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Strategisen Kehittmisen Yhteis

Changing the future

with local stakeholders.
Introduction Table of contents
Project frame 4

Vahanen Group 5
Private investors are the silent group when talking about suburb develop-
ment. In the case of Kontula, investing in real estate dwelling generates
stable rent income for a relatively low purchase price. However, develop- Artefact 1 Invitation 6
ing the area and ridding Kontula from its sketchy reputation would benefit Designerly intelligence
the investors significantly by raising the value of their property, as well as
attracting more trustworthy tenants. So why is it so hard to get them to take Kontula 8
part in development projects and housing committee meetings? How can
Statistics of Mellunkyl
we activate this group? This is what our team set to solve.

This portfolio documents our research and design process, and showcases Observation in Kontula 10
our solution. It explains our concept through of the following steps:
Artefact 2 Staging 12
1. Research data and conclusions
2. The six design artefacts: Invitation, Staging, Designerly intelligence
Story, Chart, Image and Proposal.
3. Our reflection upon these artefacts Artefact 3 Story 18
4. Our plans on how to proceed Designerly

Artefact 4 The Chart 22

Designerly intelligence

Concept Ideation 24

Artefact 5 The Image 26

Designerly intelligence

Artefact 6 The Proposal 30

COURSE Understanding stakeholders
User Inspired Design 2017 Invitation
Speech Tokens
TEAM Designerly intelligence
Sanni Honkanen, Soyeon Park, Jaakko Ranne, Andr Santos
Road map 39
Turkka Keinonen & Antti Pirinen

Masters programme in Collaborative and Industrial Design

Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture

2 3
Project frame Vahanen Group
The brief of the project was to develop solution concepts to inspire Vahanen Group is a technical standing customer experience
and empower residents, and ultimately to change their neighbour- consulting company operating by flexibly responding to the
hood. Focus is in contexts such as the limited liability housing in the field of real estate customers requirements in a
company and/or neighbourhood of several housing companies. property and construction. The continually evolving business
The target group is residents living in the Helsinki suburbs Haaga, Finnish company was founded environment. They describe
Herttoniemi, Kalasatama, Kannelmki, Kontula, Lauttasaari, Malmi, in 1965. They have 28 million themselves as an ideal employer
Siltamki, Suurmets, or Vuosaari; preferably residents who own euros of turnover, four hundred and a sought-after partner
their own apartments or investors renting apartments. These silent employees, and thirteen offices and an ambitious developer of
people are currently not active in neighborhood development activi- spread across four countries. innovative built environments.
ties, and as such have a potential to be empowered. The focus is to Their mission is to be a builder They currently work with service
be on a chosen degree of knowledge, cultural background, age, and/ of a healthy living environment. design, aiming simplify the
or socio-economic status. The company vision of Vahanen complex expertise services of
Group is to create an out- the field.

Development through communication

Based on this brief, we set out to research solutions to improve
Kontula a suburb in eastern Helsinki that it is known for having a
bad reputation. The goal of our project was to reach these so-called
silent actors of the area, and cultivate an interest in them for devel-
oping the neighborhood, with the incentive of increasing the value
of their property. Our approach was to inspire private investors to
participate by arranging a series of gatherings between them and the
board of the housing companies. The gatherings were to be different
from traditional board meetings that were described as time-con-
suming, unprofessional and boring to make them more attractive
for the investors.

4 5
Artefact 1:
Invitation is an initial artefact to only to catch attention, but also
convince participants to col- to deliver the meaning of our
laborate with us. It should be project. The idea was that if they
catchy and attractive and should care about each other, both of
be able to draw the attention of them can be happy and that
our stakeholders. In addition, could result in a better neigh-
it has to be informative, so that bourhood, and furthermore, a
the stakeholders can get the better Kontula. The invitation
basic idea of the project. As was distributed via Facebook
we were focusing on the rela- and email with an online survey,
tionship between landlords and to get the different perspectives
tenants, we created an invitation from our stakeholders in addition
for both. We decided to make to inviting them to our project.
an animated GIF invitation not

