杨帅雅思口语 Part1素材

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Work or studies

Are you a student or do you have a job?

I have a job and Ive been working as an accountant for five years.

Im a university student and I study accounting. Ive been studying it for three years and Im
going to graduate next year.

Do you like your job?

Well, not really. I cant say Im a fan of my job 1because its super stressful.
I always have to work overtime on weekdays and theres even work to do on the weekend
from time to time. 2More importantly, the pay isnt that satisfying.
The reason Im taking this test is because I want to study overseas so that I can be more
competitive in the job market and find a better-paying job.

Why did you choose this job?

I chose this job as a Chinese teacher mainly because I had always been crazy about Chinese
literature. Reading was my only pastime when I was growing up. So Studying
Chinese Literature and then becoming a Chinese teacher seemed like a natural option.

Do you plan to change jobs in the future?

Yes, I do, and this is partly why Im sitting here today taking this test. What Im doing
isnt exactly my dream job - Im doing this only because I believed it would have good job
security. But after several years of being in this field, Ive realized that I really have to pursue my
dream, which is to become a fashion designer, and this is why Im going to further my
studies in the UK.

Why did you choose this major?

I chose to study advertising because ...um ...in fact, its not because Im passionate about
this field or anything; its just when I was choosing what to study, I thought it would be
fun designing stuff and trying to be creative and imaginative all the time. The thing is, Im not
that creative, so Im doing pretty badly in this major.

What are you going to do after you finish your studies?

Well, Im not quite sure. You know, with my major, Korean, I can do basically anything and it

also means nothing. By anything I mean, no matter what it is, as long as its somewhat related to
this language, I can do it. But it also means that I dont have any competitive edge over other job
applicants when it comes to applying for a job that calls for other expertise.

1. work as ... ... Im in charge of ...=Im responsible for ...=My responsibilities include ...
2. stressful stress-free a demanding job a
rewarding job / a mind-numbing job a well-paid
job a low-paying job a dead-end job
3. work overtime a nine-to-five job clock in clock out

4. the pay=the salary

5. satisfying be satisfied with sth ...
6. study overseas=study abroad further my studies overseas/abroad/in the UK

7. competitive in the job market

8. a natural option
9. dream job pursue a career in advertising
10. good job security
11. or anything
12. creative, imaginative
13. doing badly
14. somewhat=a little
15. be related to sth ...
16. competitive edge
17. job applicant=job candidate apply for a job a job opening
be fired=be sacked=be given the boot
18. call for=require
19. expertise


Tell me something about your hometown.

Alright, like I said, my hometown is Xian, 1which is a city with a lot of history.
If Im not mistaken, we have a history of over 3000 years,and because of this, you can
see myriad places of historical importance here, like Emperor Qins Mausoleum - this is
where the Terra Cotta Warriors are. We also have quite a few other places that are very popular
with visitors. 2At the same time, my hometown is pretty modern as well.I mean,
we see a lot of high-rises springing up every year ...

Is that a big city or a small place?

Well, Id say that my hometown is pretty big, its large actually because it sure takes several
hours for people drive from one side to another. In fact, Ive done it before. One time, I
drove from the northeast of my hometown to the southwest and it took me five hours, which can
definitely prove how big it is.

What do you like most about your hometown?

Oh, as a matter of fact, there are tons of things that I adore about where I live, but
if I had to pick a favorite, Id say it should be the food, which is super good. In my opinion, Xian
food is the best nationwide.In particular, Im a huge fan of , which can be seen as
our own style of burger. I think its incredibly palatable.

Is there anything you dislike about it?

Well, I suppose traffic is a big problem - its bumper-to-bumper every day. This is because,
1first of all, we have a huge population and therefore theres a big number of
vehicles on the roads. 2Plus, a lot of people dont follow the traffic regulations
which creates chaos sometimes. So yeah, I do think that the local government should
come up with ways to tackle the problem.

Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

Um, Im not sure. You know, Ive never thought about this before. Im going to study in
Australia and I will be there for three years. What will I do afterwards? I cant be certain now. I
mean, perhaps Ill just stay there and find a job, or maybe Ill come home. Theres plenty of time
for me to make a decision.

1. a city with a lot of history=a historical city=an ancient city a historic site=a place of
historical importance we have a history of ... years sth dates back to ... years ago ...
2. myriad=tons of=loads of=many=quite a few
3. mausoleum Terra Cotta Warriors
4. be popular with sth is getting more and more popular=sth is becoming/getting increasingly
popular=sth is growing in popularity
5. high-rise skyscraper shopping mall department store
boutique office building apartment building
6. spring up develop rapidly=develop at a fast pace/speed
7. as a matter of fact=in fact=actually
8. if I had to pick a favorite, Id say ... ...
9. nationwide all over the country worldwide all over

the world travel around the world

10. be seen as=be considered as=be regarded as ...
11. incredibly=extremely=super=very
12. palatable=tasty=scrumptious=luscious=delicious
13. bumper-to-bumper be stuck in traffic=be/get caught up in traffic
drive sb up the wall=get under sbs skin I cant stand sth ... Im
tired of sth ...
14. a huge population be densely populated
15. traffic regulations change lanes a lot cut me up

16. chaos
17. come up with ... ...
18. tackle the problem=solve the problem
19. certain=sure


Do you live in a house or a flat/apartment?

I live in an apartment and Ive been living there for three years.

Can you tell me something about your flat/apartment?

Um, sure. My apartment is not very big coz housing prices are sky-high in my
hometown and I cant afford to buy a huge apartment. There are two bedrooms,
a small living room, a kitchen and a balconywhere I like to do some reading or listen to
music. I also stand there and do a little bit of stargazing sometimes, if the weathers good and I
can see stars of course.

Which part of your home do you like the most?

Well, I guess it should be the balcony coz like I said, I do quite a few fun and relaxing things
there. But another place that I also dig is the kitchen because Im a cooking expert haha.
Im particularly good at making Japanese food. So if Im not very busy, I might just be in the
kitchen cooking something.

