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1.01. The name of the Club shall be Human Rights Club.
2.01. The purpose of the Club shall be to empower high school students with the knowledge, skills, and
organizational support they need to advocate for global human rights, equality, and universal access to
2.02. The Club is in existence to enable the next generation of leaders to turn knowledge into action.
2.03. The purpose, activities, and practices of the Club shall not be in conflict with applicable local,
North Carolina state or federal laws, or Ardrey Kell High School policies and procedures presently in force or
hereafter enacted.
2.04. Hazing, participation in hazing, or committing any act that causes or is likely to cause bodily
danger, physical harm, mental anguish, or personal degradation or disgrace resulting in physical or mental harm
to any fellow student or person attending Ardrey Kell High School shall be prohibited.
3.01. The Officers of the Club shall consist of two Presidents, a Fundraising Chair, an Events
Coordinator, a Secretary, and an Inter-Club Council Representative who shall constitute the Executive Board of
the Club.
3.02. The duties and responsibilities of the Presidents shall be to plan and maintain a Club meeting
schedule, develop agenda for and facilitate all meetings, oversee the work of the other Club Officers, coordinate
with the Club secretary to send reminders of meetings and events, lead the Club in the recruitment of new
members, maintain frequent contact with the Club advisor, facilitate the completion of all surveys and forms,
represent the Club at all Ardrey Kell High School events and activities and the larger community, and ensure
the Club participates in all Ardrey Kell High School events and activities.
3.03. The duties and responsibilities of the Fundraising Chair shall be to assist Club members in
organizing and running the Clubs fundraising-based activities and events, including the Clubs Student
Advocacy Projects, coordinate the collection of money during any event with the Events Coordinator, maintain
accurate records of all money raised and ensures safekeeping of those funds during the year, in addition to the
most beneficial use of the funds, submit all funds to the Faculty Advisor, and evaluate and record observations
of all fundraising activities and provide suggestions for improvement to the Faculty Advisor & Club Officers.
3.04. The duties and responsibilities of the Events Coordinator shall be to oversee Club events, including
Mini-Fundraisers and Student Advocacy Events, coordinate Club members to work on all event logistics,
including materials needed, set up, clean up, volunteers needed, and event schedule, submit space requests as
needed, coordinate donations, including food donations, and paper products, communicate directly with guest
speakers or other individuals with speaking or leadership roles during the event, produce marketing plan with
Secretary for all social media advertising, coordinate the collection of money during the event with the
Fundraising Chair, and delegate, with the Secretary, all Club members to do event marketing, including creation
and posting of flyers, social media events, announcements, and RSVPs.
3.05. The duties and responsibilities of the Secretary shall be to maintain current and accurate Club
Membership Roster with names, phone numbers, email addresses, officer positions, and graduation years,
facilitate email, texts, and other notifications to Club members regarding meeting dates, activities, and events,
record attendance at all Club meetings and events, record and submits all Club meeting minutes, coordinate
with the Club Presidents and Events Coordinator to recruit new members, publicize meetings, activities, and
events, and submit updates to the Club Presidents.
3.06. The duties and responsibilities of the Inter-Club Council Representative shall be to act as the
liaison between the Ardrey Kell High School Inter-Club Council and the Club, monitor social media groups for
updates from Ardrey Kell High School, attend and take notes from each Inter-Club Council meeting, participate
thoughtfully at each Inter-Club Council meeting and in the best interest of the Club, share Inter-Club Council
announcements with fellow Officers and Club, and communicate directly with Ardrey Kell High School staff
regarding Inter-Club Council meetings, including, but not limited to, Club responsibilities, announcements
made at meetings, and Club questions.
3.07. The Club is required to have a full-time faculty or staff member as their advisor. The advisor shall
serve as an ex-officio member of the Club. Ex-officio members shall serve only in a non-voting capacity.
4.01. The officers shall be elected by ballot at the last meeting of the spring semester by a majority of
the vote cast for that office.
4.02. Each Member shall have one vote.
4.03. There shall be no absentee or proxy voting with respect to any matter.
4.04. All motions require an affirmative vote of a simple majority of the Membership to be effective.
5.01. Membership shall be open to all Ardrey Kell High School students and must comply with federal
laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, sex, handicap, age, sexual orientation, or political or
religious affiliation. Compliance with these laws means that membership, benefits, and the election of officers
will not be made on the basis of these factors.
5.02. The Club shall maintain a membership of at least twenty-five fully matriculated Ardrey Kell High
School students.
5.03. Other members of the Ardrey Kell High School community (defined as current faculty, staff,
administrators, and alumni) may attend the Clubs meetings and activities, but may not conduct business on
behalf of the Club, vote, hold positions of responsibility, including but not limited, to elected, appointed, or
volunteer positions, or be involved in the finances of the Club.
5.04. Membership in the Club shall be determined by attendance of eighty percent of meetings of the
5.05. All Members shall have equal rights and privileges with respect to membership, holding an office,
and participating in the election of the Officers of the Club.
6.01. A quorum shall exist at any Meeting of the Membership where at least fifty percent of the
Members are in attendance.
6.02. Actions requiring a vote may only take place when a quorum is present. The Secretary shall record
the votes and announce the outcome. They shall also maintain records related to the vote including procedures
for voting and the vote count.
6.03. General Meetings of the Club shall be held at least once a month at such time and place to be
determined by a President.
6.04. A Special Meeting of the Membership shall be called upon written request to a President of at least
twenty-five percent of the Members.
6.05. All Members shall be notified via Remind of any Meeting and the nature of the business to be
transacted there at least one week before such Meeting. No Meeting shall be called with the intent to exclude
any one Member or any portion of the Membership.
6.06. The Executive Committee of the Club shall meet at least once before any Meeting of the
Membership at such time and place to be determined by a President. At such Meetings of the Executive
Committee, a quorum shall be deemed to be the attendance of any three members of the Executive Committee.
The Presidents shall preside over this meeting. One President shall preside over the meeting when the other
President is unable to attend the meeting.
7.01. This Constitution may be amended or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Members of
the Club.
7.02. Any amendment to this Constitution shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof for all
7.03. This Constitution and any amendments and changes hereto shall be filed by the Club with the
Inter-Club Council and shall be available to any Member of the Club for inspection.
7.04. The Constitution on file with the Inter-Club Council shall be the official Constitution of the Club.

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