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For further information contact:

Shell Marine Products Limited

Shell Centre
York Road
London SE1 7NA
email: SMP-
Fuel Specification Guide
Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Introduction 1

Shell Marine Fuel Specification Tables

Shell Marine Gas Oil (DMA) 4
Shell Distillate MDF (DMB) 5
Shell Blended MDF (DMC) 6
Shell MFO 30 (RMA 30) 7
Shell MFO 30 (RMB 30) 8
Shell MFO 80 (RMD 80) 9
Shell MFO 180 (RME 180) 10
Shell MFO 180 (RMF 180) 11
Shell MFO 380 (RMG 380) 12
Shell MFO 380 (RMH 380) 13
Shell MFO 500 (Non ISO Grade) 14
Shell MFO 700 (RMK 700) 15
Shell Gas Oil / Distillate 16
Shell Residual Fuel Oils 17

How Fuel Properties are used in the

Shell Marine Fuel Specification Tables
Catalyst Fines 18
Density 18
Flash Point Residual Fuel Oils 18
Ignition Quality 18
Use of Nomogram 19
Pour Point, Cloud Point & CFPP 19
Specific Energy / Calorific Value 19
Viscosity 20
Viscosity Conversion Table 20 Shell Marine Fuel Specifications 2006

Fuel Oil Storage Flammability Hazards 21 Bibliography

Shell Book of Useful Tables
Precautionary Measures 22 The Ignition Performance of Fuel Oils in Marine Diesel
Engines A.P. Zeelenberg, H.J. Fijn Van Draat and M.L.
Barker CIMAC Paper D13.2, Paris, June 1983
Glossary of Terms associated with Marine Fuels 23
ISO 8217: 2005


ASTM American Society for Tests and Material

IP Institute of Petroleum
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
PMCC Pensky Martens Closed Cup
DIN Deutsches Institute fur Normung
Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide


Marine fuels supplied by Shell companies are controlled to

The ISO 8217 Specification Petroleum
the specifications given in this booklet. The specifications Products Fuels (Class F) Specifications
apply at the ports listed in the publication called Shell Marine of Marine Fuels
Products Ports Services Guides as published on our website The ISO 8217 specification is prepared in co-operation with The Schedule also indicates the the marine and petroleum industries to meet the requirements
grades that are available at particular ports. for marine fuels supplied on a worldwide basis for consumption
These Shell specifications provide a broad choice of fuel onboard ships.
qualities that enable the most economic fuel to be safely ISO 8217 recognises that crude oil supplies, refining
matched to the appropriate engine and its associated fuel methods, ships machinery and local conditions vary
system. The specifications are kept under constant review considerably, which factors have led historically to a large
against the background of engine and equipment number of categories of residual fuels being available
developments, Shells extensive R&D programmes, and internationally, even though locally or nationally there may
changes in the qualities of available crude oil and refinery be relatively few categories.
processes, but with shipboard needs always to the fore.
Accordingly the specifications are liable to revision or Several of the residual fuels are unique in origin to one
amendment from time to time and the right is reserved to do country or area, but are nevertheless included in the ISO
so without notice. Where there is concern to meet any specification because of their importance in the international
particular specification, its current applicability should be marine fuel market. The original ISO 8217 specification was
confirmed, quoting the date of issue in the enquiry. issued in 1987.

The contractual provisions concerning the quality of Shell ISO 8217:2005 is the third issue of this standard, it
Marine Fuels are contained in the Shell lnternational Marine supersedes the 1996 specification, which is now obsolete.
Fuels Supply Standard Terms and Conditions. The number of residual fuels has been reduced from 15 to
10 in this latest edition of the standard.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Marine Fuel Grades Regulation 14 of MARPOL Annex VI limits the maximum
sulphur content of any marine fuel oils to 4.5% m/m as from
The terms used to define Shell Marine fuel grades are
19th May 2005.
explained below.
The same Regulation 14 also contains provisions for SOx
Marine Gas Oil (MGO)
Emission Control Areas (SECAs) with more stringent sulphur
The highest quality distillate fuel normally supplied for
emission control and all ships shall burn fuel oil with a
commercial marine purposes.
sulphur content of maximum 1.5% m/m in:
Marine Diesel Fuel (MDF) SECA 1, the Baltic Sea, as from 19th May 2006 (11th
MDF is basically a distillate. At a few ports, as indicated August 2007 under EU Directive 2005/33);
in the Shell Marine Products Ports Services Guide, MDF
SECA 2, the North Sea and English Channel, as from
contains a small proportion of residual fuel and is referred
22th November 2007 (11th August 2007 under EU
to as Blended MDF. Elsewhere, whilst termed Distillate
Directive 2005/33)
MDF, the grade can be black in colour due to delivery
through pipelines used for MFO. All passenger vessels on regular services to or from any EU
community port should comply with the 1.5% sulphur limit
Marine Fuel Oil (MFO)
from 11 August 2006 while they are in EU territorial seas,
This refers to all residual fuel oils available at any particular
exclusive economic zones and pollution control areas including
port. Classification of the MFO grades is by kinematic
the North Sea and English Channel.
viscosity (cSt at 50C) e.g. MFO 30, MFO 180, etc.
As an alternative to burning low sulphur fuel oil an approved
MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulations gas cleaning system (or any other verifiable and approved
technological method) could be applied to reduce the total
Regulation 18 Fuel Oil Quality
emission of sulphur oxides from ships to a maximum of 6.0 g
From 19th May 2005, all ships over 400 gross tonnage
SOx / kWh.
including drilling rigs and other platforms engaged in
voyages must keep the official delivery retained sample for a
minimum of one year. Both vessels and suppliers must retain Test Methods
bunker delivery receipts for a minimum of three years. Any All Shell fuels are thoroughly tested to ensure that they meet
national authority has the right to test samples and inspect or are better than the limiting standard.
delivery receipts at any time during the stated periods.
The specific test methods used to access the performance of
Regulation 14 Sulphur Oxides Shell fuels are contained in the specification tables which can
The fuel sulphur content may affect emission of particulate be found in the following section of this brochure.
matter and is directly linked to sulphur dioxide emissions,
contributing to atmospheric pollution and corrosion of Precision and Interpretation of test results
equipment in contact with the combustion products. All test methods used by Shell contain a statement of precision
relating to repeatability and reproducibility which should be
considered when interpreting test results, and will be taken into
consideration in case of dispute.
Full details of the methods used to assess precision of test data
can be found in ISO 4259:2006(E) Petroleum products
Determination and Application of precision data in relation
to methods of test.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Marine Fuel

