Course Description:: World Geography Course Syllabus Gateway College Preparatory School Grade 9

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World Geography Course Syllabus

Gateway College Preparatory School

Grade 9

Teacher: Mrs. Boggs

Teacher email:
Class Webpage:
NOTE: You may also send emails through the class webpage

Course Description:
World Geography is a multicultural, cross-disciplinary course designed to
provide an accurate and complete view of the ever changing world of which we are all a part.
The course emphasizes physical geography (e.g., climate, earth processes, etc.) and human
geography (e.g., world cultures, religions, beliefs, customs, economics development, etc.).
Significant importance is placed on cultural understanding, map locations, critical thinking
issues, usage of the internet in research, and problem solving skills.

Course Supplies:
Textbook: World Geography Today (Holt, Rinehart, Winston)
Supplies: Pens (blue or black)
1 Box of Colored Pencils
3 Ring Binder for A or B day
Loose leaf paper
Note: Some other craft supplies, such as glue, scissors, poster board, etc will be
necessary as projects are assigned.

Expectations for Student Learning:

1. Communicate Effectively Through Various Methods of
2. Solve Problems Through Reasoning and Critical Thinking.
3. Access, Analyze and Apply Information Effectively.
4. Express and Appreciate the Creative Process.

Students will be expected to read regularly, check the webpage,
complete simple assignments at home and work on longterm
World Geography Course Syllabus
Gateway College Preparatory School
Grade 9

Scope and Sequence:

First Six Weeks
! Unit One: The Geographerʼs World
! Unit Two: The U.S. and Canada
Second Six Weeks
! Unit Three: Middle and South America
! Unit Four: Europe
Third Six Weeks
! Unit Five: Russia and Northern Eurasia
! Unit Six: Southwest Asia
Fourth Six Weeks
! Unit Seven: Africa
Fifth Six Weeks:
! Unit Eight: South Asia
! Novel Unit: The Life of Pi
Sixth Six Weeks:
! Unit Nine: East and Southeast Asia
! Unit Ten: The Pacific World

Evaluation: 1500 points will be earned each six weeks.

Major (Performance Component): to demonstrate Cumulative Knowledge
Items: Tests, Projects, Discussion Questions and Socratic Discussion and Essays
Total Points for Six Weeks: 1050 points

Minor (Practice and Responsibility Component): to demonstrate responsible

engagement in course material
Items: Assignments in class, homework, notetaking, practice quizzes
Total Points for Six Weeks: 450 points

✴Extraordinary work may earn more points than the requirement, so students will have
the ability to make up for poor performances.
✴Late Work: Late work is only accepted at the teacherʼs discretion.
✴Make Up Work: This is the responsibility of the student. Each student should utilize
their work group partners and the webpage to catch up after an excused absence.
✴Academic Honesty is expected at all times in order to receive credit for any work.

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