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Risk Assessment Form Part B

! Activity Changes - TV Drama Extract


! Activity Filming TV Drama Changes Using Three Camera In The Studio At Netherhall Sixth Form

! List those Myself, Charlotte Creek, Chessie Sharman, Andrew Redhead, Maria Alcantara, Will Stepney,
managing this Anna Burnely Davis.
Activity and

! Who & how Myself, Actors (Joseph Beach, Katie Attle and Imi Ranner) and Crew: Charlotte Creek, Chessie Sharman,
many are at Andrew Redhead, Maria Alcantara, Will Stepney, Anna Burnely Davis.
risk from this

! Hazards ! Control measures

How could someone become How are you going to prevent this from happening?
hurt or made ill

Tripping Over Wires To minimise this risk, loose cables and wires will be kept out of the way or
removed from the working areas in the studio. Wires that are needed will be
kept attached together and close to the walls, and not across the floor where
someone could easily trip on them and bring over equipment down. This is
specifically towards the camera operators, as they will be around where most
of the cables are. So to also limit this, the crew and everyone else in the
studio, such as the cast, will be made aware where the cables are.

Burning Hands On Lights As part of a rule in the studio, anyone who is operating the lights will be
wearing safety gloves which prevent the heat of the lights causing any burns
or harm. This will then minimise the hazard.

Lifting Heavy Equipment Each set is different between each student, so the set needs to be
reconstructed to match their production. There is a possibility to that this
could require moving and lifting equipment such as cupboards, desks and
coffee tables. To avoid any back injuries from lifting equipment incorrectly,
two or more people will handle each item of equipment. This will therefore
limit equipment falling over, and possibly hitting someone.

Lights Overheating The studio will be in use, with excepts from lunch breaks, throughout the
school day. To prevent the lights from overheating, the lights will be switched
off when not in use and the studio lights will only be turned on in preparation
and in production.

Equipment and tools When building the set, the tools will be used. To make sure no one stands on
nails or trip on equipment, the nails will be kept together and that there will
be no loose screws sticking out in the panels.

! Risk Level*: After your controls have been applied what is LOW
your assessment of the risk level of this activity?
Risk Assessment Form Part B

6 [enter reference number]] Sign-off [planning/approved etc]

! ACTIVITIES: What are you doing, where, for ! HAZARDS & CONTROLS: How could someone
how long and who will be involved? Complete the become hurt or made ill and how are you going to
fields in the form below). prevent this from happening?

! Activity Changes VT

! Activity Filming On Location Insert For TV Drama Changes.


! List those Bethan Murfitt

managing this
Activity and

! Who & how Myself, (on certain scenes Nicole Clark) and Aidan Murfitt as crew assistant.
many are at
risk from this

! Hazards ! Control measures

How could someone become hurt or made How are you going to prevent this from happening?

Falling off bike There is a part where an actor would be riding an bike. The ground
they will be biking on is slightly uneven, so to minimise the risk of
the actor from falling off, it will be made sure they are aware of the
areas that are uneven, experienced on a bike and are confident to
bike while being filmed. To further ensure this, the bike scene will
be simple, at a steady speed and well rehearsed.

Tripping/Falling Down As the VT is set in an orchard/forest area, the ground is uneven and
is layered with fallen twigs from trees. To avoid anyone injuring
themselves by tripping on logs/branches/twigs, I will make sure
everyone is anymore of the environment of filming and field off any
areas where there could be potential hazards, such as a rabbit hole
or dip in the ground. I will also make sure everyone is in
appropriate footwear that will minimise the risk of someone tripping

! Risk Level*: After your controls have been applied what is Low
your assessment of the risk level of this activity?

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