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Brazil: Balance of Payments Analytic Presentation by Country

Millions of U.S. Dollars

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1991 1992 1993 1994
Current account (excludes reserves and related items) -1,450.0 6,089.0 20.0 -1,153.0
Goods, credit (exports) 31,619.0 35,793.0 39,624.0 44,102.0
Goods, debit (imports) 21,041.0 20,554.0 25,301.0 33,241.0
Balance on goods 10,578.0 15,239.0 14,323.0 10,861.0
Services, credit (exports) 3,319.0 4,088.0 3,971.0 4,908.0
Services, debit (imports) 7,210.0 7,430.0 9,555.0 10,254.0
Balance on goods and services 6,687.0 11,897.0 8,739.0 5,515.0
Primary income, credit 904.0 1,118.0 1,308.0 2,202.0
Primary income, debit 10,555.0 9,115.0 11,630.0 11,293.0
Balance on goods, services, and primary income -2,964.0 3,900.0 -1,583.0 -3,576.0
Secondary income, credit 1,556.0 2,260.0 1,704.0 2,577.0
Secondary income, debit 42.0 71.0 101.0 154.0
Capital account (excludes reserves and related items) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Capital account, credit 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Capital account, debit 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Balance on current and capital account -1,450.0 6,089.0 20.0 -1,153.0
Financial account (excludes reserves and related items) 4,868.0 -5,889.0 -7,604.0 -8,020.0
Direct investment, assets 1,014.0 137.0 491.0 1,037.0
Equity and investment fund shares 67.0 22.0 491.0 1,037.0
Debt instruments 947.0 115.0 0.0 0.0
Direct investment, liabilities 1,103.0 2,061.0 1,292.0 3,072.0
Equity and investment fund shares 972.0 1,580.0 714.0 1,968.0
Debt instruments 131.0 481.0 578.0 1,104.0
Portfolio investment, assets 0.0 0.0 606.0 3,052.0
Equity and investment fund shares 0.0 0.0 607.0 0.0
Debt instruments 0.0 0.0 -1.0 3,052.0
Portfolio investment, liabilities 3,808.0 7,366.0 12,928.0 47,784.0
Equity and investment fund shares 578.0 1,704.0 6,570.0 7,280.0
Debt instruments 3,230.0 5,662.0 6,358.0 40,504.0
Financial derivatives (other than reserves) and employee stock options ... ... 0.0 0.0
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, assets ... ... 0.0 0.0
Fin. derivatives and employee stock options, liabilities ... ... 0.0 0.0
Other investment, assets 3,140.0 99.0 2,696.0 4,368.0
Other equity ... ... ... ...
Debt instruments 3,140.0 99.0 2,696.0 4,368.0
Other investment, liabilities -5,625.0 -3,302.0 -2,823.0 -34,379.0
Other equity ... ... ... ...
Debt instruments -5,625.0 -3,302.0 -2,823.0 -34,379.0
Balance on current, capital, and financial account -6,318.0 11,978.0 7,624.0 6,867.0
Net errors and omissions 894.3 -1,339.0 -733.8 -268.8
Reserves and related items -5,423.7 10,639.0 6,890.2 6,598.2
Reserve assets -369.1 14,670.3 8,709.4 7,215.0
Net credit and loans from the IMF (excluding reserve position) -566.4 -398.7 -503.8 -133.2
Exceptional financing 5,621.0 4,430.0 2,323.0 750.0

This data report uses the BOP Standard Presentation format as defined in the 6th Edition of the Balance of Payments Manual (BPM6).