Designerly intelligence
The invitation itself was catchy sociation and individual private
with a vivid colour contrast and investors, but it was also hard to
simple but dynamic animation. get the response from them.
However, we received few After distributing the invitation,
responses from people. Most we had a meeting with our tutor
of the responses were from from Vahanen. In the meeting,
tenants, as they have active we got to know that the problem
communities(e.g. Kontula and was not in a relationship
Kontula kierrtt) in Facebook between landlords and tenants,
whereas private investors do but between landlords and board
not. We also sent the email of housing companies.
invitation to Finnish Landlord As-

6 7
Kontula Statistics of Mellunkyl

Kontula is located in eastern part of Helsinki. It is a part of Mellunkyl 37 600 residents in Mellunkyl

13 689
district which includes five different sub-districts: Kontula, Vesala,

Mellunkyl Helsin
Mellunmki, Kivikko, and Kurkimki. In the early 1960s, Finlands
largest suburb Kontula was built in record time: a housing estate for residents in Kontula
more than 20 000 people arose in only a few years. Other sub-dis-

1938 20 299
tricts have been built later. Because of old dwelling stocks, houses
are constantly on a renovation. The most demanding renovation is Kivikko | Vesala | Kontula | Kurkimki | Mellunmki
plumbing renovation which takes a lot of time and money.
In the 80s Kontula was seen a brighter place but after workplaces income/resident
economy recession in the 90s Kontula has had a bad reputation
in the eyes of media. According to residents Kontula reputation is
variable, some people think that it is really comfortable place while
Population density h/km Average age of population Mean size of dwelling household Tertiary level
others feel its restless. Public transportation is good because of the
metro station and closest bigger services are located in Itkeskus.


1,95 22%

Median income of households Unemployment rate Rented dwellings Mean size of dwellings m




PP = Mellunkyl value MIN = District of a lowest value

KA = Helsinki district average MAX = District of a highest value

8 9
Local meeting point. Mall area.

Shop in mall.

Observation in
In the beginning of our project, elderly. What we noticed was
we did an observation tour in that the mall and some houses
Kontula to get a better common were in a relatively bad shape.
understanding of the area. Our The mall had also a lot of empty
team includes four people who business premises. Services of
have really different levels of the mall included, in general,
knowledge about Kontula so several grocery stores, restau-
observation was a good place to rants and bars. The mall area Houses in Kaarikuja.
get a better understanding about seemed relatively restless
the neighbourhood. even at 10:00 on a Wednesday
Our observation was carried morning mainly because of
out on a Wednesday morning. people drinking alcohol. Overall,
The people we saw were mostly the area seemed peaceful.

10 11

Single bench. Mall Acticity.

Artefact 2:
In the Staging phase we prepared two different methods to gather
information: a survey with questions for tenants living in Kontula, and
investors renting out their apartments in the same neighbourhood;
followed by interviews with some of the investors in Kontula. Some
of the questions in our survey were in relation to their opinion about
Kontula, the relationship between landlord and tenants, and invest-
ment related - this one was targeted for the investors.
In addition to these methods, we also had a meeting with
our tutor from Vahanen Group, Tuomas Johansson. The meeting
resulted in a mini-workshop where we discussed relevant issues
regarding Kontula neighbourhood and the different stakeholders.

Results from the survey for tenants in Kontula,


Online survey
The online survey was sent together with our invitation. We posted
on Facebook groups, e.g. Kontula and Kontula kierrtt, and also
sent it via email to the Finnish Landlord Association (FLA) and
landlords with apartments in Kontula and other neighbourhoods.

Facebook post about survey.

12 13
Preparation to interviews
Considering the fact that it was surprisingly difficult to get a face-
to-face interview with the investors, we decided to use all available
means to talk to them. We had phone call, email and face-to-face

Interviews & findings

We interviewed a total of four people, three of which were private
investors, and one an expert - Mia Koro-Kanerva from the Finnish
Landlord Association. The main goal of the interviews was to collect
qualitative data, and deeper insights to support our creative process.

