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Globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity.

As mass communication and transport continue to grow, societies are becoming more and more alike
leading to globalization. Some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of
cultural identity.

Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Take a stand and build up your argument.

Globalization a topic of heated argument, with as many likes, as its dislike. Both like and dislike have their
own requisites and measures. Globalization has its own importance in terms of economic development and
race for power. But its not always welcomed by those who love to keep up our culture and dignity.

People adapting to the western culture does not necessarily mean getting away with their civilization. Every
culture has its good and bad virtues. It is completely on an individual whether what to absorb and take into
practises in life. The point of utmost importance is not to betray our own culture, by flowing away with the
glittering charm of other society and culture.

Talking of the positive attitudes for the globalization, it has a deep rooted stand in economic growth of the
nation. The growing trans-communication in different ways viz. tele-communications like Internet, emails, calls
and video-calling, chats, along with the advancement in the various routes of transportation have made the
world come closer. The families could easily interact and converse with their children abroad. We can know
the latest day-to-day advancements in technology and keep up with the pace of the world. Our people have
very well grown up with the inter-personal skills, much confident to go hand-in-hand with anyone from any part
of the world.

India has its own charm, as nowhere in the world has the tradition of joint families, the affection and bonding
within the relationships /families has always a stand in the world. The respect to the women and the way of
handling the physical relationship with immense respect and integrity has been a beauty among us Indians.
The vivid culture, language, traditions, right from the dance forms to the food ingredients and delicacies, all
within the same country and everyone marching in a united way to portraying themselves as one unit India, is
always amazing and astonishing feature for everyone outside our country.

Still, when we go to the dark aspect of this globalization, it has blinded our youth regarding our own richness
of culture. Our nation which had always been an ever-shining star for its rich culture and civilization, is now
facing a downfall due to the import of westernization into our culture. Globalisation has helped us to cope up
with the advancing science, but where on earth has our emotions and bonding gone?

Youth today is just concentrating to top the financial market; they dont have time to spend with their family,
kids for whom they are striving hard day and night. We have forgotten that money can get us anything, but not
the true love and innocence. We have engrossed ourselves to the technology to the extent that we are failing
to respect the relationship. Charm of glittering designation and gadgets have faded the importance of the
elders in the family. We dont realize dis-respecting elderly people in the fake prestige of technology and ego
of being literate. All this is nothing but the blackened gift to us by the globalization.

Its not only the globalization but the blinded youth brains that is digging our culture. We have false ego to
project, but lack a wise brain to implement it for the betterment of our economy, promoting the agricultural
sector and rural class. Our focus is just to gain a good word from the mouth of the foreigner, though we are
receiving continuous criticism from our own men.

We have failed to respect the unity in diversity, projecting different rallies and demanding own region to be
split further. Where has the unity gone, why are we seeking a split in our states? Last but definitely not the
least is the status of women in Indian society today. We have not only blackened our face within our own
nation but worldwide, by dis-respecting and assaulting women from different countries, who have visited India
with the faith of gaining respect. Women have been downtrodden and today women lack safety in their own
country. What else can be more shameful than this? Thinking deeply makes us realize that its we who have
permitted pubs, disco, night outs so openly, and the liberty is being misused now.

These aspects of globalization definitely need to be blacklisted at the earliest. Its the need of hour; we need
to realize this high time and start educating our children right from the childhood the art of deriving good
virtues, thereby maintaining our own uniqueness. Lets join hands to save our nation and culture from getting

RE: Globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of cultural identity. -rishika jalanr (04/12/14)
Globalization is the word which has managed to connect the all the parts of the world with each other. Through its integrated
network of trade and commerce and transport and communication it has linked all the corners of the world. Though the aim
behind this is to connect and merge all the cultures of the world but unfortunately it is the reason behind the weakening of
cultural bonds between communities and also leads to the loss of cultural identity. Though with the help of globalization
people stay connected with each other 24x7 but it also makes one forget their own values and traditions. In a country like
India which is known for its rich cultural background and traditions, the youth here are busy adopting the western traditions
and are forgetting their own values. The respect to elders, the love for family and dedication to work is missing in todays life
and everyone is busing with their own materialistic life. Although globalization has played an immense role towards the
economic growth of our country, but when its dark side is witnessed we get to know that a great amount of cultural identity
and traditional values have been lost, which cannot be regained through any amount of economic prosperity.

We are living in a flat world where any geographical separation becomes irrelevant.
Under global forces, societies are on the way to transform to be closer together and to
share many things in common. A new style of fashion in a Korean movie is quickly
adapted in Vietnam and several other cultures. Western civilization is sweeping over
developing countries, affecting the surface of culture and leading to remarkable changes
in the behavior and thinking of a certain number of people. Does the globalization results
in the loss of cultural identity? Thats a question I try to search for an answer.