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Yeah, I think so. 1Ive only lived there for three years, which is a very short amount
of time. Im convinced that I will live there for many years to come. 2Plus, everything is
convenient around there - /the subway station is within walking distance, there are
three supermarkets nearby, theres a kindergarten only 300 meters away, for my future kid of

course. So yeah, I dont see any reason why I should move.

1. in an apartment an
2. spacious cramped 100 squares meters big
3. housing prices are sky-high housing prices have gone through the roof

4. can afford to do sth ...

5. stargazing stargazer
6. quite a few=many
7. relaxing relaxed Reading is relaxing. Reading makes me relaxed.
8. dig=adore=have a penchant for=be quite into=like
9. expert
10. a short amount of time
11. Im convinced that=I bet=I believe=Im sure=Im certain
12. for many years to come
13. I dont see any reason why ... ...

Fruits and vegetables

What kind of fruit do you like?

Well, Im into various kinds of fruit like durians, pomelos, tangerines and
so forth. But I suppose my favorite should be tangerines coz theyre not only
luscious, but also easy to peel and eat haha.

Did you like to eat fruit when you were a child?

Yes, I did. I was crazy about eating fruit. In fact, Ive loved eating fruit all my life.
When I was growing up, I would eat some cherries or kiwi fruit or grapes every day during or
after dinner. When I was watching television with my parents, I would be snacking on something
too. I guess fruit has always been part and parcel of my life.

Is it important to eat fruit?

Yeah, without a doubt. I believe its of great importance to eat fruit on a regular basis, or
even on a daily basisbecause theyre beneficial to peoples health.Fruits are rich
in vitamins and other nutrients that I dont know. In fact, Ive even read an article that
said that those people who eat a big amount of fruit tend to live longer lives than those who
dont. So, yeah, fruits are vital for people.


1. Durian Pomelo Tangerine Cherry Kiwi fruit Grape

2. Luscious delicious=palatable=scrumptious
3. Peel
4. When I was growing up=when I was a child
5. Snack on sth wolf down sth
6. Sth is part and parcel of my life
7. Be rich in be high/low in sth /
8. Vitamins
9. Nutrients nutritious sth does good to peoples health

10. Vital=important=essential=significant=be of great importance


How did you come here today and why did you choose that?

Well, I just took the subway here coz its the most reliable I think. I knew
exactly what time I would get here. However, if I had taken a bus or taxi, I wouldnt know
because there could have been a traffic jam and I could have gotten caught up in it.

What forms of transport do you usually use?

Um, the subway actually. Not only did I take it today, I take it every day. Every
morning I take it to work and its a 40-minute ride - not too bad. And then, after work, I take it
back home. The subway is an important part of my life.

Is it convenient to take a bus in your city?

Um, I think so. In my opinion, its pretty convenient because there are bus stations
everywhere and you can take the bus to every corner of the city. For instance, theres a
station within walking distance of my home and roughly 15 buses come here and go to different
parts of the city every day. So yeah, Id say its generally pretty good.

Is driving popular in your country?

Yeah, it sure is. Driving is extremely popular in China because peoples living
standards are getting higher and higher, and more and more people want to go to
different places in a more comfortable way, so an increasing number of people are
buying cars. As a result, there are so many cars on the streets every day, which
means the traffic is awful in many cities.


1. reliable trustworthy get somewhere on time ... be late to ... ...

be running late
2. get to a place, get somewhere ... arrive at a place, arrive somewhere ...
3. it takes ... to ... ...... its a 40-minute ride its a comfortable ride
a bumpy ride
4. take a taxi=take a cab hail a cab call a cab
5. bumper-to-bumper traffic it drives me up the wall its a pain in
the neck be/get caught up in traffic
6. not too bad its OK=its alright its awesome=its incredible=its amazing=its fantastic

7. an important part of my life=an essential part of my life=sth plays a crucial role in my life=part
and parcel of my life
8. roughly=about=approximately
9. popular=well-liked=sth enjoys great popularity its getting more and more popular=its
getting increasingly popular more and more people=an increasing number of people
10. living standards rich=wealthy=affluent=well-off can afford to do sth ...
sth is affordable ... / expensive=pricey=costly=sth costs a lot of
dough=sth costs a fortune cheap=inexpensive=cost-effective=sth doesnt cost a lot of dough
11. awful=terrible=dreadful=lousy

Bus or taxi

How often do you take the bus?

Well, I dont really take the bus very often, so I guess perhaps once in a few months,
because most of the time, I commute by subway. This is the most reliable form of
transport I think 1coz theres no traffic underground, right? 2And also, although
its jam-packed all the time, I know when I can get to my destination whereas if I take the
bus, I might just be caught up in traffic.

When was the first time you took a taxi?

Um, it was last Saturday. My girlfriend/boyfriend and I went to the Aquarium and since its a
little far from our university and we didnt want to take the bus or subway, we just hailed a cab.
The cab driver was pretty nice and the ride was quite comfy.

What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared to taking the bus?

1Off the top of my head, its more comfortable, for sure. When youre
taking the bus, youre usually surrounded by tons of people and you can seldom get a seat, which
means you might have to stand for a long time whereas in a taxi ... um, its just comfy,
right? 2Another difference is that you have privacy coz youre alone, with a taxi

driver of course. In comparison, on a bus, whatever you do, other people are watching

1. once a in a few months rarely=seldom=hardly ever once in a blue moon

2. most of the time, a lot of the time

3. commute n./v.
4. no traffic bumper-to-bumper traffic the traffic is all tied up
be stuck/caught up in traffic
5. jam-packed=overcrowded
6. whereas in comparison=by comparison=in contrast=by contrast
7. aquarium
8. since
9. hail a cab
10. privacy


What kind of teachers do you like best?

1Well, off the top of my head, I wanna say good-looking teachers, haha.
I say it for a good reason. You know, teachers who are handsome or pretty can attract students to
pay more attention in class, which leads to better academic performance I think.
2Another quality that I think teachers should have is a sense of humorcoz everybody
likes those who are hilarious.My middle school history teacher was hysterical and he was
always able to crack us up. Most of my classmates adored his lessons.

Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?

Um, I suppose it must have been my high school Chinese teacher, Mr. Li who was
extremely knowledgeable. He was a walking encyclopedia and whenever we had any questions,
no matter what it was about, he would know the answer. I really looked up to him.

Would you want to be a teacher in the future?

No, I dont think so. 1Being a teacher is too much responsibility and I dont suppose
I would want so heavy a burden on me. 2Plus, Im neither good-looking or funny or
well-read, so I dont think Im capable of being a teacher.

Have you ever had bad teachers before?


Oh, yeah, tons of them. Perhaps its an exaggeration to say tons, but Ive really had a few.
When I was in primary school, my math teacher was extremely dull, but more
importantly, whenever I made a mistake or anything, he would use a stick to hit me in the butt. I
hated him.

1. good-looking gorgeous=pretty=beautiful
2. attract v. be attractive be attracted by sb sth is
3. pay attention focus on sth=concentrate on sth be absent-minded

4. lead to sth=give rise to sth ...

5. academic performance
6. a sense of humor a good/keen sense of humor
funny=hilarious=hysterical crack up crack sb up laugh my head off
double over with laughter
7. knowledgeable=well-read a walking encyclopedia a
8. look up to sb=respect sb
9. sth is too much responsibility ...
10. so heavy a burden on me
11. be capable of doing sth=be able to do sth
12. an exaggeration
13. a few
14. dull=boring=mind-numbing=a drag
15. hit me in the butt


Do you like sunny days?

Yeah, I do. Sunny weather is my favorite. In fact, I believe most people dig sunny days, right?
Whenever its beautiful out there, I just naturally feel delighted.

Do you want to go to a place with a lot of sunshine in the future?

Yeah, sure. Like I said, Im crazy about sunny days and its natural that I adore places with a
lot of sunshine too. Ive always longed to go to Florida where its sunny most of the time.
I believe Ill be over the moon when I finally get a chance to go.

Are there any technologies with sun nowadays?


Yes, Im sure there are many. Solar energy is cheap and sustainable, and
so a lot of major tech companies are seeking to invent things with the help of it. Im not
certain if Im correct, but I think many companies around the world are trying to create solar
energy vehicles. People can just drive their cars and if its sunny, the cars get more and more
energy. It would be fantastic if I had a car like that.

1. on ... days e.g. on sunny days, on a sunny day, on my birthday, on Valentines Day
2. delighted=happy=in a good mood=high-spirited over the moon=on cloud nine=tickled pink

3. dig=adore=like
4. long to do sth=want to do sth=dream of doing sth=have an itch to do sth
5. solar energy
6. sustainable sustainable development environmentally friendly
green lead a green lifestyle
7. major tech company
8. seek to do sth ...
9. certain=sure


Who taught you to be polite?

Oh, um, there must have been a lot of people who taught me how to be polite when I was
growing up. If memory serves, when I was 4 or 5 years old, my mom told me that
whenever we were having a meal, we shouldnt start eating until the elderly people began to eat.
Im sorry, its been a long time, so my memorys pretty vague now.

How do Chinese people show politeness?

Well, we show our politeness in myriad ways, including saying thank you
to others, giving seats to the elderly on the subway or the bus, saying instead of when
we say you in Chinese. In fact, this is particularly important where I come from. I
remember being told off by my mom after not saying to one of my uncles.

What rules of politeness have changed in China?

Um, thats a tricky one. Its really tough to think of something in a fraction of the time. Well,
um, sorry, really nothing comes to mind. I suppose most of the things have just remained more or
less the same today compared to what they were like in the past.

1. polite=well-mannered respectful ill-mannered

your manners
2. if memory serves=if I remember correctly my memorys a bit
vague/sketchy I have a memory like a sieve
3. its been a long time
4. particularly important
5. tell sb off / be told off by ... scold sb /...
6. tricky=tough=difficult
7. in a fraction of the time in a jiffy=in an instant=in a second e.g. Ill be
there in a jiffy.
8. come to mind
9. more or less
10. in the past=before


How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?

Well, I do it multiple times haha. Every morning and every evening, when I wash my
face and brush my teeth, Im standing in front of a mirror, thats for sure. And also, during the day,
every once in a while, I pull out my small mirror and see if I look good.

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Yeah, I have. In fact, the last time I bought a mirror was just last week. My mom and
I went to IKEA to buy a mirror and other pieces of furniture to refurbish our apartment. The
mirror we bought was dirt-cheap. It only cost us 80 yuan or something.

Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

Um, Im not sure what you mean ... If theres a mirror that looks good and fits my room, it
can absolutely be seen as a decoration. But I dont suppose I would put several or even many
mirrors in a place just to make it look better.

1. multiple=many=tons of=loads of
2. for sure
3. (every) once in a while
4. pull out

6. a piece of furniture a set of furniture furniture

7. refurbish
8. dirt-cheap pricey=costly=expensive=cost a lot of dough=cost an arm and a leg
9. fit sth ...
10. be seen as=be considered as ...

Letters or emails

Do you write many letters or emails?

Do you prefer to write letters by hand or using a computer?

Well, I like writing emails better because obviously, its much faster and a lot more
convenient. I dont have to buy any envelopes or stamps and then run to a post office to
mail anything. From time to time, I write an email to one of my teachers about my
homework and then the teacher writes back to me. I think its very convenient.

Who do you usually write to?

Well, like I said, I write emails to my teachers every once in a while, but in addition to them, I
sometimes write to an American friend of mine who has been helping me with my
English. In fact, we have Skype lessons with each other on a weekly basis and
because of that, we need to email each other from time to time to set times for our lessons.

What are the differences between writing a letter and writing an email?

There are tons of differences, but the only one I can think of now is that emails are much
faster than letters. /If you want to write a letter to a friend in another part of the
country or even the world, it takes days for the letter to arrive, or even a month sometimes.
However, if you write an email, after writing everything, you just click on send, and the person
youre writing to can receive this email instantly, which is super fast and convenient.

