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SystemVue - Examples

SystemVue 2011.03

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SystemVue - Examples
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SystemVue - Examples
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SystemVue - Examples
Baseband Verification Library Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3G CDMA2K Baseband Verification Library Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3G HSUPA Baseband Verification Library Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3GPP LTE Advanced Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3GPP LTE Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
CDMA Baseband Verification Library Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Cognitive Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
DVB_x2 Baseband Verification Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
DVB2 Baseband Verification Library - DVB-S2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
DVB2 Baseband Verification Library - DVB-T2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
ISDBT Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
WiMax Baseband Verification Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
WLAN Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
WPAN Baseband Verification Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
WPAN_HRP_RawBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
WPAN_HRP_RxSensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
WPAN_HRP_TxEVM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
WPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_Spec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
ZigBee Baseband Verification Library Design Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
SystemVue DPD Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
DPD simulation for LTE Advanced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
DPD for LTE with Hardware Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
DPD for user defined stimulus with Hardware Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
DPD for WCDMA Stimulus with Hardware Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
DPD and CFR Generic Examples for LTE and 3GPP-WCDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Power Amplifier Modeling Simulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Hardware Design Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
FixedPoint Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Instrument Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
N5106A PXB Signal Generator Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Signal Studio Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Vector Signal Analyzer Sink Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Vector Signal Analyzer Source Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
MIMO Channel Modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Model Building Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
PLL Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Radar Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Digital Array Radar Test Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
PD RADAR Performance Test Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
PDRADAR_DetectionProbability_AWGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PDRADAR_DetectionProbability_Cluttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PDRADAR_FalseAlarmRate_AWGN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PDRADAR_FalseAlarmRate_Cluttering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PDRADAR_Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
SystemVue - Examples
PD RADAR Receiver Test Examples . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PDRADAR_Clutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
PDRADAR_DynamicRange . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
PDRADAR_Rx_Waveform . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
PDRADAR_Selectivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PDRADAR_Sensitivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PD RADAR Transmitter Test Examples . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
PDRADAR_Waveform . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Signal Processing Examples . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
VBScripting Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Flexible OFDM Design Examples . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Adaptive Equalization Library Examples . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
C++ Code Generation Examples . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Comms Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
BER Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
OFDM Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Satellite Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Zigbee Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Math Language Scripting Examples . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
RF Architecture Design Examples . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
RF Design Kit (Spectrasys) Examples . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
X-Parameter Example Workspaces . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

SystemVue - Examples

Baseband Verification Library Design

Agilent SystemVue has a number of add-on libraries to support design and verificaiton of
baseband algorithm and system architectures. As part of these add-on products Agilent
SystemVue provides a number of examples to aid in the usage of the libraries and to aid
in understanding of the specific standards they were created for along with the
performance requirements of those standards

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\sub-folder

3GPPFDD (examples)
CDMA (examples)
CDMA2K (examples)
DVB_x2 (examples)
HSUPA (examples)
ISDBT (examples)
LTE (examples)
LTE Advanced (examples)
WiMAX (examples)
WLAN (examples)
WPAN (examples)
3G CDMA2K Baseband Verification Library Examples
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\CDMA2K

Name Description Usage

BS_TX_CDP_RC3.wsv This example measures the code domain power of RC3 for the
forward link.
BS_TX_MeanPower.wsv This example measures the Base Station mean RF output power
and pilot channel power to total power ratio, as defined in
section 4.3, 3GPP2 C.S0011-A.
BS_TX_Rho.wsv This example measures the normalized correlated power, rho,
for the forward link transmitter, as defined in section 4.2.2 of
3GPP2 C.S0010-A.
BS_TX_SR1.wsv This example shows performances for a Forward Link using
QPSK modulation and demodulation under SR1. The
transmission spectrum, demodulation eye diagram and
constellations are displayed.
BS_TX_VSA.wsv This example uses "CDMA2K_FwdRCsrc" subnet to generate
CDMA2000 SR1 forward source signal. This subnet can generate
Forward RC3, Forward RC4 and Forward RC5 source signals.
Then the transmission signal is demodulated by VSA. Using
VSA, CDP(Code Domain Power), Spectrum, Composite
Constellation, Composite EVM, Specific code channel EVM and
Specific code channel constellation can be observed.
Forward_AWGN_RC3.wsv This example shows BER and FER performances of a forward
link for RC3, 9600bps data rate, and 20ms frame through a
AWGN channel.
SystemVue - Examples
Forward_MultiCarrier_RC8.wsv This example shows forward link of radio configuration 8, multi-
carrier mode, 14400bps data rate and 20ms frame. The
transmission spectrum, BER and FER are measured.
Forward_Rake.wsv This example gives an application of forward link Rake receiver
through a multipath Rayleigh fading channel. Delays and
coefficients of channle figures are measured.
Forward_RC3_OTD.wsv This example shows forward link of radio configuration 3, OTD
mode, 9600bps data rate and 20ms frame through a multipath
Rayleigh channel. BER and FER performance are measured.
HPSK_QPSK_PAPR.wsv This example is for comparing HPSK (Hybrid Phase Shift Key) to
QPSK in the performance of PAPR (Peak Average Power Ratio).
MS_RX_AdjacentSelectivity_RC3.wsv This example verifies the ability to receive a CDMA signal on the
assigned channel frequency in the presence of another CDMA
signal that is offset from the center frequency of the assigned
channel by 2.5 MHz for Spreading Rate 1, as defined in section
3.5.4 of 3GPP2 C.S0011-A.
MS_RX_DynamicRange_RC3.wsv This example verifies the receiver sensitivity and dynamic
range, as defined in section 3.5.1 of 3GPP2 C.S0011-A.
MS_RX_Intermodulation_RC3.wsv This example verifies a receiver's ability to receive a CDMA
signal on its assigned channel frequency in presence of two
interfering CW tones, as defined in section 3.5.3 of 3GPP2
MS_TX_SR1.wsv This example measures the transmit power spectrum, rho and
CCDF of the reverse link source.
Reverse_AWGN_RC3.wsv This example is used to measure FER performance for reverse
traffic channel in AWGN channel.
Reverse_HPSK_SR1.wsv This example shows performances for a reverse link using HPSK
modulation and demodulation under SR1.
Reverse_Rake.wsv This example gives an application of reverse link Rake receiver,
including channel estimation, AFC loop and maximum ratio
TurboCoding.wsv This example is used to show BER performance of turbo code in
AWGN channel.

3G HSUPA Baseband Verification Library Examples

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\HSUPA\HSUPA_BS_Rx_prj

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
HSUPA_BS_Rx_Demodulation_AWGN.wsv This example measures HSUPA BS receiver
performance over AWGN Channel.
HSUPA_BS_Rx_Demodulation_Fading.wsv This example measures HSUPA BS receiver
performance over Mutipath Fading Channel.
HSUPA_BS_Rx_Demodulation_Fading_FRC8.wsv This example measures BS receiver performance for
FRC8 under Fading Channel.
HSUPA_BS_Rx_FalseAlarm_AWGN.wsv This example measures BS receiver performance
with Probability of false alarm under AWGN Channel.
HSUPA_BS_Rx_FalseAlarm_Fading.wsv This example measures BS receiver performance
with Probability of false alarm under Mutipath Fading
HSUPA_BS_Rx_MissedDetection_AWGN.wsv This example measures BS receiver performance
with Probability of missed detection under AWGN
HSUPA_BS_Rx_MissedDetecion_Fading.wsv This example measures BS receiver performance
with Probability of missed detection under Mutipath
Fading Channel.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\HSUPA\HSUPA_UE_Tx_prj

Name Description Usage

HSUPA_UE_Tx_CCDF.wsv This example measures HSUPA uplink CCDF and peak-to-mean
HSUPA_UE_Tx_MaxPower.wsv This example measures HSUPA maximum output power of the
uplink signal.
HSUPA_UE_Tx_SpecEmission.wsv This example measures HSUPA uplink spectral emissions.
HSUPA_UE_Tx_ACLR.wsv This example measures HSUPA ACLR (Adjacent Channel Leakage
Power Ratio) of the uplink signal.
HSUPA_UE_Tx_EVM.wsv This example measures HSUPA EVM of the uplink signal.

3GPP LTE Advanced Design Examples

This 3GPP LTE Advanced Wireless Design Library includes 10 design examples for
FDD/TDD LTE Advanced downlink/uplink transmitter measurements, downlink/uplink BER
and throughput performance measurements.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\LTE_Advanced

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
LTE_Advanced_DL_Contiguous_CA_MXG_Gen.wsv This example is to generate LTE-Advanced
downlink signals with carrier aggregation. The
frequency band(center frequency), bandwidth of
the component carrier, oversampling ratio and the
number of Tx antennas can be chagned in the
parameter tab.
LTE_Advanced_DL_NonContiguous_CA_MXG.wsv This example is to generate LTE-Advanced
downlink signals with non-contiguous carrier
aggregation within single band. It can not
generate multi-band carrier aggregatiuon.
LTE_Advanced_DL_MIMO_2x2_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates close loop
throughput measurements for LTE Advanced
downlink 2x2 system with Spatial Multiplexing in a
fading environment.
LTE_Advanced_DL_MIMO_8x8_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept
throughput measurements for LTE-Advanced
downlink in a fading environment. The
configuration is 8x8 MIMO (Spatial Multiplexing, 2
Codewords and 8 Layers).
LTE_Advanced_DL_SISO_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates open loop
BER measurements of LTE-Advanced downlink
SISO system in AWGN environment.
LTE_Advanced_DL_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates spectrum
and CCDF measurements for an LTE advanced
downlink transmitter with 8 antennas.
LTE_Advanced_UL_MIMO_2x2_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates close loop
throughput measurements for LTE Advanced uplink
2x2 with HARQ retransmission in a fading
LTE_Advanced_UL_MIMO_4x4_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates close loop
throughput measurements for LTE Advanced uplink
4x4 with HARQ retransmission in a fading
LTE_Advanced_UL_SISO_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates open loop
BER measurements for LTE Advanced uplink SISO
in AWGN environment.
LTE_Advanced_UL_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum
and a CCDF measurement of an LTE Advanced
uplink transmitter.

