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CHECKLIST FOR BUILDING PLANS nameorappricanr ...o&eH she ede! 12. 42@, Aor one le LOCATION OF SITE lo ‘ CMON REFERENCE NO. 4S. Fe RMS & PLANS TO SUBMITTED, 1. Local Health Authority Form ~ Building Application = (a) Signatures of applicant oT 2. Local Health Authority Form ~ Water closet Application or (a) Signatures of applicant ‘ ao 3. Location Plan or 4, Site Plan or 5. Floor Plan + Clues. a 6, Cross-Section Drawing A arnehinn chanter ~ a 7. Septic Tank\Soeieaway Ritieabbie Dreit-detail drawings 8 Approved Layout is submitted Gane LOCATION PLANS 1. Name of Street\Road a 2. Lot number indicated a 3. Cardinal point ~ arrow showing north indicated a SITE PLAN 1. Dimensions of the site indicated (ST wi! ay fo 2. Lot number indicated oa 3. Area of the site indicated cafe 4, Adjoining lot numbers\names of owners indicated ca ao 5. Cardinal points indicated car 6. Road name indicated cr 7. Drains or drain reserve indicated pay 8. Final outfall indicated rane 9. Size, type and direction of flow of propose drainage around the building CH No 10. Size, type and direction of flow of outfall drain caro 11, Setback of the building line to (a) Road indicated wa (b) Rear boundary indicated cr (c) Side boundary indicated fae fanthag cr 12. Type of sewage treatment system (STIBABIRR) indica indicated cette 13, Dimensions of the Septic Tank, in indicated =o “C8 14, Distance of the STISAP & RD to boundaries ( minimum 4°to boundary) aqtlo FLOOR PLANS 1. Rooms (@) Are the room numbered cer (0) Dimensions for each room stated Ga (©) Are the room properly laid out CH he (@) Laundry area identified aa (1. Access to the laundry is not via the kitchen cartes (©) Is the toilet venting into kitchen catlo 2. Size of habitable rooms not less than 100sq feet mo 3. Ventilation of the rooms not less than 10% of floor area +) Hewea = (a) Size of fixed ventilation indicated and not less than 5% of floor area mn he 4. Ventilation for water closet area indicated. cor (a) Extractor fans indicated for internal water closets MY conmlé 5, Overall dimension for each room stated cet 6. The cutting plan for the cross section drawing is indicated cer (a) Does cutting plane correspond to cross section drawing, cor 7. Window dimensions indicated Ano 8, Two means of egress indicated mn vst Sleoe pate (a) Smoke detectors of two means of egress for first floor aq Neo ELEVATION DRAWINGS 1. Elevations are properly labeled and corresponds to floor plan ce 2. Window dimensions indicated cs flo 3. Vent pipes indicated cae CROSS SECTION DRAWINGS 1. Corresponds to cutting plane on floor pla 2. Indicates foundation to roof SEWAGE TREATMENT DATAILS DRAWINGS Geom We Eater Tronth Sry . 1. Rubble drain is indicated 2. Inlet depth -5°0” indicated 3. Outlet depth 4°0” indicated

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