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Founded on January 10, 1978 is a council that represents the civil BRAZILIAN COUNCIL OF
PSYCHOANALYSIS (INNG) in São Paulo State, consisting of Psychoanalysts, non-profit
charitable and lasting indefinitely.


A - Defending the rights, interests and prerogatives of Psychoanalysts in the State of São Paulo;

B - To seek the assistance and welfare to Psychoanalysts in the State of São Paulo;

C - Promote greater familiarity between them;

D - Enhance the Psychoanalytic studies of subjects through debates, conferences, meetings,

conferences and other acts of scientific activities;

E - Provide Psychoanalysts of São Paulo, services facilitating the exercise of their profession;

F - All the services offered (without discrimination of lines, schools, races and religions) to
Psychoanalysts are entirely free, including your registration.


"Acceptance of unconscious mental processes, recognition of the doctrine of resistance and

repression, and the consideration of sexuality and the Oedipus complex is the main content of
psychoanalysis and the foundations of his theory, and who is unable to endorse all of them
should not among the psychoanalysts'

Professor Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalysis is a science and a technique that aims to interpret the unconscious man, seeking
through various processes of evaluation and modern therapeutic resources, reduce stress states
resulting from inadaptacões experiential, educational, professional, moral, religious and personal
in order to balance emotionally and psychically sociopaths and all people with behavioral
disorders in general, using only the resources of encouragement, good sense and re-education

Psychoanalysis does not progress the way of scientific advances and social change. Deals with
simple things, which are also complex. Love and hate, desire and the law, suffering and pleasure,
our speech acts, our dreams and fantasies. The experience always unique to each analytic
treatment requires the psychoanalyst who engages him to reconsider, in each situation, the
theory that justifies its practice. His whole doctrine is marked by his desire to identify the source of
the suffering of another, helping himself to his own self.

The psychoanalytic interpretation can be extended to the human productions for which there is no
free associations. Psychoanalysis is a science and also a psychotherapeutic technique based on
this research and the interpretation specified controlled resistance, transference, and desire. The
use of psychoanalysis as a synonym for psychoanalytic treatment is linked to this sense.

The theoretical study, the didactic analysis of each participant and supervision are key parts in
the formation of an analyst.

"The problem of pursuing ideals that meets the fundamental vocation, and how best to employ the
time, took in some cases, such intensity that people, faced with the impossibility to have reached
a conclusion on their own, they will seek help from third , which sometimes is the psychoanalyst.
Psychoanalysis would, in the event, not just the key that can open up the path to true vocation,
hitherto hidden, like a broom to clean the intricacies of the spirit of concerns that have gone into it
accumulates over time, without having a real match, they should not lead to anything important "

Arnaldo Pedroso d'Horta

Mind''are sound in body.''

Aristotle, with unusual wisdom, taught:''Psyche (soul) and body react in a complementary
way with other, in my opinion. A change in state of the psyche produces a change in body
structure and to reverse a change in body structure produces a change in the structure of the



There is, for most people, tend to use the term "psychoanalysis" in vague and general. But
it should only be applied to methods of investigation and treatment created by Freud [1] and the
theories derived from them. The lessons of Sigmund Freud, psychoanalysis the term means:

1) a method of investigation of mental processes more or less inaccessible to any other

2) a technique for treating neurotic disorders, based on this research method;
3) a body of psychological knowledge accumulation which tends to the formation of new
scientific discipline [2].


It is the professional who applies principles, postulates, techniques and methods of

psychoanalysis in the treatment or prevention of mental disorders of unconscious nature, such as
characterological disorders and neurotic states, such as inadequacy, shyness, impulsivity,
feelings of guilt, haunting grief, excessive scruple, unpleasant distractions, doubts persisted
abolished, phobias, obsessions, neurasthenia, neurosis of failure, sexual disorders, such as
masochism, sadism, homosexuality, impotence, sexual dissatisfaction, inhibition, frigidity; somatic
psychic disturbances, like stuttering, enuresis, headaches, aches, asthma, dyspepsia, paralysis
and various diseases of skin, such as eczema and similar psychoses and certain underlying
order, not caused by organic reasons, but an intrapsychic conflict [3].


Psychiatry is the branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis and treatment of mental
disorders. Throughout its history, from the beginning, it was influenced by ideas of Hippocrates -
the father of medicine - and philosophical ideas, such as Plato and Aristotle.
For two centuries, psychiatry became a medical specialty, influenced by individual clinical
work, such as Philippe Pinel (France, 1745-1826), who classified mental illnesses into four main
forms and set a new more humane treatment for Sick of hospitals for the mentally ill, which he

called "moral treatment of insanity." Before him, we can mention William Baltie (England, 1703-
1775), first to occupy himself totally, of insanity. Raised the "issue of insanity" to a respected
specialty book and wrote the Madness. [4]


Physician with expertise in medicine, whose content covers the science of mental diseases,
neuroses, psychoses and related mental disorders and the treatment to be applied.


The term "psychology" was first used by the Greek philosopher Aristotle, [5] in his work
about the soul, and as a reference to the theory of the soul. Today, psychology is considered
science, primarily related, however, the study of behavior and experience. Through it we acquire
knowledge about the behavior and the behavior of others about the experience for self-
observation. The essence of the soul is linked to psychology abysmal. [6]


It specializes in psychology that applies to your work activities of observation of human

behavior in its objective aspects are observed, which can be measured, understood, monitored
and reported objectively. The psychologist is concerned, primarily, of the conscious mind of the

Professor Arnaldo de Sousa Ribeiro

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