The Role of Electrotherapy in Contemporary Physio Practice

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Manual Therapy (2000) 5(3), 132141

# 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd

doi:10.1054/math.2000.0363, available online at on


The role of electrotherapy in contemporary physiotherapy practice

T. Watson
Department of Physiotherapy, University of Hertfordshire, Hateld, Hertfordshire, UK

SUMMARY. Although electrotherapy has a well established role within physiotherapy practice, the current
concepts that inuence its application vary considerably from those proposed historically. It is argued that there is a
place for electrophysical modalities in contemporary practice, and several basic principles are considered together
with more specic information regarding two modalities namely, ultrasound and interferential therapy.
Electrophysical agents are utilised to bring about physiological eects, and it is these changes which bring about
the therapeutic benet rather than the modality itself. Clinical decision protocols employing the available evidence
should enable the most appropriate modality to be employed for a particular patient. Indiscriminate use of
electrotherapy is unlikely to yield signicant benet, however used at the right time, it has the potential to achieve
benecial eect. The patient management programme which combines manual therapy, exercise therapy and
electrotherapy, based on current evidence, should enable the most ecacious management of a patients'
dysfunction. This paper aims to consider some of the current concepts in electrotherapy and to relate this to both
general and specic treatments. # 2000 Harcourt Publishers Ltd


Electrotherapy is one of the fundamental elements of Modern electrotherapy applications tend to employ
physiotherapy practice, yet despite its widespread use lower treatment `doses' than in the past, and yet
from the early professional times, it is often poorly the claimed treatment eects are supposedly more
understood, sometimes inappropriately used and the signicant (Watson 1995). The rationale for this
topic of substantial debate. philosophical shift relates to a number of research
This article attempts to ground modern electro- trends, largely outside the direct realm of physiother-
therapy practice into some form of contextual apy, but which, nonetheless, have a major impact on
framework. It is not suggested that the practice of electrotherapy treatments.
electrotherapy is central to the management of One of the more nebulous of these, is that of
musculoskeletal conditions, in general it is most minimal intervention. It is dicult to determine quite
appropriately used as an adjunct to other therapies. where this started, but there is little doubt that
Used appropriately, it has signicant potential to current treatment doses with ultrasound, for exam-
benet. Used inappropriately, it may have no eect, ple, are signicantly lower than those employed
or worse still, have a detrimental eect on the several years ago. Therapists tend to use the lowest
patients' wellbeing. One of the major skills in eective dose rather than using a high dose, as the
electrotherapy relates to the decision making process latter may in fact be too `strong' for the required
which modality to use, and with which treatment response. By employing a `low dose', sucient to pass
parameters. Whilst not attempting to provide a series the threshold of minimal eect, it is hoped that the
of recipes, this article will attempt to review modern desired physiological changes can be initiated without
electrotherapy principles and illustrate its potential causing detrimental or unwanted `side eects' (Kitch-
usefulness. en & Bazin 1996; Low & Reed 2000).
A second area of changed philosophy relates to the
internal energy systems of the body. There are
numerous natural electrical activities in the body,
Dr Tim Watson, PhD, BSc, MCSP, Head of Department of
Physiotherapy, University of Hertfordshire, Hateld,
and these relate to many tissues, not just the nervous
Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK. E-mail: system and muscle (Watson 1995). Musculoskeletal

