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an English lesson
Talk about the following questions in pairs/groups.

Do you have a profile on Facebook or other social networking websites?

Do you use several social networks? If so, which one is your favourite?
Are you a social media guru?
In what way does social media affect our lives?

Introduction to Social Media

Match the words to make up Facebook expressions.
1. to update a. on your timeline
2. to tag b. with somebody
3. to share c. somebodys posts
4. to chat d. somebody in a photo
5. to comment e. photos / status updates / links
6. to post f. on a photo
7. to like g. pictures / songs / posts
8. to hide h. your status

Fill in the gaps with the verbs from above.

Some people their Facebook status many times a day.

If I dont like somebody, I their posts.
I often with my friends in the evening.
My friends sometimes on my timeline.
I like it when people songs on Facebook.
My best friend always on my photos.
I dont like it when somebody me in photos.
89 people my new profile photo.

Whats on your mind?

You are going to watch a short film titled Whats on your mind? What can it be about?
Fill in the table.
What the man posts What really happens

What special can you notice about the language the man uses?
Grammar: Lexical Approach
What language patterns do we use to talk about social networks?
Have you seen Marys status update on Facebook?
You cant see the video because you havent scrolled down the page enough.
Can you believe that Pete defriended me because Im going out with his ex?
Im following Tom Hanks on Twitter; hes my favourite actor.
This videos so cool! Im going to share it on Facebook.
The photo of my new car got 300 likes on Facebook yesterday.
I was so sick and tired of reading all the details of Annes day on Twitter, I just unfollowed her.

Oh my God! Tonys oversharing again. Hes just posted 5 status updates and uploaded 25 photos
of his new girlfriend!

Word Formation
Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form
a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
Research by a British anthropologist shows that the optimum number
of that the human brain can maintain is about 150. But FRIEND
thats in the real world. What happens on Facebook where the maximum
number of friends is 5000? According to social PERMISSION
networking statistics, the average Facebook has 130 USE
friends. Some people have a lot more.
Ivy Bean from Bradford in the north of England became Facebooks
known user at the age of 102 in 2008. She quickly started OLD
making friends and became an online . When she maxed CELEBRATE
out her 5000 friend count on Facebook, Ms. Bean joined the Twitter
website and continued her social networking. At the time of her
in July 2010, she had 4,962 friends on Facebook and DEAD
more than 56,000 followers ( the Prime Ministers wife) INCLUDE
on Twitter. Ms. Beans last tweet was July 6, 2010. It read, Going to
have my lunch now will be back later.

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