3GPP LTE Design Examples

This 3GPP LTE Wireless Design Library includes 18 design examples for FDD/TDD LTE
downlink/uplink transmitter measurements, downlink/uplink BER and throughput
performance measurements.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\LTE

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
3GPP_LTE_CFR_EVM.wsv This example workspace explores Crest factor reduction (CFR)
for a LTE OFDMA System. CFR is a technique for reducing the
peak-to average ratio (PAR) of an orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform. The algoithm used in
this example is based on a modified version of the algorithm in
"Constrained Clipping for Crest Factor Reduction in Multiple-
user OFDM", In Proc. IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium,
pp.341-344, Jan. 2007. This CFR algorithm consists of one
IFFT, time domain polar clipping, in-band and out-of-band
post-processing and one FFT.
3GPP_LTE_DL_ChannelCoding.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the 3GPP LTE downlink
channel coding, channel decoding and swept Throughput vs
SNR measurements.
3GPP_LTE_DL_ETM.wsv This example workspace demonstrates E-UTRA Test Models
following 3GPP TS 36.141 V8.5.0(2009-12) for both LTE
Downlink FDD and TDD mode.
3GPP_LTE_DL_FDD_TestCase.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Thoughput vs
SNR measurements for LTE FDD downlink in a fading
environment for the configurations that are defined in 8 of
TS36.101 V8.6.0.
3GPP_LTE_DL_MIMO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Thoughput vs
SNR measurements for LTE downlink in a fading environment.
3GPP_LTE_DL_SISO_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept BER and BLER vs
SNR measurements for a LTE downlink SISO system. Two
environments are tested: AWGN (Additive White Gaussian
Noise) and fading.
3GPP_LTE_DL_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates spectrum and CCDF
measurements for a LTE downlink transmitter with one
antenna, two antennas and four antennas.
3GPP_LTE_DL_TxEVM.wsv This example workspace demonstrates EVM measurements for
LTE downlink transmitter in FDD and TDD modes.
3GPP_LTE_SignalDownload.wsv This example workspace demonstrates how to download LTE
signal generated by LTE sources in SystemVue LTE library to
Agilent signal generators such as E4438C. The phase
discontinuity between two consecutive frames is eliminated.
3GPP_LTE_UL_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept BER and BLER vs
SNR measurements for an LTE uplink system in AWGN
(Additive White Gaussian Noise) and fading.
3GPP_LTE_UL_ChannelCoding.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the 3GPP LTE Uplink
FDD Channel coding, channel decoding and swept BER and
BLER vs SNR measurements.
3GPP_LTE_UL_PRACH_Detection.wsv This example workspace demonstrates PRACH detection
measurements for a LTE Uplink in Fading and AGWN
environment, following 8.4.2 of 36.104.
3GPP_LTE_UL_SIMO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Throughput vs SNR
measurements for a LTE Uplink system in Fading channel with
2 and 4 recceiver antennas, following the configuration in 8.2
of 36.104.
3GPP_LTE_UL_SISO_Throughput.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Throughput vs SNR
measurements for a LTE Uplink system in AWGN (Additive
White Gaussian Noise) channel with SISO.
3GPP_LTE_UL_TX.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and a CCDF
measurement of a LTE Uplink transmitter.
3GPP_LTE_UL_TxEVM.wsv This example workspace demonstrates EVM measurements for

SystemVue - Examples
LTE Uplink transmitter in FDD and TDD modes.

CDMA Baseband Verification Library Examples

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\CDMA

SystemVue - Examples

Cognitive Radio
Examples in this directory implement cognitive radio spectrum sensing and signal
generation that utilize the SystemVue LTE and WiMAX Baseband Verification examples.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\Cognitive Radio

Name Description Usage

Cognitive_Radio_Example.wsv This example implements Spectrum Sensing algorithm using Math
SystemVue Math Language to detect space available in a Language,
captured spectrum and will generate either an LTE or WiMAX LTE, WiMAX
signal to fit the available spectrum

DVB_x2 Baseband Verification Design Examples

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\DVB2

SystemVue - Examples
DVBS2 (examples)
DVBT2 (examples)

SystemVue - Examples

DVB2 Baseband Verification Library -

Name Description Usage
DVBS2_Tx.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and a CCDF measurement
of an DVB-S2 transmitter. The spectrum measurement is achieved using the
SpectrumAnalyzer part. The resulting spectrum is shown in the
DVBS2_Tx_Spectrum Measurements graph. The CCDF measurement is
achieved usign the CCDF part. The resulting CCDF curve is shown in the
DVBS2_Tx_CCDF_Measurements graph. A reference curve (CCDF of white
gaussian noise) is also plotted on this graph.
DVBS2_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the BER and PER measurements of
the DVB-S2 receiver on AWGN channel. Different FecFrame, CodeRate and
ModType can be changed to get BER and PER results. The PER reference
curve is plotted on this graph.

SystemVue - Examples

DVB2 Baseband Verification Library -

Name Description Usage
DVBT2_Spectrum_CCDF.wsv This example illustrates the generation of DVB-T2 un-coded source by
using Agilent SystemVue. This DVB-T2 source follows section 8 (Frame
Builder, except 8.3,8.4 and 8.5) and section 9 (OFDM Generation) in
ETSI EN 302 755 v1.1.1 "Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Frame
structure channel coding and modulation for a second generation digital
terrestrial tellevision broadcasting system (DVB-T2)".

ISDBT Design Examples

This ISDBT Wireless Design Library includes 7 design examples for ISDBT measurements.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\ISDBT

Name Description Usage

ISDB_OneLayer_BER_AWGN.wsv This example demonstrates the link level ISDB-T
one layer BER measurement process under AWGN
ISDB_OneLayer_BER_AWGN_IdealSyncChEsti.wsv This example demonstrates the link level ISDB-T
one layer BER simulation process with ideal
channel estimation under AWGN channel.
ISDB_Partial_Receiving_Fading.wsv A two layer ISDB-T RF signal with a 1-segment
layer (A) and a 12-segment layer (B) going
through a fading channel and an AWGN channel, is
bandpass filtered and then demodulated with a
one layer partial receiver.
ISDB_ThreeLayer_BER_AWGN.wsv This example demonstrates the link level ISDB-T
three layer BER measurement process under
AWGN channel.Constellation, Viterbi decoding
error and BER information of layer B are
ISDB_Tmm_Partial_Receiving.wsv This example demonstrates the link level ISDB-
Tmm partial receiving process under AWGN
ISDB_Tsb_Partial_Receiving_Fading.wsv A two layer ISDB-Tsb RF signal with a 1-segment
layer (A) and a 2-segment layer (B) going through
a fading channel and an AWGN channel, is
bandpass filtered and then demodulated with a
one layer partial receiver.
ISDB_TwoLayer_BER_AWGN.wsv This example demonstrates the link level ISDB-T
two layer BER measurement process under AWGN
channel.Constellation, Viterbi decoding error and
BER information of layer B are measured

WiMax Baseband Verification Design Examples

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\WiMax

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
WiMAX_DL_Source_Spectrum_CCDF.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a spectrum and a
CCDF measurement of a WiMAX downlink source.
Wimax_DL_UL_BER_TDD_Combine This example workspace demonstrates a swept BER vs
Eb/No measurement for a WiMAX TDD system in AWGN
(Additive White Gaussian Noise).
1. A composite TDD waveform that contains both UL and DL
frames are provided as signal source.
2. The downlink BER is tested in design
3. The uplink BER is tested in design
WiMAX_UL_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a swept BER vs
Eb/No measurement for a WiMAX uplink in AWGN (Additive
White Gaussian Noise).
WiMAX_UL_Ranging_Src This example gives the WiMAX UL Ranging(including data,
fastfeedback, HARQ_ACK and ranging bursts) demodulation
result using Agilent 89600 VSA.

