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z 2

1. Tf1~ vascular cambium normally gives rise to: 6. Coconut fruit is a :

~ Secondary xylem (1) Nut
(2) Periderm (2) Capsule

(3) Phelloderm -d Drupe

(4) Primary phloem (4) Berry

2. Which of the foJiowing is maJ c up 0 ( dPad rclli 7 7. The morphological nature of lhc.: edihlt pr1rl of
coco nut is:
~ Endosperm
(2) Phloem
(2) Pericarp
(3) Xylem parenchyma
(:~) Perisperm
(4) Collenchyma
(4) Cotyledon

3. Double fertilization is exhibited by :

8. Id e ntify the wrong s ht<ntnt in ontext of
(J,) Fungi j:leartwood:
~ It conducts wnltt nn d tl1 illt' l'lii ~-J tfficie ntly
Angiosperms .......
(3) Gymnosperms (2) It compris s do.1d ,.l,mnt wil'l1 highly
lignified wa lis
(4) Algae
(3) Organic co mpn uth1 H.If'\' dq wl tcd in it

4. With (4) It is highly durabk

9. The final prooffor DNA cS '"' ' !:wl k tHalcrialcame

c3 plants respond_to hi
her tem eratun from the experime nts ol
with enhanced photosynthesis whil e (1) Avery, Mcleod ;H'I.d Mt .ut
c4 plants have much lower temperature
optimum (2) Hargobind Khoramt
(3) Griffith
(2) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can be .
grown in C0 2 - enriched atmosphere for ~ Hershey and has~.;
higher yield
(3) Light saturation fQ! C0 2 fixation occurs at 10. Wh~ch one of the following is rela l'ed lo ~
10% of full sunlight ~onservation of threatened animals and pi~
(4) In3:easing atmosphe ric C0 2 concentration (1) Amazon rainforest
up to 0.05 % can enhance co? fixation rate (2) Himalayan region
~ Wildlife Safari parks
5. yvhich statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle?
(4) Biodiversity hotspots
11. During DNA rrplication. Okazaki frfl~t):t nt-s a~e
~~ed to elo;,gatc: -
(1) The lea ding strand away from cpJ.k:a tion

There are three points. in the cycle where ~ The laggin!; slnmd away fnili.Ll h ~.-_..,'- -.:
NAD + is reduced to NADH H +
T here :is one point in t-he cycle where FAD+ (:i)
T.hc I C'<~ ding str, nd lliW tll'ft N t\' 1!1 tlon fo rk.
is reduced to FADH2.... .., (4) ~:....:::.W:Bl.l..:i!.:.!.!.!.!..!.l.l..!
' w' ~'r. l e 1U11!1 t'ni'k.

-- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __j
I--":tl ~

3 ~z
12.. yYhic;:h of the following statementsis correct? 18. The genotypes of a H usband and Wife are I A JB and
(1) The ascending limb of loo p of H enle is
permeable to water. o( Among the blood ty pes ~f their children, h<Jw many_
. different genotypes and phenotypes are p ossjble ?
(2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
_ermeable to elecbolytes. ~ 4 genotypes ; 3 phenoty pes
. ~

t?- The

asc~nding limb of loop of Henle is (2) 4 genotypes; 4 phe notypes

impermeable to w ater. (3) 3 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes
(4) The descending limb of loop of Henle is . (4) 3 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes
_impermeable to wate r.
19. MALTconstitutesabout _ _ _ _ percentofthe
13. Plants which produ e h aracteristic lymphoid tissue in human body.
pneumatophores and show vivipnry belong to: (1) 70%
(1) Psamrnophytes (2) 10%
(2) Hydrophytes ~50%
(3) Mesophytes (4) 20%
~ Halophytes
20. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtain.e d
14. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of :
o- (1) mating of individuals of different breed.
(1) Funaria
(2) mating of individuals of different species.
~ Chlamvdomonas
~ mating of relp.ted indivjduals of same bre,_ed.
(3) Marchantia
(4) mating of unrelated individuals of same
(4) Fucus bree!L

15. Which amon& the following are the srn a llest living 21. The function of copper ions in copper releasing
, I '
IVD's is:
~~known without a definite cell wn It pathogenic
to plants as well as animals andcansurvive without (1) They make uterus unsuitable for
(2) They inhibit mmlafion.
~ Mycoplasma
~ They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
(2) Nostoc capacity of sperms.
(3) Bacillus (4) They inhibit gametogenesis.
\'Vhich one of the folldtvfug
jar aerosols ?
16. 1- baby boy aged ~<zyears is admitt d to play school
and passes through a dental check-up. The dentist (1) They cause increased agricultural
,observed that the boy had twenty teeth . Which teeth p roductivity V" --= ' .
were absent?

tP v0J (2) They have riegagye ilJ}Wctlm agriculhual

~olars (3)
-land ' - - --
They are har~~ealth
(2) Molars
(9 ~
(4) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns
--=====-- ~ ' ~

23. ong the followin characters, which 'one was

'\__, :r;i.Ot onsidered b Mendel in his ex eriments on
17. f_apacitation occurs in :
(1) Vas deferens (1) Seed- Green or Yellow
~ Female Reproductive tract (2) Pod- Infl~ted or Constricted
(3) Rete testis (3) Stem- Tall or Dwarf
(4) Epididymis ~ Trichomes- Glandular or non-gland~lar
z-- 4
24. A disease ca u ~s:e: :_d: :. _:b:_~y a~n.:.~
l~a~u.!t:.o~s~O::l;: ;l~c.L.41"-'r..._j"'"m'-a""-:f
" ry 28. ut of x.:pairs of ribs in huma ns only 'Y' pairs are
n( o)n-d is junction is: r/f:J true ribs. ~lvrt'Ilw op tion th <~ l corre t-ly rcprrsen ~
va lu es o f X a nd Y a nd p rov id es tbe j1 J~ v p la n 1 ti o n :
1 Turner's Syndrome ~

(2) Sickle Cell Anemia 1() (1) X =24, Y = 7 Tru e r ib s a re d o rsall y

.~ Down's Syndrome \.:/ attached to ver teb ral colu mn
but are free on ven tral side.
(4) Klinefelter's Syndrome

~ S!lect the correct route for the passage of sperms in (2) X=24, Y=12 Tru e ribs ar e d orsa lly
attached to ver tebral column
~ malefrogs : but are free on v entral side.
(1) Testes -7 Vasa ~fferentia -7 Bidder's canal
-7 Ureter -7 Cloaca ~ X=12, Y =7 True r ibs are a ttache d
dorsally to vertebr al colunm
(2) ~estes -7 Vasa efferentia -7 K~r:~t -7 and ventrally t o the sternum.
Bidder' s canal -7 Urinogenital duct -7
Cloaca (4) X=12, Y =5 Tru e ribs ar e a ttache d to vertebr al column
(3) I estes -7 Bidder's canal-7 Kidney -7 Vasa and sternum on the two ends.
efferentia -7 Urinogenital duct -7 Cloaca
~inal Vesiclr -:-7 Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass ?
(1) Pond ecosystem
26. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible
(m exfracbiig energy from carbo}:lydrates to form (2) Lake ecosystem
~ -----------------
(1) Chloroplast ~ Forestecosystem
. ~ Mitochondrion
(4) Grassland ecosyste m
(3) Lysosome
(4) Ribosome
30. Viroids
differ from viruses in having :
27. Match the following sexually transmitted
diseases (Column - I) with' their causative agent (1) RNA molecules with protein coat
(Column- II) and select the correct option. '
Column-1 Column-11 ~ RNA molecules without protein coat
.. r. ~' . .. . ,. :
(al, . Gonorrhe~ HIY (3) ~ DNA molecules with protein coat
(b) Syphilis ~ Neisseria
(c) Genital W (\rts (4) DNA molecules without protein coat .
(iii) Treponema
(d) AIDS (iv) Hm;nan

(a) (b) (c) (d)
Papilloma - Virus

Select the mismatch :

(1) Anabaena

Nitrogen fix_!
(1) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(2) Rhizobium A1falfa
(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

~ (ii) (iii) (iv). (il (3) Frankia

(4) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) ~ ,5.hodospirillum --r
32. Good vision depends on adequate intake ofca rotene-

Select the best o tion from the f (1) cti,sruptive a. it splits thepopulatimn into two,
<fue yielding hi gl1 er ont-pnt and the other
(a) from lower ou tpn . t>(
(2) stabilizing follo wed by disn1p ti o e as it
The photopigments are e mbedd ed in tb e stabilizes the population to produce higher
~djng c ows
membrane discs of the inner se ~nwnt
(3) .stabilizin g sele c ti on a s it stabilizes this
(c) Retinal is a de rivative of Vitamin A. character in the p opulation

36. The hepatic portal vein d rains blood to from :
~ (a)and(c) (1) Kidri.eys
. (2) (b), (c) and (d) ~ Intestine
(3) (a) and (b) (3) Heart
(4) Stomach
(4) (a), (c) and (d) .J..
37. The water potential of pure water is :
33. Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues More than zero but.less thah one
to beat for sometime.
(2) More than one
- % Zero
(a) Frog is a poikilotherm. (4) Less than zero
(b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation.
38. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
(c) Heart is "myorrcnic" in nahJTe: i$:
Coryms luteum

Options.: .
- Corpus allatum
(3) Pineal gland : ~ .
(1) (a) and (b)
(4) Corp}!S cardiaeum
~ (c) and (d)
39. Presence ofplapts pranged into well definec,l vertical
(3) Only (c) b<.
layers depending on their height can be seen best
(4) Only(d) ~

(1) Grassland

:H. (2)
Temperate Fo~
Tropical Savannah
Tropical Rain Forest
40. Mycorrhizae are the example of:
(1) Antibiosis
(2) 333
~ Mutualism
(3) 1 (3) Fungistasis

(4) 11 (4) Amensa:USm

' . . . . . ._:: ' ~ ~\ : . ' .

0 :'.'
~,;. : fl . : 0 :u .
'\1\t'~ i ,~t ,1; f''
'~!",;?'! '*'!:: .' '-~it. 1t,.~

. Hlf.'.
z 6
41. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due 46. ln case of porikr.Jn:-., I he :-; po11f!,nco I is lined with
to a problem in__globin molecule synthesis., ~ flagellated c lis c.llll'd :
the correct statement.
~ choanocytes
Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin
(2) mesenchymal cells
(3) ostia
(2) Sickle cell anemia js due to a q1!antitative
problem of globin molecules. fX_ (4) oscula
(3) Both are due to a qualitative defectffi ~bin
chain S)mtbesis. 47. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :

(4) Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin (1) ..--Prior to fission
chain synthesis. (2) Just before transcription

42. . ~hich of the following are not polymeric ? ~ During S phase

(4) Within nucleolus
(1) Polysaccharides

~ Lipids 48. -!Jlnge <He made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They
do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
(3) Nucleic acids because of :
(4) Proteins (1) Tidal Volume
(2) Expiratory Reserve Volume
43. The region of Bigsphere Reserve which is leg<~~'
ffotected and where no human activity is allowed ~Residual Volume
is known as : (4) Inspiratory Reserve Volume
(1) Transition zone
49. An important characteristic that Hemichordates
(2) Restoration zone share with Chordates is :
~ Corezone (1) pharynx with gill slits
(4) Buffer zone (2) pharynx without gill slits
~ absence of notochord
44. Which of the following RNAs should be most
(4) ventral tubul~r nerve cord P<!_
abundant in animal cell ?
(1) m-RNA
(2) mi-RNA 50. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained

# (4)
(3) The value of' r' approaches zero
45. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement ~K=N
on agarose g~during gel electrophores~?
(1) Positively charged fragments move to farther 51. The association of histone Hl with ~- ' ~ucleosome
end """ indicates : '

(2) Negatively charged fragments do not move ~ The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
~ 5Qre.
(3) The larger the fragment size. the fartb~t it
-<= (2) The DNA double helix is exposed..

~ The small~ .the fragment size the farthex: it

:(3) Transcription is occurring.

~ (4) DNA replication is occmring.

7 I.
52. Fruit and leaf drop a~earl y stages can be p revented 58. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of tlw
by the application of: following statement(s) is/are most appro_r iat
~Auxins explan ation for this feature?
(a) They do not need to reproduce r<_
(2) G ibberellic acid
(b) They are somaticcell.s .z..
(3) Cytokinins
(c) l_hey do not metabolize !:>(
(4) Ethylene
(d) All their internal SR,ace is available for oxygen
transpo:,t C7
53. Which of the following rc presents order of 'Horse' ?
(1) Caballus
(1) (a), (c) and (d)
(2) Ferus
(2) (b) and (c)
~ Only(d)
(4) Perissodactyla
(4) Only (a)

54. Which of the following are found in extreme saline

condition.s ? 59. Which among these is the correct combination of
aquatic mammals ?
(1) Cyanobacteria
(2) Mycobacteria ~ Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(2) Tnjgon, Whales, Seals '(

(3) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks "'\
(4) E~ (4) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon ~

55. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first

60. Receptor sites for neurotran.smitters are present on :
(1) tips of axon.s
~ Species area relationships
~ post-synaptic membrane
(2) Population Growth equation
(3) membranes of synaptic vesicles
(3) Ecological Biodiversity
(4) pre-synaptic membrane
(4) Laws of limiting factor

61. DNA fragments ar~

56. Sphceosomes are not found in cells of:
(1) Neutral
(1) Animals
(2) Either positively or negatively charged
~ Bacteria depending on their size
(3) Plants (3) t()sitively char,ged
(4) Fungi ~ Negatively charged

57. 62. The process of separatio~ and purifit'ation of

_expressed prot~m before-marketing iS qilled :
(1) _CoeOZ}/111 (1) Bioprocessing

Postproduction processing
Upstream processing

Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme
" - f ,
+ Coe!J3YIDe
... ~ processing
z 8
63. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and 169. Attractants and rewards are required for :
are packed into infl01 escenc are usually poJJin atf d Hydroph ily
(2) Cleistogamy
~(2) Wind
(3) A.nemoph.ily

(3) Water ~ En tomophily

(4) Bee
70. Select the mismatch :
(1) Salvinia Heteros~orous
64. .Eunctional megaspqre in :;m <mgiggperm develops
in!Q_: (2) Equisetum, - Homosporous

~ Embryo sac
~ Pinus Dioecious
(2) Embryo (4) Cycas Dioecious
(3) Ovule
(4) Endosperm 71. GnRH, a, hypothalamic hormone, neededjn
reproduction, acts on :
65. Which
one from those given below is the
. .
period for . ~
(1) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
Mendel's hybridization experiments.? secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

(1) 1857-1869 (2) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LH and relaxin.
(2) 1870,-1877

# (4)
1840 ~ 1850 5fu (3) anterior pituitary gland and sti~i1lates
secretion of LH and oxytocin.
anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion ofLH and FSH.

66. An example of colonial alga is :

. '

(1) Wothrix - 72. Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' ' secrete

(2} Spirogyra anti.IJaderiallysozyme ?

(3) Chlorella (1) Zymogen cells ~

.(2) __!6upffer cells t\
(3) Argentaffin cells
67. Transplantatio~of_tissues I organs fails often due .
to non-acceptance by the patient's body. Which type ~ ~aneth cells .
OI Immune-response is responsible .fpr such
rejecbon:s.? . 73. Jv{yelih sheath js proC:hlced by
(1) Hormonal irrunune response (1) Oligodendrocytes and Osteoclasts .
-- -- - ... ... .
- -~-- - . . .. .

(?) physiological immune-response (2) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes

(3) Autoirnrnuner~sponse .. _- . .. ~ ~hwann Cells and Oligodendrocyt~s
~- c~n- me~ated ~un~ resronse . , . (4) Astrocytes and Schwarm Cells
' ...~
68. 74. Which of the following components provides sticky
character to the bacterial cell ?

(1) Artificial Tnserriina~~n . . . . ---0 ~

(1) Plasm~ membrane

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Intrauterine transfer
(3) Cell wall
(4) Nud~ar membi'M1t"
(4) G~mete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer '

. - -...-~--,_.__""""',_,. . -~ . . -

.. ~; . . _; '. .; i
LJ; . ' li. I' ,
,.Jz:~ ~r ~t "-'-'; :<l~
9 z
!\ gl' m ' wh ose ex p ression h elps .to id en.tify 81. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in a d11 II s d.Qcs
m, n s f o rmed c~ll i:; knmAJ.n as: not cause fu rther increase in height, because :
( 1) Plasmid (1) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
(2) Shuctural gene Hormone in adults.
~ Selectable marker (2) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth . t/--
(4) Vector (3) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults. {>(
(4) ~piphyseal plates close after adolescence.
'J<, . Root hairs develop from the region of :
(1) Rootcap
82. Which of the following is correctly m atched for the
Meristematic activity f rciductproduced by them?
~ Maturation . .
(1) JZEiicilliunz uotatum : Acetic acid
(4) Elongatio~
~ Sacchroml{ces cerevi~iae : Eth~ol /
s and Fucus respectively (3) Acetobacter ace.; Antibiotics ""\_
are :
(4) Methanobacterium : Lactic acid ~
~ Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
(2) Haplodiplontic, Haplontic 83. A decrease in blood pressure I volume will not cause .
(3) Haplontic~ Diplontic the release of :
(4) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic (1) Aldosterone
(2) ADH
78. ves the correct
(3) Renin
(1) condensation ~ crossing over ~ nuclear ~ Atrial Natriuretic Factor
membrane disassembly ~ segregation ~
telophase ~ 84. _Y\'hich of the folJqwjpg 0 . . resents the
(2) conde~!ltion ~arrang?iment at-equator ~ ~enzyme composition o ancreatic ice ?
centromere division ~ se gregation ~ (1) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin ""-
~ lipase, amylase trypsinogen,
(3) cond e nsation ~ nuclear membrane ~ . _rocarboxypeptidase
disasse mbly ~ crossing over ~
(3) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, remtin--)
s~rrega tion -~ telophase ...<!....
(4) amylase,, trypsinogen, maltase t. '
cond ensa tion ~ nuclear membrane
disasse1nWy -~ arran~ment at e9.!Jator ~
centromere d iv is.ioti ~ segregation ~ 85. A dioecious floweringplant prevents both :
telophase (1) Geitonogamy and xenogamy
(2) _0eistogamy and xenogam_y
7 9 J . i v o t joint between a~as and axis is a type of :
. synovialjoint (3) Autogamy and xenogamy_
(2) saddle joint
(3) fibrous joint
~ Autogamy and geitonogamy

86. Which of the following facilitates op-erting of

(4) cartilaginous joint
stomatal aperture ? . , ..,.
80. Phospb(J~nol
pyrnvate (PEP) is
~ C0 ~Radial orientation of ~ellulose micr~fibrils in
acceptor 114 the cell wall of guard cells
(1) c2 plants (2) LPngitudinal orientation qf cel~ulo se
(2) mki'ufilJ1ib llt U1~ cell'Nall of guard Ct~Jl
(3) c3 plants (3) Contraction of outer wall of guard cells

0iY c4 plants (4) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells

z 10
87. The DNA fragm ents separated on an agarose gel 91. Of the following, which is the produ ct formed when
can be visualised ~ter sta ining with: cyclohexanone undergoes a ld ol co nd ensation
followed by hea ting?
(1) Ani line blu e

Ethidium bromide

Bromophenol blue
(1) Q-0 OH

(4) Acetocarmine
0==0 0 0

88. ~D Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of 0

(2) Leaf
(3) Q-b OH

(3) Stipules

(4) Adventitious root

92. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1

mixture of ortho and para- nitrophenols is :
89. ~na,phase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein (1) Crystallisation
degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
~ Steam distillation
of animal cells. Jf APC is defective in a human cell,
which of the ollowiug is expr;;ded to occur? (3) Sublimation
(4) Chromatography
~ Chromosomes will not segregate 93. The species, havmg bond angles of 120 is :
(1) NC13
(2) Recombination of chromosome arms will ~BC13
~ ~ (3) PH3
1- (4) CIF3
(3) Chromosomes-will not condense ~
94. The equjJibrium constants .of the fpllowffig are :
!-T2 + 3 H 2 ;:::::::': 2 NH3 -J4-
(4) Chromosomes will be fragmented
N2+02 ;:::::': 2 NO K2
- --.. ~ .
1 k Kll.
H2+202-7H20 ~ ~
90. Which of the following in sewage treatment removes The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction :
~uspended solids ?
K ... .

~. Primary treatment .
2NH3 +% 0 2 ~ 2N0~3H2 0, Will be :
(1) K1 K~/K1
3 .
(2) Sludge treatment (2) K 2 K 3 /K1

(::S) 1erhary treatment K1 KifKi

(4) ~tment

';~ ~ jj.
:! il.l!
tt ' !.
~. :
11 z
K)An..ich one is e wrC:ng 100. 'I he heating ot p]}enyl-m ethyl ethers with III
~'if Halffil.ledan filledorbitalshavq;ndll' r produ ces . -
stability due to _greater exchange cnvrgy,
~Teater symmetry and more be~ l.lll<'l' d
(2) b -nzene
r----j, Jc_n
"---/ I }
(3) ethy l chlorides ~ 'l
~ ~he ener of 2s orbital is less than thl.' c nl'rgy (4) iod,lbenzene ~ _:__. '-\ [~_;, ~
of 2p orbital in case of Hy rogenlikt:- alolll.~.
1 101. Which one is th e most a~idic compound?
(3) de-Broglie's wavelength is given by A. == - -' ,

-.-- Ill (!

where m = mass of the particle, v=l: n>~lp

velocity of thP particle.

(4) The uncertainty principle~ 1y;'1T . (1)

~- iffY\ . !fD+ N0 2
96. HgC1 2 and I 2 both when dissolved in wa lc r
- containing I-;!'-r'7i'~~=== OH
# Hgi~- 13 ~/ I 02N~N02

Hg2I2, r-

Hgi 2 , l 3
p .
Y N02
(4) Hgi 2, r- "'-
An e)(ampl~f gbonded organometallic

compound is :
(1) Ferrocene
(2) Cobaltocene
(3) Ruthenocene



(1) enerall eu tra s ecies (4)

and can form a bond by accepting a pair of .
electrons from a nucleophile
c,f Electrophile can be eithe!. neutral or positively . 102. For a given reaction,
charged species <mct can f9rm a bond by
L1 - 5.5 kl mol ~.1 atld .
LiS= 83.6 JK -1 mol- '=The reaction is spontaneous .

accepting a pair_of electrons from a a't: (Assume that LiH and LiS do not vary with
nii'cleophll@- - temperature) . -b. ~
(3) Electrophile is a negatively charged species (1) alltemperatures h /~ D f{'
and can form a bond by acceptin~a pair of (2) T>298K j -Q<2 0 ~
electrons from a nucleophile (3) T<425K ~
(4) Electrophile is a negatively charged species
dlllllcUl fuiiH a Vuml uy act..:e!Jllitg a vau uf
-;::.,/"'~ T > 425 K 8 '.
frhic lrnnn fru111 aru_rl'lu.:I' ull!cti'uphilc lOJ. col'l'c.d u.rclcr uf Lhe 5l11i hittlltrliie6 iJf A~Cl
formed when AgN0 3 in excess is treated
99. Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified with the complex~ : CoC13 .6 NH3, CoC13 5 NH3,

f,f2}0;];_~~11ti0n([;0 ~cE0 : CoC1~.4 1\IH:L ~P.:<>pecfurPly is :

~fi$_;-. 3 AgCl, 2 AtsCl, 1 AgCl

(2) P::P~ - . ... 1\ ' . / (1) 2 .Ae;O, ?r AcCl, 1 /\~1 v;.;

(?t) '()2 (3) 1 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 2 AgCl cx.. .
~su.. (4) 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl, 2 AgCl

' '
( .
. .
jl '. .
-;' ' ~
' ( '
;. til,.
1. J."' "

. .
. .\

' '
. :f~ - .'
. .'i'l~
. ~, '" :c
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. .
' ~ f
,J . .' .

;; .
.l.!fJ! :

104. lrtlloc do..:Lltlll l u-1111!-Ul<. ll IO'J . ._11.1 .. .. 111 1' ' ' '" ll h t!Ul!l ) " ' .. . . ,, '' " ' . , .J ill ' \ "''I
hi '

/ .n!l lt' l )! (11.111 M)l! 'u S( 4 {I .U M)!Cu, the e mf ~f s li l' lll o 1' ~"11 {~ 111 l, nflll)'. lh d
Ut11 l ). lltwl <I' ll i ~ : 1. When the concentration of
(l@ Sn2+ and Pb 2 + a re hotlt o '" o~ 11 .11 1d
i-:i. ( >1 ~~~ !'ha nged to 1.0 M and that of CuS04 reducing \ .
(' h.IIIJ:t'd lo o.mM, the emf changes to E2. From the

<~ ~: ~~:: ~;,::n~:::~tions: b=~

Sn4+ is r ing while Pb4+ is oxidising

~~~~~~r~ while Pb4+ is oxidising

(2) E2 = 0 :7: E1
y, ~ . ing while Pb4 + is reducing

(3) E1 =E 2 With respect to the conformers of ethane, which of

the following statements is true 7
(4) E1 < E2
Both bond angle and bm.i.d length change

(\~ ~~
Both bond angles and bond length remains

!$>nd angle remains same but bond ~;_ngth

v~Li changes>
(3) Na
(4) K BonE: angle changes but bond length remains


112. jhe reason for greater range of o c ation states in

actinoids is attributed to :
redict the correct intermediate and product in the ~ 5, 6d and 7s levels having co mparable
following reaction : \'" . ~' eiiergie8 -

intermediate - - + product (2) & d Sd levels being close in energies

(A) (B) (3) the radioactiv!il :RahHe efe:ctinei.ds "'\

(1) A: H 3C-C-CH3 B: H 3C-C::CH (4) actinoid contraction o<_

113. Which of the following statements is not correct?

~ A: H 3C-C=CH2 B:
. .I
. (1) Blood proteins thr~mbin and fibrinogen are
involved in blood clotting.

(3) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H 3 C - C - CH3 ~ Denatutat:ion:mak~ t:h,e proteinS :inore active.

so4 0 (3) Insufut maintains sug-ar level in the blood of
aruiinan body.
(4) A: H 3C-y=CH2 B: H 3C-C=CH2
I (4) 0'4albnmjn js a simple food reserve in egg
OH so4 wbite
\~ ~
I~ \0 '-)
114. Mech anism of a hypothe tioal
X2 + Y2 ---7 2 XY is g iven below :
120.'< A l:::!o,de' ' eaction h as \ \ cilic ceaction ,.,,, ,.
10 - 2 sec - 1. H_9w.much time will it take for 2~ g (11
~~ QD
(i) x2 ---7 x + x (fast) the reactant to reduce to 5 g ? '{.. 10 0 ~
(ii) X+ y 2 ;:::::: XY + y (s low) (1) 346.5 sec __4_ /J..~ ,J
-f: - ~ 1- 0
(iii) X+ Y ---7 XY (fa st)
The overall order of th reaction will be :
(1)- a r:0
T\ ~
693.0 sec
238.6 sec
138.6sec :.
L{ b ~
-- c-:.V(~

(2) 1.5 [ ~ 'i L- .....--- .f"l

~1 121. Pick out the correct statement with res
~- 2 [Mn(CN) 6]3- : - -~ 3
. ~t i_s d2sp3 hybr_id. ised and octahedral t-\,V' <n ~
115. Which one of the foll ow in g statements is not ~ :. .J .D '-\.-'
~? (2) _ It ~s dsp2 hybn~~ed and square p l a n a a s : J
3 2
(1)--.._J.jn z ymes catalys<' ma inly bio-chemical (3) It IS sp d hybndised and octahedral /
r~l:i:ons. (4) It is_:p~ hybridised and tetrahedral C(
(2) ~oenzymes increasc.llu ca jalytic activity of
(3) Catalyst does not in il i;1le any reactioa.
~ 1 he value of egu iii h.rh1m constant is changed
in the presence tJ ( l1 catalyst in the reaction at Column_!
~quilibriu m. (a) XX' J~ (i)
116. (b) XX~ S ( 1o{ (ii)
(c) XX~J,~ (iii)

'~l~d) I Jol) '

XX~ (iv) ~uare- pyr~dal
2.42 X1Q- tl
2.66 X 10 - 12 \0 (v) Tetrahedral
_. \'-code:
117. 0
temperature? (a) (b) (c)
(1) Mole fraction (1) (v) (iv) (iii)
(2) Weight percentage (2) (iv) (iii) (ii)
(3) Molality (3) (iii) (iv)
(iii) (i)
. 123. The correct increasing order of basic stren for
e o owmg compoun sIS :

f (1) ill <II <I
~ II<I<ill _
(3) II <ill <I
(4) ID<I < II

r"t;': : .. .
~ - ~ :-
--,, ,
' ;:~ . . ' ..
1 ., ,.
~- t 1;
, ,
' .'
\ . ; ' i_
. . :
., "~"'
- ~ ~ l' '
' };
bo . :' .. t '
' t ' .. ' .
z 14
124. Which of the following is a sink for CO? 128. A 20 litre container at 400 K contains C0 2 (g) at
(1) Oceans pressure 0.4 atrn and an excess of SrO (neglect the
volwne of solid SrO). The volume of the container is
(2) Plants now decreased by moving tl1e movable piston fitted
~~ I1aetnoglobin in tl1e container. The maximum volume of the
container, when of C0 2 attain~_}ts
(4) Micro organisms present in the soil
maximum value, will be : T

125. The element Z = 114 has been discovered recently. (Given that : SrC0 3 (s) ~ SrO(s) +C02 (g),
It will belong to which of the following family I group

Kp = 1.6 atrn)
and electronic configuration?
(1) 4litre
(1) Oxygen family, [Rn] 514 6d1o 7s2 7p4
(2) 2litre \ ., ~
(2) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p6
.1(.~ ~ ~
(3) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7ps
(4) 10 litre
~ c~
Carbon family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p2
129. Consider tl1e reactions:

Stephens reaction ~===-_,r

(2) Gabriels phthalirnide synthesis
(3) Carbylarnine reaction
~ l{offmann hypobromarnide reaction

127. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

: ; A

~nd cine substitution reaction
~ (4) . A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanol, Y-Ethanoic
acid, Z-S~w.icarbazide

130. Which one of the following pairs of species ha~e the

same bond order ?
(2) . (2). N2,02
I tZ..
(3) . co, 1)10
o , No~
(4) 2

A , and substitution reaction

131. In which paiJ of ions both the species conta
~n ~ .
VNH2 . __.::.-..-.---7 . .~


(4) ~nd elimination addition (3)


. - - - -- - ---------~---- -~ ,_ - - - - ~-- ~-

. ;;(, ' ;: ' \ f: :j }:

:U,: _ .,.! -~~ . I . .
15 z
..,. 132. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with 137. Tw Polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with their axis
CN- ion. Silver is Ia ter recovered by : perpendiculru: to each other. l]npolarised light lg is
incident on P1. A third polaroid P 3 i~ kept .in
(1) zQ.De refini~
tween P anq P2 such that its axis makes an angle
~ displacement with Zn 45 with that of P1 . The intensity of transmitted light
through P 2 is :
(3) liquation
(4) distillation

133. Which on' is th e correct order of acidity?

~CH= H > CH 2 =CH2 > CH3 -C=CH > (2)
CH 3 - CH3 16
' '\,-

(2) CH3 - CI-i3 > CH2 =CH 2 > CH3 -C=CH > _!Q_ . 'V

CH==C1i 0<.._ (3)

2 V" )
(3) CH2 =CH 2 > CH3 -CH=CH2 > CH3 -C=
CH >CH =CH ~ (4)
(4) CH = CH > g-I3 -C =@ > CH2 =CH2 >
:l CH3 -CH3 -
138. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires
placed perpendicUlar to plane of paper carrying
134. same current 'I' along. the same direction is shown
(1) NaCl(s) IS rnsulator, silicon is semiconductor, in Fig. Magnitude of force per unit length on th.e
~ilver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric middle wire 'B' is given by : , O

crystal. ~

Frenke l. defect is favo

l, .c~s~i..::.ze_s,_,--...,....._ _
com JOU nds in wh';_1:-
anions are almost equal.
~ p V\

(3) Fe0 0 _98 has non stoichiometric metal iuP~

l, (4) --
deficiency defect.
D ensity
Schottky's defect.
rn case ,of crystals with
A ~ tt1tftK
ic 'lTd .
135. The IUPAC name of the compoqd

?~ ~:<-%t
H-m ,r~

r { '
~methyl-4-oxolrex-2~al '< t ~
3~keto-2-methylhex-5-enal ~ ~
3-keto-2-rnethylhex-4-enal ~


(1) ~ J7T
~-'0 (1)
(2) 40Hz ~11RT
(3) 10Hz (3) 4 RT

20Hz (4) 15 RT

-- ---- ---
t , ' f '

. ' ~ - :
. ''"_;?if . .
~~ w

q! .
~1 '
. ' '
.. _
.q. i;f:

. !. h . .
,, l

! i h'
1, '

:' ... j h . :. ;k.! i. :,

P, L

J ,( . ;
In an electromagnetic wave in free sf;.ace the root
mean square va lue of th e electric fie1dis
Erms = 6V / m . The peak value of the m agnetic field
(1) move away from each otb PJ:-- ~ = -1-\.Q~
#, will become stationary. ,
0.70 x 1o -s T
4.23 x lo -s T
E:- -:. -- tJ
_..........~ .r.- ~
0Y,._. .J
(3) -;;eep floating at the 'arne djs~veen <y 1.41 x lo - sT til _'+\

\ '~
~ ( .
/ Y 2.83x 1o -s T
(4) move towards each other. ,, 145. The acceleration due t? gravi at a hei ht 1
above the earth is the sa me as at a depth d below e

141. If fl 1 and fl 2 be the apparent angles of dip ohserved

in_two vertic<:l). planes at right angles to each other, . ~~~facedo~~= T~ /' if Ll _ ~)
th,en the true angle of dip f) is given b_y :
r ;v
(1) cot'e ~ cot'e1 - cot'e2 } I ~. ~ . t:l_

(2) tan2 fJ = tan2fJ1 - tan2fJ2 r (3) d= 1 km

2 },t r : - l - .-.;-')

~ cot2 fJ = cot2e1 + cot2fl 2 (4) d=1km /v

(4) 146. The given electrical network is equivalent to : _
A c.
142. B
A 250 -Turn rectangular coil of length 2.1 em and

width 1.25 em carries a cu~rent o(85 p.:A and . NOR gate A 13 e..c..o'i
0 ),_
( subj~ed,to a magnef:!c field of strength 0.85 T. Work
done for rotaf:u;).g
is :
the coil by 18_0 against th~ torgue (3)
NOT gate
AND gate
,.. 0 (0 j_ 0
~ fijj\.cYJ ~p- (4) OR gate l
I 0
D l

-.:. ~v
(1) 2.3 fL J
The bulk modulus of a spherical object is 'B'. If it is
(2) 1.15 fL J J1.lP
subjected to uniform pressure ',p', the fractiOil'ai
4-~ decrease in radius is :
f[J/ c:L)f A) P 'i- \ >- \_;~ 3p ~~
~ ~ ~ ~
~ 4.55 fL J \a (1) I3
-- 2-~ 0 -~tt.::ra-1
- to
~~ _r_ \q ~
f' ~ / ""'p?.!
143. !<-adwachve material ' A' has decay__ constant ' 8 'A' "'" <:..../" , 3B
and material 'B' hasdecay constant ''A'. liliUally Jp ~ 0
they have same number of nuclei. After What time, (3) B . f1 _%,
the ratio of n umLe1 uf Hudei uf malerlal 'B' tu tl!at : B 1 ~
1 ~ ' '
'A' will be e? . .,.. ~ v 3p ~ " ~-
' e., ... "-c !l /"'tv

0 "... ~-iu ~., /c

1 uppose the chcu:ge of a proton and an electron differ
~ -~ (1) BJ\. lt 'iliehtly nnl:' of thl:'mi~r - 1:', thl:' otlwr ii' (9 +)lo). If
,.~ the'Iiet of electrostaljc force and gravitational fo~

~~(2) 1
9A ;;_,_ ~f:).
~*\. \ () \~+ ..\J) i
~ ~ )(
between two hydrogen atoms ~laced af a distance d
(much greater thttl'i atomic size) apart is zero~ then
Lle is of the-order of [Given mass of hydrogen
m 11 ,.::, 167"< 10-27~;g] .- fl
(3) .,! ..,
. \ tl -7 /
\ (1) -,~:-37 c ~ .
\~ )
\ t-

(2) l0-47 c ' @ .- f:,_p..

b ~!~ ~~-(;:ijj-
~ ~J ~t~~'"~-_L-~:Io-j(~:x~J>
?_,. .

~ . - jp :: /9-~'1: pr
~ 0 01
~ z
149. A spm of force constant k is cuUnto 1 153. A particle cxc utcs lin ear simple harmonic motion
ratio 1 : 2: 3. They are cmmected in series and the with a n amp litude of 3 em. When the particle is a t
new force constant is k'. The~ they are connected in 2 em from the mean pos ition the ma!mitude of its
para eland force constant is~". Then k' : k" is: velocity is equal to that ofits acceleration Tl:J.en.i!:2
. e period in seconds is : .
. J(}-L
\o#''Js ~~ jl~~'\
(2) 1: 14
(3) 1 :6 L.-

(4) 1 :9 0- ...... ./C)'\.

2T. ~ ~
150. The x and y coordinates of the particle at any time (2) J3 vD ('(\-- '/' '\- . . . ()'.
are x = 5t- 22 andy= lOt respectively, where x and

) yare in meters and tin secon s. The acceleration of

the particle at t = 2s is
~-4mjs 2
'\...- '/ ~

q, -8mjs2
(3) 0
(4) 5 mjs2

151. Consider a dro of rain water having mass lg falling 154. Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating about
.<( . rom a hei~;ht of 1 km . It hits the with ii. their regvlar axis .12assing through centre and
seeed of 50 m[s. 'l.'akc 'g constant with a value perpendicular to the plane of disc wi~ angt!lar
10 m/ s 2 . The work done by the (i) gravitational velocities w1 and w 2. They are brought iQto contact
force and the (ii) resistive force of air is :
(1) (~) 100 J (~~) 8.~
. l
t a ~e to face coinciding the q.xis _~:?!._rotation. T.h.'e_
expression for loss of energy during tt"JS]Jrocess is :

~ (u)~ ~
(1) lOJ (;\\
q,- (i) -10 J (ii) -8.25 J ~iJ~ (1) 1(w1 -wiJ 2 ,j

0 (4) (i) 1.25 J (ii) -8.25 J t +-)...,..
,s . . 5 l., ' . I
S (wl -.<~)2)
2 t
li :. (2) -
152. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respect!Y.,ely
~t'I. ~{'\.0
are connected by a massless and mextensible string.
The whole system is suspended by a massless 1 2 . ~ -r ~~':1,)
. L \

(3) - I (w1 +w 2 ) .
spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of

~ I(w1 -wl)'_:~
acceleration of A and B rmm.ediately after the string
is cut, are respectively: 0

~ ";' . . ,

155. The resistance of a wire is 'R' ohm. lf it is melted .

.and stretchedtofn' times.its originallength,:'its ne~
resistance b~ : . wJi
!. t '
Jf ...... . I \

/" " 2
~ ~n R
d (1) g,g
g g
!ll (2)
g I$_ ~- (3) nF.
(4) . -r..'! .
n .

' -
. - . .
. i .
:I :' t. '~~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.f'~ 1:~1 . ' .
> :, ' '

' :J ~ ' ' ' ;_(~t . ~' ~. ~; ~~

f ' ;

' ' ' :f

;f 'l'
.Hit :~~ ~ t~ ~!i Ct<~
,t I -t I ! !
t.l! :
. ; I f'

. ' jo - ,

r.i f

z -.J 18
156. ca lac body with a radius of 12 em

25 mjs2
0.25 rad/s 2

...Qpe end of string of len~ lis connected to a particle_

of mass' m' and the offier end IS connected toa small
peg on a smooth 'horizontal table. If _!he particle
moves in crrcle with speed 'v', the net force on the
particle directed towards center) will be
- represents the tension in the string)

(2) Zero
(3) T

Match the following :
i -- column-1 Colurnn-2
- ~
P. F l'Ul:t!&& I'"'-. __.---lk - Adiabatic
r . " -
Q. c.." P (\ w... '>.l.'f ,..?\, ~. __wp'I;Jg,ti,c;;

X !, ---.,.

(2) R. Isochoric
Iu.' l lrm.: l!OO 1\~ ' "'<! , T!-il!ll ll '1'11 ~ ~1

y P-7c, Q-7d, R-7 b, S-7a

(2) P-7d, Q-7 b, R-7a, S-7c

J_ (3) P-7a, Q-7c, R-7d, S-7b

~ S-7b '
X P-7c, Q-7a, R-7d,
L_._ - \~ "U-~ '61) L-l-'I)..{LJ\(_'}') ~
~'\-- 'Y~~ \/'l0/1 ~.;r
s "'-\,..~"( 19 y._ \; z
A phy:; ica lqu a nhty of th 'dirru.' nc;ns ~length tha
If, '.'.. The diagrams below show regions ofequipotentials.

(1) (b) (c) (d)

charge is moved from A to B in each

>e (3)

J (4)

163. Y_o ung' s dou~le slit e~perim~nt is first kerf~rmed in

arr ancf"then m a mediUm other than L . It1s found 167. Which of the following statements are correct?
!bat 8th bright fringe in the medium lies where sth
dark fringe lies in air. The refractive index of e

~;di:6: neady ~ tJ- q_ \ h

(a) Centre of mass of a body always coincides
With the centre of grav'Ity of the body.

~ ~ .\A . L~~
he (b) Centre of mass of a body is the point at which
the total gravitational torque on the body i;>
178 t-M zero.
(3) 1.25 X. \ '/ \ k' }-. (c)

A couple on a body produce both

(4) 1 .59 ~ ~ translational and rotational mofimi jn a body. '<
(d) . Mechanical advantage greater than one
164. A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device means that smaH effm t can be used to lilt a
to make elechical measurements ofE.M.F because large load.
the method inyohres :
(1) a condition of no current flow tlu;ough the

(b) and (c)

(c) and (d)

~ (b)and(~)
(2) a combination of cells, galvanometer and

~is tan.~

(4) (A) and tb) t( {/-~~
~~ potcnti~l grudient.9
168. The ratio of resolvin~ powers of an d;J?tical
microscop~"r two waU.>lensfhs s? 4111111 'A fl}~Gl.
"'l l..llliiJ 1 b .
A ~ ~J
};.:?-"' "'
~2 (lJ g, ::c:-/
(2) 16 : 81 ~"--" 7 '
(3) 8:27

(4) 9:4

-.. '
. .. .
.~~. . ~ . ' . ' ' : ~ ",' . :
,ll~ : ' ' . !~ i ' ': ~l . '' ,, I ~' I' ~ ~ . . : i~
~- ~ ~ j .. . ,'
1 1
o\ 1
a ir j, .; .;:. i
l , I I II! ,.. ' o'

:l! .., ,, :r:.!." 1; .

:.lf: i: \>- .'
i '. i lli 1 _ , 1
' .

~ )-f!j)
172. . The d e-Broglie w ~eutron iJ:l thermal
e uilibrium with eavy wa er at a temperature T
(Kelvin) and mass m, 1


increases by a factor of 4
decreases by a factor of 2
170. A U tube with both ends open to the atmos here, is (3)
partially filled with water. Oil, which is irnnllscible

~ .~3~kTv
Wifh water, is poured into one side until it stands at
a distance ; 11'i' mm above the water leve(on the
.other s1de. M~anwnile the water rises b 65 mm
(rom its origina see diagram) . The density of
.the,oil is: - ~
173. Which one of the following represents forward
\ ~ ...
bias diode?
. .Pa Pa 'b)
F )... \/o
A ~~~~ ------------ - - - -':'10 mrn
E : .
--~------ :::- __w_Frnal waterlevel
:x: /. V!
(1) -2V
----ll>l*-. R

::::~ 65mrn
Oil ~~~~~ --+---!? :~ - ) nitial water level
(2) _3v----lC>>~---I
R .
_f-r -- C

65 iron
?t" . B :~:'::'. _____ y____ R
li ~h. ;.

~ (1) 800 kg m - 3.

~928kgm~ 3
Two rods A and B of different materials are welded
(3) 650 kg m - 3
together as shown in figure. T~ir thermal
(4) 425 kg m - 3 conductivities are K 1 ana K 2 . The thermal
i conductivity of the composite rod wi~
' 171. Fig:ure shows a circuit that contains three identical
L~jstmfl with reB.llitia.nrr. R = 9.0 0 f.ilr.h . two
~ clntic al inductor~ '~'ith m uctance L =; 2. _ rn
each, and an ideal baTtery with emf= 18 V. The
c~rent 'i' through the battery just after the switch
closed~~- 1..

(2) 2(K1 +K2)


'J. l \.
0 mnp ~r~
... / , . '
0 i/-(\_
I( }+ 1( 2

(3) 2mA
~ ~ (4)
3{K1 +K2)
(4) 0.2A 2

tal long solenoid of d ja m te r 0.1 111 bas 2 X 1 Ql hmu;
~T _pe;. meter. At th ce ntre- of the soleno id. a coil Qf
engine, is used as a refrigcra.j:pr. If e on iOO turns and radius 0.01 m is p lacPd wjJ-h ils avi s
ffi.e system is 10 L Lh e a mount of energy absorbed coinciding with the solenoid axis. The cmrcnt in
Hom the reservoir at lower temperature is: ~solenoid reduces at a co~tant r~ to OA from

4 A in 0.05 s. If th~ resistan~e of the coil iSJ-Q 'i'fil.
th_J total charge flowing throu gh tb C: cOJTQiujng this 1

time is: Q/~~

(1) 32J.LC ~ ~ r}. 1
90 J (2) 16-rrJ.LC -:... ~
176. In a commo n emitter o (3) 32 " .c fJ 'fi'\ t "
Signal voltage across the collector is 3 V. ~ (4) 16 J.L c C:.-/
re!istance of collector is 3 k!!. !(current gam is 100
and the base resistance is 2 k.Q, the voltage an
pow r gain of the am lifie r is: Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
eaCl't other with speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 m/ s
:trd . 150 and 15000 "' }I) o +- f respectively. The driver of the fust car blows a horn
20 and 2000
200 and 1000
v-@ "having a freguer1cy 400 Hz . The fre u enc heard

~::':offue,ffond cacm~:~7)J(;)
(4) 15 and 200

177. Preeti reached the metro station and found that the
escalator was not working. SJ!g wa lked up ihe
~~Hz (3) 350Hz~
4-"' l ~
stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she
remams s t-ationary on the moving esca lator, then
(4) 361Hz \d..IJ . ~y;_X"
~ ~ ~/~
'1>_ '"'
) ' '\.--'\..
the escalator takes her up in timet2. Thab mGt01.k.en
by h e r l:n wa lk up on the moving escalator will be :,
. .

4 ~11 2
~- v/y;'Y/ ~
t2 + t ,
mal (2) t- , - t., ~ '-
\ c 1'1 ~ao
~ + l2
~L- V'

c-~/ - 3l~ ;~~


~ - tt-{lfl_-- :

~. ~ ~)
I ... - tl

~Lvt --- l ~

l-t l{ft
(1) 8
(2) 10Q
(IJ~ ' rj n

~- 6

~. . - . ...
- . . .
:. , i . . r. :. , .. . . .. . !
~.~ ..~~
, .
....,t,j ,,
l t

~ o!

: .;

i '
1 ~ ~ I
l',ft I ' I
'' , I

il ' '..

!i~I ~
Space For Rough Work



y 2 IHindi+English I
1. 1 : 1 3TI~ ~ 1Rr '11$itlflh'1T{1 ~ fil~ ~"'a~~ 1. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mixture of ortho and para- nitrophenols is :
(1) Steam distillation
(1) "5jfi am:rcR
(2) Sublimation
(2) ~
(3) Chromatography
~ qof8{9'1 (St;l~il!:ll'hl)
(4) Crystallisation
(4) fstiR~H
2. Which of the following statements is not correct?
2. f.:r:;r ~ -B ct);nrr ~ ~ ~%? (1) Denaturation makes the proteins more active.
.(1}- fq 'tJal Cfi{UI miR em aTI'tfCfl ~ ~ ~ I (2) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of
a human body.
f3l_---~T<Ff ~~~~. em~
wcrr%1 ~valbumin is a simple food reserve in egg-
<Sf\ a:!Jq{'i~t\1'1 ~ Cfft ~ # ~ im~n:f~% 1
' - - - ---- .... ...... (4) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are
(4) rcRf mtR ~ ~ flhf~1.,1"11 "Cf1T ~ rcRf involved in blood clotting.
3. Of the following, which is the product formed when
cyclohexanone undergoes aldol condensation
followed by heating?

(1) QV 0 0
0 0


00 0
0=0 0

0-G ' OH
! {

(4) Q-0
. OH

4. . Tl;te heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI


.. ', ~ "'!.
r . t1) benzene
(2) (2) ethyl chlorides
.,. . .,.,
(3) (3) iodobenZe'ne
(4) ~ (4) phenol
IHindi+ English I 3 y

5. The correct increasing order of basic strength for

the following compounds is:

(1) II <I <ill
(2) II <ill <I (1) II <I <ill
(3) ill<I<II (2) II < IlT < I
(4) ill<II<I (3) III< I< II

f.:l1::1 if~ fcR1 ~ ~ ~ C!iT ~'l:l w

(4) III<II<I
6 .. ~ ~?
6. Which one of the following paiJ.s of species have the
(1) N2, 02 same bond order?
(2) CO, NO
(3) o 2, No+ (1) N 2, o;
(4) cN-,co (2) CO, NO
(3) o 2,No+
7. ~~C!iT~~\ll)fcn ~ KMn04 ~fc;rw:R
(4) cN-,co
cnT 31ffiAt ~ ~ 'li\ ~ ~ :
(1) P2 0 5 7. Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified
(2) C02 KMn04 solution:
(3) S02 (1) P2 0 5
(4) N02 (2) C02
(3) so2
8. Qf<R01T<ri'i if 31TCFBI Cfl{OI ~ C!iT lRR1 an~ m C!iT (4) N0 2
8. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in
(1) 4 ~ sd m ctt ~ 3-!--m- -m:r if actinoids is afuibuted to:
(2) Qfcte1TlliY cn1 {fs<:tl QfcteCl ~ (1) 4 and 5d levels being close in energies
(3) Qfcte1Tlls ~ (2) the radioactive nature of actinoids
(4) Sf, 6d Cl~ 7s Rf cnl ~ ~ (3) actinoid contraction
; (4) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable
9. Ag2C 20 4 ~ ~ ~ if Ag+ 3WR cnl ~ energies
2.2x1o-4molL -1%1 Ag2c 2o4 C!iT~:!ol1lJ1(1 9. Concentration of the Ag + ions in a saturated
%: solution of Ag 2 C 2 0 4 is 2.2 X 10- 4 mol L -1.
(1) 5.3x1o- 12 Solubility product of Ag2C 20 4 is:
(2) 2.42 X 10-8 (1) 5.3 X 10- 12
(3) 2.66 x1o-12 (2) 2.42 x 1o-s
(4) 4.5 x 1o-n (3) 2.66 X 10 -l 2
(4) 4.5 X 10-11
10. -Q:~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f.p:;, if~ Cfi'R "fiT~~~?
(1) awi'l:l 'Cfllur ~ awi'l:l ~ mm ;:}jqftqRfct 10. With respect to the conformers of ethane, which of
the following statements is true?
(1) Both bond angles and bond length remains
(2) awf'l:l 'Cfllur 31qftqRfct% ~ awf'l:l ~ same
qftqfdct Will% I (2) Bond angle remains same but bond length
(3) awi'l:l 'Cfllur qftqfcfct -mm %~ ~'l:l ~ changes
31qftqRf(j %1 (3) Bond angle changes but bond length remains
(4) ~'l:l 'Cfllur ~ awi'l:l ~ mm qftqfaCJ ~ 1 (4) Both bond angle and bond length change

y 4 IHindi+English I
11. A CfiT Yt?""IIA~ d'~ an~~ m CfiT ~ : 11. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

0 Br
0 Br


6 ""' ftfr_~ ~ (1) 6 OCH3

and cine substitutiomeaction


6 ""'~~ NH2
and substitution reaction

(3) 0 OCH3
NH <!'IT f<ffii'Fl ~~ (3) O N H , and elimination addition


(4) O B r <!'IT ftfr_~~ O B r and cine substitution reaction


12. f.:rq if "B cfi1;:r co ~ ~ ft::tcn ~ ?

12. Which of the following is a sink for CO ?
(1) ~
~., 'f.!11
(1) Plants
(2) Pill1:.1l
(2) Haemoglobin
(3) ~if~~~~
(3) Micro organisms present in the soil
(4) lit?Fl"Jil R
(4) Oceans
13. f.:rq if "B cfi1;:r "B aw:Ff ~ if "$IT ~ if 5-5 13. In which pair of ions both the species contain 5-5
~~ ~?
(1) 2- 2-
(1) 2- 2- 5406 '5207
5406 ,5207
(2) 2- 2-
(2) 820~-, 52oj- 5207 ,5203

5 2- 2- (3) 2- 2-
(3) 406 '5203 5406 '5203

(4) 5 2- 2- (4) 2- 5 o2-

207 '5208 5207 ' 2 8

14. [Mn(CN)6]3- ~~~~~: 14. Pick out the correct statement with respect to
[Mn(CN)6]3- :
(1) ~ dsp 2 ~ Cl~ crt <elia<i'llll ~ 1
(1) It is dsp 2 hybridised and square planar
(2) ~ sp3d2 ~ Cl~ 3"JQ:'h~Ch1ll ~I
(2) It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral
(3) ~ sp3d2 ~ Cl~ ilg1Slfi~Ch1ll ~I (3) It is sp3d2 hybridised and tetrahedral
(4) ~ d2sp3 ~ Cl~ 3"JQ:'h~Ch1ll ~I (4) It is d2sp3 hybridised and octahedral

IHindi+ English I 5 y

15. f.:p:;:r '81 Rl Cj fl'.IT WRfc!:l %: 15. The equilibrium constants of the following are :
N 2 +3 H 2 :;::::::= 2 NH3 K1 N 2 +3 H 2 :;::::::= 2 NH 3 K1
N 2 + 0 2 :;::::::= 2 NO K2 N 2 +0 2 ;:::::=2NO K2
1 1
H2+ 202-7 H20 K3 H2+ 202-7 H20 K3
en f.:r:;:r an~~ m ~ WRfc!:l (K) m-rn : The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction:
2NH3 +:%_ 0 2 :;::::: 2N0+3H20

(1) K~ K3/K1
(2) Kl K3/K2
(3) K2 K3/Kl
(4) K2 K3/K1
16. ~-1 ~ 3HH~c::i)\l11 ~ CfiT ~ ~-II if
;;;>::u ft~ ctl -B f1:R;rr;:r CfiT ~ "@ncf %1 16. Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
with the geometry in column II and assign the correct
~-1 ~-II
(a) XX' (i) T-~ Column I Column II
(b) (ii) q\:JCfi)ufllJ f&fti{~sl (a) XX' (i) T- shape


(iii) ~ (ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal


(d) xx7 (iv) crf fq'tft~sl (c) xx 5 (iii) Linear

(v) ""lg%(.1Cf>l'4 (d) xx 7


(iv) Square- pyramidal

(v) Tetrahedral
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (a) (b) (c) (d)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii) (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
.- (4) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (2) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
17. Ck."i'ID'Jll~f~HT(.1 -am c:cff;:ra1R1 CfiT flr~ ~~if cnr<f (3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
Cfi"{ill% : (4) (v) . (iv) (iii) (ii)

(1) S!Rl\3lfCJCfi 17. Mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol acts as :

(2) cft:i?lt\1;(1 (1) antibiotic
(3) ~ (2) analgesic
(4) ~l Yli{f~Cfi (3) antiseptic
(4) antipyretic
18. a:m;:i~ if ~ ~ ~ ns2 ~<'l~Ti'i ~ ~ cn1
am8;1l1Cff ~ Cf1RUT mcrr t: 1s. It is because of inability of ns2 electrons of the valence
shell to participate in bonding that:
(1) Sn4+ ~ mcrr% ~ Pb4+ &~Ti#il~ct
(1) Sn4+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising
(2) Sn2+ ~mcrr%~Pb4+ &~Tcml~ct
(2) Sn2+ is reducing while Pb4+ is oxidising
(3) Sn2 + &~TcR"il~ct mcrr%~Pb4+ ~
(3) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb4 + is reducing
(4) m
Sn2+ ~ Pb 2+ ~ &~TCffil~ct ~ ~ (4) sf12+ and Pb 2 + are both oxidising and
~~ reducing .
y 6 IHindi+English I
19. ~ 1J;cf ~ ~ f.psq;tsfol if CN - 3W-Ff t) f.r~ mor 19. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
CN- ion. Silver is later recovered by :
~I ~Cli)~if-g;l: ~~&m~\lfR!T%:
(1) displacement with Zn
(1) Zn "B fcwwR
(2) liquation
(2) i;IC!li<"H qf{G:f){UI
(3) distillation
(3) 3imCR (4) zone refining
(4) ~ qf{G:f){OI
20. A 20 litre container at 400 K contains C02(g) at
pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the
20. ~ 20~ ~11Bf if C02(g) 400 K~ 0.4 atm Gf<ifl:f{
volume of solid SrO). The volume of the container is
Cf~ ~if SrO (SrO ~ awR <liT~ 11Ft) ~I now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
-ql;fCfil awR ~ ~ ~ ~ "B Ciil1 ~ \lfR!T in the container. The maximum volume of the
~I ~ "lll;f if C02 ~ Gf<if CiiT 1lR ~ ~ aal "lll;f container, when pressure of C0 2 attains its
maximum value, will be :
CiiT ~ a:rr<R ~ :
(Given that : SrC0 3(s) ~ SrO(s) + C0 2 (g),
C'R<n Tf<n SrC0 3(s) ~ SrO(s) + C0 2 (g),
(1) 2litre
(1) 2~
(2) 5litre
(2) 5~ (3) 10 litre
(3) 10~ (4) 4litre
(4) 4~
21. Which is the incorrect statement?
21. f.:!l::1if"B~m~~%? (1) Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
compounds in which sizes of cation and
(1) ~~~~~&mfuswn\lfR!T~ anions are almost equal.
flmif ~ ~ ~ ~ onq;T{ ~~ (2) Fe0 0 .98 has non stoichiometric metal
Qffl ~I deficiency defect.
(2) Fe00.98 if {(1M~fq;~fl0l~l 'l:lTg; ~~~I (3) Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schottky's defect.
(3) ~if~~-B~~%1
(4) NaCl(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(4) NaO(s) ~m, f*if(1Cfl1 aiot!=t:~I<.1Cfl, ~ silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric
~,~~~~%1 crystal.

22. Which of the following is dependent on

22. f.:[l:;, if "B ~ (ffCf 11{ f.rm: t ?
(1) ~~ (1) Weightpercentage
(2) l"il<.1<.1dl (2) Molality
(3) ~ (3) Molarity

(4) lfu1 f'lffi (4) Mole fraction

23. The correct order of the stoichiometries ' of AgCl

23. ~ CoC13.6 NH3, CoC13.5 NH3, CoCI3.4 NH3 <liT
formed when AgN0 3 in excess is treated
~~ AgN03 ~m~Rfi<:fr~l:f{ f2T~fctilll~~l with the complexes : CoCI3.6 NH3- CoCI3.5 NH3'
AgCl~Ciil~~~:~: CoC13.4 NH 3 respectively is :
(1) 2 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 1 AgCI (1) 2 AgCI, 3 AgCi, 1 AgCi
(2) 1 AgCl, 3 AgCl, 2 AgCI (2) 1 AgCI, 3 AgCI, 2 AgCI
(3) 3 AgCl, 1 AgCI, 2 AgCl (3) 3 AgCl, 1 AgCI, 2 AgCl
(4) 3 AgCl, 2 AgCl, 1 AgCl (4) 3 AgCt 2 AgCl, 1 AgCl
(Bindi+English I 7 y

24. fun:rr ~~ Cfilot~ ~ Cfif ~%: 24. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
ch'l 6'11 fil {ofl 'i compound is :
(1) Cobaltocene
(2) ~~ (2) Ruthenocene
(3) 1fi;:<rn: 31f%% (3) Grignard' s reagent
(4) ~ (4) Ferrocene
25. Which one is the wrong statement?
25. f.:p:;:pf -B cfit.:r 'BT ~ ~ %?
(1) The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energy
(1) ~;l~~l\ll'i ~ ~aif in m 2s ~ qft Oi\llf of 2p orbital in case of Hydrogen like atoms.
2p ~ qft Oi\llf "B CJi11 mill %I
(2) de-Broglie's wavelength,is given by A = ~,
(2) ~-~ ~~% A=_!:_ ' ~ m=CfiUT mv
mv '
where m =mass of the particle, v =group
Cfif ~~ v = CfiUT Cfif ~ ~ I velocity of the particle.

(3) 3if1~oqdd l ~~~ .ilExM~~"IT I (3) The uncertainty principle is AE X At~ %1r.
(4) Half filled and fully filled orbitals have greater
(4) ~~'!ftr~cnr~~~ stability due to greater exchange energy,
fc:rf.r::r:lo;\l!f, ~~~ '*~~~ greater symmetry and more balanced
~CfiRUT%1 arrangement.

26. "RR il-B cfit.:r "BT "BC!ff~ ~ ~%? 26. Which one is the most acidic compound ?

I 2
02NN02 OH



0 CH3

."' OH

6 OH
6 OH


0 N02

0 NO~

27. ~>r~"ch'~Rcnr~ 31f~~ 10-2sec-1 %1 27. A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of
10- 2 sec -1. Bow much time will it take for 20 g of
20 g 31f%RCfi ~ 5 g QCll ~ il fcfld11 wr:r -wrrr ? the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?
(1) 693.0 sec (1) 693.0 sec
(2) 238.6 sec (2) 238.6 sec
(3) 138.6 sec (3) 138.6 sec
(4) 346.5 sec (4) 346.5 sec

-------- . - - --
8 IHindi+EnglishI
28. Consider the reactions :

Silver mirror observed

Identify A, X, Y and Z
A, X, Y ~ Z CfiT G~'CIIR~ :
(1) A-Ethanol, X-Acetaldehyde, Y-Butanone,
(1) A-~~-;IT~, X-~~~Ws~, Y-~"l-;rf";f,
z ~1~'$1\llli
(2) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic acid,
(2) A -fl:r~~~ X--Q:~ ~~ Y--Q:mR Y-Acetate ion, Z-hydrazine.
3WR, z ~~~'$11l'f11 (3) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanol, Y-Ethanoic
(3) A-fl:r~~~ x--Q:~, Y--Q:~ ~~ acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
z -84l"hliilt\Jll~:s (4) A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, Y -But-2-enal,
(4) A-~~~~~ X-~~-;IT~, Y-~~-2--{~~,
z -8li1"111iilt\lll1 29. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
X2 + Y2 ---7 2 XY is given below :
29. ~ "hl("qf1"11 oTI~ X2 + Y2 ---7 2 XY cnT fsitl<:tlfCIRf
(i) X 2 ---7 x + X (fast)
(ii) X+ Y2 ~ XY + Y (slow)
(i) X2 ---7 X + X (~)
(iii) X+ Y ---7 XY (fast)
(ii) X+ Y2 ~ XY+ Y (mm)
The overall order of the reaction will be :
(iii) X+ Y -7 XY (~)
(1) 1.5
~ qft "Wrn (1) cn1fu zyrr :
(2) 1
(1) 1.5
(3) 2
(2) 1
(3). 2 (4) 0
(4) 0
30. Predict the correct intermediate and product in the
30. f.p::;,3lf~~~~~~~%? following reaction :

intermediate - - - + product
(A) (B)

(1) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H 3C-C-CH3 (1) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H 3C-C-CH

II 3
OH 0 OH 0

(2) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H 3C-C-CH3 (2) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H

. 3
. I II I
504 0 504 0

(3) A: .H 3C-<j==CH2 B: H 3C-C=CH2 (3) A: H 3C-C=CH2 B: H3 C~C=CH

OH 504 OH 504

(4) A: H 3C-C-CH3 B: H 3C-C=CH (4) A: H 3C-C-CH3 B: H 3C-C=CH

0 0
IHindi+English I 9 y

31. 31. The IUPAC name of the compound

~ Cf1T IUP AC -;w:r ~ :
(1) 3-keto-2-methylhex-5-enal
(1) 3-fcl:iir-2-lTI~-5 -~
(2) 3-keto-2-methylhex-4-enal
(2) 3-fcl:iir-2-lTI~-4-~
(3) 5-formylhex-2-en-3-one
(3) 5 41Tf4<:1~Cf8 2-f.l-3-a#r
(4) 5-methyl-4-oxohex-2-en-5-a.l
(4) 5-m~-4-3iTCf8i~Cf8 2-f.l-5-~
32. In the electrochemical cell :

32. lJ:Cfl ~ ~ -mr : ZniZnS04 (0.01 M)ll CuS04 (1.0 M)ICu, the emf of
this Daniel cell is E1. When the concentration of
ZniZnS04 (0.01 M)ll CuS04 (1.0 M)ICu, ~ ~ ZnS0 4 is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuS0 4
-Bc.1 Cf1T emf E1 ~ I ~ ZnSO4 -q;'hrr~crr cnT 1.0 M CfCfi" changed to 0.01 M, the emf changes to E2 . From the
followings, which one is the relationship between
4RC!fdC1 a~ CuS04 q:,'t~cn) 0.01 M crcn 4RClfdC1
fcli<:rr \Jffiff ~ciT emf if~ E2 ~ I f1 if "B ~ "BT E1 and E2 ? (Given, RT = 0.059)
E1 ~ E 2 if ~'t:l ~? (WTI ll<n, RT = 0.059)
F (1) E2 = 0 ;t: E1

(1) E2 =0 ;t: E1 (2) E1 =E 2

(2) E1 =E 2 (3) E1 < E2
(3) E1 < E2 (4) E1 > E2
(4) E1 > E2
33. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated
33. lJ:Cfl ilB Cf1T ~ "Um ~ if 2.5 atm WR: "iiffW ~ ~ container against a constant external pressure of
2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final
~ ~ ~ 2.50 L "B 3lRP13WicR 4.50 L
.- C'fCfi >l'B'R fc8rr \lfRIT ~ I Tffi q:,'t ~ ~ if ~
volume of 4.50 L. The change in internal energy~ U
of the gas in joules v.rill be :
~u, ~if m<rr: (1) +505 J
(1) +505 J
(2) 1136.25 J
(2) 1136.25 J
(3) -500 J
(3) -500 J
(4) -505 J
(4) -505 J

34. Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of

34. Co3+ ~~~fuit~ ~if o:tCl~nt~ol ~~Cf11 absorption in the visible region for the complexes of
~ ~nr~t Sli11 ~ : Co3 + is:

(1) [Co (NH3)6] 3+, [Co (enh] 3+, [Co (H20) 6]3+ (1) [Co (NH3)6]3 +, [Co (enh]3 + ~ [Co (Hp)~3 +

(2) [Co (enhJ3+, [Co (NH3)~ 3 +, [Co (H20) 6j 3 + (2) [Co (enh]:.l +, [Co (NH3)J" +, LCo (H20) 6J3+
(3) [Co (H20) 6J'+, [Co (en)3J'>+ ,t Co (NH3)6j 3 + (3) LCo (H20)6J3+, LCo (enhfH, [Co t1\JH3)6]3 1
(4) [Co (H20) 6]3+, [Co (NH3)6]3+, [Co (enhf3+ (4) [Co (H20) 6]3+, [Co (NH3)6]3+, [Co (enhP+
y 10 IHindi+EnglishI
35. ~8~T'i?t~l ~ fuit w Cfl?.R ~ : 35. The correct statement regarding electrophile is :
(1) ~8~T'i?i1:!l~7:ff~ ~~ (1) Electrophile can be either neutral or positively
charged species and can form a bond by
~ (f2fl 11f~ -B ~ ~ <ti'r 1_Wll" ~
accepting a pair of electrons from a
~'tf~~~l nucleophile
(2) ~(Yl~T'i?i~l ?fiOIJ~Cfi ~ ~ ~ (f2fl (2) Electrophile is a negatively c harged species
11f~ -B ~ ~ <ti'r wrr ~ ~'tf and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile
(3) Electrophile is a negatively c harged species
(3) $8~T'i?i~l?fiuii~Cfi ~~~(f2fl~ and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
~8~T'i?t~l-B~~<ti'rwrr~ ~'tf electrons from another electrophile
Gf11~~1 (4) Electrophiles are generally neutral species
(4) ~8~T'i?t~l *ill11T<:Jd: ~ ~ ~ (f2fl
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile
11f~ -B ~ ~ <ti'r wrr ~ ~'tf
Gf11~~1 36. For a given reaction, .LlH = 35.5 kJ mol- l and
.LlS = 83.6 JK -1 moi-l. The reaction is spontaneous
36. -q:Cfl aTI~<:rr ~ ft;:r<l .LlH = 35.5 kJ moi-l (f~ at : (Assume that .LlH and .LlS do not vary with
.ilS=83.6 JK-1 moi-l ~I~ fcR:r (JllJl1R 'R temperature)
B'l(f: :rcrfcfu ~ ? (1) T>298K
(llR ~ .LlH " .LlS CWl 'B aN~~) (2) T <425K
(1) T > 298K (3) T > 425 K
(2) T <425K (4) all temperatures
(3) T>425K
(4) wn m <R 37. Which of the following pairs of compounds is
isoelectronic and isostructural ?
37. f.p::;r ~ -B fcflu ~ ~ <J:11 ~~Fit ~ (1) IF3,XeF2
*1 11 *i\'<=HJ ~ Cfi ~ ? (2) BeC12,XeF2
(1) IF3, XeF2
(3) Tei2,XeF2
(2) BeC12, XeF2
(3) Tel2, XeF2 (4) IBr2, XeF2
(4) IBr.2, XeF2
38. HgC1 2 and 12 both when dissolved in water
38. HgC~ " 12 -ey;n Chl I - aw:R ~ ~ if tiTffi 'R containing I- ions the pair of species formed is :
6Fflcnm~~~: (1) Hg2I2, r-
(1) Hg2I2, r-
(2) Hgl2, I3
(2) Hgi2, 13 (3) Hgi2,r-
(3) Hgi2,r-
(4) Hgr,i-, 13
39. Which one of the following statements is not
39. f.f+::r ll ~ -~;n:rr ~ ~ ~ ~? correct?
(1) w-~~Cfit~ bt>ll1~lh1a1 cfi'r~ (1) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of
~I enzyme.

(2) ~fcfim ~ ~Chl ~"'1"@ ~~I (2) Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.
(3) The value of equilibrium constant is changed
(3) a:rr~~~if~cnl-~if
in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
*iiR!ClB'-IT ~Cf)f llR 4ftClfd<1 ~~I equilibrium.
(4) ~~: ~<~:*illiHcti ~aile@~ (4) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
~~I reactions.
IHindi+ English I 11 y

40. ~-Bif~if ~ ~ a:n<:AT CfiT ~ liRl~fk1ctl . 40. Ionic mobility of which of the following alkali metal
ions is lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
f'"lYctli % ~~ ~ij;-~ fc!wRq;)~ !$
are pu t under an electric field ?
-B wrr~%?
(1) Li
(1) Li
(2) Na
(2) Na

(3) K (3) K
(4) Rb (4) Rb

41. ~ (f('Cf Z = 114 CJ1T mZ1" m# 3llf1&fil{ ~%I ~ 41. The element Z = 114 has been discovered r ecently.
~ -.1 if ~ l:fftcm:;crf (1211 ~8q;flf.1Cfi fcpm:r if It will belong to which of the following family/ group
and electronic configuration?
(1) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 514 6d1o 7s2 7p6
(1) 11~i)\l11l:fftcm:, [Rn] 514 6d10 7s2 7p6
(2) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p5
(2) ~ l:fftcm:, [Rn] 514 6d1o 7s2 7ps
(3) Carbon family, [Rn] 514 6d10 7s2 7p2
(3) ~ l:fftcm:, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p2
(4) Oxygen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4
(4) 3llctBl\l11 l:fftcm:, (Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4
42. Which one is the correct order of acidity ?
42. ~-B-B~"BT~il1m~SI111%?
(1) CH3 - CH3 > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH >
(1) CH3 - CH3 > CH 2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH >
(2) CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - CH = CH2 > CH3 - C =
(2) CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - CH = CH2 > CH3 - C =
(3) CH = CH > CH3 -C = CH > CH2 =CH2 > (3) CH = CH > CH3 - C = CH > CH2 = CH2 >
CH3 -CH3 CH3 -CH3
(4) CH=CH > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH > (4) CH=CH > CH2 = CH2 > CH3 - C=CH >
CH3 -CH3 CH3 -CH3

43. ~ "ct"3:
f<:rw:R <fiT l01'1(1(1ctl CliT ~ fcn<rr "\l1TctT % err 43. If molality of the dilute solution is doubled, the value
~ 31CRlR W-rUcn (~) m<rr : of molal depression constant(~) will be :

(1) 3l q RCI Fcfct (1) unchanged

.- (2) ~
(2) doubled

(3) 3W:lT
(3) halved
(4) tripled
(4) fcrTrr
44. The species, having bond angles of 120 is :
44. ftll~iht ~ awiV:T "Cfi)ur 120%:
(1) (1) BC13
(2) PH3 (2) PH3
(3) CIF3 (3) CIF3
(4) NC13 (4) NCI3

45. QJ2Ql11~'5 CJ1T irf~ ~ # {C\yj~{Oj ij;- f0<l f.p:;r # 45. Which of the following reactions is appropiiate for
-B~ma:rr~~%? converting acetamide to methanarnine ?
(1) ~ ~fc.1l11~'5 fi~8flUI (1) Gabriels phthalimide synthesis
(2) Cfl If<.{(1 Qlil1 aTI~ (2) Carbylarnine reaction

(3) l:;llfll111 1:!1~4l~l~l11~'5 ~ (3) Hoffmann hypobromarnide reaction

(4) ~a:IT~ (4) Stephens reaction

---- ..
y 12 IHindi+English I
46. ~~r~r:Cfl ~ ~ 6i1.df"Hrr ~ ~mar t? ~ : 46. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
(1) K<N
~1iR ~ cn1 CRY13TlRR mar t (1) K<N
(2) The value of 'r' approaches zero
(3) K =N
(4) K>N (3) K =N
(4) K> N
47. ~~m Bl'"llo:<J<l: cp.:rr~t ?

(1) ~ 47. The vascular cambium. normally g:ives rise to :

~3ffii\ (1) Periderm

(3) ~~ (2) Phelloderm

(4) ~ (3) Primary phloem

(4) Secondary xylem
48 ~~~~~an~~mmt
~~: 48. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined w ith
(1) 4l\ii1Cfll~'"l~ ~ flagellated cells called :
(1) mesenchymal cells
~ (2) ostia
(3) oscula
(4) choanocytes
~---.-atR qf"d4l ~ '8'"l'4'{cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
00\31T~t? 49. Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be prevented

/r~il'<f~Cfl ~
by the application of :
(1) Gibberellic acid
(2) '8 1~ilCfll~411
(2) Cytokinins
(3) Ethylene
(4) Auxins
~ ~ ~, ~ an~ 'l"\qhlR<l ~~ Cfl1
~~"}f~~t~cp.:rr%f~%? 50. A gene whose expression helps to identify
transformed cell is known as :
~ '\

(1) '8\"'l11(11Cfl ~
(1) Structural gene
~ cF(OI4.,1Hl ~ (2) Selectable marker
(3) ~ (3) Vector
(4) ~~s (4) Plasmid
~S '"it.~.~. "Q?.fl ~T~ICfl ~ %', ~ ~ )flOf[UT 51. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material came
~wwn1awrr? from the experiments of:
(1) (\'(lflf<Sl;;; ~ (1) Hargobind Khorana
(2) ~ (2) Griffith

(3) ~am~ (3) Hershey and Chase

(4) a:rcrft, ilCfl~Ts atR ilCflCfllc1 (4) . Avery,McleodandMcCarty

!Hindi+English j 13 y

52. w:nrn fi~f1151UI cnl ~ Chl >T;-nfusr "Cfi13 ~ ~ ~ 52. With reference to factors affecting the rate of
~fc:rsr1 -B f.:1 y fc1 fid "B "B cfiR "ffi Cfi"I'.R ~ -~ %? photosynthesis, which of the following statements
is not correct ?
_,1/~~~l:flm'f%~, ~~-erR
~ ~ fZ;rQ: C02 ~ CII:J>I01.6C1 "B WJTliT ~ "fiCI1d1 (1) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can be
grown in C02 - enriched atmosphere for
% higher yield

(2) C02 ~ ~ ~ >fCf1TW ~ ~ ~ (2) Light saturation for C02 fixation occurs at
w:nrn ~ 10% 11{ mill% 10% of full sunlight

(3) CII:J>101.68l""l C02 cnl ~ 0.05 % ClCfi" ~ "B (3) Increasing atmospheric C02 concentration
up to 0.05 % can enhance C02 fixation r~te
~C02 ~Cfit~~~%

(4) c3 ~ ~ 'ffi1111R CfiT SIRlfstilll -B ~ IT

(4) c3 plants respond to higher temperatures
with enhanced photosynthesis while
>TCfi"m fl~8tStul ~ ~ ~ c 4 ~ ~ fulJ: c4 plants have much lower temperature
(fl1111R a:N~ ~ Cfil1 men% optimum

~ H1 CfiT Cfif~Cfll~ ~ "ffilq ~'tl 'CFIT ~ Cfi\ill 53. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome
%? ~ ~ indicates :

(l)A DNA cnl ff;:~s81 ~%I (1) The DNA double helix is exposed.

(2)?._ m~%I
3"lj8~sH (2) Transcription is occurring.

~ DNA S1Rl~cilll1 m~%I ~ (3) DNA replication is occurring.

(4) DNA~~-B~%1 (4) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin

~ L~~~~~~GnRHfcR:r

7 ~Cfil<.f <f)@%? 54. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in

reproduction, acts on :
(1) ~~'!if~q1RamLH~R8fCf81~~
> cnT ~ Cfi\ill% I (1) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LH and relaxin.
(2)lc. 3'ffi ~ '!if~q 1R am LH ~ 3"llcmldfB1 ~
~ q,l ~ Cfi\ill% I .
(2) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LH and oxytocin.
~ 3'ffi ~ '!if~q 1R am LH ~ FSH ~ ~ Chl
(3) anterior pitui.t ary gland and stimulates
~Cfi\ill%1 secretion of LH and FSH.
(4) ~ ~ '!if~q 1R am <f!IC:fEfkiTB1 ~ FSH ~ (4) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
~ cnT ~ Cfi\ill% I secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

- - "it.'Q3.~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~?
G;~~~-~ 3'flR
3W1r1 ~ ~ ~ 'lJT SjiOIIc-liCfl
55. DNA fragments are ;

(1) Either positively or negatively charged
p;: dependmg oft theif SiZ~

(2) ~~ (2) Positively charged

(3) SjiUIIc-liCfl ~ (3) Negatively charged

(4) ~ (4) Neutral

y 14 IHindi+English
if"B~w~~fcf~~~ 56. Which of the following options g ives the correct
sequence of events during mitosis?
m cnffi ~a:rr C!1TW ~ ~%? (1) condensation ---7 arrangement at equator -7
(JH- ~ ---7 ~ 11{ ~ ---7 ~OifL;jfci:f5) Cf1T
centromere division -7 segregation -7
fcf~ ---7 "'r~ ---7 ~ telophase
.._.....~11---7 ~~C!1T~ ---7 ~~ (2) condensation ---7 nuclear membrane
-7"'r~-7~ disassembly ---7 crossing over -7
segregation ---7 telophase
(3) ~ ---7 ~ ~ C!1T ~ ---7 li'al ~
11{~ ---7 ~OifL;jfcl:j5)Cf1T~ ---7 "'r~ (3) condensation ---7 nuclear membrane
disassembly -7 arrangem ent at equator -7
centromere division ---7 segregation -7
(4) ---7 ;;!R~ ---7 ~~Cj)f~ telophase
-7"'r~-7~ (4) condensation ---7 crossing over ---7 nuclear

4-~W~T-<~~wm. ~ii><R-.Mf,
f.:r:~ ~~'1ft
?l 'B
~ CWUT ~: "1"@ ~?
membrane disassembly -7 segregatign -7

57. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They

(1) f.:r:~ wf'&Kf awRR
do not collapse even after forceful expira tion,
~awFf because of :
~&KfawFf (1) Expiratory Reserve Volume
(2) Residual Volume
(3) Inspiratory Reserve Volume
...-fi:=;,..n:t' ~~if~ "BT ~~%?
(4) Tidal Volume
(1))< ~k1)~1~ii = fll?~l~ii + W-CfiRCll
58. Which one of the following statements is correct,
(2) ' t:!>4'1~\fl~ii = t?lc-i'l~l~ii + fll?~\fl~ii with reference to enzymes ?
~tfl('fl~;jfl~ii = l!>cft~l~ii + fll?~\fl~ii (1) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Co-factor
(4) 5L- fl(;~l~ii = l!><ll~i~ii + ?tcl'l~i~ii (2) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
(3) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzyme
59. f.p=Jf~f~d if"B~~~%?
(4) Coenzyme= Apoenzyme+ Holoe~yme
J..i1Jf '1>CR1l Cfi ~ . 59. Which of the following are not polymeric ?
(1) Lipids
(3) >friR
(2) Nucleic acids
(4) 41ffiflCn<I~:S
(3) Proteins
60. f.:rl:1 if ~ "BT 31CfliCr ~ ctil n:~ (1 ch1 i?liCfll "Cfll ~ cn1 (4) Polysaccharides >JGR"Cfl<T%? I
60. Which of the following c~nts provides sticky
(2) ~f~
(1) Glycocalyx
character. to the bacterial ccll? <::::::--- "---=--

(3) Cn~Chl~ ~ (2) Cell wall

(3) Nuclear membrane
(4) Plasma membrane
~~ C!1T "Q;Cfi" ~ ~ "ffi%?
(1) :pff${/Jlf$(1
61. ,.
An example of colonial_::,-__
alga is :
(1) Spirogyra
(2) ~ Chiarella
(3) Cfl~f'CIICRI Volvox
(4) ~ (4) Ulothrix
15 y

~~ f18fi?lf&a it feR m cfi'r ~ 62. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both :

~? (1) Cleistogamy and xenogamy
(1) 3i j rlOil ("ll1ffilTUT afu: q {A~ 'Cl1 (2) Autogamy and xenogamy
~'l1"4'i afu: Y {R ~ 'Cl1 (3) Au to gamy and geitonogamy
(3) afu: B\jj I\19) ts411RJlTUT (4) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

63. Plants w hich produce ch aracter istic

63 ~ ~~ ~ Cf18 ~ (f2lf B\lllCl~\ll\11 pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to :
~~~ f.l8f<:1P9a it "B ~ ~ ~? (1) Hydrophytes

~~~~ (2) Mesophytes

(2) ~~ (3) H a lophytes

(3) (4) Psammophytes

64. Coconut fr uit is a :

(1) Capsule
(1) ~~ (2) Drupe
(2) ~~ (3) Berry
(3) (4) Nut

!fo/ ~
65. vVhich of the following is made up of dead cells?
(1) Phloem
(1) ~ ft Xylem parenchyma .
~ ~wen (3) Collenchyma
(3) ~ chl on dCfl (4) Phellem
(4) CfiTl1
66. Root hairs develop from the region of :
66. ~"DB~ a);r -B fclCflffl\1 ~ ~? ~
(1) Meristematic activity
(1) fci'>l\i<iidCfll BfSfllldl
(2) Maturation
(2) 4RYCfC!1
(3) Elongation

~ 67.
(1if' Root cap

Which of the following options best represents the

~it~w~~w~~~~ enzyme composition of pancreatic juice ?
. ~it~%? .
(1) Upase, amylas ~, trypsinogen,
(1) )<.._ ~' ((111~8\;J, f~f4=Hl\511, ~~ICfll<ifl<R"il~Q.l~\jj procarboxypeptidase

~' ~' f?fi::~=Hl\511, ~ (Rennin) (2) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin

(3) Qfli~8\51, ~, ~M'il\511, ~ (3) amylase, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase

(4) / ~Q.I:>\51, ((111~8\51, ~' ~ (Rennin) (4) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, renniri

16 IHindi+EnglishI
68. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of:
(1) Chlamydomonas
(2) Marchantia
(3) Fucus
(4) Funaria

69. Which of the following are found in extreme saline .

if~ qi'R ~~~an if l:fr) ~%?
con ditions? ~
(1) JOJI~chl~CR.ln:lll
(1) Mycobacteria
~3i~~~CR.1Rlll W Archaebacteria
(3) t~CR.lRlll (3) Eubacteria
(4) Cyanobacteria

70. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of:

(1) -quf (1) Leaf
(2) ~ (2) Stipules

(3) Adventitious root
(4) Stem

71. ~an~f~%~~: 71. Viroids differ from viruses in having:

~-r- ~ -w.=rr miR 3TICRUT ~RNA~ ma_% I (1) RNA molecules without protein coat
(2) miR ~'BT~DNA~ma%1 (2) DNA molecules with protein coat

(3) -w.=rr 3TICRUT ~DNA ~ma% I (3) DNA molecules without protein coat .
(4) RNA molecules with protein coat
(4) aTICRUT~'BT~RNA~ma%1

72. l=fACf <fl1 RBC ~men% I f.r8 if :cfiR -mro 72. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
~ ~~~~-~~q){ill;~%?
following statement(s) is/ are most appropriate
explcination for this feature ?
-i8 Cfl13011Cl~llCfidl ~%I (a) They do not need to reproduce
EbY They are somatic cells
it 3414"t:Jll ~~I - "
(c) They do not metabolize '
(d) ~m ~~~ ::JiT<'ffil\l'f1 ~ ~ (d) All their internal space is available for oxygen
~~%1 transport
(1) (b) and (c)
(2) Only(d)
(3) Only(a)
(4) (ave) and (d)
1~.1"'<...., (d)

. if~ 'BT RNA wufi cfi'l~ICfil if~if~ . ~Which of the following RNAs should be most
c ~? ~ ' ,_ abundant in animal cell? .
(1) mi-RNA (1) mi-RNA
(2) . r-RNA (2) r-RNA
(3) /-RNA (3) t-RNA
~ .m-RNA (4) m-RNA
17 y

NA9f8~ctl<H~~~m~~ 74. During pNA replication, Okazaki fragments are

used to elongate : <----:----
- -
(1) The lagging strand away from the replication
(1) Slf8~f8 ~ "B cR 4~'i:PII41 ~ cnT fork. __. ~- .
(2) 9R1~R1 ~Cfit(RL!1 m~cn'r (2) The leading strand towards replication fork.
Slfd~fd ~Cfit(RL!1 4~'Cl'11Bl ~en) (3) The lagging strand towards replication fork.
~-Bcftm~cn'r (4) The leading strand away from replication
~if ~an~~~~ lWf CfiT 't'fl!1
~: 75. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in
male frogs:
(1) ~ --7 ~ Cflfi?CflltZ --7 ~ --7 ~ ~ --7
(1) Testes --7 Vasa efferentia --7 Kidney --7
~-~ cnfu;:ft --7 ~
Bidder' s canal --7 Urinogenital duct --7
~ --7 3R1" --7 ~ --7 ~ C!ifi?CflltZ --7 Cloaca
-~~--7~ . (2) Testes --7 Bidder's canal--7 Kidney --7 Vasa
~ --7 ~ C!lfuCflltZ --7 ~ --7 ~ --7 efferentia --7 Urinogenital duct --7 Cloaca
~-~~--7~ .. (3) Testes --7 Vasa efferentia --7 Kidney --7
. '-
Seminal Vesicle --7 Urinogenital duct --7
(4) ~ --7 ~'TIQ' --7 ~ ~ --7 Jt?tC!If~il

r-. -7~L2.
f\ rv r ~
. ~Q ...... TTTf\-:rt ~~ (4)
Testes --7 Vasa efferentia --7 Bidder's canal
76. "11"-\ "Q.CI1 a:m:.~.--q:. <-{ 999 a:JRCf)" \lll 333 ~+11'11 -:l-1.!"11
--7 Ureter --7 Cloaca
~~ "Q.CI1lili8 . ~ ~ ~ ~' atR 901 1R ~
amen CfiT ~ \'IW -B ~ m~% fcfi" 6B" a:m:.~.--q:. . 76. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
Cf>1 ~ 998 ~ -crrffi m~ %1 ~ protein with 333 amino acids, and the base at
position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
~~~ RNA becomes 998 bases, how many codons will be
~333 altered?
(2) 1 (1) 333
(3) 11 (2) 1
(3) 11
-{~~~ .~if Hl<1f~f@d if -B cp:rr ~ ~ (4) 33
77. Which of the following facilitates opening of
(1)'>('W "hi~ICfllaTI Cf>1 "hi~ICfll ~~ if ;8~<:1l\ll stomatal aperture ?
,, ~~CfiT ~'FcP:Irn - . (1) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose
(~ W Chl~ICfllaTI"Cfit~f~CfiT~ microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
chl ~I CfllaTI Cfit ~ if Cfil# (2) Contraction of outer wall of guard cells
~ .
W "hi~ICfllaTI C!ft Chl~ICfll f~ if ;8~t'i);J'f (3) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells-

~~"Cfll ~ 'FcPm1 (4) Radial orientation of cellulose microfibrils in

the cell wall of guard cells

78. ::~~~,:;;~:~ ~~=~ 78. Anaphase Promoting Complex (ArC) is a protein

. degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
~ -sltL%~11 ~%1 <lR"lWfC!" "hi~ICfl11ft_PC~ of animal cells. If APC is defective :In a human cell,
%a) f.fl:;l if cp;rr tfR:q ~ ? which of the following is expected to occur ?
(1) ~ :prra:ff if 9)'1llT\l1'1 ~ (1) Recombination of chromosome arms will
(2) ~~-;;@mit
(2) Chromosomes will not condense
(3) ~~m~
(3) Chromosomes will be fragmented
(4) ~"9:~-;;@-mit (4) Cluomosomes will not segregate
frifR (1)
3i'R "'l'""if>
~ F&::tfUict<hl, 31:!fUict<hl
~ -1P!'IT: '%M? 79. .Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fu.cus respectively
are :
(1) Haplodiplontic, H aplontic
.f t 31:!fUict<hl, fr;~fUici'l"'l
~Haplontic, Diplontic
(3)'\/ f&::tfUici'l"'l, ~ f&::tfUictCf>l
(3) Diplontic, Haplodi.p lontic
(4~.;. ~ f&::tfUict<hl, F&::tfUtci'lll
(4) Haplodiplontic, Diplo.ntic
80. ~ "fsfi" %" fcr;r:r i:i ~ -m "Cf,"~ 1'WRf ~?
Which statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle ?
~ ~ "'qSfl ~fflfcM ~ C~fufc:M
(1) CoA) %"
(1) The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl
qf~{<\fClCfl ~%"-m~nitFH"B 31RPl1Wal~ am: group (acetyl Co A) with pyruvic acid to yield
~~~'Rffi~ citric acid
(2) ~ "'qSfl -q cr't;r ~an 'R N AD+ <liT (2) There are three points in the cycle where
NADH + H+ i:f 4:_;:ftCfl<(Of Wal ~ NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+

(3) ~ "fsfi" i:f ""Q."Cf," ~ "q"{ FAD+ CfiT FADH2 i:f (3) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+
~41Cfl{Of mw ~ is reduced to FADH2

/ f!CfWHM CoA "B fi<RilHCfl ~ i:i ~ %" (4) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
, -rn GTP %" ""Q."Cf," ~ CfiT #~(Vi f!Uf Wal ~ synthesised

~ftl~YUJ """-Wfi~&R!~
CfiT<(1JT ~
-m "5ffiR~
m\lffi1T ~I
~ d'd{~t41 ~?
~ "W-fiR %" I<H!Cfl{UI * 81. Transplantation of tissues/ organs fails often due
to non-acceptance by the patient's body. Which type
o.r i n;.mune-response is responsible for such
rejections ?
(1) ~ Cfllf4<hl"'l ""SffiRan ~
(1) Physiological inu.nune response
~"fef-"5ffiR:a.-TT ~ (2) Autoimmune response
"CfllfuCflT-~~ ~
(3) Cell- mediated immune response
(4) Hormonal immune response
~~~- qrffi~~<ml
~~~/~~! <FIT~~? 82. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
milk output represents :
(1) . ~llliCflRCfl%"~~~~\il1'l"f&lli:f
(1) stabilizing followed by disruptive as it
"d:;:;q ~ 1"lT<n' "CfiT ~.:114) Cfl<(Uf CRCf[ ~ I stabilizes the population to produce higher
(2) ~141CflRCfl Cf{UT ~7:fQ \il1fl.&ll i:f ~ ~ yielding cows.
CfiT ~:114) Cfl<(U I cnwT ~ I (2) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in the population.
fC::~IIc-iiCfl Cf{UT ~ 7:fQ ~a;ruf -i{w:r cnl ""Q."Cf," ~
<3.lj (3) directional as it pushes the mean of the
i{~~~~ -
character in one direction.

(4) ~ ~ 7:fQ \il1'l"i&ll
~' ""Q."Cf," aTI't!<li" ~
cnl -m i:i
~ 3P:r Cfi11
(4) disruptive as it splits the population into two,
one yielding higher output and the other
lower output.

83. ~~(1~: 83.

Select the mismatch :
~ ~ / <1$iitlm44 (1) Rhizobium Alfalfa
;(~) ' ' ftFcn<u (2) Frankia Alnus
(3) iJ:iJ<"'"I/414 (3) Rhodospirillum Mycorrhiza
. (4) -~ (4) Anabaena Nitrogen fixer
IHindi+English I 19 y

~m Rt if~ ~1<4.,i Cfil31<At (11{ 84. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertical
layers depending Qn their height can be seen best
~~~~~~~~ %?
(1) -mffiroTCA
(1) Temperate Forest
(2) d&liCf>fC:"l~ "BCJRT
(2) Tropical Savam1ah
J.J1- d&liCf>fC:"l~ q1'ff CA (3) Tropical Rain Forest
(4) erm ~ (4) Grassland
. ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ irTf -<t>T ~- "Cf>"RCh1
85. Match the following sexually transmitted
II)~ "ill~~~ ::Rh: w- ~ CflT diseases (Column - I) with their causative agent 4

~I (Column- II) and select the correct option.

~-1 ~-II Column-! Column-11
(a) ~ (i) HlV (a) Gonorrhea (i) HlV
(b) fBNif"'m (ii) .. ~a:rr (b) Syphilis (ii) Neisseria
(c) \JFR~ (iii) ~ (c) Genital Warts (iii)

(d) AIDS (iv) ~ ~f'"l~ill11 (d) AIDS (iv) Human

Papilloma - Virus '
fqCfi(.Vtl :
(a) ' (b) (c) (d)
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1) (iv) (iii~ (ii) JiL (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(2) y (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(3)><Z (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
~iv) (ii) (iii) @ (4) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

~yfclfum .q it~ qi\ ~ : 86. Select the mismatch :

1) $ctcfhil24 - BJ1<Sft;j]l~ (1) Equisetum Homosporous
2) r:rwm l!,ct>R-illl~ (2) Pinus Dioecious
~ ~ q:<t>f~illl~ . (3) Cycas Dioecious
. MRctA211 fC!tll1G:fl;j'jl~ (4) Salvinia Heterosporous
-mfa.-m a)?[ CflT% m<T, \llT ~ ~if ~&:m 87. The region of Biosphete Reserve which is leghlly
%~ ~ TfAq Cfil fcl:iBt '1ft 'l"'fuFclf't:l Cfi1 ~ ~ protected and where no human activity is.allowed
mill, % cp:rr Cf>t?("'ldl %? is known as:

(l) "Tf:~ a)?[ (1) Restoration zone


(2) ~a)?[ (2) Core zone

(3) ~a)?[ (3) Buffer zone

/ (~ 1:fRTil11 a)?[
(4) Transition zone

/s8. alG:~ ~*~if f.i1=<1ff!f~CJ if~~~ : 88. Identify the~ statement .in c?ntext of
heartwood: -._:-- . : ,.
~ ~ 3WRf ff!fi'i'i'9)CR1 f~ qffi 1Ff d(Cf ~%
(1) It comprises dead elements witl:t highly
(2) ~ Cf>l<iff.iCh ~ ~ m~% lignified walls '
(3) ~ 3WRf ~mill% (2) Organic compounds are deposited ih it
(4) ~\JK1 atR ~~ Cfi1 T.flffi ~ -B' -em~ (3) It is highly durable
% (4) It conducts water and minerals efficiently
y 20 IHindi+English I
89. Cfili:R ~'IUD' if Cfili:R aw:Rf q;-r cp;n CfiT<f Will%? The function of copper ions in copper releasing
(1) ~ a:islefl'lf'i Clil ~ ~ % 1
~ey inhibit ovulation.
(2) ~ ~.m "Cfl1l1Ri~fh.1a1 ~ ~ m <f111
(2) They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
~%1 capacity of sperms.
(3) ~ ~l C!Cfl"l'i'i
Cfll ~%I ..,_.@) They inhibit gametogenesis .
(4) ~ Tf~ Cfll ~ %i'tTQ: 3ij4~Cfd <iRT ~ %I (4) They make uter us un suitable for

~it~, an~mm%~~ am
;;~{01 q,1 ~ Clil cp;n %I~~? 90. The process of separation a nd purification of
expressed p roteirt before marketing is called :
(1) 4~"ildc<ll;;'i %liUT
(1) Postproduction processing
(2) ~Ri~CliQ~
(2) Upstream processing
(3) ~~
(3) Downstream processing
~ ~ctSI9flC!UI

~if it cn"R ~-rnit ~~ Chir.~ICfll4. %,


"'"~~;.~ Chlf.<ICfll f'lifu"'i"@mm, ~~am


91. Which among the following are th e smallest living

~3il if {lll\jHCfi %amj1J ~~1 % ~ W cells, known without a definite ceiJ wall, pathogenic
~%? . to plants as well as animals and can survive without
(1) 7'fRN;
(1) Nostoc
(2) ~
(2) Bacillus
(3) ptS)4J1Tfl
~~ (3) Pseudomonas
if it ~ lflR"hl~'iT(1 ~ (1ft.~.1ft.)
"q:Cfl" ~ co2 -wm ~? 92. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary C02
acceptor in :
~~amc4 ~
.. fiT c3 and c4 plants
(2) c3 ~ (2) c3plants
(3) c4 ~ .. (3) c4plants
(4) c2 ~ (4) c2 plants

'IJW ~ '"""''liTl{Aq ij
Wl'l'T f<mR 93. MALT constitutes about _ _ _ _ percent of the
lymphoid tissue in human body.
(1) 10% (1) 10%
(2) 50% (2) 50%
(3) 20% (3) 20%
(4) 70%
(4) 70%
~~~if~~~~- ~Clil~an~
/ %~~\liT~~? 94. The DNA fragments separated on an agarose gel
can be visualised after staining with :

~:':; (1)
Ethidium bromide
Bromophenol blue
(3)~~lilctii'"IT'i (3) Acetocarmine
(~~~ (4) Aniline blue
21 y

_8;"11001dl~~;rmcn-%? 95. Capacitation occurs in :

(1) l1lC!J "11'1 ~ (1) Female Reproductive tract

(2) Rete testis
(2) ~~
(3) Epididymis
(3) 3W
(4) Vas deferens

f.:r1::4 -q cn"A ~ IDU ~ ~ ~ "fff2l ~ ~ ~ 96. Which of the following is correctly matched for the ;
product produced by them? i
(1) Sacchromyces cerevisiae : Ethanol
(1) iiCf1<)4t$'R7151 ii<7cf)m: -Q:~
tzf Acetobacter aceti : Antibiotics
~ QmiJ~CR< Tlfircrt: l'IRI~fClCfl
(3) Methanobacterium : Lactic acid
(3) #tiJriJ~CR7R44 : ~ ~
(4) Penicillium notatum : Acetic acid
(4) ~'17<:17!2144 ~: tJ:fllfc:Cfl ~
97. . . Which of the following statements is correct?
97. f.:r1::4 -q cn"A "fff ~ ~%?
(1) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
-.---. (1) ~crm"CflT~~~~~~ permeable to electrolytes.

~~~ ~ ~j'll'i!B ~ful(

(2) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
3l'ffi'1Rl i I
(3) The descending limb of loop pf Henle is
(3) ~crm"CflT~~~~~~
impermeable to water.
(4) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
Lfm "CflT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lffilT"R:f %I permeable to water.

~ ~ CflT ~ "fcr<qq ~men-%? 98. The water potential of pure water is :

(1) ~~an~ (1) More than one

~~ ~Zero

(3) ~ ~ 'Cfl11 (3) Less than zero

~ 'Cfl11 (4) More than zero but less than one
- ~~~~crif-q'~~ 'hl1lc1~4
99. The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are JAJB and
I A-1.
. ~~
"ff'qq Q. Among the blood types of their children, how many
different genotypes and phenotypes are possible ?
. (1) 4 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes
(2) 3 \11''11ic1~q ; 3 'hl1'1201~4
(2) 3 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes
(3) / "fl1ic1~q; 4 'hl1ic1~q
(3) 3 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes
~ 4 \Jll1lc1~q; 3 'hl1lc1~4
(4) 4 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
~ ~, "Cflftif ~ "fff21" Cfit.r-m JO !~(Cl 'iof ~Cl~l ~d 1"CflT
~-~%? 100. An im_portant characteristic that Hemichordates
share with Cnoraates is : . . . ..
(1) m ~ ~ "<tlT '!RAT (1) pharynx without gill slits
(2) ~td{~ "CflT ~ (2) absence of notochord
(3) 31'%R11furCfir 'df:;rCfl'r ~ (3) ventral tubular nerve cord
(4) ~ r~~~Cffl '!RAT (4) pharYil''< with gill slits
y 22 IHindi+English I
if~ fic:n2:JOJ<:tl -mun ~ 'tfrm ~ ~ m~ 1 101. Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ
-B~%?-= .- ~ I conservation of threatened animals and plants?

(1) fQlil0.ll'i ~ (1) Himalayan region

(2) q~ Wh-RT crrct (2) Wildlife Safari parks

~Clf<'lRl~'-.:rw w ~c: w Biodiversity hotspots

CflSli~CR (4) Amazon rainforest

f.p#Jff!fut(j if ~ "BT qfu(jlOJ("j ~ if ~ "[Q: 102. Which of the following in sewage treatment removes
imT Cf>l mlffilf %? ==:. --.r suspended solids ?
? ' ~~ Sludge treatment
(2) ~~ (2) Tertiary treatment
(3) f~all!Ch ~ (3) Secondary treatment
(4) "SIT~~ (4) Primary treatment

~l=!mC!>'t qflf<'"F4i~x ~.lilif~ CJIWfCJ<h qfiffl4'i

103. Out of 'X' pairs of ribs in humans only 'Y' pairs are
~ ~m-a-%1 ~~cnr~~\jj)x~YC!>'t true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents
dfi:Rr ~ Cf>l ~ %ofu ~ '!A t?.l Cf){Uj Cfl@ %I values of X and Y and provides their explanapon :
(1) N X=24, Y=12 CliWfCJch ~"TO 'lWT if (1) X=24, Y=12 True ribs are dorsally
V' ~~--B~~%~ attached to vertebral column
but are free on ventral side.
a:n-R 'lWT if 1jCRl ~ %I
(2) X=12, Y=7 True ribs are attached
CliWfCJCh ~"TO 'lWT if
dorsally to vertebral column
~ ~ 3:ffi 31'/:f{ 'lWT if and ventrally to the sternum.
~~ ~ "BT21 ~mill% I
(3) X=12, Y=5 True ribs are attached
(~ X=12, Y=5 CliWfCJCh qfif~lf'f "TO 'lWT if dorsally to vertebral column
~~~~~"BT21~ and sternum on the two ends.
fuif ~ "BT21 ~mill% I (4) X = 24, Y=7 True rib s are dorsally
attached to vertebral column
(4) X=24, Y=7 clJWfCJCfi qfiffllf'f "TO 'lWT if
but are free on ventral side.
31m 'lWT if 1J:Rf m-crr %1
104. Double fertilization is exhibited by :

104. /fuf.NcH~ ~ fcr.<IT '-'!Till%? (1) Angiosperms

~~~ (2) Gymnosperms

(2) 3F11~(1"ihfl (3) ~lgae
(3) ~ - (4) /'Fungi

105. _________...
Attractants and rewards are required for:

(1) 3"lj;::JO"fl0'"lq{Jll01 (1) Cleistogamy

(2) Cll1q{Jll01 (2) Anernophily

J Cf)'tc-1RJTM ~ Entomophily

(4) '*1q{llJOJ (4) Hydrophily

23 y

f~yf~ful\i ~-B-cnt.nft 31C!f~~~~~>r:ITrff 106. Which one from those given below is the period for
C!iT m? Mendel's hybridization experiments 1.

(1) 1870- 1877 (1) '><( 1870 - 1877

(2) 1856 - 1863 (2) 1856 - 1863
(3) 1840- 850 (31- 1840 - 1850
/1 -1869 ~ 1857-1869
. ce to sites fo~tr~ are present~:
-w-q fB~fi:<:Cfi ~ ~ (1) post-synaptic membrane .
(2) membranes of synaptic vesicles
(3) pre-synaptic membrane
(4) tips
., of axons
if~~ l~qlf""J<:iYcnr~~%? 108. Which among these is the correct combination of
aquatic mammals?
(1})(' ?WJR, ~, m ____.-r

m, :s'f(.1flfi~, m (1) Tn;gon, Whales, Seals

(2) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks
,m, ~
(3) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
~, :s'f(.1rti~,
. m (4) Whales, Dolphins, Seals

109. Good vision depends on adequate intake of carotene-

rich food.
f.rl:;r ~ '8 cfif-q \i ~ cnr T.I7Ff ~ 1 Select the best option from the following statements.
(~ ~'Bfct2:lf'I~A~~~~I (a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from
. (b) ~Cfii~ICJUfCfi ~mcnT f~fct"JCfil ~~~ carotene.
/ ~ma~1 l (b) The photopigments are embedded in the
membrane discs of the inner segment.
fcRIM~ A cni ~%I
(c) Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A
~~ ~ ~Cfii~ICJofcn.,i cnr ~ ~
(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
: I ' -
visual photopigments.
FCI Cfi (W'q : Options:
(1) (b), (c)~(d) (1) (b),(c)and(d)
(2) (a)~(b) (2) (a) and (b)
(3) (a), (c)~(d) (3) (a),(c)and(d)
(4) (a)~(c) (4) (a) and (c)

110. ~ ~q\iCfiUI ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'R m.~.~- 110. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
~~ cnT 1lfu ~ ~ ~ "BT l"il~~o:s WIT? on agarose gel during gel electroph~is ? .

(1) 3jiOII(J"iCfi ~ ~ Tlftp:jfFim ma (1} Negatively charged fragments do not move

(2) The larger the fragment size, the farther it
(2) ~~~arr:rrcrcnr~, ~~~~% moves
(3) ~~~ arr:rrcrcnr~, ~~ ~~ (3) The smaller the fragment size, the fart her it
% moves
(4) ~~~~~~~ft:R<n: (4) Positively charged fragments move to farther
~% end
y 24 IHindi+English I
111. ~if~~q;-r~~~~ 111. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does
not cause further increase in height, because:
(1) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth.
(1) "Pl~~-qm~anif~~m-m~
<2r.-- ~if~~~m\lffiiT~I
Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults.

(3) ~ fCfl~n{lcfMT ~ ~ Qj'qfq,fBliC'i ~ ~ m (3) Epiphyseal p lates close after adolescence.

\l1f"ill% I (4) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
Hormone in adults.
(4) ~if ~~~~>rfu ti~<'1~flC1dl
-&1~%1 112. Which of the following represents order of 'Horse' ?
112. f.:r:;:r if <:fiR ~ q;-r 'fUT ~ ~? (1) Ferus
(1) -tfim (2) Equidae
(4) ~
qRBl~CRI~C'il r ~----')
(3) Perissodactyla

113. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due

flfl=llll ~ zy;r Chff.<ICfll 3W'RfdT -zyn ~ ~ ~ to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select
tl 01 if WW1T ~ CflRUT ~%I~~ q;-r 'G<R the correct statement.
~I (1) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative
(1) zy;r Chff.<ICfll 3W'RfdT ~ ~if 4RJ:JIOII\l=!Cf1 problem of globin molecules.

WW1T ~ ~ QRrr ~I (2) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin

chain synthesis.
(2) -zyTI ~ ~ tNcltiOI ~ :!011\l=JCf) ~ ~
(3) Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin
ch~ synthesis.

(4) Thalassemia is due to less synthesis of globin


114. Myelin sheath is produced by :

(1) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
..{2)--- Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes
(1) ~~QRT Chff.<ICfll~
(3) Astrocytes and Schwarm Cells
.- ~~ Chff.<ICfll~~ aiifC1lj)?;~"IBI~<.B
(4) Oligodendrocytes and Osteoclasts
(3) QRT chlf.<ICfll ~ m chlf.<ICfll~
" ~~ 115. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be o'Qtained
anif~~if Bl=J~}J:J\ill ~m~~~ by:
Bchd%? ~ (1) mating of individuals of different species.

(1) ~ Sl\liiFCll!"i%-~an%--wm~ (2) mating of related individuals of same breed.

<~ m<ffi1 ~ "*ff'~ ~an~ -wm ~ (3) mating of unrelated individuals of same
(3) v:cn m~~~~~an ~-wm ~ breed.
(4) mating of individuals of different breed.

~hPM~~%? 116. Mycorrhizae are the example of:

B~4Cf11Rdl ~ Mutualism
(2) x CflqCf){l~ (2) Fungistasis
(3) ;I Q!"l4lf0\ril (3) Amensalism
(4) Slfu\illfCidl (4) Antibiosis
25 y
"Q,"Cfl"~Cf"ff*""fuTI_CliT~ q1a~11(11 ifm~TT<IT 1 117. A baby boy aged two years is admitted to play school
and passes thro ugh a dental check - up: The dentist
"%1 ~ -q{ta:rrr 1R ~ f-q f<hffiCfl ~ -qr<:fT fen ~ ~ ~ observed that the boy had twenty teeth. Whid1 teeth
Gfu~, "fuTI~m-B~~~ ?--- were absent?
&J (1) Molars
(2) Incisors
(3) Canines
(4) Pre-molars

118. if~ cn"R -B (1&10T <R ~ &m am 118. Among the following characters, which one was
~ if fc:Rm: ~ fcn<:rr 11<1T ~ ? not considered by Mendel in his experiments on
(1) ~-~~<IT~ pea?
(2) (Rf- ~<IT~ (1) Pod- Inflated or Constricted

~ (i:j=c:u<ll1 -~<n~
(2) Stem- Tall or Dwarf
(3) Trichomes- Glandular or non-glandular
- ~<n1:ftffi
(4) Seed- Green or Yellow
f~ Cll fuCfi I fim &m 7:1cftf if ~'i:R cn~'f."B 3Tiill %?
- - --
The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from :

(1) Intestine
(3) ~
(3) Stomach
(4) ~
(4) Kidneys
120. cn"R mc:nlf}(ICfll~
ctlcil\3i~ Sl 1f%Cfll Cf>'t ~2Nct2lR<10
(11$*il\lll$l1 ~ "Cfl""cit%? 120. Which cells of ' Crypt$ of Lieberkuhn' secrete
ant:ibacteriallysfu:Y"iJle ?
(J1" ~ ch'if}(ICfll~
, {\llct "11 ch'!~'Cfl'~
(p Kupffer cells

~~ ch'if}(ICfll~
(2) Argentaffin cells
(3) Paneth cells
(4~- ,~r~~ ctif}('Cfl'~ (4) Zymogencells
121. ~ c:n'if.(ICfll i'f~crr)\lfffi?
~~ ~ &= _.----, 121. Spliceosomes arec.....--
not found in cells of:
. (2) ~

-Bacteria \
(2) Plants
(3) CfiCl'Cfi"
(3) Fungi
(4) ~
(4) Animals'
122. ~CfiT~~f~Cfll(1~~~~~-.
CfCF> ~ Will %I 122. frog's heart when taken out of _the body continues
to beat for sometime.
Select the best option from the following statements.
(a) ~"Q,"Cfl"3H"ll1C114l %1 (a) Frog is a poikilotherm.
(b) ~if "CfiW ~ qfhi"'l\011@


..(b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation.
(c) ~ q~n\ ~"Cf>Tmm%1 (c) Heart is "myogenic" in nature ...
(d) ~ '("<:l'ifd\llCfl mm% I (d) Heart is autoexcitable.
fqCfl(OQ :
w ~~~ w ~~~
~ ~~ ~ ~~
(3) ~(d) (3)~(d)
~ (a)~(b) ~ (a)and(b)
y 26 IHindi+Englisl
123. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develop
into :
(1) Embryo

/~ (2)
(3) ~
(4) Embryo sac
(4) ~-~
124. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the firs
~ q:~<:f'ts\ cff;:r ~ ~ OOI'.lll cp:rr qfUfu fcfi<n? time:
~ (1) ~ ~ wflCfl{UI (1) Population Growth equation
(2) ~~~'Ifill (2) Ecological Biodiversity
(3) *ilBICflRl "CfiR"Ch1 ~f.rrq (3) Laws of limiting factor
=rr:::v<>:l=~'I:T (4) Species area relationships

~ ~ ~ 'lWl qft {t'%:'GCfl ~ C!<TI%? 125. The morphological nature of the edible part o
coconut is:
(11'{ ~
(1~ Pericarp
~~ (2) Perisperm
(3);7 ~ (3) Cotyledon
(4)~ (4) Endosperm

~~<fi'Rm atr:mm~ awwrr%? . 126. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
(1)~ ~-m is:

~m~ (1) Corpus allatum

(3) ctT~Cfli{?{IC!l m (2) Pineal gland

(3) Corpus cardiacum
(4) Corpus luteum
127. ~ ~' ~ ~sl~ll! ~ "l{Cfl" ~ mcrr% am~ "l{Cfl"
~B ~~~~~' f!IBI<=lld: ~~-qufTffi~ 127. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and
are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated
~? by :
(1) Bat
(2) Water
(3) Bee
(4) Wind
~~~~~Cfil~~>l'tiRCfilmcrr%? 128. The pivot joint between atlas and axis is a type of :
(1) saddle joint
(1~ ~~
(2).1_~~ fibrous joint

(3) cartilaginous joint
(4) synovial joint
(4) '81~1lfClll(1 ~
129. A decrease in blood pressure/ volume will not cause
I~~ Gfilfi~"CflRUT~ l1Tq.:f 11ft m<n? the release of :
(1) ADH
~'tf.R (Renin) .
(2) Renin
(3) ~ ~f~~:{UlCfl Cl1RCfl' (3) Atrial Natriuretic Factor
~ ~(.'":sle{H (4) Aldosterone
27 y
~if an~ ~'lffi mm t? 130. Which ecosystem has the m aximuE:!J:iliH!:tass ?
(1) Lake ecosystem
Forest ecosystem
~ / ' '-1"l~
Grassland ecosystem
(3-)( tjffi ~
(4) Pond ecosystem
(4) ' ~

~"Urr, \5JT 31fd1 1*i;j "SIT~ 31fq<jJ\J11 ~~mmt,

~ '' )
n on-disjunction is :
-- - - -
A d iseas e cau sed by an auto~o-mal primary
ctll"i "fiT~.

