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Chiron is blamed for poisoning Thalia's tree and the camp's borders since he is the son of Kronos,

and replaced by Tantalus who took over the position of Activities Director. Percy and Annabeth
(Annabeth especially) are furious that he is untrusted, and they do not know why Chiron is
suspected, as they don't know about Kronos being his father. Before he leaves, he meets Tyson,
Percy's half-brother, and Tyson takes a liking to him, calling him "pony" which Chiron finds offensive.
Annabeth cries when Chiron leaves as she believed him as a father, and Percy feels like crying,
though he won't let himself.
Percy is desperate to bring back Chiron and get rid of the evil, twisted Tantalus, and succeeds, by
starting anIris Message behind Luke, and getting Luke to admit he had poisoned Thalia's tree.
Tantalus is then banished back to the Underworld (just as he managed to grab a cheeseburger) and
Chiron and the rest of his species save Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson from Luke and his goons.
Later, Chiron comforts Percy in his mission, and reveals his parentage when Percy says he is still
confused about why the Council would suspect him. After Thalia is expelled from the tree, Chiron is
afraid for her and Percy, because now there were two possible pawns for his father, Kronos to use.

Although he wasn't training heroes in his break, it seems to be explained as he was still needed and
it is known that Chiron's immortality will live within him as long as he was needed, even though he
wasn't training.

A year after his defection, Luke took control of a monster cruise ship called the Princess Andromeda,
which serves as his base of operations. In order to render Camp Half-Blood defenseless and
eliminate a major ally of the Olympians, he poisons Thalia's tree with elder python venom from the
depths of Tartarus, with the help of a spy in the camp's ranks. The plan was to later 'allow' Percy and
Annabeth to take the Golden Fleece and heal Thalia's tree, so Thalia would be purged from it. He
also frames Chiron for the poisoning, causing him to be fired from the camp and be replaced
by Tantalus.
At first, Clarisse La Rue was sent to find the Golden Fleece and save Grover from
the Cyclops calledPolyphemus but was interjected by Percy Jackson, along with a group of allies
consisting of Annabeth Chaseand Percy's half-brother Tyson, who is a Cyclops.
Hermes, Luke's father, persuaded Percy to go on this quest, and told him to go onto the Princess
Andromeda, hoping that he would meet up with Luke and convince him to stop his assault on the
gods, and to tell him that his dad did love him. Hermes gave Percy some traveling provisions and
sent Annabeth and Tyson to him. Together, they sped out to the Princess Andromeda to confront
Luke. Percy and his allies landed aboard thePrincess Andromeda, not knowing of its true nature (a
ship with monsters serving Kronos), and were captured.
During this time, Luke told the two of his plans to use the Golden Fleece to complete Kronos'
resurrection and attempts to recruit Percy and Annabeth to his cause (not willing to recruit Tyson as
he reminds him of the Cyclops that captured him and Thalia years ago). The two refuse, prompting
Luke to order his bodyguards to feed the trio to a Drakon. Percy and the gang escape through a
lifeboat propelled by the thermos containing the four winds given to him by Hermes.
Luke later intercepts Percy and his friends when they are looking for a boat that they can use to get
back to camp. When he is interrogating Percy for the fleece in front of a pool (his army of monsters
watching), Percy uses the pool to send an Iris message to Dionysus at Camp Half-Blood, tricking
Luke into revealing the fact that Chiron was framed for the poisoning, resulting in Chiron being
rehired (using the fact that he was in a panic due to Percy giving the Fleece to Clarisse). Enraged,
he ordered Percy and his friends to be killed. Percy convinces Luke to duel him, a moment both had
been waiting for a long time. Luke, normally would not do something so blunt, but he had no choice
as his army would think he was weak if he didn't. Luke easily defeats Percy even when the latter's
power is augmented by the water, but is prevented from killing him when he's knocked into the pool
by a boxing glove glued to an arrow. The arrow was shot by Chiron and his family of centaurs who
had just arrived and proceeded to save them. When Percy escapes, Luke's spite and hatred for the
son of Poseidon only increases.
Thalia is resurrected at last. It is possible and very likely that Luke's allegiance to Kronos was
affected after this. He obviously wanted Thalia to be resurrected, shown when he says to Percy that
he was going to give him the Fleece after he was done using it to resurrect Kronos. He believed, that
Thalia would be on his side, after all the times they had spent cursing the gods, when they traveled

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