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Carroll County Times

NATION/WORLD Monday, July 5, 2010, Page A5

In it
to win
Petraeus takes
over war effort
KABUL, Afghanistan — “We are in
Fourth of July goes on at Gulf this to win,” Gen. David Petraeus said
Sunday as he took the reins of an Afghan
A group of children play on the beach at war effort troubled by waning support,
Henderson Point near Pass Christian, Miss., an emboldened enemy, government cor-
as Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Team ruption and a looming commitment to
workers look for tar balls from the Deep- withdraw troops even with no sign of vi-
water Horizon oil spill Sunday. olence easing.
Petraeus, who pioneered the coun-
Horses bolt during Iowa terinsurgency strategy he now oversees
in Afghanistan, has just months to show
parade; 1 killed, 23 hurt progress in turning back insurgents and
BELLEVUE, Iowa — Two runaway horses convince both the Afghan people and
pulling a wagon trampled spectators at a small- neighboring countries that the U.S. is
town Fourth of July parade, killing a 60-year-old committed to preventing the country
woman and injuring at least 23 other people, four from again becoming a haven for al-
critically. Qaida and its terrorist allies.
The horses bolted after one rubbed its head “We are engaged in a contest of wills,”
against the other, removing that horse’s bridle, Petraeus said as he accepted the com-
police said. They galloped for several blocks with
the wagon in tow, trampling parade- goers. The mand of U.S. and NATO forces before
wagon flipped and ejected its two passengers, po- several hundred U.S., coalition and
lice said. Among those injured were children who Afghan officials who gathered on a
had stooped in the street to pick up candy that grassy area outside NATO headquarters
had been tossed to them. in Kabul. AP PHOTO
Police declined to identify the woman who Petraeus, widely credited with turning Gen. David Petraeus, the new commander of U.S. and NATO forces in
died, but said she passed away at the University around the U.S. war effort in Iraq, said Afghanistan, holds the ISAF flag during a ceremony in which he formally
of Iowa Hospital in Iowa City. Four people were the Taliban and their allies are killing assumed the command Sunday in Kabul, Afghanistan.
hospitalized in critical condition, five others were and maiming civilians — even using
“We are engaged in a contest of wills.”
seriously hurt and 14 others sustained minor in-
juries, police said. “unwitting children to carry out attacks”
— in an attempt to undermine public
confidence in the Afghan government Gen. David Petraeus
Teen convicted of murder and the international community’s abil- On the Afghan war
seeks help from hit man ity to prevail.
“In answer, we must demonstrate to
DETROIT — Davontae Sanford was just 14 the people and to the Taliban that least the perception that the NATO mis- — and to the world — that al- Qaida and
when he told police he killed four people in a drug Afghan and international forces are here
den, drawing their bodies like stick figures to sion needs to be righted. June was the its network of extremist allies will not
to safeguard the Afghan people, and that deadliest month for the allied force since be allowed to once again establish sanc-
show where the victims died — on the floor, a
couch, a chair. we are in this to win,” Petraeus said on the war began, with 102 U.S. and inter- tuaries in Afghanistan from which they
Sanford was sentenced to at least 38 years in Independence Day. national troops killed. Progress in stabi- can launch attacks on the Afghan peo-
prison for the 2007 slayings, which police say Continual discussion about President lizing Taliban strongholds in the south ple and on freedom- loving nations
were planned as a robbery. But now he insists his Barack Obama’s desire to start with- has been slow, support for the war is around the world.”
confession was a lie. A veteran homicide investi- drawing U.S. forces in July 2011 has waning in America and foreign capitals Petraeus suggested he would refine
gator agrees that the young man’s statements blurred the definition of what would and doubts persist about the Afghan — or at least review — the implemen-
were unreliable. And his attorney is seeking help constitute victory. government’s willingness and ability to tation of rules under which NATO sol-
from an unlikely ally: A hit man convicted in no That coupled with the abrupt firing of fight corruption. diers fight, including curbs on the use
fewer than eight other murders. Petraeus’ predecessor, a move that laid “After years of war, we have arrived at of airpower and heavy weapons if civil-
“It’s our hope that he will testify for us,” defense bare a rift between civilian and military a critical moment,” Petraeus said. “We ians are at risk, “to determine where re-
attorney Kim McGinnis said of Vincent Smothers, efforts in the country, has created at must demonstrate to the Afghan people finements might be needed.”
who has told police he took part in the slayings.
For more than a year, a judge has been hearing
testimony on the teen’s request to take back his

Seized sub a leap in drug evasion

2008 guilty plea and seek a new trial.

