6-23-2010 - Page A5

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Carroll County Times

NATION/WORLD Wednesday, June 23, 2010, Page A5

Bringing out benefits
Obama releases consumer protections package
such protections do so at their
WASHINGTON — Presi- own political peril.
dent Barack Obama unveiled a ■ Guaranteed coverage for children with pre- existing
health problems. “We’re not going back,” the
package of consumer benefits president emphasized. “I re-
Tuesday to build support for ■ A ban on lifetime coverage limits. fuse to go back. And so do
his health care overhaul within ■ Phasing out annual coverage limits. Starting this countless Americans.”
a divided nation and warned year, plans can set annual limits no lower than The White House called it a
Republicans about trying to $750,000. “patients’ bill of rights,” but
repeal his landmark law. ■ Prohibiting insurers from canceling the policies of Republicans dismissed Tues-
“We’re not going back,” said a day’s announcement as a pub-
defiant president. people who get sick.
AP PHOTO ■ Guaranteed choice of primary care doctors and pe- lic relations effort.
Obama also sparred with the “This shouldn’t be called a
Midwest storm damage insurance industry — but this diatricians from a plan’s network. No prior approval
needed to seek emergency care out- of- network.
health care bill of rights, but a
time he sounded a conciliatory bill of goods that the Ameri-
Marlene Hein, of Eagle, Wis., stands in the note, praising insurers for can people aren’t buying,” said
kitchen of her mother Maryanne Mar- meeting some requirements of Sen. Orrin Hatch, R- Utah.
the law ahead of schedule. “There are genuine cost regulations that explain how
quardt’s home Tuesday. The house was de- “There isn’t enough slick ad-
The legislation “is not meant drivers that are not caused by several provisions of the law
stroyed by Monday night’s tornado. vertising, politically crafted
to punish insurance compa- insurance companies,” Oba- will be carried out, including a events or artful sales pitches
nies,” he said, but will bring ma said. “But what is also true ban on insurers denying cov-
Haley, Scott win S.C. runoff them millions of new cus- is we’ve got to make sure that erage to children in poor
that will change that.”
However, many Republicans
for GOP nominations tomers. this new law is not being used
as an excuse to simply drive
With polls showing Ameri-
agree with at least some of the
Still, Obama left no doubt consumer protections, which
COLUMBIA , S.C. — In a break from the his administration would ag- up costs.” cans split over the health in- were among the least contro-
state’s racist legacy, South Carolina Republi- gressively confront what he Marking the first 90 days surance expansion, Obama versial elements of Obam’s
cans overwhelmingly chose Nikki Haley, an In- called unreasonable premium since the bill was signed, the told an invited audience at the $1 trillion, 10-year overhaul
dian-American woman, to run for governor and hikes. White House rolled out new White House that Rep- legislation.
easily nominated Tim Scott, in line to become
the former Confederate stronghold’s first black
GOP congressman in more than a century.

Oil drilling
Six- term Republican Rep. Bob Inglis fell to
prosecutor Trey Gowdy, making him the 5th
House or Senate incumbent to stumble this
In North Carolina, Secretary of State Elaine
Marshall won the Democratic nomination to
challenge GOP Sen. Richard Burr in the fall. At-
torney Mike Lee took an early lead as Utah Re-
publicans chose a GOP successor to
vanquished Sen. Bob Bennett in a state that
hasn’t elected a Democratic senator in four
decades. In Mississippi, voters chose Republi-
can Bill Marcy to face Rep. Bennie Thompson.
San Francisco board passes
cell phone emission law
SAN FRANCISCO — In this city known for
producing laws both path- breaking and con-
tentious, legislators have forcefully stepped
into another debate — this time over the po-
tential danger of cell phone use.
With the 10-1 vote in favor of an ordinance
Mayor Gavin Newsom has indicated he will
sign, San Francisco has waded into the as-yet The White House
unresolved debate over the relationship be-
tween long- term use of cell phones and health said it will appeal
problems such as brain tumors. The law re-
quires cell phone retailers to disclose the the decision
phones’ specific absorption rate, or SAR, to
SAR measures the maximum amount of radi- NEW ORLEANS — A fed-
ation absorbed by a person using a handset. AP PHOTO eral judge struck down the
The Federal Communications Commission Catacomb archeological superintendent Fabrizio Bisconti points to frescoes discov- Obama administration’s six-
limits SAR to an average of 1.6 watts per kilo- ered with the earliest known icons of the Apostles Peter and Paul in a catacomb lo- month ban on deepwater oil
gram of body tissue, but information about ra- drilling in the Gulf of Mexico
diation levels is not usually readily available cated under an office building in a residential neighborhood of Rome Tuesday.
as rash and heavy-handed

