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Alamat : Jl. Tentara Pelajar No.24 yogyakarta 55231
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Guru Mata Pelajaran : Tiara Sekarwangi, S.Pd
Kelas :X
Waktu : 90 Menit
1. Berdoalah selalu baik sebelum maupun sesudah mengerjakan soal !
2. Sebelum mengerjakan soal, tuliskan identitas Anda pada Lembar Jawaban yang
disediakan !
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas !

I. Choose the suitable expression to complete the short dialogues.

1. Yonki : .... to my friend, Edhum.
Edhum : How do you do?
Tika : How do you do?
a. I'll introduce
b. You are introduced
c. Won't you introduce
d. Let me introduce you
e. Introduce

2. Heldy : How do you do? My name is Heldy.

Ferry : ... I am Ferry.
a. Good morning.
b. How are you?
c. How do you do?
d. Ill introduce.
e. Let me introduce myself.

3. Ara : Thanks a million for your help.

Tomy : ______________.
a. Youre welcome.
b. Id love to.
c. Really?
d. Thats wonderful.
e. No, thanks.

4. Rizky : Thats a very cute sweater.

Ayu : ______________.
a. Its no trouble at all.
b. Thank you for saying so.
c. With my pleasure.
d. Very well.
e. No, thanks.

5. Andi : __________________.
Isty : Really? Thats wonderful!
a. My lovely kitten died last night.
b. My little sister killed my hamster.
c. My horse has been sick for three days,
d. My dog won a swimming contest yesterday.
e. My father prohibited me keeping my cat.

II. Read the text and choose the correct answer for every question below.
Questions 6-10are based on the following text.

I spent the last vacation in Bali with my father, mother, and sister. We left
Batam at 12.45.
At 7 in the evening, we arrived at Ngurah Rai and directly went to the hotel.
The hotel was amazing. Inna Grand Bali Hotel Beach. It only took three minutes
walking from the hotel to reach the beach. My sister and I went to the beach every
We spent the first day in Bali by enjoying our stay in the hotel. We did some
exercise in a gym and swam in the hotels swimming pool.
On the second day, we were picked by a minibus and went to Tanjung Benoa
harbor. Then, we took a boat to Nusa Penida Island. We had a great tour at Nusa
The following day, we went shopping at sukowati. My Mom bought a lot of
Balinese clothing. I bough a small painting for my bedroom. My sister decided to
buy some necklaces made of shells. She said she wanted to give them as souvenirs
for her friends. Finally, we flew back to Batam in the afternoon .
It was one of the nicest vacations Ive ever had.

6. What is the best title for the text above?

a. The last vacation.
b. My vacation in Bali.
c. My family and I.
d. My vacation in Semarang.
e. A great tour at Nusa Penida.

7. What is paragraph 5 about?

a. The shopping place that they visit in Bali.
b. The clothes that the writers mother bought.
c. The necklaces that the writer bought as souvenirs.
d. The writer and the family went to Batam.
e. The things that the writer and her family bought as souvenirs.

8. Where did the writer buy the souvenirs?

a. At Sukowati market.
b. In the shopping mall.
c. At the traditional market.
d. In the department store.
e. In the grocery.

9. How long the writer stayed in bali?

a. one day.
b. two days.
c. three days.
d. four days.
e. five days.

10. From the text we know that the writer feels ....
a. comfortable
b. sad
c. lucky
d. tired
e. happy

Questions 11-15 are based on the following text.

How to make instant fried noodle

1. Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and slimmer for three minutes.
2. Take the noodle from the water and drain it.
3. Put the noodle on a plate.
4. Pour the seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle and mix
5. Spread fried onion and noodle is ready to serve and you can add meat or
vegetables if you want.

11. How long do we need to slimmer the noodle?

a. One minute.
b. Two minutes.
c. Three minutes.
d. Four minutes.
e. Five minutes.

12. Boil the noodle in two glasses of water and slimmer for three minutes.
What is the closest meaning of the underlined word?
a. Make warm.
b. Make dry.
c. Make cool.
d. Make wet.
e. Make hot.

