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1 Introduction

Network management is the general term used to define the process by which one (or
management systems) controls and manages a network e.g. composed of transport and
In order to accomplish the network management, the communication must be
established between each network element and its corresponding management system.
The collective term for all these communication paths is "DCN - Data Communication
The management data are transported via DCN communication paths. These
management data are messages from management systems to network elements and
vice versa. The data could be
protection switching events,
performance data,
configuration commands


This document describes the management features of the NSN IP Radio

equipments in the most common DCN design scenarios.
The DCN network scenarios of this document are typical and just shall illustrate the
available DCN Network Elements. The NEs may be used in many other combinations
and mixtures. Being dependent from different network topologies, it is impossible to
describe all the inter-working cases.


The Scope of the guideline includes:

- Dimensioning: This document contains information about MW NEs and

describes how they are connected. It explains their function within the
DCN Scenarios.
- Inter-working: The goal of this document is to provide a short guideline for
the inter-working between the different types of MW Network Elements

The following is not-within the scope of this guideline:

- Detailed planning aspects: The NEs may be used in many other

combinations and mixtures. Being dependent from different network
topologies, it is impossible to describe all the possible DCN Scenarios.
- Optimization
2 Product & feature description
2.1 Inter-working Sral/Sral XD
As a rule, the interfaces used to connect the SRAL XD to the SRAL are the
Dext or the Q-Lan / V-Lan Ethernet interface (the SRAL must be
provided with the D-External card or with a Dual-Q Adapter).
From SVR 3.4, the F interface can be also used to connect the SRAL XD to
the SRAL, but it has the drawback of a lower connection speed compared
to Ethernet and D-External interfaces.
For SRAL XD Plug-in SVR 3.5 and onwards, the VBUS interface can be
also used to connect the SRAL XD to the SRAL.
The connection speed of the different interfaces is reported here below:

The connection speed of the different interfaces is reported here below:

1. SRAL F Interface: 19,2 Kbit/s

2. SRALXD F Interface: 38,4 Kbit/s
3. D-External Interface: 64 Kbit/s
4. VBUS Interface: 128 Kbit/s (only for SRAL XD Plugin SVR 3.5 and
5. SRAL Ethernet Interface: 10 Mbit/s
6. SRALXD Ethernet Interface: 10/100 Mbit/s

In the common networks, the gateway/grooming stations are generally

provided with Routers and Dual-Q Adapters, then the Ethernet Interface is
used. In the remote stations no additional devices are commonly present,
then the D-external or the V-BUS Interface will be preferred.
F-interface is generally used for single spurs appended to existing Network
Elements where no extra-hardware is required.
For connection through Ethernet interface a HUB/LAN-Switch with both
RJ45 and BNC interfaces should be provided (the SRAL must be equipped
with a Q-Adapter/DualQ-Adapter card).
For connection through D-Ext channel a V.11 cable (Siemens coded)
should be used between the SRAL and the SRAL XD (the SRAL must be
equipped with D-external card).
For connection through F-interface a RS232 cable (Siemens coded) should
be used between the SRAL and the SRAL XD (no need for extra
Here below some examples of Network Topology about the requirement to
use in case of a station with or without Router/DualQ-Adapter and a final
example for a general network topology.

2.2 Station with a Router/DualQ-Adapter

Figure 1 - Station with Router/Dual Q-Adapter and Multiport Hub RJ45 BNC (1)

SRAL XD and SRAL are connected through a HUB/LAN-Switch

with both RJ45 and BNC interfaces.
SRAL must be equipped with Q-Adapter/DualQ-Adapter card (or
connected through V-Bus to a stand-alone DualQ-Adapter
The IP Addresses of SRAL XD, Router and DualQ-Adapter
Ethernet interfaces must belong to the same sub-network.
The IP addresses of DualQ-Adapter V-Bus interface and SRAL
controller must belong to the same sub-network, different from the
Ethernet previous one.
The IP Addresses of NEs connected through radio link must belong
to different subnetworks

RJ 45
The following picture describes a connection through V-BUS cable that is not
possible because of the use of the V-BUS and Ethernet Interfaces on the SRAL
XD at the same time.

RJ 45

Station 2

Station 1 Station 3

Figure 2 - Solution not applicable

When no MultiPort HUB RJ45/BNC Converters are available, it is still
possible to connect SRAL and SRAL XD (rel. 3.5) devices through a V-BUS
cable as described in the following picture.
This connection, however, is deprecated: SRAL directly connected to the
RJ45/BNC Converter, in fact, must forward the traffic generated by the other
device(s) and this could overload the SRAL.


V-BUS Station 2

Router RJ 45
Cable SRAL
Station 1 Cable
Station 3

Figure 3 - Station with Router/Dual Q-Adapter with converter RJ45/BNC (1)

SRAL XD and SRAL are connected through a V-BUS cable (for

SRAL XD 3.5 only).
SRAL must be equipped with Q-Adapter/DualQ-Adapter card (or
connected through V-Bus to a stand-alone DualQ-Adapter
The IP addresses of Router and DualQ-Adapter Ethernet interfaces
must belong to the same sub-network.
The IP Addresses of DualQ-Adapter V-Bus interface, SRAL and
SRAL XD must belong to the same sub-network, different from the
Ethernet previous one.
The IP Addresses of NEs connected through radio link must belong
to different subnetworks

2.3 Remote Station without DualQ-Adapter

Using the D-External Interface:
Station 1

To Supervision System



Station 3
Station 2

Figure 4 - Remote Station without DualQ-Adapter using Dext

Connect SRAL XD and SRAL using a V11 cable (coded by

The SRAL must be equipped with the optional D-External card.
This optional card is housed in the same slot of the DualQ-
Adapter card.
In the SRAL XD use one of the two D-Connectors (named
User/Dext) available on the front of the shelf. The chosen channel
must be configured via software using the IP SRAL Compatible
option in the related NE Parameters field.
The IP Addresses of SRAL XD and SRAL connected through the
V11 cable must belong to different sub-networks as for the radio
link rules.
The IP Addresses of NEs connected through radio link must belong
to different sub-networks.
2.4 General Network scenario

In a general network topology, its possible to have stations with or without

DualQAdapter. Here below an example of inter-connections between SRAL XD and
SRAL NEs using different interfaces (Ethernet, D-external, V-BUS or F-Interface).

Figure 5 - General Network scenario (1)

Management Centre: Default gateway or static routes are necessary on
NetViewer server in order to manage the NEs.
Station 1: The IP Addresses of SRALXD, DualQ-Adapter (Eth. interface)
and Router Ethernet interface must belong to the same sub-network.
Station 4: The IP Addresses of SRALXD and SRAL, connected through
V11 cable, must belong to different sub-networks as for the radio link rules.
Station 6: The IP Address of the SRAL XD connected by F-interface to the
SRAL must be equal to the SRAL IP Address plus one in case they are in
same subnet. The Ethernet interface of the SRAL XD must be disabled. The
speed of F interface must be set to 19.2 Kbit/s (both NEs).
Station 8: The IP Addresses of SRALXD (rel 3.5) and SRAL must belong to
the same sub-network.

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