(-) Indicates that a figure is zero
(...) Indicates a lack of statistical data that can be reported or calculcated from underlying observations
Data extracted from IMF Data Warehouse 10/3/2017 4:35:09 AM
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
-18,136.0 -23,248.0 -30,491.0 -33,829.0 -25,400.0 -24,224.5 -23,214.5 -7,636.6 4,177.3 11,737.6
46,506.0 47,746.0 52,991.0 51,121.0 48,263.0 55,280.0 58,200.1 60,349.9 72,992.6 96,240.6
49,663.0 53,301.0 59,838.0 57,711.0 49,009.0 55,311.1 54,980.8 46,703.6 47,809.5 62,348.1
-3,157.0 -5,555.0 -6,847.0 -6,590.0 -746.0 -31.0 3,219.3 13,646.3 25,183.1 33,892.5
6,135.0 4,760.0 6,187.0 7,646.0 6,300.0 8,436.7 8,317.1 8,593.2 9,577.4 11,744.1
13,630.0 12,717.0 15,301.0 16,704.0 13,798.0 16,265.4 16,645.2 14,075.4 14,897.7 16,647.1
-10,652.0 -13,512.0 -15,961.0 -15,648.0 -8,244.0 -7,859.8 -5,108.8 8,164.1 19,862.8 28,989.5
3,457.0 5,350.0 5,344.0 4,914.0 3,936.0 3,620.7 3,279.5 3,295.2 3,338.7 3,198.9
14,562.0 17,527.0 21,688.0 24,531.0 22,780.0 21,506.6 23,022.7 21,485.8 21,890.8 23,719.1
-21,757.0 -25,689.0 -32,305.0 -35,265.0 -27,088.0 -25,745.6 -24,852.1 -10,026.4 1,310.7 8,469.4
3,861.0 2,699.0 2,130.0 1,795.0 1,969.0 1,827.7 1,933.7 2,626.9 3,132.0 3,582.5
240.0 258.0 316.0 359.0 281.0 306.6 296.2 237.0 265.5 314.3
0.0 39.0 86.0 54.0 0.0 0.4 2.3 19.3 0.8 -362.0
0.0 39.0 109.0 82.0 0.0 0.4 2.3 19.3 0.8 1.8
0.0 0.0 23.0 28.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 363.8
-18,136.0 -23,209.0 -30,405.0 -33,775.0 -25,400.0 -24,224.1 -23,212.2 -7,617.4 4,178.1 11,375.6
-29,306.0 -33,428.0 -24,918.0 -20,063.0 -8,056.0 -29,376.2 -20,331.3 3,908.9 156.6 3,333.0
1,384.0 885.0 1,042.0 2,721.0 1,498.0 2,497.1 -1,489.1 2,478.5 228.8 9,486.3
1,384.0 885.0 1,042.0 2,721.0 1,110.0 1,754.6 -1,752.3 2,401.6 62.1 6,640.2
... ... ... ... 388.0 742.5 263.2 76.9 166.7 2,846.1
4,859.0 12,552.0 19,650.0 31,913.0 28,384.0 32,994.7 23,225.8 16,586.6 10,123.0 18,181.2
4,128.0 11,329.0 17,083.0 26,133.0 29,982.0 30,016.3 18,765.0 17,118.1 9,320.2 18,570.3
731.0 1,223.0 2,567.0 5,780.0 -1,598.0 2,978.4 4,460.8 -531.5 802.8 -389.1
936.0 257.0 335.0 594.0 -258.0 1,695.7 795.1 321.1 -178.8 754.6
168.0 49.0 306.0 553.0 865.0 1,953.3 1,121.2 388.6 257.8 121.4
768.0 208.0 29.0 41.0 -1,123.0 -257.6 -326.0 -67.5 -436.6 633.2
10,171.0 21,089.0 10,393.0 19,013.0 3,542.0 8,650.8 872.1 -4,797.4 5,128.8 -3,995.6
2,775.0 5,785.0 5,099.0 -1,768.0 2,572.0 3,075.9 2,481.2 1,980.7 2,972.6 2,080.9
7,396.0 15,304.0 5,294.0 20,781.0 970.0 5,574.9 -1,609.1 -6,778.2 2,156.2 -6,076.5
... ... ... ... 87.0 197.4 471.0 356.2 151.0 677.4
... ... ... ... -642.0 -385.6 -566.6 -933.2 -682.6 -467.2
... ... ... ... -729.0 -583.0 -1,037.6 -1,289.4 -833.6 -1,144.6
1,783.0 3,327.0 -2,251.0 5,992.0 4,399.0 2,989.5 6,585.6 3,211.5 9,483.1 2,195.9