The role of electrotherapy in physiotheraphy 133

tissues are generally electrically active in their own physics, and then through the physical and physio-
right, and this electrical energy is an essential logical eects, eventually being able to determine (by
component of normal physiological function. The default if by no other means) the therapeutic uses for
endogenous bioelectric activity is quite normal, and which it can be employed.
not a phenomenon associated with `alternative' In the clinical situation, the decision making
therapies alone. Much of the fundamental research process appropriately commences with a discussion
in this area has been conducted by physiologists, of the patient's problems. Having identied the
biochemists and electrical engineers e.g. (Athenstaedt therapeutic aims and priorities for treatment, it is
1974; Harrington et al. 1974; Frohlich 1982; Betz & possible to establish the physiological mechanisms
Caldwell 1984; Binderman et al. 1984; Konikiewicz which will need to be activated or enhanced in order
& Gri 1984; Nordenstrom 1984; Oner 1984; to achieve resolution of the problem. Once the
Cooper & Schliwa 1985; Choy et al. 1986; Wolf physiological eects are known, then the modality
1986; Karu 1987; McLeod et al. 1987; Blank 1988; that is best able to achieve these eects can be
Marino 1988; Zon & Ti Tien 1988; Borgens et al. determined. The nal selection of dosage and
1989; Robinson 1989; Bistol 1990; Wang et al. 1993) treatment method should be based on the evidence
Many of the ndings do help to explain some of the (in its broadest sense), thus the resulting treatment
eects associated with alternative or complementary application should be appropriate, logical and
therapies, but the fundamental science belongs to supported by whatever evidence is available.
all aspects of medicine, including physiotherapy in This two way learning and decision making model
general, and electrotherapy in particular. is illustrated in Fig. 1.
The tissues in which these electrical phenomena By selecting treatment modalities and doses based
have been demonstrated is broad, covering skin purely on past learning, the therapist risks applying
(Foulds & Barker 1983; Vanable 1989), bone a less than fully appropriate treatment, and although
(Friedenberg et al. 1973; Borgens et al. 1985; the patient may well improve, the maximum eciency
McGinnis 1989), ligament (Frank et al. 1985; Akai may not have been achieved. Keeping up to date with
et al. 1988) and tendon (Stanish et al. 1985). the evidence is a daunting task, especially if the topic
Bioelectric activity has been demonstrated at sub- area is seen as being `peripheral' to the main activity
cellular, cellular tissue and whole organism levels of the practitioner.
(Becker 1990; Borgens et al. 1989). The mechanisms
for the generation of the electrical energy varies
from tissue to tissue, but with common themes as
would be expected in any biological system. There EVIDENCE BASED THERAPY
is no doubt that this electrical activity is funda-
mental to physiological processes. Researchers have There is rarely a single answer when it comes to
demonstrated that changes in electrical activity are clinical decisions. There are usually several options,
strongly associated with physiological events, and it some of which have a better probability of achieving
has also been demonstrated that blocking or rever- the required eect. Evidence based practice is a
sing the electrical activity can result in diminution or relatively modern term for a process which has been
loss of the expected reaction (Becker 1974a; Becker applied in therapy for many years. There have been
1974b). Whilst there is inevitably some doubt in the problems with the volume and appropriateness of the
wider scientic community, the growing acceptance evidence, but in recent times, both of these aspects
within the medical professions that these internal have been steadily improving. Historically, the
electrical activities are signicant has inuenced evidence has been based on undergraduate learning,
practice in several elds including orthopaedics which is supplemented by experience and peer
(Brighton et al. 1981; Chakkalakal et al. 1988), evidence, both formal and informal. More recently,
psychology (Edelberg 1972) and physiotherapy there have been widespread calls for quality evidence
(Charman 1990a).
The full range of bioelectric phenomena are too
extensive to review here, but the interested reader is
referred to other papers by the author for a more
detailed description of their relevance (Watson 1995;
Watson 1996a; Watson 1996b).


The method by which most therapists learn about the

various electrotherapy modalities is rstly with the Fig. 1A simple bidirectional model of electrotherapy.