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Marine Gas Oil (DMA)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675

ISO 12185 890
Viscosity at 40C Min. mm2/s (cSt) 1.5
Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 6.0
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(A) 60
Pour Point Max. C
Winter Quality -6
Summer Quality ISO 3016 0
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 0.2
Cetane Index Min. ASTM D 976 40
Carbon Residue, (Microcarbon)
(10% distillation residue) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 0.3
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.01
Appearance Qualitative Clear & Bright

Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.10

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 0.5
Cetane Number Min. ISO 5165 40
Distillation recovered at 350C Min. % ASTM D 86 86

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Distillate MDF (DMB)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675

ISO 12185 900
Viscosity at 40C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 11.0
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(A) 60
Pour Point Max. C
Winter Quality ISO 3016 0
Summer Quality 6
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) 0.2
ISO 8754 1.5
Cetane Index Min. ASTM D 976 35
Carbon Residue, (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 0.3
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.01
Appearance Qualitative Clear & Bright
Total Existent Sediment Max. % (m/m) ISO 10307-1 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.3

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cetane Number Min. ISO 5165 35

(1) Not required if sample is clear and bright

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Blended MDF (DMC)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 920

Viscosity at 40C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 14.0
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(A) 60
Pour Point Max. C
Winter Quality ISO 3016 0
Summer Quality 6
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) 0.2
ISO 8754 1.5
Carbon Residue, (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 2.5
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.05
Total Existent Sediment Max. % (m/m) ISO 10307-1 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.3
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 25
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 100
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 30 (RMA 30)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 960

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 30
Min. mm2/s (cSt)
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C
Winter ISO 3016 0
Summer 6
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 10
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 3.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 150
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 30 (RMB 30)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 975

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 30
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 24
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 10
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 3.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 150
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g IS 66O18 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
- Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 80 (RMD 80)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 980

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 80
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 14
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.0
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 350
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g IS 66O18 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 180 (RME 180)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 991

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm /s (cSt)
ISO 3104 180
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 15
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.10
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 200
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 180 (RMF 180)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 991

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 180
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 20
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.15
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 500
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 380 (RMG 380)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 991

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 380
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 18
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.15
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 300
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 380 (RMH 380)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 991

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 380
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 22
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.15
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 600
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 500 (Non ISO Grade)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or ISO 12185 1010

Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 500
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 22
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.15
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 600
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

Shell MFO 500 is manufactured to exactly the same ISO 8217 specification as RMK 380
apart from viscosity. This may be a cost effective fuel depending on vessel trading pattern.

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell MFO 700 (RMK 700)

Test Limiting
Property Unit Method Specification

Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or 1010

ISO 12185
Kinematic Viscosity at 50C Max. mm2/s (cSt) ISO 3104 700
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016 30
Carbon Residue (Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) ISO 10370 22
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.15
Water Max. % (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) ISO 8754 4.5
Vanadium Max. mg/kg ISO 14597 600
Strong Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6618 Nil
Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
After treatment (Potential) Max. % mass ISO 10307-2 0.10
Aluminium plus Silicon Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 80
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 3.0

Cleanliness & Stability
(Total Sediment)
- Before treatment (Existent) Max. % mass ISO 10307-1 0.10
Differential, Total Sediment
(Potential minus Existent) Max. % mass Calc 0.05

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Marine Gas Oil/Distillates

Shell Unit Test Marine Distillate Blended
Sales Method Gas Oil Marine Marine
Grade Diesel Fuel Diesel Fuel

Property Limiting Limiting Limiting

Specification Specification Specification
Density at 15C Max. kg/m3 ISO 3675 or 890 900 920
ISO 12185 890
Viscosity @ 50C Max. kg/m3 Max. mm2/s (cSt) 6.0 11.0 14.0
Min. mm2/s (cSt) 1.5
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(A) 60 60 60
Pour Point Max. C
Winter Quality ISO 3016 -6 0 0
Summer Quality 0 6 6
Sulphur* Max. % (m/m) 0.2 0.2 0.2
ISO 8754 1.5 1.5 1.5
2.0 2.0
Cetane Index Min. ASTM D976 40 35 -
Carbon Residue, Max. % (m/m)
10% v/v distillation ISO 10370 0.3 - -
Carbon Residue,
(Microcarbon) Max. % (m/m) - 0.3 2.5
Ash Max. % (m/m) ISO 6245 0.01 0.01 0.02
Appearance Qualitative Clear and Bright Clear and Bright
Total Existent Max. % (m/m) ISO 10307-1 0.10(1) 0.10
Sediment -
Water % (v/v) ISO 3733 - 0.3(1) 0.3
Vanadium mg/kg ISO 14597 - - 100
Aluminium plus Max. mg/kg ISO 10478 - - 25
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 - - 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 - - 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 - - 30

