seh we od od Yay Fe Sb gall arb Udy UArtenfoubeoe” PrP aes AI) (Hee as FE or le WPA? ude uA veo Sre-bb, Lge Ed nce the UGLY othe hy soy 2 FL Uyi-Ax verse “ fsrtk par Fi Fr, UA Ve bet ale ate legs Prot Sooapheikai wpipind Ble vkbuntipex SFr 23} Vat he CL AIG SRSA tthe ba fit tie Att Bn BR AL bE fas BU WE Ux Fp Lbylag 27 SA>SBL ET bli" IVS Le bls Fumes Sw t Se ori! rete FE Ee kee aude nd t SA tre wie Gnesi ES Sisle Stent Provbua evi ire Vuh tut oe plot lek iele ipod obese AH, he PGiet tie ty bt eV ASP Pee WE GILL NL ESIAIWE WL diest Eke Kuuttn wi Se Set Ear Sobol Bertoni del Wein fe ySoure lott we te wnt Cote Sis ° Servo Sb teow Ser Ibias RTE Ce dabds PU Mersin ety fest SP ree spel ee” Leela Cude Lewigiierigitlery eit yey BEALE PLAGE BEL ne nist g Put hir£ ovat ww Sh FIs fene bp yw dp a ai” Wepr Fuses tbiaife ve 3S AIGA SI yg sab arb Wae wl 9 oS Ueki tu rituiies Wee Se ld Mer peel Crit d arnt pri 3 UY ea ye nee Tye S SB FAIS AE rt é Jif Seuss Sy doe Sal hoy a! oft nbane nS EHP ae gla Y bu ve aeiSe Ftv YSU ae dil cb op pall CLA SIT” “ahh lS” Syed SYLVS ples! “Map geal foe Sieber” Pte vineiks LUNE be Juin € yi hPa Seree PEL EL AI AGr ler Pre Bug eb Leibie SPR OS Luni Aber uli seb FabeP Pe ree} Oa elle Me ees BL Mare lots tek sth Dea YE KAS ZL Mu Loutiy Selec IR PILL Yuet WES AL le LEV Ob ae e 2b SBlvidbbexe ? 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Pad foi Entoteciilo soa” plod Ji S339 a,” AS Soil go eld gto SL by dit gly US HI nl ge Sant ge eal “Sect Lal aiegdlle ds Brfifonrheg tue” ePLeé SULT esihand ee Oy AUSF EN ARE AL wre beek Ages © BS Pye Enortsweligchei PEL ov Wi Fenet = e -otn rae POIrE reso) ries e(r) SIAL FL uel en gitetrnd Hut tl Seis /e esviiy LL ern AGI uslilest ee ere ules eA PL ee IB RIA ~o SS Site Le PUL eobeeLaalunt het rte ret Soifrr2 Lid oraviPon VM ie Lect? 5B Bi Sei iWogi fae etl LiF niite;” Be tol Siey He ceruieiLin LE it tA Hn Lx Ke panics iibtis Sur FCN Ce SBI REL, a ows WED MUI L tee tinge ibe led bul SEL Rutter Su Pirrterlat ite bt Sasol Wh E&uivsex sobeL wi ad LLAWET VEU rs sizo ta Soon ale 23 ee Lens Site Hoole Fifuie Selo wl ptr busut Sb Boat shee ee Loui f Greg ected Voip Loan Sone Samet lpg hS Ouigaue iS sol Lbbigt ERLE FL ea tSvle HLUK L&ucwEin ites Lost ut buts Pio olrates bef PL deol 2 lb z ude sot SI Fotos KL oroibuews TH Lovnspords Ste Ser tol Pinel Sete EL 27 duped EE wien LAGE gait helo Avgiie€ fe Jig gr 2H Use purge th tule UU Be 7 SS BS) Jay? ee Bt sb) Ole Spread Al Regn plewadl Pe BON go ops geet gla l ed.te| gia yuoly A hreail 95| el pS Cali Gol iy 13 fal i Il gal HANS shena Aad jy SU) y Ue! ab poly oe shat De Ir rai dhe easly sale OU) gy dil de AB US) ye 5 pp Waging SF VY RSE end IS Legitlle poe 3 Sebel oleae 5 Sie! 3 Se oar 9 Ses! 3 dog gle le Stak y eal oS eh 9 SUF Ul Deke sla galesl gst on em “abl y8y 04 BPO tah Le wich Sea apSi adnate” dally dled! dled! Nhe che dersdelis JY dil seal gl ale Spl yall pale di Pree AS yn Jalan) “peters ees Ao foe L ale” ae BL feeiL yt eres usd OSs ot sbinSor on tecifh WiFi alee ut Coat ABs PopbPst4e€ nip Sibert eA AE EUinbees ere eb tole Siu “Wiha 4 PHT Ses panld JS” Sed osoy sd jd cone ads eu wel es cally “Edy Sad tition PIL Fate KE. Aor fasiy Beth Anrep’ abe ORME Bye Stee endian ct Soin St PoP ts eiid Ltep board Lay (FL Wa (Kyo Ht ML LA whe Fius LSet ater eh Peer, SUP h Uy/feens Aa LL aiernut Tin Bre SS beak SINISE WIE MOA Se te ule igi Ave LN AOA Bd FE AMT eee ben (the dn” Se SSF WF dypeendand tes $i" es ae gl Woes aig Ses only” Med op Sl rl dae sal (Us-etiiccrdi” Soda nibt, PLEO we etolin LL Po Si Zn ses SAusel£ i AerAlbtme pL utes Be EL ruipires se Sisp sted eite 4 Ut eole Wits Te bys Lx Ul bn diez Bete zed, IARBE Pee WLEy °c nAujginbna fF sui SF Per SBMAL mi Lt Boe Lethe K bert} Ly It UF te Epherilpeve £63 FEL Sov, AATF Lobel ivin dhe Bare Les or BIg UI0% PME WLe P24 LIFE ola Sos elt Burt Se sufsur ed foi ° Lik Aijgihehvin eho? SPILL UK Bata BASEL A StH reat t Besa} ve Pty. Doone tet wet vive Ene livite GT Aw Loe” se fe Late $He tr pL re Pint eur td LL SU FA aL de Dey ere be SIL wie? ZELE WALA RAT ual SUI Ue Unik Une LEU! 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Gens tinbiong ALS Put A Parlin ° Lay Sule uP red Sus Lzx ~e ied suite Pu Sab ttl Louth byt Mile eR te AU Seb had LP MOLL Ase towseupu “edu if bu ee Me buegLw'Nler bik KEE A Sede Fob asd” le Per. ee PUL Ut eV Zee BL wAslL Mehheutt © cli Ae SEPABEL Serb & eu dele and ungepL ttun Ph ECL BAA OY Sumgepk ght WL urbe Perea rye H) rr) OMAP MIP DE ere SK SUH Her dae£ unk (rut EL per LVLEE Lepr reir Kou ecb BBE ered SeioGouutLuLt her Bee thy eRe of inet bir ba nl soy A Lwirtd Sy FP le CEL Sp Lut-boe Cait cttel ut SI LM er CLT AL OP hp Wh of Se BGM fee Cut T ROWE Bt seul me ek nea ONE Bt ey Ap” Wo Sc LI ere at LLA SuPre Pouce bteS aioli urdie dwt feud ewier£ et were Siete bur Liss dart Pe uxt Jberbter Le} Li & Mt Lhe CI ot L gle KE ind Wn Bot Pe wid ukii-& £7 wee Kuti Sut be Sx BbolehexALews etd Lives Jhucbe LG» Ft LOS Ba! 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