WLAN Design Examples

This WLAN Design Library includes 2 sub-folders WLAN_11a and WLAN_11ac. WLAN_11a
includes 3 design examples and WLAN_11ac includes 1 design example.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\WLAN\WLAN_11a

Name Description Usage

WLAN_11a_BER_AWGN.wsv This example demonstrates an 802.11a BER measurement
testbench under AWGN channel.
WLAN_11a_Rx_Constellation.wsv This example demonstrates an 802.11a transmission link which
involves signal source, fading channel, additive noise, carrier
frequency offset and receiver.
WLAN_11a_Tx_Spectrum_CCDF.wsv This example analyzes the spectrum and Complementary
Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the 802.11a signals.
Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\WLAN\WLAN_11ac

Name Description Usage

WLAN_11ac_Tx_Spectrum_CCDF.wsv This example analyzes the spectrum and Complementary
Cumulative Distribution Function (CCDF) of the 802.11ac

WPAN Baseband Verification Design Examples

This WPAN Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for WPAN HRP and
Directional LRP transmitter measurement, HRP BER and receiver sensitivity measurement.
Six example workspaces are provided in the WPAN Wireless Design Library.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\WPAN

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
WPAN_HRP_TxEVM.wsv This example measures the EVM of WPAN HRP transmitter. For
additional documentation see WPAN_HRP_TxEVM (examples)
WPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_Spec.wsv This example measures the Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF of
WPAN HRP transmitter. For additional documentation see
WPAN_HRP_TxWaveform_Spec (examples)
WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_D.wsv This example measures the Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF of
WPAN Directional LRP transmitter. For additional documentation
see WPAN_LRP_TxWaveform_D (examples)
WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BER.wsv This example measures the WPAN HRP BER and FER on AWGN
channel. Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 in
Signal_Generation_VARs and get BER and FER results for
different modulations and code rates. For additional
documentation see WPAN_HRP_AWGN_BER (examples)
WPAN_HRP_RawBER.wsv This example measures the WPAN Raw BER and FER on AWGN
channel. For additional documentation see WPAN_HRP_RawBER
WPAN_HRP_RxSensitivity.wsv This example measures the WPAN HRP receiver sensitivity. The
minimum power input to a single receiver is defined such that the
error criterion of BER less than 1e-7 is met. A compliant HRP
receiver shall have a sensitivity that is less than -50 dBm for HRP
mode index 0. For additional documentation see
WPAN_HRP_RxSensitivity (examples)

The design for HRP BER measurement under AWGN channel is shown below:

Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 in Equations and get BER results for different
modulations. Please note the HRPModeIdx for each sub-packets should be the same. In
Equations, the Eb/N0 and corresponding SNR is calculated. The number of frames for
simulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.
BitsPerOFDMSymbol is calculated and output in the Simulation Log window. The design
should be simulated twice to get the value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol. For the first simulation,
after reading the BitsPerOFDMSymbol from the Simulation Log window, the simulation can
be stopped. Then the value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol should be filled into Equation. With the
correct value of BitsPerOFDMSymbol, starting the simulation again.
The performances of BER under AWGN for HRP Mode index 0, 1 and 2 are given in Graph
and DataSet below:

SystemVue - Examples


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
The design for HRP Raw BER (Uncoded BER) measurement under AWGN channel is shown

Users can change HRPModeIdx from 0 to 2 in Equations and get BER results for different
modulations. Please note the HRPModeIdx for each sub-packets should be the same. In
Equations, the Eb/N0 and corresponding SNR is calculated. The number of frames for
simulating BER is defined which may be varied for different Eb/N0.
The performances of RawBER under AWGN for QPSK and 16QAM are given in Graph and
DataSet below:
SystemVue - Examples


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
The design for HRP receiver minimum input level sensitivity measurement is shown below:

The minimum power input to a single receiver is defined such that the error criterion of
BER less than 1e-7 is met. An HRP receiver shall have a sensitivity that is less than -50
dBm for HRP mode index 0.


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
SystemVue - Examples

Below is the transmitter EVM measurement design:

The transmitter evm of each frame, average evm, average EVM for each subcarrierand
and constellation are shown in Graph and DataSet.
Below is the constellation and average EVM for each subcarrierand.

SystemVue - Examples


SystemVue - Examples
1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
This design measures the HRP transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF. The design is
shown below:

The transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF are shown in Graph and DataSet.

SystemVue - Examples


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):

SystemVue - Examples
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
This design measures the directional LRP transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF. The
design is shown below:

The transmitter Waveform, Spectrum and CCDF are shown in Graph and DataSet below:

SystemVue - Examples


1. IEEE P802.15.3c/D08, "Part 15.3: Wireless Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY) Specifications for High Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs):

SystemVue - Examples
Amendment 2: Millimeter-wave based Alternative Physical Layer Extension", 2009.
ZigBee Baseband Verification Library Design Example
This ZigBee Wireless Design Library includes several design examples for ZigBee
transmitter spectrum, BER under AWGN channel, receiver sensitivity and adjacent and
alternate jamming resistance measurements. Five example workspaces are provided in
the ZigBee Wireless Design Library.

Path: Examples\Baseband Verification\ZigBee

Name Description Usage

ZigBee_Adjacent_Jamming_Resistace.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Adjacent Jamming
resistance for ZigBee system as defined in and of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.
ZigBee_Alternate_Jamming_Resistace.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Alternate Jamming
resistance for ZigBee system as defined in and of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.
ZigBee_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept BER vs SNR
measurements for ZigBee system under AWGN channel.
ZigBee_Sensitivity.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept FER vs
Transmit signal power for ZigBee sensitivity measurement
as defined in 6.1.7 of IEEE Std 802.15.4-2006.
ZigBee_TxWaveform_Spec.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the spectrum
measurement and VSA 89601 connection of ZigBee

SystemVue - Examples

SystemVue DPD Examples

Examples for Agilent's SystemVue Digital Pre-Distortion applications kit. This kit allows
characterization of DPD pre-distorter and non-linear amplifier characteristics using time
domain techniques. The provided extraction and modeling technologies allows for full non-
linear characterization including memory effects. The supplied examples can be used as
simple demonstrators as well as for complete modeling and pre-distortion of actual HW
devices by utilizing Agilent measurement HW with the DPD kit.

Path: Examples\DPD

DPD and CFR Simulation (examples)

DPD LTE Hardware Verificaiton (examples)
DPD UserDefined Hardware Verificaiton (examples)
DPD WCDMA Hardware Verificaiton (examples)
DPD LTE-Advanced Simulation (examples)
PA Modeling (examples)

SystemVue - Examples

DPD simulation for LTE Advanced

*Path: Examples\DPD\DPD LTE-Advanced Simulation

Name Description Usage

DPD_LTEA_CA_Simulation_10MHz_2CC.wsv This workspace provides DPD simulation for 3GPP LTE
Advanced downlink signal. Two 10MHz component
carriers are aggregated.
DPD_LTEA_CA_Simulation_20MHz_2CC.wsv This workspace provides DPD simulation for 3GPP LTE
Advanced downlink signal. Two 20MHz component
carriers are aggregated.
DPD_LTEA_CA_Simulation_20MHz_4CC.wsv This workspace provides DPD simulation for 3GPP LTE
Advanced downlink signal. Four 20MHz component
carriers are aggregated.
DPD_LTEA_CA_Simulation_20MHz_5CC.wsv This workspace provides DPD simulation for 3GPP LTE
Advanced downlink signal. Five 20MHz component
carriers are aggregated.

SystemVue - Examples

DPD for LTE with Hardware Extraction

The workspaces in this directory rely on SystemVue being connected to Agilent
measurement HW, i.e. MXG Complex Signal Generators and MXA Signal Analyzers, for
proper operation. These workspaces also function very tightly with an integrated Graphical
User Interface within SystemVue.

It is recommended that these workspaces only be used after reading the SystemVue users
guide on Digital Predistortion applications kit:

SystemVue <version_no> > DPD Baseband Verification Library

SystemVue - Examples

DPD for user defined stimulus with

Hardware Extraction
The workspaces in this directory rely on SystemVue being connected to Agilent
measurement HW, i.e. MXG Complex Signal Generators and MXA Signal Analyzers, for
proper operation. These workspaces also function very tightly with an integrated Graphical
User Interface within SystemVue.

It is recommend that these workspaces only be used after reading the SystemVue users
guide on Digital Predistortion applications kit

SystemVue <version_no> > DPD Baseband Verification Library

SystemVue - Examples

DPD for WCDMA Stimulus with

Hardware Extraction
The workspaces in this directory rely on SystemVue being connected to Agilent
measurement HW, i.e. MXG Complex Signal Generators and MXA Signal Analyzers, for
proper operation. These workspaces also function very tightly with an integrated Graphical
User Interface within SystemVue.

It is recommended that these workspaces only be used after reading the SystemVue users
guide on Digital Predistortion applications kit

SystemVue <version_no> > DPD Baseband Verification Library

SystemVue - Examples

DPD and CFR Generic Examples for LTE

*Path: Examples\DPD\DPD and CFR Simulation

Name Description Usage

DPD_LTE_DL_PANonlinearityMemory.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use SystemVue to
simulate the DPD with the LTE downlink waveform as the
stimulus. Stimulus waveforms are stored in supplied files
for an LTE DL signal. The workspace is organized in folders
with each folder corresponding to a step of the simulation.
These steps are in accord with the hardware verification
flow, except for the missing steps to capture the waveform
from the instruments since we are using a DUT simulation
model, "AmplifierWithMemory". These steps are in accord
with the hardware verification flow, except for the missing
of Step 2 and Step 5 since there is no need to capture the
waveform from the instruments.
CFR_3GPPWCDMA.wsv This example illustrates the implementation of crest factor
reduction for 3GPP WCDMA (4 Carriers) signal using Agilent
SystemVue. CCDF, PAPR, and Spectrum are analyzed.
CFR_LTE_DL.wsv This example illustrates the usage of crest factor reduction
for 3GPP LTE Downlink OFDMA signal using Agilent
SystemVue. CCDF, PAPR, and EVM are analyzed.
CFR_LTE_Advanced_DL.wsv This example illustrates the usage of crest factor reduction
for 3GPP LTE Advanced Downlink OFDMA signal using
Agilent SystemVue. CCDF, PAPR, and EVM are analyzed.
DPD_LTE_DL_Simulation.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use SystemVue to
simulate the DPD with the LTE downlink waveform as the
stimulus. The workspace is organized in folders with each
folder corresponding to a step of the simulation. These
steps are in accord with the hardware verification flow,
except for the missing of Step 2 and Step 5 since there is
no need to capture the waveform from the instruments.