Acid Number Max. mg KOH/g ISO 6619 0.5 3.0 3.0

Cetane Number Min. mg KOH/g ISO 5165 40 35 -
Distillation recovered Min. % ASTM D86 86 - -
at 350 C

(1) Not required if sample is clear and bright

Please Note: All the tests and results appearing in blue are ISO requirements. Shell carries out the
tests and values in green over and above the ISO requirements to ensure the quality of our fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Shell Residual Fuel Oils

Sales Method A30 B30 D80 E180 F180 G380 H380 500 K700

30 30 80 180 180 380 380 700
Property Unit Test Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec Spec
Method Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit Limit
Viscosity at 50C Max mm2/s ISO 3104 30 30 80 180 180 380 380 500 700
Density at 15*C Max. kg/m3 ISO3675 or 975 981 985 991 991 991 991 1010 1010
Water Max.% (v/v) ISO 3733 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Flash Point (PMCC) Min. C ISO 2719(B) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
Pour Point Max. C ISO 3016
Winter Quality 0 24 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Summer Quality 6
Sulphur* Max.%(m/m) ISO 8754 3.5 3.5 4.0 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Carbon Residue, Max.%(m/m) ISO 10370 10 10 14 15 20 18 22 22 22
Cleanliness and
Stability (Total
Sediment) -After
Treatment (Potential) Max.%(m/m) ISO10307-2 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Ash Max.%(m/m) ISO 6245 0.1 0.1 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
plus Silicon Max, mg/kg ISO 10478 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Vanadium Max, mg/kg ISO 14597 150 150 350 200 500 300 600 600 600
Strong Acid Max. mg ISO 6618 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Number KOH/g
Zinc Max. mg/kg IP 501 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Phosphorus Max. mg/kg IP 501 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Calcium Max. mg/kg IP 501 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Acid Max. mg ISO 6619 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Number KOH/g
Cleanliness and Max.%(m/m) ISO10307-1 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Stability (Total
Sediment) -Before
Treatment (Existent)
Differential, Total Calc 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
Sediment (Potential
minus Existent)

*The above fuel qualities are also offered as low sulphur grades that meet SECA requirements, see page 2 for more information.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

How Fuel Properties are used in the

Shell Marine Fuel Specification Tables

Fuel Properties When density is determined in accordance with ISO 3675,

the hydrometer readings obtained at ambient temperature
Calorific Value See Specific Energy on distillate fuels, and at elevated temperatures of between
Catalyst Fines 50C and 60C on fuels containing residual components, has
(Ref. ISO 8217:2005 Annex D Informative) to be converted to results at 15C using Table 53B of ISO 91-1.
When density is determined in accordance with ISO 12185,
Catalyst Fines are the main source of potentially abrasive
an appropriate correction for glass expansion coefficient has
material in bunker fuels.
to be applied to readings obtained by digital density analyser
Measurement of aluminium plus silicon, with limiting values at any temperature other than 15C, before conversion and
for fuels in the Shell Specification and ISO 8217:2005 Fuel application of Table 53B of ISO 91-1.
Tables, is intended to limit catalyst fines contamination to a
level that will ensure minimum risk of abrasive wear, Flash Point Residual Fuel Oils
providing that adequate fuel pre-treatment is carried out. (Ref. ISO 8217:2005 Annex E Informative)

The proportions of aluminium and silicon on compounds that Flash point is a valid indicator of the fire hazard posed by
comprise catalyst fines, varies significantly from refinery to residual fuel oil, but information is available which shows
refinery and the combined aluminium and silicon limit value that it is not a reliable indicator of the flammability conditions
of 80 mg/kg is intended to ensure that catalyst contamination that can exist within the head spaces of tanks containing
will be no higher on average than has previously been such fuels. This means that residual fuel oil has the potential
implied by the limit of 30 mg/kg aluminium, that has been to produce a flammable atmosphere in the tank head space,
used in the Shell Marine Fuel Specifications for over 10 years. even when stored at a temperature below the measured flash
The aluminium plus silicon requirement of max. 80 mg/kg is point. Consequently residual fuel oils should be considered
therefore to be used in place of, not in combination with, the to be potentially hazardous and capable of producing light
30 mg/kg aluminium limit. The lower aluminium plus silicon hydrocarbons which could result in tank head space atmospheres
control applied to grade ISO 8217:2005 - Grade DMC (25 being near to, or entering, the flammable range. Appropriate
mg/kg) is based on the proportion of residual fuel that may precautions are necessary therefore to ensure the safety of
be expected to be part of this product. people and property.
Further information and advice on precautionary measures
CCAI, Cetane No. and Cetane Index are given in The Flammability Hazards Associated with the
- See Ignition Quality Handling, Storage and Carriage of Residual Fuel Oil -
published by the Oil Companies International Marine Forum
Cloud Point/Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) (OCIMF) December 1989, and printed later in this book.
- See Pour Point Additional information an also be found in International
Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT),
Density published by the lnternational Chamber of Shipping.
Knowledge of a fuels density is used to determine the
optimum size of purifier gravity rings to calculate a fuels Ignition Quality
calorific value, but most importantly to convert from volume (Ref. ISO 8217:2005 Annex B Informative)
to weight for invoicing purposes. Ignition quality of marine diesel fuels is a major factor which
effects engine operation, particularly high speed units.
All densities listed in this publication are in terms of kg/m3 at
15C. They should be divided by 1000 if the density in kg/I The Cetane Number or Cetane lndex of distillate fuel indicates
at 15C is required. performance relative to a reference fuel.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