7 ~ <'hlfS?ICfil ~
Sickle Cell Anemia
Down's Syndrome
(2) ~~
(3) Klinefelter's Syndrome
(3) ~
(4) Turner's Syndrome
(4) ~
132. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible
if ~ -m ~ <:tilfS?ICfiill ~ ~
for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form
~ Cfiliif1:?1$~2:
%? ~-
-B ~
~ ~
RCfil(1~ ~ ~ 3'd'l~14l mm ATP?
(1) Mitochondrion
(1) *i;jCfifUICfil (2) Lysosome
(2) <?FFI Cfi Ill (3) Ribosome
% \ (4) Chloroplast

133. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :
133 ~a:rr if it.~.~- S1Rl'fdlll1 mm t: (1) Just before transcription
(1) 31ji?l'!5i1 -B oTcn ~ (2) During S phase -

./s a:rcw.rr~~ (3) Within nucleolus

(3) ~~~ (4) Prior to fission

134. In case of a couple where the male is having a very
low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
jqfc'l ~ ~ i'i ~311 cn1 ~ ~ Cfil1%, for fertilisation? -.
(1) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(1) ala:<'hlfS?I<'hlll ~f.:r~
(2) Intrauterine transfer
ala:'T~~ (3) Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer
(4) Artificial Insemination

135. Which one of the following statements is not valid

for aerosols ?
(1) They have negative impact on agricultural

(2) Th~y are harmful to human health

(3) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns
(4) They cause . increased agricultural
y 28 IHindi+English I
136. f.p~ifct>d ~if &til"lPifdctilll ~ q;) ~ 'l<l1 ~I 136. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the

< p following diagram.

500K 700K
300 K 500K
v 300K
f.P'1f(1fuld if~~Cfil~~:
Match the following:
~-1 ~-2
Column-1 Column-2
P. ~I a. ~
P. Process I a. Adiabatic
Q. ~II b. fll"l<;l#lll
Q. Process II b. Isobaric
R. ~m c. w:r3llllo RCfl
R. Processm c. Isochoric
s. ~IV d fll"ldlcflll
S. Process IV d. Isothermal
'(1) P~d, Q~b, R~a, s~c
(1) P ~d, Q~b, R~a, S~c
(2) P~a, Q~c, R~d, s~b
(2) P ~a, Q ~ c, R --7 d, S~b

/P~c~ Q~a, R~d, S~b

(3) P~c, Q~a, R~d, s~b

(4) P~c, Q~d, R~b, s~a

(4) P~c, Q~d, R~b, S~a

137. 1 -mli~fFf>lcr;fi~-qr;fi"Cfi1~~' 1 km ~~ '

~%atR:"!_-~#som;scn1~Y~~~ 137. Consider a drop of rain water having mass 1g falling
from a height of 1 km. It hits the ground with a

speed of 50 m/ s. Take 'g' constant with a value
(ii) ~ ~ :mm~ <iffi &RT ~ TJ<1T "Cfll<f ~ ; 10 m/ s2 . The work done by the (i) gravitational
force and the (ii) resistive force of air is :
~10) (ii) -8.75 J
-10J (ii) -8.25 J (1) (i) 10 J (ii) - 8.75 J

(3~ (i) 1.25 J (ii) -8.25 J (2) (i) -10 J (ii) - 8.25 J

(4~ (i) 100J (ii) 8.75 J (3) (i) 1.25 J (ii) - 8.25 J

(4) (i) 100 J (ii) 8.75 J

250 -iRf Cfl"ffi ~ dillfdiCflR ~ cffi ~ 2.1 em ..
~~I ~ 85~A ~~ A 250- Turn rectangular coil of lerigth 2.1 em and
~~Wf~l ~ 0.85T~Cf1T~~klCfilll width 1.25 em carries a current of 85 ~A and
~~~~loT,~ . subjected to a magnetic field of strength 0.85 T. Work
4~-B ~ ~ ~ ~~q~lfCfl _~ ~ llR_ done for rotating the coil by 180 against the torq;ue
.. ' m<rr-: .,..--~ .. ' . ..
(1) 1.15 ~J
(1) 1.15 ~J

(2) 9.1 J.LJ ~- '

(2) 9.1 ~r

(3) 4.55 ~J (3) ~r

(4) ~r (4) ~J

2.3 2.3 :l

--- ------
/Hindi+English] 29 y

1~P 1 Cf21TP 2 Cfi)~~&rTfliTtfcn, ~ 139. Two Polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with their axis
" 31~ ~k'!Cl{li pl ~ ~ 31~~ perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light I0 is
incident on P 1 . A third polaroid P 3 is ke pt in
Cfi't ~ I0 t I P1 3fu: P2 ~ <rfrq "B ~ 3F<1 q"hMf~s between P1 and P2 such thatits axis makes an angle
P 3 Cfi1 ~ SICfil{~ \11kll ~fcn~ 31~ P1 Cffr 31~-B 45 with that of P1. The intensity of transmitted light
'" 45 cnr CfiTur ~% 1 "ill, r 2 "B lffiTl(f ~ ~ through P 2 is :
%: ~
(1) 16
(2) ~
(2) ~ 2
(3) ~ 4
Io (4)
140. Radioactive material' A' has decay constant '8 A.'
140. and material'B' has decay constant 'A.'. Initially
they have same number of nuclei. After what time,
the ratio of number of nuclei of material'B' to that
IA' will be e ?

(1) 9A.
(1) 9A.

1 1
(2) (2)
A. A.
1 1
(3) . 7A. (3) 7A.

1 1
(4) SA. (4) 8A.
141. The given electrical network is equivalent to :
A y
(1) NOT fTc:
(1) NOT gate
(2) AND fTc: (2) AND gate
(3) OR fTc: (3) OR gate
(4) NOR fTc: (4) NOR gate

142. Wfim ~ d{ll~b4T, Al =4000

A aW A.2=6000 A~ 142. The ratio of resolving powers of al~ OJ;?tical
~~ >~Cfll~nll ~~ ctt fci~ aF1malf cnr ~ microscope for . two wavelengths A.1 =4000 A and
%: A2=6000 A is:
(1) 16 : 81 (1) 16: 81

(2) 8:27 (2) 8: 27

(3) 9:'4 (3) 9:4
(4) 3 :2 (4) 3:2
30 IHindi+English I
143. fcRfi ~ ~ ~if-:i!'R{ ~if, ~ ~ 143. In a common emitter transistor amplifier the audio
signal voltage across the collector is 3 V. The
ft:RT ~ ~ S;l{Olf-~ ~ 3 v %1 ~ <l1T
resistance of collector is 3 k.G. If current gain is 100
>rftRrq 3 k.G %I <1R: m\T-~ 100 n~ 3TI'iffi: <l1T and the base resistance is 'G kO, the voltage and
>rfu{rq 2 kO% "ill, >~C~$:n Cf>1 ~-~ ~ ~ power gain of the amplifier is :
~~"BR~:~ :
(1) 20 and 2000
(1) am: 2000
(2) 200 and 1000
(2) 200 am: 1000
(3) 15 and 200
(3) 15 am: 200
(4) 150 and 15000
(4) 150 am: 15000

144. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach

144. ~cnro"Cf>1~~: 22m/s~16.5m/s"%1 ~G);ff each other with speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 mj s
fcr:rfur ~3if if~~ Cf>1 aW \3fT W ~I ~ CfiR respectively. The driver of the first car blows a horn
having a frequency 400 .Hz . The frequency heard
CfiT ~ ~-;:f ~ t, ~1 3Tl"<lfu by the driver of the second car is [velocity of sound
400Hz %I <:@!:, ~ <l1T ~ 340 mj s %"ill, ~ CfiR 340m/s]:
(1) 448Hz

(1) 448Hz (2) 350Hz"

(2) 350Hz (3) 361Hz

(3) 361Hz (4) 411Hz
(4)" 411Hz

145. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free

145. ~ ~ Cl11~ a:rR 3RifW"liFT ~"{C\lfTQT space after having lost contact with their spaceship.
%alR ~ Gffl ~{>(CIICfi~OI ~ 3RifW if~ wffi ~I The two will :
-m~m= (1) will become stationary.

(1) ~Wftl
(2) keep floating at the same distance between
(2) ~~~~qft~qtft-~Wftl
(3) move towards each other.
(3) ~-~Cf>1 affi:Tffu~ I
(4) moveawayfromeachother.
(4) ~~~~~~

146. ih:IT ~ ~ fl:r3fUT if T m1l ~ 2 ~ a:tTcrul\311 o~ 146. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of 0 2 and 4 moles
of Ar attemperature T. Neglecl:iflg all vibrational
4 l1Tzvr awR ~ ~I Cf1PR ~ r i ~ cnT ~
modes, the total internal energy of the system is :
f i ~ ~ ~ <f>1 ~ 31RfftCfi ~ m-m =
(1) 11 RT
(1) 11 RT

(2) 4RT (2) 4RT

(3) 15 RT (3) 15 RT

(4) 9RT (4) 9 RT

)Hindi+English) 31 y

147. f.:u"'"iifCfl\'1 ~if "B ~ ~ dl!'!Rf?<ICfl ~if 147. Which one of the following represents forward
' %? bias diode ?

3V R 5V (1) 3V R 5V
C>l 'VWV' C>l 'VWV'

ov R -2V ov R - 2V
C>l '\1\N (2)
C>l '\1\N

-4V R -3V
C>l W/W (3)

-2V R +2V
(4) 'VWV'
(4) -2V R +2V
C>l 'VWV'

148. ~~ qR'ilf~CfliClilOJ:Tm0.1m%1~GR~it"U
"Cfl1 "B"&fl 2 X 10 4 lJfu l=!R\ t I ~~~'R 148. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 x 104 turns
0.61 ill ~ (!"~ 100 itU C!"Tffi ~ ~ ~ >JCI1R per meter. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of
oo % fen -zyn cn1 -31~ mrm ~ 1 qR11fc.1Cfl1 ~ ~ 100 furns and radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis
coinciding with the solenoid axis. The current in
~ <:rrffi ~ 'i:ffiT Cl1T lffi ~ ~ -~ -B Cfil1 mar~ the solenoid reduces at a constant rate to OA from
% am: o.o5 s if 4 A -B ~ m~% 1 ?:JR:, ~ Cl1T 4 A in 0.05 s. If the resistance of the coil is 10 1T2 0,
~'tf 1o'TT2a %err,~ ~if~-B~ the total charge flowing through the coil during this
time is:
(1) 16 'IT f.LC (1) 161T 1-Lc

(2) 32 'IT 1-Lc (2) 321T 1-Lc

(3) 16 1-L c (3) 16 1-1 c
(4) 321-L c
(4) 321-L c

149. v:cP ~ fflfC''H5{ "CflT ~ 3 kg :0~ ~ 40 em

%1 ~. '1\ v:cn "im ~ ~ ~ %1 ?:JR:, ~ ilit ~ 149. . wound around a hollow cylinder of mass
3o N ~ ~ &m ~~err, FBfcl :-:s:c "CflT "CflTtrft<:r ~ 3 kg ,a nd radius 40 em. What is the angular
acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with
fcfiwrrm<n? a force of30 N?
(1) 5 m/ s2
(1) 5 mjs2
(2) 25 m/s2
(2) 25 m/s 2
(3) 0.25 rad/ s 2
(4) 25 rad/ s2 (3) 0.25 rad/ s2

(4) 25 rad/ s2 .
1so. fcnffh:f~CfiT~~-B~mr~%1 m
~ "Cfll ~' ~ "ff't"llftf -B, ~ Sflll if <ftcp -Q:m
1~0 . .. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery ~
-m ~ ~ 3111 ~ F-<1 \'1 -B't"llftf ~ fc::<:rr "ffCCT %1 err, ~ removed and another identical uncharged capadto'r
-~ ~ qRun4l f.:!c!:ir:r <tt f Wr\ ~ ~ (~ is connected in parallel. The total electrostatic energy
#~cn'T -wRrif): . "' . of resulting system :

(1) 2:f!T~ -~ (1) increases by a factor of 2

(2) 4:f!T~~ (2) increases by a factor of 4

(3) ;mmm~ (3) decreases by a factor of 2

(4) cWit (4) remains the same

y 32 IHindi+English I
151 . 'I~ in1&3 ~ 1 km ~ 1[{~ ~ Cf1T 11R ~ 151. The acceleration due to gravity a t a heigh t 1 km
%"11-g~ in ~ d ~ 1f{ t "ill : above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the
su rface of earth. Then :
(1) d= 2 km
(1) d =2 km
(2) d= - km 1
2 (2) d = - km
(3) d = 1km
(3) d=1km
(4) d = -km 3
2 (4) d=-km

152. fcF.ffi cnur q,l ~ tffiVf 3TICKf l"1fu Cf1T aww:r 3 em% I
~ <lQ cnur a1'Rt 111"~ W-Tfu ~ 2 em ~ 1R mill %"ill 152. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion
with an amplitude of 3 em. When the particle is at
~ "B11lT ~ ~ Cf.T -qftl:nur, ~~in~ mar 2 em from the mean position, the magnitude of its
%I ~ cnuT Cfi1 OJICldctli(Vl (~if) % : velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then its
time period in seconds is :
J3 (1)

1T )5
21T )5
4 1T
(4) )5 41T
(4) )5
153. ~ ~ in ~ if fcfi"m CfiRT ~ cn1 c:arcn 1~ %1
~ ~ v:cfi {fl>t1"1{2< cnl ~ iW:rr "f1(ff% I ~ 153. A carnot engine having an efficiency of as heat
~ ~ ( f.rcw:r) 1f{ fclicn 'FIT Cfil"lf 10 J Q) "ill, f.p::;:r ([Ttf engine, is used~ a refrigerator. If the work done on
11\ ~ ~ OJCl~ilGla ~ Cfi111R Ql<n : the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed
from the reservoir at lower temperature is :
(1) 100 J
(1) 100 J
(2) 1J
(2) 1J
(3) 90 J
(3) 90 J
(4) 99 J
(4) 99 J
154. ~inmmr~~a:i1~u:f
3250x1o-1o m %1 "ill, 2536x1o-10m a{l~u:f in 154. The photoelectric threshold wavelength of silver is
3250 x 10 -10m. The velocity of the electron ejected
q<1~1.fl mr~Rr;;ff~in1&3~ H&:f11MC1 ~<'i~T1'iCfi1
from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
~Ql<n: wavelength 2536 x 10 -10 in is :
(h=4.14 x 10-15 eVs o2IT c=3 x 10s ms-1) / (Given h=4.14 x 10-15 eVs and c=3 x1os ms - 1)

(1) ""'0.3 x 106 ms - 1 (1) ""'0.3 x 106 ms- 1

(2) ""'6 x 105 ms- 1 (2) ""6 x 105 ms - 1
(3) ""'0.6 x 106 ms-1 (3) ""0.6 x106 ms-1
(4) ""61 x10 3 ms- 1 (4) ""61 x 103 ms-1

JHindi+EnglishJ 33 y

155. ~~ fcfi'Q.CflmiR arR'Q,Cfl~in ~"# 155. Suppose the charge of a proton and an electron differ
slightly. One of them is - e, the other is (e +de). If
3WCf a:Rn:mcrr%1 ~~'Q.Cfi -e %am~ (e+L\e)
the net of electrostatic force and gravitational force
%I ~ ~ ~ ~ 'd' ~ "q\ W ~1$~"'1'51'1 in~ between two hydrogen atoms placed at a distanced
~an in~ c~ d ~in~~~ an'tfcn (much greater than atomic size) apart is zero, then
%) ~ ~ ti'K1 atR ~ ti'K1 CflT qf{o1110fl (~) L\e is of the order of [Given mass of hydrogen
mh =1.67x 1o-27kg]
~ %"ill, L\e cnl q;)R: mTft :
(1) 1o- 47 c
("fu:<:rr% ~1$~"'1'51'1 CflT ~ mh = 1.67 x 10-27 kg)
(2) 1o- 20 c
(1) 1o- 47 c
(2) 1o- 20 c (3) 10-23 c

(3) 10- 23 c (4) 10- 37 c

(4) 1o- 37 c
156. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires
156. ~ 3lfusr -q clf.:r WlRR am cn1 ~ ~ ~ ~ placed perpendicular to plane of paper carrying
same current 'I' along the same direction is shown
%1 <lCJ"R~~ c~) in~in~%am
in Fig. Magnitude of force per unit length on the
~'l-fl-B T ~'tfm'Q,Cfi~~-q~-mwr%1 ~ middle wire 'B' is given by :
cfRT ~ ~ -q "W-Rr, OR 'B' cnl >Tfu ~ ~ "q\
wR ~ ~ CflT -qfOOur Q)TJT :

1-Lo i2

-fi~-Loi2 (4)
157. The resistance of a wire is 'R' ohm. If it is melted
157. fcfim Cl"R CfiT ~ 'R' aW=r% I~ OR CfiT Rll'R11'"ll and stretched to 'n' times its original length, its new
\ifRIT% ~ m (siT"'!Cfl{ ~OR "B 'n' "TIT~ CflT 'Q.Cfl resistance will be :
OR ~ "fu:<:rr \lfTill %I ~ ~ OR CfiT >rfcffi~ QPn :
R (1)

(2) nR
(2) nR
(3) (3)

(4) (4)
y 34 / Hindi+English /

158. fcnm m "fficr, L -B, m cnT ~ fCfl:tOI1"1, ~ x 158. A beam of light from a source Lis incident normally
on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance x from
~CR:WRT~~~CR:~~%1 ~
the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a
fCfl{OI1"1 ~ qpm ~ "B, "fficr L ~ cftC!l OilR ~ scale placed just above the source L. When the mirror
~-tn:rR (~) CR:mcnT~~~%1 ~ is rotated through a small angle e, the spot of the
awq C111ur, e-B ~ CR:, ~ m
cn1 fc.nm ~ "3B light is found to move through a distance y on the
~ lR y ~ "B fq:qfC1C1 m
\lfTdT %I if, e cnT 11R scale. The angle e is given by :
m<rr: X
(1) y
(1) y y
(2) L
2x y
~3) X
X (4) 2y
(4) 2y '
159. One end of string of length lis connected to a particle
159. z ~<tiT~sRt~~M-B '1+1' ~cnT~ of mass' m' and the other end is connected to a small
CflUT~% afu:~:@Ufuu~~~~CR peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle
~ mtf ~ "B: ~%I ~~r.nuf ~ulcnlPl~ lR
moves in circle with speed 'v', the net force on the
particle (directed towards center) will be
'v' ~ -B ~ q){dT% m, ~ lR "W8 Cflffi ~ ~ (T represents the tension in the string)
(~ CfiT a:ffi) m<rr: (T-~ lR (f1lCf %)
(1) Zero
(1) ~
(2) T
(2) T
mv 2 (3) T+--
(3) T+-- l
mv2 (4) T---
(4) T--- 1

160. A physical qu~tity of the dimensions of length that

can be foirned out of c, G and - - is [cis velocity
4 1TEQ
of light, G is universal constant of gravitation and
e is charge]:
1 e
(1) - G -.-
(1) c 41TEQ .


(3) (3)

(4) (4)
IHindi+ English I 35 y

161. 1.42 3"J4qct~iCfl~-Cfll:q~<iR, ~~~ "Cf)T ~ 161. A thin prism having refracting angle 10 is m ade of
glass of refractive index 1.42. This prism is combined
Cfi1uT 10 % I ~ ftl;;:q en) 1.7 1qqcf~iCfl ~ -Cfll:q ~ <iR
with another thin prism of glass of refractive index
~ap:r~ftl;;::q~~Wir~%1 ~~ ~ 1.7. This combination produces dispersion w ithout
fcti'FiFHfQd <ffi~ ~ men %I err, ~ ~ "CfiT deviation. The refracting angle of second prism
3i qq aCfi "CflTor m ~ = should be :

(1) 10

(2) 4

(3) 6

(4) go

162. ~ -3tuTt ~ 31RP=r ~ <r~ ~ ~~~ 162. The ratio of wavelengths of the last line of Balmer
series and the last line of Lyman series is :
~ Cfft a{ll~&fl 91T ~% :
(1) 0.5
(1) 0.5

(2) 2 (2) 2

(3) 1 (3) 1

(4) 4 (4) 4

163. ~~CfiT~fuu~%am~fuu~%1 163. The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at one
end and open at other end are 220 Hz and 260 Hz.
What is the fundamental frequency of the system ?
<r~ 260Hz ~err~~~~ ~fcl;q.ft ~?
(1) 40Hz
(1) 40Hz
(2) 10Hz
(2) 10Hz
(3) 20Hz
.(3) 20Hz
(4). 3oHz
(4) 30Hz

164. A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device

164. ~~~~~~~~~~~
to make electrical measurements of E.M.F. because
<:f~~ (f~ ~ ~ t
cp:fffcn, ~ fciT~ if ~ the method involves :
(1) a combination of cells, galvanometer and
(1) ~~ ~~il4lc:'(<r~~91T~ resistances

(2) cells
(2) ~"Cf)T~

(3) potential gradients

(3) "fcrcqq WfUT(lT
(4) a condition of no current flow through the
(4) ~~1-:>ll:f)c:'( ~ 'tliU ~ ~ ~ ~ cn1 "Wlfu galvanometer

-- - - -- -- - --
y 36 \Hindi+English \

165. ~~Ao~B~~'~:3mo2lrmt'l ~ 165. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively

are connected by a massless and inextensible string.
awm<l~~Olll"lli~li, ~'ilfr-B~~~ ~~
The whole system is suspended by a massless
~ CfiT, a:rrm
-4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Ol!JOJH<f~a spring as shown in figure . The magnitudes of
~ ( C:fl11Fit) &m (12:ctillll TRIT %I 'ilfr cnT q;rc: ~ ~ acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
~~A aTR B ~ ~ ~-qftl:rrur ~ ~: : is cut, are respectively :

g g g g
(1) (1) 3'3

g g
(2) g, 3 (2) g, 3

g g
(3) 3'g (3) 3'g

(4) g,g
(4) . g,g

166. <:!fu:, "Q.Cfl ~ -B ~ ~ ~'1-R ~ -4 ~ 166. If e1 and e2 be the angles of dip observed
~~ ('ifcr) Cf1lur 61 0~ 62 t'm, cfiJfq"fl ~ in two vertical planes at right angles to each other,
Cfllur 6 CfiT llR ~ '8141Cf1\U) 'B "!W-<f m<u? then the trUe angle of dip 6 is given by :

(1) tan26 = tan261 - tan262 (1) tan2e = tan26 1 -tan2e2

(2) cot:2e = cot:261 + cot262 (2) cot2e = cot:261 + cot262

(3) tan2e = tan26 1 + tan2e2 (3) tan26 = tan2e 1 + tan262
(4) cot:2e = cot261 - cot262 (4) cot:2e = cot2e1 - cot262

167. rcnm~mc.nT3WrCR~~~B'%1 ~ 167. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is 'B'. If it is

<fi, ~ ~ ll
1R QO"hfil111 Gl"i 'p' WTTllT \jffiff %I subjected to uniform pressure 'p', the fractional
f~ q;1;fi mlft : decrease in radius is :

.E__ p
(1) (1)
3B 3B

1?. p
(2} (2)

(3) -
3p (3) 3p

3p 3p
(4) (4)
---- -------- -
jHindi+Englishj 37 y

168. ~ ~~-qftq~~('[R~ :ffim~, ~~ 168. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical
resistors with resistance R = 9.0 !1 e ach, two
~am: ~~~~ % 1 ~:ffim~COT
identical inductors with ind uctan ce L = 2.0 mH
"lffim~, R =9. 0!1, ~~COT~, L=2.0mHt- each, an d an ideal battery with emf =18 V . The
a~~ CfiT ~ ~ "ffi, = 18 v t 1 o1, ft:crq cn1 current 'i' through the battery just after the switch
~ <nB ~ ~ ~ ~ ir fc!wr mu, 'i' COT 11R closed is, .....


(1) Oampere
(1) ~~
(2) 2mA '
(2) 2mA

(3) 0.2A
(3) 0.2A

(4) 2A
(4) 2A

169. Tw o rods A and B of different materials are w elded

169. fc!f~crc::rm<lil<if'll~~ A affi:B cnl, 3lfu9~~
together as show n in figure. Their the r mal
~ ~ 3Tilm ~ ~ Cfi\ ~f~<IPFIT t I ~ ~ conductivities a re K1 and K 2 . The the rmal
Cfll ~ "CCI<1Cfldl ~: K 1 a~ K 2 %I ol, ~ ~ conductivity of the composite rod will be :
~ ~Cfll ~ "C!I<1Cflctl m1ft:


(1) 2(Kl +~)

(1) 2(K1 +K~

K1+K 2
Kl+K2 (2)
(2) 2

3(K1 +K 2 )
3(Kl+K2) (3)
(3) 2

(4) Kl +K2
(4) Kl +~

-- - - - --
y 38 IHindi+English I
170. ~~~~l:R Q;f<:fi@\C:{ (~~) *~-:crffi 170. Preeti reached the metro station and found that the
escalator was not working. She walked up the
l:R "Sftfu, ~ ~ l:R ~ "31Cf{ ~ %I ~ ~
stationary escalator in time t 1 . On oilier days, if she
t 1 ~ "WTill% 1 3FT~ if \lf<il Q;f<:fiJ\c:{ ~ ~ -mcrr
remains stationary on the moving escalator, then
%C!Gl%d"Bl:R~Wcn\, ~~if~~~ the escalator takes her up in time ~ The time taken
%~, ~&m~~ ~@\C:{l:f{~ "31Cf{~if by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be:
m 11<lT ~ m-rrr : (1) tl- t2
(1) tl- t2
tl +t2
tl +t2 (2)
(2) 2
~ ~
(3) (3) t2 -tl
t2 -tl
(4) ~
t2 +tl (4)
t2 +tl

171. ~fsm(i4fsnCfll'"i'i)~~~amif~~~
~ 3flfft-3flfft ~ 31~, ~ ~ WTm1
%3:ffi:~~~-B~~%*1:ffto:, ~:
* ~
171. Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating about
their regular axis passing through centre and
perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
w1 o2IT w 2 'Cflluft<:r irT "B ~en\"~ I ~ ~~ velocities w1 and w2. They are brought into contact
~~~~~if (1Tl!T\lfldl%-Fcn, ~ ~ face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. The
31~ -wmrr -m ~ ~ 1 ~~ ~~if ~-8;1<1
* ~
expression for loss Of energy during this process is :

I 2
(1) - (wl -w2)
(2) 21 I (wl +w2)2
- ..:
1 2
1 2 .(3) - - I (w1 - w2 )
(3) - I (w 1 -w2 ) 4
4 ..'

(4) I(wl-w2)2 (4) I(wl-w2)2

172. f.114ifCfla ~if-B~-B~w~? 172. Which of the follovving statements are correct?
(a) ~m<fil~~a:m:~~~ (a) Centre of mass of a body always.coincides
~-wmrr~~l with the centre of gravity of the body.
(b) ~m<fil~~%~%~CR:m (b) Centre of mass of a body is the point at which
l:R"WTT~ ~~ ~~%1 th~ total gravitational torque on the body is
(c) ~ m l:R "WTT ~ ~~ ~ ~Hh'H]l! o2IT
(c) A couple on a body produce both
~~ m~cttTJfudmmt-1
translational and rotational motion in a body.
(d) ~ ~ <fiT liR ~ (1) -B 31f'l:fc:n ~ <fiT (d) . Mechanical advantage greater than one
~ ~ %fcn Cfi"ll ~ -B aTI'$11 'lffi: Mflll . means that small effort can be used to lift a
~HJC110!%1 large load.
(1) (c) o2IT (d) (1) (c)and(d)
' '
(2) (b) o2IT (d) (2) (b) and (d)
(3) (a) (f2fl (b) (3) (a) and (b)
(4) (b) o2IT (c) (4) (b) and (c)
IHindi+English I 39 - y

173. ~ ~ ~fWICfll CJ11 ~ 12 em% I ~ 500 K 1R 173. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 em
radiates 450 watt power at 500 K. If the radius were
450 CfTC ~ CfiT ~ cwiT% I ~ ~ ~ "Cfl)
halved and the temperatme doubled, the power
a:rrm (1/2) (fey (fTq "Cfl) -ey "TIT Cfl{ m ~a) 3ffif-:ifd radiated in watt would be:
~ CfiT 1:lR cnc: 1f mrrr =
(1) 1800
(1) 1800
(2) 225
(2) 225
(3) 450
(3) 450
(4) 1000
(4) 1000

174. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root

174. lJCRT~ ( ~) lf, fi:fim~ 114'hlll o{Tr"lf mean square value of the electric field is
~ a;l?r CfiT Cflf-~-~ 1=!R, Erms=6V/m%, aT Erms = 6V/ m. The peak value of the magnetic field
1kl'hll! a)?r CfiT ~ 1iFf%: is:

(1) 4.23x1o-s T (1) 4.23x1o-s T

(2) 1.41 X 10-8 T (2) 1.41x1o-s T

(3) 2.83x1o-s T (3) 2.83x1o-s T

(4) 0.70 x 1o-s T (4) 0.70x1o-s T

175. ~ fuU 1R ~ ~<i-~ 'Cfll-qr;ft ~ ~ 'lRf 175. AU tube with both ends open to the _a tmosphere, is
lflTT% 1 ~ ~ ~ 1f -qr;ft 1f o;:r w$){ij m-
C!R'TT ~ partially filled with water. Oil, which is immiscible
with water, is poured into one side until it stands at
~ ~ ~ TT<n %% ~ ~ -;;ffi lf -qr;ft ~ (f(Yl ~
a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the
10 mm ~ m~ %crm ~ ~ lf -qr;ft CfiT (f(Yl other side. Meanwhile the water f'iSes by 65 mm
~ mU'liCfl' CR'f ~ 65 mm ~ ~ \3JRIT %I ( ~ from its original level (see diagram). ~ the density of
~) -m~~CfiT~ef'Rq%: the oil is:

Pa Pa Pa Pa
A .... ___________ f_ -- -x F
A ~~ ------------- -- -':'10 nun
:::: E 10mm -- E ,
--- ---~------ -- --~~ \lffi ~ -- ---~------ - ___-v..Final water level
--- 65 ITrm - 65inm. - ~- ,
--~i----R =-~ :__ ~ \lffi ~ ---i--_--!? ==------Initial water level
' ' .
~ 65~
.B =.:~ _____ y______ ~ --- C

(1) 928 kgm- 3 (1) 928kgm- 3

(2) 650kgm- 3 (2) 650kgm- 3

(3) 425kgm- 3 (3) 425 kgm- 3

(4) 800 kgm- 3 (4) 800kgm- 3

- - - jHindi+English j
y ~0

176. <:frr ~ fu imhrim <ffi ~ cn<i ~ am m fcfim 3T-<i . 176. Young's double slit experiment is first performed in
air and then in a medium other than air. It is found
lif~~~~tr ~wn\5!Till ~ fcfl, ~~~
that gth bright fringE:: in the medium lies where sth
scff ~ ~ Cf2IT ~ ~ scff ~ ftt;;r ~ m~ . dark fringe lies in air. The refractive index of the
1R ~ ~, m, ~ ~ CfiT 3iqC!a1iq; WIT ~'qll = medium is nearly :

(1) 1.78 (1) 1.78

(2) 1.25 (2) 1.25

(3) 1.59 (3) _1.59

(4) 1.69
(4) 1.69

177. ~~CfiT~m ta2IT~T (~) (Wl"R

177. The de-Broglie wavelength of a neutron in thermal
~~~~~~tr ~~-~ equilibrium with heavy water at a temperature T
cF(lr~ezr = m-m (Kelvin) and mass m, is :

2h 2h
(1) (1)
.JmkT .JmkT

h h
(2) (2)
.JmkT .JmkT

h h
.J3~T (3)
.. .J3mkT
Jp ~
(4) 2h
.J3mkT (4)

178. ~ fcli"m ~ 1R, fcfim q;ur ~ x a2IT y f1e:~<ricti,

178. The x andy coordinates of the particle at ~y time
~= x=5t-2t2 a2IT y=10t ~ (~ x a2ITy~~ are x = 5t- 2t2 andy= lOt respect:ively,.where x and
t ~ ~ ~), -m, t=2s 1R ~ 'cfluT "CfiT ~ yare in meters and tin seconds. The acceleration of
WIT: the particle att = 2s is :

(1) -8m/s2 (1) -8m/s2

(2) 0 (2} 0

(3) 5mjs2 (3) 5mjs2

(4) -4mjs2 (4) -4mjs2

. -----
- - / Hindi+English /
41 y
179. The diagrams below show regions of equipoten tials.

30 V

lO V WV lOV 30V 20V

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

~~~ ~~C!iT A ~B dCfi"B\5fffi A positive charge is moved from A to B in each

%I c=i'r, ~ ~ if, q cnT A ~ B dCfl B \ifR if : diagram.
(1) Maximum work is required to move q in
(1) ~(b) if an~ CfiT<f ~ 1T0r 1 figure (b).
(2) ~ (c) if an~ CfiT<f ~ $ (2) Maximum work is requireq to move q in
(3) ~..rr ~ ~if WfR CfiT<f ~ $1 figure(c) .
(3) In all the four cases the work done is the same.
(4) ~(a) if~ CfiT<f~QTrnl
(4) Minimum work is required to move q in
figure (a).
l80. ~ fuirr( CflliFit) Cfi1 CfillRT W-Rfcn k %I ~ ~
~ if cnrc: ~'fliT%~ <.1kll$lll. Cfi1 a:r:rna
180. A spring of force constant k is cut into lengths of
1 : 2 : 3 %I ~ ~ 'lWlf cnT ~ Sfi1-T if ~ CR,
ratio 1 : 2 : 3. They are connected in series and the
~ CfiT CflliFit W-Rfcn k' Cfi'.IT WlRR Sfi1-T if~ CR . new force constant is k' . Then they are connected in
k" %I clr, ~ k': k" m-rn : parallel and force constant is k": Then k' : k" is :

(1) 1: 14 (1) 1 : 14
(2) 1; 6 (2) 1; 6
(3) 1: 9 (3) 1:9
(4) 1: 11 (4) 1 ; 11


' : ., 7;
; .

_~ . '

y 42 IHindi+English I
~ CfiTlf <t ftvrQ: ~/Space For Rough Work
IHindi+English j 43 y

W~<fi~~/Space For Rough Work

y 44 IHindi+English I

Read carefully the following instructions:

1. ~\lf01:R~l1if~ey, f.lit~Cfi) aNTI~--q?f 1 . Each candidate must show on demand his/her

Admit Card to the Invigilator.

2. No candidate, without special permission of the

2. arm~ <n f.lit~ q:,l ~ ~ ~ m ~ Superintendent or Invigilator, would leave his/
11if~ey aNTI~ -;cr ~I h er seat.

3. The candidates should not leave the

3. Cfi 14'~d f.:rttarcn <8 m dW 115f ~ f<iRT ~ Examination Hall without handing over their
~-~l:R~~~~ m~ 11if~ey Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and
l:Jit~~~~l ~fcfim~~~~ sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases where
a candidate has not signed the Attendance
Sheet second time will be deemed not to have
fcn ~ ~ ~ ~ M1ll!ll t affi" ~ ~ handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with
~Cfif~llAT~I as an unfair means case.

4. Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator is


;~~~~~-/ 0~:J
s. Llit~-~~ ~~~llit~, Llit~~mm 5. The candidates are governed by all Rules and
~ fC!Hlll"il IDU Hllf14d ~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Regulations of the examination with regard to .

~~l ~
cnr ~ ~ llitlffi ~ f.:rlJ1:IT ~ fctHlll"it ~
. .
their conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases
of unfair means will be dealt with as per Ru1es
and Regulations of this examination.

6. fcnm ~ ~ l:Jit~ g:flCfil aW~'Bf en~~ 6. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet
31WT -;cr cRI
shall be detached under any circumstances.

7. The candidates will write the Correct Test

7. llit~ g:fJCfil I ~ 11?T ~ ~ ~ l:Jit~ g:flCfi I ~ Booklet Code as given in the Test Booklet/
CfiT 11ifaw.ff "00 ~ "B ~-~ ll ~I Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet.

x cut into lengths

of 5.
of force c onstant k is and the
1. A sPrmg connected in series
-otib 1 1 2 :3. TheY are are connected in
constant is k . Then theY
is x-' Then k:k"'is:
new force
parallel and force c onstant
(1) "t:e
(2\ 1:77
(3) . 1..'14
d 1,6 q
of an o ptical
res J p owers
7 The ratio of elengths \1 =
4000 A and
mlcr oscope for tu'o 3(Kr +Kz )
N2 6000 A IS (1) z
(1) 9"4 '7r'
13L 3'.2
(3) 16:81 (2) K1+K2

3. :';:i$H:';:'#?i;
of the sYstem
I (3) 2(K1+K2)

(1) z0 Hz
(2) 30 Hz K1+K2
-!ry'- +o u' (1) 7

(4) 10 Hz
mass 1g f alling
Consider a droP
oftain water havmg ground with a
from a hei ght of
1km It hits the wittt a value 7
m/s Take '5
speed, o{ 50 by the (i).gtavttational
s2. The work done
10 m/ f orce of air rs
force and ttre
(1) (') 1,.2:51
i 6'; -e zs1
(1) decreases
bY a factor
of 2

(') 100l
(ir) 8.75l
(2) (ii) - 8.75 J remains the
(3) (') 101 (2)

(4) (,) -1 ol G) -8251 increases bY

a factor of

ty of the dimensions
of length that @ a factor of
5. APhYsicalquanti
velocitY (4) increases bY
out of c' G and 4
i, 1,;

can be forfled and

universal consta nt of
of ligh t, G is
e is char gel


(1) 15 and 200

(2) 150 and 15000
.-(3) 20 and 2000
(3) a 4teg
-L^ (4) 200 and 1000
1 el
t" 4ne6 l
3 x
9. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the 72. The given electrical network isequivalentto:
following diagram.

G) OR gate
(2) NOR gate
700 K )- NOT gate
500 K
300 K (4) AND gate

Match the following :

13. The de.Broglie wavelength of a neutron in thermal
Column-l Column-2 equilibrium with heavy water at a temperature T
(Kelvin) and mass m, is :
P, Process a. Adiabatic
o. Process II b. Isobaric \r'' Jgmt t
R. Process III c. Isochoric
S. ProcessfV d. Isothermd Q)ffi
(1) P-+c, Q-+a, R-+d, S-+b 2h
(3) ffi

P-+c, Q-+d, R-+b, S-+a
P-+d, Q-+b, R-+a, S-+c h
(4) P-ra, Q-rc, R-+d, S-+b JmkT

10. Suppoae the charge of a proton and an electron differ 14. Which one of the following represents forward
slightly. One of them is - e, the other is (e+ Ae). If bias diode ? I

the net of elechostatic force and gravitational force

betr,r,een two hydrogen atoms placed at a distance d -4V -3 V I
(much greater than atomic size) apart is zero, then
Ae is of the order of [Given mass of hydrogen
mh = 1.57 x 10-z kg] 2V R +2V
(1) 70-B c
(2) t0-37 C (3) 3V It 5V
(3) 70-47 C
(4) 10-20 C
(4) R -2V

11. The resistance of a wire is ,R, ohm. If it is melted

15. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 x 104 tums
and sbekhed,to 'n' times ib original lengti, ib new
resistance will be :

(1) T

{s-._ n2R (1) 15 pC

R) (2) 32.p
(3) 16 rr pC
(4) nR
(4) 32rr pC
x 4
76. Preeti reached the metro station and found that the 20. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
escalator was not v/orking. She walked up the each other with speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 m/s
stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she respectively. The driver of the first car blows a horn
remains stationary on the moving escalator, then having a frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard
the escalator takes her up in time t2. The time taken by the driver of the second car is [velocity ofsound
by her bo walk up on the movingescalator will be : 340 m/sl :

(1) (1) 361 Hz ufu
tz -tr (2) 417 Hz
tr t:
1:{ lzsu,
(4) 350 Hz %
(3) tt- tz \
t1 +t2
(4) 21 Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
2 are connected by a massless and inextersible sEing.
The whole system is suspended by a massless
"17. is first performed in spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of
than air. It is found acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
dium lies where 5s is cut, are respectively :
dark fringe Lies in air. The refractive index of the
medium is nearly :
(1) 1.5e
(2) 7.6e l-t
(3) 1.78 3m
(4) 1.2s
18. A beam of lghf from a s
on a plane inirfor fb.ed
the source. lThd beam is
ra.le placed iust above tre source L. When the nrirror
(1) :'c

0, the spot of the
distance y on the
(2) s's

I (3)
.1 \/


v 22.

p observed should be
19. :
each ot}ter,
(1) 6'
tan2o = tan2Ot + tan2o2
tan20 = tan2Ot
cot2Or -
q (2)

(4) coCo =cot2or + coP0z
5 x
23 The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km 27 Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8 \'
above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the and material'B' has decay constant')t'. Initially
surface ofearth. Then : they have sane number of nuclei. After what time,

the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to that
'A' will be ?

(2) a=9t- 'I


(3) d =2km @ 7)\

24. A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile dewice { 9T
to make electrical measuremenb of E.M.F. because
the;fethod involves : (1) IN

4tl potentialgradients
2E The dragrams below show regions of equipotentials
(2) a condition of no current flow through the
(, galvanometer 20v 40v 20v 40v 1 OV
20 \'
'10 v

(3) a combination of cells, galvanometer and BA ll B

(4) cells
10v 30v 10v 30v 20v 40v

G) (b) (c) (d)

25. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm A positive charge is moved from A to B in each
radiates 450 watt power at 500 K. If the radius were
halved and the temperature doubled, the power'
radiated in watt would be : )
CI In all the four cases the work done is the same.

(1) 450
(2\ Minimum work is required to move q in
figure (a).
(2) 1o0o (3) Maximum work is required to move q in
(3) 1800 1( figure (b).

(4) Maximum work is required to move q in
11tf figure (c).

Figure shor+.s a ctcuit that contains three identical 29. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free
resistors $'ith resistance R=9.0 l) each, two lostcontactwith their spaceship.
space after having
identical inductors with inductance L:2.0 mH The two will :
each, and an ideal battery rt'ith emf e= 18 V. The (1) move towards each other.
current'i' through the battery just after the switch (2) move away from each other.
closed is,.....
(3) will become stationary.
keep floating at the same distance between
+ L R them. q

30. The r and y coordinates of the particle at any time
are r = 5t- 2t2 and y:10t respectively, where r and
y are in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of
the particle at t = 2s is :
0.2 A
dtr) l- (1) 5 m/ s2
(2) 4 m/ s2

D -fu'*
(3) 0 ampere 5
(4) 2mA (4) 0
x 5
31 One md of string of length I is connected to a particle M. The bulk modulus ofa spherical object is'B'. If itis
of mass 'rnl and the other end is connected to a small subjected to uniform pressure'p', the fractional
peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle decrease in radius is :

moves in circle with speed'z/, the net force on the

particle (directed towards center) will be
(T represents the tension in the shing) 3p

t'2 3p
(1) T+ (2)
(2) T-^" 3B

(ifl z*,o ., (4) P


'(4) T
35. In an electromagnetic wave in free space t}te root
mean square value of the electric field is
32. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion Ero,": 6V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field
with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at is:
2 cm from the mean position, the magnihrde of its
(1) 2.83 x 10-E T
velocity is equal to that of its acceleration. Then ib
time period in seconds is : (2) 0.70x10-8 T
(3) 4.23 x 10 -8 T
(1) (4) 1.41 x10-87

4rr 35. A rope is wound around a hollow ryIinder of mass
J5 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
acceleration of the ryIinder if the rope is pulled with
a force of 30 N ?
E (1) 0 .25 nd / s2

./5 (2) 25 lt.d/ s2

; 5m/s2 !
(4) 25 m/s2
33 Two Polaroids P., and P, are placed with their axis
perpendicular to each ot}rer. Unpolarised light Io is 37 Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating about
incident on Pr. A third polaroid P. is kept in their regular axis passing through centre and
between Pl and P2 such that ib axis makes an angle perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
45' with that of P]. The intensity of bansmifted light velocities o, and tor. They are brought into contact
through P, is : face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. The
expression for loss of energy during this process is ;
tl (2) r(q-,)2
16 (3) | {., -,r)2

(4) ler (4) t 1q +,2;2

2l ]
7 x
38 The photoelectic threshold wavelength of silver is 43. An arrangerrent of three parallel staight wtes
3250 x 10 - 10 m. The velocity of the elechon eiected placed perpendicular to plane of paper carrying
from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of same current 'I' along the same direction is shown
wavelength 2536 x 10 -10 m is : in Fig. Magnitude of force per unit length on the
(Given h:4.14 x 10 -15 eVs and middle wire'B' is grven by :
c = 3 x 108 ms-1)
(1) = 0.6 x 106 ms-1 B d C
(2) = 61 x 103 ms -1 90"
(3) = 0.3 x 105 ms -1 d '[X
(4) = 5x10s ms-]

39. A 250 - Turn rectangular coil of length 2.1 cm and

width 1.25 cm carries a current of 85 pA and
subjecH to a magretic field of strengti 0.85 T. Work
Q*to a",\
done for rotating the coil by 180" torque
(1) 4.55 pJ n'd


2.3 pJ


p) L (3)

40 The ratio of wavelengths of the Iast line of Balmer
series and the last line of Lyman series is :
(1) 7

(2) 4 U. A U tube with both ends open to the atmosphere, is

partially filled with watrer. Oil, which is immiscible
@ 0.5 with water, is poured into one side until itstands at 'il
(+) 2 a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the
other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
q from its original level (see diagram). The of
the oil is :
41. A camot engine having an efficienry of as heat
engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on
the system is 10 ], the amount of energy absorbed Pa Pa
from the reservoir at lower temperature is F -iro
mm ^/

(1) eol E
'YFinal water level cq C},
(2) eel 65 mm
(3) 100 J
oil x
D --- Initial water level a
65 mm
t(41--, 1I Lt B .--c k
a ter
42. A Bas mixture consisb of 2 moles of 02 and 4 moles
of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational
modes, the total intemal energy of the sysbm is :
(1) 15 Rr \
(2) 800 kg m-s
(2) e Rr
11 RT (3) 928 kg m-:
(4) 4RT (4) 650 kg m-3
x 8
45. Which of the following statements are conect ? 50 Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops
into :
(a) Cenhe of mass of a body always coincides
with the centre of gravity of the body. ?f
Embryo sac
(b) Centre of mass of a body is the point at which
the total gravitational torque on the body is (3) Embryo
Ovule 7
G) A couplf on a body produce both
translatiorlal and rotational motion in a body. 51. Myelin sheath is produced by:
(d) Mechanical advantage greater than one (1) Astrorytes and Schwann Cells
means that small effort can be used to lift a
,l4l oligodendrorytesandosteoclasts
largb lpad.
(3) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
(1) (a) and (b)
'' Schwann Cells and Oligodendrorytes
(2) Q) and (c) 2-
@ (c) and (d) 52. Atbactants and rewards are required for:

(4) (b)and(d) (1) Entomophily

(2) Hydrophily
M, Which one of the following statements is correct, (3) Cleistogamy
with reference to enzymes ?
!fl/' Anemophily q
Holoenzyme = Apoenzyne + Coenzyme
(2) Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme 53. Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are presnt on

(3) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Co-factor

(ll PresYnaPticmembrane
tips of axons
(4) Apoenzyrne : Holoenzyme + Coenzyme t,
t (3) post-synapticmembraryt

47. A decrease in blood pressu re/volume will not cause Fi

membrares of synaptic vesicles
the release of :
Ahial Natriuretic Factor
Coconut fruit is a
(1) Berry
(2) Nut
(3) ADH

(3) Capsule

f Renin

Which cells of 'Crypts of I-ieberkuhn' secrete

V Drupe tl
48. 55 Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
antibacterial lysozyme ? following statement(s) is/are moet appropriate
explanation for this feature ?
0) P cclls
(2) Zyrnogen cells
(.) They do not need to reproduce
(b) They are somatic cells
V Kupffer cells u
G) They do not metabolize (
(4) Argentaffin cells
(d) All their intemal space is available for orygen
49. Whic h ol the following are not polymeric ?
Options :
(1) Proteins
(1) only (a)
(2) PcilysaccharidQ (2) (a), (c) and (d)

CI.- Lipids (3) (b) and (c) r

(4) Nucleic acids (f only(a)
9 x
Capacitation occurs in : 51. Good vision deperrds on adequaE intake of caroEne-
rich food.
(1) Epididymis
Select the best option from the following statemenb.
(2) Vas deferers

(3) Female Reproductive tract

(a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from

I Rete testis

Which of the following are found in extreme saline


The photopigments are embedded in the

membrane dirs of the inner segment.

conditions ? G) Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A.

(1) Eubacteria (d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the

visual photopigmenb.
(2) Cyanobacttiria
(3) Mycobacteria 7

0 Archaebacteria

Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained


(a), (c)

(a) and (c)

ard (d)

(b), (c) and (d)


when :

(4) (a) and (b)

(1) .=N I
(2\ K>N 62. The DNA fragments separated on an agarose gel
(3) K<N can be visualised after staining v/ith :

irf *" urN" of 'r' aoproaches zero (1) Acetocarmine g

a) Aniline blue
Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
milk output represents :
,S Ethidiumbromide

directional as it pushes (4) Bromophenol blue
the mean of the
character in one diection.

(2) disruptive as it splib the population into two, 53. The hepatic portal-vein drains blood t6liver from :
one yielding higher output and the other
lower output. (1) Stomach
\AL stabilizing followed bf disruptive as it
stabilizes the population to produce higher
\y Kidneys Ll
yielding cows. (3) Intestine
(4) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in the population.
--{+ Heart

64. The vascular cambiu-ur normally gives rise to

60. Sele(t the mismatch :

(1) Rhodospiillum Mycorrfiza (1) Primary phloem

@ Anabaena Nitrogm fixer A Secondary xylem
@ Rhizobium Alfalfa (3) Periderm

(4) Frankia Alnus (4) Phelloderm

x 10
55. Thalassemia andsickle cellanemia are caused due 70. Root hairs develop from the region of
to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Select
thrforrect statement.
(2) Root cap
4tl Both are due to a quantitative defect in Slobin
chain synthesis. (3) Meristematic *o"r
(2) Thalassemia is due to less s1'nthesis of globin (4) Maturation
molecules. I
(3) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative 77 A disease caused by an autosomal primary
problem of globin molecules. non-disjunction is :

(4) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin (1) Klinefelter'sSyndrone

chain synthesis.
(2) Turnels Syndrome

The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are IAIB and (3) SickleCell An
/n, "^iff
Down's SYndrome 1
Among the blood types of their childrery how many
different genotypes and phenotlryes are possible ?
72. The wa ter pote nti a I o f pu re wa ter is :

(1) 3 genotypes; 4 phenotypes

(1) Less than zero
4 genotypes ; 3 phenotypes

4 genotypes ; 4 phenotypes
(2) More than zdo but less than one
(3) More than one
.l*Y z.rc h
3 genotypes; 3 phenotypes

57 which ofl thf following facilitates opening of

stomatal dpeture ?
73 Which of the following options gives the corect
sequence of events during mitosis ?
(1) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
(1) condensation -+ nuclear membrane
(2') Radial orientation ofcellulose microfibrils in disassembly -J arran8ement at equator -,
the cell wall of guard cells centromere division -+ segregation -,
(3) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose telophase
microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
( condensation -+ crossing over -) nuclear
N Contraction ofoutelwall ofguard cells \ membrane disassembly -+ segregation -+
\tL r

68. In Bougainvillea thoms are the modifications of : (3) conderuation --+ arrangement at equatot --)
(1) Adventitious root centromere division --) segregation -9

(4) condensation -) nuclear membrane

(3) t-aat disassembly -+ crossing over --+
(4) Stipules segregation -+ telophase

69 74. The process of separation and purification of

expressed protein before marketing is called :

lTlr , Do**tr"om processing

(2) Bioprocessing
(3) region (3) Postproductionprocessing
(4) lV f,fife safari parks (4) Upsbeam processing

tl i

11 x
75. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body 80 Which of the following in sewage treatment removes
rs suspended solids ?
(1) Corpus cardiacum (1) Secondary heatment
Corpus luteum
.7@- Primary treannent
(3) Corousallatum
,l? ! (3) Sludgetreatment t>
(4) Pineal gland
(4) Tertiary treahrent
Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?
81 An important characteristic that Hemichordates
Collenchyma share with Chordates is :

(2) Phellem venhal tubular nerve cord I

(3) Phloem
Ur (2) pharynx with gill slits
9f Xylem parenchyma
(3) pharynx without gill slib

An example of colonial alga is
o absence of notochord

The final proof for DNA as the genetic maEdal came



from the experimenb of

Hershey and ( hase z-

H Chlorella
(2) Avery, Mcleod and McCarty

78. Match the following sexually transmitted (3) Hargobind Khorana

diseases (Column - I) with their causative agent (4) Griffith
(Column - II) and select the conect option.
Column - I Column - II 83. Among the following characters, which one was
(u) Gonorrhea HIV not considered by Mendel in his expedments on
(b) Syphilis Neisseria
pea ?

Genital W (,ri) Treponema

(1) Trichomes - Glandular or non-glandular
(d) Human
(Z) Seed - Green or Yellow

?-t Papilloma - Virus (3) Pod - Inflated or Constrictred

Options Stem - Tall or Dwarf
(") (b) G) (d) '/a @ Plants *'hich produce


,y (1) pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to

(3) (i") (in) (ii) (r)

Halophytes .L
(2) Psammophytes
(,i) (iri) (i") (r)
/ Hydrophytes
79. The function of copper ions in copper releasing
(4) Mesophytres
IUD's is :
(1) They inhibit gametogenesis. 85 The pivotjoint between atlas and axis is a type of :

(2) They .make uteru s i unsuitable for (1) cartilaginousjoint

(3) They inhibit ovulation.
(3) saddle joint
\a.. They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
capacity of sperms. (4) fibrous ioint
x 1.2

E5. With reference to factors affecting the rate of 91. Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be prevented
photosynthesis, which of tlre following statements by the application of :
is not correct ?
(1) Ethylene
(1) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration
up to tr05% can enhance CO, fixation rate
(2) C3 plants respond to higher temPeratures pf Gibberellic acid
with enhanced photosynthesis while (4) Cvtokinirrs L'
C4 plants have much lower temperature
Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in
(3) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can be male ftogs :
grown in CO2 - enriched atmosphere for \
hisher vield (1) Testes r Vasa efferentia -+ Kidney --;
w Seminal Vesicle -+ Urinogenital duct -)
Light sahrration for CO2 fixation occurs at
@ 10% of tull sunlight

Testes -+ Vasa efferentia --+ Bidder's canal

87. DNA fragments are : J Ureter -+ Cloaca

(1) Negatively charged La (3) Testes J

Vasa efferentia -+ Kidney -r
Bidder's canal -+ Urinogenital duct -+
(2) Neuhal u
d Either positively or negatively charged
depending on their size

Testes --l Bidder's canal -+ Kidney -+ Vasa

efferentia -+ Urinogenital duct --r Cloaca
Positively charged
93. Irl case of a couple where the male is having a very
88 Which of the following components provides sticky low sperm counf which technique will be suitable
character to the bacterial cell ? for fertilisation ?
(1) Nuclear membrane (1) Gamete inkacytoplasmic fallopian uansfer
(2) Pl,asura nembrane
1 <rl Artificial Insemination
e{ Glycocalyx
lBf lntrarytoplasmic sperm iniection
(4) Cell wall
(4) Intrauterinetransfer

89. Which of the following options best represents the

94. Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass ?
enzyme composition of pancreatic.juice ?

amyla$e, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase

peptidase, amylase, pepsin, renni-n (2)


Pond ecosystem

(3) lipase, amylase, t1 trypsinogen, q (3) Lakeecosystem

procarboxypeptidase .({) Forestecosystem

e amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin

95 Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They
90. Which among these is the correct combination of do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
aquatic mammals ? because of :

(1) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon @ Inspiratory Reserve Volume

(2) Whales, Dolphins, Seals l/t (2) Tidal Volume

(3) Trygor, Whales, Seals ExpiratoV Reserve Volume

Dolphins, Sharks (4) Residual Volume
13 x
96. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertical 101. Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and
lavers depending on their height can be seen best are packed into inllorescence are usually pollinated
ln: by:
0)r Tropical Rain Forest (1) Bee


TemperateForest L

(4) Tropical Savannah
Water t
97, Whic onect ?
I 102. Transplantadon of tissues/organs fails often due
l,l of Henle is to non-acceptance by the patien(s body. Which type
of immune-response is responsible for such
reiections ?
Q) The ascending limb of Ioop of Henle is

permeable to u/ater.

The descending limb of loop of Henle is

permeable to electrolytes.
f Q)
Cell - mediated immune response

Hormonal immune response


(4) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is (3) Physiological immune response
impermeable to water.
(4) Autoimmune resporse

98. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first /rl Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively

/ (1) Laws of limiting factor

a are

(1) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic

(2) Species area relatio*hip,
Population Growth equation F, L
[a (4) Ecological Biodiversity
(3) Haplodiplontic, HaplontiC

(4) Haplontic, Diplontic

99. Zygotic meiosis is,characteristic of :

(1) Fucus 104. A gene whose expression helps to identify

transformed cell is known as :
(2) Funaria
L*' 0) Vector
(3) Chlamydomonas
q Marclantia
(2\ Plasmid
X{ Structural gene
100. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a (4) Selectable marker
protein with 333 anino acids, and the base at
position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
RNA becomes 998 bases, how many codors will be
altered ?
105. A dioecious flowering plant prevents both :

(1) 11
1J (1) Autogamy and geitonogamy

@ 33 (2) Geitonoganry and xenogamy

(3) 333 (3) Cleistogamy and xenogamy

(4) 1 (4) Autogamy and xenogamy

x 14
106. h statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle ? 111. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis ?
is one point in the cycle where FAD +
ffi" There
is to FADH2 (1) The smaller the fragment size, the farther it
(2) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is (2) Positively charged fragments move to farther
synthesised end

(3) The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl (3) Negatively charged fragments do not move
group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yield (4) The larger the fragment size, the farthet it
citric acid moYes
tt t)--There ane t$ree points in tIi.y.l" *h"."
NAD+ if ref uced to NADH + H+ 112. Hypersecretion of Growtl Hormone in adults does
not cause further increase in height, because :
107. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2
(1) Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence.
acceptor in :
Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
(1) Ca plants et Hormone in adults.
(2) C2 plants
@t Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth.
(3) Cj and C4 plants
fL Gror*th Hormone becomes inactive in adults.
(4) Cj plants
113. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :

108. During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are (1) Within nucleolus
used to elongate :
(2) Prior to fission
S The lagging strand towards replication fork. )
(2) The leading strand away from replication
O Just before trarscription

fork. l (4) During S phase

t The laggrng shand away from the replication
fork. 114. Which one from those given below is the period for
Mendel's hy bridization experiments ?
(1) The leading strand ton'ards replication fork.
(1) 1840 - 18s0

109. Which of the follo$'ing RNAs should be most (2) 1857 - 786e
abundant in animal cell ? (3) 1870 - 78n t.,(

(1) t-RNA I{I 1856 - 1863

(, m-RNA
\_u 115. Viroids differ from viruses in having :
(3) mi-RNA
.{4L r-RNA
(1) DNA molecules without Protein coat
(2) RNA molecules with protein coat
110. GnRlI, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in ,@{ RNA molecules without protein coat
reproduction, acb on:
(4) !?NA molecules with protein coat
llt anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LH and FSH.
115. MALT constitutes about percent of the
q) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates lymphoid tissue in human body
secre(on of oxytocin and FSH.
(1) 20%
(3) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LH and relaxin.
@ -t0y.
(4) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
seretion of LH and orytocin. (+) 50%
15 x
117. Which of the following is correctly rratched for the 122. Identify the wrong statement in context of
product produced by therr ? heartwood ;

(1) Methanobacteium : [,actic acid y'1\ It is highly durable

(2) Pmicillium notatum: Acetic acid (2) Itconducts water and minerals efficiently
(3) Sacchromyces cerezrisiae : Ethanol p It comprises dead elements with highly
6 Acetobacteraceti:Antibiotics l-<
lignified walls
Organic compounds are deposited in it
rq Which among the following are the smallest living
cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogenic
123. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein
degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
to planb as well as animals arld can survive without of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
oxygen ? which of the following is expected to occur ?
Psettdontonas (1) Chromosomes will be fragmented
Q) Mycoplisma (2) Chromosomes will not segregate

q Nostoc (3) Recombination of chromosome arms will

(4) Bacilhts
(4) Chromosomes will not condense

119. Which of the following represents order of'Florse' ?

124. Which of the following cell organelles is responsible
(1) Perissodactyla for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form
(2) Caballus ATP ?

(3) Ferus k @ Ribosome

(2\ Chloroplast
t-I._ Eqridoe
(3) Mitochondrion t
120. Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues (4) Lysosome
to beat for sometime.

Select the best option from the following statements. 125. Mycorrhizae are tie example of

(a) Frog is a poililotherm. (1) Amensalism

(b) Frog does not have any coronary circulation. Antibiosis
(3) Mutualism
G) Heart is "myogenic" in nature.
(d) Heart is autoexcitable. \
Fungistasis t
Options: 125. Out of 'X' pairs of ribs in humans only l('pairs are
<\- o.uytal t true ribs. Select the option that correctly represenb
values of X and Y and provides their explanation :
(2) (a) and (b)

(3) (c) and (d)

(1) X=12,Y=5 True ribs are attached
dorsally to vertebral column
(4) only (c) and stemum on the tu/o ends.
(2) X=24,v =7 True ribs are dorsally
127. Homozygous purelines in cattle carr be obtained attached to vertebral column
by, cl but are free on ventral side.

&\ mating of unrelated individuals of same (3) X:24,\:-12 True ribs are dorsally
Y brced. attached to vertebral column
but are free on ventral side.
(2) mating of individuals of different breed
\ .
X:12,\=7 True ribs are attached
(3) mating of individuals of d ifferent species.
/ dorsally to vertebral column
@ mating of related individuals of same breed. and ventrally to the stemum.
x t5
27 In case of porifgrans, the spongocoel is lined with 134. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome
(l) DNA replication is occurring.
(2) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
(4) ostia b (3) The DNA double helix is exPosed

72E Which one of the following statements is not valid (4) Transcription is occu rrirg.

135. The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally

protected and where no human activity is allowed
is known as :

(3) They have negative imPact on agricultural

land a Buffer zone

A They are harmful to human health


Transition zone
Restoration zone

(4) Core zone

135. Name the gas that can readily decolourise acidified

KMnOl solution :

(1) SOz

@ Noz
(3) Pzos 1-
130. Select the mismatch :
(4) Coz
Heterosporous 137. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
(3) Equivtum \- HomosPorous X2 + Y2 + 2 XY is given below

(4) Pinus - Dioecious

0 X2-+X + X (fast)
131. The morphological nature of the edible part of (ii) X+Y2=XY+Y(slow)
coconut is :
(in) x+Y -, xY (fast)
(1) Cotyledon
The overall order of the reaction will be
Q., r,'jorp".o.
(3) Pericarp (1) 2
(4) Perisperm (2') o

132. Double ferti-lization is exhibited by :

(3) l.s
(1) Algae 1

(2) Fungi
The element Z = 114 has been discovered recently.
(4) Gy'nrnosperms It will belong to which of the following family/group
and electronic configuration ?
133. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of :
(1) Carbon family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p2
(1) Fungi
oxygen family, [Rn] 5f11 6d10 7s2 7p4
S errir:r"tr a (3) Nibogen family, [Rn] 5f11 6di0 7s2 7p6
(3) Bacteria 'L
(4) Plants N Halogen family, [Rn] 5F4 6d10 7s2 7ps

A- ->o
\ \**, '(,
17 x
139. The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI 143. Which one is the most acidic compound ?
(1) iodobenzene OH
@ phenol
(3) benzene tT (1)

ethyl chlorides

140. Which one is the correct order of acidity ?

(1) CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CH2=CH2 >
cH3 - cH3
(2) CH=CH > CH, = 611, > CH3 - C=CH >
cH3 - cH3
(3) CH3 - CH3 > CH, = 611, > CH3 - C=CFI > Noz
(4) CHr=C11r, qr"-CH=CHz> CHs-C= OH
CH>CH=CH ozN Noz

141. Predict the correct intermediate and product in the

following reaction :
HIC-C=CH Iffi ----------+ prodlct 5
","ffdiate OH

$)....- e: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C:CH, (4)

t oH so4
(2) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: H.C-C=CH
144. The correct increasing order of basic suength for
(3) A: H3C-C:CH2 B: H3C_C- cHs the following compounds is :
OH o
(4) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3 C_C_ CHs
so4 o
142. The equilibrium constants of the following are Noz CHs
= 2NH3
N2+3 H2 (D
N2+O2=2NO K2
(1) III<I<tr
H2+ K3 (2) m<tr<I
The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction :
6 tr<I<III
(4) tr<Itr<I
2l:{H3 +5/2 02 will be:
= 2 No+3 H2o, 145. Ionic mobility of which of the following alkali metal
ions is lov,,est when aqueous solution of their salts
(1) K, K3/T1, 1) are put under an electric field ?
I2)_\ K2rq/K1 0)K
(3) Kl K3/K1 (2) Rb
(3) Li +
Kr K:/K2

x 1d *^
x 18
746. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1 151. Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
mixhrre of ortho and para - nihophenols is : with the geometry h column II and assign the correct
(1) Chromabography Column I Columntr

QI Crystallisation (o) xx' (, T - shape

(3) Stean distillation

L (b) XX: (ii) Pentagonalbipyramidal

(4) Sublimation
G) XXs (rii) Linear

147 HgCl, and 12 both when dissolved in water

(d) XXz (rv) Square - pyramidal

containing I - ions the pair of species formed is :

(v) Tetrahedra.l

HgIvI- Code :

\ (a) O) G) (O
(2) HsI?-, I' (1) (in) (, (i") (n) tr
Q) (v) (i") (iii) (ii)
(3) Hg2trr-
(3) (i") (iii) (ii) (,
(4) Hgr2,r3 (iii) (iv) (,) (ii)
Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a saturated

Mixture of c$orpxylenol and terPineol acts as
solution of Ag2C2O1 is 2.2xL0-l mol L-1.
Solubi-tity product of Ag2CrOo is :
(1) ,"ti""pti! (1) 2.66x"t0-12

antipyretic ff E.s'ro-''t
V (3) 5.3 x 1o-12
(3) antibiotil (4) 2.42 x rO - I
(4) analgesit
153. ln tle electrochenrical cell:
ZnlZngn(0.01 M)ll CuSo, of
(1 0 M)lCu, the emf
149. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic this Daniel cell is Er. When the concentration of
compound is : Znfin b changed to 1.0 M and that of CuSO,
changed to 0.0t M, the emI changes to Er. From the
g{ calada'sreagent
followhgs, which one is the relationship between

(2) Ferrocene E" and E, ? (Given, .F S = 0.0s9)

(3) Cobaltocene (1) Er Ez

(4) Ruthenocene (2) Er , Ez

(3) Ez=0+Er
150. A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of
(4) Er = Ez
10-2sec-1. How much time will it take for 20 g of
the reactant to reduce to 5 I ? 1,54. Which of the following pairs of compounds is
t (ro
-1. isoelectronic and isostructural ?

138.6 sec

346.5 sec
f(-1 / (1) TeI, XeF2
(2\ IBr2 , XeF2 -l_
(3) 693.0 sec
(3) IFr,XeF, )
BeClr, XeF,
(4) 238.6 sec {
79 x
155. The IUPAC name of the compound 150. Which of the following is a sink for CO ?
()/ Micro organisms present in the soil
(2) Oceans
(1) af ormylhex-2-en-3-one
ftt' 5-methyl-.1-oxohex-2-en-5.a1
(3) 3-ketG2-methylhex-Snal
(4) lketo-2-methylhex-4-enal L (4) tlaemoglobin

155. Which one is the wrong statement ?

151. If molality of the diluE solution is doubled, the value
(1) The uncertainty principle is AEx At>t%n. of nolal depression constant (K) wil be :
(2) H,lf filled and fuIly filled orbitals have greabr
stability due to greater exchange energy, (1) halved
greater symmetry and more balanced lr

The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energy
of 2p orbital in case ofHydrogen like atouis.

de-Broglie's wavelength is give;Iy

= mlt
q (2) tripled


(4) doubled

where m = mass of the particle, u: group
velocity of the particle.

157. Which is the incorrect stahernent ?

152. Which of the following is dependent on
bmperature ?
(1) Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schottky's defect.
(1) Molarity

NaCl(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric
Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
q Mole fraction
compounds in which sizes of cation and (3) Weight percentage
anions are almost equal.
({ FeO6.96 has non stoichiometric metal (4) MolaLity
deficienry defect. lA
158. The species, having bond angles of 120. is
153. Which one of the following statements is not
0) clF3
correct ?
(2) NCl3
gf ecl. (1) The value of equilibrium constant is changed
'(E) PHa in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
159. For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kJ mol-1 and
AS= 83.6 K-1mol-1. The reaction is spontaneous (2) \
Enzymes catalyse maini v bio-chemical
at : (Assume that AH and AS do not vary with reactions.
(1) T>42sK (3) Coenzymes increase tle catalytic activity of
(2) all temperatures mzyme.
T<425K q Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.
x 20
164. Identify A and predict the tyPe of reaction 67.

volume of 4.50 L. The change in internal energy AU

NaNH2 p of the gas in joules will be :


c reaction
and elimination addition

168. Which of the following reactions is appropriate for

converting acetamide to methanamine ?
(1) Hoffmannhypobromamidereaction
(2) and cine substitution reaction (2) Stephens reaction

(3) Gabrielsphthalimidesynthesis
OCH3 lA Carbylamine reaction
(3) and cine subshtution reaction 769. With respect to the conformers of ethane, which of
following statemenb is true ?
Bond angle changes but bond length remairs

(2) Both bond angle and bond length change

() and substitution reaction
NHz (3) Both bond angles and bond length remains

155. The correct order of the stoichiomeuies of AgCl Bond angle remains same but bond length
formed when AgNO3 in excess is treated @ chan8es
with the complexes : CoCla 6 NH", CoClr'S NH3,
CoCl3.4 NH3 resPe(tively is :
170. In which pair of ions both the species contain S - S
(1) 3 AgCl,1AgCl,2 AgCl bond ?
(2) 3 ANl,2 AgCl,l AgCl

(3) 2 AgCl,3AsCl,l Agcl

(1) s4or-,s2o1|.-
(4) 1AgCl,3 AgCl,2 AgCl (2) szo;- ,s2oz-
766. The correct statement regarding electrophile is :

(1) Ele(hophile is a negatively charged species

(3) s4oz ,s2o1?-
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from another elechophile (4) S2O2?- , S2O3-
(2) Electrophiles are generally neutral species
and can form a bond by accePting a Pair of 171. It is because of inabitty of rs2 elechons of the valence
electrons from a nucleophile na
shell to participate in bonding tlrat :
lleotrophile can be either neuhal or positively
charged species and can form a bond by
(1) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pba+ is reducing
accepting a pair of electrons from a (2) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
nucleophile reducing
(4) Electrophile is a negatively charged species (3) Sn4 + is reducing while Pba
+ is oxidising
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile (4) Sn2+ is reducing while Pba + is oxidising
Correct. increasing order for the wavelengths of 175. Which one of the following pairs of species have the
*"t region for the complexes of
""ible same bond order ?
(1) /- (r) o,, No+
- ' cN-,co
[Co (I-I2O)ul3 +, ICo (en)3l3+, I Co (NH3)6]3+ Y*zf
(2) [co (H2o)5]3+, Ico (NHr6]3+, Ico(en)3]3+ (3) N,, o;
(3) [Co (NHj6]3 +, ICo(".)rl3*, Ic"1Hro)u1a*
(4) (4) cq No
[ Co (en)3]3+, I Co (NH3)ol3*, Ico lHro;;a *
173. Consider the reactions :
Cu lAg(NHs)21*
Silver mirror observed
(c2H50) 573 K A
-o I
now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
Identily A, X, Y and Z in the container. The maximum volume of the
(1) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanol,y-Ethanoic container, when pressure of CO, attains its
acid, Z-Semicarbazide. maximum value, will be :
(2) A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol. Y-But-2-enal, ( Given that : SrCOr(s) SrO(s) + CO2(g),
A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic acid,
KP: 1.6 afol )
Y-Acetate ion, Z-hydrazine. Slitre

174. Of the following, which is the product formed when 178. Pick out the correct statement with respect to
cyclohexanone undergoes aldol condensation lMnlCttq;:-
followed by heating ? (1) It is sp3d2 hybridised and tehahedral
(2) It is d%p3 hybridised and octahedral
(3) It is dsp2 hybridised and square planar
(1) t{\ It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral ao
179. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in
o actinoids is athibuted to :
(1) actinoidconhaction
(2) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable

(1) Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in egg -

(3) white.
oo (2) Blood proteins thrombir.and fibrinogen are
involved in blood clottin$/
o Denaturation makes the proteirs more active.
u) Irsulin maintains sugar level in the blood of
a human body.

w 2
1 Which one of the following statements is correct, 5. Which one from those given below is the period for
with reference to enzymes ? Mendel's hybri dization experiments ?
(1) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyrne + Coenzyme
1856 - 1853
(2) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzlme
(2) 1840 - 1850
Coenzymd = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme
Y (3) 1857 - 1869
(4) Holoenzyhe = Coenzyme + Co-factor
(4) 1870 - 1,8V
2, Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn, secrete
antibacterial lysozynre ? Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and
(1) Argentaffin cells are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated
(2) Paneth cells
(3) Zymogen celts (1) Water

(g/ Kupffer cells (2) Bee

3. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 .tr Wind

acceptor in : (4) Bat

(1) Cj plants
Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
(3) C2 plants
when :
(1) The value of'r' approaches zero
(4) C.1 and C1 plants
(2) K=N
4. Match the follon,ing sexually transmitted (3) K>N
diseases (Column - I) with their causative agent
(Column - II) and select the correct option. (4) K<N
Column - I Column - II
9 Out of 'X' patus of ribs in humans only 1('pairs are
(u) Gonorrhea i) Hry true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents
(b) Syphilis Neisseia values of X and Y an

G) Genital Wa iii) Treponema ftT X=12,Y =7

(d) AIDS (ir) Human
Papilloma - Virus and ventrally to the sternum.
Options ; (2) X:72,\ =5 True ribs are attached
(a) (b) (c) (d)
dorsally to vertebral column
and sEmun on the two ends.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iu) (,
(3) X:24,Y =7 True ribs are dorsally
(2) (in) (ir) (,) (ii)
attached to vertebral column
(3) (i") (iD (iii) (i) but are free on venkal side.

W (i") (iii) (iD (i) (4) X=24,Y =12 True ribs are dorsally
attached to vertebral column
5. Which among the following are tie smallest living . but are free on vental side.
cells, known without a definite cell wa[ pathogenic
MALT constitutes about_
to planb as well as anirnals and can survive without
oxygbrt ?
@ lymphgi{ tissue in human body.
percent of the

(1) Bacillus (1) s0%

(2) Pseudonrcias (2) 207"

Nostoc (4)

J w
11. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained 17. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
by.. milk output represents ;
mating of related individuals of same breed. (1) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in the PoPulation.
(2) mating of unrelated individuals of same
breed. (2) directional as it Pushes the mean of the
character in one direction.
(3) mating of individuals of different breed
(4) mating of individuals of different species
(3) disruptive as it splits the poPulation into two,
one yielding hiSher outPut and the other
lower output.
72. Among the following characters, which one was
not considered by Mendel in his exPeriments on
,y stabilizing followed by disruptive qs'it
stabilizes the population to produce higher
yielding cows.
(1) Stem - Tall or Dwarf

Pl Trichomes - Glandular or non-glandular The hepatic portal v-ein drairs blood to [ver from


(3) Seed - GreenorYellow Heart

(4) Pod InJlaEd or Constricted
(z) Stomach

Which of the following cell organelles is responsible 0( Kidnevs -

@ for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form (4) Intestine

(1) Lysocome 19. The water potential of pure water is :

(2) Ribosome Tero

(3) Chloroplast (2) Less than zero
(4) Mitochondrion (3) More than zero but less than one
(4) More than one

Which of the following represents order of 'Horse'?

altered ?

(1) 1
{ Perissodactyla
(3) Caballus
/ (3) JJ .w Ferus

(4) 333 Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first

time :

15. Which of the following are found in extreme saline

conditions ?
(1) EcologicalBiodiversitY

-v (2)
(2) Laws of limiting factor
Species area relationshiPs

(3) Cyanobacteria (4) Population Growtlr equation

(4) Mvcobacteria
22 DNA fragments are :

Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are Present on (1) Positively charged

(1) veicles Negatively charged
membranes of sYnaPtic
,g (3) Neuhal

tips of axons
post-synaptic membrane
(4) Either positively or negatively charged
depending on their size

to SS,fuf,'n
w 4
23. A baby boy two years is adndtted to play school 28. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
and passes gh a dental check - up. The dentist following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
observed t boy had twenty teeth. Which teeth explanation for this feature ?
h'ele a 'l
(a) They do not need to reproduce
(1) 5

(2) Canirnes
(b) They are somatic cells

Pre-molars G) They do not metabolize

(1) Molars
(d) All their inbmal space is available for orygen

Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein Options:

degradation mrhinery necessary for proper mitosis
only (d)
of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
which of the following is expected to occur ? (2) Only (a)
(1) Chromosomes will notcondense (3) (a), (c) and (d)
(2) Chromosomes will be fragmented (4) (b) and (c)
(3) Chromosomes will not segregate
(4) Recombination of chromosome arms will 29 Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They
occu r do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
because of :

25. An import4nt characteristic that Hemichordates (1) Residual Volume

share with Chordates is :
(2) Irspiratory Reserve Volume
(1) absericeofnotochord
ventral tubular nerve cord
(1) Expfu atory Reserve Volume
(3) pharynx with gill slits
(4) pharynx without gill slits
@ Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of:
The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are lAIBand (1) Marchantia
IAi. (2) Fuans
Among t}re blood types of their childrerl how many (3) Funmia
different genotypes and phenotypes are possible i
(1) genotypes;
(4) Chlamydomonas
3 3 phenotypes

,d (3)
3 gerEtypes

4 genotypes;
; 4 phenotypes

3 phenotypes
31 Select the correct route for the passage of sperms
male frogs :

(4) 4 genotypes; 4 phenotypes (1) Testes --l

Bidder's canal --l Kidney --l Vasa
efferentia -+ Urinogenital duct + Cloaca
Transplantation of tissues/organs fafu often due
to non-acceptarrce by the
patien/s body. Which type
(2) Testes -e Vasa efferentia + Kidney r
of immune-response is responsible for such Seminal Vesicle -J Urinogenital duct -+
reietions ? Cloaca

(1) Autoimmuneresponse (3) Testes -r Vasa efferentia -+ Bidder,s canal

(2) Ce[ -jmediated immune response
-, Ureter -, Cloaca

(3) Hormonal imrnune response

(y Testes -, Vasa efferentia --l Kidney -+
/ Bidder's canal -+ Urinogenital duct _+
Phvsrological immune response Cloaca
5 w
32. Which one of the following statements is not valid Spliceosomes are not found in cells of :

for aerosols ? (1) Plants

(1) They are harmful to human health. (2) Fuogt
(2) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns (3) Animals
They cause increased a gricultural (4) Bacteria
productivity ,
(4) They have negative imPact on agricultural 39. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(l) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
33. Viroids differ from viruses in having ;

(1) DNA molecules with Protein coat (2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
imPermeable to water.
(2) DNA molrules without protein coat

v (4)
RNA molecules with Protein coat
RNA molecules without protein coa t
The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
Permeable to watrer'
'I'he descending limb of loop of Henle is

permeable to electrolYtes.
During DNA reflicetion, O9:1lL-.lll3flents are
used to e-longate :
Which ecosystem has t}re maximum biomass ?
(1) The leading strand towards replication fork'
Forest ecosystiem
The lagging shand towards replication fork
(2) GrasslandecosYstem
't (t\ The leading strand away from replication
(3) Pond ecosYstem
Lake ecosvstem
(4) The lagging shand away from the replication
The final proof for DNA as the genetic mabrial came
a\ Plants which produce characteristic
ftom the exPeriments of :
a, pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to : (1) Griffith
MeoPhYtes HersheY and Chase
.9Y /
' (2\ Halophytes
'(l'l Avery, Mcleod and McCartY
(3) PsammoPhYtes (4) Hargobind Khorana
(4) HydroPhYtes
42 The function of copper ions in copper releasing
36. The process of separation and purifi-cation of IUD's is :
expressed protein before marketing is called :
They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
(1) UPstreamProcessing
Downstream Processrng
,y capacity of sPerms.
They inhibit gametogenesis.
(3) Bioprocessing (3) They make uterus unsuitable for
(4) PostProductionProcessing implantation.
(4) They inhibit ovulation.
37. Identify the wrong statement in context of
heartwood :
An example of colonia I alga is
(1) Organic compo.4nds are deposited in it

(2) It is highly durable Volaox
B/ Itcordu.ts water and minerals (3) Ulothrix
dead elements with highly
'(o\ It comPrises walls
(4) Spirogyra
w 6
4. Root hairs develop from the region of The association of histone Hl with a nucleosome
(1) Maturation indicates :

(2) Elongation 0) Transcription is occurring.

(3) Rootcap
(2) DNA replication is ocurring.

Meristematic activi$r
(3) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
{ Fibre.

45. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adutb does

(4) The DNA double helix is exposed .

notcause further increase in heigh! because:

51 A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
(1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults. ls:
Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence. (1) Pineal gland
(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth (2) Corpus cardiacum
Hormone il adults pl Corpus luteum
(4) Muscle fibres do notgrow in size after birth. (4) Corpus allatum

46. Which of the followhg in swage heahlent removes 52. Select the mismatch :
suspended solids ?
(1) Frankia Alnus
(1) Tertiary heatment (2) Rhotlospiillum Myconhiza
(2) Secondary keahnent (3) Anabaena Nihogen fixer
y{ Primary teatrnent
y Rhizobium AIfaIfa
(4) Sludge heatment
GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
reproductioD acts on :
Slect the mismakh
(/ anteior pituitary gland and stimulates
Pinus Diocious / secretion of LH and orytocin.
Q) Cycas Dioe<ious (2) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(3) Salainia Heterosporous secretion of LH and FSH.

(4) (3) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

Euivtutfl Horrosporow
secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

48. l4y'hat is the criterion for DNA fragmenb movement

(4) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
on agarose gel during gel elechophoresis secretion of LH and relaxin.

(1) The larger the fragment size, the farther it

I S1n" *1o"-9 expression
54 helps to identify
moves transformed cell is known as :
g{ the smaller the fragment size, the farther it (1) Selectable marker
(2) Vector
(3) Positively charged fragmenb move to farther
(3) Plasmid
(4) Negatively charged fragments do not move

,g Shuctural gene

Itesence of planb arranged into well defined

49 In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications vertical
of: layers depending on their height can be seen
(1) Stipules in:
(2) Adventilious root (1) Tropical Savannah
(2) Tropical Rain Forest
(3) Grassland
Temperab Forest
7 w
55. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops Life rycle ol Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively
into are

(1) Haplontic, DiPlontic

(1) Orru]e

,r (3)

Embryo sac

Diplontic, HaPlodiPlontic
Haplodiplontic, DiPlontic
HaplodiPlontic, HaPlontic
(4) Embryo

63. Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ

57. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :
corrservation of tlueatened anirnals and plants

(1) During S Phase Wildlife Safari Parks

(2) Within nucleolus
(2) BiodiversitY hot sPots
(3) Prior to fission Amazon rainforest
Just before transcriPtion (4) Himalayan region

Which among these is the coEect combination

58. 64. Good vision depends on adequate intake of caroEne'
aquatic mammals ?
rich food.
(1) Seals, DolPhins, Sharks
Select the best option from the following

(2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygott (a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from
Whales, DolPhins, Seals caloEne.
/ (b) The photopigments are embedded in the
(4) Trygon, Whales, Seals
mem-brane discs of the inner segment

Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A'

59. Coconut fruit is a
,N(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
D-p" visual photoPigmenb.
' (z\ Berry
(3) Nut
(1) (a) and (b)
(4) Capsule
(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(a) and (c)

50 Double fertilization is exhibited by :

(4) (b), (c) and (d)

(1) GymnosPerms

(2) Algoe
65. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused

(3) Fung to'iptott"^ i" globin molecule synthesis Slect

v Angiosperms

Which of the following components Provides

the coEect statement.

(1) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin

chain sYnthesis.

Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin

character to the bacterial cell ? (2)
chain synthesis
(1) Cell wall

Nuclear membrane

Pl,asma membrane (4)

Thalassemia is due to
les synthesis of globin

Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative

problem of globin molecules
(4) Glycocalyx
w 8
\ y'hich of the following are not polymeric ? 77. In case of poriferaru, the spongocoel is lined with
(1) Nucleic acids flagellated cells called :

(2) Proteirrs ostia

(3) Polysaccharides oscula
(4) Lipids
(3) choanocytes

67. A disease caused bv an au tosomal primary (4) nesenchymal cells

non-disjunction is ;

(1) Down'$ Slmdrome 72. A decrease in blood pressure/ volume will not cause

.ff (3)
Klinefeltuls Syndrome
Turner's Syndrome
the release of :

(1) Renin

y' Sickle CelI Anemia

)t{ at iut N uaiuretic Factor
58. With reference to factors affecting the rate of (3) Aldosterone
photosynthesls, which of the following statements
ls not correct ?
(4) ADH
A dioecious flowering plant prevents botl
(2) (1) Autogamy and xenogamy

(2) Autogamy and geitonogamy

(3) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

CleistoCamy and xenogamy

Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can
,/ go-*" - CO2 - enriched atmosphere for
higher yield
74. Which of the fol]owing facilitates opening
stomatal aperfure ?

69 Fruit and leaf drop atearly stages can be prevented

(1) Contraction of ouber wall of guard cells
by the appl.ication of :
(2) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
(1) Cytokiniru
Radial orientation of cellulose mfurofibrils
(2) Ethylene .,Pl the cell wall of guard cells
tpf Auxins
(4) Longitudinal orientation of
Gibberellic acid microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

70 The. rengn of Biosphere Reserve

which is legally
ITP*O fr:g-."1o separated on an agarose
pr_otected and where no human gel
activity is ano"wed can be visualised after staining with
is known as : :

(1) Corezone (1) Bromophenolblue

gf a**,|^l (2) Acetocarmine

(3) Transitibn zone (3) Aniline blue
(4) Restoration zone
Ethidium bromide
76. W}lich stabment is wrong for KrebE' cycle ? 81 Myelin sheath is produced bY :

(1) There are three points in the cycle where g{ Srln*^tt;.Cells and Oligodendrocytcs
NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+ '(Z\ AsEocytes and Schwann Cells
(2) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+ (3) OligodendrorybesandOsteoclasts
is reduced to FADH2 (4) Osteoclasb and Ashocyt'es
(3) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is 82. Capacitation occurs in :

synthesised Rete testis

6 The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl (2) Epididymis
./ gtoup (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yeld
cihic acid (3) Vas deferens
(4) Female ReProductive hact
Tl . Mycorrhizae are the examPle of :
83. The morphological nature of the edible part ol
(1) Furgistasis coconut is :

(2) Amensalism (1) Perisperm

(3) Antibiosis (2) Cotyledon
Mutualism 19l Endosp".m
,/ ' (1) PericarP
78. The pivot ioint between atlas and axis is a type of :

(1) fibrousioint 84. Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?

(2) cartilaginousjoint
(1) XYlem ParenchlT na

r{ syrcvialioint
(2) Collench)'ura

/(n) Phellem
saddle ioint .{ (4) Phloem

79. Which of the following is correctly matched for the

85 ln case of a couple where the male is having a very
product Produced bY them ?
low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
(1) Autobacter auti: Anlibiol:16 for fertilisation ?
(2) Methanobactzrium : I-actic acid (1) Inhauterinehansfer
(3) Penicillium notatum: Acetic acid (2) GameteinhacytoPlasmicfallopiantransfer

()f Sacchromycts cereoisiae : Ethanol

Artificial Insemination
(4) lntracytoPlasmicsperminiection
80, Frog s heart when taken out of the body continues
to beat for sometime. Which of the follbwing RNAs should be most
abundant in animal cell ?
Select the best option from the following staEments'
(a) Frog is a Poikilotherm.
Frog does nothave any coronary circulation'
Q) r-RNA
O) (3) n-RNA
G) Heart is "mYogenic" in nature'
(4) mi-RNA
(d) Heartisautoexcitable.
: The vascular cambium normally gives rise to
OPtions l,
(1) Ptrelloderm

t .f
(z) ^tnt
only (d) Q) Primary Phloem

(3) (a) and (b) ,il


(4) (c) and (d)

w 10
88. Which of following options gives the correct 92. The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km
sequence of during mitosis ? above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the
(1) cond ation -) nuclear membrane surface ofeartl Then :
disa embly -; crossing over --)
-J telophase (1) a=1t-
(2) conde tnsation -+ nuclear mem brane

imfly --+ arrangement at equator J d=1km
centrclmdre division -J segregation --+
teloph hse a=9t-
condel fuation crossing over -) nuclear
memb] fane disassembly -, segregation -, (4) d=2km
telophl hse
(4) conderrsation -J arrangement at equator -+ 93. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion
cen tro mdre division -+ segregation --) with an amplitude of 3 at
2 cm from the mean po its
velocitv is equal to that its
89. Which of the options best represents the tirne period in seconds is :
enzyme com tion of pancreatic juice ?
(1) amy , trypsinogen, rennin J5
(z\ amy trypsinogen, maltase =
amylase, pepsin, rennin
( lipas amylase,
trypsinogen, (2)
Procar ptidase

90. Athactants
rewards are requied for (3)

& (3)
(4) Cleistopam v
94. The resistance of a wire is ,! ohm. If it is melEd
91. Two blocl.s.Aand B of masrs 3m and m respectively
and stretched to'n times ibbriginal length, ib new
are corurected by a massless and inextersibte string
The whole sys tem is suspended by a massless
resistance will bd :

spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of

acceleration ofA and B immediate ly after the shing
is cut, are respectively ;

I (2\ !n
fr (3)
"f^ n2R

3m (4) 1

95 A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is
removed and another identical urrcharged capacitor
(1) c,? isronnecEd in parallel. The total electrostatk energy
of resulting system :
!,e (1) increases by a factor of4
(3) c, c (2) decreases by a factor of 2

EE O/ remains the same
J.' (4) increases by a factor of2
96 Two rods A and B of different maberials are welded 99 A physical quantity of the dimensions of length drat
together Islfi,o-wn in figure. Their thermal e'
is [c is veloclty
co-nductivities are K, and Kr. The thermal can be formed out of c, G and !r*
conductivity of the composite rod will be : of light, G is universal corstant of gravitation and
e is chargel :

K1 1/
Tl T2 1 e
B (1) -'- G
c' 4ne6

2 %
(2) ,2 C
K1 -lK2

rf e2 1%
3(K1 +K2 ) -l-t
c2 lc an.s l
1- e2
c 4tre6
(3) K1 + K2


closed is,..

+ L


(i) 2mA
(2) 0.2 A
(3) ZA
0 ampere

98. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is

'B' I{ it ts
r"Ui".La to uniform pi"tt"" 'p', the fractional 101.
decrease in radius is :

r1) P

B (1) r
(2) 3p 2
_l+- ml,
(3) T-o."

P (4) Zeto
w 1.2

(Given h = 4.14 x 10 - qrs

15 eVs and c:3 x 108 ms - 1)
(1) =5x10s ms-1 \t (1) 9.1 pI
(2) = 0.5 x 106 ms-1
a"/ (2) 4.s5 p I
d =61 x tdhrs -1 (3) 2.3 pJ

'(n) = o.a !ro{." -1 i )

1.15 p J

103. Radioactive ma terial '{lhas decay constant ,8 T'

and material 'B ' has d*uy
107. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 mhas2x104tums
they have sani-e nu mber of n hat time,
the ratio nu nuclei of material'B' to that
'A' will be e

(1) L

(1) 32 rr p.C
7t (2) 16pC
1 (3) 32 y.C
8I (4) 16 rr pC
9I 108.

(1) 10-20 C

@ 10-ts C
(4) .lo il- + (3) c
5 m/ s2 10
S'. .j:. D{ N
*t (4) 70- 47 c
105. Two cars m ovmg in opposite directi ons r;'
each other with speed of 22 m/ s and
15.5 m/s 109. Two askonauts a re floating in gravita tional
respectively. The driver offfit
havhg a frequenry 400 Hz . The freq uenry
car blor,v-s
a hoin free
rpacenft-havirg Iostcontact with their spaceship.

heard The two will :
by the driver of the second car is
[velocity of sound
340 m/sl ;
keep floating at the same distance between
(1) 350 Hz them.
(2) 361 Hz (2) move bowards each other.
(3) 477 Hz (3) move away from each other.
(4) 448 Hz (4) will become stationary.
13 w
110. The ratio of wavelengths of the last line of Balmer 114. A U tube with both ends open to the atrrosPhere, is
series and the last line of Lyman series is : partially filled with water' Oil, which is imniscible
with witer, is poured into one side until it stands at
(1) 2
a distance of i0 mm above the water level on the
(2) 1 other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
(3) 4 from its original level (see diagram). The deruity of
(4) 0.5 the oil is :

111. The de Broglie wavelength of a neuhon in thermal Pa Pa

equilibriu; with heavy water at a temPerature T F -iro
(Kelvin) and mass m, is :
A *rn
E - YFinal water level
(1) ffi 65 mm
oil x Initial water level

(2) ffih B
65 fiun
'2h Water
ill (1) m- 3
(4) ffi
650 kg

(2) 425 kg m-3

(3) 800 kgm-3
(4) 928 kg m-3

deviation. The refracting angle of second prism 115. A spring of force constant k is cut into lengtls of
should be : ratio 3. They are connected in series and the
t :2:
(1) 4" new force constant is 11. Then they are connected in
parallel and force corstant is k". Then k' : k" is ;
(2) 6'
(3) 8' (1) 7:6
(4) 10' (2) 7:9
113. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the (3) 1:11
following diagram. (4) 7 :74

115. Which of the following statements are correct ?

III G) Centre of mass of a body always coincides

with the centre of gravity of the body'
700 K
500 K
(b) Cenhe of mass of body is the Point at which
300 K the total gravitational torque on the body is
Match the following :
G) A couple on a bodY Produce both
Column-l Column-2 uanslational and rotational motion in a body'
Process I a Adiabatic
(d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
o. Process II Isobaric means that small effort can be used to lift a
R. Process c Isochoric large load.
S. Process IV Isothermal (1) (b) and (d)
(1) P-+a, Q-+c, R-+d, S+b (2) (a) and (b)

Q-+a R-+d, S-rb
Q-rd, R-+b, S--+a
Q-+b, R-ra, S-+c ff (b) and (c)

(c) and (d)

w L4
777. A beam of light trom a source L is incident normally 12^l An ar-rangement of three parallel shaight wires
on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance I from
placed perpendicular to plane of papeicarrying
the soutce. The beam is reflected back as a spoton a
same current'I' along the same direction is shown
scale placedjustabove the source L. When themirror
in Fig- Magnitude of force per unit length on the
e 0, the spot of the middle wire'B' is given by :
a distance y on the

B d C

v v


(2) t_
.I A

,y (1) Ilt
v 2poi2

118. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of O, and 4 moles

of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting a-ll vibrational J2*oi2
modes, the total intemal energy of the system js : (3)
(1) 4RT

15 RT Eor
Jz rd
(3) 9RT
(4) 11 RT
}.,,. 722. The x and y c^oordinates of the particle at any time
179. are r = 5t - 2t2 and y = lOt respectively, where r and
y are in meters and t h seconds. The acceleration
the particle at t = 2s is :

(1) 0

(1) (D -10I (ii) -8.2s1 (D {\*5 (2) 5 m/ s2

(2) (i) 1.25I (ii) -8.2s1 s" "(
$' \ti) (3) -4m/s2
(3) (i) 100I (ii) 8.7sI o
\- (4)
,6 (i) 1oI (ii) -8 7sl )
( -8m/s2

120. A carnot engine having an efficiencv of as heat
123. The ratio of resolving powers of an optical
10 microroqg for two wavelengtfu \r =,l{)00 A and
engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on
the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed
from the reservoir at lower temperafure is
(1) 8:27
(1) 7l
(2) %I *
(2) e:4
(3) et \p 3:2 'l
.{,*, -A (4) 16:81
15 w
124. Preeti reached tion and found that the 128. In a common emitter hansistor amplifier the audio

escalato r was not working walked up the signal voltage across tfie collector is 3 V The
stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she resistance of collector is 3 kO. lf current gain is 100
remains stationary on the moving escalator, then and the base resistance is 2 K), the voltage and
the escalator takes her uP in time t2. The time taken power gain of the amPlifier is :
by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be : (1) 200 and 1000

(2) 15 and 200

(3) 150 and 15000

t.,tz (4) 20 and 2000

tz -tr
129 Two dirs of same moment of inertia rotating about
t2 +t1

(4) \-tz expression for loss of energy during this process is :

25. A spherical black body with a radius of !2 cm (1) 1 I ru,, +.,, )2
radiates 450 watt Pdwer at 500 K. U the radius were
halved and the temPerahrre doubled, the power
radiated inwatt would be : (2) 1 r (r, -r,)'
(1) 225 (+\uc"'
o Oo (3) I (ro, - ro,)2
(2) 4s0 r'\'D L
(3) 1000
{ (4)
(.r - tz\2
q 8
125. A pobntiomeEr is an accuraE and versatile device
to make electrical measuemmts of E.M.F because
the method involves :
medium is nearly :

(1) cells (1) 7.25

(21 potentialgradients (2) 1.5e
(3) a condition of no current flow through the p) 7.6e
(4) -1
a combination of cells, galvanometer and
131. Which one of the following represents forward
bias diode ?

127. The given electrical network is equivalent to :

OV -2V
(2) -4V R -3 V
(1) AND gate
-zv ti +2V
(2) OR gate (3)

4 NOR gate

(4) 3V R 5V
w 16
132. Two Polaroids P, and P, are placed with their axis 135. The reason for greahr range of oxidation states in
actinoids is attributed to :
(1) the radioactive nature of actinoids

Q) actinoid conhaction

(3) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable
(1) energies

(4) ,U and 5d levels being close in energies
137. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(3) compound is :
(1) Ruthenocene

y{ Io
16 (2) Grignard's reagent
133. In an elecfuomagnetic wave in free space the root
mean square vFlue of the electric field is (4) Cobaltocene
Er-": 6V/m. Th{ peak value of the magnetic field
is: I
138. Which one is the wrong statement ?
(1) 1.41 x 10-s T
(2) 283x1$-8lr (1) de-Broglie's wavelength is grven by lt h,
= m?
(3) 0.70x19-8rr
where m = mass of the particle, u:
(4) 4.23 x 10 -E T
velocity of the particle.

The uncertainty principle is AEx N>1y'41t.

(3) Half filled and fuIly filled orbitals have greabr
stability due to greater exchange energy,
(2) talzg = dan4, + tan202 greater symmetry and more balanced
(3) cot2g = dcPer - cot2gz
(4) The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energy
(4) tan20 = tan4r - tan2ou
of2p orbital in case ofHydrogen like atoms.
135. The diagrams below show regions of equipoEnhals.
139. Mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol acts as
v 40v 10v 30v 40v
(1) analgesic
(2) antiseptic
10v 30v 10v 30v 20v
G) (b) G)
(4) antibiotic
A positive charge is noved from A to B in each
diagram. 140. iscovered recently.
(1) Maximum work is required to move q in wing family/ group
figue (c).
In all the four cases the *.ork clone is the same. (1) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 Zs2 7ps
(3) Minimufn work is required to move q in (2) Carbon family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 Zs2 ry
figure (a).
(4) Maximum work is required to move q in
(3) Oxygen family, IRnf 5fl4 6d10 7s2 7p4
figue (b). (4) Niuogen family, [Rn] 5f14 5d10 Zs2 7p6
L7 w
141.. A 20 litre container at 400 K contains CO2@) at 145. The spec'ies, having bond angles of 120" is :

pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the (1) PHs
volume of solid SrO). The volune of the container is
now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted (2) ffa
in the container. The maximum volume of the (3) NCl3
container, when pressure of CO2 attains its
maximum value, will be : @Y BCt.
(Given that : SrCO3(s) = SrO(s) + CO2(g),
146. The correct order of the stoichiometries of AgCl
KP=16atm) in excess is treated
formed when AgNO,
(1) 5litre with the corrplexes : CoCl3.6 NH3, CoCl3.5 NH3,
CoCl3.4 NH3 resPectivelY is :
(2) l0litre
(3) 4 litre
(1) 1 AgCl,3 AgCL 2 AgCl

(4) 2 litre
(z) 3 AgCl,l AgCl,zAgcl
(3) 3 AgCl,2 Agcl 1 Agcl
1tg. Predict the conect intermediate and productin the (4) 2 AgCl,3 AgCl,l AgCl
following reaction :

H2O, H2SO4 L47. For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kl mol-1 and

H3C-C=CH intermediate ------------) Product AS:83.6 K- 1 mol - 1. The reaction is sPontaneous
HBSO4 (A) (B)
at : (Assume that AH and AS do not vary with
(1) A: H3 C_C:CH 2 B: H3C-C-CH3
so, o fi
(2) T>425K

(2) A: H3 C_C:CH 2 B: H3C-C=CH2 (3) all temperatures

OH SO, P/ T>298K

(3) A: H. C-C- CH3 B: H3C-C=CH 146. Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
with the geometry in column II and assign the corect
o code.

(4) A: H3C_C: CH2 B: H3C -c- CHs Column I Column II

OH o (a) XX' (,) T - shape

@) xx. Pentagonal bipyramidal

143. Which of the following is a sink for CO ?

,il (z)
Micro organisms Present in the soil
G) xxs (d) Linear

(3) Oceans
(d) xXz ('9 Square - pyramidal

(4) Plants (v) Tetrahedral

Code :

1tM. Which of the following reactions is aPpropriate for (b) (c) (d)
con acetamide to methanamine ?

(1) (rii) (r") (r) (ii)

Carbylamine reaction
(2) (in) (') (i") (ii)
(2) Hoffmannhypobromamidereaction
(3) (v) (*) (iii) (n)
(3) Stephens reaction
('9 (iii) (ii) (')
(4) Gabrielsphthalimidesynthesis
w 18
149. Identify the type of reaction 152. The correct increasing order of basic strength for
the following compounds is :


(r) OD
and substitutionreaction
(2) III<I<II
NH2 (3) Itr<tr<I
(2) and elimination addition (4) tr<I<Itr
153. If molality of the diluE solution is doubled, the value
of molal depression constant (\) will be :

I and cine substitution reaction
(1) doubled
(3) kipled
(4) urchanged

(4) and cine substitution reaction 154. Of the following which is the product formed when
cyclohexanone undergoes aldol condensation
followed by heating ?

150. Which one of the following statements is not o

conett ?

Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.

The value of equilibrium corutant is changed


in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
(3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical (2)

(4) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of o


151. Name the gas thatcan readily decolourise acidified

KMnO4 solution :



Noz (4)
(4) Pzos o o
79 w
155. The equilibrium constants of the following are 158. Which of the following pairs of compounds is
isoelectronic and isostructural ?
N2+3H2= 2 NH3 Kr (1) BeClr, xeF,
N2+O2= 2NO K2 (Z) TeI2 XeF2

(3) IBr!, xell

'z' H2O Kl (4) Es X"Fz
159 Which is the incorrect statement ?
The equilibrium corstant (K) of the reaction :
(1) FeO6.9s has non stoichiometric metal
deficiency defect.
zNHl+% 02 - 2 No+3 H2o, will be: (2\ Density decreases in case of crystals with
fthottky's defect.
(3) NaCl(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(1) Kr K;/K2 silver is conductoL quafiz is piezo electric
(7Y K2K;/K1 ({ Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
./ compounds in which sizes of cation and
anions are almost equal.
(3) K2K3/K1
150. The heating of enyl-methyl ether 5 ith HI
(4) K; K3/K1 produces.
(1) ethyl chlorides o\\ gt
QT iodobenzene
155. The correct stabment regarding electophile is :
/p,t phenol
(1) Electrophile is a negatively charged species (4) benzene
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile 161. Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of
absorption in the visible region for the complexes of
A) Elechophile is a negatively charged species Co3+ is :

and can form a bond by accepting a pair of (1) Co (en)r]3+, I Co (NH3)5]3 +, I Co gr2o)u13+
electsons from another elechophile
(2) [ Co ftI2O)6]3+, Co (en)3]3 +, Co (NH,)u]3+
Electrophiles are generally neuhal species
,pr' and can form a bond by accepting a pair of (3) [Co Gr2O)6]3
ICo 1NH.)6]3+, ICo(en):13+
elechons from a nucleophile (4) [CoOIH3)613+, ICo(en)3]3+, ICo (H2o)el3+
(4) Elechophile can be either neutral or pooitively 162. Pick out the correct statement with respect to
charged species and can form a bond by
accepting a pair of electrons from a
Itvtnlcxl;s- '
nucleophile (1) It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral
p/ tt x tpta2 nybridised and tetrahedral
t (3) It is d%p3 hybridised and octahedral
157. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated (4) Itis dsl hybridised and square planar
container against a constant exErnal pressure of
2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final 153. With respect to the conlormers of ethane, which of
volume of 4.50 L. The change in internal energy AU the following statements is true ?
of the gas in ioules wiII be :
(1) Bond angle remains same but bond length
(1) 1736.25 J
(2) Bond angle changes but bond length remains
(2) -s001 same
(3) Both bond angle and bond length change
- 505I
+s0sl .tr Both bond angles and bond length remains
w 20
76/I. Which of [he following is dependent on 159. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
temperature I X2+ Y2 + 2 XY is given below :

(1) M"l"lify (r) X2+X + X (fast)

(2) Molarfty (ii) x+Y2+xY+Y(stow)
Mole fraction (in) x + Y -+ xY (fast)
(4) Weight percentage The overall order of the reaction will be:
(1) 1
165. Which of the follo$'ing statements is not correct ?
(2) 2
(1) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of (3) 0
a human body.
Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in egg -
170. Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a saturated
(3) Blood proteirrs thrombin and fibrinogen are solution of Aq2C2O a is 2.2x10-4 mol L -1.
involved in blood clotting. Solubility product of Ag2C2Oa is :

(4) Denaturation makes the proEins more active. (1) 2.42x"t0-E

(2) 2.66 xto-12
166. The IUPA C name of the compound (3) 4.5 x 10-11
OO (4) 5.3 x 10-12
H c
171. Extraction ofgold and silver involves leachingwith
CN - ion. Silver is later recovered by :

(1) lketo-2-methylhex-4-enal Iiquation

!formylhex-2-en-&one (2) distillation

(3) 5-methyl4oxohex-2-en-!al (3) zone refining

(4) displacement with Zn
(4) lketo-2-methylhex-S-enal

172, Which one is t}re correct order of acidity ?

\67. HgCl, andI, both when dissolved in water
containing I - ioru the pair of species formed is :
(1) CH2: CH2 > CH3 - CH = CHz > CHs - C =
(1) HgI2,13 (2) CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CHz=CHz >
g{ Hglrl cH3 - cH3
(3) CH=CH > CH, = 911, > CH3-C=CH >
(3) ltsr1t?a- 3 cH3 - cH3

(4) HBzlz, I (4) CH3 - CH3 > CH, = 911, > CH3 - Cr{I{ >
15E. It is because of inability of ns2 elechors of the valence
shell to participate in bonding that : 173. Ionic mobility of which of the following alkali metal
ions is lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
(1) Sn2+ is reducing while Pb4 + is oxidising are put under an electric field ?

(2) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pba + is reducing Na

p{ Sn2+ and Pb2* are both oxidising and (2) K
' reducing (3) Rb
(4) Sn4+ is reducing while Pba+ is oxidising (4) Li
2l w
174. Consider the reactions 177. In the electrochem ical cell

ZniZnSO, (0.01 M)ll CuSO, (1.0 M)lCu, the emf of

x Cu Iag(NH3)2] +
573 K _OH A Silver mirror observed this Daniel cell is E,. When the concentration of
(c2H5o) ZnSOo is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuSOn
-o .\
o changed to 0.01 M, the emfchanges to Er. From the
followings, which one is the relatiorrship between
NH2 - NH - C- NH2
Z E" and E, ? (Given,
.F !f = 0.059)

Identify A, X, Y and Z
(1) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic acid, (1) Er=Ez
Y-Acetate ion, Z-hy&azine. (2) Er'Ez
(2) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanol,Y-Ethanoic
acid, Z-Sem icarbazide. Er'Ez
(3) A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, Y-But-2-enal,
(4) Ez=0 + E
(4) A-Ethanol,X-Acetaldehyde,Y-Butanone,
Z-Hydrazone. 178. A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of
175. In which pair of ions both the species contain 10 -2 sec - 1. How much time $,ill it take for 20 g of
S - S
bond ? the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?

(1) s2o.-,s2oZ- 238.5 sec

Q) s4oi-,s2o3' (2) 138.6 sec

(3) sro)- , sro2r-

(3) 346.5 sec

(4) s4o26-,s2o1,-
(4) 593.0 sec

176. Which one is the most acidic compound ?

179. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
OH mixture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is :

(2) Chromatography

CH: (3) Crystallisation

(4) Steam distillation


180. \Atich one of the follou,ing pairs of species have the
same bond order ?

(1) co, No
(2) 02, NO+

(3) (3) cN-,co

(4) N2, Ot

ozN Noz -oOo-

s 2
1. The genotypes of a Husband and WifeareIAIBand Zygotic meiosis is characEristic of
Among the blood t,?es of their children, how many
0) Fu,,aria

d ifferent genotypes and phenotypes are possible ? (2) Clrlamydononas

(1) a genotyps i 3 phenotypes (3) Matchafltia

(2\ 4 genotypes; 4 phenotypes (4) F
(3) 3 genotypes, 3 phenotypes
(4 3 genotypes i 4 phenotypes 6. A decrease in blood pressure/volume will not cause

2. Adult human RBCS are enucleate- Which of the (1) Aldosterone

following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
erplanation for this feature ?
(2) ADH
(a) They do not ned to reproduce (3) Renin

O) They are somatic cells (4) Atrial Natriuretic Factor

(c) They do notmetabotize
(O AII their internal space is avaihble for orygen 7. Lungs are made upofair-filled sacB, tlealveoli. They
transport do not collapse even aftei forceful expiration,
(1) (a),G)and(d) 0) Tidalvolume
(2) (b) and G)
Ql Expiratory Reserve volume
(3) only (d) (3) ResidualVolume
(4) only (a)
(4) IrEpiratory Reswe Volume

3. An important characteristic that Hemichordates 8. Which one of the folowing statements is correct,
share la ith Chordates is :
with reference to enzymes ?
(1) pharynx wi0' gill slils
(1) Coenzyme = Apoenzlme + Holoenzyme
(2\ pharynx without gill slib
(2) Holoenzyme : Coenz,'me + Ccfactor
(3) absnce of notochord
(4) venhat tubutar nerve cord (3) Aponzyme = Holonzyme + Coenzyme
(4) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Conz)T ne
.1. fu vision depends on adequate intake of carotaE-
rich food.
Slct the trest option ftom the following statements. 9. Mycorrhizae are the example oI
(a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed ftom (1) Antibiosis

The photopigments are embedded in the

(2) Mutualism
O) -
membrane dis{s of the inner tgprent. i .(3t Fungistasis
(() A
Redna I is a derivative of Vitamin (4) Amenslism
(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all Ble
10. Which of &re following are not polymeric ?
(a)and(c) ' 0) Polysaccharides
(2) (b),(c)and(d) \2) Lipids
(3) (a) and (b) (3) Nucleic acids
. (d) (a), (c)and (d) (4) Probins
3 s
'n. h'hich among the folloi{in8 are the smallest living 16. Artilicial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
cells, knol,n without a definite cell wall, pathogenic
milk output represnts I

to plants as well as animals and can su rvive without (1) diffuptive as it splits the population into two,
oxySen ?
one yielding higher output and the other
lower output
, (1) Mycoplasma
Q') stabilizinS followed by disruptive as it
(2) Nost,r stabilies lhe population to produce higher
(3) yieldinS cows.
(4) Pstuiauo,Ms
(3) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
characier in the population.

12. Asymptote in a logistic Srowth curve is obtained (4) dfuectional as it pushes the mean of the
character in one direction.

(1) K> N 77. Which of the following represenb order of'Horsd ?

(2) K<N (1) Caballus
(3) The value of 'r' approaches zero
12\ Ferus
(4) K=N (3) Equidae

13. Plants L'hich produce characteristic (4) Perissodactyla

pneumatophores and showvivipary belong to :
18. Anxample of colonial alga is
(1) Psammophytes
(2) Ilyctrophytes 0) Ulothnx
(3) Mesophytes l2l s?irasyrn
. (1) Halophytes
(3) ct ontta
(4) votl'o|
14. Identify the wrong statement in context of
heartwood: 19. The DNA fragments separated on an agaros gel
can te visualised after staining with :
(1) Itconducb water and minerab efficiendy
(2) It comprises dead elements with highly 0) Anilin blu
lignified walls (2) Ethidium bromide
(3) Organic compounds are depo6id in it (3) Bromophenol blue
(4) Itis highly durable (4) Acetoarmine

15. Widr reference to factors affecting the rate of 20. The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver Irom
photosFthesi!, which of the following statements
is not correct ?
(1) Kidneys

(1) C3 plants respond to hi8her temperature3

, (2) Intestine

with enhanced photosynthesis while (3) Heart

C4 plants have much lower temperature (4) Stomach
(2) Tomato is a greenhouee crop which can be 21. MAlTconstitutes about percentof the
trcwn in CO2 - emiched atmosPhe.e fo. l)'mphoid tbsue in human body.
higher yield
, (1) 70%
(3) Light saturation for CO2 fixaEon o..urs at
(2\ 10%
10% of full sunlight

. (4) lncreasing atmosphenc CO2 concenttation

(3) 50%
up to 0.0596 can enhance CO2 fixation rah (4) 20%
s 4
ZL Which of the Iollowing i-9 cotrctly matched foi the 28. The final proof for DNA as the Senetic material came
product produced by them ? from the experiments of:
(1) Penicilliuntrctatu t Aceticacid ,0) Avery, Mclcsd and Mdarty
, Q\ Sa.cbomvces cem,isiaL :Ethanol
(2) Hargobind Khorana
(3) Acetobactzr aceti I Antibiotics
(4) L4ethambacteriun :Lacnc acid
(3) Griffith
(1) Heishey and Chase
23. Select lhe corred route for the passage of sperm6 in
male froSs :

(1) J J
29. Selct the mismakh :
Testes Vasa efferentia Bidder's canal
-, Ureter ) Cloaca (1) sshrinia HeteroGporous

(2) Testes r
Vasa efferentia J Kidney J (2) EquL*tum - Homoqrorous
Bidder's canal r Urinogenital duct J r(3) Pi us Dioecious
(3) Testes r Bidder's canal r Kidney, Vasa
(4) Cycas Dioeciorrs
efterentia J Urinogenital duct -+ Cloaca
({) Testes -+ Vasa efferentia J Kidney -, 30. Transplantation oI dssue6/organs fails often due
Sminal Vesiclc J Urinogenital duct J to non-acceptan e by the patien(B My. Which twe
of immune-response is r$ponsible for such
rerections ?
24. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body (1) Hormonal immune rBpons
(2) Physiological immune response
0) Corpw luteum
l2l Corpusallatum (3) Autoimmune rcsponse
(3) Pineal gland | (4 CeI - mediaEd immune Esponse
(4) Corpus cardiacum
3l Which statement is wront for Krebs' cycle ?
25. Hohozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained
by: (1) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
(1) mating of individuals of different breed. succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
(2) matins ot of difierent species.
(3) mating of related individuals of same breed. (2) The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl
group (acetyl CoA) with plruvic acid bo yield
(4) matinE of unrelated individualq of qame citric acid
(3) There are three points in the cycle whe.e
NAD + is reduced to NADH + H +
26. Which one from those given below is the period for
Mendel's hybridization exFriments ? (4) There is one point in the cycle where FAD +

is reduced to FADH"
0) 1857 1869
(2) 1870 - 187/
r (3) 1856 - 1863
32. Which of the following statementi is correct ?