13. If we add seasoning, soy sauce, and chili powder into the noodle will be ..
a. Salty.
b. Spicy.
c. Sweet.
d. Sour.
e. Delicious.

14. How many steps do we need to serve instant fried noodle?

a. 5.
b. 6.
c. 8.
d. 9.
e. 11.
15. And you can add meat or vegetables if you want. The word you in the sentence
refers to
a. The eater.
b. The server.
c. The reader.
d. The drinker.
e. The producer.

Questions 16-20 are based on the following text.


Once upon a time, there was a girl named Cinderella. She lived with her step
mother and two step sisters. The step mother and sisters were so unkind to
Cinderella. They treated Cinderella very badly. Cinderella had to do all the
houseworks, such as preparing the food for the family.
One day, there was a party at the palace. All were invited. Her step sisters did
not let Cinderella go with them. She was sad.Then a fairy godmother came and
helped her to go to the party. She changed a pumpkin into a carriage and mice into a
coachman and two footmen. Thefairy changed Ciderellas clothes to be a beautiful
ball gown. Then she gave her a pair of pretty glass shoes. Now, Cinderella, she
said, You must leave before midnight. Then she went to the party and danced with
the prince. Suddenly the clock began to strike twelve, she ran toward the door as
quickly as she could. In her hurry, one of her glass shoes was left behind and the
prince took it.
A few days later, the prince travelled around the country to find a girl who
matched with the glass shoe. Her step sisters tried on the glass shoe but it was too
small for them. In the end Cinderella tried on the glass shoe and it fitted perfectly.
The prince was very happy to find Cinderella. Finally, they got married and lived
happily ever after.

16. What is the story about?

a. Cinderella.
b. Cinderella and her step sister and mother.
c. Cinderella and the fairy.
d. Cinderella and the prince.
e. Cinderella and her family.

17. Who were bad to Cinderella?

a. Step mother.
b. Step sisters.
c. Prince.
d. Step mother and sisters.
e. Fairy Godmother.

18. Who helped Cinderella going to the party?

a. Step mother.
b. Step sisters.
c. Prince.
d. Step mother and sisters.
e. Fairy Godmother.

19. What happened when the clock strike twelve?

a. Cinderella danced with the prince.
b. Cinderella ran quickly as she could.
c. Cinderella left one of her shoes.
d. Cinderella went to the party.
e. Cinderella fitted to the shoes prefectly.

20. What moral value you can take from this story?
a. Be impatient.
b. Be a mean person.
c. Take revenge on someone who hurts you.
d. God will give us wonderful gift if we always be a good person.
e. Beauty from the outside is more important than the beauty on the inside.

III. Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie or B.J. Habibie was the third President of the
Republic of Indonesia. He was born in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi, on June 25, 1936.
He is the fourth child of eight children.
Habibie has fair skin. His face is square. He has slanted eyes and a pointed
nose, and moustache. He wears glasses. Habibie began to look outstanding especially
in the exact sciences lessons since he was child. After graduating from the high
school, he got scholarship and received his diploma and doctorate from the
Technische Hochschule, Germany. In Indonesia, after served 20 years as the
Research and Technology minister, on May 21, 1998 until October 1999, he became
the president of the Republic of Indonesia. Until finally he was forced to step down
from the position due to the refrendum of East Timor independence.
Habibie is known as an intellegent man. He found some theories about
aircraft such as Habibie factor, Habibie theorem, and Habibie method which are very
useful for the world. Some of his works in calculating and designing several aircraft
manufacturing project are Military Transport Aircraft C-130 Transall, Hansa Jet 320
(Aircraft Executive), CN 235 and etc.
When he became President of the Republic of Indonesia, he was still well-
mannered as he is in the daily life. He also regarded to have merit in democracy
development and press freedom in Indonesia. Until now, Habibie is still active in
social and education field through the Habibie Center, a social non-profit
organization which he found.
1. Who is the subject of description in the text?
2. What does B.J. Habibie do?
3. How does he look like?
4. Is B.J. Habibie an intelligent person? How do you know?
5. How is his personality in the daily life?
6. Is B.J. Habibie active in social and educational charities? Clarify.

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