SystemVue - Examples

Power Amplifier Modeling Simulation

*Path: Examples\DPD\PA Modeling

Name Description Usage

PA_Modeling_MemoryPolynomial.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use SystemVue to
simulate the PA modeling in DPD with the LTE downlink
waveform as the stimulus

SystemVue - Examples

Hardware Design Examples

Path: Examples\sub-folder

Name Description Usage

CORDIC_NCO.wsv Numerically controlled oscillator implemented using the
CORDIC algorithm in rotation mode
CORDIC_Vectoring.wsv Rectangular to polar conversion implemented using the
CORDIC algorithm in vectoring mode
DualNCO.wsv LUT based numerically controlled oscillator with sine
and cosine outputs
FixedPoint Please refer FixedPoint (examples) Examples for more
FMMod.wsv Simple FM modulation using Fixed point integrator and
HDLCodeGeneration\GFSKMod\GFSKMod.wsv Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying modulator
HDLCodeGeneration\IIR_DDS\IIR_DDS.wsv Sinusoid generation using an IIR filter
LMS.wsv Channel/System identification LMS filter example
MACFIR.wsv MAC FIR implemention with time shared hardware
NCO.wsv Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) / LUT based numerically
controlled oscillator
WiMAX_SVue_SDR_IQ_Modulator.wsv A collection of designs to implement a DUC, digital
upconverter, with lookup tables (LUTS) allowing
creation of WiMAX and LTE arbitrary waveforms. This
design can be implemented on a Nallatech FPGA for
waveform prototyping
TCM.wsv This is a Trellis Coder-Decoder example completly
designed in Fixed Point. The design can be
implemented on a Nallatech FPGA system for

FixedPoint Examples
Path: Examples\Hardware Design

Name Description Usage

FixedPoint\BPSK\BPSK.wsv Binary Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementation example
FixedPoint\CIC\CIC.wsv Cascade Integrated Comb filter fixed point implementation
FixedPoint\M-ary_PSK\M-ary_PSK.wsv M-ary Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementation example
FixedPoint\M-ary_QAM\M- M-ary Quadrature Amplitude Modulation fixed point
ary_QAM.wsv implementation example
FixedPoint\pi-by-4 DQPSK\pi-by-4 Pi/4 rotated Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying fixed
DQPSK.wsv point implementation example
FixedPoint\QPSK\QPSK.wsv Quadrature Phase Shift Keying fixed point implementation

SystemVue - Examples

Instrument Examples
See Examples (examples) page on how to access and run these examples

Path: Examples\sub-folder

N5106A SignalDownloader (examples)

VSA89600ASink (examples)
VSA89600ASource (examples)
SignalStudio (examples)

Simple Examples to Exercise Instrument Control parts

Path: Examples\Instruments and its sub-folders

Name Description Usage

ESG SignalDownloader An example on how to use the SignalDownloader_E4438C (algorithm) E4438C and
Example.wsv to download and play out waveform in Agilent ESG or MXG series RF N5182A only
Signal Synthesizer such as E4438C or N5182A.)
ESG MIMO An example on how to use two SignalDownloader_E4438C (algorithm) E4438C only
Configuration to configure 2 E4438C's to provide synchronized signals for MIMO
Example.wsv applications
MXG MIMO An example on how to use two SignalDownloader_E4438C (algorithm) N5182A only
Configuration to configure 2 N5182A 's to provide synchronized signals for MIMO
Example.wsv applications

Practical Applications

Name Description
Generate LTE RF Generate LTE modulated RF signals with RF Vector Synthesizers from Agilent
Signals Technologies

N5106A PXB Signal Generator Examples

Simple Examples to Exercise N5106A Signal Downloader Part are as follows:
Path: Examples\Instruments\N5106A SignalDownloader

Name Description Usage

Bento N5106A An example on how to use the SignalDownloader_N5106A (algorithm) N5106A
SignalDownloader.wsv to download and play out waveform in Agilent Bento N5106A

Signal Studio Examples

Simple Examples to read Signal Studio wfm files:
Path: Examples\Instruments\SignalStudio

SystemVue - Examples
SignalStudio_WFM_BuiltIn.wsv An example on how to use the ReadSignalStudioFile
(algorithm) model in ReadFile Part (algorithm) to read Agilent
Signal Studio waveforms installed with SystemVue
SignalStudioWFM_LTE_DL_5MHz_25RB.wsv An example on how to use the ReadSignalStudioFile
(algorithm) model in ReadFile Part (algorithm) to read an LTE
waveform file of Agilent Signal Studio waveform format.

Vector Signal Analyzer Sink Examples

Simple Examples to Exercise VSA Sink Part are as follows:
Path: Examples\Instruments\VSA89600Sink

VSA89600 Demod An example on how to use the VSA_89600_Sink (algorithm) to control Glacier 89600
QPSK.wsv to process waveforms generated by the simulation

Vector Signal Analyzer Source Examples

Simple Examples to Exercise VSA Source Part are as follows:
Path: Examples\Instruments\VSA89600Source

VSA89600 Recall An example on how to use the VSA_89600_Source (algorithm) part to control Glacier
QAM512 Data.wsv 89600 for bringing measurement data captured by Glacier 89600 into the simulation

SystemVue - Examples

MIMO Channel Modeling

*Path: Examples\MIMO Channel Model

Name Description Usage

ChannelCapacity_Measurements.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the channel capacity for
WinnerII channel and the correlation based channel. The
channels are configured to be 2X2 MIMO mode. The calculation
of channel capacity is focused on one path for the multi-path
ChannelImR_Measurements.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the impulse response,
power spectrum and the fading waveform for WinnerII channel
or the correlation based channel. The channels are configured to
be 2X2 MIMO mode. You can run the measurements of the one
channel by opening it and closing the other one in the
ChannelThroughput_LTE.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Throughput vs.
SNR measurements for LTE downlink in winnerII channel and
correlation based channel environments. The configuration is
tested: a 2x2 (MIMO Transmit Diversity)
ChannelThroughput_LTE_A.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept Throughput vs.
SNR measurements for LTE Advanced downlink in MIMO fading
channel environments. The configuration is 8x8 MIMO (Spatial
Multiplexing, 2 Codewords and 8 Layers).
On the Web

Knowledge Center
Technical Support

SystemVue - Examples

Model Building Examples

Path: Examples\Model Building Examples

Name Description Usage

C Modeling\Simple Model Builder This example demonstrates how you can use the C++ Model
Example.wsv Builder to build custom models.
Math Language Modeling\MathLang This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang model.
Demo.wsv The 'Network' design has a sinusoid source, a MathLang block,
and two sinks to record the input and output of the MathLang
Math Language Modeling\MathLang This example introduces the MATLAB integration, as well as
Demo with MATLAB.wsv how to work with framed data (matrix datatype), and using the
"TimeSynchronizer" part to adjust for algorithmic latency,
caused by array processing.
Math Language Modeling\MathLang This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang model.
Multirate Demo.wsv The two branches of the design are identical in functionality -
what is achieved by using built-in system level parts in one
branch is performed via equations in a single Math Language
Math Language Modeling\MathLang This example demonstrates the use of the MathLang model
Symbol Demo.wsv with an arbitrary symbol.
Math Language This example shows how MathLang blocks can be used in run-
Modeling\Dynamic_paths.wsv time tuning to select between signal processing paths for
either baseband or for RF Envelopes. A few S-parameter
responses are used to simulate the bandlimited response of a
channelized receiver front-end, chosen interactively with a
Math Language This example shows a more analog application for the math
Modeling\Math_AnalogDistortion.wsv language modeling, generating transistor-like distortion with
interactive sliders. A run-time tuning example is also shown.
CIC Filter.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use built-in
SystemVue parts, MathLang, and the C++ Model Builder to
implement a Cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter.
Agilent_logo_modulation.wsv This example models a custom modulation format using
Floating Point blocks, math language, a built-in primitive, and
C++ code generation. Model "Configurations" are then used
to control polymorphism. This example is the subject of
tutorial video
On the Web

Knowledge Center
Technical Support

SystemVue - Examples

PLL Examples
Path: Examples\PLL

Name Description Usage

PLL_test.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a simple PLL subnetwork model. Passed
parameters on the model allow setting the loop characteristics.
On the Web

Knowledge Center
Technical Support

SystemVue - Examples

Radar Examples
Path: Examples\Radar

PD RADAR Transmitter Test (examples)

PD RADAR Receiver Test (examples)
PD RADAR Performance Test (examples)
Digital Array Radar Test (examples)

Path: Examples\Radar

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
FMCW_RADAR.wsv This workspace provides an examples for FMCW Radar system simulation.

Several new models using M code and subnet are created for modeling the
FMCW Radar.
FMCW environment model is created for simulating the environment
including return target including target velocity, range, channel condition.
Clutter, jamming and interference can be also inserted. In the model, on
top of the Radar target model of the Radar library, we add a subnet model
to discribe the linear relation between the time delay and the frequency.
Estimation of target velocity is created by using M code
Estimation of Range is created by using Mcode.
Top level design
A linear FM signal source in the Radar library is used for modeling the FMCW
signal. In this application case we set the PRI=PuleWidth, then the
continous FM signal is archived. The FMCW environment model is used for
the Radar channel. Then we use the target velocity estimator to estimate
the velocity and the target delay estimator to estimate the range. Waveform
and spectrum also measured and plotted.
All these models in examples can be used as templates for custom models.
Users can open these models and modified as needed to create custom
models for their own system simulation.
Radar_Chirp.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a some simple Radar source models with
various impairements.

Example 1 shows a pulsed radar source with RF TX and RX models.