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134 Manual Therapy

which can be evaluated and implemented if deemed unique. This is not deliberate, but if the basic science
appropriate. This should lead to improvements in on which we base our explanations is awed, then
quality treatments but it is important not to dismiss acceptance of our explanations is dicult to achieve
existing treatments which appear to work (based on outside the portals of the profession. With the
experience), but for which there are no specic updated versions of texts, this is becoming less of a
published papers. There is a danger of rejecting problem, and recent authors are to be congratulated
therapeutic approaches which are in fact valid but on demystifying some of these historical misconcep-
which lack double blind controlled trials. If one looks tions. There remain, however, several widely held
critically at the full range of physiotherapy treatments beliefs which are essentially incorrect, and it will
from cold therapy to hydrotherapy and many in take time for the `real' explanations to permeate the
between, there is simply insucient evidence to professional mass.
support or reject them in all known circumstances.
Absence of evidence does not always mean that there
is evidence of absence (of eect). This does not excuse
the lack of published evidence related to electro-
At a basic level, all cells are electrically active. The
therapy, but points to the reality that there are many
cell membrane exhibits a potential across its struc-
treatments used which appear to have contextual
ture. This averages some 70 mV (70 thousandths of a
validity, but lack direct evidence.
volt), though can be up to 90 or 100 mV in nerves,
The database of electrotherapy related research is
with the internal aspect of the cell being maintained
growing steadily with the most readily identiable
in a more negative state compared with the extra-
gaps related to quality clinical studies and those
cellular environment. The cell membrane potential is
comparing the ecacy of various therapeutic combi-
inherently related to the cell transport mechanisms.
nations. The laboratory and physiological based
These are the processes by which material is moved
studies tend to dominate. There are several active
into and out of the cell. Many of the materials which
electrotherapy research groups in the UK and over-
are routinely moved across the membrane are ions
seas who publish in a range of therapy, medicine and
charged particles and their transportation is eected
physiology related journals.
by a variety of pumps and gated channels. Charman
In the ideal situation, everyone would know all
(1990b) has reviewed the relationship between a
there is to know about every modality. The treatment
variety of these mechanisms.
selection could therefore be rationalised to the point
Although the membrane potential is small (in
where a single owchart would suce in terms of
absolute terms), it is substantial relative to the
electrotherapy decision making. This is not the case
thickness of the membrane. The average membrane
however. There is a wealth of information pertaining
thickness is some 710 nm (Alberts et al. 1989) (a
to the various modalities, including laboratory based
nanometre is 1079 of a metre or a thousandth of a
studies, fundamental physics, clinical studies and
millionth of a metre). The equivalent voltage is in
larger scale trials. This combined with empirical and
the order of 1014 million volts across a metre. This
anecdotal/peer evidence of ecacy provides a sub-
is the voltage gradient (volts per metre) across the
stantive database from which such decisions can be
membrane rather than an actual potential dierence.
made. The major problem is in keeping up to date
As each living cell in the body has this voltage
with the research literature and incorporating it into
gradient, it must be there for a purpose as it costs
the professional framework which is used to make
energy to maintain. The gradient is an essential
clinical decisions.
component of the cell transport (as above), and the
In electrotherapy, the last series of update articles
two phenomena are closely related. Changes in the
appearing in a mainstream publication were those
voltage will inuence transport mechanisms, and
by Partridge and Kitchen in 1990 (e.g. ultrasound
conversely, changes in transport mechanisms will
reviews in Partridge & Kitchen 1990a; Partridge &
inuence the voltage gradient (Adey 1988, Charman,
Kitchen 1990b). These provide a sound evidence-
based foundation for many recent developments, but
The cell membrane is a key player in inuencing
they must now be, in part at least, out of date. Other
cellular activity levels (Alberts et al. 1989). The
publications have carried review articles on various
nucleus is critical for genetic control and reproductive
aspects of electrotherapy, and where these are known,
functions, but activity changes in the membrane exert
they have been included in the modality references.
a strong inuence on cell processes.
One of the other signicant problems with electro-
therapy is that each modality is based to some extent
or another on physics. It appears to be unfortunate HIGH AND LOW ENERGY APPROACHES
that physiotherapists and physics are often poorly
matched companions, and physiotherapists interpre- There are many ways of considering the range of
tation of the laws of physics has at times been rather electrotherapy modalities some authors have

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The role of electrotherapy in physiotheraphy 135

