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Rusangu Times Daily

Shades of Africa
treated differently based on
social meaning attached to the
shade of their complexion.

The term is said to be coined by

Alice Walker around 1982, it is
not a synonym of racism, racism
is discrimination based on race
and ethnicity, colourism
however is based on skin tone.
Most cultures in Africa bleach
for different reasons, but most
bleach for whiter skin.

Colourism originates back to

years of slavery and
colonization, various shades of
the African skin came from the mix of
genes of the white slave masters and
Africa is known as the home for all black
colonizers who raped the black slaves.
people, where everyone is proud of their
Biracial children were still considered
race and heritage.
slaves based on the fact they were not fully
But in Africa there is such a thing as being white and had a black parent; however
too dark-skinned or too black. In most were granted more privileges than their
African cultures youll find that brown darker skinned kin. Light skins were also
skin is preferred over dark skin, the lighter characterized as smarter, more capable of
your skin the better chance you have at educational training and worked less hard
being considered being pretty. This is job. This ultimately resulted in the issue of
called colourism or shadeism, a colourism.
discrimination based on skin colour, this is
WHO (World Health Organization) has
subcategory of racism. It is a form of
reported that Nigerians are the highest
prejudice in which human beings are
users of skin lightening products by 77% skinned woman before and then after her
followed by Togo 59% , South Africa with using the cream. Khess Peteh is printed
35% and Mali with 25% . These results are above which loosely translates to All
ghastly and show that Africa needs to help white or All light. Nearly 2,000 people
those who suffer from self-hatred of their signed an online petition to bring the
skin colour. Several African celebrities advert down; even a counter campaign
have recently been under fire from the called Nuul kuuk was set up defending
public for lighting their skin. black pride.

An example of one these celebrities came Skin bleaching might look like fun and
from South Africa, local musician, games but it has serious consequence.
Namasonto Mshoza Mnisis. In a recent Skin lightening creams contain a substance
interview with True Love Magazine, she called Hydroquinone, in some patients it
said that Ive been black and dark- causes itchiness, mild redness and dryness
skinned for many years; I wanted to see of the skin. Hydroquinone, also has
the other side. I wanted to see what it substances that can increase the risk of
would be like to be white and Im happy. cancer. In many countries you can buy this
drug over the counter; however it has been
banned in Europe only available through
prescription. Skin bleaching jobs gone
wrong and what overly bleached skin can
look like: unnaturally white with a greyish,
very dull tint. However, the corpse-like
skin is not even the worse of it. When
Hydroquinone is used in doses higher than
2% or over a period longer than three
months, the whole skin lightening business
can have some pretty negative effects.
Namasonto before and after bleaching Overuse of skin whiteners can also cause
pigmentation to build up in your fingers,
She also said her lightened makes her feel toes, ears etc, causing them to look darker
more beautiful, and it was a personal and mismatched. Yet another negative
choice to her, no different from when reaction can develop known as the bleach
people get breast implants or nose jobs. panda effect, where the skin on the face
becomes thinned around the eyes and have
Each treatment cost up to US$590/ 360, increased pigmentation. Cute on a panda,
many companies that sell skin whitening not so much on a human.
products make the woman with dark skin
feel inferior to a woman a woman who is I wonder how a group of individuals who
lighter skinned. A recent advert in are already oppressed by society and have
Senegal, last week, has sparked outrage been for many centuries can then start
from woman and men in all over Africa, segregating each other, black people
not just Senegal. The advert showed a dark already know how crippling discrimination
and disadvantages faced based race, class,
gender, skin, colour or even hair texture.
Its a shame we live in a world where
racial groups boost their own self-esteem
at the expense of others.

Reported by Effie Thangalimodzi

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