(4) 1840 - 1850 (1) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is

permeable to waber.
27. Which of dle followinS cell organeles is rsponsible
(2) The descendin8 limb of loop of Henle is
for exhacting energy from carbohydrates to form
permeable to eleckol,4es.
.(1) Chtoroplast (3) The ascendinS limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
'(2) Mitochondrion
(3) Lysodome . (4) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
(4) Ribosome
5 s
33. In case of poriferans, the spongocoel is lined with 38, The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally
flagelatcd cellscall('d : prdecd and where no human activity is alowed
is known as :
(l) choanocytes .
. (1)
. Transition zone
(2) mesen(hynalcexs (2) Restoration zone
(r) osha (3) Corezone
(1) oscula (4) Bufferzon

39 Which oI the folowing is made up of dead cellB ?

3{. Sehctthemtumakh:
(1) Phellem.
(11 Anaba?nr Nitrogen fixer
(2) Phloem
. (2) Rhizobtun Alfalfa (3) xylem parcnchyma
(3) Frankia (4) Collerchlma
(4) Rhodospirill m Mycorrhiza
40. The morpholo$cal nature of the edible part of
coconut is:
35. Which cells of'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete 0) EndosFrm.
antibacterial lysozyme ?
Q\ Pericarp
(1) Zymogen cells (3) PerisFrm
(2) Kuprfercelt! (4) Cotyledon
(3) Argentaffin cells
41. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
(4) Paneth cells on agaros gel during gel elcbophor6is ?

O ) Positively charged fragments move to farther

36. vimids differ from viruss in having:
(1) (2) Ne8atively charged fragments do notmove
RNA molecules with protein coat
(3) The larger the fraSment size, the farthr it
(2\ RNA molecules without protein coat moves
(3) DNA molecules with potein coat , (4) The smaller the ftatment size, the farther it
(4) DNA molecules without protein coat
42 PreenceofptantsarrangedintowelldefirFdvertical
37 Out of'X'pairs ofribs in humaN only ^1'Pails are layers depnding on their he*ht can be seen best
bue rib6. Slect the option that correctly rePrsnts in:
values ofX and Y and provides thek xPlanation: (1) Grassland
(1) X:24,Y =7 True ribs are dorsally iZl TemperabForest
attached to vertebral column (3) Tropical Savarmah
but are fte on ventral side.
, (4) Tropical Rain Forest
(2) X=24,Y:72 Ttue ribs are dorsally
attached to vertebral column {i}. A baUy boy agedtworaB badmitdtoPliy school
but are free on ventral side. and passes through a dental check - uP. The dmfist
ob6rved ftat the boy had twmty Hl. Which Mt
(3) x=72,\ =7 Tru ribs are attached were 6b6ent ?
dorsally to vertebral column
and ventrally to the stmum. (1) Pre.mola6

'(2) Molars
, (1) X=12, Y=5 True ribs are attached
dorsauy to vertebral column P) lncisors
and stemum on the two ends. (4) Canines
44. Whichof Olefo owing components p.ovid6 sticky 50. The pivotioint between atlas and aris is a type of
character to drc bacterial cell ?
. (1) synovial joint
(1) Plasmamembrane
@ saddlejoint
, (2) Glycocalyx (3) fibrous ioint
(3) Cell wal (4) cartilaginousioint
(4) Nuclear membrane
51. The water potential of pure water is :

45. Double fertilization is exhibid by (l) More than zero but less than one

(1) Fungi @ More than one

. (3) ZPro
'(2) Angiosperms
(4 t-ess than zero
P) GlmnosF ms

(4) Algae 52 Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass ?

(1) Pond ecosystem

{5. In Bougain\.ilea thoms are Ale modifications of (21 lakeecoslsbm
/ (t) sbm (3) Forcstco6rstem
.(2) t-eaI . (4) Grassland ecosystem
(3) Stipules
53. CnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
(4) Advmtilious root reproduction, acts on :

. (1) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

47. Which of dre following in swage treaknentrcmoves secretion of oxytocin and FSH.
suspended solids ?
(2) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(l) Primary treatment scretion oI LH and relaxin.

. (2) Sludge heatment (3) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of LH and oxytocin.
(3) Tertiary treahnent
(4) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(4) Secondary heatment secetion of LH and FSH.

48. Receptor sits for neurotransmittrc are present on 54. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first
0) tiF of axons (1) Species area rcladonships
. (2) post-synaptic membrane (2) Population crowth equation
(3) membranes of synaptic vesicles . (3) Ecological Biodiversity
(4) prFsynapticmembrane (4) Laws of titrdtint factor

{9. A dio.ious flowerin8 plant prevenrs both 55. Fruit and leaf drop at early stages can be pievented
by the application of :
(1) Geitonogamy and xenoSamy
0) Auxins
(2) Cleistogamyandxenogamy
(2) Gibberellic acid
r (3) Au toSamy and xenogamy
(3) Cytokinins
(4) Autogamy and Seitonogamy (4) Ethylene
7 s
56. Which of the following facilitates opening oI 62. ln cas ofa couple where themale is having a very
sbmatal apeture ? low spem count, which technique will be suitable
for fertilisation ?
. (1) Radial orientation of cellulose microfiblG in
the cell wall of guard cells . (1) Artificial Insemination
(2) l-ongitudinal orientation of cellulose @ lntracytoplasmicsperminiection
microfibrits in the cell wal of guard cells (3) Intrauterinetransfer
. (4)
Conhaction of outr wall of guard cells Ga$ete intracytoplasmic fallopian hansfer
(.1) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
53. Match the following sexually transmitted
diseass (Column - I) with theh causative agent
57 DNA rcplication in bacteria occurs
(Column - II) and select the corect option.
O) Priortotusion
C,olumn-I Colulnn- II
(2) Justbeforehansc ption (a) Gononhea (D rtrV
(3) During S phase (b) Syphilis (i,) N. r.7i,
({) Within nucleolus (c) Genital Warts llii) Trcponrma
(d) AIDS (i9 Human
58. Phosphonol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 Papiloma - Virus
acreptor in:
(1) C2 plants
(2) Cl and Ca planb
O) G) (d)
(1) (i9 (ii) (iii) (r)
(3) Cl plants (2) (iv) (ni) (ii) (r)
, (4) Ca plants
(3) (ii) (in) (i,) (,
59 Which of the folowing options t est tepresents the
(4) (iii) (iv) (D (ii)
enzyme composition of pancreatic iuice ?
64. Which among these is the correcl combination oI
. (l) peptidase, amylase, pePsin, rermin aquati mammab ?
12) lipase, amvldse, lrypsinoSen, , (1) Whales, Dolphins, Sealc
(2\ Trygor, Whales, Seals
(.1) amylase, peptidase, trypsinoSen, rennin (3) Sals, Dolphins, Sharks
(1) amylase, pepsiD trypsinogen, maltase (4) Dolphins, Seals, ?ry8o,r

60. Among the followinS characters, which one was 65. Flowers which have sintle ovule in the ovary and
not considered by Mendel in his lpe.iments on are pacled into inflorescence aI usually pollinaH
Pea ? by,
(1) g:ed - Green or Yellow (1) wind
(2) Pod - InIlaH or Comtsicd (2) Bat
(3) Stem - Tall or Dwarf (3) wabr
. (4) Trichomes - Glandul,ar or nonlandular . (4) Be

61. A gene whose expression helps to identify Lile .ycle of E.tocorpus and Frrrrs resPectively
hanslormed cell is known as :

(1) Plasmid 0) Haplodiplontic, DiPlontic

(2) Haplodiplontic, Haplontic
(2) Structural Sene
, (3) Haplontic, Diplontic
i (3) Selectabh marker
(4) Diplontic, HaplodiPlontic
(4) Vecbr
S It
67 The association of histone Hl with a nucleosome 73. HyFrscretion of Growth Hormone in adults does
not(ause turther ncreas m height. because:
. (1) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin (1) Bones loose their sensitivity to Crowth
Fibre. Hormone in adults.
12\ The DNA double heli,( i5 exposed. (2) Muscle fibres do not glow in size after birth.
(3) Transcription is occurring. (3) Groi,lth Hormone becomes inactive in adults.
(4) DNA rcplication is occurring. (4) Epiphysal plates clos after adolescence.

9. During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are 74. Which one of the followinS statements is not val-id
used to elongate :

(1) The leadinS strand away from replication (l) They cause increased agricultural
fork. productivity
(2) The laggingstrand away fromthe replication (2) They have negative impact on agricultural

(3) The leading shand towards replication fork. (3) They are harmtul to human health

. (4 The lagging strand towards replication fork. (4) They alter rainfall and moneoon patterns

69. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused due 75. The vascular cambium normally give3 rise bo
to a problem in globin molecule s,,nthesis. Slect
the codect stalement. 0) Secondary xytem

(1) Thalassemia is due to less synthesis ofglobin

(2) Peiiderm
molecules. (3) Phelloderm
(2\ Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative (a) Primary phloem
problem of globin molecules.
(3) Both are due to a qualitativedefect in globin 76. U there are 999 bass in an RNA that codes for a
chain synthesis. protein with 333 amino acids, and the base at
position 901 is deleted such that the lmgth of the
(4) Both are due to a quantitative defect in Blobin RNA becoms 9ql bases, how many codons will be
chain s,.nthesis. alE.ed ?

70- Coconut fruit is a

(1) 33

(U Nut t (2) 333

(2) Capsule
. (3) 1

(3) Drup.'
(9 11

(4) Berry n. Which of the following are found in exbeme saline

conditions ?
77. Attractants and rewards arrcquired for
(l) Cyanobacleria
0) Hydrophny
12\ Mycobaclpria
(2) ClejstoSamy
(3) Archaebacberia
(3) Anemophny
(4) Eubacteria
| (4) Entomophily
78 The process of separation and pudfication of
72. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of expressed protein before marketing is called :

0) Animals (1) Bioprocessing

@ Bacteda @ Postproductionprocessing
(3) Plants (3) Upstreamprocssing
(4) F*gl \ (4) Downsbeam processing
I s
79. Cnpacitati6r occurs in: 84. A disease caused by an autosomal primary
non-disju nction is
(1) Vas deturens

t (2) Femele Reproductive kact .(1) Tlrmer'ssyndronte

(3) Rttestis
@ Sickle Cell Anemra
(4) Epididymis
(3) Dora,n's Syndrome

80. Funchonal megaspore in an angiosperm develops (4) Klinefelter'sSyndrome

0) Embryo sac
85. Which one of the following is relad to Exitu
(2) Embryo conservation of tlueatened animals and plants ?

(3) Ctuh (1) Amazon rainlorst

(4) Endosperm
A) Himalayanregion
61. Anapfase Promoting Comple\ (Arc) is a protpin (3) Wildlife Safari parkB
degraIation rnachinery necessary for proper mib6ls
of anilnd cells. ff Arc is defective in a human cell, (4) Biodiversity hot spots
which of the followinS is expe.d to occur ?
(1) Chromooomes will not segregaE
86. Th function of copper ions in copper releasing
(2) Recombination of chromosome arns witl IUD'Sis:

(3) Chromosomes will not condens

(1) They make uterus unsuitable for
(4) Ctuomocomes wiltbe fragnmd
(2) Theyin]'ibitovulation.
42. Myelin sheath Foduced by :
r P) They suppr6s sperm motitity and fertilising
(1) Otigodmdrocyb and Osteoclrsb capa.ity ofsperms.
(21 Osteoclasts and Astrocytes (4) Theyinlibitgametotnesij
(3) Schwann CeIs and Oligodendrocytes
(4) Astrocytes and Schwann Cells
87. Which of the following RNAS should be most
abundant in animal cel ?
83. Which of the following options 6ves the correct
squence of events during mitosis ? 0) m-RNA

(1) condensation -) crossing over -, nuclear (2) mi-RNA

membrane disassembly -, sSregation -t
telophase r 6) r-RNA

(2) condensation + arrangement atequator J (4) I-RNA

centromere division -J segreSation J
88. Root hairs develop fro the reSion of
! (3) condensation --, nuclear membrane
disassembly -t crossing over __, 0) Rootcap
segregation + teloPhase
(2) Meristenraticactivit]
(4) condensation J nuclear
disassembly -t airangement at equator --' (3) Maturation
1 centromere division J segregation -)
teloPhase , (4) Elongation
s 10
89. Frog's heart when taken out of the tlody continug 9{. Which of the folowing is a sink for CO ?
to beat for sometime.
Select the best option from the following statements.
. (1) Oceans

(a) Frogis a poikilotherm. (2) Plants

(b) Frot does not have any coronary circulation. (3) llaemo8lobin
(c) Heart is "myogenic" rn nature.
(d) Heart is autoexcitable. (4) Micro organims present in the soil

(1) (a) and O) 95. If molality of the dilute solution is doubted, $e value
(2) (c) and (d) of molal depression constant (K, will t e :

(3) onty (c) (1) tripled

(4) o"ly (d) , (21 unchanged
90. DNA fragmenb are: (3) doubled
(1) Neuhal
(2) Either positively or negatively charged
(a) halved
depending on thefu size
(3) Positively charged 96. With r6pect to the conformers of ethane, which of
. (4) Negatively chdrted the following statements is true ?

91 A fust order reaction has a specific reaction rate of

(1) Both bond angle and bond length chante
10-2 sec-1. How much time rvill it take for 20 g of (21 Both bond angles and bond lenSth remains
the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?

G) 3a6.5 sec
(3) Bond angle remains same but bond length
, (2) 6e3.0 sec
(3) 138.6 sec
(4) 138.6 ser
(4) Bond anglechanges butbond length remains

92. A gas is a owed to expan.l in a well insulated

container against a constant ertemal pressure of
2-5 ahl from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final
97. Pick out the correct statement with respect to
volume of4.50 L. The.hange in internal energy AU [Mn(CNl"]3-:
of the gas in ioules be :
| (1) lt is d+p3 hybridised and octahedral
(1) - sos l
(2) +50s1 Q It is dsp2 hybridised and square planar

(3) 1136.2s I (3) lt is sp3d2 hybddiled and octahedral

I (4) - 500, (4) It is sCd2 hybridised and tetrahedral
93. Which one is the corct order of acidity ?
(1) CH=CH > CH2=CH2 > CH1-C=CH > 98. Which of the following pairs of compounds is
cll,l - cHl isoelertronic and isostructural ?
(2) C-I,1-CH3 > CHz:CHz > CH:-C_{H >
CH{'I] (1) IBrt, XeF2
(3) CH2 = CH2 > CHl
-CH=CH2 > CH1-C =
CH>CH=CH Q) II.r, XeIi"

. (4) CH = CH > CH1-C = CH > CH, =CH. > (3) BeCl2, XeF2
cH3 -cH3
(4) TeI.,XeF.
11 s
99 Which one of the following statements is not 10t. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

0) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical


(2) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of Br

(3) Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.
0) and cine substitu tion reaction
. (4) The value of equilibdum corutant is chanSed
in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at

100. Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a saturated (2) and cine substitution.ea.ti.n
solution of Ag2C2Oa is 2.2x10 I mol L l
Solubility product of AgzC2Oa is :

(1) 4.5x 10-11

(2) 5.3x 10- 12

. (3) artd substitu tion reaction
(3) 2.42 x 10 I
(4) 2.66 x 10 12

N 2
(1) and eliDrination addition
lm. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in
actinoids is atkibuted to I

. (1) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable

enerties 104. Which one is the wront statement ?

(2) (1) Halr flIed and tuly filed orbitals have grealEr
4f and 5d levets being close h energies
stability due to greater exchange energy,
(3) tre radioactive nature of actinoids greater symmetry and more balanced
(4) actinoidcontnction . (2\ The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energy
of 2p orbital in case of Hydroten like atorns.

102. In the ele.tro.heni ica I cell (3) h

de-BroSlie's wavelength is gruen by r. - -.

Znl{ns()] (0.01 M)ll Cuso.r (1.0 M)lCu, the einf of where m=mass of the parricle, u=group
this D6niel cell is q- When the concenhation of velocity of the particle.
ZnSO{ b changed to 1.0 M and that of Cuma
changed to 0.01 M, the elllJ changes to E2. From the (4) The uncertainty principle is lE\At>%r
followings, which one is the relationship betwen

E. and E' ? {Given.Il 105. The corect order of Ul stoichiometries of AgCl

= 0.059)
formed when AgNO3 in excess is treated
with the complexes : CoCl3.6 NH, Coch.s NH3,
0) qtE2 CoCl1.4 NH1 respectively is :

Ez=o * Q
f (1) 3A8CL 2A8CL l AgCl
(21 2 A8Cl, 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl
(3) E =Ez (3) 1 AgCl,3 AgCl, AgCl

| (1) Er'E, (4) 3 AgCl, 1 AgCl, 2 AgCl

s 12
106. Name lhe 8as that can readily decolourise acidified 110. Consider the reactioru :
KMnO4 solution :
Cu IAg(NH3)21+
. (1) NOz x
(CzHo o)
573 K OHA Silver mirror ob*red

12\ PzOs
NH2-NH- c-NH2
B) Coz
. (4) 9z
Identify A, X, Y and Z
(1) A-Ethanal, X-Ethanot, Y-But-2-enal,
107. The corre(t statement regarding electrophile is Z-Semica6azone.

(1) Elechophiles are generauy neuhal species

(2) A-Ethanol,X-Actaldehyde,Y-Buttnone,
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
elechorE from a nucleophile (3) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic acid,
Y-Acetate ior! Z-hydrazine.
. (2) Eleckophile can be either neuEal or positively (4) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanol, Y-Ethanoic
charged species and can form a bond by acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
accepting a pair of lectrons from a
111. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
(3) ElecEophile is a negatively charged sPecies
X2 + Y2 + 2 XY is given below :
1 and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
elechons from a nucleophile (i) x,J x + X (fast)
(4) Electrophile is a negatively charged species
(ii) x+Y2=xY+Y(slow)
and can {orm a bond by accepting a pair of (iii) x +Y J xY (fasq
ele.kons from another el.Eophile
The overall order of the reaction will be :

(1) 0
108. The spcies, having bond angles of 120'is (2) 1.s

0) Nch (3) I
, (1) 2
(2) BCl3

(3) PH: U2. Which of the folowing reactione tu appropdate for

converting acelamide to methanamine ?
(4) crFl (1) Stepheru reaction
(21 Gabriels phthalimide s,ath6it
109 Which of the following statements is not correct ? (3) Ca$ylaminereaction
a (4) Hoffmarm h,?ob,romamide reaction
(1) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are
involved in blood ctotting.
1(3. Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of
absorption in the visible rcgion for the complexes of
(2) Denaturalion maks the proteins more active
Co3+ is :
(3) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of (1) [co (Hp)6]3+, Ico (NHr6]3+, [Cb (en)3]3+
a human body.
Q) [ Co OH1)6]3+, I co (m)3t3+,lCo (Hp)6]3+

r (4) Ovalbumin is a simple food resrve in e8g - , (3) lco (m)113+, I co (NHd613*, tco GIp)613*
rihite. (4) [co (Hp)513+,lco (en)3]3+, Ico (NH3)613+
13 s
11a. Which i! the in.oEct statement ? 119. An erample of a siSma tonded organometallic
comflound is
0) rvac(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor, i

silve! is conductor, quartz is piezo elechic (1) Ferrocene

crystal. (2)
(2\ Frenkel defe(t is favoured in those ionic (3) Ruthenocere
compounds in which sizes of cation and
anions are almost equal. r (4) Grignard's redSent
(3) Feoo_9s has non stoichiometri( metal 120. For a given reachon, AH-35.5 kI hol_1 and
deficiency defecL
AS = 83.6IK- 1 mol - 1. 'Ille reaction is spontaneous
r (4) Density decreases in case ol crystals with at : (Assume that AH and AS do not vary witl
Schottky's detuct temperatu)

115. The equilibrium constants of Ore folowing ar !0) all temPeratur3

@ T>298K
N?+3 H2 = 2 NH3 Kr
p) r <42sK
N2+O2=2NO K2
({) r >,u5 K
,o2- H2o K3
121. Ionic mobility of which of the following alkali metal
ions is lowest when aqueous solution of their salb
The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction :
are put under an electric fietd ?
-K (1) Rb
zNIl\+%o, - 2 No+l H2o, hillbc (2) Li
. 0) K2 rg/K1 (3) Na
(2) K; K3lK1 , (4) K

(3) Kr Ki/K, 122. Which one is the most acidic compound ?

(4) K2 Kl/K]
115. Extsaction of Sold and silver involves leaching with
ct.l - ion. Silver is lateI Iecoverd by :
0) zone refining
r (2) displa.ement with Zn
p) liquation OH
(4) distillation orN Noz
o (2)
117. Th moBt suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mixtrrre of ortho and para - nikophenols i5 : Noz
0) Crystallisation
(2) Steam distillation OH
(3) Sublimation

(4) Chromatogaphy

It is because of inability of ns2

shell to participate in bonding that
of the valence

Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidisin8 and


0 cHs
rcducing oIl
(2) Sn{r is reducmg while Pba+ is oridising
(3) Sn2- is reducing while Pba u oxidising (4)

t (4) 5n2 | is oridieing while Pbf is reducinS

s 14
lzt. Mirture of chloroxylenol and terpineol acts as : 127. Whi.h of the following is dependent on
(1) antipfeti temf,erature ?

(2) antibiotic (1) Molefraction

(3) analgesic (2) lvcigh t percentaSe
. (4 antisephc (3) Molality
124. Of the folowin& which is the product formed when p (4) Molarity
cyclohexanone undergoes aldol condensation
fonowed by heatinS ? 128. The heatinS of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI
t (l) phenol

(21 benzene
(3) ethylchlorides
(4) iodobenzene

129. Predict the correct intermediate and product in the

(2) folowing reaction :

oo H3C-C=CH
HrO HrSO,l
intermediat + product
HgSO4 (A) (B)

0) A: HrC-C-CHr
-[ B: HrC-C=CH
. \2) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-f,-CH3
(3) Ar H3C-C=CH, Br H3C-f,-CH3
o so4 o
15. The element Z = 114 has been dis.overed recendy.
(1) A: H3C-C=CH2 Er H3C-C=CH2
It wil belont to which of dle folowing family/group
and elecEonic (onfiguration ? oH so4
, (1) Orygen family, [Rn] 5114 6d10 7s27pa
(2) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 5fi4 6d107s27p6 130. ln which pair of ions both the species contain S - S
(3) Halogen fdmily, JRnl sfr 4 bdto 7s2 7ps bond ?

(4) Carbon family, lRnl 5fia 6dto7\2 7p2 (1) sro;-, sro;
126. The.orrect increasinS order of basic strength for
the folowing compounds is :
(2) sroS , sro;-

NH 1 NHz (3) sro; , sroi-

Y 0
sro; , s:o?

131. HgCl. and 12 both when dissolved in water

Noz containing I ions the pair of species formed is :
(r) 0l) ,fii' (1) rrsl? ,Ii
(1) m<II<t -
[<I<m l2l Hg2I2,l
(3) II<M<I (3) Hgl2,13
(4) m<I<It (4) HgI2 I
15 s
132. A 20 litre container at 400 K onrains CO2(g) at 136. Preeti reached the meho station and found that the
pres+re 0.4 atm .nd dn ercess of SrO (negted the escalator was not wotking. She walked up the
vol+eof solid Sro). Ihe votume of dE container is stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, ifshe
noh Heceasd by moving the movable pbton htted remains stationary on drc moving escalator, then
in tIe container. The maximum volume of the the escalator tals her up in time t2. The time taken
conliainer, when pressure o, CO2 attains its by her to walk up on the movinS escalator v.ill be :
maxlmum value, wil be:
(crven that . srco,(s)
= sro(s) + co2(8), (1) :,:
r2 T'l
Kp+ 1.5ahn)
0) 4litre ,
(2) It:
(2) 2litre t1 *t2
(3) s litre 2
(4) 10 iitre (1)
, tz -tr
133, Makh the interhalogen compounds of (olumn I
with ttrc gcometry in olumn tr ard assign the corr(t
137, An arBngement of tfuee paralet straight wires
placed perpendicular to plane of prFr carrying
same curent'I' along the same direction is sho*al
Columnl Columnll in Fi8. Magnitude of for.e per u
t length on the
(a) XX' (i) T-shape ffiddle wire'Y is given by :

o) Xx; (n) Pentagonal bipyramidal ts rl C

(c) XXs (iii) Linear
(d) xx- (iv) Square - plaamidal

(v) Tehahedral
Code I
(.) O) G) (d) lrd
(l) (9 (iv) (in) (n) t"oi2
(2) (i9 (in) (ii) (0 (2)

(3) (in) (iv) (i) (ii) "D "a

r ({) (iii) (,) (iu) (ii) (3)
2 rrcl
134. Which one of the following pairc of speris have the bond order 7 2p"i2
(1) CN ,CO 1rd

(2) N2, o, 138. A particte exe.utes linear simple harmonic hotion

with an aDplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at
r (3) co, No 2 cm ftom the mean position, the magnitude of its
(4) ()2, NO + velocity is equal to that of its acceleration- Then its
time period in seconds is :
135. The IUPAC name of the compound
oo (l) -z
H- 21t

0) tmethyl-4-oxoher-2-erFlal J5
(2) lketc2-methylhex-tenal
.o o\
S 16
139. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm 143. A spring of for.e constant k is cut into lengths of
.adiaE6,l5O watt power.t 500 K. Ifthe radius wer ratio 1 : 2 : 3. They are conn(t'rd in series and th
hrtved and trrc temFrature doubled, the power ne$'force constant is k'. Then they are.onnerd in
r.died in waft would be : parallel and force constant is k" . Then k' : k" is :
(1) 1000 0) l:ll
@ 1800 (2) 1:14
(3) 22s , (3) 1:6
(4) 45O o
(4) 1 :9
1{0. A long solenoid of diameter 0.l m has 2 x 1d turns 144. The de-Broglie wavelenSth of a neutron in thermal
per meter. At the cenh of the solenoid, a coil of
equilib um with heavy water at a temPerature T
100 turns and radius 0.01 m is placed vrith its axis (Kelvin) and mass m, is :
coincidiry with th solenoid axis. The current in
the solenoid reduces at a constant rate to 0A ftom
4 A in 0.05 s. II the resietance of the coil i5 10 12O
the total charge flowin8 through dre coil during this
"/ J3mlr
time is: 2h
(1) 32 pC JmLT
(2) 16 r pC h
(3) 32npC rr'
(4) 16pC h
\" JSmIT
141. Two rods A and B of difierent materials are welded
together as shown in figure. Their thermal
145. Radioactive material'A' has decay onstant'8 I'
conductivities are Kl and K2. The thermal
and material 'B' has decay constant'I'. Initialy
condu.tivity of the composite rod will be :
they have same numbrofnuclei. After what time,
the ratio of number of nuclei of mate al 'B' to that
Tt T,
'A' wiu be e ?

.l 1
r (1)
0) Kr +& 1
Q\ 9I
(2) 2(Kr + K,)

K1 +K2 (3) 1
, (3)
3(K1+K2) (4)

1 1{5. Young/s double slit e,(pedment is fil.t perfomed in

"142 A camot engine having an efficiency of heat
id as an and then in a medium other dran air. It is found
engine, is usd as a refrigerator. If the work done on that 8h bright frinSe in the medium lies where 5h
the system is 10 L the amount of enrgy at sorbed dark frirye ties in air. The reftactive index of the
ftom lhe reservoir at lower temperature is : medium is nearly i

0) eeJ (1) 1.69

(2) 100I (2) "r.78

I (3) 1l (3) 1.25

(4) eol (4) 1.59
77 s
147. A poFntiomebr b an accurate and versntile device 151. A thin prism having reftacting angle l(r is made of
to mlke elechical measuements of E.M.F. becaure glasr of refractive index 1.42. This prism b combined
the method hvolves: with anothei thin prism of glais of refractive indo(
(1) a condition of no cui.ent flow tluouSh the 1.7. Thi5 combination disprsion without
galvanometer deviation. The refracting angle of second prism
should be:
(2) a corhbination of cells, Balvanometer and
rcsistances (1)
(3) cells (2) l0'
(4) potentialSradients
(3) 4'
148.'IhediagramsLelor,\'showregionsof quipotentials. (4)

152. Orle nd of strint of length i is connecbd to a pafticle

,^l l.I ^\\
)) I
of mass'm' and the other end is connecM to a small
peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle
10v 3{rY rov 30v 20
moves in cicle with speed './, the net force on the
particle (directed towards center) will be
(a) (b) (.) (d) (f represents th tension in the string)
A positive charge is moved from A to B in each
. (1) T-o''2
(1) Minimum wort is required to move q in I
figure G). (2) Zftio
(21. Va\imum work is rcquned to move q in (3) T
figur. O).
(l) Va\rmum work is requted to move q in
figure G). ({)
r (4) In aI the four cases the work done is the same.

149. Tyo 153. The r and y.-oordinates of the pdrttk at any time
cars moving in opposite directions approach
are r = 5t - 2t2 and y = 10t respectively, where : and
each other with speed of 22 m/s ar.d "16.5 nt/s y are in mebrs and t in sconds. The a..eteration of
nrpectively. Thed ver of the first car blows a hom
the particle at t = 2s is I
having a frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard
by the driver of the scond car is [velocity of sound (1) - 4 m/sz
3r0 m/sl :
. (2\ -&lrl./s2
0) 411H2
(2) 1.18 IIz
(0 3s0 I lz (4) 5 m/s2
(.1) 361 ttz
19. Suppose the charge of a ploton and an elechon diff.'r
150. Which one of the following represents forward stighdy. One ofthem is -e,theotheris(e+Ae). lf
tias diode ? the netofeleclrostatic force and giavitational force
bet\ir'een two hydrogen atorns pla.ed at a distance d
-2V R +2V
r (1) (much greater than atomic Bize) apart is zero, then
Ae is of the order of [Given mass of hvdroeen
5V mh=1.67x10 zksl 'rnh._ 1.6-l'y\01t1
(2) 3V %.
(1) 10-37 C

OV It -2V (2) 10-47 C
(3) 10-20 C
-3 V
(4) 10-3 C
s 18
155. Which of Ore fotlowing statemnb are corect ? 159. Two Polaroids Pt and P2 are placed with theii axis
perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised liSht h i5
(.) Cenhe of mass of a body always coincides incident on Pr. A third polaroid P1 is kePt in
with the cenbe of gravity of the My. beth'en Pl and P2 such that its axis mal6 an angle
,ly with that of Pr- The intensity of EarsmitH light
(b) CenEe of mass of a My is the point at which
the total Sravitational torque on the body is
through P2 is :

(c) A couple on a body produce both (t)
tsanslational and rotational moEon in a My.
(d) Mechanical advantage greater than one to
me6ns that small effort can be usd to lift a t2) 16
large load.

(1) O) and (c) . (3)

(21 (c) and (d)

r (3) (b) and (d) Io

(4) (a) and o)

155. The ratio of wavelengths of the last line of Bahter 150. The accelerahon due to gravity at a height 1 km
serie. and the lasl lineof Lyman sries r!: a depth d below the
above the earth is the same as at
surface of earth. Then :
(1) 4

(2) 0.s
a= I r.,,,
(3) 2

^(4)1 (2) d =2km

147 Corlsider a drop of rain water having mass-l g falling (3) a=1t-
from a height of 1 km. It hits the ground with a 2
speed of 50 m/s. Tale'g'constant with a value
10 m/s2. The *'ork done by the (i) gravitational (4) d=1km
force and the (ii) resistive force of air is :

, (1) (i) 100J (D 8.7sJ

(21 (, 101 (ii) -8.7s1
151 . The bulk modulus of a spherical obiect is 'B' . lf it is
subiected to uniform pressure 'p', the fractional
(3) (i)-101 (ii) -8.25J decrease in radius is :

(4) (0 1.2s' (ii) -8.2s, 3p

158. The two nearcst harmonics of a tube closed at one
end and opn at other end are220 Hz a d260 Hz. P
What is the fundamental ftequency of the system ? Q) 3B

0) 30Hz
(2) 40 rtz t (3)
(3) 10 Hz
(4) 20 Hz (4)
19 s
152. 'thermod),namic processes are indicated in the 155. If 0r and 02 be the apparmt angls of dip observed
following diagram. in two vertical planes at right anSles to each other,
thm the Eue angle of dip 0 is given by .
(1) cot28 =cot28r -cot2oz
, (2) tan20=tan201-tan202

700 K
(3) cot2o = coPer + coor
500 K
(4) tan20 = tan2q + hn202

Makh the fouowing : 157. Two blocks A and B of masees 3m and m respectivety
lcolumn-1 are connecEd by a massless and inextensible sking.
The whole system is surpended by a massteis
P. Process I Adiabatic sp ng as shown in fiSure. The magnitudes of
Q. kocesstr h Isobaric acceleration of A and B immed iately after the string
R. Processm c. Isochoric is cut, are respedively :

S PrccessM. Isothermal

/ (1) P+c, QJd, R-rb, SJa

(2\ P-)d, Q-+b, RJa. S ,.
(3) P-ra, Q +c, Rrd, SJb 3m
(4) P-;c, Q-ra, Rrd, S-+b
163. In an elctromagnetic wave in free space the root
mear square value of the tectric fietd is
Em. = 6Vl m. The peak value of rhe magnetic field (1) a,g
0) 0.70x10-8 T (2)
QI 4.23x 10-8 T,
(3) 1.41 x l0-8 T (3) 8,:
(4) 2.83 x 10 8 T

'164. (1) c I
is wound around a hollow rylinder of mass 3
3 and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
of the cylinder if the rope is pulled with
of 30 N ? 168. Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating abou
their regular axis passing through centre and
0) 25 tad/ s2
perpendicular to the plane of disc with an8ular
. (2) velocities ot and 02. They are brought into contact
(3) 25 m/s2 face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. The
e,tpression for toss of energy d u ring this pro.ess is :
(1) 0.25 rad/ s2

165. The given electdcal network is equivalmt to 0) I(,r -.J2

fl=>-+>+"--r (2)
I ,.:

(t) NOR gate

6 I1",, +.r1'
t4 NOT gate
. (3) AND gate
(4) OR gate
] r 1,, -..y'
s 20
159. A 250 - Tum rectantulai coil of length 2.1 cm and 172. A beam of liSht from a souce L is incident normaly
width 1.25 cm carries a .urrent of 85 pA and on a plane mirror fiJcd at a certain distance: from
subiecd to a magretic field of strengrho.8sT. Work the source. The beam is reflecH back as a sPot on a
done for rotalmg the coil by 180' against the torque scale placd rust above the source L. Whn the minor
is: is rotated through a smal angle 0, the sPot of the
light is found to move through a distance v on the
scale. The angle 0 is given by :
(l) 2.3 pJ

Ql 1.15 p I

(3) e.r pl v

(4) 4.s5 !.l (3)

170. A capacitor is charged by a battery' The battery is
removed and another identical uncharged caPacitor 173. In a common emitter Eansbtor amPlifier the audio
is connecM in parallel. The total electrostahc enerSy signal voltage across the collector is 3 V. The
of resulting system : r6istance of collector is 3 kO. If current Eain b 100
and the base resistance is 2 K), the voltag and
power Sain of the amPlifier is I
(-1) remains the same
(1) 150 and 15000

(2\ increases by a factor of2 (2) 20 and 2000

(3) 200 and 1000

(3) increases by a factor of4
. (4) 1s and 200

(4) dectesses by a factor of 2

174. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical
resistors with tesistanc R=9.0 O each, two
idntical inductoB witl inductance L=2.0 mH
each, and an ideal battery with emf = 18 V. The
171. Two ashonauts are floating in Sravitational tuee current'i' through the batbry just alter the swikh
space after having lost contact with their sPaceship.
closed is,..-..
The two r{ iI :

0) mov away from each other

(2) $ i[ become stationary

(1) 2A
(3) kep floating at the same distance betwen
(2) 0 amFre

. (3) 2mA
(4) move towardseach other
(4) 0.24
21. s
175. A U tube h,ith both ends open to the abnospherc, ir 178. The rdtio of re<olving pot\ers ot an opti(at
partially filled with water. Oit which is immiscible micros.ope for two wavelengtls A and
= 4000
with water, is poured into one side until it st nds at I"=50ffAis ^l
a distance of 10 mm above the waier level on the
other side Meanbhile the water rises by 05 mm
qiy z,z t
from its ori8rna I level (see d iagrdm ). The jensty of (2) 16:81
the oil is: (3) 8:27
Pa Pa (4) e:4
r -)ro 179. A gas mixture consists of2 moles ofO, and 4 moles
.E "',"water level
tFinal ol Ar dt temperdture T. Nettechng dit vibrationdt
65 mm modes, the tota I intemal energy of the system is :
oil 'x
Initial water level (l) e Rr
65 mm (2) rl RT
B -'- c (3) l Rr
O \4) 15 RT

(1) m-3
800 kg
180. The resistance of a wire is 'R' ohm. lf it is melted
(2) 928k9m 3 and stritched to'o' tjmes its original lengrh, its neh.
(3) 650 kg m-: resistance will be :
(4) 42s kg m-3
(l) n2R
U6. The photoelectic thEshold wavelength ofsilver i5
329) x IO- 10m. The velocity of $e etron eirred R
from a silver surface by ulk.violet light of
(2) .:
*'avebngh 2536 x l0- l0 m is :
(3) nR
(Given h=414 x 10-1s evs and c=3 x 108 lrs-l)
0) - 61xld nrs-l (1) !n
. (2) * 0.3x106 ms-1
(3) =6x105ms-l
(4) - 0.6, x 106 mr - 1

12. + physical quantity of the dimensions of length that -oOo-

crn be formed out of c 6nd
;; b lctu velocity
o{ hghL G is univelsal constant of"gravrtation
e charSel :
0l|| +l
^, ],
.' 4r'0 LG |

tQ) lc 4to e2

- -1/
1l- e2 l2
cu I are6 J

r ,tV
(1) .'zlc "' i '
L 4nco )
1. fyo P1 and P2 .re pla.ed witr ihcn .xic
Pql6loids 3. Thermodynamic processes a.e indicated in the
fcrpendicular to esch odlt. Unpotrrkdltftbnr folowiry diaSram.
incident on Pl. A third polaroid p,l b kept in P
between Pl and P2 such that ib axfu maie3 llr 6ngle
45'with that of Pl. The inh$ity of haisndtdlight
throu8h P2 is :

fl 700 K
300 K

Xtr,. Makh the folowing

,u P,
Column-l Colulnn-2'
'ur^ o Isobaik
R. Isochoric
(3) lq S. Proceis
I lo \'
P-rd. orb. R- a, SJc
\QA-^ o'&, *- d, SJb
\gf P-c. Q-+a, R+ q' s-+b /J
8 P--rc, Q--rd, R-+b, S-+a
t-. 4 The rc.istance of a wire is 'R' ohm_ Ifitis melted
t and stshhed tD'rf
resistan<e will te :
- Two blo.ks A and B of masss3qggbqg5pctivly
are connecH by a maqrle3e and inexr.nsibk EEiry. (1) ;tR
The whole system is suspended hy a Jnaisless
sDrins as shown in ficur. The macnitudes of (2) nR
a.releration of A and B immediatelv alg theJtint
ie cut, are rBpctively :
otv R

l \F/ n'n

k"t 5. Yount's double slit e\perimeqlrqliElElbged in

w'yqt at and thn ina medium orher than rn. Ir is found

w' that 86 bright fringe
!.ies in air. The of the

q 7.78 q ltw
1.25 ,A 8n
1 l
x (4) 1.6e

Suppce the charge of a

One lf

than size) apart is zerc, thell

{civen ma$ of hy&oFn
* x10-v kgl
1o-{7 c
(2) 1o-,0 c
(3) 10-zr C
({) 10-37 C h \n$t
t;!ll ,{i .'.
blacl body oI 12 crlr U. A PhYsical quantity of the dihslsiollr

halved c.n be fomed out o( and b k b velodty

6, G
a ln
of light G ir universal coBtant of gravitation .Ird
1800 e is chargel :

(2) 225
1 G---
(3) 450 4r.0
(4) 1000
,-1^ro --v
8. [n an elechomagnetic
7 G
,frrrfr rA
m-dan sq field
is \40 l^L
sr ,["*]'
Effi = 5v/ trt. The peal value of tie magrEltb field
(1) 4.23x10-E T lt"
\2) x to-8 T ruL 't
r/a b- tl .'
to 7lcr"'."] 1%

2.83x10-l T
0.70 x 10 -t T ,;?,t 1,
12. Two cars moving in opposite direction! approach
9. Oneendof Iis each other wrth speed of Z-mA and 15.5 m/s
of mass'm' and other end struI repectvely, rhe drivgpldrqtElgtEls. hom
pet on a smooth If havrnt a rrequFncy @ Iy . The frgggrry heard
move6 in cirdewi$ sFed dle by the d r,?r of the set6-nd car is lvebcity oI round
particle (directed towar ds cen will be Yoryl6|,
(I Jepresenb the tension in the
\rd ,G* Cg
(1) Zdo (2) 350 Hz -f5
wooLSy +ltt'
12) r (3) l llz
l\" -1L
(3 +
x (4) 411llz
v"/x3 o
13. Which of the fouowins L
(4) l-+ (a) Centre of mass of a body always
with the cmhe of gravity of dE boay
(b) Centre ofnass ofa body b 0l pointatwhich
10. The de.Broglie the total favitationd torque on dre body is
equilibrium with hea ata T
(c) A couple on a body produce both
2h translational and rotational motion in a body.
0) JmkT
(d) Mechanical advantage trerEr thall one
h means that 5m.ll efrort cltr
De ued b lift a

Q) larye load.

(c) and

O) and (d)

J3rllT (4) O) and (c) :

' '+ -L-t'-,
Preeti reached the station and found f,ut the 17. A pokrtioEEte( b an a((1rrah and vElauhiei't(e
rcalator the b mrle elec-hi:al measuemenb of E}lF. bcause
stationary On 6he the rrethod involv. | -<-".-
remairu stationarY the then
the escalator talcs her up
0) a combination of cells, galvanometer and
by her to walk up on
Q) clls
(1) tr-tz

il v (3)
ttrough tle

18. Which one of lhe following
tz -tr { l./
bias diode ?

(4) (1) 3 R 5V
t, +tl

15. Two discs of same moment of inrtia rotating about -2V

their reSular axis passing through centre and
perpendicular to the plane of disc with angrlar It 3V
velocities (t)1 and (,)2. They are brought intD contact
face to face c6iitd-mg the als orroGdTon. The
erprcssion for lB of enrggi$jliej,rocss (4) -2V +2V

o) *",Xr 19. The ratio of wavlenglhs

h (3)

I ("rr

)1 n;rJ
sries and the last line of L
Bl 1-/

--( I

| --),

(4) I (ror - o2f

a). The bulk modulus of a sDherical obiectis'B'- ff ir i.
4n aftangemmt of ttuee parallel shalgB_wLes suffi to uniform p.ressui[GIfiE?action r
placed perpendicular to plane
sdme cunent 'l' alon&lEl!4llElction is shorr.n
in Frt. MaSnitude of for(" per unit length on the 0
middlewire B' ir given by

4, ?il d.;
a,nd {^d '(4)

f/t;a hi ./u ^i,

21. A250-Turn
width 1
coil of 2.1 cm and
P^i2 riagretic sftn86045T. Work
(2) ,; a

s.,' done for rotating the coil by l8C atainst the torque
(1) 1.15 pJ
x (

${#. $ V
4.5s p
I d6
ZL A roF it wound &ound r E. A partide execuhB linear sirrrph h.rDolriq hotion
3 kg and cm. with en.mplitude of 3 dr. Wh.&ffid" i,
accelration o({E if the roF ie 2dr from the mean piqo& LE!Ei!t!!e oI its "t
a foiEc of30 N ? velocity is equal to out of ib accek;rtid6. Thm its
bme oenod m seconds B
0) strr./ s2
2n l*1)
(2) 25 m/ s2
(3) 0.25
e\) (21

({) 25 nd/ s2
23 A U tube with both ends open to lhe ahospheE, b
partialy filed with water. Oil, which is immbcibk ,tv s
with water, is poured into one side until it stan& at
a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the
other side. Meanwhile the water ises by 65 mm
26. Radioactivematerial'A'
ftom rts onginal levl (see diatram). The.deruity of and material 'B has
th..'l is ihey have same number
the ratio of that
Pa Pa 'A wil be E ?

-rFinal water level 0i

9I ,,2*'u|l'
_// ,n,t@
I 65 .l
oil ---r-- Initial water level (2)
65 irm
t 7t
M (4)

550 kg
lg m:r

1f.l\ o The diagrans

(3) 425 kgm-3

(4) 800 kgm-3 ^[]l: ^l

)) ),
)) I

24. 'o ro

t "_I:y4!onaosh."l'
Maximum worl ii required to move o in
0) -Bm/sz {.-4t fisureOL

('lu o s-V (2') Maximum rvorl is reqdrd to move q in


(4) Minimum work is required
fieurE (a).
b move o in

I 9
is 33. If q lnd 02 be the appaEnt aryler d dip ob6erved
in two verticrl plan. rt rlght antb b each odEr,
i5 connecd in Paralel total then lhe Eue angle of dip e is 8ivo by :
reiulting sl:!1m (t) tari0 = tan2or - tanro,
0) increases by a facto. of 2
e) ircreases bY a fsc{or of4
,h p) tan20: tan2ol + tan2o2
P1 -,/decreases bY a factor of 2
(4) rernaiff thesa hu'y + (4) cot2o = cot2o, - cot202

29. The ratio of rea tical

microscoPe for two and 34. Corsider a drop of rain water having maas 'tg fauing
r-=6000 A is: from a hei8ht of I Ln- It hiti th Found wrth a
*_e s0 ur/s. ffi[-e'8' const nt wjlhj value

'16: 81
A:27 '\'4*r speed
l0 The work done by the (0 sravitational
the (ii) resbtive force ofan is

..(, 10I (ii) -8.7s1

P// 1
(2) (i) - 10I (ii) -8.2sJ \o ,p
30, The acceleration due to gravi tllm "-#,
earth. Than
tlrc (3) (,) 1.2s,
(i) I r
(ii) -
(q)0 l


Q) a=1r,n
2 1T
4; 35. A of diamcter 0.1 m has
2x 104 turns

(3) d=1km turns and radius 0

coiridint e.ith the TIE-Arlent in
the solenoid reduces at a
4 A in 0.05 s- IIthe
the btal charge through
Two astronauts are time is:
space after having lost
*'iI (1) 16 rpc
Thc two
p) pC
t' -$I*
(1) will becore shtronary. 32 rr
. (2) kep floating at the same dittance between (3) .r0pc
move towards e6ch o0rer.
(4) 32pC q?E' "t)
.-. (4) move away hom each other.
36. A beam of light from a source L is iEidrt mrmally
on a plane mirror fixed at a certain dirtiure r ho01
Frqure shows a circuit that contai^s three idenh(al
the soulre. The bealEl ir rflctd b.*.s a spoton a
resrsrors wrth ,"s rst.niiT?Iiiii?ii6l-r* o scale dcd iust.bove 8le soure L Wh6l th. mfior
identical inductors with indu;6re L=2.0 mH b rotabd through a sEall angle i, the sFt of the
r each, and an ideal battery with elrJ E = l8 V. 'The
curent'i' through the battery after th sra,itch
light is found to move through a dbhnce y on the
scale. The angle 0 is given by

tt{ Ql/6

\, v
R c (2)
\il+ v
0 ) &1
0.2 A
7 \fl v th 1'
(4) 2A (4)
2y p x,
-l I
The phobekt thle hold wrveL'l8th o( rilve! b {1. The dven electic.l ntwoll ie equivalert to
329) x 10 - r0 EL
Ttlevdaity oftheelctone+.cbd D
from a silver surface by ultr.v&let-Ii;ht of D Y
wavetenpth 2536 x l0 - Io m is : B
o) I
(Given h = 4.U x 10-15 evs and
(1) = 0.3 x 16 rrls-r
(2) =6x1Sms-1
(3) = 0.6 x 106 Eli-1
(4) = 61x1d ms-l
c =3 x 108 ms-r)



NOt gate
AND gate

NOR gate

A spring of force constant k is cut into length3 of

ratio I :2:3. They tht'
38. A gas and 4ggles
Then in
parallel and
0) I :1a

11 RT

".\6 ^)1$ (2) 1 :6 J ,?'

i2) 4RT I .J
15 RT

*8rr^{- b'[

(4 1 :11
L l,',\: )na
'46 I 6)t )). {
39. Two rods A and BofdifferentmaErialsarewelded $. A camot engine having an
totether as shown in fiSure. Theilqrermal l0
conductivities are Kt and K2. Thq..l$ermal engirE, i5 usd as a retnter.tor. f dElrgrkdom o
conduchvity of d composite rcd wil be : the sFtem is 10 l, the amount of e'riqrgr abcorbed
ftom the rerervoir at

T1 -')P: 0) l00l
(2) 1I
(,. P)r/nt
(1) 2(K1+ K' 14) el
44. In a common emitter transistor
K1tK2 3 V. The
2 is 100
' and the base and
3(Kr +K2)

,T, t
power gain of the
(1) 20 and 20m

(4) Kl+ K2 (2) 200.nd 1000

(3) ls 200
40. A thin
tlass o
and 15000 fli\
1.7. This combination without 45. The two nearest harmorucs ol a tubelEslgt one
deviation. The angle oI secord prism end and gpen at other end are 220 Hi.rd 26 Hz.
should be: what b tundagleJlhl
I fte!:gEastem
0) t-l)Y" (

(2) f
1r Lq
\- 1-
ii, io* A
dH, \/
*"\A .t-

M./* (3)
'' mHz
(4) a 'tr (4) 30 Hz

\b"- \),
In th elcfoctkorical ceU : 5f. The Earon for greater range oI oxidrtbn,t h3in
ZnlznSO4 (0.01 M)ll cuSOlII.0 M)lCu, dle o,I of &tinoi& b attriEguo
. this Daniel ce[ is q.
tryheD the con6E"tion of (1) 4f A hveb biry close in ne.gi3
ZnSOa is changed to t.0 M anf,thaiof CuSOl (2) theradioactive nature oI actinoids
Ehrnged to 0.01 M, the emlchanjgs to E, From th;
folowints, which one is the retatiortshiii between
(3) actinoidcontraaion
({) 6d and 7s levels having co mparable
E, and E2 ? (civeru!I =6.6591 -\ energies

0) E2=0 * El element Z been discovered rece ndv

belont to of dle fonowing farrdty/
,/ Er=%
(2\ SrouP
t, (1)
\o/ q
Nihogen famity, [Rn] St14 6d,toh2Zp6
(1) q'E (2) faEdly, [RIr] 5fl4 6dro 7s2 7p5
Carbon farily, [Rnl sfla (d10 7s2 7f
47. The hatint of irhenyl-methyt erheri ]I -0q,\./ oxygen family, [Rnl sfl{ 6dro 7s2 7p1
53. Which one is the
(1) benzhe

(l) CH3-CH3 > CH2=CH2 > Gr -C_{H >

(2) ethylchlorides CH{II
(3) CH2 = CH2 > CH3-CH=GI2
12) > CHr_C
(4) 6Y+th,X GI =CH
CH > =
(3) CH=CH> Cll3-C - CII >
Gc-G: =Gu i
Mixture of dUorcxylenol and
(4) CJir=CH': CH2 = CH2 > CH1- C=CH >
0) antibiotic
N-,/,cll3 - cH3
Of the folorein& which is
, f"< cyclohexanone under
folowed by heatinS ?
A tas is allowed to
volume of 4.50 L.
to a final
will be

LW( (*t

11 .8l
. (3)
- s001
(4) sos l
U molality of the diluE solution
dept6sion be
6 (3)


doubled '
dt r,n,
(4) F
(4) qPH
,iiJIi. ,,,.,,,"ri

i5. Consider the reactio$:

-- Cui lAgG.tHa)zl
Silver mirror observed

I Identify A rnd predict the type oI reaction


(.,,i.)EU? -OH A

0) and ine substitution reacton

Identify A, x, Y and z
' A-Ethanol, X.A(raldqhyde, Y-Butanone,
ZHy&azone. \+ OCII 3

(2) A-Methoxymethane, x-t{hanorc acia,

\ (2) and substitution reaction
Y-Acetate ion, Zhydrazi^e. /
(3) -Methorymethan, X-Ethanol Y-Dth.noic
acid, Z-Semicarbazide.

A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, Y-But-2-en.l, NHz

zsemicarbazone)'-- (3) and elimination addirion

56. An example of a siSma bondd orFnometalic

compound is:

(1) CobaltocsE Br
and cine substitution reaction

Grignard's redge(lt

(4) Ferrocene Mechanism of a hypothetical

X2 + Y2 -t 2 XY is given below :

57 Which of the folowin8 reactions b appropriate for

(i) X2-+ X + X (fast)
converting acetamide to metErySiEl (ii) X+Y2=XY+Y(slow)
(l) Gabrielsphthalimide synthesis
" (in) x +Y -+ xY (fasr)

thy[-{'h" Th overal of the

Hoffmann hypot romamide rcadion

(4) Stephens reaction
1 /Y-
(3) 2

(4) 0
58. Concentration of the At+iions in
solution of Ag2C2Oa is 2.2 x 10- r mol L-l
solubiEd product of Ag2Cp. is 51. Which o, the (ollowin depend

V,., x 1o -12 L)
(1) Watht
(2\ 2.42x70-6
(3) 2.66r70-tz Mohdty
(4) 4.s x 1o-u Mole ftaction
.HicttlEcorrlct product h dE 67.
H:C - Hdo.
. ygfr"*-*t
(2) -liquation
B) distillation
C (r Ar H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C -c- CHr (4) zone refhing
oH o 58. Whichoneofth pairs of \,r tl
samegllgler ?
(2) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: qC-C-CH3
,i.k o
(r) Nz,
(2) cq No
(3) A: {rC-C=CH2 B -,I - C=CH. (3) o"NOS
OH so. (V7''co
(4) A: H3C-C-CHr B: HrC_C=CH te Corect for the velentths
[- in the visible retlon
(r) P(MrJ43.,tco(enhl3..tco(Hp)J3 r
53. It b bcause of inability of nC ekckors of dr valare (:L,,1co(e,'hl3-.
(3) lco Gr.o)J3+, t6" (enhp.,l lc"ojpjJ..
shel to paticipate in bonding thar: Ico0.rHdJ-.
co o;rrJr ,
0) .5,n{+ is reducing while pba+ is oxidising (a) lco(Hp)613+,lco (NHr6p.. t co(6rh1r+
r{9- Srz* ir rcducing while pb. + is oxidising

CJ) Sn2+ b oxidising while pb{ } is reducing
(4) Sn2+ and pb2+ are both oridisixt8;:nd
reducing \
HgCl2 and I, botlJgberd&lglylLia-:,vater
containint I - ions the pair of specieB fomred b :
(2) Hgt2,IJ 0)
(3) HsbI- II<I<III.
(4) . HrK-, r; a) II<Itr<I
p) Itr.<I<N
haeing bond 12tr
(4) III<II<I
7'1. Name lhe ga3 that can rcadily deco
(1) P2Os
- t4)
,""(?"*,* respect to (,1). No2
72 'Whichofrte Cq
0) It ir dsd squarE planar
0) Planb

(2) It b rCd2 hybridi$d rnd octahedr.l

(3) It tu rddz hybridised ffi.hedlal p) Micro organisms presentin the soil
\({) d+d hybridlsed and octahdrat (4)
7J. The IUPAC name of the coErpound Which is ?

OO 0) outed in those ionic

rnpounds in which sizr of cation and
n-+ 1; anioru are a.tmo* equaf,-
L (2) Feooes has non stoichiohetric Errtal
defieiency deftct \.,2 \./
ilketo-2-med|ylher-5-nd p) Drlsity decreases in casg of crystals with
RI,z lleto-2-nethylhe\4-nal &honry's defect Ez'---l
1b;' sformyitex-z-en-s-one (4) NaCl(s) is!,rr, silicon is
(4) trnethyl-4-oxohex-2-en-tal silver is conductror, quartz is eleckic
74. h of the following statemenb rert?
78. Ionic nhichof alkati metal
Wzlr:",,."turadon makes the F,roteiru mor active
tion of theL salb
(2) lnsulin maintains su level in the

(3) Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in

(3) K
(4) Blood prote ins thrombin and
irvolved in bl (4) Rb

75 The equilibrium constanb of th fouowing arc 79. Whkhone ir

N2+3H2-2NlL Kr (1)
r energy of2s is Iess than ellerSy
2p orbital in case of
N2+O2=2NO. 19

(2) d-&odie'swavelengthisdvenb, h
n s. * 2 o. -\r-o K-l
where m= mass of the grouP
The equilibdum constant (K) of the reaction : velocity of the particle.

_. K (3) The uncertainty principle ir AEx-&>),/4,r

zNt\+/2O2 - 2 NO+3 H2o, wilbe'

(1) Kl K3lK1 l(
\x4 (4) HaffiIed and h,Iy f ixed ogEEbgg$eater
stability due to sreater exch.nse enerty,
-kt greater sym metry and
(2) K rl/r, arranSement.

m. The codrct statement rega.ding elechophile is

K, K:/K1
(l phile can be eithe. tEuhll ]f
(4) K2 K1/Kr charFd spec ies and can folm a bond by
accpting a pair of electrons
76. In which pair of ions both the spec iescontain nu(leophile
S -S
(2) Ele(trophile is a negahvely charged species

rit sno?-,-szx
(2t s\-,s,o];
-+* P)
and can form a bond by a(rpting . pdir of
ebchors from
Ehcrophite is a
and can form a bond
a nucleophih
dutted species
acceptiry a pait of
6-s electrons from another
prz{,o!-,srol-v . (4) Electsophiles ale terlgrclly rEtsrl ;IEcto!
(4) s",#-.
7\'. s.ol
and can form a bond,I{ ac.ptitlg r pair of
' " electrons ftom a nucleop'hile
E t2
81, A 20 tiE containerat {00 K contrins CO2G) at E4 A fust order reaction hrs a
prssule 0.4 ahr and an exceas of $O (negled the 10_2sc-1. How much time of solid SrO). The volumeof dr contairEr is the rcachnt to Educe to 5 g ?
now decreasd by hoving dre movabk pE6ifitted 6
(1) .0 sec ,fiJ
rn ure .onraner I he mayimirm volume bf the (2) /Ui*< I
container, when pres
maximum value, will be
\ff 1ro.6
xc k', "e \lil
(Given that coz(g),
Kp=1.5abl) 85. With respect to the conJormets
the follo$,in8
0) 2liEe (1) Bofh bond anStesgd bond
(3) 0litre 0 (2) Bond angte remairls s\Ae bur bond tengdr
.l lihc changes /
(3) anghcharyE but bond lmgth renain,

82. Which one is the niostacidic Both bond angle rnd bond length cirange

Which one of the following statementj

0 (r\ toenzymB increase the catalytk activity oa

I b (2)
Ifr ih'J (3)

(4) E nzymes catalyse tnainly bio_chemical


Y ltr
F. tu,
Tel2 XeF2
(3) (4) tw; ,

\\ ( 88. Match

Columnl C-olumnII
cL? @t XX' T - shape
(b) xx e..oe"1@-,"-ia"r

I (.) Linear

For reaction, AH= (d) (iv)

l mol I.
at that AH and AS not vary with tir. Code:
(,) Tekaiedral

A0\"t[ hALl)
>298K G) G) (d)
t 0) (iv) tu,
(2) T<{25
T>qE K
N at z6,l tr, (ll)
\r/(4) liiil (i,) (ii)
(4) all (v) (iii) (ii)
i. j$t
13 R
89. Ttre moat Buitable method of rpqrrtion of 1 | I 95. An er@mPle of
mixture of ortlo and para - nikoplErrols b :
01,-<bah distilation
(11 St ogyt
(2) Sublihation (2) a
(4) tl,olhn.I
q). The correct order of the stoichiomtsies of
formed $ hen A NO in excess is treated . Match the following sexually transmitted
Nith the.o mP CoCl,-6Nl 3, CoO3.5 NH, diseass (Colunr,r - 0 with their cawative atmt
CoCl,..l Ntl, resDctively B:j (Colunln - n) and select dle corecl option.
i,l*.i., o*c, , r AgClJ
nr Column-l Colunn- It
(2) 1 AgCl,3 A8CI, AtCl 2

(31 Cl,lAgCl,2AgCl (a) Conorr Hry

(4) I A8CI, 2 AgCl, I ASCI (b) Syphi i) N.ir6.ri,

DNA repli.ation in bactEria G) Genital W Tftpsta

(1) .Just before tra$cliption (d) Hu.ElrIr
(2) During S phase
Papillouu - Viru!
(3) Within nucleolus Options:
(4) Prior to fi$ion (a) a). o (d)

92. The function of copFr ions in copFr releadng 0) (iii) (ii) (D

IUUs is: r (n) (fi) (w) (,)
Or 21,*,iui "*p".
\-- (afacity
and fertilising
(3) (-) (iv) o+)
olgrqts. (4) (i,) (n) (m). (')
(3) Thcy inhibit tameE#nesis.
14) They make uterus \$itable for
implantation. / - .
97 Coconut fruit is a

93. The assciation of histone Hl with
indicates D.up.
[) The Dt.rA double helix
..---- isjr88ed (3) Bery
(2) Trans{ription is occuring.
(4) Nut
(3) I)NA rep
(.{) Ihe DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
I:itr{ 98. Which of the follow ing facilitats open ol
stomatal aper

9. The le8ion of Biosphere Rserve whi+ is legally (1) Longitudinal orientation oI cellulose
protctelt and wherc no human activ ity is allon,ed microfibrils in the .ell wall of guard cells

(2) Conbaction of outer wall of turrd celt

Core zone (3) in tugidity oI Suard cltr
(3) Bufferzone J (1 Radinl orierrhtion of celluboe lthodbrib i^
(4) Transidon zor* arc cell wall of tuard cclls
R at
99. Whkh ofdra
chalachr to occuN h
(1) Femab Reproductive kact

(2t Ce[ wall (2) Rete b6tit

(3) Nudearmernhnne (3) Epididymis
(4) Plasma memb.ane (4)

100. Mycolhi6'e are +he exoFle of 106. Thc genotypes ofa Husband and
Wife_are IAIBand
.4;,' uutuaism
(4) Antibiocis (1) a Senotype; apryfrotypes

101. MA LT constitutes about

_ percent of the
(2) xait tV
3genotypes; 3phmotypes

tydlphoid Essue in hunan body.

(1) 1

(3) 20%
(4) 70%
(1) Tomato is a
102. Which of the folltrvinS is cqrecrly matched
usd-ry_-dlell? =..==-tor th Srosn in

S ac chrorrryes 6xobi@ : Etl,ianol

(4) P.nicilliuil tot'trn I A& acLd

103. DNA fraghenb are:

(l) Either.positivety or ne8arivety ch.rSed
depFding on theL size
108. Life cycle of Ec,it!7lls and Flcus
Negatively charged ane: --+--
({) Neukal (l) rhptodiplontic,HaptFlic
(2) H.ptontic,Dipto.,tic
(3) D}tonticHaprodip$&ic

(l) $-.U"."U un".i" is due qa -

ouintitahve {g,T6aprodiprontic,
problE o{d,ot,b E 9!Eu1s.
X llD. Functional megasporc lll .n angi6pr&
(2) Borh alt due !o r qurlititiECaftd h gtobin der,eloF
charn syntreais.
(3) Boft
(t) Embryo
are due b rquanqg$yade&Slgglobin
charn 3ynEp3l5, (2) Ovule
(4) 'Iluhsgerria b dueb leas BFthesis ofgbbh .O) Eiddrperm ''
It is, ": +'

15 R
110. cll 116. Orc
for to in his

(1) Pod - Inflated ot Cor$kicd
Q) Lys&ome
(2) - Tall or Dwdrf
Trichomes - Glandutar or non-glandular
(0 Seed - creen or YelLw

t The
varular cambium normally gi
117. Select the

(t) E4i*am Homoqporous

(3) Primary phloem,,,," ")4"X'
(4) secondary eiim
(3) - fjioecious
(4) Salunn Hqtrrglporous
112. Which of the following k up

0) Phloem *".n *o,rr,"- * *",'.X,6i1),

@ Xyten Fterrhyma 0)
(J) CollencJlyEla Forest ecosystem

1a/vt*w^ Grassland ecosystem

(9 Pond ecosystem
113. During DNA Olazaki
119. oI
rtrnd away from dle rcpli:atim
(2) The leading smnffiwards reptication forL Q) Marclunti4
(3) The laSging stsand towardi replication fork. p)
(4) The.leading sEaIF away from rplication (4)

1:l0. Which of the folowing

114. A temporary etdocrine glfid in dle human body squence of events d

0) Coryur.lhhrtrr 0) condensatio$ -r aflagggklgulr,or J

centromre division -+ sftegation -+
(2) Pineal glrnd tetophase
(3) Cjrpur cardi.cum (2) condensaiion --;\plear menbrane
corpur luteun drsasscm'bty ---r over -+
segregation -+ telophlse
115. Whichof the follorving rle fourd in extelnsalirte
conditiini ?
(3) ensation J nuclear membrane
-_--_.-..-.- disassembl) --r a rr3!99!ggl3!equaror _J
., qtreqation r
p) Eubacteria condeniation- Over -) nuclear
(4) Cyanobacteria
bly J segeeation --f
.!k i

R 1
127. Trarsplantation qltbsuB/orearB falb often due Artificj.l setection io ot tain corys yirding higher
to.r'on-{ctepranUlblstiribtrodyl wtiartype mitrouPutrEpranti: +--:-
ot rmmune-respon5e is resDonsible for such
0) stabilizihg followed by dbruDtive as ir
stabllizesthepopulati6n-E-fr Eehe,
(1) PhFiobry imnune resporue ),ieldin8 cows.
(2) Autoimr*, rcsponse (2) stabrlizrng slecrion.s it sr.bitizes thrs
i{g,,/'ceu - mediabd ihmune req)orse cnaracter nr the poputation.

(4) Hormonal inmune response (3) directional 6s it e mean of thc

character in

122. Vnoids (1)

RNA molecules without protqin coat iil:ffi:il'ii:m#-fl""E[:,

(2) DNA mohorles with Plobin coat
(3) DNA molcule5 without protein coat
(4) RNA molecdes with prcbin coot

(? Anaphase
degradation for
of animal cells. II is d{ective cell,
which of the folowing 6i;@ttoccur,
(1) Recombin tion of cluomosome arns will
128. In oronrs are the modifirntions of
(2) Chromodo&willhotcondnre
(3) Chromosotrrr wifl beftrgmnd (2) Stipulet
q1f *rn not.egeg.te
--d,--*"-. (3) AdvlrtitioB root
(4) SCm
124. Which among the ar tho smallelt
cIs. knohn witftout a definih ell
to plants as vrell rs animals and can survive without 129. In cas of the spongocoel b lined with
oxySpn ?

B (1) Norroc
mesnchymal cells

(2) o6tb
Q) Ba.flJras

(3) donaruE
(l) os.,rfa
!!rf My(oPlasma
1 125. Fruit and
by the

leal drop at
eIy:EIllEItsvenhd 130. The moryhological nature of the edible part of

0) Ped p
(2) (2) PdiprEl

Eorylene B) Cotyleddr
(4) (4)
'!_ rl .
7 R
131, Which statements 137. Mydin i, produ$ by
(1) The (1) and Ashocytes

The ascending of S(hwann Celb and Oligodendrccytes

p) Ashocyb6 and Schwnrm CeIs
p) The descending of
(4) Oligoden&ocytesandosteoclasts

(4) The ascendinS limb of lo op of

Permeable to 138. Flowerc which have single .vr le in tle ovary and
are packed into uurorTsts3Ijj9lllj, orinaH
132. ln case of a couple where the male b having a very by
Iow sperm count, whlich Eshnique wil be suitable
(or 0) Bat .
fe9itation ?
(U,/z InEacytoplasmic (2)
sperm inirtion
(2) Intlauteinehansfer p)
P) Gamete intracytoplalmic falopian transfer
(4) Artificiallnsemination
139. Alexander Von described for firct
133. Which one of the fo[owing statements
for aerosols ?

(1) They have negahve impact on agriflthual (l) Population Growth equation
land Ecologcal BiodiveEity
(2) They are harmfirl to human health p) l,aws of m.q!4ract.
(3) T)y alter rainlalland nonsoon pathms
(4) area relationships
g /hey cause increased agricultural
" productiYity
/') Which of the folowing

ty Hypersecretion in
0) ujl_ds

0) size after (2) Nuileic acids

(2) C Hormone becomes ina.tive in adults. ) Proteir6
Dlates close atter adoles.ence
(a) Pol

141. Select
/ffi? Presn of planb ar?arued intn wll irl
defurd ve (1) tr19['.2
L,/ rayers deFnd,nr on
ln i- (2\ F
0) TemFrah Forst Rhodospifllum Myconhiza. ,b
(2) . Tropical S ,.rh.h (4) Nitsosen fircr
Tropical Rain Forest


AtEactantsartgg!3IIggEgllhli r 0) q and Ca planb
the prinary

Cleistog.trry )
(2) .Ar|eIrtophily P@.
.. VB-
' rl' ffitvf*llir
1|:}. A dbease caused by rn
nondiriunction ie :
autosoEral prirnrry
g Which celb of 'Crypts of Lieberluhn' secrete
attibacterial ly,ozyme ?

(1) Sickle C[ Anemia

(1) Kupffer cells

s Svndrome a/ Arymtaffin cells

(3) Paneth cellg
(3) Klinetulte/ssFdrohe

(4) Turne/ssynd'me
(,r) ZymogCn cells
yr\ 148. Spk:gsomgl" n.l in cclls of

1{4. Outof'X'pairsof ^1', W,"'{acteria

tlue ribs. Select
(21 Plants
filiues of X and Y ard provides dlen explanation
(3) Fungi
(1) X=24,Y=12 True ribs are dorsally
attached to vertebral column (4) Animals
but .re fte on venhal'side.

X=12,Y=7 True .ibs are attrched 149. Homozygous purelines in cat e can be obtained
dorsallv to verteffiBlumn by
and venEally to the sEmum. (l) y,ting of indrviduals of different rpecies.

(3) X=12,Y=5 True ribr are attached Pr,,/miting of related individua-ts oJ sryre breed.
dorsally b verbbral column
lrd sbrnuln or 0le two nds. (J) matin8 of uluelaH iiilviduals of sam(
bied 'w
(4) X-24,Y=7 True ribs are dorsally (4) EutmE of individualrtr)diffeFnt brced
att ched to vertebml colum
but arc hee on ventsal side. '
150. GnRH, a hypothalamic hororone , needed in
rcprcduction, acts on :

145. Abaryboyaged ir admitH to (l) postd or prtuitary gland and stihulates

and passes through a
obsrved that the boy had twenty teeth. Whih teeth
se.retion of LHi{f relaxin.
(2) anterior pituitary gla\d and stimulates
scrtion of LH and on&in
(1) Mola.s
(3) pituitary gland and stimulates
@ lncirors of LH and FSH.

(4) posterior pituitaryldland and stimulate,

(3) Canines
seaetion of oryho(Ad FSH.
151. What is the criterion for
on atarose gel during 8el '|
1|6. A decreaseiq blood
the release of
(1) Negawely (harted fratmsrb do not move
(2) The lutet 0re ftaerrr*Ntz2, tr fardler i.
(1r\f6H .

(2) Renin v c3) The sma.ller the fragment siz, the fadler ir

P) AtirlN.Eiuiet EroN
($ Pcidvely durgEd fragwrb mot'e r drther
({) lrd
i +" +6. |$:. r,r;: .I
'19 R
The DNA 156. A gene whose exptession help! to identifv
can be after hansformed
S!.,1tEg asl+
Etridiun bmmide (1) gene

(2) Bromophmol blue

(3) Vect'r
(a) Phsmid
(1) Aniline blue
Good vision dpends on adquab inhke of caroEE-
Adult humdn RBCr are eqllleerp. Which-;f d,e rich food
foll6wing starement(s) rslare most ap't6riatc Selecl the bst opBon from the followilagbh!6|b.
e\planation for this feature ?
(a) Vitamin A derivarives are for ed from
(a) They do not need to rc
(b) The photopighents arglmHded in
O) They are somati. cells
membrane discs of the rfop setmenl

(c) They do not metabolilg (c) Rerirut is a denvadve o({,I#n A.

(d) All thet intenElspace is availabh for oxygen (d) Retind b a of all the
hansport virual phobpigmenb.

Options: Options:

(1) (1) O), (c)and (d)

(b) and (c) \/
(2) only (d)
e) G)q(a)
(3) only G)
V bl.nd(cl
(4) (a), (c) and (d) 't.k\andtd)
158. Which of the fouowing RNAs should be mo3t
abundant in animal cell ?
154. A dioecious flowering plant prevents
E9 0) Ed-RNA
0) Cleistotag) and xmotany .;By'r-wa
(2) Autoga-dly and xenogarry (3) t_RNA
ID,/Autogamy and &ito-noFmy
(4) m-RNA
(4) Geitonogamy and xenogamy 159. Which among the3 is the
aquatic llummals ? "61).o-ri,-u.,, of
155. Whichstatement Krebc' cycle ?
0) Trygon, Seals
(2) Seals,
cycle starts with co ndqEltion of acetyl
U^ SrouP (acetyl CoA) wiur'd toyield (3) Dolphirs, 80'r
.it c acid
Dolphiff, Sals
(2) There are three poinb in the cvcle where
NAD + is reduced to NADH + Hi- 160. Phnts which -?redrS_lhlrcterirtic
"-----\./' P*.*EllEggiErf@.tsklsb:
There is one point in tlre cycle wheE FAD +
is redukdr'FADH2 (1) Hydrophytea
4/ (2) Me3ophyh3 t
(4) During converrion of 3uc.invl CoA- to
succinic ac ecule of cTP is 1p1--d"r"plvb
(a) Psannophyte3
,,1 i'rir $i '',,iit {,1
+rtffr . t*.
in 167, *rEr poktial of pur waE k
@ route for the passage of sperns The

thai one
Testes -, Vasa efferentio .) Kidney __,

Bidder's canal e Urinogenital duct _+ 7ao

Cloaca ' (3) Less than zero
(2) Testes r Biddels canal -r Kidney J Vasa
efferentia --, Urinogmital duct r Cloaca (4) More than zero but less tlran one
(3) Testes -, Vasa efferentie a Kidney +
Seminal vesicle -+ U nodAi&rl duct +
Cloara \ 158. The process of separation tion ol
exprssed protein bcforc
(4) Testes -+ Vasa effermtia + Bidde.'s canal
-, Ureter -+ Cloaca (l) Postproductionprocessing

Which one-of the foltowing statementB
0" $,ith to enzymes ? Dowrutleam processing
(a) Bioprocdsing
(2) + Ccnzvme
+ Coenzlme
169. Double feokation exhibihd by
(4) Coenzyme = Aponzlme + Holoenzyme 's

163. The pivot joint btwen qths and axir is h?e,of

a :
(:) Cymncpernu
(1) saddle ioint
\2) fibrous ioint P) Abe
(3) cartilatinoG joint (4) Fungi
14) -/avnovi.lioint
\t' 170. If there are 999 bas!J!-9l-8NA$Allarte, for s
154. Which of the following rePlesnb ordcr of'Horse' ? protcin with 33,1_g.g,ird5dld_lbE-.haq1,
0) Ferus posiuon
@is aeleledru.hlLaute-leDslhjf the
RNA becd-mes ho*-uranv391!erls
(2) Euidae (- bc

(1) 333
(4) Cibalus
(2) 1
Reeptor.6iEs for neuob'arEmithrs .re prBmt on
-/. (4 rr
post-synaPtic membrd'E
membranes ofsi'naphc vesicls
(4) tif,s of arcns
'"' ffift #ffill'eeeig*4""*
165, Root haiff develop &oDt the region of: (l) Ilargo.hindKhorana
fl) MerisEmaticactivity
C4 Criffift
G) Elongation
\+t/n "r-"ra
(4) Root cap (a) Avery, Mcbod and Mccarry
fr' . tj i.rl+trt:
) Frolr lE6rt lr,hn taken out of [re Hv continu3 12. Tt lEp.ti. portal vein drahc blood to liver ftom
to beat for uomeftiD
\__----z 0) Inbtir
Select the best

Frot is
option from&e
r poikilothem. '
Frog doe3 not have any corohary circulation


(4) KidrEF
k) i! ' myosenic' in natuJt
(d) auto\citable.
178. Identify th tof
\Pr.t-rs on 8.
Options heartwood:
c) and (d) (1) It comprises dead elements with highly
only (c) Iignified walls

p) only (d) (2) Organic compounds ale deposid in it

(a) (a) and (b) (3) It i! higNy durable
(4) /lt conducb water and minerals efficien y
Which one of the folloygj!_I9lEe{-b-Ex-situ
conservation of threatened animals and

0) layan redon sharewith

wildlife Salari park3 (1) pharynx without gill slits
(3) Biodiversity hot spob
Mabsence of notochord
(4) Amazon rainfo.est (3) venEaltubular -,rvecord

which of the followin8 the

(a) pharynx with gil slits
enzym com[ro3ition of

0) lipase, amyl.3e, trypeinogen, 18O, Whi.h one ftom thGe givm below is the period fo.
Mendel's hybridization experimenb ?

(z) .wg(ylase, peptiaa-se, kyrp.inogerr rcnnin ol ,8m-$n

l (3) amylase, peFirr Eypsinogm, $use 1856 - 1863

(4) pptidase, amylase, pepsi& reMin p) 1840 - 18s0 I

(4) 1857 - 1859
rvhkhof tlefolowilAlS,ffeElE@Eqsvs
Bu3pende4$lidc ?
(1) Studge tstttment I
(2) Tertiary Eeahl(lt
(3) Secondary heahnert
Primary t eatrnent
LuJlgs are


Q),,,'6iaoot vot,me
(J) IrBpir.toryRcePevohn
({) Tidalvolu,ne
1. Homozygotts prarelinfis in cattle can be obtouwd
(1) mating of unrelated individuals of same
(1) lI5i^t'=R5!%3T'Mtm"^3Tf%^?W breed.

(2) WP!^%'=R15^%WTSfTr (2) mating ofindhiduala of differciitbreed.

(3) (3) mating of individuaJs of different pedC8.
H3f ft TO %'****' (4) matingof related individuals of samebreed.

The function oi copper kms in copper releasing

^ ^IM4><31HH ^ 0^ %I
(1) Tb^ inhibitgametDgenesB.
They make uterus unsuitable for
(3) t implantation.

^P>T^3Tf 'ifti^flrRTI ^ ^ {3) They inhibitovuUlion,

(4) They suppress sperm mofility and ferbKsing
capacity ^sperms.

if ^ "n^n ii ? Among the following characters, which one was

not corwdered by Mendel in his expcrimento on
?TO^-iffTO"'n#>?n!^ pee?

ifhi - fn"^"*frai fl) Trid^omss -Glandular or non-glandular

(2) Seed- GreenorVeflow
?RT -
(3) Pod-Inflated orConstricted
(4) Stem-TallorDwuf

f ! In case of porifetaitt, the spongocoel is lined with

flagellated ceDs called;
(1) oscula
^ choanocytes
(3) irtesenci^malcefls
: 'W

^ IWI stems A ^tfH t ^ ^ ^ nbwerswhkbl^fi^e ovule inihe ovaiy ^

ijBm ^f, sro ifl#1 arepackedinto inflowaceftceare usually pollinated
f? . . -1.^ by:

(2).. Wind

(3) WI^ (3) Bat

(4) Water
(4) ^

rHHrdfidd ^ TTt 6. Which one of the following statements is not valid

for aerosob ?
(1) They alter rainfall and monsoon pa ttems
(2) They cause increased agricultural
(2) productivity
P) They have negative impact on agricultural
(4) ^ -qm f land

(4) They are harmful to human health

7. rnnrdRsifi ^ ^ ?T5*^ ^ ?m %
1^ frf^ ^ifW Mr ^ "eTflt, ^ alR 7. Which among the following are the sm allesl living
^3t( if ( sfR ^ aqrohn % ^ cells, known without a definite cellwall pathogenic
iRi^ f ? to plants aA well as antmals and can sxuvivc without
(1) ?g?hto7 oxygen?
(1) Pseudomonas
(3) (2) Mycoplasma
(4) #WW7r (3) Nostoc
(4) 60CiI/us
8. ^r#RfWmif^1lFW?^TRRyTt?
8. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of:
cnr (1) Adventitious root

(3) (2) Stem

(3) Leaf
<4) 3!jr#
(4) Stipules
9. :
9. DMA replication in bacteria occurs:
(1) Within nucleoKis
(2) Prior to fission
(3) 3?5rR3=?^^^
(3) Just before transcription
(4) S3raWt%4TB
(4) During S phase

10. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops

(1) (1) Endosperm
(2) (2) Embryo sac
(3) Embryo
*ra {4) Ovule
11. (APC) *W*I ^ 11. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APQ is a protein
l^ivri^ ^ 5t^ degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
^rtrt7Rtr?fNfttl ^ if APC of animal ceUs. If APC is defective in a human cell,
which of the foUowing is expected to occur ?
(1) Chromosomes will be fragmented
(1) ti'^i^^ oT^fl
P) Chromosomes will not {Segregate
(3) Recombination of chromosome arms will
(3) gyr^^afiif^iT^fmT occur

(4) TPI^ 4WfHfl ^ (4) Chromosomes will not condense

Q |WifKl)*Englis^
12. rHHrcir^rt"=f"^'5?rT^ 12. Which of thefollowing is mode up of dead cells ? -
(1) (1) Colicnchyuia
wm (2) Phellem

P) %sraTf (3) n^em

(4) {4) Xylem parenchyma

13. #T H4(rtH % "^TR Wrsr ^ 13. Whatis ttieaiterionforDNA fragments movement

on agarosegelduring gelelectrophoresis ?
^ tptt ?
(1) The smaller the fragment size, the farther it
(1) ^ 3Tm^T3', ST^WTffT ^ umi moves

(2) Positively chargedfragments move tofarther
(2) vn?R> a#f^ Tg^ ^ M "qr end

P) Negatively charged fragments donotmove

(3) ^"nriT^ 3T!^fWl 'nfrTim ^ ^ (4) The larger the fragment size, the farther it
5T^yTi?(T 3WT^ 13175, ^-^Mt
14. 3f?r:Tre% f^HldPsifl "E( ; 14. Identify the wrong statement in context of
(1) 3Tf?RT ^Tfft ^
(1) It is highly durable
Jl<n h< +"rf| (2) Itconducts water andminerabefficiently
t * " ' -
(3) 11 comprises dead elements with highly
(3) ^3WtlMTT^f^^iprOT^f lignifled walls
(4) eFT#R) ifffW 'ft^ t (4) Organic compounds arcdeposited init

15. 15. Art example of colorual a^ga is:

9^=979?? (1) , Vofiwtt
(2) (2) Ubthm
(3) (3) Spirogyrfl
(4) 'ki^^fil (4) ChloreUa

c aT<^ ^iiTSRIIkwIW^^iyqt? X6. Zygotk meiosis is characteristic of:

(1) ^Jl) fticus


(3) Chlajnydoncnas
(4) Marchantia

17. 17. Which one of following statements is correct,

wtih reference to enzymes ?
(1) lloloenzyme Apoenzyme + Coenzynve
(2) + ti^ccirrp?
(2) Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Haloenzyme
(S) ^#tj3II5n = ?T|lf5n|*J + (3) Holoenzyme = Coer\zyme + Co-factor
(4) = ^tgiX^q+ (4) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
(MtfxatEnsllslil 5 Q
J8. ^ % ^K'^l >, 18. A disease caused by an autosomal priinary
non-disjuncbon is:
(1) Klinefelter'sSyndiome
(2) Turner's Sj'ndrome
. (2) ^fF=^
(3) Sickle Cell Anemia
(4) Down's Syndiome
19. A gene whose expression helps to identify
19. "3? ''^ srfvsqf^ if*i*?n ^ transformed cell is known as;
^TfWR t wt t ^ a^fi TO ^ t ?
(1) Vector
(2> Plasm id
(3) Stnicturai gene
(3) Wgwrgr^ (4) Selectable marker
20. Plants which produce characteristic
20. fTIT pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to:
(1) Hfllophytes
(2) Psammophytes
(2) (3) Hydruphyteg
(3) (4) Mesophytes
21. With reference tc factors affccting the rate of
21. "ST^ ^ ^ ^ UMTf^ ^ ^ % photosynthesis, which of the follawfng statements
is not correct?
i| f=TC#lte if ^ W "Ri yfl ^ t ?
(1) COj ^ 0.05% fT^ ^ (1) Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration
up to 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate
^ CO; fl'ZRhFrTf ^ ^ TO TRFfft t
(2) C3 plants respond to higher temperatures
c^ ^ ^ wm ^ 3rfW^ ^ with enhanced photosynthesis while
H^TY! T??rWI f C4 "**1^ % C4 plants have much lower temperature
wmm sT^yr^ ^ t optimum
(3) Tomato is a greenhouse CTop which can be
grown in CO^ ex^riched atmosphere 1for
^ CO2 ^ ^nWT ^ ^RifTT higher yield
(4) Light saturation for COj fixation occurs at
(4) CO2 rWlQ+i"l % 1^ W7T ^ 10% of full sunlight
22. Selectthe correct route for the passage oi sperms in
^ 'TPf ^ male irogs:
(1) Testcs Vasa efterentia - Kidney ->
(1) ^ ^ grfNnt - -> Seminal Vesicle Urinogenital duct ^
'1^-4lf^-n - 3T3?^
(2) (2) Vasa cfferefitia ^ Bidder's canal
- Ureter -* Qoaca

(3) (3) Testes - Vasa efferentia Kidney -

Bidder's can^ Urinogenital duct -
qifV-fl - Ooaca
(4) ^ ^ -
(4) Testcs - Bidder's canal - Kidney Vasa
^-IH^ aif^il ^ effereniaa> Urinogenital duct-Cloaca
&Sgj % 5Tt 11^ Lungs
do notarecollapse
made upeven
ofaif.fiUed sacs, theaJveoH
after forceful Thev
(1) because of: '

(2) ^3^lfR3TPI?n {1) luspira tory Reserve Volume

(2) TidalVoIume
. (3,
(3) Expiratory Reserve Volume
\a> sraftTOarrarR (4) Residual Volume
24. ^e cycle of Eclocarpus and F^ci^s respecUvely
NiV ft'#irO<J, 3T2fnra-fi5fTWRFT
(2) WinrfhT (1) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
(2) Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
(4) 5JT^ruirt*j, ft'/yifll^ P) Jlaplodiplonlic, Haplontic
(4) Haplontic. Diplontic
25. Viroids differ from viruses in having:
(1) 1^^l^aTOq%DNA3T^#fl (1) DNA molecuies without protein coat
(2) ^^3qTOr%?!mRNA3T^^f| (2) RNA molecules v^'ith protein coat
f^^3?raTq%RjviA37^^f I (3) RNA molecules without protein coat
(4) nNA 3T^^ f i (4) DNA molecules with protein coat
26. 26. Which ecosystemhas the maximum biomass ?
(1) (1) Grassland ecosystem
(2) Pondecosystem
P) Lake ecosystem
(4) Forestecosystem
27. Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
27. ^Fv,r^^-afsq^fcTOffim* when:

K = N (1) K-rN
(2) K>N (2) K>N
P) K<N P) K<N
j5zM{4) 'r' 3mKt^t (4) The value of Y approaches zero
2& Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first
(1) Laws oflimiting factor
(2) Species area rciadonships
P) Population Crowds equation
(4) "RT^^ejf^ f^flwrll (4) Ecological Biodiversity
29. Which ofthe foi jowing statements iscorrect ?
(1) pe descending limb of loop of Henle is 3^
t\ impermeable to water.
(2) ^ 3iT7t6 ^ ^ %1^i^TTTBT 11 (2) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
permeable to water.
(3) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
wrnrti permeable toelectrolytes.
(Sir (4) The ascending Umh of loop of Henle is
impenneabie hu water.
30. The process of separation anil purification ol
depressed prnttrin bpforemaxketmg called:
^ g^pn 9^ ^^sfTTnn^?
(1) Downstream processing
(!) ST^TWSRFtm
(2) Bioprocessing
(3) Postproduction processing
(4) Upstream processing
(4) afirwFwcn'r

31- RV THS ^ RBC ^I ^ ti. Adult human RBCs are enudeaie. Which ol the
following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
'IStH W 3N<T W^ #?
explarution for this feature 7
(a) si^n snST^RirlT ^ f (a) They do not need lo reproduce
(b) 4s>lhiVTtf?R=iRtl ^ ^) They are somatic f^n*
(c) ^ ^ I
(c) Tf^ do not metabolize
(d) TTTO ^ % (d) AllthffiottemalspaceisavaUablefor oxygen
fwt-mwti ** "*' transport
ftWW: Options: '
(I) %8m(fl) 0) Only (a)-
'XSl W-(c)i^(d) (2) (a),(c)and(d)
(3) (b)5?i(c) Jo (3) (b)and(c) I

(4) %^(d) (4) Only(d)

32. "fif ^ ^ ^rgd^d fq 32. Whichof the foDotving in sewage Ireatmcnt removes
suspended solids ?
a) 0) ixcundaiy tRatment
(2) Primary treatment
P) 4flrNr'5syR p) Shidge treatment
(4) 4H^R (4) Tertiary treatment

33. 1^ ^ ^ ^ 5wra 3g*JR^d i?t

33. Which ofthefoUowmg components providesstkky
character to the bacterial cell ?

(1) '^-<*1^ (1) Nuclear membrane

(2) ft?5^ (2) Plasma membrane
(3) Glycocalyx
{4) (4) aUwaU

31 '^.^.tt TgL2!^E^5^'. 34. Theftnal^wiffiwDNAasthegenetic material came

fnm the evpeiiments of 1
(1) Hershey and Chase
(2) ft*<nU #T ft**{J (2) Avery, Mcleod and McCarty
(3) ITTfrf^-^tHI (3) Hargobind Kborar\a
(4) (4) Griffith

35. 0

(0 BufEerxone
(2) Wm^hj y, (2) TraT>sibon zone
(3) y?,'?iimT^ P) Restorationzonc
H) W Corezone

36-^NA,f^ ^ ^ ^ 36.

(') f) '^^gg'ng^randtow.rt.^pitaioon^
(2) ''^N^ft'ns^^anPilfFc^ TO

W ^^'^'^Sstrandtow.rdap|ibonferk-
MyeUn sheath is produced by;
(2) ffiH'Ili^l4Jlf^;^a,fts,^ (1) Asuocytes and Schwann Cells 43.
WftI7frTOi;g7TO3;H%jBT^ (2) "8wJendrocytesandOs(eoclasls
(3) CWeodasbandAstrcxytes
W Schv,aniiCeUsand01igoded,o(y^
0) da=l-^ ~ 38.
Which<rfftefonowta^,^p,y^ ,
wfN*yR ^ . 0) f*IOhH|B 44.

(3) fW^ ^ POfysacchande

P) Upids
(4) Nuflek adds

' (1) .' _

39. Selectftfl mismatch ;
(2) (1) C^cfls 45.
(3) fsgtotev ' _ (2J Sa/viRu
P) E^isetum
^S4U W?7 Homospofous
(4) Pinus
HI wh a
0) DNA replication is occuiring. 46.
<2) is ndeed into . ChnH
(4) (3) The DNA doublehelix is exposed.
(4) Transcription is occmrtng.
41. AMrartaflls andrewaidsare reqiured for;
(1) Bntomophily
(2) Hydrof^ly
(2) (:^) CkistDgamy
(J) affgstftcswm (4) Anemophily
(4) yr^qwi
42. Whtch statement iswrong for Kreba' cycle ?
^^ TH t?
42.^ (1) Th^e is OT>e point in the cycle where FAD*
is reduced to FADH2
^Rn ^ (2) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
(2) CoA^^ ^ synthesised
GT? ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
(3) The cycte starb with rondorwition of ftcetyl
(3) TO (^fr2^ CoA) ^ group (acetyiCoA) wiA pyravk add loyield
^ ^ 13lR citric acid
3TO3?*5 ^ (4) There are three poinb in the cycle where
NAD* b reduced to NADH+ H*
(4) -TO ^ i^srt' 7T NAD-* 1
NAUH +!I* fRTT t
43. Which amorig these is the correct comlnnAtion of
gf^iiatir Tnaminals ?
(1) Dolphins, Sea b,Trygcm
(1) sThR+h, ?7r^ (2) Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(2) ^ (3) Trytcn, Whales. Seals
(4) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks
{4) 7n^
44. Atemporaiy endocrtrw gland in the human body
44. to:

(1) 7(firaren^f^ (1) Corpuscardiacum

(2) (2) Corpusbteum
(5) 5WPf3 (3) Corpus allatum
"PrPractifl^ (4) Pineal gland

45. Incase ofa couple where the male ishaving a very

low spertn count which technique will bo suitable
for fertilisation ?
(1) frqft 5-^1w'MP^* (1) Gamete intracytoplasmic fa llopian transfer
^n>iH (2) Artificial Insemination
I (3) 3t9r;>^lW'T^^MW p) intracytoplasmic sperm in)ecftcm
(4) gfaiTvhmmRfiR"! (4) bttraut^me transfer

46. 46. Coconut fruit is a:

(1) (1) Baiy
(2) (2) Nnl
0) Capsiik
(4) Dnipe


47, ? 47. Capadtadon occurs tn:

(1) Epidklymia
(2) (2) Vasdeferens
(3) "*TF?I'3R^ ^ (3) Female Reproductive Irart
(4) (4) Rete tesda

4S. Hypersecretkm of Crc^ wth i lormone in adulb d'

9^: not cause further Increase in height bccause *
"fe^nansa % VRm nMvftRB ^ ik ^ (1) Epiphyseal fMalea close alter adotescntce
^ii (2) Bones loose their sensitivity to Grov
if grtlep# imh % ife irtmfNn Hormone in adults.
( ^ Muscle fibres Jo not grow in size after bii

(3) (4) Growth Hormone becomesVMiclxve madr

(4) "SSRSif if ^NN flfsPT ^ iIRn f I
49. The DNA hagitients sepsrated on an a^rose
49. ^ ifipra; ^.TjTl.T^,-^SUS ^ ftjrt? srfVtlR can be visualised after staining :
% tHticn ^ ? (1) Acetocarmlne

(1) (2) Aniline blue

(2) P) Ethidiuin bromide

ifofem WlT|5 W ^onophenol blue

(4) "ihifW^
sa Match the following sexually transmit
sa PM -1 if 1^ ^ W ^ fpl diseases (Column - I) wilh their causative a|
(131*1-11) ^ WV 3ltT ^ (Column - n) and sdect the correct option.
Colunm-I Column-n

^-1 m-II (a) Gonorrhea (0 HIV

w (i) HIV (l>) Syphilis (ii) Nnssena

(b) W Goutal Warts (iii) Trepowrtw

(c) (iii) prtfirm (d> AIDS (iv) Hunum

PapiUoma - V
(d) AIDS \>(iv)
Hieiiy Optional

ftlSW; () (b) (c) (d)

(a) (b) <c) f) a) m (iv) (') (ti)

0) (iii) H (i) (n> (2) (Ir) (H) m (0
P) (iv) (iO (iii) (0
(i^ m (iO (9
0) fiv) fni) (ti) JiL
^ ^ ^ (iv) 40. (4) (H) m (iv) (i)
5L : 5L Sclcct the mismatch:

(1) RMosptn/^vm Mycorrhiza

(2) ^T^jRn wrtNsRV (2) AruAaena Nttrogcsifixe
(3) w^rf^ T^wsn^WRi (3) Rhizohium Alfalfa
(4) 5TO (4) Fnmha Alnus

51 Frog's heart when taken outofthe body continu

SI to bat for sometame.

Select thebet optionfrom thefoUowing staiemenb.

isfCT OTTt ^ ^ ^ I
{b) Frosia&poikilothenn.
(a) TfegiH^snmrrAti
(b) Frog does not have any coronary drcuktion.
(b) ^ "^nn i
(c) Heart is"myogenic" in nature
(c) ^5^ ^ %i
(d) Heart b autoexdtable.
(d) f^-W^rlTO^tl
th (1) Only(d)
g?i.(d)_ (2) (a)and(b)
ra W^O!) (3) (c)and(d)
Its. (3) (c)iJ!^ (4) Only(c)
<4) %W(c)
53. Mycorriiizaeorelhemnfteof:
(1) Amensalism
(1) TjTF^rt^
(2) Antibiosis *
(2) Tfinftftm
(3) Mutualism
(4) Fungistasis
(4) qq*^R
911 54. Adecrease in tdoodpitssuie/vohunewfDHt cause
54 ^^a^/grw?F!^^%^iW^r<hti*) |t'? therekflseof:

^P^^Xr<ib (1) AtrialNatrturedcFactor '

(2) (2) AJdosteror^e

(4) (Rentn) (4) Rerun

55. ftct ^ ^?iH W*dH4) ^IIIWI^

OS 55. Which one of &e foDowtng is related to Ex'Situ
conservation of threatened animals and plants ?
(1) ^ (1) Biodiversity hot spots
(2) a?^Brafir|tg'T {2) Amazon rainforest
. (3) ft>n?rRd^ P) Hhnalayao regkm
VTOfifi itftA (4) Wildlife Safariparks

56. 56. Which cells of 'Crypts of Licberkuhn' secrete

^n?#snFViTftra^f? antibacterial lysozyme 1

(1) (1) Pareth cells

(2) (2) ZymogenceUs

\5 (3) Kupffer ceQs

W (4) Argentaffincelb
57. Foot hairsdmhphorn th regwnof;
0) moRgadnn
(2) (2) Root cap
(3) (3) MnistEmaticActivity
{4) Mahiration

Gc^viaondependfionadequtteintafcerfcaroteM. j
fR if ^a=T VI w? ?{t^ I Sdectthebestoption from thefoDowir^slatBinl&
() Viiamin A derivatives ate /ormed from
<b) ftrttTi*i Uui ^ nt
- ' -
W The photopjgments are embedded in (he
membiajH? diw of the inner segment
{c) Av;i^5?q5r t(
(c) Retinal isaderivative 0/Vitamin A.
(d) 37^^ {d) R^aJ is a light absorbing part of aU the
mi\ Visual photDptgmcnts,
Niy w.(25^(d) (1) (aX(c)and(d)
<2) (a)'rt{c) (2) (a)9&d(c)

0) (b),(c)T3:9(d) P) (b),{c)ajxd(d)
W (a)^(b) (4) (a)and(b)

and boy through
passes agedtwoadentaj
years isadmitted
check- up.toplaysAorf
*liii 1^%^^?ftraiTTrfN?T^? obsovedthatOe boy had twenty teth. Wh^teeA
wefe absent?
. 0) (1) Ganirws
_ am-^^ (2) Pi^molais

(3) Molars
(4) fS3^ (4) Incisors

^ TOcft t ? 4 "*f

wyere depending on their height canbe seen best

5ni ^
0) Tropical^mPoTMt
(2) Grassland
<3) WreDi-sR
(3) Temperate Forest '
(4) wn
(4) TropicalSffvartnah
61. Thalassemia and sickic ce]| anemia ore cauv^
61. ^ qviPn^i ^<yifii 'g^[V? %
to a problem m globin mulet;ul9 8y;ithe' Select
the correct statement

(1) B<Jthftreduetoaqu4nlit<<vdefcctmgiobm .
'Vn^ ^R? wi^m qfiMiJiifii+^ft chain synthesis.
I % fI
(2) ThaUssemiaisdu^tolesssynteisof^lM
<2) molecvles.
?ttTT ^1
(3) Sickle ccU anemia is du<* to a quantitative
^5^.421/# ^ ^?I*l <(**<*! 4rWII<*^* probkm ofgtobin molccule.
(4) Both are due to a qualitative defect inglobin
(4) ^ fs:^ "5i?t TjqirH^ ^ % chain synthesis.

^ snro^ 8u^iih(m* Ghrh 62. CrtRH. a bypothalanic hormone, needed in
iR vrtsiTcn^? icproductuHv acts on:
*Nq^ 3TO^I^13ft>^3*RLH^Fai^^n^^ (1) anterior pituitary gland and stimalates *
secretion of LH and PSH.
ififMri "573! I
^ 7f? ^ 3|R FSH % {2) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion oi oxytoon and F5f1.
"^rra^ ^ VCTn ^ I
(3) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
secretion of LK and r]axin.
^ "s^tftff 9?T?n f I
(4) 3TO ijfti ^ 3|R LH ^ armMm % (4) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
section ofLH and oxytocin.
^ 4^ Pifl ^>T<!1 ^ I

61 ^F?i aft? %WTfi 1*^ ^ 1^*1% wim sro 63. Fruitand leafdrop at earlystagescanbe pieveviled
fran^ qim^? by theappbntkm of:
(1) (1) Etfa^fene
\ai/ 3fi5^
(2) Aiixxns
ol p)
lit (3) GibbereUic acid
' (^) 'Cytokinirs
64 'TFW ^ 4^
64. Out of OC' pairs of fibs in humans only 'Y' pairs are
itei liM ^ s^ihiT t sfR wQsrm ^Ftm 11 true ribs. Sekctthe option that correctly represents
([) X=12,Y5 vrerf^ sW^f MTT vahis of Xand Yard provides theirexplanation:
^ T^5 % TPJ^
(1) X=12,V5 True ribs are attached
I dorsoUy to vertebral column
vrerfW WW ^ ^ ^ and stfmum on the two erub.
(2) X24,Y = 7
^>jtW^ ^ Wt f ?Tf^ (2) X24,Y7 True ribs are dorsally
3W MFlTf I attached to vertebral column
but are free on ventral side.
(3) X24.Y' 12 sreifrc imtW ^ Mm ^
(3) X-24Y12 True ribs are dorsally
attached to vertebral column
3TO^ MFt^ but ar free on ventral side.
3fR 3TW VFl {4) X-1ZY=7 True ribs are atUched
dorsally to vertebral column
% wi ^Rft ^ I and vpT\tTaUy to the sternum.
Q 14
^ 3333M ^ &, If tiwre are 999 bases in an RNA that code?* for
T^3> 3ff^R % t afiT 9012 ^ protein with 333 amiAo ncids, &nd the bast* at
T?7 ?rar <f jrjsfTcTT11^^ position 901 is deleted 5Ui.h lhat the length of the
RNA becomes 998 bases, how manycodons wiH be

a> n
(2) 33
N^L' 33
(3) 3^3 (5) 333
W 1 (4) 1

t=Fi^ifl9w ^ ^ w 1^9? ^ffWn ^ % 66. Whichof the foDowing cell organciies is rcsponsi bte
1^ ^^ %f^ IrTT^T^ft ^ for extracting cnerjty from tarbohvdrates lo fi>Tm

(1) T?rt^ (1) Rlbosome

<2) ifhim? {2) Chloropkst
{3) Mitochondrion
(4) vR=RTO (4) Lyaosome

7. -itJ^X % # #? 7. DNAfragmenb are;

'"-Sil' ^(ViA (1) Negativelychged
(2) P) Neutra!
(3) ^ 3T^ aiwn % grists? ^ "sphto (3) Either positively or negatively chargcd
dependii^ OA th^ she
(4) Positivety charged

. ^ ^ SAhVIIN IA|B T^jAj f, 68.

ThegawlypesofHusbandand Wife are jAlBand
pi% %vRff vifif ^ ^l4Rr|i^
^f? --
Amongthe blood types c>( iheir children, hov^many
different genotypes and phenotypes arc possibk ?
3^5ft%irT; ft J^_ (1) 3genotypes; 4phenotypes
(2) 4ifNmTq; Slfhlmr? (2) 4 genotypes i 3 phenotypes
(3) 4^ft%TyT; 4'tflHVllM o fio P) 4genotypes; 4phenotypes
(4) a^rNRrp?; (4) 3genotypes; 3phenotypes

The phrotloinlhetwew) atlas artd axis is a typeof:
(1) cartilagirtous joint
WfrfWt^ (2) synovia] joint
P) ^4cl4t
(3) saddle joint
{4) ^ifr? ^ {4) fibrous joint
7a l5to^^>R%?mTsW8ftsrwt?
7a Double fertilization is exhibited by:
(X) tm
0) Algae
(3) Afigiosperms
(4) SRrag^rt
(4) GymnospoTns
71. The Vk'ater potentialofpure wateris:
(1) Less than zero
be (2) More thanzero butless than one
^ ^ alter ^ 9W
(J) More than one
(4) ^ero
\a) TO

72. Adioecious flowering plantprevenla both:

r?. u^W'ilOTi ^ ^ryq rnHrnfigi ^ 1^ ^ ^ (1) Autugamyandgeitonoganiy
ble I?
(2) Gatonogamy andxenogamy
WyHH a^ Miii'W
0) CWsstDgamy andxenogamy
{4) Autogamy and x9iDgainy
^) ii joftH ^
(4) w^"n ^ 73. Which of the following options gives thfi correct
ftequeiKe ofevents during mitosii ?
71. P<Mfanfl^ tf ^ ^ "W iW5R %<tTR (1) condensation nuclcar membrane
<t^in^TOT3Tfgn^3T^'i^T? disassembly -* arrangement at equator -*
centromere division -* Hegrcgation ->
wn - * r ^ w c ' i telophase

!e{ {2) condensation -> crossing iwer nuclear

- sfRlRRer membrane disassembly -> sogregatvon -

- - sRinroi ^ (3) condensation - arf^ngequMit at equator -*

tnd centromere division segregation -*
p) Wn tdoph^
fipSSR ^ -> 3TTqRl
(4) condensation nuetear membrane
(4) lfiFH-^S;V^R^^t9SCT->*fiA*ni disassemWy crossing over ->
- ^ 3TFJTO1 segregation teloptiase
74. W"^^t? 74, Thevascular cambium normally givw rise to: .

(1) fl) Pria^aryphioem

of: ftcfrq^F
y (2) Secondary xylcm
(2) V
(3) Periderm
(4) FhcUodenn
(4) WT^R_

75. vVhichonefromthose given below istheperiod for

75. PHHlkT^ ^ Menders hyhndizatioRexpertments ?
(1) 1840- 1S50
0) 1840-ISSO
(2) 1857-1869
(2) tB57-1869
(3) 1870-1877
(3) l$70 -1877
1BS6 -1863 (4) 1856 1863
76. ^ ^ f^ 76. Which ol thefoDowmg opdona bestrepresents th9 82.
enzymecompo&ttionof pancreaticjuicc?
(1) amyla^, pepsin, trypsmog^n, maltaw
(1) l|f^4!^H> ITR^
(2) pcptidase,amylasc, pepsin, rennin
(2) ^ (Rennifl)
(3) lipase. amylase, trypsinogen, ^
(4) f?fi?Rt3R. (Renntn) (4) amylase, pepHdue. trypsino$en rennin

77. mftro Mm^lsqirR^'S^^ t? 77. The morphological nature uf the edibte part of
coconut is: ^
(I) ift^RW
(1) Cotyledon
(2) Endospem
(3) toNHs
(3) Perirarp
(4) Perisperm

78. ^ ?n RNA ^ffw ^PJCTT ^ ^ 7B, Whkb of the following RNAi should be most
^? ' abundant in animalccU ? ..> 34
(1) t.RNA (!) t-RNA
(2) m^RNA
(2) m-RNA
P) mi-RNA
0) mi-RNA
(4) r-RNA

79. hepatic portal vin drains btood to Uvrfrom:

(1) 3n<nn
(1) StoDudi S?
(2) Kidneys
(3) m (3) Intestine
(4) Heart

ftPT^^'^^STTpyr^snfmt? 80. Which of thefollowing r?presentii order of'Horse' ?

^ (1) (1) Perissodactyla
(2) Cabalius

(3) ^ (3) Ferus

(4) Equidae

l. MALT^B^ilfR<?ml^ 3SW^?IWt1^ 81. MALTconstitutm aboat percent of (he

lymphoid tissue in humanbody.
(1) 20%
<1) 20%
(2) 70% (2) 70%

(?) 10% (3) 10%

\s4ii;' 50% (4) 50%

A2. Which ofthe following awfound Inextreme saHne

hi.|g2. conditions ?

(1) Eubftcteria
(2) WH^l4*riRMl (2) CyAnobadeda
(3) Mycobacteria
\- sntr^R^rfN! (4) Archaebacterk

53, X9 feS% ^ vn
83. Which of the following facilitates opening of
*? stomatalaptfture?
: of
Ii (1) ^ (t) Dccreue inturgidity ofguarded
5R vttonsf ^ ^ (^ SUdifliorientation ofccUuJose miijc^brib in
ti>e cellwall of gxiard cells .
0) 5R ??rfW3ff 9ft ^ (3) Longitudinal orientation of celluJoBe
Tt 31^W l9=im wicrofibrils in thecell wafl ofguardcells
(4) ^ (4) Contraction of outer waU ofguard ceDs
84 Which ofthefoliowing iscorrectly matched for the
irf^t? product produced by them ?
(1) : Ar<k^ 3?i?l (1) MetiioTK^acterium ;Lactic acid
(2) >0 Q) Penk37Iium notatum: Acetic add
(5) Sflccftromyces emnsiae :Ethanol
(4) ^ (4) Acdofercfceroccti: Antibloljcs

I as. 65, Artificial selection to obtain cows yieldii^ higher

f^^wiiSrt? milk output lepresenis;

(1) ftviw* ^ ^ (1) directional as it pushes the mean of the

character in one direction, .

p) tow 'PJfi^ "'J? iHHisn ^ ^ ^W^ci (2) dsruplrveas itsplits the populationinto two,
one yielding higher ov^^ut,rtd the other
me'? ?R^TT t, Ti:^ 3rf^ ^ T^g 3F^ ^ lower output
sFT^srdti (3) stabilizing followed by disruptive as it
p) wi4) ^ ^ Iq^trg tny Iii Btabilizes^e population to produce higher
^ 5fq^7mVTTWT^^ 11 yield^gcows,
(4) sUbilizing selection as it sUbilizes this
characterin the population.

of the
WP f? 86. ReceptofStes for ncurotransmitters are present on:
(1) pre-yi\aptic irusmbrane
(1) ^
(2) tips of axons

su (3)
post-synaptic membrane
membrazttsof synapticvesicles
IHIKI.>gnB8Ws E^
97. An important char*rtk>rotic thai Hemu:hurddtes< 93.
shdrcwithQiunJatesi^; ,
(]) vaitral tubular nerve cord
(1) W^R'WlfiWtT 3^^ p
(2) phala nx widi gill slits
(3) pbaiynx without gill slits
ftRT "Ri'iH fes ^ yi*fl
(4) abscnceofnotochord lO'
(4) ^ 3T^sf|yfiT ^
S8. Tftmsplarttabon oi ttssues/oTgans fails often du
86. ^R^/amf'ttWrmyftRaT-M^Wpyss*^ toiwn-vceptancebythepaUtaifs body. Which type
% affTpq in WT11 ?mran ^ % of immune-response is responsible for such
#1^ t? rejections?
(1) Cdl'Tnediatedimrnimerespcnse i

(2) WRBWfifTST^fiRI (2) Hormonal immune response *

(3) WlNihl^lfiTmiST^fsF^ (3) Fhysiologicalimmune response
^4) SP/^ (4) AutDimmunti rt^ponse
99. ^iftran*f ^ ^ ^ ? 89. SpUccosomesaTonot found intsRsof:
(1) Fungi
(2) Animals
(^) Bacteria
(4) Plants
9a r-tHfrtRaa A % 4v{4*h'iS'^fa <^.;.^t.) 90. Fhosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) fa the primary COj.
acceptor in:
(1) C4 plant* ,
(2) C3 pUntt
(2) Cj ^
p). C3and C4 plants
(4) C3 plants
(4) c wr 95.
91. Supposethechargeofa protoil andanelectrondiffei
9L 9t2h 2rfR *PK % 5n^^ j.lightJy. Oneof them is -e, theother is (e4>^). U
3l5q3Rt|rmtl -et4^^(c +Ac) the net of dectiosUtK force and gravitational forcr
fi ^ pyfm % behveen twohvdrrigcn atoms placedat a distance d
vwd wi^TyipfW'^^rsiRni (muchgreater than elomii* i^e) apart is zero, (hen
Ac IS <if the order of (Given mass of hydrogen
t) mh1.67x 10-27 kg]
FSTAe^^^JHt; (1) 10-^ C
(f^ t ^ nih 1.67 X10-^ kg) (2) 10-^" C
0) W-i*^ C ^ (!*) 10-^ C
(2) la-^'c ^ (4) 10-2 c
P) 10-^' c
(4) 10-2f^C 92. Apotentiometer u an accurate andversatile devic ^
91 gTfgr ^ ^ %a ttt^ ^ ^ to make electrical measurements of E.Mf. becausc

,V W? ^ ?nf^
the method involves:
wiT ^5g5ift
(1) potentiai gradients
fnn %;
(2) a conJiticin of nt> current fiow through the
ftnra ye|"W[ galvarwmeter
(2) <Wm<Rt p) a combination of cells, galvanomeWr and
(3) <rai'9f^^ 'il W'^1 resiscartces

<4) ITT VPtF[ {4)


[93. : 95. Use diagrams below show regions of(quipotentials.