1. much faster=a lot faster a lot more convenient=much more convenient

2. envelope stamp postcard
3. write back to me call me back
4. (every) once in a while=from time to time=occasionally
5. in addition to sth ... ... aside from ... ... ... in
addition=additionally=plus=on top of that=furthermore
6. on a weekly basis, on a daily basis, on a monthly basis, on a regular basis
7. set times
8. the only one I can think of=the only one that comes to mind

9. it takes days
10. instantly=immediately=in a fraction of the time=in a jiffy


How often do you wear jewelry?

Well, I guess the only piece of jewelry on me is a ring that my boyfriend gave me on my last
birthday. Its not a wedding or engagement ring or anything ... and I wear it every day, wherever I

Whats your attitude towards jewelry?

Um, my attitude towards jewelry? Well, I dont know where to begin ... As for me, I dont
suppose Im the type of person that will wear a lot of jewelry coz for one, its heavy, right?
Hahaha. Another reason is my preference is to have a minimalist look, you know, the simpler, the
better. Honestly, I dont see it as beautiful when someones wears too much jewelry.

What kind of jewelry do you like to buy?

Oh, Im into quite a few things actually,

including pendants, studs, rings and so on.I have a big number of rings in my home.
In fact, whenever I go to a new place, I like to check out if they have some specially-designed
rings there.

Why do so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry?

Well, the only reason that comes to mind is that its a way for them to show off their social
status or wealth. In fact, its not just expensive jewelry, but anything that costs a lot of dough,
from cars, to bags, to pricey clothing also. Theres a friend of mine who wears a lot of
jewelry and she goes around telling people where she got them and how much she paid for them.
As a matter of fact, I dont really think what she wears are pretty at all, but she takes a lot of
pride in them.

1. ring pendant stud pin bangle bracelet earrings

2. jewelry a piece of jewelry

3. wedding ring engagement ring
4. for one
5. preference

6. minimalist the simpler, the better

7. see/consider sth to be/as ... .../... sth is seen/considered to be/as ...
8. Im quite into=I really like=I have a penchant for=Im a huge fan of
9. check out ...
10. specially-designed
11. show off
12. social status wealth be rich=be wealthy=be affluent=be well-heeled
13. expensive=pricey=costly=sth costs a lot of dough
14. pretty=beautiful=gorgeous
15. take a lot of pride in sth ...


Do you do housework?

Yes, I do. In fact, I have no choice but to do housework coz I live alone - theres no one to
help me with all the chores. Um, I take out the trash every morning and do the dishes in
the evening. I also sweep and vacuum the floor roughly three times a week. Im not a fan of doing
household chores, but I still have to do them.

What kinds of housework do you dislike doing?

Well, I loathe everything because its both physically demanding and

time-consuming. I suppose what I dislike the most should be washing the clothes. I dont
really enjoy it when I dip my hands in cold water, and then having to rinse off all the soap.

Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?

Um, yeah I did. As a matter of fact, I was quite into doing it when I was growing up
coz my parents would pay me for the things I did. For example, if I swept the floor, they
would give me 1 yuan and if I did the dishes for the whole family, I would earn 3 yuan, which was
a big sum of money for me. I would then run off to buy my favorite snacks.

Do you think men and women should share housework?

Yeah, totally. I believe its extremely important that men and women share household
chores because this is good for their relationship I think. When theyre doing
housework, its some quality time that they spend together.Personally, I share everything
with my wife. She cooks and I do the dishes; she sweeps the floor and I take out the trash. So
weve never gotten in a big fight before over housework and this really helps our relationship.


1. do housework=do (household) chores help around the house

2. sweep the floor sweep-swept-swept mop the floor vacuum the floor
take out the trash make the bed do/wash the dishes
3. roughly=approximately=about
4. Im not a fan of sth=I dont like=sth doesnt appeal to me
5. loathe=detest=dislike sth very much
6. physically demanding=exhausting=very tiring
7. exhausted=worn-out=dead-beat=very tired
8. time-consuming it takes/took ... to do sth
9. dip my hands into cold water rinse off the soap /
10. as a matter of fact=in fact=actually
11. pay me make money=earn money earn a salary make a ton of money=make a
lot of dough be loaded
12. a big sum of money
13. run off
14. totally=absolutely=definitely
15. extremely important=vital=crucial=necessary=essential
16. quality time me-time a good opportunity to bond=a good
bonding opportunity bring us closer together
17. get in a big fight have a beef about sth .../


Do you like history?

Yeah, I have a penchant for learning history. I often go to the library and check out some
history books and then read them in the cafe near my dorm, which I think is super enjoyable.

Do you think history is important?

Yeah, absolutely. Learning history is of great importance. 1For starters, it allows

people to become more intelligent because we can draw lessons from the past.
You know, history always repeats itself, so whatever that happened before could also happen
tomorrow and learning history helps us better solve future problems. 2On top of that, it
provides people with good talking points coz history is filled with stories, right? If you like
to learn history, you can talk about whatever youve learned with your friends or colleagues and
this helps with your conversations.

Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?


No, Im not a fan of that coz I believe that the history I learn in books is more
credible. Things they show on TV are usually tweaked in order to be more entertaining so
that more people will watch them.

What historical event do you find most interesting?

Oh, my god, this is super tough for me in English. Off the top of my head, I like to read about
the Renaissance because there were so many talented people back then - writers, artists,
musicians, scientists and so forth. I even want to travel back in time to that period to meet those

1. have a penchant for=have a passion for=be a huge fan of=be crazy about=like sth very much
2. check out a book kill time=pass the time sth is my favorite
3. enjoyable=pleasurable=sth gives me a lot of joy
4. be of great importance=be vital=be crucial=be very important
5. it allows sb to do sth=it enables sb to do sth ...
6. intelligent=smart=wise knowledgeable=well-read red a walking
encyclopedia well-spoken=articulate
7. draw lessons from the past
8. provide sb with sth with
9. talking points
10. be filled with=be full of
11. credible=believable incredible=unbelievable /
12. tweak sth ...
13. in order to ..., so that ...
14. entertaining fascinating=captivating=absorbing=gripping ...