The ignition quality of residual fuels is more difficult to predict For this reason, the specifications for MFO up to 80 cSt at
because they consist of blends of many different components. 50C give two maximum levels for Pour Point, and the
However, residual fuel ignition quality may be ranked by specifications for MGO and MDF give two maximum levels for
determination of Calculated Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI) Cloud Point or Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) as appropriate.
from density and viscosity measurements. A formula and
Pour Point, Cloud Point & Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)
nomogram for CCAI determination are given below.
are controlled according to the International Load Line Zone
Ignition performance requirements of residual fuels in marine in which any particular port is located. This is done on the
diesel engines are primarily determined by engine type and, basis that load line zone have a reasonable relationship to
more significantly, by engine operating conditions. Fuel ambient temperature conditions. The acceptability of the
factors influence ignition characteristics to a much lesser higher levels in deliveries at ports in summer and tropical
extent. For this reason no general limits for ignition quality load line zones should be assessed if vessels are proceeding
can be applied, since a value which may be problematical to colder zones, particularly during winter months.
to one engine under adverse conditions may perform quite
satisfactorily in many other instances. If required, further Specific Energy/Calorific Value
guidance on acceptable ignition quality values should be (Ref. ISO 8217:2005 Annex A Informative)
obtained from the engine manufacturer. Heat of combustion, specific energy or calorific value, is a
measure of the energy content of the fuel. It decreases as
Use of Nomogram density, sulphur, water and ash content increase. Specific
The extension of a straight line connecting the viscosity and energy is not controlled in the manufacture of fuel except in
the density of a fuel oil can be used to give its Calculated a secondary manner by the specification of other properties.
Carbon Aromaticity Index (CCAI) value (Ref. ISO 8217 Specific energy can be calculated with a degree of accuracy
figure A.2), which allows ranking of its ignition performance. acceptable far normal purposes from the equations given below:
The value can also be calculated using the following formula:
Specific Energy (net)
CCAI = -81-141lg[lg ( + 0,85)] - 483 lg + 273 2 6 3
323 N a = (46,704 8,802 15 10 + 3,1671510 ) x
where [10,01(w + a+ s )] + 0,094 2 s + 0,024 w (A.1)
= Temperature (C) at which kinematic viscosity
Specific Energy (gross)
is determined
2 6
= Kinematic viscosity (mm2/s) at temperature G = (52,190 8,802 15 10 ) x
[10,01(w + a+ s )] + 0,094 2s (A.2)
= Density (kg/m3) at 15C
15 = Density (kg/m3) at 15C
Pour Point, Cloud Point & w = Water content, expressed as a mass fraction
Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) a = Ash content, expressed as a mass fraction
These characteristics are used to assess the performance of s = Sulphur content, expressed as a mass fraction
a fuel in cold operating conditions, and to determine the
Alternatively, for the purposes of rapid estimation, the net
temperature at which fuel filters may begin to become blocked.
specific energy of residual fuels may be conveniently read
Shell Marine Fuels are manufactured so that they will be
off from figure A.1 of ISO 8217: 2005, which have been
suitable for the environment in which they will be used and
derived from the equations given above. However, the values
their characteristics may vary slightly at different locations to
obtained may be only approximate.
ensure that they are suitable for different climatic conditions.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Viscosity Viscosity Conversion Table

(Ref. ISO 8217:2005 Annex C Informative)
Viscosity is an important fuel characteristic, and although
in itself is not an indication of quality, knowledge of a fuels The ISO 8217:2005 Standard specifies limiting values of
viscosity is essential to enable the ship operator to determine kinematic viscosity at 50C for the fuel categories contained
both the temperature to which the fuel should be heated in in the Residual Fuel Table, but as described above. In some
storage to remain pumpable, and the temperature required cases kinematic viscosity is measured or quoted at other
at injection to ensure efficient atomisation. temperatures. The table below gives approximate
relationships of fuel viscosity at different temperatures.
For sales purposes the kinematic viscosity of distillate fuels is
quoted in centistokes (cSt) at 40C, and the kinematic viscosity The data should be used with caution:
of residual fuel is quoted in centistokes (cSt) at 50C. - Firstly since measurements at temperatures other than
50C may have precision that is different
The actual viscosity measurement is more usually carried out
- Secondly because of variations in the viscosity -
at higher temperatures, e.g. 80C or 100C, particularly with
temperature relationships due to the variability of
the more viscous and/or higher pour point fuels. The equivalent
residual fuel composition.
viscosity at 50C is then calculated using the Shell conversion
method. This gives results that are the same as those given by
the viscosity/temperature chart in the Shell Book of Useful Viscosities estimated from those
Tables, and Annex C of the ISO 8217:2005 Specification. measured at 50C
In the event of any query or complaint, viscosity measurements
are carried out at the original control measurement temperature Kinematic Viscosity mm2/s
with any subsequent conversion to an equivalent at 50C
Measured Approximate Estimations
calculated using the method described above.
at 50C 40C 100C 125C 150C
In many new fuel specifications tables, viscosity is being
30 45 7 4 3
quoted with reference to the unit mm2/sec, but in practice,
reference is constantly made to the centistoke. 1 mm2/sec is 80 135 13 7 4
equivalent to 1 cSt. 180 330 22 11 7
380 750 35 16 9
700 1500 50 22 11

1mm2/sec = 1cSt

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Fuel Oil Storage Flammability Hazards

The Flammability hazards associated with the handling, storage and carriage of
residual fuel oils

Oil Companies International Marine Forum In such a case an incident could result. It is therefore
December 1989 recommended that residual fuel oil head spaces are regarded
Summary as being potentially flammable.