40V 20 V V
V v 20 V 4nv inv 30 v

\0\ V
30V ''
10V V lOV 30V V V
10 V JOV tfl V 30 V 20V 40 V
W (1^ W Id)

trn?^ 311^ ^ A ^ B^ ^ "30* A positive charge is movd from A to Bin each

f k ^ A^ B 'W ^ "511^ : (1) Ina]]t}fourcasestheworiidoiwisthesaxne.
vijt ^ srM if ^mn smr ^ 1 (Z) Muumum work is required to move q in
jrfttg (a) ^ Tap?m ^ ^5^ 1^ I figure (a).
(3) Maximum worK is required lo wove q m
i?) 3Tf^ (b) Tf s^ftratw ^ 95T=n I figure (b).
(4) sift's (c) ^ aiRre?!*! "3^ "'1^ (4) Ma)cimum work is required to move q in
figure (c).
9t m t fWT"^T
^ m M11 t-W# 94. Thede-Broglie wavelengthof a neutron in thermal
equilibrium with heavy water at r temperahireT
(l^lvin) andmass m, Is: 4
(I) 0) V3mkT
2h 2h
/ CO ^/3mia Q) yj3a^
P) >/mkT (5) >rmkT
h h
(4) JmkT (41 i/mkT

195. A?WtB^?TOFl. 3a\aWm#l ^ 95. TwobkcksAandBofhuasesSmandrn rrspect^cty

idt 3irm4 sapmfK ^ are connected ^ a masslcssartd iitcxtmsible string.
Ae). The whole systEOV is suspended by a ma^less
yffq ybgr^TT^ ar^ ^.5555^
Hoi spring as shc^wn its Kgure. I'he ma^itudes of
ance' acceksTAtion of A ami Bimmedi^itely after the string
>,lj\ci ?JT55^r7^A sfR B* 5 is cut, are respect!vety:
Irog* mmi VVVVVV1<\1WVV

t 1




W g'g (2)
3 5
itT and
(4) & ^|V\J (4) 8'
Q 20 IHtnflkEnffUl.pSi
96. 7^ ^ MnM. \ja400(i A(Rx2=6ooo A% 96 The raUo of resolving powers of an optici joQ
f^, iRmfto ^ emmgjf ^ microscope for hvo wavelengths b4000 A anc
^. ~ " X2600oAis; \

9:4 (1) 9:4

(Z) 3:2 (2) 3:2

P) 16; SI 16: SI
<4) 8:27
W 8:27

97. =Tf^ ^ %3j^ ^ ^ Ij 101

fTr% ^ ftygffj THT^ ^ ^mfTl^t AM: 770 H? 97, The two nearest hArmonks of a tube cksed At on
end and open a( otber otd are 220 Hz and 260 Hz
3nf^^Ri<M? What IS ^ fundamenlal (nquency ofthesystem ?
P) 20 Hz
(1) 20 Hz
30 Mz 1 (2) 30 Hz
J_ f (3) 40 Hz
P) 40Kz
HiJ ID Hi:

(4) 10 Hz
98. "^T ^:5gj^ (TOfftlM) %'r ^
96. 'Preeli reached tiw metro station and found that tb
escalator was not working. She walked yp th
tiff TOT ^ I f B f t stationary escalator intimely. Onotherdays, ifsh
t ^ ^ ^ remains stationary on the moving escalator, the^
1^raT"W ?tnT : theescalator Cakes herup intime t^. The time takes
by herto walk upon themcFving escalator willbe
0) t2-ti
v,4 (1)

\u tita
p) 10:

h*h (3)
(4) 2

99. Acapacitor ischargcd t>y a battery. The battery b

fWioved and anotheridentical uncharged capadtot
3TO ^ Iron ^ ^ ft*fT ^ araii (^
tsconnectedinparaUeL The total ckxtrwtatkoterg)
^raifej ^ g?nn ifT^ ' of resulting system:
WTift^rinW LC (1) decreasest>yrtfactorof2
(2) remams the same
2^1^'yRhft ~ o (3) increases by a factor of 2
4irTt^irM (4) increases by a factor of4
21 ^
tici 100.
100. Thegiven fectricai netwotkieqaivftlenttD:
. an

V o A'
6*- 5>-c5>
m NOR ^
y 1+g
NOR gate
(5) NOT gate
(3) NOT ^ \ K' ^
(4) AND gate
(4) AND ^ V ^ O \
I O b
101. Tbermodyiumk procesMs are indicated tn Ibe
101. fFti^3rit9^3i?mf<i^wif^STiN'niiti foOowtng diagram.
it on
<0 H:


Match the following:

aFW-i 'SreW-l Cohunn-1 CcilQinA-2

P. Process I a. Adiabatk
p th Q Processn K Isobark
.. if dh Iwhonc
vamm R. Processin c.
r, the
*take & Process IV d. Isothermal
wmrv ifflnsR
ill be P->c, Q-*a, R->d, S-*b
p-c, Q-d, R-b, S->a (2) P-4C, Q-d, R^b, S-va

P-d. Q-*b, R-a, S-c P) P-d, Q'-*b. R-4a, 5-c

P^a, Q-c, R^d, S-b (4) ?-*Ar Q^C. R-d. S-b

102. Aphysicalquanttty ofdw dimensions oflength that

lOZ. c,C<WtT^
4 -fftQ

can be fanned out of c G and IS [cis velocity

^ f ^ tl (l^ < - WRI ^ 4Tro
G kWiPi'h e >) oflight C isuAhrenat constant ofgravitatiDn and
e is charge];
Tlt^ W 1
c2 (1) 4irtQ
0) 4*1^
ittery I
ipacito iH
rcnefgj K
(2) i?) T ^G4ir*oJ .

1g 0) ic
0) c* 4^

W w 4irQ
c2 4co 7
22 Hwdl-tE^i
103. ^ w\ wn 3 kg w f^Rri 40 ^ lOJ. Arope iswounil iifoand a ho!Iow cylinder otma
ti ^*1^ti 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is Ihe angul
30N % <CT a<i ^\M tft. ^^Hrhi ?grH acciflcfalion ofihecylindCTifIhe ropes puned wi
fiwi^i ^Pft ?
(1) 0.25 rad/92 ^ ^>'A> 0) 0.25rad/52 .

25 fad/s^ (2) 25 rad/5^

(3) 5 m/^ P) 5 m/a^ r

(4) 25 d/s2 (4) 25m/j5

101 IOC. fa anclectromagnpftc wave in free spa^^ the ro

1^ ^ ^ ITR, E^-6v/m t tfr mean square va^ue of ihe eJecirlc field
^nw"" eV/m. The peak value ofdiemagnetic fie
a) 2.83x10"' T
(1) 183x10-8 T
(2) 0.70x10"^ T
(^ 0.70x10" T
5^ - (3) 133x10-^ j

25^ 1.41 X10-* T

0) t23xlO-T

(4) 1.41X10-8 T
105. 1ft Wn ^ ^ 1 OTT y IWV,
x5t-2t2TOy-10tt (^xTOyite'^ 105. HieXandy coordimtoofttie paittckat anytia
a#R f)| ifi, I- 2flWOT^^-mn areXs=5t- 21^and ylOtrespectively, where Xar
ifni: yare in melmand tin seconds. Theaodentkn
the particle at ts 2s is:
0) 5m/P S'-^ If (!) 5 m/s2
(3) -8 m/82 (2) -4m/B2

(4) 0 C3) -8m/82

(4) 0

106. Two discs ofsame moment ofinertia rotating aboi

13ftT ^ t ^'qfeT'Tfrm! Iheir regular axis passing through cciMre ar
perpendiculftr to the plane of disc with angul
velocities coj and They arebrought int(i conta
grg^gnft^^fi cfr. face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. Tl
expression for loss ofenergy duringthbi process i
^^SCTv^Pn :


(2) I(o.,-Ujp (2) I(j-2)^

O P> g<l ^a)'
(4) il((i>l+2)^ (4) r
107. Young's double &Ut expohmeit ishr&t porfonrwd in
107. 'PI %^ 3I ^ 3fR fw fVifl air and thai in a medium other than air. It i found
{uUr thAt 8^ bright fringe in the medium lies where 5*^
lwi\h ^ ^ ft WH dork fringe lies in air, I'he refractive mdex of the
iHTTum'ZFT wm : medium is nearly;
(1) 1.59 (1) 1.59
(2) 1.69 (2) 1.69
(3) 1.78 0) 1.^
(4) 1.25 (4) 1-25

106. ^ 'tPFN gft fi?sn 12 cm ^ I *49 500 K ^ 106. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm
450 ^ ^ TTrft 11 fi|5VI ^ radiates450 watt power at 500 K. If the radiua were
etoot aSr^i/lfw "gm ^ ^ ^ ^ toi iiR ^ halved and the temperature doubled the power
'Id it ?ifW$L5!l?2tf^; radiated in watt would be:
(1) 450
(1) 450 M
(2) 1000 p (2) 1000
(3) 1800
n \ -u. ^
(4) 225 VU (4) 225

109. ^ 3n^ if *{W< ^ 9?h(* TTltift 109. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires
tl ^ HIT 1^ ^ (^) %W?! % t 3ftT placed perpendicular to plai>e of paper cartyi&g
aame currcnt 'V along the same direction is shown
In Fig. Magnitude of force per unit length on the
tM % ^ i? ftgm> ItR 'B'_^.S&ild HW!< ^
y time middle wire '6' is given by :
STT^ ^ ^ ^ ^ :
ittono< &
0 - /9(f


(1) Tfd ird

g about (2) (2) mi

ml L.
r An( JL
inguU J^o
contact 0) Jlltd
a The
(4) 2ud 27rd

110. M 1*!!R ^ T 1*n ^ 2 TO iia A gtt awdure cmaialsof 2 molesof O2 and 4 moles
4 3?pt^ f I v=n %^ ^2rel^m?s of Ar at temperature T. Neglccting all vlbrational
modes, the total mtemAlener^ of ihe system is:
^ liSTi :
(1) 15 RT
Ci) 15 RT

(2) 9Rt' '
11 RT Q) 11 RT
w 4RT
dD (4) 4Rr

^4 rN)(fr>Efwtw|
SWHHSnWiipifiR'B'tj 111. TJtt bulk modulus ofspherical objcct is *B'. IfIt is
^ M f, ^ wl^ected to uruform preasufe *p\ the fMctJond 15.
; decrease m radius is TO? 'x' f nnr
(1) Bp 0) 3p 'A'
(2) 1
B <2) B
(I) 7X
w 3B
(3) 3B 1

(4) (2> 8X
1^ wrPre if, % (3)
^ ^ ^ w-fftra ^r^?n 3Vti ifinwr^ 112. Ina comjnor emitter tnrtsistDrwnpUfierlheaudio
flMs 3Ul 11 ^ *|7TT-^Tf^ 100 TO 9(rm ^ sigwJ voltage across the collector 15 3 V. The 1
resistance of coU?ctor is 3kH. Ifcurrentgain is 100 w
Jrf^ 2knt vfr, ^ ^ics?TF.?rite^ and the base rJBtance is 2 kll, the voltage and X

Sftw % ITR 5FJI?7Ij ^ J powergaihof ihcamplificris;

1) 15 3?ft 200 OJ 15 and 200

2) 150 3fft15000 (2) 150 and 15000 225tt>cio-Jt'i

3) 20 3^72000 P) 20 and 2000
4) 200 3fr7 looo ^ :
W 200andt000
(h- 4,14 X10*
113. Figure shows acircuit that contains three identkaj
resistors with resistance R9.0 0 each, hvo 0) 0,6x-
identical inductors with inductancc L^ZO mH
^,R-9.oa'3?^^^^R^. L-20mHt (2) "61x1
ech,andanide4l baltety wTtheDifel8 V. Tlw
current 'i' through the battery just after the switch (3) 0,3x1
Y ^iTPT dosed is,
?RT: "" (4) "6X10

+ e "t U7.
e -"

5l ic ()

I) 0.2A (!) 0.2A

2A (b>
C) 2A
(Sf Oaoipere
I) 2inA 1^Pf
(4) 2mA (0
t^lft'^5Jim:22m/sTOl6.5in/stl 114. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
each other with speed of 22 m/s ami 16.5 m/s (d)
n ^inTTT #, 3T7^ rwpectrvely. Thedrtver ofthefirst car bloM a horn fTwf 'n
OOJiztl having afrequency 400 Hz. The frequency heard t^ai

^ ^ ?t=f "ift tafsr jflT^ ^;iij by thedriver<rfthesecond caris [vdocity erf sound
340 m/s] I
'ft? 0) (a)ttWl{
(1) 361 Hz
) 361H2 3HD + 14-r (b)TO(
y 411 Hz (2) 411 Hz.
P) 44SHZ P) (c) tfVl (i
) 350 Hz (4) 350,Hz
(4) , (b)TO(
'i5C 1 ^-
y t g-
tl5. Ridioaicttve malenal *A' has decay consunt 8 X
fit is
and maltfrial 'B' has dis.dy constanl 'k'. Imliany
^ey hftvu same number of nudei. After whal bme,
'5'ff^TOir^ ttie ratio ofnumber ofnuclei oi material 'B' Wthat
A' ^ ^ ^9B^ 313^ ^ ^ ? 'A'winte 1?

(1) k W 7X

(2) 8X (2)
(3) 9\
P) 9X
is 100 X
e and

m ti A. S36xl0"im ^ 116. Tlse photodertrk threshold wavelwigth f>f silvef is
aSOxlC'^m. The vebdtyofttKelytronejected
^Titn=ft y*wi i\<\ ThwRw from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
%*i frn: wavelength 2536x10"'" nt is:
(h-4.14xlO-^5 eVs (Wt c3x 10 ms"^) (Given h-4.14 ^10" eVs and c=3x10 ms'^
(1) -O^xlO^ms"^ (1) ms
I. Iwo
0 mH (2) 6lxl(Pm"* (2) ' 61X10^iM"^
'. The
}W)tch (3) -03X10^ ms-' (3) i 03x10^ ms'*
(4) -fixlO^ms"^
(4) 6^(10^ ms~^
117. Which of&)e folbwing 9tateiner\ts areconcct?
(a) ficttqn^Pg
11 (ft) Centre ofmass of a body always coincides
(. with Ihe centre ofgravity ofthebody.
Centreofmassofa body isthe pointat vrtiich
the tDtaTgravltabor^l torque onthe body is
zero. ,
(c) frs ^ ^hhO^ m
^1^, ^ wi 1 (c) A couple on a body produce both
IrajtialiDTialand rotabor^motioi>inabody.
(d) ^ ^ 'ITH p) ^ 3*f^ ^ ^
.5 m/a
TTT?tf TTK t fa 2ffTTO ^ MR (d) Mechat^ical advantage greater than one
lAhon means ftat small effort can be used to lift a
^han HT large load.
0) (a)OTl(b) Cl) (a)and(b)

m^{^) (2) (b)and{c)

<3) (c)TO(d) (3) (c)and(d)

(4) .(b)(d) (4) (b)and(d}

lid. Two rods AandBofdifferent materials ar mcK
TjtsqjlTRSITTOifirSWT^^tSl^Tjinti together M shown in figure. Their ihm
^ wnw: K, tWIKjfl ?f[, Ff^TTft conductivities are nd K2. The thera
am-^rassn ^ ; conductrvity ofthecomposite rodwiJI be:


J 0)
^ --
K,+Kj k (2) K^ + jq

2(K,+K2) 2(K,+iy
(4) (4)

119. 119. The accclention due to gravity at a height I I

above theeartfiisIhesame45ata depth d bctow I
sui^ce arth. That:
fl) d11cni
(1) d 1 km

(2) djkiii 3- d<^luD

(4) -km
(4) dwjkm
UD. sen I,
120. Acamolenginehavmganeffidcrttyof ^ as hi
IHTra (fraro) engirw, isused as a refrigerator. Iffte workdone
J +10 ^ ^ 3W?T*ft?r 3?3lf ^ qR ^ : the system Id 10 }, &eamount o(erwrgy absorb
from the reservoirat lower tcmperahire is:
(1) 90J
0) 90J
(2) 99J 1 _L ^ -
(2) 99J
P) lOOJ , _lp lOOJ
_3 (3)
(4) II
121- ^ wvtos If sfm ti iH cm ^ Prot
121- "Hie resiaUnce of a wire ia 'R' ohm. If it b meU
arkdsbrctdwd to V times itsorigtnallenglh. Its nc
resistance will be;
a) n
> f
"V nR (2)

(3) n' P) n'

(4) nR
(4) nR
122. A250 Tiim rectapgulat iU oflength 2.1 cm and
iMhe I 250%^^^ 2.1 cm width 1,25 on carrics a current nf ^^5 v.^ and
ic th TW^lZSontl
C] 85 tiA 3ft subjocted lo nnwgnetif field ofstrengtixO.ftST Work
TOifla^T^ti T'l'noasTatgiii^^T^ dooe for routing the iodby W ag^m^t Ih.- torque
it* wfiP*!! ^ *I
^ 180-d ^ %l5rt ^ ^ "B (1) 4-55 ij

: (2) 2.3 ^l I
(1) 4.55 |il P> 1.15 ^i.J
(2) 23n,J (4) ^.liil
{3) USv.]
(4) 9.1^1 123. Two PobroidsP^ and P^ are placed with Ihciraxw
perpendicular to each olher. Unpolarisod lightln s
^ ^h#!!?S P, W P2 ^ incident on Pj. A third poiaroid P-, is kept in
between PjandPj ^
^ with lhatofPj. The intensityoi ttansmitted Ught
through P2 ^ >

height 0)
^ "

h k
G) 8

h. 3s.
(2) 8 (3) 16

0) 16
W 2

(4) ^b. 2 124. AU tube with both ends open lothe etmnsphere, is
partially filted with water. Oil. whith i^isciWe
24. wilh water, is poured into one side until itstands al
^tO wti a distance ot10mm above the water level on the
tvork don other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 5 mm
rgy absoi from Its original level (see diagram), Ihedensity of
re is:
TO^!IRf^"cW^ 65 mm ^ (SlfhSI
^ *1 t:

10 mm
.xpinal water levd
10 nun
G mm
tl it bm^ .Initial water teveJ
ength^itsfl 65 mm
65 mm

65 mm

(1) 425kg m-'

(1) 425kgm"^ 800 leg
(2) SOOkgm-^ (3) 928 kg m-^
(3) 928kgm-5
(4) 650kgm-^
Q 28 [Hina*f>9M| Hln9*Ei

125- 125. A(hin prism h<iving refracting angh* l(f Is made<4

^rnicfi f95iT^ 1.73ivrNR?%siN^ glassofrefracthTinde^ 1.41 This prism is combm^
with another thin prism of glass of refrBcdve utrfe^
^ 3T^ ^^ WT|r 1 ^ ^ 17.'This com binition prod uces dispe rion without
ri^ci-tir6ri ujt<i 11 eft, ^ deviation. The refracting anglt: of second prison
shouUbe: 1

(1) e a) 6- f
(2) r (2) r [
P) 10- (3) icr

(4) 4' (4) 4*

U6. t # 4ftm 126. If 9] and 63be the apparent angles of dip observe^
3TWRft^*R (^) B; <WI 6i in two vertical plartes at righ I angtH to cach other^
then Ihe trae angle of dip 6 is given by :
6 1R ^ sra fnn ?
(1) tan^e = tan^Oi +tn^2
(1) tan^ " tan^O) +tan^j
(2) cot^ =cot^| co^62
(2} cot^^col^-cot^d,
(3) tan^C = lan^ - lan^
{3) tatt^stan^j tan^
(4) cot^=+ cot^
(4) co^ cot^i +cat^2

127. Which one of Ihe foDowing luprcgenb forward

biaa diode?
4V -3V
-4V K^, R -3V (1) -V^
a) WM*

-2V R +2V
-2V rs.1 R +2V <9 -ww
(2) >1 VVW
3V R 5V
3V R 5V 0)
0) >j vCw ^>f -WA*

OV R -2V
-01 v5v^ -2V (4) -VW-

12S. 1WJ ^ %'RRt 3ft 1 km % 126. Consider a drop of rain water having mass Ig faUing
from a heighl of 1 km. It hits the ground with
^1# t ih ^ 50 m/$ ^ TO % 11 speed nf 50 m/s. Take 'g' conalanl with a vaJui,
10 m/s^ . The work done by Ute (i) gravitationat
(ii) %"Sff^W igW 'rat 3>rS 'ft'Tl: force and the (11) resisth^e force of air is:

(i) t25J (ii) -8-25J <1) (0 1.25J (U) -8.25J


1001 (ii) 8.75J (2) (I-) lOOJ (ii) 8.75J

P) (i) m (ii) -8.75) (3) (i) 10 J (li) -8.7S)

(4) (i) -10 J (U) -d^i (4) (i) -10J (U) -8^j
Ol*end ofstringol IWRlh fi5ori*clKi toa particfe
ofmass'm'flr\d tfteolher tfnd is conneclea to asm^
oi ^ t sItT 5*l ^t4iLftS2SJ^^ ^ PC2 c)n asti^ooth horiicnWl table. If the partide
"^| OTt#rftTflTgc?i^ti mcirclc with spd the net force on the
particle (directed towards ccnter) will be
(T rcpre*enb thetension in the string)
(%^ 1ft lit) ftm: (T-TOTt'n ?Hra %)
my* (1) T-f
0) T+ ~r
m T-
T- 7

(3) Zero
(3) ^
(4) T
iCTN* (4) T

ll30. 130 Aparticle executes luu'aj simple harmonic moHon

^ 2cm ^ ^ W v,-ith an amplitude ol cm. When the partKlo is ^
2cm from tiie mean position, the magnitude of >ts
velocity is equal to dial of its acceleration. Thwi ib
tl a<Nfi*lrt t time pcrioc! inseconds is:

(1) 2-^ 0) 2Tt

orwt Av 4v

0) S :S
(4) s
(4) ft

Akme soteiw^ of diatneter 0.1 mhas 2X10* turra
^ WT 2xUV* *I ^ per meter. Al the centre of the solenoid, acoil of
O.Ol m^ twrioo ^ 100 turns and radius 0.01 mis placcd with xts axto
coinciding Mth the solenoid axis. Tl^c current in
asolenoid reduces at aconstant rate to OA ^m
Ig bOii^ 4Ain0.05 s. If Ae resistance of the coiJ is 10 -rr^il
>d with
A K Jf J B-jt ^ -mflAv
jhe totalcharge flowing through the coil during the
h a vahi timeia:
0) 16^0

0) 16}tC

(2) 32ttC
(3) 16TV.C
165r pC
(4) 32'ff pC
(4) 32irM.C
132. LS!ram5n>?*f%7rj5i,-3rt, 131 Abeam of light from 4sc.urcf Lis inddml norm,
"na plane mirror fixed at a(ertain distance i (n
%srm iiTRRh ?fR, L^ ^ the source Ou- beam is renerwd bacli a, nspot 0,
^tirr^(T^)iiT5Rn?t9i7i!3r1lp5Tiwiti 5?)iir sriilepidcedfus(alxiveUie..ourcel. Whenlhcmii
IS rotated ihrou^ asmall ,,ngle 8. the spot of I
^ 6^ P^ U,-5? !I3!m ftR OT light IS JourjJ to move through adistance yot> 1
at, e ^ ?H scale, the angle II is given by.
W ;

a) f X


ra 2j/
^ 2^

P) f C3)

(4) w
2x 2x

133. A^nng of force constant kcut into length, o"^
ratio 1.2:3. Tliey are conncctpd in series and tW
ij^3tr rr ifr?? tmif ^ 53, if ^ ^ ^foTOmiBtantisk', n.entheyareconnected.'
paraJIei and forcc constant is k", Then k': k" is
0) 1:9

0) 1:9 0 1:11
m 1:11
(3) 1:14
(3) 1; W
(4) 1:6
(4) 1:6

134. l^eniboofwavelengeisoftheUsllmeofBdBit139
WT^iTtntffq>r3i5wt: wnes and the last iljie ofLyman series is:
P) 1 (Ca
(2) 4 (9

(3) 0.5 P) 0.5

(4) 2 f4) 2

us. Two Bslranaulg ve floating in gnvtlation<d ft

1contact with theiispaeeriit

(1) ^-^^3?RiTfiTWl 0) move towards each other.

(2) (2) moveaway from each rKher.
P) <3) wilJ become stationary.
(4) ^ IR n% ^ Tft (4) keep floating at the same distance bctwn

^ .
L 3 \ o
- jj n n i-o Q
wnriA 136. WhkhoneofOfeefoUowingiMUfSofspKieshAvettw
same bond order?
spoto (1) li ly^ () O2.NO+
oi of
ty on
C^) N2,0i / '/ ,
(3) N2.02
(4) _Cp, NO
37 ^ ^ ^ Tftpi^ % ipTt
p 137. W^kh of the foRowmg pairs of compounds is
isoelectronk and isostnictDral 7
\ji; TeJj.XeF2
(1) Tdj.Xtf2
(2) lBrJ,XeI^ p
(2) IBr,XeI^
p) yi>
(3) IF3.Xtfj
(4) BvOj* ^(^^2 ^
"tf;; ^X' >'- (4) BeOj^XeFa

13B. Whkhts the incoRect statement 7

engths . fa Wrtf ^ V[T<iri ^ ^ t f
(1) Density decreases in case of crystals with
* (2) \ Schottk/s defect
ik-ts i , Pgitcn 11 (2) NaQ(s)istnsulatof, silicon issemiconductor,
siJver is conductor, quartz Is pie/o electric
(3) wffsmfeqpff'^t crystal.
WR^ t4sJllR%3^7^
(3) ' Finke2 defect is favoured ix^ those ionic
#lL compound^ an which sites of cation and
anions are almost equal.
(4) PcOa ^ WeifsRhPlft ^
(4) FeO09^ has non stoichiomeiric metal
$9. ptd defidcDcy defect

of Balm
139. Ccmaderfliereactiore:

X A SUv mirror o b ^
</ Lt r.v'573 K. / OH &
/| -OH.A ^

Uonal b (1) s*n, Identify A, X,Yand Z
spaced Z-SSiaS^V (1) A-MetiHTxymethane. X*thaitoL Y-Ethviok
arkjf Z-Semicarbaade.
(2) A-Elhai^aL X-Ethanol, Y-Bul-2*eiiaJ,
. Z-Se3n*cari>a2orte.
(3) * A-Ethanol X-Acetaldchyde Y-Butajwrie,
betwe4 (4) A-WRRftfW. X-^r^ 'Y-Wz (4) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic add,
3Tm, 2-VTIl* ^ ' Y-Acetateion, Z-hydrazine,

' -ou'-i
Q S2

14a z=u4 wl ^ ti 'w J4a The elementZ s 114has beat discovenKl recentj)
UwiJI bdongIdwhich ofthefolk)vsmg tamDy/grov
and electronic configurAlion 7
(1) Carbon family. [RnJ Sf^"* 79^ 7p2
[Rn]5f^*6d^72 7p2 (2) Oxygen family, [Rn] Sf^^ 7s^ 7p^
P/' SfgshR [RnJ 5fl4 6d^'> 7fl^ ^^ I (3) Nitrogen family. [Rn] 50* 7d^7^
(3) tRn] Ts' . (4) Halogen fam ily, fRn] 5f'*6d'7$^ 7p
\ ^^(4) tITO, [Rn] 5f 7a2 7p5 5i ar
1^ In the electrochemical cell i
141. : '3 1^ ZnjZnSOjCO.Ol M)||CuSO^O OM)lCu,lhGmf
g5 this Daniel ceU is ^ Whim the concentration
ZnlZnSO^ (0.01 M)|| C^JSO^(l.O M)|C, WtPOT
5C ZnSb^ is changed ti> 1.0 M4nd that of CuSC
^tH^emfE, ti ^2r604^W=Wft^J^TO ^15" char^fti to0.01 M, theemfchanges to E^. Fromti
TOCqSO^ ^ 0tri M^ foUowings, which one is the relationship betwee
mm t iScmf ^ EjTTS^ E,andE2? {Civen,y -0.059)

' p*
(1) E,<Ej
Ci> (2) E,>E2
(2) E,>E, ^^ P) Ej=0*E^
(3) Ej-O^E, c^xv (4) E,-Ej
<4) E;-E2 r
142. The reason for greater range of oxidationstates:
142. actinoids Is attributed to:
vmt-. (1) actsnoid contraction
(1) y*4^4 (2) 5t 6d and 7s levels having comparab
(3) 4fand 5d levelsbeingcloettsenergies
4f^5d 3TO
(4) the radkMcthre nature of actirtoids
(4) tfflti X.
143. Theequilibriumconstants ofttwfollowing are;
14S. r-IM |U|d*4l IVil((4< t: N2+3H2^2NH, Ki
Ni+3H2^2NHj K,
N2+O2 2NO Kj
Nj+Oj^2NO Kj
Hj+yOj^HjO K3
Hj+yOj-^HjO Kj
Theequilibrluni constant (K) of the reaction:
ifl fw M BtsinMi ft*nfir (K) ftm:
2NH3+%02 ^ZNO+JHjO. wUlbe:
2NHj+% Oj S2NO+3HjO
(1) KjK^/K,
Cl) Kjl^/K, I, _ I .. u (
ffl KjKj/K,
(3) Ki Kj/Ki (3) k| K,/K,
-vyj) K, K|/Ki K,K^/Kj

33 Q
-entH44. ^ % ns^ % HPfRrft ^ 144- Hisbecause ofinability ofns^ electrons ofthevalence
shell to participate in Iwnding that:
(1) Sn2^- is oxidismg while Pb^"*" reducing
Sn^+ t
(2) Sn^"'' and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
Sn2+ ^ Pb2+ ^ srmf^ reducing
(3) Sn^"'' is reducing while FM * 15 oxidising
{^) 5n^+ srra^"^ t"g^Pb^+ (4) Sn^"!- is reducing while Pb^"*" is oxidising
(4) Sn^-* 3mf^fmt5Rr^Pty-h <nTeKO'fg
145. Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of
absorptionin the visible region for the complexes of
einf I Ce^+ ^!<<< g[^ffajq?ip|U| Co3+is:
ation Biisfii ^^1 %:
CuS( (!) ICo {HP)J5^ [Co(cn)3]3+, | Co(NH3)eP+
'torn ,(2) 1Co (Hp)d'+, 1Co( N 1 I Co(aiys-^
betvsec (2) [Co(Hp)5]3MCo(NH3)6]3MCo(en)3p-^
Ci) [Co(NH3)d3+, 1Co (en)3]3 ", [Co(H^yS
(3) [Co(NH3)d3+,[CDM3]3+,[Co(Hp)d3+
[Co(en)3)3+.[Co(NH3)6l3+.lCo(Hp)6j3+ (4) [CoM3l3+,[Co(NH3)j5+,[Co(HjO)J'+
146. Mechanism of a hypothetical reactior)
X2+^22 XY ^
X2+Y2> 2 XY is given below;
(1) X2^X + X(fast)
(i) X2-^X + X(^)
(ii) X+Y2 XY + Y (slow)
(n) X+Y2 = XY +Y(MW^)
(iii) X+ Y-XY(fast)
n states! (iii) X+Y-^XY(ia)
The overall order of the reaction will be;

(1) 2
imparabj (2) 0
(2) 0 k
(3) 1.5
n:gies (?) 1.5
(4) 1
w 1

147. Which one* of the following statements is not

7. t?
ingare; correct? .

(1) * The value ofequilibrium constant is changed

in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
(2) w >Rfi
(2) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
w^t\ CZ ' reactions. ;

(?) (3) Cocru^ymc? mcrease the catalytic activity of

(4) Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.

S. ftFlTT t: 148. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic

compound is;
lfN7R3irg*^ (1) Grignard's reagent
(2) (2) Ferrotvne
(3) (3) Cobaltocene
(4) WMhr (4) Ruthenocene
ir ir>r '

149. Identify Aand predict the type of reactii|3.
NaNHz ^ ^
NaNH2 ^ A C^)

and eUmination addilii
0) (2)

Br Br
(2) TO ^7f?RSirT=l3tfMfil?^ arvd cinesultitutionteactM


(3) 0) and cine substitution reaction

TO "pl^Rsn^
. w
and substitutionreaction J

ISO. *8^-2^4 " Ag+ 150. ConcCTtration of the Ag"^ ions in a saturatf
2.2*10-^molL-ltl solution of AgjC204 is 2.2xl0-< mol Li
t: Solubility product ofA^:P:Pa^ ' 20g5
2.66x10"" ^ irf (1) 2,66x10-"
4,5x10-11 w C,_o, (2) 4.5x10-"
(3) 5.3x10""^ ( (3) 5.3X10-" (2)
(4) 2.42x10" V ^ V (4) 2.42x10-
151. The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with * (4)
(1) 3rp?^f#3ft^ O ^ produces.
(1) iodobcnzene
^ V4-X (2) phenol k

^) lNt=t (3) benzene

(4) 3yl<!f? (4) ethylchlorides -m-
The most suitabte ipethod of separation of 1:
mUtuie ofortho andpara -nitrophenob is: 0)
[1) ctui^isR fl) Chroniatography
(2) Crystallisation
(3) bteam distillation
(4) Sublimation (4)
193. Whkhoneis Ae most addk compound 7


0) I 1


(2) (2)






(4) W)


lol L
^ OT ^ ^ ftlftre sifMfeRn ^ l0-2ec- *11 151 A fintord^reactioRhas a spedftc reactionrale^
lO'^sec'i. How much tnoe wiD Itukefor ^ g
20 g %5g <1^ ^ Wl ? the nactant toreduceto 5 g ?
138.6 sec
(1) 136.6 sec
(2) M6.5 sec <^X
CP^ (2) 346.5 sec
(3) 693.0 MC (3) 693.0 sec
(4) 236.6 sec (4) 238.6sec
\s a 3.-0.
155. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insiUated
WN$ ^ ai1^ snim container against a constant external pressure o(
2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2,50 L to a final
iiHK n^flF 'ifli 4 sRstN
votumeoCj^SOL Thechangein tntcmaleMTgyAU
AU. ^ ^ : of the gas in joules win be;
m of 1
m =^S 0) -5001

-505J (2) -505J

4-505J m K505J

1136,25 J
(S>"' w 1136.25 J
36 ee2z:z

156. Which of the following is depAdent 0^62.
temperahire ?
(1) Molari^
(2) ^1V?r
(2) Mole fraction
p) VR afdJ^w
(3) Weight percentage
(4) Mob^

157. ^^W^irftra^f 3rw^i20*t:

157. The spedes, havingbond anglesof 320* is:
(1) OFj
(1) OFj
(2) NOj
Bdj (2) NOj
(4) PHj (3) ^
(4) PH3

(1) \3 if 4uft*ra 168. Which of ttte followtng is s sink fot CO ?

(2) WFR (1) Mkioor^nisins presenting soil
(3) ^ (2) Oceans
(4) fNV?M3R 0) Plants
(4) Haemoglobin

159. Exlractiim ofgold andsUverinvolveskadiingw^'

(1) $req=i CN~ ion. ahrer is later recovered by;

C2) (1) distillation

0) 2n ^ (IQ zonerefining
(3) displacement with Zn
(4) bquatkm ^
160. Mixture of chlor^lenol and tBTpineolacts as:
(1) (1) aniiscptic
(2) (2) antipyretic
(3) (3) antibiotic
(4) (4) ana^esic

161. ^ AH35.5 kj mo!'' TO 161. For a given reaction, AH b35.5 k) nol'' i6

mol"* tl ftW giTOl ^ A5s83.6yK~^mol'V The reaction isspontane
at: (Assume that AH and AS do t>ot vary ^
(SR AS "Sn'd SlflUlAa t)
a) T>425K

(2) sTf-S' 00

(3) T>298K

T<425K ^3 (4) t<425K

- 'Vcy S
Kii*En^ 37 Q
162. Which orte is the correcI order of acidity ?
ent 2. ^^ 37i<Ten % t^
CHsCH>CHa-CsCH> CH2=CH2> (1) CHsCH >CH3-CsCH>CH2CH2>

(2) CHsCH > CH2=CH2 > CHj-CsCH > (2) CHsCH > > CH^-Csai >

(3) CH3-CH3> CH2CH2> CHj-CsCH > (3) CHj-Oij > CH2CH2> CH3-<^CH >
ofeai GfeCH

(4) CH2=CH2>CH3'CHCH2>CH3-Cb (4) CH2CH2>CH3-CHCH2>a%-Cs


"35 ^ Rr?F$^ KMn04 163. Name thega thatcan readitydecolouiise addified

KMn04 solution:
(1) SOj
(2) NO,
(3) P2O5 PPs
(4) CO2 COj

164. Which of the following statements is not correct ?

(1) 3n*% "*( ^5ra 11
(1) Ovalbuminis a simplefood reservein egg -

saching' (2) Blood proteins thrombinand fibrinogen aie

involved in blood dotting.
^ tifsnH I
(3) Denaturation makes^ proteins moreactive.
(4) Tng w f ^?T*Tr % w w=F$
(4) Insulin maintains sugar levelin the bloodof
a human body.

^ ^ ^ *iicicn ^ ^11 ^ fh
165. ifmolality ofthedihitesolution isdoubled, thevalue
ite! #n: ofmolaldepres^on constant (K^ willbe;
Kiiacts as:
(1) (1) halved
(2) (2) tripled
p) unchanged

(4) ^ (4) doubled

kj mol"^ 166. Ionicmobility ofwhichofthe following alkaH metal

isBpontaji from t ira ioftt is lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
not vary are put under an electric fidd ?
^T'll aTF?nt?
(i) K
a) K
ys> Rb Rb

(3) U
(3) Li k
^ Na (4) Na
167. 5^ "S ^^JprffOT % ^ 167. '"onvcrrtng
Which oi the folbwingreacfi onsis appropriate
acctanjidc to mcthdndinnie ?
a. HgC
^ ^ TfC "3f^ t ?

{1) Hoffmannhypobromamide reaction

"""--v^Qy fnpTTR (2) Stephensreaction (1)
(2) (3) Ga brieb phfliaJimide synthesis (2)
(3) iWz;a (4) Carbylamine reaction
(4) 3lftrfgS?T 168. f^dict Ihe correctintermedia teand product m
foUowing reaction:
HnO,H^A .. , prw!
HA H2SO4 - n-C-CsCH'
3 \^_J:
HgSO^ * mwnn.?date
(A) (B t m
3 HgSO, (A) (B
(1) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: l^C-C^G
(1) A: H3C-C =CH2 B: HjC-C^CH, OH SO4 Mu.
m A: H3C-C-CH3 B: H^C-CsO (2)
0 A: HsC-C-CHi Bi H,C-CsCH
O (3)
(3) A: H3C-CCH2 B: HaC-C-O
A: HjC-C-CJla B- H3C-C-CH3 OH O (4)
At H3C-C=CH2 B H-,c-c-a
(4) ^ I
(4) A: HjC-C-CHj B; H3C-C-CH3 SO4 o
169. Pick out the correct statement with respect
169. [Mn(CN)d^- % ^ : [Mn{CN)J^-: t
(1) sp^d' H+Rh (1) II is J.p3d2 hybridised and tetrahedral f
Tjf d^p3 (2) It i* dhp^ hytwidiaed and octahedral ^
TTf dsp2 ^'4Rrt ^ 1 (3) It is dsp^ hybridised and square planar ^
71^ gp3d2 W t' (4) Itis sp^d^ hybridised and octahedral
170. Match the interhalogen compounds of coluiii
170. % widi the geometry incolumn 11 and assignthe corl ^>
4nfi ^ I codc.
Column I Column 11
(a) XX' (i) T-shape ^
(a) XX' fl) n

XX3 (ii) Pentagonal brpyram*

0.) XX3 (ii) O') s

XX, {iii) Linear

(c) xx; (iii) (c)
XX7 Square- pyramidal
(d) xx; (iv) (a) .(iv)

(V) Tetrahedral
"L- Code:
{) ,(b) W (<
W (b) (c) (d) (iv)
a) (iil) (i) (il)
P) JiL- (2) (v) (iv) (iii) (ii) (4)
(2) ty) (w) (iii> (ii) (iii)
(iv) (ii) (i)
(3) (iv) (in) (ii) (ft 2--+3 (3)
(4) (iiS> (i) (ii)
(4) (ill) (iv) (i) (ii)
39 Q

HgClj ^ Ij ^ ^ I- ^ ^ 171. HgCt2 Ai>d 1] both when dissolved in water

containing I' ion9 thepairofspecies formed ts:
(1) Hglj,!-
(1) Hg1>I"

(2) Hgir.^ (2) Hgir,5

(3) Hgjlj.1-
(3) Hg^r T
Hglj,^ (4) Kgl^.la

PtR ^Rf s-s 172. In which pairofIons boditt>espedesconttinS-S

s(4n f ?

S4O?-,Sj0f (1) s^or.sjoi"

0 SjO^/SjOe" o S50^,S50|-

0) S40^,S20? (3) S^Oj-.S^O?"


w S20|-,S20|- (fl SjO^.S^O^

o o
173. The lUPAC najne of the compound
H-C. O O


(I) 5-fbnn^teK-2-en^-one
e planar a) 5-
twdral 5-inethyi-4-oxohex-2-en-5<aX
(3) 3-keto-2-meftiylhex*5-enaI
(4) ^keti-2-indhylhex'4-attJ

& r f 174 Whkh one is flte wrong 0tatema\e?

'^ (1) The uncertainty principle is AEXAt .

^ aftftTOnftr5R%ai?3TT AE*At?%^
^ Halffil^ai^hjUy fiDed orhitals havegreata
(2) 31^^ ^ ^ Wlfita.CT slability due to greater exchange energy,
^ytacnidal greater symmetry and more balanced
rat %fOTtl 4 '

Q) Thesrgy of 2s orbHal less than energy

of2porbflal an caseofHydrogen likeatonts.
2p ^ ^ ^I K^
(4) de-Broglie's wavelength isgiven by \
(4) t X , Qi=^
where m^mA99 of the particle. C'group
velocity of ttie partkle.

Q 40
175. With respect lo the cnnformera of ethane,
e. whirJi
which cK
llieioUowing ^tfltt'mcnts is true ?
3?RV SftsMfl ^RTT t (1) Bond angle ihanges butbond length rvnw tn
', 3nfr*fihiS I same

3mi|^^ eeiRTO R11<*ff^^lWihl tl (2) Birth bond angle and bond kngft change
(3) Both bond angles and bond length remAip
(3) srrtv ^ ^ ^ same

*1 (4) Bond ftnglc remains sauie but bond Icngl

^4) 3TT^ ^ SWlN^te ''lit^ 3IWV changed
176. A 20 liti* tonUinef at 400 K iontains CO^g).
prRtire d.4 titnx and an e^i cw* of SrO (ncRKxt tli
176. TJ3r20^to^^*fCO5(g)400KT^0,4Atm^^ Vulumc ofsolid^rO). Thevolumeof thecontaitw
"cWT31TftnR^SiO(SrO^ STRcR"^%i now decrwsiHl by moving frft movable fns"ton fitt
Tirgaff 3Tpffqra^T^fta^T in the contatncr. The maximum volume of tl
container, when pressure of CO^ attain* t
ti ^qra^co?%?w^^^^w<rni^fra maximum value,\ be.
gff ^ d q : (Given that ' SrCO^ts) s^a Sr0(s) + C02(|
(f^ w SrC03(8) =s Sr0(9) +C02(g), Kp16atm)
Kpsl.6a(in) (\) \0\iiTv
(1) 10 #2? (2) 4 litre
P) 2Utrv
(2) (4) 5 litre
(3) 2^ 177. The correct order of the stoichiometiics of Aj
(4) S^ formed when AfeNO^ in excess u treat*
with the complexes: CoOv^f^j/ CoCl^.5K>
177. i^Coa^hNHyCoOj^NHvCoa^^Nl^ Coa3.4 NU^ respectively b:
snftiw ^ AgNOj%"in ftf>W (1) 3AgaiAga.2Aga
AgQ ^ ^ (2) SAgtUAgCUAgO
^ 0) ^AgaiAgaiAgci (3} 2AgCl3AgCLlAga
3Aga.2AgCUAga (4) lAgCUAgdZAgCI
(3) 2Aga.3Agai AgQ ITS. Of&e foilowing. which isthe productformed wh
(4) lAga3Aga2AgCI cycloUexanone undergoes aldoi condeo54ti<
followed by heating?
178. Tn5Si5ft>#^ yt ntf

\CQ/ CM^

o o
o o

gg; 41

?^5i5hWt % ^ t: 179. The correct statecicnt rcgardtng e(ectroph Ile is:

(1) Flectrophile is a negntively charged spcctes
and can form a bond by accepting .i pair of
T^a?f=n^ ^ ^rn^ TjpjT 3im electrons from anDth^r electrophile
IRT 4+fil I
(2) Etectrophiles arc ^nerally ncutrdi spvcies
(2) 5^3|^H^el WfFm: 35T#T t TfJI and can form a U^nd by accepting a pAir of
electroi^ from a nuclrophUt;
^ ^ i:fi sflOT
"^Rl q>fl| f I (3) Ekctrophik can beeither neutral or positively
charged specicft and <an lorm d bond by
TT fl^RtRTSTrM^ ^flvN accepting a pair ot ckctrons from i
%'TCT iiri^^l ^ "y? ^ IRTT nuclMptiile
(4) Klectrophiic is a negatively charged Species
and can fonn a b'^nd by accepting a pair of
4im'h t TO electrons from a nucloophiJe
^ |^9?h gni ^ 3?!OT
180. The correct inacasing order of basic strength foi
the following compounds \6:



As. o [p
..5N] O O O
V^ NO, CHj
CH3 (1) (n) (HI)
(1) (D) m
a) ra<i<ii
(1) m<i<n
(2) m<ii<:i
ledvv) (2) m<u<i
ensal p) n<i<m
(4) n<in<i
(4) n<ffl<i

oOo* oOo*


2 li@Eil
1. Hgo, Cq'r, +dE1l- qrfiX{qddq}si tr{ 7, borh when dtsrotved in water
fit crd rtftc A"q t : 1gS,1r :"9_r:
conlaurlg - l iong the pair of
sFci, funied is :
(1) HAt2,l (1) H8Ir,6
(2) Heizt- Q) HEt"t'
P) HsI;-, rt (s) Hgrf-, r;
(q HBl2,r
(a) Hgrtr. t -
2. hq qfubqr + R rrd Tta-{fi qs'wrq t? 2. Pred ict the (orrect intermed iate
and prod uct in the
H2O, H2SO4 rouowing reaction .
H3C- C
CH qq{d + <{R
(A) (B)
Hro Hfor
intermediare + Eoducr
0) A: H3C-C=CH2 B H3 C c CHr
(A} G)
so- o A:
0) H3C-C= CH2 B: H3c-f-cH3
(2) A H3C - C= CH2 B: H3c-f=cH2 so, o
OH so{ Q') A: H3c_!=o.r2 B: H3C-C=CH2
(3) A: HrC-C-cHo B: H3C-C=CH OH so.
o (3) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: H3C_C=CH
(4) A: H3C-C=CH2 B H3C-c_cH3 o
OH o A:
(4) H3C-C=CH2 B nrc-f- Ga
3 E+et{*6 +idiF&sqr t . OH o
Uf'Qetr*t z"ne-*' qrARR d{A-q
t nqr 3. The corllct stabmmt regardhg
rfirr+& t a+4fi Tq q1ftq';r* qdq eleckophih is :

rFIr rrs-dr tl (l) Ekophile ir

a_ negatively charged ,peoes
and.can torh a bond by acceptint
(2) E+qirdaEqt-drrsniRnd*ct?ql(* recEols Eotrl . nucleophile
5 pai! of

rffidtl trwr g.c+1r(qsl+qis (2) Elect ophile is .-negdrively chargd

T{ qs-dr t
C) a+tir+d
rcrqd: B-<rdr-Srff-c t rcr Q) 1TTIIE * osalty
nnrs.ddtEwrg'q*r 6'r*qis neuEat specie!
T{ tI
V4idt ff#l'ffiif':H accePting a
Pair or

(4) a+tsd8 s(r*r qr q-{rfi{ qrAfrR drfrc .6) cnarg{

t acn rfir*,*A t
ffi$can oe eirher nukd o. pGitivety
species and can form
r@r grc +1 T6q F{i ac(epting a pair of ele(trons fromby
srFiq E-ir F6A t a

'-frqitfr.sqlffi * grc rqrffi q{ 4. W-hich oI the followint pai6 of

qqftd{e-dEt cohpou[dr is
2 rsoetecttonic and iBchucfural ?
{1) f. i
*cJrxeF, t 0) BGO"XeF2
TeI, XeF, ,'
o ,
| ( (2) TeI"XeF2
IBrt, xe& "lP': (s) nri, xeE
IF3/ XeF2 Y.Y,-
't.- . 'L (4) EyEz
lffiEffil 3 P

s. dri-q ffi rclliq olq rzo" t ,

5. nprpdr,lravhg6ond.ngb olur bI

0) PH3 G) ms
) cFs P) cFc
(J) NCl.
G) NCt3
(4) BClc
/p" Bcl3
whkh oI the (o[owing
dn co }ffi ff+t? 6. is a sink for CO ?
6. tre { t (1) Haemoglobin
0) tq].d]frr (2) Mioo organisms present in lhe soil
14 la { erFa qe {q (3) Ocean3

0) ctrsrR (4) Ptrnb

6) crEc
7 WIit one of the foltowing pairs o( species have Orc

qlt same bond order ?

f{q d t fc'q d{t-q t cr eds sqtr t ?
(l) co, No
0) co, No

(2) No+
(q o" No+ - ..

(3) C},I-,CO
(4) (4) N2, Ot
Nz, Oz
Of the fouowing, which is the product formed when
8 srr6ltc+fi 6r cGt rivia t m'r{ 6d n 8.
cyclohexanone underSos aldol condensation
f{q d t dH qI @E qin, folowed by hatin8 ?

0) 0)

(2) (2)

o tP.?.^ o
ac1 '

(3) @ (3)

t h
-+] !':
r o o

9_ irc rfl{A i fd ictf-d

ss rtg IG1,o! *t{om 9. Name the 8a3 that can readily decolo{rbe acidified

+l orsri i:t,It{ ct tfr t: y\.

(1) COu
0) I 'lt<
(2) 9z
(3) NOz

1. 'i
L, tr-
(2) sq
(3) NOz
(4) PzO; (l) Pfs
f 1 lEM
10. fttrdQ dt<rtcr<mtr 10.
g1 d-ffi m'rH t r=I, qtl.-qq (l) d6-&oglie'swivd.ngthi gir* ty f = I
6I qqqr{, where m=mess of dle patticle, o=grou1
velocity of the pafiich.
e) qtsn t
^Ext>ty'4aE-q (2) Ihe un<rtainty pri.Eiple b AExAt>%1r
(3) $d$-d sd $i sr*l 6r s;'glnr (3) ffalf flH.nd fulyfifled orbitalshavegreatL
fqi{qq snt, Ta qqfrh, A,fri+dqfur *+m stability due to greater exchange energ.
tqnqt r greater symtrtetry and more balance
t+.rrrrtrcr +f c(crqd i H zs +r+o1rql (0
TheerErgy of2s orbital b le3s trlan 6eenert
^-/ zp aaai *1 6vl t ei ttd t r
of 2p orbital in case of Hydrogen like atomf
1t coe. +{iS'diTffi E{c A-r{ <reyis"r rortr{ 6r 11. Corect increasing ordei ior the wavelmgths ,
qa Eqqdrct: ab6orption in the visible region lor the complexes {

(1) tCo (enbl3+, Ico (NHJ6]3+,lco (Hp)613 + cd+ is:

(2) [co (Hro)613+,1Co (enhl3+, I co (NH{6]3+ (r) [Co (en)313+, Ico(NH3f *, tco0rp)a]3
(3) [co (Hro)6]3+, Ico(NH")613*, ICo(en)d3+ (2) ICo(Hro)613+, ICo(nbl3+, tCo (NHJJ3

(4) tco(Ml )ulr *, t co (en)rlr +, I co (Hro)6]3 + (3) [Co(]110)613+,ICo(Nq)6]3t, ICo(*hl.

(a) [Co(NH3)6]3+, ICo (aLl3
+, Co (ttp)613,
12 ri5nl cocl3.6 NHy cocl3.s NH, cocl3.4 NH3 4l 12- The conect order o{ th stoi:hiomeki:s of AgC
wfrr* I egNo, t <tutrql6,rsa c{Rtrffiia fonned when AgNO3 in excess fu treate(
Agcl fii sl t with the complexes : Cocb.6 NH} CoCl3.5 NH
CoClL.4 NH3 respectivly is
AgCl,3 AtCl,2 AgCl :

(2) 3 Ascl,1 Atc1,2 Agcl (1) 1 AtCl, 3 AgCl,2 Agct

(3) 3 AgO,2 A8CL r AgCl
(2) 3Arct 1AgCl,2 Agg
(4) 2 ASCL 3 Agcl,l A8CI P) 3 AtCl, 2 AtCt 1 Agcr
(4) 2 A8Cl,3 AgO, 1 AgCl
13. f*e I t dta sr rstFrq qdq dtr6 t ? 13. Which one b the mo6t acidic compound ?

0) (1)


\2) (2)



ozN Noz o:N Nor

lffil 5
1{. frE{ 4ffi q1 $tq c{qal6lrrd Eqtosc t: 11. The
cor.t increasing order of
fo[owing coBlpounds is :
basic shength

NFlr NH2

o Noz
(rn) Noz
0 CH:
0) (l) (I) (m)

(1) [<ltr<I
m<I<n (1) U<Itr<I
(3) m<tr<I (2) Itr<l<II
(4) It<r<lu (3) m<n<I
(4) tr<l<Itr
rs. t<q i t dn i erqa tq d +d drt-q I s-s
.Ilill t? 15. In which pair of ions both Ole species cohtain S - S
bond ?
(1) szotr-,szol,i-

0) s2o;-,s2o3-
S4Oi, 5106-
(2) sro6'z-, s2o;-
O sro;-, qos}
({) s.oT,s|o?-
P) sro?-,sro;-
(4) s(o:-,s2o;-
re. driqEffie aql zct{<ctd sI fctol w Fc d TId
armt, 15. Mitureof d oroxylqrol.nd EPinol !.rr as :

1r1 M 0) analgsic

14 frinfl (2) .ntbePti.

(3) t?1qrc1f.5 (3) antipFetic

(4) antibiotic
(4) ef(ir{d
17. which or is the corect order of acidity ?
17. fnq dedr{sI nqdl*m gafiqt ?
(1) CH2=CH2 > GI3-CH=CHz > CHr-C =
(l) CH2=CH2>CH3-CH=CH2>CH3-C= 611611= CH
(2) CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CHz=CHz >
(2) CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > ClIz=CHz >
cH3 - CH3
(3) CH=CH > CHr=CHu > CH3-C=CH >
(3) C}i=CH > CH2=cH2 > cH3-C=cH >
cH3 - cH3
cH3 -CH3
(4) cH3 - cHr > CHr= CHz > CHt - C{H >
(4) CHl-CH3 > CII2=CHz > CHr-C=CH >
CH{H CI{:+l
18. The heating of Phenyl-methyl etheB with HI
ls. tird tfud {c( 61 }n t srq q{ 6d c{ T{dI t'
(1) tfq-d RIG's 0) ethyl chloride.
(2) eTq-sl+Si (2) iodobenzene
(3) fir.fd 0) Ptwnol
(4) +fi (4) banzene
,L\' .Q.TFI,
P 6
o'j-""'" g, ffi
t9- q6lrg sr :r* t{ lrx d zs.ttlfur rru cr< t 19. A glr b .Iowcd to qp.rd in a well tlruL
fsc<rnFr+ qrq-m z-S-rdffiffi *sor. contaitlr againtt a coftttmt oaEmrl utlBurr
aa,.*- msi."- t,E qlmG qtr*fr{ fron an initial vohEre of 2.S0i to s 6
volume of4.50 L. The change in interrul energ),
au, Xs d rlm :
arl"39 +1-" of the Bas in ioules wil be
0) 71x.El
, (11 11X.25 |
(2). -5001 d'r "r (a -smj
(3) -sos, q
-a'I o -50sI
(4) + sos, (4) +50s1
20. l : r incl qs'ftr-rl{Afurh t fq*q t lq-sror i 20. The most suitable metlrcd of sparation of .l
fon r-*i afs? faft t : mixture of ortho and pa.a - nihophenols is :
0) ol* (1) Sublimation
(2) q+&a(n)+a!|$1) (2) Chromarography
(3) fr',sd{ (J) Crystalisation

1a1 rw$ urc+l

({) Steam distilaEon

With respect to the conlormeB of ethane,

21 q+{ + dsqi + H f{q { i dr< <r eqq c-a t z
the tollowing statehents ir kue ?

0) s{dq qiq qqfisfdn t w<f+ qriq a<( (1) Bond angle remains same but bond lenl
qftqftd tfr tr changes
(2) qnis +1q !ftqftd tlm t vrt6 rqriq aq( (2) Bond anSlechang6 hrtbond hn8tfi rema
oqfiqffia tr
(3) qriq dq q{ lqriq Eqrt <ti rt cffid t r (3) Both bond aryle atld bond len$h ch.n8

*v (4) qrtq str qd lqft Eq( qt{ E qqfirsftd

A 20
Bo*r bond angles and bond lengtfi reEra

litse, container at ,l{to K contaitrs CO2(t)

^t 22. g+ zod-a t rn d cols) lryIS lqlatlx <rq c{
pressur 0.4 abn and an excess of SrO (neglect I
\L nqr rflfrrq d sro (s'o + qrq-,n +i +ruq qri) tr
volume of solid SrO). The volurne of the conaine
mw decrcasd by moving tlf movable Diston fih
qn 6r i{id'm-ffitd fret i qq f+qr vrar in the container The maximum volume of t
tr v{ qa=Tao;BE6r qn rq6q trfl qq: containr, when pressure of COr attains
6r irqdq $Tqnr-tEl maximum value, wil be

(ffir Irqr SrCOs(B) (Given that : SrCO3(s) SrO(s) +CO2(l

= SrO(s) +co2(t), =
Kp =1.6ah) KP = 1.6 atn)
b -^,&
.o \o5P\
\ro (1) s*4 o'tLro 0) s lihe
o" rv (2) 10 fra (2) 10 tihe

vto (3) l fra ).{"**,

'14sf I
a Utre
b (4) 2Et {
\_,^ L3. A fLst order re.dion has a spcific reaction rar\
23. q6 ym 61fr 6r EftI[z rflfulscl tq ro - zsec - 1
t 1O-2sec - l. go*
-r.n O-" wilit tate for 20 t
zogoFr+rc+*s t ird ffir T'III the reacta.t to reduce to 5 t ?

0) 2i4.6
tLW 0) 238.5 sec

nJA'1 138.6 sec vi. (2) 138.5 sec

O) 3,46.5 sec
P) 3,a5.5 sec
(a) 6e3.0 sec (1)
ldL * 693.0 Bec

9,o4). o'\ qte

lffil 7 f
2{. q6 t ffrl an-es.s u mol-l irll 2L
slfqfis-ql For r given re.ction, AH=35.5 ll mol-l and
AS E 83.6JK_1mol -r. The rcactim bspontaneous
as=83.5 JK-r Bot-r tl 3fifrqr f{'{
qqfi ct
et : (A3sume that AH and AS do not vary vrith
gir: rsfrtd t ? hlFrature)

' ,-dH
rqr< aH qi as m t if,lrntc? t)
.D) r (1) T<425K

Y mfrardvr
,o' u'

all tempenturcs
(4) T> 29sK $ir. _^*)

" -.^(
'J) 25. In the elecEo.hemical cell:

25 q+ *qa reim l-o r ZnlZrSOn (0.01 M)ll CuSOa 0 .0 l'{)lc& the emf of
this Danil ce[ is q. When the commkation of
znlznsoo (0.01 M)ll cusoa [.0 M)lcu, Y{ tft{ll ZnSOa is changed lo 1.0 M and that of CuSOI
td 6l emf q t I r< zrson al rrfi
d r.o u a-c changed to 0.01 M, dle emfchantG b E2. From the
cfiasfrtn nqr cuso4 d xr<dl d o.ol M n-6 cftqfrd followings, which one is the relahonsluP between
fqqr qrar t a] enr { $e-{r r. t r fiadtdnm E1 andEr? (Give[T =0.059)
El !F E2 d tiq t ? (ffl 'm, !l= cefi L
0) q=E
(1) Er =E2
(2) q.F2 nI{ (2) q. E,
(3) q>F2 yrt
(3) q'q Cr9
({) E2-0 * El
(4) E2=0 + Er nv I t\l --
2+ An exampl of a sitma bonded -o"."1"'ih
2G. fsql ixFiFrd ot+rftrc dtm cl v<rtrq t , compound is:

0) {trir{r (1) Ruthenocene

(2) rt<n!f,frr6t5 ^.
(3) iffii
j y{ 5 (2)
Grignard's reagent

i} o (4) Cobalto<ene
(4) 6tsr1ft{ cl-
\.6 27 The equilibriu$ constanb of the fouowing are :
27 fieqrqq{qrfiq{ict: 2NlL
N2+3 H2= K1
N2+3 H, + 2 NH3 Kr
\\ N2+o2=2No Iq
N2+O2=2NO 12

H.* ]o, - ,p,t9.-.g

,O2) HzO Iq
The equilibrium constant (E of dle reiction :
al fte 3rfuBqr *ffi qrqdm nontq trl t\T
2NH3+% 02 ) z No+: Hro, *ilr.,
^o**ro A'tor
o) x, rd7r, reT tc g1 r, rl7x. , rklir4-
,}-, \
q L6L 121 x. xl/r,
14/ t2g/rt " .1r1Y3
(3) K2\/K1 0) &VKr P ilri" "
(4) Ki K3lKr (4) rl xr7 r.,
p 8 tila@l
fi- r(16 {-dr Z - 11{ rfi Edr ti atkqR rql t I qE 28. The &ment Z = 114 h,3 beed di*oerrea recauy.
r{q i t dfci.'sRf{'l ilqr !@r{6 iffis t It wil belong to which of ole folowiry family/gxoup
and elecEonic confiSuration ?
r"(\ rtiFrd tqr ?
(l) Ilalo8en family, [Rnl 511{ 6di07s2 7pt
f** t Ol tdrcr !fisT{, [&rl sfi4 6dro 7C. ?s2
{2) Carbon lamily, lRnl 5fl{ 6dr0 7s2 7p2

{l,ttt*" **, rl sri{ 6dro 7f[R 7s2

(3) Oxygen family, IRnjSl4 6d1o7s2zp4

?"9^ ffiqr cft-sR, [Rnl sf1{ 6dto 7p4 7s2

(a) Nitrogen family, [Rn] sfr.6dr0 7s2 7p6
9tfnt Tftrdr ct-cn, [Rnl sl4.6dr9 7p6 7s2

Pi(k out the corrcct 3tatement with resDd to

4b, 29.

"zg IMn(cl06l3- t ffi

q6 qqr qdT{i :

I rm, (1) q6 sfd, {{frd dqr qes-d-*tq t r

0) [t is st'd2 hybddised and octrhedral

\p' (2) [t is st'd2 hybridised snd bhahedral

(2) T6 sdd, t6frd l vEw-<'+t t r

(3) It is dtp3 hybridised and octahe&al

(3) q6 d4p3 ri6f(n im eEs-f,+1q t t

({) It is dsti hybridised ind squte pLstut

(d) rr dsp2 {6fi-d iFrI q,t srd-6q t t

30. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

so. a qiveqFriaqr.qfttrql+r6Rqlq $n
ocH 3


0) and substitution reaction

(1) aql If {q,r{ iifiItfqr

(2) and limination addition
(2) nql ffiql t'rq qfuFfiqr

nqr fg-{ffiqrrr 3rfttfrcr (3) and ch substitution rea(tion

(4) an fqfcenn efufmt (4) and cine sutstitution reaction

In q4lIar 9 f
fl. adqr d dqts +1s t ru'? rd-{tlf * qnffi d 31. ft ir beclute of tur.bility ofn* dectqra d[e valge
palttipab in bonding lh.t
.hell b
:resrm t qnol
ttmt :
(1) Sn2+ b reducing while Fb{+ b oxidising

0) sn + qc-fin ltdl tq-fi Pbr+ ?cffif'd

(2) educing
Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb'+ is
(2) snr+ lqt*fd ttdl t T{t6 Pb4 + qc-sfud (3) sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidisint and
p) snr+ G PhP+ qtd S ffiti qd qrstud rcducing
ait (4) Sn4+ i5 reducing while Pb'+ is oxidisint
(4) s#* qTsfra nt tEqf6 Pb4* qiffif-d
32. Which of lhe folowing statemmb ir noa corect ?

32. fra { i ela rr *w <t1<d t ? (1) I$ulinmaintaiis sugar leve! in the blood of

t fira a hurnan My.

\,p ag.da
Yrt{.fi d Yr6{ R{ ftl
(2) Ovalbumin is a simple food rcrerve in egg -
@.-, fdfi{qt{ erQ*1siElqq6rstlttl (3) Blood proteins tfuombin and fibrinoSen are
(3) r* yldr ffier qi 6r qIr<F likt involved in blood clotting.
6I ?I*n itr ({) Denahrration makes the morc active.

1a;- ffi+tur *&ci 3rftr-6 irq 6G tt

33. Which is the inconct statement ?

33. i{qitdr{{lsq?altr-{t? 0) Feoo.r8 has non stoichiometric metal

deficiency ddect.
(1) Feoo.s d d{slFAtuA qqam<}ett (2)
p1 .lirea}{vHtnt qzn tt Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schotdys detuct.
(J) Nactc) frg tS, fffffi irfclffi, ffr{ (3) Nacl(s)isinsulator,siliconirsmkonductot
srtr6, Rrlq q< Fq( frsd tl silver is conductor, quaflz is piezo eleckic
gy *c-otlaa ant+oq<q]umEomq t ({) Fre^f,el defect is favoured in those ioru.
ffi q{q-r ci zqrsr +' sIFsR (Tq,I srm compounds in which sizes of c.tion and
it tr anions are almost equal.

34. oo 3tL The IUPAC naEre of the coErpound

,, OO
H-C t!-
{tfiro qt rupec r

(1) s-H-z-itrdt-l-fr (1) &ketG2-methylhex-4-nal

(2) s-HnR-2-fi-3-3 i (2) tformylhex-2-n-lone


s-iFrs-n-'ffi t*-z -tr-s-
v p)
tmetryl-4-oxohex-2-rF al

35. iffi d ffiflq rrcefl cr.nrs 3rtrdii sl 35. The reason for greater range of orjdation states in
actinoids is attribud to :
(1) the radioactive natue of acthoids
(1) tffidmrqRfsqlTfr (2) actinoidconkaction
(2) if{t{5!q'iiT{ (3) 5t 6d and 7s levels havinS coErparable
(3) 5f, 6d Br[ Ts air{ +1qlrgel s'qf energies

igdr *i sa sit d rci t lcrc crs d ({) 4fand levels being clo6e inerEgies

x. *i w'll<l* nq+q t o{- !fiq? i Eor { ttdr tffi

tr S66 * UO.,*r,i* gm 16*r-1.
0) trcrficftsor (1) Iiquation

Q) qRriFr (2) distillation

(3) {<d!ftq{!r (3) zone rfining

(4) z" i tc{crqr (4) disptacenent with Zn

37. f{q I i dri fitc qrg qrrrlal qqf{6ffirn-{dr 37. I.onk mobility of whi.h of tl.
rolbfirlC dtdi met
r+rrc tcq !r+6q!il 1_rdE rorrslglowett wlrelr aquarou! eotuUon-oI
q rsr crdr t ? @
H ftgd {" aft put under rn eleckt 6eld ? dreir sal

0) Na
0) Na
(2) K @K
(3) Rb
(3) Rb
(4) Li (4) u
38 hq{tdlr cc(h{{t? rollowins h
"' [i$.fl;t" deperdenr on
0) q-de-dr
(2) +drdr 0) Mola.lity
(2) Molarity
(3) qldfiItr-,
) MoLfiicfirr
14) m rrd{rd (4) WeightpeGentage

3e. q6 q fq-6qr 61 +d-dar d f+<t srfl tn

d-tl-d erq-*qe ftqir (K,
39. If motatity of dle ditub solution
b double4 the va.lue
or Erolat deprBsion constant (lq)
wil be :
(1) 5T{r u<l -Tg,f 0) doubted
(2) qqr
(' I -q
?Y {21 halved
(3) tdT{r {i p) tripled
(4) e{qfisffa eb ({) unchanSed

a0. q{ Eldffi qflrftrqt x2+y2_-r 2 ry +1frqlft& ll}. Mechanism oI e hypothetic.l re.ction

*i{dt, X2 + y2 -+ 2 Xy b 8iven below :

(i) X2 -+ X,+ x (6ir) (i) x2-+x + x (f8g

(ii) x+y2
= xy+y
(4{) (ii) X+y2
= Xy+y(stow)
(in) x+Y rxY (Ea) (in) X+yrXy(fast)
qfqftcr si {cr (TE) 6lE tt't :
The overall otder of th rca.tion will be :
(1) 1 0)1
\en 2 (21 2
(3) 0 p)0
({) 1.s
(4) 1.s

t t'{q fi-{qi d er{f d sr{dr 41. Concentsation of the A8+ ioru in a saturat'ed
^& solution of AgrC2oa ii 2.2x10-4 mol L-1
molt--1tt Solub ity Product of ASrqO{ ir :

,t' q-- 0) 2.42x10-s qJi

Q\ 266x10'12 !'iv "Ji
2.66 x70-tz
r.1.'Y ,{L
( 'h
(3) 4.sxlo-u
(3) 4.5 x 10-rr r !-, qr"\
(4) 5.3x10-12
(4) 5.3 x 10-12 \

q-<{td-qr {tffi 61 Match the interhalogen compoun& of colunrn I

42. Ft I-l + !+ @.
wift tle gomeby in column U and a!6iF the conect ,-..
anfrfi t Fsn ql q0 r{ha t t code. *l'.
--,. t,.t
FrBT-I Erq-It Columnl cotumnll ;f.:/ -r.,p4
(a) xx' 11 r-or5fr (.) XX' (i) T-shape ;f
(b) xxi cfirkd (b) XXr (ii) Pentatonalbipyramidal

xx'. dq (c) us (iD Linear

f riut q'l ffitfrS ^ (d) XXz (iv) Euarc - PFanidal

f"l qEw+tq (v) TeFaHral

{+n 1 't Code

(.) (b) G) (d)


(1) (iii) (iu)

(b) G)


[:/ (1) (iii) ( ) (i) (n) ty
(2) (", o (ii) e, (2) (m) (, (w) (ii)

dot (".1 (in) (n) (3) (v) (r,) (u, (ii)

(4) (i') (in) (ii) (r) (4) (iv) (in) (D (q

es. treltdnsIer<(-fl16t? Which one of the followin8 statements is ttot

0) Td{sffi S 3rilrifiqt 41cR!.I Tfi 6(dI t r

(1) Catalyst does not rnitiate any reaction.

1z/lFrh<r + err*m i Tdrd 61 3qfisfr d

(2) Thevalue ofequitibrium corBhntis charyd
ErE{rrlr iErl|i6 6t_cH cffid irdt t I in the presence of a cahlyst in the rcaction rt
(3) q<6a1vt: i-ewmf++lqnfiqdddftd
qrit r
(3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
({) rrE-FnvqqqrqqldqffiddldTd (4) Coen ymes increase the catalytic activity of
72 lt+d,E"+a
4{. ftq lqftf6qt + fti {4. CoBidet dle reactiorB

-. Cu/
,oqoF $2it_*<rt**t,t d
--=Otrii-- silvet Erinor obs6v.
o olt
r'ntr-un-8-nrr, NH2-NH- C - NHz

A,x,ykizliqmfri: Identify A, X, y and Z

0) A-fcifq$ftA?, x-tn-rf*c s{ta, v_tdt 0) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoicaci
3rc?,z_!rwr{r r -Acetah ion, Zhydr.zirE.

(a A-frqldfrAr, x_erfd. y_tlrk6 qRi, (2) A-MethoxyDrethane X-EthanoL y_Ethano

z-i+qrdilig acld" Z-:ieEricar.baz ide

(3) e-t?ia, x-tdata. y.nz_2-{qEH, (3) A-Ethanal, X-Erhanot, y_But-2_ena.

z-tfr+rrrftrtr z.sefucarbazone

(4) e-tiefo, x-titFsrrrs, y-ni?r{, (4) A-Ethanot, X-Acetaldehyde, y_Butanone

z-Er{rqb t tlyclraz,lti

4s. tsgEql$s{rifirdt{r{Fqr q+frif{q{t * yy-Tl.|: r:"winr reactions is.ppropnah for

+{ t qnftrqr ffi t? conveltng aetanide to trledul|

(1) TrfjHt{i lcF f6.qr (1) Carbylardnereaction

(2) tlqqn rlgct*tqlis qfuffiqr (2) .Hoffnunnh,,pobrohamidercaction

(3) dlr lqftfrqr (3) StEpherc reaction

(4) ifiqd nhatas li[dqlr (4) cabrieisphthatimidesynthesis

lr. ftelofua { dh rr qfrffi 3c-cR d ffi{d Eq 45. Which oI drloUowing in sewage hEahrerlt,moves
tr6ih6mdrt? suspended solids ?

0) Tfi{sc-sr( (1) Terriary teahtent

@ k&{6irsn (2) Secondary tsahlent
(J) rqfr{rynR
- (3) prinarykeahlent
(4) iEriTBTsR
(4) Slud8 rreahent

47 t{q { +{
f+rd t 7
ypfr qd chii + Erdpri rHlr t 47 Whrch one of thc fouowiry is relaH to Ex-situ
cor$ervabon of threatened animals and planb
0) q-rmfr swt cr&.
(1) Wildlile Saf6ri parks
(2) +qEfq{drtERta,
(2) BiodiveEity hot spob
(J) qi-fiqqf r$qr
j E ({) ftqldqi ei P) Atuzm rainfoet
(4) HiEulayanrcdon
13 P

d t ffi srs6d crr$.. (t r.t. ) 48. fhodphcDl Iytuvrh (Pq i, tL FiE tty Cq
rcoe!{D! in i
co, rI{ t?
q llqq
0) qPbnrr
I (2) Ca plantg
A c{ qI<Iv- p) qpbnb
c2 qr<lr
(3) g) q and Ct pLnts
(4) q dh c{ cr<v
Which one of the followinS statemmb is not valid
{ t dF gl 6q? qq
{e. tftf t EYc l, tretefiu-d for aercsols ?
dt? (1) They are harnlul to human heal0r
0) n cmq ERq * tds tlt{6rro t (2) They alter rain al and monsoon pattenB
1z; t e{ dn enqr +1vdfr ul qfilsfrd 6d t (3) They cause inc.eased agricultural
p) F{+6Rq Tfc :-f,r<+.dt d1ffitd t- prcductivity

t (4) Thy have negative impact on agricultural

1ay t pfr 1ft vt mrrcr+ Yqn srei land

e. ithtft{quermq'iffi EmqrRR'dtrfi t,
Hatit: 50. ln case of poriferarrs, the spongocoel is
flageuad cels caUed :
tined with

0) dFeql (1) o6tia

(2) 3 iql (2) orula
(3) siic+$ (3) choanocytes
(4) {q{fi(T6lRr{l (4) h6errhymalcels

5r. at{.{n-v5k6l 61 dta t c]ftm{ q2lffifiq-e 51 Which celb of'Crypts of Lielrertuhn' secret
aqstqr{q ert{d 6d t 7 antibacierial lysozyme ?

0) rfdi*df{r6l{ (1) AIgmtaf6n cells

(2) tt+cdlfir6l{ (2) Pane6 cels

p) qndtuffi (3) Zlmogencelj

(4) g;wdfitlor{-6 (a) Kupffereus

sr. Hrart*gre)l, tff;xmtqititr m$* 52. Lugsale madeupof at'filled sac. ttu alveoli Ilcy
fr,{dsa *<n rfi i t+s +Rq t f"li: rd i({;'.si ? do not .ollapse evn aftr forcful expifltior\
because of:
(1) ersfuelqrr{r-
(1) Residual VoluEre
1zy .da'r*m gfna srn-cl
(2) Inspiratory Reserve Volume
(3) <rtq slrfir (3) TidalVolume
(4) fr,v<m gfra ur+tn (4) Expiratory R6erve Volume

s:. Fll5qit nEtR]f{F{q O

53. Viroids differ ftom viruss in having :
(1) ir&r qr<rq * srq oNe rqgtt t r
(1) DNA molcules with prcbin coat
(2) tfir rt&{ qs(q + DNA rqgtA t I (2) DNA molculs without proEincoat

O) rtAr amq tmqnNe
"C&t- (3) RNA nole.ules with proEin coat
(4) ft-{r*ar qTsr"r + RNA lqEitt t Fl (4) RNA molecules without probin coat
54. frHtufud d t ti@
d'lr rso-+1rfi t? 54. Which of [re following are not polyhedc
0) ql**q< (1) Nucbic acids

(2) lHq_ (2) hohin,

p) ,'dt+*.." p) Polysaccharides
(4) totrs\a (4) Lipidr
55. Frafttuait+i-odXBq 55. Select the mismatch
(1) 9r7g (1)
CsFinrd Ana' Doecious
Q) {,F{o s6furrd.. (2) Cycas Dioecious
(3) at@n ftsc'dcrE (3) Salvinia Heter6porous
(4) ralfrzc RcdtrrE (4) Eui*,tum - HomOsporous

56 {6 q+' !fr{, ffiiqFrqffi 6qmi.d +1fr,6r +1

.rrqrr sli q Tarrdr qrfltvi
wr q,a q tI " f*?Ltffi;xpressior helps to identify

(t) q<trd'cf{+.-. 0) Selectable mrker

(2) Iiqr66 (2) vecb,r

(3) tus (3) ptas,tlid

(4) dr{{q6fi (a) Seudulatttre

57 .ff{s/ qrrdr d 6t + fi q t*,q-6r qtqr r(I fu y*"*,,*rvoruhe

gy iha
fijm} wilr norcluse
p) qfuaiegEc*rc+-,

p) tc}etr{. (3)
Akial Nahiuretic Factor
(4) ADH -
(4) ADH
s8. e)ffiffiqr d qft fs,s6r Fcrd{lr t ?
58 In EouFinvillea thollrs are the
,0) rrjc{ rnodiftations of

(2) <Ersrf{d.!-r (1) Stipuleg

'(3) m.a Q) Advmtitiorrs rcot

(4) c"f (3) Shl

(4) l2al
sg. ttr+l*a, oitzli.qlcr+r_S Tadwi tcFrEdr 6l 59.
vrffifiAt? An important chamcFristic that Hemtchord.hs
share with Chordabs is
0) Yg{qaltrJcft{fr (1) absem of

qqadd rfudr
'(zr^ ffi-sl T{ (2) venkal tubulir nerve cord
(3) rilq fdiTfiTs-fi (3) pharynr reilll g fdib
(4) tfirRicfq61qsi (4) pharyu wirhout gil slib
IttrHrfhl 15

eo. tsErtqcidtmfak<dtqtqsrmerff 60. Which of th fouowing facilit tes opening of

tbrutrl aFttuIe ?
t? (1) Conkaction of outer wall ofguard cells
ir1 en+tfrro:fi dertffi 6Irigirr
(2) Decease in tu4idity oI tuad ceus
p; m+tffidHfrlrt (3) P.adiatorie ation of ceuulGe mkiofibrils in
Cy.\ ER aiftFFlrit 61 qlfirfl-ftf{ d tqdtc the cell wrll of guard cels
qFiig+lqlffiqft{rs (4) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose
{ lucroGbrils in the cell wallofguard cellr
(4) ER 61F{Eld fr'*lRl6t-fttd +qa]q
qqiif*]6Iqltdk{rs 57 Which of the folowing statemenE ir colrect ?

(1) The asending limb of loop of Henle is

er. f+qdcliqtErr&nt? imprneable to water.
trl v.tri 5* 5 * frq armc t
qtrt al :mffi t
(2) The dBcending limb of loop of Henle is
(2) t{a q{ 41 qqil8 5-cI Td + frq qqRqq impmreable to water.
tr (3) The ascending limb of loop ol Henle is
p) trd qrrt 61 qrtrfr gw va t foq vror< t r
permeable to water.
The descending limb of loop of Henle is
6) t{e qNI41 lr<t8 t5ll Eqa e{cqz{ + fdq
permable to electsolyrEs.
qTtilq t r

62. Which of the lolowing are found in exheme saline

oz. flqtefqt { t dtq qrc esttcc$rql d cA sli t ? conditiois ?

1t1 aruHtug^ (1) Archaebacteria

(2) IHftqt (2) Eubacaria
pl srcfidiiql (J) cyanobacteria

(4) qn'+]Htm (4) Mycobac.teda

63. nfrq-a t qri srd qFI a16ql d r-sfr t? 63. Tte natu.e of the edible prrt of
coconut b:
61 firprl}e
0) PetrbFm
(2) +cqi (2) Cotyldon
P) wac-' B) &tdcpe'm
e) w$fn (4) Peft p
er ;iarcre t{<.lltlqfrkdiilfiasrn gFq :
64. Identify the wront statement in context of
0) Fqi Er{t{d *trr qcr A qil t heartwood:
(2) qr rtq-a fz-+rs rtd t (1) Oryant compounds ale deposiH h it

qrqe dn sFrcl sl qm sirr{dl t m s6'& (2) ItLhighly duable
t (3)
It conducb water and mir|rajs efficiendy
It conprises dead elements with hiShly
(a) iqq e-drn fdt{rgffi fiit ard Td ird ti t litnfied waus
65. qft qq 3irqr.q. { sec rn 6 t q} rrl q+i ifiFii
[f there are 999 bases in an RNA that code6 for a
qr6 q6 rlai fd{q. E-z *a t, qtt em c{ fim 65.
protein widr 333 amino acids, and the bas at
anGF sr ts ii(t t frh d rh t f6ft qnqr.q position 901 is deleH such dtat Ale bngth of tle
S-_Rq( ,Bb qnt+l srs ti qffi'ti tgi ffi RNA becorG 9!E ba3es, how msny codors $.ill be
4611qasfiq17' 's4 ,: dd?
(1)1 -rt (1) 1
(2) 11
(2\ 11 )
) 33 ) 33
(4) sst"1 (4) 333
65. #rdtdtn i"Er qr qrq, ql
16 tiIE
srt{ F,q il $RE 66. The region of Biocphere R8erve
whi.h iJ bgali
t dk qrl qls d fr$ .fr ,,frfrft al ar; 16 protecH and where no human actirity
is alloiae
r}ff, st Rr ordrdr t I ls tnown as :
(1) ite-{ (1) Core zorE

1zy rw i-r a) Buffetzohe

(3) crrqr +d (3) TrarBition zone

1ay 5r,rerr* tt (4) Restoration zone

67. q6Fi'n{{$t lRc Frefufea df*q +{Ei H 67. A diocioB Ilowering plant prevenb
both :
t? (1) Autogamy and xenogaEry
0) Rgrqr qh q{frElr (2) Autogamy and geitonogamy
(4,/" R{m qt{ vcrdsd y{FM (3) Geitonogamy and xenogamy
(3) {qd5d q{rqq qt{ qfii"r (4) Cleisrogahy and xenoSahy
lal qfrt-e qn'iq et{ Rfriqr
68. Which staternent is wiont
oe. }'q rfi i +{ Fr 6q-{ :rtrr t ?
*' frvc
for KreH cycle ?

(r) w Tfi l d-r ir<qi c-r Neo* +r

There are tluee poinb in tlrc
. ls reduced to NADH
cycle wher,
NADH H+ C {+4,{q Etdrt'
'!Au +
(2) There is orle point in th cycle wher
(2) Es {6 d q6 f{S c{ FAD+ Er FADH2 d rs reducd to FADH2
Eld-r{qltdrt. --.. (3) During conversion of succinyl CoA
1e) vdfro c.a t wdfro rrq i cf6dr $ succrnrc acid, a molecule of GTp
qt{ll Grp } q+, lcg +r ririqq *dr t
(4) ?c q6 lrofeo qr (4)
(qftf. coA) +. !:.y:L:I1r Tth
Sroup (rcetyl CoA) widr
condensation of 6cq/t
prruvh acid b yieid
qr{Sd6qq + RM trin t qnqr fht slR otric acid
ieE* ae r+e arait .
59. Which among th6e is the colt ct co&bination oI
es. fm i +{ TSq F{qrf{q] cr S*qrt? aquatic rnammals ?
0) d-d,ffir.1116 (1) Seats, Dolphins, Sharks
(2) ffiq, std, zrrrT (2) Dolphins, Seats, Iry80"
G)^ Ad,ffir, std (3) Whales, Dotphins, Seals
(4) PE+r +e, t" (4) Iry&n, Whales, Seals
70. TSa ffiflfimgnrrRaitftn+.a.i wntl 70. ThetEFtkport l vein driAins bbod b livr
0) Gc (1) He.It.
frqr :

(2) srFIlTc (2) Sbmach

(3) Tfi (3) Kidheys
14)''1 3lir
(4) hbstine
z. q{ qTd-+dcRcdcrftfl-e
C{q}crct RrFlsf{d
ltdr t? 71. Functionai m aspore in an .ngio3perm develops

0) +{q
(l) Ovub
(2) Wck (2)
tf w-au
({) lPr
! 77 P

'.v1." t,{qr ffiaft{"It? 72. Mycorfiizle rr the ec(6mpte of

d (1) Fungbttsis
0) 5'T6tql
(2) qc-{t@ (2) Atrrn alistrr

p) rtr$f{dt P) turtibiodis
(4) MutuaIsm
{4rT tIr6IRdI
a*17 riftmfttw onrmt ft +vft rm qffi 73. Transplantation of tissues/orgars fails oICn due
to non-a.tephrre by tle Fti,n(s body. Whin
+ cr(!I rrsoo ti srdl tr F{ 16I{ t fi{Ellt + of immune-response is reBponsible for such

fdqfi d ridafr erjtrql Tdcr{ t? reie<tions ?

9- 6-rrna, qrm, (1) Autoimmunere6pons

1zy dfiro-rnaafnw:rgbo (2) CeU - mediad inmune rBponse

p) EIct{drfd(mrr1ffrql (3) Hormonal immune responle

14 *rffi<fttwqf*ll (4) Physiolo6car immune response

74 q6qnq q1 Rrc e{*Td1ttfr t rfiei qih sld 74. Adult human RBCS are enucleab. Whi.h of the
cqi {s ator dt.i{t qrqr c'or/6{t t ?
following statemen(s) is/are most apprcprirte
explanation for this fuatue ?
1u1 rd rr{{ rti +1 one-+m rd t r
(a) 'Ihey do not ied to rprcduc
(b) t*rt-+*nr+r(tr (b) 'Ihey sle somatic cells

1cy iawr*ader&r (c) They do not metabolize

(d) T{sr rTRr !f,iifi.d rqr{ qfficr d{{? + (d) All dlet inEnal sFce ie av.tut b for oxygen
teq aq-ea ti FanspoIt
ftee: Oflion!:
(1) +-{d(d) (1) hly(d)
(2) +qe(a) (2) O,tly (a)
(3) (a), G)qs(d) P) (a), (c) and (d)
(4) O)C{G) (a) O)and (c)
75 !a+{+6t qf{ Ecat i ({$m qI cfttd f6qr ? 75. Alexander Von Humbolt descriH for the fi8t
0) qrfifsfirc +q frt{qdr
(1) EologicalBiodiver6ity
121 ffiarr+Itftm (2) Laws of limitint factor
(3) slfd +r rtiq (3) Species area relationship6
(4) {qf ft< s{-nq (4) Population Growlh equation

76 (q}EiF qk clfidft6ffitdqqs{T6t]it ?
76, Attrctanb and rwarrls are rcquired fur:
(1) qrgc{rqq
(1) Anemophily
6ry'nt-c{Frq (2) Entomophily
(J) Tdc{I,M
O) ttydrophrty
(a) Chistogamy
I 18 ElC
tqa{ttolddrruqrn&rt? 77 fvhiah orE o{ the iothvint rtrlc'tr.ntr b.o(tir
0l q{tq{tq=tq)q.qEq+El(qqq wltnrtleaErE bqiryD3 ?
qzf nd(lqq = Wiqcr{q + qqqqq (1) Apoenzyme = HoloqrzFne + Cocoz)rm,
o slqqEc = qiqq'rq * td(c,!c
(2) fiobenz),ne = Aponzyrie + Cot,q.trr
(4) tdlqqqc=sF&Eq+rrt 6n6 (J) Coqrz me = AponzyEE + Holo6qnn.
(a) Holocnzytre = Co!,zyme +
78. ffi {rqre ar q* sqr61ur Etr m t:
61 dtar An example o, colonial alga is
(1) Oiq.Ua

g4 ElF/,q
(3) fdDrfi (2) Voloo,
(3) Utohnx
(4) PIt{ir,r{o
$ sa.rcgw
79 cF rlq, n lcFnr{i yrqfuo qffiql}+nqrtcr t, 79. A disease causd
qhvti non-diiunction is
by an autosomal priha
(8'." srsr kdq (1) Dorm,ssyndrome
e) FErh-t Riqiq (2) Klinefelb/ssyndrome
(3) T+rtr*+q (3) Tume/ssyndrome
(4) cnsiRr+rfirffdr (4) SicthCellAnemia

80. 6.C{.q t so-s tA nli t z 80. DNA fratarenb are :

o) qrd6#d'- 0) pGitively.harged

+l? z"nooqrARrn (2) N{U.tivety charSd

G) YEIOi p) NeuFal
(4) a qci erqn * rr1sn $ndr6 rn (4) Either.positively or negatively charter
*qrd*r deFnding on their size
qreftrn Ei F6A t
81. q.dsqiqfus+sts6r+sttrsr-6R6r+drt 81. Thepivotioht between atlas and axis ir a tyF
(r) \frq+s (1) fihous Fint
(2) cartjjatinousioint
(2) iqrfug( sts
(3) sFovial ioinr
P) slFnEqa dE (4) saddhioinr
({) {e-dslg
E2. A1'nrptote h a logistic growth curve ie obtained
&. Efqtuoqtai q?t glff6-{ymttat? q-s:
(1) ,/ d cr{q{ 41 {Fq[gt+drt 0) The vrlue of,/ apprcachs ?rro
(2) K=N (2) K=N
(3) K>N P) K,N
(4) K<N (4) K<N
$. qrcfd? isrs< f6Tr+
Er{ ffi
*dr t ?
8ir, is p.oduced by:
0l v< r sffirsr(qs'if,Ihi*A{,{W
(I) Schw.nn Celts and Otigodendrocyh.
py, amanRmGr<ndftraq- (2) Asttocyrss atd Sctw.Im CIs
p) iiffi*SfiT(s qd qtulrt!-{
0) Olitodm&ocyt6 and GteocLlb
(4) qftqrfrqoqdamfu (4) Oshocla3b and Ashocyte.
-m.61 79 !
t 84. xrngd Htq6A, qnTefi rtfrtfq-mq dt< ta The procGr of lep.ration and puaification of
qtdt dprelredproteinbfoEmarketingLcdled :
nctr6{q 61vt6cl61m 6u t ?

py f<n+rrr*rq (1) UFt'e6m Foc6sing

(2) Dorvrutreamprocessiry

(e) *srs'qq (3) BioprcceeBing

(4) c{-{IFlrfi *5qq (4) Pootprodudionptoc68ing

ss. qfi + i{,q qrs{Ir6 t'Tl+ffi6 dqlr cnRH i6, 8li. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
qr cr{ ertt t ? reproductioG acb on :

g1 srl .tqr t'tu w etr LH q{ r*rdifqi *, (1) anterior pituitary gland and stimulate3
erqq el rifta +ra t r secetion of LH and ox,'tocin.

(?L- 3rq tW q'tu c{ dR LH si FsH + arsq 6l (2) anterior pituitary glald rnd stimulates
secretion of LH and FSH.
s{ka ora tr
(s) qrs frW nfu c{ ict{ qr{tdfu{ Fi FsH t p) porterior pituitary gland and stimulates
sedetion of oxytocin and FSH.
srsq 6] saFrd 6'cdr t I
(4) cts fr{r rfq c{ dtl lll qd tdf*l+'stsq ({) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
!caetion of LH and relaxin.
qlsflfra qrm t r

86. qsl d ffa ildr 6r qfdrrqlt 3-{+1Eir( rfr {4dI 85. Hy?eEeotion of Grcwth Hormone in adulb dc
not cerrre further ir.rease in heighL because :
eJF+' :

t (l) Grorrfi HormoiE beome6 inetive in adulb.

C) qET d Efa tlq]r fituq qrdl t r

I (2i-,-'filt{'qett + !rcr( 1fifutu-a t ri< t (2) Epiphrseal plates close alter adollcence.
qfrr (3) Bone. toose their sensitivity to Growth
py aej I efiwn'Efi ilqlr t ctd dffifidl Hormone in addlb.

rqltfrr ({) M8clefibres donotgrow insizeafter birth.

(4) Y{ t crqqkn ii(di i fi d ttd r

87. Whkh e(Gy3tem has the rnaxilrum brornars ?

87 f6 qftir i.fifur q i{qR tdr t?
0) ForEstecosystsm
0) q{ qrftiii
(2) Gr8rland ecosystem
(!}, srs sd cfth
P) Pond ecosysbm
O) ffd crfti7
(4) Lakeecosystem
(4) gi-d qftil
88. sa oik qtrdi + qqc1d nsi *1ffi awln m 88. Fruit.nd baf drop at early
by tE .pplicrtion of :
stages c.n be prevend
(1) EEf{Efi (1) Cytoldnins

(2) cFrdr (:) Ethylerc

(cr- qtdr (3) Auxin3

(4) Hfrsrq< (4) GilbercUicacid

P 20 E
se. 'd.q{.q. qs qqdRr6 !-d t', fs6r qftq m"r 89. The fiul prmf for DNA 13 the stEtt maten.
f6sh yqlq t lcm ? fton tle exprimnb of:
0) tr$q 0) Grirfiti
,-/a^ r{ dois (2) Hershey and Chaje
\h" qct, tfr dktqr6ra (3) Avery, Mclod and Mccarty
(4) tt,tfc-<qd' 14) Har8obind Khorana
go. fte i dF qli 6I rsr sfltdr t ?
90. Wtid of ft folo$,iry npresenb ord of , t
0) cffi (1) Equidae
tzl ifimlt+rror
(2) Perissodactyla
(3) {+dq
(4) !s (J) Cabalus
({) Ferus
el. qrq qi
3d{ i vgrq qrkoqsM
cqFfrfi +x
t ti t r sisn fu6-f, 6i qqr Bfdq ? x \ 41 91 Outof'X'paLs of ribs in humarrs onlv y. D,
sEn tqr qi E{rtdr t dR ssfi +i66{sr 6..dr t r
tsue ribs. Select the option that conecilv re'n.
v.lues of X.nd Yand provides their eiptan
-4tl x=o,t=z q,t}t-6 inri++'vsttr* 1e vn t
'<s .*{ srrir tTFr I (ll X=12,Y=7 True ribs are att,
donally to verl,ebral (,
stfiq * sic yS +fi t r
and venkally to the stc
(2) x = 12 Y = s sr{aktr cstdqt yB t|I'r i (2) X=12,Y=5 True ribs ar arr.
sit'{<6qd sti(q + Ftq<) doBally to vert bral c,
fir[trmgslt}fltr and sbmum on dle twr

Q) x=2a,y =7 srRk6 csts,n' y I (31 X=24,Y=7 True ribs are doj

'{rq attiched to vrtebEl c(
6+6li6t 9-6+frtaf{r but are frce on vtrhal !
orrrm{gmttfitr (41 X-24,Y=12 True ribs are dor
\4) x=24,y =12 qrRf{6 csffi'y qr.r i attached to verteblal cr
6*F.6<st g.S nid t nfti but .Ie ftee on vmEal .
92_ Match the following sexually transn
e2. riq -rd ki TA, dr dsfin rH iit rti
fu 6r.61 disases (Column - I) with rheir causativr
( riq - rr ) + vq !if{d *tqc dk s& f{6'fi sr (Column - II) and select dle cort<.t option.
qar +1frq Colu.urn - l
r Colunrn - Il
tiq-l tiq-rr (a) Conorhea (D HIV
(a) SdlT (i) !trv 0) Syphilis (n)
py tufrloe (ii) i/gtutuit G) Genitalwa s (iii)
{c) qc Tn o, tclhqr (d) ATDS (i") Human
(d) ArDS 1i"y qmtfrdrm I'apilloma-
tssrg Options
fu68: (a) O) G) (O
(a) o) c) (d)
0) (n) (in) (iv) (i)
Yl' (in)
(ii) (ni),
(w) (0
(iv) (,
(2) (in) (iv) (') (ii)
(3) (iv) (D (-) (D p) (iv) (ii) (", (0
(4) (i') (iii) (,) (i) ({) (i") (iii) (ii) (0
27 P

qt$Aqr qi <n qlfir{l iqRrdl dd 'dfi? icg +

ql. Thalassmia and siclb cell armir lre cauced due

{dqq d q{q + Ttrq tti t r#t cqq fl

qfi to a Foblem in globin molecule sFdlsb. Select
the .orrEd stabment
qlfdq I
(1) Both are due to qualitative dfct in globin
0) a-ii .dEn ,iEdt ri[Asq d g"Irfi6 EE t chain synthesis.

cnq tlt t t (2) Both are due to a quantitative dfect in globin

+ii 'ritfu ,i-dr ri{esq al rnqlulrtrf dz chain synthesis.
tanqdt t t (3) Thalassemia is due to lss synlhe6is of globin

(3) E-disfm rdfrr eI* 6q drdqot * orq molecules.

rtmtr (4) Sickle ce[ anenia ii due lo a quantitative

problem of globin molecules.
(4) qr, 61frr6r qrfidr -dltfi vE i fiem-ac
qqsr * qror ttm tr
94. Which of the following ie made up of dad cellsJ

94 aefotua i t d\q Td clRrd'lc]6I T{I ildl t ? (1) Xylem parerrchlTla

0) crrdcT{rf (2) Colerrchyma

121 epehr+ (3) Phelem
@," 4n (4) PNoem
(4) ltq-qc
95. A baby boy ed two yea,s is admithd b phy $hool
es. sfi A s{ + Fq q,l*19 qram{ vifl f<em 'rql t and pass6 CtrouSh a drtal che(k- up. Th dmtbt
observed tut tre boy h.d twenty he&. Whit Eeth
Tri <a cftHq c{ <d fnfd-tr+ i crcl fr ftrg } frq
werc abser$ ?
all afu a r ftqtdlriqiil qlcfiqi n ?
(1) Incisors
le. (1) F6
,- (2) Canines
all (2) {(+6
(3) Pre-molars
le. (3) 3{q-qdsr6
(4) Molars

96. freietua dffiq q.A.d. rrti} 95.
{ dr sI lm Whah of tre folowing cel organelb b Esponsible

tdq q@{ i cl ffitfli t tdq rdGr6 *dI

for erhacting enerry from carbohydratB to form
(1) Lrso6ome
(1) d.rlr6Fl
(2) Ribogome
(2) rrr'.itritq
(3) Chloroplast
(3) Etfi6{6
gf qr6Fr6l
(4) Mitochondrion

97 crc-drfi 6ti Eldr t ? ,. Capacitation occurs in

0) qsqqrtr6r (1) Rete testis

(2) enr{sq
(2) Epididymis

(3) {6qr66 - (r) Vrs defercrs

(4) qKri.ri fr (4) FemaleReproductive hact

t 22 @
s. fr(*{ *E6N
rfl rn + qtq {Tq m fr{Rrd !;cr 98. The association of histone Hl with a nuck
t? indicats:
(1) qtcrrlwtr (1) T.arrscriptioniiaEurrin&

(2) one ytl5&ql t rtrtr (2) DNA replication b oc.urrint.

(3) DNA slqEr \fi d {qfrn t (3) The DNA is conderEed into a Chr,
I FibrE.
gj" DNA al frdig-fr qrqn t I (4) The DNA double hetix isexposed.

99 r+rrl tdqq ql < ai rqrfqa qli srd 61r+1 } 99_ With reference to factorc affectins the
fE{c i frqtf,fua it dlr ql 6qi 16 Ts t ?
photosynthesis. which of the fouoh.iic
Is not corr(t l

0) co, ftqt6,(!r * fEq r6rfl {i{tu Wi S{ (l) LiSht saturauon for COr fixarion or,
r6ryr s lor c{ tfl t 10% of tuI sunlight
@,1ergdrfrq cq ni {tm o.o5% 6 T.6i t (2) In(reasr,g ahnosplEnc CO. con(enr
up to 0.05% c.n nhance C<t, ft,utiou
?16 co, ftqtf{ll
d < T6r sfi-fr t
(3) Cr plants respond lo hiqher temDer
(3) rq nFrm *1 !ftfrcr { Tdr lqr
c3 vsq with nhanced phorolynthesis ,
mM ttdw q{til t q-df6 ca cr<cl t fdq Ct plants have much lower temnr,
Evre anrn aiqn5,l 6r$1o,q d-dr t optimum

(a) (4) Tomato Is a treenhouse croD whrh ,

zqr.{ q6 ttfliE ssd t ffi, rq sq-c ci Srown rn CO2 . enrichd a'tmosofre,
+ toc cq !-gR? drCriE- { 3qrqr cl F6-dr higheryietd
I00. Homozytous purelines in cattle can be obLt
100. q{eld{ad{ c drq.r-qftq !6ReR f{i* w:
F{et? (l) mating of relaH individuats of same bi

EI" c6 i
rR + difti q{qI t, rirq Em Q, mating of unrelated individuals of

@ c6 d rR + qdiFrd c{oiI + {,rc Em (3) maring of individuab ofdirferent breed

py f<nra rel * qal t rim rm (,t) mating of individuals ofdifferehtspectr
({) fcfirr I-clM t cIEil + {rq Em
lfl. Which of the foltowint options gives the co.
sequence of events dudng mitosis
101 frefrfur i i drl sl f{6-f, Ui aqqr I {fi ?

ttiqrcfrq.ft n{0 lrgfi Ed t: 0) condensation q nuclear memh

disassembly --, crossing over
(1) dq-rq -r +?6ffimfurzq --r trl66qq se&eSahon __, telophase
-r Self6{q + 3i Errri (2) .ondcnsation + nuctcar nreml,
(2r1 ris-fi -) +-<6 ffi 6r frqJr -+ qq tr (lisasscrnbly -, arrangement at eiluatr
c{ q{tql -r Iqqrfti$in fqqEr -, yir{6{q
centromere division r segreSat i.
-+ Eigr*rql'
B) condensation --, crGsint over -J nur
p) r{rre -r:{efrfim --r *<offi crfeczr membrane disarsembly , segrgiho
J lqt6tq j i{Fnq{qt telophase

(4) rie-fi -+ qctsr.ct q{ql -r TUTEfiS i;l (4) condensation -+ arrangement at equah

fqqrdr -+ Itfi61ut i{ centromere divilion r segregatior

-, r{rcr telophase

i<rtr651 gargd *eainuri,&a url +tll-< 1@. Sek Ole cofi.d Ioute for trte Pass.Se of sPefmsh
nute ft 3:
dfqq 0) Testes -, Biddels canal J Kidney -r Vasa

qsq -+ frs{ irfl -+ T6 --.IfiF qir6l{ r efferentia J Urinofnital duct J Cloaca
5r-w+r arfr{; irir+'t (2) Testes J Vasa effelentia J Kidney -)
p) lcq -+ ifr rl|ft6l{ ; Trm'+ IfiFRFl -.' Seminal Vesicle J Urinofnital duct r
Ar-ci:r afti-i -+ *<wr Cloaca
p) r -,
Ecq r {.6 slf6r( J t{6{ 1El J {mFi
Testes Vasa efferenta Bidder's canal
-. qtTE5{
r Ureter -+ Cloaca

gqlr -+ ilr qts+( --r Tq --r t{s{ ird -+

(4) Testes -, Vasa efferentia J Kidney,
(4) Bidder's canal J Urinogenital duct -,
{rb {{-sn qE{ r sFIEII Cloaca

103. tdtrfirq f6{+14tftt6l d Tf crA sA ?

103. Spliceosomea arc not found in cells of
0) .iRq
0) Planb
(2) ?6tF5. (2) Fi*S,
p) T{l O) Animals

(4) Sqg (4) Bacteria

ile 10{. Which one from lh6e dven below is lhe Period for
le 1(X. ffqtdiqi di dirS scF tsd + {atq + TcH
Mendef s hybridizalion exFrimmb ?
d6? (1) 1&56 - 1863
rax - raer
1840 - 18s0
(2) 1840 - 1850

p) 7857 -r8r9 (3) 1E57 - 1859

(4) 1870 - 1877 (4) 7870 - $n

105. c,rtrq + { !rr6!qa.qr.q E sqlffi ict{tcr 105. The DNA fragments separad on an aSarose gel
can be visualisd after staining with
+qqtglqlT6't? :
(1) i}q]n6-{tdq
(1) Bromophenolblue
me (2) Acetoc6rntine
B) Aniline blue
(3) $rdaq (4) Ethidiumbromide
($,^ fqtscq ncrs
t()6. The firnction of copper ions in copFr releasing
to6. 6Ic{ c'lf{d'IUv iqlcl qr{d 6l qI Erd ifdlt? IIJDs is:
6; t grqul e1finn-om qi f{t{r cIT Eq (1) They suppress sperEl motility and fertilising
capacity of sFrErs.
(2) Agq6-drr6]lt{itl (2) They ifibit gameto8en3is.
(3) They nake uterus unsuitable for
e, t rrqt{Fr 6l tcq t frq q-JcTn i-{ ti t r
(4) n dffii qi rifin qG t r (4) They inhibit olulation.

107. SHe sElrR Rtf d qfen wdt d qr{ e( 107. Prcsence of planb aranged into weU defirEd vetical
+ rSen arffi r*i qtiid sr s+ H tl layers depending on their height can be seen bert
:al (1) Bqsrti{q-'qqrir (l) Tropical Savaruuh
(2) sEr6ffiqqqfTr-/' (2) Tropical Rain Forert
(3) qrs ttfi B) Gr.stland
(4) rtdqqr (4) TemperabForBt
18. fiq d-+{Eq+Eroqgaeq+mq11ir cct
1(B. WhLh oI rfie folol{,ing is concctly
itrd t? - Euhhed Ior I
productproducd by theh ?
0) qd?+lE q@jrfilqfts (1) .4cetoDs.r.r acrti : Antibiotica
(2) d{-ti**?/?lc: dfud, qR Q) Meth'noboderiun :t acid
(3) tttr?/?lr r}}er: g0ts+ uq Q) ^ctic
Penici ium notatum: Aceti. acid

Ctr Cffisr+rrda?, tqnte () Sacrhrunyces cerevisia? : Ethanol

rm. :ra.t{rqq trm + ft? qti +d c{ d.qr.q 109. What is the crftedon for DNA ft.ghentl
E!-iI s1 ft + frqdr ct qr{<Eq ilqr ? on agarose gI du riry gel lectrophoreris

Ot eltq$ilq3fusl!-s, qisrTd<q t (1) The larger dte nagmnt size,

the fa her
p;- :rErr1n ii) rlrqrq # e"s, utnrSa qr mr (2)

I -- - The smaller the ftagment size,

the farther
(3) tEriq-+ qraRn E!.s qqursa
{{ * f(fr x B) Positivelycharged fi,agnenb
qrdl E move b farth,

(a) Esndr6 qriRR E!-s,rfdq,r rfi ti (4) NeFtivelycharted fraFrenb

do not movt

110. y'q-i qC{fn f{.nsr f{F{r frtre Ecrq 110. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic
' t ? of :

l\' q;$fi4 .
. (1) Ma$hr.'ttia
@ qqrs Q) Fud.s
(3) ry1fty p) Fur'n ia

(4) Q) Chladydononas

rrr. qel+nkutr ry+rldsrr; Fq{, +tt? 1ll. Life cycle of Ectocaryus and Fucirs
(1) qrJt{il+1, fFJF,frq
(a e,Jfi,rfrq,qrJF,?_&gFril{1
0) Haplontic, Diplontic
(a Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
0r. ergft(_fuffi, fuFn1q (3) Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
(4) q'JFR-ECffi,qXffi
(4) Haplodiplonti., Haptontic
rrz. ftafrfsr i t drr n-r0 oH an {t+a +1ftm{
d llz
c{ frft-{d idfirdr flffi
+fr, t \r{it dr{
Whjch dmont the follor./in8 ar
fte sElalte3t livint
v{dl d tl'lq-r6 t dt{ f*n'rqfr*fi * ff{d rt clb, known wiftout dfinib e[ wa[
tD plrnb as wel as animrl, ard
R-64 t ? can survive without

(r) +fds oryten ?

e) qs,''*rrk Q\

r' cTr+iwwr (3)


(4) 1ie6
(4) Noi.o.
11s. {f, tq t6,s *-i t ffied *A t ?
113. hais develop ftom the rcgion of
e/"n"*, Root

0) Maturation
(2) {ff6rq
(2) Elongation
(3) Wrtq (3) Root cap
(4) t<lFitd+1nfrqn (4) MerishMticactivity
11{. Yv}uch have single ovule in the ovary and
r !e. fir{l da{c i cE {-clus til t dk A c6 FloweE
are packed into inllorscnc are usually pollinated
6sfirtat,."*u: ffiR( c{fiafi
t? (1) Water
qd (2)
0) Be

121 rgrd (3) wind

$. (a) Bat

rt (4) EIFIIEs
U5. R(epbr site3 for ru.otsarBmitEB ale Prcsent on
q{ fsq( di t
115. rit*iffi * ur& wn 6tl
it (1) memb(arEs of synaPtic vsicLs
0) fsiE6 !flr{Id ql Fkdl d (2) prFsYnaPtkmembrane
( 5d-friEtffii'
(2) (3) tiPs of a)(ons
(3) iifddm t fsd c(
(4) post{}naPticmembrane
g,7 rwfsiE+ffi;t
116. Plants which Produce characteristic
rro. Ffire vcsl-{dl 61w{ 6'{i qrA nql rfisr{dl pneumatoPhorf and show viviPary belont to :

<{H qn qqq fifdffiq 16sg

qetrr( t?
(1) Mesophyb
(1) sqt{tq (2) HaloPhybs
(2) e-q"rfirol:- P) PsarxEoPhYtEs
O ag4lo( (4) HydrcPhYEs
61 v-dqtr1
U7. DNA rePl.ication in bacteria occuB
uz. frclEdi ffiqq
d Elqr.g ltdl t: (1) Durint S Phase
(1) sq{et}t{F, (2) Witin nucleolus
(z) tfadlilr<( (3) Prior to fission
(3) fqqlrrt crd (4)
(4) tr1.&Ertfrov(A "-;fr, 118.
Ju3t before tra$criPtion

Husband and IAIB and

rre. qf< qrd qi rd 6I frt rqq IAIB G tt
The genotyP. of a

F{b q-]+IN(c,iliffit {d Fhtdrtc
a|,9 Among the blood types of their chiHn& how urany
{qst? differcnt genotyPe and PhenotlTes are P6eible ?
0) 3ct+4lq;3$irzEc (1) 3 tenotyF; 3 PhenotYP3
(2) c*rtatc; l$tizTEq ,h rs 'l). (2) 3 tenotyps; 4 phenotYPe.
(3,,,-{ drtzr{q ; 3st{ta5q
(l) afitzEq; aqltcr{q
7:'9 (3) 4 SenotyPes; 3 PhenotyPes
(,1) lgenotyPs;4PhenotyPes
11e. Fql61rrr lr<Tq fdfi-q-dqlRrdtqi @ ts1
119. Wttich of dle folbwing comPotlfnb Provide stkky
fqRrsdr r-{r 6adr t ? .,N! characbr to tlle bacbrial ceu ?
(1) ann*rm 4$ *h (1) CeU waU

(2) ir<*tcffi (2) Nucleffmembrane

(3) ceqtffi (3) Pltrma rredrbralte
(4) .'aE6Hk.-^ (a) Glycoc.tyx
uo. f{q I fi m RNA rFft nlftrdl
il ylGr d t-d 120. Which of the fo[owin8 RNAs shoutd be
aDundant in animat ..[ ?

(1) i-RNA (1) I-RNA

(2) I-RNA (2) I-RNA
(3) m-RNA\_,
(3) m-RNA
(4) hrRNA
(4) mi-RNA
l2t. t{m elcjt r 6I!+fi (Arq q-d Ejftrfl d E{{i
gqrs Fr i Ai + rdq qrqYq+ !}a?
ETrniH 16 121_ Anaphaje Promoting Conpler (Arc)
i, a Dl
oegnaation machinery necessarv for
6itm qrffitr ftemiffi*r t ercyeX"l oI animal cells. erc f
t aa*tire ir, t r-.
tdf{qdf,rfrnt,n?' which of the follo*ing is "
expecM to occur ?

0) Tr{i {fia rfr tt (1) Chromosomes wil not condense

(2) frn A 9r{t
nqT{ (2) Chromosomes will be fragmented

*13I" IIRF I'r{Tfin'l (3) Chromosohes wil not seSregate

(4) nlrqlgunfi{1ffitn (4) Recombination of chromosome arms

122. t{trfdfqd { * qa + dn i eqq c( +5d ETI qqi 122. Amont the folowing chancteB, which one
rqt { i{qR iA f6cl rcr qr ? not considered by Mendl in his experihent
6y ar - o<rrdnr Pea a

.1zr- a-srtq - dnrd qt rfqeft? 0) Stem-TaIor Dwarf

P) *c-fiqt+dr (2) Trichomes - Clandular or non_glandular

(4) s-d-I-dgiaffr-r (3) H ' cieen or yellow

(4) Pod - InIIad or ConsbicH
1zr. ++dyfti.
(1) ffiI cds
1Zr. Select the nirErahh :

(2) qss1-+f (1) F',I,l*ie

(3) \1tdq {rfiq? {qr{-6rd
@ Rhodospinuum My.orrhi2a
p) Antu@n".
(4) Ilrqrftc,, qslqffi (4)
Nihogen fixer
Rhizobiu,n AlIalIa
rzl. Efrtqr fte+ Em !-<fiid t6qr qEr t ?
12{. Double fertilization is exhibibd by
0) qt'qa+* 0) cFln6Ftur6
(2) {rsra
(2) Algae
G) .* (3) Fungi
(4) sITd-4-S\-,- (4) Angiosperms

125 C6 <qid td{ri y6q i{6ruJsil 61 dqr sEn Tq t 725 In (.s of a couple where the male is havinq a r
T{+ idc fttfi +1+h fl a-mm sfui rta z iow sperm count, which technique u.ill be iurta
qni <vr lor fertilisation ?
,.(q1 Eid:rnfvc

e) lt*z{gqlfHtudfrfljfrqr?i(F{ 0) InEauberirE tansfer

(2) Gafiete inkac},toplasmic fallopian hansl
(3) Ef{q+*tsqr
(3). ArtiticiallBemination
g4r oia:drfuilgxrgtalwr
(4) InAacytopla3micaperminiection
125. A te[rporary endocrine dand in dP huriun body
rze. qr+s {rt{ d dli d qu'ut* 1g q{ql{ t? is:
(1) fr
frt{q-e (1) Phed gland
a\ ffifG (2) Corpus cardiacum
(3) t-f,6,fiiE-- (3) Corp8luhum
(4) iiEtq fig (4) Corpus alatum

rnma: qt r+ff t?
t, 127. {a5{ 1gl 127. The vascular cambium normally dves ise to
(1) iFI4 rf,RR (1) Pheltodem

(2) vlqirctcqrt (2) Primarypl oen

.OI, Efirq qlrdq P) Secondary rylem

(4) cftd6 (4) Periderm


r2B. DNA cftf'frr{+{Rn lqffidsffi{dt 128. During DNA replication, Okazati fragprenb are
usd to elongate :
(1) The leading shand towa.ds tpltation fork.
(1) rtrrtd t{rq 41 "n
qtr,t qr< dl
(2) The lat$nt shand towards replkation fork.
gh ffd ff{r a1ilrs wqqr{ er< d
'pl ,Atfo Aa. ta lrqq <r 61
B) The kading st and away from rePlication
(4) vrt-fm rlnrq s c{ c[iITrcl <r< 6r (a) The laSgingstrand away (mm the replication
1 eftr+tqinqr rrcl ai fle 6{t i tdqtrql Tql
qor <r <nta t ? 129. Artificial rekion to obtain cows yielding hther
tt*q milk output rcpre5ents :
Or, qr+6ir6qtur ditf qt fi{q d re FqoI
\ cf-srfr+rqqmtr
stabilizing selection as it stabiliz6 this
character in the population.