15. the Renaissance

16. talented multi-talented a renaissance man /
17. back then
18. travel back in time

Daily routine

What time of the day do you like the best?

Um, I suppose it should be the morning, I mean between 6 and 7. I always drag
myself out of bed at 6 and then go to nuke my breakfast and make myself a cup of coffee. Coffee

is my favorite drink - its a great pick-me-up and 1I suppose I like the morning partly
because of coffee. 2 Another reason is that its super peaceful in the morning when
everyone else is still asleep. Theres no distraction and I can always get a lot of things done in an
efficient way.

Whats your favorite daily routine?

Well, um, this is hard to describe ... Well, I like to get up early so that my day is prolonged, I
mean, longer than others days. During the day ...well, I just do whatever Im supposed to do -
study and eat and hang out with friends. I quite enjoy it when I can spend my evenings doing
some reading coz its a great stress-buster and I get to make myself better in this way.

Whats the busiest part of the day for you?

Well, it really depends. 1On most days, I dont usually feel very busy - I have very
little on my plate. 2However, before mid-terms and finals, I can be super swamped and
theres no part of the day which is busier than the rest - I have my hands full all day long.

Whats the difference between your daily routine now and that when you were a teenager?

Um, the only difference that comes to mind is that I hit the sack much earlier than when I
was a teenager because Im more health-conscious now and also I dont have as much
homework as before. When I was in high school, we got tons of homework to do every
single day and I always had to burn the midnight oil.

1. drag myself out of bed get up=get out of bed hit the sack=go to bed/sleep

2. nuke sth=heat sth in the microwave ...

3. make myself a cup of coffee a great pick-me-up
wake up be bleary-eyed latte Americano
4. peaceful=quiet=tranquil
5. be asleep
6. no distraction get a lot of things done efficient effective
in a ... way ...
7. prolong sth=make sth last longer
8. be supposed to ... ...
9. stress-buster
10. get to do sth ...
11. have a lot on my plate=have my hands full=be swamped=be very busy
12. mid-terms finals sth is approaching=sth is coming up=sth is around
the corner ...
13. the rest ...

14. all day long all night long the whole day=the entire day
15. the only ... that comes to mind ......
16. be health-conscious
17. burn the midnight oil=stay up late


How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Um, let me think. Well, in fact, I just celebrated it with my girlfriend/boyfriend. We went out
for dinner, a candle-lit dinner actually, so it was pretty romantic. And while we were eating, my
girlfriend/boyfriend gave me a present, which was a 5000-yuan watch/bag. I was taken aback
because to us, that was a lot of money. But of course, I was tickled pink.

Do you think its important for people to celebrate birthdays?

Yeah, definitely. In my opinion, its extremely important for people to celebrate their
birthdays because its primarily a chance for them to get together with their family
members and friends to have fun together. If you throw a birthday party, at home or in a
restaurant, you will invite your friends and they will bring you presents. Then, at the party, you
will enjoy a big meal together, chat and laugh with each other, which I think is super enjoyable.
So yeah, like I said, celebrating a birthday is absolutely a good opportunity for people to
have a great time.

Do people in China do anything special to celebrate birthdays?

Well, in fact, generally speaking, the way we celebrate birthdays now in most parts
of China are pretty similar to any other country. I guess its due to globalization -
invasion of Hollywood movies and western culture and stuff like that. But, something
that only we do should be ... um, some people still eat a bowl of longevity noodles on their
birthdays to wish for a long life ahead. I mean, I havent done it in a long time.

Are birthdays more important for children or for adults?

Well, in my opinion, birthdays are absolutely more important for kids because I
dont suppose I, as well as many of my friends, who are all adults of course, look forward to
birthdays as much as children. 1 Perhaps its because children all want to grow up
whereas we want to stay young. 2Well, of course, the key reason here is that kids look
forward to presents much more than we do.


1. go out for dinner a top-notch restaurant=an upscale restaurant=a fancy restaurant

a steakhouse
2. candle-lit dinner
3. be taken aback be surprised=be astonished
4. be tickled-pink=be over the moon=be on cloud nine=be very happy
5. primarily
6. have a lot of fun=have a great time=have a blast=have a ball=have a whale of a time
7. throw a party
8. chat=chew the fat catch up with sb
9. enjoyable=pleasurable give sb a lot of joy
10. the way ... ...
11. be pretty similar to sth=be not that different from sth
12. due to=because of
13. globalization a globalized world
14. invasion
15. longevity noodles
16. look forward to sth ...
17. stay young
18. key


Are there many advertisements in your country?

Yes, absolutely. Theyre everywhere. I mean, we are just bombarded by different kinds of
advertisements every single day. No matter where you go in our country, you can see
different ads. For instance, when youre surfing the Internet, watching TV or something
like that, you see loads of ads.

Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?

Well, its just because every company needs to make profits and by putting ads
everywhere, they can make more potential customers know the existence of their products
and theyre more likely to go and buy those things. Take for example Apple.
Whenever a new iPhone comes out, you can see Apple ads in all sorts of places - on TV, on the
internet, in shopping malls and so on. Apple is good at advertising and thats one reason why
theyre so successful now.

What are the various places where we see advertisements?


How do you feel about advertisements?

Well, of course, there are good points and bad points about ads. As for the good points,
some ads are very interesting and super fascinating, especially some from the United States and
from Thailand. They can be touching, creative, imaginative and so on, but the majority of Chinese
ads just tend to be really boring. On the other hand, a lot of adverts are incredibly annoying. They
take up a lot of time while you're watching TV. For example, you may be watching a very
captivating show now, and then, all of a sudden, there is an ad, and that just really drives you up
the wall.