This bulletin has been prepared by a working group

representing member companies of the Oil Companies
International Marine Forum (OCIMF) in order to advise (a) Flash point
the industry and users of residual fuel oils of the hazards Fuel Oils are classified for their safety in storage, handling
associated with the presence of light hydrocarbons in the and transportation by reference to their closed cup flash
vapour spaces of storage tanks. Recent information has shown point. However, recent information on the relationship
that a potential flammability hazard can arise from this between the calculated flammability of head space composition
phenomenon and that additional precautions should therefore and the measured flash point of the residual fuel oil has
be taken when handling residual fuel oils as cargo or fuel. shown that there is no fixed correlation. A flammable atmosphere
can therefore be produced in a tank head space even when a
This document refers only to residual fuel oils and not distillate residual fuel oil is stored at a temperature below its flash point.
fuels and applies to both marine and inland applications.
The following points serve to summarise the problem: (b) Gas Detectors
Traditionally, gas detectors such as explosimeters have been
- Residual Fuel Oils must be considered to be potentially
used to check that enclosed spaces are gas free. They have
hazardous and capable of producing light hydrocarbons which
also been used to measure the flammability or head spaces
could result in the head space atmosphere being near to, or
in terms of percentage of the lower flammable limit (LFL).
entering, the flammable range. Proper precautions should be
taken to ensure the safety of personnel and property. Such detectors rely on a calibration carried out normally on a
- Investigations have shown that there is no direct relationship single hydrocarbon (e.g. methane) which may have LFL
between the flash point of residual fuel oil and head space characteristics that are far removed from the hydrocarbons
flammability. A residual fuel oil, even when stored at actually present in the head space. When using an
temperatures below its flash point, can produce a explosimeter to assess the degree of hazard in residual fuel
flammable atmosphere in the tank head space. oil tank head spaces, it is recommended that the measurement
- Conventional gas detectors [explosimeters] can be used to give is calibrated with a pentane/air or hexane/air mixture. This
an indication of the flammability of the head space, although will result in a more conservative estimate of the flammability
they are not primarily designed for this purpose and, but the readings should not be regarded as providing a
therefore, do not necessarily give an accurate measurement. precise measurement of the vapour space condition.

Hazard When taking measurements, the manufacturers operating

instructions should be closely followed and the calibration of
Residual Fuel Oils are capable of producing light
the instrument should be checked frequently as oxidation
hydrocarbons in the tank head space such that the vapour
catalyst detector (pellisters) are likely to be susceptible to
composition may be near to or within the flammable range.
poisoning when exposed to residual fuel oil vapours.
This can occur even when the storage temperature is well
below the measured flash point. This is not normally a In view of the problem associated with obtaining accurate
function of the origin or manufacturing process of the fuel, measurements of the flammability of residual fuel tank head
although fuels containing cracked residues may show a spaces using readily available portable equipment, the
greater tendency to generate light hydrocarbons. Although measured % LFL only broadly ranks fuels in terms of relative
light hydrocarbons may be present in the head spaces of hazard. Care should therefore be exercised in interpretation
residual fuel oil tanks, the risk associated with them is small of the figures generated by such gas detectors.
unless the atmosphere is within the flammable range and
Measured levels in excess of 50% LFL are generally considered
close to an ignition source.
to indicate that precautionary measures are required.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Precautionary Measures

Storage and Handling Temperatures Ullaging and Sampling

Temperatures in the fuel system should confirm to recognised All operations should be conducted such as to take due care
Codes of Practice at all times and excessive local temperatures to avoid the hazards associated with static electrical charges.
should be avoided. These precautions would, for example, include ensuring that
metallic sampling and ullaging equipment is properly earthed
Filling and Venting or bonded to the tank structure.
When tanks are being filled, tank head space gas will be When tanks have to be opened, it is important not to stand
displaced though vent pipes. Particular care should be taken downwind of the tank and to ensure that there are no sources
to ensure that any flame screens/traps are in good condition of ignition within the vicinity of the tank hatch.
and that there are no ignition sources in the area immediately
surrounding the venting system. Further Guidance
When filling empty or near empty tanks, it should be ensured The following publications give further guidance on safe
that the heating coils are shut down and cool. Fuel oil contacting handling and storage:
hot, exposed heating coils could possibly lead to a flammable
International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
atmosphere being rapidly generated.
Head space Classification IP Marketing Safety Code (IP)
All residual fuel oil tank head spaces should be classified BSI Static Code (BSI)
as hazardous and suitable precautions taken. Electrical
equipment within the space must meet the appropriate European Model Code of Safe Practice in the Storage and
safety standards. Handling of Petroleum Products
(European Petroleum Organisations)
Hazard Reduction (European Technical Co-operation - 1980)
The flammability of the head space of residual fuel oil tanks Reference should also be made to IMO Resolution A.565 (14)
should be monitored regularly. Should a measured value in Recommended Procedures to Prevent the illegal or Accidental
excess of the recommended level be detected, e.g. IMO Use of Low Flash Cargo Oil as fuel.
Resolution A.565 (14) states 50% LFL, action should be taken
The above list is not exhaustive and reference should be
to reduce the vapour concentration by purging the head
made to any relevant National Codes of Practice
space with low pressure air. Gases should be vented to a
or guidance.
safe area with no ignition sources in the vicinity of the outlet.
On completion of venting, gas concentrations within the tank
should continue to be monitored and further venting
undertaken if necessary. Once the tank has been purged with
air, consideration may be given to inerting the head space
should it be practical to do so.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Glossary of Terms
associated with
Marine Fuel