Phone interview with Phone interview with

Mia Koro-Kanerva - investor A
Finnish Landlord Association
The main output of this interview This investor owns three apart-
was that Kontula as an area ments in Kontula. She thinks
has not reached its full potential its a good investment, as the
and value for an investor. Main prices are low but the rent
concern for investors seems to income is relatively high.
be immigration, but Koro-Kaner- Some challenges with the area
va herself does not see this as a she has faced are that large
problem. On the contrary: issues scale plumbing renovations are Interview with Private investor.
related to immigration and seg- too expensive a better solution
regation are handled pretty well would sometimes be to tear Interview with private
in the area. down an old building and build
Vahanen has been new. She also has not been investor B
thinking about joining the satisfied with the lack of profes-
neighborhood together, sionalism from some housing The investor B owns two apart- changed and will want to stop
however, big changes need companies. ments in Herttoniemi, and he any renovation. As such, he
thinks its a good income for re- thinks the meetings are a waste
active people as motors. In other E-mail interview with C tirement days. A main concern of time and resources.
areas there are chairmans
clubs, where the chairmen of for him is how the meetings of His view on Kontula is that even
C owns an apartment he
housing boards meet each the housing company boards are though people generally see
inherited in Kontula. He feels
other, and this would be a big handled: its mainly old people the area in a bad light, in reality
that overall the reputation of
joy for Kontula also. chatting, gossiping and com- its a modern area with good
Kontula has gotten better in
plaining, and not sticking to the transportation. He is open
time, however, he does not
agenda. They are too conserva- to investing in Kontula, as the
seem interested in developing
tive, and do not want anything prices are cheap.
the area.

14 15
Mini-workshop with Vahanen
Tutor Tuomas Johansson

During the meeting with Tuomas, tenants, theres no direct com-

we presented a chart with the munication between Vahanen
stakeholders we identified and investors. Its hard to get in
after analysing the data from touch with them. Another inter-
the survey and the interviews. esting finding was that investors
We talked about the role of dont show up to meetings
the different actor in the stake- with the board of the housing
holders map. More specifically, company. They dont believe
what were the main activities of in the expertise of the board
the investors in this map. For members and want a smoother
instance, Vahanen and investors and quicker decision making
only communicate through process.

Mapping the connections and problems.

Designerly intelligence
In the beginning of this phase, a mini-workshop we talked in contact with the investors. The
we expected to get a relevant about the main activities of the first people we called werent
number of responses to our investors in this map. At the end interested in talking to us or
survey. Unfortunately, we didnt of the mini-workshop, our team even collaborate in this project
get as many as we thought reflected that meeting with our - Vahanen tutor mentioned
we would, especially from tutor turned out to be a good this problem before. Fortu-
the landlords (investors). The thing. We agreed that there nately, after a few attempts we
tenants were more open to was an interesting challenge in managed to get in contact with a
fill-out the survey, but still were tackling the lack of interest of couple of investors that showed
too few to be used for proper investors in attending housing interest in collaborating with us.
data analysis. At this time of company meetings. With this in One of them we met in person,
the project, we were concerned mind, we decided to focus more the other ones didnt have time
about the lack of responses on the investors side and un- to meet, therefore we interview
and interest from the tenants derstand what were the reasons them by phone and email. In
and landlords. After being for them to not attend these addition, we contacted the repre-
assigned a tutor from Vahanen, meetings. sentative of the Finnish Landlord
we contacted him to get some The next step was to contact Association that gave us
first-hand information from the investors and try to hear more valuable information regarding
people in the field. During our honest insights and stories from Kontula and investors.
Workshop with Tuomas from Vahanen. meeting that ended up being them. Again, we struggled to get

16 17
3 4

Artefact 3:
Story is a visual narrative that helps to explore the concept. The
main character of our story is a landlord, who never goes to the
board meetings. One day, he gets an invitation to a special event,
and decides to join. In the event, people with different interests
regarding Kontula gather and discuss ways they can change the
neighborhood together for the better. With all the active stakehold-
ers, they ideated about how they could develop Kontula.

As he thought the board meeting is boring and Instead of attending the board meeting, he went
going there is a waste of time, he discarded the to his cottage with her wife.
email invitation.

2 5 6

We want all the stakeholders get together and One day, the investor got an interesting invitation
Oh, new board meeting is coming, I need to send Another boring white papers..
take part in urban planning. from the strategic development community
invitations for everyone.

18 19
7 8 11 12

These are your Speech Tokens. Take them with

you and use the tokens with the categories you He wrote what he wanted to discuss in the He joined in a discussion table with the token he With the ideas in speech token, they had a
are interested in. Chip in and join your peers at gathering. brought. vigorous talk related to Kontula.
the discussion table.

