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30th September, 2013

India Head University Relations,


Re: Application for Amazon Pathways Operations Leadership Development Program

Dear Mr. Dutta,

I wish to express my interest for the position of Pathways (Operations Leadership Development Program) as
advertised by Amazon through the Indian School of Business (ISB) Career Advancement Service (CAS). I
believe I have the requisite skills, passion and experience to excel in this role. As the worlds largest online
retailer, Amazon has a strong focus on Customer Service and Operational Excellence. The Pathways
program will provide me an opportunity to develop to my full potential through intense and challenging
rotations. Having been through a graduate training program at my previous employer, I value the hands on
experience and organic growth that such schemes provide. In addition, my tenure at ISB has crystallised my
interest in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management and I intend to major in the field of

Prior to joining ISB, I worked for 4 years and 6 months with Rolls-Royce plc, UK, a leader in the design and
manufacture of aircraft engines. Like Amazon, Rolls-Royces success is dependent on innovation, customer
satisfaction and continuous improvement. I began on the Rolls-Royce Professional Excellence Graduate
Program which is designed to develop high potential candidates by providing a breadth of experience across
the company. I completed a 3 month placement as Junior Field Service Officer at Heathrow Airport where I
was responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of British Airways flights. This experience taught me the
importance of prioritising customer satisfaction in a high pressure environment by being engaged and
responsive to the customers needs. After 18 months on the program, I joined the Compression Systems
division as a Design Engineer. I had to solve challenging technical problems that contributed directly to our
departmental milestones using my analytical abilities. Due to my high level of performance with minimum
supervision I was promoted to Advanced Engineer 8 months sooner than average and was given
responsibility usually entrusted to more senior engineers. I planned component certification schedules with
the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and through my dedication and motivation my department
was the first to gain EASA flight approval for a new engine project. As Advanced Engineer, I was involved
in initiating and sustaining Performance Improvement in our Business Unit I was appointed as the
departmental Point of Contact on a cross-functional team whose scope was to upgrade the analysis
capabilities across the company. I was thus exposed to Change Management at a strategic level early in my
career and was able to influence adoption of new processes in my department by being proactive and
receptive to feedback.

In addition to the experience and technical skills I have acquired at Rolls-Royce and ISB, I also possess
excellent oral and written communication abilities and I am able to convey ideas thoroughly yet succinctly. I
am also comfortable working in cross-cultural teams which will stand me in good stead in a global
organisation like Amazon. I therefore believe that my abilities match your requirements and I hope to discuss
my application with you in more detail. Please find attached my resume for your perusal. Thank you for your
time and consideration.

Yours Sincerely,
Indian School of Business (ISB) April 2013 April 2014
Post-Graduate Programme in Management
CGPA 3.8/4 after Term 2 (Top 25% at ISB) GMAT 770/800 (99th percentile)
Awarded Merit based scholarship worth Rs.15 lakhs by ISB Admissions Committee (awarded to 10% students annually)
Writing a Status Report on the civil aircraft Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) industry in India
o Analysing financial benefits to government and airlines of carrying out MRO services domestically versus abroad
after conducting primary and secondary research on hurdles facing the industry
Finalists (top 6 out of 28 teams) in Techtonic Case Competition organized by ISB BTC to propose an online business
model for Groupon India

University of Sheffield, United Kingdom September 2004 July 2008

Master of Engineering (MEng) Class I Honours in Mechanical Engineering
Integrated Bachelors and Masters Degree Cumulative Score 85.1% (2nd out of 60 students)
Awarded Frederic Barnes Waldron Best Student Prize 2008 for Yorkshire region by Institute of Mechanical
Engineers (IMechE), UK - awarded to best student on an accredited course by region
Won Best Group Design Project (from 20 groups) in 2007 for designing a novel glass recycling unit
Annual International Student Scholarship worth GBP 3,500 (awarded to 2 Indian students from 2004 intake)

Rolls-Royce plc. Derby, United Kingdom
Advanced Engineer (Technologist) October 2008 April 2013
Engineer in jet engine design function, responsible for certification of new engine components and safe operation of
components in service, ensuring customer satisfaction by providing solutions in a timely manner and improving
strategically important tools and processes to increase accuracy and efficiency
Promoted to Advanced Engineer (Technologist) in August 2012 after 28 months in previous role (against average of 36
Devised strategy to certify components for a new jet engine designed for the Boeing 787 with European Aviation Safety
Agency (EASA) on time and to plan despite numerous technical challenges
Departmental Point of Contact on cross-functional team responsible for introducing new simulation tool for strategic
o Responsible for framing requirements, organizing training, liaising with external tool developers to fix issues
o Expected benefit of project to company of the order of GBP 10 million
Initiated Process Improvement to improve design process resulting in savings of 1.5 man-days
o Awarded Yellow Belt in Process Excellence
Reduced rejection rate of components from manufacturing facility by 12% resulting in annual cost savings of GBP 300,000
Generated Intellectual Property for Rolls-Royce by designing a novel method for an engine component test during
Group Project - awarded cash prize of GBP 100
Worked as junior Field Service Officer for British Airways at Heathrow Airport
o Commended by customer for responsiveness and motivation


Anurakshan A Seminar on Indian MRO Industry
Organizing seminar through Munjal Institute of Global Management, ISB to deep-dive into the civil aviation Maintenance,
Repair and Overhaul industry in India
Responsibilities include finalizing panel discussion topics; establishing links with industry experts and government
representatives; organizing logistics for event

Careers Coordinator, Manufacturing and Operations Club, ISB

Identified prospective employers in coordination with ISB Careers Advancement Service
Organized knowledge sessions to prepare members for interviews

Sports Officer, Indian Society, University of Sheffield

Increased member participation in sporting events to double of previous year, 2006-2007
Improved performance of club teams in football and basketball through effective management and regular training to reach
the quarter-finals of intra-mural sports competitions, 2007

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