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Please note that only the following Masters programmes are eligible for the UM-Holland

High Potential Scholarship programme:

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

MA Art, Literature and Society
MA Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education
MA Arts and Culture: spec. Politics and Society
MA European Public Affairs
MA European Studies on Society, Science and Technology
MA European Studies: spec. Europe in a Globalising World
MA European Studies: spec. European Politics and International Relations
MA European Studies: spec. European Public Policy and Administration
MA Globalisation and Development Studies
MSc Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (Research)
MSc European Studies (Research)
MA Media Culture

Faculty of Law
LLM European Law School: spec. European Law & Market Integration
LLM European Law School: spec. European Public Law & Governance
LLM European Law School: spec. Free track
LLM Forensics, Criminology and Law
LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Corporate and Commercial Law
LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. General track
LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Human Rights
LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. International Trade and Investment Law
LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. International and European Tax Law
LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. International and European Tax Law,
American Specialisation (Double Degree Programme)
LLM/MSc Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law and Knowledge Management

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

MSc Biomedical Sciences
MSc Epidemiology
MSc Global Health
MSc Governance and Leadership in European Public Health
MSc Health Education and Promotion
MSc Health Sciences (Research)
MSc Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Health and Rehabilitation
MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Sports and Nutrition
MSc Work, Health and Career

Faculty of Humanities & Sciences

MSc Biobased Materials
MSc Systems Biology
Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience
MSc Forensic Psychology
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Cognitive Neuroscience
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Drug Development and
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Fundamental Neuroscience
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Neuroeconomics
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Neuropsychology
Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Psychopathology

School of Business and Economics

MSc Business Intelligence and Smart Services
MSc Economics
MSc Financial Economics
MSc IB/Entrepreneurship and SME Management
MSc IB/Information Management and Business Intelligence
MSc IB/Sustainable Finance

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