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1 PAGE 51 SUMMARY: Information on board;
Topic: Introducing a Mystery discussion (student interaction);
-LANGUAGE FEATURES brain storming (mind mapping);
Chronology writing task
Factual Details the days topic and
Opinions instruction will be provided
on the board
-WRITING ASSIGNMENT students will be warmed up
Write a mystery story, following to the lesson with an
the style of Twenty Thousand interactive discussion, where
Leagues (the comprehension their views and ideas will be
that was done earlier this week) used to develop a sample
o think of a series of idea of their writing task
mysterious events then, students will be
o describe what people encouraged to spend 5 mins
generally agree that to brain storm and use the
they have seen mind mapping technique to
o include factual details- plan their essay/story
times, dates, places, etc. the remaining time will be
o recount the different spent in completing their
opinions people have as writing task
to what it is all about if students are not able to
Word limit: 350-400 words complete during class hour,
they will be asked to
complete the task over the
weekend and submit on
2 PAGE 57 SUMMARY: Information on board;
Topic: Point of view discussion (student interaction);
-LANGUAGE FEATURES brain storming (mind mapping);
Conversational tone Writing task
Writing in the first person
Humour the days topic and
The mysterious narrator instruction will be provided
on the board
-WRITING ASSIGNMENT during the discussion
Choose a well-known story. It students will be encouraged
can be: to choose from popular
o A myth or a legend stories they already know.
o A fairy tale For example, Cinderella,
o A story from the Hercules, Prophet
bible/Quran Yunus/Jonah, etc.
Tell the story from the 1st person Engage students by asking
POV of a human or an animal them to explain what they
who should not have been there. understand POV.
You should: then, students will be
o Write in a conversational encouraged to spend 5 mins
tone as if you are to brain storm and use the
speaking directly to the mind mapping technique to
reader plan their essay/story
o Keep your own identity a the remaining time will be
mystery spent in completing their
o Set the record straight- writing task
the popular account is if students are not able to
NOT how things really complete during class hour,
happened! they will be asked to
Word limit: 350-400 complete the task over the
weekend and submit on


3 PAGE 157 SUMMARY: Information on board;

Topic: Writing to Explain Explanation of topic; take notes;
-LANGUAGE FEATURES Brain storming; Writing task
Organisation The days topic and instruction
Tense will be provided on the board
The topic will be broken down &
-WRITING ASSIGNMENT explained in a manner that will
Look at the picture opposite. Imagine be easy for ALL the students to
you were involved in the rescue of grasp.
the black rhino in Operation Noah.
Write a report to explain how the Students will be provided with a
rescue was done. You will need to format of what they are
include: supposed to do and follow-of
o An introductory para to make which they will make notes
it clear what you are They will also be provided with a
explaining sample made by the teacher- for
o Following paragraphs to reference as to what is expected
explain the steps of the of them
rescue Students will commence with
In your report use: the classwork
o Sub-headings for the stages of
the rescue,
e.g. Spotting the black rhino,
Making a plan, The rescue
o The past tense, as the rescue
is now finished.
Word limit: 120- 150

4 PAGE 169 SUMMARY: Information on board;

Topic: Feature Article Explanation of topic; take notes;
-LANGUAGE FEATURES Brain storming; Writing task
Explanation The days topic and instruction
Illustrations will be provided on the board
Interview style The topic will be broken down &
explained in a manner that will
-WRITING ASSIGNMENT be easy for ALL the students to
Look at the pictures opposite and grasp.
research one of the following topics Students will be provided with a
o The finding of the Marie format of what they are
Celeste supposed to do
o The sinking of the Titanic They will also be provided with a
Write a feature article which sample made by the teacher
includes: Students will commence with
o Information the classwork
o Explanation
o First-hand comments

5 PAGE 82-84 SUMMARY: topic given on

Topic: Writing about a vicious animal board; Explanation of topic;
Discussion; Brain storming;
Essay topics are: Writing task
o Intruder in the garden Students will be asked
o Our prize pig to select their topic of
o Begin a story with, when he was first choice
given to me, Macbeth was just the cutest They will be briefed on
little piglet. what they are expected
o Write an essay arguing that animals are to write
treated badly in our society The comprehension
The students will be asked to choose either essay BLUEY (pg. 82)
one of the topics of their choice and work on will be read out in class
it over the weekend by students. This will
help them develop a
clearer idea of what
they are expected to do.
The remaining time will
be spent in planning and
mind mapping their
essay down
The students are
expected to complete
the essay over the
weekend and submit
them first day of the

6 PAGE 97-99 SUMMARY: topic given on

Topic: Describing beautiful things board; Explanation of topic;
Use your imagination as you write a Discussion; Brain storming;
description of one of the following: Writing task
o An Australian Beach Students will be asked
o In the water- boats, boards and to select their topic of
bodies choice
o A perfect summers day They will be briefed on
o The best holiday I ever had what they are expected
Complete essay over the weekend to write
The comprehension
THE SEA (pg. 98) will be
read out in class by
students. This will help
them develop a clearer
idea of what they are
expected to do.
The remaining time will
be spent in planning and
mind mapping their
essay down
The students are
expected to complete
the essay over the
weekend and submit
them first day of the

7 PAGE 111-115 SUMMARY: topic given on

Topic: Plot, Dramatic moments board; Explanation of topic;
See how well you can write using one of Discussion; Brain storming;
these ideas: Writing task
o Write a story beginning, it had Students will be asked
always been my greatest ambition to select their topic of
to represent my country. choice
o Describe a grand finale in any They will be briefed on
sport, from the POV of one of the what a plot outline is,
players and what is meant by
o Describe a grand finale in any dramatic moments
sport, from the POV of a spectator The comprehension
o My best ever day at Sport essay THE HORRIBLE
Complete essay over the weekend PURSUER (pg. 114) will
be read out in class by
students. This will help
them develop a clearer
idea of what they are
expected to do.
The remaining time will
be spent in planning and
mind mapping their
essay down
The students are
expected to complete
the essay over the
weekend and submit
them first day of the

8 PAGE 131-133 SUMMARY: topic given on

Topic: Telling a story board; Explanation of topic;
Use your imagination as you write using Discussion; Brain storming;
one of these topics: Writing task
o my favourite person Students will be asked
o The best things in life are free to select their topic of
o What I would ask for if I were choice
granted 3 wishes They will be briefed on
o The person Id like to marry how to tell a story-
o Love makes the world go round focusing mainly on the
Complete essay over the weekend style and language used
to capture the attention
of the audience
The comprehension
TOUCH (pg.132) will be
read out in class by
students. This will help
them develop a clearer
idea of what they are
expected to do.
The remaining time will
be spent in planning and
mind mapping their
essay down
The students are
expected to complete
the essay over the
weekend and submit
them first day of the

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