Lasers reveal icons of saints

when people purchase phones at stores. Tuesday, saying the govern-
ment simply assumed that
NYC steps up with $44M because one rig exploded,
the others pose an imminent
for delayed WTC arts center
NEW YOR K — New York City has stepped
“These are absolutely danger, too.
The White House prom-
ROME — Twenty-first cen-
into the long- delayed planning for a perform-
ing arts center at ground zero with over $40
tury laser technology has the first representations ised an immediate appeal.
Later Tuesday, Interior Sec-
of the apostles.”
opened a window into the
million to help build its below- ground founda- retary Ken Salazar said in a
early days of the Catholic
tion. statement that within the
Church, guiding researchers
The Port Authority of New York and New through the dank, musty cata- Fabrizio Bisconti next few days he will issue a
Jersey’s board approved a deal Tuesday that new order imposing a mora-
combs beneath Rome to a Catacombs superintendent of archaeology torium that will eliminate
would have the city pay it back for the con- startling find: the first known
struction at the World Trade Center site. any doubt it is needed and
icons of the apostles Peter and appropriate.
Authority spokesman Steve Coleman says Paul.
some work on the foundation and shared infra- on the ceiling of the tomb of nounced the discovery of the The Interior Department
Vatican officials unveiled had imposed the morato-
structure is in progress, but other parts of the the paintings Tuesday, discov- an aristocratic Roman woman icon of Paul at Santa Tecla,
project have not yet been contracted out. at the Santa Tecla catacomb timing the news to coincide rium last month in the wake
ered along with the earliest of the BP disaster, halting ap-
Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s spokesman An- known images of the apostles near where the remains of the with the end of the Vatican’s
drew Brent says the city expects to pay for the apostle Paul are said to be year of St. Paul. Pope Benedict proval of any new permits
work with funds from the Lower Manhattan John and Andrew in an under- for deepwater projects and
ground burial chamber be- buried. XVI also said tests on bone
Development Corp. rebuilding agency. fragments long attributed to suspending drilling on 33 ex-
neath an office building on a Rome has dozens of such ploratory wells.
busy street in a working-class burial chambers and they are Paul “seemed to confirm” that
White House spokesman
Son of Dallas chief dies Rome neighborhood. a major tourist attraction, giv- they did indeed belong to the
Robert Gibbs said President
ing visitors a peek into the tra- Roman Catholic saint.
in shootout with police The images, which date
from the second half of the 4th ditions of the early church Tuesday, Vatican archaeolo-
Barack Obama believes that
until investigations can de-
DALLAS — The city’s new police chief faces century, were uncovered when Christians were often gists announced the image of termine why the spill hap-
one of the worst tragedies that could befall a using a new laser technique persecuted for their beliefs. Paul was not found in isola- pened, continued deepwater
law enforcement officer: living with the knowl- that allows restorers to burn Early Christians dug the cata- tion, but was part of a square drilling exposes workers and
edge that his dead son was a cop killer. off centuries of thick white combs outside Rome’s walls ceiling painting that also in- the environment to “a dan-
Just seven weeks after being sworn in as calcium carbonate deposits as underground cemeteries, cluded icons of three other ger that the president does
leader of the Dallas police force, David Brown without damaging the brilliant since burial was forbidden in- apostles — Peter, John and not believe we can afford.”
learned on Father’s Day that his 27- year- old dark colors of the paintings side the city walls and pagan Andrew — surrounding an Several companies that
son gunned down a suburban officer in a week- underneath. The technique Romans were usually cre- image of Christ as the Good ferry people and supplies
end shootout with police. could revolutionize the way mated. Shepherd. and provide other services to
Investigators say 37-year- old Lancaster offi- restoration work is carried out The Santa Tecla catacombs “They are the first icons. offshore rigs argued that the
cer Craig Shaw was killed Sunday just minutes in the miles of catacombs that represent some of the earliest These are absolutely the first moratorium was arbitrarily
after Brown’s son fatally shot a stranger in what burrow under the Eternal City evidence of devotion to the representations of the apos- imposed after the April 20
authorities say was a random attack. where early Christians buried apostles in early Christianity, tles,” said Fabrizio Bisconti, explosion that killed 11 work-
their dead. Vatican officials said. the superintendent of archae- ers and blew out a well 5,000
— Associated Press The icons were discovered Last June, the Vatican an- ology for the catacombs. feet underwater.

Israel launches satellites over Iran to keep times been rocky, McChrys-
track of its nuclear pro- tal has cultivated the
or sometimes even less than
they received under Sad-
military satellite gram. Afghan leader, encouraging dam Hussein.
him to visit remote areas of Fears that frustration
JERUSAL EM — Israel’s
the country and assume re-
Defense Ministry said it has Afghans support sponsibility for military op-
could lead to bloodshed
launched a military satellite were realized Saturday in
called “Ofek 9,” the latest in U.S. general erations against the Taliban. the oil port of Basra, where
two protesters were killed
a series of spy satellites. KABUL, Afghanistan —
The Defense Ministry Afghan President Hamid Fury over power
after a demonstration over
power outages turned vio-
says the satellite was Karzai gave a strong en- outages tests Iraq lent, prompting security
launched Tuesday evening. dorsement Tuesday to em- forces to open fire.
It said the satellite was sent battled Gen. Stanley BAGHDAD — Iraqis’
The crisis has already led
skyward from the Pal- McChrystal, describing him tempers are rising with to the electricity minister’s
machim air force base on as the “best commander” of their thermometers over resignation and poses a
Israel’s coast south of Tel the war and expressing their government’s failure major test for Prime Minis-
Aviv. hope that he keeps his job to provide reliable electric- ter Nouri al- Maliki as he
The statement said tech- despite a magazine profile ity. And their thermometers struggles to keep his job
nical crews were examining replete with derogatory have topped 120 degrees. amid bickering over the for- AP PHOTO
the data. Defense officials comments about President Billions of dollars have mation of a new govern- Britain BP demonstration
said Ofek 9 is a spy satellite Barack Obama and mem- been spent trying to fix the ment more than three
with a high resolution cam- bers of the U.S. national grid since the 2003 invasion, months after national elec- People dressed as a mock clean- up crew called the
era. It’s to join two other ac- strategy team. but many Iraqis still get less tions. “Greenwash Guerrillas” hold a banner outside the
tive spy satellites. While Obama’s relation- than six hours of electricity National Portrait Gallery in London, Tuesday, where
Israel is known to direct ship with Karzai has some- per day — about the same — Associated Press the BP Portrait Award ceremony is held.

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