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Acid Number Ash

Strong Acid Number and Acid Number are tests used to Ash is the inorganic solid residue left after combustion and is
measure the acidity of a fuel. important because it gives an indication of the propensity of
a fuel to form post-combustion deposits.
The presence of acid in fuel, if not controlled, can give rise to
acidic corrosion, both in the engine and in the fuel treatment For petroleum fuels, the ash content quoted is normally that
and handling systems. obtained by simple high temperature combustion, sometimes
called oxide ash.
The strong acid test and total acid test eliminate the possibility
of the fuel being contaminated by chemical wastes from other Ash represents solid contaminants as well as metals present in
refinery streams. the fuel in soluble compounds (vanadium), and part of the
ash may even be comprised of catalyst particles from
Strong Acid Number is the weight in milligrams of base
their fining process. Such particles are highly abrasive
required to titrate a one-gram sample of fuel up to a pH of 4.
therefore solid ash should be removed as much as possible
Acid Number is the weight in milligrams of base required to by centrifuging.
neutralise all acidic components in the fuel.
Aluminium and Silicon These are high molecular weight components of fuel oil. The
Measurement of Aluminium plus Silicon in marine residual quantity of asphaltenes in fuel oil is dependent on the source
fuel provides an indication of the quantity of catalyst fines in of crude oil used to produce the fuel, and the process used to
the fuel. manufacture the fuel.
Catalyst fines are important because in significant amounts, Marine Residual fuel normally contains between 4% and 12%
they can cause abrasive wear of engine components such as of asphaltenes, but as long as the fuel has sufficient reserve of
fuel pumps, injectors, cylinders and pistons. stability, it is unlikely to cause any sludging problems,
Catalyst fines are normally only present in a fuel if it contains Fuel stability is assessed by the ISO 10307-2 test method,
components derived from a refinery process which uses a and cannot be assessed by the measurement of asphaltene
catalyst. Catalyst fines in the fuel occur due to the physical content alone.
deterioration of the catalyst whilst in use, and they manifest
Blended Fuel Oil
themselves in the fuel in the form of aluminium silicate.
Centrifuging of the marine residual fuel reduces catalyst fines This is a term used to describe a mixture of residual and
to a safe level for engines provided that when the fuel is distillate fuel.
delivered, it meets the ISO 8217:2005 or Shell Marine Fuel Bottoms
Specifications for residual fuel oil.
In refining, this term is used to describe the high boiling point
API Gravity residual liquid that collects at the bottom or a distillation
In the USA an arbitrary scale known as the API Degree is column including such components as heavy fuels and
used for reporting the gravity of a petroleum product. The API asphaltic substances.
degree is related to the relative density scale (60F/60F) by
the formula:
API gravity at 60F = -131.5
relative density 60/60F

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Bunker C Fuel Catalytic Cracking

This term is used by some bunker suppliers to describe their This is the process of breaking down the larger molecules of
equivalent grade lo Shell RMG/H380. heavy oils into smaller ones by the action of heat, with the aid
of a catalyst. By using this process, heavy oils can be converted
The ASTM Designation D396-92 - Standard Specification for
into lighter and more valuable products. This process is also
Fuel Oils, gives a complete summary of the characteristics of
commonly referred to as cat-cracking.
this product.
Catalyst Fines
Bunker C Fuel is also sometimes called ASTM Grade No.6.
These are fine particles of aluminium silicate which are
The specifications for Bunker C Fuel are fairly loose and
deposited in residual fuel as a result of the physical deterioration
minimal, with limited restrictions applying only to Flash Point
of the catalyst during catalytic cracking processes.
(60C min.), Water (2% max.), Sediment (2% max.) and
Viscosity at 100C (15 cSt min. and 50 cSt max.). Centistoke (cSt)

