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CemCADE* well cementing recommendation for 13

3/8 CSG
Operator : Centurion Well : Abu Gabal 1
Country : Egypt Field : West El Manzala
State : ED

Prepared for : Drilling Dept Location : ED

Proposal No. :1 Service Point :
Date Prepared : 07-14-2008 Business Phone : 022768 4700
FAX No. :

Prepared by : Husam Ellied

Phone : 010-0074015
E-Mail :

well description
Configura Casing Stage : Single Rig Type : Land
Prev.Strin MD : 75.0 m OD : 20 in Weight : 94.0 lb/ft
Csg/Liner MD : 1230.0 m OD : 13 3/8 in Weight : 68.0 lb/ft
Landing Collar MD 1205.6 m
Casing/liner Shoe MD 1230.0 m
Mud Line 0.0 ft
Total MD 1230.0 m
BHST 132 degF
Bit Size 17 1/2 in
Mean OH Diameter 17.500 in
Mean Annular Excess 100.0 %
Mean OH Equivalent 20.823 in
Total OH Volume 1596.2 bbl (including excess)

Disclaimer Notice:

This information is presented in good faith, but no warranty is given by and Schlumberger assumes no liability for advice
or recommendations made concerning results to be obtained from the use of any product or service. The results given
are estimates based on calculations produced by a computer model including various assumptions on the well, reservoir
and treatment. The results depend on input data provided by the Operator and estimates as to unknown data and can
be no more accurate than the model, the assumptions and such input data. The information presented is
Schlumberger's best estimate of the actual results that may be achieved and should be used for comparison purposes
rather than absolute values. The quality of input data, and hence results, may be improved through the use of certain
tests and procedures which Schlumberger can assist in selecting.

The Operator has superior knowledge of the well, the reservoir, the field and conditions affecting them. If the Operator is
aware of any conditions whereby a neighboring well or wells might be affected by the treatment proposed herein it is
the Operator's responsibility to notify the owner or owners of the well or wells accordingly.

Prices quoted are estimates only and are good for 30 days from the date of issue. Actual charges may vary depending
upon time, equipment, and material ultimately required to perform these services.
Mark of
Freedom Schlumberger
from infringement of patents of Schlumberger or others is not to be inferred.

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

Section 1: fluid sequence

Original fluid Mud 9.20 lb/gal
Pv : 5.000 cP Ty : 5.00 lbf/100ft2
Displacement Volume 592.2 bbl
Total Volume 1636.5 bbl
TOC 0.0 ft

Fluid Sequence
Name Volume Ann. Len Top Density Rheology
(bbl) (m) (m) (lb/gal)
Fresh water 50.0 0.0 8.33 viscosity:1.000 cP
Lead Slurry 819.9 1030.0 0.0 11.50 Pv:10.000 cP Ty:10.00 lbf/100ft2
Tail Slurry 174.3 200.0 1030.0 15.80 Pv:20.000 cP Ty:20.00 lbf/100ft2
Mud 592.2 0.0 9.20 Pv:5.000 cP Ty:5.00 lbf/100ft2

Section 2: pumping schedule

Pumping Schedule
Name Flow Rate Volume Stage Time Cum.Vol Inj. Comments
(bbl/min) (bbl) (min) (bbl). Temp.
Fresh water 5.0 50.0 10.0 50.0 80
Lead Slurry 7.0 819.9 117.1 819.9 80
Tail Slurry 6.0 174.3 29.1 174.3 80
Mud 7.0 572.2 81.7 572.2 80
Mud 2.0 20.0 10.0 592.2 80

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

Total 04:07 1636.5 bbl


Dynamic Security Checks :

Frac 30 psi at 246.1 ft
Pore 4 psi at 246.1 ft
Collapse 1213 psi at 3955.4 ft
Burst 2820 psi at 0.0 ft

Temperature Results
BHCT 101 degF Simulated Max HCT (degF)
Simulated BHCT (degF) Max HCT Depth (ft)
CT at TOC (degF) Max HCT Time (hr:mn:sc)
Static temperatures :
At Time (hr:mn) (hr:mn) Geo. Temp.
Top of Cement (degF) (degF) (degF)
Bottom Hole (degF) (degF) (degF)

Page 3
Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

(x 1000) psi
0 1 2 3
Min. Hydrostatic
Max. Dynamic

Min. Dynamic
Calc. WHP
Acquired Pressure

WHP (psi)
250 0
0 500 1000 15002000
Pumped Volume (bbl)

Dynamic Well Secu rity

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

Section 3: centralizer placement

Top of centralization :75.0 m
Bottom Cent. MD :4015.4 ft
Casing Shoe :1230.0 m
NB of Cent. Used :33
NB of Floating Cent. :33

Centralizer Placement
Bottom MD Nbr. Cent. / Cent. Name Code Min. STO @ Depth
(m) Joint (%) (ft)
1205.6 31 1/3 NW-ST-13 3/8-8-ST A4 W13J 77.9 3875.4
1230.0 2 1/1 NW-ST-13 3/8-8-ST A4 W13J 85.8 3955.4

Centralizer Description Centralizer Tests

Cent. Name Code Casing Max. Min. OD Rigid Origin Hole Size Running Restoring
OD OD (in) (in) Force Force
(in) (in) (lbf) (lbf)
NW-ST-13 3/8-8-ST W13J 13 3/8 19.882 14.685 No Hannover 17.500 692.41 2953.99

(1) - Centralizer performance data is based on tests by WEATHERFORD as per the current API 10D specifications

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09
Client : Centurion
Well : Abu Gabal 1
String : 13 3/8 CSG
District :
Country : Egypt
Loadcase: Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG

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Abugabal_13 CSG CemCADE.cfw ; 07-21-2008 ; LoadCase Abu Gabal-1_13 CSG ; Version wcs-cem452_09

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