divided them into thermal, electrical, electromagnetic other settings of the same variable may have less of
and sonic a classication which on the surface an eect, or possibly no eect at all.
at least appears to encompass most of the basic One such window relates to the amplitude of the
approaches (Kitchen & Bazin 1996; Low & Reed delivered energy. In broad terms, if the intensity set
2000). Rather than argue the benets or otherwise of on the treatment machine is too low, then the energy
such a classication, it is proposed that there is input will be insucient to achieve an eect. If
another method of considering electrotherapy, which however, the amplitude is set too high, then the
is based on the magnitude of the energy being energy input may be excessive, and no positive
applied. response occurs. The amplitude window therefore is
Two approaches within electrotherapy inuence a theoretical range of amplitudes or intensities at
this close relationship between cell electricity and cell which the benet is derived (Litovitz et al. 1990,
chemistry. One option is to deliver sucient energy Goldman & Pollack 1996). Deviation outside the
across the membrane to force a change in behaviour boundaries of this window may lead to a zero net
by depolarising (or hyperpolarising) the membrane. eect, or possibly, to an inhibitory outcome. This
Electrical stimulation therapies (such as interferen- concept is not unique to electrotherapy, and parallels
tial, TENS) are good examples of this approach. The can be seen in other forms of therapy (e.g. manual
electrical current passed through the tissues forces therapy and exercise therapy) in addition to a range
nerves to depolarise, and thereby causes the nerves to of pharmacotherapies.
`re'. The type of nerve inuenced in this way, The amplitude window is unlikely to be a static
and the rate at which the bre is depolarised will phenomenon. Its dynamic qualities relate to both the
determine the physiological and therefore the thera- sensitivity and/or irritability of the tissue, and the
peutic eect achieved (Scott 1996; Low & Reed 2000). tissue type itself. The more acute the tissue state,
The alternative approach is to deliver much smaller the more energy-sensitive it is. Some acutely injured
energy levels, and instead of forcing the membrane or traumatised tissues appear to respond to very low
to change activity, the membrane can be excited (or energy doses, whilst a normal (i.e. non injured) tissue,
stimulated). The excitement of the membrane (in exposed to the same energy dose, will fail to
general terms) results in an excitement of cellular demonstrate a signicant physiological response
activity (usually by means of a second messenger e.g. (e.g. Karu 1987). Similarly, tissue in a chronic state
calcium ions activating cAMP). Modalities which will require a greater energy input than that required
adopt this approach are those which employ small to activate the acute lesion. There appears to be a
energy levels, often not producing any direct sensa- sliding scale of intensities which are eective. It is
tion of activity. Patients frequently ask whether almost impossible to know, given our current under-
the machine is working as nothing appears to be standing, exactly which lesions require a particular
happening. Ultrasound, laser and possibly pulsed amplitude input to achieve activation. For some
shortwave therapies appear to fall into this category. modalities, overview data is available, whilst for
Each modality initiates a tissue response which is others, the information in this respect seems rather
a result of cellular excitement rather than a direct scant.
eect. The eects listed for ultrasound include, for In addition to the amplitude window, there appears
example, stimulation of the healing process. It is in to be a frequency window which in essence, behaves
fact not the ultrasound which induces such changes, in the same way. Some frequencies appear to be
but rather the ultrasound produces a cellular ex- excitatory whilst others have little or no eect. The
citement, the consequence of which includes the frequency window also appears to vary with the
activation of a range of physiological processes which tissue state, such that the frequencies which are
are related to tissue healing. The ultrasound in this optimally eective in the acute, irritable stage have
context acts as a trigger, and the eects which are less eect in the chronic or non irritable states. It
commonly ascribed to the modality are the result of remains distinctly possible, that the optimal fre-
cellular excitement. quency will be related to the target tissue type in a
similar way to the amplitude window (Cleary 1987).
The combination of a simultaneously existing
amplitude and frequency window would suggest that
FREQUENCY AND AMPLITUDE WINDOWS there are many ways of failing to achieve the optimal
dose. It is possible that the windows are interdepen-
It has been suggested, though possibly not in an dent (though there is no direct evidence to suggest
integrated fashion, that there are windows of that this is the case). If the combined eect
opportunity with regards electrotherapy modalities. of the optimal amplitude and frequency windows is
In principle, such a window of opportunity exists to achieve maximal tissue activation, then this is
when particular parameters (in terms of treatment considered desirable. Given the number of permuta-
dose) have a positive eect on the outcome, whilst tions, even for a relatively straightforward treatment