Bunker C Fuel can be manufactured from 100% straight fuel A unit of kinematic viscosity, numerically equivalent to the
oil, or mixed with gas oil depending upon viscosity requirement. SI unit mm2/sec.
If the fuel contains any cracked components, or any Cetane Number
components manufactured by using a cracking process, it is
This is a measurement of the ignition quality of distillate fuel,
vital to know the results of the ISO 10307-1 and ISO 10307-2
expressed as a percentage of cetane that must be mixed
tests, to guarantee its stability and suitability for use.
with liquid methylnaphalene to produce the same ignition
Calorific Value performance as the fuel being rated. A high cetane number
This is the heat liberated by the combustion of a fuel. It is also indicates shorter ignition lag and a cleaner burning fuel.
known as specific energy, heat energy, or heat of combustion. Cetane Index
The gross (upper) value is normally quoted, but the net (lower)
This is an approximation of cetane number based on the
value is also used in many calculations.
Specific Gravity and Mid-Boiling Point of the fuel.
Carbon Residue
This is a laboratory measurement which can give an indication
This term refers to the sediment forming tendency when
of the carbon deposit forming tendency of a fuel oil.
different fuels are mixed together. As a general rule, wherever
Three test methods are used to determine carbon residue possible, all supplies of bunker fuel should be kept in separate
and these are known as Conradson, Ramsbottom, and Micro storage tanks, and any mixing of fuels should be kept to a
Carbon Residue Tests. minimum to minimise the risk of incompatibility.
The significance of carbon residue is that fuels with high Cracking
carbon residue content may cause increased fouling of This is a refining process in which large molecular heavy oils
gasways in the engine necessitating more frequent cleaning, are converted into smaller molecular, lower boiling point.
especially of the turbocharger and exhaust gas boilers. liquids or gases.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

The most common refinery process is called thermal cracking Density

in which pressure and heat are used to produce high quality This is the mass (weight in vacuum) of a liquid per unit
products, such as gasoline, kerosene and gas oil. volume. When quoting the density of a fuel or lubricant, it is
Other cracking processes are called hydrocracking and normally quoted at 15C .
catalytic cracking. The preferred S.I. unit used to describe density is kg/m3,
During the cracking process, in addition to the high quality however it is also frequently quoted in kg/l or g/ml. Density
products, some residual products may be formed which can has largely replaced Relative Density or Specific Gravity,
be used for residual fuel oil supplies. which is the ratio of the mass of a given volume of liquid
alone temperature, to the mass of an equal volume of pure
Cracked Distillates water at the same or another temperature.
This is a distillate fuel component which is manufactured by
Water separation of the fuel using centrifuges/purifiers is
using a catalytic or thermal cracker.
achieved by limiting the density of the fuel to comply with the
Cracked distillate produced from a thermal cracker are centrifuge manufacturers specifications.
similar in characteristic to gas oil.
Residues resulting from catalytic cracking processes are called A limit of 991 kg/m3 must be observed when traditional
cycle oils. centrifuges are used (purifiers and clarifiers), however fuels with
a density of up to 1010 kg/m3 are acceptable when centrifuges
Cycle oils are sometimes used to improve the stability reserve
capable of handling fuel of this density are installed.
of cracked residues, however the resultant product may have
a high density and be highly aromatic. Density is normally physically measured at higher
temperatures, and is then corrected to the standard
Cracked Residual Fuel Oil
temperature of 15C using ASTM tables.
This is a term that is used to describe residual fuel oil that
contains cracked residues. Diesel Index
This is an indicator of the ignition quality calculated using the
relative density and aniline point. It is applicable to distillate
This is a term used to describe the process of reducing the grades only, and cannot be used for residual fuels. Although
viscosity of a heavier fuel by blending it with a lighter fuel. in the same order as cetane number/index, it may differ
The lighter fuel used is often called Cutter Stock or Diluent. widely and should be accepted with reserve.
Cutter Stock see Cutback This is the term used to describe any of the wide range of
Cycle Oils see Cracked Distillates products produced by distillation, as distinct from bottoms,
cracked stock, and natural gas liquids. Distillate products
have a mid-boiling range and include gas oil and kerosene.
Distillate fuels are also sometimes called Middle Distillates or
Distillate Fuels.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Flash Point Marine Diesel Fuel

The flash point limit is set as a safeguard against fire and In the marine industry this term usually defines a heavy
is the only parameter of a marine fuel which has a legal distillate fuel that may contain small amounts of residual fuel.
significance. National and International regulations absolutely It is commonly called Marine Diesel Fuel (MDF) or Marine
prohibit the supply and use of a marine fuel having a Diesel Oil (MDO).
measured flash point below 60C.
Marine Fuel Oil
The 60C limit is an absolute requirement of both MFO is a Shell Brand Name.
Classification Societies, and Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS)
mandatory maritime regulations. Marine Fuel Oil is a term used to describe a broad range of
residual fuels used in the marine market.
Unlike other parameters of marine fuels, where from time to
time exceptions may be granted from meeting certain Marine Fuel Oils are classified by a number of different
specification limiting values, with flash point there can be no standard bodies including the International Organisation for
exceptions to meeting the 60C minimum specification under Standardisation (ISO), and the British Standards Institution
any circumstances whatsoever. (BSI). Marine Fuel Oils are usually the highest viscosity, and
lowest price Shell marine fuel available at any given port.
If a marine fuel is found to have a flash point below 60C,
the flash point cannot be raised by mixing the fuel with Under the ASTM system, fuels are graded from No.1 through
another fuel having a higher flash point. This is because the to No.6, but only Grade Nos 2 and 6 are commonly used in
mixing relationship is not linear, and it only takes a small the marine market.
amount of light volatile vapour in the lower flash point fuel to Grade 1 is a light, distillate, kerosene type fuel, that has the
significantly lower the flash point of the mixture. lowest boiling range.
Heat Energy see Calorific Value Grade 2 Fuel Oil is popularly called heating oil, has a higher
boiling range, and is commonly used in home heating. It is
Heat of Combustion see Calorific Value
comparable in boiling range to diesel fuel.
Ignition Quality
Grades 4, 5 and 6 are called heavy fuel oils (HFO), or
This is the ability of a fuel to ignite, and is measured as the residual fuel oils; they are composed largely of heavy pipe
delay between the start of injection and the start of the still bottoms. Because of their high viscosity, No.5 and No.6
combustion. (See also Cetane Number and Diesel Index). fuel oils require preheating to facilitate pumping and burning.
Ignition quality can to some extent be predicted by No.6 fuel oil is also called Bunker C fuel oil.
calculations based on viscosity and density, using formulas (See ASTM 396-92)
such as Shell CCAI. High density in combination with low
viscosity may be an indication of poor ignition quality. Marine Gas Oil
This is a lighter fraction and better quality fuel than diesel
Long Residue
fuel, controlled to an ignition quality more appropriate to
This is the name given to the residue obtained from an high speed marine diesel engines.
atmospheric distillation unit.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Metal Content The use of incompatible fuels results in large amounts of