<+rztnto" afr" ct Eerol qq 6l qfi frrn (2) dirctional .s it push6 the mean o( the
d-qtatrrtr ' " charat6in o daFad5n-

) fr<ri{ {qlir ct v{{iul al A i fqlqlfdd (3) dis.uptiveas itsplib dte population into two,
one yielding higher output and the other
66r t, G qnro wr<r crd qi rr{ 6c lower output.
(4) stabilizing followed -by disruptive as it
(4) t
rqrd-+r6 sR f{<r.{ R}Ftr T( s{{igl d stabilizes the popularion to iroduce hither
ra rar<+,nql qt rqrfiorq qrm t r yielding

130. *X46oq6s a,rnrd {d t{qtqld q.qikd 130, Which of the fouowint options bst reprcsenb the
w t <ntatz enzyme compo6ition of pancreatk iuice ?

(1) qqEilq, qqlq, Gtuirir,lfn 6*"1n1 (l) .mylare. Fptidase, tryFinogsr rerudn
(2) qqrdq, itoq, ftFs-+in, q'+{ (2) amylase, pep6it! Eypsin%m, mltrte
(3) Fptidase. amyLs, Fp6ur rthin
(3) Hlc, qcrr+c, nfui, lfrr Gnnnr)
(4) lipase, amylase, trypsinotn,
$,-'Errtd, qqqAc. f*kn-qr, rffiMtc p.ocaftoxr?eptidase

r3r. rlftq-dr[rlEtrfuR 116r( Trt? @

131. ddcotutfruit b .
g4 qfudR :

(2) E({s-d 0) Drupe

(3) tqw @tuy

(4) (3) l"t
(4) CaFute
132. W mra*rEr< ffi{r t-drt?
1*I. w The wabr pobntial
of ptll water is

(2) YFisq (1) Zao

p) {<tqfrr+c(trq6trsq Q) lces dran zero

(4) C6* iqFr6

(3) Mote than zxro buues
than on.
(4) MorE than one
H*ml*Fg1Y*q$"*,o ""
f{q atrd { rE? frER qcr ilgilHmtrfen outof 0'e bodyconhr
+r +1fsq
(") +ae qqisqnit*, r
Select the be3t option
ftoh, the following
o) iacd +)96 qB"a, -6 *, (a) Fr b. poikilotherrr
f.l rq ftncfrn r-tTd Bl itdr t (b) Frog does not have any coronary
(d) GqsdM+drtr
(c) lleart b 'myogmic in hature_
fr6a, (d) He.n b autoxcihbIe.
(r) +{dG) Optionr:

e) +s_d(d) (1) onryG)

(3) (a)K(b)
(2) onry(d)
(4 p) (r)rndft)
(4) (c)rnd(d)
r34 srd gE +ta?ygrqrayffi*.rqtR
tttrerfltI 13{. Coodiislm d?sds on adquab intake
fte { vqlF{d qqr gt qqr +ltqq
Select dre be.t option
G) +tehtf{.rfrr A*qvarrttr frodl the following shhlrEnr

tu) l-*Itr+l6 q6n*dsql O, A derivatives are formd

tqtlitr '-'
*H fro
G,l taafqe a +r
{e-* t r ffi**H"'ffi?fi"ffiI"Hifl"..
fat tErc gt Etu x-6Rlsd.+j 6r e_6rv qdri{ (c) Retinal is a drivative of Vitamin A
rr. tt (d)
part or a, th.
fr*,-m: Xflilffr"H""^t"'ins
0) G)qso)

(2) c),G)G(d)
(1) G)"ru1q
\3)- (a)wG) (21 (a), (c).nd (d)

(4) (b), G)C{(d)

(3) (a) andc)
(4) O),(c).!d(d)
.,.o J. .+r

! tffil 29 P

$s. MALT qr',rq rt{ d

g*6lq A6 dl FIq',I ffi 135. MALT .or$titub .bout
tymphoid tidsue inhumlnHy.
Frcent of the
(1) s0%
(1) 50%
Q) 20 -
Q) 20%
(3) 70% B) 70x

(4) 10%

136. q{ +frq FFrfl +1kr rz cm t r q! 500 K rT{ 136. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 clr
qi: rr+i-rxl radiat8 450 watt powet nt 500 K If [t ndius wele
4s0 sr. Illft El Tsil 6,(fi t r 'n halved and the cmpelature double4 tE PowEr
:fiqt 0/2) ngl frN-aa 5{ 6{ ffi sqirGfiia radiatd in waft would be :

ni< *r en aiz i tnn-: ,.4fl (1) 22s

(1) 22s t, (2) 450
(2) 4s0
?"*%n (3) 1000
(3) 1000

(4) 180qv-
(4) 1800

frFra q{ql al Ti dt all e dk s s], qfts fi <{tt 137. Two ro& A and B of dilferent materiale ate wlded
rsz. together as shoryn in fiSule. Theit thrmal
'ri e-5en emv { i<
6{ dtq f<q T q t r rq vd conductivities are K, and K2. The thrm.l
ql sqt q-mrdt r'c$, K1 dql lq nl, F{i T{ tl conductivity of ihe composib rod will be :
tTft dE 61sqi Er;rdfl litli :

Po)*\ Tl T2
i T, T2 ./

K1+K2 0) 2
0) 2
3(Kl+K2 (2)
(2) 2

G) Kr +19
(3) Kr+r9

(4) 2(K1+ K' (4) 2(K1+ K,

r:a. r*m q1 afiH, l

A sln x,=rooo A
=aooo t 138. The ratio of resolvint powers of an opti(al
H, !-6ntq qFeff o1 f4tqr qtr ql qt lq1qa micrcs{ope for two wavelmgths \ = 40(x) A ud
t, )'2=6000 A b:

(1) lll 8:zi.

\21 9 t4 Ql e ta

(3) 3i2 (3) .. 3:2

(4) 16 :81 (4) 16: &
739. f6m 4 \ffidsr cr erq6.r?
t, r*q ar + W 139. A ldE oleooid of di.mek O.l mtu.2x
6r qql 2xlor-EFffiT-{t+-}< pe! e&r. At dE cenkr of the
c( eohnid, a r
o ot m tFr tqr too +.[ ?rO qr ru, hrlre and r.dius m i, pt (ed with
^-g - rdr t Ei <trl al EE
$aA w rqn
{r !frr,ff6r !-{fti
ili <td frga qrtr\l-m q+ fun < t cq rtm lr
couEdlng with the Eohnoid axir.
the lohroid reducs at a constanl
The curr
rate to (rjl

*":;^' l,
1A_rn010-5s the resiehllce of ttE(oiJ rs lt
t. " ..
t-s{tr o.os; { ti ri fi
d clir i r qft, +Ed 6r the btalcharge flowing ttuough
trme is:
theroil du flr
qr ttl l0 # o t'd:iq
o'r.n t r+to ie-A t (r)
E-d .ir+{,$* , 32 rr rrC

(r) 32 rr rrc 'uoil-.

..'!J (2) 16pC
DA Ql 16 pc (3) 32pC
(3) 32 pC (4) 16n y.C
(4) 16 r pC
140. The de..Broglie wavelength of
140 cdTf{ rqm "r t nqr q6I t*kr) aR c( equ[- t'I um with heavy water
a neubon in th"

y a-e * rrrr sqiq c. tit{i i_dr.d {Ketvm) and mass m, is:

at a leEloeral.
airrH Bti ,
h y,- h
0) JmlT
A\ !a '' ./E*T

i3 F-'l
(ahffi h

F- h
r'' J3ffi
P) J5^rr-=
I '' J3E*T )d
4 2h 1c,. (1)
(4) JmkT

., ur. q+ fu frfu<r tfl raFFI 3.Ig kt aqt ao cm

A rope irwound around a ho[ow cylinder of m
o tr vswq+$0 <l rs dm 6i q.E;
18 and radius 40 cm. What is the angu
..4 3oN+ Td
di-sr qrq fr. fqfd<r 6l sifrq d{q
'T3 ? I

:ff flHij I. "*oer if the rope is purbi r

ftF {r Elr[ ?
(1) b ml s1
(1) n/ s2 4'o'"
\P' r 2s
3b (2) 0.8 nd1s2
(2) 0.8 rad/s2

!.,. Q)
25 ftd/ s2
a ,,#" ).tj (3) 25 ndl54
(4) 5 Drls2
142. i+S aRar cf tq ,n, elq tr {s ?R +i frEdrqr 142" The rsrshn(e of a wire b ,R, ohm. If
and shhHto,n,times its original
trrtr t 3rktu, f{n, Td il;,i.qfr a<g
6@ an E-lr Eqr qra {iJflfr airEffir r},r ,
-* reslstan(e will be
lenglh.,rs r.

/u (1) nR G .> 1aY

(1) nR
\re."? l' !
!n )^,
.q P

-@I n2R (3) n2R

P')u, +t

W"kl r nP
f'i:4D ' 1-9
. q.)'
U- 5,t .1 .-4'e

'oil io. nm i"t* @mn $ arm tufr* tcfrq l{it. TIE r.tio o, wavelerutn of Ure b* frktf S.fiut
wc ftt tr'ltEsl TI'irJqE t , -! -,
rarkt and Ule l,art lirE of LyErrn rder i! :

o) 2 -. .)Ll*
* (1) 2

e)1 (2)
E (3) 4
& (3)

(4) 0s (4) 0.s

1aa. ffi r+m ula, r- i, 16r{ 6I qs f6{q1jq, ssi r

14,{. A beam of Light from a source L is irriderlt normally
qt qrr+(vw tr rs
10 c{ Rrd !F sFfi q{q on a plan miror fixedat a certain dbtrmc r
foro(v $ ame mada t, dn I * &+ sqr fua the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a
(6 ffi (*-d) c{ yfl{ 6r qtr t{< T{ t I q{q scale placed iu5t above the source L. When the minor

dffi lrf,ft1q, e d gqH qr, T6 !-dm f{< Eq is rotad through a smatl angle 0, tlle rpot of the
tight is found to move ttuough a distarri y qn the
rre T
qqn q{ t ffidn rl srdr t r nl, e 6r cn
v <ft sc'le' Theangle o is 8ive")'ir,1.y^'Y'l
t\'n :

v 0) :,- O, .-"9F*a:)
rrfr, w
(2, t **iy
? c/v
QI ; *Y"Y*,
(4) ; &'"n*
r{5. qtl :rfte i *r sqr<r ard al q* qaRI q{td d 1{5. An arranteDent of three palalel sE itht wiles
ular tr i m retc{ (y)-t{cmr--+ Eq-+trt rnk plaed perFndicular to plane of paFr caryint
*'ith {tfri r' t+grurn sE d f<fl t tlrd t r re same curent'I' along the same directin iB shohn
in Fit. Magnitude of force per unit
Etd-a:ffitffi, rR B'il!fr aed qr kBth on the
middle wirc'B' is given by
d'ri 6T qfgrq Arl C
B d C
B d

. (1)
P*,i,t 0

zttoi2 (2\
Q) 'td ?' a rrd
J1*oi2 w f d' r6. J1lpoi2
(3) --E-- p)
d:. rd
r f'!
'" ffiffi#fi1"H#:,Vl*J* 146.

il.T*^tr-* t, tus*1 qr{rn
I g*t:.oR
eft mtr uo o,7" ta),1rt
6 srfi6 t1 w f{ B1 ff{ tn-a.n gm

(1) 3so H"

n } V+ ffiiffi-ffiffi
(1) 3so r.lz
12) %1H2
Q) ltlz p)
I (3) 411H2 (4)
4t1 Hz
(4) 4,},z 4$ Hz

ffi {q ql k#q qfd qr+d fr qt qrqq

g cm t r

r is 6q 6r qr{+6rd (*tts
t) t ,
(2) (2)
G 2n
4n 4n'
(3) p)
"t5 J5
2,n 2T
(4) (4)
J3 J3

148. ser tcr t 6q d tufr *, A.* * t,

*ol 148. A camot mgne havinS an
efliciency of ] frat
sq-nsrch cgtffiaqf .ft fucr q,iltt; qf< as

l- !ftEll * i*, ,rqr qr{ ro, A a}, f+q arc
T-E { .x-qrtfrd s'qi qn
i},n .
(2) eol Q', qJ
(3) eel B', el
(4) lm, (4) lm,
149. <i tBdqfeq v{ql, ,a' ?qrr t {cir Fq{: ,e
?ql -r, t I fiq { +d + lltlli 61
rtqr {qR t r
lEFtri {cc t wsq !-sd ,r d
tfir+i +1 tqr er *l:ft1xdit-,*.l*f#,,,{i+i
'a' { nnr+I+1vsr t qr.n tf, I
} 'e'*iI f" ] I
0) :-
@i QI

8I (3)

9I (4)

ri@l 33 P
lso. +rl fst c{ qd q61-fc+t *'l vr{ t afrm m 150. A U tube with both erd3 opn ro tle.tmospllrc, it
cr{ fi fi?rd i ti
gs*1q{ tcl i crdr
p6nialy 6[ed rvitl wshr. OiL whidr immiicible i
to rc{ srdrTqr t fd cE <st rd d q{ t ro i wi&l waEr, is !,oued inio one side until it statrds at
a distarrce of 10 mrfl above the wiht lvel on the
ro mm tqr tl qrdr t irql qsfr 5w I vi iFt ire othe! side. Meanwhile the water ris6 by 65 mm
s(+ s(ifir6 Td t OS nm Sqr {6 qrdr t r( iTkq from ib original level (se diagram). Ihe deNity of
the oil is I
?@) nJ as +d 6r .xrtlsr{ si-d t '
Pa Pa Pa I'a
".mrf, E
tFinal watr level
65 mm
65 rrun
oil ,D
+d ---r--- D yrift-+ qo <r -..r-.-.- - Initial watsr level
t- 65 mm 65 rnm

(1) 650 kg m-3 (1) 650 tg rr-3

(2) 425 kg nl-3 (2) 42s kg m-3
(3) 800 kg trl-3
(4) 928 kg m-3 B) 800 kg m-3
(4) 928 kg rr-3
rsl. qat<r +Arilnq{q6+.r (TcASA) }r qdi
6C( Ti 151, Preeti reached the metro station and found that the
clr d,rdl I lttil !e 161 trdT escalator was not workinS. She walked up rhe
t re 16 Bs Y{ G'$ rtar, qrm dunlf< orfi stationary escalator in time t1. On other dayr ifshe
td, ftrn stl c{ !6fr{ $c{ T6i q remains stationary on the hovint es.alatDr, then
the escalator taks her up in time h. The time takm
t6qr by her to tvalk up on the hovint scalator will be :
t1 '}t2
0) tr +t2
2 Jni^ (1)
(2) \-2
tz -tt ty, trtu
Q' tz-tr
t2 +tl trtz
tz +h
(4) \- \
rsz. ffi r(!Ilf(r 61c6 &t t qdftn f+qr srdr t r frr (4)

ffi d @mr, re {qRa t, qqmrq dat+ tsr

A q6 irq inrafm dqrft-d dq fflr qrdr t r nj, {s 152. A capacitor is charSed by a bahery. The batiery is
removed and anothr identical urdurged capacitor
!-5R si cfiplrff t{6rq 61$-d ftc{ iqa s.qf (cFe
rsconnected in parallel. The total ekEtattrErgy
{qRz +1 Ee-a i) : of resulting system :

1r1 l 1a ra vrt fr (1) inqeass by a factor of 4

e) qr+n t urtfi (2) deceases by a factor of 2
p) TE rt'ff (3) rsuin5 the sa,Ile
(a) 2X e-d qrtff (4) irceases by a factor of 2
-ryk j" 5.I8. hjr: 34
\). qftd-
\9< '</-+ t0,

)...- f.'t",yg;1J&.rtr,il

, :. 0) (r-ror liit^
a (2\ 1.2s1, (ii) (i)
(3) (4 lool (ii) 8.7sJ rovt)'.I (2) (i) 1.2sJ (n) _8.2s,
(4) (i) ro,J tut -r.iul (3) (0 1oo, (ii) s.7si
(4) (i) lo, (n) _8.7r,

'* *"mlmii#ffiffi?P*:
(1) cels
Q) ftq-s !-curdr
(2) pobntialgadienc
(3) t*m< * qm *rcft ?rli sfl ftqfr o'
(4)ffi, H*qta aqr frtql et rtqtq? ;j:f:*i:'*curcntnowrtuouth
lss. frqii+-d qM d t f+lrS Er+s qrGerc L:o.I:i'udon
of cells, galvan64g6,
qcq {
155. which one of the followint rcpre3enb (orwa!
R bias drode
-2V ?

(2) 0) 0v R
-3 V

(3) +2V Q) -4 V

(4) 3V (3)
5V +2 V.
tso. i+afoa qTr} I t *ih t 3V
oqe qi& |I (4',
G) td fr*u*+* nt Ys6r rqqn +<
sts tq titr . .
156. Which of the following
state&enb at. co,' ct ?
(b) fai$ fcBEr rqqB +< q6
v{ E'n $d
t < t qr{n tfg
Tt'Sq r\t ,rqd WtI
' ffiT.lffiJn*vd*1tox,incia*
(o,,. fty
qt{ !-6R qi
R rT.Tqj
asq pr+_,rtq aq, "' ffi:ls;l:Hfirffi1'g;Ti
+cdr. t i
lA qiry ilq 6l *.*irl
t .iFr* 6ii sr k)
lJ."::[, :il ;"1..,11 J#"1,";: *:,J
al{4 qE t fT 6q qErR t qnr+ qn
sarcr (d)
w Frdr tl I*il:i*xlT,*"#ri:"til,il:
0) (bJ qr (d)
(2) (a) nql O) 0) (b) and (d)
(3) a) G)lnd O)
g) nqr (d) O).nd (c)
t (4) (c).nd (d)
i t]@t 35 P
157. Yd + Ys t 1 km lnri qr
f,ldq-tqrq 6rqFl46 157. Th .eelemfron due to gravity rt . hight t
tnrd+tffi'fuc(tn above the 6rth ir the rame as at a de?th d Ebw the

0) d=
kmdr 5L,\' + )o sur{ace ofeardr. Then:
2 a=1r^
(2) d=lkrl (\ ..,/ )
0) 2
(3) d
km I \."4' t lz) d=1km

=1r- L +"*
@ J=2tslt
(3) a
2 )
rse. frql q'wr frrq d r mv vqz,ela icf*ifi nqr (4)

l qto qnJr rrq t r crfiE6*f*qrq] 6i qr"q 158. A tas mixture consisb of 2 motes ot qand 4 motes
qnt $, Ec Fr+fld S;e qr1[rd e-ql ot Ar at hmperature T. Neglecting dl vibrational
-; -' -o t'n ,
fl) 4Rr modes, the lotal intemal energy ofttEsysterr is :

b; rs Rr 't"w
.6. ;Ri . i,6 ^-4-
;t- " (1)
', .,1\h"a'* rs RT
(4) ' Rr L- *:l
rsg. *l*'ffi t{qa ffifttd
159. The photoelectsi( tkeshold wavelength ofsUver is
3250x10-10 m tl a}, :$6xro-totrl 6ttlH $ 3250 x t0 - m. The vetocity of the le6on eiecled
wffi r-*rvrgm +{ t tfiffia sW,ii+r 'u
from.a silver surface^by utrraviolet light of* wavlnigh 2536 x 10 - 10 m is
(h=4.14x10-ls evs ilqt c =3 (Givm h=4.14 x 10-rs evs and c=gx 106 hs-t)
x106 uu-1)
(1) =6x105ms-l (1) =6x10'tms-l
(2) :0.5 x 1d ms-r l , (2) s0.6x106ms-1
(3) = 61 x ld ms-l (3) - 61xr03 ms-t
(4) -0.3xldms-l ({) -0.3x106ms-l
reo. r.ez qq{dri+'t6lqt <i, q+,y ek6rqq{tr 160. A thh prbm having rfracting angle ltr b made of
qlq F
roo t r rg ri
+1r.2 <cq-{tri6 qtr t t ghss o{ftftactive indr( l.lZ ftis priqtcomfirra
q erq yre k t tt t
+sf<qr qdr ys dqtqr
with another thin prism of glass of rft,.ctive index
1.7. This combimtion produce disperirn reithout
Fcerttsr qfi*qq $q tln tr a,l, lR eq tt dvi.tion The reftactint angle of scond prbm
s{ra+6qtr !t{ srft{ : should be:
(1) + 0)4
(2) 6' (2) 5'
p)a G)r
(4) 10" (4) 10
rsr. ffi ,ffiq Fis 6r qr{dr !-flR{dr Wifi ,8, t I W 151. Th bull modutus of a sphericat obred is,B, Uiti5
c{ (irslm <Fl ,p, Ernqr qal t I , {F+1 t,q q sxbiected to unilorm pressure ,pl the frdctional
fir*rer+ qt t),t r d<rease in radiu. i(

0) I
3p Q) 3p

(3) !P !P
I 0) D
(4) P
38 ({)
P 36 @
162 q6 rfr6l6I q6' frn r< t dk 6r frv ger tr 152. The two nearst harmqrks of a tube closed
fs+ A fffi.E ffi q{
+1 qEft rdnq:r: zo rt end and oFn at other end arc 220 Hz and
Wha t i5 th tundamental frequency
nq 25o Hz tnl f ft6rq d ry offi f+'*t r}Iff ?
of the sy
(1) 10 ttz (1) l0 Hz
(2' 20 Lrz (21 20 Hz
(3) 30 Hz (3) 30 Hz
(4) 40 Hz (.r) 40 t{z

qrd q6 iilttr+ riftr

:.", * ic-{i
163 163. A physicalquanhty of the dirnensions
61 f{qrn of ten,

{d t ci @ q1 tr (q6' v-om fi ir, can bcfvrmed our of r.c*o jl o r.*,

c - srdfT* Tdq fui{i6 dqt e 3ni{It) T6 tiltr6 of li8hl, C.'s universat corlsrant ot gravrtatr
{ft i}'fi , 1t- L' L5 Chargel:

e;-9d' r[ ,, ]tl
C ^2
)* ^L
(') ;[" n*]
(2) .2 c o2
4r'o ,,
' il-)h
,'1" 4?u
L l
rl "2 1% ,l ", lt,
c' lc l'.0
") aL"*.]
(1) "2
4*, $)
IC 2

eq( ql zlt * i ,s1,

q- 'l i qE' q:r
s;uSo t eft Vr{I 6n fu{ q6 ffi qTda t-q c{
fi* qqqH 6r qqi
154. One end of sb]ng of length I is (offEded 0o p,
\ e,frEla m rtAtsgtrrftrt*oratmnww ol mass 'm' and the other e'ld is conlre(Ed ro a
',' ffi t qth +rdr t d, T( c( d'ri Erdr tc Td peg on a smooth horuonbl t ble. If the p.1
) slk) tlqr , (T-rRft ct T{rs t)
moves in circle with speed,u,, the net force.
particl (directed iowards center
(T represents th

0)r q-

(r) T*+ L

(4) rf{
\{:1 (3) r .,2
165 zp tl.ri ar"it \'6 xr{drE'F ;$3Fir +i dqri 2 I (m l4l Zcro I
ah'fu .'"J=, siE 8s;;E-fqqn
'rm 165
A 250 - T rrn rcdangutar coil of tenqrh 2 I ..
rsrka A:A'il Es c{ o.8s r-ilgdr # 86 wrdth I 25 crn cur.,"s a.urr"nt if 85 r,A
*-* qrtfrR t6cr qrdr t rE + + froE I* sutie(ted toa magnetic field o{strB& 0 85 T. I
jj<d * rao. t CcA+H "nq"t qrd
qrqrr+ el qtq done tor rotadng the coil by 16(r against dle ro

4' Pr/ a trS is:
(1) 1l)
EJD} {'t ll rnr'l )
e.1pl f-,
(2) 4.55 pJ (2\ 4.55 p,
(3) 2.3 pl p) 2.3 $l
(4) 1.1s pJ (4) 1.15 p J
tffil P
! 165. q tuq (6qr{) sr 6{i
ft{d6 k t t lqdl 1 166. A spring of force constant k is cut inb lnlgtlls of
: qF d 6E ffl Tql t ffi Rqr{d 6l rqcrd r.tio 1 : 2 : 3. Tlrr, tte connctd in r6ie5 urd the
rEwfole const ntbl( . Thn lhyarecoturecd in
r :2:3.t1 F iftfr 'qrfi a1 iln ,q { qH c{, par6llel rnd force constant is k". Then k :k" is
rtqtcr 616qr{ ftqd6 r; i6 {qrfirq { dqi c(
(1) 1 :6
rtr d, rn-gr,frr.-Tim, d-rb (2) 1:e t
(1) 1 ,6
- r:o)
v ",v\: Lt(
(2\ 1:e \Jo' /' - ) Q) 1;u t
g (a) 1:14 6
.\J 1.11 .' (
(4) 1:14 9 ..' -The
9l 157._ dhSrarru below show rcgionc of equipoErtiils

tz. qd ste i- g;R sqiqqq d? E{tii 'TA

t 2A


) lr
^llll. )
lov 3{}v 10v 30v
(.) (b)

A pGitive charge is moved from A to I in each

r&d, qte qd tr{s6 qrir e} e t s 6i cIA

tr al, te v;q d, q +1 e ! I atri vi { : 0) M6rirlum work is required to move q in

f\qnre G).
(1) sto 1c1 d ofume ar4 +r+ v3'n
(2) In all 8rc four cas3 the work dorE b the same.
(2) erfl qrtl nidi d qqn ar{ +r<r ctqr r
f3t Minimum work is required to move q in
p) srftc 1"1 I tln crd e'm r figure G).

(4) ufre p1i utr{.de +r{ em vln r

({) Marimum work is required to move q in
6gur O).

164 t rr<F<rralH el sq6 qci rr{fttcn t qz qrdr

168. Two asuonauts are floating in gnvitational free
t einififl-$effiffi--q-<tedtri aqil tr spac afte. having loot contact witr thei, spaceship.
ii@: The two will:
Uy^*dSc1at{sdrtsfrTfit(r (1) keep floating at drc same distance betwen
(2) qd-(d +1 sh,rrd 611r
(2) move towardr each other.
p) qe.Ert{Rwt4t
(3) move away ftom eaah otlxr
({) e-+a&i; (4) will become stationary.

169. q& F6'S scq c{, ffi

oor t
x an y fifuir,
159. The r and y coordinatB of the partich
lFrryr: r = 5t- 2P nql y- 10t t (qir', ?qr y frt.{ I are r = 5t - 2t2 ard y=
at 6ny time
lot rEpectively, whIr r and
+r t t*-q tl r*ir=z, qI Bs irq 6r GRq yare inmebrs rnd tin seconds. TtEGeler.tion of
rln: u'p
------: fte Frti.l rt t = 2s ie :

0) o L',I 0)0
\t s m/s2 \. (o (2) 5 m/s2
- .-lj.
G) -4m/sz O) -4m/s2
(4) - 8 m/sz (4) -8 m/sz
P 38 EE
uo. {,rttfrtyfuelcr&cqd dkfir(ffi T{ 1z). Young's double rtt rq('nnat b fu Derforr
qrqq df+qrqrdltr qrqrqr qrdr tfd, wqqqd rir and then in ! mediulrods tlun air. ltis r
tlat 8a' brtht ftinge h dE ttrediu.ll li6 wh(
s{ {q fiic nqr cE d r{ lr4q f*q q{ t srr dark frirye ti3 in dn. The rfactive indEx
q{T{itl nl, Ssmqq6t rqwt{i6E}'[ 6rrql : mediufl is neady :

(1) 1.25
0) 1.2s
(2) 1.59 (2)
(3) 1.69
(3) r.6e
(4) 1.78
(4) 1.78

14. fr, W ER t eqq-* i sratq{ {q-rcii I ifiid

3iNTS nrn (rfr) alq 01 nqr 02t d, srfu{rqi ln. If 0t and 02 be the appaftnt ang[6 of dip ob(
qlq o +r qn ics vqtcrq t ym tqr ? in two vertical plans at right rngl6 to each
then the tsue angle of dip 0 is givn by i

1t) cot20 = coP0, + cot?0,

(1) coPo =cofq +coPO2
(2) tan20 = tan2ol + tan202
(2) tan20=tan2ot+hnh2
(3) cot20 = coeq -cot202
(4) tan20 = tan2ol - tan202
Q) coP0 = coP0, -ioP0,
(a) tan20= t n20t -tar202

u2. i{cr rmr f{qd t {6 f6 fu t g@ t


172. The given elecEi(al netwo.k is equivalent to

v* B

fr 0) ANDfu
oR rtc

0) AND gate

(3) NoR iz (2) OR tate

(4) NoT rt (3) NOR gate

(4) NOI gate

Fe-{ dm fdq6ffr et{ q-rE+<il t icTa{l
lrec ti: tq6 -e-Tffiqc<r 1e+ae1
ard{lt 173. S+po6e t|e charge ofa proton ard.n el(ton
tt lf< w1&t'a' (0 q{ Err$qr + a slighdy. One of tfiedr is - , the other is (e + l
Rqqoii h+s ( d crcrl {sI ! -S eF.n th net of electsostatic foKe and gravitndona I

6; rori-.furdqt{ffi iret .6I qtuffi (t) beh,,/een two hydrogen atom3 placed at a dista
(much greater than atohic ai"a) apart is zero.
q<tai,ae*+ia*fi, Ae is of th ordr of lciven mass of hydr
(k{ t ul{tqr Er (qqlr mh = 1.67 x 10 -z kg)
(1) 10-z! C
0) 10-20 C

(2) 1o-zr c e) 10-23 c

a) 10-37 c P) 10 -37 C

(4) 1o-'7 c (4) 10 -!7 C

!, ffir '-daP..A-Fu'
,?-.,'rq{5i, 1irIE6 t 3
) ,-9""+ [*q"
rzr ffi arrqftq ffier 174. In a common emithr transietor amplifier dle iudio

fril t
de xq-froa sEI o v tr 3iry+ er 3igna.l voltage actoss the aollector i! 3 V.
rabtai.e of collector is 3lO. ff curent gain is 100
cFdt r s ko-t r qfi qtri:tfaiYoo-cqr-rclilt 6l and the base rcsistance b 2 kO, the voltage and
rrd.r 2 6-fai, rq+6 if s\+ft"di"r dqr qfn- power gain of the amplilier is :
afar t *t : ' -*;-; ..g
qriffivr: (l) .|{,-
200 and 1000 ._- it 1
1t) zm r{h tooo \* .o-g)' - "n-Ii-
121 s ctt zoo .t; (3) 15000 ('' .T-
- ' ,' 150 and

:l Y.Iy
(4) 20 3m2000
(" 175,
(a) 20 and 2000

Figure shows a circuitthat contains three identical

rzs. qd s{ria .ra qfilq q nh F+sq qftriu*. A -{sq resistors with resistan.e R=9.0 O each, two
identical inductors with indutance L=2.0 trrH
nr+ ict{ qtn qr<d ffi
G t r r*o ffirtqo cl each, and an ideal battery with emf = 18 V. The
rftrtq, n = o, r*riro6rirq-, L= 2 0 n {
t through the battery just afrer the switch
aqrffi{l frqaqfdEro, e=revtr aJ, ks61 closd rs,
c< ad }' gr< w<qffi t fqgd qr{, ,i, 6r cn
' + L I(
+ L R R L C .;
I{ L C
(1) 2mA
(1) 2EA
(2) 0.2 A
'tr 14
(3) 2A (4) 0 ampre
(4) rf{qfq{(
176. Two block A and B of mass6 3m and rn Espectivety
rze. t Xzaii eaqn* iFrI{I.3m nql m tt t are conne.d by a massless and inexhrcible string.
lclcq il , 3rt{dla rvq* The whole system is suspended by a massless
f{6rq q1, qftqE m-flrj"* q6 rqqTGa sprint as shown in figure. The maSnitudes of
acceleration of A and B immediately aIbt 6e sking
fFjil (E,qri) Er{r Frfirqrrqr t r stt al 6E ti t is cut, are respectivly :

era--a dk s td{qt qftqrq fi mwr: :

* -',,q--vi-A\ 3m
/-l- 1-"
'*'f'" -
(1)'& c3


\Zt-' c 8t) P)
lt"t' u" 3

(3) a'8
"g5--n (3) 8,8
t (4)
12. qltltdfrprnqi p2 r,l fsmnrqrcrtf$, tr+1 tZ.
pohrci& pl
qs-ar{ d,E<i{lt i, qr orqfra q{hr Two rd p2
rrc placed with tI
l_+nr perpendrutar to each odE. Unpobdred
cffftarotr p., dk pr* +s { !tr q{ +fttrs rncrdent-on pl. A third polar;id p,
is ,
p3 rst
fs rqr qrdr t f6 fF61 qqr pl sfl lqq t Detreen
t and p2 such dut is *i" or"i."
{5" +t +1ur
rrrfr tt nj, p, t vrr'tu l-drir d ii#$,E;""' * or tsar$rni.n"
Io (1)
(1) 2

(2) h (2)
4 4

13) !s (3)
8 8

Io b
(4) ({)
16 16

17S. a fu{id (qfs-6Fi) *Tr erT,f qrcs I r{Fr t 178.
t qr{-qr{ frfia qlr, ci E{+ TTrd t drT{( r Two_d ijc! of same mommt of nerua
rnerr rgrtar a\is passihg through
t dt{ !fx-6r + +< t A+l fsrfr tt'!R?:, Fqyl perpendicutar to rhe ptan of
dis; with ar
an +)vfri i.r t.yh attotr1r+iq{ (R vetoohes or and 0r2. They are
brouaht rnto c.
qqsfemnffi {eiqr qifl t ft,r+1sfi
",, tace to Iace coincidint the axis
expression for lo6s of enerty during
thir proc
s-qi srq + ft{A
0) ],,.,r..F
gi- ]r1,,+,,p
(2) 1 I1,, -..y,
Q) I (o1-ro2)2

(3) I (u,r -,:),

(:) r (",r -
":l I
I ({)
(4) (.,r -.r)'?

179. In an elchomagneti( wave in freo

rzr. 5m frqwn 1omrv) {, @ i{qa Eq+tq ilh { sDace th,.
mean square vatue or the eteciric r,"r
fqga ctr ct s,l-qrr- qrl, E E.., = 6Vl. The peak value ofllre nragnet(
-"=!v/"r a] t
Eq-+tq da 6I frrqr qn t I
(1) 1.{l xl0-r T 0) 1.,11x10-l T

(2) 2.83x10-t T Q) 2.83 x 10-t T

P) 0.i0x10-E T B) o.7o xlo-E T

(4) 4.23x10-r T (4) 4.23x10-l T
E Itta.E ddtl
{1 P
qnt 1s0. fmtua lcts d q]qttlqt
'rqr *, 1E0, Thermodyn6mic processs are indicated in the
following diagam.
tin P


700 K
500 K 700 K
300 K 500 K

fTqftfua i a +tuit fi ti-dn dfina :

Match the following

6EIac-1 clac-r ColunuFl Column-2

P, q;FC !-{iq P. Process I Adiabatic

q Procis U h Isobaric
R. Processltr Iso(horic
R, *fq {calr{df{s
S Processlv d. Isothermal
s. 1T-,9 Trdrfrq (1) P-+a, QJc, R--rd, SJb
(1) P-+a, Q -,c, R-+d, Srb (2) P+c, QJa, R-+d, SJb
t4/l -,,, o -, R -Cd, SJb G) P-., QJd, R-,b, SJa
(3) P-+c, QJd, RJ b, SJa (4) P--rd, Q-+b, RJa, S+c
(4) P-+d, Q, b, R-+a, SJc
- tta\
6'"5.u. r"y
\_. _,t..
A\" |Ll'+-P )
-oOo- -oOo-

" {e,}r)
7 "ry
-la lr\
d- f slq

c |Hlndl*&i9lteh|

1. '^.1^^.13;. 3#^ -stttm 1. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material caine
%H%lpfpT"^5nqT? from the experiments of:
(1) Hargobind Khorai\a

(2) ftr^FT ja)- Griffith

(3) Hershey and Chase
(4) Avery, Mcleodand McCarty
(4) j^hC1IS 3ik
2. l^ichi<< fehehl =n1(^ichi TH^? (D Spliceosomes are not found in cells of:
(1) Bacteria
(2) Plants
(2) -qi^
(3) Fungi
(3) hq<t)
(4) Animals
(4) ^
The pivot joint between atlas and axisis a type of;
3. Wrt ^ ^ ^ 3Rm ^ frmI ? (1) saddle joint
(1) ^Sd -ails
(2) fibrous joint
cartilaginous joiiit_^
(3) (4) synovial joint

4.^ The association of histone HI with a nucleosome

4. HI ^ % -urnITSftl ^ ^RcJT indicates;

t? (1) The DNA double helix is exposed.

(1) DNA ^ [s^Sdl 3T?TI^ "I" I (2) Transcription isoccurring^
(2) 3T3^^ ^ 11 (3) DNA replication is occurring.
(3) DNA ^ T?r %I (4) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
(4) DNA5?AfCTMifWT(Ttl
5. fW^Tfe^ ^ ^ i^ri ^hfWsif-g^ ^ ihn t ? ^ Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?
(1) Phloem
(1) ttTW
(2) Xylem parenchyma
(2) Jii<nH *j<tji'=t>
(3) Collenchyma
(4) Phellem
(4) ^
Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in
6. I male frogs:
(1) Testes - Vasa efferentia -> Kidney -
(1) Bidder's canal Urinogenital duct -
'5nfM-> Cloata

(2) Testes Bidder's canal > Kidney > Vasa

.l^-vFTT Wff^- 3T^i5R efferentia* Urinogenital ductCloaca
(^) Testes Vasa efferentia - Kidney ->
(3) [^ -> ^ -f ^?PT
Seminal Vesicle Urinogenital duct -f
TJ^-'3FH Ojlfgll ^ 3<C1<^<
(4) T^srarf?^ (4) Testes -* Vasa efferentia - Bidder's canal
i iq'W5< Ureter Cloaca
7. SRqrtlRcf Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
^ ^TrfT/^ t ? following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
explanation for this feature ?
(a) ^ (a) They do not need to reproduce
(b) They are somatic cells
(c) dsiwci<< ctj^nl I (c) They do not metabolize
(d) FT^ W?r 37mfT^ ^P!IF 3fN#3R % (d) Alltheir internal space is availableforo)^gen
Ihtt ^H<nir %i transport

I^c^ : Options:
(1) (b)V^(c) (1) (b) and (c)
(2) OnIy(d)
(2) %^(d)
(3) Only (a)
(3) %^(a)
(4) (a), (c) and (d)
(4) (a),(c)TJ^(d)
Homozygous purelines in cattie can be obtained
(1) mating of individuals of differ^t species,
(1) 1m=t y^iRj-iil' %^3Tf %w SRT mating of related individuals of same breed.
(2) ^ =T^ % %WT -gm (3) mating of unrelated individuals of same
(3) ^ it H??! % srMVct q^aqf %w? gRi breed.

(4) % 'HTFT IRf (4) matingofindividualsofdifferentbreed.

9. RH^'mk^f"^#3TcT;'^Tl^lff^ A temporary endocrine gland in the human body


(1) 3TSIH"Pi
(1) Corpus allatum
(2) fsPl^^crl TT^
Pineal gland
(3) Corpus cardiacum
(4) "flfleh ffe Corpus luteum
10. f^TffS; ^ f^TsI t : 10. Viroids differ from viruses in having;
(1) ^"!it^3TI^%RNA3f^^tl (1) RN A molecules without protein coat
(2) lfr^fI^%HraDNA37^^tl (2) DNA molecules with protein coat
(3) ^3jlk3iigTVI%DNAdT^'#tl (3) DNA molecules without protein coat
(4) 3il^3TRTnT%-5naTRNA3T^^tl (4) RNA molecules with protein coat

11. r4>^cf,l Hg7 ^J|| 7 IIX A decreasein blood pressure/volumewiU not cause
(1) ADH the release of:

(2) "^fni (Renin) (1) ADH

(3) Renin
(3) AtrialNatriirretic Factor
(4) Aldosterone
12. pfoF^ ^ild ^ ^ ^?
(1) i^l4il'll4il 12|^^An example of colonial alga is:
(1) Spiro^ra
(2) 'id)\<^l
(2) Chhrella
(3) c//V=#/qW
(3) Volvox
(4) ^)/5/w
U^ Ulothrix


i ii -k^ ii II fl

13. %711^ MFT ^ "MrrJISF "5?^ ^ t ? 13^ The morphological nature of the edible part c
coconut is:
(1) Pericarp
(2) PerLsperui
(3) (3) Cotyledon
(4) Endosperm

14. "3^% Sro <5r4ic, % "if^fT ^*7 14. 9 Which oftl\efollowing is correctlymatchedfor th
Etfe^t? productproduced by them ?
(1) Sacchromyces cerevisiae :Ethanol
(2) lf/Wd//;Rl'5iR^4> Acetobflcfcracefi: Antibiotics

(3) : etPctict, (3) Methatwbacteriiau :Lactic acid

(4) ^-iWrd^H it^: tj.4ini (4) PemcilUtiin noMum: Acetic acid

15. -1 '^' iMfer fr^ shK^r pX^atch the following sexually transmitte
diseases (Column - I) with their causative agei
( - II) % ^ ^ (Column - II) and select the correct option.
Column -1 Column - II
(a) Gonorrhea ;i) HTV
(i) HIV y(ii) Neisseria
(b) Syphilis
(ii) (c) Genital War (iii) Treponema
(iii) (d) AIDS y ) Human
(a) (b) (c) {d)

(d) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(a) (b) (c)
(1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (0 (2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)
(2) (ii) (iii) (iv) (i) (3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii) (4) (h/) (iii)
(n) (i)
(4) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

16. ch^ll'T illwRd t, In case ofporiferans, the spongocoel is lined wi

flagellated cells called:
(1) mesenchymal. cells
(2) aiTTw^i
(3) oscula
(4) choanocytcs
Among the following characters, which one w
17. not considered by Mendei in his experiments
-q -fetrr w ? pea ?
(1) ^ - ^ ("IJ Pod -Inflated orConstricted
(2) ^ ^ ^ (2) Stem-TallorDwarf
Trichomes - Glandular or non-glandular
(3) - llfsM ^ iTf8T?RfW9
(4J - 'F^ "ifT (4) Seed - Green or Yellow

18. f^HfdHsid ''1^ ; Identify the wrong statement in context of

(1) fdPii^Ki clc^ ^ ^
(1) It comprises dead elements with highly
(2) shl4Pit) ''!jini=h RT'^"3n^f Ugnified walls
(3) ^ "fz^TT^ fr^ t (2) Organic compounds are deposited in it
(4) (3) It is highly durable
(4) Itconducts water and minerals efficiently

19. DNA 3Tfc6|;j||ct>l ^ "^gRf During DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are
t? used to elongate:
(1) Ps^ina "q^ wgrrmt ^ Thelagging strand away from the replication
(2) yRi^frt fsii<9 ^ cR^ aTOT ^
(2) The leading strand towards replication fork.
(3) 3lfiTf^1|?in3^WR"q?Wft^5?F5^ The lagging strand towards replication fork.
(4) The leading strand away from repUcation

(1) Mycorrhizae are the example of:

(1) Mutualism
(3) Amensalism
(4) yPd^Jiin^cn
(4) Antibiosis
21. ftR ^ ^ RNA W'ft ci5f!!M y^WI #n
21. Which of the following RNAs should be most
abundant in animal cell ?
(1) mi-RNA
(2) r-RNA
(2) r-RNA
(3) t-RNA
(4) m-RNA (3) t-RNA
(4) m-RNA
22. qi^, sTf^sq^ afiT
^^<^><."1 yfshHi rM %? 2^ The process of separation and purification of
expressed protein before marketingiscalled:
PostprodUction processing
(2) 3?flfWF3i97cpiI
(2) Upstream processing
(3) yjhHui
(3) Downstream processing
(4) ^st.iju| (4) Bioprocessing
Whichamong the followingare the smallesthving
cells, known without a definitecellwall,pathogenic
^37f TtWT^ f 3TO#3rT % ^ to plants as well as animals and can survive without
oxygen ?
(!) HIM*
(1) Nosloc
(2) BaciUu%^^
(3) (3) Pseudomonas
(4) (4) Mycoplasma

'iiHki. ilf-
24. Which ofthe following components provides stick
character to the bacterial cell ?
(2) (2) CeUwall

(3) (3) Nuclear membrane

(4) Plasma membrane

25. ^^ ^ ^ ^ With reference to factors affecting the rate c

photosynthesis, which ofthefollowing statement
RnRillsm # -^n WT Ti^ =r^ t ? is not correct?
(1) sRo'J? +'Wc1 %'^I^, "SSf '^1% (1) Tomato is a greerJiouse crop which can b
%1^ CO2 ^ -STini -STT grown in CO2 - enriched atmosphere fo
t higher yield
(2) CO2 IwffWRW %%15 WI?! H'^Pkl ^ ?j4 (2) Light satiii'ation for CO2 fixation occurs a
10% of full sunlight
(3) Increasing atmospheric CO; concentratioi
(3) c^l^iH^diAl CO2 ^ TOT 0.05% ^ ^ ^ up to 0.05% can enhance CO2fixation rate
^Tf CO2 %Rt^ ^ ^ t (4) C3 plants respond to higher temperatures
(4) C3 "TT^q ^ fliHHH ^ gfh^fT^ if ^ ^3TT with enhanced photosynthesis whil
f Tjf^ C4 wrf %i^ C4 plants have much lower temperatur
i^:HiT WFT ar^yif^ cCTqt-EFET iRri t
TAy' Which of the following options best represents the
26. 1^"9Wt 3F7i^ ^ enzyme composition of pancreatic juice ?
(1) lipase, amylase, trypsinogen,
(2) q?TI?^, ^ (Rennin) ^^^2) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin
(3) T^iTu^, PdrmnlMiH, -RT^ (3) amylase, pepsin, trypsinogen, maltase
(4) -^fc^, ^ (Rennin) (4) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin

27. 27y^ Which one of the following statements is correct

with reference to enzymes ?
Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Co-factor
(2) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenz>'me
(3) - T^%^5nfq +
P) Holoenzyme = Apoer\zyme + Coenzyme
(4) ^I?t^i3nfij = "q;qti^5nfq + (4) Coenzyme = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme
28. ^ sm.-^.\ if 999 TO f ^ 333 ^ ^ If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
'13' 3?!^ % ^ 3ff7 901 tr^ ftsi3 protein with 333 amino acids, and the base at
yR^^ ^ 1'3T aiR.T^R."^. position 901 is deleted such that the lengthof the
^ 998 8JR^^ 3T1^ tl ^ RNA becomes 998 bases, howmany codons will be
altered ?

(1) 333
(1) 333
(2). 1 (2) 1
(3) 11 (3) n
(4) 33 (4) 33

29. -3^; O) Asymptote in a logistic growtii curve is obtained

(1) K<N
(2) 'r' tTTT ^ipf ^ <rn> -aTIWT (1) K<N

(3) K= N (2) The value of Y approaches zero

(4) K>N (3) K= N
(4) K>N

a) 30^ Selectthe mismatch:

(2) - T^FfWrnenft (1) Equisetum Homosporous
(3) - ii<^>rd'!i>n41 .J^ Pinus Dioecious

(4) fapsfTRlsnui (3) Cycas Dioecious

(4) Salvinia Heterosporous

31. OtRtfCT (APC) ^ WW "if
^ #r % %TT
^3)y Anaphase Promoting Complex (APQ is a protein
APcgfe^ degradation machinerynecessaryfor proper mitosis
of animal cells, if APC is defective in a human ceil,
(1) ^gff i^H4TvIH ^'W which of the following is expected to occur ?
Recombination of chromosome arms will
(2) ynPid #r

(3) oTsd ^ "sntfit

(2) Chromosomes will not condense
(3) Chromosomes will be fragmented
32. (4) Chromosomes will not segregate
Which ecosystem has the maximum biomass ?
(1) Lake ecosystem
(3) srra irrfcfii
(2) Forest ecosystem
(4) cTM 4ff<fl5(
(3) Grassland ecosystem
33. Rh^ew %? (4) Pond ecosystem

Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of:
0) Chlamydomonas
(4) jr^fm
(3) Fucus

34. (4) Funaria

(1) r
not cause
cause further
further increase
increase in
in height,
in adults does
(2) '^fe tfirN Pi^wxi ^ "snrn i (1) Musclefibresdonotgrowinsizeafterbirth.
Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adulte.
Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence.
(4) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
Hormone in adults.
c |mridi*EngliL

35. 35. TOg's heart when taken out of the body continui
to beat for sometiine.
flh T5?U%I
1^ ^rTt' "^f "^NcT ^ +*lf^M, I Select the best option from the following statemenl

(a) ^"b i<h siyHfllHl %l (a) Frogisapoikilotherm.

(b) Frog does not have anj coronary circulatio

(c) '^^ft^rPra H^Ia ^ ?l?ti %I (c) Heart is " myogenic" in nature.

(d) (d) Heartisautoexcitable.

fqehCN : Options:

(1) {c)^id) tilK (c)and(d)

(2) %^(c) (2) Only (c)
(3) %^(d) (3) Only(d)
(4) (a)T?^{b) (4) {a)and(b)

36. <w xlciys"! 3Tf^ttin<. i'Fl % jfiOi gKi

Transplantation of tissues/organs fails often di
% ^iRW 3RPTi^ ^ wrar SI IRiR % fRRiTOI % to non-acceptance by the patient's body. Which tyj
fwk. 1^*1 ^ tH<^I<4l of immune-response is responsible for sue
rejections ?
(1) I'hysiological immune response
(2) i^-3TfcR9t >n3l"4t
Autoimmune response
(3) -stfiR^ ar^f^
(3) Cell - mediated immune response
(4) ^MhH
(4) Hormonal immune response
37. ^i<j^<flrH4|I l^cf^ 4>1fj!lhl 'criif^H 31^ %
^ ^ I dfW <h>41 qMI Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused di
+lf<>li<l to a problem in globin molecule synthesis. Sele
the correct statement.
(1) ^ 3T^ if Wnril^
^FRTi% f)R^ ^(TT ^ I (1) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitati^
problem of globin molecules.
(2) ^ ^ %
(2) Both are due to a quaUtative defect in glob
chain synthesis.
(3) Both are due to a quantitative defect in glob
chain synthesis.
(4) Thalassemia is due to lesssynthesis of glob
^tl molecules.

38. ^4l4)T3i, ^ ^ An important characteristic that Hemichordah

share with Chordates is:

(1) (1) pharynx without gill slits

(2) absence of notochord
(3) 3T^'ia<n -Tf^rail nf^ehi ventral tubular nerve cord
(4) fl?53^ ITFRt (4) pharynx with gill slits
jWnrf-fEngll^ 1
39. gKI r4i^4l ^Idl t? Double fertyization in exhibited bj':
(1) (1) Angiosperms
(2) G)Tnnospenns
(3) ^qnn (3) Algae

(4) (4) Finigi

Tf ^ fn ^.^.qt. -^Hi^ % 40. Which of the following cell organelles isresponsible

^ fT<Wi?rt % %TT <iti<(i)4) #TT for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form
(1) Mitochondrion
(2) Lysosome
(2) <n'it'=tiiM
(3) Ribosome
Jls^ Lungsaremadeupofair-filledsacs,thealveoli. They
do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
pT: % "511^ ^ ? because of:

(1) fTrTWT-gtfycIdTTWr
(2) 3raf^3Tra^
(1) Expiratory Reserve Volume
Residual Volume I
(3) 3T?l:?5RRl^fWI3Tl^ (3) Iiispiratory Reserve Volume
(4) 3Tiq?H (4) Tidal Volume

42. ^4^ Which ofthefollowing arenotpolymeric ?

(1) Lipids
3?!^ Nucleic acids

(3) Proteins
(4) Polysaccharides

43. %jBi, 3T5i?nT ^f "i^EF t afk ^ T<^ 43v/^ Flowers whichhavesingleovulein tfie ovaryand
^STSrq if sf^ t, ^ are packed into inflorescence are usually poQinated
t? by:

(1) Bat
(1) wn^
(2) ^ (2) Water

(3) Bee
(4) ^

44. <<)</'/ 3^ ^? Life cycle of Ectoci!rpu$ and Fticus r^pectively


(1) Haplodiplontic^Haplontic
(2) ajj/JM+i, rs-/uM'l^
(2) Haplontic, Diplontic
(3) tS^NcfnT, aFjif^-llgfTiicrgft
(3) Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
(4) Haplodiplontic, Diplontic
c 2Q |HirKti*Engli5^
45. "cf qi^ smt 45j/ Presenceofplantsarran^d intowelldefined vertical
% dHfwIcl 3T^t jIT ^tifl'i %? layers depending on their height can be seen best
(1) ^fhif!^
(1) Temperate Forest
(2) Tropical Savannah
Tropical Rain Forest
(4) "SIRT 'jft (4) Grassland

rn-TlKt5 ^^. Phosphoenol
acceptor in; pyruvate (PEP) is the prunary COj
(1) C3 3fR C4 W1 (1) C3 and C4 plants
(2) v-^ C3 plants
(3) C4-qi^ (3) C4 plants
(4) (4) C2 plants

47. 3T^ HiT"q^ %trqto gfrnf^ TR 47^ Good vision depends onadequate intake ofcarotene-
^ richfood.
Select tl\ebestoptionfromthe following statements.
(a) ^ A%c^c<|9i fI (a) Vitamin A derivatives arc formed from

(b) The photopigments are embedded in the

membrane discs of the inner segment.
(c) A'^TT^^tqsrti (c) Retinalis a derivative of Vitamin A.
(d) ^ yefti^itciulchl ^ -gw (d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
nnti visual photopigments.
(1) (b),(c)Ti^(d) (1) Cb),(c)and(d)
(2) (a)T^^Cb) (2) (a)and(b)

(3) (a),(c)-^(d) _(3i/ (a),{c)and(d)

(4) (a)and(c)
(4) (a)i^g(c)

48. Which one from those given below i.-; the periodfor
Mendel's hybridization experiments ?
^ 8}t?
(1) 1870 -1877 (1) 1870 -1877

(2) 1856 -1863 1856-1863

(3) 1840 -1850 (3) 1840-1850

(4) 1857 -1869 (4) 1857-1869

49. tifeT :
Select the mismatch:

(1) Rhizobiuvt Alfalfa

(2) Ahtus
(3) Mycorrhiza
(3) Rhodospirillum
(4) (4) Amhaern Nitrogen fixer

. Ik
|Hiwa*Englishl 11

50. y5D^ Attractantsandrewardsarerequiredfor:

(2) gigWFI Anemophily

(3) ^-wm (3) Entomophily

(4) (4) Hydrophily

51. X55) '^'7% "3^ ^ In case of a couple where the male is having a very
3^1^ fpTi^ Pi^-qi ^ irt ah*ilh sf^ci ? low sperm count which technique will be suitable
for fertilisation ?
(1) Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
(2) 3m:7mf9n?iypTmvTi
(2) Intrauterine transfer
(3) sfRTPt
Gamete intracytoplasmic fallopian transfer
(4) (4) Artificiallnsemination

52. ^ ^tRT %?
Which among these is the correct combination of
(1) aquatic mammab ?

(2) lite, "sMn^, ?n% (1) Trygon,Whales, Seals

(3) tf*T, prik (2) Seals, Dolphins, Sharks

(4) ^TdRhH, ^ (3) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon
(4) Whales, Dolphins, Seals
53. i<> HWH Tf f)i4<Flcn I^'^if^fl
ilctrt? Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops
0) Embryo
(3) ^pirjpsr (2) Ovule

IjW-^ (3) Endosperm

(4) Embryo sac

(1) iq"HWiah1 54. Root hairs develop from ihe region of:

(2) Tjftq^ (1) Meristematk activity

(3) sNN^ (2) Maturation

(4) Elongation
(4) Root cap

t? A dioecious flowering plant prevents botfj:

(1) (1) Qeistogamy and xenogamy
(2) 3^ "RWI^ (2) Autogamy and xenogamy
(3) ?3fgnR 3^k?OTcT31t wm (3) Autogamy and geitonogamy
(4) rwFT^-qrf^r^ (4) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

c 22 |HindiEntfi8h|
56. =F>^ STRfl %? Thehepatic portalveindrainsblood toliver from:
(1) (1) Intestine
(3) sniWT (3) Stomach
(4) _J4) Kidneys

57. ^ %^fTR ^TKt^ -qr What is file criterion for DNA fragments movement
73^ ^ 71^ % ^ ^-irn^ ^ ? on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis ?
(1) ^uilcN<+> JlRlHH ^ a) Negatively charged fragments do not move
(2) aT^^nf^"5it3Tm^;gu5,3rJr^!Tf^^i!M (2) The larger fiie fragment size, the farflter it
(3) 3T^f!fc!^'3irai
t (3) The snudler the fragment size, the farther it
(4) aiT^Hiw laTis
Positively charged fragments move to farther
sncrrt end

58. if ^ "5?if<n t ?
L58r- Which of tf\e following represents order of'Horse' ?
(1) ^
(1) Ferus
(i) Perissodactyla
(4) "^i^cTO
(4) Caballus
59. -fif ^ ^-SFtmR^ f ?
(1) ^ ^ 4.^1 rid CoA) % (S2- Which statement is wrong for Krebs' cycle ?
(1) The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl
WTT snrnr13fR
group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic add to yield
Rh(^'*i 3?^ b<fll % citric acid
(2) ^ if^T f^afl' NAD+ ^T (2) There are three points in the cycle where
NADH + H+ Tf^^^ftgrroiWrt NAD"*" is reduced to NADH+H"*"

(3) ?^"^ifTJ^1^^FAD+ ^FADHz"^ (3) There is one point in the cyclewhere FAD*
^'ilt><yi t is reduced to FADH2
(4) ^'Htir-id CoA ^ sm ^ ^RcIJh % _(41-^During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
GTP % 3T^ ^ t s)mthesised
60. 3Tf^ ^ ^ ^ Tt^ff ^ 3ir<F ^ 1^ fpn
^ ^TrftTT t ?
O Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
milk output represents:
(1) r^c^\{<h ^
(1) stabilizing followed by disruptive as it
stabilises the population to produce higher
W[ if cT$3UT yielding cows.
(2) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in the population.
(3) Ri^llcq* c!<<J|
if (3) directional as it pushes the mean of the
character in one direction.
(4) =Hlff+ ^ ^ ^ if
(4) disruptive as it splits fi\e population into two,
t, 3lf^ -Qcf ^ one yielding higher output and the other
^^K-i ^ 1 lower output.
iHlndM-Engfeshl 13

61. ^ ^ ^ ^ ifgWf 61. / The region of Biosphere Reserve which is legally

' protected and where no human activityis allowed
t 3fR ^ irm sfJt ^ Trf^ti ^ sfiin ^
is known as:
=t>gdldl t?
(1) Restoration zone
(1) g=T:WPTr ^
(2) Core zone
,_ Buffer zone
(4) Transition zone
Receptorsitesfor neurotransmitters are present on:
(1) post-synaptic membrane
(1) 'T?^ I^cnl if
(2) membranes of synaptic vesicles
(2) 31T?Fif r^Perrliif if
(3) pre-synaptic membrane
(3) t|l^ ^
t_(4)^ tips of axons
(4) cffl?^^%%CfTR
63. qtIT WTF^cI: ^PTT^^t? 63. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to:

(1) mRc^* j^l^^-^eriderm

(2) Phelloderm
(2) WT3T?<tT
(3) Primary phloem
(4) Secondary xylem
(4) JiicrlH

64. Qi^iif "S^ f^rfnnTT! I Ababyboyagedtwoyearsisadmittedto playschool

andpassesthroughadentalcheck-up. Thedentist
^ "R^SFT tR 'TFTIW1^ % obsMvedthat ttie boy had twenty teeth. Whichteeth
^^1 l^^'gfRtsfriaTfi^Sr? were absent ?

(1) -cleluich (1) Molars

(2) (2) IndsoTS
(3) K=T?P (3) Canines
(4) aro-^cJu!-#. Pre-molare

65. ^3 niflii "?taT %? ^^.^The water potential ofpurewater is:

(1) 3tf^ (1) More than one
(2) ^ (2) Zero
P) (3) Less than zero
(4) 3rftT^'tTT=5'Q3>"^'^ (4) More than zero but less than one
66. % <a"s ^?
V6fi_.--^NA fragments are;
(1) ^ 3TTI% ^im^ % 315?TPC ywrgr -m SljniTcq^
Either positively or negatively charged
depending on their size
(2) iRTO3Tl%f^ (2) Positively charged
(3) Negatively charged
(4) 4<;iili (4) Neutral

-- -rr:

14 IHIntftEnfllWil

67. Capacitation occurs in;

(1) MK'i -flu -Female Reproductive tract
(2) -Jllfd^)! (2) Rete testis
0) 3#^ f3) Epididymis
(4) Vas deferens
(4) ^sfi
c^ST' The function of copper ions in copper releasing
(1) ^ STStr^TsH ^ yqfHci f I (1) They inhibit ovulation.
(2) ^ ^57^3^ ^ ^irrtJ^Udtll T^' Wi (2) They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
^f t capacity of sperms.
(3) They inhibit gametogenesis.
(4) ^ tPPT % ^ ^ f >..,^1^ They make uterus unsuitable for
69. ^ T33r ^FW^Fr ^
gene whose expression helps to identify
H^-qii if ^l?FTcII epliclt t ^ ^ ^ 'sncn f ? transformed cell is known as:
(1) (1) Structural gene
(2) Selectable marker
(3) W?^ (3) Vector

(4) i^r^.g ,_J^ Plasmid

70. >1^1'wTd % #, ftnldRsid if ^ ^ tTPT Which oneofthe following statements isnot valid
for aerosols ?
(1) Thty have negative impact on agricultural
"STMl^ sitncl f land
(2) (2) They are harmful to human health
(3) (3) Theyalter rainfall and moiBoon patterns
(4) "fli e(iKU| ^ ac^l^'^cll ^ }5f^"^f (4) They cause increased agricultural
71. 1^ ^ ^TSTT t ?
Which of the following statement is correct ?
(1) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
WTRrti permeable to electrolytes.
(2) HKi ^ -Hiilel y-Jii '3i<n%ftn^<Hijk'|i^%i (2) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
ti (3) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
(4) ^ 3TRI^ ^ ^ T^nnwf ^ I {y The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
permeable to water.
72. pF#lfefT ^ -^n c^r^dMd "3^^ if
<}1<h1 f^<)innt ^ ? Whichof the followingin sewage treatment removes
3TFf^'3q^ suspended solids ?
(1) Sludge treatment
(2) Tertiary treatment
r-fsT' Secondary treatment
(4) Primary treatment
|etin<flEnBlish| 15

73. 3neRZR) 6l^4l^dfH<+) GnRH 1^ 7^ GnRH, a hypothaiamic hormone, needed in

reproduction, acts on;
posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(1) "q^ llf^ LH %WTf secretion of LH and relaxin.
"3?rf^ 11
(2) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(2) ^ Ti^ 3flT LH "q;g 3fi=Rftzfi^ % secretion of LH and oxytocin.
^ <i^rH(1 '+Wl %I
(3) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(3) 3Trr^t?i?Tfrsi^3?kLHT:^reH^^am^ secretion of LH and FSH.

t><CII %I (4) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion of oxytocin and FSH.
(4) ih$s"iffti "tR 3% FSH %
74^ Which of the following facilitates opening of
stomatal aperture ?

t? (1) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose

microfibrils in the cell wall of guard celk
(1) "gR "ghf^aff ^ chlR(i=hi-f^ [
^ (2) Contraction of outer wall of guard ceUs
Decrease in turgidity of guard celb
(2) ^ WWdif^
(4) Radialoiicntationofcellulosemicrofibrils in
(3) ^ ^nfWatf ^ -FRtfa cFift tlie cell all of guard cells
(4) SIT ^ *ir5!l4.l~f^
The genotypes of aHusband and Wife are I'^land
75. ^ ^ ^ I^lB TTcf lAj f I Amongthe bloodtypesoftheirchildren,how many
r5^ % "^if^ MTl*lliil5W different genotyjies and phenotypes are possible ?
imf ? (1) 4genotypes; 4phenotypes
(1) 4^#itaf^; 4Vhfl^ P) 3 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
(2) 3 ; 3 (3) 3 genotypes; 4 phenotypes
(3) 3^NteTFT; 4'SfNtZI|q (4) 4 genotypes; 3 phenotypes
(4) 4{1hV|^M; 3
Plants which produce characteristic
76. 13|1?I^ WF-'^ ^ "Sc^^ ^ tTm iTSftcnRm pneumatophores and show vivipary belongto:
<;jfA P*-iRrtRaa ^? (1) Hydrophytes
(1) ''i>fci)<(f^ (2) Mesophytes
(2) (3) Halophytes
(4) Psammophytes
77. lexander Von Humbolt described for the first
77. time;

(1) H^1*<u| Population Growth equation

(2) "qifWrfif^-^f^WcTT (2) Ecological Biodiversity

(3) (3) Laws of linuting factor

(4) ^nfw m (4) Species area relationships
Wgjy^DNA replication in bacteria occurs:
78. t: (1) Just betore transcription
(2) During Sphae
(2) Withm nucleolus
(3) efifS^ %3l' (4) Prior to fission
percent ofI
MALT constitutes about
79. MALT "35^ Ivinphoid tissue in human body.
TJt^traft? (1) 10%
(1) 10% (2) 50%
(2) 50%
<?} 20%
P) 20%
(4) 70% (4) 70%

80. ^>Wgtrd<^l *f t? In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications o;

Vr (1) Leaf
sgcp^ Stipules
3TO4iiirH+ ^4 (3) Adventitious root
(4) Stem

81. WT sSk m^' \'5RI 1^ t iuit and leaf drop at early stages can be preve.
w ^n I ?
^ by the application of:
(1) Gibberellic acid
(1) rjij\rM=(-.
(2) Cytokiruns
(3) Ethylene
(4) 3iMn
1/3; Which ofthefollowing arefound inextreme s.
82. i( ^ e;?n3lf T( ^ t? conditions ?
(1) (1) Mycobacteria
(2) (2) Archaebacteria
(3) TjoNetf^n (3) Eubacteria
(4) iimtiNztftzn {4} Cyanobacterk
83. WR ^ ? Coconut fruit is a:
(1) (1) Capsule
(2) (2) Drupe
(3) (3) Berry
(4) Nut

84. 'JTTtrsr The DNA fragments separated on an agaio

ajT^ W. 1? ? can bevisualised after staining with;
(1) ^iHtSS
(1) Etiiidvum bromide
(3) Acfctocarmine
(3) TJ^ffHT^n^
(4) Aiviline blue
(4) ^
)HlndkEngl5il 17

85. ^'tRt^nh%X Y"5"? (3 Out of "X' pairs of ribs in humans only T' pairs are
true ribs. Selectthe option that correctly represents
%#fl values of Xand Yand provides their explanation:
gj^ ^n9JT ^ ^?lft$T %sfk ^RrTi %I
(1) X= 24,Y = 12 True ribs are dorsally
X= 24,Y= 12 STFi if attached to vertebral column
>i4i ^"Icil but are free on ventral side.

ar^jT ^ Tf "g^ ^ 11 (2) X= 12,Y = 7 True ribs are attached

dorsally to vertebral column
(2) X= 12,Y = 7 "TOf^^ *TR '^'
and ventrally to the sternum.
tS alft 3TOT Mm ^'
% ^iTr "ttcft ^ I P) X= 12,Y = 5 True ribs are attached
dorsally to vertebral column
(3) X= 12,Y = 5 <iw[^h "'Rrf^niT "jes MFt and stemiim on the two aids.

cr^ ^ WN % iira ti (4) X= 24,Y = 7 True ribs are dorsally

attached to vertebral column
but are free on ventral side.
(4) X=24,Y = 7 HyPd^T ^ TPT Tf
Myelin sheath is produced by:
(1) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
86. STF^ Wt# ^-srq^ fRn t ? Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocyfes
(3) Astrocytes and Schwann Cells
(2) birvict>|itT2=f (4) Oligodendrocytesand Osteoclasts
(3) tTTO =Fttll^
Which of the following options gives the correct
(4) sequence of events during mitosis ?

87. PHHrdHstd if ^ ^ ^ % ^kR (1) condensation > arrangement at equator >

^ ^ ^yfclT %? centromere division > segregation ->
(1) ^TEpn ^
(2) condensation nuclear membrane
fcCHI-fll > 3irHiqt<(l
disassembly crossing over >
(2) y E F R ^1W=TferfWl segregation > telophase
"^<<<:|i=moi > JHrHiq^TT condensation -> nuclear membrane
(3) f5?r# ^ ^ disassembly arrangement at equator
centromere division segregation
- SRqTgwr
(4) condensation > crossing over > nuclear
(4) WFT ^1h rcjfHMiJ -> r^cdl
membrane disassembly segregation >
> > 3lrme4l

88. ^'1, 3<Ri"'H^5( "3181IHc^ JlfqqlvJII %chK"! ^[?n %,

lisease caused by an autosomal primary
non-di^unction is:
(1) )irjf|tv| 3l<qoni
(I) - Sickle Cell Anemia
(2) (2) - Down's Syndrome
(3) P) KUnefelter's Syndrome
(4) j^^'^umer'sSyndrome


c 18
Which cells of 'Crypts of Liebcrkuhn' secret
antibacterial lysozyDic ?
(1) Kupffercells
(1) ^ab< +Yi(|sbl^
(2) Argentaffin cells
(2) iiRrMWWnC
_--(35' Paneth cells
(3) (4) Zymogeri cells
jMX^Whirh one of the following is related to Ex-sit
90. conservation of threatened animals and plants ?
^fTTsft^^? (1) Himalayan region
(1) Wildlife Safari parks
(2) (3) Biodiversity hot spots
(3) ^ (4) Amazon raiiiforest
(4) '9^ ^
Aspring of force constant k is cut into lengths
91. ^ft5fn(^iTHt)^WftftsRf^k|:i ratioj ;2:3. They arc connected in series iuui tl
newTorce constant is k'. Tlien they areconnectcd
if "w t w=mWi ^ parallel and force constant is k". Thenk': k" is :
1 : 2 : 3 11 flHt ^ ^ "5?^ if "q^,
(1) 1:14
#^r5F! ^ ftsro^ k'^ arq if m
k"tl 31^ k', k" ^ : ^ 1:6
(1) 1:14 (3) 1:9

(2) 1:6 (4) 1:11

(3) 1:9
(4) 1:11 Thermodynamic processes are indicated m t
following diagram.
92. rHHir<*>ci f^^?ifzn^ti

700 K 300K

Match the following:

RnldfUrd if ^ fHciii : Column-1 Column-2

<<iThh-i P. Process I*. a. Adiabatic

P. y*Mi a. Process n b. isobarit

Q- yshHD b. R. Process HI cN Isochoric

R. "asBHin c.
S. Proc^IV d Isothermal

S. irawiv d. wrrfN P^d. Q-^b. R > a, S-c

(1) p->d. Q->b, R-^a, S-c
P - a, Q - c, R-^d, S-b
(2) P-a, Q-4C, R- d, S-*h
(3) P^c, Q-a, R-^d,
(3) P-^c, Q-a, R- d. S-^b
P-c, Q-^d, R->b, S-a
(4) P-c, Q^d, R-b, S d

93. A capacitor is charged bya batterj'. Thebatteryis

removed and another identical tuuiiarged capacitor
isconnected in paiaileL The total electrostatic erwrgy
^x^3qT3T3Ri^%(fimrfb'^fW^ti of resulting system:
"srsFTT ^RuiihI fWrq ^ ^ -avsif (-q^
(1) increases by a factor of 2
(2) increases by a factor of4
(^) 2 "5^ "jii^'H
(3) decreases by a factor of 2
(2) 4ii=n^^n^
(4) remains the same

94. A U tube with both ends open to the atmosphere, is
partially filled with water. Oil, which is immiscible
94. #Tf f?Rf m TpitTT^ ^ "qnt arffw with water, is poured into one side until it stands at
TFnti ^ "qnt ^ tr^ 'q:^ a distance of 10 mm above the water level on the
other side. Meanwhile the water rise-s by 65 mm
?cRT '^51^ Tmr t %-5^ "=1# if % c!^
from its original level (seediagram). The density of
10 mm ^ ^ ^jmr t crn ^ if "qnt ^ cm the oil is:
cT?f ^ 65 ram "Sv^ '^fTfJI %I (
Pa Pa

c *10 mm
hi; -"-Final water level

: 10 mm 65 mm
Oil ---Initial water level
65 mm
65 mm -

---mf^'ara^ 6 I i " C
65 mm

(1) 928 kg m - 3

(1) 928 kgm"3 (2) 650 kgm"^

(2) 650 kgm~^ (3) 425 kgm~^
(3) 425 kgm~' t

(4) 800 kg m ~^
(4) 800kg m"'

sJoHHH m t^'^fFT (%f^) clNTi^ 95.^ The de-Broglie wavelengtiiof a neutron in thermal
equilibrium with heavy water at a temperature T
'3IH % '?nl >S5'*n<4 %I <4,1 ^-50^ (Kelvin) and mass m, is:
(TPT^ :
2h a) VmkT
(1) VmkT
J2^ v/rnkT
h h
(3) (3) J3mk1'

(4) (4)
VBrnkT V3mkt

c 20

96. 1 km cq<,i ^ hn e^ 96. The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km

above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the
surface of earth. Then:
(1) d == 2km
(1) d=2km

(2) d =ikm
(2) d=ikm
(3) d == lkm
(3) d = lkm
(4) d = -km
(4) d=km
^_jiP ^ ^ %XfTOT 1/
sFiW: x=5t-2t2craTy =10tt(^j:?Tny'^'2f The Xand y coordinates of the particle at any time
a^t'^^'cft)! t=2s^'3H^^c^ areI =5t- 2t2 and y=lOt respe^vely, wherexand
yareinmeters andtinseconds. The acceleration of
particle at t=2s is:
(1) -8m/s^
(2) 0
(3) 5 m/s2 (2) 0

(4) -4in/s2 (3) 5 m/s^

(4) -4 m/s^
98. '5c^T5N) tjiTitw ira^^v %
ftRf % 3 V 11 ^
9^. In a common emitter transistor amplifier the audio
3lfcRm 3 kn tl ^-cTf^ 100 cI?!! arWR ^ signal voltage across the collector is 3 V. The
2 kn t ^ TFaiT ?Tf^- resistance of collector is 3 kfl. If current gain is 100
c7f^ % "iTH #t : and the base resistance is 2 kfl, tite voltage and
power gain ofthe amplifieris:
(1) 20 3ik2000
(1) 20 and 2000
(2) 200 1000
200 and 1000
(3) 15 200 (3) 15 and 200
(4) 150 3^k 15000 (4) 150 and 15000
99. 3?^ #1 cnff nf 99. An arrangement of three parallel straight wires
tl ^ ?TR w ^ (^) % sfR: placed perpendicular to plane of paper carrying
^ 'V fq^fl^TRT yqil^a ^ %1f'T same current'I' along the same directionis showr
clHf % ^ ftaiti, ^ 'B' ^ TK in Fig. Magnitude of force per unit lengthon the
middle wire 'B' is given by:
^ ^ ^ ^ mRhI"! ^ :

(1) (1) V2xd
(2) 2mi
(2) 2ird

2>^oi 2>i-oi^
(3) Trd
^V-O ^/2^toi^
(4) Trd (4) TTd


100. Two astronauts are floating in gravitational free

spaceafterhavinglostcontactwith theirspac^hip.
The two will:

(1) will becomestationary.

(1) 37^-#tl
(2) keep floating at the same distance between
(2) them.

(3) (3) move towards each other.

(4) (4) move away from each otfier.

101. ^ tl 101. A camot engine having an efficiency of as heat

'3^T%T T3=F ^ 4#f1 ^ t ! "qf^ ^gine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on
the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed
^ (1%m)-tR 1^W ^ 10 J^ cii, fTR fTFf from thereservoirat lowei' temperature is;
^ ^ ^qjjUr^a ^ ^ "5t^ :
(1) 100 J
(1) 100 J
(2) IJ (2) IJ

(3) 90J (3) 90 J

(4) 99 J (4) 99 J

102. 250-^ ^ T^ ^ gt^trf 2.1 cm

^ 1.25 cm tl 85 fxA ^ 1^ VRI 102. A 250 - Turn rectangular coil of length 2.1 cm and
width 1.25 cm carries a current of 85 jiA and
subjected to a magnetic field of strength 0.85T. Woik
^TSf ^i^fnci fwiTT imi %I STT^ % "fH done for rotating the coilby 180against the torque
% 180 ^ fCR^ %1^ 3TT5I9q^ -gjpf ^ HH is:

^ : (1) 1.15 tij

(1) 1.15 (2) 9.1 M-J

(2) 9.1 tij (3) 4.55 nj
(3) 4.55 (4) 2.3
(4) 2.3 J.J
103. Which one of the following represents forward
103. ri*-iiltbci ar^^af tf fHi'WA" "spte anrf^f^ sfpw ^ bias diode ?
3 V R 5V
(1) -AWV^
3V R 5V
OV R -2V
ov R
(2) -VW^
{2) -2V
-4V R -3V
-4V R
-3V w -MMV-

-2V R +2V
-2V R + 2V (4) -VW.^
(4) -\^W-

104. ^WC M ^ aif^iT c!T|^ lT8iI cnfiR M ^ arf^rR Th^ rati^pf wavelengtlis of tl^e last line of Baimer
series and the last line of Lyrryan seriesis: |
WT ^ ^ arjqicr t:
il) 0.5 t-
(2) 2 (2) 2

(3) 1 (3) 1

(4) 4 (4) 4

' rr h-'igf

c |Hiodi->Engllsh|

105. 105. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical

aiftr T33r 3Tj^-^gt f I "gcil^ nfrTfr^j^F ^ resistors with resistance R = 9.0 fl each, two
identical inductors with inductance L = 2.0 mH
3rf^^, R= 9.0fl, yci)t> L= 2.0mHt each, and an ideal battery with enif e = 18 V. The
TTSn SFTc4l^<* ld, e = 18Vtl tft, current 'i' through the battery just after the switch
dosed is,
#n :
:r :r
:r :r e -r
e -r
O r
gL =^C

(1) 0 ampere
(2) 2ntA
(2) 2inA
(3) 0.2 A
(3) 0.2 A
(4) 2A (4) 2A

106. ^ "5^ A <IIT B%7oi4HH, 3m ^n m 11 ^ 106. Two blocksA and Bof masses 3m and m respectively
2RNHTfT3;^^5!mT=T#T, STi^cTRT^^'^tl are connected by a massless and incxtensible string.
f=ra?Fi 3^ Tf Tj^ 375?n^ The whole system is suspended by a massless
spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of
fem(^^)iRicii'hmtftt11 acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
is cut, are respectively:

1 A l3 m 3 m

5 m m

g i
a) I S
3 3 (1) 3' 3

(2) -f (2)

f- (3) I-
(4) g'g

107. f0.1 m^ I^A tiR %r (4) g.g

^ TTTsin 2x 10^ "5t^ irtST 11 "rET% 107. A longsolenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 x lOl turns
0.01 m 1^13^ cfn 100 M BIT^ 1337 -g^ per meter. Atthe centre of^e solenoid, a coil of
100 turns and radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis
I ^rfFTif^^TrW
coinciding with the solenoid axis. The current in
ij,-* rw5[T ^ ^ ^ "sncn the solenoid reduces at a constant rate to OA from
t 3% 0.05s 4A^^^"STlcTT tl "qf^, -gn 4 A in 0.05 s. If the resistance of the coil is 10

"5lf3ft^ 10 TT^ ft f cTt, fH 3T^^rn?[ if ^ 3J^Tf|cr the total charge flowing through the coil during this
time is:
STT^ :
(1) 16'TT|iC
(1) 16 T7 |i.C
32-n-M.C (2) 32 -IT JJ.C
(3) 16 nC (3) 16 M. C
(4) 32|xC (4) 32^.C

23 C
108. Aphysical quantity ofthe dimensions oflength tfiat
108. c,GW
^^ ^ 13;^ ^ 1%TT|if
(-ST^ C- -JIW^ %T, can befonned out of c, Gand ^ is [c is velocity
oflight, G is universal constant ofgravitation and
Tlf^tf^ ; e is diarge]:

(1) (1) c 4ire,0
c 4'Treo

/2 K
(2) (2)
4tro 40.

(3) (3)
4'lTn 4ir6o

(4) 4 G 4itco
G 4Tr6o

109. (-id9. In anelectromagnetic wave in free space the root

mean square value of the electric field is
^ ^ ^-TTTe!T-ip TTH, =6V/m t til E= 6V/m. The peak value of the magpetiG^eW
^ ^ TTH t: is:
(1) 4.23x10-8 7 (1) 4.23x10-8 T
(2) 1.41x10-8 T (2) 1.41x10-8 T
c^ fSlS'2'i'An?
(3) 2.83x10-8 T . >j '
2.83x10-8 T
3^1 -
(4) 0.70x10-8 T
(4) 0.70x10-8 T M
110. ^ oFI 3jfrRfJ 'R' 3TtTT 11 ^ lip/ The resistance of a wire is 'R' ohm. If it is melted
^iflf t a f k ^ 'n' and stretehed to'n' timesitsoriginallength,its new
m ^ 3fRfT 11 ^ ^ ^ : resistance will be:

(1) n2

(2) nR ^nR
n f
(4) n^R (4) n^R

111. Xi=4000AaikA^^6QOOA%
u^wihr ^ ^IJIT The ratio of resolving powers of an optical
microscope for tx\'o wavelengths Xj =4000 A and
Xj = 6000 A is: 1, ,
(1) 16:81
0) 16:81
(2) 8:27
(2) 8:27
(3) 9:4
(3) 9:4
(4) 3:2 5

iiB iki flirl* i

c |Hlna*Engiis

112. 1.42 y.h Hrt^ fy^ ti| alHqtf'*! 112. A tilin prism having refracting angle 10is made t
^lO'tl ^ 1.7 a^Mctfiifch % ^ ^ ^ glassofrefractiveindex1.42. Thisprism iscombine
with another thin prism of glass of refractive indc
1.7. This combination produces dispersion withoi
rc|^d'i<r^d hR^IMUI llcTT tl fir3q cRT deviation. The refracting angle of second prisi
3iyqcfh : should be:

(1) 10 (1) 10

(2) 4- (2) 4'

(3) 6" (3) 6-=
(4) 8 (4) 8

113. tMriW Pj ^8n Pj^ WR w t %, 113. Two Polaioids P, and Pj are placed with their ax;
3^9 3WlifW^fl P^ ^ SflW ST^f^ lTg?m perpendicular toeach o^er. Unpolarised light 1q:
^cftMTiQti p^ ^P2%^jfT3:gr3i^TiW^ incident on P^. A third polaroid P3 is kept i
bet\veen Pj and Pj suchthat itsaxismakesan angi
P3 3?^ VSl t f^ 3T?r Pj ^ ^ 45''withthatofP]. The intensity of transmitted hgl
45 ^ "*^"1 ina1 f I cf[, Pj^ HK'm y=tiKi ^ dlsicii through Pj is:
la. (1) 16
(1) 16

(2) Ifl- 2

lo (3) 4

k. (4) 8

114. ^ ^ %cT Tfrq % t^Wirfl- XTSF^ 11^ A potentiometeris an accurate and versatile devic
to make electrical measurements of E.M.F. becaus
^f t, if the method involves:
,trm t r
'!) a combination of cells, galvanometer an

(2) ^ (2) ceUs

(3) potential gradients
(3) f^H^'SmcTT
(4) a condition of no current flow through th
(4) ^ ^ % |jc(lfed ^ ^ 1^ galvanometer

The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at on
Pl4>(i^#T1^^ 3{|<^rTl'4TsFm: 220Hz end and open at other end are 220 Hz and 260 Hi
260 Hz ^"Sf ^ Pi'+ifil ^ |ct>cfil '^Wt ? What is the fundamental frequency of the system

40 Hz (1) 40 Hz
(2) 10 Hz 10 Hz

(3) 20 Hz (3) 20 Hz

(4) 30 Hz
(4) 30 Hz

116. 116. A beamoflightfroma sourceLisincidentnormally

^ ^ tWaiTgr 4^Hdd ^ TTT TH on a plane milror fixed at a certain distancex from
the source. Tlie beam is reflected back as a spot on a
% ^TTO qiici^-i L%^ ^ scalepIacedjustabovethesourceL. Whenthemirror
(^cH) 'y=h'Ri ^'ial "t1 is rotated through a small angle 6, the spot of the
^ 3T^ 6 1^ ^ lightis found to move through a distance y on the
scale. The angle 6 is given by:
^ y^ ^ 11 0 ^ TB
^ :

(1) y

(1) y
(2) 2x
(3) X

(4) 2y

117. Thegivenelectrical networkisequivalent to:
117. 1^ ^d<=l4>

A. B
(1) NOT gate
(1) NOT^tz
(2) AND gate
(2) AND ^
P) OR gate
^) OR Tie
(4) NOR gate
(4) NOR ^
118. A pardcleexecutes linearsimpleharmonic motion
118. f^^^M^TO3TT^'nf^^37F!im3cmtl with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particleis at
2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its
ira'qF^'ST^ tntzTftsTRr^
velocityis equal to that of its acceleration. Then its
mRmIUI, c5R0T%^^W1^ time period in seconds is:
tl awhTTFT C^SF^^f) t:
27T (1) V3
(1) s


s (3)
(3) 2-
, 2-

(4) Is 71

I tiifttriii

(^icidl efcrl^ Preeti reached the metro station and found that the
"TC "Sffl^, iti1 "TC -cic^fl %I '5^ escalator was not working. She walked up the
stationary escalator in time tj. Onotherdays, ifshe
tjTmwmitl <i\'^ M'if^ remains stationary on the moving escalator, then
t2'wi'cf'^'qf^wi^ theescalatortakes her up in time t2. Tl\etime taken
t^,-5^^ ^ TR ^ ^ ti by hertowalk up on themoving escalator will be:
"JfTR^ #n ; tj t2
a) ti-t2 tl+t2
ti+t2 (2) 2
(2) 2

^1^2 Jlt2_
(4) (4) t,+tn

120. ) %"51^ 3Ti^ aqrro mRT11 120. Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating about
IWT^ 378J, # ^ their regular axis passing through centre and
t 3?|T; ;& Tproft t % ^TfcT:, perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
velocities Wj and <j)2- They are brought intocontact
face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. The
% iFS*'i[ wzn 11^, expressionfor loss ofenergy durmg this process is:

^rSR7^ ; (1)

a) g(W] -M2)^ (2)

- I(liJi+0)2)'
1 2
(2) - I (wi +0)2)
(3) i4 1(0)1-0)2)
(3) 1 I(0,1-(02)2
(4) I(o>i-o,2)2
(4) 1(^1-0)2)2
121. A gas mixture consists of2moles ofO2 and4 moles
121. T^ % TJ^T fqSFI "^f T ^ ^ 2 ^ W of At at temperatureT, Neglecting allvibrational
4''^3TFh%lfl Wtn % fg^TiRTf ^Tpni modes, the total internal ene^^f^the system is:
(1) 11 RT
^ ^ ^TPrriw 3v3ff:
(1) 11RT (2) 4RT
(2) 4 RT (3) 15 RT
(3) 15 RT (4) 9RT
(4) 9 RT
fWpiMhr "Pt^ ^ 3TRRn sc^m^Rn 'B'11 w c;IMX subjected
The bulk modulus of a spherical object is' B'. Ifit is
to uruform pressure 'p', the fractional
^ 'p' WMi "STrar 11 xf decrease in radius is :
f^JHkMch :


(2) B
_B_ _B_
(3) 3p
(3) 3p

(4) (4) B
123. I i<qi ^(1 % 'm' R4H!i 123. Oneend ofstringoflength115 connected to a particle
y.h ^Hdd A>>l of ma^ 'm' and the other end is connected to a small
peg on a smooth horizontal table. If tl\e particle
moves in circle with speed 'v', the net force ou the
V ^ ^ t cit, ^ TTT ^ ^ %S ^ particle (directed towards center) will be
sffT) #n : (T-T^^Tmt) (Trepresents thetension in tliestring)
(1) (1) Zero
(2) T (2) T

mu mt)
(3) T + (3) T+

T- mi"
(4) (4) T-

124. 3 kg W 40 cm
124. A rope is wound around a hollowcylinder ofmass
30N%^lKT'^^'^"?Tt, IWFST^eprqt^ 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
accelerationof the cylinder ifthe rope is puUedwith
f^nn ?
a force of 30 N ?
(1) 5m/s2
(1) 5 m/s2
(2) 25 m/s2
(2) 25 m/s2
(3) 0.25 rad/s2
(3) 0.25 rad/s2
(4) 25 rad/s^
(4) 25 rad/s2
125. 3?k'fiRf^37=q
125. Young's double slit experinaentis first performed in
air and then in a medium other than air. It is found
8^ Bh'Jl cT^n ^15 '^" 5^ 3Rh^ fSP^ T^ ^ ftat S'*^ brightfringe in the mediumlies where5"'
f I cfr, ^ : dark fringe lies in air. The refractive index of the
(1) 1.78 medium is nearly;

(2) 1.25 (1) 1.78

(3) 1.59 (2) 1.25
(4) 1.69 (3) 1.59
(4) 1.69
126. CTHll qOlvi^ fV) i<t> jilcTi 3|1t ^h
Sl^SRRWtmtl -et3ftT"^mr(e +Ae) 126. Suppose the charge of a proton and an electrondiffer
tl ^ slightly. One of them is -e,theodieris(e + Ae)- If
cRiTT^aff^-^Er (^d wrn3%^HTFf^^3Tf!5g? the net of electrostatic force and gravitational force
f) fw afrr ef^-qftqrat (%s) between two hydrogen atoms placed at a distance d
(much greater tlian atomic size) apart is zero, then
Ae is of the order of [Given mass of hydrogen
mh= 1.67xl0-27kgj
( t illfRR ^ m^ =1.67 X10 -27 kg)
(1) lO-'^C (1) 10-47 C
10-20 C (2) 10-20 c
(3) 10-23C (3) 10-23 C
(4) 10-37 C (4) 10-37 c

^1ill I

127. ^ZTT^wo rods Aand Bof different materials are welded

Tra 3?5?TR
together as shown in figure. Their thermal
conductivities are and K2. The thermal
^ ^?sin K, ^ Kj tl FI^ ^ conductivity ofthe compositerod willbe;
'^' =st -entlsfiffl :

(1) 2(Kj+K2) (1) 2(iq+K2)

Ki+K^ K| +K2

3(Ki+K2) 3(Ki+K2)
(3) (3)

(4) K^+K2 (4) K1 + K2

128. d0lSv4 128. Thephotoelectric threshold wavelength ofsilveris
3250xl0-i"m tl ^, 2536x10"^" m % 3250 X10 m. The velocity of the electron ejected
from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
wavelength 2536x 10~ m is :
^#n ;
(h = 4.14x JO-^5 eVs ^ c = 3x10 ms"!) (Given h=4.14 x10" eVs and c=3xlOSms"^)
(1) '0.3X10^ ms"^
(!) 0.3xlO^ms-'
(2) o6xl0ms ^
(2) = 6x105 ms-1
(3) 0.6xl06ms-i (3) 0.6xl0^ ms"^

(4) =61xl0^ms-^ (4) = 61x10-^ ms~'

129. 22m/s^ni6.5m/stl 129. Two cars movii^g in opposite directions approach

each other with speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 m/s
respectively. Tlie driverofthefirst carblows a horn
wrgj ^"STTtn t, fsjwt aTT^trr havinga frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard
400Hz 11 ^^^340m/st^,'^^ by thedriverofthesecond caris [velocity ofsound
^ ^ terPj sn^ 340 m/s]:
(1) 448 Hz
(1) 448 Hz (2) 350 Hz
(2) 350 Hz (3) 361Hz
(3) 361 Hz (4) 411 Hz
(4) 411 Hz
130. Considera drop ofrain water havingmasslgfallii\g
130. lW75^5mH^WEif%W-rt^^%, Ikmi^^ from a height of 1 km. It hits die ground with a
50 m/s ^ W ^ tl speed of 50 m/s. Take 'g' constant with a value
^ g'^iTPnOm/s-tWTt^, 10 m/s2 . The work done by the (i) gravitationaJ
force and the (ii)resistive force of air is;
(ii) % "m "m ^ ItTfi:
(1) (i) 10 J (ii) -8.75J
tl) (i) 10! (U) -8.75J
(2) (i)-iOJ (ii)-8.25J (2) (i) -lOJ (u) -8.25)
{3) (1) 1.25J (ii) -8.25J C3) (i)1.25J (u) -8.25J
(4) (i) lOOJ (ii) 8,75J (4) (i) 100J (ii) 8.75 J

|Hindi*Engl^ 29

131. ^ IV*Hl 12cm f I 'Tf500K''IT 131. A spherical black body with a radius erf 12 cm
radiates 450watt power at 500K. If the radiits were
450 ^ <ifw *<dl %I ^
halved and the temperature doubled, the power
a^M (1/2) W tlN ^ ^ IP ^ 1^ ^ ir radiated in watt would be:
(1) 1800
(1) 1800 (2) 225
(2) 225 (3) 450
(3) 450
(4) 1000
(4) 1000

132. Thediagramsbelow^ow regionsofequipjtentiafe.
40 V 20V 40V 20V 40V lOV 30V
20 V 40V 20V 40V lOV 30V

10 V .
lOV 30V lOV 30V 20V V
lOV 30V lOV 30V 20V 40V
(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (fi)

3T?^ KRTri?^ ^ A^ B^ ^ ^ A positive charge is moved h'om A to B in eadi

f I (ft, ^f,
(1) Maximum work is required to move q in
(1) 3Tft75(b)"n5Rf^^^HR^^^q^l figure (b).
(2) (c) 3rfiT^cP=f ^ (2) Maximum work is required to move q in
(3) Mi'lll figure (c).
(4) (a) ^ #n I (3) In all the four casesthe work done is the same.
(4) Minimum work is required to move q in
133. iHH'ff^ ^ f ? figure (a).
(a) 'Pfe ^ 3lk'3^FRn S04IMH %=?(
133. Which of the following statements are correct ?
Hia1 ^ f I
(a) Centre of mass of a body always coincides
(b) f^f^m^'S3!ERH%:?g?:f^t^TTT-pT5 with the centre of gravity of the body.
V( RTt ^ ^ SIT^ ^ 11 (b) Centreofmassofa body is thepoint at whkh
(c) the total gravitational torque on the body is
^;3if?T,3raTR ^ 11
(c) A couple on a body produce both
(d) 'Tff^ ^T ^ 1TF TJ3T (1) ^ Siflrar ^ ^ translational and rotational motion in a body.
cTIf^ W t ^ 3Mm ^ 3?r4T^ "^Ffl (d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
W <t>ni %I means that small effort can be used to lift a
, large load.
(1) ic)-m(d)
(1) (c) and (d)
(2) (b)^}m(d)
(2) (b)andCd)
(3) (a)^f!n(b)
(3) (a) and (b)
(4) {h)n^(c) (4) (b) and (c)
134. qft ^ ^ WIcff -if iffaiRT 134. If fi] and 2 be the apparent angles of djp observed
simrat (=#) "57m e, cTn ejt t^i, in bvo vertical planes at right angles to each other,
Wr e ^ WT1^ ^mhRcr SFFci ? tl\en the true angle of dip 9 is given by:
(1) tan^e = tan^Oj - lan^92 (1) tan^e = tan^9j - tan262
(2) cot2e =cot2ei +cot292 (2) cot^9 = cot^i + cot^2
(3) tan^e = tan^j + tan292 (3) tan^6 =tan-6^ + tart^2
(4) cot^6 = cot^6j-cot292 (4) cot^e = cot^i - cot^flj
c iHin{^l*Eng*s^
135. if;'A' tIsjT 'B' % ^RfsR" spim: '8 135. Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8 X.
and material 'B' has decay constant 'A'. Initiall}
they havesame number of nuclei. Afterwhattime
'B' iiF^tiT "5)t '?n^ ^
the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to tha

'A'wiUbeg ?

(1) 9\
(1) 9\
(2) 1
\ (2) \

(3) 7\ _L
(?) 7k
(4) 8\
(4) 8\

136. The equilibrium constants of the foUowii^ are:
+ 2NH3 K,
N2+ 3H2^2NH3 Kj
Nj +Oj^^aNO Kj
N2 + 02^2N0 Kj
H^+jO^^np K3
The equilibrium constant ^ of the reaction:
2NH3+^ O2 -2NO+3H2D K
2NH3+% O2 ^2NO+3H20/ willbe:
(1) K2 K3/K1
(1) kI K3/K:
(2) Ki k|/K2
(2) K1K3VK2
(3) KzK^/Ki
(4) K2VK1
(3) K2f4/K,
(4) K2VK1
137. fR ^ HI%rr TTTf f ;
(1) ##T 137. The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI
(3) (2) ethyl chlorides
(4) f^iTn (3) iodobenzene
(4) phenol
138. 1; 1 3TTfl "q^ %-
f^ -sf^w %: 138. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mixture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is:
(1) Steam distillation
(2) <i)t4Hiri-1
(2) Sublimation
(3) (3) Qiromatography
(4) (4) Crystallisation

139. 139. Predict thecorrectintermediate and proiuct in the

following reaction:
HgSO. ^ H,0,H,S0.
(A) (B) H3C.CsCfl * intemiediale product
(A) (B)

(1) A: H3C-C = CH, B: H,C-C-CH,

I II (1) A: H3C-C = CH, B: H,C-C-CH.
(2) A: H3C-C =CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3
(2) A: H3C-C = CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3
(3) A; HjC-C^CHs B; H3C-C=CH,
OH SO^ (3) A: H3C-C=CH2 B: H3C-C=CH2
(4) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: HjC-CaCH
11" ^
O (4) As H3C-C-CH3 B: HjC-CsCH

^ # 3#Tf^ t ?
140. Which of the follov,ing reactions is appropriate for
(1) converting aceL-vmide to methanamine '!
(2) (1) Gabriels phthaliniide synthesis

<?) (2) Carbylamine reaction

(4) (3) Hoffmann fiypobromamide reaction

(4) Stephens reaction
! O O
H-i The lUPAC name of the compound
(1) 3-f^-2-^fW^-5-f^
(1) 3-keto-2-methy[hex-5-enal
(2) 3-t^-2-y<jd^<Hj-4-f=T^
(2) 3-keto-2-methylhex-4-enal
(3) 5- '+)Tr4<rl^W-2-^-3-3Tf^
(4) 5-methyl-4-oxobex-2-en-5-aI

142.--''\^ich nf the following is asink for CO ?
(1) WT

(2) liaemoglobi}!
(3) ^*f-3trfej^^if3itci (3) Micro organisnis present in the s<jil
(4) JrgiwiK (4) Oceans

. i.i L^_niiii

143. ^ ^ 143. Of ttie following, which is the product formed

Pl*-1 ^ ^ tftll ^ )^'|| ? cyclohexanone undergoes aldol conden;
followed by heating ?




OH (4)
144. ^' ^ 4lP|ct>T % 5T11
14^,---^''i^ich of the following pairs_pf compour
0) IF3,XeF2 isoelecb-onic and isostrucSTral ?
(2) BeClj, XeFj (1) IF3,XeF2
(3) Tel2,XeF2
(4) TBrj^XeFj (3) Tel2,XeF2

145. 1li=T3Tfvf?r?n%^ (4) IBr2,XeI^

Cu/ 145. Consider the reactions:

/ OH 4
OH. A Y 9^1 . A[Ag(NH3)2r Silver mirror obst
rr ^>/573K' ,
(qn^O) -OKA
-OH, A
A, X, Y T^si 2 ^ M^TjiPni) :
Identify A, X, Y and Z
(1) A-Ethanol, X-Acetaldehyde, Y-Butar
(2) A-^arfgWq^, X'-^^^Ti^ 37^, Y-'^:tts Z-Hydrazone.
aWT, Z-!jll'Jlli (2) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic <
Y-Acetate ion, Z-hydrazine.
(3) X-^^, 3T^^,
2-^Hl=tn<tifvni5-s (3) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ettianol, Y-Ethf
acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
(4) A-t'^"^^. X-"^^-^^, Y-szj^^-2-^'^^, A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, Y-But-2-t
Z-- Z-Semicarbazone.
33 c
146. 146. Which one isthemost acidic compound ?

0,N. -NO,
(1) (1)



(2) <2)






NO2 VN02

147. niH
147. Name thegas thatcanreadily decolourise
KMn04 solution:
(1) P2O5 (1) P2O5
(2) CO2 (2) CO2
C3) SO2 (3) SO2
(4) NO2 (4) NO,

148. 1^"^ 148. Which one isthe correct order ofacidity ?

(1) CH3-CH3>CH2=CH2>CH3-0CH> 0)/ 3i3-CH3 > CH2 =CH2 >CH3-OCH >
(2) CH2 =CH2>CH3-CH =CH2>CH,-Cs (2) CH2 =CH2 >CH3 - CH =CH2 >CH3 - Cs

(3) CH s CH >CH3-C 5 CH >CH, =CH, > (3) CH s CH > CH3-C s CH > CH2 =CH2 >
CH3-CH3 ^ CH3-CH3
(4) CHsCH > CH2 =CH2 > CH3 - CsCH > (4) CHsCH > CH2 = CH2 > CH3-CSCH >

149. Ag2C204 % ton Ag+ 3TFR ^ 149. Concentration of the Ag"*" ions in a saturati,
2.2X10--'moIL-lfl Ag2C204^fg^tolT^piFT^ solution of Ag2C204 is 2.2x10-^ mol L"
Solubility product of Ag2C204 is:
(1) 5.3x10-12
(1) 5.3x10-12
(2) 2.42x10-8 (2) 2.42x10"
(3) 2.66x10-12 (3) 2.66x10-12
(4) 4.5x10-11 (4) 4.5x10-1^

150. Tf ^ '^TT lTr?I ^ ? 150. With respect to the conformers of ett^e, which
(1) 3T1^ ^ ^ 3TRI ft the following statements is"fnje T~
tl (1) Both bond angles and bond length remaii
(2) 3Tra^ <MyR?R{a %
HR^lRid ^ t i (2) Bond angle remains same but bond lengt
(3) 37R^ qiVi nR^Rffl ^dl %itqfqi sn^ ci*(i^
(3) Bond angle changes but bond length remair

(4) 3TRII ^ t^' 37ratl cTisnt ^ 11 (4) Both bond angle and bond length change

151. ?# t: ^151^ The correct statement regarding electrophile is :

(1) ^<1^1-1 -^n ^\\r^'h (1) Electrophile can be either neutral or pcsitivd
charged species and can form a bond b
accepting a pair of electrons froin
(2) :feU|lrH=b 3Tr^fi?Ifl Fft#5T t cTTr
Eltrophile is a negatively charged specie
i^ofgFT gn? ^ S i m and can form a bond by accepting a pair c
electrons from a nucleophile

(3) Electrophile is a negatively charged specie

and can form a bond by accepting a pair c
electrorxs from another electrophile
^ W'hdi tl
(4) Electrophiles are generally neutral specie
(4) ^mMd: ^3^r?Thl t W and can form a bond by accepting a pair c
^ "5^ ^ Tifir 3Ti^ electrons from a nucleophile
152. Which one is the wrong statement ?
152. WITFcrat?
(1) ^ The energy' of 2s orbital is less than the energ
(1) 2s of 2p orbital in case of Hydrogen like atomf
2p -3^ "ticft I
(2) de-Broglie's wavelength is given by \ =
(2) cTFT^^ t \ = JL, ;5r^ JH=^ mo

mu where m = mass of the particle, i' = grou

velocity of the particle.

(3) aqftr^'iJddl AExAtS^^ I (3J The uncertainty principle is AEXdktS^_

(4) aH^iPw ^ ^ (4) Halffilled and fully filled orbitalshave greats
R^PHHil cSwrf, vitrj yHtMPd, ^'^(drt cijc^^i stability due to greater exchange energ)
greater symmetry and more balance
|mncH*Engli5i] __

153. Co^"*" Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of

absorption in thevisible region forthecomplex^of
X Co3+is:
(1) [Co(NH3)g]^+,[Co(en)3p+,[Co(H20)6]3+
01- (1) [Co (NH3)d3+, [Co (en)/^, [Co CH20)6]3+
(2) [Co (en)3]3+, ICo {NH3)6]3+, [Co (H20)6]3+
(2) [Co (en)3]3+> [Co (NHg)^^+, [Co (H20)6]3+
(3) [Co(H20)6]3+, [Co{en)3]3+, [Co (NH3)6]3+
(3) [Co CH20)6]3+, [Co (en)3]3+, [Co CNHg)^]^^
(4) ICo (H20)^3 +, [Co (NH3)d3+, [Co {en)^3+
(4) [Co(H20)d3+. [Co{NH3)6]3+, [Co(en)3]3+
154. WT-I % "jfr^ ^ ^ 154.y Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
with die geometryin column n and ass^the correct
wm-i ^^-11
Column I Column n
(a) XX' T-aqiff7i
{) XX' (i) T- shape
(b) XX3
(b) XX3 (ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal

(c) (iii)
(c) XXg ^) Linear

(d) XX7 (iv) ^ Wt^ XX7 (iv) Square - pyramidal

(v) Tetrahedral

(a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d)

(iv) (iii) (ii) (1) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(I) (i)
(2) (iii) (iv) (i) (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
(3) (iii) (i) (iv) (3) (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
(4) (v) (iv) (iii) (4) (V) (iv) (iii) (ii)
155. The species, having bond angles p 120 is:
155. 3Tr^KT cb|U| 120%:
(1) BClg uiy
(2) PH3
(2) PH3
(3) CIF3 'C-t
(3) CIF3
(4) NCI3
(4) NCU

15^ The correct increasing order of basic strengfli for

156. the following compounds is:

NH2 Nb. NH, NH, NH2 NH2

O o O o
(I) (H) (ni) (I) ai) m

(1) ii<i<m (1) n<i<in

(2) n<m<i (2) ii<m<i
(3) ni<i<n
(4) in<n<i (4) ni<n<i
. A

"I. .

TT 1. r\ tlnMlCr.. . ,A,rm mi... ..,A..

36 iHiridi-tEnglistil
157. Which one of the following statements is not
correct ?
(1) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of

(2) "3?^ 'ft 37rTf^ ^ TJTW 11 Catalystdoesnot initiateany reaction.

0) Slf^fshHi % ^ aol<.ti ^ <shIwRi if (3) The valueofequilibrium constantischanged
iitqqt4i ^'TH nRqRffl ?t^%i in the presence of a catalystin the reaction at
(4) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical

158. ^%^37^M^-^'2.5atnifW 158, A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated

3TRrrT 2.50 L ^ 3TRrR 4.50 L container against a constant external pressure of
fl'h ii<HK IV<di ^101 %I !"5ff nRq^ii 2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final

AU, ^ if ^ : volume Qf4.5QL. The change ininternal energy AU

ofthe gas in joules Vkill be: ^ J j, \^r
(1) +505J
0) +505J _
(2) 1136.25 J
(2) 1136.25 J
(3) -500J 2^
(3) -500J
(4) -505J
(4) -505J

159. 20 %"qra ifC02(g) 400 K'Q=f 0.4 atm ^

tfn 3TlfV^ if SrO (SrO % 37FI?R ^ -JTrrTni -cn^) %| 159. A 20 litre container at 400 K contains C02(g) at
pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the
Mi5( ^ ilNoi dnlVirt *i<ri ^ f^iTi ^FRO volume of solid SrO). The volume of the container is
tl ^ i f CO2 %^ITH WntTTir now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
^ iwictH Sn^lcFT^Pil: in the container. The maximum volume of ti\e
container, when pressure of CO2 attains its
(f^ 'Pn SrC03(s) ^ Sr0(s) +C02(g), maximum Value, will be;

Kp=1.6atm) (Given that irC03(s) ^ Sr0(s) + C02(g),

(1) 2<rt1idt Kp = 1.6aim)

(2) 5 (1) 2Utre

(2) SUtre
(3) 10 !rfl
(3) lOUtre
(4) 4
(4) 4 litre
< Which of the following statements is not correct ?
(1) fq'JxJlfibiui 5fr ^ 11
Denaturation makes the proteins more active.
(2) TTm TSRi "^f -^r^ry %
(2) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of
a human body.

(3) Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in egg-


(4) Blood proteins thrombin and fibrinogen are

involved in blood clotting.

iHlndi-fEngli^ 37
161. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
161. l^WqfW3TfW^X2+Y2-2XY^^?'fWy Xj+Y2 - 2XY is given below :
(i) X2-^ X + X(fast)
(i) X2->X + X(^)
(ii) X+Y2?^XY +Y(s1ow)
X+Y2?^XY+Y (tfriTf)
(iii) X+Y > XY (fast)
Theoverall orderofthereaction willbe:
fpni (^) :
(1) 1.5
a) 1-5 1
(2) 1
(3) 2 (3)
(4) 0
(4) 0

162. -pTCTii t STPn "3^ S-S 162. In which pair of ions boBi the species contain S S
a^l5W t? bond ?

(1) S4OI ,S20f (1) 540^ ,S20^

(2) S2O7 ,8203 (2) S20p',S20|''

(3) S40r,S20f (3) S4O6 '


(4) SjOf.SjO^
(4) S20^*,S20|2-

163;^Which one ofthe following pairsofspecieshave the
same bond order ?
(1) N2,02
(2) CO, NO (1) N2,02
(3) 02,N0+ CO, NO
(4) CN-,CO
(3) 02,N0+
164. CN-,CO

(1) 16^ Mixture ofchloroxylenoland terpineol acts as:

(1) antibiotic
(2) 4l^glO
(2) analgesic
(4) antipyretic
165. 3nsfH if"CTzMt ^ %ns2_|frl^{.T4i %*rpft3[rft ^
t: 165. Itisbecause of inability ofns^ electrons ofthe valence
shell to participate in boiidiivg that
(1) (1) Sn"*"^ is reducing while Pb'^"'" is oxidising
(2) Sn2+ 3mf^ii^t^5T^Pb-j+ (2) Sn^"*" is reducing while Pb^"*" is oxidising
(3) Sn2+ 3lMtfKT^t'5R%Pb-^+ (3) Sn^"^ is oxidisij\g while Fb' is reducing
(4) Sn2+ Pb2+ t 3tM^ (4) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
166. ^ 3=rN%'?n % M-i==35.5 kj mul--' 16J>]^For agiven reaction, AH =35.5 kJ mol~l and
AS=83.6JK-l mol-l fl 3TfiTfsF?JT WTR xn; AS =83.6 JK ^mol ~^, The reaction isspontaneous
at : {Assume that AH and AS do not vary with
x-^Rri 'f ?
/56. - 6H-/is
("RR AHT^sf AS 3T3I?1^ t) (1) T>298K

(1) T>298K
(2) T < 425 K
(2) T<425K
f3) T>425K
(3) T>425K
^11 temperatures

1^7; Iftnolalityoffre dilutesolutionisdoubled, thevalue

167. ^ ^ -^mn t fft ''^ of molal depression constant (Kj) will be:
(k,) f!^:
C(i7^ unchanged
(2) doubled
(3) halved
(4) tripled

Which of the foUowing is dependent on

temperature ?

(1) Weight percentage

(2) Molality

(3) Molarity

(4) y Mole fraction

(4) TTlcT fv??

169. Pick out the correct statement with respect to

169. [Mn(CN).
(Mn(CN)ftl3- :

(1) ^ dip''- ^'tiP.rf ?TSTT %I (1) It isdsp^hybridised andsquare planar

{2) ^ sp'^d^ "?Tm 11 (2) It is sp^d- hybridised and octahedral

0) (3) It is sp^d^- hybridised and tetrahedral

(4) W d^p-^ rTifT (4) It it d^p-^ hybridised and octahedral


170. 17^ Which is flie incorrect statement ?

(1) "3^ -siNf^sti "SRI "^jlTcn ^ a) Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
compounds in which sizes of cation and
^1H-1 % 3TRR ^Hll
anions are almost equal.
FeOo98 has non stoichiometric metal
(2) FeOo,98 ^ ^ ^ 11 deficiency defect.

(3) Density decreases in case of crystals with

Schottky's defect.
(4) Naa(s) STi^^fT^, teT (4) NaQ(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
n\c\'^, Wli-if ^ f*Wd 11 silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric

ejl^ <=11511 ^; . HgCl2 and I2 both when dissolved in water
containing I ~ ions the pair of species formed is:
(1) Hg^I^-I-

(2) Hgl2,l3
(3) Hgl2,I-
(3) Hgl2,I-
(4) Hgli ,l3
(4) Hgl|-,^

172. #^T2^'^%fi^?^'fCN-arnn-^fiT^imWn
VT^. Extraction ofgoldand silverinvolvesleachingwith
CN ~ ion. Silver is later recovered :

(1) Zn ^ (1) displacement with Zn

(2) V, liquation

(?) (3) distillation

WC1 (4) zone refining


73. %^CoCl3.6NH3,CoCl3.5NH3,CoCl3.4NH3^ " 173) The correct order of the stoichiometries of AgCl
formed .when AgNOj in excess is treated
if AgNO^ % with ti\e complexes; C0CI3.6NH3, C0CI3-5NH3,
AgQ jFiT^nRT: %: C0CI3.4 NH3 respectively is;

(1) 2Aga,3AgaiAgCl (1) 2AgCl,3Aga,lAga

(2) lAgCl,3Aga,2Aga (2) lAga,3Aga,2AgCI 3

(3) 3AgaiAga,2Aga (3) 3Aga,lAga,2AgCl

(4) 3AgCl2Aga,lAga (4) 3Aga,2AgaiAga


174. A tfn stfMfdvsII % WR ^ tdl^ ; Identify A and predict the type of reaction
NaNH, ,
-> A


(1) ^8n l^yfd-biijim 3tM^ and cine substitution reaction


(2) cisn yRiWNH stfttf$7iT and substitution reaction


(3) ?rn Pddlm 'rm^ and elimination addition

(4) <Tan

(4) and cine substitution reaction

175. -qtlw ^ t:
(1) shlllcr^'HlH An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(2) compound is:
(1) Cobaltocene
(3) Tft^'nT aifwlgr
(2) Ruthenocene
(4) MrN Grignard's reagent
176. ^ "qTRT srf^ ^ (4) Ferrocene

The reason for greater range of oxidation states in

(1) 4fT3^5d'?<fff^3^3TraTTraTf actinoids is attributed to:

(2) (1) 4f and 5d levels being close in energies

the radioactive nature of actinoids
(3) an^rg^
(3) actinoid contraction
(4) 5f,6d^IT7s^"^^OTg^^
(4) Si, 6d and 7s levels having comparable
177. T?:^B(^Z =114^W^^f3nfgTS^^tl
^ TTf^/grf c!Sn f^siTRT 177. The element Z = 114 has been discovered recently.
^rTiT ? It wiO belongto whichofthe following family/group
and electronic configuration ?
(1) ^TTlfRrr IRn] Sf'^ 6d'0 7s2 7p6
(1) Nitrogen family, [Rn] gdlO 752 7p6
(2) t#3R {Rn] 6d^0 7s2 7p5 (2) Halogen family, [Rn] 6d'^7s^ 7p^
(3) [Rn] 5fl4 6dlO 7s^ 7p2 (3) Carbon famUy, [Rn] ed^^ 7s^ 7p^
(4) 3W?m [Rn] 5fl4 6d^" 75^ 7p-' (4) Oxygen family, [Rn] 6d^'' 75^ 7p^
178. 3TfMf^^lO-2sec-l tl 178. A first order reactionhas a specific reaction rate
20 g %5g cfop^fffTTT 7 10l~^sec~V
^sec How ranch time willittakefor20gof
the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?
(1) 693.0 sec
(2) 238.6 sec (1) 693.0 sec
(3) 138.6 sec (2) 238.6 sec

(4) 346.5 sec (3) 138.6 sec

(4) 346.5 sec
Ionicmobility ofwhichofthe following allca Ij nutel
ions is lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
are put under an electric field ?
(1) U
a) Li
(2) Na (2) Na
(3) K (3) K
(4) Rb

180. ^%crWRt^: In the electrochemical cell:

ZnlZnSO^ (0.01 M)!| CUSO4 (1.0 M)|Cu, W ZnlZnSO^ (0.01 M)j| CUSO4 (1.0 M)jCu, theemfof
^"^emfEjti '^ZnSO^'^^fF^tn^l.OM^ this Daniel cell is E^. When the concentration of
vRqfHct ^ CUSO4 ^ ^ 0.01 Md<^i 4rwfHd ZnSO^ is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuSO^
changed to0.01 M, theeinfchanges toEj- From the
f^^srrartcitemf^f'^fT^Ejti foUowings, which one is the relationsliip between
EiT^E2^^t?(f^W, ^=0.059) E^ and E2 ? (Given, = 0.059)
(1) 2 = 0
(1) 3=0^ El
Ej = E2
Ej <3
(4) Ei>E2
(4) E,>E2



t"r TT
^ . -I

iWlB IMflli -

PiHRifhiH saTPf # ^ ; Read carefully thefollowing instructions:

1. l^'^n^'tRiR^'tr^yiqf, MysFT^amr^r^-'tR 1. Each candidate must show on demand his/her

I<<aii<l Admit Card to the Invigilator.