Salt Lake City government

won’t boycott Arizona the capacity for about 10 met-
SALT LAKE CITY — The Salt Lake City Coun- It is the first one ric tons of cargo, a crew of five
cil has decided not to boycott Arizona businesses or six people and the ability to
over the state’s toughest-in-the-nation immigra- found that can be fully submerge, Bergman said.
tion law. Compared to semi- sub-
Salt Lake City does about $21 million in business fully submerged mersibles, which cost less than
with Arizona firms each year and was urged to $1 million each to build, “this
join a growing boycott of the state by the Los An- ASSOCIATED PRESS is in a new maritime drug-
geles City Council. BOGOTA, Colombia — A trafficking class of its own,”
Salt Lake City Council members say they’re 100- foot, twin- screw diesel Bergman told the AP.
worried a boycott could have unintended conse- submarine seized at a jungle He said U.S. nautical engi-
quences. Arizona’s immigration law generally re- shipyard in Ecuador marks a neers would be taking the sub-
quires officers enforcing another law — like quantum, if anticipated, leap marine apart in the next few
speeding or jaywalking — to question a person’s in drug- smuggling evasion days to determine its dynam-
immigration status if there’s a reasonable suspi- technology, the top U.S. ics. The regional head of
cion that the person is in the country illegally. counter- drug official for the Ecuador’s anti- narcotics po-
region said Sunday. lice, Maj. Enrique Bautista,
Sinking oil threatens “It is the first fully func-
tional, completely submersible
would not offer details of the
sub when contacted by the AP.
historic Gulf shipwrecks submarine for transoceanic He referred calls to the na-
TIMBALIER ISLANDS, La. — Not just flora and voyages that we have ever AP PHOTO
tional anti- narcotics police
fauna are getting caked in oil. So is the Gulf of found,” Jay Bergman, Andean chief, who did not respond to
regional director for the Drug Soldiers stand on a seized submarine in the jungle re-
Mexico’s barnacled history of pirates, sea battles messages left on his cell
Enforcement Administration, gion of La Loma in Ecuador Saturday. DEA officials said phone.
and World War II shipwrecks. that the diesel electric- powered submarine was con-
The Gulf is lined with wooden shipwrecks, told The Associated Press. Bautista said the seizure was
American-Indian shell midden mounds, World Until now, all the smuggling structed in a remote jungle. “in preliminary stages of in-
War II casualties, pirate colonies, historic hotels vessels seized on the high seas evade radar and heat-seeking ing quarters for at least 50 vestigation.”
and old fishing villages. Researchers now fear this or at clandestine shipyards technology of drug- interdic- people on a jungle estuary Bergman said one man was
treasure seeker’s dream is threatened by BP PLC’s built to haul multi-ton loads of tion aircraft. several miles from the Colom- arrested in Friday’s raid on the
deepwater well blowout. Within 20 miles of the cocaine under the Pacific’s The camouflage- painted bian border, he said. It had yet jungle shipyard and said it was
well, there are several significant shipwrecks — surface were semi- sub- vessel seized by Ecuadorean to make a voyage. hoped he would shed some
ironically, discovered by oil companies’ underwa- mersibles. They typically un- police Friday appears by con- Built of fiberglass and other light on how long it took to
ter robots working the depths — and oil is most load off Central America and trast to be capable of long- composites, it has a conning build the submarine and who
likely beginning to cascade on them. Mexico drugs destined for the range underwater operation — tower, periscope and air con- engineered it.
The wrecks include two 19th-century wooden United States. a development U.S. analysts ditioning system and meas- He said authorities are still
ships known as the “Mica Wreck” and the “Mardi Equipped with air intake and have long expected, Bergman ures about 9 feet high from the investigating who financed the
Gras Wreck.” engine exhaust pipes, none of said. Acting on a DEA tip, the deck plates to the ceiling, the sub’s manufacture and which
those craft were capable of Ecuadoreans found it at a so- DEA said. Ecuadorean police trafficking organization in-
— Associated Press fully submerging so they could phisticated shipyard with liv- told the DEA the vessel has tended to use it.

Blasts mar Biden’s Quake rattles Komorowski appeared to
have held off a last- minute
Puerto Rico panel
call for new govt. northern Japan surge from the identical to probe clash
BAGHDAD — Vice Presi- TOKYO — A quake with twin brother of the late SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico
dent Joe Biden urged rival a magnitude of 6.3 jolted president, who died in an — Puerto Rico has launched
Iraqi politicians Sunday to northern Japan early Mon- April plane crash that a probe of last week’s vio-
end months of delays and day, but there was no dan- shocked the country and lent clash between police
select new leaders for their ger of a tsunami, the Japan forced Sunday's early elec- and demonstrators at the
wobbly democracy, predict- Meteorological Agency tion. Exit polls showed Ko- Capitol, the U.S. island ter-
ing a peaceful transition said. morowski with a slight edge ritory’s civil rights commis-
of power even as suicide The quake occurred off over Jaroslaw Kaczynski, sion said Sunday.
bombers struck govern- the coast of Iwate, some 310 who essentially conceded Judge Crisanta Gonzalez
ment centers in two major miles north of Tokyo Mon- defeat in the presidential will lead a commission of
cities. day. Iwate police official run- off. members appointed by the
The attacks in Mosul and Takahiro Fujibayashi said Official results based on governor as it investigates
Ramadi underscored per- 95 percent of polling sta- whether anyone’s civil
there were no reports of
sistent fears that insurgents tions reporting appeared to rights were violated.
AP PHOTO will exploit Iraq’s political bear out the exit polls. They The melee broke out
Bus fire in China proves fatal uncertainty to stoke wide-
Brother fails to
showed that Komorowski
won 52.63 percent of the
Wednesday when university
spread sectarian violence. students and other protest-
A policeman checks on the wreckage of a shuttle Four people were killed
bus in Wuxi, in east China’s Jiangsu province, early and 25 injured in the two take presidency vote and Kaczynski 47.37
percent, the state electoral
ers tried to storm the legis-
today. Twenty- four people were killed and 19 in- blasts that occurred hun- WARSAW, Poland — In- commission said early this
jured after fire engulfed the shuttle bus Sunday. dreds of miles apart. terim president Bronislaw morning. — Associated Press

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