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1,783.0 3,327.0 -2,251.0 5,992.0 4,399.0 2,989.5 6,585.6 3,211.5 9,483.1 2,195.9
18,379.0 4,256.0 -5,999.0 -21,556.0 -18,144.0 -4,889.7 2,595.9 -9,330.8 -5,724.2 -4,404.4
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
18,379.0 4,256.0 -5,999.0 -21,556.0 -18,144.0 -4,889.7 2,595.9 -9,330.8 -5,724.2 -4,404.4
11,170.0 10,219.0 -5,487.0 -13,712.0 -17,344.0 5,152.1 -2,880.9 -11,526.3 4,021.5 8,042.6
1,798.7 -1,536.6 -2,764.2 -2,589.7 578.6 2,829.2 -536.6 259.8 -435.3 -1,443.5
12,968.7 8,682.4 -8,251.2 -16,301.7 -16,765.4 7,981.3 -3,417.5 -11,266.4 3,586.3 6,599.1
12,919.7 8,326.1 -8,284.3 -6,989.7 -7,782.5 -2,260.4 3,311.5 314.0 8,479.3 2,237.6
-49.0 -70.3 -33.1 4,773.0 4,058.9 -6,795.2 6,729.0 11,580.4 4,893.0 -4,361.5
0.0 -286.0 0.0 4,539.0 4,924.0 -3,446.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
13,984.3 13,619.7 1,550.8 -28,192.0 -24,305.6 K -75,759.7 -76,970.4 -74,058.6 -74,788.0
118,029.3 137,808.2 160,649.1 197,942.4 152,994.7 K 201,259.6 255,444.1 242,123.5 241,526.4
73,139.8 91,349.6 120,617.4 173,106.7 127,723.3 K 182,833.1 227,880.8 224,863.6 241,188.7
44,889.6 46,458.6 40,031.6 24,835.8 25,271.4 K 18,426.5 27,563.4 17,259.9 337.6
14,975.9 18,495.0 23,954.3 30,450.5 27,728.3 K 30,800.4 37,105.5 39,135.8 38,112.4
23,471.1 28,149.4 37,172.9 47,140.4 46,974.1 K 60,827.8 74,148.5 78,984.4 84,382.7
36,394.3 36,804.2 26,813.0 8,145.9 6,025.6 K -11,600.8 -9,479.7 -22,588.7 -45,932.6
3,194.3 6,438.1 11,492.7 12,510.8 8,841.3 K 17,696.4 22,881.8 8,618.2 12,129.9
29,161.7 33,927.1 40,783.9 53,072.6 42,510.0 K 84,751.3 93,356.9 62,925.7 44,668.3
10,426.9 9,315.3 -2,478.2 -32,415.9 -27,643.1 K -78,655.6 -79,954.7 -76,896.3 -78,471.1
4,050.4 4,845.5 4,971.8 5,316.6 4,735.7 K 4,765.7 4,909.3 4,615.9 5,793.6
493.0 541.0 942.8 1,092.8 1,398.2 K 1,869.8 1,925.0 1,778.2 2,110.5
51.7 65.0 12.2 -13.4 55.6 K 242.1 255.8 207.9 322.3
170.8 118.1 12.2 59.4 83.7 K 346.9 376.4 321.8 426.2
119.1 53.1 0.0 72.8 28.1 K 104.8 120.6 113.9 103.9
14,036.0 13,684.7 1,563.0 -28,205.4 -24,250.1 K -75,517.6 -76,714.6 -73,850.7 -74,465.8
-13,144.1 -15,113.1 -88,329.7 -28,296.5 -70,162.8 K -125,000.1 -137,614.1 -92,826.6 -66,496.2
2,910.4 28,798.4 17,061.3 26,115.3 -4,551.9 K 26,763.0 16,067.1 5,207.6 14,941.8
2,694.6 23,413.5 10,091.3 13,859.1 4,545.3 K 36,537.2 31,087.5 4,742.7 16,300.3
215.8 5,384.9 6,969.9 12,256.2 -9,097.1 K -9,774.2 -15,020.4 464.9 -1,358.5
15,460.0 19,378.1 44,579.5 50,716.4 31,480.9 K 88,452.1 101,157.8 86,606.5 69,181.4
15,044.9 15,373.3 26,074.4 30,064.0 19,906.4 K 74,981.8 84,707.1 64,065.6 30,835.3
415.1 4,004.8 18,505.1 20,652.4 11,574.6 K 13,470.3 16,450.7 22,540.9 38,346.1
