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Let Me Try!

Add Resources and Define Resource Capacity

In this exercise, youll add resources to your project and examine your resource capacity.
Open the file Home Construction Project
2A 3A from your course dataset file again.

1. Choose View >Resource >Views > to switch to the Resource Sheet view.

In the Resource Sheet view, notice that four additional resources have been added: the home
buyer, the interior designer, and two construction foremen. By default, all four of these
resources are 100 percent allocated to the project and have a standard rate of $0.00/hr.

2. Follow these steps to change the default Max. Units settings:


A. Edit the Max. Units for Rita Langdon and Tracy Lynn.

B. Edit the Std. Rate columns for all four resources.

Examine the new resources, particularly how the combination of Max. Units and Std. Rate will
work together in the project plan. Homebuyer Rita Langdon is available to the project 20 hours
per week, but her rate is $0.00/hr. This means you can plan and track her time on the project
without incurring any costs. Interior designer Tracy Lynn is dedicated to the project for only 25
percent (10 hours) of a given week.

3. Choose View >Task View >Gantt Chart to return to the Gantt Chart view.

4. Save and close the file.

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