9 10

We had a delay in schedule
due to the lack of insights from
the investors. As we had to
depict the problem in the view
of investors, creating a story
with lacking those insights was
difficult. We had to change our
story for several times until we
had actual interviews. There
Today is the day! I am really excited to go to In the gathering, people were divided into several were modifications after getting
there! groups and discussed about how could they
improve the area.
feedbacks from reviews with
peers and professors.

20 21
Artefact 4:
The Chart
The chart illustrates the roles and communication channels of
all stakeholders involved in decision-making and how they are
connected. This chart was created to map out
relationships and influences that each stakeholder has. Based on
this chart, weve identified the lack of communication between the
investors and the remaining stakeholders to be the space that will
bring most impact in the overall system.


- No communication
between investors and
board of housing
- Investors dont show up
for the housing company
- Investors think housing
company meetings are
- Investors dont know
what happens in the

Designerly intelligence
Generate a meaningful and with Antti was quite valuable.
convincing chart that shows We learnt to see that including
the systems roles, responsi- tenants/residents as a separate
bilities and information flows stakeholder from the board of
was harder than we expected. housing company was very
Through working on the chart confusing. Thus, we integrated
One of the first sketch related to the chart. and communication channels the residents together with the
we noticed trouble spots where board of housing company, and
we would have to catch up on. focused on five main stakehold-
The feedback that we received ers.
during the tutoring session

22 23
Concept Ideation
When we started to generate
ideas for possible proposal, we
looked for all the findings that
we have been gathering. The
interviews provided us a lot of
information related to private
investors needs and bigger
areal concerns. We also took
advantage of the meeting with
Consepting proposal and using some permament marker on white board.
our tutor which helped us to get
better general understanding of
the current situation. After that
it was easier to start ideation
process of possible concepts.

Efficient team work in Aalto library.

Ideating possible solutions.

24 25
Artefact 5:
The Image

The image is a meaningful and also represents the activity of

engaging artefact that trans- being part of something together
forms our concept into a visual with people who share similar
form. It is not an ad, but makes desires.
our concept understandable The illustration of the invitation
and engaging. The image visu- represents a house in Kontula.
alizes a key part of our concept By opening it, the receiver will
which is the invitation. The goal find a chance to engage the pos-
of the invitation is to activate sibilities related to Kontula area
passive but valuable stakehold- co-development. When opened,
ers to take part in the project. it will clear up that the topic of
The meaning of our image is to the invitation is not only one
create awareness and interest house but the whole neighbour-
towards our concept. Our image hood, and that it will be possible
presents a personal letter which to develop it together with other
gives a feel of singularity. It stakeholders of the area.

Concept of invitation for the proposal which can also be used in the image.

Designerly intelligence

Our vision for the image was still not clear, and so we
was clear. We wanted to do were not sure which way to go.
something that represents our Still, we pretty quickly ended
concept and conveys the most up creating an image that rep-
important points related to it. resents our concept relatively
However, the implementation well. Emotional side could be
was much harder. The biggest presented in a stronger way but
challenge in making the image overall the image is an informa-
was that at first our concept tive picture.

26 27
28 29
Artefact 6: Strategic

The Proposal

Return of investment Shareholders activity Efficient decision Activate silent sharehold- Icrease the wellbeing of
Areas improved reputation Better neighborhood making in meetings ers the area
Smooth & quick decision Learn from the experts Closer relationship with Improved reputation

Empower investors to take part in board meetings

INTEREST making different actors Mixed classes/ Social mix
Develop bigger areas Develop bigger area

Enable stakeholders to develop the neighbourhood Ideas for investment

Open minded towards devel-
Representing residents and
Practical know-how
Implementing decisions
Expertise in urban plan-
ning and strategic develop-
Power to validate deci-
sions regarding neighbor-

on a strategic level
opment Responsibility to develop Maintenance ment hood
Long-term vision the neighborhood Property management Project management Information, ideas and
CONTRIBUTION Opinion / Power to change Will to improve neighbor- Technical Management Better living environment knowledge towards devel-
hood Offer decision making oping the area
Knowledge about neighbor- support Owns rented land