2. Nocandidate, without special permission ofthe

2. ^ ^ 3T3iTfn % ^ ^ Superintendent orInvigilator, would leave his/
s m WH H I her seat.

3. t'r4<d ^ arw "qst 1^ 3. The candidates should not leave the

Examination Hall without handing over their
%t3; rf^ ^ Answer Sheet to the Invigilator on duty and
gju sign the Attendance Sheet twice. Cases where
a candidate has not signed the Attendance
% dH^ Bttt ^ tftenrr I" alfr''^ Sheet second time will be deemed not to have
handed over the Answer Sheet and dealt with
^TTtR g>r irm^ TTRT I as an unfair means case.

^ wrm t i 4. Use of Electronic/Manual Calculator is


5. "5^-^ ^" St %^ 5. The candidates are governed by all Rules and

^ fWf ^WiRT f I arjf^ iTTiR % Regtilations of the examination with regard to
. tTTiT#" ^ ^ %^pmf TT^ W^ % their conduct in the Examination Hall. All cases
^T^^TR^PTTI ofxmfair mear\s will be dealt with as perRules
and Regulations of this examination.

6. f^1 WRI ^f 3% "3tIT ^ ^ ^ 6. No part of the Test Booklet and Answer Sheet
shall be detached under any circumstances.
- <

7. The candidates will write the Correct Test

7. ''Tt9T^R<m/-5^iT5rir'f^TT^TTCr8JT'3fef^lflm Booklet Code as given in the Test Booklet/
tltr^^jqftqf^-TT^-^f , Answer Sheet in the Attendance Sheet.
B 2
"t. iti.'ici.' ol [i'e rono*t.,g is a sink for co ? 5. Which of the is depgndent qn
0) tin thesoil
Q\ O.eans
t5 lQ \fr *oturry

v Plants

The element Z = 'I'14 has been discovered recently.

t? tuB
Mole ftaction
Weight percentage
t(r It wiX.belong6'ifficfi -of the f oltowing f amrly/grorip
and elfttroni. (onfieuratbn ? gl
O" yi c*a" n-tiy.1ff1srrt utozszzS Z With respect to rhe conformeE of, which of
tne. rot tow rng sta teme0ttsllttbr.. ?
E^ 36 (21 C\ygen family,lRnl 5fl16dt07.27p1 2
le* (3) Nitrogen family, [Rnl 5f1,r 6d10 7s2 7p6 19 Eond angle changes but bond tmglh remain6
l,/- (4) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f1a 6d10 js2 jp,
(2) Both bond angte and bond tength change
3. For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kl mol-t and (3) Both bond angles and bond tenSth remains
JK- I mol - l. The rcaction is spontanggllrs
AS = 83.6,

(4) Bond an8te remains same but bond tengttr


r>2eBK j92' Cr)
(4) r <42sK 'A?'o
7_ Name the gas readi
t1, decolou rise acidified

{. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

(3) PrOj
NaNH^ (4) CO:

8. It b kause ol ina bttiry .r r: of the valence
shell to participa ie in bonding dlat:-7?p
OCH 3 --:- I D
(l) Sn2' oridisrng whne pba+ is reducing
and elimination addition @ Sn2+ and pb2+ are both oxidising and
'rt'1 reducing
(3)_, Snr - is reducmS while pba+ is oxidising

*r' is redu(ing white pba+ is oxidising

(2) and che substitution reaction 9. Mechanism ol a hypotheti(al rea(tron
X2+Y2 -.) 2 Xy is given betow:
ffri., Lr^Ya (i) x:-+x + x-rru,tr )4r44+b1
(ii) X +Yr:1y1y i.1o*1 k" \W7-
(3) and cine substitution reaction
,U,1 r*"-,,",r".U U r$3tf'1
v. f'l txY? rhe overa **n ^*,u*,tf
o.der or rhe
3 (Y v\
(r) z t''"jt\r1
(2\ 0
and substitution reaction
V( 1.5

(.1) 1

\rr $a
+ 3 B

10. The equilibdum constanb of the folloh'ing are : 14. The corld increasinE otder of basic strength for
the following compou--nds is:
N2+3H2=2NH3 U?W
N2+o2= 2 No ",
& q N H, NHr -
H" + : O. --, H,O K1

The equilibrium constant (K) of the reqgBon

(II) (nr)
zNar+f o25, *o*arro, "''* 0)

6 *,*2rr',
(2) M<TI<I
(2) K2K/Kr df tI<I<III
(3) rl r.,/x, (4) II<III<l
15. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
1r; r, x]7xt pound is:

11. whi.hone is th wronqstalement

\-..:- ?
Grignard's reagent

(1) The uncertainty principh is AExAtT%r (3) Cobaltocene

N Half filed and fully fiIed orbitals have geater

stabilrty due to greater eYchange ener8y,
(4) Ruthenocene

A 20 litre .ontainer .t 400 K (onta'ns S9l8) al

gre.t; symmetry and more balanced 16.
alrangement, oresiii6O.,t atm and an e\cecs ofllq.llnaSlect tho

d The energj/ of 25 orbital is less than the enrty

of 2p orbital in case of HYdrogen likeatoms'
i,olr-" oiiiiiEQ). mevolume-ofthe container is
now decreffi-by moving the mirvable piston f itted
ii-r6-?6i6fi;; The mari um volume of the
given by I
h contiiiEi- tren pressure of Co2 attains rts
(.1) de-Broglids wavelmgth = ,
m;i*mum value, will be:'
where m=mass of the Particle, o:8touP < ci"]l-il :srcor(s) = sro(s) +co2(s),
velocity of the Particle. Kp=r.6atm) k?u e D 4ro,
12. Which one of the following statements is not (r) 10 lihe V 6 __ ? Ooz-
cQgsg? (2) ,llitrc
tvz Yr Af
\t{ The value of equitibrium constant is changed (3) 2litre
c-+\V) ( v)
in the presence of a (atalyst in the reaction at
equilibdum. vl 5litre -ffil =-
(2) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical Mixture ofchloroxylenol and terPineol acts as l

(/ antiseptic
(3) Coenzymes increase the c.talytic actieity of
(2) antiPYretic

C"t"Ft ao"" imhabe any reaction (3) antibiotic

{ "ot (4) analgesic
H8CI2 and 12 both when disso lved in
@ _
.ontainine I ions the
v Pick out the correct statement with .f!Pg:!-!o
(l) Hgl2,I- (M +t [Mn(CN)6]3-:

(2) HsI?-,It
q9 i \,e )(
lt is sp3d2 hybridisd and tetsahedral
It is d4P3 hybridised and octahedral
I Itis dsd hyb dised and square planar
.l4l Ha2tvr- (3)
It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral
(4) Hgl2,It

@ ,t #lrl, t.
I 4
19 Match the interhalogen compounds of cotumn I 23. lhc heating of phenyt-methyl with Hl
!i,$ dte geomeqv m qg-lrtlrn [grd asriSn the concr produces.

Column I
T- shape
0) iodobenzene


XX: Pontagona I bipyram idal
(4) cthvlchlorid6
XXs Linear
21. I n the electroch.m i-al eU :
(d) \ (iv) Euare-pyramidal znlzrlsor (0.0r M)llCurrr (t.o M)lctr, the e'lf of
(r) Tetrahedral
this D.rniel (ell rs Fl
lvh; the concentrattDn of
/ns()t ir rhangcd to L0 M and rhat of CuSO.
Code: han8ed to0 0t M. the;m-Frhanges to E.. From th;
(a) G)
(b) (d) lollon rnBs,iIich one is the,et;hoEhip between
(ii, (iI (lv) (ii) Er a',d F. ? (Giren.If
(2\ (") (i") (iii) (n) =g.ose)

jp< (iv)
(iii) (ii) (0
(, (ii)
rr) E,<E- Ett- e"-"gh 99i
(4) (iv)
g{ r,,,x, g, * 5 {o.o*t-6)
20. I.=o+t)
L= t"- O J-gW
The species, having bond angles of l20".is : (3)
(1) I
CrF3 (.1) I. -r: > 56r
19( acr, ,.7 25. ordfr @a.t'.n las a spsg4qeiSEglrare of
A- firs t
(4) PHr lU--:lr{ ,. How rhu(h tirne will it
take for 20 g of
thercd(tantbreduceto5s I /n\
2t Predict the corre(t inrermedirrp
follori ing reaction :
ind product rn the
roo*, bff..'i"
s. P;'

H,O, Hfl),I
(3) r12 e' Lg'3
intermediate producl 6e3.0 sec 61..l
(A) (B)
(.1) :ln 6.r,( 'L
-( l, nc-c=&2 B: H3c-c=cH2
26. Which one of the folowing pairs of spcies have the
oH sol
()2 No+
e, n:c-;-CH3 B: H3C-C=CH
{i o CN -,CO

sr A: H3C - C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH1

N:, Oi
oll o C(). NO
(1) A Hic-f=cH2 8: H3C-C-CH,l 27 both the srccies contajn
n ":bs!-e3g "ffg$
S -s
so,r o .o D
22. Ifmolalitv of the dilu F solu tion is doubled, the vatuc gyl soo!-,s,o,,-
ofmolal depression constant (K,) $iI bej
O) halved I s,o]-.s,oi- '"-?-il-,'
(2) tripled (3) srol-,srol-
I s,of-,s,o,2-
hyrol 2 SPS L>o42'
LN- 1c o

15" L9 5 B

28. Concentrahon of the llEl ions iq-e.lqllllgled 34. Correct increasing order for Erc WgyglClA$ls of
solution of AgrC2On is Z::fO mol L-1' ab6orption in the visible r8ion for Ole comPlds of
Co3+ is:
(r) co (Hro)"13+,1co (en);3+, 1co (NQ)ol3+

(2) tco (Hp)613+, tco OrHrup+,1co(en)313+

(3) [Co(NH1 1+,ICo(en)J:'-,lCoGIp)J1'
gl s"e"nl'- ,tco (NH.U1*,lco (Hro)611*
29. oftho followine alLalimetal 3S. Which one is the most acidic comPound ?
solution of their salts
are put under an lctric field ? OH
(1) K
(2) Rb
gl ',Na
(4) C)I I
30. A gas b allowed to e\pand in a welulsd'rd
cofo.ioe1 against a cdruun-nt e3191{g1gg91' of 12\
2.5 ahr from an initial votume of 2.50 L to I final
v6-lurne of 4.50 L. The change in intemal energy AU
' Noz
.i trre gas ififtires *il x ," O -- )
0) -5ool W.-pAV oIl
y?f -*s1 Au = w+8 ozN NO:
(3) +50sl
roi ,r*rtr
N =y
a-{12)a s d Noz
31. The reason for greatet range of oxidation slates in
a.dnoids is atEibuted to;
0) actinoidcontraction
gpl ,r, ro and 7s levels h.ving comparable (1)
energres .

P) 4f and levels being close in energies

(4) the radioactive nature of actinoids
32. The most suitable method of seParation of 1 : 36. Which of the following Pairs of comPounds is
mixtue of ortho and Para ' niEoPhenols is :
iloelectsonic and isostructura I?
(1) ChrcmatograPhy 5F yt/ r"t x.r,

\? (2) Crystallisation t7
t( t? c{ + ol 5+
g/ b\-r, ,ts[' IBr2,xeh
ry (4)
Steam distiuation
Sublimation I+ jlP( IF, xeF2
r*l Bdl., xeF,

6( g
i}i,. The correct order of stoi(hiometriF of4{g
tlhe z- @.-
formed when AgNOI in Fxcess i< treated
CoCh.4 NHI rPecuvelY 6 :
2 Which of the following reactionr is aPProPriate for
converting acetan de to methanamine ?

(1) 3 AgCl,1 AgCl,2 AgCl

[,6f Hofr-"nnttypobromamidereaction
.,( stephens reacion
g?f t*a.z7g]"t l.ecr
(3) Gabriels phthalimide synthesis
F( 2 Agct 3 A8Cl, I AgCl
'!t t os.-isoe..t''oe..t X Carbylamine teaction

.r "-.-Nllz J
tl 6
38. Of tlrc followin& which is d'. p.S!!lrd-b.Eed_uh"" 42. ft. .o-S!gl!AEEE[|."ta rdint e]SgEgplile is :
cl4olera.oo ne u&9C9". EglgldeDsat,".
toxowed t\y heating "
2 Ele(Eophile is a negativety charged spe(les
/,l(\ and can form a bond by accepting a paii of
et(trons trom anotherelectrophile
V (2) Flecttophiles are generaly neuhal species
and can rorm a bond by acceptinS. pair of
el(trons trom a nucleophile

\d Electsoph
.harted species
can be either neuEal or oositivelv
and can form a'bond-bi
(2) accepting a pair of electrons from I

(r) ElecEophile is a negativety charged species

and can form a bond by a(ceptrng a pair of
electsons from a nucleophile
L) o
43 Consider thc reactions

$o x
CU IAsNH3)2]+
0 Silver mirror obsrved
(r) r,$'
L'l{ L $9.
(c2H6o) 573 K
OH o
rrrHr-r.,tr-C-r'nr, W
39. Which of the followinS statemensEl!4lgqrt ? I I
0) Ovalbumin is a simpte food reserve inetg -
whitie. Identify A, X, Y and Z
Blood proterns thrombin and Ebrinogen are
F- 'ft/' e-Vettrorymedrane,X-Ethanot,y-Ethanoic

rnvolved in blood clonins.
Denaturation makes the probins morc active.
Imulin maintains sugar level in the blood of p/
acid, Z-Sem ic6rbazide.

A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, y-Bur-2_enal,

ahumanbody- Z-Smicarbazone '
40. Whrch one is the correct orderofaciditv 7d a-etlanof, X-A.etaldehyde,y-Butanonq
dlit cu =
qH r arl-c= cH > cHz=cH2 >
G.-Gr (4) a-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoicacid,
Y-Acetate ion, Zhydrazine.
@ CH=CH > CH2-CH2 > CHI-C=CH >
H. ff*:H3 > cHr=cH, > cH3-Ht > 14. The IUPAC name of the compound

( CH2=CH2 > CH3-CH=CH2 > CH1_C I

41. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
CN:j!D. Silver G late' rovered by : - tformylhex-2-nj-one
0) distillation
(2) J}tl lmethyt4-oxohex-2-n-tal
zone refinine
@ oorru...^"i, n,*rn (3) 3.ketc.2-methylhex_5_enal
(4) Iiquation }-keto-2-merhylhex-4{nal
50. Adult human RBCS are enucleate. Which of ole
g,' which is the{ncorrect statement ?
followinS statement(s) is/are most aPProPriat
Density decreases in case of crystals tr'ith
A S.hottkv's detuct.
explanation for this feature

They do not need to reProduce f,

K Nacl(s) irsulator, silkon is sEBgBdgslor,
silver i5 conductor, quartz is prczo erccm(
(b) They are somatic cells
crysta-i. (c) They do not metabolize
Frentel defect is favoured rn those io'ic (d) A[ dlen intemalsPace is available for orygen
,/ compounds in Ydlgh-lizrlof cation and EansPort
0r FeOo.98 has non stoichiometric metal
deficiency defect. ,tu only (a)

)4 (a), (c) and (d)

46. A decrease in blood Pressure/ volume will nglgguse (3) (b) and (c)

the releas of:
Atrial Natriuretic Factor V only (d)

(2) Aldo6terone 5t An important characteristic that Hemichordates

share with Chordates is:
(3) ADH
(1) venhal tubutar nerve cord
(4) Renin
d (3)
pharynx with gil slib
pharynx witltout gill slits
{7. which of the following "re not Dolymeric ?

absence of notochord
(1) Proteiis
(2) Polysaccharide3 52 Alexander Von Humbolt desctibd for the first
4$ tpia. time
bws of limiting factor
(4) Nucleic acids 0)

,18. A babv bov .qed two years is ad-rritted to play school

d (3)
Species area rclationshiPs

Population Growth quation

and o;es tliroush a dental checl - uP The dentist
Ecological BiodiversitY
otuerrea Uat ttreLy ttud h/venty Eeth Which Ee6t
wereabsntI 1ti^2 yJ_ 53. Identify the !!9S statement in context of
0) canines {A' P heartwood:
gdf nre-moLrs (1) It is highlY duable
(3) Molars gil It conduct wacr and minerab efliciendy
(4) lncisors (3) lt comPrises dedd lements with hithly
lignified walts
.19. Which of the following statemenls is 'dw-t
(4) or8anic comPounds are dePosid in it
.lA The descendmg limb of looP of HPnle i5
- imDermenbleto water' 5{. Which one of the folowing statements i5 ciE!'ct'
with reference to enzymes ?
(2) The ascending limb of looP of Henle is
Permeable to
water' g{ a"w"a^" = eponzyme + coe'nzyme
(3) The des.ending lifrb of looP of Henle is (2) Coenzyme: APoenzyme + Holoenzyme
prmeable io elecbolytes'
(3) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Ccfactor
The ascending limb of loop of Hcnle
(4) (4) APoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
imPermeable to water'
Root hair develop ftom the region of 61. An example of colonial algB i3
(1) Elonsation
12) Rootcap
1tf va,,,
(2) Ulothrir
Meristematic activity
,d Maturation
(3) Spnogya
(4) Chlorella
56. Among the folowing characters, which one was
not considered by Mendcl in his e\perimenrs on
62. Capacitation occurs in :
Trichomes, Gtandutar or non-glandular
(1) Epididymis

Q) Seed - Green or Yeltow (2) Vas deferens

(3) Pod - Inflad or Conskicted g2/ femat neproaucive tac

(4) Stem - Tall or Dwarf (4) Rete testis

57. Which of the fotlowing facilitates opening of 53. Select the mismatch
stomatal aperfure ?

0) Decreaie in turgidity of grard cells t9/ Mycorrhiza

6 Radial orientationof .ellulos microfibrits in

the cell wall of guard celts

(3) Rhizobiunt
Nitsogen fixr

(3) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose
microfibrtu in the cell wall of guard cels
(4) Contraction ofouter wall ofguard cells
64. Ilomozytous purelines in cattle can be obtained
58. fie association of histone ltl with a nucleosome
indicates l (1) nrating of unrelated individuals of
DNA replication is occurring. oreed
w The DNA is condensed inio a Chromatin

matint of individuats_of differcnt brced.
mating of individuals of different specis.
(3) The DNA double helix is exposed.
(4) Transc ption is occurinS.
\Jll' mating of related hdividuals of same breed.

59, DNA fraSments are

65. fr:8ln:1b sparated on an aguoee gd
(an be vlsudlised aftEr stahing witfi : -
Ne8atively charted
(1) Acehocamrine

(3) Either positivety or nesativelv chareed

(2) Aniline btue
depending on theirsize - yd tthiaium tromue
(4) Positively charged (4) Bromophenot blue

60. The pro(ess of separahon and purificahon ot

Double fertilization is erhibid Uy
expressed protein before marketing is called :
(l) Algae
\rl, Dowrrstreampr(6sing
(2, BioprocessinS Q) Fung!
p) Postproductionprocessing gzf an6*p".ors
(4) Upstream prGessing (4) cymno6Frms
67 The r. ,?ter potential of pure iyater is : In case ol a cuuple n here the mdte is harnrS J ser),
(1) Less tlun zro row sferur.ount, \.hictr technique s i
be 5,ril.,t,t.
rcrlerblisation ?
(2t trIore than zero butl('ss rhanorle
0) Canrete inhacytoptasmic fallopjan hansfcr
/1t N'lore than one (2) Artificiallnsemination

,/ Zel d
Inhaq,toplasmic spern iniediou

68. Oul of (paircof nbsinhumnns.ntv..\.

fi Intrauterine kansfer

truc ribs. Selc\l rheoprion rhar co.r..ih r.nrt.rnrs
73 lvhal is the crftenon for pllAAig!{rs Drovemcht
values of X and Y and provrdcs therr *iprinar;on on a garose gel d u ring gl el(trophores is ,

v X=12,Y=5 True ribs are attached

dorsallv to vertebral column
and sternum on thc trvo ends,
The smaUer the ftagnrcnt sE(., tle farthcr ir

Positivclr.charged fragoents move to farther

(2) X=24,Y=7 True rits are dorsalv (3) Negativel),chaBed frigments do not nrote
attached to vc.rtchral
butarc k?!.onvcntIal.ide. (4) Ihc larger the fragmcnt size, the farihcr it
{3) X =2t, Y= 12 Truc ribs .rre Jors.ltv
attachcd to vertehral column
The Iunction of coppr iorrr in coFpcr retedl,nS
butar (rl,e on venhal sidc.
X=12,Y=7 -l-rue flbs ar. arta.h?d (1) ThevinhibirgametogeresG.
{ dorsall! to \'.rtchra I .ciunnr
and vcntrally to tltesternunl
(2) They make uterus unsoirable for
Thef, inhibit ovula6()n.
DNA replication in bacteria oc(urs
(l) lvithin nucleolus d They su pprcss sperm motility,rnd ferrilisinS
capacr tv of sf,erms.

(2) Prior to fissbn

Spliceosomes arenot found in cells of
(3) Just belore Eanscription {r, rungr
DuringS phase (2)

$'hich cells ot 'Crypts of l-iehertuhn secrele
- antibacterial lvsozvn)c ?

\f' Paneth cells

\ rh rh of thc foUo$.inS cett orqaneucs ,s r("roorisr hlc
ti+}giillEjl:lsr r-. . ilrqlrdr" t*-T., "'
k Zvmogen ceus
llr Ribosome
Kupffer cells

Argentaffin celis
a The hepa tic porLal r.ein drnrn! bloort h)ijter fronl
('l) Stomach Ihe pivotjoint bebr'een atias nnd ariis is a tlpe of
(2j (1) cartilaginousjoint
sl no!ial
!.ddlc Ionrt

(l) Ile.rt (1)

/-3 GnRll, a,1)pothalamic hornrone, needed in 84. Which of the following is gurcctlSr.mi thed for the
rcProlluLnr)n, a( ts cn l product produced by them ?

\il dnterior tituitar) gland and stimulates

s(rrctionol LH andFSH.
(1) Mdtrrn,rol,a.;'rxr?x : Lactic acid

(2) nofatx,n: Acetic acid

(2) lrostlrror pituitary gland and stinlulates
sccretion ofoxytocin and FSH. gfi snrrhrn ryu,,"r"risirP : Ethanol

(3) postcrior pituitarv Slind and stimulates (1) Acerornclerscefi:Antibiotics

secretion of LH and rela\in.
(.1) anterior pituitai!' tland and stimulates E5. Thaldssenia andsicklecell anemia arecaused due
secretion of LH and oxytocin. to a problem in 8lobin molecule synthesis. Selcct
the corect statenrent.
79. tvht(h of ttll follor! ing rcpresents order of'tloEe ?
(1) Both are due to a quanhtative detuct in globin
\.!, Perirsoda.t,la chain synthesis.

l2t Caballus
./ Thalassemia is due to less syndtesis of Sloqin

(3) Ferus

(.1) Equ ae d Si(kle c anemia is due to a quantitahve

problem of globin molecules.

80. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary COz (l) Both are d ue to a qua litative defect in globnl
a.cePk, i,r : chain synthesis.

,,/ C{ plants
Flowrs hhich hdve single ovule in the o!"rI an.l
(l) C, plants arepackedinto-infloresc-iEi-areusual!pollinaleJ
(3) C1 and Ct plants bvi
(.1) Cl plants (r) &{

(l) B,tt
(i) Cr.ssland eosystem
(2) Pond ccosystem

La ke ecosysten
tt7. Re(eptor sitcs for negESlp-lqillglsrre Present on
\L,l rrosystem
(1) pre-synapticmembrare
82. A disease caused bv ar)' (2) tips ol axons
non-disjunction i5:
yPl Post-sYnaPticmembrane
(4) nenrbranesofsynapticvesicles
@ Tumer'sSyndrome
(r) Sickle Cll Anemia
Durins DNA rDhcahon. Okazali fracments are

d Dorvn's Syndrome uset to elongate

(1) The

l.88int strand to$'ards replication fork.

The \'a,,cular cambrum normally grvs flse to
(2) The leading strand aw.y from rePlicatron
('l) Primaryphloem I
Secondary xylem The lagging strand awa), from the rPlication
rii Periderm '.{ fork.

4 rhe leadutg strand tor!'ards rePli.ahon fork.

i \1)
({) Phelloderm

Which of the following oDhons best rePresents the 95. Myelin sheath is Produced bY :
enzyme comPosition of p'ancreaUc'i rt e-r-- (1) Ashocytes and Schwarm Cells

X (2)
amylasc, PePsin, tryPsinogen,
peptidas, amYlase, PeFin, rermin
Osteoclasb and Ashocytes
@ lipase, amylase, tryPsinogen,
schwann cetts and oliSodendrocytes
procarboxyPePtidase {9/
amylase, PePtidas, tryPsinogen, rennin
X 96. Match the followinS se\ually &e!:E lsd
diseass (colurrn . I) with their (aus4!iyS-3t94t
90. AnaDha*' I'romoting ComPIe\ (Arcl is a ProtPin (column - rD and se!+gssglEggPggn
desradaton machinery rE(essary for proFr mito6is
ofinrmaltells. lf Arc i5 defective in a humancell' Column- I Colunn-II
which of the following is expeted to occur ? HIV
(1) Chromosomes will b ftagmend
v{ Chromo6omes will not setregate
will G) Genital W
(3) Recombinahon of chtomosome arms
(d) Human
PapilloEra - Vlrus
(4) Chromosomes will not condense
9l The genotypes of a Husband and wife ar IAIB and (a) (b) (c) (d)

A mong lhe blood tyPes of their childre& how many 0) (in) (iv) (,) (n)

differe-nt genotypelind ph-enorypes are poasible ? (2) (rv) (n) (in) (,

(1) 3 genotyPs; 4 PhenotyPes
-^ (3) (w) (iii) (ii) (,
1 genotypes; 3 phelgtyPs
4 SenotYPs; 4 PhenotyPes
fI ,y (ii), (in) (*) (,

(4) 3 genotYPes; 3 PhenotyPs

/ 97 Whrch amonq thes i5 the coEect combination of
r,0 aquatic mamirals ?
92. vLoids differ from vjg!g']g : having y( ootptti*, s.ob, rryg,,
0) DNA molecules without probin cmt (p/ *ro. oo,rn*. *"o
(2) RNA molecules with protein coat (3) Iry8on, Whales, Seals
gpy' nNemolecut"swlUplr+tolerEqet
(9 Seals, DolPhins, Shark
(4) DNA molecules with Protein coat
Coconut fruit
93. Mycorrhizae arc the examPle of :
(1) Bet'Y
0) Amensalism
(2) Antibiosis (2) Nut

gPy' u'"'ti' P) CaFule

(.1) Fungistasis gy' ^*
94. The morphological nature of the ediblc f^rr of 99. A dioecious flowering Plant Prevents bolh
(1) Cotyledon
1,/ AutogamY and geitonogamY
(2't Geitonosamy drd xenoganry
,Jrl Endoeperm
(3) Cleistoga$Y and xenotamy
(3) Pericarp
(1) Perisperm
(4) Autotamy and xenoglmy
100. Which of the folowing are found in eIEllClALine
105. A gene whose e\pression helps to identify
conditions ?
karEtormed (ll $ knownas l
0) Eubacteria
(2) Cyanobacteria
0) vector

(3) 12\ ptasmid


\,1/l (3) Structurat gene

101. Which among the following are th smallest tivinq

gd sa*our" -u.r.u.
SgUs. known withoul a d.jE!.*U"il
planb as well as animaLs and can su rv 106. Whkh of the following coErpon.nb providB
ivilthou t sticky
oxySen ?
character to the tacterial cell ?

0) Pseu.lo,.oflos (1) NuckrmembrarE

.J4 Mycopl.sma (2) Plasmamemtran
(1) Bacillus
t${ "ry.,nay,
(4) Cell watl
102. With releren(e to ficlo,( affe(tlllthe rate ol
photgrynthesis, which of the torro-r,rg o,r.;;s 107. The final proof forDNA.s the gnetic
15 not correct I matedal carne
trom the e\periments of :
(t) Increasing ahnospheric CO, concentration

g up to0.05% can enhance CO; firarion rate

Cl plants respond to higher temDeratures
with enhan(ed photosvnrhesis ;hitF
uerstrey and chase

Avery, Mcleod and Mccarty

Cr plants have much lower rempeiature (3) Hargobind Khorana

(3) Tomato is a greenlouse crop which can be (4) critrith

grown in CO2 - enriched atmosDhere for
108. Frurtand leaf dropatearlystagescan beprevenH
(4) Light saturabon for CO, fuahon occurs ar by the application of.
l0% offull sunlighr
N Ethylene
103. Life cycle of EcJoca?r.


Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
6 t?,' Gibberelic acid

d (3)
Haplodiplontic, Diplonric
Haplodiplontic, Haplontic X Cytokinins

(4) Haplontic, Diplontic 109. Wlich one of the fouowint stahlrrmts is not
lor aerosol' 7 1--
104. T}|e regron ot Biosphere Reserve which
is lesaflv
prote(ted and where no human activirv is rtt{;e; (1) They alter rainfall and monsoon pattems
is knov,'n as :
(1) Buftur zone ,y They cause
incteased agricultural
(2) Transition zone
(3) They have negative impact on agicuttural
(3) Restoration mne

,fi Core zone

(4) They are harmtul to human heatth
13 B
Select theigggg! rouF for the passage of soerms in
110. Which of the following o-Pggl grves the 'onecl
male frogs :
squence of events during mitosis ?
(l) Testes + Vasa efferenha + Kidniy i

& condensation
disassembly ,
-+ nuclear
centromere division _+
equator --)
segregation --,
Sminal Vesicle + Urinogenital du't

(2) Testes -, Vasa fferentia -t Bidde/s canal

-, Ureter ) Cloaca
Vasa efferentia + Kidney -)
_-i nuclear
,V condensatron _+ crossing over 13) Testes- (.nal + Utinogenilal duct +
membrane disassembly + segretation
telophas Cloaca

& condens:ttion _, dranSemerit at equator

cent.omere division
segreqation --'
(4) Testes -+ Bidde/s (anal -r Kidney - Vasa
efferentia Urinogenital du(t rCloa(a
A tempotary endocrine tland in the human body
( condensation -+ nuclear membrane @
disassembly -) crossing over -J (1) Corpuscardiacum
segegation -, teloPhase
(2) Corpusluteun
(3) Corpusallatum
111. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modificatiors
g Pineal gland

(1) Adventitiotrs root

115. AtEactantsand rewards are required for
gtr *^ d
(3) l2aJ
(3) CleistogamY
({) Stipules (4) Anemophily

cod-g[ot3 drat 117. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm
112 If therc ale 999-ba..r-in an BNA into
orotein *it lej..i"oSg4t' len$hheq
and the at
;*-imn gor ;dehlqd suchlf,at $e of 0) Endosperm
ii.itb.6fi46'G-, how manv codoru will be
alErd ?
,,9 Embryo sac
(3) E-bryo
(1) 11 (4) Orrrle

(3) 333
118. Which of dre iollowing in sewagp tEatsnent removes
suspended solids ?

('l) , Secondary tsaErmt

(4) 1
p/ e;-"rY * o',
(3) Sludge treatment
113. trrnsDlantation of lrs'sues/orSdns tails often due (4) Tertiary tseahrit
m nonlu.."ptun.. ry *'" pahen(s body whkli tyPe
ot i.rnrn"-."tpont" is responstble for such ---'!
119. of planb arranSed into wel defircd vertkal
,ejections ?
ty"* a.pd^air,g on deir heiSht (an be seen best
Cell - mediad immune
Hormonal immune rtsPonse
Tropical Rain Forest
(3) Physiological immune rcsPonse (3) Tempemte Forest
(4) Tropical Savannah
(4) AutoiDmune lesPonse
120. Which of the following is made up of dead celts ? 125. Which of the following RNAS should be trlo3t
0) Colmchytta abundant in animalcelt ?

vzr Phelleft (l) r-RNA

(3) Phloem (2, m-RNA
(4) Xylem parenchlma (3) miRNA

121. zygotic meiosis is chglgqi:lqof

v ,-*o
(1) Lrcrrs
127. Which statement islgpgtlor K=!g:SEb ?
(2) F qria
0) There is one poht in the
rycle where FAD +
gy'f ano,,,ya-,** . ts redu.ed to FADH,
(4) Marct@ntia @ During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTp is
122. MALT constitutes about synthesised
percent of the
Iv- phoid tissue in human body ,6 ,tu,y:t l?rywith condeNation of aceqt
(l) 20% ' group (acetytCoA) with plruvk 6cid to yie-fd
ciki( acid
@ 70%
(4) Tlere are three points in th cycte where
(3) 10% NAD+ i5 reduced ro NADH +H+
ut/ xx F\
I23. Lungs are made up of an-flled sacs, dE
alveoli ItEy
e, ftpgliecetioll
of Growth Hormone in adults does
cause fu rther in( rn heigh t, trca use
.. :
donot.ollap3eyglgft erf orcef ure:-6.fration,
V Epiphysedl pldres ctose aftFr adolescence.

(1) Insp atory Resrve Volume (2) Bones loosc their sensitivity to Crowth
f tiaor vorurn
(3) Muscle fibres do not grow in size alter
(3) Expiratory Reserve Volume birth.
(,1) Growth Hornone bcomes inactive in adulb.
g/ ResiduatVotume

724. In case of porile,,ns, the
tlaSellated cells.allp.l .
spglggseeliiJindwith @ which P!e.{-use (hara(tcrisrr.
PnsgE3pPbeles and sFo. vivipary xGi!!'. -
('l) oscula 0) Ilalophytes

ul choanocytes Ql

(3) mesenchymal cells Hydrophyr,es

(1) ostia (.1) Msophytes

125. Whrch one of folowing is retated ro F\-srtu tl0. Asym Ptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
(onservatron ot.llre
ttuStEllg_e4igqqand plants ? when

(1) dN ,{N fElv?
Biod iversfty hot spob ,${ K=N k-J
Q\ Amazon rainforest
(3) Himalayan region (3) K<N
g w ttdtitesafari patk
14) The va lue of,r, approaches zero

131. Good vision dePends on adequate intake of caroEne-

134. Sel6tth$ismakh
rich food. (1) Cyans Dioeciou!
Select the best option frodt Ole foltrowint stabmenB' (2) Saloi'l.ia HeErcsporous
(a) vitamil A derivati!s ar formed from (3) Equiehm Hotrr06lrorous
(b) The photoPiSments are embedded in the ,,.9
membrane discs of the inner segment
Which one from thos Siven below is $e pglg{fu1
(c) Rednal is a derivative of Vitar:rin A t/ @ Mendel's hyb dization exPeriments ?
(d) Retinal is a liSht absorbinS Pdrt of a[ the 1840 - 1850
visual PhotoPigDmt5.\,/ 0)
\2) 1857 - 1869
1a70 - "1877
ff {ut. {.) *a tal

1856 - 1863
(2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b), (c) and (d)
136. Two ashonauts are floating in 8r{d!diqual&9e
space after havint lost contact with thet
(4) (a) and (b) spaceshiP'
The ts o will :

132. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher (1) move to$ ards each other.
- (2) moveaway from each other.
(1) directional as it pushes the mean of the
.heractEr in one dire(hon. (3) will become stationary.
spliB the PoPulation inBJbda kcep floating at the same distance betB
'' disruptive as it
on" yi"tding hiSher outPut and the oller
,r4 them.
loweJ outPut'
-A stabilizinq followed by disruptive as it 137. Younq's double slit e\Pe ment is first Frformed
V' air an; then ina medium other than air' Itis lound
stabilizes [re population to Produce higher
Yielding .ows'
;fi;;;i;hif't.c" * the med frTes where se
(4) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
;".ii;;;-ilI'* rhe rEffidve in?ex oTlhe

character in the PoPulatton

#''l;*"''' ,# -
!ra-\ "itv
FroS's heart when tatn out of the'I'odv condnues

Sele(t the b.t oPtion from th following

(4) 1.2s
(a) Frog is a Poikilothem
Frogdocs nothave any coronarycirculation' common emitter transistor amplifier the g!4io
O) 138. In a
the (olle(torThe i:rL!'
(c) Heart is "myogenic" in nature ."l,stance ofiollector is l!q.
lf(urrentgainis |00
(d) Heart is autoexcitabl trr" tur" resistanceE2 ko, the vglts&e and

power Sain of the adPlifier
uL J3V 5v
(1) 1s and 200
0) only (d) L gr;/ lso rsooo
fto ^ 'L&o
(2) (a) and (b) -a \00
I (3) 20 and 2000 P
s{gr' *a (a)


onlY G)
(4) 200 and 1000 "& ilF
lel !tr3.:t!!-Ei&s 742. The given elec{ricat network is equivalent

per unit lenSth on the f:-D"--)> ^-" or

I d C
a (1) ongaeo I
90" _Etto r JL R (\ Y
" $ Noag e
il Lnd (3) NoTgare -l I
o I
a6r J.lo L
(4) ANDgare I o

6T \o I

143 The resistance of a wire is ,R ohtrl. II

b metaed
Jiy"i2 a"d s;BE!gl!e.-r' ti-es isoriginal hn;6;lE*new
(2) resstance will be :
rd g _ J_A.L -

v2 na
o) * A.LL


Ihc de- Broglie wavelength ofa ncutron in

d n2R
3 3 3fu
I a
thermal R 3(8
cquftihlrrum rvirh heavv warpr at a temperature
tKelr rnt,rr.t rrras' --lll--
d .i
k , _2r?lr*,
(r) nX

12) approach
J3mkT 7 16.lm/s

4 )
the second car is

1{l. Radioactive matErial,A, has deca),{onstant
'8 I
and material 'B' has decay 'I'. Initia[y *a r, 3 56'9
they have same number ofnuclei. A fter L8 '!,8 Hz
the ratio of number of nuclei
what time.
that I s'l-o (4) 3s0 Hz
It L+ 3t9
'A-:i!iel z n -r8) No Tqv
& -rA N' 145.
,d 7I
I In dn ele(homdgnetrl
l:tean square vatue of rhe
\avc r rree spa.e the root

N6.lVoe -A+ I he peal value of "-l*1i*--?,sE-t"

8i - &^t e,ro-u,
the hagnetic field

N1 -No \E{l/ I Xtd1.> O

l sAt-: +
9I I
(2) 070\ l0 3T ,/>
I %
(1) 42-1,10 'tr Zxto-Q"
-1=72t (4) 1.41 x 10 rJ't
L."x7r? xxs& Y v.t9"
' t|f t.l I
5 -31

[-? x 2 -s- xr'zsxz'lx6.ljj ,a> 7

t 1? iq t I I 0
ro welled 150. A device
116. Two rods A3llDpfdilI*eat*laterials

t i"r'"it u,
in rig,re'
i, "ia rii.ii"Gr
to make electrical
the method involves
measutements of E.M.F. becaus

corductivity of the combg8lg4gin b"
d potential gadierts

1' l Q' a condition of no curtent Aow through the

K2 .\ {u galvanomeEr

d (3) a combination o( cells, Salvallometer and

E (l)
3(Kr +K2)


(2) Kl+ K2
151. The ralio of resolving Powers of 3lJPllsgl
microscope for twp-!. irlelEqP Il =4tm A
(3) .9 'nd
A.? q I
r-l LC

Which one of the follo$'ing reP resens'foiviard
o) e:4
Yd z'z
A *'z
bias diode ? (3) 16:81

R -3V (4) 8,27

-2V IT +2v
(2) of
152. A thh Prism h.vint rekachng alg!:10' 's mdde
etass oi refraOve lniex r.42 This)E-m is(ombined
3V R 5V ;ith another thin pnsm of glass of re!39gy9..qdex
1.7. This combrnation produces disFrsion

6 0v It d-evution. The refracting

oT second prism
z P?
118. A 250 - Tum lectanEular coil of lengtl 2'1 cm and
*idth 1.25 c;1;;ie;;current of 85 PA and
v{ '" ')'1t
q fr'
sutt(d b d magPtk fhld ofstsn8rh
done for rotatmg the.oil by
0'85T Work
'180'agairlst the torque

" L*-rj A ='[r'-
I a, MJlso .

b 8t (1t a.5srJ W, Mg!t ttl (4) A',

o l'\ 21t'l L Ml)

'':'' O) r.lsFl z 2Xa,iS-, M 153. A caPacitor is chatSed The battry is
n.' *t at\ o *NrA removed and another

II 0! and 02 be the aPparent angles of 'g drP observed .f rt4gClt'h*
itt ti"o ,"ri."t plan; .t nSht angles to ea(h other'
then the Eue angle of diP e i5 Siven by : d deceases by a factor of 2

0) tan20 = tan201+ tan202 (2) remains the sa[re

(2) cot?o = cot201- coe02
(3) increases bY a factor of 2
(3) tan20 = tan?or - tan2{2
(4) increases by a factor of 4
Af ,oPo=ro8e1+c.oFoz
"!L -- (v.+vr) l n!'
B 18
15.1 Preeti reached the metro station and found that the 157. The two nearest harmonics of a tybe closdilt4le
escalator was not working. She walked up the end and open dr other ena are ZO52ga
stationdry escalator ln-time tl. On other days, f she What is the tundamental frcq"@76e
remairs stationary on-ifiEf,oving escalator, then r
the escalator takes her up in time tr. The time taken g( zow 3: S:?:Sj0:r,l.: "y;:rem

by herto walk upon the movrng &alator will be :

(21 30 Hz I
trtr tso -+ d 11-, Lad a a6d
' r2-tr
____- (3) 40 tlz
\go + df tl (4) Ltz
ti .. t3
.J t,tz #x { = *a zo
V) t: +h t6all7:+
+- d - d 158. t0-r0m. The photoelecEic threshold wavelength of sitver ig
3250 x
''' 'j-? \6+\ d J etaEglgisc:Bl
from.a silver surface-by ultraviolet tiiht.f
The vetocity of the

(4) -!_ljl
,. 2
1, t,- waveteng!L?536:-10:_19-o is :

(Given h =4.14x lO-15 evs and c=3 x 108 ms-1)

155. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the (1)
foUowing dagram. = 0.6x ms-l ,

hc - hc
r&f -1;.xKFms r )qtVaz
(3) =0.3xt06ms-1
.7 TT
700 K
(4) =6xldms-1
500 K 159. Figure shows
actcuit that contains three idenri.ql.
tmK resistors with resislan.e R-90 n ea.h, two
ldentical inductors ilEliiiiGice L:2.0 mH
Makh the foltowin8 i each, and an ideal battery with emI 1g V. The
ColurtrFl Colunr2 cunent'i' throuth the baftery iust afterTE-swikh
closed is,.....
a Process I3obaric
R. Process Iiochoric lr R9 JL


Q?a, R-+d, S-+b

Isothermal 8v
(2) P_+q Qid, R+b, SJa
(3) PJd, Q-Jb, R+a, S--,c (1) 0.2A
(4) P+a, Q-+c, Rrd, SJb
@ 2A
e q 4
r56. One end of stsing of length i is connected to a (3)
Darb( Ie
of macs m and the other md i! connecH to a small
peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particte (4) 2mA
moves m circte with sped ,/, thelet lorce
2- Pg (>)
Pallli:le (d rrected io",a'as c"iilii-"ui r u"
r 150. A spherical black body wit#radius oI 12 cnr
fT repr&nts the tension in the stsing) radiabs wanEEAit soo K ff6; ,"dis!E!q
(1) r.+ r^v L
,r," *egSe**;;;bt
r.draEd m wattwould be
!. ,h"ro"*;

f# --;' o); ?=eftr' 6A
- (2) ro0o +Sb +
(3) ZEro
(k ,"oo i - =
0 T (4) 22s pz o-AXL6f
(6@E- ant d.
- 19 B
161. 165, Which of the folowing statements argjggCdl
3 kg and radius (a) GenEe of m.33 of a My always coinoqes
with th6 cnhe ofglevity of the body.
a force of 30 N !
T[r) -
O) Cents of Erars of a My is the point
0) 0.25
glf x ."d/
s2 p/.'lin al-
totrl F.vit tional borque;n the body is

(c) A couple on a body produce bothy

(3) 5 m/s2 rrulatibnal and rotauonal motion in a body.- \
t4 XIo ov
(4) 25 m/ s2 )4 d.
-.-. ?
(d) Mech.nical tdvantage Iteater than one
tL mears thai gmall effort can be used to lift a
large load.
162. T\r,discs ofinertia
thci{egu la xis passinS
perpendi(ular lo the plane !,f diec with angular
and -,b( {")*a&)
,( O) and (c)

velssliesorand or. They are brought into contact
(c) and (d)
face to face coinciding the axis of rotatioD" Tlle
e\pressron for lgss of enerev d u rinq this ptrec i. : (b)and (d)

vl ],1*-,,;
Ior + Tr0r

E "r)
165. The accelration due to Sravity at a herght I tq
above dre e.dr is the segetlatarhpb-llbelow th.
surfa.e ofearth. Then

QI r(r,1-o2)2 t@v (, tAr,

0) d=r km
rtl '-+J - fr|"+l
I ',2 L
(3) t2)
L v d:2 km
] I1,,
I t!) ?n , -L !L
v a=1t-
163. A gas mi\ture (on\isb of 2 moles 9f02 and { mol6
ol Ald-lemperature T Neglecting all vibrational 157. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
m949s, the tr)taTiflFii;Ienersv of the svstem is : a massless and inextensible shing

0) 15 RT n.t, &T + Argrqt. The whole system is suspended by a massless

spring as sho$'n in figure. The magplr.d6-of
(2) 9RT acceleration of A and B immediately aJter the string

11 RT

a$o+ r! R7tl- is cul are respectively :

t6{. The bull modulus of a sphericalohtu'B. If itie
sutirtpd to unilorm oressure 'p::6Fachonal 3m
derrear in raaius is:
.l -r -
o) *= avi v e^* &tn1-tnfl)
au- -e @

J{ &z 9-
zah. -- !

aa 3
X 5't
(4) I r* e,1
l,- 41 )- .('
B PAl L-4 20
168. The ratio of wavelengths of 172, Suppce dre charge oI a proton and an ebcbon differ
seriec and dre "ftsrl*:daeher suldgy. one or ih.- ii -*,
u'e ou'EE[@. r
(1) the net of ele.hostatic Iorce and gravitational force
w 4 )r I between two hydrogen atools plaJed at a 4ietance_d
(nruch greater than-atomic igEir-E Oi-*

"b) ma33 of hydroten
(3) 0.5 ( Ar --I Ae is of the order
l0 7 kgl
of lciven
(4) 2
), t & mh=1.67x
(r) loxc -,6*
159. A beam of light from a souce L is irEidentlglEeUy
'!> ,t{-
on a plane mtror fixed at a .ertain distane r ftom rz) lo '-.c ,..j<
the soui6-fie Gm is rellected
(l) r? c rA' "
s(ale placed iust
is rotated the spotjj_te
light is found to move through a distance t/ oD the

6 97-
scale. The angle

'"$":Y t:g r73.,Aphysicalquanhtyof thedimensionsof leng$But

4" *.,rn*.,,r...",, ;ft is r. b verocity

j +t+z (2t ; of lighL C rs universal constant of Favitation and
e is charSel
1 (a a .i f4 LT
6/, (3)
v N,
c2 G
.z '1%
4ne6 ]

{ 2r to ct tiA Li
I -2-
tl .2 1% [r+ M-t t r
770. A sDrins of force .onst nt k is rut inro
.utii r .-z , a. They iiEi6ffited
lpjgq: of
in se,iE-u,la u'e
r'?lc +"'ee l o
new force-ai;nstant is k'. Then thev
para lEiEaGiE
i,rl,t,n @,n*t/6
coistant is t".
nent ,f" is,
1 C "2 ,,,1 3r*
1S/f yr--5v A,rlt t'ty'
(4) l' vL--gv t, - r t!6
lll Ir:o &
- 4r(o
vz" Ln At " Sllt l
e 174. Two Polaroids Pl and
I -*t
2ov\ \

l" ))) )"

rov 30v 10v 3ov 20v
through P26

@ (.) (b) G) (d)

,A Io
A positive
charge is moved from A to B in each 4
TAt rya)
67t loU O" fo* ."ro the work done is the same.
(2) Minrmum work is required to move q in 8
figu (a).
(3) b
Maximum work is requi.ed to move q h (3)
figure O).
(41 Marfulum work i! requircd to move q in Io
figure G). 2
21 B
175. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion 17t. Th r and y coordinates of the Particle at any time
with an amplitudeot 3 (m. l^Ihen the particle i! at a,e r - 5t - 2t2 and y =JgresFctively, whergf-dld
2 cm from Ge ag3g@qn, the m.gnitude ot-i6 y are in meters and t in sconds. The a(SeleEtigtrgf
velocity is equal to that of ib a.celerah.n. Thenjb leatt=Zs
time piod in seconds is : rt=-91*, ,yr/

va= g'*L
(1t i;G u 0) L)) -o IL (2) -4 m/ s2 a*-- 5

6l Y'- (f J't-_
(3) -8 m/s2

G . -_ {5 (4) 0 v a n

LDL2.) - -_g
6 179. A long solenoid of diameter0.l 2x 0{

Per meter. At the cenEe
100 hrrns and radius 0.01 m is * ith
coil of

({) The current in

the solenoid reduces at a corutant rate tt) 0A from
ae n o.oftr tre .es-[Errc" o?ltre crcit-ETffii1,
176. A U tube with bugdlgpg! to the, is . ttr;-mukharge flowrng ttrrough the coil JI-rin-!-iFs
partiauy fined q!!!.gE!BL. oil, whilhj!,E4lgule ti4gis: A) O Aq m
0) 16pC g.
with water, b poured i!!o one side until it stands lt
a distance of l0 mmrbove Se-l{lEljgytLoqlhe zx to*
ortrc-nle fuea;while th w;ter rises bv 55 mm
from its original levglLlsee diagr.mJ The density of
qd :npc L. L.+
the oilis -- (3) 16r pC f
Pa Pa (4) 12r,*C &!|!:-ll
-jro I
! -vFinal water level ,l

65 mm
lEO. A camot engine having an efficiency of 10
oil ''r D
Initial water level mcine- is used as . rpfrismtor. IJ the work done on
65 mm lhe system is 10 J, the amount of nergy absorbed
from the resrvoir at lower temperatu re is

Yd "t Wa-to{
d2. t _l
99J \0
(1) 425 kg m-3
(3) l0 I
(2) 800 kg m-3
a(t 1001

(4) to
@ uaxs^-, 6oe
Y- \! 1l
0 '2- 3
(4) 650 kg m-3
Oo " (a

177. Corrsider a drop of rain ryJEdtaving mass ls faumg -oOo-

trom a height of I km It hits the gound with a
speed of 4tz
1b m/s2
foFe-arrd the (ii) resistive
+ 9l'J
5 >8'q

? lt3
tJt/ tl rol (n) -8.7sI
(4) (i) -10I (D -8.251
r I At j
__L xt
tw 'lo
A - 2 Hindi

1. i*gi'eT6s fud qrc + ffi fr'r{qrfi q+.

<-d 41 7 A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device
qqsJ nqr EgE1 gfft t, drF*., g frlu d wfuo to make elechical measurements of E.M.F. because
the method involves :
rmt, (1) cells
(1) Niorsczin (21 potential gradients
@ frgrq rqoror A a condition of no currenl flow through the
(3) Hnqtz{t qr<rfr s-{G(cAi41tu{fr (4)
a combination of cells, galvanometer and
(4) ffii, kird-<aqrsftitdf +l{+s{ resistances
2. iCr * q+ furyq d r nrq qr z fre ffiqt nqr 2. A gas mixture consists of2 moles of O, and 4 moles
+ d-e er,tl tle tr
q'.q{ q$ fuqmt'd {.tuq } of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational
modes, the totalintemal energv of l.he system is
lrqilgq gt{sTq+1gn amR-*u-vf ttfr:
iX[' go u*at * rfE*r

(i) 4 Rr
(2) 15 Rr
(3) e Rr
(3) eRr -e
(4) 11 Rr ,W 11 RT
3. Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8 }.'
3. drWeqq-fftr, 'A'rqrB, * qrqiq mwr: ,a ),, and material'B' has decay constant'tr'. Initially
nq'i.' tr cnq q ffi + artrffit-- e1 vqr qqn tr they have same number of nuclei. After what time,
ffi qrq & q{qqqqTri ,8, q ffTmt-* +1 {qr +r the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to that

'q' C crir+t qi q-qr i rlwa I

*.n u
'n *rr ue * I Nn NrgAf
(1) i 1
(l) nr UR
.. -Qr\
' Noe
I -1 -11 rglt

7^, H e.: e-
1 ^
e ,7lr
-\ -Xt fxt +
(4) (4)
_t e
4. Elif ffii vr q-d q-
tf-6T 41 crfi 3Tif{r6 :rrr t 4. A U tube with both ends open to the atmosphere, is
rqr t r Ev+1 qq gqr crfr d fufa-d I dri srdi cs partially filled rvith u,ater. Oil, which is imeriscible
with water, is poured into one side until itstands at
te 5r+r erer rrm tfu'a-offi rdri crfr *Ed t a distance of 10 mtrr above the water level on the
1o mm *q d vrm t nen W.0 W crfl Ed ild t other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
Tq+ yrflrqt t
il 65 -m #q qq qror t r ( etts from its original level (see diagram). The dersity of
tFsi) iii i-o +r qrtfem q{ t :
qs the oil is :

pa Pa
Pa Pa
F -]to
F ']to
mm E
E v-Final water level
65 mm
D oil --
cld qriFr*vamr x Initial water level
6) mrn 65 mm
B ___-,t..... G C
qd Water

kgm 3
3 9lh+ = tosx
(3) 800kgm 3 (3) 800 kg m -3
(1) 928 kg m- 3
A 928 kg m
fHfia;E,s["hl 5 A
N 1-
5. 250 +-t erd sfi sTrqtr+n *1 qqr{ z.r cm i*e-e1
width carrles a 85 pA and
aqr ffi 1.2s cm tt qcQ ss pa *1 f+gd qrr
s-qrf6a d tr Eq rR 0.8s r fi-fdr 6T qs-Eq+iq
d-* qfifud f*qr qrdr t r fr, qe qqgi * frra w t5:
1ffi B' rao' t gqri + ffi snqr++' m,r{ sl qfr *?L
9.1 rr I
(1) 9.1*J
(2) 4.5s pJ
(3) pI
Q) 4.55 p K 2.3
1 z \'z-
(3) 2.3 r" J (4) r.ts*1 -@'xtsx2tf;\'15xt0dl
^vo .t x o.(S a/
(4) 1.15 p J

5, The de-Broglie wave tron in thermal
qs'qlf{6rrqqH n1 tnq q6r (+k{) ilq qt eq ufibrium with water at a tem ature T
(Kelvin) mass m, ls
Ts qd + qrer sffiq wg6{ t tr Es"1 t-aTai
Tir1ffIrfr: h
ffi h
h ,F ffi
' J3mkr
(3) ffi
2h (4) F-r.1
(4) ffi

7. I eqT i q1 q;n dtr * qq' ntt'* rd{Ern sr \fi 7. One end of string of length I is connected to a particle
of mass 'nf and the other end is connected to a small
*-or gg t eik gvor Es{ fu{ qs fiil*i tlrf,d tq qi peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle
drft *A t
dr qA Eqr t r qR qooq TirFF'R qq q{ moves in circle with spsed 'u', the net force on the
'o' ?( t t o*
Wh o-rm d, 6.ri qmr fu qr particle (directed towards center) will be
(A;-<61 erh:) drn: (r-rdqtn-trqt)
([ represents the tension in the string)

(1) r (1) r
(2) T +^'2
Q) T+^"

(3) T-','" T-^"

/ I

(4) {lq (4) Zero

A 4
8. c?f scrfq ra cftcr{ t ntr q-dsc sftdq-s, ft Fdqq 8. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical
kq eil q qTal ffi g$ t r r&+ vftitu+ ql resistors with resistance R=9.0 O each, two
identical inductors with inductance L=2.0 mH
,.fuiq, n : s.o o, T&-6ic*qr lrre, l : z.o -n t each, and an ideal battery with emf e: 18 V. The
aqr i e0 ol f+ga qr{fr qo, e = 18 v t r n}, mq a current 'i' through the ba just a{ter the switch
e< a;G *'gr<'ltqEffi t f{gd qRI, 'r 6r qrr dosed is,.....
\r LL, C

(1) 2 mA
0) 2mA \g \8 T
(2) 0.2 A (2) 0.2A

(3) 2A

(4) qqCFqq{ (4) 0 ampere

9 qfi ffi qqq qr, i+ffii q"q * r wT y frtflr*, 9 The r ald y coordinates of the particle at any time
FF{r: x=5t-2t2a9ry=10tt (qdr <qr y *a d are.r: 5t - 2t2 and y = 10t respectivelv, where r and
sft t ffis q t) ,it, t=2" qt Bq gu1 61 6qq y are in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of
d,l , the particle at t = 2s is

,r,r., _r{ F
(1) 0 (1) o q.*_ _\
(2\ 5 n1/ s- wo( (2) f, m/ s'
(3) -4nrfs2
dL -l
(4) - 8 m/s2
e,> ro-r* to
(4) - 8 m/s2
'l 7
10. rs+ e1M t+ q+ nizfr sik qm {&eir + srratt q
31i.i 3rm{ *dr t i {{t t q+ - o t dk 6nn 1" + a ppose the charge of a proton and an eleckon differ
tr qk q+ E\ t 'd' CS c{ r,i Er{S-qn + slightly. One of them is - e, the other is (e + Ae). If
c{crg3t + Ets (sri a q{qr-I t ergs t egd 3TltI6 ft e ne_!_gi.ebctunstaticfmceandgravitational force
between two L,dreeen atoms placed at a disLance d
tl ttrrt +qf, E'm 3ir tFqtq eo +r qM (fu) (mugh greater thar atom-rc size) apart is zero, then
qi q'lft rhft ;
1a t d, ae Ae is of th
mh= 1.67 x10-27 kgl
of [Given mass of hydrogen

(fiqr t Er{+q{ Er Eqtrqi{ mh:1.67 x ro 27kg)

(i) -20 C
(1) 10-2{l C .lr tgl xoLxZ (2)

10-23 C
(2) 10 -23 c
(3) ]0 37 c -\i { 10 -37 c
6x lO x
(4) 1A 47C (4) 10-17 C
5 A
11. frFr*l-o$*1e-frs]triif e oi{ n q1, orftd<vR 11. Two rods A and B of different materials are welded
.rt wgun wru fr *e er dqf< tr {t eiii together as shon'n in figure. Their thermal
conductivities are K1 and Kr. The thermal
o1 3;qt qro+m mrpr: K1 defl K2 t r d, e+0 e-fi conductivif of the composite rod will be :
qgm se6l s6qr qP65'q frfi ,
K1 T1 T2
T1 T2 B K2

K1 +K2
Kl +K2 2
3(K1 +K2 ) Y-/'A AK. r- AK,
2 v vL
(3) Ki + K2
(3) K1 + K2
(4) 2(K1 + K2)
(4) 2(K1 + K2)
72 The diagranrs belou, shon, regions of equipotentials.
12. qri errt@ d g;o qqfqqq *-x <vrtt.ri t, 20v 40v 20v v 10v 30
20 v\
20v 40v 10v 30
20v BA B4

"1 I
) 30v
10v 30v 10v 30v 20
10v 10v 30v 10v


G) (b) (c) (d)

A positi.. charge is moved from A to B in each
y&+ erto qs t n n-+ i
trrrcqm ijTr+vt a1 e qril diagram.
tr dt, wrrqq, q +1 e t B r+t qrit* : 0) Maximum work is required to move q in
figure (c).
(1) eftu fr uflr+ne E'rd 4''ra qgrn
1c) In all the four cases the work done is the same.
(z) sxtqri 3Tk{iitqqn+.rdqmq&nr (3) Minimum work is required to move q in
(3) eiRu tqtm 6de,''qflArT'
figure (a).

(4) e+to 1u) d e{f}r6,oc +d 4-rqr q$n r

(4) Marimum rtorl is required lo move q ir
figure (b).

13. qqr ffi q1 3Tfuq otfi (qT dr{qi M q1 3Tfnc

13. The ratio of wavelengtfu of the last line of Balmer
er{{aldtrtds,r w{vnt, series and the last lhe of L
(1) 2 (1) 2 jst I
(3) 4
(4) o.s

u$) 0.5
I b
\. \
4. .f{ +'fd ktr lqh d !-6a sTS d *r fur ffi erq L4. Young's double slitexpe rlment LS fust performed in
qreqq t t6qr qrdr t r qocrqr qrdr t f=s, qs { air and then in a medium other than air. It is found
that 8ft bright fringe in the medi um lies n hele 5&
adi<tw ffie aer erg d rdf srdR f*-q q-snl{qTr d3f! fruge-Iie,rO air. The refractive index of the
qr qti t r t, {e qrtaq 6I eTrq-ff-+. frn drrqrr : medium nearly
9n- t)
(1) L.2s (1) "1.25

(2) 1.5e (zl 1.59 a-

(3) 1.6e (3) 1.69 q,xD6 gT&
(!) 1.78
v 't.78
----> / ---.7'
1 Ir{
_) .rd. .', It
{x Hi
\ fq
15 f*"s16ur al tcfrq qco 3Tr+d rrfu 6r enq[q 3 cm t I 15. A particle executes simple harmonic motion
s;r qd q-ur errfr q*a ftrifi z cm Efr w tfr t d
with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at
2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its
ss qqq gs* trr 6r qft'qrq, qs* diq * e{q{ +dr velocity is equal to that of irs acceleration.- Then its
t r gs qlr sr erT-{frfld 1&is t) t : time period in seconds is
td x <- q- I
1l TT

J5 .6 (=-
2t (2) l,O \J:2_
-= 4r
/d G
E (4)
1,6 trqrt+-a srRs t sqrqftffilsFrit eil Effqr.rqrt t

16. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the

following diagram.

700 (
500 K
300 K
700 K
500 K

frEfufu( q a EiTf,qr- qr fr-q.r{ q1fii-i :

300 K

a#oc-r qitm-z
Match the following :

P. gfFrl I a. &IeI
' Column-1 Column-2
o. 9!Fq r b. csrdq P. Process I a. Adiabatic
R. M-q U c. .qq3lFrdk$' Q. Processll b. Isobaric
s. 9r5q ry d qErfffi-q R. Process I11 c. Isochoric
(1) P-+a, Q'.)c, R-r d, S-+b S. Process fV d. Isothermai
(2) P-->c, Q--+a, R--rd, S-+b (r\ P-;a, Q-+c, R +d, S-+b
(3) P+c, Q-;d, R-r b, S-,a ,.
14- P-+c, Q-+a, R+d, S-+b
bl P--:d, e..9. 11-a. s-rc -
(3) P rc, Q+d, R-+b, S-+a
17. ffi iqrR-d*l q6M t qTnRril fuqr qrat r fur (4) P-+ d, Q +b, R+a, S+c
tz0,sit Ed6r, ss sqf{, t, qqm{ Fq i ats taT
6 Ss 3r-r snt}Rr6 sqTRT qgRqr qrm t r,it, gq 17. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is
q-fiR qq qRql-s ft.dTq +^r gid ftw
fua rei (red removed and ar-rolher identical uncharsed capacitor
d) : ) isconnecredinp4#J"T-fr iGIf "-G.t-&Eti."n"rgy
riqrfta el Cercr .^-IA^JL ofresultingsysfenr:
(1) 4 IiT,q6 qr+rfr. DZr
(1) increases by a factor of4
(2) qi$dsThft decreases by a factor of 2
(3) t6,tE-dT

(4) 2Iilqdqihfr t t>\d L7


remains the same
increases bv a factor of 2
\a^. *
42(U<1y7 \
- 5-6- ryt- ^xzr2
711 X o *x+r l(
FrniEE"shsB 41 1 -vx \Q'x \ _..l
q 1 A
18. *frft.ffir+wrf+qdtEelnfttd 5 18. The photoelectric thr old wavelength of silver is
3250 x 10 -10 t r d, 2536 x 10- 10 m ftr1ff + 10 10 m. The velocityg[gCebsf onsreeE!
3250 x
^ ) from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
qnftrfi y+rvr anr *fr * p t firwrfua qdqfn ql
wavelength 2536 x 10 - 10 m is :
trdfi, io
(Given h=4.14 x 10-15 eVs and c=3 x 108 ms-1)
(h = 4.14 x 10- 1s evs tql c = 3 x 108 ms-1) e
-Lr1 tx ro-slc/2
(1) =5x10sms-1 iq
(2) = 0.6 x 106 ms , 3t Xt q07 (2) =06>106ms-1 (>a-
(3) =6lx10rms-r i - ! to-3lt
(3) -61 x103ms-1 6.6 x rPE
(4) = 0.3 x 106 ms I -i- - = 0.3 x 106 ms -1
,d36 Z),O
19. r,c arTr, i iEriqqiq-+, liid-+rrtfl qAffi 19.
4 Tr0
A physical quantity of the of length that

q-fr t qi dETi 61 tr (qti'c - !r6M s'r trr, can be formed out ofc, G and
4 ,* is [c is velocity
G - T-{if,m IF-dq fenro aqr e eni{ tl q-t qifofi
of light, C is universal constant of gravitation and
lfu*fr, e is chargel L
1/ P"
(, _
-2 1 /2 ) qilL;tr!
? 4rreo l

c' 1
* YJ.'
(2) c
2 t G,

?.w Jt
F_ l'
4ne6 ]
c c. (J,L
.')-u . (\
1 a2
G +rie6 )n
b (3)
FLG 4"..
"2 )'2
"6 ar3 ltg
S'ul t."r-a
,)=*L 4.'--UtsL
4ne6 1G e
2 T'sf hnc u

A qrt' q1 qre'qiqyr: 22 m/s ff{T 16.5 m7s t r t dr,if
c 4rleg \,^az Eg
fiqfro f<vpir q* qst +"r eti v rfr t r {6d qn 20. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
sT qler6 ErH qvrfl twu+i orqfr t, each other rr ith speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 m/s
4oo Hz tr eft, qft 6r Aq a+o m/s td, E+fr E,n respectively. The driver ofthe first car blows a hom

+qmoafrWtffE61 ?qhffi qi glri having a frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard

by the driver of the second car is [velocity ofsound
iftz 340 m/sl : S u-- --{,
(1) 350 Hz 3t{ (l ) ?50 I Iz i! "t I 6"-6
(2) 361 Hz
'\ 2
_i\ (2) 361H2 +,.
(3) 411.Hz kco f sse-)
(4) 448 Hz
-1 \6 10 d
(3) 111 FIz
x/uY9- \3r8 /
21.. ffi $rqfrts EdrS-s. ?ii'qei !-s*j-d, i, furE6 + 448

fqii +' q1q {q-riaid tircu-dr e v t r eqraq, or \

cftriq s to tr qR qnr-eflq 100 frqT errtrR ql signal voltage collector V. The
vfrtq z rc t iil, e-sels' 41 qi-il-dFd{ dqr yrtfi-
aFr+.qns-qqr: fi: and the base resistance is the voltage an{
po-". tu,grqlllqqt4plifier
I zoo 3lR rooo
(1) ls :

(2) 1s *{ 200
(3) 1s0 3ik 15000
200 and 1000
15 and 200
ioo =-&*
(4) 20 3rtr 2000 .v 150 and 15000 ;7x1,
(4) 20 and 2000
\i b )-
A 8
22. ftqifrd BrUf di fu'sTds errrf<frmqrcqt 22. Which one of the following represents; forwart
t/ bias diode ?

-4V R
I\I R -?\/

(3) -2V R +2y (3) -2Y R +2y

(4) 3V R 5V 3V
(4) R 5V

zs. q+ ft:fu (oqfil qr qqrfr ftqir6 rtI Es+l fr-{ 23. A spring of force constant k is cut into lengtls o
t ry ftqr .rqT t tffi61 EqEA sr qJcrd ratio I : 2 : J. fhcy are corurected in series and th,
1:2:a Br {t tri .irtt +1 ffi mq i !H c{,
, qdrqc q;l 6qrfr furrrfi k, dEr qqrfr{ sq d qtsi c{
new fo_M_e!tE!4!Lirk- Then they are comected ir
parallel and force constant is k". Then k, : k,, is

t" t r d. 3r{crd k" Arn .k (1) 7:6 k-.f-l-- tr'L- tt k

(1) 1:6 @ i"l +rl=-+3 (2) 7:9
(2) ^t:9
DlIt- \
,6 1:11
(3) 1 :11
(4) :1.4 -1 I{, , j,- ak.-
( J
(4) "t:'t4
LI rx 4
s) ,o,. i xt ?_!^
( 24. The given electrica I neMork is equ ivalent to :

24 f<ar .rar frqi' t-{& fre fu & ge tz I o Fg ,ilY .O

Y B o
ooAND gate
(1) _t
(1) AND tA C)\
(:2) ORfu
@ OR gate

NOR gate
I oo
(3) NOR fu o
(4) NOT fu
(4) NOT gate
25. The acceleration due to gravity al a height I kn
25 gel * 5e t r m fu w fetq etq sT crq qfr above dreearth is t}csameas at d depth d Lloffi,
t n vei &' qtal a .rad qr t', ,ir :
surface of ca rti. Thcn :

(1) d
km (1) a=1 km fru -*),fi(,-*)
2 2

(2) d =1km (2) d=1km . Nt!

-K k
(3) d
(3) a=9t*
(4) d=2km
triilEEns-Ehl 9 A

26. fr4if6-d ser.ii dt qtl t eq-{ vr t ? 26. Which of tle following statements are correct ?

(u) ffi ft's6r{Ec{&-< eihw+rqqqn+-< G) Centre of mass o{ a body alrvays coincides

with the cenhe of gravity of the body.
et-e 9q6166 6,
(b) Cenhe of mass of a body is the point at which
1u) ffi tr-sq'rEqqn*-<qEfr3tsEtq{fis the total gravitational torque on the body is
x e'n 5 lrs+ a-o e+q,l rp t r zero.

G) ffitieqre.nqogrr,svternr<fu <w G) A couple on a body produce botlt".

translaiional and rotational motion in aborlyl -
Wfu, *n s-fi{ q1.rfr *-rm t r

(d) qiBr*, orq 6T cn qs (r) t efer*. Ai 6l (d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
means tlat small effort can be used to lift a
mrcd T t ts q''c effirg t eftrs qr{ Tdr.iT large load.
qr rr+'m t r

(b) and (d)

(1) (b) ffri (d)
(2) (a) and (b)
(2) (a) aut @)
(3) (b) and (c)
(3) (b) ner (c)
(4) (c)and (d)
(4) (c) nu (d)

27 A carnot er.oine having an efficienry o{ as heat
27 sqr r*+ 6 * q ffi 6T-ii is{ +i <ror } t, *
engine, is used as a retrigerator. Iftheworkdone"n
gqr6i 3q*rr q6tffi-{ of qih fuqr qldr t t qft the system is 10 J, thEl-amoGT-ol energv absorbed
Eq irq (ftmrq) rn f+-qr rrqr 4.r{ ro I d tit, fcq mq from the
w g,e t er*tfuo s-st fi qrq n ' t I &tto 9,4.,.
(1) 1l $r"loo lo E, o
(1) 1J
Z r-g
(2) soJ

(3) eeJ
h % va .Quo ,I

(3) DJ
(4) 100l w -q\DF
(4) 100 J

28 qf(, s4'(qt t alq-+d. t seqi* q-ddr C i|rd 28 If 0r and e, be the apparent angles of dip obsewed
in two vertical planes at right angles to each other,
3Trqrsl TT{ (rfd) q}oT o, am ert dt, dTFrfufi nrH
then the true angle of dip 0 is given by :
qlq o qi qn frs efr+lq t qrq ?hr z
cot2o = cot2o, +cot2oz
(1) coPo = cot20, + cotzOz

(.2) tan20: tan20, + tan2Oz (2) tan2o : tan2o, + tan2oz

(3) cot20 : cot20, - cot2eu (3) cot20 = cot20., - cot2Or

(4) tan20 : tan2or - tan2Oz ({) tan20 = taa20, - tan2oz

A 10 IHhdr-Ensisnl

29 qd {frl'qqr<{
eTR q*q+en<$ql Ti<rt q1 Al arrangement of three parallel straight Ia,iles
tr i nn w tcr (yts) * qqro *, ora-+qt 3t{ placed perpendicular to plane of papei carrying
*qi q'y ft.'qaurc q6 A R{Tr i !-sGd d tfr t r et same cuuent'I' along the same direction is shou,n
in Fig. Magnitude of force r unit
fii + stq i tun, an's' a1 cft q+( ee( w mi<Idle wire'B' is given by
on the

oqi qrd qo +r'rftqrq rrn , B C

B d C

l!{ (1)
d9 c-
zltor I1"l"r{2
(2) rrd
nDpoi2 (3)
(3) rrd
lao I
(4) rrd
Jz nd / "D
30 dt er<ftemrlTrif q.r qq$ 3Tqi 3r-<ftqi qn t <a
qrm Two astronauts are floating avitational free
space after having lost contact with thei s
t e+h a tri It-er+{q ffii 3mftqr i il TTA t I
The two will :

dttif : (1) keep floating at the same distance between

(1) kese{+qtq+alqfr +fi rtfr r

(2) no <do1 ehTlro*tir ld /ove towards each other.

(3) F+qRt6vrltr (3) move away from each other.
(4) will become stationary.
(4) qqf,ir
31. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root
31: Tft' f61rem ( snsT{r) d, ffii t{qd Eq*lq irtr d mean s uare value of the electric field is
- fuST drr qr eri qtts-W cFr, E.,*=6vlm it t E.-. : 6V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field
gw*i+ en +r ftru, ar+ t :
ls: L.w
(1) 1.41 x 10-8 T (1) 1.41 x 10-8 T
2.83 x 10 -8 T .6 2.83x10-8 T
(3) o.Z0x10-8 T
0.70 x 10-8 T 2
(4) 4.23 x 10-8 T (4) 4.23 x 10 -8 T par tt v{O -A
gz. ffi ftftqfq-sE.r Brr{dr!-sR{rdrlun-s',8, W tl Thebu[kmodulusof a spherica I object is B. lf itis
q{ gs-scH qc[,p' drrHr qrdr t I d, niiorrnfiffip'.
E{Isl fr-qr q s.ubjected to , r nilt3gttoaal-
fqxrs*.qfratrft: decrease in radius is :

(1) P
(r) B ---&gxs,-
(2) (2)
3p 3p
Ar- .@
3p 3p
B $ 3b
g p
FiAi;E"dbhl 11 A
JJ rmnr 61 {trtd, \1=4ooo A stt rr:eooo A * 33. The ratio of resolvin
microscope for two wa
owers of an o gtical
= 4000 A and
m, qc{<rfi 61 ftr}q{ qTqdr3t sr er5crit
(1) 8:?7 Lo e"r I
(1) 8:27
(2) 9:4 6 nO
(2) e:4
? r-l.O
(3) 3:2 0,
(4) 16:81
(4) 16:81

34 1 qrc qqqr{ 41 Ed+ qfr dr S-6{<, r km #sr{ t 34. Consid er a drop.ofrain wa ter having mass 19 falling
from height&1Lm. It hits the ground with a
ffi t
t srk \-ild so m/s +1 vre r+<rd tr i
qR'g' E]IqFI 10 m/s, ftll{ GA, (, IEdq 4f, dln
(ii) Erg + Yfdqm qo gnr t*qr rrqr +rd t}tn :
T speed of 50 m/s. Take'g'constant with a value
70 m/s2 . The work done by the (i) avitational
force and the (ii) resistive force of air ls
(r) 2
(1) (i) -101 (ii) -8.251 (i) -r0l (ii) -s.,.
LJ r
lO*:,( \0 x lD--
(2) (i) 1..25J (ii) -8.2sI (2) (U r.251 (ii) -8.2sJ
(3) (i) lool (ji) 8.7s j (l/, (n too l (ii) 8.75I
t4) (i) 10J , (ii) 8.7sJ n (i) loJ (nt -875)

-i( Y
35. qm EforsT *1 t*qt rz cm t lra soo x qt 35. e-:pheI53lQlegL body with a radius of 12 cm
450 sE Yrk s'r rfi qcfr t r qR qs+1 f{q dl radiates 450 wattpower at500 K. If the radius were
halved and the temperature doubled, the po35:r
3Trtlr (1/2) Her frrc +l a I{r qr f<qr sTq n] stdd radiated in wattwould be :

Iifu *.r qn qre q tr.n :

(r) zz5 f'X t\ ,)lkf
22q (2t 4so lL o
(2) 450
(3) looo \ r
(3) --
6 rsoo '1

36 dt g+1 e <w n * qqqn, rwl: 3m nrIT m t t i 36. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
are connected by a massless and inextensible sfuing.
oTr,rq t q6Eqqr{d-{, 3rfqiFq Btn' i ggt t 5s t The whole system is suspended by a massless
tfiTq q1, 3Tft-q t <{tE.,rt u-gwr q6 Eqqmtlrd spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of
furr (qqrfi ) ani errorqr.rqr t r d-0 +1 erc ti &' acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
is cut, are respectively
gr< !rqr( A elR n S iflq * r{kq]!,r E}i rqT' ,



oq V!
(1) c,
(1) o,3,

!s v !z
(3) c,c (3)
i', (4)
A 12
t Qt{5e r, aw r,, ai gu r*n ror rr+r t f+., fl"i 37. Two Polaroids P, and P2 are placed with
perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light
thet axis
erq gTrrqt 6ran(t r r, vt wvfrn oqF+o r+m incident on Pr. A third polaroid P, is kept in

*1 frrm 6 tr t, oitr r,r* d-a t qs srq qttr{s P, arrd P, such that its axis makes an angle
r,, +1ge tur qtn t to qs+1 q< e, +1 oart
r+r 45' with that of Pr. The intensity of transmitted Iight
45" ql slq ffirfr t r fr, r, t vn ra r+m *1 fi*or through P, is :

(1) ;
2 P( ?\ ?-
,{ 4

Io (3)
(3) ; 8

Io Io
(4\ 16

38 ffi EE'] qR-{rfd-6r 61 qiq s.1 m} {irq m 1 } Hf 38

A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 x 104 tums
an eqr 2xro4 gft trrar tr ssh. *< qr
per meter. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of
0.0r m frqr arn roo i;rJ erd qs 1ffi gv r+n
V 100 turns and radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis
rql tf6 +n sl qqr {qrft t r qffi+l t v-qrRn
ai sraft frgd srqfl cH qm fuR <t i o'q dm qnr
t *r o.os t q<d vrar tr vF<, ffi ei r].
r fr +a
sfrtq to,,.zo t i, qs q<rro d ffi t n-qTftfr KL timeis:
v coinciding with the solenoid axis. The current in
the solenoid reduces at a (onstant rate ts-.]QA-Eom
4A rn0.05s. [f the resistance of the coilt)s 10rr2O,
tttiioGkl.src9-09f:t*g through t}ecoiJ during this
BA ,
4K .rfort i xA
enlvr dtn : (1) 32npC --M
(1) 32 r p.C

Q) 16 pC vJ$Lr$x l0- 9,154) 16pC


(3) 32 p"C
JZ) . 32 p"C
(4) 16n *C 9,9- fi tu'*t
39 A ffii (qB-mFill i's-6 qTqlt srTqq t e<r*r t r
39 Two discs of Eame mornent of inertia rotating aboul
t eqrl-3fi-fi ffifud srq, i gt+' q{il * eqqqt their regulai axis passing through centre and
3ih Ef*-mr + +-< t +fi I-wrfr t +' cftd':, FrI{r: o, perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
<ur r, +M+ t r t 1,h ot rfr t r {l-+1 q+ W\ e velocities or, and or. They are brought into contacl
qcSu qs ron qq& t mq qrar t fu', t{-+i wt{ face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. Th
expression for loss of energy during this process is
ers{ ffi d qrfr t r fr, qq !-sq t s-qi-sr-c }. fuE


(1) L t @r+,2)2
v- (72
(1) 1
I (.o, +o, )2
.J/ 1

Jx?Lx ti1 'tulL .y) i I (o1 - <o2 )2

(z) 1 t (., -,, )' ll
(3) (3) I (o, - cor)2

(4) | {., -,,)'

. ^?l ,8
I \_
I crrr t0,

h (4)
8- -
{ )_
k[ x (O --k'fl-^ p\x \ xTx lfl- 1* ,/P
|Ii;airEnsrsn 13 I A
40 qs ffi ta {H q( qs&et (E-dfr Rtd ) * r qei 40. reached tJre metuo station and found that the
escalator was not working. She walked up the
qr ffi, ss+1 rftHi qi tee sc{ q6fi t r wd sS stationary escalator in time tr. On other days, if she
q vw vrrar t r erq H
d qs qw'-&ar qd {6r +dr remains stationary on the moving escalator, then
t ae eese w e$ rt +r, q v++ t uw q qd the escalator takes her up in time t2. The time taken
t fr , w* ERT TdA Eq qsde{ c{ Tdm"{ su{ q.6i t by her to walk up on ttre moving escalatot will be :


t. t"

+ d

t1 *t2

tz - t't
tr. b I
tttz W \/e-'
h\ e- t2+t1
(3) ,, .,, _----
(4) tr-tz
t,, + {_
(4) tr- tz t - 1i,t -r-.L,4
47. qqffi fufu<r 6r Eqqii 3 kg nvT tdET 4o cm 41,. A rope is wound around a linder of mass
tr qs q+ r0 otz <1 tr w ft 61
qt .ri qF<, 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is putled with
30N + qdERrdqrqrqfr, fuk<rqffiqerq a force of30 N
a', lO
f*,d-flAqr? (1) 25 m/ s2 )o l
r"- -rQr''
(1) 25 m/ s2 i{g
. 0.25 rc-d/ s2

\2\ )O
Q) 0.25 rad/ s2
(3) 25 rad/ s2 ,{,
25 rad/s2
@zE =
(4) 5 m/ s2 5 m/ s2
42. fq-$ rorqr rd, L t, q6FM 6r {616q$v, v+i r 42. , Abeam cf lightfrom a source L is incident normally
q0 w fun qo qdq q{ eqq(qscr t r w ,. 7q, on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance x fTom
We * qrqq q{r+ft do l & f+ sc{ fordt / the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a
scale placed just above the source L. When the mirror
x9:gtqo ffi (ri.f, ) q{ n-frlfl ql q+ fe- E-r-dr t r Eqq is rotated through a small angle 0, the spot of the
*1 ffi t
qec dm, o gqTi qt, qa v+Rr t* se light is found to move through a distance y on the
irri gt y $t
ffidi' d qrm d, o m qn tr scale. The angle 0 is given by :
drn, a v 2o
2x 2atr, +*\)
2t a9- Lx2L
(2) v
x v
^a ,s
'zro= p_L
y{. L
ae o ,qfv
43 qs qr q+ fon q< t oir qvn fun qer tr
rfufi 43. The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at one

6e+ n ftezer vtri qii q1 eTrgffi s-qfl zzo ri,

end ard open at otier end
' What is the fundamen tal
drn 260 Hz td Fq t+ora el ae orffi&mrlA,,t ?
(1) 10 Hz
(1) -t.0
Hz -L-
(2) 20 Hz
(2) 20I12
l3 v'(l
(3) 30 Hz (3) 30 Hz
(4) 40 Hz 40 Hz lln- til -" t3rt
"c A $
t\ -" ayL
A 14 Hindi+English
44. 1 42 3Tc{d:{is. + qiq t ei, sfi Td.d eq' qT 3rq{is. M. A thin prism having reflactirg argle 10" is made o[
+1q ro" fuq al 1 z elEfiio+ qis t si
tr ge glass of refractive inae*11+2. ft*
prlsm is combined
with another thin prism of glass of refractive index
q6 3rq.rila fuq t dgRqr qmr t r Es lidr-dr t /
This combination produces dispersion without
t++onGa cft*cur crq dar tr nl, qst fre +r deviatjon. The refrac!1g angle of second prism
3Tq-qd-m+1qrlrqGi: shourdbe:
(l) 4"
fi(olfi5, j lw)
(1) 1"
(2) o 6"
(3) (3) , 8"
(4) 10" (4) 10'

45 ffi qr cftrtq'n' etq tr Eq <n

dR "it ftqorqr 45. The resistance of a wire is'R' ohm. If it i-s melted
qnr t st( nfl tr{fi al nn t'"' 1n e<( or 95 and stretched to 'n' times its new
an qtr lqqr qror tr gs+i ilRqTsfiltqt'n: resistance will be :

(1) nR (1) nR W { .J-_

(2) !n \r/ (2\
(3) 'n2R

,\- -, el n2R

(4) (1)
;' \ n2

46. tSr+'ffi+fcTE t+li i*tterernvstZ 46 With respect to the conformers of ethane, which ol
the following statements is true ?
(1) erriq eiq sicftstdi t e-qfm orqq EET{
cfsfdddfrtr J' \ (1) Bonrl angle remains same but bond lengti
(2\ enqq 61"r cfisFd( AnT tqqfu-erdq l/
erctrqftfutl |q Bond angle changes but bond lengtll remairu
(3) lrrtiq elq qs 3irdq mqrE +ii fr qfrsi*d y (y Both bond angle and bond length change

(1) aneq ai'q qs 3Trdq -Era er'ii A 3rcF-q#h y'4\ Both bond angles and bond length remairx
tr Ak- P same .)
ftra i I f6a'dtr+] i' 47. Which of the followiflg pairs of compounds i:
47. Xq erndeqrfi qs
Fqq1qflffi6t? I
(1) 0
BeClr, XeF2
t 4u-L
TeI,, XeF,

lBr2 , XeF2
(4) rFr, XeF, 0
48 HgCl2 fi 6t r- 3Trzn gfrr s i
{.i 12 drdi c{ 48.HgCl, and I, both when dissolved in water
qtiqelffieg.qt: ( g)._
conlatjr.ingl ions the pa ir of species formed is :

(1) HgI2, 13
(1) I{gI2, 13

Q) HgIrI- (2) HgIr,I

(3) It
HsI?-, H HsIl-,I;
(4) Hgrlr I- (4) HgrI, I
IEnd+EnsrGhl 15 A
i 49. di}er{fld{re nqr zficaff, 6I fc{or fe Gc q 6rd 49 Mixture ofchloroxylenol and terpineol acts as
+rott, (1) - analgesic

(i) @ l\ antiseptic
(z) 1rdt-n (3) antipyretic
(4) artibiotic
(3) i\ffitr"
(4) vrd q rq+ 50. Which is the incorrect statement ?

(1) FeOs.96 has non stoichiometric metal

50 faqfr fr alql6rrt errtqtl deficienry defect.
(1) Feoo.e8tiiiTrEffifu.A wgarorilwtr (2) Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schottky's defect.
(z) Mit{ftq1tstq+e qeartr (3) NaCIG) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(3) Nacl(s) t+{dtfr, fufo-fi 3rd-qT6m, fuiq{ silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric
qrc*, erie t*-eq t
<rq fugd r crystal.
(4) fi-q-etqsl eTqt{srfffr ERrt<orqrqilt Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
compounds in which sizes of cation and
fffi t;a;qq qzi Eurfi * en+n e.rqq qqg aniors are almost equal.
t=Iil t t ,
51 Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a',ai
51. Ag2C2oa+ -qR fud?fi i egt or+t +1 qr<tt solution of Ag2C2Oa is 2.2x10-a mol L-1.
2.2 x 10 amoll 1tr Ag2c2o4 6l fu+{dl XuFFEd
Solubility product of AgrC2O, is
t' (1)
2.42x^t1-8 -8r9,-tA
(1) 2.66 x 10- 12

/ il
2.42x'1o-8 ).\O
(2) 2.66 xL0-12 4.5 x 10 -11 \x \"Bi \tJ
(3) 4.5 x 10 11 (u) i.3 x 10 12 L\C {
(4) 5.3 x 10-12
52. Of the following, which is the product formed when
52 eTndt+fr q;r qrd {q-fi + qIE rC e-G qr one under goes aldol condensation
f{tT ii t dt{ qr sfrrq qirn 7

d- fut c) o\\
ac (1)


)P.-t- OH


(3) (3)

(4) (1)
o o o
l5 Hindi+English

53. rzo"t: 53 The species, having bond angles of 120' is :

(r) PFr3 (1) PH:

{2) CFE (2) OF:
(3) NCl3 (3) NC13
(4) BC13 BCt3

54 q$q ftdr{ *1 q-d(dl d SW Aq qmr tfr 54. trgS]4lry of thedii!$esolu.n is doubled, the value
rireo ere+rt funiqr 1r; rn :
of molal dep ression corlstant will be
(1) C-Fi (1) doubled
(2) 3lrtll (2) halved
(3) tdI1i (3) hipled
(4) 3rcfisfdf,' unchanged

55 ftq q t Sh sr rrqifrrq, srwtq d,ft6 t? . 55 Which one is the most acidic compound ?


(1) (1)





^ (3)

ozN OH

56 qi-sqr i qffi qns * ns2 {+iif +'"rFffi 6t
.arqqiqdr * qrmrr rdr t : 56. It js because of inability of ns2 eleckons of the valence
sheU to participate in bonding that
(1) Sn2 + e{Tqfud Et{T t qqffr pb4 + gii+d-f( :

+ is oxidising
Sn2r is reducing'rvhile Pba
(2) Sn2+ sm5-d dfrr tqqfu pb4+ oTq-qi{d
(2) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb4+ is reducing
(3) sn2r qs pF+ +if 6 3fidr."fd qi 3iq-q.fq( (3) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
6t( 6
(4) 5t ++ 31qqft-6 fr61t rqfu'pt++ 3,f+S-td (4) Sn4+ is reducing while Pba+ is oxidising
Hi lish
77 A
57 frq sTfqf*-qT + H e-fr qq{fi \r.i sflr< t: 57. Predict the correct intermediate the
following reaction
1120, H2so4
H3C C=CH qq{ff } sflll H2O, H2SO4
HgSOa H3C- C= CH intermediate ------------' product
(A) (B) HgSO,r
(A) (B)

(1) A: H3C C=CHz B: H3C-C-CH3 (1) A src-!= CHz B: H3C-C-CH3

sos o soE o
(2) A: H3C-C= CH2 B: H3C-C:CH2 (2) A: H3C-C=CH2 B H3 C-C: CHz
OH son OH SO 4

(3) A: H, c-c-cH3 B: H3C-C=CH (3) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: HIC-C=CH

o o
(4) A: H3 C-C= CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3 A: H3 C C=CH 2 B: H3 C_C_ CHs
OH o / l

OH o
58 frq t t qiir qr qpn F-&Tfrt? 58. Which one of the following statements is not
(1) Td.m ffi lt efirt*?T el sRni =rf 6-.dr t r
correct ?

talyst does not initiate any reaction

(2) erlqfuqr * qrq+en i sdl.m 41 3qfirlfr t The value of equilibrium constant is changed
$qqeTr foRrs 6T qn cFsfdn A-fl t t in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
(3) qqr{q5Erd: +q{qqfum3Tl,{Bqrniids&Rd' equilibrium.
\3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
oGtr reactions-
(4) E-qqreqqqlgq4lsd{qffioniqls-qA (4) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of
* =&
59 faqfr Q gla q16rrt1166$l 59 I\rhich one is the wrong stalemenl , S(,ra vli
qdm=qq (l) wavelengrh is grven bi, I :
0) si-dr.rd1 dtrtu{t x=,-!L,

where m=mass of the particle, zr=group

6I (qql?t, 1, :Sur 6l q{E: Arr I
velocity of the particle.
(2) erfikqildl fuerm * eI3qR AEx at>%1T I
(2) fhe uncertairh pr rriple is lE\ lr > %-.
(3) qd$( qs {ftd +srqii 61 sq Pnfuq 3-q (3) HaJf filled and fully fillecl orbitals have greater
frfiqq sqi, sq qfrft, erFd6 *iqFdd q{er stability due to greater exchange energy,
*qnqtr greater symmer.ry and more balanced
arrangement. /
(4) oegrs{+0Rqrgdl&fuizs aq+o1s-qi The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energv
2p of2p orbital incase of I-Ivdr ogen like atoms

60 qs iiq sr qd tefr wJ { 2.5 aal ftPT{ Era <rs + 60. A gas is allowed to expand in a
fit-g qr{furfi 3ir{rim 2.50 L t
s{fuq sffiil{ r container against a c nnst;-nr oYtelnal sure of
n"F q{rR t6-qr qfir tI n.g +1 etiako s-qi q qfiTdr
2.5 atn
ftom an initial volume of 2.50 a final tH
volume of4.50 L tr internal AU
AU, q3idrrT: of the gas in joules will be :

(1) 7136]2s J (1) 1736.2s1 AA- AU + PA/

Q) . -soo] (z)z -s001
(3) - 505 J .q) -:::l
(4) +s05J (4)
,,0,r, - a,<xlosx dx lo-3
A C-
C;:e C 18 trtu1d-EnrrLfi

67 fiqsfqBq+ffi 61, Consider the reactions

Cu +
Cu [Ag(NH3)2]+ x IAg(NH3)2]
X fuffiq{"Tftleritdrt _OH A Silver mirror observed
573 K -oH A (czHoo) 573 K
-oH A A
o o
NH2-NH- c-NH2 d4 Z
Z II .-L
C, L Identify A, X, Y and Z
e, x, v qi z el qrqrt+i :

(1) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanoic acid

(1) a-ftptqflfr*{, x-t+f$ 31q, Y-{Ste Y-Acetatc ion. Z-hydrazine.
3Tr{{, Z-Eragr$-{
(2) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanol,Y-Ethanoi
(2) a-ftrffifti-r, x-t+f-d, Y-tq-rTw 3{8, acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
2 trffi-wre
(3) e-Qtie, x-tqne, v-qz z-{t(o, ,rf A-Ethanal, X-Ethano1, Y-But-2-enal

z tfi-6rqi-$]"{ (4) A-Ethanol,X-Acetaidehyde,Y-Butanont

(4) e-trlcie, x-ttttcs6r{e, v tntrrr,
62. Which one is the correct ordel of acidity ?

62 frq :i r] eh qr errmr* ffi v& aq t I (1) CHr:611, , CH3 - CH:CH2 > CH3 - C
(1) CHr:C11r r arr, CH=CHz>CH3 C=
CH>CH=CH CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CH2=CH2
IJ / cH3 - cH3
(2)"1 cH = CH > CH]-C = cH > CHz=CHz >
.. c!I3-cH3 CII=CH > CHr:qg, > CH3-C=CH
cH3 - cHl
(3) 6t{=CH > CHr:qg, > CHi-C=CH >
cH3 - cH3 (4) CH3-CH3 > CHr=911, > CH3 -C=CH
(4) CH1- CH3 > CH' = 911' > CH3-C{H > CH{H
63. Irr the electrochemical cell:
63 g+*qawrznte
' ZnlZnSo, (0.01 M)ll Cuson (1.0 M)lCu, the emf r
ZnlZr$Or(0.01 M) | LuSoq (1.0 M)lLu, gq tfurlc'l this Daniel cell is E,. When the concentration r
te+tur.uertt qq znso4 +1sr<It ql r.o u a-* ZnSOn is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuS(
changed to 0.01 M, the emf changes to E2. From tt
cfrsFftdff{r cuso, *1er<at +1o.or M nircft-dftld followings, which one is the relationship betwet
f+qr qroi emt t qffi-r rz t r ftq t t dn sr
E, and E, ? (Given, !I = 0.059) ,.'1
Er F'E2dr{aiqt? (fdqrrrq. }i =o.otrl ,-,, OQ
Er=Ez t' ,r'o
d oe WYn
(1) Et=Ez l,,L \ A(1) ^ \0
Et<E2 ot%
(2) Er.Ez .
(n E,>E, t) *.0
(3) Er'Ez
(4) Ez=0+Et (4) E2:0 + E1

64. fiE drffi q1 sirfrq {qdrsrqddrenv$r-q t, 54. The correct increasing order of basic strength for
the following compounds is :

NH 2 NH 2 NIJ2

Noz CH:
Noz CH:
0r) 01r)
(I) 0r)
(1) II<lII<I (1) iI<II1<l
(2\ III<I<II (2) III<I<1I
(3) III<rI<1 (3\. TI<II<I
(4) II<I<III
6s. {iq i t dn t e+r+t Tq q +ii dctq if s-s 65 In rt hich pair of ions both the species contain S - S
3TFiq t? bond ?

(r) sro? . sro j (i) s?o; , sr()i

(z) snol- , srol-
/ s1o; ,s,o32

(3) sror2-, srofr (3) sro] , srol

(4) s^ol- ,sro,Z- (4) s4o|- ,s2a7-

66. Vgffi- CoCt".O Nff., CoCl".S NHo, CoCl".4 NH3 ad 66. The co(ect orcier of the stoichiometries of AgCl
sntqq egNoa & lnq t*-qr q;rqri rr ertffiq-fr formecl when AgNO3 in excess is treated
with the complexes : CoClj.6 NH3, CoC13.5 NHr,
agct <ai +r v$r+mq{: t: CoCI3.4 NH3 respectivelY is : 3 L
(1) 1AgCl" 3 AgCl" 2AgCl (1) 1AgCl,3 AgCl,2 AgCl
(2) 3AgCl,lAgcl,2AgCI (2). 3 AgCl, I AgCl.2AgCl
(3) 3 AgCl,2 AgCL l AgCl
6 rAgcr.2AgCt, tAg!t
(4) 2 AsCl,3 AgCl, 1 AgCl u(n.)
2 Agcl, 3 AgL l. I Agcl

67 <trr-r * q-ddotqi. qiffi dr gq* RII{-II d 67. i Match the interhalogen comoounds of column I
qrFrfrtfqdns]vfrrika tr t'ith the geomehl in column II and assign the correct
Column I Column II
(a) XX' (t r-qT-fft'
(a) XX' T - shape
f &) XX: (ii) ffi"qfdFftFre (ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal
(b) XX:
'4 (c) XXs (iii) Uq (.) XX, (iii) Linear
n (d) xx-- (i") Ei Ftnr$ xx- (i") Square - pyramidal
(") !-gts-f,+lq (") Tetrahedral
ard Code :

(") (b) G) (d) (o) &) (c) (d)

(1) (in) (i") (, (n) (1' (iii) ('9 (,) (i,

\2) (iii) (,) (,9 (n) /2) (in) (i) (i") (ii)
(3) (") (i") (in) (ii) (3) (") (i") (in) (n)
(4) (i") (iii) (ii) (, (4) (i") (iii) (ii) (i)
A 20 Fhdr-EnsEhl
68. $+=fq-ei d qmffi+wr erq+e-tr sr qrru erEm Ai +l 68. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in
+rqt: agtifoids is athibuted to :

(r) Eirirsrdr'rffi-Erfh (1) the radioactive nature ofactinoids

(2) tte.,fqs ar$Er Q) actinoidcontraction
(3) 5t, 6d asr 7r qJI* 41 qqqq T-qi
5f, od and 7s levels having comparable
(4) 4f qq 5d Rri 41 s,qtq- 3]rs clq t (4) _ 4f and 5d levels being close in energies
69 \16 20 frJ{ + cH t CO2(g) 400 K qi 0.4 atrn EEr q, t/ .r
q slo (sro t e+rqo-r +t rqlq qri) I 69, A 20 litrgconlainer at 400 K conlains CO2(g) at
nqt 3Trfuqq t (p-_ Presswe 0.4 arm and dn e),cess of SrO (neglJcl the
qli q 3Tra61 6fr scftqd qm frs{ t 6q ts-qr qrdr 4,,,' volume of sotid SrO). The volume of the
con"tainer is
t r qq ,r'r* d co2 + qrs 6r qR sqdq ttrn n-q !T7 now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
6t sqrq e*rmrn. in the container. The maximum volume of the
container, when pressure of CO, attains its
( fEcT rrcr srCo3(s) sro(s) + Cor(g),
: = maximum value, will be
KP 1 .6 atnl )
( Given that : SrCO.(s) + SrO(s) + CO2(g),
(1) s EiE{ ot'\, o ltL \/L. Kp = 1.6 atn)
(2) 10 fr.r
(3) 4frr{ \oo 5 litre
(2) 10litre
(4) 2 d-e{
(3) 4 litre
70 EA-Ei{frfr + tdtw&qsn t, (4) 2 lihe
(1) {d-tfi+f, Eqr.Tfi 3TrifrR ffis t n?n
70. The correct statement regarding electrophile is
rrilffi-d'e t EAEft grr *l r6ur oG eneu :

4{rv4tdrtl (1) Electropl,rle is a negatively charged species

and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
e) {&tn+'SulTr.q-6eliiRroslctqtdqT6\ electrons from a nucleophile
$eiad-S t d-qeia gq +1 q-6ur EG' onsE c) Electrophile is a negatively charged species
qfl qzF""dr t I
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
(3) i-d-{iil+di {rqrakr: s<r*{ dvits t aqr elechons from another elechophile
Electrophiles are generally neutral species
rritr+d'fi t {AEi{ gw eir raor o-G eneu (3)
and carr form a bond by accepthg a pair of
4fl{6f,rtl electrors from a nucleophile
(4) rA'+jtt+fr rqrf{l qr tfinqo sirifrrd {ffiq Electrophile can be either neuhal or positively
t eqr nrflrrs'E#r e snqn qrq 6r r6ur F{6 charged species and can form a bond by
xeqaflTlfiatsr \\ accepting a pair of electrons from a

+mto+'t? I \\
77 frqdt qt{ co
(r) t tJ I4rhich of the following is a sink for CO

(2) lat:qturoqe'd-q ( Haemoglobin

111 cKq
(4) T* i,',// j- 6 Q)
Micro organisms present in the soil
72. gm nd z = I t4 4] 6r-r ;ii d 3TrfqqR $n t I T6
ftq it fuqqR-qTvsrj nrlr Ed-Sks fr-qrs t '7t) The element Z = 114 has been discovered recently.
It will belong to \.\ ldch of the foUowing family/ gro up
{qFtn A,Tr 2
and elechonic configuration ?
(1) teifqr !tqR, [r(]1] 5fu 6dr0 7s2 zp5 (1) Halogen family, [Rn] 5fu 6d10 Zs2 Zp5
@ 4T-+{ cR-qR, [Rn] sF4 6d1o 7s2 Zp2
(3) arffiqt qf qR. [Rnl 5fr1 6dr0 7s2 7p4 ,v (3)
Carbon fa nriJy, lRnl
Oxygen family, [Rn] sfl't 6d10
5f | | od l0 7s: 7p:

7s2 7p4
(4) rc?tqr cft-qT{, [Rn] 5f1a 6d10 7s2 7p6 (4) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 Zp6
c1 A
FiAi.Eni-E \
7s. 6oa+ g{g;Eif }ffi Eq Mt e-q{ilqlTrfitud*l 73. Correct ilcreasin order of
absorption in Lhe v is ible region io r the conrpleres o[
qd(rqr{l6q-qt: Col - is : .,r-^al S!.-! U
(l) [Co (en)3]3 +,
ICo (NH3)6]3
ICo (H2o)613 +,
+, Co (en)1]3 +, Co (NHj)6i3 + A Ico (en)1]3+, Ico (Nrll.)u1: ICo (H2o)6J3+
(2) [ Co (H2O)6]3 I I
(?) +, +
[Co (H2O)6]3+, I Co (en)r]3 ICo (NHu)6]3
(3) [Co ftI20)u]3
+, (en):13 +
ICo 6rHu)6]3+, ICo
(4) co (NH1)6]3 +, I co (en)3]3 t, Co (F{2o)6]3 +
(3) [ Co (HrO)u]3 +, ICo 1NH.)6]3 +, ICo (en):13+
[ I
(4) [Co (NHr)u]3 +, (en)1]3 +,
ICo (I{20)6]3+
74. t+e tt dla qr 6'erqESTrt?
Which of the follo$'ing statements is not co ect
(1) ggfit m-e vrtr rm t qrftT * Rr ql q-rTa 74. ?

rciltr (1) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of

a human body.
(2) ert++gfrq qvgqlsidic6slslir-6tt (2) Ovalbumin is a sitrple food reserve in egg -
(3) .fi *&{ elMqiSifiFffiff qr?ilrKr{{fi nhite.
oi zrmie-{ridtr (3) Blood proteins lhrontbin arrr-l fibrirogen are
involved in blood clotting.
(4) fqffrm{or irEr 4i srEr+qF*-q qril t t

Denafuration makes the proteins more active.

75. fu.qr silqftrd s,Fiqrftq* drFm'qr sererur t '
75 An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(1) FPrffir compound is :

(2) fr-q'q eiFr4{-fr (1) Ruthenocene

(3) ih-tsl Grignard's reagent

(4) 4tqrd6'{ (3) Ferrocene

(4) Cobaltocene
76- ftrad*dh nrc.rift.t(t?
(1) tm.-dr 76. Which of the following is dependent on
temperature ?
(2) d-{rdT (r ) Molality
(3) *- f'rd l) Moladty
(4) m erd{rd (3) Mole fraction

q* uf\fl*tt *- ffi mol-1 ieiT

an=es.s kJ
(!) Weight percentage

AS: 83.6 JK - mol - 1 tr oTfif*rT f6s f,Frrrn trr n For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kJ mol l and
wa: rsfttd t ? AS = 83.6K.-1 mol-I. The reaction is spontaneous

(cir o1fi{E aH qs as ilc Q eeqrk'( t) at : (Assune that llI and AS do not vary w'ith
(l) r<425K (7\ T < 425K 6s"s * = 83"t AT 'r
Q) y/
r>+25K L
(3) sql dFif qt f r0
all temperatures

(4) T>298K I
(4) T>298K
78 1:1 3{S qs t{r-nr{ifurfd * ftaot t lwwtu *
ffi+r+ifqaFlq*: 78 The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mirture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is :
(1) sldqf,r (1) Sublimation
e) q"t-dul(*ti)drl.r+1l
(2) Chromatography
(3) fdism{ (3) Crystallisation
(4) cqrfr 3nsfi \y Steam distillation
A ,.!' 22 I

79 frq d t f+F d{frq * grr q,r en<u +1tr vrn { ? 79 Which one of the following pairs of species have the
(1) co, No same bond order ?

(2) 02 NO+
(1) co, No
Q) _ O2,NO+ ,, ,A
(3) cN-,co
l-" ,
(4) Nz, Oz
, Qf cN,co Z\.
(4) Nz, oi l-/"
80 a +l qrqFri aqr srFrB-qr*.y+irsfr qdrsE :
80. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

Br Br


(1) drr cfrtc{ s{ti{fu-qr and substitution reaction

NHz /

(2) ' frrlr ffiqr*rq 3rFrkqr (2) and elimination addition


(3) nen futcfreirr{ 3rFrFm-qr

(3) and cine substitution reaction


(4) drn ktcFd{r[c-{ erfi{fs-cr

(4) and cine substitution reaction

81. qm yerq 4Jfr sI ERre 3IFTffiqr aq 10 - 2 sec - 1 t r

81. A fust order reaction has a speci{ic reaction rate of
20 g qfirmr.6 + s g r+ dt d t*il{r qrc dtrn ? 10 -2 sec -1. How much time n ill it take for 20 g of

(1) 238.6 sec the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?

\ f, 1r1, 238.0"". A.ZOLl,tWh

@ 138.5 sec
(3) o{ rj86spc ('
346.5 sec /pi 346.5 sec lo-
(4) -693.0 sec
(4) 693.0 sec
82. sqfu 6rrTcq-dqiif+sid'fa rc\,{nor*.f+o+l
Name the gas thatcan readily decolourise acidi{ied
61 orsT+tffirortdt: KMnOa solution :
(1) COz
Jr{ Coz
(2) so: (2) ,gg,
(3) NOz
(4) PzOs
(4) ', P2Os
The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI
83. tftdtFrd {,R61 ril *qrqr{ 6Gq{ q+ort : 83
(1) tftrdd{r{s (1)
(2) el{d+st1 (2)
ethyl chlorides
(3) f5'f-d ,@ Phenol
(4) +$"{ (4) benzene

84. [Mn(cN)5]3- *ffi vEqPfi qcet : 84 Pick out the correct qtatemenl with resPect to
rf+,ftd n?n efqrcr+tq t lMn( CN)ol3-: 3di
(l) 4a spld2 r

It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral

(2) q6 sp3d2 q-dfrd aq1qgq66t+ t
(3) ?6 d2sp3 {i6kd a'9TI slEe-6s1q t

(2) It is sp3d2 hybridised and tetrahedral
It is d1p3 hybridised and octahedral
(4) zrd dsP2 lrfrkd n?lT eri qrcfiq t t "{(4) It is dsp2 hybridised and square planar

85. frq i t s}r e firi-q $rTg er+it q1 3lTqfffi qFdYftsdr 45.

which of the following alkali metal
ftqdq t qq fl* tlqlir + sdq fq-dq{ 4i fq-qd Q-{ ions is lowest when aoueous solution of their salts
are put under an electric field ?
(1) Na
0) Na
(2) K Q)K
(3) Rb (3) Rb

(4) Li Li

86. f+q erq++rnfuniqt: 85. Theequilibr, m constants of the following are :

N2+3H2= 2NH3 K1
_ N2+3 H2= 2 NH3 K1

N2+O2+ 2NO K2 N2+O2+2NO K2

H2+;02-+H2O K3
H1+ ; O, -+ Hro K3

a n- ofrf** + H qrr+qer fisria (r) ?rrn :

The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction :

2NH\-72 02 -. 2 NO- I H2O 2NH^+5f 02 : 2 No+ 3 i{2o , I'ill be :

(1) K1

(2) K2K:1./K.\
(i) Ki K1/K2
{:Y 4
K, K:/Ki
(3) K2rq/K1 K2K3/Ki
(4) Kl K3/K1
(4) K; K3lK1
87. tst-iF{s oi tftrf, t{-{ t'sq<wr +ffi ftq d
87. \4rhich of the following reactions is appropdate for
tqt{qi 3lF{imqgfu(t?
acetamide to methalamine ?
(1) sffimi3rFfsql (1) Carbylamine reaction
(2) tisqEEffiiqr{gqfirf*qT
(3) thq slFtf*rr ,6(3)
Hoffmann hypobromamide reaction
Stephens reaction
(4) ifd\rdqfdqlwri{dsq (4) Gabriels phthalimide sYnthesis
A 24 IHind;EnsrGhl

88 qs- s.rF-6 eIF{fuqI x2+Y2 -+ 2 xY "h1ffiqFI 88. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction

*i{.r{t, X2 + Y2 -+ 2 XY is given below :

(, x2-+x + x(Ed) (0 X2+ X + X (fast)

(ii) (frfr) (n) X+Y2 xY+Y (slow)

= xv+v (iii)
x +Y -+ xY (fast)
(in) x+Y--)xY(6d)
The overall order of tJte reaction will be
s{i{B-qr 41 qc, (gn; tfr :
41fu ,
(1) L-?-
(1) L

fixYyX L
(3) 0 *=Y
,"9 1.5
89 oo o
89 The IUPAC name of the compound
g-C oo
\T 11-C
qlPpq6l luPec irqt:
(1) a-ffi z-tfWw-4-{rtd (1)

(z) s-.niFR*-z-tt-s-rflf{ (2)

(3) s-tfirf,-4-ffitn-z-fi-s-te 5-methyl-4-oxohex-2-en-5-al

(4) 3-H-2 Yltot-w-s-t+W (4) 3-keto-2-methylhex-S-enal

90 fit qi =fEi +' fTwd"I { c:rr- enfi t

f{qrsr *fl 90. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
t r *fi e1 d $, crq sq*' ER
qn t{-qr rirdr t, CN - ion. Silver is later recovered by :

(1) q1ttrr6{qftsryr (1) Iiquation

(2) distillation
(3) zone refining
(3) rtreqm1q
displacement with Zn
(4) zn Q fq*pnq-t

s7. &f{q-q{ ffi' Enr-rqnfa t*q qm t? 97. Double fertilization in exhibited by :

(1) Gynmosperms
(1) 3lTrE(-fi-s
(2) Algae
12) *iTd
(3) F*gt
(3) SqtF
(4) ei{f,trr -{
92. Which of the following are found in extreme saline
sz. fiqfdfudi tqt{qrqequtq E{rreticTn sIilt? conditions ?
(1) erTuffiRqi J4 Archaebacteria
(2) ta.dRqr (2) Eubacteria

(3) vrq-+ffiftqr (3) Cyanobacteria

(4) qqdffifiql (4) Mycobacteria

Hindi+Englis h 25
93 Select the mismatch :
ss. ti- SFTA :
(1) Frankia - Alnus
(1) ffr6q - qd-s'
(2) - 6{sTi /11 Rhodospiillum - MYcorrhiza
(3) Anabaena - Nitrogen fixer
(3) qilfr1t rT{i-qr{P{l4'{trf
(4) Rhizobium - Allalfa
(4) lt{afuqq - \rffirq-sr
s4. i-d +q.ds!r qqdr }. Etrrt trrirq to c{ d'{l.q' 94. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis ?
Evei Ei .rtd' + fmS +tt qr qrr<uc dIfi ?
(1) The larger the fragment size, the farther
(1) atwTa<Sormrvorra's, oriurgtqrvrmt moves
(2) erttnga drt ermrv or qts, 3rqq{rfd qt vrdl The smaller the fragment size, the farther it

t 9l moves

(3) trtnq*. eraRrd uo-e 3Tqqrf,d qr * ft w (3) Positively charged fragments move to farther
orcrt end

(1) auntr+ eTrafird qus rrftqn Tfr At (4) Negatively charged fragments do not move

e5. qit-e+ 3ir crFdfi-s ffi teq eriqqffi dil t u 95. Attractants and rewards are required for
(1) slgralrr (1) AnemoPhilY
o\ qtz q{irrur /2) Entomophily

(3) E(Iq{FM (3) HYdroPhilY

(4) erf+-ewmot (4) Cleistogamy

e6. fTefu'fud t t +il 5o +}Rroeii +r ctr dnr t ? 96 Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?

(1) qradcT{f,m (1) Xylem parenchYma

(2) elddrqtdfi (2) CollenchYma
(3) sFI
A Phellem

(4) (4) Phloem

s7. d-q$r-y5fcsT 4i dt{ Ri dtr+r( qeffifrq-o @ Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete
!flEdqEqTt{ds{ t? antibacterial lysozyrne ?