Example 2 shows a chirp radar source with Radar channel for modeling
distance and doppler frequency.
Example 3 builds an interference signal on top of the chirp radar source.
Example 4 is a model of a Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detector using
a Cell Averaging structure.
PD_Radar.wsv This workspace provides a Pulse-Doppler (PD) radar system design with signal
generator, RF transmitter, antenna, clutters, RF receiver, moving target detection
(MTD), constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processor and signal detector for
simulation purpose.
The simulation designs can be used as templates for different PD applications.
UWB_RADAR This workspace provides two examples for basic UWB Radar system simulation.

Pulse UWB Signal This example shows the Pulse UWB Radar signal
generation capability in SystemVue. The Baseband Pulse UWB signal is
generated by Pulse_Cx subnet model in which the pulse is formed and
windowed by Gaussian or Rectangular window. Then, through RF
Transmitter the RF UWB signal is generated and measured. In the design a
radar channel delay is included for modeling the range information. RF
Receiver is provided to demod the received data. This simple block diagram
is useful as a template for pulse UWB signal generation.
Pseudo Random UWB Signal Baseband Pseudo Random UWB data is
generated by using bits model and then converted to NRZ signal. Radar
transmitter is used to form the RF UWB signal. In the design a radar
channel delay is included for modeling the range information. The
simulation results are measured by Sink and Spectrum models. All these
models in examples can be used as templates for custom models.
Users can open these models and modified as needed to create custom
models for their own system simulation.

Digital Array Radar Test Examples

SystemVue - Examples

Name Description Usage

DAR_Clutter_2D This example measures the 2D Rectangular Array clutter.
1. The radar signal is a constant in this example.
2. The simulation is carried out with 16x1 Rectangular Array antenna with 8
clutter paths.
3. The clutter samples are output at pin ClutterSample. The correlation
Matrix of clutter calculated by Equation 1 which has (NumOfAnt *
NumOfPulse) X (NumOfAnt * NumOfPulse) dimensions.
4. The power spectrum density can be calculated by the correlation matrix
for verification.
5. The power spectrum density can be shown in 2D graph by matalb
DAR_Detection This example measures the digital array radar using Pulse Doppler
processing's detection capability
1. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this example.
2. The simulation is carried out with behavioral single channel Tx and multi-
channel Rx.
3. Results are shown in Graphs.
4. The distance from the DAR to target and the velocity of target are
calculated in Equation1 as range and velocity.
DAR_Detection_DigitalTR This example measures a Digital Array RADAR's detection probability under
1. The digital array RADAR system is detecting a target in a distance of
60km and a velocity of 30m/s.
2. Digital beamforming is applied in both Tx and Rx parts with 1X4 linear
antenna array.
3. The Tx array direction angle phi is swept from 0 to pi in Sweep1.
4. The received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of each antenna is swept from -
20dB to -10dB in Sweep2.
5. Users can enable the RADAR_Tx_DBS_Measurement model to get the
antenna pattern.
6. Users can choose the behavioral T/R models or digital T/R models by
parameter TR_Models.
7. The upsampling ratio from baseband to IF is 5. The number of bits for
DAC is 8.
8. The downsampling ratio from digital IF to baseband is 5. The number of
bits for ADC is 8.
9. The PD RADAR signal process models are applied after digital array
beamforming in Rx as:

a. The PD RADAR using a Rectangle window based pulse compressor

with a BT product of 50
b. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a moving target detection
(MTD) with a CPI(Coherent Processing Interval) of 8 pulses
c. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm is Cell Average
10. Users can set up the system parameters or replace a component
according to their particular requirements.
11. Users can push into the digital T/R models to change the
parameters for each branch.
DAR_STAP.wsv This example demonstrates that airborne MTI radar suppresses clutter and
detects the target with STAP(Space-Time Adaptive Processing).
1. This example demonstrates how airborne based radar suppresses clutter
and detects the target with optimum STAP algorithm
2. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this example.
3. The STAP is compute-intensive. In order to decrease the simulation time,
the radar array is set to 4x1 uniform linear array.

SystemVue - Examples
4. The clutter echo is the sum of echos from the single range cell ring.
5. The result is shown in the Design1_CFAR_Out1.
DAR_Rx_DBS This example measures the digital array radar 2D Rectangular Array Rx
Digital Beam Synthesis.
1. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this example.
2. The simulation is carried out with Rx digital IF and analog RF front end,
where DDC and front end circuit effects are considered. Users can push into
the RADAR_Rx_4x4 subnetwork to set the IF/RF parameters for each Rx
3. The array detection angle theta equals to pi/2. The array detection angle
phi is swept from 0 to pi.
4. The signal power is average in one PRI to demonstrate the antenna
pattern vs phi.
5. Results are shown in Graphs.
DAR_measurement.wsv This example demonstrates that the digital array radar measures angle
error with monopulse.
1. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this example.
2. The radar array is divided two 16x1 sub-array. The sum signal of two
sub-array output is used for range and doppler tracking, and serves as the
phase reference for the error signals. The difference signal's polarity of two
sub-array output indicates phase, with reference to the sum signal.
3. The delta_theta is the result of target angle error compare to antenna
4. The delta_theta = (lambda /(pi * D * cos(theta0)) * arctan(E_difference
/ E_sum)
DAR_Tx_DBS This example measures the digital array radar 2D Rectangular Array Tx
Digital Beam Synthesis.
1. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this example.
2. The simulation is carried out with Tx digital IF and analog RF front end,
where DUC and front end circuit effects are considered. Users can push into
the RADAR_Tx_4x4 subnetwork to set the IF/RF parameters for each Rx
3. The array detection angle theta equals to pi/2. The array detection angle
phi is swept from 0 to 2*pi.
4. The signal power is average in one PRI to demonstrate the antenna
pattern vs phi.
5. Simulation results with ideal Tx and digital T/R are shown in Graphs.

PD RADAR Performance Test Examples

Name Description Usage
PDRADAR_Aiming_Pd_AWGN This example measures a PD RADAR's detection
probability with Aiming Interference
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 60km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Interference Ratio (SNR) is
swept from -18dB to -10dB
3. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
4. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
5. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
6. WiMAX 16e downlink with 10MHz bandwidth is
provided for Aiming Waveform.
7. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular

SystemVue - Examples
PDRADAR_AmbiguityResolution This example demos the ambiguity resolution for a
target's range and velocity in noise.
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 300km and a velocity of 180m/s
2. Two PRIs are used for ambiguity resolution
measurement with 1ms and 1.001ms. More PRIs can
be used for your application.
3. The received Signal to NoiseRatio (SNR) is -10dB
4. The PD RADAR using a Hammingwindow based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
5. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection(MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
6. The CFAR (Constant False AlarmRate) algorithm is
Cell Average (CA)
7. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_DetectionProbability_AWGN This example measures a PD RADAR's detection
probability under AWGN
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 60km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is swept
from -18dB to -10dB
3. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
4. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
5. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
6. On an Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered
by MS Windows XP and SystemVue2010.07,
Simulation time is about 45 minutes
7. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_DetectionProbability.wsv This example measures a PD RADAR's detection
probability with Clutter
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 60km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is swept
from -14dB to -6dB
3. The clutter is with a Rayleigh distribution in
amplitude and a Gaussian distribution in spectrum
and stored in data files for simulation speed up
4. The Clutter to Noise Ratio (CNR) is set to 10dB
5. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
6. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
7. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
8. On a Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by
MS Windows XP and SystemVue2010.07, Simulation
time is about 90 minutes
9. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
SystemVue - Examples
PDRADAR_DetectionProbability_AWGN_DigitalIF This example measures a PD RADAR's detection
probability under AWGN with digital IF.
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 60km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is swept
from -17dB to -9dB
3. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
4. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
5. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
6. The upsampling ratio from baseband to IF is 5.
The number of bits for DAC is 8.
7. The downsampling ratio from digital IF to
baseband is 5. The number of bits for ADC is 8.
8. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_FalseAlarmRate_AWGN.wsv This example measures a PD RADAR's false alarm
rate under AWGN
1. The input to the PD radar receiver is Noise only.
2. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
3. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
4. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
5. On an Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered
by MS Windows XP and SystemVue2010.07,
simulation time is about 90 minutes.
6. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_FalseAlarmRate.wsv This example measures a PD RADAR's false alarm
rate with Clutter
1. The inputs to the PD radar receiver are Clutter and
2. The clutter is with a Rayleigh distribution in
amplitude and a Gaussian distribution in spectrum
and stored in data files for simulation speed up
3. The Clutter to Noise Ratio (CNR) is set to 10dB
4. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
5. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
6. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
7. On an Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered
by MS Windows XP and SystemVue2010.07,
simulation time is about 180 minutes
8. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_Jamming_Pd_AWGN This example measures a PD RADAR's detection
probability with Jamming Interference.