1. advertisement=advert=ad advertising
2. be bombarded by sth ...
3. no matter where=wherever no matter when=whenever no matter who=whoever no
matter what=whatever e.g. Whenever you go out, you see so many cars on the streets.
4. loads of=tons of=myriad=a big number of=a lot of
5. make profits, make a profit earn money=make money be in the black
be in the red
6. potential customers
7. existence n. exist v. sth is available in the market make
customers aware of the availability of a product
8. come out=be released
9. be good at=be an expert in/on/at sth
10. a tech giant
11. fascinating=captivating=gripping=absorbing catch sbs attention=capture sbs
12. touching=moving creative=innovative imaginative
13. the majority of=most of ...
14. incredibly=extremely=very
15. annoying make sb annoyed drive sb up the wall
get under sbs skin
16. take up a lot of time sth is a bore=sth is super boring
17. all of a sudden=suddenly

Time management

How do you manage your time?

Um, well, this question is tricky ... In fact, I dont really manage it. I just do every single task
that Im given. Oh, I guess I should say the best way to manage time is just not to procrastinate.
Whenever you have something at hand, do it and then move on to the next task.

Do you think young people manage their time in the same way as old people?

Um, probably not. I believe young people generally use some modern electronic devices to
manage their time, like um ... for example, they might make a to-do list on their phones
or tablets and then constantly check that list to see what needs to be done and when.
By comparison, elderly people might just write things down on a piece of paper or notebook
simply because the majority of them are not quite familiar with modern technology.
My granddad, for example, has never successfully learned how to use a smartphone and he has a
small notebook within his reach all the time.

Are you ever late for anything?

Yeah, sure. By and large, Im a very punctual person, which means, Im seldom late for things.
But I can still remember a few times when I was late to something. For instance, last
month, I was caught up in traffic one day and it took me much longer to get to work, so I was late
for about 15 minutes.

What excuses do you use when you are late?

Excuses? Well, I dont really come up with any excuses. I mean, if Im late, I just tell whoever
Im meeting the true reason why Im late. I guess its because Im on time in most cases that my
colleagues and friends will usually forgive me when Im a little late occasionally.

1. tricky=tough=hard sth is no picnic=sth is difficult sth is a walk in the park=sth is childs

play=sth is easy
2. procrastinate v. procrastination n. put sth off=delay sth/doing sth
3. at hand
4. move on to sth
5. generally=by and large
6. electronic device=electronic item=electronic product
7. a to-do list
8. tablet laptop
9. constantly
10. be familiar with ... be no stranger to sth ...... be a stranger to ... ...
11. within his reach
12. punctual on time in time be late to/for sth be running late

13. be caught up in traffic=be stuck in traffic

14. excuse inexcusable
15. come up with=think of ... make sth up ...
16. forgive me
17. occasionally


Have you ever traveled by boat?

Yes, I have. Several years ago, in the summer actually, I went on a cruise trip along
the Yangtze River with a few of my friends. The whole trip lasted about a week and by and large,
it was rather enjoyable. We had a whale of a time.

Do you like boating?

Well, its hard to say. Um, I dont have any special feelings for boating. Its indeed
pretty relaxing and pleasurable when I row a boat on a lake with a few friends or with my folks,
but I dont suppose boating is necessary in my life. I can live without it haha.

Would you like to have your own boat?

Yeah, it would be fantastic if I could have a boat of my own. 1First of all, it would
mean that I were pretty well-off and everybody wants to be wealthy, right? 2Plus, I could
always go boating somewhere to relax and have fun. I believe it would be awesome.

Are boat trips popular in your country?

No, I don't think so, because boat trips are rather time-consuming. When
we take a boat to go to another city or region, we usually need to be on it for quite a few days. So
because of this, I don't suppose most people like this form of transport.

1. go on a trip cruise boat

take a boat, take a boat trip, go on a boat trip, go somewhere by boat, row a boat
, hire/rent a boat
2. along the Yangtze River
3. a few of ...=some of ... quite a few=many=a lot of
4. last
5. by and large=on the whole=generally
6. enjoyable=pleasurable delightful be delighted have
a whale of a time=have a lot of fun=have a blast
7. necessary=a must=a necessity
8. I can live without it I cant live without it sth is an essential part
of my life=sth is an indispensable part of my life=sth is part and parcel of my life ...

9. it would ... if I could/did/were ...


10. well-off=wealthy=rich
11. time-consuming
12. for of transport=mode of transport

Computer and Internet

How often do you use the computer/internet?

Do you use the Internet very much?

Yeah, I do. The internet is so important to me that I cant live without it.
Its because I use it to do practically everything - working, relaxing and keeping in touch
with friends. As for relaxing, I watch movies, stream music and play games online.
So Id say the internet is my main source of income and form of relaxation. Its an
indispensable part of my life.

What do you usually use your computer for?

What kinds of computers are popular in China?

What kinds of computers? Um, Im not sure how to answer this question coz I feel like
theres only one kind of computer, right? Oh, yeah, of course, there are desktop
computers, laptop computers and also tablets, if theyre regarded as computers too.
I suppose the most popular should be laptops coz theyre super portable and we can use
them anywhere.

When was the first time you used the Internet?

Who taught you how to use a computer?

Well, it must have been my dad when I was 12 or 13 years old. I remember one day, I saw
that my dad was playing a game on his computer and I pestered him to teach me. He was pretty
reluctant at first, but at last, he gave in and taught me. That game was good fun and um ... yeah,
that was the first time I used the internet.

Do you think the computer has changed your life a lot?

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, not only me, but everybody. The computer has shattered
everybodys old life and created a whole new world for all of us. I think its super obvious right?
Our lives depend on the computer and the internet now. Im convinced that it will be even more
so in the future.

Is the Internet very important to you?

Do you think you could live without the Internet?

1. practically=almost
2. keep in touch with sb=stay in touch with sb ... lose touch with sb ...
get back in touch with sb ... bring sb closer together ... with a
click of the mouse, we can ... ... everything is just a click away
the whole world is at your fingertips
3. stream music
4. my main form of income form of relaxation
5. desktop (computer) laptop (computer) tablet
6. be regarded as=be considered as=be considered to be=be seen as ...
7. portable
8. on the internet, online, on my computer, on YouKu
9. pester sb to do sth /...
10. reluctant
11. give in
12. sth is good fun=sth is very enjoyable/pleasurable
13. shatter sth ... with the advent of sth ...
14. depend on sth=rely on sth=count on sth ...
15. Im convinced that=I believe=I bet
16. even more so


How often do you meet your family?