(1) {qdicilqiTRrs( Jb Argentaffin cells

(2) qiqdffi (2) Paneth cells

(3) qEafqrffi (3) Zymogen cells

(4) sq;{dftr6r( (4) Kupffer cells

e8. q{sqr{q 41 RBC ar}q*ld-fi t r ftefr qtteld @ Adult human RBCs are enucleale. Whit h of the
qr@l t following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
6rH Eq oqq d} Et lEa 6rdr/6iil ?
explanation for this feature ?
(u) EQirr+++G+1 gTrqwrdr r-fr tr
G) They do not need to reProduce
(b) tortu*o]Mtt (b) They ate somatic cells
G) A3qrq{qrfrE{fi| (c) They do not metabolize
(d) g+6r qrlel sriaft-+ ent 3riRl-${ {e-fl +' (d) All their intemal space is available for orygen
it.q srce tr transPort
kq-e{r : Options:
(1) fia6161 .W onlv (d)
(2) &-+e (a) (2) only (a)
(3) (a), (c) *i (d) (3) (a), (c) artd (d)
(4) (b)ss(.) (4) (b) and (c)
A 26 ix-rnd-;E dL

99. qtrd Frqria*r finr Ertr qfldt {ft{ 6dt s{frr tl 99. The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from

(1) EEq (1) Heart

(2) 3lrcT{Fr (2) Stomach

(3) Kidneys
(3) Tffi
(4) srii _@
100. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material cam
roo. 'd.qq.q. q*- qEsRrs q-flei t', q{-{T qfuq eqq from the experiments of :
ffi6 grjrrr t 3Trqr 7 (1) Griffith
(1) fiFFlr Hershey and Chase
(2) E{ehi{ (3) Avery, Mcleod and McCarty

(3) orqn,ffig3t{ilq+rfi (4) Hargobind Khorana

(4) ETlirfq-<q{r{r 101. \{hich among the following are the smallest livin
cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogeni
1s1. tTqftTfu( d t +tr s+i d6 an sfrfia q;lRrs.ri't,
to plants as well as animals and can survive withor
iirq- q+trtq( qiRl-6r fiIfn rr +fi, t rTEfi orh
q-<sir i 1tr-qr-s t srh frfl 3rffiql +Sfud {6

s6at? (1) BaciLlus

(2) Pseudomonas
(1) d'dd
(2) qstffi (4) Nosloc

(4) iieffi 102. Which of the following options gives the corret
sequence of events during mitosis ?

102. frqfubd i t +lq vr tq-s-fl fr.Trqr * +tn. (1) condensation -+ nuclear membran
di erd qrtret qrsfr erg*q wim t: disassembly -) crossing over *
segregation -+ telophase
(1) 6q6a - $-a+ffi orliqaq -+ qt{frtfiq
condensation -) nuclear membran
J YT{s,$r + erqr+en / arrangement at equator -
disassembly -)
(2) qq{r r +.-q+ffi6r iiqa -+ cq tql centromere division -) segregation -
q1qaq e g1q1ftfgfitqqrqt -,5sr{4{or telophase

-+ }tfl.rz[ (3) condensation -> crossing over --> nucle.

membrane disassembiy --l segregation -
(3) {iffi{-+fr{frftTq-+}-q+ffi qr&qat
-+ YeI{-S-{rl j 3ierqPl
(4) condensation --) arrartgement at equator -
(4) {{qfi , qualq q1 qaPn -+ IrTElt{g 6l centromere division -) segregation -
feqrdl -+ Yel{-{.'ul -+ telophase

103. \rqFCI +qEri ti dft qr 4.rnfrat I 103. Which one of the following statements is correc
with reference to enzymes ?
(r) qriN-iTcq = ffiflsq rdqqrsq (1) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenz).me
(2) ffiilEq - qiK-trBq + qEqqrsq : + Coenz).me
(3) -NFq=Sqqqr{q+trr(qEq (3) Coenzyme : Apoenzyrne + Holoenz).me
(4) ariRrsEc = q6qwq + q6 (4) Holoenzy,me = Coenzyme + Co-factor
n.l A
104. Durhg DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are
DNA ctdf,fr{r + dRTr 3n-srsr+1ds fsq+i
7M. used to elongate :

(1) The leading strand towards replication fork'
(1) str5.ft E$G 61n{.n errq <r<q1
(2) The lagging strand towards replication fork'
(2) vffi Esrs 61 (r'q q{q,nqi qr< 61
(3) The leading strand away from replication
(3) sfrryfr teure t A sTrrrr er E1 fork.

(4) e@ fd$rs t ri qrqll{ Vr a1 f, The lagging shand away from the replication

ros. fretutua d t 6t{ q-fld' rff t 7

105. Which of the follotYing are not polymeric ?

(1) nwt'mew
(1) Nucleic acids
(z\ frei
(2) Proteins
(3) qr-ffii-{as
(3) Polysaccharides
(4) tufr'e (d Lipids
106. +aEisd {ifqrd A-r or qo qn, d q,rtfi sq i

t 3t{ sd qr;rq 41 ffi

sil T fttsltr e1 eTnr r-fr 106. The region of Biosphere
protected and where no
Reserve which is legally
human activity is allowed
tl-fr, qtqra-wrmtz
is known as :

(1) *1e*-{ co""n"

o\ q(5:r tr (2) Bu{fer zone

(3) qrrrm*i (3) Transition zone

(4) $:rnnrfrx (4) Restoration zone

107. \r6fdtr{4 ss{t qr<q fTE{fufun i ffi +it *t 116?

107. A dioecious flowedng Plant prevents both
tr (1) AutogamY and xenogamY
(1) Pg'qrdrcfiC-sr
Autogamy and geitonogamy
(2) q'E{isihqqngeiq{rrrr (3) Geitono gamy and xenogamy
(3) sulngeiqrrqr, et{Rftt{r (1) Cleistogamy and xenogamY
(4) e-td@q{ruekff{i-fi
108. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
roa. qr+q vrtr i dic d it'd:r* rlq qrrnqi t ? ts

(1) ftfffTf'?{ (1) Pineal gland

(z) nfffift-e (2) Corpus cardiacum

(3) +a+ftu ;(Z( Co.P," lut"'*

(4) eiqq fr-e (4) Corpus allatum
A 28 mA-Enslls

10e. Eie{ - I q Rq.d. +{ ffif, t'ir 613rhi}rr qirqif 109. Match the following sexually transmitte
diseases (Column - I) u'ith their causative ager
( mq- u ) &'elrT Etfu-d' 61fqq st{ Ffr tddrcc 6T
(Column - II) and select the correct option.
Column-I Column-Il
dsr-l Ffs{- Ir
(u) Gonorrhea (0 HIV
(a) C-ols. (, rry (b) Syphilis (ii) Neisseia
1t) fttoies (ii) qgtutult G) Genital Warts (iii) Treponema
G) qaaqS (nr) *lfrsT (d) AIDS (iv) Human
(d) AIDS (i") qqrqfr"dqT Papilloma - Viru
frsrg Options :

tcrih-Fr : (a) O) G) (d)

(") &) (") (d) ft| (n) (in) (i") (D
(1) (ii) (-) (i") (r) r/
I (2) (ii,) (i") (') (ii)
(?.) (ii,) (i") (,) (n)
(3) (-) (n) (iii) (,
(3) (i") (ii) (in) (,
(4) (iv) (iji) (ij) (i) (4) (,") (iii) (ii) (,

,,s. ffi$17 :irit6r qiiFnr siEr+-dr. trfr hwflr gm effi 110. Transplantation of tissues/organs fails often dr
to non-acceptance by the patient's body. \A/hich
-h *rtq e+qc.,-( d erar t 5'q-mR +'i+tr-firl +
of immune-response is responsible for
fu'q6t{*i sfd-{si er1fmqTsir<lm tr rejections ?

(1) E srdlhn sEtmqr (1) Autoimmuneresponse

(2) 4:lfaTsr-qF4dqfu{qTsrjfuqi Cell - mediated immune response
(3) tfm-{dsfdw3{grscT (3) Hormonal immune response
(4)'+rf,ffiqqfil8it3qifrql (4) Physiological imgtune resPonse

111. sa{q-aas ffi qlRrdT d Tfi lTq qra ?

111. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of
(li crdq (1) Plants

Q) +16 @ Fungi
(3) qd (3) Animals
(4) m-+r'{ Bacteria
2. tffdT ilqri sl q6 Tcr6{ur +{ Er t ?
112. An example of colonial alga is
(l) 4rlt!''1t (1) Cl orella
(2) di?qN
-{4 Voluox
(3) qAqrw (3) Ulothrix
(4) qg,mqo (4) Spirogyra

113. frqi o\qq}flrn<flf-drt? 113. Which ofthe follorving represents order of'I-Iorst
(1) qffi (1) Eqrridae
(2) qftd&rfir Perissodactyla
(3) 6+q's (r) Caballus

(4) ftrs' (4) Ferus

.. lEffifiErrulishl 29
114. \4hich of the following cell organelles is responsible
114. frElfufilrfr d adn qr q6. qlRrfiirr q.d.c1. E-{Tr *- for extractilg energy from carbohydrates to form
fds qrdaEts q sd fr+If,i + fdc Fd<rql t"dr ATP ?

tz (1) Lysosome
(1) d:f{6H (2) Ribosome
(2) iqffiq (3) Chloroplast
(3) Efiffiq-+ Mitochondrion
(4) ql6Fl6r
115. The process of separation and purification of
us. ersrd ffit!-cd, 3rfir"qffiet'A-{}.y6qq 3n1
expressed protein before marketing is called :

q"i gfmqrql flr66rqrdr t?

{*fiq (1) Upstreamprocessing
(1) cfrq-qrEr-rqtrI
Do\v nslredm Processing
3rJ9z{r6rsrM -A
Q) (3) Bioprocessing
(3) tqffiquT (4) P,,stprod uct ion Processing
(4) q{q5flr({ n FrM
116. Mycorrhizae are the example of
7]6. oq+xoffis<raqt? (1) Fungistasis
(1) q-d+,itlr
(2) Amensalism
(2) !tr-+Fd-q
(3) Antibiosis
(3) sftrfrfqiT

117. Viroids differ from viruses in having :

uz. ffi{s, fqqqsif tFIflt+ift+,{rc-:

(1) DNA molecules $'ith protein coat
(1) fr$-a 36qq$qqouae+gdttr
(2) DNA molecules withoutprotein coat
(z) EnfrAi sTlq{q+'oNaerEdtiltr
(3) RNA molecules n'ith Protein coat
(3) idfi 3TE{q + $q nNe erg tt t r

RNA molecules rvithout protein coat

(4) tq-{r fr&{ sTlq{or * nNa erg At t r

118. Root hairs develop irom the region of:

118. {iilcf6s d"tffi(dAt?
qRq-dqq Maturation
(2) Elongation
(2) fttseT
Root cap
(3) 5'iv (3)

(4) Meristematic activity

(4) tqlffi'qfu?rdl
119. lrft461 6 q6 f+'s v-+n +r t? 119. Coconutfruit is a:
(1) .qkdrre /1) Drupe

Q) q{qs-d (2) Berry

(3) E6E (3) Nut

(4) if5a wo (4) Capsule
A 30 ImA;6s,i"l

720. ftRr y+q-{-{iil qi ssa mti erd nut s$qe-ffi 120. Plants which produce characteristic
pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to
<sfi qA qr<c fiqfrfu-'d q t ffi R-q'Fx{d t ?

(1) s+(Fq (1) Mesophytes

(2) c<rrgir{\ lYt{ uauphvtes

(3) sr-@fiE #f Psanmophytes

(4) q-drqFq (4) Hydrophytes

p1. farl d gla {qeffi lT"fr Ri freii + qtqeni {t{stq 121. l4rhich one of the following is related to Ex-situ
t tiqfi,rd t? conservation of threatened animals and plants ?

(1) qqerufrwfrq6' Wildlife Safari parks

(2) ffqfrqdrtizFfe (2) Biodiversity hot spots

(3) eri-q-t qqi v-$ qt (3) Amazon rainforest

Himalayan region
(4) ftqrdqr fd (4)

122. Frqtutuadttteal 3fu, 122. Select the mismatch

(1) ertts q6idrrTqd Pinus Dioecious

(2) ,;,-{ q+ttma{ (2) Cycas Dioecious

(3) etffict ffisq (3) Saloinia He'-erosporous

(4) Wffizs sq+-ffg (4) Equisetum Homosporous

u3. fu f6E *'qdi d FIE{ffu( i t al s5mdr 6(fr 723 Which of the following facilitates opening of
t', stomatal aperture ?

(1) ils1ftrsT3if 4"rsEtftFtolliWc (1) Contraction of outer wa1l of guard cells

(z) arelRroeif e1s1ft t +ql @ Decrease in turgidity of guard cells

Radial orientation of cellulose rnicrofibrfu in

(3) ER ft1RffiT3it q1 stRrsl-fsrFn d
qHi(Fit6rffiqf{qr "H the cell wa1lof guard cells

t tqtq Longitudinal orientation of cellulose

(4) 6n olfrr+rSr d q]Rrfi-fqfn (4)
microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
qc{dgsil6,r srjtdf{qTq

qr fttRn 124. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome

124. tdg}i H1 qr tFrqrq i' qrq riqq q"rat
indicates :

tr (t) TranscriPtion is occurrirg.

(1) ergdwdrartr
(2) DNA rePtication is occurring
e) DNAnt{f-ftfiElrdrtl
6\ The DNA is condensed into a Chromarin
(3) DNAqiItEr\iiqriqt,ott / Flbre.

(4) oNa +1t*is$ ef,{rqn t I (4) The DNA double helix is exposed.

*-sHdilt? 125. DNA fragments are:

125. d.q1.q.
(1) trr^l-ff6. 3{rafrrd (1) Positively charged

*l NegativelY charged
(2) annq-+ 3faRR
(3) Neutral
(3) sq*{
(4) Either Positively or negatively charged
(4) i erq-t qqq * ergm qirerfr qI znneFF
dePending on their size
126. Capacitation oc.urs in:
126. eTqdTzrr4.d+dr tr (1) Rete testis
(1) gslr -:Trf,-6r (2) Epididymis
(2) 3{Frssul (3) Vas deferens
(3) wsr(.n female ReProductive tracl
(4) qsqrqr{ td
(122. Whi.t osystem has the marimum biotnass ?

727. fsq cfttr t e{Frrdq +qqn e-d.I t ? ".

(1) qqqrRii, ,6 Forestecosystem

Grassland ecosystem
(2) qrq r{iq qrf]?il
(3) Pond ecosystem
(3) ardcrftfr{ (4) Lake ecosystem
(4) Seclft-frd
128. A disease caused by an autosomal rrimary
12"8. q6 t r, il qftmW vrqfqq :rFazirr+ + +.rq zrar t non-disiunction is :

4'FrIBi Down's Syndrome

(1) sr31fu-sq (2) Klinef elter's Syndrome
(2) ft{casE{ftisq (3) Tumer's Sl,ndrome
(3) zil FqCn (4) Sickle Cell Anemia
14) zr:o]ftr6i -.rrqdt
L29. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively
129. c.}a^I sfo ry+v* ot*t e-* *'ryr' i* tI AIC: \
(1) 3lfffi, f*nrynq (l) Haplontic.DiPlontic
(2) fuF61r, s'iftm-BgFln-+1 (2) DiPlontic,HaPlodiPlonti.
(3) 3rXerd-W-c{t, fuedq A Haplod iPlontic, Dr Plontic

(,1) o4ftrn B5fi)i.f,m1, qXn'R-d1 (4) Haplodiptonti,, Ha Plontic

130. qR F qR.qr.q. t seq qrKs tdl 333 l$i erRif 130. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
qrelw *-& afucEz fit t 'ft eo1 Y{ turf, protein wittr 333 amino acids, and the base at
position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
sncF 4r E T t ffiq d
qrm t t+ 3q qR.q{.q.
iiNA becomes 998 bases, hor'r'many codons will be
q1 mrqri eeE sii{+l erf,i d ETf,l tl it ffi altered ?
fr*qE<6qrr{tr (1) 7
(1) 1
(2) 11
(2) 11
(3) 33
(4) 33i (4) 333
t: Findi;Enqlist
A 32
131. The pivot ioint between atlas and axis is a type of
131. qz{s G \tqqs & *q qr qtefus t :
s-6R 6r dldr ?

(1) \flqdg (1) fibrous joint

(2) sqTielgmng Q) cartilaginous ioint

(3) Tririq{d+s ,6
q gcl ql5
(4) saddle.joint

L32. A gene whose expression helps to identif

132. q6 qa frc, M grflrqk sqT<Rn +1ftrfi 41 transformed cell is known as :

rrrqn 6-G fr T6rq-iil trQ Hr q-r qrdr t ?

Selectable marker
(1) qrdFqfrg{* (2) Vector
(2) {iqr{6 (3) Plasmid
(3) Q-tus (4) SEuctural gene
(4) r{rfircr-an qt1
133. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertic
rre. gwe staitn mit t 61 3fi-fi qqT{
qqfun lrdf layers depending on their height can be seen be
*-er1vn rvfefo v+n eral qti'td qr sqifr t ?
(1) Tropical Savannah
(i) =cr+E+*i'qvqr+
,6 TroPical Rain Forest
a) 3trIrfiEd-rfrqqqiq-{
(3) Grassland
(3) vru "fi (4) Temperate Forest
(1) rftitqqr
1,34. The genotypes of a Husbald and Wife are IAIB ar
rs4 qR cid qs .rd ql d=iraEq IAIB qzi IAi t I IAi.
ql+ dEii e Flq'{ q.,f C ffi
d+zrqq qi'rfi+grEc
Among &e blood types of their children, how mar
etrq tl o differeltgglgryPgsandphenotypes arepossible

(1) : frilzr{c; sqltarlq [o/ t'

(1) 3 genotyPes; 3 PhenotyPes
(2) s*irflYq; +d'teec (2) 3 genotypes; 4 PhenotYPes

(r) +frerq;iqtier$c 'lf 1^ i'

4 genotypes ; 3 phenotYPes
(4) +sffizsq;4st+.rsq ili- (4) 4 genotypes ; 4phenotyPes
t91$ .oqt'"u
135. grro rd1fi ferrr:n r***,rur** i#,t 135. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of

(1) q*fiqt (1) Marchantia

(2) e14F (2) Fucus

(3) ,nfflst (3) Funaia

(4) dqrqriql;itj d Chlamyclomonas

#fr t 736. Which of the following is correctly matched for the
136. f{q i +f{ sq* ERr sfl-r 3flK + (l'PI Fc
product produced bY them ?
drcrd 1

(1) Acetobacter aceti: Antibioics

(1) qtld-rqfurrd :etdqfq6
(2) Methanobacteium : Lactic acid
(z) qlfiMftqq: Akm3T
(3) Penicillium notatum: Acetic acid
(3) lffifuqqiizq: qSEs 3rq
t+( Sorrhro*urrs ccrcoisiac : Ethanol
(4) d-fiiqrflde*<tff,tq=fe _/

137. i'6s 6r {q Yrryq l qr6{ fir6rdi * rrcq5i6 qcq L37. Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues
to beat for sometime.
Select the best option from the following statements.
f+H 6rrn t Efqn fu*-eq +r qqq +lfqq t

(a) tr65qfi3rsrdrfrtt (u) Frog is a poikilotherm.

@) Frog does not have ary coronary circulation.

(b) i'r+doltt<cRflurrSA"d"rt
G) EEqffinrfftqrdrmtr G) Heart is "myogenic" in nature.

(d) aqqssi-trs]irrtl (d) Heart is autoexcitable.

(1) t-+e1c; (1) oniy (c)

(A +-qd(d)
(2) only (d)

(3) (a)F(b) (3) (a) and (b)

(4) (c)rre(d) y{ (c) and (d)

rsa. *q qm t f{sq i' +t+ qr orn tI

rre-a 138. Which statement is wrong for Krebs'cycle ?

(1) 1r +* t' a1-a funei' q{ NAD+ sT (1) There are three points in the cycle where
rd NADH+H+ t{+6{!rd-flt NAD+ is reduced to NADH+ H+

(2) -o q-*fqmf{q' IAD i ql FADH2 ii (2) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+
ry is reduced to FADH2
,| qfi-flnrA-d1t-
t (3) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
(3) qffif{f, coA t vfiTfrm 3{F qfqdr +'
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
Ekn GrP + c+' 3{g or r{rdqq *ot t synthesised

(4) qo qm qfuFre qnE (qfuf.d coA) i' 19{ Th. ryd" rtarts with condensation of acetyl
q555fu6 er<fi vrq qfit 3{Rrq*d1t3i{ ./ group (acetyl CoA) witlr py'nrvic acid to yield
citrlc acid
fttao erqsqaq"rart

reg. tfrqiii ejqgar ;nsnq +]frrmrct ERI 3n<ftd A-fr t, 139. In case of poriferars, the spongocoel is lined with
ffir5ilt: flagellated cells called :

(1) 3rilqr (1) ostia

(.2) oscula
e) 3,f$-fl
(3) dSnrcz

{qc*tqq-+lRrdFI mesenchymal cells

A 34

140. fiq t- 6ia qr RNA vrufr *iRrsr t vgGT t d"rT 140. Which of the following RNAs should be
abundant in animal cell ?

q"rt6c ?

(1) r-RNA .6 I-RNA

(7) t-RNA Q) I-RNA
(3) m-RNA (3) m-RNA
(4) mi-RNA (4) mi-RNA

141,. fiqq-qh qelq w+rt+ii *3a6qq1t? 141. Which among these is the correct combination o
(1) md,<ffii,{16 aquatic mammals ?

e) tffir, s1'f,,
"eFi7 (1) Seals, DolPhins, Sharks

(3) +d, Gffiim, 1d (2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon

(4) Pflh; +d, dtd B{ Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(1) Trygon, Whales, Seals
142. r+rqr riraqur 41 E{ dl vqlfud 6{i qTa sTcif +
tusq trqfufudit dhqrq:n vfrrfi tr 142. With reference to factors affecting the rate o
(1) co2 leri-s{ur + fflq nqra Tfu W {Id photosynthesis, *'hich of the following statement
is not correct ?
r6rqt 6 to% qr Erdr *
t (1) Light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs a
(2) Er{ffiq co2 4i qtrdr I65"7" 66 cai 10% of full sunlight
q6 co2 fu{0-6{qdi<{ qeT{rfi t (2) Increasing ahrosphedc CO2 concentratio:
(3) c3 qKs sa ffqqFi a1 qftrf,-qr 4dr g3TI up to 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate
rorsr {rds"r <flR t q-qFmc, c'K'ii + ftc Cq plants respond to hiSher temPerature
qq?q rmqn e{Eq{rfd qrql *q d-at t "d riith .:nhanced photosynthesis whil
C4 plants have much lower temperatur
(4) zqmq6ER-{ll6F[f, **q, =qswvri optimum
*'leq co, so'or
rgfua erg'iso ts,nqrqt (4) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can b
t grown in CO2 - enriched atmosPhere fc
higher yield
743. i
oifs'Fe-sEk qtilq{fi E-q vrq a-dr t? qe,
0) 'r' q1 qr,a tlq e1m'n qqw EtdT t 143. AsymPtote in a logistic growth curve is obtaine
(2) K-N
(3) K>N (1)
. The value of 'r' aPProades zero


41 qqfuii & x g'di t
qwfffi wtdzit
t v g'q'
(, :;J . .\[ts?x]
+ aA t I BF{d fr-re 6r qq{ +Tqq'i xqq Yq1 (4) *. * ry$
fid {@r ql s{tdl t eik ssfir ,lrqff,df 144. Out of 'X o&" of ribs in humans onIY Y'Pairs ar
(1) x=72,\:7 ErFfq'6 Y[a t{n i kue ribs. 61ect the option thatcorrecdY rePresen
q,i{qt (s Si qtn qn d values of X and Y and provides their explanation
sirtui*wqESffitt ,kll X-12,\ =7 True ribs are attache
t,' dorsally to vertebral colum
(2) X-72,\=5 qTRf{fi lq'fuqi'58 d tiFr
and ventrallY to the stemur
qql{.m(gqisilfuI&sPIA True ribs are attache
(2) X= 12, Y =5
turf i'elqEqi+frtr dorsally to vertebral colurr
qTRlE6 qqff,zf Yts d and sternum on the two end
(3) X=24,\:7 '{r'r
6fun<sAgSdrfrtAtsi (3) x=24,\ =7 True ribs are dorsal.
attached to vertebral colurr
qq{ iTIqiSfilfrtl but are free on ventral side.
(4) x:21,\ -12 qTRrds cgrmzf YE '{r'r t- (4) X=24,\=12 True ribs are dorsal
str6<sAg6+frtAtsr attached to vertebral colurr
elq{ but are free on ventral side'
'{rqif 5ffirfrtr
35 A

145. q{irq +m q Yers gq d.q{.q. rs +1 ffi 3rFr'ri 145. The DNA fragments seParated on an agarose
can be visualised after staining with :

(1) Bromophenol blue
(1) ddFr=foq
(2) q*mr

(3) , Aniline blue

(3) <Frefuq
lA Ethidium bromide
(4) Efrrfsqq drrils
t qr t++fuo Functional megtspore in an angiosperm develops
rno. q+ eTr{d-dd qqq i aTd{frd Isdq'rJ 746.
(1) Ovule
(1) dqTEs
Q) Endosperm
(2) Wqs
Embryo sac
(3) .4t du
(4) Embryo
(4) WI

147. Among the following characters, which one was

1a7- ftqfrfuq d Q qa *dtq t e{qqt d-wam eTci not considered by Mendel in his experiments on
r+m-tfuqnT$fuqrrrqr r? pea ?

(1) 6qr - REr qr d+t (1) -Stem

- Tall or Dwarf

(2) eqrim -qirrd qrrfird(fdd Trichomes - Clandular or non-glandular

(3) fie - E{qr.ftor (3) Seed - Green or Yellow
(4) .Fd - EaftEt +vgil'+t (4) Pod - Inflated or Constricted
148. tm3e* t'ft eq ds, Efr"spn +qi ft t I q-dT+s 148. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli Thev
I fr :v*n * en sfi i f+e q,RnI t Trid: rd fr'gqa ? do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
because of:
(1) 3rqNle rr{tB
(2) ern:v+qr 1{ftf,d qFTal
(2) Inspiratory Reserve Volumc
(3) qrfrq 3Tr{il{
(3) Tidal Volume
(4) fr:v*wgrlw en+at
'e (4) Expiratory Reserve Volume
b 1ae. qrr * fr( qrelq-s. Er{tffis-1ffi 66s fuu
: qtor{ q-rar t l L49. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
m (1) ar fi1v qlq q{ 3lk 1P1 qi erffil &'
reproduction, acts on :

n. qrqq q1g*firo+rar tr (1) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion ofLH and oxYtocin.
(2) eu$1r ff}l w etr LH 1,ti FSH +qrsurql
anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

ly (3) vw ft1i ulT w sln arrsqHs{ \'d rsH t "6(3) secretion ofLH and FSH.

posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

ur qrqur6lsfrfud q-cdrt r
secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

ly (4) w-a {-1i Tlu w elrr LH Si ftAtffi{ + qrsor (4) posterior Pituitary gland and stimulates
on q1sfrftn+nntr secretion of LH and lelaxin.
A 35 tlind!=trd'Ehl

150. dffiidqr d sA t+s+l sqranq tI 150. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of:

(1) srjqd (l) Stipules

(2) 3TqerFrmqs (2) Adyentitious root

(3) {T (4) I-eaf
(4) c"f
151, Which one from those given below is the period for
151. Frqfrtu( d t dlr Ri erqfq i'sd + {q,,rur +' !q}ii Mendel's hybridization erperiments ?
61,i? l^{ rssb - r8b3
(1) ^1856 - ^t863 / rr, 1840 - 1850
(2) 1840 - 18so (3) 1857 - lsbe
(3) -t857 -'t869
(4) -t870
- 1877
(4) 't870 -"t877
erd' Ef{ *tt& rg rs q<r?i }. qqlq erddEor q{ 152. Good vision depends on adequate intale of carotene.
rich food.
ft.ft+raltr Select the bestoption from the following sialements.
(a) Yi/min A derivatives
are formed from
(u) k&rtffi{A}qerxmttr e'arotene.

(b) r*ffisvfs3{idkmet*f Af<-+req'dG (b) The photopigments are embedded in the

membrane discs of the inner segmenL
*diltt (c) Retinal is a derivative of Vitaniin A.
G) tte{effiqe6rEffif,tr (d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
(d) tFere q$ Efu !-sT$quiqil qr r+rvr e{-qqiffi visual photopigments.
qm tr
Options :

ka-rq: 0) (a) and (b)

0) 1r1wft) (2) (a), (c) and (d)

(2) (a), (c) Fi(d) ,6) (a) and (c)

(3) (a)(q(c) (4) @), (c) and (d)

(4) (b), G)Ss(d) 153. \4rhich one of the following statements is not valid
for aerosols ?

1s3. tWa + frqq t', tTEfufun t t +tr qr qrrq qrq

(1) They are harmful to human health
(2) They alter rairlJall and monsoon pattems
(1) iqr+qer+ra+.fuqafrqTtst They cause increased agricultu ra I
(2) n eqi etrqngqi lEfdd qft-qfda 6Ct produchvity

(3) 6il+nor5fr wr<+mi'Effi Et&t (4) They have negative impact on agricultural
(4) t Afr rfi'wr*nnr+Y'{rsTdAt
qnq t+c+r rirfi :rd dF[ 7
154 A@Sgj4ltg.d pressue/volume will not cause
1s4. rtr{q/ 3]Frfil t qfr * the release of
(1) \tn 6""io; (1) Renin
(2) qQqetE$fr+qtr+ --{' Atrial Natriuretic Factor

(3) tdetr (3) Aldosterone

(4) ADH (1) ADFI

IHilGE^dEE 5/ A
1ss. c{3ii t {G riwq i sqS'TS t+s r*n vrq H qr 155. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained
(sat? bv:
6 matingof related individualsof samebreed.
(1) qsAnR+{qfqdvgeii+,fterm '\2) matir.rg of unrelated irdividuals of same
(z) 116A'rw+ 3rs-"ilqdvgst&ri,mrm breed.
(3) G'f\rirt<]+lryn+{,rqERr (3) mating of individuals of differentbreed.
(4) fufifi!-qTftqi+Wen+qrrqERr (4) mating of individuals of different species.

156. ri{6fr qqr m{kI: qr e-{rfr t ? 156. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to
(1) 6111 3I{tR (1) Phel.loderm
(2) qrrrfufrrirs-Erd (2;
- Primary phloem
(3) Efr?mqldq Secondary rylem

(4) qft-c-s. -6(4) Periderm

,ur. 6qd6t+wqrrt:fuat? 157. I\rhich of the followmg stdlpmcnLs is correct ?

(1) ffi cwr41 3{ftfr Svrre*fuqervnre}r ll The ascending limh of loop ot Hcnle is
(2) ffi qM 6t r+rra i-o q fuq l+qnrrq / impermeable to u,ater.
tr (2) The descending limb of loop of l-Ienle is
impermeable to water.
(3) kqnql ertf Uqrqm+'idqcr.rqtr (3) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
(4) H qrcr61 er+t6 Uwf*Sd 3ilr-i'+fdq permeable to water.
wqrrEq { 1
(4) The descending limb of loop of f{enle is
permeable to electrolytes.
1s8. tr.(r sth qfui + qq{d qrei rit ffi w ,r anr
irorqrv+-mtz 158. Fruit and leaf drop atearly stages can be prevented
by the application of :
(1) eTffii
(1) Cytokinins
(z) sfiffi'{ (2) Ethylene
(3) 3,ffi-{ (3) Auxirs
(4) f;rdfc* arro (4f Gibberellic acid
15e. q6a s{ + ftq ai *1"< vavno d vivt frtrq rrq t
qd qr qtqq.r ct frFrso i crqt t+' trr{ + m'q 159. A baby boy aged two years is adrrritted to play school
and passes through a dentalcheck - up. The denfut
<ia 0 r fuq eah d Eid 3r3vfu.d q ? observed that the boy had twenty teeth. l4/hich teeth
(1) Fils
were absent ?

(2) r({m'
(1) Incisors
(2) Cantnes
(3) e+q-Tdur6 ,
(4) !-dq+. I
(4) Molars
,6s. tffit, +itzi * qrlr at{ tft c-t-dYoi fqRrqdr ql
Friqt.q{a t ? 160. An important characteristic that Hemichordates
share with Chordates is :

(1) ..Jerq+1or$furtd (l) absencc ol notochord

(2) elqrild rfu6r dfisr 1E (2) ventral tubular nerve cord
(3) dqtfqg-nr-sn Pharvnx with grll slils
(4) fundq'fs(41r-q-fi -14
(4) pharynx without gill slits
A -r6 FinilEliifihl
167. er|qrfr<q tiqrd q4'+1yr<od *foq f*-qrTqT 161. Artificial selection to obtain cows vielding higher
Utrqe{q *i<qtmt2 milk output represents :

(1) rprr4f+n* qrq er}fu qE q+nqr { gs es{ur (1) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in t]le population.
+l terFi-qr{or 6tdl t r

directional as it pushes the mean of the

@ kws+etutqifu {6"ociqcrt4qls6.ftar character in one direction
t q+-dtfltr (3) disruptive as it splits the population into two,
(3) f+<rr+. qq}i6 16 w+ier *,} t q fq.rTfsd one yielding higher output and the other
lower output.
+-cm t, ss erfirs rflrfi qel qe e-q q-q
:er<r qrd r
(4) stabilizing folloued by disruptive as it
slabilizes the population lo produce higher
(4) r,e]Iqt-+n-+t'qlqfr-fi-cidrfu qeqqqqri l ield ing cows.
*q 3q66 rffi q *"lffi+-qq 6-cdr t r

1,62. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in

762. rqtr*t qm,pt + erTiTf,?q +'#d qrl or q+r male frogs :

oltsq: 0) Testes r Bidder's canal + Kidney -+ Vasa

(1) lqq 3 faq Td-+Tffi+{Im ff-+ efferentia -+ Urinogenital duct + Cloaca

T*-at qrH , r+qt (2) Testes --+ Vasa efferentia -+ Kidney --r
Seminal. V-esicle Urinogenital duct -+
(2\ !-sTt + gm eTFqtI(,r gffi, TfiRrq -r -
rlr,qaa qlk$ -+ srfl4-r
(3) Testes -+ Vasa efferentia -.> Bidder's canal
(3) Eqrr -:Ufi qrffi-+fusrcrd-e ar+rfffi + Ureter
- Cloaca \o
+ qq-(S-{
Testes -+ Vasa efferentia + Kidney ,-;
(4) {voi -+ g* qrftsT(-,{q -+fuqrre ->
/ Bidder's canal --> Urinogenital duct -+
5* v{{effi+ emwr Cloaca

163. f{q i +Yr Fr fu*.ec 3Tr{yI4 t +Ti*-qr atr q-dfu'd 163. Which of &e following options best represe.nb tie
enzl.rne composition of pancreatic iuice ?
r"rtsfli-dr tZ
(1) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin J,
(1) SqT{eq, tdgq, ffiirw+, \faa g1"*1;,1y
(2) arnylase, pepsin, trypsinogerL maltase
(2) cq-{&q, qes{, Efsnq{, qTatq' (3) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin )o
(3) Hle, q<rq&s, tltu-r, ifui gennin) l{ tiputo. amylase, ry psi no gen. t
(.1) drsilq. qqrdrn feflq{rdr. rirsTaiiEFftMii " procarborypeptidase

ro+. frqfttun fr A ffi VsjrmE qq6tu (c1.E'r1.) 164. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO,
q-6yqfq+co, lrdt2 acceptor in :

(1) C,t sKs (1) C1 plants

(2) C, piants
C4 cKs
(3) C2 plants
(3) C2 qr(c
(4) Cq and Ca plants
(4) c, dr c, vK+
165. The morphological nature of the etiible part of
165. ark{ + rcl} qrd qr,r ?t't Fqri{s.rfft qr t : coconut is :

(1) cftWdts (i) Perispern

(2) E1-e!-{ (+ CotYledon
(3) TliN 4l Endosperm
(4) qeliiils (4) Perjcarp
,-,..'ffif,l;E"Aanl 39 A

160. t{r+q 9lfiic{ Ei+ (A"c)

q{ 61RrsT fr Ecqfi 166. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein
degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
iaqrdr + gars 5c di ft. fuq or+w+ *E-t of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
diBvn wffir t r qg qlaq q1ftrsr i anclffi which of the following is expected to occur ?
tftfiqi wrqftat'nu (1) Chromosomes will notcondense
(1) Wq"tr{dr-fifi (2)
_ Chromosomes
will be fragmented

(2) Iorqiqtsddqdi 12f Chro-oro*es will not segregate

(3) X"q?yq-{T6fi (4) Recombination of chromosome arms will
(4) 1wq".j-qrttgid,ffitn OCCUI

167. MALT qmq vft q E*mrq s++ qr orrqq m 157. MALT constitutes about percent of the
Iymphoid tissue ir human body.
efrsrd rdr t?
(1) s0% /O 5o'/"

(2) 20% (2) 20%

(3) 707" (3) 70%
(4) l0% (4) 10 %

roa. tiixifoii * rrE1 {arn B-ti'qr ferd AA t ?

168. Receptor sites for neurotrarsmitters are Present on:
(r) fisik+'3rnFji +1 tqf?ii t (1) nembranes ofsynaptic vesicles
(2) Td-trifir$'ffit (2) Pre-s1'naPticmembrane
(3) <tumqr*'ffif qt (3) tips of axons
(4) crqn$iFrdnffit ,41 post-s)"napti(

769. qg] q gk tift qr qfteqlT sr-sl ff tS qarot

+iff6: 169. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does

not cause further increase in height because :

(1) qeiiqqktidqfrM-qdqmtr (1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults.
(2) fsrinrqq * qq-q(qfttuft{d At dE d Epiphyseal plates cloie after adolescence.
l qrfitr ,6
(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
(3) qdii 3rturziqkafrq*'cfdq+fiYifdnr Hormone in adults.

dttfitr (4) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth.
(4) q+&vrur(ffi ilE3iitgk-rdddt
770. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first
170. qWgr sft E{+ i qdqqq wrq&i-d trq z time :

(1) qrftfurfffr+qfrfrtr-dl (1) EcologicalBiodiversity

(2) ffi*T{qii+ftqq' (2) Laws of limiting factor

(3) qrfr frr riqq -g

Species area relationshiPs

(4) {qEqkvfr-s1Tf (4) Population Growth equation

771. q4aq 3156q i5q5 ErrI sqf, 6kfl - 171 MyeJ-in sheath js produced by :

(1) rqnffiqiffirB:$er-<s _r({) Schwanl Cells and Oligodendrocytes

(z) nnrdrRr+rqi{*q61M (2) Astrocytes and Schwann Cells

(3) erfdrt$$sr{\rsefu{tq-fr (3) OligodendrocytesandOsteoclasts

(4) erftq{tn-mq?idT{?ffi (4) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
lHindi+Enblishl i:l
+1+ie.r qE{ 6q t, 172. In case of a couple where the male is having a very 1
772. qacvFo fw*'5ts tE*rEet ' low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
E-{+ ftqfii-!-{ r+.+osfu'd'{kft ?
for fertilisation ?
(1) eid:rtqi{rq{2rriflul (1) Inhauterinehansfer
(z) it-er<re1-{aid'tu6'tdfrq-{grsw (2) Gamete inhacytoplasmic fallopian transfer

(3) Etiq+t$sl (3) Artificiallnsemination

(4) 3fa:41ffiq{trrgft{{cul Intracytopiasmic sperm iniection

773. ilq d $ft q1 e1++e dd'ftzre elRrea +1 fqrfri 41 173. \Artrich of the following components provides sticky
character to the bacterial cell ?
fqRrsdr r<R srdr t ?
(1) BlRrflfqft (1) Cell wall
(2) Nuclear membrane
(z) ffiqffi
(3) Plasma membrane
(3) d'qrffi
(4) rdT{d"6fu-*,
t 174. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :

174 qisqrii t a ci q sfd1"ilqr iim :

(1) During S Phase

(2) Within nucleolus
(z) +ff,6r+q<{ Prior to fission
(3) f{{{t T{A (4) Just before transcriPtion
(4) sr{d-{tAnq6A
175. The function of copper ions in copper releasing
\75. qiqr ritE-a 'luo' t 4iq{ 3Tr+ii+r er qTd didl t 2
IUD's is :

(1) t Emrrjeii dr rrftNA-ddT qq f{+-q-{ q{rrfrI 6rl They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
+"Gtt -L{ capacity ofsperms.
They inhibit gametogenesis.
Q) igre-w'r+eirtmitt (2)

(3) i rqtqlq 4l tqlr a'fr< a-5rgm q-{r it 6 (3) They make uterus unsuitable for
' implantation.
(4) t rfffiaqis<ft.-oqritt (4) They inhibit ovulation.

170. Frqfulqd t dlc vt qttrqe srqi{ i fTciki'Eq

176. \Vldch of the following in sewage heatment removes
=ittqt tr+rcott? suspended solids ?
(1) gfrr+sq-ar (1) Tertiary heaturent
(z) Ffi-q-+qqn (2) Secondary heahnent

(3) qlqfu63q=m ;l?f Pit ury ouua,.unt

(4) eTr{+tsqqR (4) Sludge treatment

u7. {& se qT qer fu'rq t{-f,fl A-fl t ? 177. The water potential of pure water is :

(1) ri'q ,{ z.ero

(2) qatsq A) Less than zero

(3) ryt erferowaCs'tqq (3) More than zero but less than one

(4) qfrt 3ftr+. (1) More than one

F-dilrEGjisr,ll 47

t rre-o q+q 178. Identify the wrong statenent in context of

u8. sid:6'I + E-<!i i'fTqidfud Eftq :
(i) Eqi 4rdf{6 c}Frm sq A ffA t (1) Organic conpounds ale deposited in it
(2) a5cre-<fu+rsdrfrt (2) .
It is highly durable
(3) *-" gi.6fi "ii6rqffi{ gPrmdrt6{s6-fi Itconducts water and minerals efficiendy
t /
(4) It comprises dead elements with highly
(4) q'q 3i-fi;( tdF-fig-ff ftift erA Td ft{ AA t lignified u,alls

17e. +il rdrfu{ 3rg +'

O-&SFffi qq Eri silRrfii etffidr
Thalassemia ancl sickle cell anemia ate caused due
ril&qq t eqsr }. onor tIil t t#a 6qi sr
q{FI 779.
to a problem in globin molecule synthesis' Select
41tqSl the co ect statement.
(1) fi tdrfu 'ioor rirtqur e"r frrcq-* Zia A;
(1) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin
qr<q dt t t chain synthesis.

(2) +ifrdrFfi '1u-eriirdu':r+isftnvrrr*nft (2) Both are due to a quantitative defert in globin
:sqnq rra t r
chain synthesis.

q-ffiftqr.,.drei ed5+6c ffiqor+6rcrr Thalassemia is due to less syntl''esis of globin

rot t t
/ molecules.

i (1) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative

(4) <rs alfrrsr ercwm rqitfct eq ffir-rmer*
problem of globin molecules.

180. n cq. ti-rc' 3islvp{ ri \rs drflus rior qt i :in q 180. Flowers lvhich have single ovule ilt the ovary and
:"i", t "jq {Ea * qrqq6; ffis} 61rr rrrfrra di are packed into inflorescence "reusually
(1) Water
(1) qql
(2) Bee
Q) rcq-l
(3) si3 .6 Wind

(4) Bat
(4) qqrll(s

-oOo- -oOo-

B 2
"t. iti.'ici.' ol [i'e rono*t.,g is a sink for co ? 5. Which of the is depgndent qn
0) tin thesoil
Q\ O.eans
t5 lQ \fr *oturry

v Plants

The element Z = 'I'14 has been discovered recently.

t? tuB
Mole ftaction
Weight percentage
t(r It wiX.belong6'ifficfi -of the f oltowing f amrly/grorip
and elfttroni. (onfieuratbn ? gl
O" yi c*a" n-tiy.1ff1srrt utozszzS Z With respect to rhe conformeE of, which of
tne. rot tow rng sta teme0ttsllttbr.. ?
E^ 36 (21 C\ygen family,lRnl 5fl16dt07.27p1 2
le* (3) Nitrogen family, [Rnl 5f1,r 6d10 7s2 7p6 19 Eond angle changes but bond tmglh remain6
l,/- (4) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f1a 6d10 js2 jp,
(2) Both bond angte and bond tength change
3. For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kl mol-t and (3) Both bond angles and bond tenSth remains
JK- I mol - l. The rcaction is spontanggllrs
AS = 83.6,

(4) Bond an8te remains same but bond tengttr


r>2eBK j92' Cr)
(4) r <42sK 'A?'o
7_ Name the gas readi
t1, decolou rise acidified

{. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

(3) PrOj
NaNH^ (4) CO:

8. It b kause ol ina bttiry .r r: of the valence
shell to participa ie in bonding dlat:-7?p
OCH 3 --:- I D
(l) Sn2' oridisrng whne pba+ is reducing
and elimination addition @ Sn2+ and pb2+ are both oxidising and
'rt'1 reducing
(3)_, Snr - is reducmS while pba+ is oxidising

*r' is redu(ing white pba+ is oxidising

(2) and che substitution reaction 9. Mechanism ol a hypotheti(al rea(tron
X2+Y2 -.) 2 Xy is given betow:
ffri., Lr^Ya (i) x:-+x + x-rru,tr )4r44+b1
(ii) X +Yr:1y1y i.1o*1 k" \W7-
(3) and cine substitution reaction
,U,1 r*"-,,",r".U U r$3tf'1
v. f'l txY? rhe overa **n ^*,u*,tf
o.der or rhe
3 (Y v\
(r) z t''"jt\r1
(2\ 0
and substitution reaction
V( 1.5

(.1) 1

\rr $a
+ 3 B

10. The equilibdum constanb of the folloh'ing are : 14. The corld increasinE otder of basic strength for
the following compou--nds is:
N2+3H2=2NH3 U?W
N2+o2= 2 No ",
& q N H, NHr -
H" + : O. --, H,O K1

The equilibrium constant (K) of the reqgBon

(II) (nr)
zNar+f o25, *o*arro, "''* 0)

6 *,*2rr',
(2) M<TI<I
(2) K2K/Kr df tI<I<III
(3) rl r.,/x, (4) II<III<l
15. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
1r; r, x]7xt pound is:

11. whi.hone is th wronqstalement

\-..:- ?
Grignard's reagent

(1) The uncertainty principh is AExAtT%r (3) Cobaltocene

N Half filed and fully fiIed orbitals have geater

stabilrty due to greater eYchange ener8y,
(4) Ruthenocene

A 20 litre .ontainer .t 400 K (onta'ns S9l8) al

gre.t; symmetry and more balanced 16.
alrangement, oresiii6O.,t atm and an e\cecs ofllq.llnaSlect tho

d The energj/ of 25 orbital is less than the enrty

of 2p orbital in case of HYdrogen likeatoms'
i,olr-" oiiiiiEQ). mevolume-ofthe container is
now decreffi-by moving the mirvable piston f itted
ii-r6-?6i6fi;; The mari um volume of the
given by I
h contiiiEi- tren pressure of Co2 attains rts
(.1) de-Broglids wavelmgth = ,
m;i*mum value, will be:'
where m=mass of the Particle, o:8touP < ci"]l-il :srcor(s) = sro(s) +co2(s),
velocity of the Particle. Kp=r.6atm) k?u e D 4ro,
12. Which one of the following statements is not (r) 10 lihe V 6 __ ? Ooz-
cQgsg? (2) ,llitrc
tvz Yr Af
\t{ The value of equitibrium constant is changed (3) 2litre
c-+\V) ( v)
in the presence of a (atalyst in the reaction at
equilibdum. vl 5litre -ffil =-
(2) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical Mixture ofchloroxylenol and terPineol acts as l

(/ antiseptic
(3) Coenzymes increase the c.talytic actieity of
(2) antiPYretic

C"t"Ft ao"" imhabe any reaction (3) antibiotic

{ "ot (4) analgesic
H8CI2 and 12 both when disso lved in
@ _
.ontainine I ions the
v Pick out the correct statement with .f!Pg:!-!o
(l) Hgl2,I- (M +t [Mn(CN)6]3-:

(2) HsI?-,It
q9 i \,e )(
lt is sp3d2 hybridisd and tetsahedral
It is d4P3 hybridised and octahedral
I Itis dsd hyb dised and square planar
.l4l Ha2tvr- (3)
It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral
(4) Hgl2,It

@ ,t #lrl, t.
I 4
19 Match the interhalogen compounds of cotumn I 23. lhc heating of phenyt-methyl with Hl
!i,$ dte geomeqv m qg-lrtlrn [grd asriSn the concr produces.

Column I
T- shape
0) iodobenzene


XX: Pontagona I bipyram idal
(4) cthvlchlorid6
XXs Linear
21. I n the electroch.m i-al eU :
(d) \ (iv) Euare-pyramidal znlzrlsor (0.0r M)llCurrr (t.o M)lctr, the e'lf of
(r) Tetrahedral
this D.rniel (ell rs Fl
lvh; the concentrattDn of
/ns()t ir rhangcd to L0 M and rhat of CuSO.
Code: han8ed to0 0t M. the;m-Frhanges to E.. From th;
(a) G)
(b) (d) lollon rnBs,iIich one is the,et;hoEhip between
(ii, (iI (lv) (ii) Er a',d F. ? (Giren.If
(2\ (") (i") (iii) (n) =g.ose)

jp< (iv)
(iii) (ii) (0
(, (ii)
rr) E,<E- Ett- e"-"gh 99i
(4) (iv)
g{ r,,,x, g, * 5 {o.o*t-6)
20. I.=o+t)
L= t"- O J-gW
The species, having bond angles of l20".is : (3)
(1) I
CrF3 (.1) I. -r: > 56r
19( acr, ,.7 25. ordfr @a.t'.n las a spsg4qeiSEglrare of
A- firs t
(4) PHr lU--:lr{ ,. How rhu(h tirne will it
take for 20 g of
thercd(tantbreduceto5s I /n\
2t Predict the corre(t inrermedirrp
follori ing reaction :
ind product rn the
roo*, bff..'i"
s. P;'

H,O, Hfl),I
(3) r12 e' Lg'3
intermediate producl 6e3.0 sec 61..l
(A) (B)
(.1) :ln 6.r,( 'L
-( l, nc-c=&2 B: H3c-c=cH2
26. Which one of the folowing pairs of spcies have the
oH sol
()2 No+
e, n:c-;-CH3 B: H3C-C=CH
{i o CN -,CO

sr A: H3C - C=CH2 B: H3C-C-CH1

N:, Oi
oll o C(). NO
(1) A Hic-f=cH2 8: H3C-C-CH,l 27 both the srccies contajn
n ":bs!-e3g "ffg$
S -s
so,r o .o D
22. Ifmolalitv of the dilu F solu tion is doubled, the vatuc gyl soo!-,s,o,,-
ofmolal depression constant (K,) $iI bej
O) halved I s,o]-.s,oi- '"-?-il-,'
(2) tripled (3) srol-,srol-
I s,of-,s,o,2-
hyrol 2 SPS L>o42'
LN- 1c o

15" L9 5 B

28. Concentrahon of the llEl ions iq-e.lqllllgled 34. Correct increasing order for Erc WgyglClA$ls of
solution of AgrC2On is Z::fO mol L-1' ab6orption in the visible r8ion for Ole comPlds of
Co3+ is:
(r) co (Hro)"13+,1co (en);3+, 1co (NQ)ol3+

(2) tco (Hp)613+, tco OrHrup+,1co(en)313+

(3) [Co(NH1 1+,ICo(en)J:'-,lCoGIp)J1'
gl s"e"nl'- ,tco (NH.U1*,lco (Hro)611*
29. oftho followine alLalimetal 3S. Which one is the most acidic comPound ?
solution of their salts
are put under an lctric field ? OH
(1) K
(2) Rb
gl ',Na
(4) C)I I
30. A gas b allowed to e\pand in a welulsd'rd
cofo.ioe1 against a cdruun-nt e3191{g1gg91' of 12\
2.5 ahr from an initial votume of 2.50 L to I final
v6-lurne of 4.50 L. The change in intemal energy AU
' Noz
.i trre gas ififtires *il x ," O -- )
0) -5ool W.-pAV oIl
y?f -*s1 Au = w+8 ozN NO:
(3) +50sl
roi ,r*rtr
N =y
a-{12)a s d Noz
31. The reason for greatet range of oxidation slates in
a.dnoids is atEibuted to;
0) actinoidcontraction
gpl ,r, ro and 7s levels h.ving comparable (1)
energres .

P) 4f and levels being close in energies

(4) the radioactive nature of actinoids
32. The most suitable method of seParation of 1 : 36. Which of the following Pairs of comPounds is
mixtue of ortho and Para ' niEoPhenols is :
iloelectsonic and isostructura I?
(1) ChrcmatograPhy 5F yt/ r"t x.r,

\? (2) Crystallisation t7
t( t? c{ + ol 5+
g/ b\-r, ,ts[' IBr2,xeh
ry (4)
Steam distiuation
Sublimation I+ jlP( IF, xeF2
r*l Bdl., xeF,

6( g
i}i,. The correct order of stoi(hiometriF of4{g
tlhe z- @.-
formed when AgNOI in Fxcess i< treated
CoCh.4 NHI rPecuvelY 6 :
2 Which of the following reactionr is aPProPriate for
converting acetan de to methanamine ?

(1) 3 AgCl,1 AgCl,2 AgCl

[,6f Hofr-"nnttypobromamidereaction
.,( stephens reacion
g?f t*a.z7g]"t l.ecr
(3) Gabriels phthalimide synthesis
F( 2 Agct 3 A8Cl, I AgCl
'!t t os.-isoe..t''oe..t X Carbylamine teaction

.r "-.-Nllz J
tl 6
38. Of tlrc followin& which is d'. p.S!!lrd-b.Eed_uh"" 42. ft. .o-S!gl!AEEE[|."ta rdint e]SgEgplile is :
cl4olera.oo ne u&9C9". EglgldeDsat,".
toxowed t\y heating "
2 Ele(Eophile is a negativety charged spe(les
/,l(\ and can form a bond by accepting a paii of
et(trons trom anotherelectrophile
V (2) Flecttophiles are generaly neuhal species
and can rorm a bond by acceptinS. pair of
el(trons trom a nucleophile

\d Electsoph
.harted species
can be either neuEal or oositivelv
and can form a'bond-bi
(2) accepting a pair of electrons from I

(r) ElecEophile is a negativety charged species

and can form a bond by a(ceptrng a pair of
electsons from a nucleophile
L) o
43 Consider thc reactions

$o x
CU IAsNH3)2]+
0 Silver mirror obsrved
(r) r,$'
L'l{ L $9.
(c2H6o) 573 K
OH o
rrrHr-r.,tr-C-r'nr, W
39. Which of the followinS statemensEl!4lgqrt ? I I
0) Ovalbumin is a simpte food reserve inetg -
whitie. Identify A, X, Y and Z
Blood proterns thrombin and Ebrinogen are
F- 'ft/' e-Vettrorymedrane,X-Ethanot,y-Ethanoic

rnvolved in blood clonins.
Denaturation makes the probins morc active.
Imulin maintains sugar level in the blood of p/
acid, Z-Sem ic6rbazide.

A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, y-Bur-2_enal,

ahumanbody- Z-Smicarbazone '
40. Whrch one is the correct orderofaciditv 7d a-etlanof, X-A.etaldehyde,y-Butanonq
dlit cu =
qH r arl-c= cH > cHz=cH2 >
G.-Gr (4) a-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoicacid,
Y-Acetate ion, Zhydrazine.
@ CH=CH > CH2-CH2 > CHI-C=CH >
H. ff*:H3 > cHr=cH, > cH3-Ht > 14. The IUPAC name of the compound

( CH2=CH2 > CH3-CH=CH2 > CH1_C I

41. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
CN:j!D. Silver G late' rovered by : - tformylhex-2-nj-one
0) distillation
(2) J}tl lmethyt4-oxohex-2-n-tal
zone refinine
@ oorru...^"i, n,*rn (3) 3.ketc.2-methylhex_5_enal
(4) Iiquation }-keto-2-merhylhex-4{nal
50. Adult human RBCS are enucleate. Which of ole
g,' which is the{ncorrect statement ?
followinS statement(s) is/are most aPProPriat
Density decreases in case of crystals tr'ith
A S.hottkv's detuct.
explanation for this feature

They do not need to reProduce f,

K Nacl(s) irsulator, silkon is sEBgBdgslor,
silver i5 conductor, quartz is prczo erccm(
(b) They are somatic cells
crysta-i. (c) They do not metabolize
Frentel defect is favoured rn those io'ic (d) A[ dlen intemalsPace is available for orygen
,/ compounds in Ydlgh-lizrlof cation and EansPort
0r FeOo.98 has non stoichiometric metal
deficiency defect. ,tu only (a)

)4 (a), (c) and (d)

46. A decrease in blood Pressure/ volume will nglgguse (3) (b) and (c)

the releas of:
Atrial Natriuretic Factor V only (d)

(2) Aldo6terone 5t An important characteristic that Hemichordates

share with Chordates is:
(3) ADH
(1) venhal tubutar nerve cord
(4) Renin
d (3)
pharynx with gil slib
pharynx witltout gill slits
{7. which of the following "re not Dolymeric ?

absence of notochord
(1) Proteiis
(2) Polysaccharide3 52 Alexander Von Humbolt desctibd for the first
4$ tpia. time
bws of limiting factor
(4) Nucleic acids 0)

,18. A babv bov .qed two years is ad-rritted to play school

d (3)
Species area rclationshiPs

Population Growth quation

and o;es tliroush a dental checl - uP The dentist
Ecological BiodiversitY
otuerrea Uat ttreLy ttud h/venty Eeth Which Ee6t
wereabsntI 1ti^2 yJ_ 53. Identify the !!9S statement in context of
0) canines {A' P heartwood:
gdf nre-moLrs (1) It is highlY duable
(3) Molars gil It conduct wacr and minerab efliciendy
(4) lncisors (3) lt comPrises dedd lements with hithly
lignified walts
.19. Which of the following statemenls is 'dw-t
(4) or8anic comPounds are dePosid in it
.lA The descendmg limb of looP of HPnle i5
- imDermenbleto water' 5{. Which one of the folowing statements i5 ciE!'ct'
with reference to enzymes ?
(2) The ascending limb of looP of Henle is
Permeable to
water' g{ a"w"a^" = eponzyme + coe'nzyme
(3) The des.ending lifrb of looP of Henle is (2) Coenzyme: APoenzyme + Holoenzyme
prmeable io elecbolytes'
(3) Holoenzyme = Coenzyme + Ccfactor
The ascending limb of loop of Hcnle
(4) (4) APoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenzyme
imPermeable to water'
Root hair develop ftom the region of 61. An example of colonial algB i3
(1) Elonsation
12) Rootcap
1tf va,,,
(2) Ulothrir
Meristematic activity
,d Maturation
(3) Spnogya
(4) Chlorella
56. Among the folowing characters, which one was
not considered by Mendcl in his e\perimenrs on
62. Capacitation occurs in :
Trichomes, Gtandutar or non-glandular
(1) Epididymis

Q) Seed - Green or Yeltow (2) Vas deferens

(3) Pod - Inflad or Conskicted g2/ femat neproaucive tac

(4) Stem - Tall or Dwarf (4) Rete testis

57. Which of the fotlowing facilitates opening of 53. Select the mismatch
stomatal aperfure ?

0) Decreaie in turgidity of grard cells t9/ Mycorrhiza

6 Radial orientationof .ellulos microfibrits in

the cell wall of guard celts

(3) Rhizobiunt
Nitsogen fixr

(3) Longitudinal orientation of cellulose
microfibrtu in the cell wall of guard cels
(4) Contraction ofouter wall ofguard cells
64. Ilomozytous purelines in cattle can be obtained
58. fie association of histone ltl with a nucleosome
indicates l (1) nrating of unrelated individuals of
DNA replication is occurring. oreed
w The DNA is condensed inio a Chromatin

matint of individuats_of differcnt brced.
mating of individuals of different specis.
(3) The DNA double helix is exposed.
(4) Transc ption is occurinS.
\Jll' mating of related hdividuals of same breed.

59, DNA fraSments are

65. fr:8ln:1b sparated on an aguoee gd
(an be vlsudlised aftEr stahing witfi : -
Ne8atively charted
(1) Acehocamrine

(3) Either positivety or nesativelv chareed

(2) Aniline btue
depending on theirsize - yd tthiaium tromue
(4) Positively charged (4) Bromophenot blue

60. The pro(ess of separahon and purificahon ot

Double fertilization is erhibid Uy
expressed protein before marketing is called :
(l) Algae
\rl, Dowrrstreampr(6sing
(2, BioprocessinS Q) Fung!
p) Postproductionprocessing gzf an6*p".ors
(4) Upstream prGessing (4) cymno6Frms
67 The r. ,?ter potential of pure iyater is : In case ol a cuuple n here the mdte is harnrS J ser),
(1) Less tlun zro row sferur.ount, \.hictr technique s i
be 5,ril.,t,t.
rcrlerblisation ?
(2t trIore than zero butl('ss rhanorle
0) Canrete inhacytoptasmic fallopjan hansfcr
/1t N'lore than one (2) Artificiallnsemination

,/ Zel d
Inhaq,toplasmic spern iniediou

68. Oul of (paircof nbsinhumnns.ntv..\.

fi Intrauterine kansfer

truc ribs. Selc\l rheoprion rhar co.r..ih r.nrt.rnrs
73 lvhal is the crftenon for pllAAig!{rs Drovemcht
values of X and Y and provrdcs therr *iprinar;on on a garose gel d u ring gl el(trophores is ,

v X=12,Y=5 True ribs are attached

dorsallv to vertebral column
and sternum on thc trvo ends,
The smaUer the ftagnrcnt sE(., tle farthcr ir

Positivclr.charged fragoents move to farther

(2) X=24,Y=7 True rits are dorsalv (3) Negativel),chaBed frigments do not nrote
attached to vc.rtchral
butarc k?!.onvcntIal.ide. (4) Ihc larger the fragmcnt size, the farihcr it
{3) X =2t, Y= 12 Truc ribs .rre Jors.ltv
attachcd to vertehral column
The Iunction of coppr iorrr in coFpcr retedl,nS
butar (rl,e on venhal sidc.
X=12,Y=7 -l-rue flbs ar. arta.h?d (1) ThevinhibirgametogeresG.
{ dorsall! to \'.rtchra I .ciunnr
and vcntrally to tltesternunl
(2) They make uterus unsoirable for
Thef, inhibit ovula6()n.
DNA replication in bacteria oc(urs
(l) lvithin nucleolus d They su pprcss sperm motility,rnd ferrilisinS
capacr tv of sf,erms.

(2) Prior to fissbn

Spliceosomes arenot found in cells of
(3) Just belore Eanscription {r, rungr
DuringS phase (2)

$'hich cells ot 'Crypts of l-iehertuhn secrele
- antibacterial lvsozvn)c ?

\f' Paneth cells

\ rh rh of thc foUo$.inS cett orqaneucs ,s r("roorisr hlc
ti+}giillEjl:lsr r-. . ilrqlrdr" t*-T., "'
k Zvmogen ceus
llr Ribosome
Kupffer cells

Argentaffin celis
a The hepa tic porLal r.ein drnrn! bloort h)ijter fronl
('l) Stomach Ihe pivotjoint bebr'een atias nnd ariis is a tlpe of
(2j (1) cartilaginousjoint
sl no!ial
!.ddlc Ionrt

(l) Ile.rt (1)

/-3 GnRll, a,1)pothalamic hornrone, needed in 84. Which of the following is gurcctlSr.mi thed for the
rcProlluLnr)n, a( ts cn l product produced by them ?

\il dnterior tituitar) gland and stimulates

s(rrctionol LH andFSH.
(1) Mdtrrn,rol,a.;'rxr?x : Lactic acid

(2) nofatx,n: Acetic acid

(2) lrostlrror pituitary gland and stinlulates
sccretion ofoxytocin and FSH. gfi snrrhrn ryu,,"r"risirP : Ethanol

(3) postcrior pituitarv Slind and stimulates (1) Acerornclerscefi:Antibiotics

secretion of LH and rela\in.
(.1) anterior pituitai!' tland and stimulates E5. Thaldssenia andsicklecell anemia arecaused due
secretion of LH and oxytocin. to a problem in 8lobin molecule synthesis. Selcct
the corect statenrent.
79. tvht(h of ttll follor! ing rcpresents order of'tloEe ?
(1) Both are due to a quanhtative detuct in globin
\.!, Perirsoda.t,la chain synthesis.

l2t Caballus
./ Thalassemia is due to less syndtesis of Sloqin

(3) Ferus

(.1) Equ ae d Si(kle c anemia is due to a quantitahve

problem of globin molecules.

80. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary COz (l) Both are d ue to a qua litative defect in globnl
a.cePk, i,r : chain synthesis.

,,/ C{ plants
Flowrs hhich hdve single ovule in the o!"rI an.l
(l) C, plants arepackedinto-infloresc-iEi-areusual!pollinaleJ
(3) C1 and Ct plants bvi
(.1) Cl plants (r) &{

(l) B,tt
(i) Cr.ssland eosystem
(2) Pond ccosystem

La ke ecosysten
tt7. Re(eptor sitcs for negESlp-lqillglsrre Present on
\L,l rrosystem
(1) pre-synapticmembrare
82. A disease caused bv ar)' (2) tips ol axons
non-disjunction i5:
yPl Post-sYnaPticmembrane
(4) nenrbranesofsynapticvesicles
@ Tumer'sSyndrome
(r) Sickle Cll Anemia
Durins DNA rDhcahon. Okazali fracments are

d Dorvn's Syndrome uset to elongate

(1) The

l.88int strand to$'ards replication fork.

The \'a,,cular cambrum normally grvs flse to
(2) The leading strand aw.y from rePlicatron
('l) Primaryphloem I
Secondary xylem The lagging strand awa), from the rPlication
rii Periderm '.{ fork.

4 rhe leadutg strand tor!'ards rePli.ahon fork.

i \1)
({) Phelloderm

Which of the following oDhons best rePresents the 95. Myelin sheath is Produced bY :
enzyme comPosition of p'ancreaUc'i rt e-r-- (1) Ashocytes and Schwarm Cells

X (2)
amylasc, PePsin, tryPsinogen,
peptidas, amYlase, PeFin, rermin
Osteoclasb and Ashocytes
@ lipase, amylase, tryPsinogen,
schwann cetts and oliSodendrocytes
procarboxyPePtidase {9/
amylase, PePtidas, tryPsinogen, rennin
X 96. Match the followinS se\ually &e!:E lsd
diseass (colurrn . I) with their (aus4!iyS-3t94t
90. AnaDha*' I'romoting ComPIe\ (Arcl is a ProtPin (column - rD and se!+gssglEggPggn
desradaton machinery rE(essary for proFr mito6is
ofinrmaltells. lf Arc i5 defective in a humancell' Column- I Colunn-II
which of the following is expeted to occur ? HIV
(1) Chromosomes will b ftagmend
v{ Chromo6omes will not setregate
will G) Genital W
(3) Recombinahon of chtomosome arms
(d) Human
PapilloEra - Vlrus
(4) Chromosomes will not condense
9l The genotypes of a Husband and wife ar IAIB and (a) (b) (c) (d)

A mong lhe blood tyPes of their childre& how many 0) (in) (iv) (,) (n)

differe-nt genotypelind ph-enorypes are poasible ? (2) (rv) (n) (in) (,

(1) 3 genotyPs; 4 PhenotyPes
-^ (3) (w) (iii) (ii) (,
1 genotypes; 3 phelgtyPs
4 SenotYPs; 4 PhenotyPes
fI ,y (ii), (in) (*) (,

(4) 3 genotYPes; 3 PhenotyPs

/ 97 Whrch amonq thes i5 the coEect combination of
r,0 aquatic mamirals ?
92. vLoids differ from vjg!g']g : having y( ootptti*, s.ob, rryg,,
0) DNA molecules without probin cmt (p/ *ro. oo,rn*. *"o
(2) RNA molecules with protein coat (3) Iry8on, Whales, Seals
gpy' nNemolecut"swlUplr+tolerEqet
(9 Seals, DolPhins, Shark
(4) DNA molecules with Protein coat
Coconut fruit
93. Mycorrhizae arc the examPle of :
(1) Bet'Y
0) Amensalism
(2) Antibiosis (2) Nut

gPy' u'"'ti' P) CaFule

(.1) Fungistasis gy' ^*
94. The morphological nature of the ediblc f^rr of 99. A dioecious flowering Plant Prevents bolh
(1) Cotyledon
1,/ AutogamY and geitonogamY
(2't Geitonosamy drd xenoganry
,Jrl Endoeperm
(3) Cleistoga$Y and xenotamy
(3) Pericarp
(1) Perisperm
(4) Autotamy and xenoglmy
100. Which of the folowing are found in eIEllClALine
105. A gene whose e\pression helps to identify
conditions ?
karEtormed (ll $ knownas l
0) Eubacteria
(2) Cyanobacteria
0) vector

(3) 12\ ptasmid


\,1/l (3) Structurat gene

101. Which among the following are th smallest tivinq

gd sa*our" -u.r.u.
SgUs. known withoul a d.jE!.*U"il
planb as well as animaLs and can su rv 106. Whkh of the following coErpon.nb providB
ivilthou t sticky
oxySen ?
character to the tacterial cell ?

0) Pseu.lo,.oflos (1) NuckrmembrarE

.J4 Mycopl.sma (2) Plasmamemtran
(1) Bacillus
t${ "ry.,nay,
(4) Cell watl
102. With releren(e to ficlo,( affe(tlllthe rate ol
photgrynthesis, which of the torro-r,rg o,r.;;s 107. The final proof forDNA.s the gnetic
15 not correct I matedal carne
trom the e\periments of :
(t) Increasing ahnospheric CO, concentration

g up to0.05% can enhance CO; firarion rate

Cl plants respond to higher temDeratures
with enhan(ed photosvnrhesis ;hitF
uerstrey and chase

Avery, Mcleod and Mccarty

Cr plants have much lower rempeiature (3) Hargobind Khorana

(3) Tomato is a greenlouse crop which can be (4) critrith

grown in CO2 - enriched atmosDhere for
108. Frurtand leaf dropatearlystagescan beprevenH
(4) Light saturabon for CO, fuahon occurs ar by the application of.
l0% offull sunlighr
N Ethylene
103. Life cycle of EcJoca?r.


Diplontic, Haplodiplontic
6 t?,' Gibberelic acid

d (3)
Haplodiplontic, Diplonric
Haplodiplontic, Haplontic X Cytokinins

(4) Haplontic, Diplontic 109. Wlich one of the fouowint stahlrrmts is not
lor aerosol' 7 1--
104. T}|e regron ot Biosphere Reserve which
is lesaflv
prote(ted and where no human activirv is rtt{;e; (1) They alter rainfall and monsoon pattems
is knov,'n as :
(1) Buftur zone ,y They cause
incteased agricultural
(2) Transition zone
(3) They have negative impact on agicuttural
(3) Restoration mne

,fi Core zone

(4) They are harmtul to human heatth
13 B
Select theigggg! rouF for the passage of soerms in
110. Which of the following o-Pggl grves the 'onecl
male frogs :
squence of events during mitosis ?
(l) Testes + Vasa efferenha + Kidniy i

& condensation
disassembly ,
-+ nuclear
centromere division _+
equator --)
segregation --,
Sminal Vesicle + Urinogenital du't

(2) Testes -, Vasa fferentia -t Bidde/s canal

-, Ureter ) Cloaca
Vasa efferentia + Kidney -)
_-i nuclear
,V condensatron _+ crossing over 13) Testes- (.nal + Utinogenilal duct +
membrane disassembly + segretation
telophas Cloaca

& condens:ttion _, dranSemerit at equator

cent.omere division
segreqation --'
(4) Testes -+ Bidde/s (anal -r Kidney - Vasa
efferentia Urinogenital du(t rCloa(a
A tempotary endocrine tland in the human body
( condensation -+ nuclear membrane @
disassembly -) crossing over -J (1) Corpuscardiacum
segegation -, teloPhase
(2) Corpusluteun
(3) Corpusallatum
111. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modificatiors
g Pineal gland

(1) Adventitiotrs root

115. AtEactantsand rewards are required for
gtr *^ d
(3) l2aJ
(3) CleistogamY
({) Stipules (4) Anemophily

cod-g[ot3 drat 117. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm
112 If therc ale 999-ba..r-in an BNA into
orotein *it lej..i"oSg4t' len$hheq
and the at
;*-imn gor ;dehlqd suchlf,at $e of 0) Endosperm
ii.itb.6fi46'G-, how manv codoru will be
alErd ?
,,9 Embryo sac
(3) E-bryo
(1) 11 (4) Orrrle

(3) 333
118. Which of dre iollowing in sewagp tEatsnent removes
suspended solids ?

('l) , Secondary tsaErmt

(4) 1
p/ e;-"rY * o',
(3) Sludge treatment
113. trrnsDlantation of lrs'sues/orSdns tails often due (4) Tertiary tseahrit
m nonlu.."ptun.. ry *'" pahen(s body whkli tyPe
ot i.rnrn"-."tpont" is responstble for such ---'!
119. of planb arranSed into wel defircd vertkal
,ejections ?
ty"* a.pd^air,g on deir heiSht (an be seen best
Cell - mediad immune
Hormonal immune rtsPonse
Tropical Rain Forest
(3) Physiological immune rcsPonse (3) Tempemte Forest
(4) Tropical Savannah
(4) AutoiDmune lesPonse
120. Which of the following is made up of dead celts ? 125. Which of the following RNAS should be trlo3t
0) Colmchytta abundant in animalcelt ?

vzr Phelleft (l) r-RNA

(3) Phloem (2, m-RNA
(4) Xylem parenchlma (3) miRNA

121. zygotic meiosis is chglgqi:lqof

v ,-*o
(1) Lrcrrs
127. Which statement islgpgtlor K=!g:SEb ?
(2) F qria
0) There is one poht in the
rycle where FAD +
gy'f ano,,,ya-,** . ts redu.ed to FADH,
(4) Marct@ntia @ During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTp is
122. MALT constitutes about synthesised
percent of the
Iv- phoid tissue in human body ,6 ,tu,y:t l?rywith condeNation of aceqt
(l) 20% ' group (acetytCoA) with plruvk 6cid to yie-fd
ciki( acid
@ 70%
(4) Tlere are three points in th cycte where
(3) 10% NAD+ i5 reduced ro NADH +H+
ut/ xx F\
I23. Lungs are made up of an-flled sacs, dE
alveoli ItEy
e, ftpgliecetioll
of Growth Hormone in adults does
cause fu rther in( rn heigh t, trca use
.. :
donot.ollap3eyglgft erf orcef ure:-6.fration,
V Epiphysedl pldres ctose aftFr adolescence.

(1) Insp atory Resrve Volume (2) Bones loosc their sensitivity to Crowth
f tiaor vorurn
(3) Muscle fibres do not grow in size alter
(3) Expiratory Reserve Volume birth.
(,1) Growth Hornone bcomes inactive in adulb.
g/ ResiduatVotume

724. In case of porile,,ns, the
tlaSellated cells.allp.l .
spglggseeliiJindwith @ which P!e.{-use (hara(tcrisrr.
PnsgE3pPbeles and sFo. vivipary xGi!!'. -
('l) oscula 0) Ilalophytes

ul choanocytes Ql

(3) mesenchymal cells Hydrophyr,es

(1) ostia (.1) Msophytes

125. Whrch one of folowing is retated ro F\-srtu tl0. Asym Ptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
(onservatron ot.llre
ttuStEllg_e4igqqand plants ? when

(1) dN ,{N fElv?
Biod iversfty hot spob ,${ K=N k-J
Q\ Amazon rainforest
(3) Himalayan region (3) K<N
g w ttdtitesafari patk
14) The va lue of,r, approaches zero

131. Good vision dePends on adequate intake of caroEne-

134. Sel6tth$ismakh
rich food. (1) Cyans Dioeciou!
Select the best option frodt Ole foltrowint stabmenB' (2) Saloi'l.ia HeErcsporous
(a) vitamil A derivati!s ar formed from (3) Equiehm Hotrr06lrorous
(b) The photoPiSments are embedded in the ,,.9
membrane discs of the inner segment
Which one from thos Siven below is $e pglg{fu1
(c) Rednal is a derivative of Vitar:rin A t/ @ Mendel's hyb dization exPeriments ?
(d) Retinal is a liSht absorbinS Pdrt of a[ the 1840 - 1850
visual PhotoPigDmt5.\,/ 0)
\2) 1857 - 1869
1a70 - "1877
ff {ut. {.) *a tal

1856 - 1863
(2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b), (c) and (d)
136. Two ashonauts are floating in 8r{d!diqual&9e
space after havint lost contact with thet
(4) (a) and (b) spaceshiP'
The ts o will :

132. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher (1) move to$ ards each other.
- (2) moveaway from each other.
(1) directional as it pushes the mean of the
.heractEr in one dire(hon. (3) will become stationary.
spliB the PoPulation inBJbda kcep floating at the same distance betB
'' disruptive as it
on" yi"tding hiSher outPut and the oller
,r4 them.
loweJ outPut'
-A stabilizinq followed by disruptive as it 137. Younq's double slit e\Pe ment is first Frformed
V' air an; then ina medium other than air' Itis lound
stabilizes [re population to Produce higher
Yielding .ows'
;fi;;;i;hif't.c" * the med frTes where se
(4) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
;".ii;;;-ilI'* rhe rEffidve in?ex oTlhe

character in the PoPulatton

#''l;*"''' ,# -
!ra-\ "itv
FroS's heart when tatn out of the'I'odv condnues

Sele(t the b.t oPtion from th following

(4) 1.2s
(a) Frog is a Poikilothem
Frogdocs nothave any coronarycirculation' common emitter transistor amplifier the g!4io
O) 138. In a
the (olle(torThe i:rL!'
(c) Heart is "myogenic" in nature ."l,stance ofiollector is l!q.
lf(urrentgainis |00
(d) Heart is autoexcitabl trr" tur" resistanceE2 ko, the vglts&e and

power Sain of the adPlifier
uL J3V 5v
(1) 1s and 200
0) only (d) L gr;/ lso rsooo
fto ^ 'L&o
(2) (a) and (b) -a \00
I (3) 20 and 2000 P
s{gr' *a (a)


onlY G)
(4) 200 and 1000 "& ilF
lel !tr3.:t!!-Ei&s 742. The given elec{ricat network is equivalent

per unit lenSth on the f:-D"--)> ^-" or

I d C
a (1) ongaeo I
90" _Etto r JL R (\ Y
" $ Noag e
il Lnd (3) NoTgare -l I
o I
a6r J.lo L
(4) ANDgare I o

6T \o I

143 The resistance of a wire is ,R ohtrl. II

b metaed
Jiy"i2 a"d s;BE!gl!e.-r' ti-es isoriginal hn;6;lE*new
(2) resstance will be :
rd g _ J_A.L -

v2 na
o) * A.LL


Ihc de- Broglie wavelength ofa ncutron in

d n2R
3 3 3fu
I a
thermal R 3(8
cquftihlrrum rvirh heavv warpr at a temperature
tKelr rnt,rr.t rrras' --lll--
d .i
k , _2r?lr*,
(r) nX

12) approach
J3mkT 7 16.lm/s

4 )
the second car is

1{l. Radioactive matErial,A, has deca),{onstant
'8 I
and material 'B' has decay 'I'. Initia[y *a r, 3 56'9
they have same number ofnuclei. A fter L8 '!,8 Hz
the ratio of number of nuclei
what time.
that I s'l-o (4) 3s0 Hz
It L+ 3t9
'A-:i!iel z n -r8) No Tqv
& -rA N' 145.
,d 7I
I In dn ele(homdgnetrl
l:tean square vatue of rhe
\avc r rree spa.e the root

N6.lVoe -A+ I he peal value of "-l*1i*--?,sE-t"

8i - &^t e,ro-u,
the hagnetic field

N1 -No \E{l/ I Xtd1.> O

l sAt-: +
9I I
(2) 070\ l0 3T ,/>
I %
(1) 42-1,10 'tr Zxto-Q"
-1=72t (4) 1.41 x 10 rJ't
L."x7r? xxs& Y v.t9"
' t|f t.l I
5 -31

[-? x 2 -s- xr'zsxz'lx6.ljj ,a> 7

t 1? iq t I I 0
ro welled 150. A device
116. Two rods A3llDpfdilI*eat*laterials

t i"r'"it u,
in rig,re'
i, "ia rii.ii"Gr
to make electrical
the method involves
measutements of E.M.F. becaus

corductivity of the combg8lg4gin b"
d potential gadierts

1' l Q' a condition of no curtent Aow through the

K2 .\ {u galvanomeEr

d (3) a combination o( cells, Salvallometer and

E (l)
3(Kr +K2)


(2) Kl+ K2
151. The ralio of resolving Powers of 3lJPllsgl
microscope for twp-!. irlelEqP Il =4tm A
(3) .9 'nd
A.? q I
r-l LC

Which one of the follo$'ing reP resens'foiviard
o) e:4
Yd z'z
A *'z
bias diode ? (3) 16:81

R -3V (4) 8,27

-2V IT +2v
(2) of
152. A thh Prism h.vint rekachng alg!:10' 's mdde
etass oi refraOve lniex r.42 This)E-m is(ombined
3V R 5V ;ith another thin pnsm of glass of re!39gy9..qdex
1.7. This combrnation produces disFrsion

6 0v It d-evution. The refracting

oT second prism
z P?
118. A 250 - Tum lectanEular coil of lengtl 2'1 cm and
*idth 1.25 c;1;;ie;;current of 85 PA and
v{ '" ')'1t
q fr'
sutt(d b d magPtk fhld ofstsn8rh
done for rotatmg the.oil by
0'85T Work
'180'agairlst the torque

" L*-rj A ='[r'-
I a, MJlso .

b 8t (1t a.5srJ W, Mg!t ttl (4) A',

o l'\ 21t'l L Ml)

'':'' O) r.lsFl z 2Xa,iS-, M 153. A caPacitor is chatSed The battry is
n.' *t at\ o *NrA removed and another

II 0! and 02 be the aPparent angles of 'g drP observed .f rt4gClt'h*
itt ti"o ,"ri."t plan; .t nSht angles to ea(h other'
then the Eue angle of diP e i5 Siven by : d deceases by a factor of 2

0) tan20 = tan201+ tan202 (2) remains the sa[re

(2) cot?o = cot201- coe02
(3) increases bY a factor of 2
(3) tan20 = tan?or - tan2{2
(4) increases by a factor of 4
Af ,oPo=ro8e1+c.oFoz
"!L -- (v.+vr) l n!'
B 18
15.1 Preeti reached the metro station and found that the 157. The two nearest harmonics of a tybe closdilt4le
escalator was not working. She walked up the end and open dr other ena are ZO52ga
stationdry escalator ln-time tl. On other days, f she What is the tundamental frcq"@76e
remairs stationary on-ifiEf,oving escalator, then r
the escalator takes her up in time tr. The time taken g( zow 3: S:?:Sj0:r,l.: "y;:rem

by herto walk upon the movrng &alator will be :

(21 30 Hz I
trtr tso -+ d 11-, Lad a a6d
' r2-tr
____- (3) 40 tlz
\go + df tl (4) Ltz
ti .. t3
.J t,tz #x { = *a zo
V) t: +h t6all7:+
+- d - d 158. t0-r0m. The photoelecEic threshold wavelength of sitver ig
3250 x
''' 'j-? \6+\ d J etaEglgisc:Bl
from.a silver surface-by ultraviolet tiiht.f
The vetocity of the

(4) -!_ljl
,. 2
1, t,- waveteng!L?536:-10:_19-o is :

(Given h =4.14x lO-15 evs and c=3 x 108 ms-1)

155. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the (1)
foUowing dagram. = 0.6x ms-l ,

hc - hc
r&f -1;.xKFms r )qtVaz
(3) =0.3xt06ms-1
.7 TT
700 K
(4) =6xldms-1
500 K 159. Figure shows
actcuit that contains three idenri.ql.
tmK resistors with resislan.e R-90 n ea.h, two
ldentical inductors ilEliiiiGice L:2.0 mH
Makh the foltowin8 i each, and an ideal battery with emI 1g V. The
ColurtrFl Colunr2 cunent'i' throuth the baftery iust afterTE-swikh
closed is,.....
a Process I3obaric
R. Process Iiochoric lr R9 JL


Q?a, R-+d, S-+b

Isothermal 8v
(2) P_+q Qid, R+b, SJa
(3) PJd, Q-Jb, R+a, S--,c (1) 0.2A
(4) P+a, Q-+c, Rrd, SJb
@ 2A
e q 4
r56. One end of stsing of length i is connected to a (3)
Darb( Ie
of macs m and the other md i! connecH to a small
peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particte (4) 2mA
moves m circte with sped ,/, thelet lorce
2- Pg (>)
Pallli:le (d rrected io",a'as c"iilii-"ui r u"
r 150. A spherical black body wit#radius oI 12 cnr
fT repr&nts the tension in the stsing) radiabs wanEEAit soo K ff6; ,"dis!E!q
(1) r.+ r^v L
,r," *egSe**;;;bt
r.draEd m wattwould be
!. ,h"ro"*;

f# --;' o); ?=eftr' 6A
- (2) ro0o +Sb +
(3) ZEro
(k ,"oo i - =
0 T (4) 22s pz o-AXL6f
(6@E- ant d.
- 19 B
161. 165, Which of the folowing statements argjggCdl
3 kg and radius (a) GenEe of m.33 of a My always coinoqes
with th6 cnhe ofglevity of the body.
a force of 30 N !
T[r) -
O) Cents of Erars of a My is the point
0) 0.25
glf x ."d/
s2 p/.'lin al-
totrl F.vit tional borque;n the body is

(c) A couple on a body produce bothy

(3) 5 m/s2 rrulatibnal and rotauonal motion in a body.- \
t4 XIo ov
(4) 25 m/ s2 )4 d.
-.-. ?
(d) Mech.nical tdvantage Iteater than one
tL mears thai gmall effort can be used to lift a
large load.
162. T\r,discs ofinertia
thci{egu la xis passinS
perpendi(ular lo the plane !,f diec with angular
and -,b( {")*a&)
,( O) and (c)

velssliesorand or. They are brought into contact
(c) and (d)
face to face coinciding the axis of rotatioD" Tlle
e\pressron for lgss of enerev d u rinq this ptrec i. : (b)and (d)

vl ],1*-,,;
Ior + Tr0r

E "r)
165. The accelration due to Sravity at a herght I tq
above dre e.dr is the segetlatarhpb-llbelow th.
surfa.e ofearth. Then

QI r(r,1-o2)2 t@v (, tAr,

0) d=r km
rtl '-+J - fr|"+l
I ',2 L
(3) t2)
L v d:2 km
] I1,,
I t!) ?n , -L !L
v a=1t-
163. A gas mi\ture (on\isb of 2 moles 9f02 and { mol6
ol Ald-lemperature T Neglecting all vibrational 157. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
m949s, the tr)taTiflFii;Ienersv of the svstem is : a massless and inextensible shing

0) 15 RT n.t, &T + Argrqt. The whole system is suspended by a massless

spring as sho$'n in figure. The magplr.d6-of
(2) 9RT acceleration of A and B immediately aJter the string

11 RT

a$o+ r! R7tl- is cul are respectively :

t6{. The bull modulus of a sphericalohtu'B. If itie
sutirtpd to unilorm oressure 'p::6Fachonal 3m
derrear in raaius is:
.l -r -
o) *= avi v e^* &tn1-tnfl)
au- -e @

J{ &z 9-
zah. -- !

aa 3
X 5't
(4) I r* e,1
l,- 41 )- .('
B PAl L-4 20
168. The ratio of wavelengths of 172, Suppce dre charge oI a proton and an ebcbon differ
seriec and dre "ftsrl*:daeher suldgy. one or ih.- ii -*,
u'e ou'EE[@. r
(1) the net of ele.hostatic Iorce and gravitational force
w 4 )r I between two hydrogen atools plaJed at a 4ietance_d
(nruch greater than-atomic igEir-E Oi-*

"b) ma33 of hydroten
(3) 0.5 ( Ar --I Ae is of the order
l0 7 kgl
of lciven
(4) 2
), t & mh=1.67x
(r) loxc -,6*
159. A beam of light from a souce L is irEidentlglEeUy
'!> ,t{-
on a plane mtror fixed at a .ertain distane r ftom rz) lo '-.c ,..j<
the soui6-fie Gm is rellected
(l) r? c rA' "
s(ale placed iust
is rotated the spotjj_te
light is found to move through a distance t/ oD the

6 97-
scale. The angle

'"$":Y t:g r73.,Aphysicalquanhtyof thedimensionsof leng$But

4" *.,rn*.,,r...",, ;ft is r. b verocity

j +t+z (2t ; of lighL C rs universal constant of Favitation and
e is charSel
1 (a a .i f4 LT
6/, (3)
v N,
c2 G
.z '1%
4ne6 ]

{ 2r to ct tiA Li
I -2-
tl .2 1% [r+ M-t t r
770. A sDrins of force .onst nt k is rut inro
.utii r .-z , a. They iiEi6ffited
lpjgq: of
in se,iE-u,la u'e
r'?lc +"'ee l o
new force-ai;nstant is k'. Then thev
para lEiEaGiE
i,rl,t,n @,n*t/6
coistant is t".
nent ,f" is,
1 C "2 ,,,1 3r*
1S/f yr--5v A,rlt t'ty'
(4) l' vL--gv t, - r t!6
lll Ir:o &
- 4r(o
vz" Ln At " Sllt l
e 174. Two Polaroids Pl and
I -*t
2ov\ \

l" ))) )"

rov 30v 10v 3ov 20v
through P26

@ (.) (b) G) (d)

,A Io
A positive
charge is moved from A to B in each 4
TAt rya)
67t loU O" fo* ."ro the work done is the same.
(2) Minrmum work is required to move q in 8
figu (a).
(3) b
Maximum work is requi.ed to move q h (3)
figure O).
(41 Marfulum work i! requircd to move q in Io
figure G). 2
21 B
175. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion 17t. Th r and y coordinates of the Particle at any time
with an amplitudeot 3 (m. l^Ihen the particle i! at a,e r - 5t - 2t2 and y =JgresFctively, whergf-dld
2 cm from Ge ag3g@qn, the m.gnitude ot-i6 y are in meters and t in sconds. The a(SeleEtigtrgf
velocity is equal to that of ib a.celerah.n. Thenjb leatt=Zs
time piod in seconds is : rt=-91*, ,yr/

va= g'*L
(1t i;G u 0) L)) -o IL (2) -4 m/ s2 a*-- 5

6l Y'- (f J't-_
(3) -8 m/s2

G . -_ {5 (4) 0 v a n

LDL2.) - -_g
6 179. A long solenoid of diameter0.l 2x 0{

Per meter. At the cenEe
100 hrrns and radius 0.01 m is * ith
coil of

({) The current in

the solenoid reduces at a corutant rate tt) 0A from
ae n o.oftr tre .es-[Errc" o?ltre crcit-ETffii1,
176. A U tube with bugdlgpg! to the, is . ttr;-mukharge flowrng ttrrough the coil JI-rin-!-iFs
partiauy fined q!!!.gE!BL. oil, whilhj!,E4lgule ti4gis: A) O Aq m
0) 16pC g.
with water, b poured i!!o one side until it stands lt
a distance of l0 mmrbove Se-l{lEljgytLoqlhe zx to*
ortrc-nle fuea;while th w;ter rises bv 55 mm
from its original levglLlsee diagr.mJ The density of
qd :npc L. L.+
the oilis -- (3) 16r pC f
Pa Pa (4) 12r,*C &!|!:-ll
-jro I
! -vFinal water level ,l

65 mm
lEO. A camot engine having an efficiency of 10
oil ''r D
Initial water level mcine- is used as . rpfrismtor. IJ the work done on
65 mm lhe system is 10 J, the amount of nergy absorbed
from the resrvoir at lower temperatu re is

Yd "t Wa-to{
d2. t _l
99J \0
(1) 425 kg m-3
(3) l0 I
(2) 800 kg m-3
a(t 1001

(4) to
@ uaxs^-, 6oe
Y- \! 1l
0 '2- 3
(4) 650 kg m-3
Oo " (a

177. Corrsider a drop of rain ryJEdtaving mass ls faumg -oOo-

trom a height of I km It hits the gound with a
speed of 4tz
1b m/s2
foFe-arrd the (ii) resistive
+ 9l'J
5 >8'q

? lt3
tJt/ tl rol (n) -8.7sI
(4) (i) -10I (D -8.251
r I At j
__L xt
tw 'lo
A - 2 Hindi

1. i*gi'eT6s fud qrc + ffi fr'r{qrfi q+.

<-d 41 7 A potentiometer is an accurate and versatile device
qqsJ nqr EgE1 gfft t, drF*., g frlu d wfuo to make elechical measurements of E.M.F. because
the method involves :
rmt, (1) cells
(1) Niorsczin (21 potential gradients
@ frgrq rqoror A a condition of no currenl flow through the
(3) Hnqtz{t qr<rfr s-{G(cAi41tu{fr (4)
a combination of cells, galvanometer and
(4) ffii, kird-<aqrsftitdf +l{+s{ resistances
2. iCr * q+ furyq d r nrq qr z fre ffiqt nqr 2. A gas mixture consists of2 moles of O, and 4 moles
+ d-e er,tl tle tr
q'.q{ q$ fuqmt'd {.tuq } of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting all vibrational
modes, the totalintemal energv of l.he system is
lrqilgq gt{sTq+1gn amR-*u-vf ttfr:
iX[' go u*at * rfE*r

(i) 4 Rr
(2) 15 Rr
(3) e Rr
(3) eRr -e
(4) 11 Rr ,W 11 RT
3. Radioactive material 'A' has decay constant '8 }.'
3. drWeqq-fftr, 'A'rqrB, * qrqiq mwr: ,a ),, and material'B' has decay constant'tr'. Initially
nq'i.' tr cnq q ffi + artrffit-- e1 vqr qqn tr they have same number of nuclei. After what time,
ffi qrq & q{qqqqTri ,8, q ffTmt-* +1 {qr +r the ratio of number of nuclei of material 'B' to that

'q' C crir+t qi q-qr i rlwa I

*.n u
'n *rr ue * I Nn NrgAf
(1) i 1
(l) nr UR
.. -Qr\
' Noe
I -1 -11 rglt

7^, H e.: e-
1 ^
e ,7lr
-\ -Xt fxt +
(4) (4)
_t e
4. Elif ffii vr q-d q-
tf-6T 41 crfi 3Tif{r6 :rrr t 4. A U tube with both ends open to the atmosphere, is
rqr t r Ev+1 qq gqr crfr d fufa-d I dri srdi cs partially filled rvith u,ater. Oil, which is imeriscible
with water, is poured into one side until itstands at
te 5r+r erer rrm tfu'a-offi rdri crfr *Ed t a distance of 10 mtrr above the water level on the
1o mm *q d vrm t nen W.0 W crfl Ed ild t other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
Tq+ yrflrqt t
il 65 -m #q qq qror t r ( etts from its original level (see diagram). The dersity of
tFsi) iii i-o +r qrtfem q{ t :
qs the oil is :

pa Pa
Pa Pa
F -]to
F ']to
mm E
E v-Final water level
65 mm
D oil --
cld qriFr*vamr x Initial water level
6) mrn 65 mm
B ___-,t..... G C
qd Water

kgm 3
3 9lh+ = tosx
(3) 800kgm 3 (3) 800 kg m -3
(1) 928 kg m- 3
A 928 kg m
fHfia;E,s["hl 5 A
N 1-
5. 250 +-t erd sfi sTrqtr+n *1 qqr{ z.r cm i*e-e1
width carrles a 85 pA and
aqr ffi 1.2s cm tt qcQ ss pa *1 f+gd qrr
s-qrf6a d tr Eq rR 0.8s r fi-fdr 6T qs-Eq+iq
d-* qfifud f*qr qrdr t r fr, qe qqgi * frra w t5:
1ffi B' rao' t gqri + ffi snqr++' m,r{ sl qfr *?L
9.1 rr I
(1) 9.1*J
(2) 4.5s pJ
(3) pI
Q) 4.55 p K 2.3
1 z \'z-
(3) 2.3 r" J (4) r.ts*1 -@'xtsx2tf;\'15xt0dl
^vo .t x o.(S a/
(4) 1.15 p J

5, The de-Broglie wave tron in thermal
qs'qlf{6rrqqH n1 tnq q6r (+k{) ilq qt eq ufibrium with water at a tem ature T
(Kelvin) mass m, ls
Ts qd + qrer sffiq wg6{ t tr Es"1 t-aTai
Tir1ffIrfr: h
ffi h
h ,F ffi
' J3mkr
(3) ffi
2h (4) F-r.1
(4) ffi

7. I eqT i q1 q;n dtr * qq' ntt'* rd{Ern sr \fi 7. One end of string of length I is connected to a particle
of mass 'nf and the other end is connected to a small
*-or gg t eik gvor Es{ fu{ qs fiil*i tlrf,d tq qi peg on a smooth horizontal table. If the particle
drft *A t
dr qA Eqr t r qR qooq TirFF'R qq q{ moves in circle with spsed 'u', the net force on the
'o' ?( t t o*
Wh o-rm d, 6.ri qmr fu qr particle (directed towards center) will be
(A;-<61 erh:) drn: (r-rdqtn-trqt)
([ represents the tension in the string)

(1) r (1) r
(2) T +^'2
Q) T+^"

(3) T-','" T-^"

/ I

(4) {lq (4) Zero

A 4
8. c?f scrfq ra cftcr{ t ntr q-dsc sftdq-s, ft Fdqq 8. Figure shows a circuit that contains three identical
kq eil q qTal ffi g$ t r r&+ vftitu+ ql resistors with resistance R=9.0 O each, two
identical inductors with inductance L=2.0 mH
,.fuiq, n : s.o o, T&-6ic*qr lrre, l : z.o -n t each, and an ideal battery with emf e: 18 V. The
aqr i e0 ol f+ga qr{fr qo, e = 18 v t r n}, mq a current 'i' through the ba just a{ter the switch
e< a;G *'gr<'ltqEffi t f{gd qRI, 'r 6r qrr dosed is,.....
\r LL, C

(1) 2 mA
0) 2mA \g \8 T
(2) 0.2 A (2) 0.2A

(3) 2A

(4) qqCFqq{ (4) 0 ampere

9 qfi ffi qqq qr, i+ffii q"q * r wT y frtflr*, 9 The r ald y coordinates of the particle at any time
FF{r: x=5t-2t2a9ry=10tt (qdr <qr y *a d are.r: 5t - 2t2 and y = 10t respectivelv, where r and
sft t ffis q t) ,it, t=2" qt Bq gu1 61 6qq y are in meters and t in seconds. The acceleration of
d,l , the particle at t = 2s is

,r,r., _r{ F
(1) 0 (1) o q.*_ _\
(2\ 5 n1/ s- wo( (2) f, m/ s'
(3) -4nrfs2
dL -l
(4) - 8 m/s2
e,> ro-r* to
(4) - 8 m/s2
'l 7
10. rs+ e1M t+ q+ nizfr sik qm {&eir + srratt q
31i.i 3rm{ *dr t i {{t t q+ - o t dk 6nn 1" + a ppose the charge of a proton and an eleckon differ
tr qk q+ E\ t 'd' CS c{ r,i Er{S-qn + slightly. One of them is - e, the other is (e + Ae). If
c{crg3t + Ets (sri a q{qr-I t ergs t egd 3TltI6 ft e ne_!_gi.ebctunstaticfmceandgravitational force
between two L,dreeen atoms placed at a disLance d
tl ttrrt +qf, E'm 3ir tFqtq eo +r qM (fu) (mugh greater thar atom-rc size) apart is zero, then
qi q'lft rhft ;
1a t d, ae Ae is of th
mh= 1.67 x10-27 kgl
of [Given mass of hydrogen

(fiqr t Er{+q{ Er Eqtrqi{ mh:1.67 x ro 27kg)

(i) -20 C
(1) 10-2{l C .lr tgl xoLxZ (2)

10-23 C
(2) 10 -23 c
(3) ]0 37 c -\i { 10 -37 c
6x lO x
(4) 1A 47C (4) 10-17 C
5 A
11. frFr*l-o$*1e-frs]triif e oi{ n q1, orftd<vR 11. Two rods A and B of different materials are welded
.rt wgun wru fr *e er dqf< tr {t eiii together as shon'n in figure. Their thermal
conductivities are K1 and Kr. The thermal
o1 3;qt qro+m mrpr: K1 defl K2 t r d, e+0 e-fi conductivif of the composite rod will be :
qgm se6l s6qr qP65'q frfi ,
K1 T1 T2
T1 T2 B K2

K1 +K2
Kl +K2 2
3(K1 +K2 ) Y-/'A AK. r- AK,
2 v vL
(3) Ki + K2
(3) K1 + K2
(4) 2(K1 + K2)
(4) 2(K1 + K2)
72 The diagranrs belou, shon, regions of equipotentials.
12. qri errt@ d g;o qqfqqq *-x <vrtt.ri t, 20v 40v 20v v 10v 30
20 v\
20v 40v 10v 30
20v BA B4

"1 I
) 30v
10v 30v 10v 30v 20
10v 10v 30v 10v


G) (b) (c) (d)

A positi.. charge is moved from A to B in each
y&+ erto qs t n n-+ i
trrrcqm ijTr+vt a1 e qril diagram.
tr dt, wrrqq, q +1 e t B r+t qrit* : 0) Maximum work is required to move q in
figure (c).
(1) eftu fr uflr+ne E'rd 4''ra qgrn
1c) In all the four cases the work done is the same.
(z) sxtqri 3Tk{iitqqn+.rdqmq&nr (3) Minimum work is required to move q in
(3) eiRu tqtm 6de,''qflArT'
figure (a).

(4) e+to 1u) d e{f}r6,oc +d 4-rqr q$n r

(4) Marimum rtorl is required lo move q ir
figure (b).

13. qqr ffi q1 3Tfuq otfi (qT dr{qi M q1 3Tfnc

13. The ratio of wavelengtfu of the last line of Balmer
er{{aldtrtds,r w{vnt, series and the last lhe of L
(1) 2 (1) 2 jst I
(3) 4
(4) o.s

u$) 0.5
I b
\. \
4. .f{ +'fd ktr lqh d !-6a sTS d *r fur ffi erq L4. Young's double slitexpe rlment LS fust performed in
qreqq t t6qr qrdr t r qocrqr qrdr t f=s, qs { air and then in a medium other than air. It is found
that 8ft bright fringe in the medi um lies n hele 5&
adi<tw ffie aer erg d rdf srdR f*-q q-snl{qTr d3f! fruge-Iie,rO air. The refractive index of the
qr qti t r t, {e qrtaq 6I eTrq-ff-+. frn drrqrr : medium nearly
9n- t)
(1) L.2s (1) "1.25

(2) 1.5e (zl 1.59 a-

(3) 1.6e (3) 1.69 q,xD6 gT&
(!) 1.78
v 't.78
----> / ---.7'
1 Ir{
_) .rd. .', It
{x Hi
\ fq
15 f*"s16ur al tcfrq qco 3Tr+d rrfu 6r enq[q 3 cm t I 15. A particle executes simple harmonic motion
s;r qd q-ur errfr q*a ftrifi z cm Efr w tfr t d
with an amplitude of 3 cm. When the particle is at
2 cm from the mean position, the magnitude of its
ss qqq gs* trr 6r qft'qrq, qs* diq * e{q{ +dr velocity is equal to that of irs acceleration.- Then its
t r gs qlr sr erT-{frfld 1&is t) t : time period in seconds is
td x <- q- I
1l TT

J5 .6 (=-
2t (2) l,O \J:2_
-= 4r
/d G
E (4)
1,6 trqrt+-a srRs t sqrqftffilsFrit eil Effqr.rqrt t

16. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the

following diagram.

700 (
500 K
300 K
700 K
500 K

frEfufu( q a EiTf,qr- qr fr-q.r{ q1fii-i :

300 K

a#oc-r qitm-z
Match the following :

P. gfFrl I a. &IeI
' Column-1 Column-2
o. 9!Fq r b. csrdq P. Process I a. Adiabatic
R. M-q U c. .qq3lFrdk$' Q. Processll b. Isobaric
s. 9r5q ry d qErfffi-q R. Process I11 c. Isochoric
(1) P-+a, Q'.)c, R-r d, S-+b S. Process fV d. Isothermai
(2) P-->c, Q--+a, R--rd, S-+b (r\ P-;a, Q-+c, R +d, S-+b
(3) P+c, Q-;d, R-r b, S-,a ,.
14- P-+c, Q-+a, R+d, S-+b
bl P--:d, e..9. 11-a. s-rc -
(3) P rc, Q+d, R-+b, S-+a
17. ffi iqrR-d*l q6M t qTnRril fuqr qrat r fur (4) P-+ d, Q +b, R+a, S+c
tz0,sit Ed6r, ss sqf{, t, qqm{ Fq i ats taT
6 Ss 3r-r snt}Rr6 sqTRT qgRqr qrm t r,it, gq 17. A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is
q-fiR qq qRql-s ft.dTq +^r gid ftw
fua rei (red removed and ar-rolher identical uncharsed capacitor
d) : ) isconnecredinp4#J"T-fr iGIf "-G.t-&Eti."n"rgy
riqrfta el Cercr .^-IA^JL ofresultingsysfenr:
(1) 4 IiT,q6 qr+rfr. DZr
(1) increases by a factor of4
(2) qi$dsThft decreases by a factor of 2
(3) t6,tE-dT

(4) 2Iilqdqihfr t t>\d L7


remains the same
increases bv a factor of 2
\a^. *
42(U<1y7 \
- 5-6- ryt- ^xzr2
711 X o *x+r l(
FrniEE"shsB 41 1 -vx \Q'x \ _..l
q 1 A
18. *frft.ffir+wrf+qdtEelnfttd 5 18. The photoelectric thr old wavelength of silver is
3250 x 10 -10 t r d, 2536 x 10- 10 m ftr1ff + 10 10 m. The velocityg[gCebsf onsreeE!
3250 x
^ ) from a silver surface by ultraviolet light of
qnftrfi y+rvr anr *fr * p t firwrfua qdqfn ql
wavelength 2536 x 10 - 10 m is :
trdfi, io
(Given h=4.14 x 10-15 eVs and c=3 x 108 ms-1)
(h = 4.14 x 10- 1s evs tql c = 3 x 108 ms-1) e
-Lr1 tx ro-slc/2
(1) =5x10sms-1 iq
(2) = 0.6 x 106 ms , 3t Xt q07 (2) =06>106ms-1 (>a-
(3) =6lx10rms-r i - ! to-3lt
(3) -61 x103ms-1 6.6 x rPE
(4) = 0.3 x 106 ms I -i- - = 0.3 x 106 ms -1
,d36 Z),O
19. r,c arTr, i iEriqqiq-+, liid-+rrtfl qAffi 19.
4 Tr0
A physical quantity of the of length that

q-fr t qi dETi 61 tr (qti'c - !r6M s'r trr, can be formed out ofc, G and
4 ,* is [c is velocity
G - T-{if,m IF-dq fenro aqr e eni{ tl q-t qifofi
of light, C is universal constant of gravitation and
lfu*fr, e is chargel L
1/ P"
(, _
-2 1 /2 ) qilL;tr!
? 4rreo l

c' 1
* YJ.'
(2) c
2 t G,

?.w Jt
F_ l'
4ne6 ]
c c. (J,L
.')-u . (\
1 a2
G +rie6 )n
b (3)
FLG 4"..
"2 )'2
"6 ar3 ltg
S'ul t."r-a
,)=*L 4.'--UtsL
4ne6 1G e
2 T'sf hnc u

A qrt' q1 qre'qiqyr: 22 m/s ff{T 16.5 m7s t r t dr,if
c 4rleg \,^az Eg
fiqfro f<vpir q* qst +"r eti v rfr t r {6d qn 20. Two cars moving in opposite directions approach
sT qler6 ErH qvrfl twu+i orqfr t, each other rr ith speed of 22 m/ s and 16.5 m/s
4oo Hz tr eft, qft 6r Aq a+o m/s td, E+fr E,n respectively. The driver ofthe first car blows a hom

+qmoafrWtffE61 ?qhffi qi glri having a frequency 400 Hz . The frequency heard

by the driver of the second car is [velocity ofsound
iftz 340 m/sl : S u-- --{,
(1) 350 Hz 3t{ (l ) ?50 I Iz i! "t I 6"-6
(2) 361 Hz
'\ 2
_i\ (2) 361H2 +,.
(3) 411.Hz kco f sse-)
(4) 448 Hz
-1 \6 10 d
(3) 111 FIz
x/uY9- \3r8 /
21.. ffi $rqfrts EdrS-s. ?ii'qei !-s*j-d, i, furE6 + 448

fqii +' q1q {q-riaid tircu-dr e v t r eqraq, or \

cftriq s to tr qR qnr-eflq 100 frqT errtrR ql signal voltage collector V. The
vfrtq z rc t iil, e-sels' 41 qi-il-dFd{ dqr yrtfi-
aFr+.qns-qqr: fi: and the base resistance is the voltage an{
po-". tu,grqlllqqt4plifier
I zoo 3lR rooo
(1) ls :

(2) 1s *{ 200
(3) 1s0 3ik 15000
200 and 1000
15 and 200
ioo =-&*
(4) 20 3rtr 2000 .v 150 and 15000 ;7x1,
(4) 20 and 2000
\i b )-
A 8
22. ftqifrd BrUf di fu'sTds errrf<frmqrcqt 22. Which one of the following represents; forwart
t/ bias diode ?

-4V R
I\I R -?\/

(3) -2V R +2y (3) -2Y R +2y

(4) 3V R 5V 3V
(4) R 5V

zs. q+ ft:fu (oqfil qr qqrfr ftqir6 rtI Es+l fr-{ 23. A spring of force constant k is cut into lengtls o
t ry ftqr .rqT t tffi61 EqEA sr qJcrd ratio I : 2 : J. fhcy are corurected in series and th,
1:2:a Br {t tri .irtt +1 ffi mq i !H c{,
, qdrqc q;l 6qrfr furrrfi k, dEr qqrfr{ sq d qtsi c{
new fo_M_e!tE!4!Lirk- Then they are comected ir
parallel and force constant is k". Then k, : k,, is

t" t r d. 3r{crd k" Arn .k (1) 7:6 k-.f-l-- tr'L- tt k

(1) 1:6 @ i"l +rl=-+3 (2) 7:9
(2) ^t:9
DlIt- \
,6 1:11
(3) 1 :11
(4) :1.4 -1 I{, , j,- ak.-
( J
(4) "t:'t4
LI rx 4
s) ,o,. i xt ?_!^
( 24. The given electrica I neMork is equ ivalent to :

24 f<ar .rar frqi' t-{& fre fu & ge tz I o Fg ,ilY .O

Y B o
ooAND gate
(1) _t
(1) AND tA C)\
(:2) ORfu
@ OR gate

NOR gate
I oo
(3) NOR fu o
(4) NOT fu
(4) NOT gate
25. The acceleration due to gravity al a height I kn
25 gel * 5e t r m fu w fetq etq sT crq qfr above dreearth is t}csameas at d depth d Lloffi,
t n vei &' qtal a .rad qr t', ,ir :
surface of ca rti. Thcn :

(1) d
km (1) a=1 km fru -*),fi(,-*)
2 2

(2) d =1km (2) d=1km . Nt!

-K k
(3) d
(3) a=9t*
(4) d=2km
triilEEns-Ehl 9 A

26. fr4if6-d ser.ii dt qtl t eq-{ vr t ? 26. Which of tle following statements are correct ?

(u) ffi ft's6r{Ec{&-< eihw+rqqqn+-< G) Centre of mass o{ a body alrvays coincides

with the cenhe of gravity of the body.
et-e 9q6166 6,
(b) Cenhe of mass of a body is the point at which
1u) ffi tr-sq'rEqqn*-<qEfr3tsEtq{fis the total gravitational torque on the body is
x e'n 5 lrs+ a-o e+q,l rp t r zero.

G) ffitieqre.nqogrr,svternr<fu <w G) A couple on a body produce botlt".

translaiional and rotational motion in aborlyl -
Wfu, *n s-fi{ q1.rfr *-rm t r

(d) qiBr*, orq 6T cn qs (r) t efer*. Ai 6l (d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
means tlat small effort can be used to lift a
mrcd T t ts q''c effirg t eftrs qr{ Tdr.iT large load.
qr rr+'m t r

(b) and (d)

(1) (b) ffri (d)
(2) (a) and (b)
(2) (a) aut @)
(3) (b) and (c)
(3) (b) ner (c)
(4) (c)and (d)
(4) (c) nu (d)

27 A carnot er.oine having an efficienry o{ as heat
27 sqr r*+ 6 * q ffi 6T-ii is{ +i <ror } t, *
engine, is used as a retrigerator. Iftheworkdone"n
gqr6i 3q*rr q6tffi-{ of qih fuqr qldr t t qft the system is 10 J, thEl-amoGT-ol energv absorbed
Eq irq (ftmrq) rn f+-qr rrqr 4.r{ ro I d tit, fcq mq from the
w g,e t er*tfuo s-st fi qrq n ' t I &tto 9,4.,.
(1) 1l $r"loo lo E, o
(1) 1J
Z r-g
(2) soJ

(3) eeJ
h % va .Quo ,I

(3) DJ
(4) 100l w -q\DF
(4) 100 J

28 qf(, s4'(qt t alq-+d. t seqi* q-ddr C i|rd 28 If 0r and e, be the apparent angles of dip obsewed
in two vertical planes at right angles to each other,
3Trqrsl TT{ (rfd) q}oT o, am ert dt, dTFrfufi nrH
then the true angle of dip 0 is given by :
qlq o qi qn frs efr+lq t qrq ?hr z
cot2o = cot2o, +cot2oz
(1) coPo = cot20, + cotzOz

(.2) tan20: tan20, + tan2Oz (2) tan2o : tan2o, + tan2oz

(3) cot20 : cot20, - cot2eu (3) cot20 = cot20., - cot2Or

(4) tan20 : tan2or - tan2Oz ({) tan20 = taa20, - tan2oz

A 10 IHhdr-Ensisnl

29 qd {frl'qqr<{
eTR q*q+en<$ql Ti<rt q1 Al arrangement of three parallel straight Ia,iles
tr i nn w tcr (yts) * qqro *, ora-+qt 3t{ placed perpendicular to plane of papei carrying
*qi q'y ft.'qaurc q6 A R{Tr i !-sGd d tfr t r et same cuuent'I' along the same direction is shou,n
in Fig. Magnitude of force r unit
fii + stq i tun, an's' a1 cft q+( ee( w mi<Idle wire'B' is given by
on the

oqi qrd qo +r'rftqrq rrn , B C

B d C

l!{ (1)
d9 c-
zltor I1"l"r{2
(2) rrd
nDpoi2 (3)
(3) rrd
lao I
(4) rrd
Jz nd / "D
30 dt er<ftemrlTrif q.r qq$ 3Tqi 3r-<ftqi qn t <a
qrm Two astronauts are floating avitational free
space after having lost contact with thei s
t e+h a tri It-er+{q ffii 3mftqr i il TTA t I
The two will :

dttif : (1) keep floating at the same distance between

(1) kese{+qtq+alqfr +fi rtfr r

(2) no <do1 ehTlro*tir ld /ove towards each other.

