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If you want to donate to the

Cystic Fibrosis
Cystic Fibrosis foundation you
can do so at:

Just Breathe
Cystic Fibrosis

*Treatment can help, but CF Foundation

can not be cured*

4550 Montgomery Ave
Suit 1100 N
Bethesda, MD 20814

Tel: 301-951-4422
What is it?
Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive,
genetic disease that causes per-
sistent lung infections and limits
the ability to breathe over time.

When people have CF, a thick,


Salty tasting skin

Persistent coughing

Frequent lung infections, in-

Treatments are tailored specifical-
ly for each person. Some treat-
ments examples include:

Airway Clearance to help loos-

sticky buildup of mucus ends up cluding bronchitis and pneu-
en and get rid of the thick mu-
in the lungs, pancreas, and other monia
cus in the lungs
major organs.
Wheezing or shortness of
When the mucus builds up in the Inhaled medicine to open the
lungs, it blocks the airway and airways or thin the mucus
traps bacteria in, which then Poor growth or weight gain
Pancreatic enzyme supple-
leads to infections, lung dam-
ment to improve the absorp-
age, and eventually respiratory
tion of vital nutrients
failure. When mucus builds up in
the pancreas, it stops the release Statistics
More than 30,000 people in
the US are living with CF

More than 75% of people with

CF are diagnosed by age 2

More than half the Cf popula-

tion is 18 or older.

of digestive enzymes that allows

the body to break down food.

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