SystemVue - Examples
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 60km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Interference Ratio (SNR) is
swept from -18dB to -10dB
3. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
4. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
5. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
6. WiMAX 16e downlink with 80MHz bandwidth is
provided for Jamming Waveform.
7. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular
PDRADAR_Measurement.wsv This example measures a target's range and velocity
in clutter and noise
1. The PD RADAR is detecting a target in a distance
of 100km and a velocity of 60m/s
2. The received Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) is -10dB
3. The clutter is with a Rayleigh distribution in
amplitude and a Gaussian distribution in spectrum
and stored in data files for simulation speed up
4. The Clutter to Noise Ratio (CNR) is set to 10dB
5. The PD RADAR using a Hamming window based
pulse compressor with a BT product of 50
6. The Pulse Doppler (PD) processing utilize a
moving target detection (MTD) with a CPI(Coherent
Processing Interval) of 32 pulses
7. The CFAR (Constant False Alarm Rate) algorithm
is Cell Average (CA)
8. On an Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered
by MS Windows XP and SystemVue2010.07,
simulation time is about 90 minutes
9. Users can set up the system parameters or
replace a component according to their particular

PD RADAR Receiver Test Examples

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
PDRADAR_Rx_Waveform.wsv This example measures the waveform of a PD RADAR receiver with
clutter and noise
1. The waveform includes the components from target echo, clutter
and noise
2. Both the RF waveform and the RF spectrum of the received signal
are measured.
3. On an Intel Core 2 E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by MS Windows XP
and SystemVue2010.07, Simulation time is about 1 minute
PDRADAR_Clutter.wsv This example measures the clutter signal of the radar environment.
The clutter refers to radio frequency (RF) echoes returned from targets
which are uninteresting to the radar operators.
1. A statistical model is set up to simulate the real world clutter.
2. The clutter has certain magnitude probability density functions and
power spectrum densities.
3. Results are shown in associated graphs.
4. Simulation time is about 11.93 seconds on an Intel Core 2
E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by MS Windows XP and
PDRADAR_DynamicRange.wsv This example measures dynamic range of the radar receiver. The
dynamic range is the input signal power range to be amplified without
1. Measured the 1 dB gain compression power of the low noise
amplifier in RF.
2. Measured the output IF signal power.
3. Measured the baseband signal power after ADC and digital down
4. Results are shown in associated graphs
5. Simulation time is about 10.26 seconds on an Intel Core 2
E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by MS Windows XP and
PDRADAR_Selectivity.wsv This example measures the adjacent band selectivity of the radar
receiver. Radar frequency sensitivity is a very important characteristic
as it determines radar's interference immunity.
1. A filtered noise is constructed to simulation the interference in the
adjacent band of the radar signal.
2. The simulation is carried out with digital IF and analog RF front end,
where, both DUC/DDC and front end circuit effects are considered.
3. Results are shown in associated graphs.
4. Simulation time is about 19585.87 seconds on an Intel Xeon CPU
5130 2.00GHz, 2 processors, 3G RAM PC powered by MS Windows XP
and SystemVue2010.07.
PDRADAR_Sensitivity.wsv This example measures sensitivity of the radar receiver. Radar
sensitivity is determined by the ability to reliably detect weak signals
in the presence of noise.
1. A noise model is the simulated thermal noise (The noise spectrum
density is -173.975 dBm/Hz).
2. The simulation is carried out with digital IF and analog RF front end,
where, both DUC/DDC and front end circuit effects are considered.
3. Results are shown in associated graphs.
4. Simulation time is about 21975.57 seconds on an Intel Core 2
E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by MS Windows XP and

SystemVue - Examples

PD RADAR Transmitter Test Examples

Name Description Usage

PDRADAR_Tx_Waveform.wsv This example measures the radar Transmitter RF signal and IF signal
waveforms and spectrums
1. The radar signal is a linear frequency modulation pulse in this
2. The simulation is carried out with digital IF and analog RF front end,
where, both DUC/DDC and front end circuit effects are considered.
3. Results are shown in associated graphs.
4. Simulation time is about 12.95 seconds on an Intel Core 2
E6850/3.0G 4GB PC powered by MS Windows XP and

On the Web

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Technical Support

SystemVue - Examples

Signal Processing Examples

Path: Examples\Signal Processing

Name Description Usage

CrossCorr.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the
CrossCorr block and use of cross correlation
to calculate signal delay.
Spectrum Analysis.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the
use of the Spectrum Analyzer sink.
DSP\Aliasing.wsv By increasing the frequency of the sine wave
source and comparing with the 1000Hz sine
wave, we can observe that for frequencies
above fs/2 (5000Hz in this example), the
discrete version of the signal is seen to alias
to have a frequency below 5000Hz.
DSP\Dithering Quant Errors.wsv This shows the effect of quantization on
spurs in the frequency domain. By adding a
bit of AWGN to dither quantization errors,
energy in the spurs is spread out, increasing
the Spur Free Dynamic Range. SFDR is
observed in the Spectrum graph window.
DSP\NonLinear_Quantizer.wsv This tutorial illustrates how linear
superposition of two sequences does not
apply depending on where signals are
The following list describes Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) tutorial examples from Steepest Ascent, LTD.
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.01_Fourier
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.02_Square.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.04_Square2.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.05_triangle.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.06_quantize2.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.07_fft_scaling.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.08_zero_pad.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.11_Window.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.16_FFT_Part.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency Domain\6.17_IFFT.wsv
DSPedia-Chap6 Frequency
SystemVue - Examples
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.03_sum_of_sines.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.05_bandpass.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.06_cascade.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.10_Zdomain.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.11_Zdomain.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.13_Differentiator.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.14_Comb.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.15_LinearPhase.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.16_IIR.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 Digital_Filtering\7.18_IIR_AllPass.wsv
DSPedia-Chap7 This example designs a FIR filter, from
Digital_Filtering\7.22_FIR_Wordlength.wsv specification to implementable fixed-point
On the Web

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Technical Support

SystemVue - Examples

VBScripting Examples
Path: Examples\VBScripting

Name Description Usage

Buttons.wsv Click buttons on a schematic to launch a VBScript to run
Parameter Script.wsv VBScript to set part parameters and run simulations.

SystemVue - Examples

Flexible OFDM Design Examples

FlexOFDM models (FlexOFDM_Source and FlexOFDM_Source_RF) can generate custom
OFDM waveforms as well as standard OFDM waveforms (such as 802.11ad/ac, WiMAX,
DVB-C2 and etc) by setting parameters.

*Path: Examples\FlexOFDM

Name Description Usage

CE_OFDM.wsv This example illustrates how to create constant envelop OFDM
signal in SystemVue by using FlexOFDM source model.
FlexOFDM_DVBC2_Source.wsv This example illustrates the generation of DVB-C2 un-coded
source of one data slice by using Agilent SystemVue. This
DVB-C2 source follows section 9 (Frame Builder, only about
OFDM modulation in ETSI EN 302 769 v1.1.1 "Digital Video
Broadcasting (DVB); Frame structure channel coding and
modulation for a second generation digital transmission
system for cable systems (DVB-C2)".
FlexOFDM_G3_PLC_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a G3-PLC uncoded source by
using FlexOFDM_Source_RF. This G3-PLC uncoded source
follows "PLC G3 Physical Layer Specification". G3-PLC is a
PowerLine Communication system.
FlexOFDM_MoCA_256QAM_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a MoCA (Multimedia over Coax
Alliance )uncoded source by using FlexOFDM_Source_RF, its
mappling mode is 256QAM.
FlexOFDM_MoCA_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a MoCA (Multimedia over Coax
Alliance )uncoded source by using FlexOFDM_Source_RF. This
example just generate OFDM symbols and does not include
preamble and etc. It follows MoCA 1.1 parameters.
FlexOFDM_PRIME_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate an uncoded source of PRIME
(PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution) PLC system by
using FlexOFDM_Source_RF.
FlexOFDM_WiGIG_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a uncoded
IEEE802.11ad/WiGIG OFDM PHY source by using
FlexOFDM_Source_RF. This 11ad/WiGIG OFDM uncoded
source follows section 21.5 mmWave OFDM PHY in "WGA, Inc.
Draft Specification D0.9r1, March 2010".
FlexOFDM_WiMAX_16d_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a fixed WiMAX (802.16d)
uncoded source by using FlexOFDM_Source_RF. This
IEEE802.16d (fixed WiMAX) source follows section 8.3
WirelessMAN-OFDM PHY IEEE Std 802.16-2004 "IEEE
Standard for Local and metropolitan area networks Part 16:
Air Interface for Fixed Broadband Wireless Access Systems".
FlexOFDM_WLAN_11a_Source.wsv This workspace is to generate a uncoded source of IEEE
802.11a by using FlexOFDM_Source_RF block. This
IEEE802.11a source follows IEEE Std 802.11a-1999 "Part 11:
Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical
Layer (PHY)specifications High-speed Physical Layer in the 5
GHz Band".