1,770.8 -522.6 -286.1 -1,900.0 -4,124.5 K 4,735.2 -16,855.5 7,402.7 8,981.1
830.8 915.2 1,413.4 -257.1 -2,582.2 K -4,264.4 -7,656.5 6,941.8 6,219.2
940.0 -1,437.9 -1,699.5 -1,643.0 -1,542.3 K 8,999.6 -9,199.0 460.8 2,761.9
6,655.3 9,050.6 48,104.3 -766.9 46,158.5 K 71,648.1 24,392.2 23,228.5 41,767.6
6,451.3 7,715.8 26,217.3 -7,565.4 37,071.2 K 37,671.3 7,173.9 5,601.8 11,636.3
204.1 1,334.8 21,886.9 6,798.4 9,087.3 K 33,976.8 17,218.3 17,626.7 30,131.3
40.0 -383.2 710.3 312.4 -156.2 K 112.1 -2.8 -24.6 -110.3
-508.0 -482.1 -88.4 -298.1 -322.2 K -356.2 -386.9 -301.1 -497.2
-548.0 -98.9 -798.7 -610.5 -166.0 K -468.3 -384.1 -276.4 -386.8
5,034.9 8,913.7 18,551.5 5,268.8 30,303.2 K 40,454.7 36,054.9 23,867.2 39,686.2
... ... ... ... ... K 84.5 132.6 34.9 0.2
5,034.9 8,913.7 18,551.5 5,268.8 30,303.2 K 40,370.2 35,922.3 23,832.3 39,686.0
784.9 23,490.7 31,682.9 8,143.4 13,993.9 K 36,964.9 47,327.7 19,444.4 19,045.9
... ... ... ... ... K 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
784.9 23,490.7 31,682.9 8,143.4 13,993.9 K 36,964.9 47,327.7 19,444.4 19,045.9
27,180.1 28,797.8 89,892.7 91.1 45,912.7 K 49,482.5 60,899.5 18,975.8 -7,969.5
386.4 1,771.5 -2,408.5 2,878.2 1,664.9 K -402.5 -2,264.7 -76.7 2,045.7
27,566.4 30,569.3 87,484.2 2,969.3 47,577.6 K 49,080.0 58,634.9 18,899.1 -5,923.8
4,324.3 30,571.0 87,484.2 2,969.3 47,577.6 K 49,080.0 58,634.9 18,899.1 -5,923.8
-23,242.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 K 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0.4 1.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 K 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
2014 2015 2016
-104,181.3 -59,434.3 -23,529.6
224,097.8 190,092.1 184,452.9
230,727.0 172,422.2 139,415.9
-6,629.2 17,669.9 45,037.0
39,965.3 33,777.5 33,300.3
88,072.1 70,695.9 63,747.1
-54,736.0 -19,248.5 14,590.2
12,849.3 11,930.7 11,527.5
65,019.6 54,840.2 52,607.8
-106,906.3 -62,158.0 -26,490.1
4,930.4 4,712.5 5,301.6
2,205.4 1,988.7 2,341.1
231.5 461.2 273.8
376.3 549.0 420.8
144.8 87.9 147.0
-103,949.8 -58,973.1 -23,255.9
-111,431.2 -56,723.5 -25,631.5
26,039.7 13,518.4 7,815.1
25,328.0 14,357.4 8,040.4
711.6 -839.1 -225.3
96,895.0 74,693.6 78,182.2
57,918.2 56,640.3 54,020.9
38,976.7 18,053.4 24,161.2
2,819.7 -3,567.9 -598.6
2,144.3 -118.0 -693.0
675.4 -3,450.0 94.5
41,527.3 18,701.5 -19,815.0
11,773.0 9,811.3 10,585.9
29,754.3 8,890.2 -30,400.9
1,568.2 3,449.7 -968.9
-7,614.1 -20,659.1 -13,873.5
-9,182.2 -24,108.7 -12,904.6
50,666.5 43,970.0 33,442.2
94.9 171.5 757.2
50,571.6 43,798.4 32,685.0
54,102.9 20,698.5 6,954.2
... ... 0.0
54,102.9 20,698.5 6,954.2
7,481.3 -2,249.6 2,375.6
3,351.6 3,818.3 6,852.8
10,832.9 1,568.7 9,228.4
10,832.9 1,568.7 9,228.4
0.0 0.0 0.0
... ... ...

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