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modality, such as TENS, it is possible to get both frequently used, and combination therapy (simulta-
amplitude and frequency almost correct, yet miss the neous application of interferential and ultrasound
optimal combination. therapies) has gained popularity. More recently, there
Furthermore, it is suggested that there may be an has been a shift in the use of electrical stimulation,
additional `window' in terms of energy (Low 1995) and a wide range of `new' stimulations have been
(which will be related to both the frequency and introduced into clinical practice. These include
amplitude windows). Although it may well compli- `eutrophic' stimulation, neuromuscular electrical sti-
cate the issue, the three way interaction of amplitude, mulation (NMES), functional electrical stimulation
frequency and energy windows may serve as a useful (FES) and chronic electrical stimulation.
tool in future clinical decision making frameworks. Only two modalities will be specically considered
It would be rash to suggest that there is a full in this masterclass (ultrasound and interferential
understanding of how to manipulate these para- therapy) in the light of their popularity and usage
meters, but given the increasing research evidence in in the musculoskeletal eld. Ultrasound is an example
the eld of electrotherapy, more examples of eective of a `low energy' intervention producing cellular
(and of course, ineective) parameters are becoming excitement, and interferential is used as an example of
known. The fundamental problem with research in a form of electrotherapy which is based on `forcing'
this area is that many investigations only manipulate nerves into a particular behaviour pattern, thereby
the eects of a single variable classical reductionist causing specic eects.
research. For this concept to be fully realised, it is
essential to manipulate the interaction of two or more
variables simultaneously something which is very
dicult in experimental research. ULTRASOUND
The concept of the variable amplitude and
frequency windows is illustrated in Fig. 2. One or Ultrasound (Fig. 3) should not strictly be included in
more variables may need to move on their own scale electrotherapy in that sound energy is a mechanical
in order to maximise eect. The permutations are wave rather than an electromagnetic wave or an
nite, but too numerous to try all of them. One of the electric current. It is usually grouped with the other
skills of the therapist is to be able to make a
judgement regarding the starting point from which
the treatment dose can be ne tuned.

Fig. 2Schematic representation of amplitude and frequency



The most widely used electrotherapy treatments (in

the broadest sense) appear to be ultrasound, inter-
ferential, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
(TENS) and pulsed shortwave (often inappropriately
referred to as pulsed electromagnetic energy or
PEME) (Pope 1995). Other modalities and applica-
tions vary in their popularity. Laser therapy is Fig. 3Therapeutic ultrasound machine.

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The role of electrotherapy in physiotheraphy 137

electrotherapies, possibly explaining the recent name

change to the `electrophysical modalities'.
Essentially, the ultrasound machine generates a
sound wave beyond human sensory range, commonly
at either 1 or 3 MHz (millions of cycles per second)
(Fig. 4). This wave travels through the tissues and
is preferentially absorbed in dense collagenous tissues
(e.g. ligament, tendon, fascia and joint capsule). The
absorption of the wave energy brings about several Fig. 5Schematic representation of ultrasound physiological
physical eects, most notably stable cavitation and
acoustic streaming (Maxwell 1992). The conse-
quences of these eects is that the cell membrane
potential is altered and the cell membrane transport
mechanisms change in particular, the membrane eect is to stimulate or enhance the inammatory
becomes more permeable than usual to various ions cascade, thereby acting as a pro-inammatory
(e.g. calcium and sodium) (Mortimer & Dyson 1988). mediator rather than an anti-inammatory treat-
The result of this intervention is that the membrane, ment. The therapeutic benet of this is that the
and hence the cell itself becomes more excited inammatory process runs its course rather more
carrying out its usual role but in an enhanced or eciently, enhancing the tissues to move into their
activated fashion. Fig. 5 represents the mechanism by next phase (proliferation) (Dyson & Luke 1986;
which therapeutic ultrasound is able to achieve Dyson 1987; Young & Dyson 1990a; Maxwell 1992;
physiological stimulation. Nussbaum & Gabison 1996; Nussbaum 1997).
Ultrasound eectively produces cellular excitation, When applied during the proliferative (repair)
enhancing cellular activity rather than dampening or phase, it stimulates the active cells and maximises
inhibiting it (Nussbaum et al. 1994). the scar production activity and quality. Both
When applied to the tissues during the inamma- broblastic and endothelial cell activity are enhanced
tory stage following injury or pathology, its overall (Dyson & Niinikoski 1982; Young & Dyson 1990a;
Young & Dyson 1990b; Maxwell 1992) The intention
at both of these phases is not to make the inam-
mation or the proliferation `bigger' events, but rather
to enhance their activity and ecacy.
In the later stages of repair, soft tissues will
remodel, making the scar as functional as possible
within the connes of the parent tissue. Ultrasound
appears to enhance this remodelling phase (Dyson &
Suckling 1978; Dyson & Niinikoski 1982; Maxwell
1992), making it a useful tool from the early
inammatory stages to the later scar renement
Given the evidence for the eects of ultrasound, it
is possible to determine a framework for treatment
parameter selection. The basic principle is that the
more acute and irritable the tissue in question, the
lower the required dose to achieve a stimulating
eect. The frequency selection (1 or 3 MHz) will
inuence the eective treatment depth (3 MHz is
more supercial to a depth of approximately 2 cm,
1 MHz eective to a depth of to 4 or 5 cm). The pulse
ratio needs to be higher for the more acute lesions
(1 : 4) and lower for the more chronic (1 : 1 or
continuous). Intensities vary from 0.10.3 W/cm2
for the acute lesions to 0.40.7 or 0.8 W/cm2 for the
chronic lesions (this is the intensity at the lesion
rather than at the surface). Treatment times are based
on the principle of 1 minute of ultrasound per
treatment head area, though account must be taken
of the pulse ratio employed. If the machine is pulsed
Fig. 4Essential arrangement of the ultrasound wave. 1 : 1, it is only delivering ultrasound for 50% of the