Well, since I go to university in another city, I cant see my folks very often - I only go back to
my parents during the summer holiday and winter holiday. When I do see them, we just hang
out all the time, if theyre not super busy, of course. We gab about everything -
my studies, my boyfriend, their life, my plans for the future and so on. I really treasure the time I
spend with my parents.

How do you spend time with your family?

Do you want to live with your family in the future?

I do, but I doubt its possible. Ill have to move out of my parents place sooner or later
because Ill get hitched and start my own family. I dont have a boyfriend yet, so it wont happen
anytime soon, but it will happen.

How has your family influenced you?


Well, my family has influenced me in various ways. 1The first thing that comes to
mind is that Im a positive person because of my dad. He has a positive outlook on life
and nothing ever bothers him, so over the years, Ive learned from him to take it easy.
2Additionally, Im a pretty good cook and I should give a shout-out to my mom.
She began teaching me cooking when I was still a teenager and now I can cook a variety
of dishes, which I think is a wonderful skill.

1. since
2. my folks=my family members
3. my parents=my parents place
4. hang out=chill (out) with sb
5. gab chat
6. treasure precious quality time
7. sooner or later
8. get hitched=tie the knot=get married
9. anytime soon=in the near future
10. in various ways
11. the first ... that comes to mind ... off the top of my head

12. have a positive outlook on life have a positive frame of mind

sb is a glass half full kind of person an optimist a
13. bother ...
14. over the years, I have ... ...
15. take it easy
16. give a shout-out to sb


Do you have many friends?

Yes, I think so. Im a people person and I love to go out to meet new people and
make friends. Every weekend, I meet up with some of my friends in a bar or someplace
else and we have fun together. I also like to throw parties in my apartment and invite friends over
to cook, eat, drink and play games together. Im someone that cant live without friends.

Do you remember your friends in primary school?

Um primary school, well, it's been so long - it's been about 20 years already. So honestly I
don't remember all of my friends from back then. There are only a few of them that I'm still in

touch with. Not only are we in touch, but we're still very close and we often hang out together
now. When we meet each other, sometimes we reminisce about the past, some fond memories
we had before.

How do you make friends?

Um, Id say that I make friends in various ways. 1For example, I often go to parties
or throw parties myself where I can meet new people and I quite enjoy striking up conversations
with them and its very easy for me to make new friends this way. 2Plus, Im a member
of a local book club. You know, Im a bookworm and being part of a book club is something
amazing to me. This is where I often see some new faces and they become my friends soon after
we meet.

Do you like chatting with friends online?

No, Im not really a huge fan of that because um ... I feel that chatting with people
online with only words and emojis is way too impersonal. I prefer to meet friends in the flesh and
talk with them with more emotion. I think this is much better communication.

1. a people person sociable / socialize

2. strike up a friendship strike up a conversation
3. meet up with ...
4. throw a party a party animal=an avid party-goer
5. cant live without ... ...
6. it's been so long=its been a long time=its been ages
7. back then
8. be in touch with sb keep in touch with sb=stay in touch with sb ...
lose touch with sb ... get back in touch with sb ...
9. hang out together
10. reminisce about sth
11. fond memories
12. in various ways
13. a bookworm=an avid book reader
14. soon after ... ...
15. emoji
16. way too ... ...
17. impersonal
18. in the flesh=in person


Do you read magazines?

Um, well, I hardly ever read magazines because I mainly get information on social
media, Weibo, in particular, which is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter. 1This is my main
source of information because its much easier and way more convenient to learn whats going
on in the world on it. 2Plus, its free of charge.

Did you read magazines when you were young?

Yeah, I did. Before the invention of social media, I was a huge fan of magazines,
particularly one called Reader. This used to be very popular among teenagers and young adults
about 10 years ago. I would go to the newsstand near my home and buy it every week
because it was issued weekly. I really liked this magazine back then because there were
so many kinds of articles in it, not just about sports, or entertainment, or politics. I could read
anything in this one single magazine.

Do younger people or older people prefer to read magazines?

I want to say neither of them like to read magazines now because as for young
people, we prefer to read things on social networking sites and elderly people are more into
reading newspapers. I honestly have no idea why, but it just seems like every time you see an old
person read something, theyre very likely to be reading a newspaper.

What kinds of magazines are popular in your country?

Um, I dont suppose magazines are any different from newspapers. The most
popular kinds of magazines should be entertainment, sports, and current affairs. Out
of these, perhaps the most well-liked type is entertainment coz everybody likes to read about
celebrities and later gossip about them with friends.

1. hardly ever=seldom do sth once in a blue moon ...

2. social media social networking site the Chinese equivalent of sth
3. main source of information
4. much more=way more=a lot more
5. learn whats going on in the world have the world at my fingertips

6. free of charge
7. particularly=especially
8. be popular among/with ... ... popular=well-liked
9. newsstand
10. be issued weekly

11. be into sth=be fond of sth=like sth

12. have no idea=dont know=have no clue it just seems that ... ...
13. be likely to do sth ...
14. an old people---they / they
15. current affairs
16. celebrity gossip about sb gossipy


Do you know your neighbors?

Do you like your neighbors?

Yeah, I quite like them and we get along pretty well. In fact, we even hang out with
each other from time to time. Every once in a while, I invite them to have dinner with me
and my girlfriend and I think theyre really approachable and easygoing people.

1. get along well=get on perfectly close=tight we really hit it off

have a lot in common share many similar interests
see eye to eye be on the same wavelength

2. hang out with each other

3. from time to time=(every) once in a while
4. approachable=easygoing

What do you think of your neighbors?

How often do you see your neighbors?

Pop star

Who is your favorite pop star?