(3) F+qRt6vrltr (3) move away from each other.
(4) will become stationary.
(4) qqf,ir
31. In an electromagnetic wave in free space the root
31: Tft' f61rem ( snsT{r) d, ffii t{qd Eq*lq irtr d mean s uare value of the electric field is
- fuST drr qr eri qtts-W cFr, E.,*=6vlm it t E.-. : 6V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field
gw*i+ en +r ftru, ar+ t :
ls: L.w
(1) 1.41 x 10-8 T (1) 1.41 x 10-8 T
2.83 x 10 -8 T .6 2.83x10-8 T
(3) o.Z0x10-8 T
0.70 x 10-8 T 2
(4) 4.23 x 10-8 T (4) 4.23 x 10 -8 T par tt v{O -A
gz. ffi ftftqfq-sE.r Brr{dr!-sR{rdrlun-s',8, W tl Thebu[kmodulusof a spherica I object is B. lf itis
q{ gs-scH qc[,p' drrHr qrdr t I d, niiorrnfiffip'.
E{Isl fr-qr q s.ubjected to , r nilt3gttoaal-
fqxrs*.qfratrft: decrease in radius is :

(1) P
(r) B ---&gxs,-
(2) (2)
3p 3p
Ar- .@
3p 3p
B $ 3b
g p
FiAi;E"dbhl 11 A
JJ rmnr 61 {trtd, \1=4ooo A stt rr:eooo A * 33. The ratio of resolvin
microscope for two wa
owers of an o gtical
= 4000 A and
m, qc{<rfi 61 ftr}q{ qTqdr3t sr er5crit
(1) 8:?7 Lo e"r I
(1) 8:27
(2) 9:4 6 nO
(2) e:4
? r-l.O
(3) 3:2 0,
(4) 16:81
(4) 16:81

34 1 qrc qqqr{ 41 Ed+ qfr dr S-6{<, r km #sr{ t 34. Consid er a drop.ofrain wa ter having mass 19 falling
from height&1Lm. It hits the ground with a
ffi t
t srk \-ild so m/s +1 vre r+<rd tr i
qR'g' E]IqFI 10 m/s, ftll{ GA, (, IEdq 4f, dln
(ii) Erg + Yfdqm qo gnr t*qr rrqr +rd t}tn :
T speed of 50 m/s. Take'g'constant with a value
70 m/s2 . The work done by the (i) avitational
force and the (ii) resistive force of air ls
(r) 2
(1) (i) -101 (ii) -8.251 (i) -r0l (ii) -s.,.
LJ r
lO*:,( \0 x lD--
(2) (i) 1..25J (ii) -8.2sI (2) (U r.251 (ii) -8.2sJ
(3) (i) lool (ji) 8.7s j (l/, (n too l (ii) 8.75I
t4) (i) 10J , (ii) 8.7sJ n (i) loJ (nt -875)

-i( Y
35. qm EforsT *1 t*qt rz cm t lra soo x qt 35. e-:pheI53lQlegL body with a radius of 12 cm
450 sE Yrk s'r rfi qcfr t r qR qs+1 f{q dl radiates 450 wattpower at500 K. If the radius were
halved and the temperature doubled, the po35:r
3Trtlr (1/2) Her frrc +l a I{r qr f<qr sTq n] stdd radiated in wattwould be :

Iifu *.r qn qre q tr.n :

(r) zz5 f'X t\ ,)lkf
22q (2t 4so lL o
(2) 450
(3) looo \ r
(3) --
6 rsoo '1

36 dt g+1 e <w n * qqqn, rwl: 3m nrIT m t t i 36. Two blocks A and B of masses 3m and m respectively
are connected by a massless and inextensible sfuing.
oTr,rq t q6Eqqr{d-{, 3rfqiFq Btn' i ggt t 5s t The whole system is suspended by a massless
tfiTq q1, 3Tft-q t <{tE.,rt u-gwr q6 Eqqmtlrd spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of
furr (qqrfi ) ani errorqr.rqr t r d-0 +1 erc ti &' acceleration of A and B immediately after the string
is cut, are respectively
gr< !rqr( A elR n S iflq * r{kq]!,r E}i rqT' ,



oq V!
(1) c,
(1) o,3,

!s v !z
(3) c,c (3)
i', (4)
A 12
t Qt{5e r, aw r,, ai gu r*n ror rr+r t f+., fl"i 37. Two Polaroids P, and P2 are placed with
perpendicular to each other. Unpolarised light
thet axis
erq gTrrqt 6ran(t r r, vt wvfrn oqF+o r+m incident on Pr. A third polaroid P, is kept in

*1 frrm 6 tr t, oitr r,r* d-a t qs srq qttr{s P, arrd P, such that its axis makes an angle
r,, +1ge tur qtn t to qs+1 q< e, +1 oart
r+r 45' with that of Pr. The intensity of transmitted Iight
45" ql slq ffirfr t r fr, r, t vn ra r+m *1 fi*or through P, is :

(1) ;
2 P( ?\ ?-
,{ 4

Io (3)
(3) ; 8

Io Io
(4\ 16

38 ffi EE'] qR-{rfd-6r 61 qiq s.1 m} {irq m 1 } Hf 38

A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 m has 2 x 104 tums
an eqr 2xro4 gft trrar tr ssh. *< qr
per meter. At the centre of the solenoid, a coil of
0.0r m frqr arn roo i;rJ erd qs 1ffi gv r+n
V 100 turns and radius 0.01 m is placed with its axis
rql tf6 +n sl qqr {qrft t r qffi+l t v-qrRn
ai sraft frgd srqfl cH qm fuR <t i o'q dm qnr
t *r o.os t q<d vrar tr vF<, ffi ei r].
r fr +a
sfrtq to,,.zo t i, qs q<rro d ffi t n-qTftfr KL timeis:
v coinciding with the solenoid axis. The current in
the solenoid reduces at a (onstant rate ts-.]QA-Eom
4A rn0.05s. [f the resistance of the coilt)s 10rr2O,
tttiioGkl.src9-09f:t*g through t}ecoiJ during this
BA ,
4K .rfort i xA
enlvr dtn : (1) 32npC --M
(1) 32 r p.C

Q) 16 pC vJ$Lr$x l0- 9,154) 16pC


(3) 32 p"C
JZ) . 32 p"C
(4) 16n *C 9,9- fi tu'*t
39 A ffii (qB-mFill i's-6 qTqlt srTqq t e<r*r t r
39 Two discs of Eame mornent of inertia rotating aboul
t eqrl-3fi-fi ffifud srq, i gt+' q{il * eqqqt their regulai axis passing through centre and
3ih Ef*-mr + +-< t +fi I-wrfr t +' cftd':, FrI{r: o, perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular
<ur r, +M+ t r t 1,h ot rfr t r {l-+1 q+ W\ e velocities or, and or. They are brought into contacl
qcSu qs ron qq& t mq qrar t fu', t{-+i wt{ face to face coinciding the axis of rotation. Th
expression for loss of energy during this process is
ers{ ffi d qrfr t r fr, qq !-sq t s-qi-sr-c }. fuE


(1) L t @r+,2)2
v- (72
(1) 1
I (.o, +o, )2
.J/ 1

Jx?Lx ti1 'tulL .y) i I (o1 - <o2 )2

(z) 1 t (., -,, )' ll
(3) (3) I (o, - cor)2

(4) | {., -,,)'

. ^?l ,8
I \_
I crrr t0,

h (4)
8- -
{ )_
k[ x (O --k'fl-^ p\x \ xTx lfl- 1* ,/P
|Ii;airEnsrsn 13 I A
40 qs ffi ta {H q( qs&et (E-dfr Rtd ) * r qei 40. reached tJre metuo station and found that the
escalator was not working. She walked up the
qr ffi, ss+1 rftHi qi tee sc{ q6fi t r wd sS stationary escalator in time tr. On other days, if she
q vw vrrar t r erq H
d qs qw'-&ar qd {6r +dr remains stationary on the moving escalator, then
t ae eese w e$ rt +r, q v++ t uw q qd the escalator takes her up in time t2. The time taken
t fr , w* ERT TdA Eq qsde{ c{ Tdm"{ su{ q.6i t by her to walk up on ttre moving escalatot will be :


t. t"

+ d

t1 *t2

tz - t't
tr. b I
tttz W \/e-'
h\ e- t2+t1
(3) ,, .,, _----
(4) tr-tz
t,, + {_
(4) tr- tz t - 1i,t -r-.L,4
47. qqffi fufu<r 6r Eqqii 3 kg nvT tdET 4o cm 41,. A rope is wound around a linder of mass
tr qs q+ r0 otz <1 tr w ft 61
qt .ri qF<, 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular
acceleration of the cylinder if the rope is putled with
30N + qdERrdqrqrqfr, fuk<rqffiqerq a force of30 N
a', lO
f*,d-flAqr? (1) 25 m/ s2 )o l
r"- -rQr''
(1) 25 m/ s2 i{g
. 0.25 rc-d/ s2

\2\ )O
Q) 0.25 rad/ s2
(3) 25 rad/ s2 ,{,
25 rad/s2
@zE =
(4) 5 m/ s2 5 m/ s2
42. fq-$ rorqr rd, L t, q6FM 6r {616q$v, v+i r 42. , Abeam cf lightfrom a source L is incident normally
q0 w fun qo qdq q{ eqq(qscr t r w ,. 7q, on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance x fTom
We * qrqq q{r+ft do l & f+ sc{ fordt / the source. The beam is reflected back as a spot on a
scale placed just above the source L. When the mirror
x9:gtqo ffi (ri.f, ) q{ n-frlfl ql q+ fe- E-r-dr t r Eqq is rotated through a small angle 0, the spot of the
*1 ffi t
qec dm, o gqTi qt, qa v+Rr t* se light is found to move through a distance y on the
irri gt y $t
ffidi' d qrm d, o m qn tr scale. The angle 0 is given by :
drn, a v 2o
2x 2atr, +*\)
2t a9- Lx2L
(2) v
x v
^a ,s
'zro= p_L
y{. L
ae o ,qfv
43 qs qr q+ fon q< t oir qvn fun qer tr
rfufi 43. The two nearest harmonics of a tube closed at one

6e+ n ftezer vtri qii q1 eTrgffi s-qfl zzo ri,

end ard open at otier end
' What is the fundamen tal
drn 260 Hz td Fq t+ora el ae orffi&mrlA,,t ?
(1) 10 Hz
(1) -t.0
Hz -L-
(2) 20 Hz
(2) 20I12
l3 v'(l
(3) 30 Hz (3) 30 Hz
(4) 40 Hz 40 Hz lln- til -" t3rt
"c A $
t\ -" ayL
A 14 Hindi+English
44. 1 42 3Tc{d:{is. + qiq t ei, sfi Td.d eq' qT 3rq{is. M. A thin prism having reflactirg argle 10" is made o[
+1q ro" fuq al 1 z elEfiio+ qis t si
tr ge glass of refractive inae*11+2. ft*
prlsm is combined
with another thin prism of glass of refractive index
q6 3rq.rila fuq t dgRqr qmr t r Es lidr-dr t /
This combination produces dispersion without
t++onGa cft*cur crq dar tr nl, qst fre +r deviatjon. The refrac!1g angle of second prism
3Tq-qd-m+1qrlrqGi: shourdbe:
(l) 4"
fi(olfi5, j lw)
(1) 1"
(2) o 6"
(3) (3) , 8"
(4) 10" (4) 10'

45 ffi qr cftrtq'n' etq tr Eq <n

dR "it ftqorqr 45. The resistance of a wire is'R' ohm. If it i-s melted
qnr t st( nfl tr{fi al nn t'"' 1n e<( or 95 and stretched to 'n' times its new
an qtr lqqr qror tr gs+i ilRqTsfiltqt'n: resistance will be :

(1) nR (1) nR W { .J-_

(2) !n \r/ (2\
(3) 'n2R

,\- -, el n2R

(4) (1)
;' \ n2

46. tSr+'ffi+fcTE t+li i*tterernvstZ 46 With respect to the conformers of ethane, which ol
the following statements is true ?
(1) erriq eiq sicftstdi t e-qfm orqq EET{
cfsfdddfrtr J' \ (1) Bonrl angle remains same but bond lengti
(2\ enqq 61"r cfisFd( AnT tqqfu-erdq l/
erctrqftfutl |q Bond angle changes but bond lengtll remairu
(3) lrrtiq elq qs 3irdq mqrE +ii fr qfrsi*d y (y Both bond angle and bond length change

(1) aneq ai'q qs 3Trdq -Era er'ii A 3rcF-q#h y'4\ Both bond angles and bond length remairx
tr Ak- P same .)
ftra i I f6a'dtr+] i' 47. Which of the followiflg pairs of compounds i:
47. Xq erndeqrfi qs
Fqq1qflffi6t? I
(1) 0
BeClr, XeF2
t 4u-L
TeI,, XeF,

lBr2 , XeF2
(4) rFr, XeF, 0
48 HgCl2 fi 6t r- 3Trzn gfrr s i
{.i 12 drdi c{ 48.HgCl, and I, both when dissolved in water
qtiqelffieg.qt: ( g)._
conlatjr.ingl ions the pa ir of species formed is :

(1) HgI2, 13
(1) I{gI2, 13

Q) HgIrI- (2) HgIr,I

(3) It
HsI?-, H HsIl-,I;
(4) Hgrlr I- (4) HgrI, I
IEnd+EnsrGhl 15 A
i 49. di}er{fld{re nqr zficaff, 6I fc{or fe Gc q 6rd 49 Mixture ofchloroxylenol and terpineol acts as
+rott, (1) - analgesic

(i) @ l\ antiseptic
(z) 1rdt-n (3) antipyretic
(4) artibiotic
(3) i\ffitr"
(4) vrd q rq+ 50. Which is the incorrect statement ?

(1) FeOs.96 has non stoichiometric metal

50 faqfr fr alql6rrt errtqtl deficienry defect.
(1) Feoo.e8tiiiTrEffifu.A wgarorilwtr (2) Density decreases in case of crystals with
Schottky's defect.
(z) Mit{ftq1tstq+e qeartr (3) NaCIG) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(3) Nacl(s) t+{dtfr, fufo-fi 3rd-qT6m, fuiq{ silver is conductor, quartz is piezo electric
qrc*, erie t*-eq t
<rq fugd r crystal.
(4) fi-q-etqsl eTqt{srfffr ERrt<orqrqilt Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
compounds in which sizes of cation and
fffi t;a;qq qzi Eurfi * en+n e.rqq qqg aniors are almost equal.
t=Iil t t ,
51 Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a',ai
51. Ag2C2oa+ -qR fud?fi i egt or+t +1 qr<tt solution of Ag2C2Oa is 2.2x10-a mol L-1.
2.2 x 10 amoll 1tr Ag2c2o4 6l fu+{dl XuFFEd
Solubility product of AgrC2O, is
t' (1)
2.42x^t1-8 -8r9,-tA
(1) 2.66 x 10- 12

/ il
2.42x'1o-8 ).\O
(2) 2.66 xL0-12 4.5 x 10 -11 \x \"Bi \tJ
(3) 4.5 x 10 11 (u) i.3 x 10 12 L\C {
(4) 5.3 x 10-12
52. Of the following, which is the product formed when
52 eTndt+fr q;r qrd {q-fi + qIE rC e-G qr one under goes aldol condensation
f{tT ii t dt{ qr sfrrq qirn 7

d- fut c) o\\
ac (1)


)P.-t- OH


(3) (3)

(4) (1)
o o o
l5 Hindi+English

53. rzo"t: 53 The species, having bond angles of 120' is :

(r) PFr3 (1) PH:

{2) CFE (2) OF:
(3) NCl3 (3) NC13
(4) BC13 BCt3

54 q$q ftdr{ *1 q-d(dl d SW Aq qmr tfr 54. trgS]4lry of thedii!$esolu.n is doubled, the value
rireo ere+rt funiqr 1r; rn :
of molal dep ression corlstant will be
(1) C-Fi (1) doubled
(2) 3lrtll (2) halved
(3) tdI1i (3) hipled
(4) 3rcfisfdf,' unchanged

55 ftq q t Sh sr rrqifrrq, srwtq d,ft6 t? . 55 Which one is the most acidic compound ?


(1) (1)





^ (3)

ozN OH

56 qi-sqr i qffi qns * ns2 {+iif +'"rFffi 6t
.arqqiqdr * qrmrr rdr t : 56. It js because of inability of ns2 eleckons of the valence
sheU to participate in bonding that
(1) Sn2 + e{Tqfud Et{T t qqffr pb4 + gii+d-f( :

+ is oxidising
Sn2r is reducing'rvhile Pba
(2) Sn2+ sm5-d dfrr tqqfu pb4+ oTq-qi{d
(2) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pb4+ is reducing
(3) sn2r qs pF+ +if 6 3fidr."fd qi 3iq-q.fq( (3) Sn2+ and Pb2+ are both oxidising and
6t( 6
(4) 5t ++ 31qqft-6 fr61t rqfu'pt++ 3,f+S-td (4) Sn4+ is reducing while Pba+ is oxidising
Hi lish
77 A
57 frq sTfqf*-qT + H e-fr qq{fi \r.i sflr< t: 57. Predict the correct intermediate the
following reaction
1120, H2so4
H3C C=CH qq{ff } sflll H2O, H2SO4
HgSOa H3C- C= CH intermediate ------------' product
(A) (B) HgSO,r
(A) (B)

(1) A: H3C C=CHz B: H3C-C-CH3 (1) A src-!= CHz B: H3C-C-CH3

sos o soE o
(2) A: H3C-C= CH2 B: H3C-C:CH2 (2) A: H3C-C=CH2 B H3 C-C: CHz
OH son OH SO 4

(3) A: H, c-c-cH3 B: H3C-C=CH (3) A: H3C-C-CH3 B: HIC-C=CH

o o
(4) A: H3 C-C= CH2 B: H3C-C-CH3 A: H3 C C=CH 2 B: H3 C_C_ CHs
OH o / l

OH o
58 frq t t qiir qr qpn F-&Tfrt? 58. Which one of the following statements is not
(1) Td.m ffi lt efirt*?T el sRni =rf 6-.dr t r
correct ?

talyst does not initiate any reaction

(2) erlqfuqr * qrq+en i sdl.m 41 3qfirlfr t The value of equilibrium constant is changed
$qqeTr foRrs 6T qn cFsfdn A-fl t t in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
(3) qqr{q5Erd: +q{qqfum3Tl,{Bqrniids&Rd' equilibrium.
\3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical
oGtr reactions-
(4) E-qqreqqqlgq4lsd{qffioniqls-qA (4) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of
* =&
59 faqfr Q gla q16rrt1166$l 59 I\rhich one is the wrong stalemenl , S(,ra vli
qdm=qq (l) wavelengrh is grven bi, I :
0) si-dr.rd1 dtrtu{t x=,-!L,

where m=mass of the particle, zr=group

6I (qql?t, 1, :Sur 6l q{E: Arr I
velocity of the particle.
(2) erfikqildl fuerm * eI3qR AEx at>%1T I
(2) fhe uncertairh pr rriple is lE\ lr > %-.
(3) qd$( qs {ftd +srqii 61 sq Pnfuq 3-q (3) HaJf filled and fully fillecl orbitals have greater
frfiqq sqi, sq qfrft, erFd6 *iqFdd q{er stability due to greater exchange energy,
*qnqtr greater symmer.ry and more balanced
arrangement. /
(4) oegrs{+0Rqrgdl&fuizs aq+o1s-qi The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energv
2p of2p orbital incase of I-Ivdr ogen like atoms

60 qs iiq sr qd tefr wJ { 2.5 aal ftPT{ Era <rs + 60. A gas is allowed to expand in a
fit-g qr{furfi 3ir{rim 2.50 L t
s{fuq sffiil{ r container against a c nnst;-nr oYtelnal sure of
n"F q{rR t6-qr qfir tI n.g +1 etiako s-qi q qfiTdr
2.5 atn
ftom an initial volume of 2.50 a final tH
volume of4.50 L tr internal AU
AU, q3idrrT: of the gas in joules will be :

(1) 7136]2s J (1) 1736.2s1 AA- AU + PA/

Q) . -soo] (z)z -s001
(3) - 505 J .q) -:::l
(4) +s05J (4)
,,0,r, - a,<xlosx dx lo-3
A C-
C;:e C 18 trtu1d-EnrrLfi

67 fiqsfqBq+ffi 61, Consider the reactions

Cu +
Cu [Ag(NH3)2]+ x IAg(NH3)2]
X fuffiq{"Tftleritdrt _OH A Silver mirror observed
573 K -oH A (czHoo) 573 K
-oH A A
o o
NH2-NH- c-NH2 d4 Z
Z II .-L
C, L Identify A, X, Y and Z
e, x, v qi z el qrqrt+i :

(1) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanoic acid

(1) a-ftptqflfr*{, x-t+f$ 31q, Y-{Ste Y-Acetatc ion. Z-hydrazine.
3Tr{{, Z-Eragr$-{
(2) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanol,Y-Ethanoi
(2) a-ftrffifti-r, x-t+f-d, Y-tq-rTw 3{8, acid, Z-Semicarbazide.
2 trffi-wre
(3) e-Qtie, x-tqne, v-qz z-{t(o, ,rf A-Ethanal, X-Ethano1, Y-But-2-enal

z tfi-6rqi-$]"{ (4) A-Ethanol,X-Acetaidehyde,Y-Butanont

(4) e-trlcie, x-ttttcs6r{e, v tntrrr,
62. Which one is the correct ordel of acidity ?

62 frq :i r] eh qr errmr* ffi v& aq t I (1) CHr:611, , CH3 - CH:CH2 > CH3 - C
(1) CHr:C11r r arr, CH=CHz>CH3 C=
CH>CH=CH CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CH2=CH2
IJ / cH3 - cH3
(2)"1 cH = CH > CH]-C = cH > CHz=CHz >
.. c!I3-cH3 CII=CH > CHr:qg, > CH3-C=CH
cH3 - cHl
(3) 6t{=CH > CHr:qg, > CHi-C=CH >
cH3 - cH3 (4) CH3-CH3 > CHr=911, > CH3 -C=CH
(4) CH1- CH3 > CH' = 911' > CH3-C{H > CH{H
63. Irr the electrochemical cell:
63 g+*qawrznte
' ZnlZnSo, (0.01 M)ll Cuson (1.0 M)lCu, the emf r
ZnlZr$Or(0.01 M) | LuSoq (1.0 M)lLu, gq tfurlc'l this Daniel cell is E,. When the concentration r
te+tur.uertt qq znso4 +1sr<It ql r.o u a-* ZnSOn is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuS(
changed to 0.01 M, the emf changes to E2. From tt
cfrsFftdff{r cuso, *1er<at +1o.or M nircft-dftld followings, which one is the relationship betwet
f+qr qroi emt t qffi-r rz t r ftq t t dn sr
E, and E, ? (Given, !I = 0.059) ,.'1
Er F'E2dr{aiqt? (fdqrrrq. }i =o.otrl ,-,, OQ
Er=Ez t' ,r'o
d oe WYn
(1) Et=Ez l,,L \ A(1) ^ \0
Et<E2 ot%
(2) Er.Ez .
(n E,>E, t) *.0
(3) Er'Ez
(4) Ez=0+Et (4) E2:0 + E1

64. fiE drffi q1 sirfrq {qdrsrqddrenv$r-q t, 54. The correct increasing order of basic strength for
the following compounds is :

NH 2 NH 2 NIJ2

Noz CH:
Noz CH:
0r) 01r)
(I) 0r)
(1) II<lII<I (1) iI<II1<l
(2\ III<I<II (2) III<I<1I
(3) III<rI<1 (3\. TI<II<I
(4) II<I<III
6s. {iq i t dn t e+r+t Tq q +ii dctq if s-s 65 In rt hich pair of ions both the species contain S - S
3TFiq t? bond ?

(r) sro? . sro j (i) s?o; , sr()i

(z) snol- , srol-
/ s1o; ,s,o32

(3) sror2-, srofr (3) sro] , srol

(4) s^ol- ,sro,Z- (4) s4o|- ,s2a7-

66. Vgffi- CoCt".O Nff., CoCl".S NHo, CoCl".4 NH3 ad 66. The co(ect orcier of the stoichiometries of AgCl
sntqq egNoa & lnq t*-qr q;rqri rr ertffiq-fr formecl when AgNO3 in excess is treated
with the complexes : CoClj.6 NH3, CoC13.5 NHr,
agct <ai +r v$r+mq{: t: CoCI3.4 NH3 respectivelY is : 3 L
(1) 1AgCl" 3 AgCl" 2AgCl (1) 1AgCl,3 AgCl,2 AgCl
(2) 3AgCl,lAgcl,2AgCI (2). 3 AgCl, I AgCl.2AgCl
(3) 3 AgCl,2 AgCL l AgCl
6 rAgcr.2AgCt, tAg!t
(4) 2 AsCl,3 AgCl, 1 AgCl u(n.)
2 Agcl, 3 AgL l. I Agcl

67 <trr-r * q-ddotqi. qiffi dr gq* RII{-II d 67. i Match the interhalogen comoounds of column I
qrFrfrtfqdns]vfrrika tr t'ith the geomehl in column II and assign the correct
Column I Column II
(a) XX' (t r-qT-fft'
(a) XX' T - shape
f &) XX: (ii) ffi"qfdFftFre (ii) Pentagonal bipyramidal
(b) XX:
'4 (c) XXs (iii) Uq (.) XX, (iii) Linear
n (d) xx-- (i") Ei Ftnr$ xx- (i") Square - pyramidal
(") !-gts-f,+lq (") Tetrahedral
ard Code :

(") (b) G) (d) (o) &) (c) (d)

(1) (in) (i") (, (n) (1' (iii) ('9 (,) (i,

\2) (iii) (,) (,9 (n) /2) (in) (i) (i") (ii)
(3) (") (i") (in) (ii) (3) (") (i") (in) (n)
(4) (i") (iii) (ii) (, (4) (i") (iii) (ii) (i)
A 20 Fhdr-EnsEhl
68. $+=fq-ei d qmffi+wr erq+e-tr sr qrru erEm Ai +l 68. The reason for greater range of oxidation states in
+rqt: agtifoids is athibuted to :

(r) Eirirsrdr'rffi-Erfh (1) the radioactive nature ofactinoids

(2) tte.,fqs ar$Er Q) actinoidcontraction
(3) 5t, 6d asr 7r qJI* 41 qqqq T-qi
5f, od and 7s levels having comparable
(4) 4f qq 5d Rri 41 s,qtq- 3]rs clq t (4) _ 4f and 5d levels being close in energies
69 \16 20 frJ{ + cH t CO2(g) 400 K qi 0.4 atrn EEr q, t/ .r
q slo (sro t e+rqo-r +t rqlq qri) I 69, A 20 litrgconlainer at 400 K conlains CO2(g) at
nqt 3Trfuqq t (p-_ Presswe 0.4 arm and dn e),cess of SrO (neglJcl the
qli q 3Tra61 6fr scftqd qm frs{ t 6q ts-qr qrdr 4,,,' volume of sotid SrO). The volume of the
con"tainer is
t r qq ,r'r* d co2 + qrs 6r qR sqdq ttrn n-q !T7 now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted
6t sqrq e*rmrn. in the container. The maximum volume of the
container, when pressure of CO, attains its
( fEcT rrcr srCo3(s) sro(s) + Cor(g),
: = maximum value, will be
KP 1 .6 atnl )
( Given that : SrCO.(s) + SrO(s) + CO2(g),
(1) s EiE{ ot'\, o ltL \/L. Kp = 1.6 atn)
(2) 10 fr.r
(3) 4frr{ \oo 5 litre
(2) 10litre
(4) 2 d-e{
(3) 4 litre
70 EA-Ei{frfr + tdtw&qsn t, (4) 2 lihe
(1) {d-tfi+f, Eqr.Tfi 3TrifrR ffis t n?n
70. The correct statement regarding electrophile is
rrilffi-d'e t EAEft grr *l r6ur oG eneu :

4{rv4tdrtl (1) Electropl,rle is a negatively charged species

and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
e) {&tn+'SulTr.q-6eliiRroslctqtdqT6\ electrons from a nucleophile
$eiad-S t d-qeia gq +1 q-6ur EG' onsE c) Electrophile is a negatively charged species
qfl qzF""dr t I
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
(3) i-d-{iil+di {rqrakr: s<r*{ dvits t aqr elechons from another elechophile
Electrophiles are generally neutral species
rritr+d'fi t {AEi{ gw eir raor o-G eneu (3)
and carr form a bond by accepthg a pair of
4fl{6f,rtl electrors from a nucleophile
(4) rA'+jtt+fr rqrf{l qr tfinqo sirifrrd {ffiq Electrophile can be either neuhal or positively
t eqr nrflrrs'E#r e snqn qrq 6r r6ur F{6 charged species and can form a bond by
xeqaflTlfiatsr \\ accepting a pair of electrons from a

+mto+'t? I \\
77 frqdt qt{ co
(r) t tJ I4rhich of the following is a sink for CO

(2) lat:qturoqe'd-q ( Haemoglobin

111 cKq
(4) T* i,',// j- 6 Q)
Micro organisms present in the soil
72. gm nd z = I t4 4] 6r-r ;ii d 3TrfqqR $n t I T6
ftq it fuqqR-qTvsrj nrlr Ed-Sks fr-qrs t '7t) The element Z = 114 has been discovered recently.
It will belong to \.\ ldch of the foUowing family/ gro up
{qFtn A,Tr 2
and elechonic configuration ?
(1) teifqr !tqR, [r(]1] 5fu 6dr0 7s2 zp5 (1) Halogen family, [Rn] 5fu 6d10 Zs2 Zp5
@ 4T-+{ cR-qR, [Rn] sF4 6d1o 7s2 Zp2
(3) arffiqt qf qR. [Rnl 5fr1 6dr0 7s2 7p4 ,v (3)
Carbon fa nriJy, lRnl
Oxygen family, [Rn] sfl't 6d10
5f | | od l0 7s: 7p:

7s2 7p4
(4) rc?tqr cft-qT{, [Rn] 5f1a 6d10 7s2 7p6 (4) Nitrogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 Zp6
c1 A
FiAi.Eni-E \
7s. 6oa+ g{g;Eif }ffi Eq Mt e-q{ilqlTrfitud*l 73. Correct ilcreasin order of
absorption in Lhe v is ible region io r the conrpleres o[
qd(rqr{l6q-qt: Col - is : .,r-^al S!.-! U
(l) [Co (en)3]3 +,
ICo (NH3)6]3
ICo (H2o)613 +,
+, Co (en)1]3 +, Co (NHj)6i3 + A Ico (en)1]3+, Ico (Nrll.)u1: ICo (H2o)6J3+
(2) [ Co (H2O)6]3 I I
(?) +, +
[Co (H2O)6]3+, I Co (en)r]3 ICo (NHu)6]3
(3) [Co ftI20)u]3
+, (en):13 +
ICo 6rHu)6]3+, ICo
(4) co (NH1)6]3 +, I co (en)3]3 t, Co (F{2o)6]3 +
(3) [ Co (HrO)u]3 +, ICo 1NH.)6]3 +, ICo (en):13+
[ I
(4) [Co (NHr)u]3 +, (en)1]3 +,
ICo (I{20)6]3+
74. t+e tt dla qr 6'erqESTrt?
Which of the follo$'ing statements is not co ect
(1) ggfit m-e vrtr rm t qrftT * Rr ql q-rTa 74. ?

rciltr (1) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of

a human body.
(2) ert++gfrq qvgqlsidic6slslir-6tt (2) Ovalbumin is a sitrple food reserve in egg -
(3) .fi *&{ elMqiSifiFffiff qr?ilrKr{{fi nhite.
oi zrmie-{ridtr (3) Blood proteins lhrontbin arrr-l fibrirogen are
involved in blood clotting.
(4) fqffrm{or irEr 4i srEr+qF*-q qril t t

Denafuration makes the proteins more active.

75. fu.qr silqftrd s,Fiqrftq* drFm'qr sererur t '
75 An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(1) FPrffir compound is :

(2) fr-q'q eiFr4{-fr (1) Ruthenocene

(3) ih-tsl Grignard's reagent

(4) 4tqrd6'{ (3) Ferrocene

(4) Cobaltocene
76- ftrad*dh nrc.rift.t(t?
(1) tm.-dr 76. Which of the following is dependent on
temperature ?
(2) d-{rdT (r ) Molality
(3) *- f'rd l) Moladty
(4) m erd{rd (3) Mole fraction

q* uf\fl*tt *- ffi mol-1 ieiT

an=es.s kJ
(!) Weight percentage

AS: 83.6 JK - mol - 1 tr oTfif*rT f6s f,Frrrn trr n For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kJ mol l and
wa: rsfttd t ? AS = 83.6K.-1 mol-I. The reaction is spontaneous

(cir o1fi{E aH qs as ilc Q eeqrk'( t) at : (Assune that llI and AS do not vary w'ith
(l) r<425K (7\ T < 425K 6s"s * = 83"t AT 'r
Q) y/
r>+25K L
(3) sql dFif qt f r0
all temperatures

(4) T>298K I
(4) T>298K
78 1:1 3{S qs t{r-nr{ifurfd * ftaot t lwwtu *
ffi+r+ifqaFlq*: 78 The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
mirture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is :
(1) sldqf,r (1) Sublimation
e) q"t-dul(*ti)drl.r+1l
(2) Chromatography
(3) fdism{ (3) Crystallisation
(4) cqrfr 3nsfi \y Steam distillation
A ,.!' 22 I

79 frq d t f+F d{frq * grr q,r en<u +1tr vrn { ? 79 Which one of the following pairs of species have the
(1) co, No same bond order ?

(2) 02 NO+
(1) co, No
Q) _ O2,NO+ ,, ,A
(3) cN-,co
l-" ,
(4) Nz, Oz
, Qf cN,co Z\.
(4) Nz, oi l-/"
80 a +l qrqFri aqr srFrB-qr*.y+irsfr qdrsE :
80. Identify A and predict the type of reaction

Br Br


(1) drr cfrtc{ s{ti{fu-qr and substitution reaction

NHz /

(2) ' frrlr ffiqr*rq 3rFrkqr (2) and elimination addition


(3) nen futcfreirr{ 3rFrFm-qr

(3) and cine substitution reaction


(4) drn ktcFd{r[c-{ erfi{fs-cr

(4) and cine substitution reaction

81. qm yerq 4Jfr sI ERre 3IFTffiqr aq 10 - 2 sec - 1 t r

81. A fust order reaction has a speci{ic reaction rate of
20 g qfirmr.6 + s g r+ dt d t*il{r qrc dtrn ? 10 -2 sec -1. How much time n ill it take for 20 g of

(1) 238.6 sec the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?

\ f, 1r1, 238.0"". A.ZOLl,tWh

@ 138.5 sec
(3) o{ rj86spc ('
346.5 sec /pi 346.5 sec lo-
(4) -693.0 sec
(4) 693.0 sec
82. sqfu 6rrTcq-dqiif+sid'fa rc\,{nor*.f+o+l
Name the gas thatcan readily decolourise acidi{ied
61 orsT+tffirortdt: KMnOa solution :
(1) COz
Jr{ Coz
(2) so: (2) ,gg,
(3) NOz
(4) PzOs
(4) ', P2Os
The heating of phenyl-methyl ethers with HI
83. tftdtFrd {,R61 ril *qrqr{ 6Gq{ q+ort : 83
(1) tftrdd{r{s (1)
(2) el{d+st1 (2)
ethyl chlorides
(3) f5'f-d ,@ Phenol
(4) +$"{ (4) benzene

84. [Mn(cN)5]3- *ffi vEqPfi qcet : 84 Pick out the correct qtatemenl with resPect to
rf+,ftd n?n efqrcr+tq t lMn( CN)ol3-: 3di
(l) 4a spld2 r

It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral

(2) q6 sp3d2 q-dfrd aq1qgq66t+ t
(3) ?6 d2sp3 {i6kd a'9TI slEe-6s1q t

(2) It is sp3d2 hybridised and tetrahedral
It is d1p3 hybridised and octahedral
(4) zrd dsP2 lrfrkd n?lT eri qrcfiq t t "{(4) It is dsp2 hybridised and square planar

85. frq i t s}r e firi-q $rTg er+it q1 3lTqfffi qFdYftsdr 45.

which of the following alkali metal
ftqdq t qq fl* tlqlir + sdq fq-dq{ 4i fq-qd Q-{ ions is lowest when aoueous solution of their salts
are put under an electric field ?
(1) Na
0) Na
(2) K Q)K
(3) Rb (3) Rb

(4) Li Li

86. f+q erq++rnfuniqt: 85. Theequilibr, m constants of the following are :

N2+3H2= 2NH3 K1
_ N2+3 H2= 2 NH3 K1

N2+O2+ 2NO K2 N2+O2+2NO K2

H2+;02-+H2O K3
H1+ ; O, -+ Hro K3

a n- ofrf** + H qrr+qer fisria (r) ?rrn :

The equilibrium constant (K) of the reaction :

2NH\-72 02 -. 2 NO- I H2O 2NH^+5f 02 : 2 No+ 3 i{2o , I'ill be :

(1) K1

(2) K2K:1./K.\
(i) Ki K1/K2
{:Y 4
K, K:/Ki
(3) K2rq/K1 K2K3/Ki
(4) Kl K3/K1
(4) K; K3lK1
87. tst-iF{s oi tftrf, t{-{ t'sq<wr +ffi ftq d
87. \4rhich of the following reactions is appropdate for
tqt{qi 3lF{imqgfu(t?
acetamide to methalamine ?
(1) sffimi3rFfsql (1) Carbylamine reaction
(2) tisqEEffiiqr{gqfirf*qT
(3) thq slFtf*rr ,6(3)
Hoffmann hypobromamide reaction
Stephens reaction
(4) ifd\rdqfdqlwri{dsq (4) Gabriels phthalimide sYnthesis
A 24 IHind;EnsrGhl

88 qs- s.rF-6 eIF{fuqI x2+Y2 -+ 2 xY "h1ffiqFI 88. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction

*i{.r{t, X2 + Y2 -+ 2 XY is given below :

(, x2-+x + x(Ed) (0 X2+ X + X (fast)

(ii) (frfr) (n) X+Y2 xY+Y (slow)

= xv+v (iii)
x +Y -+ xY (fast)
(in) x+Y--)xY(6d)
The overall order of tJte reaction will be
s{i{B-qr 41 qc, (gn; tfr :
41fu ,
(1) L-?-
(1) L

fixYyX L
(3) 0 *=Y
,"9 1.5
89 oo o
89 The IUPAC name of the compound
g-C oo
\T 11-C
qlPpq6l luPec irqt:
(1) a-ffi z-tfWw-4-{rtd (1)

(z) s-.niFR*-z-tt-s-rflf{ (2)

(3) s-tfirf,-4-ffitn-z-fi-s-te 5-methyl-4-oxohex-2-en-5-al

(4) 3-H-2 Yltot-w-s-t+W (4) 3-keto-2-methylhex-S-enal

90 fit qi =fEi +' fTwd"I { c:rr- enfi t

f{qrsr *fl 90. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with
t r *fi e1 d $, crq sq*' ER
qn t{-qr rirdr t, CN - ion. Silver is later recovered by :

(1) q1ttrr6{qftsryr (1) Iiquation

(2) distillation
(3) zone refining
(3) rtreqm1q
displacement with Zn
(4) zn Q fq*pnq-t

s7. &f{q-q{ ffi' Enr-rqnfa t*q qm t? 97. Double fertilization in exhibited by :

(1) Gynmosperms
(1) 3lTrE(-fi-s
(2) Algae
12) *iTd
(3) F*gt
(3) SqtF
(4) ei{f,trr -{
92. Which of the following are found in extreme saline
sz. fiqfdfudi tqt{qrqequtq E{rreticTn sIilt? conditions ?
(1) erTuffiRqi J4 Archaebacteria
(2) ta.dRqr (2) Eubacteria

(3) vrq-+ffiftqr (3) Cyanobacteria

(4) qqdffifiql (4) Mycobacteria

Hindi+Englis h 25
93 Select the mismatch :
ss. ti- SFTA :
(1) Frankia - Alnus
(1) ffr6q - qd-s'
(2) - 6{sTi /11 Rhodospiillum - MYcorrhiza
(3) Anabaena - Nitrogen fixer
(3) qilfr1t rT{i-qr{P{l4'{trf
(4) Rhizobium - Allalfa
(4) lt{afuqq - \rffirq-sr
s4. i-d +q.ds!r qqdr }. Etrrt trrirq to c{ d'{l.q' 94. What is the criterion for DNA fragments movement
on agarose gel during gel electrophoresis ?
Evei Ei .rtd' + fmS +tt qr qrr<uc dIfi ?
(1) The larger the fragment size, the farther
(1) atwTa<Sormrvorra's, oriurgtqrvrmt moves
(2) erttnga drt ermrv or qts, 3rqq{rfd qt vrdl The smaller the fragment size, the farther it

t 9l moves

(3) trtnq*. eraRrd uo-e 3Tqqrf,d qr * ft w (3) Positively charged fragments move to farther
orcrt end

(1) auntr+ eTrafird qus rrftqn Tfr At (4) Negatively charged fragments do not move

e5. qit-e+ 3ir crFdfi-s ffi teq eriqqffi dil t u 95. Attractants and rewards are required for
(1) slgralrr (1) AnemoPhilY
o\ qtz q{irrur /2) Entomophily

(3) E(Iq{FM (3) HYdroPhilY

(4) erf+-ewmot (4) Cleistogamy

e6. fTefu'fud t t +il 5o +}Rroeii +r ctr dnr t ? 96 Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?

(1) qradcT{f,m (1) Xylem parenchYma

(2) elddrqtdfi (2) CollenchYma
(3) sFI
A Phellem

(4) (4) Phloem

s7. d-q$r-y5fcsT 4i dt{ Ri dtr+r( qeffifrq-o @ Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn' secrete
!flEdqEqTt{ds{ t? antibacterial lysozyrne ?

(1) {qdicilqiTRrs( Jb Argentaffin cells

(2) qiqdffi (2) Paneth cells

(3) qEafqrffi (3) Zymogen cells

(4) sq;{dftr6r( (4) Kupffer cells

e8. q{sqr{q 41 RBC ar}q*ld-fi t r ftefr qtteld @ Adult human RBCs are enucleale. Whit h of the
qr@l t following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
6rH Eq oqq d} Et lEa 6rdr/6iil ?
explanation for this feature ?
(u) EQirr+++G+1 gTrqwrdr r-fr tr
G) They do not need to reProduce
(b) tortu*o]Mtt (b) They ate somatic cells
G) A3qrq{qrfrE{fi| (c) They do not metabolize
(d) g+6r qrlel sriaft-+ ent 3riRl-${ {e-fl +' (d) All their intemal space is available for orygen
it.q srce tr transPort
kq-e{r : Options:
(1) fia6161 .W onlv (d)
(2) &-+e (a) (2) only (a)
(3) (a), (c) *i (d) (3) (a), (c) artd (d)
(4) (b)ss(.) (4) (b) and (c)
A 26 ix-rnd-;E dL

99. qtrd Frqria*r finr Ertr qfldt {ft{ 6dt s{frr tl 99. The hepatic portal vein drains blood to liver from

(1) EEq (1) Heart

(2) 3lrcT{Fr (2) Stomach

(3) Kidneys
(3) Tffi
(4) srii _@
100. The final proof for DNA as the genetic material cam
roo. 'd.qq.q. q*- qEsRrs q-flei t', q{-{T qfuq eqq from the experiments of :
ffi6 grjrrr t 3Trqr 7 (1) Griffith
(1) fiFFlr Hershey and Chase
(2) E{ehi{ (3) Avery, Mcleod and McCarty

(3) orqn,ffig3t{ilq+rfi (4) Hargobind Khorana

(4) ETlirfq-<q{r{r 101. \{hich among the following are the smallest livin
cells, known without a definite cell wall, pathogeni
1s1. tTqftTfu( d t +tr s+i d6 an sfrfia q;lRrs.ri't,
to plants as well as animals and can survive withor
iirq- q+trtq( qiRl-6r fiIfn rr +fi, t rTEfi orh
q-<sir i 1tr-qr-s t srh frfl 3rffiql +Sfud {6

s6at? (1) BaciLlus

(2) Pseudomonas
(1) d'dd
(2) qstffi (4) Nosloc

(4) iieffi 102. Which of the following options gives the corret
sequence of events during mitosis ?

102. frqfubd i t +lq vr tq-s-fl fr.Trqr * +tn. (1) condensation -+ nuclear membran
di erd qrtret qrsfr erg*q wim t: disassembly -) crossing over *
segregation -+ telophase
(1) 6q6a - $-a+ffi orliqaq -+ qt{frtfiq
condensation -) nuclear membran
J YT{s,$r + erqr+en / arrangement at equator -
disassembly -)
(2) qq{r r +.-q+ffi6r iiqa -+ cq tql centromere division -) segregation -
q1qaq e g1q1ftfgfitqqrqt -,5sr{4{or telophase

-+ }tfl.rz[ (3) condensation -> crossing over --> nucle.

membrane disassembiy --l segregation -
(3) {iffi{-+fr{frftTq-+}-q+ffi qr&qat
-+ YeI{-S-{rl j 3ierqPl
(4) condensation --) arrartgement at equator -
(4) {{qfi , qualq q1 qaPn -+ IrTElt{g 6l centromere division -) segregation -
feqrdl -+ Yel{-{.'ul -+ telophase

103. \rqFCI +qEri ti dft qr 4.rnfrat I 103. Which one of the following statements is correc
with reference to enzymes ?
(r) qriN-iTcq = ffiflsq rdqqrsq (1) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyme + Coenz).me
(2) ffiilEq - qiK-trBq + qEqqrsq : + Coenz).me
(3) -NFq=Sqqqr{q+trr(qEq (3) Coenzyme : Apoenzyrne + Holoenz).me
(4) ariRrsEc = q6qwq + q6 (4) Holoenzy,me = Coenzyme + Co-factor
n.l A
104. Durhg DNA replication, Okazaki fragments are
DNA ctdf,fr{r + dRTr 3n-srsr+1ds fsq+i
7M. used to elongate :

(1) The leading strand towards replication fork'
(1) str5.ft E$G 61n{.n errq <r<q1
(2) The lagging strand towards replication fork'
(2) vffi Esrs 61 (r'q q{q,nqi qr< 61
(3) The leading strand away from replication
(3) sfrryfr teure t A sTrrrr er E1 fork.

(4) e@ fd$rs t ri qrqll{ Vr a1 f, The lagging shand away from the replication

ros. fretutua d t 6t{ q-fld' rff t 7

105. Which of the follotYing are not polymeric ?

(1) nwt'mew
(1) Nucleic acids
(z\ frei
(2) Proteins
(3) qr-ffii-{as
(3) Polysaccharides
(4) tufr'e (d Lipids
106. +aEisd {ifqrd A-r or qo qn, d q,rtfi sq i

t 3t{ sd qr;rq 41 ffi

sil T fttsltr e1 eTnr r-fr 106. The region of Biosphere
protected and where no
Reserve which is legally
human activity is allowed
tl-fr, qtqra-wrmtz
is known as :

(1) *1e*-{ co""n"

o\ q(5:r tr (2) Bu{fer zone

(3) qrrrm*i (3) Transition zone

(4) $:rnnrfrx (4) Restoration zone

107. \r6fdtr{4 ss{t qr<q fTE{fufun i ffi +it *t 116?

107. A dioecious flowedng Plant prevents both
tr (1) AutogamY and xenogamY
(1) Pg'qrdrcfiC-sr
Autogamy and geitonogamy
(2) q'E{isihqqngeiq{rrrr (3) Geitono gamy and xenogamy
(3) sulngeiqrrqr, et{Rftt{r (1) Cleistogamy and xenogamY
(4) e-td@q{ruekff{i-fi
108. A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
roa. qr+q vrtr i dic d it'd:r* rlq qrrnqi t ? ts

(1) ftfffTf'?{ (1) Pineal gland

(z) nfffift-e (2) Corpus cardiacum

(3) +a+ftu ;(Z( Co.P," lut"'*

(4) eiqq fr-e (4) Corpus allatum
A 28 mA-Enslls

10e. Eie{ - I q Rq.d. +{ ffif, t'ir 613rhi}rr qirqif 109. Match the following sexually transmitte
diseases (Column - I) u'ith their causative ager
( mq- u ) &'elrT Etfu-d' 61fqq st{ Ffr tddrcc 6T
(Column - II) and select the correct option.
Column-I Column-Il
dsr-l Ffs{- Ir
(u) Gonorrhea (0 HIV
(a) C-ols. (, rry (b) Syphilis (ii) Neisseia
1t) fttoies (ii) qgtutult G) Genital Warts (iii) Treponema
G) qaaqS (nr) *lfrsT (d) AIDS (iv) Human
(d) AIDS (i") qqrqfr"dqT Papilloma - Viru
frsrg Options :

tcrih-Fr : (a) O) G) (d)

(") &) (") (d) ft| (n) (in) (i") (D
(1) (ii) (-) (i") (r) r/
I (2) (ii,) (i") (') (ii)
(?.) (ii,) (i") (,) (n)
(3) (-) (n) (iii) (,
(3) (i") (ii) (in) (,
(4) (iv) (iji) (ij) (i) (4) (,") (iii) (ii) (,

,,s. ffi$17 :irit6r qiiFnr siEr+-dr. trfr hwflr gm effi 110. Transplantation of tissues/organs fails often dr
to non-acceptance by the patient's body. \A/hich
-h *rtq e+qc.,-( d erar t 5'q-mR +'i+tr-firl +
of immune-response is responsible for
fu'q6t{*i sfd-{si er1fmqTsir<lm tr rejections ?

(1) E srdlhn sEtmqr (1) Autoimmuneresponse

(2) 4:lfaTsr-qF4dqfu{qTsrjfuqi Cell - mediated immune response
(3) tfm-{dsfdw3{grscT (3) Hormonal immune response
(4)'+rf,ffiqqfil8it3qifrql (4) Physiological imgtune resPonse

111. sa{q-aas ffi qlRrdT d Tfi lTq qra ?

111. Spliceosomes are not found in cells of
(li crdq (1) Plants

Q) +16 @ Fungi
(3) qd (3) Animals
(4) m-+r'{ Bacteria
2. tffdT ilqri sl q6 Tcr6{ur +{ Er t ?
112. An example of colonial alga is
(l) 4rlt!''1t (1) Cl orella
(2) di?qN
-{4 Voluox
(3) qAqrw (3) Ulothrix
(4) qg,mqo (4) Spirogyra

113. frqi o\qq}flrn<flf-drt? 113. Which ofthe follorving represents order of'I-Iorst
(1) qffi (1) Eqrridae
(2) qftd&rfir Perissodactyla
(3) 6+q's (r) Caballus

(4) ftrs' (4) Ferus

.. lEffifiErrulishl 29
114. \4hich of the following cell organelles is responsible
114. frElfufilrfr d adn qr q6. qlRrfiirr q.d.c1. E-{Tr *- for extractilg energy from carbohydrates to form
fds qrdaEts q sd fr+If,i + fdc Fd<rql t"dr ATP ?

tz (1) Lysosome
(1) d:f{6H (2) Ribosome
(2) iqffiq (3) Chloroplast
(3) Efiffiq-+ Mitochondrion
(4) ql6Fl6r
115. The process of separation and purification of
us. ersrd ffit!-cd, 3rfir"qffiet'A-{}.y6qq 3n1
expressed protein before marketing is called :

q"i gfmqrql flr66rqrdr t?

{*fiq (1) Upstreamprocessing
(1) cfrq-qrEr-rqtrI
Do\v nslredm Processing
3rJ9z{r6rsrM -A
Q) (3) Bioprocessing
(3) tqffiquT (4) P,,stprod uct ion Processing
(4) q{q5flr({ n FrM
116. Mycorrhizae are the example of
7]6. oq+xoffis<raqt? (1) Fungistasis
(1) q-d+,itlr
(2) Amensalism
(2) !tr-+Fd-q
(3) Antibiosis
(3) sftrfrfqiT

117. Viroids differ from viruses in having :

uz. ffi{s, fqqqsif tFIflt+ift+,{rc-:

(1) DNA molecules $'ith protein coat
(1) fr$-a 36qq$qqouae+gdttr
(2) DNA molecules withoutprotein coat
(z) EnfrAi sTlq{q+'oNaerEdtiltr
(3) RNA molecules n'ith Protein coat
(3) idfi 3TE{q + $q nNe erg tt t r

RNA molecules rvithout protein coat

(4) tq-{r fr&{ sTlq{or * nNa erg At t r

118. Root hairs develop irom the region of:

118. {iilcf6s d"tffi(dAt?
qRq-dqq Maturation
(2) Elongation
(2) fttseT
Root cap
(3) 5'iv (3)

(4) Meristematic activity

(4) tqlffi'qfu?rdl
119. lrft461 6 q6 f+'s v-+n +r t? 119. Coconutfruit is a:
(1) .qkdrre /1) Drupe

Q) q{qs-d (2) Berry

(3) E6E (3) Nut

(4) if5a wo (4) Capsule
A 30 ImA;6s,i"l

720. ftRr y+q-{-{iil qi ssa mti erd nut s$qe-ffi 120. Plants which produce characteristic
pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to
<sfi qA qr<c fiqfrfu-'d q t ffi R-q'Fx{d t ?

(1) s+(Fq (1) Mesophytes

(2) c<rrgir{\ lYt{ uauphvtes

(3) sr-@fiE #f Psanmophytes

(4) q-drqFq (4) Hydrophytes

p1. farl d gla {qeffi lT"fr Ri freii + qtqeni {t{stq 121. l4rhich one of the following is related to Ex-situ
t tiqfi,rd t? conservation of threatened animals and plants ?

(1) qqerufrwfrq6' Wildlife Safari parks

(2) ffqfrqdrtizFfe (2) Biodiversity hot spots

(3) eri-q-t qqi v-$ qt (3) Amazon rainforest

Himalayan region
(4) ftqrdqr fd (4)

122. Frqtutuadttteal 3fu, 122. Select the mismatch

(1) ertts q6idrrTqd Pinus Dioecious

(2) ,;,-{ q+ttma{ (2) Cycas Dioecious

(3) etffict ffisq (3) Saloinia He'-erosporous

(4) Wffizs sq+-ffg (4) Equisetum Homosporous

u3. fu f6E *'qdi d FIE{ffu( i t al s5mdr 6(fr 723 Which of the following facilitates opening of
t', stomatal aperture ?

(1) ils1ftrsT3if 4"rsEtftFtolliWc (1) Contraction of outer wa1l of guard cells

(z) arelRroeif e1s1ft t +ql @ Decrease in turgidity of guard cells

Radial orientation of cellulose rnicrofibrfu in

(3) ER ft1RffiT3it q1 stRrsl-fsrFn d
qHi(Fit6rffiqf{qr "H the cell wa1lof guard cells

t tqtq Longitudinal orientation of cellulose

(4) 6n olfrr+rSr d q]Rrfi-fqfn (4)
microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells
qc{dgsil6,r srjtdf{qTq

qr fttRn 124. The association of histone H1 with a nucleosome

124. tdg}i H1 qr tFrqrq i' qrq riqq q"rat
indicates :

tr (t) TranscriPtion is occurrirg.

(1) ergdwdrartr
(2) DNA rePtication is occurring
e) DNAnt{f-ftfiElrdrtl
6\ The DNA is condensed into a Chromarin
(3) DNAqiItEr\iiqriqt,ott / Flbre.

(4) oNa +1t*is$ ef,{rqn t I (4) The DNA double helix is exposed.

*-sHdilt? 125. DNA fragments are:

125. d.q1.q.
(1) trr^l-ff6. 3{rafrrd (1) Positively charged

*l NegativelY charged
(2) annq-+ 3faRR
(3) Neutral
(3) sq*{
(4) Either Positively or negatively charged
(4) i erq-t qqq * ergm qirerfr qI znneFF
dePending on their size
126. Capacitation oc.urs in:
126. eTqdTzrr4.d+dr tr (1) Rete testis
(1) gslr -:Trf,-6r (2) Epididymis
(2) 3{Frssul (3) Vas deferens
(3) wsr(.n female ReProductive tracl
(4) qsqrqr{ td
(122. Whi.t osystem has the marimum biotnass ?

727. fsq cfttr t e{Frrdq +qqn e-d.I t ? ".

(1) qqqrRii, ,6 Forestecosystem

Grassland ecosystem
(2) qrq r{iq qrf]?il
(3) Pond ecosystem
(3) ardcrftfr{ (4) Lake ecosystem
(4) Seclft-frd
128. A disease caused by an autosomal rrimary
12"8. q6 t r, il qftmW vrqfqq :rFazirr+ + +.rq zrar t non-disiunction is :

4'FrIBi Down's Syndrome

(1) sr31fu-sq (2) Klinef elter's Syndrome
(2) ft{casE{ftisq (3) Tumer's Sl,ndrome
(3) zil FqCn (4) Sickle Cell Anemia
14) zr:o]ftr6i -.rrqdt
L29. Life cycle of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively
129. c.}a^I sfo ry+v* ot*t e-* *'ryr' i* tI AIC: \
(1) 3lfffi, f*nrynq (l) Haplontic.DiPlontic
(2) fuF61r, s'iftm-BgFln-+1 (2) DiPlontic,HaPlodiPlonti.
(3) 3rXerd-W-c{t, fuedq A Haplod iPlontic, Dr Plontic

(,1) o4ftrn B5fi)i.f,m1, qXn'R-d1 (4) Haplodiptonti,, Ha Plontic

130. qR F qR.qr.q. t seq qrKs tdl 333 l$i erRif 130. If there are 999 bases in an RNA that codes for a
qrelw *-& afucEz fit t 'ft eo1 Y{ turf, protein wittr 333 amino acids, and the base at
position 901 is deleted such that the length of the
sncF 4r E T t ffiq d
qrm t t+ 3q qR.q{.q.
iiNA becomes 998 bases, hor'r'many codons will be
q1 mrqri eeE sii{+l erf,i d ETf,l tl it ffi altered ?
fr*qE<6qrr{tr (1) 7
(1) 1
(2) 11
(2) 11
(3) 33
(4) 33i (4) 333
t: Findi;Enqlist
A 32
131. The pivot ioint between atlas and axis is a type of
131. qz{s G \tqqs & *q qr qtefus t :
s-6R 6r dldr ?

(1) \flqdg (1) fibrous joint

(2) sqTielgmng Q) cartilaginous ioint

(3) Tririq{d+s ,6
q gcl ql5
(4) saddle.joint

L32. A gene whose expression helps to identif

132. q6 qa frc, M grflrqk sqT<Rn +1ftrfi 41 transformed cell is known as :

rrrqn 6-G fr T6rq-iil trQ Hr q-r qrdr t ?

Selectable marker
(1) qrdFqfrg{* (2) Vector
(2) {iqr{6 (3) Plasmid
(3) Q-tus (4) SEuctural gene
(4) r{rfircr-an qt1
133. Presence of plants arranged into well defined vertic
rre. gwe staitn mit t 61 3fi-fi qqT{
qqfun lrdf layers depending on their height can be seen be
*-er1vn rvfefo v+n eral qti'td qr sqifr t ?
(1) Tropical Savannah
(i) =cr+E+*i'qvqr+
,6 TroPical Rain Forest
a) 3trIrfiEd-rfrqqqiq-{
(3) Grassland
(3) vru "fi (4) Temperate Forest
(1) rftitqqr
1,34. The genotypes of a Husbald and Wife are IAIB ar
rs4 qR cid qs .rd ql d=iraEq IAIB qzi IAi t I IAi.
ql+ dEii e Flq'{ q.,f C ffi
d+zrqq qi'rfi+grEc
Among &e blood types of their children, how mar
etrq tl o differeltgglgryPgsandphenotypes arepossible

(1) : frilzr{c; sqltarlq [o/ t'

(1) 3 genotyPes; 3 PhenotyPes
(2) s*irflYq; +d'teec (2) 3 genotypes; 4 PhenotYPes

(r) +frerq;iqtier$c 'lf 1^ i'

4 genotypes ; 3 phenotYPes
(4) +sffizsq;4st+.rsq ili- (4) 4 genotypes ; 4phenotyPes
t91$ .oqt'"u
135. grro rd1fi ferrr:n r***,rur** i#,t 135. Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of

(1) q*fiqt (1) Marchantia

(2) e14F (2) Fucus

(3) ,nfflst (3) Funaia

(4) dqrqriql;itj d Chlamyclomonas

#fr t 736. Which of the following is correctly matched for the
136. f{q i +f{ sq* ERr sfl-r 3flK + (l'PI Fc
product produced bY them ?
drcrd 1

(1) Acetobacter aceti: Antibioics

(1) qtld-rqfurrd :etdqfq6
(2) Methanobacteium : Lactic acid
(z) qlfiMftqq: Akm3T
(3) Penicillium notatum: Acetic acid
(3) lffifuqqiizq: qSEs 3rq
t+( Sorrhro*urrs ccrcoisiac : Ethanol
(4) d-fiiqrflde*<tff,tq=fe _/

137. i'6s 6r {q Yrryq l qr6{ fir6rdi * rrcq5i6 qcq L37. Frog's heart when taken out of the body continues
to beat for sometime.
Select the best option from the following statements.
f+H 6rrn t Efqn fu*-eq +r qqq +lfqq t

(a) tr65qfi3rsrdrfrtt (u) Frog is a poikilotherm.

@) Frog does not have ary coronary circulation.

(b) i'r+doltt<cRflurrSA"d"rt
G) EEqffinrfftqrdrmtr G) Heart is "myogenic" in nature.

(d) aqqssi-trs]irrtl (d) Heart is autoexcitable.

(1) t-+e1c; (1) oniy (c)

(A +-qd(d)
(2) only (d)

(3) (a)F(b) (3) (a) and (b)

(4) (c)rre(d) y{ (c) and (d)

rsa. *q qm t f{sq i' +t+ qr orn tI

rre-a 138. Which statement is wrong for Krebs'cycle ?

(1) 1r +* t' a1-a funei' q{ NAD+ sT (1) There are three points in the cycle where
rd NADH+H+ t{+6{!rd-flt NAD+ is reduced to NADH+ H+

(2) -o q-*fqmf{q' IAD i ql FADH2 ii (2) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+
ry is reduced to FADH2
,| qfi-flnrA-d1t-
t (3) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
(3) qffif{f, coA t vfiTfrm 3{F qfqdr +'
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is
Ekn GrP + c+' 3{g or r{rdqq *ot t synthesised

(4) qo qm qfuFre qnE (qfuf.d coA) i' 19{ Th. ryd" rtarts with condensation of acetyl
q555fu6 er<fi vrq qfit 3{Rrq*d1t3i{ ./ group (acetyl CoA) witlr py'nrvic acid to yield
citrlc acid
fttao erqsqaq"rart

reg. tfrqiii ejqgar ;nsnq +]frrmrct ERI 3n<ftd A-fr t, 139. In case of poriferars, the spongocoel is lined with
ffir5ilt: flagellated cells called :

(1) 3rilqr (1) ostia

(.2) oscula
e) 3,f$-fl
(3) dSnrcz

{qc*tqq-+lRrdFI mesenchymal cells

A 34

140. fiq t- 6ia qr RNA vrufr *iRrsr t vgGT t d"rT 140. Which of the following RNAs should be
abundant in animal cell ?

q"rt6c ?

(1) r-RNA .6 I-RNA

(7) t-RNA Q) I-RNA
(3) m-RNA (3) m-RNA
(4) mi-RNA (4) mi-RNA

141,. fiqq-qh qelq w+rt+ii *3a6qq1t? 141. Which among these is the correct combination o
(1) md,<ffii,{16 aquatic mammals ?

e) tffir, s1'f,,
"eFi7 (1) Seals, DolPhins, Sharks

(3) +d, Gffiim, 1d (2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygon

(4) Pflh; +d, dtd B{ Whales, Dolphins, Seals
(1) Trygon, Whales, Seals
142. r+rqr riraqur 41 E{ dl vqlfud 6{i qTa sTcif +
tusq trqfufudit dhqrq:n vfrrfi tr 142. With reference to factors affecting the rate o
(1) co2 leri-s{ur + fflq nqra Tfu W {Id photosynthesis, *'hich of the following statement
is not correct ?
r6rqt 6 to% qr Erdr *
t (1) Light saturation for CO2 fixation occurs a
(2) Er{ffiq co2 4i qtrdr I65"7" 66 cai 10% of full sunlight
q6 co2 fu{0-6{qdi<{ qeT{rfi t (2) Increasing ahrosphedc CO2 concentratio:
(3) c3 qKs sa ffqqFi a1 qftrf,-qr 4dr g3TI up to 0.05% can enhance CO2 fixation rate
rorsr {rds"r <flR t q-qFmc, c'K'ii + ftc Cq plants respond to hiSher temPerature
qq?q rmqn e{Eq{rfd qrql *q d-at t "d riith .:nhanced photosynthesis whil
C4 plants have much lower temperatur
(4) zqmq6ER-{ll6F[f, **q, =qswvri optimum
*'leq co, so'or
rgfua erg'iso ts,nqrqt (4) Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can b
t grown in CO2 - enriched atmosPhere fc
higher yield
743. i
oifs'Fe-sEk qtilq{fi E-q vrq a-dr t? qe,
0) 'r' q1 qr,a tlq e1m'n qqw EtdT t 143. AsymPtote in a logistic growth curve is obtaine
(2) K-N
(3) K>N (1)
. The value of 'r' aPProades zero


41 qqfuii & x g'di t
qwfffi wtdzit
t v g'q'
(, :;J . .\[ts?x]
+ aA t I BF{d fr-re 6r qq{ +Tqq'i xqq Yq1 (4) *. * ry$
fid {@r ql s{tdl t eik ssfir ,lrqff,df 144. Out of 'X o&" of ribs in humans onIY Y'Pairs ar
(1) x=72,\:7 ErFfq'6 Y[a t{n i kue ribs. 61ect the option thatcorrecdY rePresen
q,i{qt (s Si qtn qn d values of X and Y and provides their explanation
sirtui*wqESffitt ,kll X-12,\ =7 True ribs are attache
t,' dorsally to vertebral colum
(2) X-72,\=5 qTRf{fi lq'fuqi'58 d tiFr
and ventrallY to the stemur
qql{.m(gqisilfuI&sPIA True ribs are attache
(2) X= 12, Y =5
turf i'elqEqi+frtr dorsally to vertebral colurr
qTRlE6 qqff,zf Yts d and sternum on the two end
(3) X=24,\:7 '{r'r
6fun<sAgSdrfrtAtsi (3) x=24,\ =7 True ribs are dorsal.
attached to vertebral colurr
qq{ iTIqiSfilfrtl but are free on ventral side.
(4) x:21,\ -12 qTRrds cgrmzf YE '{r'r t- (4) X=24,\=12 True ribs are dorsal
str6<sAg6+frtAtsr attached to vertebral colurr
elq{ but are free on ventral side'
'{rqif 5ffirfrtr
35 A

145. q{irq +m q Yers gq d.q{.q. rs +1 ffi 3rFr'ri 145. The DNA fragments seParated on an agarose
can be visualised after staining with :

(1) Bromophenol blue
(1) ddFr=foq
(2) q*mr

(3) , Aniline blue

(3) <Frefuq
lA Ethidium bromide
(4) Efrrfsqq drrils
t qr t++fuo Functional megtspore in an angiosperm develops
rno. q+ eTr{d-dd qqq i aTd{frd Isdq'rJ 746.
(1) Ovule
(1) dqTEs
Q) Endosperm
(2) Wqs
Embryo sac
(3) .4t du
(4) Embryo
(4) WI

147. Among the following characters, which one was

1a7- ftqfrfuq d Q qa *dtq t e{qqt d-wam eTci not considered by Mendel in his experiments on
r+m-tfuqnT$fuqrrrqr r? pea ?

(1) 6qr - REr qr d+t (1) -Stem

- Tall or Dwarf

(2) eqrim -qirrd qrrfird(fdd Trichomes - Clandular or non-glandular

(3) fie - E{qr.ftor (3) Seed - Green or Yellow
(4) .Fd - EaftEt +vgil'+t (4) Pod - Inflated or Constricted
148. tm3e* t'ft eq ds, Efr"spn +qi ft t I q-dT+s 148. Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli Thev
I fr :v*n * en sfi i f+e q,RnI t Trid: rd fr'gqa ? do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
because of:
(1) 3rqNle rr{tB
(2) ern:v+qr 1{ftf,d qFTal
(2) Inspiratory Reserve Volumc
(3) qrfrq 3Tr{il{
(3) Tidal Volume
(4) fr:v*wgrlw en+at
'e (4) Expiratory Reserve Volume
b 1ae. qrr * fr( qrelq-s. Er{tffis-1ffi 66s fuu
: qtor{ q-rar t l L49. GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
m (1) ar fi1v qlq q{ 3lk 1P1 qi erffil &'
reproduction, acts on :

n. qrqq q1g*firo+rar tr (1) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

secretion ofLH and oxYtocin.
(2) eu$1r ff}l w etr LH 1,ti FSH +qrsurql
anterior pituitary gland and stimulates

ly (3) vw ft1i ulT w sln arrsqHs{ \'d rsH t "6(3) secretion ofLH and FSH.

posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

ur qrqur6lsfrfud q-cdrt r
secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

ly (4) w-a {-1i Tlu w elrr LH Si ftAtffi{ + qrsor (4) posterior Pituitary gland and stimulates
on q1sfrftn+nntr secretion of LH and lelaxin.
A 35 tlind!=trd'Ehl

150. dffiidqr d sA t+s+l sqranq tI 150. In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications of:

(1) srjqd (l) Stipules

(2) 3TqerFrmqs (2) Adyentitious root

(3) {T (4) I-eaf
(4) c"f
151, Which one from those given below is the period for
151. Frqfrtu( d t dlr Ri erqfq i'sd + {q,,rur +' !q}ii Mendel's hybridization erperiments ?
61,i? l^{ rssb - r8b3
(1) ^1856 - ^t863 / rr, 1840 - 1850
(2) 1840 - 18so (3) 1857 - lsbe
(3) -t857 -'t869
(4) -t870
- 1877
(4) 't870 -"t877
erd' Ef{ *tt& rg rs q<r?i }. qqlq erddEor q{ 152. Good vision depends on adequate intale of carotene.
rich food.
ft.ft+raltr Select the bestoption from the following sialements.
(a) Yi/min A derivatives
are formed from
(u) k&rtffi{A}qerxmttr e'arotene.

(b) r*ffisvfs3{idkmet*f Af<-+req'dG (b) The photopigments are embedded in the

membrane discs of the inner segmenL
*diltt (c) Retinal is a derivative of Vitaniin A.
G) tte{effiqe6rEffif,tr (d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
(d) tFere q$ Efu !-sT$quiqil qr r+rvr e{-qqiffi visual photopigments.
qm tr
Options :

ka-rq: 0) (a) and (b)

0) 1r1wft) (2) (a), (c) and (d)

(2) (a), (c) Fi(d) ,6) (a) and (c)

(3) (a)(q(c) (4) @), (c) and (d)

(4) (b), G)Ss(d) 153. \4rhich one of the following statements is not valid
for aerosols ?

1s3. tWa + frqq t', tTEfufun t t +tr qr qrrq qrq

(1) They are harmful to human health
(2) They alter rairlJall and monsoon pattems
(1) iqr+qer+ra+.fuqafrqTtst They cause increased agricultu ra I
(2) n eqi etrqngqi lEfdd qft-qfda 6Ct produchvity

(3) 6il+nor5fr wr<+mi'Effi Et&t (4) They have negative impact on agricultural
(4) t Afr rfi'wr*nnr+Y'{rsTdAt
qnq t+c+r rirfi :rd dF[ 7
154 A@Sgj4ltg.d pressue/volume will not cause
1s4. rtr{q/ 3]Frfil t qfr * the release of
(1) \tn 6""io; (1) Renin
(2) qQqetE$fr+qtr+ --{' Atrial Natriuretic Factor

(3) tdetr (3) Aldosterone

(4) ADH (1) ADFI

IHilGE^dEE 5/ A
1ss. c{3ii t {G riwq i sqS'TS t+s r*n vrq H qr 155. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained
(sat? bv:
6 matingof related individualsof samebreed.
(1) qsAnR+{qfqdvgeii+,fterm '\2) matir.rg of unrelated irdividuals of same
(z) 116A'rw+ 3rs-"ilqdvgst&ri,mrm breed.
(3) G'f\rirt<]+lryn+{,rqERr (3) mating of individuals of differentbreed.
(4) fufifi!-qTftqi+Wen+qrrqERr (4) mating of individuals of different species.

156. ri{6fr qqr m{kI: qr e-{rfr t ? 156. The vascular cambium normally gives rise to
(1) 6111 3I{tR (1) Phel.loderm
(2) qrrrfufrrirs-Erd (2;
- Primary phloem
(3) Efr?mqldq Secondary rylem

(4) qft-c-s. -6(4) Periderm

,ur. 6qd6t+wqrrt:fuat? 157. I\rhich of the followmg stdlpmcnLs is correct ?

(1) ffi cwr41 3{ftfr Svrre*fuqervnre}r ll The ascending limh of loop ot Hcnle is
(2) ffi qM 6t r+rra i-o q fuq l+qnrrq / impermeable to u,ater.
tr (2) The descending limb of loop of l-Ienle is
impermeable to water.
(3) kqnql ertf Uqrqm+'idqcr.rqtr (3) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
(4) H qrcr61 er+t6 Uwf*Sd 3ilr-i'+fdq permeable to water.
wqrrEq { 1
(4) The descending limb of loop of f{enle is
permeable to electrolytes.
1s8. tr.(r sth qfui + qq{d qrei rit ffi w ,r anr
irorqrv+-mtz 158. Fruit and leaf drop atearly stages can be prevented
by the application of :
(1) eTffii
(1) Cytokinins
(z) sfiffi'{ (2) Ethylene
(3) 3,ffi-{ (3) Auxirs
(4) f;rdfc* arro (4f Gibberellic acid
15e. q6a s{ + ftq ai *1"< vavno d vivt frtrq rrq t
qd qr qtqq.r ct frFrso i crqt t+' trr{ + m'q 159. A baby boy aged two years is adrrritted to play school
and passes through a dentalcheck - up. The denfut
<ia 0 r fuq eah d Eid 3r3vfu.d q ? observed that the boy had twenty teeth. l4/hich teeth
(1) Fils
were absent ?

(2) r({m'
(1) Incisors
(2) Cantnes
(3) e+q-Tdur6 ,
(4) !-dq+. I
(4) Molars
,6s. tffit, +itzi * qrlr at{ tft c-t-dYoi fqRrqdr ql
Friqt.q{a t ? 160. An important characteristic that Hemichordates
share with Chordates is :

(1) ..Jerq+1or$furtd (l) absencc ol notochord

(2) elqrild rfu6r dfisr 1E (2) ventral tubular nerve cord
(3) dqtfqg-nr-sn Pharvnx with grll slils
(4) fundq'fs(41r-q-fi -14
(4) pharynx without gill slits
A -r6 FinilEliifihl
167. er|qrfr<q tiqrd q4'+1yr<od *foq f*-qrTqT 161. Artificial selection to obtain cows vielding higher
Utrqe{q *i<qtmt2 milk output represents :

(1) rprr4f+n* qrq er}fu qE q+nqr { gs es{ur (1) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in t]le population.
+l terFi-qr{or 6tdl t r

directional as it pushes the mean of the

@ kws+etutqifu {6"ociqcrt4qls6.ftar character in one direction
t q+-dtfltr (3) disruptive as it splits the population into two,
(3) f+<rr+. qq}i6 16 w+ier *,} t q fq.rTfsd one yielding higher output and the other
lower output.
+-cm t, ss erfirs rflrfi qel qe e-q q-q
:er<r qrd r
(4) stabilizing folloued by disruptive as it
slabilizes the population lo produce higher
(4) r,e]Iqt-+n-+t'qlqfr-fi-cidrfu qeqqqqri l ield ing cows.
*q 3q66 rffi q *"lffi+-qq 6-cdr t r

1,62. Select the correct route for the passage of sperms in

762. rqtr*t qm,pt + erTiTf,?q +'#d qrl or q+r male frogs :

oltsq: 0) Testes r Bidder's canal + Kidney -+ Vasa

(1) lqq 3 faq Td-+Tffi+{Im ff-+ efferentia -+ Urinogenital duct + Cloaca

T*-at qrH , r+qt (2) Testes --+ Vasa efferentia -+ Kidney --r
Seminal. V-esicle Urinogenital duct -+
(2\ !-sTt + gm eTFqtI(,r gffi, TfiRrq -r -
rlr,qaa qlk$ -+ srfl4-r
(3) Testes -+ Vasa efferentia -.> Bidder's canal
(3) Eqrr -:Ufi qrffi-+fusrcrd-e ar+rfffi + Ureter
- Cloaca \o
+ qq-(S-{
Testes -+ Vasa efferentia + Kidney ,-;
(4) {voi -+ g* qrftsT(-,{q -+fuqrre ->
/ Bidder's canal --> Urinogenital duct -+
5* v{{effi+ emwr Cloaca

163. f{q i +Yr Fr fu*.ec 3Tr{yI4 t +Ti*-qr atr q-dfu'd 163. Which of &e following options best represe.nb tie
enzl.rne composition of pancreatic iuice ?
r"rtsfli-dr tZ
(1) amylase, peptidase, trypsinogen, rennin J,
(1) SqT{eq, tdgq, ffiirw+, \faa g1"*1;,1y
(2) arnylase, pepsin, trypsinogerL maltase
(2) cq-{&q, qes{, Efsnq{, qTatq' (3) peptidase, amylase, pepsin, rennin )o
(3) Hle, q<rq&s, tltu-r, ifui gennin) l{ tiputo. amylase, ry psi no gen. t
(.1) drsilq. qqrdrn feflq{rdr. rirsTaiiEFftMii " procarborypeptidase

ro+. frqfttun fr A ffi VsjrmE qq6tu (c1.E'r1.) 164. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO,
q-6yqfq+co, lrdt2 acceptor in :

(1) C,t sKs (1) C1 plants

(2) C, piants
C4 cKs
(3) C2 plants
(3) C2 qr(c
(4) Cq and Ca plants
(4) c, dr c, vK+
165. The morphological nature of the etiible part of
165. ark{ + rcl} qrd qr,r ?t't Fqri{s.rfft qr t : coconut is :

(1) cftWdts (i) Perispern

(2) E1-e!-{ (+ CotYledon
(3) TliN 4l Endosperm
(4) qeliiils (4) Perjcarp
,-,..'ffif,l;E"Aanl 39 A

160. t{r+q 9lfiic{ Ei+ (A"c)

q{ 61RrsT fr Ecqfi 166. Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein
degradation machinery necessary for proper mitosis
iaqrdr + gars 5c di ft. fuq or+w+ *E-t of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
diBvn wffir t r qg qlaq q1ftrsr i anclffi which of the following is expected to occur ?
tftfiqi wrqftat'nu (1) Chromosomes will notcondense
(1) Wq"tr{dr-fifi (2)
_ Chromosomes
will be fragmented

(2) Iorqiqtsddqdi 12f Chro-oro*es will not segregate

(3) X"q?yq-{T6fi (4) Recombination of chromosome arms will
(4) 1wq".j-qrttgid,ffitn OCCUI

167. MALT qmq vft q E*mrq s++ qr orrqq m 157. MALT constitutes about percent of the
Iymphoid tissue ir human body.
efrsrd rdr t?
(1) s0% /O 5o'/"

(2) 20% (2) 20%

(3) 707" (3) 70%
(4) l0% (4) 10 %

roa. tiixifoii * rrE1 {arn B-ti'qr ferd AA t ?

168. Receptor sites for neurotrarsmitters are Present on:
(r) fisik+'3rnFji +1 tqf?ii t (1) nembranes ofsynaptic vesicles
(2) Td-trifir$'ffit (2) Pre-s1'naPticmembrane
(3) <tumqr*'ffif qt (3) tips of axons
(4) crqn$iFrdnffit ,41 post-s)"napti(

769. qg] q gk tift qr qfteqlT sr-sl ff tS qarot

+iff6: 169. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adults does

not cause further increase in height because :

(1) qeiiqqktidqfrM-qdqmtr (1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults.
(2) fsrinrqq * qq-q(qfttuft{d At dE d Epiphyseal plates cloie after adolescence.
l qrfitr ,6
(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth
(3) qdii 3rturziqkafrq*'cfdq+fiYifdnr Hormone in adults.

dttfitr (4) Muscle fibres do not grow in size after birth.
(4) q+&vrur(ffi ilE3iitgk-rdddt
770. Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first
170. qWgr sft E{+ i qdqqq wrq&i-d trq z time :

(1) qrftfurfffr+qfrfrtr-dl (1) EcologicalBiodiversity

(2) ffi*T{qii+ftqq' (2) Laws of limiting factor

(3) qrfr frr riqq -g

Species area relationshiPs

(4) {qEqkvfr-s1Tf (4) Population Growth equation

771. q4aq 3156q i5q5 ErrI sqf, 6kfl - 171 MyeJ-in sheath js produced by :

(1) rqnffiqiffirB:$er-<s _r({) Schwanl Cells and Oligodendrocytes

(z) nnrdrRr+rqi{*q61M (2) Astrocytes and Schwann Cells

(3) erfdrt$$sr{\rsefu{tq-fr (3) OligodendrocytesandOsteoclasts

(4) erftq{tn-mq?idT{?ffi (4) Osteoclasts and Astrocytes
lHindi+Enblishl i:l
+1+ie.r qE{ 6q t, 172. In case of a couple where the male is having a very 1
772. qacvFo fw*'5ts tE*rEet ' low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
E-{+ ftqfii-!-{ r+.+osfu'd'{kft ?
for fertilisation ?
(1) eid:rtqi{rq{2rriflul (1) Inhauterinehansfer
(z) it-er<re1-{aid'tu6'tdfrq-{grsw (2) Gamete inhacytoplasmic fallopian transfer

(3) Etiq+t$sl (3) Artificiallnsemination

(4) 3fa:41ffiq{trrgft{{cul Intracytopiasmic sperm iniection

773. ilq d $ft q1 e1++e dd'ftzre elRrea +1 fqrfri 41 173. \Artrich of the following components provides sticky
character to the bacterial cell ?
fqRrsdr r<R srdr t ?
(1) BlRrflfqft (1) Cell wall
(2) Nuclear membrane
(z) ffiqffi
(3) Plasma membrane
(3) d'qrffi
(4) rdT{d"6fu-*,
t 174. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :

174 qisqrii t a ci q sfd1"ilqr iim :

(1) During S Phase

(2) Within nucleolus
(z) +ff,6r+q<{ Prior to fission
(3) f{{{t T{A (4) Just before transcriPtion
(4) sr{d-{tAnq6A
175. The function of copper ions in copper releasing
\75. qiqr ritE-a 'luo' t 4iq{ 3Tr+ii+r er qTd didl t 2
IUD's is :

(1) t Emrrjeii dr rrftNA-ddT qq f{+-q-{ q{rrfrI 6rl They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
+"Gtt -L{ capacity ofsperms.
They inhibit gametogenesis.
Q) igre-w'r+eirtmitt (2)

(3) i rqtqlq 4l tqlr a'fr< a-5rgm q-{r it 6 (3) They make uterus unsuitable for
' implantation.
(4) t rfffiaqis<ft.-oqritt (4) They inhibit ovulation.

170. Frqfulqd t dlc vt qttrqe srqi{ i fTciki'Eq

176. \Vldch of the following in sewage heatment removes
=ittqt tr+rcott? suspended solids ?
(1) gfrr+sq-ar (1) Tertiary heaturent
(z) Ffi-q-+qqn (2) Secondary heahnent

(3) qlqfu63q=m ;l?f Pit ury ouua,.unt

(4) eTr{+tsqqR (4) Sludge treatment

u7. {& se qT qer fu'rq t{-f,fl A-fl t ? 177. The water potential of pure water is :

(1) ri'q ,{ z.ero

(2) qatsq A) Less than zero

(3) ryt erferowaCs'tqq (3) More than zero but less than one

(4) qfrt 3ftr+. (1) More than one

F-dilrEGjisr,ll 47

t rre-o q+q 178. Identify the wrong statenent in context of

u8. sid:6'I + E-<!i i'fTqidfud Eftq :
(i) Eqi 4rdf{6 c}Frm sq A ffA t (1) Organic conpounds ale deposited in it
(2) a5cre-<fu+rsdrfrt (2) .
It is highly durable
(3) *-" gi.6fi "ii6rqffi{ gPrmdrt6{s6-fi Itconducts water and minerals efficiendy
t /
(4) It comprises dead elements with highly
(4) q'q 3i-fi;( tdF-fig-ff ftift erA Td ft{ AA t lignified u,alls

17e. +il rdrfu{ 3rg +'

O-&SFffi qq Eri silRrfii etffidr
Thalassemia ancl sickle cell anemia ate caused due
ril&qq t eqsr }. onor tIil t t#a 6qi sr
q{FI 779.
to a problem in globin molecule synthesis' Select
41tqSl the co ect statement.
(1) fi tdrfu 'ioor rirtqur e"r frrcq-* Zia A;
(1) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin
qr<q dt t t chain synthesis.

(2) +ifrdrFfi '1u-eriirdu':r+isftnvrrr*nft (2) Both are due to a quantitative defert in globin
:sqnq rra t r
chain synthesis.

q-ffiftqr.,.drei ed5+6c ffiqor+6rcrr Thalassemia is due to less syntl''esis of globin

rot t t
/ molecules.

i (1) Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative

(4) <rs alfrrsr ercwm rqitfct eq ffir-rmer*
problem of globin molecules.

180. n cq. ti-rc' 3islvp{ ri \rs drflus rior qt i :in q 180. Flowers lvhich have single ovule ilt the ovary and
:"i", t "jq {Ea * qrqq6; ffis} 61rr rrrfrra di are packed into inflorescence "reusually
(1) Water
(1) qql
(2) Bee
Q) rcq-l
(3) si3 .6 Wind

(4) Bat
(4) qqrll(s

-oOo- -oOo-


Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (3) 46. (3) 91. (1) 136. (4)
2. (4) 47. (1) 92. (1) 137. (1)
3. (4) 48. (2) 93. (3) 138. (3)
4. (3) 49. (3) 94. (3) 139. (3)
5. (4) 50. (3) 95. (3) 140. (2)
6. (2) 51. (2) 96. (4) 141. (3)
7. (3) 52. (1) 97. (4) 142. (3)
8. (2) 53. (4) 98. (3) 143. (3)
9. (2) 54. (4) 99. (3) 144. (1)
10. (4) 55. (1) 100. (1) 145. (4)
11. (1) 56. (1) 101. (2) 146. (4)
12. (3) 57. (2) 102. (4) 147. (3)
13. (4) 58. (3) 103. (4) 148. (2)
14. (4) 59. (3) 104. (1) 149. (2)
15. (2) 60. (3) 105. (4) 150. (4)
16. (2) 61. (1) 106. (1) 151. (3)
17. (2) 62. (1) 107. (2) 152. (2)
18. (3) 63. (3) 108. (4) 153. (4)
19. (3) 64. (3) 109. (2) 154. (3)
20. (4) 65. (3) 110. (4) 155. (1)
21. (4) 66. (1) 111. (3) 156. (1)
22. (1) 67. (2) 112. (3) 157. (4)
23. (2) 68. (4) 113. (1) 158. (4)
24. (2) 69. (3) 114. (3) 159. (1,2)#
25. (3) 70. (4) 115. (4) 160. (2)
26. (2) 71. (3) 116. (2) 161. (4)
27. (2) 72. (4) 117. (3) 162. (2)
28. (2) 73. (2) 118. (3) 163. (1)
29. (3) 74. (1) 119. (4) 164. (1)
30. (1) 75. (3) 120. (1) 165. (1)
31. (1) 76. (2) 121. (3) 166. (3)
32. (4) 77. (2) 122. (2) 167. (2)
33. (1,4)# 78. (2) 123. (2) 168. (2)
34. (1) 79. (1) 124. (4) 169. (3)
35. (3) 80. (2) 125. (3) 170. (4)
36. (4) 81. (3) 126. (3) 171. (1)
37. (4) 82. (2) 127. (3) 172. (3)
38. (2) 83. (1) 128. (4) 173. (3)
39. (4) 84. (2) 129. (2) 174. (3)
40. (4) 85. (2) 130. (4) 175. (3*)
41. (4) 86. (2) 131. (1) 176. (2)
42. (2) 87. (1) 132. (1) 177. (3)
43. (2) 88. (3) 133. (4) 178. (2)
44. (3) 89. (2) 134. (2) 179. (2)
45. (2) 90. (2) 135. (1) 180. (2)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 33 & 159, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (3) 46. (3) 91. (4) 136. (3)
2. (1) 47. (3) 92. (3) 137. (4)
3. (4) 48. (2) 93. (3) 138. (1)
4. (4) 49. (3) 94. (1) 139. (1)
5. (4) 50. (3) 95. (3) 140. (3)
6. (1) 51. (4) 96. (1) 141. (2)
7. (2) 52. (4) 97. (4) 142. (3)
8. (2) 53. (4) 98. (4) 143. (3)
9. (4) 54. (2) 99. (1) 144. (4)
10. (1) 55. (3) 100. (3) 145. (4)
11. (3) 56. (1) 101. (3) 146. (1)
12. (3) 57. (3) 102. (2) 147. (3)
13. (4) 58. (3) 103. (2) 148. (3)
14. (1) 59. (1) 104. (4) 149. (1)
15. (2) 60. (3) 105. (4*) 150. (1)
16. (4) 61. (2) 106. (3) 151. (1)
17. (3) 62. (1) 107. (4) 152. (1)
18. (4) 63. (4) 108. (2) 153. (2)
19. (1) 64. (4) 109. (3) 154. (3)
20. (1) 65. (2) 110. (4) 155. (1)
21. (2) 66. (3) 111. (4) 156. (1)
22. (3) 67. (1) 112. (3) 157. (3)
23. (4) 68. (2) 113. (4) 158. (4)
24. (1) 69. (2) 114. (4) 159. (2)
25. (4) 70. (4) 115. (3) 160. (1)
26. (1) 71. (2) 116. (2) 161. (1)
27. (3) 72. (4) 117. (4) 162. (3)
28. (4) 73. (3) 118. (4) 163. (4)
29. (3) 74. (4) 119. (4) 164. (3)
30. (2) 75. (4) 120. (3) 165. (2)
31. (4) 76. (3) 121. (1) 166. (3)
32. (2) 77. (4) 122. (1) 167. (1)
33. (1) 78. (4) 123. (2) 168. (3)
34. (3) 79. (2) 124. (4) 169. (4)
35. (1) 80. (4) 125. (1) 170. (1,2)#
36. (3) 81. (4) 126. (4) 171. (4)
37. (4) 82. (2) 127. (2) 172. (1)
38. (4) 83. (2) 128. (2,3)# 173. (4)
39. (1) 84. (1) 129. (1) 174. (2)
40. (1) 85. (2) 130. (1) 175. (3)
41. (2) 86. (2) 131. (1) 176. (4)
42. (1) 87. (3) 132. (3) 177. (3)
43. (4) 88. (2) 133. (2) 178. (3)
44. (4) 89. (3) 134. (2) 179. (1)
45. (3) 90. (2) 135. (3) 180. (4)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 128 & 170, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (1) 46. (1) 91. (2) 136. (1)
2. (1) 47. (3) 92. (3) 137. (3)
3. (1) 48. (2) 93. (3) 138. (2)
4. (4) 49. (4) 94. (2) 139. (3)
5. (1) 50. (4) 95. (4) 140. (1)
6. (3) 51. (2) 96. (4) 141. (1)
7. (1) 52. (2) 97. (2) 142. (2)
8. (4) 53. (2) 98. (4) 143. (2)
9. (3) 54. (1) 99. (1) 144. (3)
10. (1) 55. (4) 100. (4) 145. (1)
11. (3) 56. (1) 101. (2) 146. (4)
12. (1) 57. (2) 102. (2) 147. (4)
13. (2) 58. (2) 103. (2) 148. (4)
14. (3) 59. (1) 104. (4) 149. (4)
15. (1) 60. (1) 105. (4) 150. (2)
16. (4) 61. (1) 106. (3) 151. (2)
17. (1) 62. (3) 107. (1) 152. (1)
18. (2) 63. (1) 108. (2) 153. (1)
19. (1) 64. (4) 109. (2) 154. (2)
20. (3) 65. (3) 110. (1) 155. (1)
21. (3) 66. (3) 111. (2) 156. (4)
22. (3) 67. (4) 112. (2) 157. (1)
23. (2) 68. (4) 113. (1) 158. (1,4)#
24. (2) 69. (2) 114. (3) 159. (2*)
25. (1) 70. (1) 115. (2) 160. (3)
26. (2) 71. (3) 116. (1) 161. (2)
27. (1) 72. (2) 117. (2) 162. (1)
28. (3) 73. (1) 118. (2) 163. (3)
29. (3) 74. (4) 119. (1) 164. (3)
30. (2) 75. (3) 120. (2) 165. (4)
31. (2) 76. (3) 121. (3) 166. (3)
32. (3) 77. (2) 122. (4) 167. (1)
33. (2) 78. (1) 123. (4) 168. (2)
34. (4) 79. (1) 124. (2) 169. (4)
35. (3) 80. (1) 125. (4) 170. (2)
36. (2) 81. (4) 126. (4) 171. (1)
37. (1) 82. (4) 127. (3) 172. (2)
38. (1) 83. (2) 128. (1) 173. (4)
39. (3) 84. (3) 129. (1) 174. (2)
40. (1) 85. (2) 130. (1) 175. (2)
41. (3) 86. (2) 131. (1) 176. (3)
42. (3) 87. (3) 132. (1) 177. (3)
43. (2) 88. (3) 133. (3) 178. (2)
44. (4) 89. (3) 134. (4) 179. (2)
45. (3,4)# 90. (2) 135. (4) 180. (1)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 45 & 158, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (3) 46. (4) 91. (4) 136. (4)
2. (4) 47. (3) 92. (1) 137. (4)
3. (2) 48. (3) 93. (2) 138. (4)
4. (4) 49. (2) 94. (2) 139. (3)
5. (1) 50. (1,4) 95. (2) 140. (1)
6. (2) 51. (4) 96. (3) 141. (3)
7. (1) 52. (2) 97. (2) 142. (3)
8. (3*) 53. (4) 98. (1) 143. (2)
9. (3) 54. (4) 99. (4) 144. (1)
10. (3) 55. (4) 100. (2) 145. (4)
11. (1) 56. (1) 101. (3) 146. (3)
12. (2) 57. (4) 102. (2) 147. (2)
13. (3) 58. (2) 103. (2) 148. (1)
14. (4) 59. (4) 104. (4) 149. (2)
15. (3) 60. (3) 105. (4) 150. (3)
16. (2) 61. (3) 106. (1) 151. (1)
17. (2) 62. (2) 107. (2) 152. (2)
18. (1,2)# 63. (3) 108. (3) 153. (3)
19. (1) 64. (4) 109. (1) 154. (2)
20. (4) 65. (2) 110. (2) 155. (1)
21. (3) 66. (3) 111. (4) 156. (3)
22. (1) 67. (2) 112. (2) 157. (1)
23. (3) 68. (3) 113. (2) 158. (3)
24. (3) 69. (1) 114. (4) 159. (3)
25. (4) 70. (4) 115. (2) 160. (3)
26. (1) 71. (2) 116. (4) 161. (2)
27. (2) 72. (2) 117. (4) 162. (4)
28. (1) 73. (1) 118. (1) 163. (4)
29. (4) 74. (4) 119. (1) 164. (2)
30. (2) 75. (2) 120. (2) 165. (3)
31. (2) 76. (2) 121. (1) 166. (3)
32. (4) 77. (2) 122. (1) 167. (1)
33. (3) 78. (4) 123. (3) 168. (4)
34. (4) 79. (3) 124. (3) 169. (2)
35. (4) 80. (1) 125. (2) 170. (3)
36. (2) 81. (2) 126. (4) 171. (1)
37. (3) 82. (2) 127. (1) 172. (3)
38. (3) 83. (3) 128. (1) 173. (4)
39. (2) 84. (3) 129. (3) 174. (3)
40. (3) 85. (4) 130. (3) 175. (1)
41. (3) 86. (2) 131. (3) 176. (3)
42. (1) 87. (2) 132. (1) 177. (1)
43. (2) 88. (4) 133. (2) 178. (3)
44. (2) 89. (1) 134. (3) 179. (3)
45. (3) 90. (4) 135. (4) 180. (3)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 18 & 50, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1 (1) 46 (1) 91 (4) 136 (4)
2 (1) 47 (1) 92 (2) 137 (1)
3 (2) 48 (3) 93 (2) 138 (2)
4 (1) 49 (1) 94 (4) 139 (2)
5 (2) 50 (4) 95 (2) 140 (4)
6 (3) 51 (1) 96 (1) 141 (3)
7 (1) 52 (1) 97 (4) 142 (3)
8 (1) 53 (4) 98 (2) 143 (4)
9 (4) 54 (3) 99 (4) 144 (4)
10 (3) 55 (1) 100 (1) 145 (2)
11 (2) 56 (2) 101 (2) 146 (1)
12 (3) 57 (4) 102 (4) 147 (2)
13 (4) 58 (3) 103 (1) 148 (1)
14 (2) 59 (1) 104 (1) 149 (1)
15 (1) 60 (2) 105 (2) 150 (1)
16 (1) 61 (4) 106 (3) 151 (2)
17 (2) 62 (4) 107 (4) 152 (4)
18 (1) 63 (1) 108 (2) 153 (1)
19 (3) 64 (1) 109 (3) 154 (4)
20 (3) 65 (3) 110 (2) 155 (1)
21 (3) 66 (4) 111 (1) 156 (2)
22 (1) 67 (4) 112 (1) 157 (3,4)#
23 (4) 68 (1) 113 (2) 158 (3)
24 (3) 69 (4) 114 (2) 159 (1)
25 (2) 70 (3) 115 (4) 160 (3)
26 (2) 71 (4) 116 (2) 161 (4)
27 (3) 72 (4) 117 (4) 162 (3)
28 (3) 73 (3) 118 (2) 163 (2)
29 (3) 74 (2) 119 (1) 164 (1)
30 (2) 75 (3) 120 (4) 165 (1)
31 (4) 76 (3) 121 (1) 166 (4)
32 (4) 77 (1) 122 (4) 167 (3)
33 (2) 78 (4) 123 (2) 168 (1)
34 (1) 79 (1) 124 (4) 169 (4)
35 (4) 80 (4) 125 (4) 170 (2)
36 (2) 81 (4) 126 (4) 171 (1*)
37 (3) 82 (2) 127 (3) 172 (4)
38 (1) 83 (4) 128 (3) 173 (3)
39 (4) 84 (2) 129 (1) 174 (3)
40 (2) 85 (4) 130 (1) 175 (4)
41 (1) 86 (1) 131 (4) 176 (1)
42 (2) 87 (2) 132 (2) 177 (1)
43 (3) 88 (1) 133 (4) 178 (4)
44 (3) 89 (1) 134 (2,3)# 179 (1)
45 (4) 90 (1) 135 (3) 180 (2)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 134 & 157, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (1) 46. (3) 91. (4) 136. (3)
2. (1) 47. (4) 92. (3) 137. (1)
3. (3) 48. (4) 93. (2) 138. (2)
4. (4) 49. (4) 94. (1) 139. (4)
5. (1) 50. (2) 95. (1) 140. (3)
6. (4) 51. (3) 96. (1) 141. (4)
7. (3) 52. (4) 97. (2) 142. (4)
8. (4) 53. (4) 98. (2) 143. (4)
9. (1) 54. (3) 99. (4) 144. (1)
10. (1) 55. (3) 100. (4) 145. (3)
11. (2) 56. (3) 101. (2) 146. (1)
12. (3) 57. (2) 102. (4) 147. (2)
13. (3) 58. (3) 103. (2) 148. (4)
14. (4) 59. (1) 104. (1) 149. (4)
15. (3) 60. (1) 105. (3) 150. (3)
16. (3) 61. (3) 106. (2) 151. (1)
17. (3) 62. (3) 107. (1) 152. (4)
18. (2) 63. (3) 108. (4) 153. (3)
19. (1) 64. (2) 109. (3) 154. (2,3)#
20. (2) 65. (4) 110. (3) 155. (4)
21. (1,2)# 66. (2) 111. (3) 156. (1)
22. (3) 67. (1) 112. (3) 157. (4)
23. (4) 68. (1) 113. (4) 158. (2)
24. (3) 69. (2) 114. (2) 159. (2)
25. (1) 70. (4) 115. (2) 160. (2)
26. (1) 71. (1) 116. (1) 161. (3)
27. (3) 72. (2) 117. (4) 162. (4)
28. (4) 73. (2) 118. (3) 163. (3)
29. (1) 74. (1) 119. (1) 164. (4)
30. (1) 75. (1) 120. (3) 165. (3)
31. (2) 76. (4) 121. (1) 166. (2)
32. (4) 77. (4) 122. (1) 167. (1)
33. (4) 78. (4) 123. (4) 168. (4*)
34. (2) 79. (4) 124. (4) 169. (2)
35. (1) 80. (1) 125. (4) 170. (4)
36. (3) 81. (3) 126. (4) 171. (3)
37. (4) 82. (3) 127. (4) 172. (2)
38. (4) 83. (3) 128. (4) 173. (1)
39. (3) 84. (3) 129. (3) 174. (3)
40. (1) 85. (2) 130. (2) 175. (1)
41. (3) 86. (2) 131. (2) 176. (1)
42. (3) 87. (2) 132. (1) 177. (3)
43. (1) 88. (4) 133. (4) 178. (4)
44. (1) 89. (2) 134. (4) 179. (3)
45. (3) 90. (3) 135. (4) 180. (4)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 21 & 154, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (2) 46. (1) 91. (2) 136. (1)
2. (2) 47. (1) 92. (3) 137. (3)
3. (1) 48. (1) 93. (2) 138. (1)
4. (3) 49. (3) 94. (4) 139. (2)
5. (4) 50. (2) 95. (4) 140. (1)
6. (4) 51. (4) 96. (1) 141. (3)
7. (1) 52. (1) 97. (4) 142. (1)
8. (2) 53. (3) 98. (2) 143. (3)
9. (1) 54. (4) 99. (3) 144. (3)
10. (2) 55. (4) 100. (2) 145. (3)
11. (2) 56. (3) 101. (2) 146. (3)
12. (2) 57. (4) 102. (1) 147. (2)
13. (1) 58. (1) 103. (2) 148. (1)
14. (4) 59. (1) 104. (4) 149. (1)
15. (2) 60. (1) 105. (1) 150. (1)
16. (2) 61. (1) 106. (3) 151. (1)
17. (3) 62. (3) 107. (1) 152. (3)
18. (4) 63. (3) 108. (3) 153. (2)
19. (4) 64. (2) 109. (4) 154. (2)
20. (3) 65. (2) 110. (1) 155. (4)
21. (1) 66. (2) 111. (1) 156. (3)
22. (1) 67. (2) 112. (1) 157. (3,4)#
23. (3) 68. (2) 113. (2) 158. (3)
24. (2) 69. (4) 114. (4) 159. (1)
25. (3) 70. (4) 115. (3) 160. (1)
26. (2*) 71. (4) 116. (4) 161. (3)
27. (1) 72. (4) 117. (3) 162. (1)
28. (1) 73. (1) 118. (2) 163. (1)
29. (1) 74. (1) 119. (1) 164. (4)
30. (2) 75. (2) 120. (3) 165. (2)
31. (4) 76. (2) 121. (4) 166. (3)
32. (2) 77. (1) 122. (2) 167. (2)
33. (2) 78. (4) 123. (2) 168. (1)
34. (3) 79. (4) 124. (3) 169. (3)
35. (1) 80. (2) 125. (3) 170. (1)
36. (2) 81. (2) 126. (4) 171. (4)
37. (1) 82. (1) 127. (2) 172. (4)
38. (1,4)# 83. (1) 128. (2) 173. (2)
39. (4) 84. (1) 129. (2) 174. (1)
40. (2) 85. (2) 130. (4) 175. (2)
41. (1) 86. (2) 131. (2) 176. (3)
42. (3) 87. (1) 132. (3) 177. (4)
43. (3) 88. (3) 133. (3) 178. (2)
44. (3) 89. (3) 134. (2) 179. (2)
45. (4) 90. (2) 135. (4) 180. (3)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 38 & 157, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (2) 46. (3) 91. (2) 136. (3)
2. (2) 47. (1) 92. (4) 137. (2)
3. (2) 48. (2) 93. (3) 138. (4)
4. (1) 49. (3) 94. (3) 139. (2)
5. (3) 50. (3) 95. (2) 140. (2)
6. (1) 51. (3) 96. (1) 141. (1)
7. (3) 52. (2) 97. (2) 142. (4)
8. (2) 53. (2) 98. (4) 143. (2)
9. (1) 54. (1) 99. (1) 144. (2)
10. (1) 55. (2) 100. (3*) 145. (4)
11. (1) 56. (3) 101. (1) 146. (3)
12. (2) 57. (3) 102. (1,2)# 147. (2)
13. (4) 58. (3) 103. (2) 148. (2)
14. (3) 59. (1) 104. (3) 149. (1)
15. (1) 60. (4) 105. (4) 150. (2)
16. (4) 61. (4) 106. (1) 151. (2)
17. (2) 62. (3) 107. (3) 152. (4)
18. (4) 63. (1) 108. (3) 153. (4)
19. (1) 64. (2) 109. (2) 154. (2)
20. (2) 65. (3) 110. (3) 155. (2)
21. (3) 66. (4) 111. (2) 156. (4)
22. (2) 67. (1) 112. (2) 157. (3)
23. (3) 68. (3) 113. (2) 158. (3)
24. (3) 69. (3) 114. (4) 159. (1,4)#
25. (3) 70. (1) 115. (3) 160. (3)
26. (3) 71. (3) 116. (1) 161. (1)
27. (2) 72. (2) 117. (1) 162. (3)
28. (1) 73. (2) 118. (4) 163. (4)
29. (1) 74. (3) 119. (4) 164. (2)
30. (4) 75. (4) 120. (2) 165. (4)
31. (4) 76. (4) 121. (4) 166. (1)
32. (3) 77. (4) 122. (3) 167. (3)
33. (4) 78. (3) 123. (3) 168. (1)
34. (4) 79. (4) 124. (3) 169. (4)
35. (2) 80. (4) 125. (4) 170. (4)
36. (2) 81. (1) 126. (3) 171. (4)
37. (3) 82. (4) 127. (3) 172. (2)
38. (4) 83. (3) 128. (3) 173. (4)
39. (1) 84. (3) 129. (2) 174. (3)
40. (1) 85. (3) 130. (4) 175. (2)
41. (2) 86. (1) 131. (1) 176. (4)
42. (1) 87. (3) 132. (3) 177. (3)
43. (2) 88. (2) 133. (2) 178. (2)
44. (1) 89. (4) 134. (1) 179. (4)
45. (2) 90. (2) 135. (2) 180. (3)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 102 & 159, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (1) 46. (1) 91. (4) 136. (1)
2. (3) 47. (1) 92. (1) 137. (2)
3. (1) 48. (2) 93. (4) 138. (1)
4. (4) 49. (4) 94. (4) 139. (2)
5. (2) 50. (1) 95. (2) 140. (1)
6. (4) 51. (3) 96. (2) 141. (3)
7. (3) 52. (3) 97. (1) 142. (4)
8. (4) 53. (4) 98. (1) 143. (1)
9. (2) 54. (1) 99. (4) 144. (4)
10. (2) 55. (1) 100. (2) 145. (4)
11. (1) 56. (1) 101. (1) 146. (2)
12. (4) 57. (1) 102. (1) 147. (1)
13. (4) 58. (4) 103. (3) 148. (4)
14. (1) 59. (2) 104. (2) 149. (2)
15. (1) 60. (4) 105. (1) 150. (3)
16. (4) 61. (3) 106. (4) 151. (4)
17. (4) 62. (1) 107. (2) 152. (3)
18. (4) 63. (3) 108. (2) 153. (1)
19. (2) 64. (1) 109. (2) 154. (1)
20. (2) 65. (1) 110. (1) 155. (3)
21. (3) 66. (1) 111. (2) 156. (1)
22. (2) 67. (1) 112. (4) 157. (2)
23. (2) 68. (2) 113. (3) 158. (4)
24. (1) 69. (1) 114. (2,3)# 159. (1)
25. (3) 70. (3) 115. (4) 160. (2)
26. (3) 71. (4) 116. (2) 161. (2)
27. (2) 72. (2) 117. (2) 162. (4)
28. (4) 73. (4) 118. (3) 163. (4)
29. (3) 74. (1) 119. (4) 164. (1)
30. (4) 75. (1) 120. (4) 165. (1)
31. (2) 76. (1) 121. (2) 166. (3)
32. (3) 77. (3) 122. (2) 167. (4)
33. (1) 78. (4) 123. (4) 168. (4)
34. (4) 79. (2) 124. (4) 169. (3)
35. (4) 80. (1) 125. (4) 170. (4)
36. (2) 81. (1) 126. (2) 171. (4)
37. (3) 82. (3) 127. (4) 172. (3)
38. (3) 83. (4) 128. (1) 173. (1)
39. (1) 84. (3) 129. (2) 174. (1*)
40. (1) 85. (3) 130. (4) 175. (2)
41. (4) 86. (3) 131. (1) 176. (3,4)#
42. (4) 87. (3) 132. (3) 177. (3)
43. (1) 88. (3) 133. (4) 178. (1)
44. (2) 89. (2) 134. (1) 179. (2)
45. (2) 90. (4) 135. (3) 180. (1)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 114 & 176, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (4) 46. (4) 91. (4) 136. (3)
2. (3) 47. (4) 92. (2) 137. (2)
3. (3) 48. (3) 93. (4) 138. (4)
4. (4) 49. (4) 94. (2) 139. (4)
5. (1) 50. (1) 95. (3) 140. (1)
6. (4) 51. (4) 96. (2) 141. (3)
7. (1) 52. (3) 97. (2) 142. (3)
8. (3) 53. (3) 98. (4) 143. (2)
9. (2) 54. (3) 99. (1) 144. (2)
10. (3) 55. (4) 100. (1) 145. (4)
11. (2) 56. (3) 101. (2) 146. (3)
12. (1) 57. (3) 102. (1) 147. (3)
13. (2) 58. (1) 103. (3) 148. (1)
14. (4) 59. (2) 104. (4) 149. (2)
15. (3) 60. (1) 105. (1) 150. (3)
16. (1) 61. (3) 106. (4) 151. (3)
17. (4) 62. (1) 107. (4) 152. (1)
18. (2) 63. (2) 108. (4) 153. (2)
19. (4) 64. (4) 109. (4) 154. (3)
20. (1) 65. (1) 110. (1) 155. (1)
21. (2) 66. (4) 111. (4) 156. (2)
22. (4) 67. (1) 112. (4) 157. (3)
23. (1) 68. (4) 113. (1) 158. (2)
24. (4) 69. (2) 114. (4) 159. (4)
25. (4) 70. (1) 115. (2) 160. (3)
26. (3) 71. (3) 116. (3) 161. (1)
27. (3) 72. (3) 117. (2) 162. (3)
28. (3) 73. (2) 118. (2) 163. (4)
29. (4) 74. (1) 119. (1) 164. (3)
30. (1) 75. (3) 120. (3) 165. (1)
31. (3) 76. (3) 121. (3) 166. (2)
32. (4*) 77. (1,2)# 122. (1) 167. (2)
33. (2) 78. (1) 123. (4) 168. (3)
34. (1) 79. (1) 124. (4) 169. (1)
35. (4) 80. (1) 125. (4) 170. (4)
36. (2) 81. (2) 126. (3) 171. (3)
37. (2,3)# 82. (1) 127. (3) 172. (1)
38. (1) 83. (3) 128. (4) 173. (2)
39. (2) 84. (3) 129. (4) 174. (1)
40. (3) 85. (1) 130. (4) 175. (4)
41. (4) 86. (3) 131. (2) 176. (2)
42. (4) 87. (4) 132. (4) 177. (1)
43. (3) 88. (3) 133. (4) 178. (4)
44. (4) 89. (1) 134. (3) 179. (4)
45. (3) 90. (4) 135. (3) 180. (2)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 37 & 77, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727



Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer Q.No. Answer
1. (4) 46. (4) 91. (2) 136. (2)
2. (4) 47. (3) 92. (2) 137. (2)
3. (1) 48. (1) 93. (1) 138. (3,4)#
4. (2) 49. (3) 94. (1) 139. (2)
5. (2) 50. (4) 95. (1) 140. (1)
6. (2) 51. (1) 96. (2) 141. (2)
7. (2) 52. (3) 97. (1) 142. (2)
8. (2) 53. (3) 98. (2) 143. (1)
9. (2) 54. (1) 99. (1) 144. (4)
10. (2) 55. (4) 100. (2) 145. (4)
11. (2) 56. (1) 101. (1) 146. (3)
12. (2) 57. (4) 102. (4) 147. (1)
13. (1) 58. (1) 103. (2) 148. (1)
14. (2) 59. (2) 104. (1) 149. (4)
15. (1) 60. (1) 105. (2) 150. (3)
16. (3) 61. (2) 106. (1) 151. (2)
17. (1) 62. (1) 107. (3) 152. (3)
18. (4) 63. (2) 108. (3) 153. (3)
19. (4) 64. (4) 109. (3) 154. (1)
20. (1) 65. (2) 110. (3) 155. (2)
21. (2) 66. (3) 111. (3) 156. (1)
22. (3) 67. (1) 112. (2) 157. (3)
23. (4) 68. (2) 113. (2*) 158. (1)
24. (2) 69. (2) 114. (3) 159. (3)
25. (3) 70. (3) 115. (1) 160. (1)
26. (4) 71. (4) 116. (1,4)# 161. (1)
27. (1) 72. (1) 117. (4) 162. (1)
28. (2) 73. (1) 118. (4) 163. (1)
29. (4) 74. (2) 119. (3) 164. (3)
30. (1) 75. (4) 120. (1) 165. (3)
31. (4) 76. (3) 121. (2) 166. (3)
32. (2) 77. (2) 122. (4) 167. (1)
33. (3) 78. (4) 123. (2) 168. (3)
34. (1) 79. (3) 124. (3) 169. (2)
35. (4) 80. (1) 125. (1) 170. (1)
36. (3) 81. (4) 126. (4) 171. (2)
37. (4) 82. (4) 127. (4) 172. (1)
38. (3) 83. (2) 128. (3) 173. (4)
39. (4) 84. (3) 129. (4) 174. (3)
40. (2) 85. (1) 130. (2) 175. (3)
41. (1) 86. (3) 131. (2) 176. (4)
42. (3) 87. (2) 132. (4) 177. (2)
43. (2) 88. (1) 133. (2) 178. (1)
44. (2) 89. (3) 134. (2) 179. (3)
45. (2) 90. (1) 135. (1) 180. (3)
Though every care has been taken to provide the answers correctly but the Institute shall not be responsible for
any typographical error, if any.
Q.No. 116 & 138, as per the question statement and facts given in the question, there are two possible answers for this question. Both answers have
been indicated in the answers sheet.
* As per the question statement and facts given in the question, none of the options given is 100% correct. However, the closest acceptable answer
has been indicated in the answers sheet.

Two Year Integrated Classroom Course Regular Course
for for
For Class XI studying students For Class XII passed students

Admission cum Scholarship Test (ACST) Date: 14th May, 2017

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456
Toll Free: 1800-102-2727, 1800-180-2727


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