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138 Manual Therapy

time, hence the treatment time needs to be adjusted

The contraindications (CSP Guidance in press)

. Avoid exposure to foetus

. Malignancy
. Vascular abnormalities including DVT, emboli and
. Severe atherosclerosis
. Anaesthetic areas
. Acute infections
. Haemophilic patients not covered by factor
Application of some specic areas including:
. The eye
. The stellate ganglion
. The cardiac area in advanced heart disease
. The spinal cord after multiple level laminectomy
. The gonads
. Active epiphyseal regions in children


Interferential Therapy (Fig. 6) appears to be one of

the more dicult modalities to explain, though in
principle, it is just another form of electrical stimula-
tion. The dierence is that it uses 'medium frequency'
currents to bring about the eects normally attributed
to a low frequency stimulation. This is achieved by
applying two `medium frequency' currents (at several
thousand hertz AC) to the tissues, so that an
interference current is generated (Fig. 7). The pattern
(which is an amplitude modulation) mimics the eect
of a low frequency current (typically up to 250 Hz),
and the tissues respond accordingly. One therefore
achieves the benets of low frequency stimulation
without the associated unpleasant side eects (pain, Fig. 6Interferential therapy machines and accessories.
discomfort, skin irritation etc) (Martin 1996).
It is suggested that by adjusting the frequency
produced in the interference zone, it is possible to will inuence the local blood ow as a normal
inuence a range of dierent nerves. By changing the physiological response to an adjusted metabolic rate.
type of nerve which is primarily stimulated, the Frequency ranges from 1 to 150 Hz or more can be
physiological outcome of the stimulation is modied, employed in this respect, though it is suggested that
and hence, so is the therapeutic outcome. This view clinically, the most appropriate ranges are between 10
has however been recently challenged by both and 20 or 25 Hz (Noble et al. 2000). At the lower end
Johnson (1999) and Palmer et al. (1999). of this scale, a rapid muscular twitching will be
Frequencies can be utilised which primarily acti- produced, whilst at the upper end, a partial tetany
vate motor nerves, resulting in a muscle stimulation will result. There is currently some concern regarding
ranging from low frequency twitching (<15 Hz) electrically induced sustained full tetanic contraction
through to a tetanic, sustained contraction in skeletal muscle, and given this concern, it may be
(>40 Hz) each of which have their therapeutic best avoided.
uses. There is at present, no evidence to suggest that Using appropriate frequencies, sensory nerve
muscle stimulation with electrical stimulation is any stimulation can be achieved, thereby producing a
more (or less) eective than by active exercise, but it mechanism to activate the pain gate (e.g. between
can be utilised as a means of ensuring the muscle 80130 Hz) and opioid (<10 Hz) mechanisms
activity level is raised (McMeeken 1994). This in turn which are associated with physiological pain relief