SystemVue - Examples

Adaptive Equalization Library Examples

Path: Examples\Adaptive Equalization Library

Name Description Usage

BlindEqLms.wsv This example implements a blind equalizer. The adaptive filter LMS
core block is used as the adaptive algorithm. Note that in this case the
desired signal is the output of the non linearity block. This means that
no training sequence is required.
EqualiserCoreRLS.wsv This example shows the use of the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter Core
block in an inverse system identification scenario. An equivalent
implementation using the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter is also
provided. Note that the Complex RLS Adaptive Filter Core block only
implements the complex FIR filter with variable coefficients and the
adaptive RLS algorithm controlling them. Therefore the subtractor and
error feedback loop need to be implemented externally when using the
Complex RLS Adaptive Filter Core block.
EqualiserRealRLS.wsv This example shows the use of the Real RLS Adaptive Filter block in an
inverse system identification scenario.
EqualiserRealRLSCore.wsv This example shows the use of the Real RLS Adaptive Filter Core block
in an inverse system identification scenario. An equivalent
implementation using the Real RLS Adaptive Filter is also provided.
Note that the Real RLS Adaptive Filter Core block only implements the
real FIR filter with variable coefficients and the adaptive RLS algorithm
controlling them. Therefore the subtractor and error feedback loop
need to be implemented externally when using the Real RLS Adaptive
Filter Core block.
InverseSysIdAPACore.wsv This model implements a complex arithmetic inverse system
identification setup using the APA algorithm. The unknown system is a
complex FIR filter. The error signal is plotted once it has gone through
the error filter. The identified filter weights are also plotted. Note that
they represent the inverse of the impulse response of the unknown
filter. The frequency response of both unknown channel and equalizer
are also plotted.
InverseSysIdRealAPACore.wsv This model implements a real arithmetic inverse system identification
setup using the APA algorithm. The unknown system is a real FIR
filter. The error signal is plotted once it has gone through the error
filter. The identified filter weights are also plotted. Note that they
represent the inverse of the impulse response of the unknown filter.
The frequency response of both unknown channel and equalizer are
also plotted.
SysIdAPA.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,
where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response of
a complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system and
the adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system is
represented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as the
desired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.
SysIdLMS.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,
where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response of
a complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system and
the adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system is
represented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as the
desired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.
SysIdLMSCore.wsv This example shows the functionality of the LMS_AdaptFltCore part.
This block contains the core functionality of the adaptive filter, i.e. the
FIR filter with variable weights and the adaptive algorithm which
SystemVue - Examples
controls them. Therefore it does not contain the calculation of the error
signal and the feedback loop required to pass this signal back into the
adaptive filter.
SysIdQR.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,
where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response of
a complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system and
the adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system is
represented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as the
desired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.
SysIdRealAPA.wsv This model implements a real arithmetic system identification setup
using the APA algorithm. The unknown system is a real FIR filter. The
error signal is plotted once it has gone through the error filter. The
identified filter weights are also plotted.
SysIdRealLMS.wsv This example implements an unknown system identification setup
using the real LMS adaptive filter. The unknown filter is represented by
a real FIR filter. A real error filter is used to smooth out the variations
of the error signal.
SysIdRealLMSCore.wsv This example shows two implementations of an adaptive IIR filter
using the real LMS core parts. The first implementation shows how to
use these parts in feedforward and feedback configurations. The
second implementation shows how to use just one part and setting the
parameters to include internally feedback and feedforward parts.
SysIdRealQR.wsv This example implements an unknown system identification setup
using the real QR adaptive filter. The unknown filter is represented by
a real FIR filter. A real error filter is used to smooth out the variations
of the error signal.
SysIdRLS.wsv In this example a system identification configuration has been setup,
where the adaptive filter attempts to identify the impulse response of
a complex arithmetic unknown system. Both the unknown system and
the adaptive filter are excited with white noise. The unknown system is
represented here by a complex FIR filter. Its output is used as the
desired signal input of the adaptive filter as shown.

SystemVue - Examples

C++ Code Generation Examples

Starting with Agilent SystemVue 2010.01, C++ Code Generation from block level
schematic models is now supported. All SystemVue product configurations are enabled to
generate licensed and compiled dynamically linked libraries for use in Agilent ADS, Agilent
SystemVue, or any Win32 progra. Using W1718 C++ Code Generator will allow
SystemVue to generate C++ source code along with compiled .dlls. There is a new library
category under the "Algorithm Library" that contains all supported code gen-able models.

Path: Examples\C-Code Generation

Name Description Usage

CodeGen_CIC_Filter.wsv This example demonstrates how you can use built-in SystemVue parts, to
implement a Cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filter that can be targeted to
the SystemVue C++ Code Generator.
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SystemVue - Examples

Comms Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\sub-folder

BER (examples)
OFDM (examples)
Satellite (examples)
Zigbee (examples)

Path: Examples\Comms

Name Description Usage

Bluetooth.wsv This example workspace demonstrates simple hopping and demdulation of a
Bluetooth-like signal, but not modulated to the actual RF frequency, using a lower
frequency instead to speed simulation.
Costas.wsv This example workspace demonstrates a second-order Costas Loop for
demodulation of a BPSK waveform. The Costas Loop is a specialized form of PLL
that regenerates the carrier from a bi-phase modulated signal using quadrature
DQPSK This example illustrates a model of a DQPSK transceiver with detailed algorithmic
Modem.wsv modeling of DQPSK encoder, DQPSK decoder, bit slicer, and Grey decoder. An RF
model is added with overal BER analysis at the reciver.
DQPSK Encoder This example illustrates SystemVue modeling polymorphism with multiple
Modeling.wsv implemenations of a DQPSK encoder in floating point, fixed point, and Math
Language. Verification of encoder performance is analyzed using Agilent Vector
Signal Analyzer.
QAM16.wsv This is a simple 16 symbol Quadrature Amplitude Modulation example

BER Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\BER

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
PAM- This workspace shows simulated Bit Error Ratio (BER)
QAM_BER_Importance_Sampling.wsv performance vs. theory for several PAM and QAM modulation
formats using the "BER_IS" measurement sink. This
measurement alogirthm uses the "Improved Importance
Sampling" method to provide a highly-efficient analytical
estimate of the true BER.
QPSK_BER_CODED_Viterbi.wsv This example workspace demonstrates setup of BER
simulation for a QPSK modulated system including FEC with
convolutional coding and Viterbi decoding. Improvements to
BER with soft decision detection are shown
QPSK_BER_Importance_Sampling.wsv This example workspace demonstrates setup of BER
simulation for modulated signals using QPSK as an example
with swept control over EbNo using Math language equations
and sweep controller. BER is facilitated using both Monte
Carlo and Importance Sampling with comparison again
theoretical BER curves.
Transceiver_BER_with_Scripting.wsv This example combines simulation scripting using SystemVue
Math language with a typical setup for BER simulation using
swept EbNo simulation. User has control over multiple
modulation formats with swept control over EbNo for acurate
BER simulation

OFDM Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\OFDM

Name Description Usage

Cognitive_Radio_Example.wsv This is a Cognitive Radio whitespace algorithm
example that demonstrates spectrum sensing and
adaptive OFDMA spectrum usage with a 3GPP LTE
(Long Term Evolution) commercial downlink waveform.
Math Language algorithms are used for spectral "white
space" sensing and adaptive LTE DL waveform creation
to fill the white space.
Cognitive_Radio_Generic_OFDM_Example.wsv This example demonstrates Cognitive Radio adaption
to varying channel conditions and capacity
requirements using Orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing (OFDM) techniques. By selectively
disabling subcarriers, wideband signals can avoid
interfering with narrow-band signals, even if they are
located in the same main channel. This example
illustrates this concept with the new generic OFDM
models available in the base SystemVue algorithm
OFDM_Custom_Signal.wsv This example workspace demonstrates the use of
generic OFDM building blocks found in SystemVue to
create a arbitrary OFDM signal. The signal created is
very similar to 802.11a, with 52 sub-carriers, 48 data
sub-carriers with use settable modulation, and 4 pilot
carriers. Long and short pre-emble is also created and
multiplexed into the final OFDM spectrum.
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Satellite Examples
Path: Examples\sub-folder

Galilleo (examples)
GPS (examples)
Galileo Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\Satellite\Galileo

Name Description Usage

Galileo_E1_Src.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creating
custom satcom signaling to the Galileo specification with SystemVue. The
blocks used in this example are all from the standard "Algorithm" library within
SystemVue. Where a standard algorithmic model was not sufficient,
SystemVue's Math language model interface was used. To see the underlying
Math Language algorithm for these blocks simply double click on the part
symbol to see the source code.
GNSS_BOC_n_m.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creating
generic satcom signaling with Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) using Agilent
SystemVue. The blocks used in this example are all from the standard
"Algorithm" library within SystemVue.
GNSS_BOC1.wsv This example illustrates the usage of generic building blocks for creating
generic satcom signaling with Binary Offset Carrier (BOC) and Binary Phase
Shift Keying (BPSK) using Agilent SystemVue.

GPS Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\Satellite\GPS

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
GPS_L1_Source_and_RF_TX.wsv This example generates GPS ranging code of P-Code and C/A-
Codes in GPS satellite navigation. The GPS L1 source is also
generated by using P-Code and C/A Codes. The GPS navigation
(NAV) applications have data coding requirements defined in the
technical specification IS-GPS-200D (Navstar GPS Space Segment
/ Navigation User Interfaces). For GPS NAV applications, two basic
ranging codes are generated (among several others). The
precision (P) code is the principal NAV ranging code. The
coarse/acquisition (C/A) code is used primarily for acquisition of
the P code.
GPS_L1C_Source_and_RF_TX.wsv This example generates GPS PRN ranging codes L1CPi(t) and
L1CDi(t) and overlay codes L1COi(t) based on IS-GPS-800
specification. The GPS L1C source is also generated by using
ranging codes L1CPi(t) and L1CDi(t) and overlay codes L1COi(t).
In this L1C source, BCH coder, LDPC coder and interleaver are also
GPS_L2_Source_and_RF_TX.wsv This example generates GPS ranging code of P-Code and C/A-
Codes in GPS satellite navigation. The GPS L2 source is also
generated by using P-Code and C/A Codes. The GPS navigation
(NAV) applications have data coding requirements defined in the
technical specification IS-GPS-200D (Navstar GPS Space Segment
/ Navigation User Interfaces). For GPS NAV applications, two basic
ranging codes are generated (among several others). The
precision (P) code is the principal NAV ranging code. The
coarse/acquisition (C/A) code is used primarily for acquisition of
the P code.
GPS_L2C_Source_and_RF_TX.wsv This example generates GPS PRN ranging codes P-Code, L2 CM-
Code and L2 CL-Code based on IS-GPS-200D specification. The
GPS L2C source is also generated by using ranging codes P-Code,
L2 CM-Code and L2 CL-Code. The FEC (convolutional coder) is also
GPS_L5_Source_and_RF_TX.wsv This example generates GPS PRN ranging codes L5-Codes (I5i(t)
and Q5i(t)) based on IS-GPS-705 specification. The GPS L5source
is also generated by using ranging codes L5-Codes. The FEC
(convolutional coder) is also implemented.