It is understood to see that a cultural loss seems to be apparent in some of communities

where the cultural main stream is so weak. Many communities living in Africa and South
America abandon their mother tongues to speak English or another language of the
dominant culture. Many are far too pessimistic to think that if this trend keeps going on,
the global diversity of cultural identities will be lost forever. To me personally,
globalization is natural evolution of mankind and cultural identities are as present as

Cultural identity or cultural main stream is established upon core values that are shared
and improved for a long time of development of a society. These values include language,
system of belief, genetic traits, literature, customs and habits and many other values that
make one community different from the others. Cultural identity is formed on much
more than a Hollywood film we watch, several economic benefits we earn or a fashion
trend we adapt from other cultures. English, for example is an important and popular
foreign language in my country Vietnam due to its economic benefits it brings about to
those who speak fluently. However, Vietnamese mother tongue never disappears or
looses because of its valuable quintessence, rich nuance and aesthetic values that many
Vietnamese generations have built. Another example can be seen clearly between
American and Vietnamese culture. Although American culture influences upon the way
the young Vietnamese behave and has some impacts on the old system of habits and
customs, Vietnamese identity is still intact. For example, American values are based on
individual freedom and hard-working. The Vietnamese, on the other hand, tend to build
values on spending more leisure time for family and taking care children and reaching a
communal consensus rather than an individual decision.

As far as I am concerned, globalization is a chance for many nations to transform to a

civilized nation with a refreshed system of values and identities, I dont believe in the
assumption that this new trend is cause of disappearance of cultural identity.
As mass communication and transport continue to grow societies are becoming more and more alike leading to
phenomenon known as globalization, some people fear that globalization will inevitably lead to the total loss of
culture identity.

To what extend do you agree o disagree?


It is obvious fact that predominantly countries in the world experience a phenomenon namely globalization which is
effort to improve quality of life such expand public facilities include transportation and communication. Most of folks tend
to feel that it can influence and cause culture identity become disappear. In my view, I partially agree due to the fact that
globalization probably can help local culture each country such in promotion side, it would be faded if people cannot
face the globalization judiciously.

To begin with, undeniable that globalization playing an immense role to develop cultures in each country in the world,
particularly make a culture become famous in foreign country. It tends to help to promote the local culture in widespread
area. In addition, people might be effortless to studying culture each other due to the advance of communication
transport, with devices now able to communicate long distance. Culture also can improve tolerance and unity between
person and others. Evidence of this can be seen with harmony of religious community life in the world and increasing of
respect's values such pluralism matter.

However, the effect of presence globalization has not all been positive. In my notion for future life or long-terms impact,
it seems imbalance between globalization and culture. Take example to Betawi traditional culture in Indonesia which is
well known Ondel-ondel toys. In my opinion Ondel-ondel is impressive culture of society who living in Jakarta. Because
of predominantly people adopt modern culture from a certain country it cannot be seen more often these days. As a
result people tend to go with the stream and it is definitely causes them neglected their own cultures. There is no doubt
that people had less nationalism, respects, and loss their identity.

To sum up, despite the fact that there are benefits to the culture regards for adopting the globalization, I believe that
these solely help the culture become more popular in other countries. It is unlikely that easy to getting loose from this
situation, so folks should be smart and it is my hope if they want to follow a trend which is part of the globalization.

One of the problems with living in North America is the fact that we are living in a multi-cultural society that has always
had our little ethnic communities, but for the most part, both Canada and the United States have been a cultural
hodgepodge of nationalities and races from all over the globe.

In this sense, the New World has always seen its struggles to maintain cultural identities but it has always been
assumed that these neighborhoods, these communities of people from a similar background, would keep their own
cultures going strong.
A couple of good examples would be the Latino population of Cubans in South Florida and the multi-national Jewish
communities in and around NYC. But with the advent of satellite TV and the Internet, the entire world is now part of a
global society that is feeling the birth pangs that we felt as a new nation almost 250 years ago. Now the question seems
to be if this globalization is creating an environment in which individuals are losing their sense of self because they have
no actual culture to cling to.


Throughout history there have been a number of times when the Jewish peoples were dispersed to other nations,
typically as a result of anti-Semitism. The most recent major diaspora began just prior to the onset of WWII when
Hitlers persecution of the Jews caused many to flee Germany. This event continued through the war and even after the
allies defeated the Nazis, freeing any remaining prisoners from concentration camps in Europe. A large segment of the
Jewish population from that era were exiled to NYC and to this day their families reside in neighborhoods that have
always been seen as their communities.

However, as time goes on, it is evident that the whole cultural identity of European Jews is being diluted due to the
proximity of other cultural influences and now even more so due to the Internet. It is becoming increasingly difficult for
rabbis and parents to pass down Jewish teachings to their children because schools and peers are teaching a different
perspective altogether.


The 20th Century also saw a diaspora of another kind right on the heels of the Jewish exodus from Europe during and
after WWII, the Cuban exiles beginning with Fidel Castros violent rise to power in the 1950s. However, in South Florida
where the Cuban community is strong, cultural diversity has remained strong partly because of the language barrier.

Even so, 21st Century Latinos are being more easily assimilated into the larger community and many of the old timers
see a gradual merging of cultures that which the United States has managed to develop over the past two-and-a-half
centuries with their Cuban heritage they brought along with them over the past 75 years.

With global communications and travel now so readily available, even those tight-knit communities are suffering the
consequences of globalization. Todays youth is finding it increasingly difficult to identify with their cultures to form a
sense of self due to this intermingling with all peoples from all ethnicities and all walks of life. Sociologists have much
work ahead of them in studying the effects of globalization on self-identity but at the moment, it appears to be a major
factor in why so many of our young people are having trouble forming a sense of self.

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