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The role of electrotherapy in physiotheraphy 139

Fig. 7Principle of Interferential Therapy treatment. Fig. 8Bipolar interferential therapy treatment for lateral elbow

mechanisms (in the same way that TENS is believed Eective treatment times appear to vary between 10
to operate). Although there is less published evidence and 30 minutes (shorter applications for the more
for the eectiveness of interferential therapy com- acute lesions). The use of suction (vacuum) electrodes
pared with TENS, there have been several recent does not appear to provide any additional therapeutic
studies which have demonstrated statistically signi- benet beyond that of the modality itself, though they
cant pain threshold changes with interferential are easier to apply, especially to large areas (e.g. low
treatments compared with control or placebo treat- back, hip, shoulder). There is currently an increase in
ments (Johnson & Wilson 1997; Stephenson & the use of pre-gelled, self adhesive electrodes (similar
Johnson 1995; Tabasam & Johnson 1999). to those employed in TENS). They are cost eective,
Several other claims are made for interferential and being patient specic, reduce the potential for
therapy, but with rather less evidential basis. cross infection (Lambert et al. 2000).
There appears to be little or no evidence for Electrode placement is important in that the target
direct eects in the stimulation of healing (though nerves must be exposed to the delivered current Fig. 8.
this could of course be brought about by modifying Most therapists apply the electrodes in the immediate
muscle activity, blood ow and oedema reabsorp- vicinity of the lesion, though in the case of pain
tion). Clinical trials have been reported concerning management, they can be alternatively applied over the
the eects on oedema (e.g. Christie & Willoughby nerve trunk, the spinal nerve root, within appropriate
1990) which have failed to demonstrate a signicant dermatomes or at acupuncture/trigger points in the
outcome eect. Given our current understanding same way that TENS applications can be varied.
of the modality, it is possible that the zero Current intensity needs to be a denite but
eect results relate to the treatment parameters generally a non painful sensation. This will diminish
employed rather than the actual ineectiveness of with time, and therefore needs to be maintained to
the modality. achieve the required eect (in the same way as all
The use of interferential therapy as a means to electrical stimulation modalities).
stimulate bone healing has also been reasonably well The contraindications (CSP Guidance in press)
investigated, with some encouraging results e.g. include:
(Ganne 1988; Fourie & Bowerbank 1997).
Selection of appropriate frequency ranges (as . Patients who do not comprehend the
above) to stimulate the right type of nerve bre, physiotherapists' instructions or who are unable
which in turn will bring about the most relevant to co-operate
therapeutic eect is the key to treatment. It appears . Danger of haemorrhage (e.g. recent soft tissue
from the published work, that the use of wide injury)
frequency sweep ranges is one of the least ecient . Patients with pacemakers
methods of applying interferential therapy (Quirk . Dermatological conditions (e.g. eczema, dermatitis)
et al. 1985; Christie & Willoughby 1990). The
Application of electrodes over:
research which has utilised smaller frequency ranges
has shown more consistent results (Stephenson & . Trunk/pelvis during the rst 12 weeks of pregnancy
Johnson 1995; Johnson & Wilson 1997; Ganne, 1988; . The pregnant uterus at any stage of pregnancy
Tabasam & Johnson 1999; Noble, 2000) and it is . Malignant tissue (except in terminal/palliative care)
suggested therefore that this is most likely to be the . The eyes
most signicant variable for the modality. . Anterior aspect of the neck & carotid sinus.

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140 Manual Therapy

CONCLUSION Bistol F 1990 The bioelectric connectional system (BCS): A

therapeutic target for non-ionising radiation. Panminerva
Med 32(1): 1018
Without attempting to explain every modality, Blank M 1988 Recent developments in the theory of ion ow across
treatment doses and related physics, an attempt has membranes under imposed electric elds. Modern
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