Zigbee Examples
Path: Examples\Comms\Zigbee

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
Zigbee_Adjacent_Jamming_Resistance.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Adjacent channel
jamming resistance for ZigBee systems in the 868.0 -
868.6 MHz band.
Zigbee_Alternate_Jamming_Resistance.wsv This example workspace demonstrates Alternate jamming
resistance for ZigBee systems in the 868.0 - 868.6 MHz
Zigbee_AWGN_BER.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept BER vs SNR
measurements for ZigBee system under AWGN channel
with example designs for 868MHz, 915 MHz, and 2450
MHz bands
Zigbee_Sensitivity.wsv This example workspace demostrates swept FER vs
Transmit signal power for ZigBee sensitivity
measurements with example designs for 868MHz, 915
MHz, and 2450 MHz bands
Zigbee_TxWaveform_Spec.wsv This example workspace demonstrates spectral
measurements and vector demodulation of ZigBee
transmitter waverforms with example designs for
868MHz, 915 MHz, and 2450 MHz bands. Agilent
E89601A VSA SW is utilized for the dynamic
demodulation and analysis.
Zigbee868_915Mhz.wsv This workspace includes two examples to generate
Zigbee signal source based on IEEE 802.15.4 868 MHz
PHY specification and 915 MHz PHY specification.
Zigbee_2450MHz.wsv This workspace includes two examples to generate
Zigbee signal source based on IEEE 802.15.4 2450 MHz
PHY specification.
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SystemVue - Examples

Math Language Scripting Examples

Path: Examples\Math Language Scripting

Name Description Usage

ParameterSweeping.wsv This example uses a simple SineGen source and Sink to create a
platform for multi-dimensional parametric sweeps. The amplitude,
frequency and phase of the sinusoid generator are set to be
tunable and hence can be selected as sweep parameters from
analyses mounted on the basic data analysis process.
Scripting_SinkFile_Output.wsv This tutorial workspace shows how to use a Math Language script Math
to generate output files for each value in a sequence. langugage
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SystemVue - Examples

RF Architecture Design Examples

Path: Examples\sub-folder

RF Design Kit (examples)

X Parameters (examples)

Path: Examples\RF Architecture

Name Description Usage

3GPP_LTE_DL_SISO_BER_RF_Link.wsv This example workspace demonstrates swept BER and
BLER for an LTE downlink SISO system using a realistic LTE
RF downconverter sub-system. To run this example you will
need a license for both W1719 RF Design Kit (inlcuded in
W1464 RF Architect Product bundle) AND the W1910 3GPP
LTE Baseband Verification Library. The RF sub-system is
modeled using SystemVue's "RF Architect" frequency
domain analysis capability with the resulting sub-system
model embedded into a time domain simulation for LTE DL
Oscillator_Phase_Noise.wsv A phase noise modeling example is demonstrated in Design
"Random PN". An Oscillator source is used to generate a 1
GHz tone at a power level of 10 dBm into 50 Ohms. The
tone is colored with phase noise, whose frequency
specification is defined in the PhaseNoiseData parameter.
For this example, f offsetMin is 1 kHz and f offsetMax is 400
QPSK_RF_Link_Demo.wsv A combined DSP-RF design flow is described. TX and RX RF RF_Link
designs are evaluated using RF System analyses DSP-RF
(Spectrasys) to determine the RF design broad band Analysis
frequency domain response. These RF designs are included
in DSP design and use Data Flow analysis to determine the
combined bandpass time domain response.
QPSK_with_Interferer_VSA.wsv This example workspace illustrates basic capability in Data
SystemVue for creating custom RF architectures and Flow RF
modulation structures that can be quickly and easily Models
analyzed, including incorporation of RF impairments and
channel interferrence.
SData Demo.wsv This examples highlights the setup and usage of the SData
part/model which allows importation of S21 S-parameter
data into the SystemVue time domain data flow simulation
ZIF_3GPP_test.wsv This workspace demonstrates SystemVue's capability for Data
simulating RF Subsystems Flow RF
ZIF_two_tone_test.wsv This workspace demonstrates SystemVue's capability for Data
simulating RF Subsystems Flow RF

RF Design Kit (Spectrasys) Examples

Path: Examples\RF Architecture\RF Design Kit

SystemVue - Examples
Name Description Usage
5GHZ VSWR This is a simple example of a 3 sector 5.8 GHz receiver that can be
Detector.wsv used as a TX power
meter or VSWR tester. This example will show the importance or RF
architecture work
and how many design parameters can be confidently selected using an
RF architecture
design tool.
AppCAD 1.9 GHZ CDMA This is a simple illustration of how a dumbed down Spectrasys
Handset Receiver.wsv simulation will give the same answers as the AppCAD NoiseCalc
example '1.9 GHz Handset Receiver'. Furthermore, a more realistic
design is created showing the value of Spectrasys above spreadsheets.
Diversity TX and Hybrid This is a simple illustration of a diversity transmitter with a hybrid
Amp.wsv amplifier. Two IS95 carriers are created at 1955 and 1965 MHz.
Dual Band Frequency This example illustrates the IF performance of a dual band CDMA What IF,
Plan.wsv receiver. Spectrasys
Freq Dependent This example shows how a frequency dependent attenuator can be
Attn.wsv used to create a filter mask.
Mixer Model Noise.wsv Shows how mixer fundamental and image noise is calculated. System
Simulated and manually calculated results are compared. Analysis
Resistor Noise This workspace illustrates how noise is calculated and simulated in Noise
Analysis.wsv Spectrasys Equations
RF Link This workspace compares power compression curves simulated in the Equations
Compression.wsv frequency domain with Spectrasys and time domain with data flow
RF Link with Noise.wsv This example shows how to correctly model noise in a data flow / RF Noise Co-
cosimulation simulation
RX Blocking.wsv This example shows how a blocking signal will affect the receive Phase
sensitivity because of LO phase noise Noise
Simple Table Mixer.wsv This is example will help the user understand table mixer configuration
and operation.
Simple Transceiver.wsv This is a illustration of how sub-network models. Transmitter and
receiver schematics are created are re-used at a top level transceiver
schematic that incorporates a diversity receiver. Custom symbols were
also created for the transmitter and receiver.
Temperature This example shows how to add temperature coefficients to parameters
Sweeps.wsv and create temperature sweeps.
Transceiver_RFLink.wsv This tutorial example shows how an RF air interface defined in
Spectrasys can be dropped into a DSP link-level simulation using the
RFLink component. The effect of RF Transmit IP3 and filter rolloff can
easily be seen on the received baseband constellation.
Tx RX Chain.wsv This is a illustration an entire transmit and receive chain including the Spectrasys
path loss between the transmitter and receiver. Receiver noise is
calculated along with TX output Spectrum.
WhatIF Dual Analysis In this particular example we have an RF input spectrum from 275 to
Only.wsv 325 MHz. The desired IF is a difference IF at 800 MHz derived from a
high side LO. Since we have chosen the IF frequency to be 800 MHz
and the IF bandwidth is 1 MHz then the LO will range from 1075.5 to
1124.5 MHz. In this given example we are looking at the 'Single
Intermediate Frequency' behavior only.
Zero IF Rx This workspace shows the effects on the output trajectory of a zero IF
Impairments.wsv receiver for various impairments such gain and phase imbalance as well
as phase noise and LO to RF leakage. This example is featured in
SystemVue - Examples
tutorial video .

SystemVue - Examples

X-Parameter Example Workspaces

Path: Examples\RF Architecture

Name Description Usage

QPSK_Xparam_RFLink.wsv This example contains 2 Data Flow simulation schematics,
namely, QPSK and QPSK_VSA. Both of them demonstrate how
to bring an actual RF device (in this example, an RF Amplifier)
into a system level simulation in SystemVue through the X-
parameters characterization of the RF device
("AMP_XParams.mdf" file in this example).
X-param_CircuitLink.wsv This example contains Spectrasys simulations to show how
Circuit_link should be used when cascading non-linear parts
such as X-parameters part. The RF_Circuit design uses a
Circuit_link part to bring the CascSubNet into top level
Spectrasys design for simulation. The RF_CascSubnet design
contains a top level design that is equivalent to the
CascSubNet. Note the warning messages about cascading non-
linear parts in top Spectrasys design when simulating the
X-param_FilePreviewer.wsv This example plots the gain compression of an X-parameter file
so that you can verify the response of the part before applying
it in a system simulation. This tutorial also shows how to set up
a simple simulation.
X- This balanced amplifier example shows how Circuit_Link
param_BalAmp_NoisePowerRatio.wsv Volterra characterization allows to evaluate 2-tone IM distortion
for X-parameters file, when only extracted for 1-tone. It also
shows the nonlinear loading effect of X-parameters when one
of the amplifiers "fails", and changes the system behavior for
the whole group.
X-param_Mixer.wsv This measured X-parameter mixer example shows frequency
translation in Spectrasys, nonlinear loading of the X-parameter
device, and level diagrams with a Circuit_Link device.
Multitone_Volterra_Test.wsv This example compares RF Volterra and DF simulated
spectrums for multi-tone inputs of X-parameters amplifier,
characterized for 1-tone.


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