This is a term used to describe any metallic component of a sludge being taken out by fuel oil centrifuges and purifiers,
residual fuel. and frequently leads to centrifuge blocking.

Redwood No.1 To produce a stable mixture, it is essential to use proper

blending equipment.
This is an obsolete unit of viscosity measurement. It is still
quoted occasionally, but is calculated from measured Under no circumstances should blending be attempted
kinematic viscosity. onboard a vessel after delivery, as it is almost certain that
the mixture will not be homogeneous, and is highly likely
Residual Fuel Oil
to be unstable.
This is a term for fuel oil mainly comprising of the residues
remaining after refining crude oil. Shell marine residual fuels Straight Run Fuel
oils are called Shell MFO. This type of fuel is produced by the distillation of crude oil,
with no secondary conversion process being used. The fuel
SHFT (Shell Hot Filtration Test)
can be either composed of short, intermediate or long
The Shell test for cleanliness and stability. This is an obsolete residues, or a blend of any of these types.
test which has now been replaced by ISO 10307-1 and ISO
10307-2. Strong Acid Number - see Acid Number

Short Residue Sulphur

This is a residual fuel component that is produced in a Sulphur in fuel is of great concern because of its potentially
vacuum distiller. It normally has to be cut back with gas oil. harmful effect when converted to sulphuric acid during the
It is good because it has excellent stability and a low density. combustion process.

Silicon - see Aluminium plus Silicon In diesel engines, the corrosive effect of sulphuric acid during
combustion is normally counteracted by the use of alkaline
cylinder lubricants.
Sodium can be present in the fuel as a result of salt water
contamination or may occasionally be present as a Thermal Cracking See Cracking
result of refinery processing. Sodium in fuel can be Used lubricating oils
reduced by centrifuging.
Used lubricating oils have been added to bunker fuels in
Specific Energy - see Calorific Value some parts of the world for a long time, originating from both
inland waste disposal and from the vessel itself. The third
edition of ISO:8217 now states that The fuel shall be free of
Fuel oils are produced from a wide variety of crude oils and ULO and includes limits on Zinc, Phosphorus and Calcium to
refinery processes. determine if the fuel contains any ULO, only if ALL of these
When marine fuel oils are produced they are normally tested limits are exceeded can the fuel be deemed to contain ULO.
for stability, using ISO 10307-1 and ISO 10307-2. If it
becomes necessary to mix different fuels together, great care
must be taken because even the mixing of stable components
can result in an unstable final blend.

Shell Marine Products
Fuel Specification Guide

Vanadium Difficulty in igniting fuel leads to a characteristic diesel

knock which can lead to engine damage and reduces the
Vanadium is present in fuel in soluble compounds and there
power available from the engine.
is no economic removal process. High vanadium content, in
combination with sodium, may lead to exhaust valve The viscosity of fuels onboard ships cannot be altered by
corrosion and turbocharger deposits, especially if the weight simply mixing different viscosity fuels together, this is because
ratio of sodium to vanadium is approximately 1:3. a homogeneous mixture cannot be achieved without the
use of proper blending equipment. Pockets of fuel of
The weight ratio is considered of less importance when the
varying viscosity form throughout the tank, and this can
vanadium content is less than 150 mg/kg.
result in uneven combustion, fouling of injectors and
Viscosity injection difficulties.
Viscosity is the resistance of a fluid to flow.
Viscosity Breaking
When viscosity is used to classify a fluid it is necessary to This is a thermal cracking process used to reduce the viscosity
report the viscosity at a reference temperature e.g. 40C. of long or short residues (Visbreaker), and produces some
Viscosity is only one of many quality criterion for fuel oils, distillate product.
and is quoted mainly for reasons of storage, handling and Water
treatment. The viscosity of distillate fuels is quoted at 40C.
Water in fuel should be removed by centrifuging the fuel
The viscosity of marine residual fuels is generally quoted at before use. This applies especially to salt water, as the
50C. Different reference temperatures are used depending sodium content of seawater may result in deposits on valves
upon the viscosity classification used, the type of fluid being and turbochargers.
measured and the national preference for viscosity measurement.
The higher the delivered viscosity of a residual fuel, the more
heat is required to reduce the viscosity prior to injection. Some
older vessels, designed and equipped to burn 180 cSt fuel, do
not physically have the heating capacity to use 380 cSt fuel.
If a fuel oil heating system is incapable of lowering the
viscosity at injection to an acceptable level, then the fuel will
not atomise efficiently, with the result that the combustion
chamber will contain relatively large droplets of fuel which
will be difficult to ignite, and combust.


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