Create a strong community of peers and specialists

hood Offer different communi-
cation channels

in Kontula Increased value

Possibility to influence
Increased value of the
Economic value
Collaboration with other
house managing compa-
Economic value
Strategic position in devel-
Urban development:
services, safety, better
neighborhood, popula-
Information about current neighborhood (economy,

Reinvent a gathering ritual so that it truly

situation and future plans service, safety, nature, social nies opment process tion increase etc.
connections, transportation Long term maintenance
etc. culture

inspires participants
Long term maintenance

Understanding stakeholders
Strategisen Kehittmisen We invite the active motors of the area to discuss
Yhteis - Kontula (SKY) board members of housing and create solutions that will It is crucial for this concept to people.
connects local stakeholders to companies, private investors and increase social and economic understand what are the key When looking for members in
develop the area on a strategic house managing companies, value. This will be happening by factors that different stakehold- boards of housing companies
level. It is facilitated by Vahanen, urban development experts increasing wellness, social con- ers would benefit from and what we discovered that they would
who wants to hear the opinions and decision makers to gather nections, services and safety. is the best way to get them benefit from areal develop-
of silent shareholders and together under the same roof. After each gathering partici- along. From our research we ment on a strategic level, which
realise the potential value of The goal is to increase wellbeing pants feel more connected and drew the conclusion that the means local well-being and
Kontula. The current problem and value through development valued. The goal of the associ- increased value of the property collaboration. However, it is hard
of the area is that local housing of the neighbourhood. Our ation is not just to get people in would be important for investors. to accomplish that in a single
companies are not working intention is to create a quality the right location - but change We also found out that they are housing company. Thats when
together. This rules out bigger experience for each participant opinions towards meetings interested in developing the area we understood that getting
scale areal development and something else than another and encourage members to be but it would be better for them different housing companies
collaboration among people boring meeting. active. to discuss it with like-minded together is the key.
who have same intentions in The goal of the
improving the neighbourhood. community is to unite active

30 31
AREAS Infill development




1 Information 2 STAKEHOLDERS
3 4 Services



Understanding the Producing ideas together Creating development Rise areal favor
possibilities and with powerful stakeholders ideas on a strategic level
potential of Kontula Increasing safety &
area Empowering local Evaluating the future services
stakeholders and find the Kontula with residents and
Inviting experts to most valuable devlopment experts Creating econimic &
present the values of spots social value

32 33
27th of October 2017 | 17:00
Discovery Kaarenjalka 7, 00940 Helsinki

The gatherings are meant for around 20-25 stakeholders from different fields, and all the
gatherings will have different topics. The first gathering is called Discovery. The point of it is
to get a general understanding of the area and what it means to live in there. It is important
for the participants to hear the different views of other stakeholders and professionals and get Welcome to the first gathering of SKY, a concept that brings together
a general understanding of the area. In order to further deepen their understanding, experts investors of the area, board chairmen of the housing companies, and
different professionals of the field. The goal is to find new and fresh ways
from different fields will share their knowledge related to Kontula and suburb development. to develop our neighborhood together. The gatherings are facilitated by
First gathering will start creating a bond and a sense of solidarity between the stakeholders, Vahanen.
and offers an incentive to develop the area forward in the future. The event will end with a
discussion about the possibilities we have to utilize the potential of the area and how it will Below you will find the schedule for the day:
benefit each stakeholder which is also a key factor to get them coming back. During
the gathering there will be food and drinks to further build the community spirit. 17:00 Welcome and opening of the meeting
17:15 What is SKY and why we invited you here?
17:30 Introduction tour to Kontula
17:50 Suomen Vuokranantajat, Mia Koro-Kanerva:

Creating a social mix in Kontula

Defining development areas 18:10

Viewpoint: Creating a sense of solidarity
Viewpoint: Infill Development
Second gathering is all about realising the potential of Kontula area. In the ideation phase 18:50 City of Helsinki: Renewal of the mall area
it became clear that this group of stakeholders has a great potential to develop ideas on
19:10 The voice of investor, Kimmo Tuohela:
strategic level. They also represent different actors of Kontula. In this gathering ideas will be Tenants concerns
developed in a small workshops. Groups consist a mix of people from private investors to
19:30 Viewpoint: Attracting trustworthy tenants
housing managers to urban development experts. In the end, ideas will be presented and
discussed how they could develop Kontula forward. Vahanen works as a facilitator to gather 19:45 Wrap-up of todays topics: What will happen next?
ideas and help to clarify them. 20:00 Free discussion, food and drinks

3 Potential Solutions
Third gatherings objective is to present the ideas from the previous meetings as further
developed concepts. Concepts have been developed together with active motors of Kontula,
City of Helsinki and experts from Vahanen. Concepts will be developed and presented for
the audience. After presentations there is a discussion related to concept and a list of actions
that are needed to begin the development phase.
Agenda of the meeting is made together with stakeholders based on their interests
and needs.