Well, my favorite pop star should be JJ who is from Singapore and hes mainly based in
Taiwan now. Hes an R&B singer and hes super talented, multi-talented I should say, because not
only does he sing, he also composes and plays various musical instruments. Ive liked him since I
was in middle school.

Do you want to be a pop star?

Well, I want to be a pop star but I just dont think Im cut out to be one 1coz for one,
Im not good-looking and 2for another, Im tone-deaf haha. I can never sing in tune.

Do you like to go to concerts?

Yes, I do. Im quite into going to live concerts. Whenever JJ, my favorite singer,
comes to my hometown and holds a concert, I just try to buy a ticket and go. The atmosphere is
usually electrifying and I get super excited when Im there and sing along with my idol.

Do you prefer live music or recorded music?

1. be based in ... ...

2. talented multi-talented
3. compose (music/songs)
4. various=a variety of=a wide range of=many kinds of
5. Ive ... since ... ......
6. be not cut out to do sth ...
7. be tone-deaf sing in tune/key out of key/tune
have a musical ear have a tin ear
8. electrifying
9. sing along with ... ...


How do you remind yourself to be on time?

Um, in fact, I dont do anything special to remind myself because Im seldom late for
anything. Im a very punctual person and Ive always been. As a matter of fact, in order to
make sure I dont run late to a meeting or an appointment, I usually get to my destination 15 or
20 minutes earlier.

Why are some people always late?

Off the top of my head, its either because theyre not well-educated or due to the fact that
theyre not respectful of the people theyre meeting.Less educated people are not aware
of many social norms and therefore, they dont see the gravity of being late. One of my

relatives is such a person. He was brought up poorly and didnt get enough schooling and hes
seldom on time when he goes somewhere.

Why do people need to be punctual?

Well, this is because being punctual is a way of showing respect to others we're meeting.
If a girl has a meeting to attend at 10 o'clock in the morning and she gets up late and
then spends more time than usual putting on makeup, which makes her late for this meeting, I
don't think this will do her any good. If this meeting is about landing a contract with a client, it's
very likely that the girl can't succeed in getting this client to sign this contract.

1. be punctual get somewhere on time, be on time be late to/for sth run

2. Ive always been (...)
3. in fact=as a matter of fact=actually
4. in order to ...=so as to ... ...
5. make sure ...
6. get to a place=arrive at a place=reach a place ...
7. off the top of my head
8. either ... or ... ......
9. well-educated less educated get enough schooling

10. due to the fact that=because

11. be respectful of sb=respect sb
12. be aware of sth ... ... have a good/deep understanding sth ...

13. social norm

14. the gravity of sth=the seriousness of sth ...
15. be brought up=be raised
16. a way of ... ...
17. attend a meeting
18. put on makeup
19. do sb good
20. land a contract sign a contract
21. its very likely that ...=in all likelihood ... ...
22. succeed in doing sth ...

Rainy days

Does it rain much in China?


Well, it rains very often in summertime. In July and August, it pours quite frequently and
sometimes, if it doesnt rain heavily, it spits. All in all, we do get a lot of rain in the summer.

Is there any part of China where it doesnt rain much?

Yeah, it doesn't rain much in Inner Mongolia. I lived there for several months a few years ago
and it hardly ever rained that summer.In Beijing, where I come from, it rains quite a lot in
the summer and we even have downpours occasionally. Compared with Beijing, Inner Mongolia
is a rather dry place.

In what month does it rain most in your hometown?

Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Yeah, for sure. It was several years ago, on July 21th, if I remember correctly. It was the
heaviest rainfall Ive ever seen. It rained strongly for about 5 hours nonstop and in the end, the
whole city was flooding. I saw on the news that some people even drowned in the rain. It was a

1. rain heavily/strongly get a lot of rain rainfall n. it pours a

downpour it spits, its spitting its drizzling
2. frequently occasionally=from time to time
3. all in all
4. hardly ever=seldom
5. if I remember correctly=if my memory serves me correctly=if memory serves
6. nonstop 5 hours in a row
7. be flooding
8. drown
9. a nightmare


Do you like to spend time with teenagers?

Yeah, I do. I have a 16-year-old brother and we hang out all the time. Hes a big fan
of computer games and he teaches me to play some once in a while. I think its good fun
spending time with him.

Do you know anything about the kind of fashion that teenagers like?

Well, the only thing that comes to mind is that a lot of teenagers are into baggy, loose
clothing. I guess this is because hip-hop culture plays a big part in teenagers lives and
baggy clothing is an important part of this culture. My brother is a good example. He
wear a big hoodie and a pair of baggy pants every day. He thinks he looks cool this way.

What are the best things about being a teenager?

Well, this is an interesting question. Um, I think being a teenager has so many plus points
and one is that they can try things and don't have to worry about making mistakes. This
is because they've got a long life ahead of them and failing at something at a young age
doesn't affect their future much. I used to be crazy about acting and I dreamed of
becoming an actor in the future. I took acting lessons for two years when I was a teenager, but
that path didn't lead anywhere. Later I quit aspiring to be an actor and decided to pursue a career
in fashion design. Now, I'm a pretty good designer. So, I think my story really proves the point I
made just now.

How do teenagers entertain themselves?

Oh, they do a wide range of things, like playing computer games, doing various
sports and um ... a lot of other things. As for sports, many teenagers dig extreme
sports like skateboarding, riding a special kind of bicycle called BMX and parkour.
They like these because theyre young and theyre drawn to things that are exhilarating and
give them an adrenalin rush.

1. good fun=enjoyable=pleasurable
2. the only thing that comes to mind
3. be into=be fond of=adore=be drawn to=dig=like
4. baggy, loose
5. play a big part in sth ...
6. hoodie pants
7. he looks cool this way
8. plus point
9. ahead of sb
10. fail at sth
11. at a young age
12. that path didnt lead anywhere
13. aspire to do sth=dream of sth ...
14. pursue a career in sth ...
15. extreme sport skateboarding BMX parkour
16. exhilarating give sb an adrenalin rush

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