4 Development
Development part is a stage where concepts will be tried out in practice. Outcome is
developed together with local stakeholders to improve the area and increase areal well
being. On a short-term, local residents will see this as an improvement in safety and sense of
solidarity. In a long-term, services will be developed forward and constructions are seen less
often. Investors will benefit from the increased property value.

34 35

Would you like to Come and gather with other peers and specialists and join the round 27th October | 17h INFILL COMMUNAL
Increase the
tables. Share your thoughts, discuss about the topics you want and SERVICES
contribute to the development of the neighbourhood. Your presence will Kaarenjalka 7 DEVELOPMENT SPACES
value of your make a change. We would like to invite you to
develop the future of Kontula
estate? together with the other peers and
specialists of Kontula.

Welcome to the SKY

(Strategisen Kehittmisen
Yhteis), a strong community These are your Speech Tokens. Take them
that brings investors of the with you and use the tokens with the
categories you are interested in. Chip in and
area, board chairmen of
join your peers at the discussion table.
housing companies, experts
and consultancy
organizations in construction
and property together.





Speech Tokens
The Speech Tokens are a tool/probe to facilitate collaboration among
the people that participate in gathering. The gathering is not about
getting attendees to the right location, its about getting in their minds
and active them. With this, we want create a quality experience for
each participant. There are six different categories - nature, safety,
communal spaces, transportation, services and infill development
- and one open category - that means that the investor can talk

about an extra category that is not part of the other six. The tokens
work in this way:

Our personal invitation is a fresh 1. Investor receives invitation and tokens by mail
version of activating people 2. Investor goes through the categories and chooses the ones
to take a part into gathering. related with his/her concerns
By this, we want to show that 3. Investor can write some notes on the back side of the token
we are not another boring 4. Investor comes to the gathering and joins the discussion tables
community who have boring 5. To join a specific table, the investor needs to chip in the token
meetings to be silent. We want that matches the topic discussed at a given table
participants to take an active
role in gatherings. Agenda of
the gatherings is based on the
interests of different stakehold-

36 37
Road map
In order to get the project going, exactly they should join us. It

Designerly intelligence we have to co-operate together

with experts from different
can be done by discussing the
future of area and telling that
fields. First, connection and they actually have the possibility
During the first weeks of the for interviews. This helped us to collaboration between City of of influencing the development.
project we were kind of lost, define key development targets Helsinki would be important Investors can be activated with
and it seemed like a distant of the area related to our project. to create. Secondly, we have speeches related to dwelling
dream to come up with a solid According to our to create a plan with other investing and infill development.
concept. This was because research it was clear that experts such as Suomen Vuo- It is important to create
of constant challenges with focusing in sort of co-develop- kraturva and house managing an agenda of the gatherings
getting information from our ment on a strategic level would companies like Kontulan huolto together with stakeholders. That
most important stakeholders: be more valuable for our client Oy. However, Vahanen has way we can make sure that
the private investors of Kontula. Vahanen and the area itself. It connections related to all of members will be more active and
During the fifth project week we took a while to define the evident those. Thirdly, it is important to more likely to participate.
started getting more progress. stakeholders that should be get the most active members Concept is designed so
Meeting with our tutor Tuomas taken into consideration, but of local housing companies as that it is scalable to other areas.
Johansson from Vahanen helped especially meeting with Antti well as private investors to take It can be used in other parts
us a lot. Tuomas had a key role Pirinen helped us to clarify the a part of meetings. Activating of Kontula, other districts in
in contacting local investors and concept. the right persons can be done Helsinki, or in other cities alto-
telling us who we should contact with marketing and invitations gether.
which states the reasons to why

38 39

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